' ht, of: to 8! _ADVANOE.`=i: | '.5`G'I`>II.l_|J`. -"I. ._IlII. 'ruuguun5v- 1.-lrf:`*3f c91~'i*~j->33 ,'g3a.2:=` 2:5: ' Six full day-9 sail. rnoludingineaxs and cabin T -berth. for $12. or three full `days for 86; v STEAMERS city of Midland A \T'I\ Venm~[NonInnsfN %mmsnr120$i :.R0.YAi- Mali Tli=AMao,A.'1: end there connecting with steamer rhianitou z_trem'P`enetangniehene and Midland for Byng gs sluunon -. and Bopular Stpiamers "Pacic." Captain " Nacho;-`r:l~:3ellol.1 Capt .1.t`gVilson`..vill ru1gfis> GIGGM. nosm . on _ :, R11nnlng`1nclno'ee con'nectionwiththeG.T. and 0'P.R. "Companies. Steamers Pacic Atlantic leave Collingwood at 1.30 .t_n. erverxr and Saturday respective y after er-" rival o the G. T. R. 1norn'_ng trains, trom Toronto `and Hamilton. calhng at Meaford. Steamers Pacic. Baltic ind Atlantic leave, Owen Sound, at 10.30 sp.m.. .eJI.erl Tuesday. `M. *"OIm'bell.` '*~-Atl8IIIio.~"* `Ce ~- R,-' i and Saturday respectively. after the S ` C,P.R.afterneon Toron- to. for Sault Ste, Marie andintermediate ports. The Saturday Steamerwill can at Wiarton both ' ways. Parry Sound and Killarney. The steamer Northern Belle leaves Collingwood, every Wednesday andsaturday, at his 1: m..,_on' arrival of the G.T.R. _ mormng trams, from Toronto and Hamilton, for Parry Sound. Inlet. French River, and `Killarney... the connecting with the main line for the Sen is, returning via Par Soun and there oonneet-. in with steamer rn%n.nifn1?'fnr Pamntnmrninhane In connection with the G. T. Z Z Z I The oe steamer City of Midland, lighted with e ootrity, will leave Colllngwood at 9 a.m and Midland at 2 p.m.t eve Monday and Thursday for Parry Sound, yng Inlet and II`:-nnn'h `Riva: nnnnnntino at Midland with (1 1`. IE: lllUl'l.lll.I south, and at` ion steamer, --at---ct It; gs ,%tonded:c;.< lauunon. Ifnnnlnr Rfnnmnru " Dnnin nntnln The North shore ? Navigation Go. EXCURSION snA$oN 1891. . AVLLIJJGI-IIL III) at -1.111. VVUI Gnu 'i`lt`1`1`1rsday P y i3yii`i`iE c French River. connecting at Midland with G. 'l`, 11, mnrnlno train: from All nnintnhnnt and 3 -L.l.J-l .l.z.o Q. A--L4--.5.-JLVQ which leaves French River Tuesday and Friday at 3p,m. for Collins Inlet. Killarney. Mnnitowaning. Little Current. Gore Bay. Spanish River, Massey and Webbwood pass- ing thousands of smallislsnds, through nar- row chennels and a. 40 mile sail up the great Spanish /River. the grandest scenery on the _continent,'oonnecting at Webbwood with the C.P.R. for Sudbury and the S00 : returning, leta7vr9e0Webbwood every Monday and Thursday a. . s.m. `Fa-an fun-an Tnnnnfn nun Ifnonilfnn in 'I1`ItnI-In`-I B11 '1 .60 B.IIl. Fare trom Toronto or Hamilton to French River and return, $10 - Webbwood and return. $15.60; ,Ba.rrie to Frenc River and return. $7.70; to Weqbwomi and return. $18.70 8 ecial rates from all points. Tickets an all in- formation can be obtained from any agent of the G.'1`.R, or or W. J. SHEPPARD. Manager, Waubsnshene: C. E. STEPHENS, Secretary and Treasurer, Collingwood. THE DIRECT ROUTE From the West for all points in New Brunswick, Nova scotia. Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. All the popular sea bathin , shing and plea- sure resorts of Canada are on; this line. Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday, Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax. and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to St. * John, N.B.. without chanxze. L` ' . nlnan mnnmtinnn made at Point Levin with ~ g with ammer Man_iqu_t91f Pene_ts;1gui_l1_;1_9 'a"1l'n`:a`; dvtumi V `ula .1 t 01' 0 8 an 31' 0 ~ 0 all agents of the G.'1`.R. T3;c;p.f{ . :mitY`n:; Sm'rn,-0wen 8ound. or,t.g_ . . _ ; ' CHARLES CAMERON. Manager, THOS. LONG, -. I ; T Colhgxood, 9An--'I`v-nan I.7H'l.'y.HOII.IIQ,. anu .l'allBl'C - XDIIOOTH ! l'Bl1Cl1 ISIVBI, cunnuuuug Ila Ulllullllll. WIDE I!