=``=1~'5---5 n'En~:1'.I : * Kan:-1:; _.i5n pnta1;-..,. ..,,;,..J ,,..,,,o , ; ~ -Meet.-.1 ~I9n%m~l90 amsmow11*.2g::: 3 ,' 9 r 2151. '1-.;'z: .- 3.4. ..A " . I`! fit": iiucm-on;u_:ur ma; m..m dxhana r ` ` ' msunxucsiiuuMmi:%g A `:i.`W1?43?f??P-5091674 _. onimgood. h '\ 'u`~aw;r' bu agaso a` S `cefdar .nqs%s:rda`nll kiga of stove wgm . `4pp1ytq-JOHN CHEESMAN, Cqlner`8t `et.e R9-I'D .' 3 ~-. A. u~. --.- -- ,U(! !:53 4'}; .!g . u. j s .1 . ` * `1? = ` v '1' .' . .~ 9 ~ ~ `~"i.`~` ` `- 1 `V ! f: .m:;'3s:o ca: A r . +2 . -`,\rl1aw r;: V) yi::;I';_`l ; L" J 5'. ' x::3-x ~ -A -.. 1 - ..-.-o.--gay, a_;cp.~u;uI.,uU utncr C111! C81! 910- cessfxly sgtand. HThat ,it may become Jcnovm, the 'Propnetot`s,`at an-enormous pxpense, are placi a.`Sam le Bottle Free into every borne m the nited tates and Canada. Ifyou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for` it will cure `you. If ' your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cou h,*u_seitprompt1.y, and rejief is sure. If you read. that *ins1dxous disease Consumtion, use -it. Ask your-Druggist for SHILO 'S CURE, Price to cts.,- 0 us." and 1 $1.09., If your L ianesore ox: _ lame, % use Shi1oh s Porous .laster. Price 2: ct;:. W K (_______`__J,_,,;,'-: "3. 1}1':'3`-gr. vi? ,3 :*:s~.`:..i. av <;w.u;'3s:*o 9;/1.` 5 90wen_St.. nexttorl1:kof'l`orontoa' -`W1"Or ` 1 The succss o;' this-A=Gea.tV C h -it withoutaparallel in the history 0 mediine; All druggists a.xe.author'ued to.se1lit-oh.a"pos- itive rantee, a_testAthat,no other can can suc-E cf r `y gtfgxd. _"_I`hat`jt become ,1`; uuu'u1u_1 (rum Aunuxnlgvox D1_S m_otner., vWhen.you',are vvlilliixig-. to .li'w6.s:ill .of -tho 'wvfo`r`-15% put (>(1`1tA-Q1! A your h9a_1f,t,' will Vco;r`ne_ 111.` 4.) ll}; .35?-ft: ~'.;` -thing: ` ti$ kn \`,{-::wl;eni wife Hnain nun Zhnnb I-Inna. '..`...'. I--;.A':_L'i_ -v_ . iv 3"; ".-`-"j-- `---`~ --`--7--p-- I . _ 2 _ _ h Id hk th m.!BId`!,9g!,!;rhE%g.:-:22: -7"? entail sickness vyh neglected. . - , 1 . , , . IIQIIIIL II II ..1___.1a 4-1---A!_-__1-\___ I CTIIK II CIHII `Inf KILLS W111 make them regular. ' ' ' ' For saleby all arugglsts. or will be sent upon receipt of price (we. per box), by addressing UVIIIJ` 711) IVTTTTAIIQD `lllfh III` 1 ` I ulties I331 or failin '. or his-physioal powerII:a.ggin_g,shonld take one Puma, The will 1-9s_t._or4ah1s lost energies. both ` physical an maqfgl. \ :nn'-:nn nan;-n--an _1.-_og 1.1,. u _, i V PRIPARIB BY Dr. J. O. Aye? & co., Lowell, Mass. Soldvby all Druzglau. Price $1; uixvbottlea, $5. -.- pun-vuau. u anyway.` Intail siqlu;ea; vyhfa m vo ml 91:: run}: of you 1 bad hz ."K T YT}: 7: 'vnv= um nis-physical powert )7!,7n Ink- vu-will Iusnf. IIUKGIO - HUI JUOI3 I. WK FUJI VU \7,lJll.I,,=.r followed by terrible con ah; About four, years ago, when so al cted, I was ad- -. vised to try Ayer s Cherry Pectoral and 1 e to lay all other remedies aside. ' `I did 0 and within a week was well 01 my .3 co d and cough. 'Si1_i'ee then I have `always kept this fpreparation in the` house, and feel comparative] secure. " -Mrs. L. L. Brown, Denmar , Miss. - A1An,,_ ,,9;, 0: OC- A few years ago Itook a severe cold ' which affected may -lungs. I had atero ' rible cou h, an -1 passed night after . night wit out sleep. The doctors gave _ me u . I tried Ayerfs Cherry Pectoral, ' whic relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and atforded the rest necessary for the recovery of m -strengths .By the con- tinual use of t. e Pectora1,,a permanent _ cure was effected.- orace Fairbrother, : Ilockingham, Vt. ` Ayer sBherry Pastoral, K) LVGIII-Inl-U B.UIs_\lQv Icv vasrvo G\lOlIlaIQ my-o-.y- stances, from the bronchial passages. : Frequently, this causes ,iu_ammation.- and the need of an anodyne. No other. expeetorant or, anodyne is equal to Aye:- s Cherry Pectoral. It assists; _ Nat_urein ejecting the mucus, alleys, irritation, induces repose, and is the; A `most popular of all cough.cures. . _ v of theimany. preparations before the ` Eublic for` the cure` at colds, coug , ` A ' ronchitis, and kiudreddiseases, t ere ` . is none, within the range of my ex rl-V ence, so reliable as .A.yer_ a Cher-rye ee-, . - toral. For years I was s bjeot to c.o1ds,_~_. . R tol1ow_ _ed hs.- tom-.. vmu-n nan, when an rignfsi T 17.. -.--v- -`-r-.,- - The discovery here outlined.