Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Mar 1893, p. 1

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Things at Bradford : Suckers running -up the river, colds and lung tronbles prevalent, crows and other `spring birds numerous, maple sugar season on hand. winter nearing its end, and--and several other things. - A I,__.!_.I_L -2- _..- -8 U3 UH, ELIE`-"Silk! Iivvvsuvo vwuun .--.-a-. John Nicholson, of Seabright. `is one of our bestzhrmern. An one knows that by looking over his well ept, well cultivated elds. John is going to build a.- new driving house and a. new straw house this coming summer. ` - ' ' ` A . _;__gj:_.. L_L...'_-.'- -1).... II-lllluluu Mr. George Grant, tesidin between Rug- by and Edgar, well -on his farm, thought a. was badly but will eu_rvi_ve. while engage in curbing a. fell to the bottom and n earthquake had occurred. He ..fright'ened, considerably `shaken, L`, _ -..|. 4.. .1--- ULIL Win nun vlvvu Moonstone was all 9. og the other ~.da.ys,. and fortyor fty frien s.of Mr. . and Mrs Hill, jr., gathered-at,the rreaidence of" his father to tender them a. farewell on leaving Moonstone for Richmond Hill. The orders ._-.. .........- -nfunn `muv chair- tav and u...,.:.:""" ' - Children ; Clothing, cue 3:5! in `Bar rle, at Hunter. 831') cant & u. . The New Lowell 'corres bndent, of the Stayner Sun says; Rev. 1-, Lei_ahma.n,our pastor, has been veryiill for some time, -from: {mimonary -ailments, consequent upon: re; apse of inuenza. We` `a.r'efg1ad to , learn that "he has taken a turn for the-._be'tter. Dre. Hunt, of . thin place, and Ross, of Barrie, were inattendance. _ ,- _g -, V. "" r-'-1-`------"-8-... 1-..; 4.1;-.." I-ntnhnnteni DHTFIU, WWII? Au wuvvuvu-uvv. _ On Thursday morning last the residence of Mr.iJoseph Fountain, a short distance from Orillia was burned. The inmates` had a narrow escape; from death by burnin . They saved notb . Mr. Fountain, wi e and seven children` adto walk three-qua tersof a mile to the nearest neighbors, ,Pettlt s, in their -night` clothes. No insur- ance`. . -. i. . MA .-plulty So! lnnigbervncnezsii consisting t av` ', ;,.1_. .monuon,. . . Smith, John 5}'`V0s oei5'1o',A Mich. ; W .J- W611!-e. W. H-: , MN. Sssipawj -Isa. Raf. Bay, Dim Lm&nT!%?PA1t0n. 1539- Sub 90. 0:31 1?w Eeytenimch-s passed through.-here,_morning for the north .I,hDr,0of~IAkesHuron;:~whete they vwnliw aailaokswsmczasskvuuris-iiithiivhe 7 -/ L",- DnStOIl8 I01` IVICIIIIIOIHI ELIII. .l.I.|D vnuvy games, supper, easy chaxr, tatfy and nlz ' ` . . THE TlIf1"l`lIA`-Zftls.`-_8';1f "I 01!` `BARBIE: jilianom Ami Tiin: bom1o 6. `.1544 s. . A unusual amount bf sickness prevails at tschomberg. ~_ :1 j . V ` ` . DU IIUIII Ufso Newton Rob`insonV-`is prcmdnj of .l4xer smart boys,a.nd girls. ' lc'. '51` u . - nu c I The Eady peoplehwre tr ing hard to get a. cheese factory in that neighborhood. Willipm Robinsoh has shipped fro Bradford during the past season over 301 barrels of apples. i:i`:ia `;;ai1;ei$s $2;00o,d6o.;gormia Times. It is said_ B1ja_.dford has a. boxing ; school. Bradford is suffering from 9. business calm. i Rosseau expects to have an benlafrged post i`o ice:_." ` " - ` -6 f Codkstown; suffering {mm a; _bad colt}. _ J Avicant residehces at Mt. Slgviu are *now occupied, ` 15-1.. Il_',,L, 11 . . III! . ' I ; I ._ ._ _- ---..r-__. . 7-:(P5 "1;{['aJn s.`Court in TAllist:onV last week did not brek up till `midnight. I - .; 1-..... `..___.LSL __` - 12,, :1, _, 2;- iigfgo 7tZ171Z11a;:it';-o"ff-_g1:;\?11- Es nding its way throuagh Dnnbroon to Crgemore. 'I\ U Foxes ere 1;e;$erte` be destructive to pouluryein the _vi c'ini1:y of Maple Hill. arbed, The people of Dtlnkerrovj are complaining of colds and something like inuenza. - 11.`hewx'1umber of registered letters posted at Orillia, is, according to the Packet, about 6090 a..year` A. . The meeting of the Daiz-ymen s Associa- tion at Gilford the other day was pleasing, instructive and protable. Th`,`Eebn ox faicboty is running full time `now; ` H` _,__.'_j,, .._,..---`-vv- .v ---v------. _Rev._ ;Dr.-_ Carman` preached missionary sepmons at B1ja.ebri;1gel_ast_\Su_nday. Organists, school teschers and persons get more gifts than all other classes put together. Jake Gsudofhr has sold his hotel at the Ather1yVNsr(royv.s, and will r_-e,side_s.t .Orillia. M}. Shepherd, of Randwick,while drawing logs the other day, had his head severely injured. I ,, E,,,_,!,4_,__1I.AA_.,. __.