Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Feb 1889, p. 6

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LND At%J.;AHENDERsoN's. ?i'i7"5&"i 1- Vwsvn Jury... J`... .- _., -_ EE. 1511 :3. u`u:=:;i.-n ennrfimn AND 8jIf11:1;u`7xL5PYs7Rmr,f ELECTRO PLATE` KNIVES, -IS%SELLING- `:tor 9-} o-%" 4 . ABARRAU D BthweIl s B_lo,cIt, Barrle. else I luususy. . _ . To resume. The view that met us on looking out the next morning, after pass- ing Lyons, made us doubt if we were not back again in Canada. `A [veritable snow- storm was ragin `eve whore, Before we reached Marseil es, it_ tsdgll disap _ ared, even fronithe ground.` liV;l.hR`.P" l '90`: rain; At that cit `_ we 0 l`_ y fong enough to have a aitykii. ,t-dil1t__I_l;t as it was 11 o'clock and: :1v4e_w_e_1je h hr1_n5i_._ time. ` `x ;.i,:,$.. From Marseilles our` way ley almost continuously in si_gl}to!'thshlo "V the Mediterranean-'-rain. orjsn 2 ten shutting out the view."`,` It was no I contrast to emerge from a, dense one -I------- - --J Ann. "'1-uh'u'nun`oIn-.n`i`I\'m" mm PIIIZE nnni '_rI3Tn_|i Isano I885. from $3.00 tAoe$5*00 per dozeruj Permanent enlargements by a % Flew and beautiful pnjocess. on ' I ma: `Lx`v.`77Allun-u ysu-eet,'N. Y. PHOTO STUDIO! CABTN ETS swrram KING, Photo. III? S &I3\I.uau1o SK ATES, TI-IE: pleto. _ Gaskets and Cof- CEHIVIGIV Iltllslil-`ll! IILUIII D` \;:;IU;hIIl\II_I s orm,'an '-ourse yen: ` . `g pf `gm a grove or orange_ trees .3291! 13903353,- with palms, slos, veto, ii y9ry dibt_i1_.; On past Toulon, Ayerea (U0 whtoh tlier u a branch line), Gannon. Nice and Monte Carlo, till at 6 pm. we alightad here, very tired after our iourney of nearly 700 miles from Paris. ' T I____- _-`I-.I LL:_ -`-nn Am`Amn And` prices always in stock; All orders will re- ! chive olu-eftixl dttentlon. gconxrcgatlonal . . Church COLLIER ST. IAIIIIIE. of 0PPOBl'i'l TH! `%1 ix1i=1't.Lx'no" ` It w?:.,__: .-_._ ._..._...-_ {_._.___-.._.-_..- _.....__..._..._..._._._.._- ['i'lIE!lI0lITllEnllADVANOE 1 1-uivvni-uvnvm`I'\Tt1 D A fl'|`li`C Inuea IFUIII .I.'Il'l!o I have called this place Mentone the Itlililn fogm of the name, but it plpul be II --itnn lndudnn Inna Rlk` .U -UT I-fIU!,U-iutug U u--- - - --- - :- .j ADVERTISING RATES. ~;rujg;AnvANqn JIAS A CIRCULATION or TIIIBIEEN ntnfuhnn AN!) EIGIITY corms,` Almost. if not quite double than of any other . V Paper pppilahed in Barrie. G AbVlRT_I8EB8 snouua son: nus m_c'r.$t (12 lines solid nonpareil make ong inch). `TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. Fh-st'!nse'rtion', 10"cents per line. Each sub tinaerti 4 cc ts line. _ g noti?e.'. 10 cgntspgar line for first in- :G -cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. Inna!` nmna.-.1 and llnvawnmont nvorfina msemon o uge same mu-wt. Legal. cm] and Government advertise gnenps will be charged at above rates. ' ...-_-__ . L_. .__-__-..---.. .4. "' I coxnutrr ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the muowing rates, which are drafted on correct commercial prmeiples; and. