MA ni and largre stable -nearly ready. use on the farm of George Caves, Sandho isl said to add much to the appearance of p ace . A - - A large wild cat is reperted to have ' bee seen near the stable of Mr. Seath, Sandhook, the other morning. ~ 1;_ n1. -1, 1 an. ___ mu upuun uonunumty. even one wretch can be .found capable of such villainy and that life is `_ not safe while such a one is at large._ . .Morethreshers are needed in the neigh' hood of Deerhurst.` The unseating of Dr.` Spohn,- did not ereate.any,great surprise at Fesserton. The nt 'ways of A his -party; V The Methodist Sunday School at Atherlv, will as usual hold its annual Christmas tree ' festival on or about Christmas eve. Petty robberies continue to be perpetrated in Medonte to the loss and annoyance of the people. i The farmers round Warminster have not . yet harvested all their_t_urnips._ ' ~ A Phonographic ooncert at Cookstown on Monday. . 7 peoplepthere evvide y, know him, and the` V , Christian community wnetch found cannhla nf anal: uHln..... .....`I u. - L up - mm m_lltor'I_ Table. m.` Tan `00UNTi `or `sI'Mnom% -Iv lGID\IJ- 1111' s, Sandhook, Iuvnnnn nf I-I... vvn, the temti cilon it will contain " The Thirteenth Volume of HA wn`s Yomva Psoruc began on November 3. 91. For the coming your this best and most. c mnrehensive weekly in the world for youthtu readers oifers a variei and fascinating gramme, In 920 Pinzon. a story oftha rst voyage of Col bus. by Jonx R. Com'u.1.: Cuhoemntesz A Story of the Flordi-1 {cafe and Itvergla es." by .KmK MUNROEZ another story by no of the best known and most nopu'ar of erican authors: and stnric-s in three and faur arts by Tnnuss .\'\ Pgmc. E H. HOUSE. ANG-LINE TEAL. ELLA rnmmn CHURCH. an ARY S. MOCOLB. More than two hundred shore stodes by favorite writers. articles 0 travel. out~ot-door Fborls, iu~dnnr gamrs. an In sub'ects dear to the IWFLIIH of the young. ides undreds of xllustrutions by leading ar sis, -will combine to make HAl(l iR'S YOUNG ICOPLE for 1892 an irrcsistilu repository c pleasure and infor- mation for bays and gir uuuuiguv Lliulyg _`Iy_gs_':u euv nu. was :7 vuu; still and la.den'_with' something far fiitferent from the sweets of spring which I have just been pleased to sing. The noxious-eiuvium was more nausesti ' from an. attempt at disinfection and w H forever be associated in mymemory with ; the railway station, and was quite noticeable, innocent of any such attempt, all along Dunlop street, becoming quite stji1_3g;'%t - one point on the :1 per street,`=jIist` ;" p - of Marrin s~.:corner, w xch has been intolerable for years; but .I am to"se3th`e Board 'ofeHealthp`is now. wake toiiievil. e . _ V _ - 1 ... +1.. nmmiml Committee have decided UUKL UUVVII UL JJGILIV I-IBLIIIIBV VI. VII`! I'u ' endetta. in the sweetness drawn out-. The pleasurable interest revived 1) THE An- VANCE, in old familiar names en eeenee has been sadly mingled of late with the -"last roll call of many old acquaintances, no fewer than seventeen of whom have gone to their rest since I left Barrie. T 'l1___s_ gm-__-I 5| L- -_..j 2.. _ _;._-._-II__ __ -_Q UIIUII. IUHU UIIIUU .I. IVLU lJGllIVe- Barrie should be, and is naturally-, an ex- ceptionally healthy town, but the long ice- bonnd season, followed by the sudden warm weather calls for vigilant sanitary measures, and especial attention to one very nnsanitar condition disagreeably evident on any sti I night. _;__.__..I___ -.__ --..I _:_.I.L _...2A..!_.. 2... LL- _-infmembergqpg cool night, waiting for the ' :`2S'L`?;`.fSt`..;;.'3.`.?3.fl`2..`?;`.":`:14 %?fff.fl Z. L115 I-l\lVVs Mr. Allen J. Llovd; writing from Cali- fornia, says : I have much pleasure in re- newing my subscription to THE ADVANCE. It is a most welcome _visitor, and I see no county paper in California better edited or evidencing so much literary merit in its cor- respondence. Personal altercations in Cali- fornia are ably conducted to an issue with shot guns, so that we lose the pleasure of those epistolar tournaments, which in the god town of arrie partake of the Italian nnnl-J-n 3n l-Ln au1nnfnnua.|-nnvn nnf. Tho I Tm: ADVANCE is proverbial for its maid9n- 5 like bashfulness, and rarely ever lets the! outside world know what `nice things its friends say of it. It isonly because of mat- ters of public and local interest that are in the letters of friends that there is any cle- parture from the usual rule of silent blush- ing now. II,. A11, T TI ,.,1 ____,SA!,, _, ,_,,,_ (`-12 Please Para :1 us, we * Won't do it Otcen, IOIP,' m'Dr. Jebb the we known Optical Specialist will be in arrie at Chas. L. Sanders jewelry stor opposite Fyfa s) on Dec. 15th till Dec. 1 from 1 o clock till 4 each day. The ly optician in Canada making the grin g and tting of compli- cated lenses for e eye a specialty. Con- sulting and ex inationfree. 