-L_J_A_ House-cieaning is becoming the rage at Victoria Harbor. The effect down here is to enrage some affectionate husbands. Mr. -Gro`, of Orillia, exported $800 worth of raw furs last week. The collection included some very handsome grey foxes. Th Beeton Wo;'1d say Frank Cook,A the _fa.in_buyer; has made an assignment to Mr. Joseph Wright for the benet of his credi- tors. _ Miss McCaskill, of Beaverton, wsntto her hencoop the other morning and found a .ro.qcoon quietly digesting four of her bssfb hens. __. _._ __ J - ----- mac 4, _,,4 `L44 ngv 11:110. no I`! Where did you get that nobby Sprlv csult? oh. this in one of Ilunter,:Su3-j eant 65 Co : 87 jun. Miss R. Liercer, organist of the Methodist church 'a.t Tottenbam, was presented the other evening` with 9. number of useful articles and a. kind address, appreciative of her valuable services. A Tottenham correspondent of the Beebon World says : Ira. Stone is thinking serious~ lyof leaving us andvtaking up his abode in Barrie, where he expects to take a. partner- ship in the grocery business. * It iesaid the way Mr. A. Miscampbell talked in his sermon at Victoria Harbor last Sunday moved some of his audience to tears. Wonder how it. would a'ect the wicked Arthur Sturgess Hardy? `I:ast Thursday [night the Patx-one of In- dustry of Guthrie struggled with the following : . "Resolved that stock-raining is more_ protable than. grain-growing in this. section. Stock-raising won the day, ' The Presbyterians of Rosseau have de- cided not to hold a tea-meeting this season, but to ap 93,1 to the congregation for the necessary unds. This looks as though the annual tea slop and bun feed is doomed. --Last Friday one of the heaviest rain storms experienced for a long time `visited Collins`:- wood, although of short duration it ooded the west part.-of the town. A ve-year-old child belonging to Mr. A. Cronk was drown- edrand many others had narrow escapes. A Hewketone man says : The farmers of this section are with McCarthy on the Northwest question. But when he tries to take the duty of!` Y_a.nkee corn, oats and whea.t,. we must part company with him. We do not wish to sell our stock to feeders, -and enable them to et the fodder for fat- tening from the Yen ees duty free.` V llnllnery openings. The spring and fall millinery openings in Barrie arefnotable events, both fromthe ne displays made and the heightening of female` beauty, which at these times results from the combination. Instead of. these openings being in .the evenings under the electric llght, as formerly, they occurred yesterday afternoon, the idea being, that the ladies mostlconcerned were displaced during the -"evening displays by a promiscuous crowd more intent on seeing who were there than on purchasing goods. The change was evidently an advantageous one judging by those who were out yesterday afternoon. Our millineryeditor looked into the three great millinery establishments tosee what was to be seen, and was charmed by `the wondrous variety o- shapes and colors dis- played. 9 13A13R;E;`%coUNTY OF SIMCOE,_ 'oN1*ARIo, MARCH 30, 1893. MR. nnzmrs orxumu-. [Looking into Mr. Reedy'e emporium, we noticed the strilgin coutrast between the unusual size of the `ate, `9;s'_oou'treeted with the small size of_tl1;`l$oniiete. The prevail- irig `colors this spriugseem`. to be new shades ofgreen, heliotrope; fawn, &.c. These goods, it may be rema.rked, been received} from the most geehiouelile houeej in Ijondon, Eug13m'd.j V `Thergopqa Mr. e_edy a fz_'oom{s were`b.eeutif.nlly. arranged, end~;_we were per- ticulerly struck, by the itumkeule `qqentity `and ;_vei_-ietyjiuj chenille goodi, curtains, d!:99ii`sooda; ,nn`.antl`I. p&f1o1!. '&c-. .&o.. no tom tinily.-wdupleyedu . 1:. ` 1 - iu mar is. .-till. 8.11;-~.'.%`=_9;=`.."t:""1w.:`.~~`u` .5; u';"._`;:.:, :.w_. _a=._. _+_ ;,,_..;. A tom an Iyxuupuyeuw '2 . - - . _ ra_,a,or.,ig gtrillu, an_...th9,,l1_ead` joiwthe nii " qri dapp,men_t.*.. 5 .. A 1 cokgi .Iu0 `VH1 UH HUI VDU vuv_ Quvvuu hotel on Wedneada `even ~,April 5th, at 8 ` o"l6o"k. All l0_vo!_ .f='_ci'ic "are ivibd toat'oe'nd,VV_ ~ :~ -- A` U0 I'U'Ul'KHIIlZU DUO JJIIIIU Ncgicke club will be` held at the Queen : a_-4-I -.. `X7...-lug-.Inn-nnnnhu~. Ln!-315th- At` R. . W. '. I/}odolplun~,v we ~nunv_|vxuo nae halter. was `sentenced `to t).h1_' in gnitetitgur " II? "BfO'qebridg by Vtieaddv. y -W ehty-`.f V > . T25 phi` cent. of all Fur: at J. FvI_`e9a. " T 3 ti 77~to"':i'~'.:7;""`1ze5 the nun; .I..'.:.n?;.1?gu-ill ha. halggnnt the 01100115 W, i Qodblphing ?the ~'HunIg|villo doe .. .3... innluannli in tin-an van`: in A MR._nm=;DY_ 8 A91-zmriq-. . .!_.L-`s. `DAQJ-.9` gunman lLK Lnrrtns Anbnnssnb ro '1-an nprron. - - -nus wu.'_x. The following letters addressedto the editor of Tm: NORTHERN ADVANCE have been received for publication: . A Pretty Hard Case.` Dear Sir,-By the death of little `Billy Gallagher, which, occurred last Saturday morning from pneumonia, a well known character disappears from the street and the community. There is a story all over town with reference to poor little Billy s death which if true is not very creditable to some of the doctors here. It is reported that some of them were appealed to to go and attend the sick man and that they positively re- fused to do so The distressed wife was seen. by Chief King who went to Dr. Wall- win and told him the `circumstances when the Dr. immediately went to the sick man s house but found him in a dyinc condition. I have been told that a doctor is legally un~ der obligation to attend a sick person when sent for--will you kindly tell me whether thatis true or not? I should "think that common humanity would be suicient to in- duce adoctor to see a man dangerously ill. `even if his fee was not in sight especially when the law surrounds him with so many privileges Will i you kindly answer, my question asked above and.also-if there is a physician employed by the council to attend to the poor? . 