Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Dec 1892, p. 4

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Several lines of Sealettes goir_1g VLam'1as in 1-1}'I1dRlv'ea'.%sv;.'.%;";V"7;2.m1"i_;1:'. `A `An inn`-unnnnaunnnn 54; .IA...-: USEFUL PRESENTS. FANCY PRESENTS. ELEGANT PRESENTS. CHOICE OF OVER Reductions IN ALL LINES 01` -g|:- ..A|'.. An 8 Page. 48 Column Newspaper. Published from the Office, Dunlop Street Bnrrio. in the County of Simone. the Pro-' Vince of Ontario. Canada, every Thurs- day mornimz. by * . ' unwm. wnuur. Pnornlnron; Torn}: in bro wn. The ECU] nd y hnrri in ma aiveo to rel. dozm cloth lived fIVl._ I|Vt.\4 Th fully a bin congr D0c'll`ll At. 9. and L 7`D|. Cllll u Th_ tosse- being blow the v hamn `rlgh behol "I`l_ lnye` the Bck Inca pass nona the dun _OVf II` otok atric than min fol` t. VI`; gale seen pum over to d pum warn BARBIE BRANCH. wer ed pati into I FCV p vlx. 403 l1C0( I108. win thu IIV alt tint to 1 arri mni aha was CANADIAN v\-nvvlv ,..uwuuuu. ua'u uuu HIUQOHW, [OI 1, con. 12, $24.61 ; J no. Lawlor, work and gravel, $2 00: S. H. Black, dinning ditch. line con. 13 and 14, lot 7_ to Lake, .338 00; S. H. Black, culvert, con. 13 and 14, $12 00; Samuel Duield, work on line con. 2 and 3, waahout on bill, 83 63 ; Mrs. James Oockburn, goods for wndow Thomas, $5.65 ; Duncan Morrison, gravel, approach -to bridge 0.1%. 10 and 11, con. 2, $3.50; George Emma, cedar for cul- vert, Ridge Road, con. ,6 and 7, 81 00 : Jamea Smddart. lv cord wood to Mr. Horne. weaver. 83-00; A. Fowlie, Treat, Orillia Tp., half coat new road, scraper, Townline, Orb and S. Orillia,,$4.50 ; `R. Crawford,_plank `and rep. bridge 0` R..15 and 16, con. 9, 8340 ;;',l`hon'1ae Demalin'e," 50 load: gravel, line-con. 11 `and 12, $2 50; Rowe]! and Hutcheaon,: election" supplies, 8,150 ; Jug, Oockbnrvn-,; grant; to sidewalk-,v Edgar, -25. per; centmof ,' total cost. $1200; ,-7.3!`-A .0.9.k.bI.Iru. plank ftp- dierent , Road ,Div i9i`on e,' 1 892_, 2,53` `Pi. _'Mi:rray, = adv'ertiaing_ and =..p_9nitin,;J 816.00 ; Clerk Treasurer,-"`po'atage count to {Dec :15.` l892.QI3l:;:'=86crehary A Local Board of` Beale ~, OI:-00 ;.;Mra.;Ngil. Bell. caretaker 'l`ow_n. Hall,'_lialance aalary, 18%, 310130 ;ief`J'ohI_1;Gardnei;'-3darna ge*`to. eng,ine,,Ol,0,00e., .-: _ r, 5i'i `=14.*0e!1ii59e'36li,im;,3:it.J,. 9- '11- _ . A . - ,. ;, Jwmnorm - vu; O.<;-1.l:c;:;'u.t;.t.;.i ut'.l`1'.t the sum $6893 01 had been paid to date on count of Taxes for 1892 _ ' m|.- :-n-._.-.__--- . up uuuu vs amunvu JUL 1000. The following accountewe_re_ passed :- Oouncillors services in council 4 days, date included, 840 ; Reeve e lel`Vio0l out of council, -5 daye,v$7 50; let Deputy- Reeve, services out of council 3 days $4.50 ; 2nd_ Deputy-Reeve, services out of council 2 days, $3 00 ; Councillor Shaw, services. out of council .1 day. .81 50 gl Councillor Drury, services out of council 2 days, $300; Wm. Anderson, work, Townline. 0:0 and S Orillia, from lot 16 to Lake, 01-o e share. 850; Jno. Lawlor, culvert, Townline, Oro and Medonte, lot 1- (Inn- 12- 0 .1nn tlnuninn ID)-n-`- guvy-uu uuu. uuuuuuu usuusvu IIU DU pun. Anderson-Fletcher-The Clerk was instructed to notify the G. '1`. R. 00., to make approaches and crossing at railway, Townline, Oro and S. Orillia. and that two culverts are required at railway cross- ing between 2 con. and 1st Range, Oro. Tho fnllnnvinn -1-A an nvvavut 8-..... ------ vvvs The Reeve reported that he had made enquiry in regard to claim made against the Municipality of Oro by W. E. Gard- ner for damagesdone to engine in break- ing through a bridge when travelling on the Ridge Road last fall, would recom- mend that the sum ot 810 be granted to Mr. John Gardner (he being-the owner of engine) in full satisfaction of any claim against the Corporation of Oro. Anni.