Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Oct 1891, p. 2

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. ____...-_ .___..____._.._ R. PALMER. SURGEON . EYE, EAR. Throat, Nose. 46Gerra.rd-street. east. To- ronto. may be consulted at the Queen's Hog-,e1_ Barrie. on Friday, May the 10th, from 8 to 11 :.:n.. and the second Friday or every month. (5.-OPPOSITE BARBIE HO'1`EL,_ Dump? snum. h;Rt::.onond8o1naqraumnndand'aot on anon nun:-no Innnngvf-nnunvvvq an `tuna... . Post omoe. Ba.rrie.'5une 28th, 1891. no-11v J. EDWARDS .11 acts: `way-vvvn vwnnvag :95 daily (Sundays ;?pt :1. and 3 and 8 o clock p.m. |-_4.r\AlI_- 11...}. `I'..__ nngi. J. cu Lvsaw ELL S ;IMPOR'|'ERS AND EXPORTERS DAILY IAII8 FOB alscurrs U96 I-lawn wnnnnguox J` nnoim "x5.:'oaEii"aEc'1'{ "' ""'" Chief Superintendent II -.. -4-.. `V `I! In._ an can: u porters ana ueeierem Uoais or an xmna. uuu Georgetown. Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime. Cements of all kinds. Fire Bricks an Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch, foot of John street; near the aepot. The bond of this Lime is better than that of any other kind, and ` the nish `superior. Once --Gorner of John and Elizabeth atreete. j 10 574 m. --.w-- ---vw -v- V-u-sauna. n-av-vnvuuoo b H.` N. COURTLANDT. 29-tt ADVANOI: Office. Agent for Ba;-tie 1nNn1.nsLu.1. xmns 0.13 'A'uo?rioiw SALES. Are a. V ty. and" ion intendin to have sales, consult th r own interests y placing their sales in his hands. ` . - O1IOE-Next door to J-. Ga.lbraith's.r nearly opposite ,1-11;Que,en s arnd B51-rio_ Hotgls. jli-Ag-1550-5 41.- A-{-....._ _4n-_ _nn 1.. the Apvmon Vo,l'o:e..w1ll be ` attgndgmto... ;s5 ' * ; e.R.1r0RD. % -r uunnvn jut.-av aavvvl v ninim:a;xsm. * --1';y7a tho;-otigh k'nowled . of "the" mtjunu lawaiwhioh `govern `the oiierntione of digestion` `and nutrition. and bi} : p#mm "fat the fine properties 0 _ . . . I. Mr. Ep 5 has provided our breakfast tables with a Icateiy avored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors `bills. I Itia bythe judicious use 0! such nrtioles ~ot;dlet that a constitution may hem.-odually built up until atro enough toreaiat every teirdeno to disease. undrede ot subtle` maladies are oatinz oround us ready -to nttaok.wherever.there is a weak point. We. 1: mayeaoa mnn/total-Ihatt`b.k _ selves torture: with pure bioa931 g: nerlv nourished frame." _.. Civil simvvim 1:. J. FLETCHER, A; nnownnnn. 8 ' Dunlop Street. Barrie. OF ENGLAND. lsnnusnmn IN 1347. HIS.1.0NG'E8'I'ABLI8HED COMPANY is based on a solid foundation of economy of mnnnamnnnt And Inn `hnn-lnmaa um-Innin`Im: '"'1'~ en{'ii s"f ?:`5 u`7'1 .< attends all i. own cum tnruu y life assurance ; `nun; ling Hanna} uunuuwu. U035 2 `I110 XDWXF $131356! LIILIHIUB. with satet . Bonuses every three ears. never less than _per,cent. on the lite p 11, nor less than 14 per cent. on the endowment plan. Total Abstinenceasuranoez The only oompatq in (`.n.nn.dn. nm-inn! nnnninl ndvnntnpnn tn. tntn ah. A.D3ElllBll06'1\BIl1l'Bn08 T116 only oompattg 1n Canada offering special advantages to. .to ab-_ atainera. Accumulated Fund nearly 86.000.000. Head olce for Canada. Montreal. I . `O A-1r\9v-I-`Int -now`-- *:1:;;,,:"...i.h*:-a.,.m`n.%=: 3"1 31?f'sem' IEO o ' Mad aim 11 with hot ` T tor milk. Sold 0:117 packets. oibellod thus : umns nppshc. .11 nceopatm on mine . 3&3" `.',V. `cmimrz1c:* W L F % I extend my sincere thanksfor your generous and liberal patronage and sup- port. It cannot he denied that such support comes asan acknowledgement that DIAMOND HALL is the best place for high class Watches and Clocks. I will add during the fall some novel and attractive goods, and will keep none but thevbest. BoTIlVlEI.L'S stock. numor 31. nnmms A FLETCHER & BRUWNLEE T AGENTS . The Populor Routeliasf and West. Winni- ` peg, Chicazo. Montreal. etc. _. Intenqing settlers wnlviing for information W111 rece1ve prompt rep es. , LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY nna uLEEi5E_Tu&frIuNn G- R-FORD. T! A `war VII! Crcnouxtu As. A -~.-_-- t`'o?oa"131`a'&'u'znt'3'5'." "o'1'i'o?1'53' mad; ""32 [out of the County. Real Estate bought en_V lnld. Gonvmmnninn In IL in bl-nnnhan. MAI!- [T0 THEPU%3l|0 `era Sylflip. A` Iohn_F. Jon;_V;,V.EdOn1',TS:`. ,im'ites: I have used Gexjman" Syrup for the past six ~yea"rs, for [Sore Th1;_oat, Cough, Colds, `Pains in the Chgst , and Lungs, and let me say to any- one wanting such .a medicine- German Syrup is the best. ` ` V 4 B.W. Baldwin, Carnesvi11e,Tnn., writes: I have used your.German Syrup in my family,` and nd~ it. the best` mediine I 'ever.tried for coughs and colds. I .recommend it to `eve_1fy4 _.'-- 1.`... 4.1.