1' am Anna nie- The Admlulog "cpl! ca-raspon40I|0.0 Doe Not Neceuu-y, imply _tha_t We told The Ontmonzot the Writer. . wm THE PEPLE HAVETO sat. I Enclosed is my card. I-1 1 II! -v----~- .,.J -..- .,. [lst. V-lie do not think a doctor is legally obliged to answer a summons to attend a. sick person. any more than an artizan `or mechanic is legally ohli ed to work for an- other, We do not thin it would be right to compel a doctor to attend a patient. All these matters should be left free. Doctors and all other persons ` should be free to render service wherever they choose The doctors should also settle the ques- tiou of humanity -for themselves Neither do we think it is right that the doctor should~be hedged about with legal privileges not given to others- It is just possible that a druggist if called upon, might have prescribed for Billy Gallagher, and saved his life, but the druggist would have rendered himself liable to the pains and penalties of the law had he so prescribed,_ and been heavily ned for so doing. There should be no legal privileges for doctors or any other class in society but all should be left free to employ whomsoever they will either to attend to a broken leg or the leg of a table, ;in each case let the responsibility of good or had work be on the one who does it. The plea of public safety for class privi- leges conferred by the law, is too weak for logical scrutiny. Privileges to one class always infringes on the rights of others. 2nd. The corporation of Barrie` has no physician employed to attend those who are too oor to pay, we think however that the Me ical Health oicer, Dr. Oliver, would not refuse to attend a poor patient if. called upon to do so,-En. ADvANcr..]. . Beaintlfnl Lace Curtains for 500.. 760.. 81 and $1.25 at the Bargain House. Iinnnm-- n I-lnnnt An ('30. Market Notes. Themarket on Saturday was a fair aver- age one but there was not much change in prices. All" kinds of grain are at a stand still with, a slight tendency downwards. The following are Saturday s market square prices :- V "cl-1|.L-L on- 1.- ed- . I.....I...'.. `JR- Ln Ann . U.l ana 1o'o It Inc I Hunter. Sal-Jean: at Go. r. n.-... . Wheat, 62c. to 68c.-, barley, 350. to 400.; rye. 450. to 50c.; om. 30c. to 310.; peace. 57c. ts 58c.; hay: $7 to $7.50 per ton; Itraw, $4.50 to $5 3 Potatoes. 75. per bag : apples, $1.25 to $1 50 per bbl ; beef, bindquarters, $6 tov$7, forequarters, $5 to $5 50 per cwt : mutton, $7 to $8 ; pork, $7.25 to $7.75 ; turkeys, 12. per 11).; geese, 80. ; duckl, 600.` a pair: fowls, 50c.; butter, 17c. to 20. per lb ; eggs, 13c. `per doz ; lard, 120. .to 13. per lb.; hides, $3.50 to $4 per cwt.; sheepskins, $1 to $1.25; wool, 16. to 18c. per 1b.; dry rst-class wood, $4.50 per cord; green, $3.50 ; anthracite coal, $6.75 per ton. L .FOot Ball. The Barrie Collegiate Institute club organ- ized for the spring season on Monday the 27th. The election of ocere resulted as fol1owe:-Pres._, Mr. .Milden; Vice Pres., Mr. Hay; Sec. -Trea.e., W. L. Kidd ; Capt.', T. E McKee; Committee, Mr. McIntosh, J. Loftus and R. Appelbee. 'l`Inn Han-nlnnu-n was nnl-hnriwn in nnrrml. U. uuuuu uuu Lu. nyyvnuvv. The_ Secretary was authorized to corres- pond with the Barrie and Allandale clubs with a view to forming a Local League, and to try and arrange a match witha city club for the 24th of May. ' . Mr. Marshall Carder, Grand-Secretary of the A.().U.W., St. Thomas, was "in town for a. few days last week and this, attending court in the case of_ Kerr v. the AD. U. W. The geniale and eioient: Secretary of the THE ADVANCE a. friendly ca 1. ' ' _. . -- -- u . an up III-I vuunnu Mrs. Fisk, of-' Emsdale, Mrs. McClinton, of Pakenham, and Mrs. Stewart, of Cobden, the two 1s.tter,s sisters of Mr. J. Davidson, Mary street, are visiting that gentleman and Mrs. Davidson; ~ _ .1 uuu Jlllo JJUIVIVJHIII-It Miasarley,` Smith : Fafla, is visiting her uncle; Mr.` J ohn, Carley, Peel street Dr. Caiughill. Burk : Falls, was in town Seburd/a.y_ end-;'Moxio.y. '* , 3 - , TI,____!- I.-- I_--_ Ihlbuvvunv-owl --.- -_ --`Viv Roy. Dr. `Pnrker; of Barrie, has been notied of his appointment as, a member of the Ad visozfy _Codnoi1 on Religious Congrosses of the L` Worli1 g`Congr,ea;a' Auxilinry, m` con- nectionwith the World a.Exposition of 1893. Fetv towns of the size ; VBe1`rie have the - advantage of" being. able to listen to and thus be made ecqueinte'd with the teat musical works of `the 1G re'a'.t Masters. '1`hie boon, the `Choral Society, under` the baton of Mr. Ward, has placed within our reach. The froduotion of-`an-`oristorio under the most. . evourable circumstances`-in at greet` under- taking: but iuoh ~ 3 work under the nooeuaril adverse surrounding`: of~- a. smell town` eel for an amount of patience. and: roeveraneee to which fei ,;peoplef`e_r,e__eq__ ; Still our local society has v_ery',' Igloeeufully ,car1:ied out` ctlwof ."'1`hef'Cr'eetion? end: `.3 Eli ab. slid off.the"iI th .Kj>i`ll'xiext;` H_Si1dl i '.