Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Jan 1893, p. 3

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Q posted 15 _ nail. 'on and the ` for breat- _ _unce. Re-A g I From the West tor all points in New. Brunswick; . Nova ScotIa.,P1-Inca _ Edward Island. Cape_ Breton and Nowloundlaud. All the popular sea bathing fishing and mea- sure tenors` o! I anadn. are all along this line. n Dmlmnn nnl-n Inmvinw Mnntr.-nl on Mondav. ` John. N. H.. Wl'l10l1l'.('DLng;5 ' l lose cnnneouinns made at Point Levis with the Grand rrunk Raiaway and the `Bicheieu -audUut.e.1jio Navigntio (`,ompa.n\1 s steamers from Montreal and at Levis with the North Shore Reilwav. ` ' `Elezzant rs:-class. `Pullman buffet. and smokmg cars on all throutrh trains Fin-gr. nlsnn refresh ment rooms at convenient . mwm; reaortx _o|' ! anami. are an 8100]` llll uuu. ! Pullman cars leaving Mont:--al on Monday. - Wednesday and F`-i my run through to Halifax. and on Tuesday. Thursdty and :5a.tu"da.y to St. John. N. H.. wiwhout (-b -Lnga I I Inna nnnnhnlhxn made at point. Levis smoking an tnrousrn trams First class refreshment rooms at convenient distances. ' - IMPORTERS. AND EXPIJRTEFS __yn n , 3 .1- - _1_-__._._---_- 5.. ...... aka- -Anon -`n INTERGOIONIALI V ` ||l|I IJIII suvnav -VI`: uuuu --v- -~ will and iv. advautegeoua to use this route. as It is the-qulnkest in point of time. and the as low as by nny other-. Througn treighw forwarded in feet special train-. and exggneno - has nroved the Iuterooloniul route to the quickest for Euronennh-eight to -and from all points, in Canada and the Western Sta.t.eP. T - rm..1mo. vnnv ho nhmhma and All!!! lnfnrmn. 1 LT5HE DIRECT 3ouTI-: Bl:a.t.eP. ' ' | Tickets may be obtained and also inform I tion ebnut the rou e and about freight sud passenger rates from V- RURERT R. M- v0DIE. Wester Fr-eiizhv. and Passenger Agent. . 923 Benin House Black. York er..." '1`o_ronto. nnr\lII'I'II\1. .11an IMON$OON| and from mmion of 1d,` Bfitit-h cd states, qnies. Asia mu saving I3000. ha- f|`Iiin'k1"c1'iiet .m of aye... _p}id`anq_ fa_x:rcyLG;%ooe1`le: in town, 'QUALI'1`Y HIGH. _ V " Pmcns Low; 3741 PURE mm fII:E:TTl`gDA:N mu: wotinn _ you Strong1.V[ % !a.M ;%aeT1w%tL, mm :n%AsAvmnscn;% -. last; % _ SUBSCRIBED CAPiTAL %%.fa-.f..%.,..;.; * Doha`-ithilli a last ` _ V" udnodaycundonb; = ` LII sA'r1s1rAo'noI~`; GUARANTEED. ? E.%J3iRooKs,_ RAILVVAY. . _80l.E .Acsuwroa Imus. NDT. or Barrie T INIAN M n -av:-vv -.-.~v-- -v-- D. rorrm-$n:R. Chi. f l am, my: I uuuouv 8-Iv south lido 3' if ` .. 73nd Flavor. l N '5 Ii 31. Chi; f superintendent |`?u`fuontninu%Agv`Anos I` .. urn . `E'l:`H' I%A I)`VlN3l his A CIIIOULATIOE` - ,or.ronnuI.nn%nuunnno AND r . ops. co!-ms. . limoetvnpt denhle ehst of my cum Paper published in Barrie. sgotmn Non: -mm I102." (12 lines solid nonpaz-ell make one Inch). V111 -st insertion. 10 cents per line. Each sub sequent insertion, 4 cents per line. Reading notices. 10 cents not line for that n sertion: 5 cents per line for each subeeanenv ,Inne1-tion of the same matter`. All items under 5 lines of this character charged as 5 ll :93. v,._-a 1\nn-n_I -._J t\_..-__...A_..a _a_.-_pl.A ` 0 111133 U]. Ilul vl|DIuvv0L vuu-awn Inc v - ,Loga.1.Vomcm1 and` Government `Sci;-tine manta will be charged at above rates. Contract advertisements will be taken at th following ratelainwhich are drafted on 0011001 commercial 1) oiples. and. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contract after present oontraots expire. there will be only one urine tor all: ---u-g--.--u--- {i;Ei.e.......,.... I 9_ .1. ._ I I-l-I__.._ -ltnoha,-ooongconoanoo All 9.. A -_ 30505 -' -9.--you 5 Inches. 'i6&i.ii.ii.Ll lolnoheo. i Column 20 Inches. 