"9 like Dlgor autflllo Flags-A Germnn l`apej'._ `:5 Munch: Stanley-`Vl`lno Duke ol\_Irunsff- i " Wick`: Weullh; " ` `L ' - rm 3-. |_:.. auanuvuv I an \vl\1\IUQ.I nan ":;iDepu' -Yieeve. RODERI K McCONKEY. D `I990 A71-I Tonozrro. Dec. 24. 1889. .'23."xsso;- IILIBI i7tf Panel:/Li s Tf Part of the Spock at 500. onthe Dollar, Just half price. Part of the Stock at 50c. on the J Dollar, just half price. In consequence of the bad state of trade--through the ~ve1y low prices paid for grain--together with the backward- ness of, the season, we have decided that it would be better to closeout part of our heavy stock at 50c. on the dollar, and give our customers a. benet than carry the goods over another season, and pay 10 per cent. interest for the money, which our friends tell us is scarce, and we believe it. `_ Come and inspect the Goods and Judge the Quality for yourselves. L "that information concerning the affair luuuu. ` Uuluun uana IJn:I.1avu;_y vv .---....- . Winding up busirgess and sale of 1 Stock, comrnencmg Saturday, l\Tov. 30th, by A """ ""EE;n7h`;sf `"" TO. BE FOUND IN THE NEW CLOTHING AND HAT ROOM, LATELY E E _ApDED _'g_o PRESENT PREMISES. Lot No. Lot N0. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No. Lot No. Lot 1\To. Lot No. 10. Lot No. 11. Lot No.12. %%m) 'GOLLING'WOOD. sum swans. LotNo.1.' Lot No.14. Lot No.15, Lot No.16. L01: No. 1'7. Ixm1'n1srn1cnL1s'r m IIEFBRBNEB. A MERRY CHRISTMAS. Slnvin Talks. ` LONDON, Dec. 23.-8lavin, the pugilist, has arrived at Margate on his return from the battle with Smith. I -There was a good deal of . enthusiasm over him on his arrival and he made a speech, inwhich he said hewasagood deal more hurt by the roughs who indulged in the ruianly tactics common with A then than by Smith in the fight. S1avin s - backer assert that -Smith never hit Slavin ard that lie was hurt only by the crowd which heat Slavin because enraged at the defeat of 1 Smith. Slavin i now said to be ready tomeet ; Sullivan or any one and ght. for the * ahampiondnip of the world. I PUBLIC AUCTION. COLLINGWOOD. N EWMARKET. BARRIE. --v `- Gents mVv?hite Merino Underwear, 50c. on the $. Mantles 500. on the $. Silks co1o1_'ed 500. on Sa.tin ciE) 1E_'>red 50c. -on the S. V 8 pieces Mantle Cloths 50c. on the $. 2 Baskets of Ribbons 50c. on the 8. Co1 d Qashmere Hose 41 Piec'e sW]')'1V'ess Goods ' ` 50c. on the 3. Silk Plushes, color- ed, 50c. on the $. Slavin Chnllguizes Sullivan. 0 4 1 LONDON, Dec. 24.-Slavin challenges Sulli-_ 1 `van to ght for $2500 or $5000 a. side and the _ championship within six weeks. . _. .-.v `V. Dres"Ti5i1mings 500. A11 `\r\ Q Colorea V7661 Gloves ' A 500. on the $. Gent1e_>;:nen_ s`Fe1t Hats Gents`"WEie Shirts 50c. on the $. A 1ot__of. Gents Ties Knittd "ciol Goods A. _ 509. on the $. 3 u-..--\:--_. 'Ce_nts:A-Sii1:;:Handker- e35sg;;ag;`ta Shirts E1i'iEf;'50c. on the $7 5ag';7h.:`s.' O`c. on=t he 3. an u; g: -69'? VVLLIIAVIV 1151 VII ZIIIV 95K\?$Il\OVUV9l' In; the passengers with glass and splinters. The . can wereheavily laden withpa.uengersand.u' lumber ofladies fainted from freight, while -;1_er 20 of them were more -or less outshone < shoulders. `One gaggle" V IIIIB CAI! nnunng'I .2-haw) ' ` ' in ,::-- `- D+ecembfer.. 26% .1889. UV III-ID uluvounvuvo um uacagva. us. `two. -v ._ rica, says the Major did `nothing `to war- t the accusation against He merely repulsed hostile natives, among whose bag- gage after the ght three British ags were ` `found. Gomez asks Salisbury to await fur- .'A!.