Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Feb 1892, p. 3

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. .I have `used-A er ; Che :-ry'(1( ;x:'tor9.1' with the best: 9 act. in rmy * practice. This wonderful preparation once saved my `life. I had a constant con h, night sweats. was reatlv `radm-.nd~ n "ianh. vswehts. was greatly rqducedi f3v"na."i i1iafi E EBEEEZHE 'E:o'u}};I, _`iI'11'{ d ' b h 1 ' `gsh 3-D ':' van .u ,8 01311. , ne bot;-.151 and agmlfiof the ectoral cured I18.--A. Jo Mn Dc, '.l`enn`essee. ` ` ` Ayet s {:;;g_gy_?enm. :1-nnrnnn it b ` 5Fb.RA.SAIl"3 `CHEAP. Acnou Ann TONE nsnumon. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. lvAuIALe+=~ Lmsl { -tom-es` % `ot I.o:;".l.n'7th' con. or Gannon -Drsrnuo-r er Anaonn Int 19. West Range,-lonnorgag . I.-u-._-_- |PlANOF0l{T-Ii i% l`%UNE RI Also Pianos that have been in use always on hand for sale. ' The Repairingot Pianos a. Sp;ci_a.-l_ty. Salesman for F. BROOKS Messrs Heintzmau 8: Co. 61 Elizabeth St. 117 King St ... W.. Toronto. Barrie. . 974.! nzxca:-a: A1_v MADE York, '1 .e;;nay1vahia, Ohio, the t w'e' VZirZ- Kenpqcky and Tennessee combined. L `Some tobaccos spurt up _in the pipe while smoking` with litle crackling explosions. This is caused by the addition of foreign matter -to assist-the combustion. When thepurity of thetobacco is n t tampered with and it has -been properly taken care of, this` combustible foreign matter iswholly unnecessary. For in that case it burns at a lower temperture than almost anything else Nothing of this kind is seen in smoking the Myrtle Navy. - It burns with steady `combustion throughout. Sensational Metallurgical Discovery. It is reported in Westphalia that the experiments of several experts have resulted in the invention of a process of manufacturing pig iron which will revolu- tionize the iron industry. The _simul. taneous application of the electric current and the use of an easily made acid for extracting the iron from the ore are , said to be the chief characteristics of the new" method. . The experiments were conned "to the raw material forming the a blast- furnace charge. and are; said to have proved completely, successful, the separ- ation of metallic substances being rapidly and perfectly effected, and the iron left in an absolutely pure condition. The process is stated to be 80 per cent. cheaper than the present blast furnace` method; The invention has been patented in all countries, and ltxis proposed to form a `company with. a capital of 50,000,000 marks - ... rmsr. st. nest] ~ ; .-..-. . ~ .. .0ntim'no;Ai:in,Au_ponh.Llme`.; ~ . A ; p" % A ` : 1. ,`., . .\.r4i. -. u. u -vv Vunv-o nu V .` I 1 " '1/snore; Dot l6,eonth Davig street.-` TY--.- ` I Elllsl Oi'PIIre Cod Liver on with Ith Con. 10 acres. . Wes; i Lot-19, Con. 13. Iona-em. A r W. }'.h Com. 100301-ea. L _ E. }`Lbbt 1`. Ooh. Cg mo acres; except aoygth 10 mtiuuvnvnnowucn Aw: I) A In A l\gv-n Au`-an I1`.-.1-.- Alro part Lot 2,in nu bust of 1-ailwsy. th '"-:73?" weafnm V I:u1t*aQt:t.ixnElIp;!t.Jteth 8&0. . in... ~ ' ' ~ VKFECI _ ` `Park lots 6 and 6 oh the East} of-Lot 8:13 lth0on_-10n`cren. . . .. L. NEW PIANOS ..yuy'_.--u`p\ay:.`-77pv- Towxsmv or Run. I .4. (ll tI__--__l-_ (:11 II can --_-.. % 5717a}; chfivgr ilvwitl: HYPOPHOSPI-IITES or 1.1143 AND so1:>A.. The patient suffering from I11` LTQIY I"I'hI'II'I't\1T - ~.- - `---v-~-- _-.-__-__ __ ___ ` IJONSUMPTION. 1 V IRON0lll'l`lS,: CGUGII COLD, OR 1 V WASTING DISEASE` , takes the ` , remady as he would take milk. A per. \ ` 'AQ` Au-nnlnlnn "ml . --A-.3.`-Q.-I n-I. __...I_--.. the noble audi-_ . Au iIv:_;, 1; up 3, H0 WASTING DISEASES, ; feet emnlslon,'n.nd nwonderml esh roducer. 1 Take no `other. All Druggists, 6 ., 1.00. I hnlnmm A. nnnrnru `CC:-\-\II-n-n -zzasoznu v -v 51.!-oo` var ---.---q vow ca-nnyav svvvnvggp t 1o,.Conoesslon " B 102 area. t`;nogsb1on-fc.