` if it be one, is of curious importance. If there be such a law of formation, an extension of the count ought to show that it has governed in the choice of many more words than those; col- lated already, and if it be thus proven to hold ` good on a comprehensive scale it would form an argument in favor of the divine origin of the Bible more powerul than all those that have been , brought, to bear against it. Once prove that _ such ' a simple set of mathematical relations pervade the volume and bind all its several parts `into one har- monious whole, and objections hitherto raised against it, either on the supposed evidence of internal criticism or the external evidence thought to be derived from historical com-' parison, will vanish like mists before the gjis, lug sun, ~",1`l1e_-Bible will then again become the to.uehstone"to which all else must be `re- ` ferred as to an indisputable authority, though it would not by any means be necessary to i hold that it discredits the knowledge of Nature and her mysteries that have been delved out by patient investigators since the sacred canon was closed. _ { ] smLoH?s cousumrnau Lm.;_$ [S Na17:ure sEef:f.or"t-1:0 gxpei ...L-_--a- I-A-an OLA `lrx-A-un`\3nI I\nlIlItll x .:- v- r--v` `--y. l--- ~v-,, -; u-u--_-av-1-up-0 HE mz. WILLIAMS MED. co. Broqk.vilu._O1It.[ ;.|.___.. :n 1 9 an-rle.`0nt. ` etjeer is being thede by. R. (loodwln,'l`ro_y,N.Y.,ut work (or us. lejdu, you may not make a : much, but we can t`each you quickly how toeern ow-Slb ; 0 n dny At_ the start, and mom ngyoq go on. Both sexes, all Igel. In any phi! ol _1 Anperica. ypu_c|n commence at lnanne,fItr- j lug all your tIme.or epare momenta dn 3' o . the work. All In now. Great my Sllltln`. for V` every worker. We ltal1`EIBl, furnh.-hinf . Iv Iin KA8lLY,'8P.l'. l'Al l`IC LABS FREE. Addnuat once, ~_8'l`lN,B_0N ._I. 00-.` 1'03 LAID. IHNK. w. M. _F:A'M,s1x Y', - ' j MA.\VfA GE'It.AM0f\fl_`i`<:lAL, 4 s1o1`,oo0.ooo " REJMIILADOO .- J UBIIK 42-Iv _ V ARE NOT a. Pur- M ` . gative Medir - , cine. They are 3 M Bnoon .BUn.nnn, i ' Tome and Rnoom ; _s*rnUc'ron,a.e they `~?~ supply in acondensed . form.the; subs ces `ctually needed, en_- ., `ch-the-Blood,curin_g all diseases coming tom P003 and Wu`- , RY B1_.oo1> or from Vrrwrnn Huron: in - the 131.001), and also nvigora.te and BUILD P the Bnoon uni Svsmu, when broken dpwn by` overwork. _ . -~menta'l worryglisecse. excesses and indicate- ti_one.- They have 5 SPECIFIC `Acrxox on the SE_XUAI1S!8`1'3IOf th men a.nd;women. pestering LOST V1093 and correcting all ngnnzaunnnxrxm tn surmmssxous. :Whondshismenh11a.c- ulties dull I Hnaaina nhnnl Ian}; I .. Elbbw grease will -gum like any other lubricator, unless it is used. ' on .. - wsfhbuld tak'ths'e mu. They wm cure the re- m.hita;n.n`-I nlrdnalzhan n -M(~3N1'IiEAlV..V iii fx?31L3,93 .;* Q4 LL,-.~ I ,4 9 .-Wm cue 0! MAI-nutrition And thy-mic [ W `:8- ':: 1-orewthan hqpcd or-it was marvel T-tiuuohc.` `I rcommend dz - itchct-?ullytb':lt1`:' `n egigt and humanity at large. M. H.` GILBER -. M.D.; - - I j-~'Q-1-'~1.....:j - 4.. _, -.._-..._, -. w..-._~ ,:awav17'.7I.'.v" .'E"`.' R)` j iFl;:A'X8E~EDwE_M uLsI _oo, iw saznumy 9152. Jonu=waam. I1_U_ C1111 bl'l1b'la DU U6 SUCCBSSIUI. 3 ,If~youwaj1 to make Stixn solve to be a Iiappy (;hris'tian. 'l`lnn Rnuivb h'.s_`o- H`.-....:s.. .......1-;. 1--..--_-p ___u_ -_, ,_~ L .1` .137. egg ,, `W ` _" j 1. :New o:k`,Au`.o,iss_8.` =14!- hdve7Iised'your1 ` Emulsion-" ginasssv , cueo! MAl`-nutri:ionAn.d.tho- was more, :m........ -. _{`i ; $59`2`.}* .W==_mrv.91ous. Ind.con- T "c0NS.,,l:!f.f1.',i":.'i`.i?i! i LNERV9";.!?"R;.5`$ TiKITN| Vhgnnm anon _.-,-,..__..._`-_-.u.-w-a -3.3.3:? lli . IUII .; i __ ._V . ".B;ooklyn,N.Y.. 1%. `A "m_en `FlaxSced-Eni `on 8 - -lelpfulgo hufd 'reNl_i;y';nd'1Aossib1_y the mate of all nag, taltpnicin h debiht on. `P % N n"."rALMA_c1=:. M . D. `-lihn n`=-~3_.....--.-.__. _ Lifer Oi.l"in"gn`fprm -- 1- I 7 - 1 B H N.Y. F b.14th 1889. I hsveuped yqu::l?mt{!:i'oni in '3 oi.-.e of hathisk (consqmpuon) mth.bc`ne_cial results, when patient nnrin It 11' -' A 1 ' ` -1!!! 011A ' N Y kcg.se"'f9,1 I"_have used the m:sed 1:'.uzs' in mg! ;'al:es_ qt` Chaotic Bmnchitliiyland the 31:13:91 of _A' " "W ' IAMl& K. C`lg00I(e_'|e:n.. 11100.. D4100" xuuuu U6 HUCUIH I116 Wlbll $113 05311. and will be. inserted-Fu-st insertion. 2 cents per word._each subsequent insertion, 1 cent :- nword `names, addresses, `and gures counte as wni-(In 9 hut n. 1-Anntinn to `I 1-Ant nap wand win -ov -v.-- :-v- .----, _ -_.