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new oongncts utter -present. contracts expire. there vnll be only one twice for all: -' nnnvnovu - u u - . - - . . . . - v 5 Inches, } Column. 10 Inches, I Column 20 Inches. 1 Column . `For one month-the threemonthly rate with '15 gr cent`. added. an Hun vnnn9ha_tInn n-an mnnthlv I-aha {Inch ........... ..... lnohes .......... .. R 'f..-I.`.. I I1-I_..._ '15 1' cent; suaaa. or two months--the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. p:'n__n-._-z _-..:u...... 1.. cl... oxnnn mill ho .,_.__ _V .. . . _ _ - V . - ~ V V . _.. C"Pretorred positions i .t-he pa er will be sold lat an advance of one ird on :0. ve rates. "I`InhI Irnln nrnl ha nhmlnllv nnrrio nut. $10 II In BOVHJICC OI one (H1111 on ll-U1 This rule will be strictly carried out. _____.__ . ._.. _-- .--.....a. CONTRACT CHANGES. ' . Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to chan e advertisements must be handed in to the 0 ca not later than `Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the co y for such change must be in the Anvrscn: 0 cc not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser : announcement may not be made public until the week following. ,9II___LL- -II_._.-.I a . . . .... ILA! uuuiu mun 01 um unuw v uuy nu pquuuu uw . . D . Mouton huvin Ions bf .. S81 ? dinian t,o Frengh supizgmgay--.t` bug, be-T fore that uin. it was part of the princi- pality of om.oo._ It contains between 1n mm ....a 10 mn Iuhnhmntn. ~`~=:.`<;`..g U0 U9 LIJDILO pllllllv Hutu uuv vvvsn 3 any vv .ua Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising an thin outside their own regular business. ' hond they do so, transient rates will bebharged for such adver- ' tisoment I'I\\T'I'\`lP\?I'.I'\ AhvI'.1:|l\I``I:.M I.`.N'l`. . UUAVUIAAVUIJU auv nuuxaunuu--an .u- Condensed advertisements on First Page such as Wants of-all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, Sgecic Articles. Ew..Eto.. must be accom nip with the cash. and will be inserted-F rst xnsertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent r :word `names, addresses, and gures counte as words - but a reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions or the some matter exceed Fovn. NIUII Qv `avg vvuvn c.-uuv n C'iPrefcrred positic;-ns the ~ unl At. mn nrlvmn-.9. nf nne bird an n Lxuuaua buuu an; an... -.------,_,.,,_ `pblo Patents, m own invemi n, in Tru.s3~ V T es, Sfinal and lub Feet Instruments. Rupture-I W1 I guarantee tohold largest Rupmrr without touching your hip, no straps whatsoever. waterproof. largest stock of general Trusses also great Cluthe Spiral Trusses in stock. Reliable the system for omnmnto l_i|_{_p_IAll., _ A I .533 ggggg FE :.s:::.*:.;-.:`*y*:'::,:.m T 'h"gf'i{g'f{(t;1'Cg%he'S1:_rI:;lYT1:-'uis`=;;`1n stocx nan system __ SnInaIInstruments?L ` 2: md more eectlvo. ton born Club Feet( abentedi! ` Iwill provetoanybochwlnto tion :._ never did nor can stmlgh Club ~` . _- ' Feet. Sendscent stampstor Book. " CHAS. CLIITIIE, 1I8 King St. W., Toronto. I will visit prof: sslonally : BARBIE, Barrie House, Saturday. July 13. ORILLIA. Orillla House, Friday. July 12, giant Cluthe B pn-n1 '.I.