*.1oonores, % .. -' I LIENXTHY I 111.1` 1. vvhfrrnm U. \JU_ll0B3Bl_0ll _U." 71U_U ROUGH, ucnnox, AUL1` 85 wnmrrr. ` . Rm-rlnlarn #1 n:::11 L` 2: 1 y .- -vu u now: arc Urvvunvvul urvvu Q 's56'1' e powlvn, peueouze. ,- T535636 That Helps to Cure The disagreeable ` :taste ofthe ' isssipated in ed to nfelll ayudi:-'. The cold. 1959 VI U con_L|'i:n on. _ .I!---..- -_I 2.. All Diseases curable by Electricity can be treated at home by the Dorenwendsppllsnces. The Dcrenwend is the only legitimate Electric Belt made. which fulls the requirements of glfotro-medical science. It is a complete Body (tn-w . It 1... g. a....I.........a....o 13-55-... ...I..a..I. 31115 12116 BWOBQBBD 1118!! 0!` H10 WGBKGBI Olllld. is 3 Current of Qusntlty, not" merely a sensation current, sad. the quantity gurrenp is the greatest curative. It is a. successful treat- ment for Indigestion Rheumatism, Nelu-_sln,. sciatica Lamb 0, Liver nnd Kidney Trouirles, Wes Back, Spinal Disease, Heart Trouble, Nervous nobility, Paralysis, Vertigo. sFemsIe _0om&lalnts, Impotence, exusl Decline, and dxseaees of the Nervous snd Muscular vnIA.-s n * ( _ .' `I v . Remember that the Dorenwend Belt is the vet; latest invention in this line. it was invent- ed 3' a competent electrician. and ranks as the `best in the world. we defy any one to bring proof to the contrary. . . Do not classthis belt with the humbuir combi- nations of leather and metal, with which the country is , _ ooded. It you wish to ex- periment with c eap useless articles, buy them. bntit you want to procure a enuine electric belt. and one that will be 0 -benet. get a Dorenwend Belt. Hand nnrnn nn nnnna Inn nlnnlhvatn Dank IJOIFUBVVUHII 15015. Send name and address for Illustrated Book on Home Electromedical treatment, and men- tion this saver. The Don-enwend Electric Belt on and Attachment Co. ` . H. DHRENWEND, Eleotrican. -- . 103 Yonge St.. Toronto. Can. The Dorenwend Belt is the only one that will stand on rt examination. . Others keep clear nf it. whi A we nnlinit it TZEIE vvoRL;1:>=.s BEST. nulu lglllll, wnwn mums E116 requirements 01 Electra-medical Illlory, it has an independent Battery which enerotes a. mild continuous current of Elec- city,` (without shocks) and can be lated to suit the strongest man the weakee child. It in L On:-rant nf onnntltv nnt mm-nlv n N IFBIIQ 01 TU exummam of it. w e we solicit it Id. JACKSON, they _ that ? uckl '_ urdl, loltrj _ ndet`. The well our med With- uguu Auu ekewheg-0. %sIE.i',1%trrL1cArIiiH or nLI:ur1zIt:1_- ' ` innn u1nn1-ngr nnnnana 1317 max: qalug Us asap I.a_-IUALJ pron mnnlcu. Punposms BY THE nonmtwmvn mmcrnxo nnur `mm ATTA . omoe;`wai-nogxhs. afindptabres. corner Owen . `and. scams St. am-xg. .. ll uzuovlvsu W 'I IIIII VU alt! II V IIIILILIU A um -Anmmam P111-nos. ' Unex`o'enea 1n Tone,` Touch and Durability. Inspect! lioited. Al leuog` toah goods. I:.1?8:ost9!9k._Ilwa!`s'g1'l?and. 0' L"nn In` an. aunn --J I.-_A .I__A.___.___A._ A- Q--:3`; Ii_U3ly- jig [V G] D Illl IIGIIEQ - Also lot of good qeoond-hand instruments to loll on may terms or Ito`:-ant. In untenable` '1 first-I h modrgglvers and hgwy hoormgus . gf:':: dy1g:1l:F; Ilillllif 8'[I._E wonxs 2| "E 53 '"'c '":'.``nee .fc i"" ""3a.i" can a: a m rov ea m A1D EXAMINE 8'1`OC' before: aluwhen. V 0lL|}|{EN S PHOTOS. have rk to Hon- lmost 5 man: woman SPEOIAIJYI ADOIINIOMPIANOS ANI1 onmsl `ORAINPIPE, rmmnuu cEMENT.| Fire, Llfe And 0.H.l.YON&SON, F.*A.LETT $100.0 0 0. O O 0. P. O. Box I32, - Barrio. Largo luv shaman: lll.'Ili-01388 nurses, young, Eood drive;-s and heavy horses. Sound young dues taken on instruments. on-ti; I_'-_, ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLIOITED. 28 tf. AITIIIIAGITE AID BITUMINOUS `Waor Limo, Planet of Paris, kc. `W`M_. suizawoo D. GAPITAI. PRESENTED EXGEEII8- 32 Dunlop Street. IISUBANGE AGENT. H1131`: ,._' _ ` I-l- `8IWRE`Y- PHOTOGRAPHER, "'Oia'i'1oi:"T j "w . Yuma Rona Block. Foot of Toronto Strut - Telephone. 