" and of 600 men entered the jail es: Bakers- ville, N.0. mend junk _Qalvjg ;3;h_',ll`;_pua, ;;_ea_,lAsu,. `lad murdei3d1liia?Osbu16;1 js g;)ruugi;ze.t?.`= citizen oft` Milnenl 'cnum{y, " u . n "i`iS`ai$" forest, ab-Hun half 11 Inilga away, and Iyncly iidthim _ Seven `of. -{He S`nemtf?u?',poa'ue`._ were kjllecfin their o brtl to d fend ghe- prieoner.-' About 25 of the "mob were killed, and Among the dead and wounded were some of the moat promvneut. men :u; the cnnuty. The names of mouse of `the aheriffe pusee killed are as fallow: :-J. Williams, D F. Richie, R N JUDGE, P.. B. Same, R E Jahnenn, Wm R"-ed. T. 37 n;...|...-_ 1 n1 1,.__'1n n n-___-n Stoves ! Stoves ! %ST:c>ves I Mllls & l5|'axton s Celebrated Furnaces soU'1'-H smE DUNLOP STREET, NEXT TO THE CANTON TEA STORE. N BARRIE AND STROU D. ~"- ~1v.' '_` 115)}: Street. Ban-is". h `Permanent enlargements by gzjnew and beautiful process. 1'-9.-.' -av... ~":*' '~"'~"-'*'=,'~.9.e.-9.-,9 instalment: wi1l_follow during. the_ next. lulf ya. '- Fcirthgr dongtiuni to -than put- r_iocio._lmad wall be gludlytooivod by who vnnnn can . COFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL Kll\` i In stock or Made to Order. ' COL1..IEB..ST.. BA. R #2 I 3: A%PHoTo4s:rumc: othwolI s B_lock, Barrie, H1: By (1 I And all Funeral Reqnisitx-s Furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly [attended to. ' G. O DOLMAGE, Manager Stroud. Stepn : Works'and Show Room, 414-`: _ __----_ .-___. __ 3...... BARRA [7 D FR6l\I-T$3~.()().j??iI`{_-I)7)2`EN. FIRST PRIZE. BARBIE. 1888. 1889. ` 1890. 1891. `wanna: rxoum:..u. cmsmsr AND nnusmsw "I$ot'n umber Tvenfy-thwo in the tenth (`on- xcenion ohhe `Pow: shin of ltna. in the County .0: Simpoe. 200 acres. more or less. This farm `an we] and favors? 13' known 8! the homestead V of Illa lam J- hn Arnold ` is now a ared for pale by private crnmu-t. Otto no -A In boreceived for IhA whole nr c-vhar half of the lot.- A001!` at the on cos of the undenlnned. V ':.I?\Yi fflifiinianf Q. l`\IInu'ppu--u- 3: nouns west or me name Horst. I fancy Iuykuyu nun _ "Idiund1gf ..t.I:yi9z to kpifq DfA1on Mc- Quthz. Jha IIu_upi|ro..;u;'igh{: HOE: what, Illonj man of Auuquutionod Ibility basin: to dumb: the wildunzof. the policy which ha'h'n1:ichert6un p`n"rc`ad;` and has `uni-him-I. ~:ihg`up;(5,!;: dbuniddhi `Skid mount: yi JQH` _Qil`l :Y, IY`Q`I, the policy thug 4099 A nI'i'o::he'~5;th '|imis~,.ot :81 uofulucuzaml ought-oa~>bb -i|i0'.'tIiIIOiI'."=-%~"'.- ` :2 And: it E.`Ifill_'; fb mndio'd.~.- 7' Nb'ivb BEban and pvsllticisnq any try _t.mhodb -tln_org0u|i-J A--:03-A nnnbn `J-an-plan-. In.-.. J...-_'L..._. . ._L -' _ . Aosllsolloited for all kinda of fnnues, PATENT MEDICINES. DYE ` T `STUEFS, sons, comes, ~ 4 mp BRUSHES. NEXT noon '1o_'_IITI; or commas Keobs_th head Farm FRnMj; .1) wmwmr. pro _mote growth, restore-a crew or faded h.d- to Its nmural color. PRICE.$l.U0. For sa`e by all drukgists. or at DO I- N W E.\' US, lu3 nd M 105 Yo:-go `street. Toronto. ` . , nw. DORENWEND s gzauuu HAIR MAGIC ' rnnsannnoits dunvur oonouxnxn. QAB I EII` S `TOILET `ARTICLES-I-A run. LINE. sue on ten or me undersigned. _. L"UN l`. HEWSON an CRIIISWICKE. V 30`-U`. . . Bartoten. Ban-lo.,_ swrrnm Kine, Photo. kw M 1. ` ' ` >Nm 1 on cow ran km-. Am.Iv.n MIL-4 JAN --u rvvuuvovuuuw III. II, UVICVUU Uni!" III!!!