1105 no mane punnc until the week following ' "Advertisers will not benllowed to use their space for advertising 0. outside theit own regular business. n . they do so. transient rates will be charged for such edver dsement `For one month-the monthly rate with 15 per cent. added. ~ `vigor two months--tho three monthly rate 10 per cent. added. H'P1-eferred positions in the pug: will be sold at an advance of one third on 3 ve rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. 5'x;2I.2.'i'6&i.i{.?..lI 10 Inches, } Column 20 Inches, 1 Column 1Inoh.... ....... .. Contract 3 vertisemente will be taken at th following re. which are drafted on correct commercial p ciples, and, as they will be strictly adhered to in making newgcontrsct utter present contra ts e there will be onlyvone mice for `mm .v_ .- ---v- ouwuuy . wvnnvuu yv. ..-y- Reading notices, 10 cents net line for first 11 sertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion of the same matter. Legal,` Otcinl and Government advertise ments will be charged at above rates. oonnuo-r Anvnwrxsma. F11-at insertion, 10 cents per nine. Each nub sequent insertion. 4 cents per line. um ADVANCE ms A anwmnon or rnmuznn nmvpnnn AND manrrv corms. Almost it not qui double that of any other Paper pub ed in Barrie. unvnarlslnns snotmn Non nus rAo'r.'B (12 lines solid nonpareil mnke one Inch). mus ninmsnnnnvnnos uuu. uuuvuvs I Iuuu out: I'll ISBIIISBQ I0 1356 W|1P19.'.-: .:S.ho Zn; rbon iII'i~.`18.8i`.': -nd early showed 8 taste for art _and literature. Miss Edwards, who o0mbI,n.B.d;:,th6.son9@- what `incongruous chirmtori of. arch- aealogigtg phd novelinb,>e' on`, when I child` `|'.n- ndihhnnn nl"{A"rv|n.nHI'\rI' n Ai-n.'{|v..l...".. ..k".`.v W901] No. or Inches Hanna edat V __ T aonugrlaars fEURNIu;`II1mf `;%S`i:o_I}E; 5 -'$.u ; ;.~,x, E " Id , 11' Wj'0` ` t, mumA3?.n ygl35i?' MA LAns % L,,llE:i 2. - . .._. Zij ----~ ooxnnxsxn An wept Over a. cedar Block. It has leaked out that those who atten- ded the burial of the child `of Mr. and Mrs. John Struthers, -at1._Thessslon.: followed a cedar block" instead "of the child's remains to the cemetry, the parents having secretly stowed away the body for the purpose, it is said, of having an examination. The body was not buried for some three weeks afterwards. Those who attended the funeral. especially th, yioiating minister and those who dropped a aim.- pathetic tear at the grave, are_'natu_rally y indignant over the revelation. No preparation of the kind has ever met with the same success` in the same time and the testimonials in its favor are__a1l from the most authentic sourges. -,E,\_?e1'y drug- ,,, _..__ - lcw I, But T. A. SLOGUM of 186 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont.-, must ml HIOPB thh l\I`l";'\FI'! U\h=l't\ 2.. Aueunae am, Toronto, Ont.-, feel more than ordinary pride in the success of his valuable repa.ra.~ ti_on, for the cure of lung iseases, v1z.: TRANSIENT ADVERTISING RATES. toaolo 250]: soo` E5 5;; 375 1600 -AA -.-- . _.i'*.W'~;'> - L.:I[*3<.`:'1_*,*5 I _ 2 its :. A Storm in the Tyre]. A terric storm `oauainq the loss of 5 number of? lives and the deetruotion of an immense amount of property,` prevail- ed in Trent, a city in the Ty:-Vol on the left bank of the Adize. The ' roofs of homes were torn off. and carried 3 con- siderable idintnnoe, trees were . uprooted and signs, shutters and other articles were torn from their fastening: and sent ying u-nnnh thnjir ' Hiiixoni '1-75? 