[$83. T .?ucZ1gem1\1Vz;Ba`Ay" had a. good T many cases before him last week at the Bracebxfidge .Pcor Man's Cdurt. '_ ' ' T 600. gd 195.13`:-cu Good: are con- sidered the c eapeql. In Barrie. . ` `I511 1 I I II `Washington will be at the Barrie Hotel on _Monda.y,. 24th inst;., 1 from 11 a m. till 4.30 p.m. ' ,,.1m-,1, p\v.. 1 an i I 536.4 The Measrg. J nptin; l;st ve ,, 1 -13 --uIa.' hnnni-a"V3`li 51 1-.Hn` fnllnuiina `T1115: _i1si'rn:Isls`:s}`1'sl ,')1v : BARBIE. fins douhiify "On-_ `smddn AND THE noinmox on cam; ot3If"pRiTn;n1oN;._ B `A 31613, Tim VNQRTHERN ADVANCE says that the MadRiver Star says that the Stayner fair was a palpable failure. The Sui: wishes fTnE ADVANCE tounderstand that the Star .was off its base when it said so.-Stayner * V-Sun. Nothing extraordinary, stars are some- times pulled a little aside from their com- mon._'pathways. ' ' ' It 751 .1-sq 1 A-`ua' .-. '- - ;5','c5"meam;gJT"' ""1>a~$ I?v?:`aIz?1Ln&"E.3I'.g.`iZ ran teamb h r ns "g. ' Ifg'>`, s'ucl_1a bad `pruqtii`G-jlhiiia `- bo?I.t_-cyinog v (llli!l`_lAl.qn'-'*une`curuu nu" uuunswr -us uuuqwv {and numerous ot1xVe'r;tv.-`ha.nVges`are talked of. 1', l\UDB uuu u. Lvugvln A letter from Dr. Bryce was read relating to proposed drains on Bayeld and Toronto strccts, and a report from `special Sa.niLtaryV Inspector Vickers. 'l"l.'n \`nnv-nl-or-I7 nron nvrinlnnzl n t:1n;fn I-A {Jun Work on thereaidence for the jailer com- menced the other day. The building will be 33x19 feet, 2 stories high and the walls solid brick. *' The lower storey will` contain two rooms and the upper storey three. - Mr. Joe. Craig, of Barrie, is the contractor, and he expects to com le_te the work some time in iDecember. be building, fence, 'etc.,- will cost about $2,000.--_Muskoka Herald. A son of Mr. J. M. Bothwell was thrown from an yhe rear `of the store last Saturday, ytheglddden start of the-horse. He --reoaivedggbmo Vb:-uiaes `and broke his -..... `Ill - .........-nu! -nu...-u... an..- .....I 3.. .`I..:.... LWCIII-II\ICJ" UIWILV UL UIIV VITO -recAe1ved.._'a_9mo"1'bruxaes and arm. He recenved prpper ogre and is doing well -3' "T 7 n__ nn.__.__`_1___ ."'12Lu_' -211 L_I->_..__.._ ;- o On Thursday a. little girl belongmg to Mr. ,,Pentop, Bevold etreet, wee run over by a. velficle t.het"wa`.s' easing the west ward school. -l'1`be~'girl'ren t `front of the `buggy thetowu occupied by two ledj_ `Mandi was Vwhethereblame is attached to any one for this-special ease-we do not know, but we f we`: io,hh`ol Li-6.in the.~hsuit of running out knocked-dewn and oonsldei-"ab y lore informed-that the children not the tweet . on t e road buekgardq and forwards. Mr. Robert; Black`, Coldwater, has worked his farm on the townline of Tiny `and Flos this year himself. He harvested `seventeen hundred and fty bushels of grain. He had eleven hundred and fifty bushels of Ameri- can Banner oats off went -one acres; and four hundred and vebu els of pease off sixteen acres. Hiuprin wheat was a. good sample but not} lsrge y eld. ____-v'., -.-._.v----- -- `aw u-w V The Orillia. Packet announces that - a. smoking concert will be given in the Sons of Temperance hell, by Rose of Couchiching `Lodge, next Tuesday evenin , and that all age welcome, and are invite to bring their pipes along. ' The Everett correspondent of the Allisbon Herald irreverently calls a. tea-meeting at J enning`s Methodist church, a bun feed. , It is a. wonder. the naughty, naughty man didn t call it a. tea. slop as well." On what degenerate times wehave fallen. a. u-vyvvuv uu `Anna: 1: an In VIAUIV IIIJL vv Uvll Mr. Andrew Brooks, of Novar, had a. 1-H; broken the other da.y,Tby being struck by a. board thrown from the saw in the big saw lmill._' _ A _ Work is being rapldly pushed on the new town hall, O Brin s block, Bank of . Hamil- ton and the new pumping station. -Alliston Herald. nu Roan :1 pay to h: . I A man named Siene was charged before Justice Boyer, of Bracebridge, the other day, with stealing a quantity of hay "and oats from Samuel Dohetty, and was com- mitted for trial. JIIV L Ialllllh LJVIJUUI IJUIIIMI UL \Jl IIIIG, LC` on aged all of their present staff of teachers, alt ough none of them made application for, re engagement There were between 40 and 50 outside applicants. In` T`! that they are doing well. Inspector Day inspected the Reformatory schools at Penetanguishene the other day. He found 167 boys In the institution and 147 were at school. The Inspector reports .I In .Io A --_-` _-_ - _-_._ Joshua. Earnshaw, of the Township of Watt, has been committed for trial by J us- tice Boyer, Bracebridge, charged with com- mitting rape on the person of Eliza Emerson, 15. girloof 12 yesrs,`and'a. resident of Watt. A number of houses in the Ja.mison s Corners neighborhood are nlacarded for diphtheria. It appears there was no at- tempt at isolation when the disease first ap- peared and therefore it necessarily spread. II'__ 1' `m Il'____2- `T_.,L`, I\,,,-II! '|.,; ` M;.]iL"14i. i&.