Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Feb 1892, p. 6

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WHAT TO TEACH A -DAUGHTER. muons given-In all Branches of. Pointln. Drowinlhuo... to. in GI, 1110! Space. (or mm. mm: owuam `ir`1v'P9mu8 `afrir1?1 $050 * 2:2!` mils` U116 Inser tion. .:nser- mseb . tions. tione. (smog) (6mos)( ujzjjn ` -vv .3 75 nnn PRICE l'O x 4.; .. EEE The of 1;; -63? out 1'. t o poueued Ind_.I._ooet_:ti9n of. U sovllllnllll lea; th dinaln Manning an 500 .___j. isooo 51400 I an An . 510115 b (1 yr-D 63 Tn ant V V V ` _ __ _` __ _._.., `7 v,--w-vs uuuv I CI IICU_7' katrshbrft ;19ti_c e." - .!u1l"i_tc;l;. of iron Pipe go: Steam, Water and Gas, Globe Va1V` '_ x g Stop Chpck Ynlvedg` Steam Gdugea, ind Water GI".=saa. . All work :.:*..Am;9% V % J tn-A1.i=.=e,`:e>tro-z~rv -wed em % ~ALL~THE;1mT`)ar1$noK%1o ._WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FUR` `V ,'NI8ING`S, AT MANUFACTURERS muons. : BARBIEsmvearununct nivm S. EUGENE 8Al..I.8o f...___.._-_ -N The C|_A3s H P0|_|C|Es of the STANDARD are FREE FRO! RESTRICTION of any kind. The assured under this Policy may proceed t4 and reside in, any part of the world, or engage in occupation of any kind, with out license, or payment of extra premium. suunnno LIFE ASSIIIIANGE commv, ~ (zas-1.ABLIsJ:-3:313 - 1825.) ` HEAD on-`lo: ron onmun - - MONTREAL. .__..._...--.....y -;.4.;.4.4;..:.4J.vkJ UV .L\UI; MANURE FORKS, SLEIGH SHOE STEEL, AMERICAN & CANADIAN COAL OIL, BUCKSKIN & LEATHER MITTS, Etc 6. The Encyclopaedia Britannica Revised and Amended contains 4,000 biographies of the living men of our times not contained in the original Encyclopaedia Britannica. The original Encyclopaedia Britannica does not contain the biographies of such men as Gladstone, Bismarck, Sir John McDonald, Gen Sherman, Gen. Gareld, Hon. Geo. Brown, and a host of others, because they happened to be living at the time the` book was published. '7 Thu mnuntyninnmllio 'l2..h-..-.-..\:m. DnIv:unrl` SAW HORSES, LA N TERN S, ~ WHIPS, SKATES, _shelf and Heavy.Haril`ware, Chain, Bar Iron, Cast Steel, S S Spring Steel, Machinery Steel, Sleigh-Shoe i ~ Steel, assorted length and sizes. `Guns, Ries, Primers, Cartridges, Shells, Ammunition, Q * S Clothfor Halls, Oil Cloth "Mats for Stoves S e S and Tables. A HARVDWARE, IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTs M0M>B1STERa STORY & 66 f , St6ve;i__<)ves ! I15. `nouns: -.___. _ WI 0.5 `I ll 'Jll3LIG\.KI 7. The Eucyclopaedia. Britannica Revised` and Amended is in price within the reach of the great mass of people, while the original edition cost the subscriber from $120 to "$200 per set. 42-tf sour}: sum pU1~z'Ld1>`smEm~, mun A nmnn SLEIGH BELLS, asunanarnnu ASSURANCE INVESTED FUNDS. OVER GOV. DEPOSIT AT 0'l.'l`A`WA svnsnsrma A Imvns-run mm?3E`.'.%} . _._..-- -7. At J. HEN oERs6i~I #1.. jvz GAEPENTER AND X CUT SAWS, AXES AND AXE HANDLES, SNOW snovm; `I`r`r'l"I-'1v-1\p\- W. IVI. RAMSAY Ban`. Muuonn, Mosmuz J. A. STRATI-IV. A%ENT. I-I-In- (Int- OFFER AT LOW PRICES 2 5 The Encyelopaerlia. Britannica Revised and Amended has been written and cor- rected up to date and contains not only the latest information obtainable, buttstatistics of every country, city or town in the world worth mentioning to 1891. .i fI1I `IN I 1' `IN I. I I\ I I CATTLE CHAINS, LEATHER HALTERS & ROP; 1? 'rREE'.1'. NEXT TO THE CANTON _',_l`EA groan. j ` A PHOTO STUDIO ! [7 BotIIwell s_B_lock, Barrio Permanent efargements by! o and beaunful process. oAB_I"1TE'rs FROM $3.00 PER DOZEN. FIRST PRIZE. BARBIE. 1888. 1889, ' 1890. 