13 1 null. P (A A- I510!!! E (1 yr. ~ a_t6pero:g:tg ~*r"V'," -9.r-e9.n~!21e9t8~ -9 _ . - _ 5 3. . .5. sum :"Money tag I era uh:-B teast d vt"`"s"t`.""` 1" wk! . Moggreal, etc.`mIntbn?lingsv;:tll1em receive prompt UUIII IIIJI-ll UIIUII II thrau_ 1,1, thefair. As at as knnw 1.1`! :3. I____ _II,_ STANDARD LIFE ASSIIRANBE BIIMPANY, " ' (ESTABLISHED 1825.) I-l'EAD..Ol'-'l-`ICE ran OANADA % - - MONTREAL. gnlisunailcs & IE7`H8TM.'`AGEITs. :"Money to In-m on ------- Planet` Jr. Cultivators, Money Io Step Ladders, Housekeepers Rubber Gloves, ,I XG-%. SMITH, A U N 1? ERTA K E R 110 Dunlop Street, % ........,.}., .......-... % , A; at knnwn six persons hve ben killed` by falling .debria,`whlle 5 large nnmhnr of ntvhm-I hnvn u-amnion! `n. n.:... . , V OFFER` AT LOW PRICES: `: on Vshllf and Heatvy Hardware, Chain, Bar Iron, Cast Ste - ' Spring Steel, Machinery Steel, Sleigh-Shoe 1 Steel, assorted length and sizes. ;Guns, Ries, Primers, Cartridges, Shells, Al11H1u11iti0nI OB. * t - ClothtforHalls, Oil Cloth Mats for Stoves `and Tables. {:5 el, ' LIRON AND STEEL MERCHANTg Assure FOR! THE HOWARD FURNACE, BARRI E AND STROU D. Plough Lines, At .1. HENDERSON S. nuavu U annulus IIOUKII, WIIIIU [Dirge number, of othen have receivod `injuries. 'I`hn In-on 9-nnf nf tho milibum I..........l.. J:A. 31-nA'rH`v.; Wheel Barrows, ur-u.Ir\'\lI, ./.1. COW, And :11 Funeral Requlaites Furnished, Orders by Telegraph or otherwise prompg; attended to. v ' G. 0. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. Steam Works and Show Room, COLLIER-ST.. BAR RI; h Permanent enlargements bya {mew and beautiful process. , SWITHIN KIN G, Photo. BARRI E AND BRACEBRIDGE PHOTO s'ruo]oT Bothwol| s__B.lock, Barrio BARRAU D COFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL Km '- . 1.. _:.--I- -_ 'lA _J_ L- f\ 1 Circular Saws, Leather Belting, And a full Line of Mill Supplies, wwxnuj-n}L.L.` _.l_'J-L KJ FROM $3.00 PER DOZEN. Tj FIRST PRIZE. BABBlEo 1 890. l 891 . Brother Jonathan : Protest. The protest of the United ' States Gov- ernment against Canada constructing `a revenue. cutter for service on` the upper` lakes has been of little avail. and the keel of - the vessel, which is to be of steel throughout, is now being laid at0wen Sound on the Georgian Bay. The new vessel, it is stated, is simply . beinuz built for revenue purposes. and the United States, it appears, has at the present time four vessels of this class on the lake--viz. one each at Oswego, Detroit, Erie and Milwaukee. . - ` Mnuxmn, I 5'il=l'lEMIsT_ nun nnussm. ma,mr or me name nom- g a "I.-ix` = _'f"" ;;`.|1IlMooI-roA mm or common. _ {V 1dOWANDcALFror '5 IS H LL11. in I , i U my qa1va1_.:-~1a?sII3'A 1: 15% FULL LINE- -`rm;-`x M ` W. M. RAMSAY _ _ `MANAGER. '3` AI `N79 Cabinet changes. _ At Toronto a shuls in the Ontario Cabinet is talked of,co`ntingent on the pro- bable retirement of Mr. Fraser. It is rumored that Mr. Ross will assume the important portfolio of Public Works. Mr Harcourt, a-strong eduoationist, would then take up the work laid down by Mr. Ross. Should the new Minister be Mr, Harty,who is a strong favorite, the trea- surership would be open to him.