}}i;{ iIo?1{'6E{1i}2, T&s't"a ne cow a. few days ago. She was found dead, wedged in between two stumps that were pretty close together. How and why she got in that position in not now apparent On the 3rd inst. , a.` dark cloud passed over the neighborhood of Trout Creek at noon, when it became so dark that people bad to have lamps lighted to see how to eat their midday meal. The darkness continued 15 minutes. . I W 8po:cl; "value In Woollen Hosiery at I Hunter, San-jean: an 009:. L , l'\,_SII! 1\ If you wish to secure acertain and speedy result, whenusing Ayer s Sarsaparilla, becare-. ful in observing the rules of health. or the benefit may beretarded. A fair and persistent trial of this medicine never fails, when the directions are followedr. T Buy your Clothlnz at J _FiFE 8, 6-12 Dunlap sz. We make 1: _n Ipcclauty. HIE LIIDLLIILLGIIJ DUGGUC uuc lUUl\'UtIo It was ordered that all privy pits between -`mylield street on the east, Ross street on the north, John street on the west, and the waters of the Bay be closed up and earth closets substituted. The Mukdl. Teachers Association will` hold its annual meeting at Bracebridge on Ithe 27th and 28th inst. . Te Rotary closed for the season on .Sa.uurda.y, 15th. ' rnL-r1_,__., _pn ' 1 n o E The c"ou{ eaeions will open `at Bracebridge on the 15th of November; will have a. new shingle mill in operation shortly and Mr. James I-Iawis the :owner. ` 1 ` I;ivs-1;op O Co'nnor was the guest of and Mrs. Corkery during his visit to Trout `Creek. . ` 7 Hu;`_.\_;h Wrighbfm.s'been appointed License Inspector for West Simcoe in place of George Dinwoody. - `A-'ft"i-s' -sa'id_. large quantities of grain are daily nding them way to Cookstown as a `central market. I '(3I(e:;s;'sV'ViS{I`f-aa.rlir1VB;'os.T, & Moore, thrashed I 1500 bushels of -wheat in 9 hours at Samuel l'Fa.wcett. s, Innisl-. Isn t that hard to beat? {was on iW.'Free1l11a.n sf:'_n:'m now_ unoccupied. ' -Ba.nner.` L _ Potato rot is complained of at Nevis, Oro. Gravenhurst will soon T be in a blaze of electric light. 15 II` -:\.... ...... The gggbridge Baptist church is Being i veneered; with white brick. ` * --.._w jv-v-- w- 2'--v- Tuesday evening, the Barrie Board of Hmlth held a meeting. Present, D. F. .\Ia.:\va.tt, cha.irma.n; Dr. Crookshank, Messrs. R. King, C. H. Ross, Mayor Cres- wicke, Secretary Bird, Drs. Wells, W. A. Ross and J. Rogers. \ ]n4&nvs cntxrn `Xvi nnivnn urns uncut: Ivnint-:w\no 3 I L #'~.:1o:IiIontI. A of Mr. J. M. Bothw 4-..-" A .._.. ..nL.m.sp AL- ___._ '- '*'1':iieW i -x;bi.i<;School Board of Orillia, re- nnnnnri all A` 51:45:13 unnnnnnut 36:-u` I-nnnlnnunn COUNTY pr V SIMCOE, 0N1`A_R`ro, OCTOBER 20, 1392. Bo;1'1`well __-._-- LL- ._A.- thrown -.._- I__; :23 7.13 713?: '$o"2'aI'1`e}'at;'f$' '&ix$Z'& "Z'.'* :ipg._ In,-the thigd heat "Nellie took the ; glegd going gut e_nd gradually 'increa.'_Ied {it x u'nti_l at pole she was 25 or 30. yerds ahead gdf C.F. . Then C.-F.D. tocloee *the;ga.p. jzrottin gquarely and gemely with- jo,t1ta. hitgh or e. T teak tq the _v.vu-e, w_hioh he: greached not anymore than uhead .behihd. ;`_:Ng1lie L.;r_.who_wa.e given the heat `in 2 575" iboth horses coming in under the whip; `Aftm-,_ ;th'e`hee.t"vv3se th_'ua decided the C.F.D; ' ' piirty coiiipiained `tha.t"`Nellie:L, hid paced The match race between the 2 year` `olds,A C. F.D. by Bookmaker and "Nellie L by Little Hamilton took place at the mile track last Wednesday afternoon. A great deal of interest- centred in the race, Nellie L. having defeated C.F D. at the Barrie -Fair on 27th Sept., and? O.F.D. having lowered her colors in straight heatsat Cooks-V town the `following week, ` hence a- big crowd assembled to witness the oontest .._ As deoidedly'di'erent accounts of the race have apeared in the daily press, we have been careful totake our version from neither onei side northe other, but from Mr. P. J. -Moore, the judge actingfor the .``N_ellie L.. - ridge. We ha.ve`been unableftd hear` from ;arty andg*Mr."A1ex. Brownlee `the third `the 'udgef'5r the '"C.F.D." phi-ty, Mr". R.` .We ls, owin -to-'he latter s Iabsence. Our `readers can*t ' erefore rely on a `of: this race: : ; l : v e I rl-A `ml.-C Inn. Innn hr. Hl'!.`Ii` TL LU.`[IL'L LII]. V IUIXUI. 9. 'l`h e Secretary was ordered to write to the `I\`1-th British Investment Co., regarding thr insamitary state of the buildmg owned by them on Bayeld street. (in I)1r\.';l'\I1 nna1nn;I IIYOQ Y`O'\l'l";I1I7 GENTLEMEN,-I beg to reportthe follow- ing lights out :-At Strathy s corner. Sep- tember 19th, 25th, 27th, October 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th ; St. Vincent and Blake streets, 7th October; at Martin : corner, Sept. 27 ; H. Harper's corner. Oct. 15th; at J. McNab e coaner, Oct. 13th and 15th. Also incandescents at Dr. McCarthy's, comer of Mulcaster and Dunlop street and at Dr. Wells . not working eauefactorily. All of which. to , I) `A *r\nV In Report No. 14. Fire & Police. Your committee recommend that bob-sleighs be procured for the carriage of the hose during the ensuing year, a. sleigh-box having been obiaiued last winter. , _,; '\Y, `|l ___I_-A... 17 . . . _ _ -...__.:A.A.