__ ~ Reading nolifces, 10 ente` t$ei"lI1'ie'1.for that in semen ;'5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. V . k - legal,` Olcial -and Government advertise ment5..Iw1ll.be chanted at above rates. ` " `!"f.V."'5.`'f' '` }~`v `?.9v'`L` '~V `5 `$": "118 but bo'have It In extery day life is better. The. devil is happy as lbng as he can keep s'bad-mm ?-`ff-om thinkincr nf'h'I Idfhar ~ ooN'm`Ao'r Anvmwrsnta. Cohtract advertisements will, be {aken at th . following ra.t'.ea,"1'vhich are drafted 1011 correct `-o0mmercin3,.P1'inciplea, fund, up they will be `strit1yea`dhered`to'in making new contract` `after present contracts expire`, `there will be -only one;m'loe tonan: ; 1 - ` ooxmacr cdmans. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- rtloe. of intention to change advertisements must, be handed in to the olee not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and theoopy for. such change mnstbe in the Anvnzcm oxce not later than112o clock'noon on Tuesday, in any. week ; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week -tollowxng. Advm-tinn-pa will nhfghn Allnwn fin nun their I106 08 lllll DIIDLIO llllll U16 W68K'l0UOWlBg. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising an thin outside then own negular business. V on d they do so. transient rates will be charged for such adver tisement ' ' IIIIKTIII $33!` A flbffllflbilff Condensed advertisements on First Page such as Want: of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent. 8 ecic Articles, V Ilifn, Ilfn, mnnt ha nnnnmnnnlag with tho nan}: ` unnvnn tau w an n-nan-nag `auuv Inna. it;-1-.'a.1`;o.1: ecic".A`1'1`:'icles, V Etc..Etc.. must be a.ccom`panie with the cash. } and will ha {naAIvf.n_.`Il` I-at inner-tin-n `Z noun: 1 } -'1' E'm 'sT`i&&Es?BETi&'g ziE3ac3zI't`cf ES ~ words ; but a reduction to 1 cent per word will ` be made when the number of insertion: of me Arno mnttnr nrnnn ll"nn'n_ ' ~ (12 lilies solid.nonpn`ei) gnakd bnmoh). 1' R.una.: :-' THE . T or rnmrnnm nuunnnnsnup nncnrr corms, ~ . not quit double thnt.-ot iny.othox Papor_pn_b , shgdgin Ba_rrie.V , '_1.'I! lV0_ho' o.--. O o n n vague `- Inches; ; . .T.- . . . 5 Inches, 1 Column; `wlhchea, g Column` -2o`Inchee, 1 column `For one mbntli-'the tlnfeevmonthly rate with 16 per cent. "added; . `For two months--tho three monthly rate with 10 per: cent. added. . , euuretn-ed positions in the pa r will be tom at an advance of one third o_n a. overs. r'l"H|'a' en-|IA.1:rl1I kn nlnvhilur not-UIKJ Ant . ,_ I. . ., .. ,A ~ : . v-;,\ , _._u `,. }.`,`X~ ,;` ., , _ . Ts`., .. .....; _ ' _` ~.;_,;;_h(_{` ': '-Y:-1 V .` :g,'6m1,,gv`-*-"3.u,_ ax:-~.~ 'v{._I._;`.;t4{_ Tb lrest beil iti 1"iia.1`i'`; Notrbi-Dame T cathodnil,: "Mohtr'ed1,-"-`-which 2 hI.'l1E S"iYl`f.hA`751Ith'fnuinr' `Tb can 8..".'.t. '1::::.1_~* 3 so?3;i`;`aa`v.nc2 3`% % }m;'i`2.'.`.":.'i3%'vXi` . This rulq will be strictly carried out. Femage % Cqmptaiiritsx Mdsuito Bites _V ~ \u;.-.... ..."*""` ' %lnflamma`t1on %n:russuas1ImEs A B5 SURE;'_`[ljT-B,0TTLE `,'*'.T." B\ ~u'>F{WR_.Ai`.P:PE-R Loans LIKEIuqs" % C"ADYIRI'IBI_RlBI:Il)U'I`:DHO'l2l:"l!EIS` fAOT`h ' insert! A on, Io " 'e'ts Iin,o. sequent` insertion, 4 ggxilts 3:: hue. 'cv`,' ,,, DU l.l.l&U.U VVQUII BLIU IIILIIIUUIII ame. matter exceed FOUR. THREE UHL 76 FIFTH aw-unuw.n.. c_5r7=Au\g| A}. FOB. - .lnse.Ct Stings S,oI:e% Eyes % Eruptions` Sorfe Feet _No;~ot Inches Qnnnn . "1? FIFTH Avsgugw yuan, _-_.-.:\u_ur_\uI \u!UlVlI'I\ R seldom that God can nd people whom ' He_ can prust to be successful. I _ ;_ A ~ J If ~.vonj2wm11: fn make Rnm +.i-.smhI.s3 .-1.. J BONDBNBED ADVERTISEMENTS. uuracrunzii o1uIv_ av` 5 E\l'I f\A'n- n:----- .cOMP0lJNDT ?1@i7z7.2l7T2l5 Una Inset 11501 tions. u.5uur- . none. _ jj. ` sign ;iRici: no` -- A- considered the fact of its being used just so many times as to produce a multiple of a ` Flor any single one of the many words thus, small number may be regarded as an acci'- . dent, but that such a fact can be deduced in relation to a. large number of words, and those the prominent one-sin the volume, is certainly astonishing, and furnishes ground, for support of the claim that the whole thing was mapped out beforehand an a plan by the side. of which the Cabala is p11 -~.-ility itself. This plan would -_-seem to lav in- cluded not only the writing of the ..