1 Column oonrnaor annuals. I Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to. chains: advertisement: must be` handed in to the o ce not later than Saturday .at 10 o'clock. and the corn! for such chance must be in the Anvuzcn oice not later than 12 o clock noon on Tuesday. in any week: otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not hemade public until the week tollowinc. Avnl-r.lnAI-a will nnt h allowed to use their `For (me month-the three monthly rate wlth _ 15 D01` 06111:. edded. r ' >'F'er two months--the three monthly rate with to per cent. added. - 6' Preferred poeltlone in the paper will be eold et In advance of one `third on above rates. I This rule will be etrlctlv carried out_. not humane nnnuo unm_me waex Iouowuuz. Advertisers yill no; he allowed to use their ounce` for` advertising enythln outslde thelx own 1- business. She d they do so. trenslen rates will be charged for such adven- I-In-in-nb IIBIUIIU I I11! daemon: \lIlLILla1uIlnu_ nrv -wun -u-u-u-u -uv Condensed advertisements on First Page such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found. Property for Sale or to Rent. Snecitic Articles. Eton Etc.. must be accompanied with the cash. -and will be inserted-F'irst insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion. 1 cent D6!` wordinavnos. addresses. and an:-es counted as words): but a reduction to 1 cent per word will bemade when the number of insertions of tee amt`. matter exeeed Faun. %LICAfI`lON. Out: for Adiei-tlsomants nuuut In story one be mpnnted on nolld maul buoy. |-es` nuiuop st., aame.| and buy presents for young and old, Look at the large display and you see exactly iwhat you Want. Remember the place, Diamond Hall, R. A. DOUGLAS} I Loans can i be closed at once by making per- tonal uppllcfltinn. nus um RELIABLE AUBTIBNEEBI nmnnns uir. KINDS or nnmox anns. vfyvunvv Illv fuvvu :1 cans. nos-nuav ..v-v-- . 1! Order`: Ian at the Anvmon omoe will be attanrled tq. 35 A G. R. FORD. Are a. specialty. and lea intending to have `salon. will consult the r own interests by placing their sales in his hands. - 0fIOE-\'c-xt door to J. Ga.Ibraith's. nearly opposite the Queen`: and Barrie Hotels. .: t\.._i_..'. n-A. -- `L- A Iurugnuauun `n. curl`. kn FMPANY is nnnnnrnv (If % .They produce enatural fresh pink color on the,ch_eel:p and lips.. The most remark- ob_le and the most perfect of.a.`1 health giving rerhedieg, Thegreateet of all esh formers.` ',I`hey ' purify, enrich and strengthen the blood. The,nn1y...ue,._oure sud certain romedyifor all those 'dintreheit1_g complaints- go peculiar}. to` the female `vex. " `They got promptly -on the relaxed ` mucous membrane oh the `digestive . canal; =tud- in this way reqtorecito fnuiotinnu, : ;PaIe people `tuning pills npidlyucqnire nbeuntiful. c uidheolthtul-appearance. . .- % Pridv50c4pirbox,~or six=b6i:erfo"xf 32.50. ~ ff 4.: *5. : "`-`Ir"" -*4; .:. .1, . .. 2 `F ??? `M10 1 .!11.,d|"18|t!p,?t.!gl!t.b.\ mu `i-ioeiibtiifiiii. av 3`-:" .~,-I _'* f"l5'.}`J_7..-J"`: .:.. .2; -E ' nn. W|LKlNS l IUWUIFB PIJVU. flulviws ; nu mP.=WII;_K_IN8.Toronto,O. Re 01 No. of Inches Qilnn - ;.N0'i*1i1Nq._uKu THEM on EARTH. A FARM STOCK SALETS G. R. FORD, Tlnusmxr . THE JEWELLER Cure. ooxqn_nxsgnn_ Anvuxrtauxnnrrs. In:.__A 00N'l'RAd'lf . Blood --GO TO---- 45 Ire- Pills. Tn: lolmienu Anvmca --STEAM-%- |mm1'11u: HOUSE, .`6i'c E I23 numnr sr..aAnnIE, % L1-IA8 uIiImvA|.|.I:o FAOILITIII PIIOIPT RID TASTAEFIII. EXEGIITIOI |nnnmn Jun rmlms; i 1041 respectfully adiicit moportunlty to furnish estimates for all kind: o! T workln All the styles of printing, incl CARDS, JJJILLJILV ULDUUJJAIIQ RECEIPTS, omncxs, ommns, ENVELOPES. j A full line st .u mean. NOTE HEADINGS, LETTER HEADING8, MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS. WEDDING omns, VISITING OAEDS; MEMOBIAM amps. PROGRAMS, V ommns or DANCE " MENU mm): `rnooxs mp PAMPHLETS, POSTERS-P1a_in and Ornamental. DODGERS, FLYERS, EQUITY or REDEMPTION, S1`ATUTORY Lmsna. iAT TORONTO PRIOEO Dumps, % uonmaanzs. cm TTEL MORTGAGES. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, j A8$IGNMENTS` or MORTGAGI AGREEMENTS or FARM LEASES, RENEWALS OF OHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE or ` % X ` ASSIGNMENTS or % ' OHATTEL MORTGAGE. ~ I ABSTRAOTSTOF TITLE, mo DIVISION COURT BLANKS, uAaIs*rIums BLANK8, . $URROGATE OUURTBLANKS, OONSTABLES Bmmxs. Bisnk norm. of my kind pz-Inked id ordnr- ' I ` ` |rocK1 nlnamnvl ooumv or slncoa. W 1-o:a .1399. Published by the Proprietor, 5. we-toy ; Ban-lo. -nOoplui95; no qathy` on rioolpt of tbs I. the but Ono nonu_.? pusnuhol V In the Oonntv of Simopo. and Inn - _ the lnrgqt drnlntion. la. ii8L_l!;hblu$_ g1dPmm!a;I --0I' ORDERS OF ALI. OLLBIIS 0l -- _Afull1ine6f BLANK FORMS smrnunnrs, -BILL HEADS, ' NOTE omovmns, LETTER OIROULARI hurt-nmu ` 1'1 vllflill LDVAICOI Always kept in stock MORTGAGE. SALE or Linn; HOUSE` LEA.8lI8o SNIPEB, mo; {sand [JW ere: rs and antage - Iis.Works. T pretty fithose ; friends {ure_s at 910 an MFAIV 1 no economy or principles. `ence; Lib- an, nor less plan. Total` nrnnnnv in. ears. DOV er` made to STOCK. [PANY 'EL- 3 1'01" 14-tf. DOW nnn. LUV UUIII, Hutu nuvuuu nu... `.'vv|Invnn shrink, . ` Hope promieed much -but little gave, My forward look is death - the grave; ' But there's a. promise I havelheerd That In my need doth aid a.'ord. A richer promise, I ce.n.ea.y,A Than any of my eel-1y de.y, It soothes-my heart. like;:bee.ling balm, It lls mv soul. It makes it calm ; It rrengthens all m .fa.iling'sight At eventide it shall ight, ` FAST FALLS `I'll IVQNTIDI. - ~ . ' v--~z ;."g!`,|?'*',\'_.\ 1,.-":<~ -V.y._A;-3, :5. .,__ Fm can; we ;..u.%i;a:..o The words were httera loft slid Iow, The pallid cheek. the furrowed brow, The" locks all white with winter : snowy "`|-~~- AL... ..I.... I than I-Anfifv '.I.'h0 IOCKI Ill Wlllul wunu wuuwu u These, these. also ! they testify `The evening of my day is by. I did not think, at dawning day. So swift the mom would y awpyv; Nor did I drea.m`at regalfuoqn `;,:Ll.`..A"; *;"-L .: That eventigle coultkcome` so` ; I did not even think to Be ' ` So old and nee. ' . ' pmu. xuuu` ompany in to total ab- ly `scooocm It seem d at mornlsosvery fer 4 T H Ere'I should reach the evening star; . . V At norm I still felt young and strong, All full cf hone. all full of eong, - And age seem d. ever far away, M Until I felt its withering sway. Alas! I nal small space betweenw The morning with its shine and sheen An-1 evening with its gloomy shade, V With all its load of hopes decayed. Ah. heart, the truth I cannot hide, Aronv .d me falls the eventide I've almnst reached the river's brink.` I The cold, at-k stream from .wh_ich ..l....... Not like the radiant light of morn. ' , When day and hope are gayly born. That fades so quickly from the skies, A We weep in sorrow and surprise. - But this will light my pathway through. Till I begin life s day anew. 1\ nv n,,,, ,o,_ ru.__-.;_-.... .; nr_..l. -strongly attracted to Mr. Gladstone by p more discreet in fact to leave the question ..`.` cnrrent 'l'_'In1ca.*w 3. '_ :_ the_.,Cana.-. Mr. _G|,,adstone s portrait -by l. dian artist. Forbes, ~was--unveiled atra - banquet of the National Club recently in London. The Hon Edward Blake is re- ported to have said that Canadian. Liber- als themselves knew the blessings of Home Rule, and therefore had been most his effu-ts to solve the Irish problem. R9- ferring to Mr. Blake's earlier statements in Britain upon this subject. Guldwin Smith save in a letter_ which appeared in the London Times on the 9th of Decem- ber last L-I must alsobeg de- . mur to Mr. Blake sreported assertion that Canadians, whatever may be their difference of _opinion on other ques_tions,s_ are `united in f avor of Home Rule. should say that Mr. _Blake. when he lastl visited Toronto, had as conclusive evi- dence to `the contrary as he could have desired.