i13ARRIE,iV`Cf()UNT:Y ~01} SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JANUARY 19, 1393. sparrows tioVen`oy.;the winter, how- ever. ` L Toctehhdm is How struggling with chicken pox. ' ' IIII , , ,, _, ,, ,I,1 L!,-- __2__2-_,.-____ ..-_-L:.__ : `'i`vhere was an old time-missi6t;ary mzeeting ` at Egbert op the 17th. ` ` _, ,2 -,-_!_, _._j ___-_l A.-I__-_. 1"Me;>-1:l:-c;1;"t_-1';Ae l0th `concession of West Gwillimbnry T are getting their ice from Grenadier Pond. ' f Lawyer SIR-):_)`ah;"of _Orillia, was nh only. legal light -at the Goldwater Poor.` Man : Court the obher.day._. . I `II ,,, .I,-J -v ---- __ ......-' _-_ __._- AThe-ia-a.LsLt;AI oor =Ma.n s` Court at . Bradford had but few cases to dgal with -Wiiiw-a:"l?3.".`Kri;1_t4i;;?c>`,1;g':rc:;fV. s;;.m..a, who has reached her 84_1gh' year/is quite feeble , \Y-44_`____.__._ ` aving secured `vs'ater'worke"and electric light, Alliston is now about be .organize' a. debating society. ' A _ IALI, __;____s-_ -2 i`l'1-..L day. v:]."l; T_8!:I`|_\l;l?;!';et-i;l'[_0`E ` iigtawuaga Agricu1ttu'al_ Society was held last EI_.`hurs- ,,,j-.,,,,; ,,_;--._I-._v-__,_I -i_-L._2_ Graham are phip ing- a lung quanfit`y o'f_'ta`n b,a.rk `south, rom Coldwatgr-by G. T. R.? ' ' mu; 7\ ("'1T.,1 rL",.1TainseL'.&'}zr.ig. and wood taken i to Allisfgn daily for` sale. III! I . I\ `in I 11 . . 1),, ,I,_,:I "1E2:.'-A'::'i::e:v7vV.'-inscampbell preached at Tompkins on`Sun`da.y morning to a. large and attentive congregation; ' `at T1 . inn .' hglf ez;x'_e;111in 3151; Dec. , there were in the township of Orillia 43 births, 9 deaths, but no marriage. ' iA;;t3. } decided to build . new school house, as the present -one will not hold the present {school population. , - "I IN, A miz.` b{{{oI{d};2{{ii{Lf E;;Bg.{1.g-ch. Medonte, on the26t.h inat., will deal with prominent characters in the 'hintory_.of the church. ' ' -` T Packet. Isgit not a` -reproach to the. re- ligious people of Orillia that no religious service is held at the asylum for the"ve hundred inmatesiand their attendance 2, There was a-meeting in. the ' neighborhood of Foxmead a few days` ago` to discuss the advisability of mskingNorth Orillis a. separ- ate municip,sli_ty V The sentiment in favor ` of it was general. V` T _ T _ | 1-7 II V A I,___, UL ll! W93 sVlvlUL`Do Lately a. number of -Indian. Agents have been dismissed, but by the representations of Mr. Frank Madill, M. P.P , the services of Mr McPhee, the ecient Agent of the Rama. Reserve will be retained. ~ The Lindlaydlvardr man wds invited to an Orange tea-meeting at. Westminster and ,evident.l'y becam dazed with what. he saw of the youth and beauty. bone and `sinew which had _been gathered for the occasion. nu . n 1 . A .|_, '(\,-:n:_- MxcK.-.At ` l 90'! the IV correspondent of the brillia Packet: says : Among the survivors of 1837 is Mr. Francis Ga.uda.ur,' father of the cars- man. `He was-a runner, bearing despatchee. between Holland Landing and points north during the rebellion. T -nu -vu ovwu--. There was a. very good market on Satur- day, although not as large as sometimes. We noticea general upward trend in the price of beefeand pork and a. stiffening in the mice of grain. The following are Sutur- day s quotations oxi the Market Square : I11: 1!. , 1____|-__ BE- L- 00- _ ""'J ' "l""""""" "' " ` 1. Wheat. 60 to 66c ; barley, 35c. to ;348c.; I rye, 500. to 53 ;oata, 26c. t.o28c.;pea.se. 53c. to 54:: ; bay. $7.00 to $7.00 per ton ; straw, $4.50 to $5.00; beef, hindquamters, $6.00 to $6.50 per cwu; forequaxters, $5 00 to $5 50 per cwt.; mutton. $7 00 to $8 00; pork. $8.00] to $8.15 per wt.;.turkeys, l0c to llc per 1b.; geese, 7c. to Sc. per 1b.; ducks, 50. a. pair; fowls, 40c to 509,3 pair; butter. in ro'1ls,_l7c. to 20 per lb.;` tub, 15c. to 17c. per lb. ; eggs, l7c. to 200 8. dozen ; potatoes, 60c. to65c. a. bag ; apples. $1.25 to 81.50 per bbl.; I ....+..:........n s.;.a..- :2 an in mm nbrr emf- g ' IIUUtJUa I Uf G ylpg vguau tv '1-uv PUB yuan, Iuntrirnmed hides; 3.50 to 84.00 per cwf.; | sheepskins. 80:: to l 00 each ; wool, 17; to 18. per'lb.; wood, 53.00 to 33.60 per cord; Anthracite coal. $6.75 oer ton. In.-_-..|....a.. u..-u..'. txn......a. no. 4... no- . ! l.II|lIII'UlI-U UUGI` CU-[U IIUI IUD: | Tuesday : Mark:-It-Wheat 620. to 68c.; pork`$8.25 to $8.50 pep cwt. ` . 25 percent. olrall Fancy Dress Good: at}. Ry-99. - ,1` Lecture on Japan. A most interesting lecture was delivered at the Collier "Street Methodist church. on Friday evening last. by Miss Wiutemute, on Japan, the manners and customs of the `peo- ple, their educational iustitutions and meth- ods and the progress of missionary -eplfort in I ' that progressive i land. Miss _Wintemute was sent out by the Methodist Missionary i Society some five years ago as a teacher, 1 having shown phenomenal aptitude as a teacher of Bible truths. `Her lecture was 2 illustratsdv with a number of articles ot do- 3 mes'tic_use in Japan. one of the gods of com- mohvv'oi;ship and photographs of `personsand ; scenery- Miss Wintemute is a` ready. ac- | curate" and pleasant speaker. with a sweet. musical`-. J though not a powerful . voice." " All this ~Wil h`hel' modest bearing and a. vein of . quaintihnmor, secured the closest attentionl and syripathy of the audience. `QAJ hearty ; vote" of thanks was accorded to her at the I .1... ~ I 1 I ; 4 1 A : 1 !'lre_Alsrm.'V , _ Shortly af,ber;l0~o c1ook `on Friday night jhere, was an"'o.