Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 23 Mar 1893, p. 1

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G M 'I`-BR Iuslon Port. Perry. on the 15th March, by the Rev. J. Fletcher. B. A.. Laehlan Gordon Du Grant, of London. England. son of the Rev. James Grant, of Fordyv-e, Scotland. to Edith Donaldson. only daughter of the late R. P. D. Brown. Esq.. Clinton. Ontario. and granddaughter of R. P. Brown. Esq" for. merly of N ewhall. Edinburghyootlend. Dossox--Bx.x-m:s-At the residence of Mr. James Bishop. of Vesnrs. brother-in-law of the bride, on the 15th inst ... by Rev. .W. 0. Washington. M.A.. of Angus. Mr. Robert Dobson. to Miss Lydia Olevia Bindes, both of Essa. CoLqUHoUN-BALL-At Barrie. on Thursday. March 16th. at the residence of the bride`: father. by the Rev Dr. Harper, Mr. M. Colquhoun to Miss Marv Ball. by Rev. D. (7. McIntosh. B.D.. James H. Johnston. or Flee. to Mrs. Alice Johnston. nf Tnv owN--At the church of the 43...... J OHNS'I`0N-J onNs'roN -At Barrie. March 16th,. TN&&.gIi}.Ein3n}.;}1$"1}L{'eombinea to saw one another: summer wood._ ' "The s. A. Th};v};}cTaa a. `footing at Waverly and opened re on the esh and the devil there last Thursday. .1, , l\ ,9,-f gumlm emu--;n1sinwr mus.` im rrunnn 3! 311106: Ann nzsrnxcw Ixcnmcons A8 Loon. rams.- ( Like The Inns-roww of the Host. A Rob Roy has a football craze. n Shingle mill business is lively at Washa- V graphs for Aqlvanoo Readers who TEE V Vlxfrlhhitgrs or ,iMooIc mm min: _nonmnoN or CANADA. .001} ;cIz1'rn:1y.ioN. last Satur- out of the IMIIIIIIILIJKU UL, LIIWII IIUIIUII GLIU DIIGIJULI Flll roses. Miss Miller's dress W&S'_0f olive green velveteen, trimmings of green and crimson shot silk. Her hat was of fawn chip trimmed with shot fawn ribbon and roses. The dress worn by the bride : mother was "of black lace and heliotrope, with bon- net of heliotrope and jet. Mrs. Holmes, of Barrie, aunt of the bride, wore a dress.of grey cloth and a bonnet of blaclrvelvet and Jet and grey crigrette. Mrs. Anderson s costume was of olive green silk, and brocade, `with. bonnet of gold passementerie and green feathers and velvet. Miss 1-lyndman s at- tire was a dress of green-reps shot with gold, bodice with facings of green shot silk and nile green straw hat trimmed with violets. The bridegroom s presentto the bride was a pearl and diamond pin, and to the brides- maids he gave pearl pins. The bride and her attendants carried bouzuets of roses and carnations ' After the we ding a_. reception was held at Elm Lodge, the residence of Mrs. Carry, the bride's aunt, the guests being the` members * of` the bridal party: Mrs.-' W. ;N. Anderson and Mr. David An- `derson, of Toronto ;_ Mrs. Holmes and Miss 1Morg`an; of Barrie : -Miss Hyndman,-of Ex- eter} `Rev; J;Fle`t'eh`er and Mrs.` Fletcher and,-Mi-s;.N.` F. Paterson Mrs. J. B.'_1"A.lng, TMrs.=J;-W. -Meharryj ` Mrs. G.`D`awes,-of :1>m:-rm-y. m.~ suamu Grant left` on the 'lti'einA jar f-'1`oi'onto, '. . Niagara A Falls and : New.1Ybrl:`,: whence they sailon the Majestiei l .he*f22nd to th eir`;'home in London. ' The :: nd`.nunierouI;-,-P6rt` hex-9 . `H9 & In < =alro'adyIuien 1 V --'1`hola.t:e_ Mr. ot;a;pman'aAneat xmxe resi- dence` on Gollir street: has`-been sold to Mr. Graver, of %'.l`oronto.Vand a. former resident harp; .`.Hq In eompiny with his wife, ,ha.v'e. :nInn'dAI'1.r.1nn nnnnnnnlnn _ A Pretty Wedding. ' Mr. L.. G. Du Grant, of London, Eng- land, and Miss Edith` Donaldson Brown, of Port Perr ,_ daughter of the late R- P. D. Brown, o Clinton, Out, and neice of the late _Rev. Dr. Carry, of this place, were married on Wednesday afternoon in the Church of the Ascension here by the Rev. J. Fletcher, incumbent of the arish. The bride was given away by Mr. . N. Ander- son, of Toronto, and had for bridesmaids Miss'Anderson, of Toronto, Miss Miller, of Port Perry, and Miss Holmes, of Barrie,the two latter being cousins of the bride. The groom was supported by Mr. C. J. Agar, of oronto. Masters Fred Paterson and John -Billings acted as ushers. The church was pettilgrdecorated and the service was choral, iss ` arnold being or anist. The bride wore `a travelling dress 0 handsome brown cloth and velvet bodice with facings of `coral pink silk shot with gold, wrap of brown velvet lined with similar silk, and a icture hat of fawn chip trimmed with core pink, shot velvet and fawn tips. The first brides- maid, Miss Anderson, was dressed in emer- ald green velveteens shot with pink trim- mings of lighter green brocade, and wore a large green hat with pink owers. Miss Holmes was attired in -a light fawn dress, velveteen; vest and facings of pink silk shot with fawn, large hat of fawn chi with ts-ilnnrninnn nf `nuns ssihhnn nut` nlunrdnl ninlr W Mr. Clarkg preached an impressive "sermon at Elmgrove last Sunday on `the birthright of Esau. One would think that a more impressive sermon could be preached on the birthright of the thousands who are starved bodily and spiritually now- adays by the unjust conditions of society, s.ud"such would `not. small so much of` the chestnut. / A-lliston Herald says :-It is suggest- ed that slates be hung in the vestibules of churches to enable the young ladiesto regis- ter their names on entering. If this plan be" adopted the young men won't have to wait outside until churchis out, to see if their charmers are there. How would the Herald deal _with tobacco- j uice-spitting street corner loafers ? ' ' . Here : a log {story from the Muskoka Herald .