`- barf-. e-sac hsr9re;**vv'-hbhap9,: as I [am dar sir, ' ._ Yours very truly, A CITIZEN. OF OUR cmrnmox. "1:-3--~-v---z __ ..|'.:fM .:.; , lnrge` audience. ' Considerable expense and extra effort is being gone to in order to put the work up in the best shape. Three of Toronto s best soloists have. been secured. In the meantime let our citizens prepare to. , give the society a. warm reception. Messrs. Fraser, Clark-at co : Opening. A visit to this palace of splendor was rendered exceedingly pleasurable, by the courteous way our young man was inducted into the mysteries of spring millinery phil- osophy by Miss Pritchard, the popular milli- ner there. He learned that the Columbia. is one of the leading shapes in large hats worn this season. A pretty pearl grey in this shape was trimmed with two large ostrich feathers, buttery bow of grey vel- vet .and rinestone` buckle, and carelessly` caught with pink rose buds in the back A nlnnuuuun-um I:LbIA Luann `Iran I: nrlnvr no-uvvu, UQIIKIJL VIILII PIIJ1 IUUV IILIIASI All IIIIIJ Iulllvlt A charming little toque was a pretty com- bination of pink and grid, with a. jewelled crown, artistically trimmed_ in front The Stanley is a close-tting iet bonnet trim- med with rosettes of pink, Nile green and heliotrope, shot ribbon, and brushes of same shade from the centre of each. Two large jet darts pierced the bows of Nile green and shot ribbon at the back which formed the ties. The Marie Stuart is also a. popular shape. made of Brussels net and trimmed with fans of same and very handsome steel o unuunnus Lugs. , _ - . ,. , Chantilly lace tier over black gros grain silk ribbon make a; pretty nish for this bonnet. The cliildren a hats are chic. and W0llld'_8uit. every complexion, baby ribbon pompous being a. popular trimming with Bretonne lace frill.- 1" {-42 --`LL ~|... J4- -_- __-_.._ AL: _ _ _ . _ _ -.. l I'CLUllI.IU IGUU llllln All bright shades are worn this seasson. such as Nile Green, Rose, pale blue and heliotrope and go nicely with the shot materials worn for dresses. Jewels are much worn in ornaments and in laces Neither Oscar Wilde nor Ruskin himself could nd fault with the beauty of forms and harmonious blending of colors which were displayed yesterday afternoon in the estab- lishments , of `Messrs. Fraser, Clarke & Co., George Reedy and J. Fyfe, and which_ attracted so large a portion of the youthful beauty and matronlye grace of Barrie and vicinity. . Wluu 50`. Wings. ` II Do You Ever rich ? Look at this new trolling device, --A Live Minnowin an annenled, anged, int glass tube, so arranged as to magnify the minnow ; hole in each end to keep the bait alive. One minnow lasts a` day. It catches the largest fresh and saltwater sh. You can use angle-worms, crabs. grass-hoppers or any bait. To introduce this patent a few will be sold in each town and sent by mail on receipt of $1.00,, $1.25 and $1.50 each, which will be refunded if within 10 days the device is returned in good order. On an`, foufn 111:1! nfknli Anvinnn 119E I hilt? LIUVIUC us [cl ulucu Lu suuu unucx. On all tests with other devices it has caught 10 to their 1. In ordering do so with ink, send money order, write plainly your name, town, county and state, and say whatkind of sh you want to catch. The tubes will be made 3, 4 and 5% inches long and trimmed proportionately with white hooks, swivel and white wire leader, ready for use. _ Only the minnow is seen in a. foot of-water. See Scientic American, Feb. 4. A .1 1.... r1 A 1' 17111 17 (`VD A TYDQ xr..+......1 He: U1` VV&|.Ul.'. D66 oulcuuuu ILIIIUI. xuau, xcu Address CALVIN V. GRAVES, Naurli Bridge, J e'erson County, N. Y. Ponce Court. There seems to have been quite a. revival. at the Police Court lately and considerable business has beendone since our last report. -w--.--`-_ --.... ---._ ..-__ ___.- _ _ ` John Wonch wss chargeii sagrancy and has been given six months for such wicked, wandering ways. ooouunu `IV I a 1 'I'\!,I, ,,,j IV_-_.___ __ WilIi,am Foga:l_':`l;.x:}iv.'Iichard Cooper, for ghting, were ned $3.00 and costs each. ,,,-_ n_-_:_.. 1_..:__ .J.......l. .....: :..,..... "5;};Z; l} ;;.i1.;;,;; &..}.ia 3;: incap- able, was assessed $5.00 and $4.20 costs or one month at the enable. an -.1 Vnlv nnavnnv -wu u-y ---v-- On Monday, Mr. Burch, of'0ro, convicted Walter Fowler, an English lad,'to whom he had given tem rary employment, of steal- ing nearly all is wardrobe, besides other things. He was sentto the Central Prison for 6 months. - . A -- 1- 0 . . On Tuesday, `Inspector O. H. Lyon cited R. McDonald before the P. M. for selling liquor in quantities less than the law allows. Fined $20 and costs. . I , ,II!,, _. j____!_.._ `:-v ---- --..._. John Travers. of Barrie, for selling during prohibited hours. Fined $20 and costs. [I1 `I11 `l'.VI1:_ -2 AII....J..I.. `nu. nn`I:v\rI 1' ------------- -- ----- v-- ~-- ----~~- .W. W. Ellis. of Allandale, for sellin during prohibited hours. Fined $20 an ll EH V Geofge Hunt. of Elmvala, for selling during prohibited hours. Fined $20 and Ann}: Auction sates. ` Monday, April 3rd, 1893-On north bal 1o_t 21, con. 7. Innisl ; horses, cattle, sheep, _-..... =-`Au-L`1\uv|1-\`*u Cnnyln n Quin cf-. nnn aZ:,`i.. '.iZnin`e`I`i3$1f'3ZZ 1i1-. Jt" J5; o clock. ` Rod. McConkey, proprietor. W. D. McConkey, auctioneer. -- on `.1, nnnn r\.