- T. R. mornln trains from all ointa east and south, at ranch River-wi her compan- inn ntngmm-_ - J 01111. N.B.. without cnamze. - Close connections made at Point Levis with. the Grand Trunk Railway and` the Richelieu and Ontario Na tion Company : steamers` from Montreal. an at Levis with the North Shore Railway. A Elegant rst-class. Pullman bu'et. and smok- lno mu-n nn all thrmurh trains. nueganw nrau-cmuu. ruuuxun uuuuo. uuu nu.:u- in cars on all through trains. `11-at-class refreshment rooms at convenient \ lannnnn IU IIIIU ulvnvwu Ana pvnnnu van. u-n-vg u---- -gv --- are as row as by any other. Through freight s forwarded by fast special trains and exper- ienoe has proved the interoolonia'l route to be \ the quickest for European freight to and from all into in Canada and the Western States. okets may be obtained and also information about the route and about freight and passen- ger rates from ' ` ROBERT B. Moomm; - ' ' Western Freight and Passen er nt,- 93 Rossin House Blook. Yor st.. oronto. D. POTTINGER, _ Chief Superintendent V .. S. `' A.-.._ un___.;_. \'-r-n -|n-..na Il INTERGOLONIALI will itvatluantogeou to use this route, { is the fuickeat in point or time. and the rat ow ` lnwwnnana hv fut annnlnl 1:1-ulna- and atom!- ILIUI Q UPUFIII UUIIUUH Railviiav omoo. Mqncayn. 111.13. may 26. 1335. ._ ,.,.. ` ' " ~ - . .,- r. J _`3_ 3 " .1 . ' z 3;`L." Q `I. ,. . ..' 'X` .a` -~< J ' 1 onto: T -- o -.iYARD48 - . 94 Dnnlop Sttzeqt. Foot of Toronto Stroo 5 ' Telephone. , , _ [5 .iAR.R;EI. ..oo1\rL'J`;-.; . ' 21.9 .,- .---,- ;; 1;; :l 3 jHAs%%a:nI0VE% A yonAmm.ronmNn cement. ; Plangforio Tuna` .. , A,. Q 30 '_, -` ,1.` .; L. '3:J'r;- .'l d . CIJTI 6: C U- 2` : rid zwiinraif: -"'25 Lu`! 351$.-~" c the `.31.. 5g. :17}. mi? 4 A T ':f'.e.L;-{` w..=;`. ,5.;s&`e-\;.xi-; 3||0lBEIPMI0?`"IINM3f=:0I5 ' \ N1. . ,1 :7, -,2, ` ._ . F V ` .. :;`t`:1 ::~:.-.n`:w2.: es s*'i.:a..':: Es`-::..~..s. . . ;. i . . 4 1' ` O_ . gm _ _ )__`_ ____ "* l.l\.'I\l.l.llg Ill. DLIU IILIIUU-1.1; LU` VVLLL VLILD fauna 11. the chest. It will cure Inuenza. and bzonchitis and all diseases pertaining to the lungs. because it is 9. pure balsam. Hold it to the light and see how clear and thick it is. \ son {-1141 nvhnnnnf nH`an+, nnm G-n`2:r\n: Mug .1: L151 V%MEsSas%6JHEINTzmv%&to- lonnmaa Rms'_Pmc'r1rULLY spL1c_rrnn. Amnncnte unt J nnumunus TI-Iia: KATHLEEN. -1. I an -an `IF-A-1 nln I)!-on-. m-unnanwu Water Lime; Plaster 0f'PII'Il9 kc. mromns Allll Exmmng was also um your Ul tun luullscssus Yet Maria White` was a singularly gentle person in her aspect and manners -fair. sweet, benign, thoughtful, ideal-- and it was beneath the surface that the firmness of purpose lay. Shehad been fora time a pupil with her cousin, the late Mario D. Fay, of Cambridge, at the l'rsu1ine Convent of Mount Benedict, and was there, if I mistake not, at the time it was burned. by a mob. This may well have imbued her with the love of reli,<,:ious freedom--I know It had strong- ly that etlect on me as a boy watching the tlame.= from Cambridge. She had also been a member of some of Margaret Fuller's classes, and shared their tonic in- tu-uce. She had also spent much time in the study of the Rev. Convers Francis, of \`v atertown, a man of unusal learning, and a reformer, though a mild one. At his house she had doubtless met his more potent and energetic sister, Lydia Maria Child. Moreover, Maria White's own brother, who was Lowell's classmate, had given up all else to devote himself to the al1ti~sls\'ery agitation, becoming an i- tmerant lecturer in the cause. "It `was `in A manner a foregone conclusion that Maria White should be a reformer, and equally so that her lover should. He Was, as he has since said, by tempera- mom and education of a conservative tone; and it needed a strong inuence 6;. t._..,,, . 1.. LL... nnnnn n-:nn 3:11;: I IJULVII 8o_.~'I RAI LWAY. _;._V])ggl[g1-`g AN15 ukathlon, `lulu; nssusu .u.uu_ U1: nuuuLu.LuLL1_ ? =_ *ro`1uai:bic;_&L PU1iI9osEs BY THE ' bnonnuwmwmnnnornno ant.