` mgggivo <:p.Arty~1onashct: by; duping. : sh; Union Jack our the tomb of Ba John mew 'mI.cHi cow you hAi;w,_ho6d linker. ApplyuollR:I.JANE WRIGHT. lll. _ I6-If. ` BARBIE AND Bmioeambos 1:~( )R SALE. -'--will be round-- Janna -y. :12` 15. 3 V'.E3..J:`J iing 1 there 11113 40 the 1 -1 see A sum With An` th ~'rn1 c typhus rover Epidemic in New York. nuui - and t `TIL ._ Wond Btrad Trave Anyw A Nowd V\'atc Keeps Pond know .1; um? g to` D\.`\; H: C0111: trutt` ` "I`wm VLJOCII] 9'l"il|T church and etntoln Quebec. 211311 lilllk Yoxfl AnY \llA y do some III: I A had only off, ` jmu gI`:Ll) at tn vi 1 luuh amyt but 8. hi` He \ VV 1 L L From "IV LH U1 VV:l.-'1 outr deur pass 1110 gun emf due} 111111 bun Ely; J81 ma`- :a.- V % Lg, --_--. nnoomr nggu; u he im: the or 1 (lox 1:13 the She Like: the Trouserl. The continualvsuccessiou of boilw. pimpies, and eruptions from w_h_igh-`many suifer, indi- cates an impure stare of the blood, The most effective remrdy ie.Ayer'a Saraapnrilla. It expels the poision hurmlesly through the naturalehannelr, and leaves" the skin clean, andcear. ' ` taolted the divorce law of the stair,` thsf various ..intereste intimately ; connected ` Da__kota Divorces. ' l ildiehop W.__H Hare. Episcopal `of S mth Dakota. an evening or to 850 u"- people who came here for divorces and wit.h`.t_he busiriei. ':'*.Thi_e addrges rwpae. Vdje-V livered in the EpiQuupbl~OIt?ll (xirll. He said : Any iustt-ution or practice carrird cn._iu a c_uinui_uu_ity which is cupping the moral life of the community should be exposed and suppressed. The time has come in the history ot our fair state? when the divorce industry carried on here-. `should receive such treatment. - S vme say that it is a good thing for AS nith Dskuta to have divoroeseand divorce "suits. I say, that it is alarming, and our laxpdivorce laws have become I. nstionaltscandal. It is not so much the securing of a divorce which is so shocking ; it Is: the moral polygamy which is practised in in-urryiug again so. soon a men or Wulllil who had been courted while the _t-lltt for divorce to the former husband or wife was_peu'ding. It is the`-perjury. cu-mmxtted by the appli- cants. who swear that they intend to make their home here, and no sooner get their decree thanthey leave town, oftentimes married to another who has been waiting. The only thing left is a'fu-`Ir dollars and & huge ecandal Those who are belleltd ore hotel proprietors, orists and jewel- lers, and these.enco"urage this industry." v 1.1- IJUIIIIIUIII uuu &IJll.l \LllI'. wlll of than 6! tlnr mob Killed ar; :--_ uiih Work. [Wm Oburne, T. G Bailctf 1 Will Pen-y, JnhuAOaborue, Phil Growder, JimNauce. Wall Butlar, Hagey. Byrd, Owen '1 homar, J wk Phillip, and wvera others whose {names are not known` at present. ` Tho Oxtord Proteasor Always on the Side oflo country's l'oea.. ` b 4' Mr. Goldwin Smith. speaking on the hostile proceedings at Washington against Canadian railways said : If the threat- ened action is taken, it is not intended as a blow against Canada. We are too apt to think when the Americans legislate in` their own interests that_ the legislation is intended to harass or coerce pus into an- nexation. The meditated action against