1891. swrrnm KI`NG,I5l'1oto.4 --' -- --www` BARBIE AN(DB'RAGEBRlDGE I 9 109 Ont. ll$B IIU I-IIUUL WUUI 4. The Encyclopaadiu. Britannica Revised and Amended contains every article that is contained in the original Encyclopaedia. Britannica, 9th edition, but the voluminous articles referred to have been abridged. and you get in a nutshell all that is cony tained in the original work. - E "IVL. ".`,, ,_, I, ,,, 1! 1` '1 ` fi 9 I 5}*Ebri1.1`y- 11, 1362, TIQIE $l0l,000.000 35,000,000 l,200.000 Econgrogatlonal 9 . ' Churc`. ns of I;oLLIn.s1.~ BARBIE OPPOSIQEI THE Barrie ihy and III luv ` lhe c knelt` dr. and cric- best! . {no you -- mu ,., lJU ULIIL UIIU I. CGUI8 UL LIIU UL BIIJWIJ V ll-lllI' I V! ual. \ 3. The Encyclopaedia. Britannica 9th edition contains voluminous articles on hundreds 9f subjects in which the public has no interest. . V A IIIL- 13,, ,_-I_,_,.j!- `I'I__.';-_,__2_- 15, I,,I HQ '11! sud leap marble, ing at t triad L0 ttiod eat siv hole A himself ain sa 8 7 him TIVIII In nu boat ea 8 Ihout Men 1'04 other, 3 that bli Over the lived grew sti tyre-st,r' a___. ___n IRIQV `arm of Oh Voice wi lhivcrin night --` ml... ,. I. IIVIV II On 1} Btill, lil he uuul DIV "tha't' ` ;v/Z1'Lh' m.'.I`he Encyclepsedia;VB1;itan_nica 9th edition is too voluminous as well as too classical for any bod exceptin college tofessors and scienti c men, an entirely" l e ond the reach of the ordinary Vindi- I1: IIQ1 wipil: supp` HV Cord: 41. H (_'n|Ul' tercsts thv h'\\' 1 Just life-, wl cu,simn.~4 I 1 4|: uu hnnxewv absent Alive, I {fry ho .nnl_v. duught her nw of H. vu pink .11 she hvl aux. Au. child. hers?` bring did all fem's`. gentle, woman A["VI the original Encyclo aedia. B1-iuafnnica : 1. The 9th or atest edition of the Encyclopaedia. Brita.nnica--the greater portion of it-is from eight to sixteen years old, and is entirfelye behind the times. . V ' - n nu. _ 1'1- ___-I;__._12_ 'n_2L_____2-_ {ILL uauo I in min hnve h UVII VII 0 Alice. quick} (V1: 1.5 She turnin ungttnlx` vv um: A|\ she ha. swarm \\'hut, and w do not pair 0 oh! I vuou nu irliei issin and 11 c..?L`1 Alice parts groan yes, ( did 11 gnaw jealo ulwa. she I: of th gethe town ginni blanf I will doarf `lllllll Th with tends trust. wi'ck her rover beyo Reasons` why the Enoyclopaadia. Britan- nica. Revised and Amended is` preferable to Britannica `of it-jis_ from_ eight I.-L!_._I LL- Egbr :1 People who use arsenioel preparations for their complexion, do so at 9. risk of their lives Ayer s sarsaparills is guaranteed free from any injurious drug, and is, therefore, the safest as well as the most powerful blood medicine in the world. It makes the skin clear. "That work is worthy always ivhenit is well done. That. `aha value ' of money is just the gun! it uni An In ``n Rut ilunlr -I-in nnnlut LII-V VII? VIII-I7 V? T113? I3 `- `ICU UIIY J good it will do In life. but that one ought to` know and appreciate this value. A That the man who wishes to marry her In the one who tells her so and is willing to work for her, and not `the one who whispers silly love apecohee and forget: that men cease to be men when they have no object in life. 'I"....nln `inn n h I \lII VVIII IIIVW I` KZIIBIIIIIII I'll!) VVIJI III! t pleasure to you always. and whose days mu be long and jayous in the land which the Lord hath given her. II5'U L'U UIJJFUII ll-I IIIVU Teach her to think well before she says no or you, but to` mean it when she does. '1`:-nu`: `man `-4-. rnan Illln than`? IIU UII UI, UIIV BU IIIUDI-I III WIIUII DIIV \l-UVHQ Teach her to iavoid men who speak lightly. ofany of the great duties of life. - 'I"_unn`-n Ln: bkn has nan nnnvn ;I `In nnnt IIBlI|vIJ' UL nay UL IIIIU IUDII ZIIAIIIUU UL ALIV- ' Teaohher that her own room in her neat and that to make it sweet and attractive in a duty as well an