-r mm ' - % v. 5'I'TA'l!M33..'T.3-:- _. - FY1015 . WIUIDIQE BIJOQKBI B110. 0811 DO I` 313841 to 3111,12 the strongest men or the weakes _ child. It -.Vie3e_,0n,r1-ent of Quantity, not merely a sensation current, and the quantity current is the greatest curative. `M: is a successful treat- ment 01: Indigestion Rheumatism. Nenralgn.- Sciatica ` immbago, Liver `and `Kidney .'l`ron lee... Weak `Back, Splnnl Disease. Heart Trouble, Nervous vllebihty... Paralysis, "Vertigo, Female `Complaints, Impotence, sexual Decline, .and en dzeeases of the Nervous end` Muscular syetems. . .\ _ Parhnmhnr that tho Tint-nvnunn `Ralf, in than suemm. . 4 . `ember that the Do`:-enwend Belt is the `vet? latestrinvention in thisne, it was invent- ed y a competent electrician. and ranks as the best in the. world. -we defy any one to bring proof to the contrary. `Do nnt'n'ln.mI thii hlt with the hnmhncr onmhf.` Do You Cough ? V hum`: delay. Take Kemp s Balsam, the. hat .m1,r,rh cure. It will -cure sore throat or 9 tickling in the throat. It _will cure pains n O-1\n n\~mu+ Tb uni mu-n -innnnvzn and gsnnrinrrnymlnnnrnmzmmm - : uinfs r`L'-r.'n nI5nnm:-5: uv mun '1-'1-1:9 "VVC)BLD S 'a1=_.*s'r} All Diseases otinble ,. Electricity can be treated at home by the nwendsppiiancee. .-'I`~he,_Dorenwend is the only legitimate Electric. Belt made. '_ which fulls the requirements of Eleotro-medioetscienoe. lune complete Boar Ilgttnrv it hnn an innnnnnnnt Rntfnrv url-nk 1`i1"a?ou-o-' 'xi"'oa1o.' `i-'s"c`i$n8`o." 1" a`58`:?{61et2ai`:'5i'v7 .Bgtery, it has an independent Battery which nII=mnI-n.t.nn- lL"llId nnntinnnnn nun-ant nf mum. llllfy, 15 1188 III IIIQCDGIIOBIIE D3358}? Wmon Age'nel'a.tes- anild continuous curmnt of Elec- trio1ut`y.t1withoqt shocks) and can be r ated 3 t e the child. It -in A n!-rant nf Ilnnntltv nnl-. mnnnlv n I p.l`U0l I20 L110 UUll|Ial'I.1' Do not class. this nations of -leather 241d metal. with which the country is bein ooded: If` you wish to ex- Doriment with .c eap useless articles, buy then}. but if you want to procure a. ` enuine- eleotno belt. and one that will he 0 benet, get 5 Dorenwend Belt. Calla ndinn and nap`-nan"-'1-nun I1'IuInI>vu`ul-n Dnnlr bgit with the humbuz comb!-` uownwunu now. Send name and add :-ess for Illustrated Book on Home Electra-medical treatment, and men- tion thie aver. The llofenwend Electric Belt an and Attachment Co. . G. H. DURENWEND. Eleetrican. ' 103 Yonge St.. Toronto. Can. The Dorenwend Belt is the only one that will stand exnert examination. Others keep clear nf it. whi A wn nnlfnit. it Blallllu. UL_ UPI; CXlInll_.lllHal1 of it. w e_we solicxt it PHO1-oanpjuzn. >_SUCCES$0.`R. 1'0 JQIIN STEPHENS. Cut 01:` this coupon and present at ' Studio. nu Lu Lsbuu uuu. out: ILUVV Ultnl nu UHIUL 10 150 \ ..u see the excellent effect after taking` `the tim do_se_, Large bottles 50c, and $1. \':11n11c bott`.e free. ' Fififk% JACKSON F.A.LETT IVVALIIABLE uunsq Fire, Life And $|O0.000,000. W4 6th com." .100 acres. . . ' ~ V; 1301; `I.-Qo_nA-_ 6. 100 acres. except south 10 .-3... .,.. _ Jllinll |VvLvsl_vA navy `rug Inn Ivan evan- Towxsmp or GoiDoN4-DIs'1{mcT or Amonu. Lot 19. West Range, 100 acres. s. haltlaot. 18. Con. 6. looacres. . West's acres, N. i Lot 12. Con. 2nd. R, W,LT.n1'_7~I'!t|n_0-. ' = i 1;: % tie `Town for sT"`.,;:2m.:* `l 35.:::,:a.%,:;-:.:*.t':s: %t'.a`:.9 :b':2:*:;;A : . r u A . ,1 a: an . ' :3`! 10 Hate! in note 1 %5;*.>:*x.3-th99'n1!e.!9W. "a-," P.` 0. Box 132,. - Barrie. ; k L, (`fawn AND FARM PROPERTY) FOR SA LE CHEAP. tone"; and it needed strong mnueuce to transfer hlm to the progressive side. But fut` many years fo1lowing--indeed, up to the time of hisrst wife : death, in 18531 he was in his general attitude 1:. strong; reformer. 1/9 acres; outh W_eat Ecles-st. Lot 24 south. Elizabeth street. W 70 a.crea_otV Lpzsz, in 7th Con. ------A 4---A -- A---_ -_- u\_..