-.eral books, but even the subsequent selec- tion of those composing the canonical list of the day. The scheme, however, is carried still further. It is `well known that the division into chapters and verses was made much later than the formation of, the canon. Yet it is found forthe chap`ters~ that of the 66 books (6 times 11), 25 of them have a num- ber which is a square or a cube, 11 have 73 or 113, and almost all the reniainingbooks have a. number of chapters less than 7, where from the nature of the case the law cannot apply. V ML- ,J:__._.._._ u._._. _,,u,-__ _ g uu .. u 39; uonu E (1 yr.) is-Ts_o_o '-uoo ' 1- twessono` non: Weeklv P"b"" ` '1';-'~: J5!@%?59 (. `.*.*`V ,`3f% `m' `ml 1 1:59;; 59:-1989!`? h'1`n' l%f;iv1fIiift`.x%jI;%AP u.h1iai:or%anaPmvrl0`' _ V , `:.=*c>:z 1391. Proprietor, b.WeI10!|r Copies 26 cent: at the otoe; 0 t bimlno poutpdd, on meal?` f W _r.v'_ . 4a._;'J ;- , `ASSIGNMENTS or CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS or TITLE, ETC D1YI_S.ION coU1_vr BLANKS. - .MAGISTRA1`ES BLANKS, SURR0GA'1ET OUURT BLANK5- ' OONSTABLES BLANKS. !; O.lINTY; or smcoi . . OHATTEL MORTGAGE DISCHARGE OF r T2: .r.o'r"'{'t1 v x.a*ra:'~u~.':.nv;4sx:!>r31`*!!sI!f5F; T Jlna weigiia 2 . ;s1G&Q1arHM:L: ; '..r;J-s.<.1'm v_.;;f .-zr:.{[` :;5;i;'3 9.! an ) . >; BU1'I9`r 1 .33-t_ V ' V ,.w:m\'.U ha ebanff-as ~ -FARM LEASES, 'R}ENEWALS OF EQUITY or REDEMPTION, ~ ~` STATUTORY LEASES mumps, MORTGAGES. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. V QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE `AGREEMENTS or [A15 TORONTO Pmcss BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS,m POSTERS-Plain and Ornamental. 9 MEMOBIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, ORDERS OF DANCE, ' MENU CARDS, Nbirnnx Anvuwl `NOTE HEADINGS; 3 LETTER HEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS. 'WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS RECEIPTS. m" "`WhARe CHECKS, . ORDERS, ENVELOPES. A fgll line at all` prim `-51; -.1 . _ ___._ V..- `V- - .. \i v----'.. ....-..w ..-v `tun-\rI4 vq. ova The 13-00]: of Reveiation is a perfect treas- ury of sevens. One of the most curious re- sults brought out is that with regard to the Word Aaron . It occurs in-'the Old Testament` 4435 times, out of which no'thinVg; can be made, but when to this is e.dde..l t` '\ rm times it occurs in the new, the total 1' - 448, which is'the cube of 4 taken 7 time,<. n je- gard to this curious result, the authu . ys: If `there W_t_1S a conspiracy on the L111.` ; of the `Bible Writers `to make this ou`r,_ t"en som_e71,50Q;yearsbefore Christ Moses must have determined on that number and used the word 299 times," left orders to J '~shua to use it only 6 times, and to tell, the, future writers each to take the name only a given number of times so `as to bring, "rafter 1,600 years, the exact result of 7 times the `cube: of 4. CARDS, _@-I respectfully solicit an oppom to furnish estimates ffor all kind work in all the styles of printing, ynunmnm rammn Tn: Nonruenu Anmcs ` --STEAM-- iP*?!!`TI"G Hvsn PROMPT AID TASTEFUL .I"IA8 UNRIVALLED F0 RMS Always kept in stock -OI` ORDERS OF ALL 1 STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, NOTE CIRCULAR8, T LETTER cmovnm CEIPTS. V---- --- --- ..--r' -7 - V-.. - --..a- -_ i,76OO years, anld 1,6'0-Ois the fourth ower of 2. into the square of 10. The name ofJ_esus in minor` A 4-inn:-mu -Sn 'l`u'6-an 18) I-.nn.~. 6.. TI "I"I-.A.~. :23 numnr ST.. BARBIE Form: or :any kind pmwa so DODGERS. FLYERS, ---'0B TH E------ A full line of MORTGAGE. SALE OF LAND HOUSE LEASE8 -on-ovv In-Iv |z\1\J6ClV VA. &v. 5 Launbnu \lL Uyuq _|I -used 4 times in Titus, 12 tinies in Thes- sa1onians,'9 times in II. Peter, 27.times in II. A Corinthians, and 84 times in Luke, the latter number being 4 times 3 into 4,plus` 3, etc. The` words Christ, Simon (Peter), and others fol- low the samelaw in the New Testament. and so do Moses, Aaron, Isaac, and Jacob in the Old. The word _Fa`-her, when meaning God, is used 44 times `in Matthew, 121 times in John, 14 times in Luke, '21 times `in Mark, and 77 times in the rest of the books of the New Testament, But restoring the word`in Mark xi. 26, which is omitted in the revised version, we have it used` 22 times in Mark and 280 times in the whole `book. In other words, Father occurs always a number of 119, unless, as in the case of Luke, its plnceis takenby a perfect square, and the total for-' the book is 5 times 7 -times the cube of 2. "VI... 13-..`- -0 1),.--..I_L-_. _- _ _-__.A, -1. L _ , SNIPES, 1m opportunity For kind: of statement or his leaalngconcluslons. _ The New Testament consists bf 27` `.:)`="<"5'c'>1:s," 3nd'27 is the cube of _3. Thesevwerea-written = `by 8 persons,` and 8 ,1; the cube of V2.