ace; figures Lost Pdvier, Nervoy ~ ~ Lcbnlity, Ni ht ' Wbrk,?1discrlv:tyio""}.`!3>a c`:';:>" '0pu':m4 or 3 En Los.M Head- .uh_g d w;1_m:.3`:.?s';.. . xi: eggccs 61'. nngnunn. RYE.` :: - .-._.-. DI-. unau1.:'cs. Lack oi .%;.::*.-mw ;mu--rua~=mmscu=u1:n1exn:>ca.; ; = . .w!'9s~~.:mu~-n, -m-was .AB`>su`rIi!i` DO YOU DRINK ? Restores Fading hair to its original color. Stops falling of hair. Keeps the Scalp clean. Makes Inlr soft and Pllablo -u__ _Q._j-_ A__ < u '3 `U PIUIIUEU" .90 ;3g.?I.In;u ~ * * -' 1 -3 `"4: '5" .1-,-=.;.'.:.7. 'uinn'ru 1 -Have received and marked o 1:1 Canad-ian Papers and nd a larger than ever betore`. % 1 ULICIILI, \lV\ll. . vulva vo . -Have paid` OASI-I DOWN for this Paper and can give % customers . bjnet bf the, discount. `Owing to;crowdiI'1gJ of stock in old stand, will have show -`roomfor Wall` Paper in the ANNEX, directly-`opposite. ' See our sample `befo1e' Buying your _, . . 'C.losing 0ut (}hi1dr,ens' slelgns an COSI prlce. SGOIT, THE Bcokset-ER. BARIHE aiicis tags` BVARRIE STOVE 81 FURNACE DEPOT i ALL THE MOST APPROVED MAKES,` WITH THE LATEST; AND REST FUR NISHINGS, AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. j Put in at`: shdrt notie. A full stock ogrir A ` e for Stam, \Va.ter and Gas, Globt V ` :1 ' ._,- Stop and Check Valves, Steam :5 es, and Water Glasses. All work . 1.0-9 ' A it; this line promptly attended to. G. G. SMITH, J U ND ERT AKE R9 F:Eh17fBHEB`GRUWNLEE lqan oi 1,-eaaonnble rates. B." J. FLETCHER, A. BBOWNLEE. 8 _ Dnnlop Street. Barrio. l'|"5_7'7_ES Toronto Biscuii Gon f.l 'C.losing out <;hildr,es sleighs at cost price. Are the best on the market. Thgy are stamped T." B. &. C. Co. them. 'Am|u%.]ih) " mus nscumon`. snnquggmmngeuanmrnnn. . '...____-:-:1 .uuI. A 1-.l'I\f ,%1>1VAmiii:'1"'a"'r`I]'1'vu1z| nusunnucs & am ESTATE Anms. ll" 95, !FV.':`."!"-'9-- - l"FP"fh"'*v*'2 "--"" ` ' '.','H . > _ , , 5 '2 't`~`lnfvo:beon-inusealwayo on .".' ms ..`.` x--_`;hnnd.fn2:QIn.<; . .. an ' Fmsr cuss mum mm SALE.--LotNo. - - "i`m:|1}! A ` )~ *~18in'hh concession of Veopra. three and -- L .' . one half miles from Barrie. will sell the whole . gf '__.__Bh..x-rleu-~,.g3:;_;;_o::-_i;_,tcx:ooroo. A091! to J. I-'f_11'&11,cu-Vu-wV . ._._. _.-._ _ g. 43;` 5: ~.-4.`; naaxcax-nmwaas AIDMPBIOI ullrnlvozuucnfm uauuwuya uu II unqn , an-! ` '--made by the---` PAM WALL PAPER. Stoifes I Stoves ! A Stoves! Mllls 8: P|axfen s celebrated Furnaces `.3- -u`n-nun-n III I ? at Ask your grocer for SIDE DUNLOP STREET, NEXT TO THE CANTON TEA - STORE. BARBIE AND STROUD. &'l'.CII]N' F]La.A.X'I'C)].\'l'. 2-Iv. b the 'rst o1isig'nment of and better assoxtment myot 13. IN! I! . II 9 1," lmnff / ooI.'L':"|:_:B-iECs?r. WJ:JBA.B'.RIJa PHOTO STUDIO! B_o _thwolI s Block, Barrio . Permanent enlargements by a f=:;.:new and beautiful process. BARRAU D LCOFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL KINDS |1.=%O,.`.n3~ ._|,-J >: _, 1:1,- * ` * ' * " 7 * `- ' '-1-" ' 7 , And all Funeral Requisites Furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attended to. G. 0. DOLMAGE, Manager, Strand." Steam Works and Show Room, :4: _ __.j-.. :.j -_g - :-:.:--- 1`R51\E"7$Bb- FER DOZEN. FIRST muzn. Bmnn. 1888. 1889, 1890. 1891. QABTN ETS -.._--. cg;-u-ucc is new ad]! SWITHIN Kine, Photo. BARBIE AND annceamoea 1 Its e'ect is beautiful. lasting days, often `weeks. No tx-oubletoapply. For sale by all drutginta. or at the ma.nnta.ot.ory. ? 6? } '1O3A and 105 Yonge Street, Toronto 'None genuine without trade mark and Iiznatureo manufacturer. 3M1. 