`--A... `I..a-L-_ VIII. _ nus Iuvuvvvvu U VUI-lo DUB LEI! IVDIIKU, U170. The following were exempt from paying County and Township Rate for 1892 :- Mra. Oatler, Mrs. McEachern, Minnie McKay and Mrs. Talbott-.. "Han (`nII..-L.._ _L-a._.1 -L_L AL , I gun wuvwuvv VI valve I Andereon-Shaw- Ordered. that the Treasurer pay Mr. Black $38 for ditch and 812 for culvert, making 3 total of n uuurcrrar. Noumarross. There was more interest in the nomi- nations for the council and for school trustees than usual. Quite a crowd had gathered at the town ball by 10 o'clock, and a good deal of engineering was done by certain men who have a cra ae for oice with doubtful tness, to get some one to nominate them. Very little is publicly known in this town who will be nominat- ed to the various oices until the day of nomination. This, we think, is a grave mistake, becauseyithgives the cunning wire- pullers the chance to slip in almost unob- served, when by a plain discussion of the claims and qualications of candidates there would be a chance of a far better -phoice. In another` column we give the list of candidates both` for the Council and the school board, and leave the electors to vote for the best men, in doing which all considerations should give way to the pommou good. . ' Inn`. 350. Ilwv vuv vus pvnuuuu VI UKU- 2.ndereon-Fletcher-'I`he report was edopted and amount ordered to be paid. A can A Mr. James Williamson appeared- and presented 3 bill for culvert at Jarrats Corners, Townline, Oro and Medonte`, amounting to $53 58. Mr. Williamson was instructed to present this bill" to the Medonte Council as they had given in- structions to have the `work done. 1:- cs 1:: nn__:_--__-,,,, Aavwuunvl Pu JJWWIUI I Ulllo I vs uvuavuw vv nu-Iv vuv wvln uvuv. Mr. S. H. Black appeared and presented an account `for digging "ditch. material for culvert, etc., line between con. 13 and 14, lot 7 to lake. Mr. Black stated that he had agreed to do the job for $50, but on account of the ditch `being deeper, etc, thought the Council should give him an advance of $20. A....`l-....-_ O|.-_ l\,.'I_-,,,I .I - -I- \l5 V D Dlllll u a nun vayuulu Ul. auuu WZIIK. Mr. John 'Lawlor appeared and pre- sented e blll for. culvert at lot 1 con, 12, Townline, Oro and Medonte, 824 61, gravel and work 62. 'I'\_-_ .._ A...:.__-,... - A a 7 1 EIIPVVI IJJJVA IVULE V Anderson-`-Dru:-Ordered, that th Treasurer pay Mr. Lawlox- a bill. III`. 1...... rm: ........... _.A __ s vv v-unvi On motion` of Mr. Anderson. seconded by Mr. Fletcher-0rdered, that our Trea- surer pay Mr. Wm. Anderson $50, being 0ro s share of the expense ot such work. In ' an-\-`an-A-I ---1 ---- uaucvuu vvvlv AVG uuu \i\Jlll.Il l-I-lvlla Mr. William Anderson appeared and presented a statement of work done on Townline, Oro and s. 04-illia, from lot 16. to Lake. A _ __ _ _ - I mo council. TOWN HALL, December 15, 1892. The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. The member`: all present. `The Reeve in the chair. The minutes ot last meeting were read and conrmed. IA- `I7:Il-... A_.!-AA-.