pleasure, 'l!.x....l. `man in kg` - :45:-p\nu\,,_nn QAI`\Q._ U 1 XCU If VVYII Q `IIWTUI-II? Teach her. to. be 3 wgman-aelf respect- ing. honest, -lovmg and kind, and than you will have A daughter who will be: alga-gnu: on unn n`n1nnl ant` IIJM-.nn Jain: lnoyolopao Ila B:-Itanul ca. Honor Roll. Too Mnoh Discipline. _ I Discipline is s good thin {but it. may be '_ overdone, in which `case t e result in for- ' malisxn, end .; formelist is the jhoet Innin- tereeting ef humsn7'beings'~'t'o.thenatural, ` nnnifected V inen` =end`~ women. Your`: rigid disciplinariens ere apt tor commit" and mis- tskes; especially as reigrds childien. . They ` insist" `upon amelting ye and .giivle -whet iheevenrnever intended . themito. be--pre- rollicking, unpulsixfe `creatures, and `it is blind cruelty .to put their minds and limbs " Dcisiens. By nature children are ?no`isy, 9 `into strait jackets. Let them romp-"it is` their nature to. To discipline their neturo sl impulses out gef them ._ ie to cnunterveil` the kind purposes of the Grestor. 5 Nobody * attempt to interfere with the `shipping of `_ lembe, Why should the oung of the hu- men species be "snubbed or being equslly frolicsoxne !.---New York Ledger. ' _ . ` > . ~- ~` ' :`r I . .- . . ,- ~' uu um ux usuuu uulf. ` V I It is hardly fair `to Mr; Clemens to state `his qtprtlin conclusion without the ag re- gate of evi enco which led up to it. in pnper will, be interesting in many places where it is not convincing. _ Maude--`a`(3ongtatula,tq _;ne, Clara; I ln 'ongsgod.` Clara--4"VVoIl,' -you vo' been might quick about ilz. Here it is on] the `neon week in legp you-.-New ork " P:-cu. 1 DELU UU G viawulg l`c1a.tlV6 W110 was PPCSOIIT4 3 `Now I will do a miracle. I will tell you everythin this letter contains-date, signature, am all--without breaking the seal. , It is from a Mr. Wright, Virginia, Nevada, and is dated the 2nd of March-- seven days ago. Mr. Wright proposes to make a book about the silver mines and the Great Bonanza, and asks` what I, as a friend, think of the idea. Hesaysfhis sub- jects are to be so and so, * their.` order and sequences -so and so,- and he will close with a history -of the -`chief. fea- ture of the` book, the Great Bonanza. ; I opened the letter and showed that I had stated the date and the contents correctly. ~ Mr. Wright's letter simply contained what . my own letter, written on the same date, ` contained, andmine still la in its` pigeon- .hole, where it had been yingr du_ring.the- seven days since it w_as'.written. T111-LOCOMOTION or IDEAS. Numerous accidents, of which tl18l`l)OVO is an example, -`have persuaded Mr. Clemens to become a` believer in the existence of mental telegraphy, i. e., the coinrnunica-' by vsom`e means` `far subtler: than` between .. minds j which . may .-be` 1 tion, we can now imagine, belonging to." bodies , separate .- i could not . Wright's mind and minahad been in. close and clear-crystal communication with each, 3 other across three thousand miles, of moun- tains and desert on the morning JV thousands of miles. .``I on \ Originated that succession of ideas, but that he nlnd originated them, andmimply I tele- phed them to the other. "He calls to stance the many well-known cases of in- , ventinns which have occurred to different 4 men in different parts of V the world at al- .most the same , moment-the telegraph, ' originated simultaneously by Professor Henry in America, Wheatstone in England, Morse on the sea, and a-German in Munich. no Moan PLAGIARISM. The quotation marks about origi- nated in' the last, sentence are used `advisedly, for when telepathy shall be `proved an accomplished fact, who will be :able to say ot