-_ _with. Report No.-, Markets. Your committee beg to report that chimneys and conductor pipes in the market are out of repair, and they advise that your committee he authoriz- ed `to have the necessary repairs made forth- .__,L_:| _-..__ ):._'-__.__2-__ I-I-I IJU W] 10. 3 , . Councillor (J. W. Plaxton complained that the proceedings of the Council were not properly reported by the town papers though he made" no denite statement in what way they were incorrect. Councillor Montaomerv moved that the GIUCL IIGVLIIS UUHIPICDUU IIIJU `I ll. gravelling of North John Street from5 1;: - eld to Owen Street, said work to commence and be completed as quickly as possible, also the completion of-Simcoe Street and Owen Street. _L-_- _.__;2___ -..I -...-_.I...-_L ._.._- \I W I311 L1 bl WWII: The above motion and amendment pro~ duced a len thy discussion, in which nearly all the mem rs took part. It was claimed that the grounds for dispensing with the services of the overseer were entirely in- the interests of economy. The question was discussed as to whether the road work for the currentlyear has been completed, a. ma.- jority of the Council thought it was practi- cslly ended, and that the overseer s seryices were not needed any longer. ml... nwV\nI\t`IY|AII" n-ran 1nu- or-:11 Q-I-an e\I:!!:I\] IIIIJUIUU V Q3 Gall IUIL VII UIIV DQIIIC \LIV IDIJII-In 'Bothwell-John Plaxbon-Ordered that the Clerk notify toperty holders on Simcoe Street, that this ouncil is prepared to lay sidewalks and complete the street as soon as fetlce is erected bx them. __.__ ____.I__'_ l\__.1____`I L`__L AI. _ LU]-IV`? ID WLUUIIUU ll Ullclllv Montgomery-`Frawley-0rdered that the communication of McCarthy, Peplr and McCarth be referred to the Committee of Public -orka with instructions to report fullv on the subject at the next regular me'`t1ng.. , _ n,,__, [21 u, _,, - .1:_,___-_ J Ul. IIUIB Z` The x-at heat was iwon; ;C;F.D. `easily in .3.04. The second was also won by: the same` horse in a jog in 3.01. v "Nellie L`-. `an 6... 6-In:-n-0-3-an Inn] nnf.1snCnn.nn3nn Inn1l `an UIIU 3lIIU IIUIUU III Q U` III UOULI LVVILIV JJ ` . yup to thiastime hgd "not ing going well `as \ sire-had broken aeiveml times in each hedt-' '-_j I___`l 1-..- -.'_-J-_.LI- ..:_3_-`-_.I '_'.-. lL"l `U'-DLCVI UL! LGIJ IIIIU EWVVCI-D Klll I-11 I-IGILI, }`I1i,A;;Lhet|1 and Toronto streets, and in doing so :0 inform the Council that the Provincial I-`mnl has informed this Board that it can the woxk and glraw on the Treasurer to for it,but this Board prefers the Council }::u~e charge of it Inspector Vickers was re-engaged for an- othorr month. ' '1`! 1 3... _R L`__ 1'1_._., -_'I 2.. __1I-1 L- ".|i`llI1.ese reports evoked some disussion, but they were nallyfxdopted. 'l`L... 17::-nann.a nnrnvnlfnn n:-n-l-nrl rnnnu-n- Illlll DIICJ WULU ILLIIIIIJ (I\AVlJU\7\In The Finance Committee wported. recom- mdnding the payment of accounts amount- ing to $421.75. nnI1|\n:Ah I`! T pIn,vtnn nnrnnhnm-In WIIDU W5 IIIJUJ WULU IIJUULLUDUQ Councillor Montgomery moved that the by-law relating to the ringing of bells, &c., introduced ate previous meeting be read a. third time. n_____:n-_ n In rn-_-;._._ :_L._-.1.---.: .._; uul. u uuuc. Councillor C. W. Plaxton introduced an amendment to the by-law. Both the by-law and the amendment were laid over till another meeting, to allow of further inves- tigation into the provisions for ringing certain kinds of bells. Wil1ia.mson--Wfiilzkinson+Ordered, that the services of John Hines as road foreman ' be dispensed with for the remainder of the CDQ F iweved in amendment by Fra.wlev-Jobn P1axton-That the followin words be added after having completed 1; e grading and .-....m11:nn A5 Nrm`-M. Inlmn .Q1-9-Ant-. fnnnn Dan. I "VII? IJUU LIVV\l-CIA nu. L\lU6Vl.u The amendment was lost and the Original motion was. carried on the same division. .;L_,_II 'I'-L._ TII___4_-._ l'\..J_..-J A.L_A. Ladle:-Cashmere Gloves at ibm, 200., ; and 2513., upeclal value at Geo. Re_edy s. } . . . HENRY Bmn, Clerk of Town of Barrie. _ E. F. Ratcliife writes to the Council enclosing the '1`rea.surer s receipt for 1892, and he will thank the Council to return him the $50 paid the Treasurer under the Transient Traders Act. _ ' REPORTS. Report of the Town Inspector. To the Mayor and Council .- ,__L L`, , E 11,, DEAR SrB.,-We wrote you` in this matter last J uly, but have received no response. Our client denitely instructs us to issue a. writ and proceed hereinsunless we hear from you within ten days. Yours truly, V _MCCARTHY, PEPLER 8: MCCARTHY. UL] 1 '51 HIULI Ulla The attention of the Council is called to the insanitary state of the lock-up. ` To \|vnn nu-rlnuvn 1-`mar all nu-:\n-r -nhau KAI-.u1nnn The regular meeting of the Town Coun- cil was held at the Council chamber on Monday evening, His Worshi Mayor Creswicke presiding. The proce ings were opened at 7 50. All the members were pre-- Ilnnf. nvnhnk nnltnndllnrn Rn gnu` Mnunuin Somers vs. Barrie. ` l\4._ &_ KY7, UPULJVII QU I WI 311 UIIW IIIUIIIIJWIE VVCIU P59` V sent exceyizb Councillors Ball and McNe in.