49-50 w'A`line Sr electro pl e clocks: jewelry, etc. a.tC L. Sanders_( osite Fyfe s) to beat all competitors in pr . VVatch and jewelry repairing in all it ranches and all work guaranteed. ` 49-50 -On the 15th Dec. Frank Jackson, the hotographer, will potograph all babies rought to his studio, free of charge. and will present them with one beautiful cabinet photo. Bring along the babies. `Ci~I;c' s};I.L1L r;}'i{ev" IV)fez;.`1;Bergin will preach on the Mission of St. John the Baptist, as the precursor of our Lord. Evening subject :-Eicajy of Baptism. I8 BOILBQ wun llUl`IlU|l- us cam and attenti ._ and instruction gnd '.ntertHinm(-.nt are mi led in its pages in Ju-t the right proportions o captivtae the minds of lhe_3o11n;.:. and at '6 some timem develop thew thinking powe_ "-ObserVer. N.Y. fmuplc In existence. 0 8'-"" -'-`G "" --:rR;nptnred persons ahou see` the new 1 Dorenwend Electrical attachment to com- bine with any truss, making cures certain and adding comfort. Call at the Queen's Hotel, on Saturday, December 12, per a.d- ` vertieement in another column. -The oic;sZinit2I;o1.o(s((sHllock use begin- ning to receive "their occupants Messrs. Lount, Hewson & Crewicke and Mr. 0. H. } Lyon have taken possession of theirs. . `Y . (`I 1 T7 1*; `l'\ 'I\ -The an 11iverse.i'()'Wtree.c;f t:.l;e_S-l1'e.nby Bay church has been indenitely postponed in consequence of disorganized weather. I . C `-1- rm...` 1: n rt -The anniversary services of the Baptist church will take place Sunday, 17th, when Rev. Professor Trotter will preach both morning and evening. ' `ff 1 1 1I\ ; I 1l"I'II I`! 1' II lwlnsuro in the British Empire Mutual and get. 20 per cent. for your money `as well as insurance on vour life. I --In putting down the sewer pipes. from ` th e Court. House and Gaol, deep cuttings had i to be made, in one section 13 feet. ..N22{suL{d;y"*1`i;;I"1. i};11, of McMaster Hall, Toronto, will preach in t_:he Baptist church both morning and even- mg. ~ III! 0 u I .1 15' .- _. ._._.._.. ...-.. .4`--we-u -La;t the American Thanks-H giving turkey was thoroughly dissected. VIVL- .__-J.. -___ __,., El 3 7 7 VJ " V-~ '- '- v " -.-J v... v V ~ * ` .' -The roads are pretty rzugh out in the country and travelling for farmers consider- ably -jolty. T --']`The hamilton ministers have denounc- ed the production of Ben Hur in the mountain city. ' _VoIumes V.. 1., and XI`!-Z of H.mP:R'sl \0'='Nu PEOPLE. ound in moth, wlllbe sent .5) 1118.11 Douage and, an recall): of 83.50 each. the 01110" volu 3 are out of print. ` P -Tm-1 Ab;;ANCE regrets to learn that Miss l Mary Fennel] was taken suddenly ill at 1 Toronto last week. T -.__ - .._=----u voov .nIvnn:o|a|Vl-I -ThTela.w library is now in position in the new quarters at the Court House. -._---.__---.-v V...`-..u-V 5. av nun: In ---T7171; temperature last Sunday morning at 7 o clock, 2 degrees below zero Fah. . rI'1L-_._ ___ _, I . II\I\ D _--_. ._-_v .. ...v-v ...--..- i --There v'v;r;:bout 100 applicants for the ` vacant places in the Orillia High School; i . I A a nu ~ I T .._L fl.-___J__- --Ha.ydn's grand Oratorio, The Creation will be rendered by the Choral society in the Town Hall, on Friday Dec 18th under the leadership of'Mr. James Ward. ` ,-_...-J ---J- --Tbe Quarter Sessions and County Court willbegin next Tuesday. . -The ice bridge across the St. Lawrence, at Montreal, is forming. -Regular meeting of the Public `School ` Board next Monday night. . mL- run--. HQ -_- .._-..-- nnvuvu ` -_ no :7 0 -.-TheVsv of Verite been arrested % charged with libelling Count Mercier. IV-_.__.!___ ,__ A . ____ __..-_--_e vv-on-u --avnvnvno -Eo;1spiracy to rob a. government ought to be an extraditable offence if it isn t. -'-The sewer on Dunlap street east is pro- gressing fast. nu, .. -_- _v... -. -Th:re are 6,076 communicants in the 1 London Presbytery. VIVL- t\,, A Guaneur AOOOUNT8 onuzo. -_ v----- JV-an "nun ave --lz.(-`Andrew's Day was generally cele- brated throughoutvthe Dominion. ' f'l'\L_ I, ,,. I` -i"a.r:1-;l`;z'a.t the Town Hall to-night. Of course you `will go. Go. )|...:..-_v_ `n... _z- `H ` v-v v--av 4..-wsnnavl ` -'i`he 7((3ia0.`nVz;.;ii a.n Northwest has an out put of 30,000,000 bushels of whegt. - v- .1 --Uvn lll` XIIII Chapter of mm auto:-y. --`-No appearance of ice on the bay yet. _ --Town Council next Monday evening. -Beautiful November weather, but no % snow. save money. 0 GEO. BEEDY tor ` Overcoau. PARAGRAPHEIV8 PENGIL Palm. -s L , ONTARIO, DECEMBER 3, 1891. E":-:mem`1$er,}ope A-ght. h-nin: irlum tha air was nan-ftctlv ; `AND THE nonmuox or CANADA ova -j Farmers" and ommarcial mar llll u1:uu.w LOOP uuunu nu. uuu unuu sun and had taken his dead wife s boots. Alfred soon located the, woman not far from the Court House . and on Monday morning Constable Sweeney was sent to look her `u . ` He was pretty early and found her dyship in bed and the boots. just ready for slip in on. She was arrested a`n'd`rema-i1_de_d ii ednesdsy-for. the pro- secutor to 'get'his eviden'e'rea,dy. `' . _ LU. U , .I.' IVUUIIUI , Rev J. R .Black.. A. Hay, I . . . . . . . Judge Boys, I. . . . H. Lennox, I Jno, Rogerson,I. . . [Simmons &Co.... `rook afunoy to the Boots. `Mr. Dobson, a. widower living at Budd's Mill, came into town on Sunday and told Detective` Beardsley that a. woman whom he had hiredto keep house for him had gone -.;.J I...