--- 4........k'1.... R. Schmalhausen, Druggist, 0! Charleston, 111. -,writes : After trying scores of `prescriptions and prepara- tions I had on my les` and shelves, without -relief fora very severecold, which` had -`settled on my` lungs, I -t;ied_`your .G`eriI'1a`1'1`Syrup. It__ gave me 1mmedi_jte- relief and .a perma- _.-..L ---.... KKK. %\JL\-lhII Q: `A \r%\IAAQAAA one f< _>r these troub1_e;- --v -?,__v-`--v- -v_-_-- -__~_ ... E_,_._.. nent cure. .. I ' ` ~ ' Cs). -G. G. GREEN, Sole Mauffxctrt,` ` Woodb _ury, Ngwjersey, U `S. A. gugh nasumna & am csma AGENTS. pin or me uounty. nun saute nougns pug, Iold. Conveyancing in all its branches. Mu- rlnge Lioeneeil Issued. O1oe-Over Canadian Innkot Commerce. Dnnlop street. F 45-11 `Money to loan on reasonable rtes, FARM s1_'ocK SALES Frlt. Bonf- BRITISH EMPIRE `_(}BlA1`E FUL.- `coimonrmc. R. A. DOUGLAS, Dlllllllln Dllu. IUIIIIII 0113111688 L t t : F eri . rI:`n?r]g?)lin1?r:zIe?\|sn3f|BfAItes3%g n KL U11 5 DUIIU IUUIIQUWUH OI Coonunly OI nent and sound business prinoi lea. ,'an.tnraa 2 Fnrtv van:-n Arum-lmmn 2 gdh. THE JEWELLER, rm-; Nomnxgm ADVANZ,C:`E.;_ QuEEN'sHo'rEl--I e -'L`rl'\t)fI.1I'_`I' 131:3? l l . -rnooic&ha:mu;au:..;` r There seems every indication that the; .Grit leaders and their allies in the United istates have resolved upon avigoroun cam- paign, on both sides of the international_ boundary line, in connectionwithv the coming by elections, similiar to that of last winter ; and as on the former occasion while comercial unio_n will be the battle cry of the Canadian wing _ of the ----a-- An Hm nlthnr nirin the wntchword DIIEIO cry OI Inna Ulauaauunu wsug . Us -nu party, on the other side_th'e _v _watch_wor(l will be ` fannexation, ipure-and "` simpler True, we have not heard that Sir Richard Carwright and `-`H_onas"' Edwlfd F 8.1101` have yet started on a mission_ to Washing- ton. These-worthi'e s= have .'no doubt a . vivid recollection `of. the exposure of their negotiations at the United States. capital last winter, and it `is to be expected that this .time their communications` Win a be conducted with greaterwsecrecy than ; be fore. We are told,_, howe_ver-,;that- Mr. Laurier is to be tendered a banquet at Boston on November 17, Canjit be that as Sir Richard . has -already been ~ named Senator from Onta:-io, . iMr;b Laurier is determined, if possible, to secure-- the nomination asthe ~ _State- of Quebec's representative in .the Upper. House of Congress ! Of course while Mr. Laurie: is too discreet a politician to talk annexa- tion outright at the banquet, he will ;no doubt use language whictrwill be ' easily. understood by his auditors. Then, again,` a certain portion of the United States press has revived the annexation boom of last winter.. -These journals profess to have `received information that a. strong feeling in favor of annexation is rapidly spreading in the Dominion, some at them going so far as to make the astounding statement that the approaching by-elec- tions will be fouglitnout on that issue and that alone; The fact is, if such a feeling is spreading. 9! 91799 eiet:, it is <.>nnd_ Ito the party which is ready to adopt any cry that will assistit to place and power- the party led by Wilfred Laurier and Sir lliachard Cartwrigb`t.-London - Free ress. . yoked, incidentally. ' "` `. What made you spit that blood that time, Gihi '1 ` ` ' . " ` I `didn t knofvt I_ ought to swallow _hir'n, . he rap1iod,: fivido-ey.led and anxious. Dentist. . .pul,1; tooth-. Ho .9916 ` to me. rspit blood 1.1.0139-",; I do liko_he tell me. Your doctor uy; v`o:.. :Vbnd for lungs, spit blood; N'nxtTJ:imu.I alwnllow him. 2 . V II T .I'. _I_.__I .~_-_`A.`._.._ __ 6 ` How long did this last `I he inquir- ed of the smiling boy. i ' ` I think-it seems to me-, `A half-hour `I queried the doctor; ` -twenty minutes 7 _ ` I think :0. Yes, sir. About half an hour--twenty minutes, responded the obliging youth." to T s........: n...; ;_n_ n_,-____, nnnnnn vv av II-I Now with a surgeon it is dierent. Surgery is an exact science. Before I took this position I was a sur`geon s assistant in ahospital. In some places we are called trained nurses. e In our place we were called surgeons assistants. That s why I make such a distinction between doctors and surgeons. I ve seen the two work side by side so long. I've seen some of the funniest mistakes made, and I have seen mistakes that were not funny. I've seen post-mortem examinations` that would have made a surgeon ashamed that he had ever been born, looked upon by the doctor who treated the case as not at all strange; did nt stagger him a bit in his own opin- ion of himself and his scientic know- ledge next time. I rememberone case. It was a Japanese boy. He was as solid as a little ox, but he told Dr. G--that