` The fol owing letter yvas read :-- T BARBIE, Oct. 13th, 1892. rs vu- mm Tnwnmms III uuum. ' sous mscussxou ANDGOICSIDIEABLE 1 nnsuuronv TALK. ' A Writ re Somers VI. Barrie 'l.'hfeatoned- The Road Work Practically Ended. and Road liforeman nines Ret1rod--8eportI _.-.I Q._Ll_._.. JUVUIIJSQA The Council then adjdurned. MOTIONS. Eiifu? in" ii'L'"1$'n`Z}' Ei'e"I.i&'I{i 1'Ii-."i.3| w en 'Lhe1ast of the guests took 1'. _eir de- partur._ . .. I IOIIV \5UuIIIIl'Jn The [Warden was enthusiastically beered a. number of timetduring the delivery of hi: clever and insniring speech. ` ` ' "?*-QO-'-.---- - A truthful and natural nloturo of rural life; The finest band and orchestra carried by any travellin company. See the narade at noon. ADVITQ. TON 95 R5 and En PLAN A'I` R. A- ` .5` Pretty Oeremony at shanty Bay Last Wednesday, Oct-. 12th. at `2 o clock in the afternoon, Miss Hester Wilson, of sum Bay, was [united in marriage to Mr. _m. `James Dales, of. Barrie.` The ceremony took placeat St. Thomas church, the Rev, J. White, incumbent of Shanty Ba.y`g;?',sh,' oiciating. The young bride was minlzlv dressed. and laokma. an uyvuy uausxynuu put, Vubou.-n_1uuu uy tuu Ul'lU.B3' maid and gt-oomisman. drove to\ end around Barrie, then returning to the residence of the bride : parents, where a. bountiful re- pent had been pregared for twenty-ve or thirty nests. he wedding festivities which fol owed were continued far into the _..`IaiL' :. L .:_.. 1-..- __..- LL- .._2j_.!_LL I. _ n..~.m. nm... N `. VTh_aTpoatm'astar has determined that the 'intei-nor wall: of the post oioe `shall. not hot. used any.-more for advertisements. If u\na$v\IA'IvnnC- .Gn' nAnnnt:n.. LL. I...` _._..._r `town [3 , IIIVI G JV: u.VL'|aI0lllVllIo3- _;:e;le"i;;ntA-to advertise, the vlooalpa ifs. are the Iiropermedinmg for doing. it. be. u piba_;on his to stop their -Sunday adyettinin .t.oo.- jhe ministers should take a. leaf out o the `p9s t_n;_Aast,er a4 bookin this. matter. ' ` ` 'Uvu\aw. LVIIo U \IV-, 50 Y Skirmislging Match :-`lat, $5, No. 7 Com- party! 51 pt: ` :8. mingly dressed, {:1 1"$zugT.$: every bride is entitled to look, {very pretty TI ICIJ ULLIVIII Vlllal L ,end- very he py. After the service ml newly` merri pair, ; attended by the brides-` mnid n.nrI 7Iirmmnmnn_" drama in rim-`I mvmml was. won: ' ;natter. IIJ LIIDIIILIUIIJS IIILII The C.F D. party claim that even if their opponents were right in their conten- tion that no gait or way of going was speci- ed when the match was made, that the above Rule N o. 57 covers the case and they should have at the close of either the 3rd or 4th heat, been awarded the race. This is unquestionably so, but in justice to the iudges, however, we must add that this rule was not pointedly brought to their notice till the race was over. i VVII-INI- County Council Match-( pen to all, non- M commissioned oicer or man belonging to I any Company of Infantry or Battery of Ar- tillery, whose headquarters are (municipally) in the County of Simcoe; ranges 200, 400 and 600 yards; 5 shots at, each range":-- lst. $18," Pte. A. Graham, No. 6 Co . 36th Batt , 49 pts.; 2nd, $16, Corp]. J Neilly, No. 5 Co , 36th Batt.. 47 pts.; 3rd, 314, Sergt. F. Toogood, No. 7 Co , 35th Batt.,v 42 pts ; 4th, $12. Corpl. R Strathern, No 7 Co., 35th Bath, 42 pts ; 5th, $10, Serzt W. Bellamy, No. 5 Co , 36th Batt., 41 11153.; 6th, $8, Pte C Wattie, No. 4 Co , 35 h Bat! -., 38 pts.; 7th, $7, Sergt., '1`. Simmons, No. 5 Co., 36th Batt., 38 pts.; 8th, "$6, Bandsman J. Scott, 35th Batt , 37 ts.; 9th, 35. Pte. G. Davis, No. 2 Co., 35th tt., 35 pts ; 10th, $4, Pte W. Johnson, No. 5 Co., 35th Batt_., 33 pts. Company Match -Open to any ve pre- viously named oicers, non-com, officers or men from any Company of the.35th Batt.: ranges 200, 500 and 600 yards; 7 shots at each range :-lst. $15, No. 7 Company ;256 pts ; 2nd, 810. No. 2 Company, 224 pts. N11 I-nnrx. `M'nh:I-n nnon fn nnw nnn_n`nrn PIE , llll, VLVQ .L`Uo G \JUlIIblI.lJ, 58'! P03. Nursery Match. --Open to any non-corn. ocer or manof the 35th Batt. who has not won a prize at any rie match of this Bath ; ranges 200, 400 and 600 yards; 5 shots-at each range: lslz, $6, Pte W. Johnson, No. 5 Co., 33 pI:s._; 2nd, $4, Corpl. J. Johnston, No. 7 Co., 31 pts ; 3rd, 83, Corpl. R. Royal, No. 2-Co , 30 pts ; 4th, 32. Corpl. J ..Mel- ville, No 2 Co , 30_pta ; 5t-h, $1, Pte W. Jones, No. 5 Co., 29 plan. I mza.-...;..:.:.... M.+..L. `_n.+ Q: N. -7.n......_ {r?-i?" '6':i`{a';'?.' "s`E` 'i'1'e` 'n`3.Tei,&'"a' ' n?o'6'5. ADMIS ION. `Z5. 35 and 500 PLAN AT R. A. DOYGLAS JEWELRY STORE. | all , -1: lilac P Drill and Efciency Competition -0pen toa squad of 8 men, 1 Ser t., 1 Corpl., 1 Bugler, under command 0 a Lieutenant, from any Company in the Battalion. Prize $10, presented by _ Lt,-Col. O'Brien, M.P., with a silver cup to the Lieutenant com- manding same presented by Major Ward, Won by squad `from No. 5 Company. under command of Lieut Colquhoun. Qnnninil hrdan 111: I} (`III f\"l2..:n.. `An vunuunuuu. U1 LJICI-ll: \JUlliulIUuII- Special" prize by Lt.