---Damel McCormick, foreman for McLeod, Irwin & McCormick on the Wab- napita river, had a load of logs drawn last week with one team, which contained 35 logs with anavex-age of 12 inches in diame- ter. =The loin were loaded .by Dunkin .Mo-A .Cor_mick, J. Canning and Thomas King, the teameter being David McKinzie. , Anyone who can beat it please stand up. $133: v'i'tB 'taviri{,'1aI-Q8 h'.'t'FrEav}}: `6bi_ viiii trimming: of fawn ribbon and shade pink JVIICQQ M fan Anna: IIYDH I Illali T `fa-Ev-`ptergrove have `fixed on th`6"29_]:1g'jnst., for a. social at J amen M I Smith : peidncb}~Rama`Road. .- . .Tom Collins was yingvalong the street or `sidewalk, (it does not say which), in Colling- wood,-on hisldog sleigh,_ when he collided "with bomethihg arid was thrown so violently as torfncture a. shoulder blade. ` ' Rev. M.` N. Bethune preached a" stirring sermon at Gravenhurst the other Sunday evening, on the evils of dancing. ' The _ Rev. gentleman : name does not pear in the `Barrie ' calico list of those who attended the ball. a . John Gill. or ()u;ril1ia,,wae. badly injured! the other day. He wa.s`cutting ice on the j -roof of Mr. Chris. Moo:-e s residence when a. ` piece fell on him as _he. was standing on the ` verandah- He fell to the ground breaking ` his (lieft arm and cutting a. gash in his fore- hea . ' ` m'1;liI-:1=`e7.1i'as:ai. re-aiigioua Everett laatSunddy.ther'bein no service in either A` Qha nkunnnluau ` 11...! n-An 1...) ..L..;...... u:-av uuuuuy -UIICIU uvlug uu ucrvwu 111 0101101` of the churches. `_Ba.d roads. and stdrmy weather kept the preacher: _a.way. v mI_- `v:_I__:n.'- 1': _____ __ I I . - The Kirkville7 Literary Societye debated the fo1lov`rin5'{.th_efothe_1: evening :-`-Reeolved that a. .rs_t.-c}_aqe:;profeagiqnal ..cer.ticate is preferable to a. $4,000 farm. The farm got the verdict all `the same- ' ' :12` ]!'Ii)`V|;'x-1tr<`>A<`$n kept runnina-night and day and two extra. hands ha.v_e,_ been employed. - _I_..l`l'l-`I\._2j., " '. `I\ Q I 1- V-- .`-_._--.. _. --J v-.- [ -"J 'Mc_i?ori:i,' bf `the -_Du1::oh Setisiemnt, is going to build: I ne new. -barn on his farm near`Duntroon. . ' T `- i` ;V;ning ith teachers yand pupils of Nottswa Pubhc school gave 8._ ret- clagsegwrminment. ` ` ` ` aph vconcert at Gra- ham's church; neg:-_ vergtt, last Friday `and I the nitives were-astonished. ` ` - . V Zg;'{to _:f_vviv_i ;;1;1;eria'in the Dutch Settlementhave been repoxjted; ~ -~ " = 1)--_I_ ___,_ _3Z.,1I;; ' , . ya-nu uuuv v uvuuv "vs. vs. u-nu an-It`! non... l?1ra1.EniB%1 Digna Hvi51W- _._.1 IV______ daymith c1.nreket_?lbi?::ei - A Huts. T " f ~ AL :_ ._;_._ _ Mgaslegjapieyalnt in thge`count;y border- Division Couri at ``AlIiato1`1 1_a.s_1 Wednes- 'I')-_____L_._ 2-, "\ ..t_,.,. ``,v,...._ _.,--u ' Znzcvaverton is tryiigg toimilat Barr4 is and is getti,n_g:_u_p caljco ball. A` ___- , -.,- 7 - - -~ ~v--v-v -- - v -v-- --3-.`--`V-I`-I People geoially are becoming conscious thou: the new postal cards are out} ff"_,_..L ..._____.g-_ o -_.-.__vu rvuvv-o vwnnnu I-Av vulva -':Ivl1 e `swolln V river at Thomsonville threatens the dam at the grigt mjll.f ' ML - 1- _'_"_- ____ Lg,-" 25 per cent. olfall Inn at J. Fvfou. WEIR? A SIMCQE; ONTARIO, _MARCH: 23, 1893; uuun Us quuv now out: uorrxu Jmaucl uuuumwee. Stewert-H'ubbert-In amendment, that the Relief Committee be granted the tum of` $230 for year now_ endin , said amount to_ include amount paid or Mrl. Puckett : keep at the hoepite.L Lost. and the original motion then . ` ' Fletcher- ennell-Ordered, that this. Council approve the settlement. made by the Mayor in the suit, re the Cun-en 1, end the; the amount upon, 30, be P` ' . Thn rid-u|nn' 91.3.. gtleinnlrlf-Ag` c;II.3.jA. .' P61-ha one of. 1:116 mint pleasant and enjoys of the : and `ms nu; um p!9`.0` .:f_9`i'. ye was tlx 3.1`,i0n-; '1~l;Lste:' Li1i`<-e;,vE};>.-1`la.ZLi?lTie`;,T Rtses ;nd C.rn"a.- tions for Easter Decoration. ` Orders left at MONKMAN S DRUG STORE will be J-_I L- 11--.`! _-L_A.--... -_ Us uuuuuuun vu one uluuuuu -UL 9510.90. No 10 reads time`: We beg toetate that the committee had Mr. Baikie s com- munication under.considera.tion, but as at present there is no vacancy, the committee `cannot `consider the application for the position of Town Clerk presented by him. `Rnnnrl-. NA, II mu-In l-Jnnv I-nuyn Lo.