-I` '#n`rnn `'13. Ann!` wifta : hnnlzn Mechanics Institute. The treasurer of the Mechanics Institute has re_ceived the following subscri tiona for the building fund since the annua meeting in May. Those marked (I) are instalments: C. H Ross, I..` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 12 50 J. Plaxton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 N.B. Johnston . . . . . . . . . . 1000 Kir`Ig Bros.` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 00 S. esley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 00 Jud e Ardagh, I.` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 00 A. . Brown; . . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . .. 5 00 R. J, Fletcher, I. .- . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 00 Dncv ,T D ulna`: . ' ' 5 Ul-I511 QIIUUIJCL IV$`II.I.I5 `I &II.I0 LIPUUUIILIJ I The program for next Friday will consist I of readings by Misses Mgfgie Carson. May Jamies_on,AMinnie Erly, r. George Cowie ; piano solo by Miss S. A. Kennedy, Mr. George Smith; a recitation by Mr. Craw ; ,a selection by the Boys Glee Club, and a vocal solo by Mr. Washington. We need hardly mention that the presence of visitors always. gives pleasure to the members of the Society. the Harmonica Club, and three encores, - The Collegiate Lltverary and Musical I ` society. We are glad to learn that a goodly aud- ience greeted the Society last Friday after- noon The program was an interesting one and well rendered." ' Miss Graham was elect-y ed critic, and did her work in a fair and most eicient manner. The numbers were, a piano solo by Miss A. Hinds, a reading by Mr. Spotton, vocal solo by Mr. Henderson, I then another reading by Mr. Spotton. Tho nwnnnr-awn `nun nnvf. Ii`-{Amy 111"] nnnuinf We have the n at manila goods I n ` Town J. FYFE | county Judges criminal court. ' The case of the Queen vs. VVi11iam Bailey ; and Robert Bailey, two brothers charged with attempting to derail a train at Severn Bridge, came up for trial before His Honor ; Judge Arda h on Friday last the prisoners 5 having electe to be tried without a jury. ' Our readers will no doubt remember a. para- graph which appeared in these columns last i week, recording the attempt and arrest of , the parties and that pleading guilty they; had been sent up for trial. The elder i brother on his arraignment having pleaded 1 guilty, hisicounsel appealed to have and? had it withdrawn when a plea of not guilty was entered for both prisoners. The ; trial then proceeded when they were both I acquitted on-the ground that there was no ' evidence of any intention to endanger the lives of passengers on the train. The pris- oners were then discharged, Pepler. Q. C. appeared for the prisoners. J. R. Cotter Crown Attorney, for the Crown ' , ,___, _ _ _ _ ,, ,,,_ I rrmers ,8al'os Notes 0.0110t_:d vv mu; \./Uuuv LICLU G Jul. Lvllt: L UUl'. ' On Mondzy Saxiuel Jocelyn was con-! victed of disturbing the worship of the Salvation Army and fined $2.00 and costs] or 10 days. ' ' uvvvcuula nun. Lulu uualgc W6.3 Wlhll(lI'&WH. i The Health Inspector complained that` J. M. VVilkinson, Mrs C. Hinds and Judge Boys use the Sophia street creek as a sewer contrary to the Public Health Act. The` complaint `against Mrs C. Hinds is dis- ; missed as the nuisance is abated. In the other cases there `is an sdjoumment. n flan mhunvmna `N nn6:n I-vnth n`Ln-us.-.) 1 vunnu. yucca uuxuc 1: an D`l_ Uul. Iuucuh. 1 On the 30th Thomas Martin was charged ; with vagrancy and ned 250. or three months at the castle. Thomas gladly went:_, to the County Refuge for the Poor. I nn Mnnrln QOVVIIIQ` Tt\nA`vvuu -w-no-u nn-A I . Lvylllv nu uuvc vuc Lulluwlus UIJIJUIUU. William Vzmeiderstine charged Andy Clark with using grossly abusive langiiage \ towards him. This charge was witzhdfawn. Tho nnnirh Tnunnnt-an an...`-.`|......,1I AL..4. l --. - uu-a-w- Q ZVIIIIIQI V. The Young Men's Christian Association is doing a good work in this town by surround- ing many young men with good moral and [religious inuences. The nice cosy parlors: are open every dayyfor young men who wish | to go and enioy an hour s reading or have a I little recreation. Then the various members are active out of doors in kindly invitations I to strangers and others to go in this asylum and thus avoid places where temptations to | evil are so often held out to the young and unsuspecting. An important feature of the ; Association is its lecture program. Last , Thursday evening,"'Dr Parker delivered the second of the series for the season. It was i -based on the life of Lot and emphasized the importance of young men going in the direc- tion of right if they would