-Col. O Brien for; cleanest, properly dressed non-com. officer or man, $2. Won by Col. Sergt. Arthurs, * No lCompa.ny. I TI`! FLA II\II"SfI\l'|I-I nu ` ;1u 1 \/vnuyauyn | In the evening the winning marksmen as- sembled in the east room at the Court House to receive their prizes, which were distri- buted by Walter Lawson, Esq., Warden of the County. Lieutenant-Colonel O Brien, Uaptains Leadley and Drinkwater and Major Rogers were in attendance. The Warden occulpied the chair, and he took oc- casion to de iver a- stirring and patriotic speech. He spoke of the importance. of good marksmanship as a qualication of the soldier, and how much it` adds to the value of his services in the eld. He emphasized the honour/.`an.'l privilege of being a volun- teer soldier aiding in `the defence of this grand country, and called -attention to the bravery of the volunteers in` suppressing the rebellion in the North West_ and in repelling the Fenian raids He complimented the Battalion Band, as not onlyia credit . to` the Countv of Simcoe, but`-as one of the best in the country. ` - ' Thn-WnMnn anon AI\`kndn:nn6:nn`Ici pslnnuuuul At the Butto. I The 35th Battalion Rie Association ' Matches took place on Thursday, 13th Oct. ' Attendance fair, light good and little or no wind. A ,;_l'I,,__, SI `Il`_.,I, l`,,,,, A- ,II 5uu. ` .. ` The iudges refused to entertain the ques- tion as to the actual terms of the match and c`alledthe fourth heat. This heat was a repetitionqiof No 3, `except that Nellie L. came in ahead of 0.F. D. quite a distance, the time being 2 55%, and that the` latter in no art of the mile was able to close the gap ma. e at the start. After this heat the C. F.D. party claimed it on the ground that the mare had a ain paced_fro`m wire to wire, and on the ju ges again refusing to dis- ualify her, they withdrew their horse from t e track. "Nellie L. had a walk over the next heat and the judges declared all bets o'. Subsequently the parties met and agreed to draw their money which was ac- cordingly done. ` II K-7 A` 51:41 Dunn ~no-nine: tl'!l\:n1\ `hr:a I-nnn DUI. lllll I IJIILIVQ N 0. %';'y of the Rules under which this race was made declares as follows : i Sec. l.-When amatch race is made and no distance or way'of going is specied, if either of the contesag horses are under s *` the race shall be TROTTED in harness, and four years old it shall be mile heats. Rule 30, Sec. 3.-In case of any horse (in a TRO'l"l`ING race) . repeatedly breaking or running, or pacing, or performing in a mixed gait, while another horse is trot- ting. the judges shall punish the horse so at fault by placing him last in the heat 0 by distancing him ' Tho Fl. 13` D nnrlwr nininn {that Avon if the whole `distance, which is the fact. They claimed that it was agreed when the [match was'.md'e that it was to be a. trotting race. Theother aide contended that nothing was said fnbont the..v`v_ny, of going. and they there- fereiargued` that their mare could go as she pleased, eitbertrot, or'pa.ce, or go a mixed gait A :11:-`non Fclill I-A an-`C5964-::n fkn nnnn _ A _ v ` --'r- ra- .:'Q.3.R.!.`} -.`I 133$` ` ` .`'.x :._ 3. -.' .';';'. `.4 ;"'.+',T-'I'.'4:.,w.: Josh Simpkins, which was produced at the Academy of Music last night before a. good-sized audience," is, in many respects.` a happy combination of t'he pleasing features of the re'alistic melodrama and the ever- popular rural play. The character sketches are decidedly clever, and there is an abund- ance of good music, singing and dancing in it. Fortunately the plot does not demand much attention or respect, and seldom in- intrudes upon the fun. Josh Simpkins is a four-act comedy drama and is really well worth seeing. Those loveable old country characters are introduced, and their doings and sayings create any amount of `amusement. The company is a good one throitgihotit -Empire. At the Music Hall next onday. ` x Gone to oriuu. The many friends of Mr. John Ellis, late Express Agent on the G.T.R., between To- ronto and entree}, will `be glad to learn thethe hasibeenlgiven charge of the Ex- press end; Telegraph Oce as Orillia. - NJ .|H.'III UL: JILIAJ LIUILI B|.ll.U\7Ilo (m motion the Council was respectfull rt-1v1<-steel to lay the sewers on Bayel , L'13.v..|\c.9-Ix nnr1 "FA:-m.n~. (>1-nnf-a cant` :I-: 1':-Jun --wv-C: V. Xill C On-Tuesday, Novembe let. the beautiful Masonic Hall, Owen street. will be dedicated 13 A the Most VWorshipful Grand Master, hon. Jghn M. Gibson. This will be 9. rntable Maqopic bevenc. auvulnl IIUIIQ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Low ha.v'E returned T,Afrom;their vieddin tour, and Mrs; Low will be at `home to-`iher. riends every Tuesday. -Mr. A. H. Watson is now editor and proprietor of the Creemore Star. The Star's rays are glinting across the country in little, pleasantly bright streaks. Success to the luminary. - Atelephone message was received here yesterday morning at about three o clock. stating that Beeton was on re and asking the Barrie brigade to go at once to a`d the- burning village. The alarm was