(.n.. 3.-ulna.-and-~Inn nnnnnrnincr the affair. 013 Linux: ,uu.I-up uuvuauut Bo Ill-IV IIVVII-Zia .,"uC II-lb` conscious for _severa.1 hoursundi reported i5o_ injuxiad. Upon the mm or the the pauangen. 713 I '3i.I1'Idytc)r, and most of than were '.Ajp_conti_nueLth\alrAjournoy. L ` % : I. Wllhnut Authority. ' '. T `A LONDON, Dec. 24.--A cablegram dated Ot- tawa, published in yesterday's Standa.rd,sta.tes - that the modus vivendi with the United States ' re the sherieswill notbemnewed by Canada, .- owing to Preddent Han'ion s inaction. Sir Charles Tupper says that this statement is without authority. _ A . W Vim LI-IV voyavaw VVIIE I XV 4o.m;1es _an hour} and the timber crashed through the car,.rak,ingV it broa. dside,'brea.k- lag every window sash on that sideandoovero C-no Cal-unnnnunnmniua nrH'.'h (an: Ant` un1nn*nn TEA `sermon Gomez REPLIES` To SALIS- auav-s Nora.` LONDON, Dec. 23.-Incorning vessels report temendousdgales on the Atlantic. 'The Brit- idl bark Ashlowf, from St. John, N.B,, which reached Queenstown to-day, lost pa.rt~of her ; deck load during the voyage and one of her ' seamen was drowned. The British bark Russia, from St. John, N.B., arrivedet _Lon- , dopderry to-dig-`severely*da1nuged. Two of 1 I her crew were ed and two disabled during I-lag Q-Avril-xiv nfnnnv 1-nan!-.I-unr lull`-lo 7` The Liberals call attention in a- forcible manner to the contrast between these words of truth and soberness " and the more recent and more famous Hottentot" deliveranoes. The Marquis of Salisbury `is best and most eectuelly eonfuted out of the mouth of Lord Robert Cecil. - ` ' \lICVV VVCIC2-IILVIL TI?` IlV'\' I 3357'. terribly stormy weather. LISBON, Dec. 23.-`-Senor Gomez, in his 'ep1y to the note of Lord Salisbury relative` o the movements of Major Serpa. Pinto in H.-__ --___ LL- -u'._.1--. .13.! `.....I-I..-up I-A wit-. BRUNSW|CK S WEALTH-' Tremendous Atlantic Gales- _-__ !\ , I1?! 1' 4, The lliuilylmauh. II`... 'l'\...-. 0! A- The llnadom's Wealth. . LONDON, Dec. 23. -Robert Giifen, the famous statistician, has read a paper before the Royal Statistical Society on the accumu- lated wealth of the kingdom. This amount- ed in roundnumbers in 1885 to ten billion pounds. This would give to each person in the kingdom a personal share amounting to 270. If the several countries were to be so rated England would be entitled to a_ head, Scotland to 243 and Ireland to 93. Comparing the decade ending with 1885 withthe two Erevious decades ending in 1875 and 1865, . Giifen `nds that in I nuvnnnuv :dunwvu nu` =I-unnnnng as` nnvndl-an` vvunnbnt` `kn A Netarlons Project. a Lennon, Dec. 23.--An increased activity on the part of the Thames police and a con- siderable addition to their number led to some alarming rumors. \ The authorities refuse to admit that anything extraordinary has occurred or is expected to happen, with the naturaleifect of increasing t e number of stories current. The one which is best an ported by circumstances is that the police have received information of a plot to low up a coal-laden vessel from Hamburg or Bremen. ` The gas companies have lately found it diicult to obtain coal from Eng- lish mines on account -of the boycott to which they are subjected by the coal