2 00088 WEST OF THE BARBIE HOTEL. PG Globe Valv ems: MDNKMAN, CHEMIST AND DRIIGBIST. A call souo1teTt$r all kinds of `DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, mm smmrs, soAP_s, OOMBS, ` AND BRUSHES. am noon to am or contact | FULL BLOOD COLT. 10 weeks om. mam `BOAT with Cushions, Cu-pet eto.. Pin and ' Spoon Ooro, boat house rent gold for one year. 2 second-hand FIRE PRO0 .8Al'ES. 1 new - Double-Bu-rel Breech Landing SHOT GUN. ' in ....., n; n- LAISHLEY. Man. Singer uoume-nu-rm are L. C. I 10_|o. .Mn.t. . ?RI8ORIP'l'I01,I'8 OLBITULLY OOIPOUNDID. TOILll _1ARTIOLES-A FULL LINE. FULL BL0(A)D. COLT. 10 weeks old. NEW your _yith_g11gl51onI. Ac-mt , _- _.. _.__ . ..._- .....L ngla in. aqua vnnr. (In stock or Made to Order. -%-I-`on SALE- 7&1 )7! 5` 5._::" TI-IE '--will be touna-4 )DORENWEN D S NICK . curling and Grimping Tl-IE HAIR. March'~2. 7lb$.' GURLINE ATIONK. _ ma rub- _ trying, through the earnest efforts of` s-on So great hasfbecome '1 and women i5eekgng:,:ss,aiuo1ue`3s_ marriage tie in1,the,;U,uited S'.ate s.;tha_t more inuential newspapers-are discussing the advisability of a check being applied V by a general law, that shall make the;c-in-;_ ditions of divorce the same in every State." Now almost every Statehas divorce l.a'w,s~, differing from those of all the otherStates. South Dakota seems `the paradise for those now seeking marital separation. At present only 90 days residence is required . to obtain a divorce in that Staite, but a six months law isunder consideration by the Legislature. It- is said that over- 5000 divorces have been granted in the S State since the enactment of the '-three months law, and the State has reaped a revenue of ten million dollars out ofihe applicants. Shoals of Eastern people are now crowding into. the State in anticipa- tion of the enactment of the `six months law, and every available hotel in Yank- ton, Sioux Falls, and other places are occupied. It is stated that an average of_ a six divorces a day will be granted` after the last of March. The applicants for , divorce now in the State number nearly 300, the majority of which arefrom New York. The people of South Dakotaare at last beginning to realize thepernicious inuence of their divorce laws and are `A PARADISE Bishop Here to get a change. Among those now in the State seeking a divorce. are two preachers, Rev. H. Price Collier, the ex-pastor of the First Unitarian church, Brooklyn, and Rev. Joseph H. a Young, an Episcopal clergyman in Bishop, Potter's diocese. What withisuch loose divorce laws, the wholesale murders, the lynchings, the political corruption, the rings and combines. the collection of European anarchiststhe threatening of civil war in Kansas, the negro problem, `the increasing poverty in the cities, the tyranny of wealth and the disregard of law so manifest in the South and West. we ask, what Canadian would `want to be annexed to the States and become a part- 1181' in all the villainy and the lsharer of the inevitable misfortunes to come? None of it for THE ADVANCE thank you. - When it is recor_ded_ that last year one hundred and fty thousand people yvere evicted in New York city because they couldnot pay rent, the outsider under-' stands the causes which _ underlie the growth of anarchy in the cities and popu- eliem in the country puts cf the United States . j p.) In: -V-a 3 `These gures mean substantially. that one person in every ten in the great city ot New York is a pauper; nor is New York an exception; The Chicago Herald `in its plea for opening the W or1d s Fair `on Sunday speaks `Of-'tIh thousands of men who with their wives and _ohildren_` ioil ten hours as day seven days" a week` in the tenements in an effort to get enough to keep body and soul together. ' Perhaps a truer idea as to the extent of the area of wretchedness in Chicago can be gained from the sworn evidence now being taken by a legislative committee. The witnesses who work in dens upon cloaks for __the great retail stores swear that $1 25!: considered a good result for eleven hours toil. . `These witnesses were main and their evidence shows that the greatness of the United States has a seamy side to it. i `- .