-lerm of fire} _AVerne.l;l_ bnild- _ iug on Bayeld street situated on the Ross Block iust south of the Points was found to be on _,tire. I_t-- wasoccupied by a. family named Wa.rner.. It appears that Mrs. Warner went oiitein the evening to e neigh- `bor s and when she returned she found the` stove pipes had fallen down and the house was full of smoke, `and, in a few minutes ames broke 7, out __ `through the windows. `Some by-stsndebitiiiedftq put the ames out '19:: (In -nan gill). by throwiny SIIQV ut"fsiled_ The _Bri- Dy liIll'lIVVl.l.I8 uupw. III, Ullla Inucu Lulu l.Jll' gade soon arrived ndjsubdued the re in a few minutes. All -the-`interidr, was burned. and the poor.fb.mily%1n6 occupied the; place 1031; all they V . > - Obunlv -Indus : ~n:|mliII,l coup-Q. .~ 1 Last Fridiay, His Hdnor Judge At-ugh held an iiIe'i-irnoriti1in 8!- oortrtiy when `Jo n Freyet. !nml.,hi_a ischerz Qrge l'I:nyor.. who ha, 1.5;. s;..oz..o.A M mnhimi inhi-' M`:-_ uauguuzr. M rrcm:-u.-GRosBY.-0n the nth January-. at the residence of the bride : mother. Barrie. by the Rev. Dr Pa:-k=.r. Mr. J. 0. Mitchell.` ,w Olive M.. only -daughter or the late W. `[1 nu-mahv `Ran. ' . | uuu` UUUII VJUIIVAUIIIZH. VI. IIIWDBIII` suu: `usu- Cooperfs store ._nAb_ACoo_pe1-In ,Folle, some up 1 for sentence. The prisoner, John Freyer, ., had a previous conviction recot-ded.a.ga.inet ' him-and hegwu-sentenced to.-13 imonchmin . 1- the common gool, and-_ . o, the father, to two months-n~ .John,-.i! as _i'v9%1 . :wi:..h 89.-1] Vitus danras w_eII_u.i'.pen'ohont for -I:ep.l- ` ing, um! hence ;he:connot:;ho;oent`=to the - .',=.1: .-, _ MQ9hkg7. guetonoe:;_& lwdnoiodqy, Jan. 25th, l893.-0n' -lot 8. con 8. Eau~~;:fu'm shook, iniplemenuu on Sale at-vlo'_o oKook :.:|bq.rp.~ . Lunch {p1fovidod. Eip'Is @_e'~oftIIe:'l1t}o Rbe;tMoBrido. W. 1- D, 1 1 3 1 1 E335; T-,-';~i.'i-' fEeE%;;z "12?-:1i*sr;.*wus ihsd beicvicted of making into-i;Mr. \l'I_-_-_,_ _LA._- -5 (V.......-.'D. g: an-u-an nun` Market Notes. nnnnw GDUNGIL INSESSIUN. -i-an *s:ss1oN was. uNI.Y FORT?-FIVE ' nunurns AND vans! cum-r. "done as is usual at such meeting. - vcireuvm to the council an` Advertising Dode- -Applfcations tor 0moe- The standing committees--Board of Health Appointed. &o.. &o. The first meeting of the new Council for 1893, was held on Monday evening, His Worship Mayor Creswicke presiding The usual preliminary meeting was held in the morning and the proper qualications of the members presented. and such other business 1 "IL. l_I'l-._:.... ..._:...k;.-an -mama nnnunnr n UULIU G3 15 uuuul. nu uuuu lllVVt|.llH1 The following vmeinbers were present _at the. evening session :-Ma.yor Creawicke, Reeve _Bothwell,_ lst Deputy Reeve,Fletch_er, 2nd Deputy-Reeve Caldwell, * and Council- lors Williamson, Stewart, Frawlcy. Garden, , Ellis, Pullan, Plaxton. Absent, Messrs. j McNab and Hubbert - 1-1:_-__I_._._ e_-_- ____-_> ..-_ -...! ........... G........ \\1Lx1Nsox.-At No. 10,_Su1llvan 8t.. Tor`-onto. on Saturday. 14 January. 1893. Mr. `David Wilkinson. Blacksmith. G.T.l{.. Allandale, aged 68 years. Native of Argyleahire. Scotland. UIULVDU {lull QUUUUIVIJ VCi rcu1a.rs from somegas and pump rms 1 were read, sent evidentlv to `get some free 1 advertising from the local press. , As THE7 ADVANCE is not in that business just now. ir declines taking thebsit. A . . . 1 llnnrn Vdnknrn nab: far vlxhn non-inn hf,` -avcvg ----nu--J, ---._.. A motion by Councillor Plaxton to sub- stitute Mr. Caldwell for Mr. Pullan on the . Board of Works and Pullau for Caldwell on the Market` Committee, was lost. M0'l`ION8i Bothwell-.-Caldwell-',1'hat John Dickin- : son. B A., be appointed by this Council to a ; seat at the Board of the Barrie Collegiate . Institute in place of the retiring member. ! - Frawley-Garden--Ordered, that this ` Council now appoint the Board I of Health ; ; for 1893, to be composed of the ` following _named.perspns :-Messrs. D. F`. Macwatt, . 10. Lyon,` C. _W. Plaxtonf Robert Kin L | Six, Dre. Crookshank. W. A. Ross and Wel I _.| and Councillor `P. H. Stewart ' I Bothwell+-Williamson'-~Ordered, that the `l Clerk be instructed to call for, teudersfor E i 40 cords of green wood and '10 cords of dry tuna!` uuprgu VIUISUIB uuna un; uuu liuuuuuu us Assessor. Hsippomises if Q ointed to per- form the dutis `with care an` `impartiality 13....-- Q.a.....I2_.. ..-.-I:.u-I `An kn in-u::lr:ntn A` IUFIII Mlle UJIIIIUU VWIIIU UBEU sun Vllllfl} IIIGIIIIJ J ames Sparling applied for the position of Inspector. Roads Overseer and `Assessor. Mr. Sparling thinks it would be economy to combine these severnl duties tobe per- formed by one person. . - (`_k:n` n-3.... `n3nm 1| !-Annnint` tho fnrlnura formed one person. " . T x "- Chief Oicerhing, piesented _the_fo1low- iug Police Court Report : '= To the Mayof and =C'oz4nc:`l. GEN'1'LEMEN,-The followingvcases were I dealt with by G, H. Ross,P. M., during 1892:` Dn_1nk'and disorulerlyv 30; vagrancy 42; common assault, 20 ;. indecent assault, 1 ; felonious assault with intent, 5; larceny. and fraud, 6; .threatenin ,2 ; disturbing public worship, 4; disorder y, 4.; non-payment of wages, 4 ; petty larceny. 