` Evidently Mr. Blake hnsjbeen impressed by the nnpleasantly` conclusive; evidence referred to, and so has narrowed his assurances of Canadian sympathy tobl. Canadian Liberals alone. But even in. this he does an injustice to Canadian; Liberals. We are greatly mistaken if the largest, most intelligent, and most inu-; ential section of Canadian Reformers are not as distinctlv onpnsed to Home Rule!` as the Liberal Unionists of Britain. The ; reception given 'Mr. Russell's speech in; Toronto is in itself cogent evidence of this. and if Mr. Blake persists in calling upon the Dominion Parliamenteat its next session to reaffirm its `vote of 1882 and 1886. he will nd that our representatives are now `fully instructed as to Canadian: sentiment : the answer Will be to him as unmistakeable as itwill be unsatisfactory ` and his suhsequent sneeches `will be robbed of several oft e_repeated.senten- ces `of great poetic charm. It would be I l I l undetermined, but Mr. _Blake'a strong - point is neither discretion nor prescience. .l 1 1 I 1 I 4 The banquet, as one would anticipate: ` of a meeting of Mr. G`ladstone s' most 2- diatingnished followers, was evidently ` highly enjoyable; as in accepting the pulp`-3 1 trait we nd the Eirl of Rosebery saying :` : I cannot speak more strongly because, 5 through the clouds of tobacco smolzeg . which envelopes it, I 'cannot'c1early dis-l cern the features, etc ` Proceeding Lord. ` Rosebery spoke of Mr. Blake (who was. present) as the most brilliant-brlltcr and ` one of the most capable statesmen pro-l duced "by Canada in -this generati_on.l. But the noble Lord's deep interest in colonial life has evidently not led to ani intimate acquaintance with Mr. Blake's; political career. It suggests rather the; possibility that even Mr. Blake did not`. loom very clearly upon ,the horizon of] Imperial politics until his -advent in .I_re'-i 'x 4! _ land. It may be. of course. thathe pnb} lic acts of the`leader.s"onty in Canadian us- tional life are noted by British statesinejn. It.m1y be that beyond the circle of the` political storm.-ends which" Bldlte ever been powerful `to cof:j'tiIe,Abu {dinet- tent to direct or cor.xt_'rQld,_b_ey;o'|).,dd qtliqe Umted States wherejhie in Canada. were P(]-|`]_1lyV",Qg- 7_tb,Q`_`) /rapid variations ef M1-,`_ _,_LL___ rapid /needle have been unnotod on ~,fo_tgQ_tt9l;..A . But poor Mr. ,Blske_! flint hxl'.iI'iliit. V. blushed--with the lawy,er`a.j,u1diqtgl`;;11l3d,;. , how uncomfortable he must. have ._fg_lt,__II., he cohtrnafad Lord Rnaeboryh nttorsndoi ; with the ._0ansdiun verdict. it-* pnetio prose, obthnsium. re. life. Argu-V mint iu,onJy Athvo vdhile of its` `onmllihni-5 >a.n. UII. ll. "UV IIIIU `I'D-IUD! III \IIIIC|lCo LII! `V ()Il .FI| HDHIK "I IIIYIIUIII DU Ill 'uIIIU' ` ""!"" -'1`-"-f*" 7 ""'3-"*3" 7 M . . .% 1:. k W&T_, th . . ,_ ,F d .,.s:..,.1.;{... it is`r.'}ua to t .7 .` In. ` 'h'c ' ,1." , %_`,*`\ I o ' E of `he `o!n`ch.n J , '_ ' - In`t1'gq'..pqpq`if3(q 25:13.1; .%pr-u. ehmh. extra? ~ ._.,.ngh.;..-them 1`lii-ia;%isi;:t:i*.i ng_:"i`'i_5Iecu'rr safari brilliint oia`61-1:" `,ii331 in g 4*o"I'orip-I other, sud chime vIn%l"Q_8 _ vnI:c;3% But `I v "1 `*9 "9"1,~ 99.7-.>:'?.?%r~,A.'=.f`-`*9 ;.%"5.! *9???-.z:9*!13!!- = 43*""' """""?" ;?14:4icQ;th&7!uQau'yftB.B:iU mainmdyaslr brillidnt orator of 'Ciintdq,-*~mV6IIffn*bfi 'i5`3n1fa:5t -J1`? 'i [ri`!i"IV91.f4`r$v_ionu1y.untrno 3 ~L"1,>.f.!gE;;-,;.g`9_A;;1I_a.t.t.,;rrp;;.tlK;ow% ,;.;;4. J on party": biwmwi I-"ond?6mo' Sat: ii;cniiaue!aba&5 5ti`Jini;?