*"' "'-"'.".-:- :r7"'~z~::-2 :5:-`zmaxrv " % vgriiitf round 3 pomgt. 9` ` ' ` 1.-. one `or the Seamy 8186; of Yankee doth. 4.. "I've tried all sorto of blood jmriers, said an old lady to 9. cutter, and you can't persuade me that any other Sarsa arilla is as good as Ayer s.' There's where 8 e had him, She kxiew that Ayer- s was the best--and so did be, but it paid him better to sell a. cheaper In-an!` ` Give lxpreulon to the Idea. There are, any: the coming Secretary of . Agriculture in the Washington Govern- ment, but 40,000,000 acres of timber left in the United` Ststee and this in diap- peering at the rate of 25,000 acres per day. In other words, in a very short time, practically the only pine lends left on the continent will be within the limit: ; of the Dominion of Canada. -aw! atmti; r .. - '5'??}:!v%`;s'!*E5i;`1!!!!;:!'!$*.-:`T.,.'s'P`F'. :* _ .thr%9%?a.999mig,e.; 2%! %.1z&.a3*;` Ava!-hil-.11 Clillntl` tn ;`|hhI! I-nnntiin &lllIf.: \AI\l. lI\' brand. This is a fresh illustration of the in-. comparable folly of which the_ Ontario Government has been guilty in not insist ' ing upon local manufacture as a condition of sale in disposing of our timber. In a few years the Americans will be wholly dependent on us for their timber supply ; they must have it, no matte?-{what the ieondltions attached to its purchase; ' Why, a then, not takeadvantage of the ` situation and insist on retaining for our `own peo- 'ple the prot of manufacturing into boards the trees with which Providence has so`. richly endowed us ?-News.* l ' ` crookodlnou a. ldtorrocorvor. Seldom does good come out of the evil which contractors do in 'their` pnxiosy to fl_'th0|l.' pockets with the money` whioh_ they should spend in an e'ort to_gi"V9 value for all cash paid under contract. __- _.- -_...__ '.--- -.__`- -v-v_-.- m;l:t;ere see;ns to be virtue in their-.V hopeugy which for w_o or uh;-ea yaurgmgvill depff: Tthg at-mis of t!_1 o ...u -.g;.. ,4. ii 203 * Thanks to dishonesty in the fwtqtif i~ii5.' E; .:a.:;..*.2;;.., iii `tins "'r`3u" 1 - sud imong the inupbgtoro. go babkiand beginiihw th iwotk _wh_i9h' "Consequently hi: Majesty must trifhua punish th q. orooken neu fund. dfer the "wu- oloud hunt until his noldierq are cqliippcd viith arinI' that `shoot. ntraigh.-Tele- seventh But-Yoarli !..l teI-iu.compotltIon '_ of The Canadian Acucnltnl-lat. ' In accordance withtheir nstual custom for some years "past, the publishers of that old and `reliable publication, The Canadian Agrioulturist, now presents its i7t-h Great Half-Yearly Literary Competition for the winter of 1893, tothe people of the United States and Canada. '1he following is the prize list : lst Grand Prize . . . . . . $2,500 in Gold 2nd . . . . . . . 1,000 in Gold ' 3rd G 500 in Gold 4th "` . . . . . 250 in Gold 5th A ~ . '. . . . 100 in'Gold 5000 Elegant Silver Tea Services, Pianos, Organs, Gold Watches, &c.. &c., making a total of over 10,000~prizes. G ~ "A117 um Qnnrrnu A `Dar-In-. ._.'l`;1]zn a. fgw tone! or over 1u.uuu~pn_xwe. - . How TO SECURE A PRIZE --'].