___..._ __ `VI I-`IQ--nvw-p wow----w \ V ; , K}pL_PmFm.DT.3 1/6 acre. Lot 16. south Davis street. . - "'7' -Vnspng. istkf loin hand 6:o'n the East >ot'Lot 22,11: Ith.0on.. 10 acres. L _ A -weoemm 19: con.r1s.t ; ~ - v~ All qt.part,y:t 8. in 1th Cpn.,jea9t of rgllwqy. Iona-ea. ` _ = W: a} Let}; in 6t.h=Con..v100 acres. :; II `I I"L6f :"|n-u R Illl an!-no nvnnnf nnnfln `Il sores; .-x; ~~ - eLots,1n.13,Qns-..209,9=ra . . . . A '1`<'J1`v`1vs`m1=~ `tr RAIIA. 0I~I I`ARiO C(_)_tm'r1r. Lot 10,CondB'I6ii::H .`"10B"6re'n. ` _ Lot8.Com,e.st1ion~ 0.a,-.1a0aor.ena- - I l\Y\1 f\`? A YTTIIV In TDIDTIIIIVIV INSURANCE AGENT. CAPITAL PRESENTED EXGEED8 CONTRACT Accident Insurance. > 9 '.I..K' 'P\IO\nuI. . L" Nhrox. VAULT 85 WRIGHT. & R. nue nun vuu-.v- ..._._-.. _- .- -.... maria W The 5 Lowell are already pointing that the bioaraphers of James Russell- msin direction of this life wasdetermlnv.` ed by a woman. So r..any men of genius b en s _ . m:goec>dto~dwe1l on the signal cases of contrary I` A . _. grmad higiattaohment to Ma'r.ia~V1Vhit/e, he was unquestlonably at the parting of the ways, He came from college popular and r,rilliant-indeed, perilously bull- i,nt--with strong literary instincts. but morally immature. His supension from college on the eve of graduation did not come, as" is now eharitablv suggested, from irregularity in attendance on pray- ers, but from a more serious c'en.o-e, in- dicating a more dangerous possibility. That he was saved from the reckless career of so many gifted men was partly due, of course, to his own better nature. but largely to that strongest inuence which can be brought to bear on a young mm of ardent impulses, a pure love" towards a noble 'woman. Beyond this came, and from the same source, the sub- Bill-llliun of a reformatory spirit for a conservative one. Here, again, itis true that the memory of his grandfather- . Al...L ..l..n...-A in Han Nrnumanlmn- hipwrecked in marriage that` esult. When Lowell ret- Correspondence `Invited. GOUPONA .TIiE%ll oIm_|aniIAIivAuc ;_ A W-:-S'l'E_AM-T ' PRINTING HOUSE, % :23 nuNLuPsT..aAnm, -I:l`A:8 uumvA|.|..:o |=Acu.|1'|u --ron mn-- PROMPT Ann TA8T?E|'-Ill. sxseunmt - -or onnnns or ALI. omssns or- BIIIIKANILIIIB PHINTINE- ~ -I rlpoctfully solicit an opportunity` to furnish estimates for all kinds of wo1-kiln sll the styles of printing, Inch CARDS, 1585 .l.JHJ.I \I-I RECEIPTS, CHECKS, oRi)ERs, ENVELOPES. HIM U16 lllUlllUl_Y U1. u.l=I 5--I-I\~w-H-v-v who wrote that clause In the Massachu- auttaCoustitut1on which abolished sgavery - H L__.. . L...\..~L4- hum in Hana man nf NOTE HEADINGS, LETTER HEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING cums. MEMOBIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, ORDERS OF DANCE MENU amps BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, I POSTERS-Pla.in and Ornamental. DODGERS. FLYERS, AT TORONTO PRIOES DEEDS, MORTGAGES. `OHATTEL MORTGAGES. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF `EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. - .FOB' 1891. .,p..m.:..a bykhe Proprietor, 5. Wesley, _ 5_BIl:l.'i9. Ogplea 25 at the ofoe; 0! A poltpnldtqn Ijeoolpt of that FARM LEASES, OHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF Eblll UUl.l3l lbll l:lUU W uugu. uuussuneuu usu V vs, --migl1th:lve brought hun to the si e of the aholinionists sooner or later. What is certain, however. is that the visible source of inllnence was Maria White. In 1538 in his Class Poem --not deliver- ed, by reason of his suspension from College, but printed without his name and afterwards suppressed by himself- he had denounced and ridiculed the fol-. lowers of Garrison. In 1844 his volume of poems contalned a sonnet to Wendell Philips, identifying the poet fully-with the class he had before attacked. This was also the year of his marriage. V... M_..:. \K7l.6n` than n nlnnnlun-In he RENEWALS OF ASSIGNMENTS OF OHATTEL MORTGAGE} ABSTRACTS hr TITLE, mo DIVISION COURT BILANKS, MAGISTRATES BLANKS, ` I SURROGATE COURT BLANKS, lrooxn nlneerom 5%. mu Pnmrlotor om D_ollu"' W'e9kly' Pnblinhod { ;, "Ii the ogsginev of Shnodp, and has " ' tho; `*9h1#f1E A.