-{iioiifbifiiil-03 `L W`-ever-ntmay ha. . V1 cation. and :35? >"I" y`!--"veVb'i:_C lg` -if` may `work by-L1"|!5I`r I)_f`1'1ni'e|ntin'. *M'Ij Blake is-V 3 grA_oat`op_6ckm-,`T 669 ofl'a'0gI b_st`-T eat, if not the crestent in?0smds., In *`a~.r.l.:;v|.J!32`.?:1\:7`' g among. I .-- - uvn... -.-- - Anna D. Wazkekfmahriszsan at .tanuar*y:%12_;;.:1sss':}.: H Y '1` or all and d the culiar a. few rlnv Work. _0Iplbl";O`It;,| oOIQ_0VlI',,W?hi':.1?~ pro-. ` %;Vdudi;:!- We *0 5 Ilhown-ind directly reru`ca!.fi Ii` by his bery, Mr. Blake became annsng l4l;.;%-' `_V_\ M __ >>_i;. ,`,$`I`)udi?5i 3;-iivlilliiisr his Lordship s vocabulary and duh him-. 1 self "3 mngwnmp" in regard to one phase of the Canadian Liberal policy. -We are not sureiwhetherpthe term "mngwnmp" should, be thnanrestrieted in its applies. h tionilhoughlit.wasfnertainly very hand- some of Mr; Blake to go` as fer as he did; but of this we are sure, that the people who were denied his condence onethe eve of the last Dominion Elections- who looked to himforgnidance on one of the moat momentous" questions which ever oonvulsed this country-who took his studied intentional silence for approval-- who inpgood feithpvvoted and were_diaap-p ' pointed,` mi`sleda_ndAdeceived`-.-these, and the` neon gas as-we V110,, expgoesa or v Mr..Blekea love at country `Ihefyond the ; ` loveof: faction--tl_\kes'e inen have said-- this party feels; that whether general or. `special mngwnmp, Mr. Blake is one who, to borrow the lsngusge of Disraeli, hes tampered with the generous con-l 3 " dence of s great people and am-eat party. 1 I 003:. . Ax`! ehcvhend aiamy ra?ui. a by I Couedieli record an the almost universe! 1 _' gvoioe of Canadian Libelale. But, an we hid the banquet In: a. most enjoyable` ` one and in the society of my Lord Rose- ID is 1 `*`v- -vs---v- ' .... I l-.` ` s- wumv Informed {mt iurlx. '1 . -It iIan'.0pen qneiLt ioiI`A ih"3.In.{ Ii7it:"f pgayl` Samuel. W.. D,il};e..._in . the :,"Atluiti6. -Mbnh1y'5 for Ndvmbei-; 1Lvht'he1-' "ft"l_1fq_ Leueiy once. 1 Sitting in our onsv and happy homes, I D we seldnm think of the lnneiy me.n-he :'~whn has no hrime cheermnd associations. ' ' Throughout our cities end scattered 3] emnmz our towns and rural districts are : manvtwhn have lost `wife and children, or , whohsve never known the sweets of their , I I, cnmpsninnshio. or who `wander up" and down the wm-M friendless and orphaned $1 I _ for years. The ham-tsches of these hnine- H I. less ones, `whatever the cause `of their I` I lonelinesstheissdnssthnt `comes over -themhet times. hnwever much `they seek ` '1 tocover it from human vision : the sense _ H` of desnhstinn em ems. +.m-n-mum in iGhd Ii and in humanity which thev.t..f`!'eq.uent_ly `f I` feel; and the darkness which anthers -; 1:} about themes thevf` cv%n't.i*ir1bla;:t_e( th"'*i-`s. iftrisining dsys "nf"h`fe, e1l"' itpesl "tb5"_the f.e ft sensitive nature and evoke the prsverv *-I and sympathy of_ resonnsive snuIs.~. We i- should let thetnicnine into 0113-VsI;)tii1'fV.s:`f_.I'fI|` - objects-cf cnnsictoiitihn. psey,`-. ishiiii g;1p".j' and remember Hefnre? God? . Av pr`i..VVt:o,j\nd t:.fmf1f"y` devntiond, iiidegl I-oesinmrere `w:+-rwir no-~-M1,; <!.iliiz1i*5...: bu tn will tend to e;vhix_1k1_1,_:e,tt,n a greater c-xten t. cur; nppreciatinn. .. of, sndl. msatitnde for, .7 3?! ,b`.!'.l.5!'t!!