`1'usse3 :1 ommnmo BY MAIL -IIIAI IIIn`fllIIIII*Qh`_f_ we we`; -.C-- I - i THE SCIENCE OF LIFE. the great Medical Work of the age on Manhood Ner- vous and Physical Deility. Premature Decline. Errors of Youth. and the untold miser- ies -consequent thereon. 300 moan R vn_. 125 m-escrintjons j.::_ umns The last 25 years I have adjusted more Trusses than an man in America. Valu- able invention, in pinal and - --A--- 1' V! .I nnnrnnfnn fn `hold 18112831} Rubturh 168 -consequent uluruuu. ouu s 8 170., 125 prescriptions or all diseases. Cloth, full gilt. oaly$1.00. bymail. seal- I-= . u ad. Illustrative sample free to all young and middle-aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled.Medal awarded to the author by the `National Medical Association. Address P. 0. Box 1835. Boston. Mass, or Dr. W. H. PAR- KER. graduate of Harvard Medical College. 25 I years raotioe In Boston. who may be consult- pa nnn dentiallv. Snecialty. Diseases of Man. ' $151`-E` 3_'e"1'3333?:i:T'vf;3'Ei'bB'3 &1Z ed con dentmlly. Specialty, Diseases of Man. Oice, No. 4. Bulnch St. V lv ondoo. 'oont|inI btweol 10,000 and 12.00010 0 t.'~:.` IOAKLEY PARK mm. No. of Inches F012 SALE! 14 n. czoncfs. mason, L.R.C.P..I.a.R.O.S.E.. Lecturer on the Eye, Enrand Th:-out. Trlnlt "` and T.f'a':?.?'.E,`&` 3.3.`. 3`% 001' 0 on an Au:-13 tothe Sick Children : hospmx, me cum 2.-.u,:s.-;.t--...~..I.::v-.1.I.;=:.:2. *;,;..**-.a-;*..ThH=,..v* ::uousNss, ovsrarsm INDIGESTION JAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS sm aueuuh, mzmaunu, HEADACHE. Allrllt tome 5101 Unuuxena noapluu, law uuun ool Anhtant Royal London hthalmio Hosp! . Moorooldn. and Con London Throa. on Eoroopu-.:. has removed to 60 (`allege Avenue. Toronto. Ma. be consulted with re- unnootoniseueo of e Eye. Ear Throat and ;..Nu`a_sl nuances. Ad ' 1 ,...; .3... smzuca. BOWELS of: BLOOD. > . '1'. 'ii1'iIi3'I'i T9{0'.,' }3|!iE $."E'!9!E rso ifxnnusteu vnngrv. .._..-n on-4'11-Cn\Yl\TI t\11I 71:31: -Jl V 'OJyUJI I aozvmmvana, gm, L `I!,I1fI#I!!5FI!?AIIIs!`I:n 1-;.Io:usz: rm. . " `- .. ?i~n'%`AaTIii'5'B"oLTo~, For further particulars apply to Special attention to C:-on mama Cats:-not hcartliy, Pepleruavmcarthy, nnnhiirn ("J an :21: . 1 '` ""'-"' """"' " -'"}KIDN1.'YS, 'ro'1i5f'33wIi'LrEgk u--n -n-nun n An P1-nndatorl. no CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. , ;rA,-_, ,_,A.._ __ ywg__`, QURE OR RELIEVE THROAT AN D NOSE. OR TO LEASE. - ----_ - ..-- ' , * 18 28 One 1'.nser- In_ser-It Inset nous. none. tloh. (3mos),(6mos).( .__.___i___...j.;._- n gig vv nvvr-' --rvv 'ost.|. For I apply to _j I'LU I I LHIIIU _ OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF 2 THE STOMACH, DRYNESS . OF THE SKIN; 5I'izii4ES: onorsv rLunEr$me l'|E YUI? IJ . mac: FOR ' 5 -'13 __ g- ~14? was The! mat wa The we:-a.!'hm.:!i ~ 92.0-printers. TORONT 55 *"'1II',_>'.'2 1's`241, jg: , ht: 1}: Canada LBAR1:u m. '@"!-Q-ire}-" - - i aatnotvllnpnritlon-In _As_ 1-:___.I -2 I1_-h.L I.-- ..-J ins, wu lllluvivwp IIlIII` nan v--g-_--;,p---g,_ v. ~ water frbm"Very dop ivllu. ..s!