4;BA-BIRIEi ONT. Accident Insurance. Correapondehce Invited. V---D-aalers in--- STUDIO` : EXCELS IN THE umnm Aniimlos ~ -STEAM-- |PRlNTIllG nous!-1 IIIIIKANILIIIB PRINTING. F5-53 1 respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates for all kind: of work in all the styles of printing, Inch amps, rhouirr AID 1'A8TEFIlI.' sxaeunol |s,usI;r!%.Pnnuunaranan-onuota I23` nuuwr st. BARBIE, AI-Vl.A8 UNRIVALLED rAci|.rr|u NOTE HEADINGS, LETTER HEADINGS, MEMOBIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, ommns or DANCE MENU cums FOR 1392, Pubmad by the Proprietor, s. w..:.,, Barrie. Oopieo 25.oentu at the ooo; an ant by m:ll,'po|t'pu.ld, on receipt of tho 1. tho_ but One Dollar Weekly mm Id the County of Shnooo, Iiidhnl couurv or smcoz. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, and Ornamental. DODGERS. FARM LEASES, RENEWALS OF ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. 4A'BS'1`R.AOTS'0F '1`ITLE,lI1`0 DIVISION COURT BLANKS, I.nuaIs*1'Iwms BLANKS, sunnoaun oomvr BLANKS, OONSTABLES BLANKS. "l`31nnk Forms of `any kind pdntod to lrouxsr DIBEGTOBYI QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS or MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS or EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASE8. OHATTEL M ORTGAGI, DISCHARGE OF DEEDS, MORTGAGES. OHATTEL MORTGAGES. AT TORONTO PRIOES OBDIBB OI ALI: OLASSIS OI`-- B L A N K F O R M 8 Always keptin stock . T IOI'.I.'IIIlI' ADVLIOI s'm'r1nMIm'rs, BILL HEADS, NOTE OIROULARS, LETTER OIROULAB8 (V'Il"I"I)UI'!G CHECKS, ORDERS, ENVELOPE8. A full line at All prints. MEMORANDUMS. G WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS. ---Of TE]-Z A fullline of ".'J1'&% them; MORTGAGE. SALE OF LAND HOUSE LEASES. smprcs, mo. haired rigil? mce. clut-' ' mesa 5 VA- l tlgssgg V `L. .. ed in own 'ep1ieI- I said` upon 51- up in ma. illo- 5' "' Ya unenl: rkable are in wa.y,it. rop ll eu-o1t, testify ` u back i ' such ides`! n-A. ..i' U13` ladi- told do-H IJIFEU the ULULA VV (ID nl\'llallUI_IUl I Various questions followed in regular course. concerning government, national, municipal, educational, their several func- tions. eliciting peculiar and varied. but on the whole intelligent, replies from these citizens in embryo. The absolute need of good men to enforce good laws was dwelt upon; in short, a condensed and interest-' ing study, which the pupils were then- mpledged to reportand discuss at home. ' ' In the course of the next few days the following results ensued. The Methodist minister, whose children had communi- cated the substance of the teacher's atndi . at the tea-table that evening, was visited with the laudable desire to enlarge upon--- the responsibilities of Christian citizen- ship at the prayer-meeting. that ' night. One of the prominent members, `hearing him, suggested fthat-the`. discourse}; be repeated on the succeeding Sunday. This, idea suggested to the minister _to `ask? the other ministers of the~town=td coggp - erate; and all feeling the importance 0 the matter. the citizens wereAl=ii1:fqI?_med":i`q' the Friday issue of the paper of their decision. . . - . _ W- "`I __ , Ll`! I '16.: . - out while out; rap! his he at of r the nob- .JANE'l'_GR.A_YDON: on, rat: wouAN's' numor IN 8---: ' - an IILIU Illvvlvwvu vlnvn uuuvu vv Udmg One of these cards was issued bygthe partner of one of the oldest and largest business houses in town: J akes & 00., wholesale liquor-dealers. James J akes.0_r Young Jim, as he was familiarly called was going to run. Brought up in close intimacy with liquor-sellers and liquor- drinkers, Jim was a. steady soaker; good- natured, shat-pin business. but with loose morals, a champion billiard-player, alover of the turf. and having lax ideas of Sab- bath~ keeping; in short, the last man for a