-, ` " diversitiee tool! he-We 99'@99?;= 5!: haarancs. To aunt tlliciiwihibhi Sir John Thompson has displayed in the face of this country is not for peace, but rankling antagonism. It isiclearlyiappu. ent that Dr. Douglas regret at the "advent of Sir John-Thompson to [the position of _ Premier is not because` he is a Roman Catholic D but from his record, the absolute data of which the Doctor gross abuse of the eminent principal of the Wesleyan Theological College for expressing distrust of Sir John Thomp-V -`son, and telling that`_'such distrust is I` wide-spread as the Dominion, it would be well if the Empire would take the pains to inquire as to the truth of this general dis- trust. The truth is, that the Conservatives of Ontario have quite as much distrust of the Empire as Dr. Douglas says the peo- ple of the Dominion have of Sir John Thompson. The Conservatives who read the insulting expressions the Empire makes A to one of the most eminent minis- ters in the Methodist body will recall the fact that when Archbishop Cleary, of King- ston, was plunging the ecclesiasticalgknife into Mr. Meredith, the Empire never ut tered a word of condemnation of the course of that ery` churchmen." The Conservatives of Ontario and the country at large have no use for a journal which, Instead of representing their views seeks to ignore them, and becomes the mere echo of the commands of a Cabinet Minister. Cabinets and parliaments are the servants of the people, and a newspaper is untrue to its mission that aids them to become their masters. _ professes to possess. Instead of the rna nmuns: awn nu. nouonas. The Empire in a leading editorial of Monday savagely assails the Rev. Dr. Douglas for expressing regret, in an inter- view with the Montreal witness, that {Sir John Thompson has been placed in the position of Premier of the Dominion. Dr. Douglas may be mistaken in his estimate of Sir John Thompson, but to use towards the venerable and eloquent divine the gross and insulting expressions with which the Empire's editorial is lled is a disgrace to even partisan journalism. So far as we can gather from the remarks of Dr. Douglas his regret is not based upon the fact of the Premier being a Roman Catholic, but upon his record--and the Empire raises a false Issue when it makes that assertion--Dr. Douglas says, From absolute data concerning his, Sir John Thompson s antecedents, I find little to inspire either admiration or condence in the man, and this feeling is widespread as the Dominion. In conversation with men, who have been Cabinet Ministers, both Conservative and Liberal; from the `ranks (f jurists to those who wear the spotless ermine ; from the ranks of great capitalists in Toronto and Montreal ,' from the ranks of such as are in touch with the political life of the country; from` the ranks of the clergy of every protestant, denomination ;' from personal communica- tion with citizens east and wait, Conserva- five and I_.ibersl.:'save and except inter- asted politicians, I nd ajconsenna: of npinion adverse the man utter dis-. trust of his Jesuitic spirit and poli"cy,,of._. _phich the oountrywill hear more anon. C -III PiI|_t.` `I93; I h!!9;.'!0!9!.i.i....h0Pn a man more utterly V and yhggg advent a` wide_- ` IrI5i.`95Pi`!"*'it `WW! 3-pita u ~&Ir tyyuorl, i '1` " of ' I.'o~"uhy'cki,`js Baum Vvydmqn % who lived` in =Nbw` York, % died `on 1-napaay am. noon at the 1-epnfe'df g"j9i6f-1I24'.yosn and 6monthn;..rv. .. . I -6-.`:|0IIthI.' v "l-4ittlfa--MoConkey~-'l4`hnt the Trouuror be'iim rI'1otd to pay to tho Treuofor Vof Esu the lam of 810 `towards improving the road leading to the Oookatown railway `station, on oondition that Eu: Oounoil stint thoiiiizm of Q35. and tho Towuilnp` Councils 6!` Want Gwillimbury and To- oumuoth; arm giant the I m"n"o $10` each. 'On.rried. * " ~--" A Gaugaoil pdjoumed dig; A : . : I - ,._ . ` "-1.. ., 2 Olerlr. 