2; infraction of town bv-laws, 9 ; infraction of County by- laws, 6 ; Public Health Act. 5 ; assault with intent to rape, l ; abusive language, 3; in-. sanity, 5; cruelty to animals, 2; non-per formance of Statute Labor, 2; dogs worry-_ ing sheep, `.; violation of liquor laws, 2; total number of convictions 158, being 25 more than `in 1891, the convictions under the head of vagrancy being largely responsible for the increase. ' ,- All of. which is-respectfully submitted. R. KING, Jr... Chiet Oicer. The usual batch of accounts presented` and all referred to the proper committees - TL \ us-\1\n:l|` {"1-xnnnniffnn Il1l\:n"| hut] hnnn 311 an l`t:lt:l'l`u|l LU IUD PLUPGL uuuauluauvuu The Special Committee which had been appointed to strike the Standing Committees for the year reported` gs follows :h FINANCE AND ASSESSMENT. Reeve Bobhwll, Messrs. Frawlev, P1ax- ton, Spewart, Ellis.` T BOARD or worms. V lst Deputy Reeve Fletcher, Messrs. Wil- liamson, Garden, Ellis, Pullan. = FIRE AND POLICE. 2nd Deputy Reeve Caldwellg Messrs Hub- bert. McNa.b, Pullan, Plaxton. I V snwims. `Councillor Frawlev, Messrs. Plaxton, Fletcher, Bothwell. McNa.b. . " . ` MARKETS. % 5 Councillor McNa.b, Messrs. Garden, Hub- ` bert, Fennel], C_a.ldw/`ell. V qio LE I`.-'I`wo comfortably turnivhed rooms . for gentlemen, Apply MRS. FREEM AN; cor Elizabeth and John streets. Barrie 3 3p. rinxs. - Councillorstewart, Messrs. Ems, Garden. Fletcher, Fennell. ` Coxmcilloxr Plaxton. Mdm. Pullan. Fraw- 1ey,- Williamson, Caldwell. mmonrrr. Councillor Williamson, Fennell, `A Bothwell. Garden, Stewart. * 'nAu.wAYs. _ `founcillor Ellis, Messrb. Mc_Nab, Hub-i bert. Frawley, Bothwell. T ,'_,-n,__ 1'\I__A.__ L- -..\_ wood. , , . . V I Bothwe1l-Ftaw,1ey-Org1erel, that D. ` Mawautr be appointed -Authtor for the Council and that the sum of 340. be allotted |`for this remunerauon.` Inn :1. ,_ -2: :|2__:j-_I -_ LL2_ ...-L:-.. ...:ol. I0!` `[113 I'UuI|.IIlUl'ILIUlIo The Council divided on this motion with tho following result : - \....,_`M'..m-a Wlamhnr Pnllnn. Pln.xl'.on_ W113 IUIIUWFIIB FCIIJIU I I \ eaa-+Msars. Flewhnr, Pullan, Plaxton, , Garden. Frawley. Bothwell, Ellis, Stewart, Williamson. ` * . A - N u.y--Ca.l<\i_we ll. ` ' His Worhip` mimed'F. Y. Checkleyap the other Aualimr .;. . , M . ` 3 ` 'l`h;(`;ouucil;the_n adiourned. `I fA 1!amlalp.. Adva`n(_:'eOo1`reapondenoo 5 Cort Aliaiidae 1.0 F. nieet; next '1`hu_rs- T day night, Jfui.=26h. ` , ,- CIA ___ _-_1!._-.l AL 65 (1....-n.. -' KICK, unauv vftnno -w-uu About M0.wu; realized at; St. George : ` tea.-m`eetix:g o.nd.Eentem_ninment la.at__ week. V .Ah.gu r i:ie_.purI;y`tb`6k place at ihia` magi. ~.d'opce.o` Mi`, Jdhn Glassford on Thursday esfeqingg A `,y`9,t:y'4_,`e_njoyu.ble availing _w_a,_s npnt,,. It : just Vt__!_1e.pl,acVo. to no to have 3 9od\t.ime.: __ V . `+~ - T 1 ____,,-1` _`_:.-._;.-:._.._ -..`A. -0 `II.-. ,.,.,.. ..... ...V L e_ _ V _ W `The `second annual entertainment of the Brotherhood of `Locomotive Truinmen will ;be held in the town haul; Barrie, on Fri- day evening;-z Fcbluurys 3rd; A. Further pur- '!i9`!P*.*I.199?~9-L ? ;< ~ ' l...7It.-; .3Wl; ,e_xpeoted. that: ,Mr.. Goddenk bl'Q$h9_l'2ln-167!` `would have occupied the I gulpit, of St. George : church lee: Sunday, mg for ,eome u_n_kno.wn :rea_u,ouhe1waI unable ' tube here, and Mr. Godden am to ociuue. ' Some of our Vyouug men wen oended and 1 feel. quite: indignant. over the, remark: `oi 5 ` ertain ..B:v.m'ie ts, the $9!-Int-e.I_inc",in BFl.*!?_5n,'l.-.1!9u- .911; the. 9th, init It. was I!.0m.- scans men ch.-z `did; the gwhiuling. Qivq .o_uc .~.youIhg,mo`_n: inning, UU|ll.IU3I'IIllSIlIg IIllU_U_l|u _ 1 George Vickers asks for the position of * Lnnnannr "A vu-nvvuna gf Qunninfn in hill`. ` tne Uouncu 01 1.: County ot Simone will rnv mum 24:}! DAY oveliling 6% lat wick LIE? 4 EDUCATION. Hubbert, D, D5. of Barrie,` installed the fol- | lowing oicersof Kempenfeldt uodge, ' S.O.E., of this village, for the current term : President, `F. J; Sanders; vice-pres.. C E. Fisher; past pres.`, Joseph Bebb ; chaplain, Geo. Whiteley; secretary, F. J. Thomas; treasurer, E. Johns; surgeon, Dr. Arnall; trustees, C. E Fisher and Dr Arnall; auditors,` Wm. Church, George Whiteley `and W J. Cummings. The Lodge meets on the 2nd and-4th Tuesday of each month. M(`)n evenmg as Mr Roberti Meeking, the genial and obliging manager ,.of .Mr;.r Bnthwell s grocery store of thisl village, was boarding the express going to Ban-1e_(which was in motion), he slipped I between the platform and the track, and j with great diiculty he managed to keep his ` feet from therails. It was a miraculous escape, and, with the exception of being pretty well shakenup, Mr. Meeking escaped 2 unhurt. `There were-some men standing on the platform, _ad they ,were in paralysed ~ that thev couldn t help Mi`. Meeking up, as h theythought both, his legs were taken off. "T6; T:EJr.ia'{eL{.,}`7i. ' aiI"_5sE{{:} of this `village had a very narrow escape from being run over by the Meaford mail It appears that the train was standing on the the main track to get on the train to go to Barrie, and as he got on top `of the bi snow bankbetween the