_m.1uc_1ux DT_!'I3-SO!,L_y;AT,,E!_I..__ .2Thii~ is veryv"u:iah1` oad:p:k'iau.#`66t` % {often vhery_,i_nu>,ure,\and is-1l1I8{.I,.t9 b`fl.: ` gin-dad with adsicion; idnltiv M l&n'dfI{ .with'ri0h managed sqilp. gtyag xv get eon-hl Lmlnhnu 4-Jinn. RAH: Jinlllh .n'|`A hi `int? has been ixi other mouiho, andtht joins Jay servant ma iv lggted _-_` ` Ijit pro 31-! '. . .\, -. A=...~'E.~'. ` 5:... 1.:.?....y..I..' .....,.....a -`-' BU lV|ll\lIlv|UV|vv -U I-uv vuvov-J vvuovwol .7.-. x ,3 V. :3 -orign` ` `n of--`-~-inipiiritiesd be oonvemently under four hesds, viz. :-(1) Substsnoes derived from the source; (2) Substances sdded dur-in`; the flow of the tutors in rivers`, osnsls, squeduots, or other conduits ; (3) Impur- ltlel oeused by storage in tsnks or reser- voirs; sad (4) Substances sddod during distribution ' from-T Tresewoirs, I either in pipes or wster barrels, or in house cis- terns. ' ---....--.__--1- awn n--.vvnnn n ind shallow well water often dbntainlilrge 'nitrat;s`, uulphdtug oizihatelhnd hlot- 'amount,.*-QMV ~-ialdwlyx. oxi di@ea,- forming nitric aoidud ,aKnmQnf1a.g . and in someone: even m01j0.,.`SuIpenfliQd` ' organiomatl'.er'is slaonoommom? '~'1`ues'altn CI\IV\I VI-DVD! UIZPUU-U , x. .-v-w Wm` ._.V_.,-' ` ICC V .with"rioh gqilp,;q,.xv 56:. none. tsining often. bpth "i find salts in huge quantity. Somuoilu don- tain potasuum, Iodinxn and ;n noaium nitrates andgivo up these uglty lugs ' qut_ntity- to wM:er.~ In t0wnIsnd.1mpng- the "habitation: _o._, men the wrfacej" water. quantities of caloinzn andmodium nitrxtep, ides. Ur`gnip`..matter.`e1iIts often. in l_u-gg `Ma.r|hn`vm':o`I" aliidyi "xitiiiii a larj` amount 9f vegetable organic matter ; not qlnusunlduind fromi12 to 40 gt-'aina',. are Avu-ia.blo..~ A _1itt.le calcium. orodinm nr'oombino;tion -with-carbonin`andaulphnxh _ ,3 3-. A...` -L1-L.:J_ --t I-`ans Ivan-` In-Inn` Tmf VI OWZIUICC .1 junj-:1 v_vwuvw-u_~.,-v.- 1 As the Barrie Board of Health has re- oognized the importance of 3 supply of good water in o1rder-- glut th9_,peop'lo __ma_.y be he" nlthy, we purpose glving some hots pwpitl} reference; to water from week to "_ .`. 2__.. _..`-I-A .uc.\LA W35`; 5" III IIUIEIK IV Ill_IIll'= IIIIVIV IWIJI from tho`);beiisuthoritieiunhygicno, uuo . as *V_Vil|uh,. sPn; ku and othexty tlthu been proved over over again thauinfllfng is so remuuentive as It-he outlgy w1icl -'_- A... _~. _A.'_`-.`. --IL`. ' yarn unnu- Iuvvnlwxs 013' awaken.` The goologicul formation of at dist! -iot necessarily Ain1enoes_thoAoom ' aition` of the water running t_hro\, t ouahiwin impouible to tall with absolute oeiainty nrhni this nnnnI{O,l\AhJ. I'll). IIIIPUIIIUID UU VUII VVLIIII piqwvauvw vgaypauu; what tha.:co.n~titnon!-, 9Y;~":\V-in, .IwL.. 56: Formations vary `greatly. and the broad features laid down bv geologists do. not alvyayisu ce f0P:\m9 \plll'p)`IC.