1 ---v 1: -OOOClll', 0.3-5 ! Moved by Little, seconded by Jamie- son, That the Clerk be instructed to com- munioete with the Council of the Village of Allandale with reference to theirshare of the H & N. W. Ry. bonus with inter- est. "amounting to $55 25: also School Debentnre and interest, am9`unting to $271.73, requesting them to make pro- -vision for said sum at their earliest con-a lvenience. --Carried. Mconka:WJb-T1nt the Clerk be psid the sum of 8-- fur making out stato- mont sud other work in referonoato the Sorathy affair, 4t,h,_e sumo being extn `work. l( l.l'l'id,"' ' . ' ' ' " ' To the Reese and Oouncillors of the Mum'- ` cipality of Innis/il: GnNrLnMI:N,-In presenting the annual report as Medical health Oicer, I must first congratulate you on the increased in- terest manifested by our people in unitary matters. Apart from three outbreaks of diphtheria in the southern and south- eastern parts of the township, wehsve beencomparatively free from contagious diseases. . No case of contagious disease other than diphtheria has been reported. No doubt isolated cases of other diseases have occurred, but through a wrong con- ception of the statutes have not been re- ported ; any report without a full account of all cases of contagious diseases must be very incomplete. v In all the outbreaks of diphtheria during the year the disease was traced to sources outside of our muni- cipality, rsbewing that "damage must be guarded against from without as well as from within- In closing my report 1 must draw your attention to the inade- quate sanitary arrangements of our schools and their outbuildings. Personally I know of schools that are in a very im- I perfect condition, "this should .not be, this neglect is the cause of spread of disease among the children. ' Triistees. should. be made better acquainted with their duty. i us;-sass:-pa u-nu... -.L-J2__A. _-.__.,, I I V`! II`! EVTIVI 1'? ' I A T. Little, M.. D., Medical Health Ollicer, $8 ; Raeve and Treasurer making out Financial Statement for the year, $10 ; Local Board of Health. $20; and the Clerk be requested to procure the Municipal World for each member of the Council; David Lewis, cutting thistles on Park lot 3, Queen street, Cookstown ; J. M. Mathers, repairing scrapers, $2.50; Wm. Smith, digging 7 rods of ditch on 8th con., '70_c. per rod. $4 90 ; also stump- ing road bed. $10; Wm. Jack, 30 loads of gravel, $2.10, damage to crop $2, work on Long's hill 81.25, - total 85 35; R. W. Sloan, for road scraper. per` A. Johnson. 8850; Geo. Hunter. 60 loads of gravel, 3420; Charles Peacock, fur nishing cedar and building bridge on 9th com. 825 {Henry Lennox, cutting bush on 6th con., 81 60 ; Wm. Armstrong, for work done on townline between Innisl and Allandale, 821.66; Alex. Culbert, for work on west towhline, $3, Essa having paid a like sum ; O T. Hunter, for work done on Cook's hill, `Penetang road, $83 12. Indigents, Mrs. Davidson 38, Mrs. Bowman 85, Mrs. Meredith $5, Mrs. Harkina 35, Mrs. Dunn 85, P. McGuire 810, J. Cowley 810, James Young and fe 88, Miss Deacon $25,, E. Plunkett nplvuullt The ' fbllowing accounts ivere ordered to be paid z-- ` ' A 7|` `l .'a.I.. It `I\ `ll 1-, '- rt A HAPPY New vs}/3. We have no time nor space this week to recall the events of the outgoing year. If our readers desire it they can sit down and quietly req ct on the past. take com-. fort out of the good and forget, as soon was possible, the disagreeable, and clothe pecessary annual resolving for the future . The year with all its events is about gone and cannot be recalled. It is the part of yisdom to take courage and face the fu- Iure with hope and a determination to do right, to avoid ultra optimism and gloomy pessimism. There is a happy