tracks he sunk an was slidin tewards the rails, and while he was I Barrie siding and Mr. Smith was crossing I scram ling.to keen awayvfrom the wheels 1 the train had got in motion. We are glad to say that, with the exception of being` pretty well frightened, Mr. Smith escaped without injury. I\ In it run -On Saturday evening last the sad news ! was received from Toronto of the death of | one of our ' most highly respected and esteemed citizens in the person of Mr. Davirl Wilkinson. foreman blacksmith. in the G. T. R. shops of this place. The deceased went to Toronto a few days previous to his death to. undergo the opera- tion of extracting a tumor from his eye. from `which he had been a great sufferer, and which resulted fatally. Deceased was one of the oldest employees of the G. T. R. There are four` sons and three daughters left to mourn the loss of an affectionate father. The funeral took place on Tues.lay and was _very largely attended, which? showed the estimation in which the deceased was held. The bereaved family have the 1 sympathy of the entire community in this ` their irreparable loss. * The nest bay for both summer and win- l ter sports in America ; a large number of elegant but cosy homes ; the prettiest posi- tion for a hospital this side of the garden of Eden; overforty benetit,social and othersocie- ties ; the best appointed Masonic lodge room in Ontario; more musical talent to the square yard, than any other town of its size in the country, professional men in law. medicine and theology that would be hard to beat; . the most scientic and most successful lawn tennis players in this Northern land ; an in- vincible lacrosse club ;A two banks whose mean-a.gers are so genial that they send away the unsuccessful seeker after cash, contented if nothappy, by the way they tell him that `money is so tight that really discounting just then is out of the question; some of the `finest and best stocked stores outside the large cities; the deadest Board of Trade with which it would be possible for the re- surrection to grapple; a re brigade which never letsa re get ahead of it"; pure water and a most excellent system of waterworks : a system of sewerage which when completed will, render the town almost disease proof, should the people, do their duty. Electric light and gas works. which are not excelled in Ontario for good service; a Collegiate Institute that makes no fuss nor does any quack advertising,. but sends out solid, brainy, well-trained students who make their mark in all the walks of life. Barrie _ has a great many other good things which `will be enumerated later on, but just now ` attention is called to its energetic women, `I who are beginning to "take an active interest in public affairs, and also to say that it can boast of the prettiest girls to be found from ` the equator to the poles, not leaving out Cir- cassia the alleged-home of the perfection of female beauty. The gauntlet s down on that point. _ ~ THE BARRITE Low 85 smmn no (LIMfTED.) [THE annual meeting of `the shareholders of the above Company takes place on ` T ' -- - .... -u` art 1.___._.__ -cnnn Will! lluwucu lat) wlul luurncu DItIIVll|I|Ul.Iu _ The Service of Song by the choir during theexeroises of the day was a good help`, Mr. J uatin E-lwards, the leader, was in good voice, as were the soloists of the choir gen- erally. A duet in the evening by the leader and Mr Bemrose was good. Mr. Edwards deserves great credit for keeping the choir in such an eicieut state Missionary Services. I The missionary services at the.Collier St , Methodist church on Sunday, were of a more than` usually interesting character Rev. Mr. Starr. of Elm Street Methodist church. preached in. the morning. He has an energetic audq original way` of putting things and his running `comments on the morning scripture lesson was greatly eu- joyod i In the evening Rev. Mr Rowe, of Bracebtidge, delivered an earnest and thoughtful address on the subject of Christ- ianrMissions andithe personal responsibility of Christians` with relation to them He was followed byan address on the education of girls in Japan by Miss Wmtemute which was listened to with marked attention. 1111.. o.__..:_.' -: a_.._ L.. n... ..l....:... ..l.....'..... Onlllu Real Estate non .0pera.t1ng In Several Orillia gentlemen, who know what they are about, have recently been quietly acquiring considerable quantities of roperty here. prominent amongst them `is gin J '1`. Secord, who has already secured | some valuable property, and though he assumes an air of indifference about it, there n was a merry twinkle in his eye when he said in reply to a question that He ,was down here for his health," from which; we assume that he might be tempted to buy more pro- perty. He. is stoppingat the Queen's and will remain. all this week. ' Mr. Secord was one of those who set the late boom going in Orillia,.that he has been successful in his H 'ope'rat_ionsAmay be assumed from the fact that he is a voter` in every constituency except two. from Niagara to Lake Nipissing, |- and we arezpleased tosee him turning his eyes ;-| toward,the_eapi_ta| anglhope that the health he[""refeesi.toybs here for may be secured a littleof itinfused into some of our own _ _x . _n -If"y`ou have n*`ood,hot-be take care of him `tlwd; mnk him hetterhy using John Woods Aome. -World Renowned Condition Powder. Tnkouthil idviofnnd `add value to your D..8..