he'd been taking a homoeopathic prescrip- tion for a cold. That wasenough for Dr. G Hydropathy gives` him ts, and eclecticism almost lays him out. Not long ago he sat on a jury which sent'a man to prison who had failed in a case of `mind-cure. That gave deep delight to his `regular "soul. Well, .Dr. G-- questioned the little J ap, who could not speak good English, and had the national inclination to agree with whatever you say. Ever been in Japan? No? Well, they are a droll lot. Always strive to agree with all you say or suggest. ` Did you ever spit hlood 7" asked Dr. G-'-, by-and-by, after he could find nothing else wrong except the little cold for. which the homosopathic physician was treating the boy. A . ` Once. replied the youthful victim ` Yes, sir ; a good deal. _ The doctor sniffed. He always knew that a homoeopathio humbug could not diagnose a case. and would `be likely to get iust about as near the facts as a light cold would come to tuberculosis. `I "nun. '1`-`tun 13:1` AI-.:_ I-_L Q L- 1;. .,_.S.. v Iv-nan:-I 5 .1-""- I heard that talk. Common-sense told me the boy : lungs were all right ; but it was none of my busxnea. and no I watched him treated, 01!` and on, for lung trouble for over a month before I got a chance to ask him any questions. Then I aaked,- incidentally; ` '-Wh.+ ....-.:.." ..'.... -...:L u.-n. 14--.: nun; . 5133315-IV-A .DIIIIlLUW uuu gm I `helpqdwanother punt-inner," in good'und=1"egIih.`r' standing, to examina 3, `man : heirtr; 1'=He--found -a. pretty bad `wheeze; in.the left. side. I `had to `nurse that man. He, been 9n a bat, and in en } earth that sited him yap; that spree, but he got treated for" heart`. trouble. It scared the mentallnoet to'dee'th. - ll T9,] I______.I L_7 T Beauty is `said to be only skinl deep: but to possess and preserve :1 beautiful skin, pure, vig- orous blood is essential. This isbest secured by taking Ayerfs Sarsaparilla in small but frequent doses. It is the most reliable of blood-puriers. HUI-Auto Ilnav JANE GIIIIVEI UV IIVDU I I'd leerged _ how I _he:rt should sound, so one day I tried his. He was ' then)", and 7 it . eonndedell righi, -so when jzhq doctor came; .in, ,1 . took .n.aids aisi`:d.t`<'>.'l.c.i .h1m.rthat.;~I; iiidti -Minn`: to Interfere,` :bnt~ the man: Ill: pcaredi shoot to death over .hiu.heurt, mid it eeemed to me it i83}`-!%`!!`1Pd;1iF9;P3`' ~ n.'.FT";.`.1. F!` ` e dpctgr .wqgJg L .5 `A1 ll: BU UCUII lurunsnuu. Wllull UVUI] VJUUIIIIIIUIID` on and comfort in the latest and most approved style, . Comm men will find the samleroom andovrythlng ey nlre has enospoo.{auyattendod-=oo. .v -`av. `mi 'I`Amnn fl-nm s1-m1-.n n.Am m1~ dnv. f?-ing . . , .. . , 1;`Q `P22 upcugt .wII_,, 9.k.QiIt,'-.01 Q31 three teetg. endvkeep the: regard ; fom.=;elIim epeinet the time of his next visit. Wall, to mete e long matte: short, the line] die- How the Doctor Diagnosed.` A doctor and a surgeon may be the same person, remarked the philosophic- al trainer, oracularly, but they seldom are. `If you whine-as the dogs do when their feet hurt -after a hunt-or if you limp or complain, a doctor guesses what is the matter" with you. If both guesses are right, you are in luck, and he is a skilful doctor. In nine cases out of ten he is giving you something harm- less, while he is takinsz a second and third look (at your expense, of course) to guess over after himself. His medical pessim- ism and his surgical optimism amused and entertained me, and 1 encouraged him to go on. tl'KT.\... ...:LI.. - -.-_.-...._ 4. 2- .`I1ll._._-..L' ' ` ` I cw l.nV_IllIl0llI. .' .'5pi_e1f macho oildoans which are now bfgnng, :x_;`-do ye;-y_`dnrgblo and imper- `~} i. `9`!Y.5!!fl >!'it 01'] .011 likely` to be .mA,mQDR' -. .r9oent;=-`invention in, I artlzlt:-s.will register for the next 2 Qii .*`yo|f|,,he|'igg,tgI|in gn 41030`-txuniwith that ' 8 `y `Q IIIIA At` LL- I_L, A ' ?`;$ve1;'Ay":i|s--the` man don't know it yet, "arid he in going around in dread of drop- ..:..n.a'.nw-minnta with heart failure- SUIIJ" DIUMUIL. Ill utvllu vs. I-navy` pin ' joj...any'm1nute With heart faxlure-- 85 C1? rst examination the man had re- ` . 2 jv ._-I_.. 1.2.. `A-In --:1 awn-Q ant` L`: lint ` nu onnunu :05 u: UILU loll At the enclof the-ve minutes the young man walked away disgusted. and as Duly folded up the bill end returned the double eagle to its place in the purse 3 little colored boy, who had been on the verge of an explosion while the bet was being decided, said : `For de Lord's sa_ke,,Mu Duly, why didn't you` bet him "more `than $20 when you had 3 dead sure thing 2 f`,Twnnt no dead cinch, said ` Bill_Da_ly,; and $20 inll I ll bet on my meucij{.'`itfe gettihg so 7 uncertain of late yenu.,.,S posn .