` a. few sheets of paper-and make all thO;WOl`(ll- you can out of letters contained -in `-the words, COLUMBIAN Ex1=osrrIoi~r, and :jaen_d.7 them to us, enclosing one dolla.r~for.. aix inohths subscription to the Agriculturiat or the Ladies Home or the best home monthlies in the World. ` " I ;....uhu-u nn)uuIn' run`-. nllnwn I1..- u... - home montnues in we Wujm. RULES- -'l. Foreign words not allowed. 2. Letters cannot be"used'bftner than they appear in` the two words, Col_umbia`n: Exposition 3. Names of places and_ persons barred . All lists containing over 100 correct words will receive a. valuable special prize. Send ostul card for list of prize winners in ormer competitions. Address. A - ` `THE AGRICULTURIST PUB. Co . Peterborough, Canada. V Honor Roll." Honor Roll of. Allandale-public. school for January, 1893 :` Senior~-Fourth-`- Maud Cross. Gertie Taylor. George Whiteley. Walter Lawr, Isaac Atnbrose, Junior Fourth--Aggie Cross` Bert. Ellis, Harry Marssles, Lnuis Webb, Robert-" Levia. Ssnior Third- ~Herb. MeMorra_n,_ Herb. MoMilliu. Edish Johnson. Flu, Gordon, John Mnit.t.- Junior Thirds- Martha Spearn, Willie- Tiokell, Mabel Metoalfe, Maud Whiteley. Senior Second -Edith Jones. Ida Fockler. Frank Arm- strong. Robinson Campbell. J onior Seo- ond-Fred. Dartuall, Harry Cross,` Chas. Gibson,Lorne Page. Part Second-Mary Jevons, Marshall Page, Viola Oollin's, Jessie Steagles. `Average attendance di- vision I, 66 ; division II. 55 ; division III, _ L-L-I -Lh4nutalI.'IlIl') Ostrich Plumes. In each mug of an ostrich `twenty-nix long white plumes grow to maturity in eight months. -In the male these are pure white, while those of the female ihade to earn or gray. The short feathers are plucked for tips,-and each-wing fur- mehes seventy-ve of `these. The tail feathers are of a deep old Ivory color and sixty-ve of these has a. commercial value. In 0. late plucking atthe Coronada ostrich farm nearly 300 feathers were obtained from one bird, which`, when curled and dressed. will be worth $65 The female ostrich leysfaeventy eggs 5 year. A VIIIUII 1, UV Q lnllvlnuuu nag vv 12 ; total attendance, 163. } It isn't; in the ordinary way that Dr. Pierce's Favote Prescription comes to the weak and suffering-womat_1 who needs it; .It s guaran- :--.1 \Y..A. ...:c.|. mm.-Au vnnv-n`l7 - nnv mmnin 8l1IIel'l!lg*W0muI_1 WHU LIUUUB LII. 1|: 5 rywvu unu- teed. Not; with words merely; an medicine can make claims and promises. hat is done with the Favorite Prescription is this : if it fails `to benet or cure, in any case, your money is returned. Can you ask any better proof that amedicine will do what it promises ? It`: An invionmting. restorative tonic. '9. pI'00l Clluli UFIIIUKIIUIHO VVIIL uv Iv an-u av ynynu-wvu u It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and a cer- tainiremedy for the ills and ailments which beset a woman. In female complaints of every kind, periodical pains, internal inam- mation or ulceration. bearing-down sensations, and all chronic weaknesses and_ irregularities, it is a positive and` complete cure. rm. nun!-V rm`, nvnraworked woman. and to It 18 posmve anue _cuu1 pusuu uuw. To eve tired, over-worked woman. every wee nervous, and one it is guar- anteed to bring health and qtrength. a Long lnxalementa, V g The girl who allows herself to he cejoled into along engagement stands one chance in ten of being married to that particular man. He" comes, ' admires` and thinks best to secure her, although he is not in a position to ask. Some men are selsh creatures.