sober, intelligent, God-fearing community to honor withyoice. But this man was running for mayor of K , and the rum interest and their followers. the drink lovers, the obscene, the indierent, the` loose element of the town generally, were bound to run him in. l\l|.I - . ', .1 , .I ,,,,,l_-._ Well. it shall not be, if` we women can help it, thought Janet Graydon, as she weuded her way through sleet and slush to the school where her duties lay, We teachers are teaching and training future citizaus, and we must be consistent, and place in ofces of trust and responsibility only such citizens as our boys and girls may -respect, and those whose example it" would be safe to follow. Very little sense in teaching our youths to be honest, sober, righteous, truthful, and then going and giving the ofces of trust and honor to men known to be the reverse of` all these 1 '- 0 1- 1 _, ;I____,,LL_ . A__ 'l'__-L uuuuu IJ\J Luu AJIILI nus Of the candidates presenting themselves for school trustees and councillors, two were openly opposed to prohibition V and total abstinence; one` was an habitual drinker, and two openly immoi-sl. Here was a ne ticket, truly. ' i D"... bk:a nil` nnnnn nknni` 0 `*7.-....-V W35 G Ill-IU UIUBUII, Ulnllllo 3 How did this all come about? Verlyv easily. The truly intelligent and Chris- tian elment had not suioiently awakened to the important duties of citizenship. The best me were immersed in their own business, and thought they had no time to give the town, forgetting the hearing which therule ot unprincipled men must have upon their children. `Alas-`l that in our country, the spirit of trvejpatriotism is so lightly esteemed, and the -high claims of citizenship so frequently ignoied.hy good people ! ' " "' A ' Dub I-I-an I-unan nv-:4: nnnhuniannnn II` Ann l.Au_I., [nu VU Ullvuu svnnvvvnulauo The municipality was preparing. for these elections, and the usual array of candidates were coming out. The town paper, issued weekly, contained their cards soliciting the suffrages of the electors, and their promises to work for all the interests entrusted to_ them. , , A_`.____ --___1_ _._.. -_...-..'.`I L_ LL- USU 5 In this line_ran her thoughts ; for J snel: was endowed with the right of voting in the coming election for school trustees and municipal oicers, and the sense of her responsibility in the discharge of her_ duty led to these reflections. FULL ' .........A,.......1:L.. ........ ....... ..... gouu Apeupw : _ _ _ But the heart and conscience ,of one woman were aroused, and as J snet Gray- don conducted her school that day} the elder boys and girls noticed that she was possessed of an unusal spirit, w_hichseem- ed even to, express itself in` her ; steps` around the room. They saw and wonder- ed. Ontario boyssnd girls are quick to perceive. These felt sure some new movement was bursting upon them. `X7k.... bl... Ans-3.-... at Ll... A . - _ . _ . . _ -.. I4: V\lll.I\JIl|l' VVKI UIALDULIJ6 uyuu Illqlvlul-I` When the duties of the day were over, this heart-full teacher opened her,and startled her pupils with the question .: What is patriotism? , Up went several hands, and the defini- tion was" aatistactory. ' U.....u... n.......L.'...... ..II..-..-I I... _-...-I-.. Thus on Sunday; all the churches.I[pI;9_._' V brought to the point of consideringithe` practical Christianity which in uepecugryg ` to the upbuilding of_a _God-fearingiitiii " and to the great fact that `God_ ctgl,lpW,tOo' often in vain to good, .ind;|_1jtf'gi9dQ;'TII9i!lt . men` to `go into his'vineyerd of gpyerptgggg I and work for him.` ` So pro8``6`i`e" "'1v,`"" to think that the church in the yino[.O1'.di the church alone! " " i `i " T... La- .1:__,,, .1 . I .u . I -0 `I311 % no out 'unon um nnnnn ........ '.~."..a= . .......'v-'.:...~.`.`.':`*`.i:.;a...". ."L.