given, and in due time the brigade, with steamer, started by special engine and reached Beeton at 4.30. The brigade set to work with a will, and, as well as insufficiency of water would allow, ot the re under con- trol. They mana e to save two hotels and otherwise con ne there. Some twelve stores chiey and two hotels were burned. The re was on both sides of the main street. Damage set down at $60,000. We went to press before particulars were at hand. ~ -Twenty-`ve ne Cotswold sheep and 9. Berkshire sow were ship ed the other day by Messrs. G. Caldwell, V. Brown and W. Sanderson, of Shanty Bay, to Messrs. J .,G. and R. P. Snell, of Brampton. -I`he exhibit of Mr. Robert Christos convinced all who examined it that to get excellent book-binding done it is not neces- sary to 0 beyond Barrie. This is what the Orillia acket says, and the Packet is right. a`We are pleased to note that Mr. Frank Jackson, our enterprising photographer, is steadily adding to the accessories of his studio. The latest addition is an immense new camera tted with one of the nest lenses made for making larger portraits di- rect. t$'Private parties, public parties, hastily- gotten-up parties, hen parties, rooster arties, all the partiesyou can think of are ailures, dull sickening thm failures, failures where even the old time assi nee got left (if possible), failures of the ind where the guests go home and kick about the spread unless you have biscuits made by the toronto biscuit & confectionery company, Daisy Wafers, Savoys or Cocoanut Flakes will avoid a failure. Try our remedy. --Mrs.- Knowles, of Peterboro, formerly of this town. was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Patterson, Dunlop street east, on Sunday, Remember Prof. Dorenwend s visit with ladies and gents hair goods. He will be at the Queen s Hotel. Saturday, 28th Oct., one day only. V (Ill\l A'l bLl\J|lWl\l '7 `Ell UIIVIL IJWTI-IUIKIBI Olly`? bars. They are the only gentleman who can turn single, double and triple somer- Saultrs from bar to bar. A ll I,,.II, ,,_ J `T __I_--____ ._L- ___ `t2l;'For low pri.< 3:ad ahds7t$IVlil:dressmaking call at Miss Leain s, over J. Fyfe s store. a'Don t buy your dress goods before you see the splendid assortment at Fraser, Clark | & Co. s V $'New Eleine Figs, Vostizza. Currants and selected Valencia Raisins at Vair s this week. Rmember that Dr \Vashingbon will be at the Barrie Hotel on Monday, 24th inst:., from 11 a..m. till 4.30 p.m. --Mr. Joseph Steei has purchased the brick residence built by MT. U. Sewrey at the corner of Small and Florence streets. : * :Du1;QoE rk, L. o. L, was in con- clave Tuesday evening. T\,9 III E I . I gizi ?ia2s1{{{7}.iug, and yesterday clear and beautiful again. -Itissaid there are a. case or two of diphtheria and typhoid in town. --Tl1e leaves are rapidly falling from the trees and their autumn glory is departing. -Mr. Levi Carley has Just completed a. beautiful yacht which he calls the Peerless. our Linen Goods are une ualled for ualnv and value. J. FYI? , 6-12 Dun- --The steamer Lillie went ti) Oriia. last) Saturday, taking a. number to age the boat rm DA ocuul,-3 ILUIII UGI. U11 U51; Hess:-s. Melvllle and Nusbaum, who are the most surprising and ridiculously comical Chinese 111 America, will be with the .\linstrcls. all I I` 1 , .Al,_ ___I_,.. t"faylor Dental parlors. Best work at` city prices. to u ;'i`he ohly visible shers on th bay now are the gulls. IO 0.! . C I .4Part:idl clipse of the sun to-day, begin- ning about noon. 7. n nuv n v .-. - , c,,-__ -Mrs. Geo. Simmons has returned from visiting friends in Toronto. Cheapest Lace and Chenille Curtain: In town` at Geo. Reedyh. |PARAl}B.APHER 8 PENGIL POINTS. MANY EH03 MATTERS HUGH].-Y v v-- w- -u--- w--w-.T; Glllal`-cl 0! Local Hiltofy. ,--Yachting on the bay yet. --A little cooler on Monday. --Magnicent weather last: week. -Division Court: on the 1st of November. --Herring shing has ceased for the close Illnfl s_Dodloatln ot3u;1;'s` Tnifuionno Bull. 0.; 'lV......:--- u*-.._'_ 1.-- -7 {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE swam: corms, 3-xv: om:-rs. Linked Together. __. 9-.L-..-_A.l_... __.I Great Fire at Beetov. Fun and Realism. snu `,l\.I\l| LAA H1, DIIU HUIJEH I-IILIKI LICIOIIKNXLG IJIIKII III` Inn: 111.4, and the chorus brilliant and exhilarat- LVIUSIC HALL MONDAY. Oct. 24th. AVLIIIDLL CID- The music will be` Iovely, `the orches- t1`.xbc:u1tiful, the songs and ballads charm- ihu .n.] 6-Ln r.`\o\v|uurn `\n::nn`- nuur` nv`\:`aumnI- .\Iu pplications will be received up to the lat of A Nov" 1892, for a. teacher to take charge of the Holly Public School, 8. S. No. 12. Innlsl. Mme year l_893. -Applicants to .etateAsal_u-y required, quulxcation, Sec. 1:: A t.wrn.m , - . V d Ladlmn 4 Button Black and 001070 1: Km (-`loves only 500. lluntgr. Sarjlean (V 1 0. r1*eae11er Vvanted. .H Sunday, the 30th inst.