-I Ll. presented` byuhiinf Report -No. 11 says they have had the application of Assessor Brownlee for assist- ance in the work_ of assessing under con-' sideration and recommend that your Council instruct its Inspector to aid and assist Mr. Brownlee in such ways as be conveniently can, provided always that such assistance does not interfere or lessen the responsibil- __ity of said assessor. . . M10 MnTAnA a --.._ --.. II! VI DIIIII CDEUCDUIH Mr. McLeod e communioation was con- eidered The -amount of the account re- ferred to in his letter was, 8101.. After some conversation, it was moved by, Conn.- oillorv Williamson, eeeonded b Deputy Reeve Caldwell. that the Counci grant the sum of $150 to the Barrie Relief Committee. QC-nun!-n- nick`;--L '1.` --.-._J..._._L ' LI_-`I. \llUIUll DCDIBIDULUIJ IIU Itl-IU \IUulIUIIs The` Fire Brigade petitioned that nine rubber suits more be procured for the men of the brigade who have not been furnished with them. The number of men is 21. to be kept up to that number, and 12 only have been furnished with this necessary outt. Each suit costs _about "$9.00. l`.n\na:;-`Ann |m`n A:a4ium-Inna: nu`..- ----.. LL A 5|.` ILIDI-IUU \JUIII|IlIl~UUUa Report No. 9 recommended the payment of accounts to the amount -of $215.45. RT;-. Iuanxla L`-noun . C` Tn L... L. _`._A._ L UIAID III III. T. `R. FERGUSON, - . Solicitor for Messrs. Love Bros. A letter from A. McAllister, treasurer of the committee for building the wharf at the foot of Mulcaster street. was read. It asks that the 8350 granted by the Council towards that work be paid over to him under con- ditions satisfactory to the Council. 'l"|m Finn I-tn1'nnn`A 11:10:!-:nnn`:' I-knL -.3..- vuvuln JJIIUIJ Hutu V0509 nuvuv Q0oVUo Considerable discussion arose over the Poor Relief question. Reeve Bothwell';rese:1;ed reportsv of the Finance Committee. ' ' `I\-_____A_ `T- A .,,_, I I -I 'iZ$'ny:i: by Messrs Love Bros.l, livery stable keepers of this town, to write you and direct your attention to the fact that at present there are several citizens, namely, Dr. Bailey and Mr. Samuel Weaymouth, conducting. the business of livery stable keepers without license for so doing. The town by.-law provides that per- sons desirous of carrying on livery stable business in town shall. take out a license therefor on the rst day of January in each yaelzr, anl tlie Messrs. _l1.ov:hB;'os. having on on a meme, consi er a an injus- tice is being done them in allowing others to cnduet opposition ztazlesbwithout fuliilling t e requirements 0 t e -law re u ating such matters. They woul therefore re-- spectfiilly request the_C_ouncil or its proper ocers to see that their interests are proper- ly protected and that the by-law or by-laws in question are duly carried out. Yours truly, ` ' 7|` D wnhnnanxv Rev. D. D. McLeod wr_ites thus :-The Relief Committee has done the best it could to keep down expenses, but several circum- stances must be taken into consideration in judging of the work. _ In the rst lace they_ solicited contributions of food an clothing from the citizens to aid in keeping down their disbursements, but they have received practically nothing. In the second place the winter has been unusually severe, and the call for wood very much ` greater than they could anticipate, and this .they could not re- fuse -to respond to. In the third place there have been two special cases which made a. large inroad on their funds, viz , the family of Barron, which had $1.50 a. week for a long period.` This outlay could not be -avoided. Then there has been the woman, Puckett. 202 days in the hospital. We ask- ed the Council several times to take her off our hands, but this was not done. VVe could not turn her out, and we respecfully ask the Council to pay the account for her keep herewith submitted. The year A for which we were a pointed has now expired. and it is for the Council to say whether they wish the Committee to continue its work or. whether they will do it themselves; If the citizens would co-operate with the Commit- tee the town might be relieved, and the work of relieving the poor economically ad- ministered. Even as It is, 1 think we have aided to some extent in keeping down ex- `penses. ` ' Henry. Bi_rd, Esq.. Town Clerk ; nnnr Qua :1 Hana luann unlrn.-I In: Angina I AVJULVDLVLALV D ULVUU KULULVJU Will luv promptly attended to. Good potatoes for sale. Telephone 14. 12-Iv. The regular meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening, His Worship -Mayor, Creswicke presiding. Proceedings [were commenced at 7.45, all the members being present except Councillor Garden. `COMMUNICATIONS, me. The followin communications were pre- sented and res :, ' The Mayor a.ndrConncil of _,Bar1-ie : l1...Ll'.......... TIT].-- __.__-__ 4.- n_.._:.' __ Llluldiuljlll ;ul|_uUuuUu Ul .Dltl.`l`lU Z Gentlemen.