handlers, and several cargoes have been imported in German bottoms which were manned and unloaded by German crews. Unable togain access to these for- eigneas, owing to the preventive meallll taken by the gas companies, the strikers, it is understood, determined to make such an example of one of the vessels as tordeter shipowners and sailors abroad from en- gaging in the business again. The com- anies have offered a large reward for `the etect-ion of any one en aged in the attempt to carry out such a ne arious project, and though possibly the threat to destroy "a ves- sel in "the crowded river, endangering many lives and property of immense value, was merely bluster, it has given added uneasi- ness to London merchants and..will add an- .other circumstance to those which-have con- tributed this year. to depress the "commerce of the world's greatest port. . V ' 7 f I I I I LI-I loll CK 1901 , HI`: `Jill-`VII IIIIKIB Fl-ICU III } every item an increase of ca. `tel marked the receding decade, whereas 1: e last decade owe numerous instances of a. decreue owing to agricultural and industrial depra- eion. Making a comparison of the riqheet three nations of the world Mr. Giifen nd: that the wealth per head of population `stands as. follows: [Great Britain 270, `I3-....p... 10 On.-A- UIICIHLI G5 > lUllUW 5 \Il.UQU J-ll `III France 190, United States 160. uxaucna IB UL! UU Luuuu Lu. IMO Lvvnuwu Catholic religion. An honorable friend beside me says it arises from the Irish people listening to demagogs, but when I look to the `northern states of America I see there people who listen to demagogs, but who undoubtedly "have not been wanting in material prosperity. It cannot be demagogs, Romanism or"the Celtic race. _What then, is it? I am afraid that the one thing which has been peculiar to Ireland has been the Government of Eng~ _-.j I! bique, written in July `last, in which he asks for a. passport or safe conduct for 9. journey to the interior of the country, o'ers to carry letters to Portuguese oicers _there, and _thaZ.nksthe Governor of Mozambique for his assistance and courtesy. The safe conduct . was given, and Johnston used it. The ; Portuguese allegation is, that while bearing ` l it he incited the Makslolo to revolt. ' `Elie Sorpa Plnio `tlucldon " LONDON, Dec. 23.-The Marquis of Salim 1 V bury has received Col. Evan Smith : report 5 giving the details of the Serpaw Pinto inci- ` dent, showing that it occurred in November 1 and w5.s reported by Pinto in 9. much modi- l ed form. - TIVL- 72-1.-.. ____.-._.. .___LI2-L` LL- 1.1.1.... .I The. Westlind Scandal. . LONDON, Dec. 23.-As a result of the secret examination in connection with the West End;sc'andal before the magistrate of the Bow Street Police Court Monday last, | , summonses have been issued for the arrest 1 of a solicitor named Arthur Newton, a I clerk in his employ named Taylor and an interpreter named De Gale, tor conspiracy to defeat justice. It is" understood that, Newton obtained funds for Hammond, the proprietor of tlie Cleveland street house in - which the scan '.al occurred, and for whose i arrest a warrant was issued, and assisted- ` him in reaching America. ' U `UL Illa WThe Lisbon papers publish` the letters of Johnston, the British Consul at Mozam- I_2___- .____2LL-__ 2-. `I __I__-I.'..A. 2.. .