\:`:hIlt~ the middle of a sandy district, yielding usual- ly in soft water, 1; hard selenitic water may. be found ;.and instead ofaia `pure calcium" carbonate water, a chalk may yield a water hardfrom calcium sulphate and iron. It is a great mistake to suppose that the` water from artesian wells ` is necessarily pure and suitable` for domestic purposes. It may be and usually is free from organic impurities, but it is seldom free from in- organic impurities, in the way of salts of various kinds. ~ ' __._-_.-_2LE-.. ...-_=A_ .n-ngn- Tn |,Wllvll IUIUFUHK. VU WDVVI 55`-"H " r week, and iud "imz Iolhall-eqAlI0t f:|}iU L`... .... 5|. .; k...o` .' n Hum-i tin-' . In h`|1ahnn_ nun VCIIIUUI lllluo v The composition. variea greatly. V In` somecases the water is so highly charged with saline matter as to be undrinkable ;. the waters of the artesianawell at'Gr-enelle contains enough sodium and potassium carbonates to make it alkaline; there is also often a considerable amount of free or saline ammonia. In- some cases the water contains an appreciable amount of iron ; in other cases, especially when drawn from the lower part of the chalk, or the green sand below it, it is compara- tivelylpure. The aeration of the viteriis A.nn nuulnaonl-A nnmntimnl nil_. of. LGE UIVUI I-A|$Vo Lu`? uvlvu vs vuv w- 5 W } often modoute -gptgimas nil, :, Thi: 0;: ton militstg as T i omlbyment of waterfrom'v`erydeo1 )` walla. ` " . 7` l!l"(!UlllI-llihlvu ` Wl.It|.I`UDl'UVu IV uuuuvuuufu u. - in. acid ap ohfloridp arh tye ;nost.;u9.u,a_l... Rain-amen: may `be conh.m1natodsby`vuh- ing,,,_th.e_air, it.,,a.1ls,.throug`l_ 1, but more by tnhqf anffaq' on which it in, _ 3,} 9 (}c-; v d ay'tng"`le`uves, bird droppiugaf. aobt'or ML... .;m.Mm- nn than rnnfn of hnmuan: it Olylug IUIVUB, uuu ul.Uyyu.s5u, . uvvv vs other matter on the roofs of houses; it also takes lead `from lead` `coatings and ! pipes, and .zinc. from : roofs.` -Alluviall - waters are generally impure. (Alluvium .` is'ge`uerally`a mixt'u're of sand and clay.) ' These waters contain calcium carbonate ` and sulphate,'ma `sium sulpliste, sodium f chloride and car onate, iron`, silica, and ` often much organic matter. Occasionally` i the organic matter oxidizes rapidly into ` nitrates,_ and if the amount of sodium chloride is large. it might be supposed that the water had been contaminated with sewage. The amount of solids per gallon variea from 20 to 120 grains, or - even more. - - Scott : Emulsion A more OoIl,pver~0l1. ' witnn nospmus.-we , . as For Children and Pulmonarw Troubles. Dr. W. S. Hey, Point Pleasant. .Va.. says V: HI `mnvvn maa n Han`!-nun}: hull! with Snntf. n U1`. W. B. nay, .l.'uuu J. muuauu. vv. Van. ouynv. I have made a thorou h test with Scott's Emulsion in Pulmonary roubles and General Debility, and have been `astonished at the good results, for children with Rickets or l........-nun {G {u nnonnnnml put I111 in 500.. OOQ I'Blll.lD3,. lUl' cuuurcu vuuu uu_.nou.u Us o.rasmug.,1t 41:-1 unequalled Put up In 50c. and $1 8120., . ' A = `_ UIWUI IDII UIIUUIDVI ' pry wvg ........_ ._qnus tour damn ggo s1:&'1h iiogngog dz-ad fi: " aynq bro 1 1: must; 3. `tr 9 ant `qt overwpg England` ' h_; Willmn -~Noiway" `tetra 6Wqd,bdut'Wq`hhn'-r` % P % 9 if .13. . .. "`l l"?3}:'-.