--When coming to Barrie to- day with a load of hay, on the 1 road` near Martin J ohnson s and within the corporation limits of Barrie, `owing to the badstate oi the roads with itch holes, the tongue of my sleigh was bro en. I was ' using `all care Eossible to avoid accident. This road has een in an unsafe and impassable state for some time, and the pitch holes should have been levelled of by your corporation some time ago. The cost "of repairing the sleigh will, I believe; be_$2, and this sum I ask the corporation topay me as my damages. 1 am, yours truly, THOMAS H. Hnnnsasox. 1-`, u --.u I`- _--_ Barrie, 11th March, 1893. Form of Petition `to the `Lieutensnt~Gov- ernor in Council was presented, praying for legislation to enable municipalities to make more adequate revision for the erection and maintenance 0 contagious -hospitals. It was sent by John Henderson, city clerk of `Ottawa. - sou: canvass;-rzonuz. mscussmn wrrnotrrtnxrua on;-roar. \ THE S Tl] WE FATHERS IN SESSION. } `GIG The Council then adjoured. :-----vv- -w- -vyc Vv_wv?wIn-u-0 vs 3150 to _th am Auoo1p.t1on- Report; and Motions. ` ` I ! `claim !or~.In1m-y` to ma ._ Q-`-I-.l `.5. A-IIA ni_._A _p REPORTS. Having becomes. resident of Barrie. I beg to announce that I am nrepared to teach Flute. . Clarinet. Cornet. etc. Terms moderate. Ref-._ "ference. Citizens` band. 7 T . . DAVID ROBLIN. 12-15p _ 91 John St. ~.- ._'.`\~'i`:'>. I. 3; \. :4-I ji.`%'.,"\-; z`.;-vi 1.`. jff uujvwu ' , Thursday. March 23, 1893-011 101; 3, con. 10, Flou; horses, cattle, sheep, imple- ment, on. Sale 1&1 o'clock. o Craw- ford, prop. Jan. Paterson, auctioneer. an I sung . In Si" `,`im1'i`.;n{.n`t'3',`"3`w 1.'.`,"`Zz'Z 1`i2 I` '52 ; do ock. Rod. vMoConkey, proprietor. W. `D. Mcconkey, auctioneer. A____lI IIAI I` i A A :1 Thursday, April 6th-0n. lot 9, con. 5, Modonte; horseuoattle, shoe`, pi , imple- manta, &c. Sale at one o c1oo , u up. 0. F1-uwley, proprietor. ' James Psteraon, auc- Hnnnnr - `I.`ll IQII [UK HUI II. Bolster vs. Walker -Tfespass.` Robin- son for pltf.. Fisher 85 Bell for deft. Do... you Auuignog-un__Anl>1'nn nun:-u-L -`C-A '"1&'o&L}', A'p'ai lfisa) "'K'E3i. but let 2!, con. 7. Innial; horses, cattle, sheep, min: Imnlnmnnfn fnwln n Quin :4: Ann I14 \IlUHWII-`BU LUIV lIUL|In Bank of roronto vs. Wineld--'1`o set aside deed. Strathy & Eaten for p1tf.. Gunn & Ambrose for deft. 'I 7..__ __ "ll'-,_L.____. -__.__ A _L!___ I-.. __A_A!,, , `ell-Illll Ill LII-lllll UDU SUI LIUI U: Kerr vs. .Montgomery-Action for setting aside agreement ~ for property. Lennox, I-Iewson & Creawicke for plt.f., \S\tra.thy 8; Eaten for deft. `D -I_.I.-.. .__ IXT..I|. ._ 'I"..-............ `I3 .I.:... "'i23 5;.A: sure- tiea- J. J. Sprqule for pltf., G. Lount for deft.. Louut. Stratby & Eaten for Ander- inn 31' full report or cases triad will be given in Tax Anvmcn next week. _ Q I101`!-ll U1 I L of said lot 6. I`Ir.u.-. nunvnn uvuuvn, caull. III LL01! LUK UV] Us Bell VI. Spears and Coxworth--To set aside a. conveyance. Fisher 8: Bell for plt.t., Hood, Jacks & Fraser for deft. NON-JURY. Allan vs. Hull--To set aside ccuve ance.` McCosh & Laerty for pltf., Lount, ewson & Creswicllge for deft. `I)-__I_ , I`lY!,,Q_l 3 VI`, Green vs. C. P. R.y.-Negligence, causing husband's death. McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy for pltf , White & Williams for ' defts. 1",AA,` ,, T"!,A ' '71` I IN I\ I D PAUL-g IV QILVII LLVUUUI. LUI MIUIIIU Ridley vs. Collingwood Dry Dock Wreck- ing Co.--Aotion for damages. McCarthy. `Poplar 85 McCarthy for jp1tf., Mober1y_& Gamon for deft. `I'\___. __-L _. (`I II`! 15,- `I , . 1'1 1 u"of t`:n;c\`r`s'. Beck.-Tresp&sa. Dickinson & Mzzcwatt for p1tf.. Thompson 8: Hewson for do to A T . _ _.L-.. _._ t`1__,,_,,, 11' I .9 OI nvu II, vuv WWI LUCY. JJCOIJ IEHGI-lo ,The opening piece on the programme was a chorus by St Mary s choir, under the leadership of T. F, O Mara. This was admirably received. This was followed by a pleasing little song by Miss Gertie Powell, who possesses a. ne, clear," musical voice. Then Mr. J. H. Devaney sang a. song for which he received a well-mirited encore. Mr. Devaney, who, by the way, is no stranger to a Barrie audience, has a rich.` full baritone voice, and has won for himself an envied reputation in this town as a vocalist. Miss Laura McGuire acted as accompanist to Mr. D. in 9. very eicient manner. Miss M. Erly followed with a reading, which waswell received. A nnln `-117 Minn (`Jain Dunn-on nun. .......... LUGLIILJ5, vvuluu WIS WUII L VUUlVCU.- - A solo by Miss Clara Byrne was sung very sweetly and highly spoken of. This was tollowed by a piano solo by Miss ,Mary Moran. This young lady showed great skill as a pianist Next was one of the best pieces of the evening, a duet by Messrs. Powell and Devaney. Mr. 0 Mara followed with a song and it is needless to say he brought down the house. The Very Rev. Dean Egan now arose and delivered a short but spirited lecture on Home Rule, tracing back for centuries `the persecution of the Irish by the English government up to the `present time. The rev. lecturer eulogized the present government under Mr. Glad- stone for striving to give the Irish a means of self-government-V. He roved the ab- surdity of the notion hel by some that Home Rule meant Rome Rule. He also declared that there are no more loyal sub- V jects than the Irish. and as for himself, there is no more loyal subject to the Queen than he. Dr. McCarthy, medical examiner of the branch, also addressed the audience in a fan, u-".11 ah... .............I... w:Grevy ya. London Mutual Insurance Co Lennox. Ault an Kerr for pltf., D. McMillan for (left: Settled. I V-.. -_.. A l\ 1'? n1 n____,1,.:,.,L &\tLV&IlIQll `UL BIVIU9 |JcUIIlc\L- K,err Va. A. 0. U. W.