__I d} fo otten and stuck `1P5.W958 nwl8.5`! W`. `F 7" II vuru v.Lnu.u.uuu.uu vuw uuuu uwu .u- N i.inog_ed-' only his coat and vent, and his new : ahepehder on his sterqhed shirt had made `} the` That in a cold fact, and the \ men paid` over eighty dollars for the 1 treatment he had forhie heart. I " Barrie is oonvener `for Group No. 4 this 'year. The clubs composing it are Wau- baushene, Midlanii; Elmvale, Orillia and Churchill. .In the district medal matches Orillia vs. Port. Hope, J. D. Ftavelle. of Lindsay ie umpire ; in Midland vs. Wau- baushene, Geo. Thompson lls that of- 2-.. A strange sort of patriotism is that which is talked by the Young Liberals. They ' may not mean It, but the effect of their utterances is to create an impres- `sion that they are Canadians and sorry for it. They climb to what they fancy is a lofty view point, and speak with con- descension of things. Canadian. No words are too strong to praise the great ones of the United States, and none too feeble to speak the faith of these young gentlemen in their own country.--Tele- gram. - --ug wt was Ionlw Arvin ` As, Father Bill wee scalding a. favorite horse : - hoofe an underdone Anglomsniac aentimentalist came `along and complained it was cruelty to ani- mals. 'l`hn nnnnntn n....c:......- . `nun! NNOX, AULT cwiamnn, Barristers, Soli- citors of the Supreme Court, Proobora. es, Conveyancers. szc. Money to loan. E um (:03, Hinds` Block. 01) `osite N. 8: N. W. R . station, Barrie. a.ndB1ng a.m s Block, Bradtor . En.- AI:-ulillsnu 4 __-___-_ 1`l'7__ _ ..-...._A-- A no-- -uu vvuar_Iu:uuu III "DB " Orlllliy 59 BI! mala. The anecdote continues: Bill Daly sized him up very slowly and said : `Young man you are full of prunes. That water is-not too hot. I ll bet. you $10lthat I can hold my foot in it for ve minutes without a murmur. The dude took $20: off his: roll and laidit on the atraw, and Bill Daly put a double eagle on it to hold it down, and stuck his articial leg in the tub. - ((A6 4|... .._.I -c: LL- 1!..- 4,9 Not that Kind of Man. V . Senator Gowan, of Barrie, has sub- scribed $500 an a nucleus of a fund to es- tabluh a ucholarahipat Kingston, to be identied with the name of Sir John Macdonald. Ninety-nine men out of a hundred giving a check for such a purpose would have the scholarship identied 1 ri,th,their own name not that of another. I --Ha`mil.ton.Herald. A nsunana case. Recently a rather uncommon thing happened at . a trial at Midland. J os. Murphy was suing F. J. Gribbons for $47 `wages and: magistrates Horrell and Fraser were out the bench. The former gave judg ment invfavor of the plaintfforfnllamount while the latter dismissed the case. The matter was referred to the County Attor- ney and hisvdeoision was that when two justices sitona case and disagree the case must. be dismissed." This shows that when "Magistrates disagree litigants then I are free. -av-uuv;--u-I-I uuu Aauau Jsususuu. The inaugural. `address to the Young Liberal Club had as false a ring as the harangue` on loyalty by Edward Coch- rane. The weakness of {the one dis- appointed the patriot jast as much as the rancid strength of the other disgusted hun. The high middle ground is be- tween the inanities of President Yeigzh and the hifalutin rant of Cochmne. There genuine Canadianism takes its stand, and refuses alike to cheer for every rogue who waves the old flag, or to sneer at the country because its rulers have faults. V The Halls and Lotteries. Col. White, Deputy-Postmaster-Gem eral, has been interviewed with respect to the operations in Canada of the Louisiana `State Lottery. The Deputy had seen the expressed intention of the managers to establish a branch ofce in Canada to elude the stringent postal law of the United States passed to suppress the con- cern. He did not think they could be in- terfered with in Canada by means of the mails under the existing law,` and he_ doubted much whether any British Legis- lature would pass such a law as the` United States Congress had, empowering the British Postmaster-General to instruct a postmaster to refuse to deliver letters to their addresses. In Canada if a letter prepaid and sealed was addressed to the Louisiana State Lottery at their branch, say in Montreal, it would certainly be de- livered even if they believed it to contain an application for lottery tickets. He instanced the practice in England where the City of Hamburg Lottery letters where never tampered with although the lottery operated in England for many years- Then again in the Northwest re- bellionof 1885, letters addressed to Riel or other rebels were not interfered with by the Post Olce Department-.