`A_'.1 EEK ` :hb?1:-213% it`: 1?1ghp' `*1 -'ru' 11 k- % }`-9=@!31""g,;A'Z*i;!` th-ii !P&:-}*.'i ntetorykot em rm. . 4) `Rats, like the huipen race, it eeeriis, supposed `to hnve come originally from Asia. Doubtl'e u '5 pair of them inhabited the hold of Noah's Ark during the deluge; They may be divided into two great varieties, the black and the brown. , The black rat entered Eprgpe b wgypf Astra.- ..I...a -has aanmpizuman um broth rdr` :,iiid' thof " ac- companied theHsn'overian' dha.aty iii` its vonue across the chgnnel. he not: are hnwriou..-.~:;'rE v"m.% 2` 1 . ,....,~n...,..w.,..;.::..,1..'.**. ;.tw,s.... .. . voyage ICFOII lill culuuu. Luv I.-won uuv -1_2-__ LS. \-L-`I-nrnnnn='n- tunic!` DV`l`. Ki ` OUIIIDIIIIUII (ell! lllluuvvunu u uuuv; u. "- [ voyage _gha channel. facts I 1.5.9.-in-L-,'l`lIin-hrnsn avntmhnial lunar ' s`nd`oro`rhtn~ha~blnci ulhout driv_gnhiq~wep ;o9\_uin,out, pxiuiop, It.i|'n`ot Va ` 'n1"`sn'y*yahriIl ooftho me man rat in this country won the. black vmety with the long tail and big ear, sad the brown rats were only known ufohip rats" or dook rntn. But in nooo with the principle of the survivnl at tlioif ttentn oy hqenlreody spread. ovor all 41... M tkllhah" nub--9.0- zhgmgnngrng IIUUIV Ill? II-IV ulnvwvp wrnwuvv-. ..... uh.-n kn Innn u: rntit e;::;;>::io;:.l`);:||;:: -um` _ everywhere in the weke of dl J5 nnnnqmnnnn .-. I u ; .~;s.agg,,gg. . " ;i.:i`m:`9%{*:a%::".%:5::9:: ..1.:n:_...-. - 1...... J);-in 1'0!-And IIVBIIIIIDOII D > WKUUIIIIIB IIIIUIII CU Iunavv ah'V .5:-ins ndrat but ` 5}? troln8e`:douIly $.03 73 3 our below the? at vometl. ` t lucid that the frogs, Iormorly plentiful in Ireland, hsvo been eaten clean ofjtho Emonlxl lulu by U DIIUQIJJ IIIIUCII. V190 tn 1:.` 7:. gjpop nt:.; .1?L1aa mm? ble ii-IE3] VB`! --3 The followin letters -addressed tofrtho Editor of Tax onruann Anvsnol, haw been received tor publication; pp A nettersrrom-Abroad. `V ' . (Continued) 1 Montana, France Feb. 21st, 1333.} The view from our windows thismorn- ing is one not to be conceived, from more description ; fso that, unless you h;v: see!!! it, you can or!!! yponpepti, o t. . do not purpose ingi ' _ . tor upon any ` elaborate db s6rij >tibn"`-:61 scenery or anything else. but simply to state in as plain and simple a way as I can what may recall` past scenes to those who have been over the same ground -You may nd books of travel, desoribin in glowing colors all the beauties of t ese exam lovely spots, written by those who have` had ample leisure for the ]w0rk,""elth`er when visiting the places themselves, -`or -afterwards in the quiet and leisure oftheir own homes-%-to these I refer you. But in in such a case, even with all the word.- painting possible, you may not gain an accurate idea or form a-propericonoeptifon ot the laces themselves. Whereas, to those w 0 have been already -overthe grounds, a. few simple-words willsometimes vividly and pleasurablyi recall those scenes in all their beauty, though long goneby. - H... s... ...1...s tun -an 'l`n Hm loft and die of the Valle principally. and they have been view by 3- rest many people. frhey egnnot underatan A;ghy_.the forms of -{he ~jnf.