any idea, I am the author bt, says he,. -,that. Mr.. . of the 2d 1 , larch. I did not consider that both `minds ` of this? By `farthe most curious and most - 1 frequent cases of these phenoinen_a,"acci- dents, or whatever they be, occur ingthe literary world. Witness the `Darwin-Wab lace episode, and scores of less famous ex- amples. When the courts shall take cog- nizance of such a science, it will plainly be impossible to produce, in a iyen case, any tangible evidence tracking 't_ c illusive ides . , p I to its original lair. , . V , l `T9-. in has-AI: `Fain flu is. l`I......-...- L- -L-A- uuuv us all. \_Jl.vluUul WUIUI: Two or three years ago I was lying in bed, idl musing, one mornin --it was the a 2nd of arcl|-when' sudden y a red-hot new idea came `whistling `down into my camp, and exploded with such comprehen- sive effectiveness, as to sweep the vi- cinity. clear of rubbishy reflections, "and flying fragments`. This idea,` stated in simple phrase, was that the time tain book; a book which ought to be writ- attention and be of eculiar, interest--to wit, a book about the evada silver mines. The Great Bonanza was a newwonder then. and everybody was talking about it. It seemed to me that the person best qualied - to write this book was Mr. William H. Wright, a journalist of Vir inia, Nevada, by whose side I had scribble many months whenI was reporter there ten or twelve years before. He might be alive still; he might be dead; I could not tell; but I would write him, anyway. I began by merely and morlestlysuggesting that he make such a book; but my interest grew as I went on, and I ventured to map o'ut what I thought ought to be -the plan of the work, he being an old friend, and not iven to tak- ing goodintentinns for ill. even dealt ~ with details, and suggested the order and so- about to put! the manuscript in an envelope, when the tlmu_a;ht occurred to me that if this book should be written at my sugges- tion, and then no pub.`isher happened to want it, I should feel uncomfortable; so I concluded to keep my letter back until I should hu.\'e S{'L:.1[`(`.d '-I. puhlislu,-r. I pigeon- holed my document, and dropped a. note to my own plll)ll'.liCl', asking him to '.1ame.-a day for-a business consultation. He was mained unanswered, and at the end of three or four days the whole matter had passed postman brought threeor four letters, and among them a thick one whose super- scription was in a hand which seemed dim- ly falniliar to me. I coulclnot `place it at first, but presently I succeeded. ThenI said to a visiting relative who was present " `NOW I will (in 2 miv-nnla 1' mt]! fa!` and .611 the air with their dust` was ripe and the market ready for a cer- ; tea at once, a book which must command v quence which they, `should follow. I wal - out of town on :1. far `journey. My note re-' out of my mind. On the 9th of March the A gs `snarkable 4rtie_,_i:a`sa .;,< In "spite of 'the""Tu"r`g'en`f` protests, of Mr. . Clemens that he is not oing to make fun. most people will get we 1 into his Harper's article on ,Mental '.l`elegraphyV before theyf are fully convinced of his seriousness. This scepticism is, of course, born from the juxt- i aposition of the author of ` Innocents r Abroad ? with this particular subject, rather 1 than from any inherent absurdity in this particular subject. And that very consid-. eration causes one to attach much import-e ance to Mr. Clemens` dictum-when all sus- picions of levity are allayed--that one might nd in the words qf a man who knew ' much more about the question than does Mark Twain. In fact, he doesn t pretend to know anything, and this again prejudices b one in his favor. IEMAIKABLE OOINCIDENCES, OR 'I!!L_EPA'l`HY 1 -The crossing of letters is an old,old story. Mr. Clemens has seen so much of it that, when `he wishes to have a certain~pe1-son write to him, he simply sits down, indites a letter to that arson, tears up the mis- sive, and waits or the cross-letter which it has induced. T lI..