-_a. - .. _ Soho Thing; :hac Barrio has. " Tgxf CAR! 6! You Hanan. gPAmmHEn's PEMIL any umon mu-runs xucn! I W ' "" " 20 to 25 e: cent. on all Mantle; 1! {J5 F_'yfe s. ls: nu ... .- unvuuw. V51 in-V" v- - v--- -_~-_.u ' , , at 3 o'clock p.m.. for the election of the Dix -ec: tors and the transaction of the other business of the Company. B. LAIDLAW. Manner. rx,,,,,s- Y-.. insl. 10A`) Q_ . . ' "ua'J'J{I.7uT1.{o}}T" --`The days are visibly lengthening` Great overcoat sale at J. -Pylon. 8a'Ta.y1or s Dental parlors. Beat: work at city. prices. . " _ llal .'_ nr _-__ ,,_- ,.-n _In -,--4u___ -A - -- T_he ouuty Cmxfcil will open on Tue:-' day the 24th inst. us ---'1`he eminion Parliaiment will open one week from to-day. ; n , n -.. .n . -Anbniversar;'T services at the Bgptilt church next. Sunday. ' \ `II: T -r I . 1 D O l._ -- ----- ------_,. _. .-:1T\d_iss V Lee has rettirnesl from a. visit} I to friends at-Listowel. `T :44 x:ni{1a};.'tio{'o ci{e\?s%.c%.*r.U. bu 'been'unavoida.bly crowded out this week. It! 1'31 Irv so . .u . I .,l I .Cm."`s}ar'.{ea last Saturday from (an oicial visit to Ottawa. . ` . 7` lgos; igagttfgr Penetanguiahcnd |on Tuesday. after-_ her holidays. ' --There ,was' 5' little easig off from thv -neighborhod of zero on Tuesday. cvvtunuu-CI I IT 7 I';l;x;ence Washington. the talented. |Ca.na.dian Elocutionist, is coming to Barrie. UCTION 8 ME 0! ralunble property in the Villaaze of Hillsdale. WEDNESD AY. the let. FEBRUARY, at Twelve o'o)ock noongon the premises. Pal-rel 1- stme m-one:-ty formerly occupied I -'I`he Centre Simcoe Licen_se Commis- sioners of last year, have been re-appointed. 25 per cent. of all `Fun at J. Fyfeh. --Meeting of the Bertie L. (C. Asabciation ilaet night to elect; delegates to the Staynef |convention. . -The Toronto Times is a great improve- ment on Saturday Night, and is rapidly gaining favor, 9`'"D "' ' '_-' -A combination of "town council and` oysters was made at Crossla.nd s restaurant on Monday night. *rrII.. .1 n u 1 p .1, l M -'--Mr. Iialleatti the new principal of the Central School, has removed his family from ` Lindsay to Barrie. rc V -SUBSORIBE FOR. was ADVANCJ! mm nnsri cormucrnn AND MOST READABLE JOURNAL IN `THE NORTH COUNTRY. -T-A genuin7a(l`adyHis never rude, never indulges in slang, nor utters anythll approaching the vulgar. 1' '11: u 1 .. on .1 9 I --It would be much - better if the local legislatures were not in session at the same Itime as the Dominion Parliament. I '-The cold Weather has for the t;ime|:`driVen the street cornep loafer from his usual haunts. How many blessings we have ! -Miss Johnson, the Indinn poetess and elocutionisn, will shortly be in Barrie under the auspices of the ladies of Trinity church. --There was 9. meeting of the new public school board last evening to elect a. chairman. and organize the several committees {or the year. nil I C II . . 1 It l IUU D uuu: nu; van-us: .1- gqday, 'et.h aiy of Februii 1393, 9-|--I. .. an Inn I-ha olnnltlnn 1|. Han nin. zines V J -The person who so'cruellv treated Mr. Vair a dog last; week near Mr Fyfe s store; deserves all the pains and penalties of the law for cruelty to animals. -There will be a. representation of an old English Castle, in the olden times, at the town hall early in February under the au- pices of Trinity Church `Sunday School. -Correspondence from Craighurst, Fer- gusonvale and Lefroy received too late for publica.tion. We again remind our corres- pondents that THE ADVANCE is all up by We_dnesda.y noon. -up cvv 1- 1-`v an 5.` . n u -Mr. W. _J. Hallett} returned here yes- terday to remove his family to Barrie. He is much" pleased with._Barrie and the recep- tion he got in that pretty little town.--Vic- toria Wnrrier. Please don't any ``_little, ' Mr. Warder, this toipvn is getting up to cit-V dimensions, and is even now, many feet" higher than Toronto. ' Banquet to D'Alto'n hfccarthy, M. P. Abanquet, in behalf of the citizens of ` `Barrie, V Carthy, Q. C . M. P.-, at "the Town Hall, Barrie, on Wednesday evening, tl1e'25th January inst., at 8 30 p.m., in recognition has been tendered D Alton` Mc- _ of his able, manly. and `patriotic course ixr parliament, which: invitation the hon. gentleman has accepted. rpm Annkln I-`an Ion-`4;n fn know O-`an annnnknl Gun. [5551 Vll IUI Illlclll IIUC UI. UIIQI SC. Tickets to the banquet can be procured` on application to the Hon. Sec., Mr. G. A. Radenburst, or `to any member of the com- ' mintee \JI'llI7l'Cl.I. IIIJ PG, OOH-UU Mllll vd.UU ($1.13!! On the 13th Hugh Christie was charged '. with being drunk and disorderly. He witt- aaszssed $1 and $420 costs or 20 days. Pai . - - - L`_- L`_ A._A_`_._.. `l$_2__I-_ -L-__-.-I `KIT VII Ill? IIIQII II1 To enable the ladies t'o hear the speeches and music. the platform will be be prepared. and reserved for them free of charge.` "l`:..ln.