- u,;.1`he whole Bible. was written by 36 men, and_36'i'a the square of 2 multiplied into the of 3, while` its authorship covers a range of 1 Rlyl Irnnnn near] 1 Rfln Ca O-[kn Pun!-k nnvwnvn AC0` Q SUILIILB (Ill VHO Jaluau -Jua vwnaavu _ `out an immense wofk of the p1`osa_ic. sort, bqt `with 3 high -motive. He has xiiidei-taken to; prove. the wholeness of the Bib1e,.'1q1`_iti_' claims to be regarded. as `a per-tee; by one gather, by counting ,;p the? nuniber of times that the most prommen1_3qorg ' in the several divisions Q! the volume. $He has further deduced _ the (rernarzaijief that these` times are in everyca_se;gulti1J1es? ' of the squares or cubes of small num Srs. It would not interest the `general . reader ..t.to. ' publish-thelong table by, which he make\_h is_ . points clear, but that 'is` unnecessary "1 statement bf his lee,d`ing_concliisi_ons. IL. \1-,,,, rt: '1: nh u'~"`."."I "L3 " I7 kg:-R-~ " 3 ' .+_< - "REMARKA_C FACTS t>`isc_:Q\;/1-:m;o ES? BMHnn(\_pL I u yuuysf u .. A PLOD NG GENIUS. . iInrnuuAn' In Dwnun flan Ivhnlnnnn .f'vtelatiAon_._';__ ,- A p1odd'ing gTeni'u,s at the Eatzt ~an~iea j nu!-. an immnnan wnrlz nf than nngair-. sort. hllt 3 R "EQIJ|JIl`\J 9|-I\l\a\Iu ,...... `- :2; ,i Z_'_"f?`> Figures: to l"ro;r; fvixoines of the Book of Books` at the ;wm`-kfor Ono . 42+ ' .`:A`8 Ahthor--A,.Treasury of sevens'ls 110- ;_ ,. .,....... _..v V vvvu \n\III-U vvxulv UIIU UUU ' In ' To 313 -rqa1iionL93,1,g;n(!ayAts a`:`g3od}t1 mt bb'h!z?vB it in 'every`du3? life bette1 . ;isra.`blessed 1-thing to know, -siwhen` 1 `worn. '. . 3" .3 7`."'7 t"%($I 1.`93`3 7:-.27 ..s&hu~ +.. ~;."'3?:$- .. 1f3~ .'!7Q `. K6311 ball t`he;:Uix:-`I "fIfur . t.dstbe.;eiln=mTWb6ll~>'on City? Hall; 1 bk-_maihin1wIa..ui..a~u;';uau nmu- m.~`.:- ~ Q11! _ '_DBSU, 9'5; Figs and Thistles !5?W.B `:l$'g..`.`< 3ff.i b~u8:se;n.uif, imam; IV. ..a(F.h'na..u \.vl.l .... 1.] . fE1I{ng, Fan `."`..'l.'.'$'_T?.TJ'.fl.11."9.-3'3"" A l.'n0V6m6!l t,` which large;-til-:!ig l.li`_o&nt`iBn _ isfihgidsedtih ~`a"'b'_fH$t'i `_'_ " -. 3 ----- -f`-(3!!! gr-.5!-Ivy! 39,7, '!IulI.l;].'5!I.i-.P9l". --- 9 sop.-. These. 3 ,1,.~;;192=r y team 5,2691`: Buigmnir" .t{I`i;'s!9ntt6 Souti Ikb 'm'.;:'the.-`rwe warm farm? .'.f.,5'\1-'`_"?!;`.?,'."`.',$3.i'.,? B`?..i;'. ?? itzgx r . . .@%z6:an#;:<!!#**as2.i, .. Amt: \ 3 monksrmzo .ikeya=xero.1nduoo3 . (Q : f #1? `l . We 12! `: ab` mun zssmou to ._-;.'J.3 _ 3; 4 J . :.'ii%}}~' .42! .*:=:;`;~:!'.'. .1 -It * e*~;*'..` um. uuvufu Eyu-1l:;lh:a-.u::u0.2-+u(rg_y U[f'EIl8 "h".l'h0 I1 9-1 ., A 0. -. 9 Catholic "` Gugfbh. " `1 `57 % 3!*'WE ia`: ~ we` - gt] that theAf}dea$th.'r_te_?bf t} `V D.9'f?1.`7.0D .8Y9i'ie?``Ph1 '` " th: Clfh0l_iQ:Q[ifiblt:`i`h f'haIr3` :_1.wa A'n'glibdn Efgfmiggjjx. tuner: -; The mean, annual mortality of .all," lishmen between the ages `of 25 and '65 be- ing taken at L000, the tahlefoficompara-' tive gures stands thnslzl-"-Pri ea'ta_ and tninistet-s; ;5- 56 ; `gardeners . jand'Anurseigfv- men,`{ 5 99 ;. farmer; and; graziers, ,'6;. y31 ; ngriculturallaborers, 7 01; schonlmasters, 7'19.;; miners (Derbyshi;(; 7 34} manufacturers. 7?55,; legal. men .8242`; medical men," 1 22. '-When-`we `comefto separate the ',`q1ergy ,.int_'o {oreeaa`,,.,1;he Anglican ministe:-sand the Catholic. priest part icompany. Oyet _a.,{)eriodv of fty years the ,annua1 `most!-1ity:.pe_r. .oen_,t.~ of the` clergy -between the =me_s=o'f - 25 -and _ 5!) has these proportions `:"-`+le"rgyi of` `the hIIDA}I.n` mnmlnn 1 n0 - vain-~- #3 13-- If .7.-WW III I we 11:11:19.1` QQ_Ql],~"; nor uawrrn, ulpntnerla and uanxer-mourn... 13: lame back,- side or'c11est,_ Shilol P'or,o'us_I laster.` Price _25fpent_a_;; . 'SI1'f_L9_I; s CURE will` immediately: -Vrelievg C,ro'u.p."` ;WhbAoping{ Coufl1fand,' rchitis For nvspnpsra and Liver ,ompl-sint you. hasi a pt-in ted: arantee_*on~.eve1:y bottzle of;Shi]oh a Vitgalizer. t"nev,er faYTs{t _cu_'1;e,V-".'_`iL' _ ~ E - , , , . , . .A var... t.............. 4-.-- _..':u'. -_ -u-'a ,.`.. ` L. rwuuacr. 1|. ucvpr mus '_Lq :ll_I'e,f'.'_'_` ' ' ` A _NA8AL INJg:oToR free with: ezich: Shi_loh'Qgtg1'l}{,RVeme}dy. 50,c`,en.t.H _ j Sold shy ;Jizhn; Wobds,.. fBan>ie;\..`and::M. J.` Hamlin`; Allayqglgz, .= - ."""?1..~`-' ` cure. . ., % V, V V. . V WHY WILL YOU `cbiigh igv ven Shi1oh s Cure will 've immediate relief. P ce l0cts., 50 cta. and 1. . - ' . . . I 1;1;o s CATARRH }'1EMEDY-`a roifive cnie for Catarrh, D'phtheria and Canker-Mout1`1.,_ n;_.1,__- `L- ..