-,` His Grace A`1`u`hhishop \\'a.lsh. of Toronto, will _ be run l'.eu`x'ie to consecrate the new bell, which hasl)eu11p11rcllaSe(l_fOr the `tower of `the Lhurch of the Sacred `Heart, formerly lled Ht. Mary's Catholic Ch-1rch.; The `W11, which weighs 1,547 pounds, composed of pure bell metal and was ma.nufa.ctured.at `lleneely & Co s foundry; Troy, N . Y. The Rev. Father Bergin, aided "b the members of the society of the Sacred eart Of Jesus'a.n the young ladies Sodality, has PT00_ure this much needed church announ- Iorthe people of this parish. It is quite 110191) that the ceremony of_ concccroting. the u-lll A..l, I u n M0 'd&S'. Oct. 17th. Gold WaVto1(1' S'I`.'0 . Lowith piece of_cha1n attechedwto -it. The nder will be sqxtubly rewarded by leaving game at the Wellmgton Hotel. 42.42, L _..----- .l\4U LU Ul Lulu Prlal`. `vtlian ` ltlleyceremot \f4sfe guara- will take P13-Ce "'ft"V G McC&!mo Pf mg, and the Very ReV- `Toronto , will St. Michael's Cathedra , 1ike1{c}i}I: !)el1 ' `of onsec!'M v1_ reach a sermon on the c ells. vl"' V . -- I. y. uwuul Gri as M" Last.\Ionr19~) v Mr Thom T r.th61'` runk Stations gM'd' Uivisio went 0 lo -r-op.-sr: pull the plug out f .fihe`:1`;,ulgst " gal it for winter and CV1 ' and f W . . He _ _ . U13; way- n, lost his life 1 3 slug " 1 i ` mu! .1-"val ` r.- ell is narro\_V 99% eaching h..~wa:d Injurediu fallmg be r him to. d|n"5 e be. His wife went to 09' .dent 1; at. 1' then learned of the 3 fallen M hi g armd` " . her husband- She int- mchinz 1 7 ut of his house at 0 The- i . , ., . ell headlong 4 "W Can. Ch- ,At Barrie. on 13th 0012., the wile ot- .lD| o DMR. Sullivan Da.v1d of a. son. V Died. oL'eL4s-At._her residenne. 21 Rent: 31;,` ro'v_ D mgmn, Ixentucxy. Sept. 8h. C-atherln Anna. Douglas. relict of the 1335. John Hubert angi e!deat daughter of the late 1);- E, 1;. `7\Bl:l1n1l;:admiatlI.J:.t. E.C.?.L.`B.C.S.; Lon on._D8 n._ 8 11090 th . galMed1 St:.l`Vl00. India. . 9 3`?- uwith Christ whlch is far better. ` T n..:1Hn mmers please copy. w "" "5 VUIUIU :.UGUI|II.IB _ VVQIIVI-.0` lea ent call _h1m dmner and hrned acmdent had neighbo 8!` She . is armed z 3119 mate '3, but too into to rescue the, uqfgrg fora ahman before death. He was in Barrie from Olts txme that mornin..ha.vi1'1g come" V in on the Mixed on the Mail train. and I ttumgq. n.i2i1i , Ids` ohmmo The race for the Wm` and a stake of . ms d at`0." $1000. W "W ._ ~ frshii` V 1. 5nd aturday. bV Gwdw ' ftgainst O , - enultd Connor and f[an1a.no1`.'.":1 r V m the TM smooth and the L` ed by a large numb"M`,(,),.. 91-n"' ` I, work, and deserved ' and FL ` oronto scullers NW3 ji " Water w hE;LL-II'.c1I11)01`, it is to-night only, in the rlnsic Hull. X ;;;:i`e2.:`;`'1.et3;?9?.I;?%?`%i4?$enE ggdqauaaur nished fdu.-lengt".?Q?5$?j{'3 V'18 the distance in 18.31;." ' A . for uwjm UDYIBU wuusu no sou. on`1!ia papers piease 4;?-43. J" ?.------'-'`-"---"j.--. VOL, XL]. No. 42 WHOLI1 SAMUEL WESLEY. Proprletog. . ,_ siv ,mv1::n'r1smvm:N'rs.. The greatest of all rural blays. 4 ---<-3 Gaudaur and Bound: Barrie Bord of Health. A Sad Drowning Ono} 1SlG Blessing the Bell, .. ..., .. ...`....`..'...v'- .`.s.- ; . . ....,..- :1 ."29tA1';*:9` '*` `u -M; _; A V: <;st:.`:::?i[5.j L '= ;,:~':`4. . auzgt ax vs-v---, vvvv E. A. LITTLE. Qnnrni Birth. 12 42. Llldlg Secretary. A1 lam Dnnnvolnfnn 5 '8 bury. Allandale. Urra.vennutsw- .`.l.il.l WI! uuuu uywuc suvptui of the house: inivtpken of eat.49e`a1..;_oe1A',.-4:119`. {out .1ndyJor:kiuh?esso?I tomthdm aith nl dischurge.u;d_uties.: . `' gm >11 A II 1 " :'j`u 'w `III . , ea u.J`v`u%'iL `in `nan?-`Z`?3?B 3na. `'.i) g "'1'-' \'.`?J.`~ 2 - .._-.-.- -- .-.'~..=r'1Ji misc .1_..-;.:_.. - I..-la. -4. A `L! . A sin` 1:: 71!!" ' u.u'.`m%i 3; gya` 936$ uoothem`.~g ; A ..` 1 William cBs,e j;,1 .a;1jii_ning%a%.ba1.tac. the lm@11`1n' . %;;1i*!J7 } t;i`.,'tl1-.Lh!'~ his shift `s1e_g5ig;;`paig1;h1;_._ by j `gag shgft ' which" was coin at ,e i ~ it ~. @- twisted 9.811` abearvc? tha%.~olho:v.; ::5l`.ho-.%;alipp, 3 off _of the.drivi%5;V- bpltgjulb-. gthgn ,sqved_.-hi: lifg: Dr.` . to the . .- m `I311- ` 1;` RIC. .n`a.t'ried S11 i1The1:_dessrpt:lJgstin`,'"y_,iP h fn V .933 9,\cAt7,'. 3 . 0.. ` . _ unsuqoess _y.pQl{Aaeve '5 .` A.- ` ltqiiovered thegf, : house, where the had _qE$t"dn3."{ `_ nI_'_~;_-.-..L uI."."_."I'." } (mum unm-n1srnIur mus; uuu guuv vv uvvo AR1d.w;ath and haiin \..ah ; &ddt9s8: Q weretpresented last Saturdag ni ht'- to .Miss Katie Johnson. of the in nor Hotel, Gravenhursw; ;`v'DhlI"wah ontbyathe guests 4- LL - 1.----- :.. a...I...-. -3 Ulngin nut-Ann: fa:--1`-Jan vs. -a---- ----_ . __ vi;;;1se, V_ eh'r o`u`gh h'e~ro6f,'-I H-nan morn at-m-vnd to dh. ih`? * O U`. hquse, where the _I),_g<.1_gp ur9}1g_xy_ .1599 ` t:hrb`I'1`gh ehe"ro'6t,`-I iiig` ma; ewe`?! _=~qigt.` they were starved to death. Theflibq *-h`o`us'e` The City of Midland had 9. new .wheel laced on her last week.` The , worlrwae due by Ca. min -Bast, Awiitheut the ship I going into y Deck. ' l\,, L ._ I__A. L_2._ .1._._ LL. -L.-noaunn ll` van` auvv .9. aavvnnu On her last trip down the steamer City of Midland had on board, besides a. general cargo, 515 sheep, 32 head of cattle and one 1`1orse_from Manitqulin Island.-T+Enj;erprie_e.A lava -av, on was up.--.--v V---- ---..