--London Free Press. Churns, 3-`; '7:-_`_,' * 3/Cllgll-II'L\I.l.L\ JEAN!) - '1`UIms, sons, COMBS, Q 4., jB1wsHEs. In stock or Made td Order. . ho tonnd-- Spades and Shovels TIEIE Moxwam wm Receive About $40,000. The refereeua pointed to inquire into the claim of cbean, Roger & 00. against the Government for printing givent out` to Conservative newspaper ofces, which they were entitled to re- ceive according to the terms .of printing contract, are expectedto conclude their work to-day. It is expected that -the award will amount to somewhere about $40,000`-to Messrs. McLean. Roger & Co. MON'|'REA L. E. 1888. 1389, The rug habit is now so rmly establishe ed that one reads with amusement of the remark Scott : wife is averted to have made on learning from her famous hus- band that his publishers were to pay him a large sum for his new novel. Now. she is said to have added. `'I -can buy a new carpet. And so it is that the wives of literary men'trample on their husband's brains, the cynic might say. ' ` -:-vwy That redbeardede and would-be red- handed anarchist, Johann Most,` was turned loose from Blackwell's Island Prison last Wednesday, and. the free lunch Frankfnrters in the;William street saloon near the editorial rooms of his paper, Die Freiheit,- shrank in trior` at the prospect of a recnrrence of his visits. T`-Ivu -t crimes ant: 1 flood and storm-Plokod_ up tho! V whsunotoa nmns says. A distinvuished English divine says (hi tlgree of the worst traits. anyone can possess are "dirty nger rill, love of onions and slovenly'at.tire`." ` . Des'n and" Wisdom. In the Sahsfs regional! the creatures ss. sume a sandy bus, which of course sen-q (lets them inconspicuous in their nstive.. home, and among the shers, especially in those groups of st forms which lie among the sand, the skin is all speckled` in character, like the surface on which they rest. ` ' w-yr www- A P1061028. of Plot'.ur`es. ` Thirty-one thousand pictures have beer; forwarded to this year : Roygbcgdemg exhibition, dgaingt 11,000 but year. 3358353 3y"-"vi d Indthrea `_otl1 'rhe`Bug Fashion Established. I535; By".".o"?3L` ;$}'.'3nZ"3'v2'}`3 nd three `others were badly4vvoi1V:V1 A Noted Woman (3 rs! '-/it " '9 `tin - W Anarchist Hoit is free. Ilv III-- world over. A . _ _ _ . _ _ _ J _ __ .,. :,, . . -x "'.'*;..`,.m ni`I ?..\in'th6zni "hbrHd"9fOtFo:I093`?5 11;:-e .li_a`v,_" t.or:,p1b:gh`buti thell 1 ravrely .co}djVnavea_ther eand heavyf .'tros't9-.hava.givon~:h*em`a `<':hehk'.* - Religious Disturbances in` Africa. A Zanzibar depatchpsays :-'-Triba11ight- ing has taken `place at Uganda, between &the Protestant and Catholic converts in that country. hing'Mwanga, the ruler of ]I{J_%landa, `who was leading the latter forces, 1 ed the principal Protestant chief. Capt. Lugard, the agent of the British East Africa Co , interposed between the warring natives for the purpose of restoring order. The result was that King Mwanga. was de- posed, andtllaptain Lugard was nominated as his successor. 1 WnBllzI.`9200uKl'$ Dfvie-s `C. 2', .- H! :; `\'f:vn It-'wasiqn1y:tho other~dn'y- IV `heardsofyw va1p:gbga`Sti33eh_; r`d`*d6 _bei1yg .phQt.'bec,b. " ;-5 V havin'g'a`w61ifnd;dn"bis _ aid. qonnaaled. the` hair, he hit; wperpon-who -handled . him roughly.~Bay:s*ymmsTand'o1a; plmi-7` -member thbzu these creatures &redjum b. ' They may be hungiy; ,or tl 17i;`s_t;y,V or ;old,; 61' ` faingt, or.aick,:or}brnised, or ' wounded,'.a.nd Doannothtball. yo;_1.;,.