-nu . Tma REV. GEOMH. TLIAVYER, of Bourbon`, Ind ,aays : `fBo.th1_gyse1fVanc_1 Wife owe our lives to SmLon s ACo,xsUm*rI`oI_\* GU m:. ? A ,,*`1 v_-L, -nr_ , 1 O !- " .I;1.1`n:1-b7-OI!` h MADE miseiable by idigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of?` Appetite, Yellow skin? Shilph s _Yitg.1ize;f `is apositive (`II I'D EN . ,;iiL**?~.,*%Iaic;A : won .)Il0:5`o`itum,-ggzgnze. `Jt~ \ ":`."f' *--'- >1`. Sir J ohh Thompson stated that `the; Government had not. receded. from: the position taken "in" 1889, when the Gpy- r1ght.Act was p'aaeed.. ; That Actjval imb- mitted to the Impetial; Goyemmentfor approval, and asvyet no actio`_i1 `ha; been taken. He still held atr,ong.vie.wa.:aa.1to the justice or Canada : 3 claim 7 toi jlegiplate in that direction, and had p;eqaed'them upon the Imperial authoi-iti_es.~ ' `He hoped that Canada's rights would be "recognized nil!` `Lat! ZARA run` Qf|l\"I `in IIIl\II`t` `nun- VIII-V QIII-I131 C II III! 'V\I\lI`-I I-1'7 >IC\l\J6II'lJ'-7\` and if` they weresnot soon, he; wquld zfayor a. joint` addreaq -of both- Houses to the In-nds` . hIIunIL`tl In-.1: "1'..g`,3'.I-'i'..x""1>`2.}`%ii'u:;``nc;".4" "E537 i".{Ib1";'. 2" been. that the` filtered: of .~.ButiAh'. publiahe nun: hot` knnn ouhundunnnlnb :...~'IF....1......I nruvnn. UIICII Ullv llliuvtv-V \J&.!J4ILI`IllCJl'. PRU era had been pargugount inEugland. IIIJIJWI II I II \I II-IEIIV I1VV>\II chai-g'95 `tJhve (government `wi1%11"in'a'cti{v'i_ty ` . in not prosoingnpon the:Im perial-Gov'ern-7 meat` the rights `_of C_a'na.d_a `ta have my power to make a "copyright , law te`cog"niz'-' ...I ' - routxom Notes. Sir John Thouiphon announced that the Government would ask for postponement of considerationofj Mr. Jamieson s pro- hibitory resolution, which was xed for last Wednesday, as it wasa matter affect- ing aeneral policy. In . the event of a fataltermination of the Premie'r s illness the Governor General would ..have to. call in new advisers of the crown, and they- ehould be able to consider and form their polioy upon the?-`subjecH$efore.tl 1e House pronounced upon it.` e p ' ' l I Mn 1.-a 1|1\>'un:. -`v\n"rC_ t ',ltI\Jll II V i Edgar, fin t.n6ving for coL`rre a`p9 A:i-H enqe _aa-to the tiopyright 1 a_wap_f `Canada, aha ;-gpd [the Government wi.1:11'in'a'cti_:v'ity :1: an` nu-n-`cum III\l\D\ "1-xcvln--`,- :4 f 1:,eiaiai:t"_e11d<';i1~'b nrmkga Sp;-nu `nwm.;` ' ' The dmggiets tell its that people ee.`1 for the new cute for c--nutipqtion , and sick- headache discovered by Dr. Silas L9.nae.~ It is said to be Oregon grape root (:2 great remedy in the far west for those complaints) com- bined with simple herbs, and is made for use by pouring on boiling water to draw out the strength. A It sells at 50c. and $1 9. package" and is ca.11edALane s Family Medicin_e._ _Bnal IIBV6 H0 UIEIIUF I.UU}l.- uuuu luv. Ill`:-lull 5 t11n.e.`_. 2. Thou shal|i n6sj= inak uhtq. * anyctzvpiesyor putiito pastry thetililieness _ of anything . that int" in the heavens above 0; in the'waters- under the earth. Thou shalt not fall to eatingit` or tryipgi to` .d_i-; '|{0It. it. ` Fur.the.:dyspepsia-will he visited upon thechildren to the thirdiantf fourth `generation oi the_m that eat pie. . and long life and vigor upon those that ~_.live prn` .de ntly and keep. the la` of ihsalth, 3 Remember thy bread; to.bake-itsssiell, .. for `he will not be kept sound that eateth V bread asdough. 4., Thou shalt not` ill-g dulge sorrow or borrow anxiety iin -vain- 5. ,S.,xtdays shalt then: wash and keep thyself clean, and the seventh thou shalt take a great bath, thou and _thyson, and thy maid`-serivant, ant} th stranger that is -within thy gates. For in six days man sweats and gathers lth "and bacteria enough for diseases ; wherefore the"Lfyiid has blessed the bath-tub and hallowed it. 6. Thou shalt not smoke tobacco,for it is thy Creator, who-has giv,e_Ii.fl,l9e` it sound body and , mind to be wellffpiteserved against such new t e driigs. Remember thy sitting roo_m_'and `bed chamher to keep them -ventilated, that thy ilaysmpy'.be long in the land which the Lord thy God biscuits. 8. Thou shalt not eatythy`, meat fried. 