`..a.:e`;. . we uuurcn alone I ` ' ib1e,, and never In uI'aenIl_ou pr _ _ _ gue- In his discourse that day, the good old in; forms. The town debt Presbyterian miniater,`who had labored. yesrly; the police/do entsnd ell itns there before the present genetion come ` V , '5 ' _ _ ' 6 -` A 6. n ' V ' Before p[ra3_ni:` `upon the scene, and am fed his that thgzlrobo of -` `$911 TC :13 -, In um`: wlkl. "!l,l.,l'0i . _- ' '55-` Think not the - . Is gauged by sur%a!iId"*hI?&' . 5. As erst waataught .us`lnr$he sc A ) But, as we help` a li_rothe.i'- s-: = By noble acts andgenerehsiil -f i ~ , I `By giving comfort" where we may, By lightin up a mourner s wayz; . The sum 0 means that we employ To turn a fel1ow 8 ills to ioy-,: _ .. This is the measure of our days. A veteran in the wars of life. A prisoned soldier'e strife. , Of soul with stingy, envious -Time V ` ` Is he who makes his -actions rhyme , J To universal brotherhood. v Though long or short" hath been his road, Centuries or decades his abode `~ , - Among his kind, it matters least ' So fellows by him have been blest. His life is measured by his plan Of dealing with his fellow man. This is the measure of his days. And much methinks of time he gains, For-all his labors, all his pains, ` ' For reaching outward far and near . To succor wantand shelter fear. No stingy paddock hem_s him in To mean desires or rovel_in5,`sin, , A widow s blessing im avails, A _ --_L..n n nunwnn alumna unt: nndhndla he converse notqs wwn nature's plan And solving life's deep. mysteries," He grasps eternal verities-- ' This is the measure of his days. A wluuwn Iuuaulug uuu. uvnuc, An orphan : prayer some ood entails, While strebchm outwar over man He 1101 _s with Nature : plin, And nnlvina1ife s dean. mvateriea.` .l*`:ebw.ary:_1l:; run in: ssuitrior oui Din. ,_ __-u-.. `1'dDII`.3t'.`.."? By Mrs. Annie Parker. present geuaru1q!_1__osm9 _ wqeqonql I151! . "W received 3 new inIp1'r'stio`n,' `IdJ;|!l|'.Dti`. 4.: A11 $110 gcongfeption qt; fhis`heu't`for the pinfi *7 5". .|1l'ifY....4 a ..`"5?oa15%%py. ua . . w? w. whilqtiina _ degde sro B9 z. . hair to i ~rr.. g A singjulju-1 his L3i$e.;l}1a;ostIx;sot the csnvsss was Ftho, fsdt thit; - "Yonn .Jim,7 and the blzhsr cindidstis vlioss pvizioiples were out of joint with total abstinence snd, pure morals, did not spproa9h...~tho woilien t to: "vot`es`,~"buti` inf i7el_`Wi pos-` sibl ininifsted-their `utfer `con mph for women yvhg` sink themselves an flow v-.. 4... .2. 5;-.2.-.. .21]:- r ` ."\ *- VIII` 'll1.II ' ` " The public medtingtnvthe Town Hvaliw rang out the grand` old iioxology as the new msyo,r'i'a.n(1: co_uncillors' and school trustees entered and took places on the plstfbrm. 3i'.l`he W10. '1`. U. were out in force" The boys end girls were there, ~teo; A nde~ they can-never forget the les- sons included on that occasion I `F I'D I IN I I Dvuw Luvllauvu \IIl anus: UV Rectitude of lifve,reverencewf.or God and ` his laws, the sacred character of the duties of citizenship, the protection of the home -the purity of the ballot. and `the recogni- tion of the special relation of woman to the `Statras we1las to the" home, are the foundation principles fugoh which to build a good or a national life more exalted and more enduring than any depicted in history.` No fellowship with. the un- fruitful works of darkness) No coven- ant with death,f No agreement with hell, ~ for * revenue considerations. No compromise with principlesof righteous- ness, no toleration of licensed vices. Can- not these things be? Why not? ' W. `a.---.\ ns.-t\IIOH\ arr kit `kn yup... V. '5; IIV.ClIlIII|UIIU' CIIII UIIU IIIIIIIIVII .. . io ' 1500* 1:3 199 71'.91i=3,:5!g . ofithe oljiomgn tlyugh:_ _ The liimiod `ballot rn.ovtii:: n `womsn"is s poIi_e r;ireE j`n_st 1 beginning `to fefel-the good-of,"~' he declared,` and I am content to repudiate all past opposition and prejudice on my part, by the strong conscience of womanhood, crystallized in the ballot-box, will be the '-*- protection of our youth from untold evil, and the stimulstionof our manhood to hitherto unanticipated good. ` ._ conviction which I have today thst the_ A nitizann mnatino in nnllml in: tin. lllUBU_lluI` UL _.