our railways is a measure of justice toithe American railways-r If the complaint of the American railways were from the Oil` ` nadian railways our Government would probably do the same thing. The Canas dian Pacic has by its political attitude and conduct made itself specially obnox- ious to Americans and also to `many Canadians. The cutbnut on the domina- tion of the Canadian Pacic may be - c In- dncive not only to the interestof American railways but to that of Canadian ll'(`0d0ll.l. The national purpose. for which the line was originally subsidized is now almost lost in the vast extension of its private enterprises. It is as much English or American` as Canadian." and is duplicating and threateninsz to injure other lines just as much Canadian as itself. Its quarrels are not over, nor need we allow it to in- uence our general" policy towards the United States. ' A Paris paper published two tactslllike-V ly ta make a stir in the medical world. The first is an exoplanation of a new treat- ment for nervous diseases by injecting be- neath the skin a solution of phosphate of soda, which-in this way is -not modied. by passing through the digestive tract." but I! taken up in its original form and acts directly on the nervous-system; a por- tion of the organism for which it has the greatest aiuity. Mr.iAlbert Rubin uses asolntion of ve grammes of phosphate of soda in 100 grammes of sterilized dis- tilled water. The second fact is there- searches " of an English physician. Mr. .Mapother, on the inuence of food on baldness. Since I hair contains not less than veper cent. of sulphur, and when gray 20 per cent. of silica and 10p per cent of iron` and manizanese, he ciaims that two of the -forms of food that nearly everyonetakes each day-.-beef and [milk -have by their chemical composition the. etfsct of A annihilating these priumrdial elements of hair. He thinks that differ- ent fonds, starchysubstances. particular- ly dark colored oats, which contain 22 per cent. of silica, have a powerful .ta0 in making hair" grow. The -races,of~men that have the--finest hair are usually those: living on starchy subst`ances`.snd: vege- tables. V - U V -wv-v n-IIII--v -tint. IIIIIU WIIUIIWBUVCUUI -`""' '- Sir Juhn A. Macduualns memury willif gl,_w ayglgcg igbgrighe 7l,g1l):`;gj,t,,`t,he,;,`_,\,;vurld must 2 jmbve, dfndijgiuthiizlnfgnxx kfu'.i.vshuL."`beLLer dun; he "L: I; If the C -us`OrVul.i,V`{-9 party is always gu-E iIig".t.n(fI)l`|mh as vuica7 Lfr-an `lbw t..-wb,A ` mi-`_ the tombyhey wtgn, for thepenpla mu: Ge rtaiuly `bury phefn ---Tun-unto N we. `go 'I" Izglrtgzlnggv-gag gag? g _.gl=y9 sgmgu ` who knaiu-`|.lNh'iiIiIe vi "n*lieaee b it. Q;_ `I .I._ A It s u .9 -u 7`vEsrl'yiiu this century. an imruornl woman came to New York from Europe. She raised is large family of child_ren, nearly everyone of whom; landed in u_ prison in early life. A The criminal iv-eycorde of the country show` thirty three. `hub'd,re_d of the progeny ofthat woman .h'av7e been. notorious felon: and inmate: of 'pem'ten- " tiariesuuud other pti|o|_1a'iut various parts of the country." i r..:-...~.;:... ....:.a.a..a. i...a.".I... .'..I.'-.:.....