mean which leads to contentment whatever happens. Let all do their duty to God, their neigh- bor and their country. and the coming year will be a h-tppy one. This is the wish of THE Anvmos for all its readers. I = ` All members present... Communications from the Municipsl World, A. T. Little, M. D... G. S} Coun- eell. Clark County Wentworth. Accounts of J. M. Mathers, Reeve and` Treasurer, Local Board of Health, Wm. Jack, A. T. ILittle, M. D, Wm. Smith and R. W. ;_Slo_a_n. ` ' , . ` --'-YVour vgate and iguence for A. M. Hunter as Schnol Trustee for Victoria Ward. At the lsst-meeting of Eugene Division Suns of Temperance, "the following oi- oers were elected for the ensuing quarter : Sister Mrs, Gould, W. P.; Sis. A. M. Black.-W.A ;Bro. Fred. Mothers, R.S ; Bro. John Tanner, A.R S.; Bro. John Leonard, F.S ; Bro. H. M Msthers, Oon.; Sis. Ids. Black, A. Con ; Bro. W. Msneer, Tress.; Bro. Sam. Msneer. I S.; Bro W. Black, 0 8.; Bro. Toye, Chap. ; Sis. Est- tie Anderson, Organist. ' __ v.---< - venu- 0.} 8:t-u.;dsy inerninq, Mr. A Geo:-e Mo 'KI'nley e_ hone became frightened et 3 thin at Craignle, end nu away," wreck- ing the cutter bedly. ` ' V Editor; .lv nbliu h'or of. Tax Anvmos will please scoops` the oomph-w menu of the union. We also with them. 3 `vary happy and prosperous New You. `II. A__._ Isl "i`:)::nto, formerly of Sn-uud,a g spanning the holiday neuou under the _pu-enLtu:l roof. T . 7 _-_.=---------v--u Our village boast: of being able to com- pete withthe world for tall men. i c.` ac cording to the population of the place.` One young man 18 year: of age, measur- ing 6 ft 5 inches, while another one 15 year: of age, measures 6 ft, 2 inches. Beat this if you can. ' A III: `I III ' -- -A- - . The Xmas Tree in connection with the Methodist church. was very successful. The programme was very suitable and the different numbers were rendered exceed- ingly well. Special mention is due Miss May and Master Harold Toye, whose ren- dering of "Jesus Loves Little Children" was charming. The tree looked beautiful and carried `many handsome presents, which were given to members of the Sub- bath School. I ' ' ?l`he lrcnlinstion fnr `Reeve, `Deputy- Reeve, etc , took place on. Monday last,` at Churchill, and we are blessed to state that the members of the old Cnnhcil were all elected by acclemstion. ' They will pl:-ue nccept our hearty congratulations. l'\ rwemh nloeunx _ot the lnuul council. C No new narne will be added to the sub- lcpbtzgn List until the moneydis paid. Bu ribers now in arrears for three months and over will be chanted 81.50 ner annum. EEPOBT 0! MEDICAL HEALTH OFFICER. '1 remain; ;ur obedient aorvant, A ,fII T, `- -.wnu_ interned at onnoj _V Ooqxeory, Kobe, > " _ cu-uvu nwy. ' ' rernetnber Captain Janos` Hov_vo.'Pyn,~brother,-in-`law of Mr; F. J. Bi-Qwn; whotwu visiting in ' Barrie, some "?~6`-lh,f Jam -20- The 0-ptsin. who` was in the naval service of the Jap- nnne Governnnont, died ut his ruidonoo 29. Shimoyamstc-Ado:-i_ Kobe. Japan. No- vq :nber423rd,-*l892." 53. .yu.. Bo J'|n'|n.'* | Josephine . Advance Ccrreepcndence. - The Christmas tree enterteiment held here was a. grand eucoeu. It was well ettended, and everybody received e prize. Alexender Pnmroee wee chairmen end perfcrmedthe duties admirably. T Mr_.-.Tmnnnh 'nnnb-n`l- 1|` 6].}. -1--- '"is'a{ .`7`Ir"o .`3';3'i. '1`Zc'i'352`ii', '3?" {E'a'L" ,31.oe. killed the other dey three reeooons as one shot-.-V If there in any one in this County of: Simnooho o|nbeitTthet, he {is we]-V admin 1-ulln 'D;s.Ip-.II3. ..'..