avoid the fate of Lot. There is a vast army of Lots in this day rushing towards destruction by de- liberately choosing paths in business life directly antithetic to honor, honesty and virtue. The lecture bristled with facts and suggestions conveying important practical lessons- It is to be regretted that a larger , audience was not in attendance. Every church in town should be fairly represented . at these meetings to aid and encourage so good a Work. At any rate the ministers of _ the town should show Christian courtesy I enough to attend the lectures of their brother , ministers. ; ! The Police Court Record. I There is not much doing at the Police! Court now-a-days. The old time record of drunks has no parallel now. Since our last report we have the following entered. I Vvillinm `fnnninrucina nl-nu-no.-I A..A.. x I to purchase my place on Duckworth street. I was very much attached to that place, but since it must go I am glad to have it used for such a good purpose. The property was worth about $1,500 and I will console myself by imagining I have donated $400 to the noble cause Our young man thanks the writer for his kind and attering compliments, and can only look down and cover his face with his peruke. Mr. John,Mellanby, of Memphis, Tenn. writes :--Enclosed please find 35 00 for` your valuable paper. I would not like to be without it on any consideration. as I get all the news about the the dear old town of Barrie and the Dominion generally. I have now been a subscriber 25 years It is like an old friend coming every week. 1: you want Iynsn good lilting` nmutlo go to tfllomlnlon House J. * FYFE s. It you wauit ?tyIlsh good ntun nantlo 2'0 to t nmnlnn... 13....-- r CRITERION. 1892. I-larper s Young P pla 03'. Parker : Lecture. Pioneer Historical society. There will be a meeting of the county of Simcoe P',neer and Historical society at the Town ]unc_il,c_hamber` tomorrow at 1! -9_I--I. _ .... lvuv Luwu \/v_I. o clock a. m. ladder leadin to fame and fortune: Mr. A.-J. loyd. rtner of Judge P. 0. Hundley has been a mitted to practice be- fore the Supreme court; of California. He is an energetic, industrious and untiring work- er and will make his mark in this State as an able lawyer. Quaint:-vavv vnnv-u--gv .-v,,_ -- We clip the following from the Oroville (California) Register, of November the 19th. The many friends of Mr. Lloyd in this town and the surrounding country will be pleased to know that he is gradually climbing the fame 11.. A 1' I-..) ..__;...-- ..t 1 ...1....I) (I Resolutions Suggested. The Benehers of the Law Society have ap ointed a committee composed of,_ Messrs. Os er, Martin, Moss, McDougall, Hoskin, Lask, Watson, Barwick, Ritchie, Strathy, Aylesworth, Shepley and Riddell to consider the following suggestions:--To amalgamate- completely the three divisions of the High Court: to abolish double circuits, and to make provision for more frequent and more lconvenientsittings of the High Court in i Toronto and throu bout the Province; hold monthly sittings o the Court of Appeal and dispense with the printing of appeal books; to abolish terms and provide for monthlv I sittings of the Divisional Court of the three divisions, to consist of not less than three iudges; to abolish separate sittings for the divisions, and to provide for daily sittings in court and in chambers respectively of one judge for all the divisions. The committee has instructions to confer with the Ontario Government with regard to the legislation necessary to bring about the reforms propos- ed; and to represent to the Government the advisability of supplementing the present salaries of the judges by means of a Provin- cial grant in case the Dominion authorities cannot be prevailed on t-o increase them. Generally the committee will consider what can be done to increase the efficiency of the courts and to make their organization more convenient to suitors and to the profession. . | Perhaps on do not read SATURDAY NIGHT! ; It is a twe e page paper, always well illus- i trated an admittedly wears the handsomest `dress of a paper in the Dominion. All -;the good hings_from the American and English cl Gerxnan comic papers are re- , produced, both jokes and pictures. The faces of reign celebrites. authors, states- ` men and tors appear in its columns. It pays mo money for the copyright; stories of leadin English novelists than all the ; ' other C adian papers combined. It is `lthorough clean and has the largest and ` ablest ed_toria.l staff of any weekly paper in - Ca.nada.i Its large circulation and magni- 1 cent ad rtising patronage alone make it a i 3 possibi ty in a country like Canada where `lat be there is but a limited patronage. iThe ristmas Number and the regular E issue f TORONTO SATURDAY N mm` are for sale y all newsdealers The price of the `run-vs wt in Ggvv nnnfa innlntlinrv flnn v\:.\lnnn ' \All-III `Jill. UI.