__L_'_L L- -_I__ his list, it will be seen, covers most of I the offences committed by the fugitives I from American 'nstice now sojourning in ` Canada. Shoul -the treat. be adopted, I ` the:-efore,.th`e Dominion wil no longer be.| favored with the sort of immigration from ` across the border which has been so fashion- 1 able of late years. A . _ ' .4 I 511% new 101' out: lauuu Uvuls Ill uuuv. 1 stamsmp column In the North sea. Loxnox, Dec. 23. --The `steamers Leeriiem` bound from Amsterdam to Buenos Ayren with 400 passengers, and_ Gen Quan Sh,` bound from Calcutta to Hamburg, co1lided-- 1 with each other in the North Sea. to-da.v,, and both sank. All aboard the two vesseluj were savei, and werp taken to Cuxhaven by_ the French steamer`Em-ma. T _ ` ' IUWQ 3 Murder, or attempte for, conspiracy to `murder. ' ` * -` ~ ` : Mansleu hter. , T , '. 'Counter eiting or alterin money,_ and i ut-tering;cou_nterfeit or altere money. . Larceny. T .. T . _ _ ` Embezzlemex`. _. ` - q ` . Obtaining money or goods under false, pretences. - V . Robbery. Burglary. ` Abduction. - I Arson. ' ` . * , ` 2 I I Train wrecking. Pirac . . Frau! committed by Q bailee`, banker, _ ` egnt, factor, trustee, or-member` or public I 0 car or any compa.ny,_ma.de criminal by ` an; law for the time being in force. ` I-n'n l:.o-_ 31-, 1:13" In: nnnn nnvnrn mnnl-. nf 1 . ` The cape n1tait,nobbery:tV [ t LoNnoN, Dec. 23. --The potatoice` authori-V 3. ties and the merchants` who owned the din-` i monds taken from the letter carrier Tuesday by robbers agree that the value of the gems` Llost was $40,000. ___.-u - The Russian GVovernme`nt has issued a. _de-.` cree imposing additional lixnimtions upon trac an the`Gernizm fx-onticr,`1na`.king they re _ lations go\`emii1gccnmxcrce -.Ll`:nost pro? | iitiva. . % ` A _j ~% q..\ '.u'- `A 11- A -list or the lllrences wine: at lsml;i:o;:(;6d' A g _' to Cover.- - - - WASHINGTON, Dec. T 23.--Tl_1e proposed- ,new ..;9xtaditin *t9atm..b*Wen .Gteat i Bri:a.i1fij"s.z1`d gthe'United St9;j`es;gg:rt_l.;s/' m`u1_y \ ` of the fouturs which` causga `Tne??`si-ejection j g of the former draft v treaty by the Senate ` 3 last spring. /The list of offences" which it i is proposed to make extraditable. is as `fol- ` b lows : \l -_..`,J-.. -.. ._A.L-._....L' -._ ____ ..:....--- L- The Ceuutue of curry ! children Defected In Their Suit, 1 LONDON, Dec. 23.-- The Brunswick Court haedimnissed the suit undertaken on behalf pfthe children at the Countess of Curry to recover the fortune of the late Duke of` Bruns- wick. The Duke Charles Frederick Augutus Wlieln died at Geneva in 1878. He was the elder ofitwo sons of the Brunswick"s Fated Chieftain". of Byron : lines--the Duke llkederick, who was killed at Quatre Bras. He succeeded to his father : title and; _ LL - .._._.!.... h..`-:. A. Du-eeoet1-:nlD ` V A'r111-ms, D;:T;`3r."--IiTl';pVo[r;;'sffl1a{'e`been re- ceived of fresh gighting at Sphakis, in-Crete,'. withmuny kill .v " A i l ` Ibis reported `mat. zo. :2uin`.>(.4:'_ piqers a1:`;..St:.Btwgbtz-,;1!.saa;:c-`by V on the chkre `of hi 1; "c:`:~`;:~`-4 .x.1.<>%. '!*.88i',n.s...t' 1:6 ? FBI... ....- Parnell at lluwal-den. . LONDON, Dec. 23.--`Mr. Parnell visited` Mr. Gladstone at Hewatden and goes to` Liverpool tomorrow to receive addresses` and make speeches; ' ` * I"" "0"" ' 1'. xm'v.1 -\`_?'r.'*v77`r"'?`..~ ielf usually` has no rivals. ,-,-`(V .