% . ?g4 .;.1;.,__., ,3? ., . JcJouN1'v or-' smcoa, OONSTABLES BLANKS. I? _13lgnk Forms of any kind printed to Afulllineof BLANK FORMS STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS; -\; NOTE CIRCULARS, LETTER cIR.cULAB.i5 l\'Im`r1\lIIr\ murmur .-uavnzan LIIUUDIOIIIICIIIIQ onvovno In regard to,1u'iII*a05l'acy Dan_iel_Web-_ ster once wrqte : , There may be and there often is. a. regard` forencestry which {nourishes only a weak .Dtid0`;*5|`1d 'th1'. Is also a care for postoilty-,i;whioh. only disguises an habitual a_variceor hide; the Working of a. low and gr tc>.V.u%l"lt2",.VI_W5-."` But there is also a moral and p_hil_0l0f3m.1i Rard tor our ancestors which eleggijgg the character and improves `the *b`eBIt .V Aiistocratic titles are Often obteinedi '-~'l$`y~ Em? 3 man becomes ` -ignleffiiiii 0 8' A I "`r'1~N-"1Iv:i1s;\ The condence of nobiiity of` ,, . .._ Wldered men ignoblb, - jultal the?) , ion of wealth make; come men poor. V _ ord Bacon has competed `these who` lived" `n th 11101-Inn n.\I.u.'u`ui'- 51;` Ghana Lanna:-`J11. dlahonorable means, says Torus Siftin%a,.V_ . ac. `Always kept in stock _---er nu-.-.- A full line at m prioel. MORTGAGE. SALE OF LAND HOUSE LEASE8. SNIPES, mo. LABEL8 ..., rcre best. The glimmer of age forbids new choices, M ..--. 0h,asm1ne eyes gro\_1 (hmmer; . Faintly across the shxmmer Waft me the old, sweet voices ! old things pl Ulluu ..,,_ k 1 W80? rachiug ' 01' blind am doubt; that mocks \ . , ~ Dd Smothgf -5 .83 For '5 are best. The` ` gladness Old wa) ler lives and tter Of simp Ire wealth has come W- , left its gaqnesslth madness . Or folly And-s'in its lessons bitte . I`. Srcre best . ' bids new choices e CV88 gro \--. 3. thing for I\L nu iniu What prots Buuuu: y..uu:,..._ 0, and reachuxg Fm mocks an best n u ....___ Id are -' ` ~: . ~ goltfmgely and so lonajys 1.~,,;."~._11fere to at world -`yonagrf ` -MW fond and t9vnde`r PW`. 3 1 . ` and m "'9' 8.9'&11;'.1599b' 6{I*,nI!`rWoI'~:; :. iout' M `I1g_n1un,`b M.` nd.~o~f?iti:~ .l~-- uauuu nus compareu muse wno uvuu 0 (`.3110 higher sphere; to` those heqv9nl:p `d 198 it} the rmament which hsv_`o,_x[m`1ph ptmlratlon but little r9It'- .,,P`` the insisnhfof fIfn4{`h99~t` s.f'mrf`hZ? rzons ._anc.estr.y nte;fo1ibvY:`i'.I*f7f '.'.I`ri~ we "h`h D!.0bab1y-'thoy- ' The tember :10, wmte and James nuueu Lowell." * . . ,_L..__ R` ,1 nvnnl `nnnnnn Ancgston `rules. _ _2_;.-L... -.. n..- 00113! ' __ -1`IL~ 1titIou T %"'*'3 rww-WE %'g:%dowmra;f,V:; . ' la` *3 ` I-. ` w I """'r4T??-*m- - - --- .. ..... vvl vuuu uupyuuvu Illllll can ` I .A .. The ..n94u.s9q*9f mhriahgn ,`othge> 3!; J `rustic.-~ `dumf ' e: ?rb"77x'i3ty identicnli '+"tI|b hi they are similar; nndvthd twoolauou not= infrequently occur in I given locality at the a_atna,tjtll9:` and the -hygienic measures x requu-bd*t _o `prevent themall are then.m`e. Thu an-on-ub:..I n.....I2L ._.. 2... 4L. .1 ,7, I -_-_ -_v -vv uuu vuvsu.slu CIU ussv IIIIIU. .'_1`h1e".essentia`l conditions for the develop- ment of malaria appear to be: a high temperature and. dry atmosphere, and favorable conditions of the soil; and the absence of either of them will suspend or prevent the action of the poison. We have power only over the third condition. A generous rain in the vicinity has, we `think-,_ suspended itsaotion. ,. }And*ye_t a previous condition ;of_ mois_t,u_re._i_sA essen- tial to its manifestation? `` All `deposits of vegetable e-matter, such Qss miuckgz sink-. drainage, heaps of .deoa'ying.iveg6t8b1_0 matter`, oreven wet`, s'pon`gy'la'n d," furnish the essentials for its support;-but it is requisite that the soil shall have been very wet or covered with water some portions 6* . V .1" :'li\A-nnu- Anna; in` 4-n---- " \-.v V: vuvvauu yvuau WDDUI BUIIIU PUITIUIIQ of they j.ear.