-London Free Press. Canadians and for It. Liberalism. in Toronto at least, is almost uniformly unfortunate in its choice at standard-bearers. Not standard bearers in political contests, but in the men of light and leading, in whom it seeks a. voice for the highest aspiration and its noblest sentiments. . 011% no nnavuav vv runs An: 6' 5\lIJ\-5 "VIE JUL \.lDl-ICU` There is no more patriotism in Liberal- ism of this school than there is in the loyalty of placemen._ The excess of weakness on one side and of strength on the other is disappointing to those whose ideal .is a sentiment free alike from unkeyism and from jingoism. Tho dnnnnnssnl -aAA-n-- 6.. LL- \T-..._._ IIIIIO Anni Iulvnlavlill EUIJIILIIVIAVDA Sturdy, strong, hopeful Canadianism is becoming the monopoly of one party. It seems to be impossible for a Liberal to pause in his denunciation of the Govern- ment to put in a good word for Canada. l mknun ;n no -wan-A usnL--`AL:-... :_ T 11.-...-` _ IIIII period. one of the>`JlVutostA inven- u ur.J:;/1: rjfzxszs`-.'7. MEORGE W. LOUNT, BARRISTFER. AT- tornoy Solicitor. Notary Public. Oicea in Bank of Toronto Buildings. Owen Street. `Domain (inf. 21.1w New Inydntions. _ _1_ _ , !I ' - - hush??? S`\`~-. bingd d11a . * . Wi athm 13 Is 3; , :1; s'9L&1? Mm: f &b:utce"`fY mm: 191* olgy a V. and th 8 y_ears, ~ :\..,_.~I then; so tha:thh1s]ungSa}. 801;.` H agy `i,cou1d not 3 S Pectoml him. (.0Il1' EM `hhi ehtlh .. u A `Ema y relieved entire-_ PM `V an . hia "_.igh . . d.lo):ltelle3 it has ?: 998$ deal 0! 30061 ~ `tohhlnnm Turn the Rascals Out. ' _ E refer to such rascals, as l_\}~`1`*`}" blood, biliousness, m11.-t1}:1H~*~` " headache, etc., infestmg the Imm;u1 Turn them out and keep thvnl out 11'.` Burdock Blood Bitters, the 11;11111';1x.-xi` disease, which invigorates tones and >21-.u., ens the entire system Cure For Chavped _H``d"; ,-1 DEAR Sms,-I think it 1s :1 H 1'`` `j recommend Hagyard's Yellow :1 4" 1`; cure for chapped hands, S\\`('11iI1g>', me i 1 etc. I recommend it to all. bulgle trade :::v0 k"d Uuuoou r . n o . " tronlflzidezvith badSe,:o%1,.l-1[11I. wt I be ` mg health rcstoru U HRH` Inn. This may 1 }_\' f Bnrd k 0c B``~1 Bitters, tlwuma. f~: eectiv e) Pa ' Pld. and 3 ~ auslctory Ixmlicixxe L all (1 Gran em outs of mg stomach. Iiwr, xid. ,b1 1.)L)\\'L':.` . ' ' No More Bother. ENTLEMEN,-I have used 1 Y,el1ow Oil for my chilblains an H18l:llL I have never been botlxcred V UAJVJJAO l sipceg (Con-npt System-. ., 10,. I-cl" _ A corrupt system. whether pohtu 31 otw. tainin to the human body, gannot *0 wise `t work untold in_]uI`y- ` of BM. and purifythe-entire system by `'`;`m- [;11i0u:" dqk Blood Bltters, and su_ch 3T1{`}5u1,l sad Dyupepsia. %constipanon, SW " $ qa;izf1`ot _ exist. StrCn(O1th\m Diphtheria is reported at sc\`e1';1l pl-.m-< West Gwillimbury. Beech nutting just now is the ;1x11u~c!!:t of the s1na.ll country-boy. `It 171- 1 n 71 1. ,, v/\1`.4 Y` -_ _--- _--_..-- --..--_, H, V Mrs. Hanlan, of Lloydtown. 1-`?`` , first hop Of the season a. few c\ cI1`.9= ` \ I u" The evemug s amusements wcxo mmh LI . ed by the guests. In U1. Barne. Ont. ____--vv-, ---.u -V--..---.-J - ' ' C John Klippert lot 30, Gt11co11.,0f.\omI~ 3323, a man of 80 years of age wont ;1\\`.q from home last Thursday. He was seen :1 Friday morning on the .\_'111111i.1ulc x_-u-ad. Hm Sunnidale Corners and has not smce 1_\~:gi heard of. His friends are \'or_\' a11.\10'.. about him. . `& tionn or dlucovenea. It '11 soft. under the sun : rayaw} not be . , In an 1' and 1: expected to be u yclmm s d I - oslkinz the deck seams of `e 8'29`? In A Frenchman has invenma .. . ' Vlue 1 _ of k` , 0 Vcry satlafactory result:(:;rrem' obtained by some of the 13., emg manufacturers in _ blea ' g 13h paper electricity the Ge _ nnnni nnpznnoln _I.)|__-. 88 .'?der1ng Hm 3., .u. vuv vvuule coat of w Very satisfactory results bleach electricity, prcceee paper Derfectlv white w least injuring its strength. B7 3, naw urn:-mu. o. --7 11. um: mventlon, the ' ` wheel, is described as bef::h`:" rubber band placed between the ti: center of the wheel and which acts cushion, absorbing .11 vibrations, `rubber is so attached as to mak. danger from a. hot box action an improbable. l\.... ..t 4.1.. 1,1 . . or from C0!- rubber is `"0 inake any from corroaixtt One of the latest electrical novelfp consists of the usual alarm clock vvilths anelectrical attachment, which includ in circuit one of the rollers at the bottoea of the legs of the bed. When the houm arrive! at which the sleeper has set thr- alarm his weight closes the circuit ,5 the bell rings and continues to rino mm the sleeper gets off the bed. Aagpl-in`, adjustableto the Weight of the person 1: used. Our Treatment of the Snider. Mrs. Olive Thorne Miller. writim 1, the October Popular Science Monthly: 0,: The Spinning Sisterhood, points out the folly of _those people who are afraid spiders, or 1f not afraid of them, acts though they thought that the only g:,.;,d [spider was a. dead one: 5 (1 ' .