\JU\J IIIIC \llUCU. J-VIII?` VII QUUU : ` 2 upon the men _. theyhhoped to 'elect,:the men to whom great interests were to be committed. ,. They were going to raise the polls and the ballot to their just elevation in the Christian civilization of this nine- teenth century advancement, and demon- strate the great `truth, in- their humble way, that righteousness exalteth a nation. while "wickedness is a reproach to any people. The: nknni w-nanuvnlvj-nan!-`nth Inn: IIDA1` UV III: PCIJIIIVQ The short prayer-meeting was well attended. and the voters went to the polls. The six polling-places had take an as- pect rather di`erent_ from` oth'_ ` years. The older boys and girls of J anet s school, enthused by their teacher. had quietly resolved to make those places suitable for women. And as they were in differ- ent ways connected or acquainted with the persons whose apartments were util- ized, it was no diicult matter. Banners and ags and plants adorned the polls, and an open family Bible .was conspicu- ous in some of them. The ladies who came for the rst time in fear and trem- bling, said ` Why, it is not half so bad- as going to market or post-oice ! * - " VIIIIWHD Great indeed was the excitement when the result of this unusual election was made known. `The goody-goodies, as the liqiior party diililied the women's can- didates, were electedwith- one exception, and_but o_ne._:o the gbposite party. He, whom we will call Jabez Brown, was a _._.a.1 l..-I..2._a; - .........I-.. ..lI.._. -:aI.. ..... ......... ..- ..... ...... .......... ........., ..,.... .. goed-lookin'g.'.popular fellow, with . no parti'eular.virtues andfno glaring vioes, a a kind spirit, and easily inuenced by his associates. He immediately declared himself pleased with the result of the eieotin, (After all, I .,liad_1-atlxere be en the wpm_bn s_ side, no`,w.. My';boysare get- ,imy~.nn_ ! . I `L1: `.1 L ~. Wilieir sweet, satiae.d_ smiles as they passed the rougher men quite diatmed them. and no rudness was oered. Es- pecially atriking was the fact that the smnking crowds in some cases removed pipes or cigar and expeotorated `:out- doorn. And thus it came 7 about in K-- that the polling-places were made t for woLnen."_ I I ,_, AL, ____!A_,,,_.,L __I,-_A IV` III WV I9 33...? I At; Janet stepped out lnto~the glorious sunshine.of.that`New Year s_;_ n1orn,-~- she felt the heart-throb of a holy satisfaction. What was that ? The satisfaction of feel- ingthat at last God was to be recognized as` a factor in government." a And, though it were butthe municipal and school elec- tions, the tide of thepurest inuence they knew was to be turned. in upon them- the inuence offwomen hallowed by pray- nn Inann lIl\IlIl'I `ll V\-nil `An `Ln A.v.'i`hey were going to pray for the blessing of God, the Great, Ruler, to rest nnnn EH: nnnn khan hnnn I-.n 'nInnl-_ Irina IJIIVCCUU V "VTYII KZI\I.UI9\I II `III, IIUU IILIUBU l4||IlI5U I19 I II as uvv I We have grown so calloused by the existence of licensed evils, by briberies, scandals, double dealings and tolernted `vices `of verioussorts in the high places of -our country, that actuellythere are some people who think a; =me_n -must be a rogue or a wily trickster to -govern ~ successfully; -that; `prscticallg; honest Christian men in city, town or: tote! `government are of necessity fpilutes. J ust here: is where woman's work in the State is "to make itself n.--power that willhe felt, and felt for good. '2' " W `~ '- ` But_ tlie" 2' I-_.I..--nn.