- Fraudulent repre- sentation us to age. Gunn & Ambrose for pltf., Warren Trotter for defts p.3Jlnv we nnII3nnmnAJ hm: nan], `N-nnlo \ZIII\IIuI `III \I9IVI Dyment vs. G. T. Ry.-Lount, Hewson & Creawicke for pltf.. John Bell for defta. Postponed. Vnfnn urn nan]: 7}-onann-u Tinbinnnn I. Iwglster vs. Cameron -Neg1ecing side- walk repairs. Fisher & Bell for pltf., ; Lennox, Ault & Kerr for deft. ` `Dull n- On`... _._.`I I1 .... -..;I_ I'D- _-.. or said Jon 5. A ; Thus property is situate within 50 yards of ` Botnwelfs Block and has upon_it a. new frame ` house. containing 7 rooms. also good cellar. \ and an endless supply of spring water. ( For further information anplto . STEWA '1` 8:, BOYS. 1 0 t 0 Dowriufnrn $0. Rn:-1-in UIAU ULGLIUIJ, GLI|.I.I{UBBUU few well-chosen remarks A ..___..I___ ll_.__ `l\,I,__ _ A song by Mrs. Daley was received with applause, to which she responded. Miss T. Stritch. who is a favorite in the literary circles of Barrie. gave a reading, showing herself to be an elocutionist of great ability. Miss J. Carpenter sang a song which pleased the audience very much. Mr. Clayton sang a song in which he never appeared to better advantage, and that issaying a good deal. The success of this entertainment is largely due to the indefatigable efforts of Wm. 0 Neill, Esq;, president of the branch. V Moved by Mr. J. Rogers, seconded by Mr; C. McGuire, that a vote of thanks be tendered to those who assisted, especially Mr. Devaney. Mr. Devaney suitably replied. After singing God Save the Queen the crowd dispersed.` , Wonderlul value In Lace Curtains, all prices, at Hunter, -Sal-jean: dc C099.` `CF ---3 --u-cu -v-I The Assizes for the County of Simcoe began on Tuesday before Justice McMahon. The criminal calendar 18 exceedingly light, pretty nearly bordering on the presentation of the conventional white kid gloves to the judge. The case of murder against Jennie Wonch will not be tried this term, as the case is not yet ready. His Lordship de-' ferred his address to the grand jury till vesterdaz morning. The following is the } civil doc et : cu ,,_, I'l1,_, ,E 0 A .0 0 ' llvllvo Boyd vs; Victoria. Harbor Co.-Breach of contract. John McCosh & Lafferty for pltf., Bain Laidlaw & Co. for defts. Mnirnhv on (`monitor-__Ant3nn A` 6-nu-- Curran vs. Town of Ba'.rrie--Action for damages caused by defective sidewalk. Lennox, Ault & Kerr for pltf., G. A. Ragdenhurst for deft. I`! `I1 ||__ \`l'-.,!!,,, `\Jrs.:m(a3.1":)l`{lIex\'J-:.A`<`: tli:`>`1;1<">? tr;ver- McCosh & Latferty 7 for pltf., Gunn 8: Ambrose for daft? `I_I'f__ _,. 'I\ III `I\,, I1 ,,0 I .1 D Zllllll VH9 JUL \-IUI Us McKee v_s.'G. T. Ry.--Causing death of husband. C. W. Plaxton for pltf.', John } Bell for defts. A Tf.'-I__ _ I1_I___I-__ I3 1- U ` uci`c`l :`smv`:.. Cala.gha.n-Enticing away} ; Lennox, Ault & Kerr for pltf.. Strathy & j Eugen `f.obr deft. _ __ in `l\ , -rr-an SUZUKI III` UVLUI I Heslip Va. G. T. Ry.-Killin a horse. Lennox. Ault & Kerr fo1_"p1tf., . Bell for f defta. `l'_f1,-,_,_ __ `I , 1 `ll . 1 1 Juli. nuun, HD1159: PiR'I`-At Barrie. on 22nd March, 1893; Don. only daughter of William `and Dinah Pirt. aged 1 year. 11 months and Sdoys. MxcK-At Toronto. March 20th. Una. Mo . only and dearlrbeloved daughter of Char es and Hattie Mick. aged 2 months and.17 days. I : cert and lecture given by the members of the C. M. B. A. to their friends, both Catholic and7'ProtestiLnt, on St. Patrick's night, in` Fvfe s hall. At 8 o clock the hall was crowded to the door with uhwards of three hundred people. The chair was occu- pied by the Very Rev. Dekan Egan. Thn nnnndnn ndnnn an 6 4: manna.`-`nan -nu- Great overcoat Sale at J. l'y_le s.' spring Aslizol. ` note Well. Correspondents ought to remember that printere _copy will require only one cent We Itump if the envelo in left open. at sealed, will be charge letter postage. '1`hiI oice `wan ned the other day forthe n of A Guthrie man in sending a cl envelope with As. one cent stump. 3-bum,' ought to be but it 95$?!) hi , . '- . _. .. {or I b'l`he'.cnnu|1An Annual 1893. ' We have only a limited nnmber of this beautiful Book at our disposal. , New Subscribers aying $1.00 for Tan ADVANCE for 1893 wi receive a. copy, and our iresent subscribers who pay in advance 1; 033.1` 1893, will receive 3 copy. .r'.l`he k will be given with all d sub- serip`tionAs!o1-1893 until the sup y is ex- hstutexl. _p First come, First eerv . . LUI u yvuuu U; L. 1.! G: U DUB. Jlly waters, murtnered to himself, those Barrie boys are getting toodog gonned smart. x The Ball Committee of the `l2th, Battalion met in Toronto, March 13th, and decided to hold a ball in the Town Hall, Newmarket, some time in April. Tickets can be procured from the oicers of the Battalion or from James Gower, Captain, Hon. Sec. Ball Committee. . 