- ..c `ll uuv UUIILIUIJI I _ It isqnite evident that the t`ela't.ion' of the state and society to crime has not yet been put on a scientic basis, and just` where responsibility form-iihe..and disease. begins is as yet an unsolved problem.` Uucilthat problem has _ been: solved; Jthef groper tuazment. will re`m`s_ir_n an unr-` uown `entity.--[En .Apvs Ncn J. l . . . . L : kwcewpicoiis do Atii` whatnot mic . AFI4 so so mm as . V : ~~Tho :Putem-- 0on1.st~ Wmhinton Lha. gt-antid Ipntont on 5-device-worthy of `tho gnciont` .Greku., It i (3 iyqt o upotiun unduzjonntere Minmhondn. The`: idem: to nuke thitiiblo-:_ihip'gl-bihdi-' 6!; thin nud plight 4slu'nj1inpm in'It.I .u'I'vnri- on; gigs: `I:_o t `th9i1hr.zou` and thnunby qndrby W0-n: than -I niaVh&. Imdnelly . prod uoeT;iu;;.V.n1.nu6r* Mshdu ab-gnu: dfgitl V :9 ,u`:1|;,q:1.'1"_|__;l`giIiLIfQ.ib_+|;`yi die" fuhionsblm ; hull * at tb``worId`.' `Tho sluminum bandire provided w_uh'ii-iua,i ihih~ are` iiivdd. dmvn. Dig? .3110 Iouuidg mm: uatozcpouipreu . tho aunt! Qdu-xdlziudi.` the-abload e-blckr; no any dmiwud:Itstq"bl -'dimiuIItivm\_uiI.x - i Tho \ui8a'ii`at'I3' `xiii ud'_vi'6d'*Ai:i`_"t3nid`:`jiii Q-`-' an -nub . The French pres: seems to attach con. siderable importance-_ to the (!m0'IlfVlIil paid by latent -`Governor Chapleau to Cardinal Taschereau on N ew Year's Day.- The clergy and VRo:nan Catholic pnpula-. tion of Quebec are said to be jubilant over the `event which re-opens the relations be- tween Church and State Referring to the matter, the Canadiensays: This in the first time for many. years that a Lien- tenant-:Governor makes an 1-oial visit to fhearchbisbopric of Quebec.` Upon the; arrival of Mr. Chapleau, His Eminence went to meet him and gave hitna seat by; his side. They had a few minutes con versation, the cardinal` appearing_visibly impressed by an act which thecitiaens of. Quebec had not witnessed on the part of thepllieutenani.-Governor for many years, This occurrence has dispelled the uncom~ `for-table feeling that existed concerning the delicate question of the ceremonial in the relations between the Archbishop of Quebec and the Lieutenant-Governor? At the recention `given by Mr. Chapleau on the f Illowing day, His Eminence wentto the Government buildings, accompanied by Mgr. Marois. Upon his ar-ival, Mr. Cbapleau walked down the steps of the throne and came to meet him. After a hearty `shaking of hands and theexchange of the best wishes, the Cardinal took i'lsaveTand~ was escorted by one of the mem- bers of the Government. These visits will renew the almost interrupted rela- tions between the head of the State and the headof the Church, for it is knn-wn that for a number of years past BisE ni- nence attended the opening of the Lettin- lature. but the relations between the State and Church were limited to this. lAll congratulate the VLienten,ant-Governor upon aiproceeding that has had such a good result. ' " Bln o so well u`5bluuo _'rra_n|inItol}plo. The Detroit. Free Press hug the follow- Researches or `Physicians. . What play `come. It is,now some weeks since the Ottawa 1 correspondents and editorial writers have 1 given Canadians any new information re- garding the Manitoba Schools Act. It? may he said. of course. that there is` nothing to announce. jBut the people of "Ontario have hardlv, forgotten the` threats which the press of `Quebec has b on mak- ing regarding ihis, to `them, obnoxious ineasnre. Sir J ohn Thompson has been appealed to to do. hiautmust for the nulli- fication of the act. , A_ It would not be an extraordinary thing if the. French-Canadian editors were doomed to disappointment. Sir J ohn Thompson is not the man toriskibis new- ly found hono_urs in an attempt to `placate the hierarchy when a' satisfactory arrangement can otherwise be a eeted.