- {a 5.4.6 JIQSSIIJIIIIIQIIIIIIIIQ ans-I an A lrlipoivfrer and ` its associutedi I"t1'{ w'jIui3gI i_3"1}'ci'3i.fc3 a'md`urged ' _to come 'out bravely for -the good of the town and out their ballots. - nu. uvnuvu pug Iuun vuvusuvsvvi IV `II to gbgg `g pf.,1`[3~.:" 7 .' ,f~, 3* ' Election dyny it-rived. ` " At'e1"g1i' (fol -IWK- '. pm!--; meczagxaz; -...r...a. ;;.-;.~g.~ ;.'-pm. the bellof the Episcopal ohnrchgqnnded ont__tho_ce1I'fQ` yorahips` nd`. .th'o, people came forth. T An Tnn` -C-nnnnp` li` 'fI`l\ `LA au`n-`An- IUIV KUU|-lo` ' " ' '- the" ri " `power and lawlessnesris not easilyiovercome. and so K--3- ct:-iiggled with diiculties in her ne;v_,_je at-ture at seven.-bl successive elec- .tidkig., onest citizens, however, being cwakenedsjo the triuevclue of citizenship, the 'i` ii1 pori'Jcfiic8' ' 6`h6 the protection, end i ' tlri6?pcv`iar o'f'vlomih 1`bdlct;'fcn1 thststhey have made I very decided advance in civi- IQIJIIJ 511920 ' '- A citizens meeting was called for the next evening, to consider the coming con-` test: and the nal fesult of this was an addition to thcgnumber of candidates, to that, when nomination day arrived, 3 new and more cheering phone of aairs was presented to the electors. T......e 1.-.: :..c......: I.-- -...I..:L I....L.. - ..--.1 CSWKUCII `VJ UIIY UIWUVUIEI rJenet had infused her spirit into a. good number of her friends and aeqociates. and -lI 4.1.. -_x.....`_ _.I:- 1_:.1.r_.:~..a._'__ ,_-__- _:-,s._ 3` fl1l.... .....|..I8- ..... `IJHIVIUIICT . s~. To-day K--- grows and thrives, and already ranks as a. proeperoul. enterpris- ing town, with cleanly streets. handsome schools and churches, a popular and ex- tensive _free library and reading-room, schools of music and art, and. several literaryht and debating eoeietiel. The 'driiik" enrae is reduced to a niiimnm, and iigtly p9!Imxi9rhIa' igle, an in ita*de`haa.e3 pr _l" nat- .... 3..--pin: ' Tho I-Ann 113'": wea-- 3 here- en of ` eniy. light-fv tion of all govnmmont, and the iafdoidn Al -Inhbgmaadxah Juana". '...nn:- `Smear. `~ac_..'l LL When from the national foundation- head this purifying stream-- of -woman s inuence shall flow through all the chan- nels of legislation, we predict that our young Dominion shall exhibit to olderand more fettered peoples a oivi1ization._unsur- passed, a statesmanshin unequalled, a `nationality whose foundations, -centred in the eternal principles of 4 justice to all and oppression to none, shall endure forever. unnvauu :3 |1|` canary`; \n` :8 I'm -sunk an \JI.' I CCHIUII UV IIIIIIC `XIII TICK II` T III` C U` I fiappv is that poplo that such a cue ! American ramuiarlty. Imagine a man of strong character and sterling worth being constantly subjected to _the eheapening process of "being called by every man and boy in town - Billy. The t;'l-l'1:s-`ts-1-1;; people. daily forzthe .new. `cure for consti tion and sick. headache` discovered by .-Dr. ilas Lane. .: It is unt` fn I-ma nfnnnn nl-ant: rnnC- : In nrnn unvnnnln It is all very well within a circle of relatives, butthe promiscuous carrying on of the practice outside of` the family is intolerable. After a week at the moun- talus or seashore, a party of young people who have never heard of each other be- fore will call each other by their first names with a reckless disregard for the proprieties, which to a well educated and cultivated person is little short of abso- lute rudeness. eliminnten. So tnrned the clnnnlng sream woman : inuence upon the town _of L IJIQVIJVDUI Particularly does this apply when an ordinary acquaintance insists upon call- ing a young married woman Mary . or " Bertha. For a young man to do this attonco stamps him an ignorant of good {form and guilty of an nnpardonable liberty. 1.1--.. ....`-.. .5... 1;..." ........|;...: 1..:. ._ 1.