+.. in I-`an `xnnnnnf non ha rn-Ann:-AA` On the lltzh-James Connera, avagx-ant.,' was ned 25c. oxf three mont_hs. He went" ti? the premises. Perrel l. Sto'e property formerly occupied by R. Parker & Co., corner Penetengnishene and Coldwater Roads. having 1; frontage on each road of about 100 feet. and having on it a general store and drug store. , Parcel 2. on West side of Penetammiehene PO11 the 12th Wrh. Moffatt chat`-ged Robert Mel unis with non-payment; of wages. Ordered to pay $32.00 and $5.05 costs ' u f`mA~lQl'-I'| nun`: (`Jun-;nf;n Inn: nhnbnnta `(|)`:1.tbe l4_th Arthur Brierly charge`! W. . B Baikie with keeping a vicious dog. Fine" $l.00Aand costs. Paid. _l'a.rmer, Rand and Think. We call the attention of farmers and oicerrf and members of Agricultural societies to, `the communication in another column headed Current Topics It is true we have often: editorially called - attention to the same_ things, but lilebible truths they need to he often repeated to produce the desired e'ects..j A series of well written letters under the` caption of Current Topics ,will regularlf appear in our columns, and we ask for them `careful attention. r I A by-law iraa auljmitted to the ratepay- ers of" Bowmanville la._st Friday` to increase shop licenses from $200 to $1,000, with the |nk;nnIr4-A` Innkznn GHQ` `znnnnn nun`-u:`\:bnvnD A Stu`-pun. A shot . timengo the member: of Rev. D. D. McLeod?s ccngegution surpt-ine_d him by aendingto the use a. new _u_Id oleggni parlor suite `Mr. McLeod ._h'aI`. receive` many valuable presents in his dgy; ' 1; nond gave him greaeer plouutjgx tlia'n'- it, froui Tthatitnogthe jay ands-. thc~ ciroumnttuoel _ under which the gift ' A CI-I`!!! IIUVIJBWQV IIUIII WWW UV vI'\IU\I, VYIIII UIIV object of mang the license prohibitory. When the by-law was ret published there were twoiiqnor stores `in the town, but one of them he: been burned. The by-law was carried` by eimejority of 217. the total vote being 350 for and 133* egeinet the by-law. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCI swam corms, rjtvn: omrrs. . V `Prombttofy License teen. Linked Tojother. .._. D_.A-..-.4A_ .. -_.l Police court. generul store and drug swre. Parcel 2. On West sidevof Penetanguiehene Street North of Albert Street. vontaininsz about One acre, upon which are a. valuable dwelling house and stabnes formerly occupied by R. Parker. deceased. 'I"uv-inc _nnn. 1-nnth m-inn nn dnv of slain. Bal- 4....:...-`~- M .4` .-~_.....,-.'....'........ ..,.'....` ' V Y `Al Y i'?f;}'i.I1`1I:{ B" aw I _hII` id dggixst ` than 1', a~ cimumlctuool Parker. deceased. Terms.-Une tenth mice on day of sale. Bal- ance wi hin one month. or a. portion may b s a1lowd1o outsxand on mort age. For partic- ulars apply to PE \Rb`0N. ACDONALD 85 ORUNYN. Solicitors. 'I`ox-onto. or to JOSEPH SWAN, Auctioneer, Craighuret. 3-4 In the matter 01 the Guardlanshjp oi the Infant Clnldreu of `John Drysdale, deceased. ~ - - u ; 41 _ t~_,.___--_L_ I101. V`.-II$\aIlI Application will be made to the Surrogate Court of the County of [Simone before the Judge in ( hambers at the Court House. in the Town of Barrie, "after the expu-a.r.ion of twentv_ day s from the ret publiqation hereof. on be- half of Margaret uryedale. of the '|`owaah`p of . Flos, win ow, the mother of the infants. for an order apnointing the `said. Margaret` Drysdale guardian 0' EliZibRLh Drysdnle. Andrew IV 1- colm l)x'ysAda.`e. (Jutheriue -Johnson Drysde 9, James Herbert. Dry-dale, Ethel Louisa. Drye- dele. and John Fredrrick Urysdele infant [children of the said J ohu Drysdale, deceased. Dated at Barrie this 17th day of J anuary, 1893. MARGARET KDRYBDALE, By her Solicitors, 35. STR ATHY 8; ESTEN. U N DER and by virtue of the Powers of Sale (`ontained in certain Mortgages which will he produced at the t.~ me of sale, there will he I ffered tor sale `by Public Auction. at the Queen's Hotel. in` the Town of Bier:-ie. on to I 1 -icii, ,'I____IEl-1._...__._._ Inll at the hoixr of 11.30 o'clock in the fore noon, I those valuable Farm Properties. described "as! fo!1nws:- D...-.-ml I 'l`|-m Wont nnrt. nf Int nnmhnr MORTGAGE sA|-.I-:1 f0ll()W82- ' Parcel 1. The West part of Lot number Three. containinsz_38 acres-. more or less. the Westerly part of Lou numbvr Four. containing 38 ac: es. more or less and the North West part of Lot nu ~ ber Six. cnntai - In: 20 acres. more or less, a 1 in the E eventn Concession of the said Township of E838. and comprising in all abnut. 96 acres, which said lands are more funny described in sa. (1 Ar ortgaazes. Dm-mu 9 Thu Fnnth half nf Int nnmher IICBCPIYVBO I" BE (1 IV Ol`Iag8KB5n Parcel 2. The South halt Vof Lot number , Eightin the Eleventh Concession .01`. the said Townahio of Innisl. ' - . YTnnn Dov-nnl 1 onto add hrhn nnnnfn a (rant? '1'ownsmo OI Lnmsun. Upon Parcel 1 are said tube erected a good brk-knwening. a large frame barn. recently bum: with stone foundation for stamina. and other nildnngs. The soil is suid t r be clay and the farm is well watered and is o.ll_c'oa1_'ed exceut about four or ve acres. It is situated about. a mile from Ihe thriving Village of Coloketdowu, schools. churches, 850.. being -near at an 0 ` `H. An Daron` 0'; nu-A maid in has nu-nnfn A` If:-Inn-In ;gaa:`111i;aay'ar&as;u;i-gr. 1893 at mind. - - '- Ux on Parcel 2 are said to be erected a. frame house and frame barn and stables. This ' farm is also nearly all cleared and is well supplied Wilh water. while the soil is said toilet: sand-y ' loam with clay subauil and to produce wood crons. It. is rituated about six or seven mil-We from the Town of Barrie. The roads in the vicinity are good, while gchools and churches are 8.830 com enlent. .". . . 