\lJ(`L X The Christm Number of SATURDAY ' NIGHT contains orty-four pages beautifully , l ies have bee 1_ thing plea illustrated, pr ted on ne paper, and isa marvel of ty ograpbical art. A large amount of ney has been paid for prize stories, poem and photographs. The stor- dian artists nd every page contains some g to the eye. The publishers of SATURD NIGHT never indulge in fakes of any kin . It is their aim to make their Christmas 'ssue an advertisement which is certain to attract readers to their regular issue. illustrated by the best Caua.- Savemoney. G GEO. REEDY for Shirts and Draw 3. \ Bill? I $II ll`? '7 UKLCGICL B J. III? Pl 195 UK VKIU form r is fty cents, including the picture Fa.ti}ne; the latter is two dollars per an- num--two dollars and fty cents for both. b You ! cannot do better than subscribe either (lirctly to the Sheppard Publishing Company (Ltd.), 9 Adelaide street west, Toronto, or through your news agent. .1` The best weeklyv Peoplcin existence. 1 ous tntertaimnent ; A -lulu nu.-.nn..o :.... n vvnue traveling in Germany, Mr,-S Edmund E Sheopard, editor of TORONTO ATURDAY _NIGHT, saw in the principal "t stores a ma_.gniticent elograph 20 x 28 inges in size, printed in twenty one dilfere colors and tones of oil-what is really a , ctory-made I oil painting of the highest '` `class, not a chromo. After obtaining the ddress of the art association which issued_;it, he visited their manufactory in Berlin ` nrl made ar- ran ements for a Canadia "edition to ac- ; comgpany the Christmas -' T0- RONTO SATURDAY NIGHT. `The subject of this beautiful picture is Fa' me, the daugh- ` ter of Mahomet. Only 0 thousand copies I had been printed and `ese were sold at ! twenty marks ($5.00) e " h The firm had 3 paid the artist, one of th . most distinguish 3 ed portrait painters in rope, nve thous- ' and marks for the priv ege of reproducing this picture, and the been limited to one tho and copies, yet the picture which will be esented in Canada identical with it, print on the finest paper with twenty-one diff ently colored oils, l embossed and varnish ,7; ready for framing and needing neither ss in front nor wood back of the picture, s it is almost identical 'with a painting muted on canvas. The icture represents . 1 oriental beauty rc- f lharkably life-like, - d is unequaled by any- 3 thing that has ever been presented by any i newspaper in the wld When you see this ' paper hanging in a . ews store together with the -pictoral supple ents given by the Eng- li`sh,illustrated pa rs, you will at once ad- : mit that even the .` reat London publications ` are not in compe ion with our own Cana- dian SATURDAY `IG}TlT. III - . le in Germany had` A FAIR WARNIXGG. This oice has a long list of debtors, whose accounts have been repeatedly rendered, but still remain unpaid. This refers to subscrib- ers for the paper and for ofce work. `Our long suering has been abused, and our patienceis exhausted We therefore "have resolved to offer at public sale, all such ac- counts as are not settled by the last of January, 1892. The names and amounts will be published some weeks before. so that any one who can see a bargain in the pur- chase can take advantage of it. Dead-beat- ing this oice is played out. Yon can Find out if this be True. , Five dollars worth for fty cents is an {unusual offer, yet it is 8. bona,V_-jide one. \ While traveling in Germany, M:'_.,-f` Edmund R Rhennarll Ar!-nr rs? rl`l\1)I\1Yn1r\ E .....-..- . -- That : How the Barrie Boys _Do. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES, FIVE CENTS. u a nu. 4u1uum. 111 AUVAN ___. ',`:L , ,_,_,- to 13 V :. J , dutyeof three H8110 O I I, _ . to yet t hll';[:,8 Czar is bein urged _ l .. V "6 I '1" %. - wk . $1011 of 8`P O -i11c'5i.nNnoN inum mm 85 ACCI- l)EI\"l' C0,. LIMI FED R. SULLIVAN urn). Cum9ais nor for Quebec, D H Nnv 7'! Wmrrin Anh UUIUHJ P. 0. Box 73. B-rrie. P. 0. Box 7, Allandg 'WANTF1I\._.First-Class A paid to compete orbafonb the 15:11 Dec. Windsor Hotel. Gra. 001:. Good wages , net-son. Apply on on B. LaFRAh-IER. hurst. 49-50. TERMS : Posh; Prepaid, 89? Your Andree}. HARPER 8: BROTHER-4. _ Maw Vn v "'":::'v`?3. {if :;"1:c1:'f"i;%..':t"*.*t.';'e 3.0" :3: Dnu `as A_1-rnscrong, ot Angus, to M133 Ema ine W_<OD, Of BGITIP. A ; 1-,1g--M0RRI80N.'-In Oriilia. on Novem. wu6ItrA16th, 2891. by the Rev. Canon Greene. 0rilli&- e . ` R--.Pn'r'r I.--At the Manse, Colllngwood ' FUI;)[gthe11Lhinst., by the Rev. J. Campbell, M,A.. Ph. D.. Hardy Fuller. of Sudbury, to smh Potts. or Collingwood. m,,5..m.oUaH.--In Sunnidale, on Nov, M1, 189 . at the residence of the hr de e R_o, Williams. to Mary Morrison, all of gamer, by Elder E. Anthonv, Mr. Willlam_ Thomas. to Miss Farah E. Blough. Died. BoRLAND.-AtC01dW8.Ye!`, on Tueeda . Novem- ber2uh. Mary Ann, wire or W uam Bor- MgnoNAu>.--'Av Orillia. on Thursda . Novem- her 19th 1891 Alexander P. Mo onald, of Millmgton, aged 64 years. McSwmn~'v.-At Orillia, _on Sunday. Nov.22, Julia M<~SWeeny. relxct of the late John Mcsweeny. aged 68 years. - 1)mnxwA'rB:R`.