- I-L1A -._._ nag Q:-.w v--vJ, - - v - - v - V _ _. Tues:la.y, April 4th. 1893.--On lotil4,con. 6. F103; horaes,.oq}tle, sheep, pigs, imple- 1 menus, etc. Sale at lp.m. Mr. Samuel Brawley, prop.; James Paterson, auctioneer. nu , A'_.__:I QLL l'\_ 1.4. n A... K """""'J7 I"'L"7_ ' "" Thursday, April 6th/--On lot 9, con. 5, Moderate ;. horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, imple- ments, &c Sale at one o'clock, sharp. Frawley, proprietor. James Paterson, auc- tioneer. ' T . ___ _ _ . .- -..-. -AAau 1-. A 1 `p bnvnnuvn Wednesday, April 12, 1893 -On east half lot 6, con. '3, 0ro_; horses, cattle, imple- ments, etc. Sale at 12 o clock. Mr. J. H. Bowen prop.; G. R. Ford, auctioneer. - `W`on'1derlul"vulue In lance Curtains, all 1 prices. at Hunter, Sal-jean! 6: 009:. It is plgaaing to know in thisage of sham and hdulterstion whexjeto get pure, sweet castor oil. Wilson : sweet avored Castor Oil, for which children cry, can. be had `a. John `Woods Drug `emporium. . . . . . I IIHUIIUI DU IIIIIUIIIUKU vuuu nus IVKIDIDIIAVU Jutielnand so by intends being a. candidate at the next election; A , . n . ' ` `ijvvvprvuwx awn ---o v-_. reception i; be given to Mr. D"Alton MoCu.rthy: at Tqroquo on tl`1e,1_2.tI_) of April. The Queen city has something to do if she Iintggdnfpven gquhlling "Barri; iii fthat line. - :<;tWg:;'in`;:t`<'>-;a'r;ait his thnblogioa. `qpudion and hi: preachmg gngmlnbmantn in In-itniifnrn IH;f.h hi`: Inail\n.I`.i\7n I . '..']`IVh.'et'eix now;`v:erTy Iitle the west en;1.o=Iaake Erie; and an early. opening of nqnlnnl-.5t;n in Innlrnd fnr- Bllqkll uunu 1.`u'l,u,` nuu nu navigatidn is looked for. Great overgont sale at J. Fitch. ` xuoqmpbdu b6 u csnaumo. -` .13..` I" ii a L_ ___ goon OIL Mums Lm: Suoom. .;,,;nooopuon to: air. Ikcurthy. L- _v_-__-__ L- `Il._ 'l'\)l . _ 'nI127g'i"o:f "a:&oTo ' 'an71'. "h'i'.. _;;re3 it17g' I ntmonta to inteisfore with his legislative - __.I .. Ln :on7bAu|5`a n nnI|t`:t`nQ PARA[}B.APHEE 8 'PEN[}IL P011118. nnmr nmon MATTERS uncut! MIXED. lwhloh. Linked Togethei-. construct a un_.._ _____ __Al.... ._.I I1--ml-nun Jon-m GALBRAITH, AbLLA`N DALE, ,_vuA\1IYl? OTITRER ll'._. `now ---u- , - Friday the texnpetattxre was that of spring. u 1-\ . 1 1' , n__L -__-..l_ -1. W:-1:1-1'. -3-<;hn Barr lost a. child 10 month! old on.Sunda.y last. 1 .`|I9,I, ,,.__LA ,1--- v--- v- -v------J ---v. --Ohr educational estizblishments clone to-night for a. week. II I Unl `I,,', ,,,,..L`__ _'...`.._-.. now ---n-vv;-1 -IUD-'IrC.-Qv wu vw -- --It is neither sleighing nor wheeling out in the country surrounding Barrie. ' 'I\ 9. 0 . .I . 0,! . A`,_ II... : __. --.._-_J ....__-___..__.c _ _ . _ _ _ -_ -Don t forget the . tag social at the Con- gregational church to-morrow night. 1:. us: ,__1--r-_,____.1 `l_._~_:-t`_`I 1...: L2- ;:1f'i)Jo-I-St.` before you see the splendid assortment at Fraser, Clark & C0. ,8 ' ' ' --Read carefully the article from the Edmonton Bulletin on Mr. McCarthy : position. . V 25 per cent. oI1 a.llFancv Dress Goods at J. Fyleu. '71 1 I ,,l,._, __.!_-I__ L._._ '"Em"n:er'" :1"-x.oca1' "__aa:7}}7._" --Ice-boating is still one of the sports on the bay. 1` -1 .u . . ,,, ,____;_[___. "` "I." "`D' m`Ta.yl'or s Dental parlors. Best work at M city prices. 1: 1- I -n 1 ,} , L211 In ______1.I.- j " _s-r;1:;ll his marbles is` now > bgss of the street corners. AS, ring MantleI,new,nobby and cheap at nnter, Sarjeant an 009:. 1' I 9 I 9 I ,,`E, ,. _..L . A . A, | CGRFGOR-THOMPSON- At than home of the M bride's father, March 22116. by the` Rev. J onn W. Gomn. assisted by the Rev. John Hunter. Maggie. oungest dsuizhtsr of John Thompson. ulsq. dsr. Oro. t Geo.. Mo- Gl'rgOl', of Victoria c ty. British olnmbia. . 1 O0L--H'0UL'l`-At Barrie. on the 28th March. 1293, b the Rev. Dr. Harper. Wm. P001, `to Ellen oult. both ot_Edga.r. Oro. _ Died. Mn.Ls-J\ t Mount Pleasant. on Monds.v.Ma.roh 20th, 1893. Jane. wtfe of Robt. Mills. aged 55 years. Sister of Jan. L. Burton and , Marlin Burton. 01 Barrie. - BARR-At Barrie. on iMa.rch 26th. 1893.AAlrVio 1 Clarence. youngest son or John and Esther ` flour non R mnnth- alive`:-vuvnacun v......... v. _-v- V -5---. --Mr. Sidney Haywobd-, innial, had his leg broken the other day by a. falling tree. 1'` __ __ _. L, _2_I- 134A -- -.-.--.v.. u...` vw_.-- ---J -.J - -_.__-_', -_-_. --Miss Emma. King was on the sick list for some time, Inuenza. being the malady. --Sleighing ended in town on the 25th of March, having continued nearly hve months. -_1\ 9 1 j_ `__g____ _____ ti Ir: A`,-`run --The skating and hockey rinks have been closed for the season,` although there in good ice yet. n,, I. ,S_,__ _.__ 1- 2.. AL- --_ -G-ood progress is being made in the con- struction of the wharf at the foot of Mul- caster street. I Y` --Tbere was a. sl to Crown Hill the other night. Fun and laughter ruled the hour. --Svnscnmn FOR THE ADVANCE THE 133.51` CONDUCTED AND MOST READABLE JOURNAL IN THE NORTH COUNTRY. -Dominion House Mllllnery opening Wednesday. Marci; 29:11, and IoIlow- lng days. Store will close at 6 o clock as usual. J. FYFE. ..