- Nor are the ;,bishop_s._o_f the.,R-man Cqatholie-church, in Canada_- astute men, meat of ihem--likely to `insist `upon the `Premier's doing ;his utmost for their Maiiitoban; on-religiunists... T. 2 ,__,,I__._|_ .|._. .1... `.......&b.._. mill I 7 % y . 'c7o}u}I..e-dT" Hickling-ws. littlewalnut tree. v Hall- was lirst seen in such place. Hsrt-hs.d -that animal. for his sign. on his house. 'Henderson`-_-the son of the gentle one. Hewson-A-'-son of the. striker. Hoorsft-- the skilful or cunning one. V Holmes-- lived on an islet or near sremarkable oak Haight-.--lived on an elevation. `Hornsby-lived by is winding stream. Beifsrn-V-`~not for lifting. Hunter-Hunt one who followed the chase. Butan- lived in a cabin. Hennard-one. who keeps fowl. `Huddlesou.-the son or the bungler. Ha.rper-used the harp with ef- fect.` H.ayes-Hay--w'as first seen by or in that article. Hill lived on an elevation. Beale}-7-the little one concealed`. Hodg- son?-son of him who shakes. Hypson- son of the melancholy one. Hupgard- 3 the embraoer. _. Hig_oins-one having pro- visions for sale. Hsmlin-oame from n small village. `liewit-t-one who chops or ` outs. Hitts-the one found __Hamilton --had his home in town. Hood-one who wears a. cowl. Hurst-live_d in the woods. Hubbert-_-mad.o naves. Hinds -"--a. `servant or rustic. Hobley--a little clown. Hawkes_-trained hawks for sport- ing.` yHans_on-came from one of the Eanse towns in Germany. Hsggart--`-the lean one.` Hogg---so named "from the sign on his shop. .Horseld-cared for that -animal at pasture. Harn'1on-produced sweet sounds from strings. Han/dy--the dexterous one, Hawkitns; Hsllet-little_ Henry. ' Luruuzoonn; UU'l'eIu_uuu nun - 1 . (It is probable that the `-matter; will simmer down to an. understanding that Manitoba will have to do without. reme- dial le2ialst.ion._eo lone as Sir John - 4 leads the--Guvernmem.. . The bishops will be- toldthet` they must "already know then any pv'0pnanlefr0_m the Premier. in the wayof remedial legislation woufdbe cer- tain Atovegir up is feeling of [discontent `whiqhkmight eventually -result in e. popu- Jeri I|zitet.iJn_ that `would dethrone the 0'umervetive[ G_0'V4ernu_1ent." -Iujwill come dovim; to (plan; .stewl1iet_it. to `those ' in gthotity .'n?,-the] eh urch`-1~he`t V it -wm, `be . )0!:9;;9LC_hQi`lf i.ig1Olfe`e,t to hive Sir Jvhn \ i Thp'igpu9n:-x;eqier than to risk his defeat 2 bmdopsuuxaleuiomionwhich-cmild unt- ` l>\i't,be_dje/te_n1;.efu| to t.hevmai,.m,y, of the e Cen I_di`I.n.eople.4='I`oi'onto'l`elegrem. '- =-%1i:1;i&fesa,%:ut `craggy, where` 1);-.: Pagyws 1 ._leas an`t`-P_i:llets.ar'ei tamer 'th`i1~'-o:hor -pulls : ` .-"`I|nh"~In Q-Ins 9d`innnn# `A:Iu'&`.'nn`f`, inlnlrn PAYS FOR1 THE ADVANCE FOR ONE YEAR. . 