-'m. s-:, 9 '__|'HE.. EX3TR'D|TI_ON A. Fighting in Cfete, DILIU H3 IIUII IJUULI UIJVJKIII-|`G6l-I150 ` _ ' `At the present moment there cannot be i less 500,000 people suffering from this ! disease in Europe. The Parisians have al- , most ceased to make fun over the disease. at There may be something comical about red ,3 noses and loud sneezing, but when one has to "y abed for days and howl over violent ab- dominal pains the laughter is apt to become `.somewhat- forced. A L I - .In Germany, from Hamburg to Munich, the inuenza is raging unchecked. Similar E news comes from Austria, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and Portugal,` but it is comfort- leing to know thatnotasingledeath waste- ` corded last week. Everywhere the favorite remedies seem to be antipyrine and quinine, in which just now there is an emphatic and tremendous boom. The most exalted sufferer is the German Emperor. ` ` _The-little King Alfonso of Spain, had an I attack which proved to be really serious; it i was not until yesterday that he was `allowed ~ to leave his cot, which by the way, is placed ' alongside the Queen Regent s own bed. `The v royal mother nursed the little` fellow with assiduous devotion. following the instruc- tions of the five physicians who had charge of the baby`king s case with the scrupulous care i of a hospital nurse. Alfonso s sisters had -a ' mild attack, and his aunt, the Infanta Eula- cia, was suffering at the same time. In Paris Roumania s poet Queen had been {'1 Ohnvuunm an`-vn s-:36-In I'u\acu4\In-n as-`J Inna I-{nan ll nvuv \II.I. :1. up wlnuruu `Luann vugnuv av uuv '\?el1ington_-street crossing yesterday. Th Garlands lost three children during the recent ` .Il.`|.&I. n-.3.` n-dpln-uuu'n All Germany Incomes. BEaL1N,Dec. g23.-The epidemic of inuenza now spread overevery part of Germany, ut is now worst in Hesse, Hanover, Thurin-. gia, and Saxony. In Potsdam, Stettin, Cas- . Bel, Frankfut, Freiburg, and Dresden at least half the garrison is affected. ~s - . It Must Be So. OTTAWA, Dec. 23.-I rof. E. Stone Wig- gins, the weather prophet, offers an ingenious ` theory for the outbreak of la grippe and Russian inuenza." He says it iscaused by the excessive carbon in the atmosphere, gen- erated by the earthquake which originated last `year in Japan, and which slowly moved l east around the globe.- V QUEBEC, Dec; 23.--It is learned on the bestof authority that the Mercier Govern- ment contemplate establishing a provincial geological survey to reports in a. de- tailed and minute manner of the different part: of the province. At present there are nearly 10,000,000 acres of crown lands. The stawillbe `composed of the `best talent available. The names 0: Dr. '1`. Sterry H_unt McFarlane are rhontioned in this connection. 'ID__ A `In 1\--n_<|,,, COMING HOME TO ROOST, one or Lord Salisbury : old speeches lla- ` f eartlnecl by the liberals. LONDON, Dec. 28.-The Liberal newspapers: V ave unearthed aspeech made by Lord ` ury twenty-five years ago, and are fmnng it toshowthat the Tory Premier at. "one time held very liberal views vrith regard to the Government of Ireland. The follow- ing extract is taken from this addrem de- vered at a time when, as Lord Robert` Cecil. e represented Stamford in the House of Commons: . 