-At Norihbrook. Orillia. on Monday, 23rd inst , William, infant son of R. J. Sumner and Catharine Lrinkwater. WELLWOOD.-At the Me-hodist parsonace. Orillla. on Tuesday. Novemher 21th. 1891. Edgar G.. son of the Rev. N. Wellwood, aged 8 )r8.T8 and 9 _-months. Buo1mr.-At Toronto Nov. 17, Jane. Wife of l)r.Wm.Brod1e, 325 Parliament S1 . 'l`he deceased was an aunt of Mr. McPherson. or the Bceton World. Va-WA-1: -PON.-'_-(")-1'1 Nov. 25th, at the `*`f,`f,T,.'1',?ce of the br1de's mother,` by the Dav, J. R. Black. B, .A.. Mr. George net unun "IU`\d V- .. .,,,,_' L'TX .1(3"r.TJ?r'o; :' N"- 20th. thehwito at F. np_.._l-.n I - - ,--?1T2oth1 t. y ? sc0B"c;,I;I,"ot5A;hc`a'.t.'1`:';'g;ht`:a':-. 8 M ' ; ER ,1" Alliston. on Saturday. 21etinet.. ; Pm' H. Porter, ofa son. ` o , vi t ria, Harbour. November 16th. F0";,Ay:ife 0?` ?Mr. W. Fox, 0! a Son. -1 Matchedaah. on November 115 Cmtigrgitenof | ewis Cannon, of a son. ,1 th Township of Tar. Novembe Wqhe vs[']if6 G; Mr. H. Bourlc-. of 3 daughter. -At Orillio. on the 22nd of November. Jt`*;9l_ the wife of R. H. Jupp. Town Ooun-` cillor. of 8 8"- . ER. -At Northbrook. Orillle on DR'}`;,Y,?.,_ 23rd inst.. the wife of R. J. '8um- ne;-1)rinkwater of e eon. n.. rmmw-ndn.v_ Nnv. 26th thnurlfn nf ll` smamc NUM';mRs, Five f`-ants each. SD60!- men Copv so on receipt of two-cent stamp. Remitvnnn uhnnld hn made hv Pmmo nae :31; Q-A'I,&_+.'m- A new 'c:1lved cow with calf. 1 Apply (`O.v1M..A.` gt: WHISH.A1landa.le B'ARRIE ammcu. _m ILLUSTRATED wnumr. 4 4'. j'Z-` L. No. 49 WHOLE ' . VOL. X S Axum` WESL E rNEW XIivER'rI~-*-__ 1vIEN'l`s, H` 3- ' . HA.N,6.GEB.. L, iooi1iih. Married. Birth. ESTABLISHED I867. CAPITAL - - - - - ublioation for young is edited with scrupu- \ and {nnfv-nntlnn and _ 1 49-15 . H . New York. IUU, Agent. I vvuuvsl vuunavvu The Patrons of Industry, _' of Newton Robinson, received a shipment of grsinbsgs, tea, matches and salt, the other day. These Patrons of Industr , seem to be taking other industries out of I zitimste hands. - Elijah Collard relates in the -Cardwell Sentinel, howlsst Sundev some villain took the nutsoif the wheels of his bu which was standing in the shed at the -` ethodist church. {He stertedufter the service; having his wife and daughter in the buggy, For- tunstely yvhen the wheels csme o',_his horse which, was well ; trsinjed ';,_sto'pped A the - psirties were safe. ` We agree wth ,thejSe;nti_-_ . no! that it rig, ,hngnilistingj_ to? feel j;hetj,`iu .e.v s - Mr. Fred? arrived home from his ` European trip Monday evening. He took several large orders to be distributed \ throughout the empire for the next seaeon s ` harvest. The rm here expects to commence active operations immediately.-Alliston Herald. The Muskoka. Herald says the fesuli: of `Joe Hess tneetingseait Bracebridge was 357 signers to the pledge The Herald admon- ishes Joe not to prejudice his cauue by having 9. ing at the lawyers a doctors. "..II-.nI_nl`._I l._--.. .145 -"_-.__ _.--L.. ne1righ,iiiiI*'rTJv$ioT W etei Vlirvp. goodi at J. Eurms. The Burk s Fa8,,A!f!`0W week as Mr. Barney Wickett was reburing home along the lake shore, about a mile from the town, a large bear stepped `out from the bushesa few fee: ahead. _Barney says he Ann !-. Iznanuy 1:1`-nk Q` thn nn,Iv- urn: fk` I-nnnlr ` I BANK \ or COMMERCE. IIILUIIIBH II IVVV `CCU IlIl9\I- IJQIIIUJ EIHJU II? don't know which of the pair was the` most scared. ' - C. QVQJIIWI IUI \U|LI6IWLJI:'IJIlCUJIlCL LIIILII `Fred .. McMaster, a young man from Georgetown, stole an overcoatand $43 from James Rusk a farmer near Orangeville. The idea of a Canadian farmer havin $43 and an overcoat is astonishing Is a of that class that has so much of Sir Richard Cartwright : sympathy 2 ` 'I\,.,,,!, IQ-.. .._-__- DIIDQUW VI. avul. vuuu vu--u The building `occu id by the Alliston Marble and Granite orka at Alliaton, was receugly burned. T --...` -2 I ..J.-..L.... 3 -I"KTAnyI-An Mr. A. Greensidea will be the B9.x_ter padagogue for the coming yea.r,t.he re-engage- menu bavmg been made. `I 11 1 ll 3 I I `A The Creemore Star says Barrie has more plck than the average towns, in musical matters. `They are pre ariug Hu.ydn s Crea.tion; Yes and wil accomplish its interpretation too / T Q _ . _ . - ___. 41- 4 IVIIII CD1`-III`, Tn: uvuv - vu-----.-v- vw -:.'-.- _.v-._..- `Miss Florence { of Newmarket, had a. nger amputated the other day.- She was cleanjng a. lump chimney when it broke and cut her nger producing blood poisoning and hence the axnputation. you !`I\,_ I,,, 1 l,_-_, l_....__.!` _auce 0! one Duane: uuwuu man yum. A cheerful ai ht ea 3 the Totcenham paper, is a. coup e of 0! `drunks shouting along the streets on Sunday under the shudow of four churches.- ` " ` n C I ` `AL- AI`I!.;L_..' 