1'-,ll7'$8IlI|a IHIIUUU, IV. l V|0"VI' III II Uluiil IIID 0 11`. ~'They re.t;h_e smallept. and ihiet is-take 3-j-'-ii,ttle`ia'ugi;'r coated `granules that eve?! child f' 2-` '_l`liav_re` peffqctly easy` ii1'their' -ctio'n`- 9;qggnnoT*dmnrh4ne=~ ~ - j :1m1:--L1_.-. =:'nvr.;*_;o- _g;'. , . .-J` ` ; *3? "1'qeu- em~ct_s--um '-'1'ner9's no" reaction derward` ~"'1`hey-V `nf-guiiree 'or cleanse the system. acoordipg to a_ize of dose. -; *' - - 1 41% : u!l`:he'v.-'19 therchaapest-.,= qrnhev reguaran- teedxtojs '96 uiyipfantiqn drxyqmwmom-yx ris l"!ui'l}: 4} -'s pa'y.v,~oniyf.fo: the .good ' you mi: .:,.-::1 an P-.~:..:w.va mum`; '; 55:`.-: |"""'.'..""'. ".7" I'f""M"`-' "'T"'."" -""` -:,-1:1 {$12 r_j .'-321).. 2. 1 ;,>1:!5r;V! '; E" ~ as 5. '*'Pntup_ xgfgasaeiuro-giwayb frdah%.g"- " ,1 on. :~7Thuy curd%`(?1ogIs':Jipt|tiun4'i`%Int1igdsl7Ion, Bi|$oua:`At&aukh._I <.icl:vo1<{ Biliouaa Ftiiduches, -dernvngemehutdf liwr, .a:oma'oh und Q 1:: .- - naunnnnu, at an Il`lIl||U"lI I LU VI-I. J. E. Bcknoi'.,J. W. Luvs, Paupell: G. N.` Hsllield ma Tum run. The uununnnn -.` QLA... Q. LL... .-.....I-5 ISQIIAJ ....._ . Excellent Investment 11- `. ;`-`.' 1 !#9.x:s::.t':as Va. - guapru perIqcuy.ea_.1y In Bneuf "action- :`gr' i!$;'I:I_b"'diftlll b6l1_ce,"" " ' _ 3`_`` hexfifcu`-ldat"A `ora's roreafction laJ-...`_/_..1'.I: .-'.`lI\|.._'._ . "__4_._I:..`,. . _.. _I,__-,,` vjvgvtldlll IVBIIBIIBPTE Willi IIu`UI'I. cums 1.50110` UUIKUXWFIUII. -[ ' dig` ' -` `V - - Sour Stomach, Diarrhea Eructation. ......'"*::.:.... -":;:?f1..c."`::::;;:;=::* " rm wow W` ~==-- "- 111 so. oxnox-dst.,`m,onyn. 11. 2. wu3?'i%u1ous medication. On|torl'aiaoowe1lTaVlapf4;slAtohi1drau:that Colic. Constipation; flinnnvnv-nnn lo .. .'........:..- a... ...... ..;.......`..-...:.._ I Qnnll Rtnmnnh, T)3.'_r:'hn=_a._ Enlctatiol Oilr Named. THE :sNORTHERN ADV ANCE. for lhfahts and Children. .Typhus fever 1! now undoubtedly epi- demic in `New York. Before 10,o clock -Wednesday morning the health oicers had discovered ten new cases. all on the -east side `of the city and in the most thickly populated district. These cases make the total foot up to 81 victims since Dec. 1st, when the plasma tirst broke out. There was one death from the disease at? North Brothers Island during the night. The pest-hole. ' 34 Bayard-"street, where the first case was discovered, was found to have thirty-seven beds in excess. The total number of lodgers in" all the lodging houses in the city is 15 000. The Health Board will meet to-day to take addition- al stem against a spread of the. plague. T John W. Herry, a newsboy. an i. mates of the Newsboys Home, on Duane street, was found to be suffering from typhus fever. Three more deaths from typhus (ever were reported during the day. all of whom had been -taken from 34 Bayard street to North Brothers Island. Tn!" curred County, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. so-any _ ..,V..__`uv` > %'*..LAa.::`:a':2%.'m. 2....%:s.:":.:"*=`3`*'::.';% ;:f&*!`otho`r~unq:ua.cua man l V mo:-of Johnmul mlgugh m.'.,M. ; vj"-.1N3UNg E.` R.IlAN'l`,_ ,BA B (lgporuars and Del: era {n'r:og1.'of'.11Rg1, ioorcewV1`I`.9,rd!6 60' 61 I: W!!! `P: .-lmu. aoinentu of. nlu!`-k`:IgI' Fv'oBr1 3Innt4l-an-n . "Ah-_` . tnltnhnnnn no .15.}! 'f"`7"`:"~: .`;':. : `:..;.vt;,`."7 Bath! 10!. ml. ,I. .|!m..t.i'! .-na _sm-s v ; .=.~~Il|9oII!