2 What is the reason, he asked, that a I ple with so beautiful a soil, withsuch , ormous resources as the Irish, lag so ,far behind the English in the race? Some say that it is to be found in the character of the Celtic race. but I look to France and I see a Celtic race there going. forward in the path of prosperity with most rapid strides, I believe at the present moment more rapidly than England herself. Some people say it is"to be found in the Roman Catholic religion, but I look to Belgium and there I see a people second to none in Europe, except the English, in industry ; singularly prosperous considering the small country they occupy ; having improved to the utznostthe natural resources of that country, but dis- tinguished among all I the people of Europe for the earnestness and intensity of their Roman Catholic belief. There.- fore I cannot say the cause 01,` -Irish distress is to be found in the Roman r1-s.I_-1_-- _.-1.-.._..._ A.`. 1.....L........"L1.. lain-mrl ill, rumor says with inuenza, and has been I ordered to spend the winter in Italy. A lnlclde of Disappointed Lover. | Ansrm, Tex., Dec. 23.-J. R. Kevan, a wealthy Englishman from Liverpool, blew f thetop of his head of! because the daughter ;o_ Captain Standetorthe, a retired English ooer living. here, refused to marry him. Kevan owned a large sheep ranche and his_ `:5 n Ir-u-ninlvnun 3-u T.3vvunwI\An1 Parisian Ilrnvef Attempts Io Escape the Epidemic -`-0_vAer 500.000 Eu ropuns S_uIl'er- ` int I`:-oAu_uIne Dilease-Iloynl Victims. [ LONDON, Dec. 23.-Europe is still -in the A inuenza s grip." Some experts say it is due , to the phenomenally mild weather, which been favorable to "breeding and nourish- ` ng certain germs which long ere this time ` of year should have been annihilated by frost. In Paris men "have painted their Jnoustaches with a preparation of pinol and . ve tried bravely to V give up smoking. 3 any vfamilies have tried keeping indoors with the doors and windows sealed, but the re- I Sult has not been encouraging. AF. fhn -rssuusnv-5 1-may-nnvsf I-`maa nnnnnf ha PI-emi_er' Miercieori Decides to Establish a _ Provincial Geological Survey. I\.._-....-. 11.. an `In. .1- 1_.___.1 ._ LL- ` Q1`! Gilli VTlUIjI Dmnorr, Dec. 2s.-1_mne Thatcher, tug tth victim of the Tilden school re, "died |thia afternoon. A11 danger was ap- nni-Anfflv nnat whnn n'h`In(vI vnnal {n `haw as-an VIII WI-VVI I-l\I_\II-It $2 W? '7 f V patently past when ablood vessel in her arm ' bprst and the great loss of blood with her debitdted eondition brought death. All the qhers are out of The coroner : jury it returned a. formal verdict, neither oensuring nit -Avnnlnnfina nnvnnn h _.C \iVl 3"! 99V! VI 550 V/IIC.k'.Wu 3 Sir John Thompson will spend Chriatrnaa I at Quebec, the guest of Sir `Adolphe Caron. `Una Mnnlrnnnan nn"l`l nn `\!.n f"I-c-Sn` Vlnlo duuynvunav div VV VII uh; dinner at Belleville. . ` An llnlorunulo Family. AMONTBEAL, -Dec. 24.-Th9 9-year-old son of Mr. !3_"aaf1and- of Point St. Charles had both { legs cut off by a. Grand Trunk engine at "2130 "!XTn1Hnml-nn_u+_-nan!-. Am":-uznfno vnufnrnv an avuv vunnvv V-. Eighutzeria epidemic. I18 EUUUUGIUU M) tun unuuvn .3 uuvav nun; became the reignin Duke of Brunswick -in 1823, but he misgoverned and was driven out in 1829. The German Diet gave his estates to his brother William. Charles led a loose and eccentric life and accumu- lated property, particularly diamonds. His diamonds were sold at his death for a very iargesum. He was never married, or at least, never otherwieethan morganatically. The mother of the children, in whose name the suit is brought, is alleged however to be a. legitimate daughter otathe Duke, and the -nu`-`A A0 nnnn urns: that nIn{vn' Thu Qunnnt; ` tion - day inQuebec West tor the Legislative As- . aembly. R; E. McGre_evy was nominated in the Oonservativ andfOwen Murphy in_ the Liberalinterest. L W` _ ~ I 24.