-.. _ Obituary. . Mr. Jonathan Culbert, the subject of this sketch, was oorn at Newton Robin- son, Tecumseth township, Dec, 1st. 1860. At the age of 17 he entered a St. Cathar- ines Drug store as apprentice, and after spending some time there, left -for New York where shortly afterwards, he took out his Diplomats Chemist and Druirgist. For eleven years he followed his profes- sion in that city, spending his winters`, in Florida, where his New York employer had a branch store. `Failing health caus- ed by pneumonia, now compelled him to seek more congenial regions; he therefore spent two years in Colorado, and one year in Arizona, but `despite the change, Cat- arrahsl Consumption gradually reduced him, and much wasted in form. he return- ed to his home" In Barrie, Dec; 7th last. For seven weeks he rapidly sank, and on Sunday 24th suit. his spirit win'2_ed,its ight. The `deceased was an intelligent and`pleasantconvfersatioulist, of a. kind and" benevolent nature,` and was highly 1-e`spec`te"d`b'y`11is `many`adquaintances and friends, who extend the hand of.'syiu`pa- }'thy`-to the bereaved fdmily. _ Hfis`remai_ns tare interred /in,'l,.`hornton"Cemete`ry`. I ` at ap-V` city. ailed oring Lgvvau V a Every one who has reached his or her mnjority is entitled to a courteous form of addreu. The individual who .foraete, this presuming upon the iutimacies of_ child- hood,` and Jtill _ oontinuing to address them . in boy -and girl is praotioallyan matted foe to good . ;nanner.. ; . LI.I_ *U|lU LEI. V'UDll_ lUl- IILIUSU UVILIELWRLLUI UULU` ibined with aim _le herbs, and is made` for us, by .pouring on oiling water to draw out the strength, .It sells at 50c. and $1 9. package and gs, called Lpne s. Familv Mgdicine. .." Many ofithe A,iusti-alian stations are magnicent proportions. Old Jimmy _Tyaon,aI he is famtliarlytknownmho is re- puted to be the wealthiest man in Australia and worth at least 2,000,000, psstu're 70,000 head of cattle ..\u'pon - a single one of his properties and owns stations both in New South} 'W7ala and; Queensland, each of which -is` larger than Bavaria. 'Mr.'-lison of Nair South Wales, in ` his `two adjoining`-stations of `Mergnlar `anti ,Oanonba'r ,': h'old s`"an - area greater than 1Belgi n'In."and`in the` same colony . Mr. v`Will'iam -Halli_ da`y s ` Brookong" `station (o'ne 5o! the finest `in; Australia) 'comprises 3200.000 ianfdn- 250,000 sheep. *1!rg ures;1ik;t1igraubv:s?.;i;ight-1ne ducted 1uuensiso1y,:bn= Wis`-enou; 1; to; _"s_ayf that ht - to-dirt-hb 0 "bf; sofin`iiliat'.. in of :F?`."9'?8'!5 e i . ...I F -;'i".>Li..`. . g. ::'1 eu6::g';:`g`r;V 'II;o 2'.g`::.;`t;;;n;`;a in` the far. west for. those complaints) com- I-:-`; a:rnv\1n I-Inukn n-mu` `xx vnnpln 4`..- can ` . A.ver s Cherry. T` '77S2;iA `yeers ago`I'was several `m. we doctorseaid I*wa.s- in cozisump on, nnd. that: they could -do nothing :01`. me, ' * tnmtadvised mei,aa;a last resort, to try V ec_to'xa.1. `A.1ter_t _ Iris medicine two or three months ` Wis` cu~re'd", and` my health 1"_emai`n`3*good` to the present day." eJames` Bix'chard,; Derien, Conn. , V _".Severa1yearsvago,on,a ass. home . ._fro_m California, byev:'ater,PI.copax%:1-,acted `to a. -ara.tion~.fA. --J. `H ` eo,`_severe-a. "cold that for some dayel. wamcrmned to h1yfe tate'-room , and `N ~ physician onboard considerd-`m - life n danger; . Happening to`have:a- ttle . of. A;yer s Cherry '1 ectoral..I need it freely and my hm were. soon restored eixeatth con ition. jsrnce then I have invaria. recommended this prep- Ghandler, J unction,-Va." W1 Baby was sick, we gave her Caatorls. T Whln shewu a Child, she cried for Castoria. When nhehecune Miss, she clung to when :hehd0hl1d'ron,Ihega`ut.lun Canto:-is 3 G=;* It-acne--` R its rs'1;`:`!5i.:1:`tge;'s,:"` successfully ' `checked by the, prompt use otayel-'3 Cherry Pectoral. Even 1_n_,the; later pei'iods' of that disease, the cough is wonderfully relieved by this medicine. Dr. J; .'Ayar &- co., Lbiiell, Man} o'd by all Dmggisu. PriceQ1;_iIxbomea,Ql. t fur-

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