12-14. --The parlor social held at the residence of Mr. Geo. Cummings, Bradford St., on Thursday evening last was a grand success and a very `pleasant evening was spent. The house was crowded to excess A good `programme was provided, _ and all present went home satised that it was the social of - the season. V 'O1dgent--Say, boy, what kind.of 9. dog is that you have there 2 Boy-0h he is part terrier. Old gent--Well, what is the other part? Boy--Just dog, and the old amnflnmnn an In: nnnan An Irn Id. .......-.....- Z`:-v'vI`he' shing boxes are being removed from the bay. ` `I G1 I II t\ "liviil. '13.-if }L}1}.' iii}; Alice Freeman (Faith Fenton) and Miss Madge Robertson are on the Advisory Committee of the World s Congress Auxiliary of the World : Columbian Exhibition. - FOR SALE.--A uuuu bnxun nuunnu: P 1: large lot. with Barn and Woodshed. For further particulars apply to E. LAFFERTY. 45 owen str_eet. 12-13 --The many friends of Miss Ella Willmot. Mulcaster street, will be sorry to learn that she is lying seriously ill, no hopes being entertained of her recovery. II... `I\_ T|___I_-_. It A II vs vwo; nzvvow-uvc:- y---v- v-- chapter of Local. Hutu . -A little more snow on Sunday. _ -Wha.b about the proverbial equinoctial storm ? W-].icI`:srch tried a. little freezing Tuesday night. I ` ._In 0` u T\' . u u rs --'i`lZ1e7c;imina.l calendar at the assizes in light. _ J.1]ja.vid_son has movedlfrom Owen to Mary street. - [VII 0 -up 1 M on Monday, though some thawing waldone. 4 us - . u n. . -- .. W niet this w'eek at the Presbyterian Church, -T`hZas-t1Z';et_:t::7v.;;Vl)'eginning to reveal the winber s accumulation of filth. 4 s-In: MnntleI,now,nobby and chonp at nnlor, Sarjoant as 009:. ` --Iceboating is one of the exhilarating exercises on Kempenfeldt Bay. 1].... l`I__._.__ 11,! 1. 1 1 ____v,`. __._._._v -- (eorge May left town last evening, for her new home at Alliaton. ' U""l"'O"""""-B """ "' -Some of our business men re orb busi- ness to be better than it was last , arch. -Rev Dr. Parker and Rev. Mr. Lang- ford exchanged pulpits on Sunday morning. at-T\.....u. L.-_ _--_-.. J._-__ .47 - IL, 1- -9 V valuable acre property in the VILLAGE "1 ~ OF ALLANDALE and being Lot.No. \ 5 north of Town line and E. i of 13 in the rear Ar` unit` In? R l .-SUBSCR.IBE FOR THE ADVANCE THE B381` coxnucrnn AND MOST READABLE JOURNAL IN THE NORTH COUNTRY. ` Stylish Drones. well made and per- fect t guaranteed lot 83 up. at Hunter. Sal-jean! J: Con. T\, 117, I! . II I o i\ _---- `av -y '-Dr. Washington wxll be in Barrie on the 10th of April, from 4 o clock to 8 p.m. All who need the doctor's services please note the change. I n `to --.. ---..- MANY union. nu-runs itucnn! Z1 ? I'll :.?'Tay}of s Dental parlors. Best work at city prices. M --Th`; gssizea beugan on Tuesday, Mr. J us- : tice`McMahon preaidmq. sting:-3;-javf`-`she late Mrs. Freek, died in Toronto on Monday. T -'l`haw on Monday night and Tuesday about fast enough to prevent oods. 'I"L_I1,II, ' . ' ,..__ -__- _.r,__ -- r-w-v-- \'vv\--II N N-t-7'i`he Collegiate Institute g well attend- | ed and good progress is being made. 0.... - -.___ ,, , o - r" r"` -- ~---- --"---'-a' a'Don t buy your dress goodsibefore you see the splendid assortment at Fraser, Clark X1 n n 2 D99 IIIIC I & Co. '3 and respectfully solicits a. continuance of `the M patronage bestowed on the late rm. 1- 1 In I` II ,_I `ll,,, eegorted that a. successor to Rev. J. R. Black at the Congregational church has been selected. - Sprin7gT mziyllin-ery openings will be held on the last Wednesday and Thursday of this mnnth nn {r in nzrl -Mr. [Charls Pa;lii_ng and Mr. Haughton Lennox attended the Orange Grand Lodge at Orangeville last week. - ` . . . - --Ana initereiting comriiunication from Mr. A. J. Lloyd, Oroville, California, will appear in our next issue. `l1,.r\ `mini: 1 . - `-:RVev.' Ggorge E/IcC:1l'lough has accepted 8. call to Thornbury provided the Scationin Committee are willing. - \I T, n -o\.. i 72;).-`lvearn that Principal _ Hunter was not well enough to beat the Institute last Friday and Monday. __..._ _.__.. __-__-u,- --Messrs. Fraser, Clark & Co. have placed 9. ne large mirror at the end of their show room, and the beauty it reects is a joy forever. -l)omlnlon House Mllllnery opening Wednesday. March 29th, and follow- ing days. Store will close at 6 o9clock as usual. J. FIFE. -During the past fortnight there has been a number of purses lost. The best way to recover lostproperty is to advertise in THE . ADVANCE. jPARLGB.APHEB. 