-4Th`irty`cuaas at meaaleshuva deve 1`oped.a.'mongsls the boys at chixnsumion to'r moms: and -Dumb.- The .' previous amongst the girls. % '1'hochnJ`0 l8a.inst'W.._R.' ,~,druK18*.0tpreIorihin;..toro. customer was `uuniwedwith %th`e YUTV ll-IVIJA Mr. A. E. Dostaler, who was chosen by the Liberals to succeed Mr. Sylirester as member for Berthier, is the son of the late Hon. P. E. Minn curl-um nnvsnauan-`OAR I3.-u-A-Iu.X-- J_.__ LUIIS vv J.-avu, quln ,"&vlllE L40! 3 I Councillor at confederation for th ` of De Lanaudiere. `ii-'c'tue Vvvuvu IU lDl6\J 1` is a. banker in Liverpool. HI-Avvll I sunny; ; ; sun-ea wan Inaunpoua. , Tmmn: HAU'l_`E, Ind., Dec. 23..-Seco1_1d Baseman were and Left Fielder Thompson Oflast yearls Philadelphia. League Club to`- day`at Indianapolis signed. a. three years contract ata handsome increase of salary with,the'clu`b. ` ` 4-VI aux vvl um T;>r'ex:1 1p;tjng anyone. % `_QmcAGC`):`i)'ec:-`b:.:-,:&_a;"meet1- <"-;,g .,,.,;... ` council to-night Mayor Cregier sent in the name of ex-United States Marshall Marsh for Chief ot_ Police, vice Hubbard, reduced to ` an-slain V 0'r_'mwA, `Dec. 28.--It. was learned at, the `Customs Department to-day that S. J. Bell- amy, surveyor at the port of Prescott is "the holder of a; ticket which drawn 816,000 in. a. ilottery. `A ' A that has made the King of Saxony and the ` LIJLIIJIJIUU UCIIISIIIEI \II.-`V110 JJKEU `TEX VI-I9 `ground of action was that _c1a.im.' The Court on the contrary stands by. the law Duke` of Cumberland the beneciaries of the estates and vast personal fortune of the Duke; T b ` -rvvauulvun u 1 Q19: Nn.w.Yo1u:, Dec. 2E:'.-'John,L'u1nvm to- `dgydeclined-to box Jake Kilrain in New k duringlebrnary for $6000 a. a_id.o. R f A Ilrakemaa Killed. 81'. Tnons, Dec. 23.-Geo_rge Springstead, 40! Stony Creek, 9. brakeman on the Michigan ' Gent:-a.lgRa.i1way, was killed at Tilbonburg .So.turdayn1ght.' :._1 :1. i .. lT_S'LGTERM'S' Novumsusb av -"l'.HE `M|LD % .WEATHE R:_ , 1'10-Cabinet's" clnrlumu. OTTAWA, Dec. 23.-Hon. J. A. Chapleau is w -guvvvu, _uuv buuuv UL mu .:su.\u1.:uv Va; uu. on. Mackenzie Bbwell will eat his Christ- .L__ .I__-.. -5 `I)-`Ii-_21`I- Qiu-:B ac's` MINERALS. dobec Wei! Ifnincililatos. _. `l\-- 'Q0 II'II..!_ _._.A __--_ cI;ii}}:JSi:rIfeIT ... A lucky `Prescott Mun. T\,- l'\\ TL_.__. I__,, necnnoa mu. Tlnjnnln. `__._ 'I\,_ an `I, ,, LIIU Illll QIII-Illa I. Annovmn, Ma.ss., Dec. 25.-AsthePortia.nd from Boston was passing` a. freight; express _ I run on the Boston and Maine Railway _z;eo.r_ 1 here this evening, a heavy piece of timber L became unfastened from a freight our `and `struck the front end of rear qt` The Fifth Vlctlni. nggigyuu. m-xjm_. - ..m...g.~....: _ TEER STRAYED.--Strayed into the pre- mises of the undersigned. Lot 1l,tOon. 11. Flog. about the 15th of 0c'ober. a. yearling steer. The owner can have the same on prov- ing and paying expenses. otherwise he W sold. SABEAIEQKIDD. Sanrin P. O. {for from 10.80 to 12.30 in the foreman. the Ann claw vlnnvvo Viv; Sluwva, e, on Tuesdays, Thurednye and Saturdays Ulcers 0 50-10;) \J.I|l5n I \JVuB Leg. Vex-leoie Veins and Piles. -_ . A GEii'ER.Al'.