<:fl;fA;"g`herous crop. of -grass, and. ` ` ps of fother vegetable substance has been known to prevent malaria, In 1890 nearly all the families in-`the {neigh- borhood of some lots which were large a deposit of much had`maiarisi.-`-` 3-The 10 s` "'0 D1Wd- ldmnzcd -.154 `!9we ti~~ with grass-see_'d. and the appearance of the crop cfigrsssand weeds was `attended by a disappearance of chills and fever. Two or three -instances are mentioned in the same town in which fever-and-ague was banished by givingta similar treatmet to _tracks of swampy .and mucky soil. Another case is specied where malaria was prevented bypthe drying up of the sewerage and sink-water which` usually `fataind its outlet. through a -`system of (non III!` ;II Ivaltnlr Dnnnnnnlunnn unnun contrary otenTv' " < . V fuls-an in min&:r:.uu|'. n?2'rS'l:.n1iInn?n:oaaaan.wr" ' .I.uu- ;uvlIUnUlnl'I'30I``*1VUW`' Hutiig Conn., '~heve mede an instructive report` concerning -the prevalence of under- iol dieeeeee,._.~in the; town, and their con- nection with certain euppoeed cauezet The nun-nin .m.`|...:..'l -.:`.I"`-A.I.-_. ...- ~_~ Aw IIII IVE VIVIIIQU. UIIIUIISII Q `UJBVVCII VI d chea out in muck. `Preparations were malring tolay tiles in'the'ditches and` ' ll. them up, but before this was done aheavy rain washed them out, -and caused the prevailing sickness to-abate as suddenly as it had commenced. From the first, malaria. has not prevailed in those parts of the city where vegetable deposits and lth have been absent, and the health of the streets `in which sewers have been laid has been remarkably good; . .5--vcov`-3-. u`. ---u` ---- v.-v---_ v_ -i___. that _ Man s love is of man s life a thing apart; Tis woman s whole existence, we hold, it to be a poor and common` place philosophy which teaches that man cannot love as truly and permanently as woman. _ There may be. fewer instances of man s life-long devotion, but there; are many to prove the fact that he is capable of deathless love. There are fewer in- stances, because the temptations to for- get the rst strong, overpowering passion of our being are more frequent with men than with women. Other passions. natur- ally try to unseat from the heart s throne any dominant power . which tramples them beneath its feet, especially when- its sway has been unhappy. The busy scenes which men pass through give to those other passions-ambition, avarice, the love of fame, and many others-` every opportunity. of, -dethroning love, it, love he in himself` not strong and rm, Business, pleasure, danger, strife, and all the many memories attached to them, strive tg -_e`ace,_ by the `crossing of new lines, the impressions ofearly years`; but` the diamond can neither. be scratched nor sullied, and if the heart be of a T baser stone, it may and will lose the image that it bore ; but if it be. like that jewel, rm and clear and pure, itwill` retain un-._ changed that which had been once en- graved upon it; -In truth, the heart that has truly loved, whether it be feminine or masculine. `seldom ceases to worship at the shrine of its pure, exalted devotion. ,, The Man who ililatked. . We admire 'the`ma.n who believes we ` know more about housekeeping than he J-`-` . V "1`hepe?5i`f6i33`*'1Ii.ii1{ and the` wo;:kinz_ v1uqi,e.t.;~.r.q q.1;6Itdy1ibih- % V I _~.!.. .. L A R.-Lal. -m.;.- .'.e: .;."n`If")i`.*"'I>nA" lifj-nun nnn- ` B1011 WUHUXIUH U30 - ` We admire the man`w1io his the tent .to admire a_ woman ; ,- as well as a new go um ; (17. _.I...:.... .. ......... -.Ln Jun. nni nrunnt` . `~.`."`7' " "',".'I 9 mentally and phyalcalfy. who `ilgeneroul and kind,'whqjravenex;oos women in gen- eral and ~one- in pot-tio`nhr.' ` ~ W1` loll. `xi-*.l!!a!|llIl-|!!!./:!n!Jh;!lu+2.v;:.rm.!z9;:;er:9:!!-u fits -lodgiygmnd ,: :,`&`nd~t,i10.tV`biI.I during wthgy comeiqgrwinyer and with thev throngs frbin Bums 8:13 G'E'ahy~`- t'it'- vhave_ you-o_wded. -intp city ;,du.1-inn he, season, itgi p9r,6n&`_tht chit A 593 fully "mxbQ `6 bubinl ' tliia need": 6 Lbnon` poor. Thd`8 sl$di'oIi=3&i*in`ii Zliiiiaaina 4" pr9P!'9}19n,%"'a`iL'-*5`5 9 4in'AliB9f1I.iti!:e9igm9;; y 11' my exohequer. ` .._.a 4...... .u..; -.'