9 Thou` shalt not eat thyt-hteadi unchewed or highly spiced,.o1t`ju.'st before` hard"work or jn-t after it ' 10 ` Thou` shitlt not keep late hour's in thy neiizh-ho_i s house, nor with thy 'neighbo'r s wife; nor, his man-servant, not his cards; nor" his` glass, nor anything that is~thy height` ` |...._.. abomination` yin, the . ` sight of all : thoughtful men; and a`mortalIin against a giveth thee. 7 ., Thou shalt not eat hot . ovvuatr uuulv uauuvI.u'Iu, % h&u&s,"i9:!=9;.`9!W1."*0'Yr:.I ,8,,,2gi inches%mamate*ta ewm c.inu:saa.ataii _ ;_ ' The Medical Rord gi've'I`tlie fo_ t inf `from the Dixie` Doctor. It may poeeibli strike some reader as4being\,alittleoi_rr et`: it ned'lia1rdly`l)`e uaid,"thii iiot ii - `teuded ; and `also as being gather pore epodictxc than `in the hold` coered. For we are told not to eat pie, while noth- mg is said gg.hqt_whiskej., A large class of excellent pe'Bl p".think tlifat "whiskey in lean aalu . _w {but perhaps those .....;...I.. 41.. f" .-6 ` . ,T\3`v'3ir' ""1 Thnn '-Y3."`."; people dolgii`:RiZf ;--gDixi:;fI`1. Thou shall; have` ho other ` food`. liisu at meal u -.u.'.,, :1 "'___I_-:2 .-|`u..`. 4.|..`.`& ieop"13 "53 ..u.. a. L ..f.-;;} ,_ nIrtaitty Ahn6iu" I=nausnni5.::.A 1 U P?! IOU PB vuvnv %;Dma;;2%:*1` Thou | . -1v ;1.__ ._ _____] :__et hanas"i9:th9;Tuth"ww/5:. t 3 5999:? ' -1,` .. It 13'6"-Is.5?eI- "I55": L ch91iI*9iar.9*@*.n9d.xiie;;4 . i It lslqrnamented Wit images i the Blessed Virgin and St. `John the Baptist; 1 together _with.emb1emsot agricu1tm-e;.~eom- 1 meme and ind It was `cast in 1 London in 1347. In"" the op '-hangs-ta. chimai-got tnf. blls, posite tower 1 1 :3$a`UHlii'aV7 m1`n-\;9|t`J='l-`I-`:{'1i...'ua.;LUL.lti ant: -. _,,___, ___.--.,-... vvxpuliv Annuity A F79 . _1b,vgl.1_ `g,'l`(.~,.-I-_.~,.=..-,= - h ';-a~;::2nrzi `V .Im.BIJRN C0..Pro1I e M` route; ' 0`I!'r!'.|"l'j.'-"`(';:.L`:`."f'V t.35l`9~ !'ix3aa` m'o'I31:r:i?E 1:1 we-t=. 1 , No-Mutter nowfvmlent. O_r;exeruoiati.ng the pain, .IClm:k s Lightning Linixuent will -relieve it with one application. If extrnal, rub it in, or apply with ~cloths, If internal, for an adult take thirty drdps-in . half ;1 glass of water, For a give fear or ve drops on a. lum of sugar._ ,'It ._ve instant re11efa"i1 ease. I, you try" a bott e_ `of Clark's Lightning L1nimnt,' you` will nd`i_t a gbodthing to have in the house.` Sold by all druggists; price fifty cents. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto, New York. Elnsure. iu theuiritish Empire Mutual a.nd get; 20 per c ;ut_. for your money as Well avinaurimce on"yourj1_ife; ` -;4.; uuwuxs au;nne =c1oggeu'ravenues=ot the` Bowels Kidn s.andLiver canymg" . s H o gradu ally mt out weakenin th3;,3y3'..' ` tem,.a11' thg impurj fa.:f_1i ',A1o1__1111,un"_191f *3?" `< 9 1_c"ri%tioxYs- t.1:`am tim.e'.C1`- mgawdi i1.'."`the$.t01n.ac'h.. ii, - :_.1,.B" ' 1.4; S Wm" `*3 art uriiin; 1`m"...-.-Ii.!',`zi<'%i'? Wortlev. C1ii1iayj'Sherw0d; Biie M`al< ;o_,lm.}. Cla'iI,..I..,part l'l'.-'-_BVen . j1 _ti1_1n, Bmoks,`-_.VVillie; "M06116, Miltdn ' Wil- Jiams. Howalrd ""M`.lqg$lptp, Ambrose Gouch. A _ _I`9horm'n1._ A_ _';f_H_'vi_no_1-' i- oll ._ffo`r .,S,\h`z`:nt`y. Bay. p`1`_1B`lib `c,h.6o.l. for May: Clan-1.11,.--Angu.8 Cam`- e.r:on',' Minnig R`ead.' Ola; 1I.`u:u-`.---, Heijbieirown `I20t.ti simpgan. `Clan; II. `ii,"._.-]-Ii,z,'zi'e Wor_tle"v_. Chgaliyj'Sh9rwood, Rana; M.1mIm nI.';."r` -........ rr V u-.=_- `\b.'Nu.1IkB::u-`nv ~.-..,x.;3.v va. ._...._...- _.... ., Afao u.a.vu.u:u_y, us. OJlllI.lUl,`I)u' ULVUIYHBIII Junior Depa.rtment--2nd'0lnis,- Jr.`-- Annie MoKeowu, "Willie Neodhamr A. Richardson Sequel Clus---B-. Thurlow, J. :Hiokling, M. Mitchehi - vvuavlvllbv, in. J U|V.l V1Uul\1.plUI.SU awn '. J It you want to find the most miserable -man`: in the world nd the most selsh one.2.<. If head-work could have saved. the world ltwouldhave been done before the ood. m- |.~`;__ __1:;.- __ __. 017-- J A, l'li'o";( of Ayer _s Pills hasisaved many a t of sfcnes. Whc n; ajremvedly doe not l:app`efn` to be` viithiii reach, people are: liable _to' neglect slight ailments, and,;ofco1irse, if serious 'ill- ne _.='s Ifollows they have to '~su`er the cons'queri- ce's=` 1:3A stitch in times8;vea nine. ' 4 ` Honor non. I % Honor Roll for Phelpston Public Schoo for the month of .May. A-`Senior depart- ment-4t-h Claa'a,Sr;-;H." Haney. 4th Glass", Jr.--H- Loflms,-Cassie Cumming, L. Thurlow, C.- Cumming? 3rd 0133:, Sr. --T. Mt.-Keown, E. Haney", Rose Loftua. 3rd 0163:, Jr.--A. Richardaongll`. Loftua (`L McKeown, R.xPlatt). 2 .2112! 0188!,` Sr; -M. Morisey, M`.*Snide1'-,J.- Mccurnon. JIIh;nD nnnanOnnnn4__0nA . l7M....'