-._- ._._ - _ -=Mr. Swanson, of Gravenhuret,-freceived a letter "the other day containing the sad news- batihia son,"a` lad of 16 yearb.: had been: burned to death in Dakota, where the boy hadegonetolive. ' 1:0 =f '.,:I I _-._-'_ L.'I_ . ...1l L."I.:.2_" .'.'." -A`-u` The dwelling house of Mr. Lisle Smith, near Wyebridge, was` burned down la.etSu:n- day merning, (9th). The tire is supposed to have resulted from a. defective chimney. Loss $600. Insurance $400; T T A The Blue Mountain region is troubled with V . garden thieves. * : -r-1v` --.., 168 DLPTURID BX SIHCOI AND DIS'l_'3IOT I I - EXCHANGES A8 LOCAL ` * T Aggie; E; ae'.I.a};':}Lo}iLL&'3E'Bona Head were sold at: from $1.25 'to.$1.50 per barrel. FIVI... ....L..:-.. 2-- LL- `mi... 2.2.. __-_, -n-An " d?1};}.;'u?a;;'s2.}' 'tI{J'n~'1Is'i.- r1:v.er;`..l.'7:).E) and $600wa.s taken ahthe game the second day. . . M Mr. Ehrr Shierh, while empioyed in Chew : shin le mil on"Monda.y, had his left foot caug n in the bull-wheel chain. He lost two- toes and the great too is `bqdly smashed.-- Midland_Free Press. and condoud into Into:-ontbing Pan xnphu tor Advance Readers who I nine -n..u.m .{ei.3`i,E.;." Jlhere are ne vacant houses in Bond Head. 1 T An epidemic of inuenza is prevailing in Angus. ; " J; g;;;;: Tdttenham, 1,... assign } trust to Mr. J. Fraser, barrister. \ , __ W1 _ _ o . u u I u 1 ed in Immense atck ot Mantle: direct from ten-many at J. FYFIPS, 6-12 Dnnlop Fourteen new members were taken into the Creemore Methodist church last Sunday j morning. ~ An! 1 '1-'-my ..u.. The house of C. M. Fraser at Flat Point; ` Victoria Harbor, was burned last Sunday night. As no one was residing there the re was evidently incendiary. ` ` (*1 1 1 .1 I .1 , ,,._.,_" SOS Com laint is made through the country bapk 0 Midland that the potato rot is work- insz very insidiously. The potato looks well but: seems to rot right down after it has been i" stored o.whil.e.A .. b -V `'01 . St. N v61v1'E1'esday, an Mr} Harper was billed to ` teach the Newton Robinson folk how to get rich. - -- Wlznain `topic of conversistioxi in the neighborhood of Nevis is-the Loca.l'Option nliuntinn, Il\JL6II IJVJI I` question. The congregation assembled in" the Wash- ! ago Presbyterian church last Sunday were disappointed byethe failure of the preacher \ tooappear. I II` 'I'\ 1 - 9 I19` Mr. A M. Dodge`, of Waubaushene, is building a summer residence on Present Is- land. the name of which he has changed to Tranquility. 1 A very interesting and prctable Thanks- giving Missionary service was held last Thursday evening in Bond Head Presby- , terian church. - . l You can get the very latest novelties In Mllllnery $3909. _Rq_qo_y_9s nu__ 1-x__ _1:-_.1 \Iu-_._____ _L_L-_ A_L_L 11.. m ThevBradford Witness states that Mr. T. Kilkenny. jr.,-`has a. `Northern Spy 9.3110 tree on his premises, which this ygaai-`yiica , 10 barrels or 25 bushels. " 7 ,,' ..s. Q. -- . --n . Z(5 rcVa wants `a tahnery established there. _ ` ' The orlngixiii, wofqvSViIi-9:hV2i.inpto1i, .are making preparations for celebrating the Fifth of November in a. becoming manner. ` [I you want stylish In-euoodn go to ~ J. FYFE98. 6-12 Dunlap St. . M fI1L_ L-.__I ,.-,,., .,!,,A _,,, 1 T em; 'TL4.i;5s .l1'e_1_<-iTt1'1`e-ivz:fWe':'a.;t`i;1_ `gap Dutch Settlement last Saturday. A number ` of strangers from different places took part I in it. V \ _ Ms. J a.mes Hamilten v:ith his charscterr ` -istic enterprise is gging into tho hog-feeding business. He is gomg to feed several hund- re . - I ` vzinretaw Methodist church at Bond Head will soon be` nished, the painters now being, at work. ' ` Gl(en Huron irpcts to have a.` very suc- cessful time the coming winter for her liter- ary society. '7 you c :- .._.._`__- --.- v...v-'-v-_v an _-n\l- Councillor Moore, Mid-1-a.-n-('1', intends ship- ping a large quantity of fire wood to differ- ent cities this winter. ` Mr. l;I'()vt:l:L:-a. v-1;, made 70 a plan bbls a. day on 9, number of successive aye last week, so the report goes. ' 11,, 'r , . at A1]! . 1 1 - -I . 4:11..`- T '1&'41:.V.IV;1:r's{:,'<:f` 1&io,"i.'aa [about $400 worth of damage done to his house by re on Monday afternoon, 10th `inst. . l fI'II t\ 1- PI! I - _. -- _-..v, _.v :----w` --'v.v ' The total nambet of pupils regisbereci on the O_rillia Public School roll for September was 901, with an average attendance of 722. f`I'\I,_ fl` 1 1 I I1 AI :1`he stemer Kendrick ran on a. shoal in Lake Simcoe last week, and it took 10 hours to get her off. . Hear the Guy Brothers. To-night the Music Hall ought to be crmwled, to hear the Guy Brothers Min- strcls. These oldest, best and matchless interpreters of song are known in this town, but they rarely leave the large cities for snmller laces. It is not often the people, even of rrie, have the opportunity which tonight; will aiford. They are patronized by the elite of ever city. Besides the six Guy Brothers in rand new and original specialties, there will be Comosh.Va.nnerson and .\lcDonald with their beautiful triple lxn IN!` r\II noun 6-Inn nn`v nlxnl-`Arman trhn