} -are_ :* -not he `!'d'\'9`6.'h!y' more of __,? ,'.5iiixevi;lent;Zoo!1sit1:II'i:t.iiiii. can `thrown g- t~in|;mthru3; they`-esultnnt en- I5: .joyai:eit,itEe"n3dIVe5the$~Bie`3he enhanced- ` required orynermitted daiiy _' i leges for young women should not `be 1 N reduced. in the ground covered,` to fonr- I fths or three-fourths the amount of that ` required in colleges for men. This has; been done , Ibelieve, in ons`_..of_ our best colleges for women. so that only twelve- . or thirteen hours in a week are required. There are two reasons for this reduction i-the physicfalhnd the educational, The restriction of the daily quantity -is ._in the interests -of better quality. Masterful handling is superior to the slavish grind of mere acquisition; and: this power is A generally gained by spending more times i. over fewer`-things, ' Here lies part of the i secret of the superiority of ` the` country- bred boys and girls over others They; have thought much on a - few subjects. Too much ground is covered in the col- leges for men. Many of their . graduates know much but have little ability to do a I given thing in a way to. command the iresnect of the truly educated. . They_ ; have been widelv informed, but are. poor- ly educated. They never get inside of` ; facts into their truths. nor beyond them. ; through their relations. into truth itself. A I We all know that .to study a `few things, .; not to accumulate maesea of knowledge. but to develop powerand acquired method. ` that greatest of intellectual" instrurnents. is the best of T education. But the in- uences in the other direction are very strong. The eagerness. of women for 1 : knowledge and a kind of conscientious ` . persistence in worlrheyond their strength, ; increase their danger of substituting acquisition foripower under" perfect con. trol. We all need ever to` remember that mastery over self for high ends is the 1 `great educational aim. _` ' V ' . * "'unnuvj'uI_I-ur, lulu-xI'IlvI',' V]'IV._V I'l`!llll!-llla eu- .joy:iaeu t,`.th oA uriiilioir/lzriimo enhanced - In Inn. and-.:.thVo greater they hooomo in` th_a_,ex_oerianoo-. .*Thnn. .806; onl.,r`. _thinl: V oftqu of:`.th.o_V Ionn_I_y`V of 'Oliih_lfI5dit _'ry6uI":_ .-'-- -~- -v ~~-- ~,. pr_\uibIo._ T V_l`u-`m 1 ; gag: `h :-9 t_hnil y I-e'"3v.a;g`|:`Iit'>`1_1.-`Pli}I:'!'_lphis ; thin_;zi'wi|ici; A_,,_. : than an extra _ I T V other, ch`; no reg Wg oft:-n mask 'nTfsnhion uh mnnminmm A5-nmzn - an 5:1 %;aasa. wa.m' ; ; I and?-H.0II;ffueur.*5 _ L , i;p,_ecting'for.ha?lf s ejgntury' to see a or 9?` 31-1, n e-;;st..`es`.s*.*.?=.'.:`eci*.`. Z_)`:3T__ `F5319: 9`.?'i!'%9!I9`!; ..=-"19. Pr?9.b!9!5` V ' l90nsfazbV;.a=V:ii9h E '*l|0.v:'91`\! l}a1oth_` oiw trouser gs!!! csqrried-`.dow;n ove:`the-hoot`, V tting `it tightly "half"-trey togthe toe and entirely 'd`sv`rn"* 6 tuner, ` `so that - the footas yell as_th_'e' iwholly covered _c_l`o_,th.3 @`_The curious V may .. um see it graphically exhibitediginy the illustrations of the early books of:Dickens. especially in Nicholas-Nickleby,"! where old Ralph N iclrleby still wears the top- _ boots, then Adiisabpeariug I.-nd ' all ` th_e . fashionables are inthe web footed style. It was carried so that the boot could i by no possibility be` put on either before the trousers or after it,_ but had to be 0Il'6f|_)l\- ly inserted into the garment and then the whole drawn : on together. Naturally, they had to be taken o" together, and when a younggentlemsn retired for the . night they ivere aptto he hung on a choir, looking like a pair of duplicate legs. It was. the most preposterous extreme of fashion, for men, during the last half- century ;but it hesnever come beck. nor - is it likely to recur ; the vibrationot the pendulum of tashion will neverget so far again, probably. `In the same way, though skirts-may expand or contract, the full vastness of the hoop-skirt-as in the days when ledies were represented by cariceturists as being lowered through the the tops of sedan-chairs by e` derrick, - because no door would admit them-is never likely to recur again. I r _ , l hars bs7'eui:exi"i- 