-_ _4,uuA,.-An- -__x_-_. Stylish Dresses, well lnade and per- fect t guaranteed not 83 up. at Hunter. Sarjaant 6.: C095. ya`: 171,, , L T__l_____ 'L__ __ ,.l:__1--- -1 -any-Jvc--v -- `air '- Kflr. Frank Jackson `has a. display of excellent hotographs in Mr. H. B. Myers window; on t fail to see them. -The address presented to Very Rev. Dean Egan, by his parishoners at Thomhill, and the Dea.n s reply, will be given in our next issue. change. rmaer ruwun Tum ADVANCE Office. \ -Dr. Washington wlll be in Barrie on 1 the 10th of April, from 4 o clock to 8 p.m. [All who need the doctor s services nose the change. in 15- - 1 I`! II '.| Morris has sold his three stores on Dunlop street to Mr. J. S. Johnson, coal merchant, for the. sum of $10,000. Black diamonds are as good as gold. -\ 1 - 1-. A . 3 -Rev. Mr. Grisbrook, an Arts and Divinity graduate, has been chosen by the Congregational church as its pastor. He will enter on his duties some time in April. -..- g ` ` --VVe have not heard of much buildin to be done here the coming season. 1`. Cameron, who resides near Mr. Dyment s mill, ispreparing to put up a brick dwelling `.113 ,,I` ,1; _ __ A_ _,_I____L:________L ._ Dunno-, -..-`.-vr..-_..a _- I..- _r _. ,----,__ , _ G Ewe call attention to advertisentent in another column of Barony Flour. This is a brand of flour manufactured by Mr. John Galbraith, Allandale. Ask yeur deal-` er for it. V-- -Mr. J. _M. Hunter, Principal of the Collegiate Institute, has been given leave of absence for a. time in consequence of illness. Tan ADVANCE hopes he will. soon. be able to resume his duties. .5... no r A --What s the 1x'xzz-t:.t.'erw1:irilt.lil_Billy McLean? Has be forgotten that railway fare is still nominally 3 cents a mile? Some people are spiteful enough to believe that Billy has 9. railway pass in his poke. Eh Billy, how is it ? -Mr. John Plaxbon has decided to leave Barrie for Winnipeg. He goes to join his brothers in forming a. company to carry on plumbing on an extensive scale. Barrie will lose an energetic, enterprising citizen when Mr. Plaxbon leaves. tUThere will be a. lemon pie social in the Elizabeth street Meth. church on Friday (tomorrow) evening. A good pro- gramme has been repared and a. good time is expected. The tlocal talent has been secured. Admission 100. and upwards. nu Inca. 1: III `I\ A -The Editor of THE BARBIE Anmxcn has been in" the county gaol, and has no complaint to make of the treatment accord- ed him.-Gre.venhurst Banner. When the sawdust town scribe gets there he will most likely have a less favourable story to tell Miss Camnbell. (Normal Kinder u-ten Direc- tor), will open a. class 1n-Barrie on ednesda. . am April at 63 Owen Street. Terms 11`. e Lmnwn nn annlicntion. - ` . 13-18 fmIV.'The Ball Committee of the 12th, Battalion met in Toronto. March 13th, and decided to hold a. ball in the Town Hall, Newmarket, some time in April. Tickets can be procured from the oicers of the Batta.`ion or from James Gower, Captain, Hon. Sec. Ball Committee. 12-14. t8"`Grand Summer Hotel. This item is as familiar in the Barrie papers as dull, sickening thud is in the Toronto News, and the citizensof Bwie would like to know when this G.S.H. is going to eventuate, I mean` the ones who haven t got the money to go into the spec. There is money in a. good summer hotel in this town, has been said as often as ne day, but the erection of it, is being left for someone not of Barrie. Never mind, readers, as long as you can get a three pound box. of T. B. & CL Co s sodas for a: quarter, you can sit under your own Tiaetree and enjoy all the comforts of a G.S. H., and it costs a heap less money and the sacrifice of the ordinary comforts of life. _ _,,_A#A 1"--n-- - w-w vjvvv Du:-in the week between Sunday, March 12, and aturday, 18th, inclusive, the fol- lowing amount of mail matter was posted in the Barrie poet oiee : Letters for delivery in Canada . . . . . . 5191 For other countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 508 Free letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662 Poetalcarda for delivery in Canada. . 1160 Forore_igndelivery......,.....;... 78 Ppintern copy, papers, photos, etc . . 684 PIl`0Olp$t... .`.....; - o . . o o - a a o - o ea 8 thelase. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 lettrl . . . . . . ......... . . _ 134 V There in a1so~a good. deal of mail matter btshe atation, which in not an `eaeve. '- - . $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE amen: corms, n-xv: OINTB. - Ban-to Pout Once. W `:`e:;a*;;.`x`.;;;r;scsaiazinzret `53133 4 E OST-I T . 0 between. town Pvfnsd (`{-`own H13 ogvggtnrsay last. contain-, * ing two $1.00 and one 82.00 bills and some change. Finder rewarded on leaving purse at 'l`uu-. A DVANCE Oloe. I 13- vv\- av L Fan 9_L _R RF-9* '13-I3. Tundc-rs will be received by the undersifned up to the 30:]: JUNE, 1893, for the an e of the north-hu1ves of Lots 20 and 21, in the 6Ih Concession of the` Township of Tecumseth Large residence. Good farm buildings, Well watered. Suited for stock farm. Six mules from Bmdford. 