...=...1-`.a.-.n:..m.i:rrni ndi:ghe;ii$`:a:-is;&z_mom_1ao: ; .-churchh_a9d;qf,gh% Ting? 19299 %E.; . M it .pum.s .35 ` "pent that ~ho_wover:- fm thodt, they bal&=>.i'+';f1hI's.ipot; and` that _tho. poor n_:'-e-usiuted without thg _ WBII. an it uuw guwu. ' _ _ We admire a. man who does not _qp9_nd all - his money on obacco.s`ndfwii11e, .'7'but saves some fdr candy and ,6iiV'er'."` V4 _ TIE -`Jun:-A I-`um urnnn Iinnl Will: Baby was sick, we gave her Csstoris. Whm she was a'Ch1ld,-she cried for Csstorla. `When she became Miss, she `clung to Customs. When snobs Children, she gavoehqn comm save: some mt canny unu nuwure. We admire the men who hae.ep_lenty.:4"~bf music and yet has auioient te,n'de1_'neu3to ..;.-.4 .. -nwn:n - In-.iq"rIni|1'|n llllllu ll_lu. Jul! uni Iuuuvlvuv Uvlllllvluvuwl vv nurse a. woman : heidache.` y We admire Ta man who talkg Ietinibly:}t'oV , 3 _'1__ ;|.:_.I.a- _- -__a'_x4:nI.}. -..'-mg us and who thinks we-wgegrcigt aging- thing more!` than mgge g, rye-.. 5' In fact,` wjldmiro Aa._.mn turbo is manly, mam!-.h1'lv iid nhvnlcnlv; iiihd in" generous -U:-Ion val ---v "__-._V_ -- land wqrkiz"817qi`e.-is-q -Cx"id``66ieia- hing` to feel `the t)ii1"c1i'6f`"tho" Zlfitreel con- pquent on decient harvests. The ad- Vance so far is a half penny on the quar- 1 -.._ - u .~. g I .;r;n::e'a-s'o fva; iiinyhaf penypn e quan- -1-----... LI... Anna:-not 1:nAO ll!` `Q Although we-gave tie dictum of Byron F, Han : Love. .._L_. `L _ .' ad,- :.`.`4..:" ussumuce Jcommv - (rm): ` or HARTFORD, oorm. ,T mcoizl-oumtn ma. clmmn na- " mual. Alletj lit J'nn VA 1890 - - $l0,071.509;65 Loox xi? THIS.-- . R. w. Brigham here- by gives notice :11 he has a. one horse cab for hire. to meet all trains and [carry baggage to any part of the town. ` Reasonable rates in drivin people around town by the hour. to ntten marriages and tnnerols _ 201:1` The Queen s income from all sources can- not be ascertained accurately. Her Ma- jesty s civil list, however, amounts to 385,000. She also receives the revenue of the Duchy of Lancaster, which during recent years has averaged from 40,000 to 50,000 per anuum. The details of Her Majesty s civil list are somewhat in- teresting. The privy purse gives 60,000 towards it; the household salaries and househould expenses contribute no less than _l3l,260 and 172,500 resraectively, while the Royal County of alms furnish- es 13,200; the balance of 8,040 is under 4.`... ...-...u.n'I Lung`:-`no A` vn:nnn`]onnnnu TBA U5 Id.0,aUU; uuu Uuxnlluc UL a.u,u'xv an uuuua. the general _headin of miscellaneous. The new Domesday Boo discloses the fact that the Queen's private estates extend `over 37,372 acres, the annual rental of which is about 20,733. Some years ago Her Majesty, acting -`. under the advice of Lord Sydney, purcha ed Claremont for the sum of 78,000. estimated at the time a little over half its market value. It is now said to be worth 150,000. The Queen -also possesses property at Cobourg, and the villa Hohenlohe at Baden. As -to personal property, a quarter of a million was left to- Her" Majesty: "by `Sir "James Camden Neild, whosefwill was proved in 1852. But this will is only one of the many by which the Queen constantly becomes a legatee of magnicent sums left to her by her loyal subjects. Asa rule, however, such legacies are returned to the relatives -_______`I Firs. J. Ind. 3lUl utzuuuuuu Ibuu Luuuu. uuv nun: relief until I got Bu `dock Blood Bitters which made a perfect cure. `It is the` best medicine ..I ev'_er used in my life.