- nn-Iolnun :t.- n -\.n.\......mL l wrnnnvn u 15- an uvs-nu vuu. Consider for a. moment her usefulness. Count if_you can. the thousands oiilles and mosquitoes eaten by one commm-_ house or garden spider in a eumme, Then remember her barmlessness. (mm servants we must pay; birds eat our cm. worms, our caterpillars, and our potato. beetles, but we have to pay a tax--sm31`_' it is true-in fruits, in berries, in gym, peas, in corn; owls and hawks, while um destroy moles and mice, indulgenow ami then in `young chickens. But the daughter of Arachne asks no reward, neither fruit nor vegetable suffers from her touch, 11 humming or buzzing attends her move- ments. Steadily. faithfully she _g_m3 rm her way doing her appointed work; and we. so wise, so far above her in the scale of being, we-murder her! A Level-Headed Preacher. Rev; Hugh Price Hughes, the grcaz _\I~i::. odist minister attending the Jicumzzai. conference at Washington, has a tlm`-,~'.::~'.u appreciation of the power of the }w~;~`- Speaking of Journalism he sai-1:e-"'.l':'-`at the newspapers well. I owe nmch E :2} success to them. I teI11ny11shcrsm ::~_.~.n a duke with courtesy, but a. repom-r mt. reverence, for a. reporter n0w.11u_\'s is a pit son of much more consequence." The Royal Scarlet Chapter of I11!` 2 of Essa, held a meeting in (,)1'aL1ugc Alliston, last Saturday evening. vvno (\r\ .1. ,.`\',U III UOUIB. D nI.I.uu.u. Auuusunugn. cl lug or all kin .done promptly and Ionly. Faotorv. John street. Barrie. __._..-_- A. McGREGOR, M. D.-C. M. F.T. M. O. . Graduate 01 Trinity University. Toronto. Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Member College Physicians and stir eons. Ont. Late of Toronto General Hos i 01oe.-- Next doorto Mr. Bell : store. T ornton. N.B.. -Will be at Ivy every Wednesdag, from 1 to 5 van. Willbe at Egbert every Fri :1 , 331?` 1 to Knvn ,;_. sionn or I`IIIlIn_ LL- _ "_,_,.., .uJu;|ug Ila! strength. By a new process_a. superior q liigy of illnminating gas 13 made from wood (maple preferred) and crude oil. I; L. called the Ramsdell process, and the in. ventor is said to have v * The chief object of this broclnll is : show what the world is pretty well cm- scious of that something is wrong in social and industrial arrangements 8ll(iti13'. these tend to perpetuate the prodnctim of the unt in a very rapid ratio. Tin: unt in marriage is perpetuated by money considerations. The unt in busi- ness gets the upperhand by the accident of possessingia few extra dollars and tht world of mankind is going wrong con- stantly from ignorance, mlalled power and lust. What the world is going to tie about it is the practical question t'!.a'. watts solution. Victoria hasn't told u: Editor : Table. We received 9. copy the other day of a 4~ page pamphlet entitled The Rapid )Iul::~ plication of the Unt," by Vlctoria C. Woodhull Martin. Certicate o! merit. -....H< The Trade Outlook. ,_ -__ uavsuvhl invention, .l.........'|__ .- Re" I . . . '9 Ke1l, Vxctorm, 4 __, vuo reldl extracung the gas. :1. cu-h`~"' .IJ TIUFCPB, 501101001`! 01 B110 DHDIUHIU \J('|Ll.'la U1 Judi acute of Ontario, P1-actors, No Con- vey moors, 850. Money to Loan. Ofoes-- oth- wolrs Block. opposite N. 85 N. W. Ry. Station, Ran-IA. 1 >8 rendering without in 1891. H J and it, x [nu Ha, \ u. . L with then: ' `ucu .._ ge Hall icy of It_ ICKIN SON & MACWATT. BARRISTERS Notaries Public. Sohcitor of Supreme Court. &c. riarrie, Ont., Oices in rank of Toronto Block. No. 3. Owen Street. At Brunch Olce, Elmvale. every Monday, Jomv Drcxmson B. A.. D. F. MAOWATT. -510 the cum. ouARTHY. PEPLER 85 MCCARTHY, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries. &o.. Money to Loan. 7 D'AL'l`ON Mocuvrnr. Q. C. B`. E. P. Pmrum. 62.0.. J. A. MUCARTEY, Burma and Amazon. MCCARTHY, EVANS, Elgpwn 85 MCCARTHY, rllllu ' TEWART 85 SPROUL. Barristers. Solici-' tors. Notaries. Conveyano Money to Loan. Umces-2 Doors North or nk or To- ronto, Owen street. Barrio. TY `I\ (V-_.__- . u`-- 1 I g.`-,,"g' 1'1`11.A'.l'l:I.X at n5:s'1'na1V. b BARRISTERS. Solicitors in High Court of Justice. Notaries Public. Conveyancers. Olces over IhoBa.nk of Toronto. Barrie. 11 2-: m___._.j t\11 V I` E Tl`:-unt`?- B. FERGUSON. BARRISTE SOLICI- . TOR ot the supreme Court. at udicaturo for Ontario, Conveyancer. 8:0. Money to Loan. omces in Bank of Toronto Block, Owen sweet. Du I-ma UHLUUD L1 Burma. BARRE PLANING MILL.-GEO. BALL, Carpenter and Builder, and Manufacturer ur Doors. 8 Blinds. Mouldings. 850. Plan- satisfac- It-unlu Ilhntnrv Jnhn at!