- nrcnlnvvv vjuv UCIIIIUDI IIIIDII. J Slim. to;Mr. _R.o9kw_ell 9 _g_nn. After the services the Presbytery met Rev. J. Leishmsn. Moderator, with the following members : Revs; Messrs. Ross, McLeod, Findley and Moody. Rev. Messrs. Leishmsn. McLeod and Moody were appointed a committee to drew up 5 notice of the deceased minister's labors for the ohuroh, and report at the next meeting of the Presbytery. A uelaulnln read is; uor., noun Uhap., from 35-38 verses. Rev. ` Mr. Moody, of Stayner, offered prayer, and -Rev. D. D; McLeod delivered an appropriate address. Rev. Dr. Parker, of Collier `street Metho- dist church, offered prayer..and the ser- . vices terminated with the benediction, pronounced by Rev. Mr. Findlay. The funeral cortege then proceeded to the G. T. station. where it was met. by Rev. R.' N. Grant, of 01-illia. He and Rev. Mr. McLeod accompanied the remains to Bond Head, where the interment took place. v v `.`__ l`__ _A 7-`. .u um - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. S [1 Per Annum in Advance. $1. vuuv vvuvu nu IOIIKIIUII III! 011108. The funeqel took place on Wednesday. Services were` held at the Presbyterian church in the morning, Rev. D. D. Mc- Leod opening with prayer.' Rev. J. Leiahmsn read lat 0or., 15th Ghcp., from 35-38 versus. `Raw `M. nl.....a.. -3 called to Ell Reward. Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. Wm. Fraser, D.D., passed calmly away to his everlasting rest. He had been long in a. condition of failing health and conned to the house. His work .waa done, and at the ripe ageof 84 years he was called away. The deceased was one of the pio- neers of the Presbyterian church in this part of Canada. He was` a native of Nova Scotia, having been born in that province on May 24th, 1808. In the spring of 1885 he was sent by the Presby- tery to Bond Head, where a new congre- gation had been formed. In June of that year a call was made by that congregation in his favor and he at once went to his eld of labor-,..where he remained for many years. He preached his first ser- mon as pastor of Bond Head church August 9th, 1835, and was inducted to his charge on the 17th of June, 1836 . He was the first Presbyterian minister" who conducted public Divine service in the township of Innisl, in the south of which township he held an appointment for 13 years, still continuing to reside at Bond. Head. He remained in the pas- tural charge of the Bond Head church for 44 years, retiring in 1879 in consequence of failing vigor. Soon after he moved to Barrie, where he continued to reside till his death. He was one of the clerks of the Presbyterian General Assembly until last June when he resigned his office. misc `nnnnnl `noel. `I--- 4- "17- 3 - - 3 Mr. am; _'J-a'n;-obell; of Toronto. spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Parker at the pnuonage, Mulcuter atgeet. . ' Mr; Oharlea,Naylor, of the Telegram oice, Toronto, spent Christmas holidays under the parental roof. A I -_ ----- vv ovnvlaullg Mrgand iI-ra. Nunn, of Toronto, and Mr. Herbert Penstone spent Christmas in town. - G ,, _.-_. --_'v-_. Dr. and Mrs. Patterson have returned from a week : visit to Toronto. Mr. L. A. i4Vt;vv`i'a, of Toronto, spent Christmas in town. ' Mr. and _Iim.t, of Toronto, are visiting at Mrs. Myers . ' III` Mia Ed:t1 Freman was home for Christmas holidays. Miss Eva Freeman, Toronto, Mr. Barry Freeman wife and children, Mr. and Mrs.- Johnson, of Toronto, and Mr. Arthur Freeman, who has` been spending some time -near Fort` Erie, spent Christmas at Mr. William Freemsn s, Elizabeth street. Miss M. Maley, teacher In Lonsia street school, Toron_to,is enjoying her Christmas holidays with her motherat Ivy. - Mr. A. McKee, of Toronto, spent Christ- mas in town. . A _~. ns'rAnLrsa1:b m7. ; . our:-ran - - - - - ssooonoo. .