. '- uuwuu SUCKS 011 [-11 `UTE, an `let .113 UEVC 3| -blizzer -a. blaze. fA good 'blizzoVm'--a good} =b1aze.|"I`hat tree is bliz`z'ared`-blated, wither- ' ed. As an oath the word is often used, and `May_I be blizzered will readily be under- stood , I < A A ~ - wi11`,be_ given for 9. case of Catarrh which can- not becured permanently by CIark s Catarrh Cure`. "Step rightiupto the oice and prove your case `and get the-reward ;.' Thousands have .tried this remedy, but no one has e1aimed'the `reward, because it cures in every case. If you have a cold or are troubled" with Catarrh, ask your druggist for Clair'k s Catarrh` Cure, price .50 cents, and see what a `pleasant relief its will ;be' instantly. ' If you are asked to take some- thingelse, send to us direct, and we will send you a bottle by mail on receibtof rice. , Clark Clrernieni Co . Toronto,_ New Yor . "h.u1p_'vv_o1:x 'DulI.IrQ .18; W511 `Known wrougn ` *1??? Midlands. ld its. cogn&tes.are fairly nun:-. erousi `I have known the _word and its kin .`fuI1y.thirty. years.-' Cotintry` fo'lkS'us_'d the - word to denote h1azing,"ble.sting, blinditig, dazzing or stiing. Onewho has had to face 9. severe storm of snow, hail,-rain, dust or wind would _say on V reaching ,. _s_helter I that he has : `faced a blizzer, or that thestorm was . `a regu- { lar B`-iziard. , A blindin ash of lightning vvgufd , call _torth thejexc amaifion, My ! that ' war a b1iVzzoV mer! .or `That wgym blizzer! Put I towth ` sticks on th re, :in"'let.us haven: -H':-n..- _. 1.I......- an .......,: -l.1.'..........l .. ........1.| `::nz.;}E.1:A:;..1;.a. . -Blizzards is English, after all. Recent, -storms in England have stirred: up its use there and Ta-correspondent gives` this. information: -. . "1`_Vh',-w'_or:d `blin.Ird ia;we1l kniown through ' H1: Mflnna and ab nnnn-uni-no an-A fair-Tu nrivn_ the Noi-thnvvest Territor-iesiv of -Canada. and are.I.;located' on`-itownihigjs 30 and 3!,` ranges 9'and`12 -west. ='1`hey Write from Yorkton on'Mayl2t.h, certifying that the representations made i by the agent : hive `been carried out ~ in every-e phrtioular. We nd the land and location to b`e-bet- ter than represented, in that there is more timber, better water and finer` soil. It is'-a Ysplendidratoclr: country, and easily _-cultivated. They desire that this testi- monial may be; printed`: and circulated among their former neighbors in Brown, Mhcpherson, Edmunds - and `Marshall counties, in South `Dakota; and "con-' dently recommend that they can have the utmost condence inathe representationw made. to them by Agents Webster,`-'Holmes; and Pettit as we have found them'more than borne out by the facts invery particular." We learn from a Toronto gentleman new in Manitoba that more than fty families from Dakota had arrived in the ,Touch- wood, District up "to ult.+L6ndo1i Press ' 7 . ' j _ -svBs:1s'r1Na._'Assu_nANcn ' ' -J" - `uun.uw.uw T ` - mv-ns'rnn=1mNns.ovnn , .. y-...- _ aaomvsooo.-.~ cow. .DEP08lT.AT-OTTAWA - __1I,2.00.{(`)_9`|. V . ,1. ma; ` " /1": ..\.. ..' 1 7 _ ;.v- " V `"'` "*` 1" ! M',{; ' 4 1`-The L%A:s 31.4; 0f`t_.hevSTA_NDk`RU 31`f't3:'FR EEi , .BEST'RIO~TI"0'vN0f` an'ykind.' "7"1. h`e'a88u1e.d .uu(i!dxf Lhjs `n..!;._y`p;-.,ce,g,d zindflregfney bf "'l5he` wqi'1d,'61_- engsige in "ac;-.upa>tiou_ of .:u_iy. k_gd.' Vwi_'t,h out `or pVay`n`i`ent`,of x_tj1"ti prgmium. . . . - ~ L . A-` s.`EuaEna sA|.I.s. V ~- '- Ixsrgnoron. Bmmx; | Lug us: up ugpy! as lung us LID Cup] I ,9` bad'ma.2_1 from thmking of'hi_s 11.1,other.; .Wl:nn I'rnn'nun n.v.;I'yr-urn. "V4\ ll`.-;.'u. uvdl -0 . -._ . . .;'.L ` ' 3 " ' 2 -LL.` >i.i.:.`a.I*.' `x ..`v;: ;;,-. . .-. . 'A Unlmki 9-11: the vcloggetivavenues = at nwnlg, .l(-hinmm arm: .1. 1...... --.._.._k } ". `. '(J.$i:`3jA}BLIs;I-a:2~;13 3:``925;*.)" 'I-`IE*1IA\D)`l-'l"l(.3E -:l_-'0I.!'OAVl:IA D'Aj - -f. % F.ve Ennclrod Dona;-s 1:! ` Jlo ; _J_. A. 8"I"R_ATHY~`AGEN1 o` Barrie. ` (5 '. _ `fAssUn`AN'c zntrnlinn; nII`Il1 Ea:-. ' who coniefio qsk Iis for adv_ioe, . `V. I V V , When "you want to see ._t__he ,crooI,ieg1: 4r_1_}a,de av. v-.4 uv.g uu u. uuliyj \/LII Lauau. V Tbexlnvills bust time`.to.mu1c hay"i when C`-hrijstiabns are not busy. _ , ' Iow_we do admire the wi`sdo'm of those straight", look at ti I?i1i*oad inap,, , .- _ Every man eats, but. it. is /only tiio ~ herefthat; you nd onewho thinks. 2 -' Don t; do anything that will wound your conscience, ._if you wouldplease God. :4 `.7 vnn wnnf 1-A Gin! LI. ....\..4. ..-;._-_-LI-