|I.I- .. . ,'lu,sv:'- mngu{ixyu`tnchs- :1 moan. ma `ncu :i1&v)$-1 W; . `Write for rimatcs tor. -Bed:-from `g'~'; . (Ham:-ntnr A run an xll he nnnnul-uni" 'I'IIIl '~l IyIl'lVI5l|l .l`III00]lI BIN! IWIIBT `IIUWOF in .11 he. .e.nmmatco zfor. Bedzi-from 3. . c. to; ft . diameter and scan wvl. be mroria-ed" mm `-hi-up `they `are at .' 15;` cost.` and the Bulbswlll lutlor years with ours; . ' - = ` T 1 A I {II A'\`TI:\ v\:I-:u-n . til ilbklsi I1iiI%% if;%6&7n i-. `.-unu, ' \JUllIOIIFI 0!. lull-'.`l1l|I1Ivl'll < ".`i`'-";..`?.`:."..* 2.-E'..`: ~.. ;:"`..-; - I . . . 0 .1 `_'*rI;e;=un_h df"'g31in" um; 1 nh:::f~gn7 ache:-`End. hind an M manna Li `Jul 311-`! .Y0HNSON. ..,"1.f mm ..-.a a`.m`a`."co.1."T +.?$1``.`.f". "" `In? nun. nu-H ll-in a.al't1.`..'1_L~!in.:...v 1In".n_ %?_AyeI"_ s_G_l1rfry Pe'ctora| -Some years ago the French Govertiment tted out a scientic expedition for the purpose of making explorations on the lite of an ancient palace in Persia. built by a mighty warrior." ve centuries be- fore Christ. The "savant to whom was entrusted this expedition. M. Dienlafoy. waaiaconmpanied by his wife, herself very. learned, and a well-kuown contributor to archwslogioal science. To facilitate her .. work the lady assumed male attire. and spent several years of hardship, almost without communication with the civilized w_orld.;expnsed~to all-kinds ef. piivption, ' for nthe intellectuali enj nymept cf,e'xplo'r- {pahthis Uamciul .D.a|ace.. Since.. her` re- -_.. -3 n,_:_ -v-.' -.,..u.-.-gnu, -4--av: , "My`wife suffered from a. cold : nothin helped 7 her but 'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral whicn e ected a cui'e."-R. Amero. Pjympton. N. S. Pr;pa red by Dr. J. (3. Ayes}; `Co._, Lowell Mags. Prompt to act, sure to cure I have fecommended it to hun-dreds.~ .I nd th Lmost effective way of taking this medicine is in small and frequent doses."-T. M. Matthews, P. M.. Sherman, Ohio. 7 ullhq or II` II` In no - - - DYsI5ap's'IX.' `T6uNEss. d,oN`s'nr=A'noN. HEADACHE. % `SALT RHEUM. scRoI-'uLA. ; A HEART BURN. soun s-roman .D1zzINL=:.-ss. IBRQPSY : l'n._ll'_"I IAA A-I-I QAA 1-Itlsl I-\|~l,-At~I-n ';I-11-yIIiIu-~J-in .,I-lr\\.d"l"&? n IRHE-UMATIS/\'.\..5KlN oIsEAE excels all similar preparations. It is endorsed by leading` physicians, is agree- able to the taste, does not interfere with digestion; and needs to be taken usually in small doses. . uneerly recto:-an 1135 proved ntseu a very emc1ent rein y for colds. cou ha. and the various dis- order: of the throat an lungs."--A..W. Bartlett. _Pittseld. N. H. ll`! ,.I I '. Cl C . no A For the last 2 years I have been taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral or lung troubles. and am assured that its use has - NW i|-.if<.=- In a dangerous emergency, A'YER's CHERRY PECTORAL is prompt to act and sure to cure. A dose taken on the rst symptoms of Croupor Bronchitis, checks further progress of these complaints. Itsoftens the phlegm, sooths the in- amed membrane, and induces sleep. As a remedy for colds, coughs, loss of voice, la. grippe, pneumonia, and even consumption, in its early stages |_ug.I;u|u upluuun _ugIlulJU.