|it';o, if e' Ir-by called`, are so much more acreage there `then on the Moja.ve_ desert. Everybody}: in awe..of T zthc 'nue`y,g`ind5thexea_qg_ __ glltygfov men -'ho'iiev'er ileflvy they"` ` orditia'i`iT |:ivh`6rI:*7ts9]t1? - * A A ' .3 , ..-. 245% : -_ .1 Z , ._L:` . 1:9 " V"""" _ V5 ; L` __ i md I defy n`y`"" m `_i:,' seen "of mind he may be, to go in there. and not think he bx! gn_t eb_m_ gets 00*.` ~TlII)il ' _ ,9 P .'!!,!,` 199.9! "8: I g i. ufimg Wide} xi IS?! A : y,` .._rn inc:-an e on the east and lay mr of Sierra Magdga- lena: on the we_st.-- `There is no wellgdened 'tr`ail- through the`heart"of`-`it? - The valley is a desert. The surrounding mountains arederribly serrated. cut `up. The peaks are ` jagged. Altogether the sur- roundings are very aweirii -`ind forbidding. "Leaving Fisk's ranch on the trail at the footof{tlI?e siiuwddllh you climb an easy grade to Dead Man's Pass the en- `*tt9ne,.!o `Q39-7311935 ..Go.9n~9.9n3 pretty ` soon you see lakes and running `rivers. and green borders. and ying water fowl. ' - Willows - spring mp 'here`and~,thcrs,~. and `in the distance you see water lilies. What you behold contrasts-nely with `the rug- " ged-"`m6untains;`and*yon`-are-charmed and go on thinking you have struck an earthly paradise. Indian camps appear in view ` and lithe oarsmen `propel fantastic craft upon the waters, Advancing still farther you see dim outlined forms, things whose outlines you can hardly express in words. Sombre countenances gleam at you from the air above. The lakes and rivers and the pallid faces shift and change before your eyes. Sometimes `a dozen of the more or less dimly outlined`. forms be seen and the pantomine reminds you of a strange . hobgoblin dance. Sometimes a storm brews in the valley, and then the scene is all .the more terrible. Forked lightning blazes about, and strange un- couth ' animals, differing from any you have ever read about, are to be seen there. These phenomena are seen for a stretch of about fteen miles up and down the mid- valleykprincipslly. ' I- L-..... Ln-.. nuuu n n .nIsAn . Innlr nnnnha _ ._ V T .'l',UP;i1|`l.1ll`lII;||0'l-- .: , , Inthe oerreipondenohcblumn of Science there haaof late been much discussion as -to the nature of the curious" haze whiohja Joften seen in_-A1p,iI.19j 9-nsly oher*p('x_tu `of the _91dMwq;1d, Thu`, haze, mdatt diitiqet` at manning` d;e_,v`ening', does noti-`teem; to Be cloud`-11 e in ita"natur6,"for it ia`evide;it_- + )y*"`njt cpgpoaed ii! vapor. `It'ha s _een}nggep \th`at'it,-ia,tamoke, bpt there .4; '_ `_'.. $:.A"`:L`L= '.:|A \. ' Ki v 3% Jdiohilneon, the pioneer _ Bernerdino,` -the other dey to a reporter st the PaleoeHotel.`:th`ere ereithe most remarkable miregee known in the wovld. The wonderful mirage: of the Moj we desert have been talked about 3 good deal and they are entitled to all the prominence they have had. But those of Jim -Jam Vulleyere fer more wonderful than these. It..,,ia. o,1_ll_ed Jinn-;Ja`m Vldlepbeoeuae of `huh A>-uulnean"-"`.:i|i-Q3110`? ant` I nit 99.