8 .ve money. B Drv Goods from GEO. REEDY, in cheap. Thursday night, about bl o clock, a. re broke out in the stables occupied by J. Cos- sen, Tay, in Dollarville. Four cows, one bull. 9. calf several burn yard fowl, cutter. wagon. and other implements were burned, together with stable and feed rooms, The buildings were owned by T. W. Chew, and insured -for $300. His loss will be about $200. The other property was covered by insurance.--Midland Free Press." `The; Inge ra;.iv11(;-zi;;; eT -g;ea.-ti; swollen` the rivers and creeks throughout the county. ` x Lookout for a light complexioned young I \ man, with small eyes, a scar on the side of 1 his head, and a. shrill voice ! He is wanted at Sbayuer for burgla.ry.-Stayner Sun. .Wnn.1 lInN`naO-,nn n trnnnn nnnn `Inna-n THE .:- CANADIAN Mr `V-V'"il1ian"1' Davey, West Gwillimbury, has `had a mupber of sheep worried by dogs. is 1 :1 icon 0. on . _ '||,____ ____] ]___`_ IIINU lllllhl I IlU|l:IlI\4G `IO Vlliivr IV VI--IIVVII W. V-v-- Rev J F. Whit, Sha.nty[ Bay and Eas Oro, exchanged pulpits last {Sunday with Rev. Mr. Sheppard, of Colclwater. , ,.g_,1,|_,'_I_--.1 :1 l'TLA.L..B' -wwu...--. Thomas W J "'l7" ' illiams, _of Colgan, had seven sheep killed by dogs _ laet week. III II l|,,__ .__.-- -- -2 I'lI-a.A.....L-.... VH:I{r1\Z-!:;1;a;1.;w::.;`b;i;otnHam, hid just sold 80!) bushels of English barley, the pro-` _duce of one bushel sowed last-year. LIA -L--...-` -3-I.`L gncvn `kn ""`[""""""' "" Save mohey. o GEO. IIEEDYA for Blao k Cashmere dvllrelb Good. n `v I .1 '7f*1;a';3I.;;'p;3} Eggdford ha.v_e'-formed 9. Quadrille club. ` I oc1'o,,,,I-L LVUVa LVLI} DI-lclllllll, VI. wvltlwwuvso Threshing in`the neighborhood of Uhtho is finished. V - n round Uhtho` which had been shut down in consequence of some diiculty with the men, have started again. L - Ir: 1\ _an ,,,;, 1\I1,,_ .I._j '1-?:i:c :i1"ilVl"_(_).rz;.;a' `was_ burned last Sunday night. f nu , ,, I`l'1II2__.__ -1 IV--I..-.. L-) -.'.--.. Xnlwanrlge 1;;;1&tyTof grain is bing market- ed at Brad ord. * - ` * The olce 0! this Bank In Barrie has been removed to the Corner" ol Damon and Owen streets tv-iahn Pa.r-t:_t:i:lVge,V of Severn Brid e, `had three of his fingers badly cut in hristie s Shingle mill the other day. -I\o I'D`! r\ ,, ... -- I_,,,_.__j '-__Lv The Stayner Sun tells of the arrest of James Brown and William Leonard charged with stealing goods from Mr. Adair of Stayner. The arrest was made at Dunedin and a lot of the stolen goods was found in Browu s Shoe shop The men were sent to Barrie for trial. John Dickens, of Matchedash was` badly injured a few days ago bv the falling of a scabld on which he was en aged in shing- ling his - barn. William %itchen had a narrow escape at the same time. /1 I Complaint comes from Cooper : Falls that. voung men roam about through. the woods in that neighborhood on Sundaysf.with'gune. ` They evidently are paying no attention to the command, Remember the Sabbath day , to keep it holy ' ' rphn u`onr'vlr\fn -nhunnan l\` [nnIm`4\n I7..:...I..L _ l w'fl:; sl`z;.lu`g'T1;:{a rhouse of Charles `Wright, 5 Penetanguiahene butcher, was raided .a few, nights ago and the best: cuts of three beet carcases stolen. ` - ` TlT1ew()v1:i-lli"-0...]-?-c`>;';l of Trade paid`the Globe company -3150 for picter_ing" that. town sometime ago. i Its a riot " they all no.` GEO. BEEDY does cell (3 each. 0 armor. ollan The water in the l lower than it is now. d River was never ,_ N- ------v-uvwwu u--u auuuxuiuu -'ul' ,3` V e `graphs for Advance` leader: who e- K Like The Dun-ow ottho lest. ; A large amount of grain is being marketed at Hawkstone. - V - . Several persons have visited Waubaushene lately lookmg for men for` the shanties 1 FIIL -_,- , , ,,___.a _v. _-v- -vn vnuv wlnlllalilll Tliere is nothing to report from Moonstone this week except the fact -that Mr. Guck's new residence is nearly nished. 7' 'L_ ______I_ _Q I` II A "' The.W_p:e'(>-vle wt);-'(;)l:l;v:t.;-el:;vould like a: Mechanics nstitute and Reading room for l their comfort and intellectual good during the winter months. . - I oounmmu-&-nlsmor nuns. "WU'U,)' UFO 01' UPBU, E0 EVOHI. C 'llInVI0l"B Ul. U155. 1\vu'.-pa;3)r.s are not to copy thzs advertzse- Euent 2:-izlaput we express order 9/` HARPER 83 4R01'm:r ~ 144---; , n- . -nnnn o- nnnmrjuloa up-ruunp In`: such; um msnuc-r ucuxau A; LOCAL saws, ..'1`-HE. INIEREBTS OF, BARBIE. Para- R1iIE%, COUNTY OF `SIMCOE, ill`) III 0 Wheat, 88c. to 92c.; barley, 400. to 500.; !_'y0, 860. to90c , nearly __the price of wheat ; oats, 30c to 320.; pease. 610. to 62c;' hey, $8.5) to $9.00 a. ton. ; beef, hindquarters, $6 00 per. cwt.; forequarters, $4.50 to $5.00 per cwt.;-mutton, 80. a. lb. ; pork, $5.00 to-$5.60 per cwt.; turkeys, 9a. to 10 per 1b.; geese, 5c. to 60. per 1b.; ducks 50. a pair ;ifowls', 500. to 60c. a. pair; butter, rolls, 17c. t_o 20 per lb ; tub, 15c. to 17c. ; eggs, 17c. to 18c. per doz; untrimmed hides, $3.50 to $4.00 per .cwt'.; sheepskins, 70c. to 90. a. piece ; wood, $3.25 to$3 50 nor Anna` 9 nvnl-.nI-tuna Q51: in An- nan I-nu-u . avvu uu uvva ynvvv , vvvvu, V0.00 IIUVO IJU per cord; pbzatoes. 