-.'1`hink`beo1ua` you: s.tIfil@' any creature that qannob ,npo"a_k,-' v" ` ' T .";:_'~.`,1v"p`_?;-,`x - ,<: 2- - 'f..vtii)"-1` .3 '7' .`-.1- ~. in - ,r ,t. - ' A vv nuts J. wen: u UV] .I. VVUICISUU. IOPB {rmer and was given _a. sp_a_.n of horses to plow with, one 0 which was a four-year old colt. The colt after walking A few , steps, would lie downin the` .f(1rj.'bw.. '.'1`l_;e7 farmer. wasdi revoked, and-toldgme tp sit,.on ..the. cows Read; to keep him - from rising-while~ he ] `whipped him, i `to break him of ;the;tjnot`i'on. ,` its he said. Butjust th `V _,a,,ne1ghboro oernei by. He said: `There is -something wron here; let him get -u,?.~`~e.nd " le_t~upex amine. V He patted the colt, 6"k ed`at` `the " heliss, and then said: `Look at this,coller;:it.is:s,6. long and narrow, and carries the hgmess*so hig , that when he "e_to_"p;11.ll {iii;;f9jli ps`f {back and chokes him.'s1'.>, 119. ~ c3Ili t. }bF.5P.hefL Aged so it was; and butwforuthat-~~ neighbor? vwglhollld heve, w infiqklqd` S _1;`(3!`a1ll1/II`. as wethadeontnsgx `r . lwgdbsyfxr? . - wheuxbeeoenklhit` '"v-'"1I&' 3}? whbuzl?9mukin t ;"5Lthe.w | `*It-'wusic _m1y:tlio othetsa 4a_- -vug vuoulvyulu HIGH". 1 The long cataleptic sleep known to i medical science has been attracting atten- tion in Germany. , The latest report states that the man-a miner of Silesia-has been Tunconscious for"four and a half "months. with no unnatural appearance except absolute rigidity of the limbs During this time the patient s hair has grown,tbut his beard has remained stationary. Food is giiten by tube. - V e . - nuu .pl.IlWlII': IllI1U`7 Edwsm`. s ,'9t94 hegr.-elf: for raven:-"Airstrip to mtiui, _bcggqo got only an aooom;-='. A R,eek1eu Financing. Some idea of the recklessness that con- trolled Argentine nances may be had by considering that the national, provincial municipal debts of the countr increased from $100,900,000 in 1830 to 5,500,000 in 1890. Add to. `these liabilities on the score of inconvertible currency and state guarantees and the grand total risesto $888, 560,000 The annual interest charged on the debt is $46,500,000--a sum larger, than the whole revenue of" the mation at pres- ent. s V ~ g-mug as G` C IV a.uu1.au',y. The formation of "a new Italian . -cabinet has been completed. Its programme, in- cludes retrenchment in the A army budget. The new . members are Signor Cadolline, Minister of Finance ; Gen. Ricolotti, Minis- ter of War; and Signor Genalla, Minister of Education. The other ministers are the same as in the last cabinet, except that `Signor Chinerri has been transferred from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to the Ministry of Justice. .-.- ., guausalpvnnunvaul Ill lilvio Suspensionbridges which were` built in the time of the Han dynasty (202 'B. C. to 220 A. D.) are still standing, striking exa.m- ` ples of early Oriental. engineering. skill. These crossings, appropriately styled y ing bridges by early Chinese writers, are high and dangerous looking in the extreme. At the present day a bridge may still be seen in Shense which is 400 feet long and is stretched over a chasm more than 1,000 feet deep. fmnkuetorovyon an-1:5. When I was a. boy 1 worked" for a. farmer and IIIAI (nnn 1 -nun 1.3 I........ L- _|--_ congratulations An Round. The St. James Gazette, commenting on the ratication by the United States Senate of the convention providing .for a renewal of the Behring Sea modus vivendi, says :-- } The Americans are to. be congratulated upon seeing reason, and Lord Salisbury upon having perfected the surgical opera- ation which enablecl them to do so without unnecessarily hurting the feelings of the patient. ' ' .J'eW1Ih Emizration, _ V There is a prospect of, a heavy Jewish emigration from Ruasiaduring the coming -summer, although the prohibition of the entr of the Jews into Prussia will tend to chec ` such emigration. The Russian au-V thorities are relaxing the measures _ against the Jews, as they do not wish to force large omasses of the population to leave the coun- try. T _ German May bay` Preparations. ;r `The Berlin Vorwaerts, the"orgen of the Socialists, anno unce th`at.aixteen halls have been Secured for holding May Day M mani- i festations. The paper appeals to a.Il work- ingmen to observe May` Day "as. freedom from the bonds of capitalists can [only be obtained through the efforts of working-. men themselves. - ' ' . many parts of Burgundy. It is expected 75 ,. TA` wan l`ro_m the..Vinoya)'dt. V . The French vineyards have suered im- mense damage from the `icy -storms of Easter. The crop has been destroyed in ; per cent. of the gm es will be .lost in the I Tourine district. be Cognac district has also suered severely. An Ann-ohtst.Paper seized. i The London Commonweal, an ;Ana.rchis't ' pa.per,'wa.s seized by the police the_ other [ `day. It; describes itself as a. revolutionary M journal of anarchism and communism. It abounds in violent articles, c__oum_1enti_ng' upon the Walsall Anarchiefs. ` ` Winter In Aunt:-in. The winter is very stormy end of wintry Severity throughout almost the whole of A-0 itria Snowstorms are raging in tlz; - Alp. , and the country between Trleste and Baden -is thickly covered with snow. uu vu_ y\{w_pu>uu1;Iuq I_wr18l;O6I.0r0 890 knew ow to write.. She first appeared -in print 9.t`4`seven* you-a -' old-within` po'em pen-` ed the " Knights. of -{01a.-; When ehe was fourteen-eahe eeht"l{o as maggzlne, edited bi Gbrge Cruikshank, 3 story on the baekof vrhidh ihe`hs'd"I"oribbled anti-' eutugdlipf th_e.person7e`gee_ appearing that-_-_ in., I s 8 .i3l'8Vihgl were 30 clever that Cruiklhpnk ` wept impulsively to ;`all..np9'n" his iihkuoxu` opntxiblitor, `tilde 'edfiI$g' to his Iutonithgnent Athgt" thin` 9ontrtbnt6r_' was a little! -_f` girl, offered 'imm`ediste`1yito.. tskeher as e_p`:g:j;i91`g5i,p,npil_ag1d.tl;1ingher no to his wo1*|'Z.i;""~'1`li ei 5 ii5Eb`F'wi| I"vde6liii`ed," and zpnttingzi aide`; en` Ihd`;pli0fMlI]* Ednildd diavmma habsslna; B519.-c" .i`.ii`a.`. .l-` 753' Bi`? IHIIUITQ re1i'z_Z'eit tii`Pigs5)i):rs`the Sultan 1 of Turkey was intensely annoyed at 3 Eng- land a diplomatic .,victory in the air of the unan of investiture ' of the` `Egyptian Khedive. ii":.s': Early Suspension Bridnies ...........'L..:.1_.__ _-_I,s,| ` - A Long cataxepixo slen. 1...... ....a.-|-_;:- Jun, 3* .v-, , *5 . `T g 5.` 1": 1 `. ' 1, Dp;edex`_11ic~;-`Q1 : ` `has (aio ah gmu g5thp! gmtpiants Z_.0x_1 ` e ?1W;qt``t`n %fton"7. ~,;- . -.s" ;:.. `- .~ ` 3 .~ I` Italy : New minim"-y. .....a.:..._ -134 ----- " co.uugu3y_ uuu uuvl-u|lv,' I ll_),' W! to ed," _p 'u_e'p6_'e`h1,qsghd' s_ 'riea';7 kn.ewl3: `to write. . 