-I. _.-..- _n.._:I_:;_. LL-.. I_LL._, ,,,_,s,,_ " fd'1:c}:uI;;:':`:trikih than "letter-crossing in the following inci ant, which we repro- duce in Mr. Clemons words: H'l'.-- -.. LL}.-- --_-_- ---~ 7 ------ ` 9 MXiEn"TWAm on . .:.`-er-A r v-evfi liolavett-`l::VVI{`err;` gd sixteen, gored by pr.b1_1llnear Woodbrid W! to. TIC?` 5.3. Honor roll for Crown Hill Public: School for January : 4th class--M. Jamieson 190, E. Shamzhnesav 166, Eg. Caldwell 148, E. Partridge 147. E, John- ston 130, W. D:-u_rv 130. J. Rnnehurt. 129. D. Chappell 123. 3rd clans--F. Jamie- aon 130, M. Rinehart 100, J. Drury 93, T. Aconley 81, B `Drury 80. J. Jamieaon 75, E. Caldwell 75, W. Lu` v $73 2nd ole-as--J. Partridge 103, A. Sf, , , 8 96. J l Shanacy 96. O. Chappell 85, Ernest Par-. , tride 83, Eva. [Partridge 81, G. Darby 76, W; Hownrd 58. ' ' ` L ' ` I V dw'e1lixig' _ho'uge, ` bank `-_ `tor. Barr1e..o.r;to Jo -_- -...,.......... m. uupu. Lulu us uuu 01 we nest farms in the county, It is onemile from Ivy P O.. wh e`re`there argchurohes. school, store. mill. -and- is wiLhin"-`I8 mes of 'l`hornton. a grain. marker. and Ry, station onthe G. '1`. R. The farm is. well improved. ' having gond bga;-n, orolnfu-d. wells. 0. " . V F. tiul lt'oJ.T.8' 1.8111- " W '* mac; 1m?.o.d 9 ROBERT LENN()X.; - -. 1:26`-_tf'.H Wuk_9d9-='M8- . . P" ;Mn}nd i.utmngholdl in the Spa nuulpzr ` to am. , F. The-Dan`ub8 rivf.: has 'Ibvero3iyd` - its .banka'in tha ' Ppgjtghg diitriot; `causing `nor-A_ ions 'oo`dl.' ` ' 7-`Th1 -ea or that eanaiaam jar` the `com. __m9np Ealiftix` fa :-be ill witli la"'g`ripp`e.' . _ . V, A: if 1 Ian unaerauznea otters for sale the of lot No. '7 in the 8th_ eonc the township of Essa. This is one 01 eount.y.- V one mile there an nhin-nhoa nnlan ` ;4nIA1'IIn'A'l IIIV 80. YOHGVG. LORI 080,196!` _ qarloohy nt ' `A-09.. lforopto. Ont, , , . tibial` ands:-sinned otters for 3516 out half No 7 ponqegaiog of Y It`-In I-nwnnnlulp. II`. 111.`... ll.-1-J- - Belnglots 28-1:034 lv olusive north of town- line between Innisl and Veapra. Lots 57 to 62; olusive west of Thomson street. Lotas [ to T . ncluslve south of Ross street. in the gavn of Barrie; adjoining the village of Allan- 12} `acres wilrbe sold en bloc or in lots on . l . very reasonable ternI1>sA AAI);ny`tg muv `nesIr'h|%e%au|Id|ng Lots 2 % F0 R % s A L E NEAR ALLANDALE I orxggn ors1ang., ' , Phraseeand slang terms are {frequently Vi born of interesting episodes, an witness . the following: Peter. the Great, while of driving in the neighborhood of Moscow on one` occasion, was eeized with the pamre. of hunger." What have weinl the ham - per? he asked of his aid.` -There is but one candle left,` your Majesty, replied the aid, but I think It can exchange-1't'. 'for a fowl at the next farmhouse, if you ,`-ammo uh- _'.. H _._._I:-.| u__':1--.__ ru_-,,, 1- SM 1 T H 7' J. W53 IILUI-IUIUKI WIIIH UDIIGICIII LU!" UVUIT two years. I tried various remedies, and was treated b a number of physi- cians but receive `no benefit until I began to take Ayer s Sarsaparilla. A few bottles of this medicine cured me of this troublesome complaint and com- letely restored myhealth.