35c, to 40c. per bag; apples. $1.25 to $1.50 0 barrel; Anthra- - nifn nnnl `R 05 ha!` I-nn Q2 95 unit ha`: Inn . Market Noise. Last Saturday's market was a very large one and business generally was brisk and" satisfactory. The main feature of the - mar- ket was the quantity of pork-, a good deal of which was - very excellent, bringing $5 _60 per cwt. The following were the prices for the day : `xlhnqn 99.. BA 00.. n Ln-.IAuo Ann 4.. RA` . ' Z:`i``Z3;1'`% 5% e'J.'.'. "$5.2'$; :.1`s" 233"} Bituminous coal $.50 per ton, $3.50 per I half ton. ' THE ADVANCE has to thank Mr. John Mellsnby of Memphis, Tenn, for a. copy of the Souvenir number of the evening Scivmetsr. It is a. grand work of the printer's and engra.ver s art. It gives in ne photo- gra.vure,portrsits of the principal representa- tive men, views of the residences of these men, public buildings, laces of business etc. with letter press fu ly escribing all these. The ente rise of the Scimetsr in resenting to its res ers such a maqnieen work of art deserves unlimited praise and general pat- ronage. - E. During!) A` by Allests-lot none. _._1_ 54. _...- - ..--_ A.L-L impartial o ini seen that electrician of \IIll`|a- 9 As per advertisement it _w' a representative physician d Dorenwend Electric Belt be at the Queen : Hotel cember 12, where he about the self-cure o and chronic dis have an opportu 11 Saturday, Do- be consulted with muscular, nervous Now - the aioted their tron le. His stay a limited, on t miss it. - . A . . , Toronto, will. of qettin 'a free and` sAvmo s%-:- BANK DEPABTM ENT DP0sits of $1 and upwards received and ` Interest allowed. ' ` -T s_t..I!:ry aOhurohIlI_u1on.' LA `mission will qommenogwgt St. Mary : Roman Catholic church o1`f:`Sunday.- 13th ins__t., nd continqe _one: week. Rev, Dean Bqrgiu has Aen_ga.ged_ the, Rodemutorist Fdyhera, McInen 1_e`y Asgndv `-Miller, for the ooouion, " j . A New Lowell mangets this off on our friend Bell, of Banda. r VVe nd it in the Mad River Star. Mr Wm `Bell, of Banda, was here a few days ago selling apples. v It is said they were of a superior quality, but we cannot vouch for their avor as we have . had no opportunity to test. a sample. King ' William, of Bands, has established as a his- torical verit , that William III, of England, was born in ublin, and that his Majesty fre- quently shed for salmon on the river Liffey, but that the stone on which Jacob rested his head was brought from county Tyrone in Ireland, cannot be accepted as proved, without some additional conrmatory evi- dence. Where is your evidence, brother Bell? As we suggested, the stone may have been one of those used by the Corkonians in early elections before the shillaleh was in- I vented ! E I - .The Quarterly Re ister of Current His- tory is on the Editors Table. This work which records current events in a fair, im- partial and judicial manner, is of great in- terest and value. Every important event in politics, religion. science, &c., &c., occur- ing in the world, is faithfully recorded, and to the journalist is of more than `passing interest. It is published by the Evening News Association, Detroit, at $1.00 a ear. It is `printed on good paper and nely illustrated. - save money. G GEO. BEEDY for lloulery and G19 M I 777 V'VV"'_--'rv-v' Lisle, s&ys`the Creemore Star, is a small village on Rookey Creek, about five miles east of Randwick, and seven miles west of Angus, midway between Alliston and Cree- more. ~ Lisle has 6 general stores, one boot and shoe store, four hotels, two blacksmith shops,- two carriage shops, one tailor shop, one furniture store, two public parks, three churches, one our mill, one school house, one bank, tourdoctors oices. two grain sheds, &c . &c. V ` _.._-.. ..- - .. vuuuu *-Jl. Ill-III .1. aunou. Mess1:s~:'J_IJ; Wilson and Wm. Lovering, of Fesserton, are going extensively into the cordwood business t "as winter. Mllllnory Boom! t GEO. REEl)Y9S Prices and Style: A e work. Oroistation pe e at ` rejoicing at the absence of` sickness. Victoria. Haber has a. marriage boom and the-preachers a. harvest. ~ 'I'.I V ` ' Vi:-nvews Mr: Steele, ot Goldwater, willbe glad to learn that he is recovering from his recent illness. The Boa.rd'of Trustees` of the Orillia High School are not disposed to give full credence to Inspeetor u report. I 2-I_ ._____rL1 - IN A-A T Blackweif; of Severn Bridge; has what deer he wants to shoot come to him without any travelling over the rocks and `through swamps They just walk into his turnip patch or garden and he popsthem off as he needs them. Mr D. J McPhee was up north on Wed- neaday. There was about nine inqhes of snow at Baysville in the evening None of the rivers or lakes are frozen. --Orillia.-Packet. ]j______._ 'I' 1', IIVII - -.._ .- mun LODV recenpt or two-cum stamp. Reuxitfunc should be made by Poano Hoe Money Ordef or, to avoid c`1a.ncee otlnss. tnn,..nnvs`Lu.. 1-.... MAI in nnnnn I'Iv:n nrlamrr-h'nn_