2 Depression. ` The pe1_-versenature of the mslsly- forfmslady "it is--is shown -in the feet that it is seldom consequent upon real trouble. To meet real trouble the soul girdsn itself with strength and summons all its re- ; infurnements, V . - ._ u~ .u - .v u q .lV '_`17L:i .'i51e, {hes .;...,a.,a, the im{ palpable ii}-is uguslly atthe bottom of the baleful mood. One can ght the tem- pest, but in the fog one is bewiidered beyondremedy. - 2,1, Al__LL`_- __&._ __' ___ _-__-._ Thelwise physician insists that the Inat- er from depression can be cured by change . of scene. by repose. by tonics, by sleep. A woman of wide observation and of loving heart, declares that relief is found i only when the poor depressed mortal gets out of himself and [becomes interested in others, depression from her stand-point being only a subtle form of selshness. \ 1 ,.,A_, -|__I_--_ ca'vnt,in in }IS'|`E W3. Ienl repair-v `,2:-1 Dunlap -n \XTnrkl. -vv--vv ----l _. _-.-V_- _--, In any case, prudence dictates the keep- ingjof bodily health at high-water mark if pnuible. Health and gaiety of spirit are often twins walking hand in hand. Yet, . ' who that has -been serenity of connten- :ance and heard invincible oheerin the tonea of some an`erer shut into a cham- ber of pain for half alife time` will `not hesitate to claim physical vigour as the invariable companion of equable and even spirits ' ` I ,, L I,` .,,, a_I__ _ A _ _ _ _ _; Ag At all oventa, let us take account of ourselves at our best, not at our ' worst. ' Let us be ashamed. of our low moods, and deem it no merit to go about as though the world andjve were 5.: oddl. ' , ASIIHICAAIIIIBI marrlo. . ` .The sprint: uuizes will . open at Barrie before Mr; Juat.1ce;MoMahon on Thurs- dav. March the 9m. Vice Chancellor Ferguson will hold sessions of` the Chancery -Division of the Hiszh Court of . J -Istgce in Barrie on Monday, May the 8th, `|1893.r : V Provide yourself with ,a bottle of Ayer s ` .Cherry-Pectoral, andso `have the means` at hand for ovnt-nding success!'ul`y with a sudden cold. As an emevgeney.medicine, it has no it-qual and ieadinq physicians `everywhere re- lcommend 112. v ! SIRS.'--I always keep 3-bottle of Hagyard,'s ; _ Yellow Oil for cuts, sprains and bruises. 2 The folks at the house use it fur almost every- " thing I know it to be a goodmedicine. it is_ {an excellent for craelsed or chapped `hands. . - ' ' Three practical points": let Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia by acting promptly on . the etomach. liver and bbwele. 2nd. Burdock `Blood hitters cures bad blocd - by the-. same `epefciqaction combined with i'e elberative and ,. purntving powers. `3rd. Burdock Blood Hitters`- ieur-Ae all disease: arising lrcm the two first . named. snclrae coneti0ation,' headache,` bili- vua-. .eneee. dizziness-, ecrul'ula,_ etc;, by removing their cause as shown and proved in thousands of indisputably recorded cases. . A = 4 oumviau amfocnex -a.l " ~ , In cuI?in'g"coulis.-` bldsj hohreenees, sfsthma. :_b'ronel_iitisl, `sore t'l1roa.t,g`1ll dieeees of the " ., ,;I, !_I_ 2- II Illllls UV\llI_3g' UUIM3. IQl\IlIOI3lIDD, KUIIIIID. llbrgnchitis, sore throat, and' all diseases the " throat} and luv -gs,'there iaone remedy which is Vunequnlld by any other. Wes ere: to Dr. W9od s L\'qrway~.Pm6.~Syrup which has eected many _remar1:ab19cures'sthis1 spawn. I Q{F?KUFIIUt ' 7 (`EAR SIRS, --`.A14_){>)utV1':11 _r-Se mohths` dgd I. `\vhs,l ` -nearly-'wifd .withln-;adahes.` 'Istr'ed"7' Itaking B`B . B.` a n`d*t`ook two bottlsj and `thy headaehs have diappedred` a11t6lzethe1i`*"g ow; Ithink is 9. grand medici'n"e.* * . ~- `9 ' " ` ' ` Lrr1dn7Roia,i.Loi1desbom; "On`t. 4* ,'--t 3 ;` 'r.;'#AfL .=.