5 miles from Beeton. and one 1 mile flom Bond Head. No tender necessarily 1 nnr-until!` Arn 5th April at 9: uwm known on applnoatlon. IIIVINIIBI U`Cl'IIIC' -rIIIIIu-I Best fa_rmers house north of Toronto. Pos- scseionvmven at once. Apply to :4u1n9QLn A A|l\23?l\l, e he1:'o d opoutbgq XVANTED 1MMn:Di ;1E:Lirl- Lizbd general servant. Apply at this office. 13-13. Iuue IIOIH DUIILI. IIUII accepted. Address wh Auaniuue. Advance Correspondence. If we are going tdhave alacrosaa club in ` ulu` village this year it is about time it was organized. Don't have any professionals in in, boys. ' ` -- .1 _ 2,- A... ._.............A `In! canal-t. LU, |'\"L`lo Races on the ice are announced by poster to take place on the bay to-morrow (Friday) afternoon. There are three ra.ces--Hotel keepers purse, named race and butchers ` purse. Mile beats 3 in 5. This promises to he a good da.y s sport for lovers of horse racing. Races start at one o clock. I I 1 _ , J c-1:| 2- ...-.._Iu `man A` nnrun 13-ti`. LDAQILIS. Llrwvvu nu-any my V..- - -_---_. The diamond eld is nearly free of snow, and all that is wanted now is a re-organize tion of .-the club. ` Youmcorrespondent is a. little surprised that Mr. Lawrence has not xiiade a move in this direction before now. `-LVIALV \Jl'\II \-lliil` III` `* BARONY _.:. art:-a The Brotherhood of Locomotive` Firemen hold an Assembly in their hall, Bothwell Block. in this village, on Thursday, A ri_l Gth. There will be agood quadrille bam to furnish `music. i this Assembly promises to be a grand affair, and no doubt it will be the best held this winter. Railway men generally getu somethingout of the ordinary style. The a air is being managed by 9.: very efficient committee, who are doing` their utmost to make it a grand success; lie sure you g . _ . "' - -'J-' 2- _-_. --...-elnsuul out` 3: 1 |JU DI-ILU JV 5 The new wharf is now completed and is e. , credit to our village, and from present appearances reflects great credit on the contractor, Mr. McIntosh, of Barrie. ' W- -'I___ .1- I UUllbl'ULUl., Lu.l.. Lu.I.u.-uvvnu, v- ----_--. Some of our young ladies have dlread commenced ptomenadin on the new what , and it will likely be use for that -purpoa ....... ....1. .1....:.m Hm nnmimr summon. - anu IE Wlll nucuy uc uncu un unu-u rv . verv much during the commg season. - _---...1_-_ -: .......... vvxy -uuvu up-..-..a -..- --__-__u ,, There are quite a number of erons oh the sick list in our village. 1:: ammation of the lungs seems to be the disease `pre- . valent. V ICU U- We are sorry to hear of" the sickness of `Mrs. 'I`hos. Fisher. but hope that she will soon be around again. Ulla CJIVC I'yv-u-j- Astonishment and leasure were the com- oundieeling of t ose who visited Mr. `yfe s establishment yesterday fternoon. Great pains had been taken in arranging its interior [so that `colors should harmonize `strictly in accord" with optical science and aesthetic taste. In an interview with Miss Young she said: although it is earl .b0 `predict what will lead in styles my op nion is that owers small, or pacquet goods will lead instead of large owers, although roses will be good. T" on "H... l\` an-nnnnnnfn ;AC`l_> mnsaic. wm ue good. _ , In the way of ornaments, yewels. mosaic. _or Parisian e'ect{s, as Well as steel and. colored rinestone buckles, jet and 001018 &1`6 fashionable. Broad Japanese grasses frost-V ed have a very spring-hke look. N{lI;PI\IlI uni` I`l7;l`D P:hh'n. In 22._.__ Ask your dealer for " Barony "'F1our. moat \ people do. . 13-38 00 have spring-use mun. V Narrow and wide ribbons In oto`ma.n,a-nd satin as well as a. few velvet nbbona are used. ' " .1 I I A , __.- ._.....A L'A`.J `aging llctl. _ In the way of hats. we were t01dh1'9 that chip will predominate with colored. edges, cashmere crowns and fancy" trim-_ mings. The predominant colors are the purples, from the lightest lavender to 6118 deepest royal, and the mazentgili Of shades, the most popular being Em1nen_oe..,,~ Small plateaus of fancy braids and Le` 'h`or_nl; are revived. The Em recs 'bonn,6_tU.,l'i!|B' -us back to the days 0 our gl`&l1d|11W91"o. being the old fashioned Poke} Othervledding she. es are the Ohio, ,Mando`Ihi,`VF,l`\1`9u_{ He yett zLn_d the Nightingale. f i ' 1 .. -..1.~- -> - `Methodist church bn`y'thei XCI VIVC VI XCX-I Easter `service of song in (.}olli'0i', Itfotlz choir. Hallelujah chorus from-'_H.;u nd`e,lI' Messiah. The Radiant.M_O_l`n," bl! ward, God shullwipo awn Ill`t0.&l`l'." by Field. A short dddreu by 15 0 P.||t0_1'.5 `3.Vi}f Dr. Parker. < 1.. WUCIGVWIIUI . . Grand Cones; and Rened ` formance under the sun ice: of:-7tITI,D:`:.~'BiITl'lM.'iL0 ; Bicygle Club, in the mic `7II(11i'51*`rid&y evenmg, April 7th,-V 1893. "1 ioketI"l5o`. - Rene d~ . V ' gt`? " de",f"\"e seats 25 <:e1.tI, ;q Plg;.?. agaxa _ ` ._) g uarahtod 1 :1` voL.xmI.No. :3` Twno .5. 80%} SAMUEL Wnsuw, Proprietnr. I Clarence. youngest. nu: Barr. aged 8 months. Tenders for Farm. NI::is_' ADVEB'l`ISEMEN'l.`S.. KINDERGARTEN. vM-AiK'E1-'-S_Q|IA|iE, BARBIE. -fnrvnnv-4: hnnan nnrth nf 'l`m-onto. ' -MANUF'AC'I`URlR OVF-- P1`? . . `\w.. w .. $39? 