8 muln Poms. aooxuuxan - FARM, BARBIE. -Mr. Whitebread, principal of West` Ward school, fell one day last week-and cut his knee. -R{}. Mr. Wellwood, of Orillia, and Rev. Dr. Parker exchange. pulpits next Sunday; ' -r u n.. . - - -- - John Stephens was in Bradford`week attending the funeral of Mr. J. D. Booth. -Timber is on the ice ready for the con- istrucnion of the wharf at the foot of Mul- caster street. IJLI UL-l\o IKIDD IV IFIILIGQUC month, so it is said. V23` " V," . .. ..P:+';:`.::':.'- m mew -m-- cm. vvuvl. [nuns uuy--uuau uug, unu CD6 Olfl gentleman, as he passed on` to his grocer : for a pound of T. B '& C. Co s. jelly wafers, kn Inllmf "II himnnlf I-}u\nn nnnh;n urn nun 2:-2-: {$1.00 mm ANNUM IN ADVANOI SINGLE COPIES, IN! OINTS. Linked Together. .._. _.L-_-.AA..... -_..I Terms to insure, $35, with a, re- action for this season only of $15 to all those who pay cash at time of ervice, the owners guaranteeing to re und the amount paid if mare should prove to be not with foal. j... ' A M :71.---A GOOD BRICK noUsn:_Ar~ D F0{r%%If0t. ` Inn-thaw-nn1~t`lr'.n]nJ' nnnlv to E. LAFFERTY. ;DowN1No-At the" arsonage. Edgar. MICK-At Orillia. on Tuesday. March 14th, 'PET'!'--At Allandale. on the 20th. March; 1893` S. J. Pett. Ba eman. G.T.R.. aged 28 years and 9 mont. . M rgat-.t Jane owning. a d 67 Coagestion of the lungs. so yea.` 1891, James Edward Mick. aged 35 ears and 5 months. Deceased wasa son 0 Mr. Jas. Mick, Barrie. . .-.__,_ -_ nn-.a 1:... tone` n... HANK BRDWNE Standard Bred Trotting [ ; Stallion ' Ma:-rket Notes. ' Saturday s market was a_. pretty large one, eiug. above the average, and ever thing Fold at our quoted prices. It will. e. ob-` erved the`. there is not much dierence` Ftgel, vnu mu UUIL \iuUDUll PIIUUDQ LU WIII ~UU- I-Ill` there is not much dierence` inc-e our last report except _a. a1igh1a'down- ard tendency in pork and. little lower rice for butter and eggs. The following re Saturda.y s market square pr`ices.:-- heat. Ron 4-n RQn u |\nII`nt1 Qn fndnn 0 ..m.uuuu.u._y a Iuunsuu aqua 'uuu.;- heat, 620. to 68c.; barley, 35: to 400.; ye. 45c. to 50c.; oats. 30c. to 3lc.; pause, 7c. ts 58c. ; hay, $7 to $7.50 per ton; "straw, -50 to $5 ; potatoes, 70. per ha : apples, _1.25to $1 50 per bbl.; beef, hin quarters, tn R7 fnhnnnnv-I-no-n GK 0:. `IR Kn non nude a [""" I av" Au, uvun, IIIIUIIUL, I.[UI VU QVUI IIUI -; eggs, 13c. to 16. per (102 ; lard, 120. to 3c. per_ 1b.; hides, $3.50 to $4 per owt.; eenskms, $1 to $1.25; wool, 16c. to 180. 9!` 15.; dry rst-class wood. $4.60bper cord; 6911. $3.50; anthracite coal, $6.7 per ton.- uuv nu...`-v-cu:-. McViltie and Browne, .- ..F'-.9f"STS.2 12-12 wishes to announce that he has taken over the businesmof Beautiful lance Curtains for 500-. 750 l___I_1gj 1,2_5 ut_ 3119 Bargain llonu. uul n-- u -an uu yer uLu.; uuut, uluuquulrvura, 56 to $7, forequarters, $5 to $5 50 per cwt : "tt0D. $7 _to $8; pork, $7.25 to `$7.75; mnkeys, 12c. per 1b.; geese, 8c.; ducks, 600; limit`: fowls, 50c.; butter, 17c. to 200. per- .2 8005!, `Rn 4`.-\ IRA nan Rise 9 hnul I910 I-A ; srncru. Norton. _ " ,1 {From this date all antq notice; of church, iety andother eptertainments must be id for at our_ regular rates _ . li}h tices are simply adverciuementl, and ould be paid for just-as the merchant gdfai id for his googlaior the -cuuullll M800 UIIPIIIIII I01` 500-Q 750.00 1 and $1.25 at the 110030- lumer, Sal-Jenn! 6: 00. - A ddress Juuurwun of Toy. .. d I . th 20th inst..the wife ' me; tl`:ltaa1l\]ar?. .rI .nPet1, on the afternoon of the day on which her husband died. of 5 A n 11 oh tar- voL. x1.1I. No. :2 Wom \ o, 3035 ` Sumnr. Wnsuzv. Proprietor. ' ._j?________,__,_._ _ OI um uuy daughter. van on: uuu rulnnll UDIII. Mr. J. C. Morgan left town Int Pacic coast for a few =mon'thI Will make the season of 1393 as the ._ NEW Anvnninsnmnnrs. MuslcLTeacher. vR.`D. kH1LL, TfL`l1 33012 SALE. on` to the Puma ` I I` 'II.._..__ 1.2. . A. T. R. 4392 Ba.rrie Hotel; BXRRIE. 12-16 . usawan. 1' ac nuxa, Ba rristera &c.. Barrie. Timothy Flynn,` at Brechin, captured a. deer last week. Being chased by, dogs it -leaped into a. snow drift and `Timothy had quite a. struggle with it butessistence arriv- ed and the old buck was conquered. t'i=2I.}.f:;;. hiia` is}; '1;1Ie}i'i.I ui.}i.ii;}i... osity of three electric lights, for the last three years, has gone `back to tallow candles. `Mayor Beck. of Penetan uishene, has iven the Fire Bri ade and t e `Mechanics nstitute $25 ea.c by way of encourage- nnnnl, 1. 1116111; ` Twin: at Wat-minster-a Holstein . `cow belonging to Henry Gose is the mother- progeny two ne . heifer calves.` Alas the poor farmer ! | 1ng__`\7-n2- n_..I . _ . . . _ _ . _s_L 2_ LL- Last Wednesday Robert Sutherland, of Cookatown, was united in metric. e to `Miss Jennie Johnston, daughterof oh_n John- ston. Esq, of Snroud. `There is a. big rush" at Fesaerton just now of pea le hurrying to get their log: out to the m 11, and their co:-dwood, tie: and bass bolts to the tfack beforathe snow leaves. "321$;-.J." l{g1Z ?t{ap'J5 ';'csA1' load offat cattle and hogs from the Kirk- ville neighborhood last week and have two cerloads more to ship from the same point. l1,_,__ _2-I_-_I__..