- ., uuIuu..uBl.' l'I' turn $6 Paris thdrlady has refused to re- sume thp.inoonve1.ient garb: of femtniue oouventionslny, and with the full ouulent of her husband Ind under. uieoiol permit from the pnlico the year: the 1_-euular mu- ouliuo dress in` Bari: on all occasions. -- r rom repeatcu tests m my own tamnly, Ayers Che Pectoral has proved Itself eicient ..-A..._ 1`: cl... aI.......4. .._.I.._.... II A 111 n___.|_-. `Reguiates! the Stomach, .-Liver and~Bowels, unlocks theSecret.lons,`Purifiesthe V `Blood and%_r'<.:mMoves,all im- purities` from a.1>i_mple to rt.hc_wort.'orgfi.al9us;Sorc... " From repeated tests in my family, Ayer s Iherrv Pectoral has nroved self a verv emeunt 18-ti. ,-.--.f\`vv3rf1`>"x.ia':aiLs;`:.ui%: Az15ii:i4xiIa: no`: :7. mandsle`. ~ Tolaphbno 15. AYER S M.'3%'19rr.Pet.ra! `A .U"'*: 3 Zj A AT HAND lgaura sooord tho; canadlanr Bar-auto or 1813. At hat a royal .recoiznit.ionr of __tho heroine : great service it . bing-rahown. Apr, p_he atvwo legislature! of_ Qnt_ag_va.` and Oatag-9;; vmo. |mab|9 Ito; pntargpjg; the petition oflast year for a" pension to two inrm uranddaughtermroident Guelph, and `formerly -provincial school teachers`, `'51: annniznnn n` Ohm mnnnnba nip-u --L....I- wu;mm_wirmt:. ; j A n_- .r.`I_' aw Ivuvu DYVIIIB um use .It_tho'Np!'th9ru: nhn It.l!o.-at. nanr uh. 5 Put in atahort notice. A full stock of Iron Pipe for Steam, Water and Gas, Globe Valves * Stop.and_ Check Valves, Steam Gauges, and Water Glasses. All work 3 10-9 4 - _ ` in `this line promptly attended to. FULL BLOOD 00! 'If, vlo weeks old. NEW R0 -\'l` with Cushions, (`mo--u e-tn. Pin and Spoon Oars. boat house rent `paid for one year. 2 narond-hand FINE PRUUF SA lI`R'. 1 new Doube Barrgl Braech Landing ~l{0'l.`.GUN. 3`gr';AggnA 711.` ` gin LAISHLEY. Man. ariger I?BiARRy|`E STOVE & FURNAGE DEPOT ALL THE MOST` APPROVED MAKES, WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FUR; NISHINGS, AT MANUFACTURERS PRI_CES. i FLETCHEBAmR(JWN LEE iX.."r'f`Eo..`u&e.` %r.,n..am;.;.VaT.:...~..1 the market- Tl}:6S :1`e,8tdxhpd T. B. & oi. Alk ` yoiiiw Eig`i-beer for -853`! :~ S` them; I`I'4IIII7I[ VIIIVIIIUICI -UlI\'l'I' U.G""l'-' Qha inapotor of the Torontp gcy |ch_uol; ind his lat-go,ata' of tonchdru have reaulv ed to unite in active sympathy towardi the invahd Sanford ladies.` and in loyal to- oovnitinn of t.he'iI-`grant mother : her--iun in days. gone `by: The .rot_rin_uu|u:,e,|`:;A-is 0hr'1nt ixuia s zift'-`Ahu boob tiauimittiad by the Rev. Canon Bull, ofingnu Falls South, who is, by request, acting` is I3-n-Liilsfil mr. 'I!.:`.......;11.a...|~. -"""3inC`u1qh , -2-" , . `}tIs51~;ot.Ass rank 1'5 *3 - LE.- Lo . 3 I8-`int !-h,conM-ulon ct Veppg-3 thrgetggsi an inn]! mu... lmm n...:-' ...n. ..-n n.- _|___._ ` unn rrunnaa ranu l""" B ' 1411- not N0. i! :18-ln1.'luh,cotm-onion Von-pr: three and we lf_mil-3 tcom Barrie` will sell the whale loto"nt:y acres. A091)-to J. A. DUNN. [name 9. u. . 30-tt. ` (2-. G. SMITH, UNDER TAKE R. thse goods properly and allow an early choice vjvehave'ope'neda SHOW ROOM in basement of Ross Block, directly opposite the old stand. SI}-DTT, BooKsELLE:2,.BARR|E mgullhnd `Provsiovw ngvegdrlny on any Ru-ct , on .1on,s,cannsnu.3`6u1u mm. . as-u #}a;:~r:v%a1 of nevv Xmas %G`rOodsV`fr6m%the Old Country. -FoRsALE- -%.-`--mad `By the;-- Bomb, who is, by noting "(I 0;;-eqiarrgcglituc 'Bxigonw,tuh;l; :,"`f)b:g 1';hi_y ns`t`dlqaent:n"v_wl!.__follgw