1_h_e 1:} 1` I I 4 _1rai4:d3si`;;.1in:'eros=t,'!53a1 1'o`n_n`:I_):6'1nopi1u. frhesoourity tornopoaitouina Loan , , -3 company nimdoub '1.? is 1 u49`.?1?99!e!a9tr9sA :m. , .-- . " r: A - ' 1BAR!li;5GRN~; PP . 1. .2` .l, Sl[VINE'Sic.ni .,. 1, if. .-,u,. _,.,_ W Viva, Ag; 4;`_;.. | ;UB`SCR%IBEDA <;c.A1?1:I:An- sv vu;J avuuuzu Luau. .LUll. lllny P1308 ne utmost oondenoo in an in` ..he says with regard to your -mediome. e has on_ many occasions within the -last four, years told r'ne3tha.t it was ma.rv'e1lousVthe,wa.y the Burdock Blood` Bitters had onrd him. T and that he now felt. as able to do, a. day s `work as he even felt in hialife. Although `quite well he still takes some `B..CB. B . ocm.aion_`ll , ; I.per_fe_othe th,` ` ' A ._ ' " "YoursV g;1:Yy, _ [`7 ' ..:sZ as he Bare '90 R??? iii '.-rE"`*..`~`- i.':9,`.. :Ft'-2`J.`:':. .. ' . A nun. .L. muuuL'u (5 U0 .lUl'0nU0._ . Gn;N'n.sMzN,-I have `been...persona11y aoquainted with Mr. O. 0. Ethan for the last 20 years, and have always found him a. very reliable man. You may place the utmost aondannia in n.nv+J-nd I... ........ ' 7 '`'.""'>;`'`'.".'_`"`"'.;`'*.','.` ', ~.v.+Hh!-[4-e_v-F3 i.1L.>s ` - "' Va.` "e:'c`:am, Wo1land.P.O. In this connection the following letter ' from T. Oumines, Esq.. 3,1 .' druggist of Welland, Ont... speaks forvit ` _ : _ Me srs. '1`. Milburn & Co., Toronto.` , (1-`l'n`.N|"'I`T.'l!ll'!\`f J `tnn ."I\4u\-s u.A....-;.-1I._ avus \Jl--\Jy|-LI. IJUDII uuuuuru VVLUJJUUU UUDclIllI]g permanent relief, but continually growing worse, until almost beyond hope `of re- covery, I tried your Bitters and got relief in a few days. Every organ"of my body ' was deranged, the liver enlarged, hardened and torpid, the heart and digestive organs seriously derangedga` large `abscess in my back, followed by paralysis of the right leg, in factthe lower half of my body was entirely useless. After using Burdock Blood Bitters for a few days the abscess burst, discharging fully ve quarts of pus in two hoursg; Iefelt as if I had received a shock from` a" powerful battery. My re- covery after this was steady and the cure permanent. seeing `that for the four years since I have had as good health as ever I had. I still take an occasional bottle, not that I need it but because I wish to `kt.-ei) my systemin perfect` working order. `1 can think of no more remarkable _ case than what I have myself passed, through, and` novwords can express my thankfulness for such perfect recovery. ' " n`n vr-1- w_e_ua.pa;;0nt. ; _ - 52.1.9.-ojf .-'.'B; 13. i he length ofytime it has been; betorp. tha 2'ople, and the faot that it cares to "stay ' -rad. attest rthe strlifl- ~mm-M: no +.1.;.. an suuu. am uxa uuuuo V `s will be seen from his letter, four physicians had attended him, and it was only after hehad given I: hope of cure that hetdecided to` try urdock Blood Bitters` on the recommendatiori `of 9. neighbor who had been cured of a..sir`m'.la.r 3 disease by its use. Mr. Haun `writes"a.s efodws: v `V ' ~ V 'h...... 6.... 1' L1-.._I_ 1- |-____' I uuuqvwl, us .vuuwu's unvu IUVUIVUII. IIIJ IIFIOI. The large roof of the militu-y_ barracks wes,ripped completely 'off and fall with a greet crash to the ground, -burying two soldiers beneath it. Both were dead when taken out. The full of 3 ha e mess of rock caused an nvnlnnnl-in ho - in}. `diam ....a.'