- < 1 Mr. Percy Parker is home for Christ- mas holidays. V V D ulVVUu "1-. Edward Rogeraon, of Chicago, is visiting his parents on high gtroet. `II ! in `II 1 m`1:; 1":;;-:o;: Ma.1-y utrebt, is visiting her daughter, Mrs Lake, in Toronto. Mr and Min: `IE.-..~.-.. -8 l\_:II:- uur uuuguwr, Ulfl unite, in '1`o_ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Orillia, spent Christmas with Mrs. H H. Oston, Mn. Moore : niece. ll'_ `I111 I 1-. - -- - 1.:-rm " A rb;':n 'lnnx1-on L ruswnx. -v..._--_ _-_ I _______ ._ . V In thecnses of Pratt vs. G. T. By. 00., and City of London -Fire Insurance 00 , vs. G. '1'. By. _Co'., reportetfin your last `issue, your reporter was, in error, in stating` that His Honor J udge Boys decid- ed there was no case to go to the Jury. On the contrary he held that there was, so far as the question of negligence was concerned. But, His Honor decided that the pit! Pratt, had split his cause of action by assigning and subrogating to the Insurance 00., the right to sue the Ry. Co , for the amount of insurance paid by them, namely : $125. Pratt himself sued for the balance of his loss 8200, the County Court havin jurisdiction to that amount. This pointas to juris- diction is a new and a doubttul one. Bis Honor, however, dismissed both actions on that ground alone. I`! I11 1)- . ......-.-up Mro. Grant Hanmer, 6f.Toronto. spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mary street. ' ` M... 13------ It--- --A -- wlnrrnn mrnmvs to an. `rho Admission at ccnupndbnoo Dino not imply that We Hold 3;; a|...n..aL._ -3 `In- 1-15-' ovwu ohvnvurv-U-_uog W. -u--u vv v --v-- `Tho of The followin letters Taddresaod to the editor of Tn: onrnnnx Anvmcx have been received for publication : I R X` Ii 1'`, 1 as NORTHERN ADvANcE_,j A.__nwn_.__ an-unu,n _,-,___ Dec. 271.11, 1892. _ Pu Awaiy.` HI` _'-..- --_ C W. PLAXTON. I %\ foro In ,Qu,ooAn s I-lotelllock "1f1fQ_:Qp,h`.npl$il`3 pqn. %du1ing-the Month of 'De__cember. [R M. IINWIN, . J You must come and see, them. Just what you want for 3 Sweetheart, 01' Wife, Mother-. Father, Sister. Brother, &c., in ell` the latest designs in China, Doulton. Elite-Iaimpgegbulsbsd, Royal Devon, Jspsnese, Glass and Granite Goods, Dinner. Tea and Breakfast Sets- "7 '_ vAfgi-snvd dilblsy of Leather Fancy Goods; sll new and charming. Just {In ported. A V * . ` > _ I _ - - - fat Cost Price to clear. CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS. FURS, FBAWLEY 81. DEVLIN. sAv|ucs.:- earn: V DE P A arm 2 N T Deposits of $1 andnpwards received and Interest. allowed. Interest added to the principal `twice In each year. Current accounts opened. Farmers and Commercial paper dis- counted. - Farmers Sales Notes collected; Advances made on Farmers utes. ' N ote forms free on application. V Dnarrs ISSUED payable in all parts of Osnada, Great But-ain, the United States of America, and elsewhere. I-31. I-32. 1\[OBBIS, an. ` MANAGER. Sales `We direct Special Attention to a large purchase of Ladies and Children s Wool Hose, which We have marked: Children s 10c. 12c. and 150. Ladies, full size, all W00], 15 cents. Fraser, Clark & Go. _V_VE?'LI1_=`= ; Also Special inducements to buy Half Hose, Gloves, Braces, Collars, Underwear in Heavy Ribbed and Plain. Being a.Ma.1_:1ufacturers set of sam+ p1es Whlch We are offering at lessthan the Whole- sale Price. - . 7 V 7 v` ?. -' T ' - Stock is numerous to describe. You must call end see it &c., DURING THIS MONTH. HOSIERY! ammo ASSORTMENT mar mm :4

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