` After a year in the Seventh Heaven life begins to be prosaic again, and their love oats along the placid. sea. After several years of waiting, when the girl has begun `to -lose her youth, and beauty. the tide turns in their favor-. the harbor is in sight and all` seems well. But here comes a smooth sailing little craft directly across. their hows. There is a crash. The lever clings to the newly- found ship and leaves the other to sinlr or be tossed u-pon the beach alone. The moral is obvious. ' v Proposed lunch Chanel Bx-lace. "New plans have been_ made for the pro- 'ected bridge across the English Channel, and the promoters will apply to Parlia- ment this session for powers to go ahead with its construction. The engineers are ' Sir John Fowler and Sir BenjM`1'1insBaker. The length of the bridge has been re~ duced about three miles and V the number of piers have been reduced from 121 to 72. The cantilever system is proposed.- The greatest span will be 1,640 feet. The masonry piers are to be 147 feet long and 66 feet broad. The cost is estimated at now` nan nnn Iquu III vu--u | }:7s2;75o,ooo_._ A ROVIGW II FHISOBB LIIIQILIIOI. Rueaianreviewa are not often met with outside of Russia, butthey ere` bulky to a degree elsewhere unknown, endnone of them would make four for ve of; our` monthly magazineu. ~ Yet the newest of them leaves all the rest behind. It in the. Pantobiblion. published at St, Peterabura . in no fewer than .fteen _di'erent lan- guegea, and ita aim in to- provide protea- aional and eonentie men .;0_`f;Iu oountripa with a one to the n ;pe`;j;o;d, _ion._l;literatur`e, technical -and `acie ' pot the world. . This ia a ooloual. " , `even for nnprovineial St. .303on n. .WorI:hint6n I--~ll1i1btrated Mag`.- zlno `and Liteury-.~v'.l`:-usury, 5 montqly V Wtithre -t oi*x!u:Ii"Ii iteldiuumsti " `.i i We have raooived from th'of>i1BliIlibn; ` '1`-bf'eLiiei to be`; `o-`trbniu `h :1: V, 3 journslor thq,_i&Qily,;gIht$if5j __t,I,1_ hit, - 30' I6 " 7 much that is upggl,_,i_n `domo(;tIgl_ifo.! V it prints on g ` paper a ` Mi :1 ~, illuliuei `3. plan on ` - ,~=__~_-.... .-I..I`. ..l nu nnnd 13 Iuuurawu 'III` II` I-`Iv: nu; -. y--w v- - V ' I ,_ 6 ad d `,?,?,`,{ ? %up`R3:n'm':o1 ._--.. 'I |_ aging in Al|`I! |l`ny ` u` III `VIE `tluunuuv-A-v r. Itiprioqig pnly 8 2._50. IN nnnwanps. in . Gold r A -*PI-emiumi retty hose ends s at PAYS FOR: THE ADVANCE 1` ` F FOR ONE YEAR. An Excellent Investment 0% ON" PURE | Strength, ,J. M.BTHwLL, The chea. eetend choicest shock of Teas, Coifeee, pla n and fancy Groceries in town. _ QUALITY HIGH. ..__. -- --- 154-nu: A1`-ound you. that are using PWAOH-BLOOM SKIN` F001). `Their con p exion is brighter ` fresher. smoother. and more beautiful than the Women who use cheat) vreuerstlonu. nIaAnn.n|.o01vl in not a whitewash to who cheat) nreuarsuonu. PEACH-BLOGM in not I close no the votes of the akon. und cover 11? its hnnerfeotionn. but is 9. SKIN F00 II, it 1- ears the skin leaving it acts. smooth.` and bcauutully transmn-9 nt. V . ,- nn .u1lI.IIl.o0n[ is absolutely harmless; nt. rnmu-nnoonl is absolutely harmless", I but it brings about. the required results quickly, and retains Jhem. permanently removtu roughness. pimples. b1a.ckshea.ds,_ freckles o._u tun , Nnw Onmmcs, Feb. 23.-Tho fuuenf of Benurggnrd tmduy was an of the_. mops impbfling. evermvitnouodz ; PEACH-BLOOM hcvlng a tendency to feed the inneracwell as the once: cuticle. it induoeca filling out.and rmness of the skin` thnnnhv nmvontlnn and ramnvlnl. wt-inklgs. innerauwell the outer cuucla. u. lling firmness the skin thereby preventing and. remnvlnn. wrinkles. It in invaluebe for chapped hands. void by, _ druggieta. and sent on revel t of price 8100 by. 8ddl'8BI1DtWE8TON: CH MIOAL 00.. y 186 Adelaide. .tWeat, Toronto. ' . . rFor Sale.. in Bsrtleeby Geo. Monkman `and 11 `ll IKAAIAPAHJ manta. . " ' 7-1] ' '01 ' 5315, III DIN n. . Muouren. Z % J gosita 0%` .53` . ; -T % :;;;mh6, itqr; mom-. itny.od:3:qn1.J!PI0` - .9I9!n ` 9 .. , F.