'I`m-ma _.Tnn nA'r nnhf. nf than nut-nhnnn mnnav 8580 enlenu. .`. 'l`erms.--T en per cent. of the out-chase money at date or sale. for balance. the _ terms. (which will be - asy). txnd also the condiuons of sale will be made known at the time of sale and lathe meantime upon apphoetion no - STRATHY & ESTEN. . .1 A_u_ n_I:-1L_'_- v v vs.`-.- 1 w-.- Last Wednesday, 11th inst Miss Olive M. Crosby was united in marriage toMr J. . Mitchell The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride s mother; Dun - Iop Street, by Rev. Dr. Pa.rker.v It ways` very quiet affair. there being only a few in- vited friends and guests The bi`idejwu_tb recipient of elarge number of useful 'a.nd costly gifts The wedding breakfast was all- tbat one could desire in elegant and . taseefu]: arrangement About tive o'clock Love Bros `- waited on the bridal party with two eixeel- lent pleasure sleighe ited up in the latest style. The party enjoyed a pleasant` drive. to Allandale. where ~ Mr. and Mrs Ahduitehell took the train for Torontosnd thence ,aw_ey- for the brida.'l"trip with the wisherof their; many friends for elite of. prosperity end hep-2 piness. ~' ~~ i ` Ti.`/i{V&.A_'g; `- lcrzoind reprnnmiio. , .- AAGsIloo~3I1'l. i- V 1 5` V. A calico ball will be held curly` iii Febrh-` any in the Town Hall. The proceepwiftor` paying expenue: will be bgnded 'bt_o_;;t.h9': treasurot of . tho` Burrig ' General Aosplefgl, It iufinvended that thelprioo of the Jinnah _ will be placed-at '. j guru` tl1a.tT?sv_ilil_3unxx`r:ov J011nl .Y ulerx. Uuuuuy Barrie, Jan. 6, 1893. Barrie. J an. 12th, 1893. Townships of Essa and T I n nisl, IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. . - . VOL. x1.11. No. 3 ` . WHOLE Ko. sues L SAMUEL W1;sLBY. Pronrletor. ? ` ` uil Fat c;s`r`(ib 1' Birth. ,_ '1` `to. Tuesdjy. January 3. [c1l93.%le gig: of 2. Cnas. .J. Mio_k_ of a daughter. - Kn:-rl all . JD UIIVG 1!]... Iuuy H. Crosby, Esq. 0'0. Dated ,atA B11};-rie this .17th day of Janugry, 18$. Aaussavo ` .1` SALE t. 1 me ' kU(\3nILOa nf ni:n:rm`I7:. u%V rung FARM PROPERTY, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J3-`X '%r::z:;tsi1:%-E --on` VALUABLE--- V31 \J [tn tine wedding ions. --V IN Tam-- "x r3n'.io`v?. :s'I.iim.r.. ' Barrie. - - -'. -4`- 3 cnuxm mm -n1s'rn1I:T mus. Axd coiulenuoql "tum >II[It>OI'_6I`tI.>lI.g Para rank: for Advance Readers who `_ Like The marrow of the nleit. ' TheMid1and Council has ordered a. snow plough. ` __ u_-, L_. _. 1')..__A....-...:.L..... :. ....s I"""' "' ~ Ttfe cow by-law at. Penetanguishene is not strictly enforced 1- u ,- , ,1 n-|g_,__ LL- __.-'_ :.. `L- ..... ..._, -.....---.. In the t.ownship,of. Tiny the snow in the woods is three feet. degp. - * `a"l;.,e-x';-.11.`:-e-1-1'}.)`v;2'L;'_i; of ninety` pupils 9,1 :-. tending the Bradford High School. T , ,g_.'_ -1 n- _- |l--_I--.I'.- m'.l;1: Muskoka held their annual "supper on the 12th. . .,,___`. g-_ -_._.u. :.... -... any-an bufvun -..7--.-- --`.r'_ -_ -._- ____-. West Essa is too sweet for a.nything as l the result of a p1ehora.9f t'._a'y pulls ' ,1 'nI2.__ '_ ;...2-._I-.-..._l Q-..:.;L.. pses [ nem men` aunuat meaning luau 1_.uurau_uy,.V_ ` Messrs. Sherman and Strong, `of Meaford,` have 12,000 barrels of apples - stored there. V Y,i-L L J 'l'..__,-I_ I-IUIIUIUILB UL UUIKIU UL drawn into Huntsville. ' uuu Icuuua UL II tJlUUUlw.V uuu. runny The Tay and "Tiny ngricultural Socity held their annual meeting last ']_I'hurada.y,L ; -, `-1 |:--n_`..3 ` 'T;a;Jg'${Cv;_B}} fu1$ Ffench` Rivir is good. The ice is from 3 to 10 inches. this . V : _ ' - . nu. -- u '1 Mr. Arthnf Batten," of Collingwood. `has- been renewing old a.cqu,aintances at -Newto_n Robinson A. _ n _. T - . D `A , I, 9., A ,`,:_____.`7!___` `;.`l...';I;.;o'(.)-\17lr18VlIi`})_9f Macaulay is a. Busy` hive; the farmers being ,eu`gaged in getting out- tanbark. T - '= V: = nun... vvuvn -u Allistou had a boat of uhfwater .w`*o1_'ls `on Wednesday Itis saidfto have .been_.~so._tTis- factory. ' ,, 2;- -g 11.. 1.1.. v.........' vvvsll III gays ago. }AP'l'URID HY SI OI AND DISTRICT EXCHANGE AS LOCAL .NIWS. , .4 ---V vIaJ Mru.'Young, wife of Mp. Jbhn Youug,' Severn Bridge, died very-.`su ddenly 9. few Anna anon . cod {.0 2.--Ju - The Foresfers of Uingboir colntemplate having a tea.-me`eting and literaxjy entertain- ment. at an oarly day. Ill 1- ,1-1\,_,,VI_.. cu._.__A. :. -"IV-i;s's"I:a:-uVI:e:-I.i at:]3a'1'-, of Duhlop Street, is billed to appear before a T Bond Head aud- ience to~morrow evening. ` 1` I`: I ,,,,,_L,,_'-_ ----wv -- ...v___ . - . ___V__,.,1. A lad r_a;n 'a.`ws.y from t;.he Reformatory, Penetanguishene, on Monday, but was cap- tured the same evening. A I . AI 1 I _, _,__ _,__`___ __'______ -.._-._ -___ _ ,, G, Scarlet fever aemjii measles are very vpreva lent in the vicinity of New Lowell. Some deaths have been" reported. -. 1\ 77-. I all I n , ,, S l\,!II!_ Mrs; 0wenVHitchcox wi1_l lecture in Orillia on the 5th,-6th and 7t.h'of February, under the auspices of the W. C. T.