....- ...'.`.a.; Dmn S_ms,-I think I have been one of the worst auiferers you have yet heard of, having been years in the! hands of ' four of: our best doctors withdut obtaining T){'3.T?YI.HT|fn TARA . "hut nn'nf.';nno"1r nrnnn'n.-'1 The following remarkable facts are fully certied to as being undeniably correct in ever particular. Mr. E_Ia.un is well known in t e vicinity, having resided` here over fty years, and is highly respeotedasra man of the strictest honor, whose word is as good as his bond. AVG kn annn Lanna `.3... `ALL... .B-.... 'Pt- in at shsrt otice. A ill stock of Iio1 sPie for Stam, Water and Gas, Globe Valves A Stop and Check Valves, Steam Gauges, and Water Glasses. All work . E10-9 . ' in this line promptly attended to. b WUNDEHEN WELLAND! ALL THE MOST APPROVED MAKES, WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FUR- ` . -E E A NISEINGS, ET MANUFACTURERS PRICES. .;\Jl.ll.U, . ,.,,_d 5. -..- }BA%RRIEsTOVE&%l vyaw, uuu. uuc Luau uulbv I0 UIIIUII $0 Bliy Md, attest rthe ssterling merit so! this _ `.:f.rehi`of.medioin es,the peo`p1e s-fayoru-.9. - ~- ",1;'.*t'*pr,.+.nnin 15.1-v 1-can 4-1: V A 'Represehtafi`ve F afmer ` Speaks. T '~-'cauoc:.unwonhaspoeawn:1a:o::"ha{: . on.` 4 lncommendituuupa-lortoany-preemption 31'3"m5h-`iv sieep:..nd 4,, `K H baritone." E.~A.Aucnn,_u.D.,. : _ ,. A 1118o.0xIoI'd8t..Brookbn.N.Y. . 1 mu1ou_smadxw:on.{ .' Tn Cnuuun 0ox1u%1w,>77 Murray Street, N. Y. sn 3/vpl killed I `ll .V`- . I3-`I : `as 3 t:_e.=:. 1 , _ Stoves! %Sto1fe%s! Stoves! Mllls & Plaxtonfs Qalabraied Furnaces MR. c.Vc_, MAUN. SOUTH-'.SII5E'DUNLOP STREET, NEXT 10 {ram oA1I'r.oN' " TEA _STQRE. V ' A ,, a&i7ina?s,"th`e`; eFTB ..tonf1o and tegutot; Jo 1'..[A{._;x-I-oJ.\'r-; 7.} Jldrants .....*cmu.m.s;% A...GUI4Ii2a,s. . 4 % .'t11&ad;9nt-i vuninnl `D `D as LIUIIUIL Wlllllll T. , .. ,,"'.",' . Amelia Blanfoid Edwurdn,` 'la.t1y do- oeaaed, was the daughter of Thomas Ed-` unlit`: `nrrnnnln an AH-2...... 3.. LI... D..}LZ_L : W` .-a S1oc1_1m s Oxygenized Emulsion Of Pure Cod Livgr Oil. _ ,. -_ .....__.-u ,u.v|.u one IHOSU , , . 8iBtI.sellAit. .. .. .. ilpa `.35 cans; was ,-BOT`_l'vl.-.._ V1 1 " T nuuresses, and gures counted as $333 I-":$t?:.' reduction to 1 cent per word will be ma e when the number or insertions ot the . amt. matter exceed Form. . >Eto.;Etc.. must be acoom . .....e...,y Lu: sum or no no 28001110 Articles; 115. 32:11 with the cash. and will be 1naerted-F insertion, 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent word names. addresses, and coun _words ; but a reduction to 1 cent mar wnr curl ` WE cAN}No'r AlLMB.Em,AE.l%R8T1 OONTBAOT ORANGE. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to chan e advertisements must be handed in to the o co not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the co y for such change must be in the Anvwon c not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week; otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week following. "Advertisers beallowed to man than- uvuuwu, was out: unugulnr Ul. Lnulllll BALI-' warde, formerly an ooer in the British army`. in which capacity hejwfu -preuent: throughout the Peninsula oengpei A . By her mother's side she we: `relate to the wn`nA`n- . .u.|... 7:`- L-__ 3.1- "ihlr