-Jesse M. oggs, Holman's Mills, N. 0. When Ayer s Sarsaparilla was rec- ommended` to me for catarrh, I was in- clined to doubt its emcac . Having tried so many remedies, wit little ben- nt `I `hm! nn faith that nnvthina urnnl u.'n:u au uuauy ncxuuuma, vuuu uouu unu- et, I had no faith that anything would cure me. I became emaciated from loss of appetite` and impaired digestion. I had nearly lost the sense of smell, and my system was badly deranged. I was about discouraged, when a friend urged me to try`Ayer s Sarsaparilla, and te- terred me to persons whom it had cured` of catarrh.. .After takin halt a. dozen bottl olthiunedicine, am convinced b that t 0 only sureway of treatin this obstinate disease, is throu h the b ood. -Char1esH. Maloneyg 3 River at.,-` Lowell, Mass. Aye'r% s__S_;_a_[_agnariIla, S a blood disease. Until tne poison is expelled from the system, there can be no cure for this loathsome and dangerous malady. Therefore, the only etfective treatment is a thorough course of Ayer s Sarsaparllla-the best of all blood puriers. The sooner you begin the better ; delay is dangerous; 111' _-_ A.__-_1_I _.j _lLL --4.-__I. D-.. -____ Dr.i J; .0} Ryi '8: 0a.. |.owe|i, Mass. mo. 91; in bottles, 35. worn: on a bottle. |.JI&LlIVI--33. Rn-g_E;uM`AT,I,sM. SKINDISEASES . . ' I I 1`-' DYSPEPS |A:~ % B{L1qUsNEss. 'CONnRNHONpHEADACHE, SALT RHEUM. SCROF_'_ULA. HEART BURN . j soua s1_-o ` `R'egulat'e]s' the Stomach, !__iv'<;r. ahd Bo,we`ls,,unlocks . _ theSecretl'on.s,`Purifiest.h;e `Blood.ag1d'removcsj all Im- ? p'IL.I'I"iI':I_.s fr_"orn ,a`Pimplc 1:6 } theworst S -Soe. ' -----v -- vvv---_- v --- T` t'rou'bled with catarrh for over Iuvn Anon T fudnl` vnuJAIun -no-unnp13An v_vAIau- ` Do so, replied .the'Uzu', for I am. ) famisheri and do not care fora 1ight|unch- ' eon. The aid laughed, and as he had surmised managed the exchange, but the bird was found to the unusually tough. I do not think, Vosky, said the Emper- or later-I do not think the game was worth the candle. V *"O|oOorlninIowelladq$Igodtochl1dnnthst cumin cures com. oouexpaaon, [recommend it an Inporiorto any prescription 30"?` 3'm8h. `D18!'l`hB& . Eflldhon. hmill" E A Luna.` II T\ m Duvvvlnnnnn nuzillpvlllnll Ivan W14 hownb;:." . EA. Aucan,ll.D., inn. n...a....|ag' 1:-.nua..L u Gatarrh farm Fr__g_l___e_.__ Tn CINTAUB pox:-41:2, 77 Hurray street, N. Y. PBlPABI D BY ` A"RmE4%ANn STR:O.UD.' i j 1 I OOFFINS Am) GASKETS or ALL Knms . `Honor Roll.` JHo}a'o`ro1_1`ots.- s. -No. 11, Inhisl for J Lu. 18`92:--_Glas' IV; aim:-;Balla 7Neely. . Edward Maneer, Herb. Webb. Class `IV `le.--L0llIiI. N eely,. Mamie Robinson. m_ni9 Johnston. Olau. ,IlI.-Louia.` Go'rdon,"Flor`n'o -G_ o_1-Hon. Albert Robin- qou.` Clags I-I`-'1-j-T,illy` VLeo,nu`rd;V Robprt Howie,-F te0'h'en Fai!`mer'. Chis,-I'p's'!t II` `-:Wi'g'htin'a.n Ne'9'lyV, Aluo Noly; Samuel" .Gordon.. .. ; .f," for? Infants and children. n, was (fatally .-later. Barrie. 108! Of t :1 C1 I-I ICC IJIJDICC " Z`?-VT? L IIQl5$IL Orders b Telegr'spl:`:rr'Otherwine, I; `attend to. ' , . - - G. O. DOLMAGE, Mana.ger,Str_oud. STEAM WORKS AND SHOW ROOM, COLLIER-ST.. BAR RIZE Robes, L Grape, And all`-Funeral_ Requiaitea Furnished. ' V {\...I-_.. L_ ll`-l....._._'I. -_ t'\J.I.....-l_- `l)..-'_._A _--cu-v--v oavdv _ Mamnm To im .0! o.m;e.,% _ A call souomdtounkinau oz ' ` .4 nnuas, runny ujnnxomns, mm } smurfs. 80428,`-OOMB8, Ann Bpusnns- %eenm : cHEMl3T_`AN`|j`nRu5 3|sT. ouun must no In we ADVANCE omoe not later utzn 2 o'clock noon on -Tuesdais in any week; 0 erwlse the advertiser's announcement may not be made publlc until the ek following. Advertisers will not be allo ed to use their space for advertising angghin outside. their 0 own re business. the . do so. my rates will be charged for su&t adver nt ooxmmssn Anvnn-nsmnm'rs._ I . ; `licyondensed advertisements on First Page uch as Wants of all kinds. Lost `and Found. rt 1` Sal to.Ret.S m Artie! mu. Etg.. -gust lgeoicoom nniegesglth, the'cash' snd;w1ll. be..1nsertedse- insertion. 