~PRODU016. hindquartpra, percwI_:.._._._. ,.- ,. Beet, foreqnertera. per cwt..~.. .. . Dressed Hogs pet-owt.._\.'. .', .. .. Mutton. carcass, per` cwt...,.. .. .. Veal per Chickens Geese per lb...'. ........... Turkeysperlb.._..:................,. Bntter.roll,per LBPGDOPm........n....niu...u.. 'l`allowper1b........................ Eggs per dozen.................... P0tt088D6l'b3g............;....... Parsnipsnerbushel..... HEY - - c n - - I - I I 0 I1 - no cu `D8!t0n........uuun.-n... Staring Lamb.` perpound.. .; .; .. -.. ..- Tallow, Farmer's Cake. per 1b.. .. . Wool. washed; per 1b.. Flour. Bake:-'3, per ' F1our,Family,pe"rcwt............ Flour. Pastry. per 0Wt...'....'...u u o u u -- Cornmealpercwt.......... Cow or Steer`. Farmer's. per cwt. Cow or Steer. Trimmed. per cwt.. Sheepskinseachm................. No.1Vea.1Sk1na.per1b...._......;. nmms. " = Lamb Skins 53 pct uununu... C eesepex-!b...`...... Turkeys pa:-Ib....... Chiokensper Geese perlb......... Ducks per pa.ir..... Potatoesmerhag HAVING Ierved in the capacity of Council- lor to thesatisfation of the ratepayers of the Township of Inniaiil. I now appeal to them for their support and inuence in electing me to_the position of 2nd Deput -Reeve. I ..r .... pnnunt .1: Mnnnnnzmv, ULL S'l`RAYED.-St1-eyed into the premises of Thomas Ritchie. on Lot 6, Can. 9. Flos. on or about the lat of September. a yearling bull, red and white, with star on forehead; The owner can have the same by proving nronertv and navinsz exnenses. otherwise he 1nu gtwnerduun 18-VB sue BH.lll8tl:lgr{0Vllll1_ pro 8 y an Day 118 expenses. 0 56 Q. W11? be sold. THUS. RITCHIE. C0-52 ? TRANsATLANTIc ADvi'6iST n. V7; Wu D W111 DU Ill Birlallllllc in his omce. over Fraser, Clark 8c 00. : store, frnm Ill an tn `I9 MI in the fnrnnnnn, `Ulnar: n _ : A ~mnnm: anAm?nunxnrr. 'Wheat,o}d....,..._..........;...,.,;Q vWhe6t. new..;...;.;.`....;..`....... - n - . a-non ...-nouns.--0tint,-inc. - MllNll}lPALlTY_ll_F mmsnt 2ND DEPUTY- REEVESHIP- ' :`I'hef b gia .e'a.;1d:'!"- ' = 1 , ronto Markets the Weak. - I x { ..__'_.__ ~I\-- can soon ALI: . nu", yva UIlII"' Straw r ton. bundl Dre Hogs Mntfnn nar nwt-. -- . IKUJJI hxntye, Nov, 19. 1889. )R. W. W. BREMNER will be in attndsnce in his nnn Anni: Wnnanii (`lowly b (`In ,1: 'l'oronto_ runners In :-k'ot. ummannxnummLrH;g . -cup ; o o - u outs:-nnouo,oit_A .- Kw"-,`o9_ gnu` n c s o uo_n_oooouc.caqooouu 25-.9.-9` . . . . . . 6.... monsoon--0090 ` 10....` I IOIUIUICUII 180. CI on'ooouaanna 10.... ..uuOOllQlIIn 5-000 5 C IIIOIICIII coo-ooanuco , noon on 0000-: ten: n.. .. uwhmummnbuu mmumuumuum `By 0Wt...-........' 0-uouololoan yo 0Wt........i... ` . Emma.` ~` r.Farmer's. owt.. .Fmmmpucwm B0 00!! I I C I O..`C.II...I dual per mlotcpunolloi each.... A A Germnnfaper Attacks Stanley. . BERLIN, Dec. 23.-.-sThe National Zeittmg `attacks Stanley s statements in regard to Emin Pasha. It says these statements seem . to be made with the intention of replying to the reproach that Emin s embarrassments were caused in part by Stanley s appearance and his determination to rescue one who did not desire to be rescued, and that Emin must_ be heard in his own defence before con clusions are reached. ~