- Hattie` Davis,` Mary QL {`1-'nlrnn . ll ll? GVLVO Jill ;}i'.he e_cea.sed. To Stop Bleeding. To stop bleeding of a. horse or other stock from a snag or wound, says a horse man, make an application of dry manure and it will stag the bleeding of a wound every time. his information may be worth a good deal to many, While away fromhome recently a weaning colt of mine broke through a barbed wire fence and cut his fore leg badly. It had been bleeding for eight hours when"I got home. '1 took dry manure and held it on the wound for one minute and the blood stopped owing at once. ` C ' I * V ' - vnunpooy an-unvuwwu . - `-7"! ben no " Ayel-'3 Hair Vi: or - i-toueveral`yeo.rb.-a `believe thatit 7 .nauaodi. - .. --to retain jta. ~-.color.- T .jH.. J.. Kinf. Dealer in Dry 8_ao.,`Bish9pvil. e; M51. . l sc., 1 cu: Itvlu to 7 ntly.~.cnmof to eta}; '1 ThoA V1301; is _e_ Z gently a. great aid to nature.. -' Illllllll villvvag nrww., Mrs. John Martin, ofMont e Bridge, P. E. I.. writes: A "I was trouble. ' ldst summer with very bad headaches and constipation and sometimes could tscarcqly see. ` One bottle pf Burdock Blood Bitters ` made Ia complete cure of my case, and I wish you ev_eryN suc- cess. A - A` ~ - . n{p1iloa., V V I I took six bottles of, Burdock" Blood Bit- ters for liver cohgplagnt, headache. and dull stu `id feeling, but `W I am entirely well and hes. thy, havmg also as` gobd apatite which I did not have Tpr. evious1y.'- -rs. `T. Davis, Regine, N.W.. '-. 1. _ V ` . _ . . 1 - 1 SK` ' ,1` TTY'II3`D`Qv.;l nun nfl-an n'n:An :|-nvnrnei Ivnv . ,}.v standn, `- - * In Ieht he, ,r8,t,_.'In`.f;tctf. the all; ' s ner com` aliiltsftliar-f , . _%1!d"`3,`-_$`Y .- . . .. K . V ;:tu1n;Hetc,,"~r`ia~*l )r.g'{=!'b let-'9 ==Exti's._l: of W1ld 48-wkbe -`v!_As_IF-j!je1=i.iinG=tI.`eh!rs rsllzjit. E; r. ` ` . ,,....\.._,V_._ .'_.<. K)9 1.,....?,.' r - ._.__;g_L,'; `I!c) ;'e9,s1n'g:._" I'n r_e1ibi1ty`thj firff?-'rkin ," coli, olora iiifo.ii :' vaiauqvgu 4` IVERS dren are ofbn .e3h;iangere8'.b)'. N suddeniand ..v.io1,ent attack. of cholera morbhs; _diarrhoed, d `sgp;ry,,nu` Iimvel. com, -' plaints. AMf_easonab 9 ga.m1.certain preailtion is to `keep `Dr: `F6wler"s yE_xtr9;`ctr `pf 'Wi_lf1_ stragvbanwarwey.a1hind * `:;'.. 3 5; ~The _ V T -Grcqtgandtimel Twisdogn-is ahqwnby, keep-, ing`Dr Fowles .1_:tro.cb of Wil.d..xS,trawben:y~- v0n'lmn. _It ~..ha.s n9 equial.-f9,r cholera -mcrbmy. dv_e' ,- i lic,__ ,,cra`m,ps;= and.-Wall; ,s1(1;;mer , ` . _ `pomp191p[1o;{o.oseness.o the boweim. _ _` ,.~ . ` lnY' 7 '93? ' A GENT. 9 Owen Si. xixt to Bank of Tomnto. Bu-rae_. V 42-lv iie ;1e aamaenra8% L-.g1`nupdja%a#a:hc% .2--. L . r:sr'.<"`i&~--- '~;2`3 } 5:.;.:,3:a mine D8l. _l=Y`b " Ag! -quctuusuv uyuauu wvu av. P-*``..' -'v7..'`_, 11 % writh:grg:u& 10hb*,F96 ` `?)`;x:;?2`3a`:.'.}' in swam 533 irus-,=fs.:..;:a:;wa in ` v 4'... .. .. .1 1-` . _ __ _ quuguug, nun, ,presgr_ves the colpr, ,5u1`d.?Ia'6aI'1ty-'01 % ""1 wu...mg`l_z_beooming.bald am: ia:='%`:`?:nma %:'3%;,*%'5%: cblr `was restore ."-Melvin A1 Owns Ct g-.. ,.'.`*~',*,,,,`~q!! 1,...t -11: I:..':_ 3.. , grow; thick. nd; gl_gsay~,.-and . the o ; - 1 3! Dr. J. Oiwyer at cg. Lowell. _M us. T by Perfume:-i. _ V .".T5.f7;f'1"!il! ;" "\5-"- . , oniyb-a qd,;eqna1-as a. `ma h.31thYo. ,P1'930!'_Ve8 the color: ` iiliian- Kid Tifnquigomc oi... .s.-a. _ 5'"? ` "B0130 mef `float all` airin =ll1l|9` 0_ measles. - 1- due `n'!D_.'~h Ilnf lllnmfrlu n-Cniu'nn-4;.` I V ;'IV`=@'u:%'" - B. W ' "1' `fh ` the`, ; 08 8 nuyoumo. to stay. . The dently eat natured ,11liama.; oresyine, '1`ex.as.. A zvfe ' med `Aye_1-"s Hair _Vi it. 19:- tqur or five years anddln it a m ` s tisfaotor Itis all `I--could desire`, vein harmless cansingnha ha1r.to retain ts naturai oolor.am<.1.=reqn1rins bptasmallquangi 32 _re, (10: the hair easy to arrange. -.- rs. Hav'a1-hill. Man.` `a - y|dressu'1g`to`r `the `hair. ty. ;.`._iA.' { 9 Ch'a2;'(lc'a`d{A'a.1~:`;_e'e't), &ver s;H._it,Vi2or win. 0. B; SPRY, Clinton. cuppmgu. had for years been troubled with dysimpsia `and sick headache andfound but little 13,0 ___.n_:1 1' ..;A. D. _.I..-'l- 'DI..-.I Dlblnun nu`nnI?\ U1 lLCLI. 1 II `Clinton, `6}{t.7' ZQZ Iz17o6n7's Income. coum scarcely See. ; __ Il`_._A.. ._ 'II'.....L......... `