3. cents ner word. each nnbsaannntvinnm-tinn, 1 nnnlzmnv jr Keen Young. If anxiety and overwork make some people prematurely old, perhaps a larger number of the middle and upper classes zrowold by reason of ennui and idleness. Why do ourjudges, as -a rule, look so young and live to an exceptionally old age? Because their intellects are kept bright and vigorous by exercise. The en ergetic business man generally begins to fail and grow` quickly old when he retires from work. People who lived as Fon- ' tenelle did never grow old. He held the ; highest place in letters and science for fty years, and lived to 100. The secret ` of his longevity, notwithshanding his original feebleness of constitution, was his extreme temperance and, his careful. economy of living. So easy was his death ; that when hewas about to die he said: ' "I do not suvfer, my friends; I only feel a';_ certain dilculty of living. i - - ` nun. Wm. 06. .ll13Bl'I36l-.-7-l!'11'8I a lnaettlon. 3 cents per word_. eaol:3ubso_quent`inaertion, 1 cent`. :- word `names. dr gvords -I but a reduction to 1 cent per word will eases, and gures oonn as` enwhen the number of insertions of the. nine, matter exceed FQUR. 3. cmmm onmn, nmnmm, om jeletles and Clubs. r J Coal in Car lots sold direct to consumers. J o No intermediate prots, 1 Write for Prices. - Special Attention Given to 80- I ooN'rnAo'r onmans. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tloe of intention to o e advertisements must be handed in to the o ce not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, -and the co y for such ohangg must be in the Anvnvon o oe not later o'clock nmn nn -Tnnnnvv in IJIIT Ilrnnlr - `For two mont_ha-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. a.dded._ H Preferred positions in the pa or will be I sold at an advance of one third on 5 ve rates. This rule will be strlotlv carried out. `For one tnonth-the three menthly rate with % 15 per oent. added. . . :'ro1Lm'r An'r1OL1s-A I1Inoh................` |2}Inohes............ l'I_-I._- I l_I__-A-- -. nnavnavw o n a o u ooooino Inches, i Column. 10 Inches, i Column 20 Inches, 1 Column Mrs. Osborne, who gured in `the Her- I zreeve jewellery theft, wee arrested in London, Eng, _on Thursday. A number of the peueugeniud new the wrecked steamer Eider have errived at Bremen on the eteemer Havel. . .. l n__ f` _ _ V . 0 A -- - ` commercial p oonrnsor ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at th following rateginwhioh are drafted on correct ciples, and, as they will be strictly adhered to in making newoonti-act` after present oontracts expire, there will be only one orice for all: % { '-""`%'%!*`-' mans wear omu:sAnnis%n;o.,m._ Almost. 1! not qni ' double that of any other ` Paper pub ed in Barrie. C'Anvnn'r_1snns SHOULD No-rn THIS rAo'r.`II (12 lines solid nonpareil make one Inch). TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, no cents per line. Each sub sequent insertion. 4 cents per line. Reading notices, 10 cents per line for rst n sertion: 5 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion of the same matter. Legal, Ololal and Government advertise Inents will be charged at above rates. ADVERTISING RATES. um ADVANCE -Ins A CIRCULATION or rum umn nunonnn AND manrnr corms. nu: uonrnsnn AnvAT:i Bouratomacn, uxarrnaaa, mrucnuon. Worms, given sleep, nndpromob di- No.1 Q ._- _...-v... V... uuv nun:-_u.|ur LLIVBL The Oonlervetives of Two Mouhteine, . Quo,;.vh_sve eelec`t'ed'Mr'. Joseph Giroherda as their ca.nd1dste for die Commons. VIII... _:u -1 I - - --

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