__._ __-!---_-j _ Q.-- (V4. v--.--v~-~ -~v- ~~--` ~--~~- --- ------- `------ Some wicked person poisoned a ne St. Bernard dog belonging to Mr. Joseph Gray, of Coldwater, and that gentleman oers $50 for evidence suicient to convict the Goth who did it. -' ' - . I Children : Clothing, one; on In har- rle, at Hunter. Sarjegny as on. ` .- . , ,Q Li]. l-,_.._ '_--.. _I_I ..-__ -2 11-1.-.. on `Monday. The body of tlie four-"year-old` son of Pete Lafor a who was lost on the 11th of Febru- ary w an counting down 3 stee hill on ;- the bank of Muskoka.' river at uakoka mills has been foimd and was buried at Pgpetung `IT __I J _. __ ll II7S_,.A.__ ...A.!II The Beaten World `says : Winter still lingers in" the'?1ap-oteprin. It ii a `very improper t_hing for an o d eheg to linger like that, In the lap of a young maiden. Its _a wonder she allows such liberties from a. frozen-Liipped old oodger just going over to the -t . I T 1- u _ 1 _`-___-_ 12.._..:_.;. Ann. n.:..I.'....|... il'3: -u_wJ v- .-J - John Levene, Eorninee Mills, thinke he haeetruok nlilver mine on hie farm. ` He lieu eunk no. shit in the rockbed about 65 feet and has sent some specimens away `to analyzed. V'l.`hie in `on case where .5 ~ little elementary geology would spending money ueeleuly. . prevent a men Mr. Hahn, of Nottawa, nnderlzook to chastise his , dog; `the: .o_th9r,_ whgn. ijzhe insulod` minis! seized him "By 1'. `a bind and could not be made to `lonue his hold until Ll._-._._ _I____ -....`I` L}. ~I---_" cnudgoi mnvunar 751;; 13I.ai5_}.:IsIL}"6;e.2.}2;` am; am. proving and beautifying their church. , ' St. Mary : Roman Catholic church, Achil, will be dedicated on the 23rd, to-day. IN Al ,I! Hamilton Neelands, one of the 1. early residents of Nottawasaga, died in London: last week. ` A ' - Ngvis man says the rain of day night knocked the bottom roads in that locality. - ' :1 'I\ `ll [MCI] E l`I vn _--.-vw- , -.-.- -`__-- -v vvv Donald McKay, of Bradford, is very ill, be is in his 88th year` and not much physical vigor to battle with disease. ` nu) n A I `I In .- .l The increase in attendance 'a.t -the Orilliaj Public schools is so teat that an extra. teacher will be engage efter Easter. T INUIII , A I, ' B `I T?!,A.,l, %.i."}1ii{;sT`ai;ZI{`Zi.;r;'}.fi.}{#iricsoraa Harbor lumber com a.ny s mills as foreman Heexpects to do a. ig season's work. ,1 AI , t\I,'IE,'II,,,,. ,2 "I\,4L,, I,,,,, | It is said Tottenhem can entice more farmers from-their homes to an entertain-_ menu then any ether place of its size in Ontario. ' Miss Nellie Carlton, organist in the Methodist church at Avening, wash the recipient of some nice gift: from the congre- gation, last week; - `I ,_L I87__1_-___.I___ _'__._A_ l'l.,LI_-_I__j -1 1oe $t gape 20 to per cent. oil all Mantle: at J. Fyfeh. _ . The young people of One centre prefer conjugal unionto political union and they are proving their belief in calling in the assistance of the ministers; V "I1fif iz}.&{?_;;w }{.iii if n&Js}he}iQ{ Qims burned last Thursday. Cause of fire not known. 1 1 of Ctajighurst. was called to 13 cases of la. grippe one afternoon of last week, all children. 1: _.u\_.. -- I_n_. -n-_ __-_.- __.4-_ _.-j "163 Qaiia` `ale; bd25 s.1i3 `<>f"'VI`(o1i5enham are winding up the ahirs of their lodge preparatory to surrendering their charter. _L_,, 4 ,-.I.2_I, I:,-, I___IA,.I 2., L`, - I,-.__!-_ 00111. U5 U3 IIIDIIU DU N55 [Ill HUI uuuu thrown down `and his, jaw! pried wopen. Mr. Hahn : `wot badly and` now he in `under `the qrgiqg.lj,fqnre of Dr.` Business in Ailisbon is quiet because the roads are bad. V '7 "A:iS:Ie'&&:es are just now in the quilt- ing bee business. ' = A large amount of ice nus been cut; M; Washago this winter. "15:I.I;eii{.. '1:E.}}.}Eh League` is going into the concert business. Lite!`-airy Society the cemro of attraction in that burg; 11 III! , `I0. A1101` 1 0 I T Er'n;{d;i{{{J{nl1}ai.h EgZ`{; not so be sneezed at, say: the Free Preag. . (`I,, ,IIL', _, ' ` I *T*s',I;1inIg' c}iIes}' L;;r}.'1."`ioe popunu ibebween schools up about Rolaeau. \T__.L_,, 1'\_I,9_--,_,, ,1, I , II 1 "`191{e' ;.;;;;; Eu? r'1_e_a;;v_"`l%:_c'>r1'1;a.n_"(;3atholic church at Phelpston was about $14,000. I II I I`I1I 0! Rev. Afnf E:;:}.}.bet1T *i7sW1(1t7)l('ii(1i;'g"s`;'>ecial services at Atherly with large attendance. 1 an (1-7 V 9 -11- `ll . I 1 I * oa;1i;.;.;;;;si;.iii;;ii;;p.umeman now busy, with Miss Hunter In charge. Hunter, Sarteant in Co. I` `I `IF I1` `I! I I III (La. grippe has again % established itself at Brechin. ` A new gene":-a.I[svore in _to be opened at Guthrie. j 1-` eathcote saw mills are how running full time. ' - ' woytmlndustry at Jarratsu cornersare ourishing. - ' - at nu A-up . I u 'u c u . I T .z;.{si.;.;,;;;mL.:.;;$.;,(1..:.1,,i. preparing so to build a cheese factory. ' ` - 1'

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