~S!!';3,{`.?ERF`." w. P -. .'.-.-F--v-I gene , in} ,th:oou:tn.x and z i oghor pq,h!ioqfgr:3VIfIi`?Vutunlly Impend- aunnnnmul THE FINEST TEA IN THE WORL FOR 7 Restores in T stuns falling Pnnonzof Agonmc P R. in - ngolnab I-nvnnmnm nfan . INDIAN some Amt ran Innis. APPLICATIONS THIJROUGHLY REMOVE: Finrlty `End F_lavor.I '22?S`h..'f.`BI:'.l'.'i h`Q] . or. --u w-- - _--.- Toronto. '1`:-ovolll Agent. 0 San: Anti-Dan to spertect remover of Dan- dm-lu ooslon In msrvellounn m own csso I row oppllcotlono not only tho:-oug y removed oxoonlvo duulru accumulation but stopped mung. of the lnlr. made It sort. and pllnblo sud pmmoteds vlnlblo nowch. , PRICES LOW. ` :1. II. II The present age is one of keen competition. in which one dealer vies with another in offering in- ducements to thepublic to become his customers. The Canadian Tea Co., of Toronto, have done this in years ast. sgaring nothing to extend their busi- - ness an deli t their atrons. Their business has been con ucted on t e rinciple that it is bet- ter to do a large business w th small prots than a small business with large prots. for in that way they please many more good customers and la a solid foundation for future trade. Actuated y their success in this line in the past the now pro- pose to do still better and offer the ubl induce- ments that no other rm has dare offer before. In orderto introduce their teas. mstly celebrated for their excellencegthey place the fol owing verse of poetry before their patrons . - 'W'thn ; d._ . Wit,h eye1'ici hv3'a31 r:cl,m A woman sat in unwomanly rags Plying her needle and ` It will be observed that the last - word is omitted. The first person sending in the verse complete. with the proper word inserted. will receive $xoo.oo IN. GOLD. the second `A 3 oo GOLD WATCH to the third A $25.00 su.v 1'2 WATCH. To the. last will be given sxoo.oo IN GOLD. to the second last A $50.00 GOLD WAT,CI-I, to the third -last ' A $25.00 SILVER WATCH. In addition we will give TWENTY - FIVE SILVER CRUETSN to persons: sending in interm late correct answers -. should there be that many rep ies. Each..answer;j nnunt kn nnrnmnnninr` mil`?! `Q10 tn DAV '01` 01160` LU PC! SUIIE acnuuu III Inna: un. u luv: `ally -... there tlfat. re;1.i'esv. V Each. ans;er,` must be accompanied with $2.50 to pay for oneof our five ound caddies of tea. We guarantee this` on. n17. nap THAN THE TEA YOU NOW ........ .. ..........,........ -._,- -- ,--, __ ve tea BE TER THAN THE TEA YOU NOW PAY THE SAMEPRICE FOR will pay all charges to any place in Ontario, an if the custo- mfriis not thogouglgly sactlised aftr giving thentga a ra,i can ere urne ous an money. m e refunded.- This will cost us many dollars but we believe it will be a paying investment. for we pur- V pose giving our customers such good value for 3 caddy of tea. their _m_oney that theyiwill continue to deal with us. in writing state whet er you desire Blacktea Hy- son tea.]apan tea, Gunpowdertea. or Mixed tea. As-a further inducement we will give a half dozen Sheffield sterlirteaspoons with each - ve Sound- ese spoons are accompanie by a guarantee from the. manufacturer to stand their. color and improve with wear. Do not connect this . with any take. but rememberit is an honest oer ` made by an honorable, fair-dealing rm. to extend their business in a l timate manner. Address CANADIANl`EA-C .,a7 Front Street East. 'l`nr-manta. Ont. UH!` IIIJIAIVVW Tax:onso.V Ont.