1" (van: . 4' .--u`; * *w`.~.-":-'= '~:=;~7 ,:*. .=;.{j._s..},f;. GU UIJUUI lyyag U aosspu ANUDERTOM `mo...m+m- service of song. Mu-nod. :86 M. G AVILLER. O. L. Surveyor. Collingwood. boa! NOWI. _,.. _, '3 1-..-n,,_i| II I uvv Executor.` F30 I0 18 '3.-y Vlor {mun unm-n1smn1um mus. ` OM ."l.'U'BID BYVSIHVOHOI AND DISTRICT EXCHANGES AS LOCAL NEWS. an con'aenu a into: tutu-outing ran. xx`-aphd for Aaysnoo Readers `who Like The Marrow or the goat. Bra.c{ford s bad" roads bar business.- Greemore has now the electric light and "is I satised. lerfy i on` the rise, and is now from $100 to 500 per acre. If! `I I S, Bi-fbiH"'Band of Hope is still in n ourishing condition. V ('.ZIZ`he Eviivverett were poorly at- tended last Sunday. _ AI, , "Q, , . I I Z i*.5u{}S.I 'aprI..c. Tiriililanai in as [dead as the proverbial door nail. T I rn|,_rv,,,-I n n .9 I . I, Cardwell Sentinel aeeme to have a." perpetual lien on the Spectator : squibs. 5 , I I`II _,', 1 '.i`7l;eTi`_ottenha.m Ice Club has been having. a. warm dinner. ` Shoe Ste ;_ Rope I "c`rm;; 1:33 ' };}{t}., 3{1eauio..s will gm discussed at Bracebridge on the 1st of _ Apri . ' 4| '3 `Tho promotion xaminations in the Eaot Simcoe public schools will take place on the 13th and 14th of April. V _,_____ IL '9. TZC`rax;nhurst W1'3a.nuer sa. 3: 11: is understood that Mr. Miscampbel will run again for the Legjslature. ' mum`: (Au.-can `A -5... I.`-u-:01-gnu Carin-gush . "1-b';s"1;riis;'r\;C -i-I-s:>;n, organist at the English church. Avening, who is now addressed and ooded with presents T .1. LL. _'LI__... _.3..LL L- _.--_-_. .____ r____,__ An attempt was made the other night to enter the Alliston gout oice by way of the calm`, but it was a. gilure. Ail-C\II I A I,-,,,, "E"'_. "' "" -'\""""" " ` Donn forget to use lluntr, 8: `can: oz 009: $4.50, 85. $6, $7 and $8 emu Suits tor spring. A A I `I ; 2_,1:g__,'1rrsu_.,, -_,____2-L -1. u_- *m_._.I:_I_ ---.__,_ vw-vw .... .. _'..._.._ -- Stickles.8-r. `McBride; generalstore kee era at Lisle,_ have assigned to W all for the benet. of V their creditors. ` ova vuv -vs-pouuuu up -.-w.. --'--vv--. The Notbawa school teachers and upila have purchased-a clock for the schoo with the proceeds ot a. concert and-iiterary enter- tainment. ` The Hampshire Mills Good Templars are ourishing. .They occasionally have a little friction at their open meetings with rough": and suckers. T ' - ---- - up on V The Bradford Witnessisays : Mr. Smith, 9. local preacher from Barrie. occupied the Methodist pulpit. on Sabbath last. morning | and evening. - 1 I1 I ,,, 5.__;_...._-A_-J ;_1e wuuu v 1 wanna`..- The. Collingwood council has instructed its solicitor to` collect from the Bell Tele- phone Gompany $75 8. year for five years for rent of streets.` - ' . --_ IV 1 , Ja.mes'Story, a. lad of 15, employed at '_I`boma.s shingle mill, got; his foot on. the splitter-and `had it badly lacerated and the legfractured.--Arrow. H .. _.-..... ...-I-...... .._.. .....4...:..,.. ..,._,;.,' I95 Allnvvun wuss ----v u . Creigton sugar makers. are gegting ready" for tree tapping. A good` sugar season is looked for, the severe winter being a sign of a good maple sugar season. 1 A __--A.S_._. -_.l ..-........aQ turn In vvvo nouns :-v -u-av _-_...-__- The Banda tea-meeting and concert on Friday was a. marked success. Among the speakers were some of the very clever cor- respondents of the Mad River Star. n--__._-!.. `I'..I-.. .......`.. nanh-A-. 'I"n1n Lwyvuuvuvu vs Iran`: -----_ _--. V. .. -,._. A St. George's Lake man writes : Two new families have cast in their lot with us lately. both egriculturists, and I wish them the best of luck ineld. store and basket. _ -. 4-. ___L _ Iauv uvuu v. -u.-_ ._._--.., ..---- Mr. B. F. Stewart is making -hvroyhicturea of the Orillie asylum to be exhibited at the World's Fair, Chicago, which Tm: ADVANCE ventures to say is a. crazy, idiotic venture. ' -- 4-. _-l j__.4I-_ -4 awn--- -v ~_., _.. -_ 20 to 25 per ceritlioli all Mantle: at J. Fyfou. ` Mr. Thomas Long, of Collingwood.Vha.d a. severe fall while walkin to the railway station the other day. t rendered him powerless to do more walking at that time. rV_I.1.....L-.. :_"......M... Ilngin 3-1:!-. nnur r T.I|.l r\lVV VIOV$Il C? `IV -covuw vv -----v- _._ . Goldwater iepretty lively gt now. Lest ._week Mr. F. A. Lett. of rrie, district agent for the Canada. Life Assurance Com- psn ,wes in town, looking after the interests of t ecompany. . I Q: IIV `I 1\_1I -E E-.;__. --..`L-an `aired; i UL vuv vvu-run. . Mr. W. J. Bell, of fancy poultry fame, Banda, has this week moved to but own farm near Angus. . Our correspondent gives an account of a. presentation made to him on Monday evemng last. -C1_'ee_mor _e Star. "" --,I- _ L-.. L--- "3-Ibnm J.V.I.vuuuy vvvunua -w-on V-v-_-.---,. ..--._. Mrs. McGinty. who has been . visiting | friends at Athlone, has returned to Little Current. The scribe says nothing about McGinty himself. but the presumption is that he is `at the bottom of the sea. . .1- -__ ._--..._:_._ .-.. xv !!- Farmsk %*

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