-Ant Rnrrin- Y Willi t'U.l5lJ.lU 13 -'1llI0l'lllB(l. mu (nil IIDW J. Hotel is now opened for the ooeommodnr tion of travellers. N o expenpe hssheen soared, to make this the best hotel north of To Mto. "If has: Ennis 'nDlI``|Aa'1If.f,| hvniv dnnnvntn IO IIIEKO E1118 me 0655 110301 1101'! OI '.l.'Dl'IllII|U; It has been furnished` with every accommoda- tinn and nnmfnrt in ring Infant Arid moat --j R. J. F. _PALLING, liradunte of Trinity UniV6r8lty,. Toronto. Fellow -of Trinity Medical 0011 e Physicians an urgaons of Ontario. onloo- Oorner Owen and Collier streets. opposite Central School. Member of the College of ;. FOR `INVEsTMli5I;P- of good , freehold security at lowest rate interest. No prlnoi almone nired until end of the term. H. . BTRA H . Solicitor. bn RAM-In ' 3'] THE QUEEN'S HOTEL.-A. W. BROWh , _ Proprietor. Excellent aooommodatlon for the travelling public. Bar and larder well sup- lled with the best. Good stabling and atten- ve hustlers. L e of guests conveyed tree to and trom all t Fewdoorsweat of Mar- ket street on Dnnlon atroet. ` E ` G A. RADENHURST. BARRISTER, AT- . tornoy Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyan- nu. &o. Ofoe-First Door South of Post 011100, Bind e Block Owen Street. Barrie. 49-48 LOUNT, HEWBON & CRESWICKE, BAR- `rlaters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judi mm-an nf nnbu-in, P1-nntnv-n. Nnf.n.1-iAn_nn. TUIIIIVI? ECUIII ' T -`VII I-Ili. 21 . . - '- v -w Iuoonqnnrsnqflyga-:;` A.-f S.tIBSCRIBED U1VuIi!.-A urge Bmounu ul. Ynvuuu unuuu to land on utrai ht loans at oweat rates. . I6 MCCARTHY EPLER & MCCARTHY; ONEY TO LOAN.-8250000 atand 6}`per cent. J. T. s1>P.oUL. sonoitor. etc, -QFFIA ONEY.-A large amount 01! rivate funds straight In Ilnf`. A nmuv `ll`.DI.`ll`.`R Ar. 'Mn{`.A R'l`FI V_T v-, -----v; nu-up uaganaunyuua nu oaovv-, -a-we-w--u HAUGHTON _LnNNox, WELLINGTON Aura`. uomv.R. KERR. `C ' . Noam BAY, EDWARD Lnrcn, - PRO_PB.IlITOB`._ ' HE PUBLIC 'ioto1-`med thot. now? for ocoommoda tinn of ts-nvnllnra N n nrnnnnn `ha: `hint: Inn!-ad 4. 1- !' % The I:ioont!t'r ~T.!or "I ` Oomw-I37 '-r.-1R:LL,.1yI. n.c.1ia.omce in Boihl ` . well : Block. Allandale. On the nremisea pt nights. 43-17 ' ll. IAIULV, l.'ISlVA'l.'.IIo l'UU 111 14141` . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Fu-marl Home Discounted. Collections made in unit ml flu: Gannon `Dan! `nlrnn In-Lnnl-It mug UB1?! 16. WM. Lovxr, Q. C. .4- m. H. lulu J-Vlvllllvg Llwasnvo H. H. Smxrmr. Q.C.,` G. B. Earns". w--V, v u '- _-----. H. D. STEWART, LOAN.-8250 000 at 6 and 6} 11 on Bu-rlo. nu-rte. lat Oot.. 1335. ' 41-tt TOHNSON & SARJEANT. BARBIE, Im-' I porters and Dealers in Goals of all kinds. and lnnt-antnw'n_ G-I-av and G-uelnh White Finiahlnlr ~41-RATHY ac ESTEN. LBOHITEOIS AN?fIUR.-VIYI name was aAT sAvIN6a:cni FIB. R `:SS and Arthur. Phaicia.ns, Sui`- . R I manna nrn W A Hnnu ` AURICE` GAVILLERBDOMINION D Provincial Land Surveyor. Bu-rio omoo, 30:1-thv n Blank- 15 ~ Fem'? s" ? o"-} .'."5 1Yo?>"-i'5"'$'i.5`sb'i;ar, 355;`; hand: all h-ulna, - . 1 , H. LYON, PRIVATE` FUNDS TO LOAN - nn Raul `|'l'.:t.nh: At Inwnnt 1-`tn; `IPA!-Inn!-1 T. LITTLE, M.D.. C515. . ....._..., _._.._ ..,- _..._..- .._.__._._. MISCELLANEOUS. MAN UFAOTURES. KT, 00 E0 A. E. H. CBEBWIOKE. - PHYSICIANS. EARN & MURCHISON, BARRISTERS. solicitors. Conv_eya._noers, 8:}; Money to 5939-, .0130?-Q`v'er 1). J. Murohison s Store, 5-`Kev Street Barrie. Branch 01oe-Potter s `Flock. Totte m. EDWARD J. Human. D. 0. Mtmonrson. - `r rrfncf HOTELS. T ;`i'."xiron111. ont. 86 J. '1`. srnoun. V011 DH 21-ly 'i ii '1`, :5. _ -.;,,.`-..__:--- --'__-v -vv u.r." a'roox comm; nU1'uAmrmn INSUR- 41~iQ`?%3b, %j osuIu; . man. nan: INSURANCE _co. . BmLm_ % V V (4 " T0551 8340,N0o AMES EDWARDS. Conveyanoer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Oice strictly pri- vate. Pestoioe Building, Barrie, and at his private residence. Marv Street. 11-ly innmlmlnnminxnny 2 In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity tor the liberal patronage bestowed _npo'n him inthepast,bege to state thathe has at eon eiderable expense increased his baking taoil! ties and is now prepared to do a larger -bnaineu V than ever. BREAD Made in the various styles and quality the hen -Del1ve1-odrin all n_arts_ of the town LEADS THE VAN. 1='..'r. mo-mo 1>.m'r1n:s oouLs` 85 wnnnmas supplied at short notice and on reasonable tn:-Inn THE DIRECT noun From the West for all points in New Brunswick, Nova Scotla. Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. All the popular sea bathin , shin and plea- sure resorts of Canada are a ong th line. Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday. Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax. andon Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to St. John, N .B.. without change. V V Close connections made at Point Levis, with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Na tion Compa_ny s steamers from Montreal. an at Levis with the North Shore Railway. . . Elegant rst-class. Pullman buet, in cars on all through trains. ` t-class refreshment rooms at convenient lnfnnnnn and smok- will nd it advantageous to tvhisvroutie, an in; the uiekest in point of time. and the rat are as aw as by any other. Through freight a forwarded by fast special trains and exper-' ience has proved the intercoloniil route to be the quickest for European freight to and trom all Tpointe in Canada and the Western States. nltntn Innv ha nhi-ahno.-I nn nlan lnfnvnnnl-Inn utuxnw 1n uunuuu anu U16 W eauern Utllwi. O kets may be obtained and also information about the route and about treight and passen- ger rates trom ROBERT B. `MOODIE. v ` ` Western Freight and Pessen er ent, 93 Rosain House Block. Yor at.. oronto. 1` `\l'\lIIlII'\PI! I'D!` lam GUTIING a same meal -|A$e,$RG|E%-. co;II18sIomIIIILc;1- R T. BANTING, CLERK COUNTY OF SIM- . 001:. will be at his oloe. at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturday. Residence and P.0. Cookatown, 2 A'onc_tor the tonowing Insurance Oonjmnxu . % omr;o1v LONDOICiENGI;AN.D.` on';do`pon1taa nun adv " -i .. , muts;ott-gfogomfhgtumimf" rnn`M::no4;;{1ji1.n zzisnmon oo Ospltnl 5 Gqgggnmont dopolit undo. `mini! unmn At.` Inns! I\1`nv 1-n . Money Orders issued and paid on and from any money order oioe in the Dommion of Canada. Great Britain and Ireia.nd.- British India, Newfoundland, the United States. Africa, West Indies, Austnlia.n1Colonies.`Asia. and almost all; foreign countries. T and Saving Bank deposits received from $1.00 to. 53000, be- tween the hours, of 9 am. _a.nd,4 p.m. Letters for registration must be Basted 15 minutes before the closingot each ma . H 'l').-..-L.......' -_ I-LL__.. 1-; .1 ix . - an , |git1'&ti9n tee 6 oonts. ._-__ ..-..-_- --.v '- -g vq vwvnn assume I `Rama on letters for the Dominion the United states 3 cents per ounce and for Great Britain and Ireland 5 cents per halt ounce. Re- `an-own Iv uyvn nuuvuuuu Railwav Oloo. Monoton. N;B. Mav 26. 1885, Pasmunn.-_A ~ nnmbemr horiea sn d mle wm be ' taken to. b thb season` ' t reoioncblo tf gt wn.ter.=>' " in the driest Ieuoj . I`. W vs. 1511`: .a=:.:*.es .*:::'~_".22Lv to IILOO. Oioe hourB.`13 a.m. to. (Sunday's ax- ' oepted), and for_ 20 minutes after the arrival of the! Toronto night mail on Saturday night on yo ' ' ' witfail llziaftel; dk from the street letter boxesdaily excepted) at 8 eo o1ock mm and 3 and R n nlnnlr mm. g_1gRmB'i*oFFIcE "ro$nto'$'{u'1' "n .iI iiXz}.' `Tu3&i.i_'o.'t.C II. Meatord Branch Railway and no:-.h 1 Rimnnn Rnilwnv 112.; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . EFORMITIES AND DISE \SES OF THE JOIN'1`S-DR. MCKENZIE, 14 Bloor St. W., Toronto. wiu be at the QUEEN .-3 HJTEL the last Saturday in g)1ct(t)be_r. T -t. EOHIUIU. .Dl"ilI_|Ull IVILIWII Ell 1` UI.'- ll Bimooe Railway atg. ..... . ,1. . . .A.~. . 1 Coilingwood and urlia. a.t;......`.... A Gravenhurst Branch Railway at... . . . B .' ls . a , ' 'F m,..:...1 x :n.-Ea5 :'J..wE.!`??__`?ff*f*f ; ToronmhQ0pllOAlOOOII!lIllCQOOIlGOODI Toronto at.. ............. .; .......... ..; `. Toronto ............ .. Torontont.......;...~ ................ .. Railwa mails fromthe south at.... 2 Meafor. Branch Railway and North ' Rfmnnn R1-nu`:-.h Rnilwnvnt; . _ . . vvvl Gaul. OII'IO.lL-,-Our 1;jt1T1_1%J11:1e.soN sHara.% m.ll.lllll.l'Ia uuuuuuy H, V` uuuuslusyu G _ .F!'id& 8) It...` . . . . . ......'... . . . . . . . .. Grentell u_3_sda.ys_a_nd F1-id_ay_s) Vat, ` MAILs`nvn3Y DAY mm rnoni meuiuru QFGUUU IVHHWQJ uuu nurux gimcoe Branch Railwayat; .... .. Collmgwood and orillia at ..-.. Grovenhm-st. Bran_c_h Railway at. . Hillsdals . Cra.i1zhursl:.. Dalston, Ed- ` dean-`and Crown Hill at .......... . . Mi burst (Mondays; ednsdays 8: . F`:-ldnvn'| at . . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ -; mm nuran ununuuya, W OQHGSUIIH. 5 Z Fridays )a.t.........;..r.....;......N Grentell \Tueadays and Fridgys) at- ` Ul'0`Wn_ .Ii_Il.l-I. LJEISEOI]. gbugar UPI-18` . A hux-ssandHi11sda.lea.t.....' ...... .. . Midhurst (Mondays, Wednesdays 85 ll`:-idnvnl n.`t.--.- . _ . . . _ _ . . _ . : . _ . . . . . .- INTERGDIJJ NlAl RAILWAY. manufactured fresh every " day. Ask your grocer for them and you will use no other. 555. H.155 Bnu tunnur. rn EIIUIIIIB, nur- Eingengi 8L'P W1:ociorlx{ 053' R` A1:'zh1(1" 13' 13.. "1`oronz'o I'Jm'v'-ersity. L . c. P. Ema s.. bnti 0111003 and nigllan; residences. Brown's Block, Dunlop street. an-ie, Telephone. 77.

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