`U. In A ,. , _ 1`._._'-_L:._ .2 IV-` vuv --.-~ John -t;1'e_t-bvvvxjxship of Col- lingwood, has lost his barn and stables by re. Loss $2000, insurance $1200.` . 1` I -he -; ; -i;:11'e2_svs"t'e.:ll-s";.i1;1_t_;vo;;a;1$l. Baker, I of Bradford,, has sheltered over twenty tramps in the lock-upwithin two weeks. T 1-. -,1 .1, _ nL_1L.____- L__,1 ___:n L. LI... ` " 'i.t.:.;`s~ s-girl V ibez V the band of the 36th Battalion. Col. Tvrwhitn and Major Cook seem to like their playing. 1. `I 7`II!, ,,, II .T,, ;A___- ..w ----J-- --v__ ___-__ - George Wallace and`T\77i7(il(li.;n h;lcI;xt.y:'e, two Melancthon boys with their door, _ killed a large wild cat`. in that township the other day. - ` no 11- , , '1 in ;_,,.-__2,_ __;__. :_L- _1-; The Collingwood Enterprise says the elec- tric lights went out on Sunday night by the breaking of an important part of the `ma- chinery. ` - ` A run I 0 `I1 I1 A A____1 [u 810 The Burk a Fall-s Arrow says a. man named; Thomas Maing was struck bya. log while he was working.underVa. skidway and was very severely injured. 5 ` M I- II I * rs _ OI ,,,,, ,AlI'1L__,,_______ . F-.7--_--J _._J-V_---. Indian Prfeachet Esquib was at '1`hompson- ville last Friday telling about his travels in the North W eat and his missionary life among the Indians. ' 1' I l\ ,2 "I'hA-__I___2j__- __.LSI_ _A.| -.--. -- ---- _-. _-..._.. Joseph Cooper, of Bracebridge, while at | work in a. planing mill last Friday, had his hand so ma.ng'ed viths the_planing.. machine, that amputation was necessary. In: ,1 , 9, 2 _ n_.-__2_I_2_._ -___ r-..`.-. ..-..t.-.......... .. .... ._---.._.._J . The Orange order is in a. ourishing con- dition in the Bracebridge district. The an- nual meeting was held at Port .Ca.rling. James Kaye is_Die_l;r1ct Master. II! I I` The Stoyner Sun says, Miss Jennie Rogers, of Alliston. is at Mr. E. B. Wilson s, having got snowed inon her wa.y to New Flos to I teach school in that district. - ` ` Miss Jessie Alexander will make her rjst bow to the Colliugwood people to-marrow evening under the auspices of the Society of | Christian Endeavor of the Disciple church. I The Mnlmur Council this yea} is coin- posed of R. Gallaugher. Reeve ; _B. Wig-' gins; lst Depiity ; A. J ohnsboo, -2nd Deputy; R.` J Rebum and Thomas Langford, Coun- cillors. - s * - T t"I_-.--..L'.-_-- n-_---._ __--_ _ un-..I_-._-.. W'l1: l:.(}.raveuh`urst Ba.nnei'*sa.ys :. Perhaps no man in East Simcoe or Muskoka. 1-ec__aiv_ed as handsome a. New Year's giftms the .g_e_nia.l P. S. Inspector. V Th` gift was `a young. 8011. John` Inglis and John Simpson of the Win- dermere saw mills, crossed Lake . Rosseau on the ice the first this. season When they reached Big Island they found the ice in some places only an inch thick. ` -' :0 II h _,A__._J ,,,___ `l\__L___-__ "W85 iJ1{wi;iA'}..$7&r}'me Duntroon .= The Public School is well attended. the Sons of Scotland and Independent Foresters are `ourishing and` there will most. likely be a new town hall erected during the year. .,Mr. W. J. Bell, of Bands, was higbgy` isuccedsful at the 0n'ta.rioGvPoultry Show In Hamilton. He .eutered14 birds for com- petitionmndfreceivd lbvprizes, the extra. puiz `being ' they j'aw_eepf turkey of auyage or- variety." I T nu: nu . I L--'u-__,j.'._`-_1.___.`.. ;.(-4.';lA_ stake `tor the` beat, Ioyllncl VI. nu wavvs vvUI\vvJI 'l`l.e Thhornbury Smndard`_eey's that `Mr. White(wh_o got fooled omit of his . money in Toronto last week) does `-not live" in`e Thorn- bury, but on the town 11118 between Collin - wood and St Vincent: townships. Nobo, y from Thornbury ever lefctown with $80 in hiapocket. T A; . H -. .= \- :3 .1 V Lorenzo Wolfren '\gas'1ned `$10 5 Tcoih ' by J nqtioe ,Boy;er., .-jof_ Brecehridge. lot .59- |.ea.nlt.ing,.e. lady .-who was returnin home from church Sunday evenin . His '- ,ora hip `remarked ghee a. ]ady ehoul__ he .|_efe__ on L the streets oqwraggmmga h,e*.;1o` 9fg_lo9'E an-. night;u.at ;10.o'olock~in,t.he:moming.;r . V. 1 ,-- ___-u __.-_.:__ -2 LL- \1-..-|_ dL'.. .;x` IIIBIIUW '1' +3 I! Cltv` CI. r`CICT Ionnroaunnguau I - At the annual meeting of the North Shre Nev. 06., .Mr;:.:M.% -.eButton.' of'Berrie, was elected Genera} -Manager. The company in to be .congrutulp on`-;,the choice as Mr. Burtbn `is 'a' en't brim vih6`ue"`n`iincis1` and- exegutive ability yvilliconduct tl3e'0ompny`I a'alrs_"to7greater~bueeeoi `thfi -bu` teen" even` not. nttninnrl _.f`.nllinamnnd Bllah_ Illlflll III l`U\V IUD! I, IIDVU UIIJVU VVIW 7 Thou h food wan thrown out fog them, they won _ not comeo ghe tract, sud digdithego, It wupisimw um tum; ..;1'na `Kiln (0 BTUIIIIVF IIIUUBII IIIIUU "CU VV` l yet at._tai_ned.,-Co1lipgwoqd; .B_1l_letih,. A` I 1-; on; , _`9 I_'_ L>__-. llI_.'..L._"`_".`-l_` .."L. J Irv uvuuuIv\s--,-*\av_-nus, -v --- --..- -.-`_. An Orillia. reai}lerit on rag.&a.a.h in-`socia- forms the Packet t-hut -fhundred star- lings and crossbilln, (lriyqn _he:_-eh jay _t_he atnrmof Neii Yaii; hlvdiihch ` Thohgh fqdd was they __.. --_.-' .2 `IL. 5--.. ....I .33.}! LL.....' ruuuu us Luuzu mun uuup. ` Hunqreds of cords bf tan .... ..... -...... 1:r....a....:n.. 7 Bark are Tbpirig "1-my ..1h/1TEBiBS"l'8 or nA3R11i.{.' coixr `or snsmom AND" 1f1in:- gjP`A_q4~I:m'A%oUn`1c13iTkmoN. nt lot! In!!!`