=: i (.5 :V A 1 .8;IB;A,1'-"1-*"Qtl)"'15e" muiih.p1ma*1; vitltt thk` ~ 'dts-of. Higy'ii:da' mum Jiaiutmi I Our" family the-been ;i'eatly. v`ii:lx-. maven? o!giq,pg. pa ifth-gahednoti. uhdmlawenm L gmo`:npd.;_l__y;qeIi9ge,oi;-;|9.Y .m. n.lgablo, inndicino . K ,9 `t J` :1. ` _ (X 4 ti . A . I I . _ ,-, qcthii _ `g ' _\ _ . - ~. V - I 1-ug . .n _ A: .n , so 4; = ~.In:inxe.a*isati.ns3ho-qaupo 9! this pmslent ; qozplaint is`found rest,:Pl.'i",cIp;Illyi;_i;; wron Vacticn or the s`tognachVi_slI,,,. !qgpm'tx_.9f 2-meiblfaddi xui`*.ihg'ii1&eon'r6 eiulz '; :emv'ai'asy 'w'e*tregu1aanaa.&:*"`aamug' tau ` ;q`ml digestive eets of. Hllloe Blood-`~8i'teI'a;` _: hnsi0eat:h5!u!!aI3`afiIi. B B2? in .`:--3-`--..`..l..unvr Inn Inuit. mnf ham Inna alumni- A;t9uothg nlgaeuyoil. f*E..:!;i2 Three Practical Points.` Keep it on Eahd.- CI ; .-~ on`. =_1'm-tn-halt or lot 19 in the gun oo'ioeadn;` or Snnnldala. cleared-.~ Rood houses: lgrge hunk 2 yell! and wind; mill. noreaof.orohui.~ t--of: o . good. state of cnmvation. us<.1eyevxthinz.iI_1. ordpr. 3 mllizfrom New Lowell. " ` ' w--r.h-ll Intxm in than 'It.h nnnnnaninn-Orn,1(I| % ' prbbal - iv`. .19; u.'-|n `3 an 1... 4.1.5 . in." ......}....`.I.a`. - La m.CU`TI'0III.' NOW LOWE. ' V 7' Went-halt lot*2l. in am oonoe_as.ion.;Ol:o. mo. acres, 85 clear-d. I v oomturrable frame house. 2.1:-ame horns snd:.other hut! `1188. good clay and in a. clean etalae0' cultivation. well water- ed. 3ood'orc`hn.rd'nnd 8 miles from-Barrie. txIm_hn\!n! Int 12 in thin Rt]: nnnmuninn- ed.` odd-orc'hord`and smile: trom-Barrie. [eat-half of lot .13 in -the 8:11.` conoea,sion_._ `Me-io..te-. loo acres. 60 ecleared. rrame house. barn. stable and shed. cleye soil; felt orchard. 6 miles from uoldwater. Westerly lsotacrea of lot 7 and North-`East quarter of lots in the first concession. Flue. N0 acres; 85 cleared. by-lain-.e hardwood and pine. soil 3 cl .y loan}. 2 houses. 2 frame barns stable urd ah--`cl. 10 mllea-from Barrie. 1 mile from Hendrie et-a.Iion.- , - `Ir...t_h..I! nf Int :2 And nu-r. nf 13 in 7 In non- In village an1,pn.-Iture 10:5 10!` sale. That oommor-inns eolnd brick -hotel in the vilqge ot Bradford known as the Queen's hoten.lately.rer.ted and renovated. 2 driving houses. yards and sheds `V . _ : Nnrfh.hnlf 8 in the rub conceaalon. also E1-Eeet letter ' IA 8 o'clock uenane em.v1on_. - A East-halt of lot 12 and part of 13 in` 7 In con- cession; Veep:-e`. 180* acres, 60 cleared. frame honseund hem. pert light. soil. balance clay. 5 mhee fr 1m Barrie. ` ' Perl; of lot 7. nth concession. -Innls`. `I7 acres. ell cleared. adjoining .the- village of Allandele and one. mile tom 'he town of _..:..l.I.. I..- an n-Srrnn nnnI:"nnnn Inuit}. B8 II" `III CIVIC. III! Allandale milg Ha!-lie. \-nimble turn pnvate residence with tulhrlewotthe town} and buy or for dividing village`-ture lots for sale. ' 'l`l-mt nommor-inns eolld lhouses, yards anu eneas _ V , Norm-half 8 in the fun concesswn. South-heir 111:; the 6th concession and North. h-111.9 in the lath concession ell 1n the Town- shiu of We t `uwi llmbu.--ye together with severe! or rxmoroved. [terms in 'King., East and West wil-imbury. ' . Immediate possession given of each. The propertieewill be sold on favorable terms of paymonus. Private fnnda toloen. For psrtien`sr- sngy to: J. D. 8001` - . Cnnveysnoer and Land Agent. Ana-nut Qn `IHI9. Bfgdfafd. .\jllV August 2nd. 1802 |PIANoH0mL%1`uNnm [Autumn AND mu: unumon. QNEW PIANOS 3&1 Pianos that have been in use alwhys an hand fnr gala. Th;1.?.-a'-3:31`:-1; t VI- Vla:os`aT ngcmty. Salesman for_ F. BROOKS Messrs Heintzman 8: Co. 6: Elizabeth St. 1 [7 King St, W.. Tornnto. Barrie. 2'1-ti` - Alla rmnoa Luau nave ueeu In use uuvuyu on V hand for sale. -|EXVCI{ AJNG-ES LIAJDB }Ruc'roP .

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