-M-9n5 by .; L ,Q_ ,'*T In-= Ohms; _;I;gt-`-V;.dued-%>-and Jdiinty`. $u'd:in Siam 'th9=l1_uh;ni ,a;gj;%I;e`ps?ui.j..pes;.iuacesd of .ha.f.a- ' " uq .VD`vV|Q_ _ gnu Iaufr _b99n nu geptgd thug i,_~u,smok'e, byt =9 rq;'69 . _ov.! fh;-:nf1`i.:_r ' $611 !J`9qhx288 y_i_g1d_`tl_1e ghundant smo e 0 ton fouhd",.ii1 2 ` if `'A".xA.(_" ..r.(~.`Il`l:.I.E.I`..A`.`...u ii7?'. $3539 '!'f3-'ffis3fY;'._"53:-11'? V yieid the foudgn this bunsri. { 'M.i'4`nt5 um*AhB;ato:aag4 M "goats, in __th_e_A last numkriof Ndturg that such peculiar haze `abQ`:In.5I;i'!=3y:f9n+ tries, and _that it has special named in .Porwuuae. ..i :i>tspiah. .inf't *Baa1ixib language. _iq Ethgopun, Germalfand else- wheten H6 V'11ot.ea..~3hat the-"":Eh_i'opi.sng compare itfwith smoke but regujd it as d_in1ncUrouj 1*. L _` 9 V `M A Alnlnm-n any-Ann with Prof. "l'vndLa.1 llistinctjronj 1*. _ . T M. d Abbadie agrees with Prof. Tyndal Mist this " haze `_ commonly appears in l'ioi'iso'ntal layers, often of a similar form. He notes the fact that Ethiopian scholars in -commenting :61`: `the 10th chapter of ~uu..-.1.... .-s..4... 4-Int Hm an-lznnnn I-nfnrratd `ally free from we b "natives of coiitr HI 'O0l1lIl1BIlI:lllg `Uu vuu LVUII vuuyvva us Exodus, `state that the darkness referred to in the 22nd verse wasan intense form of this haze, to which they give the name qobnr. They_ further more explain that the` light enjoyed by the children? of Isrenl is fully borne out by the fact that the qobar may sometimes be present in one place ;and absent in another. The learned writer suggests that this A} ' e he -notes the in I " bound ire remarkably swbirthy, an'd"ashs the question whether or not it-operates to darken nen s skin`. The Suggestion is probably oi no value, except from its amusing nature. That a haze `which is always. high shove the earth could serve in any';way .to darken men's skins, when we know .thst-slichttdarkening is suioient- ly ebeted by"the sun's rayselone, is t! e j very extremityofgspeoulation. _ 1. ;. e...m.I. chili. for-our observers in Vfy 0.I5l'IlI.|ltoy Ul.`.I1)UUuul0|vuo , It is worth whlle for our observers this country to make eomeetudy of this haze. It prbbebly occurs m the m' . one part: of America as well as elsewhere; .. as it 4. wanting` in our conntrv. that In 811 U161!` uuluuy, uuuugu eves. `uni; urn Now for what we see. To the left an in the middle background lies the beautie ful Mediterranean, with its waters of blue, sparkling and shimmering in the morning sunlight. To the right rises the Alpes Maritimes, with their snowy tops lighted up by the same sunlight, In the middle distance lies nestled the pretty village of Mentone, sloping up from the water to the foot of the rising ground, on which stands our hotel. a `Thence upwards in the immediate foreground are groves of orange and lemon trees laden with golden fruit, reaching up to the very `windows of the- hotel--with here -and there among them a pretty villa only partly revealed to view. 1: n m'|u nnntmurtina than Tll!'."cmK"mIIUI"`iIHDI ' ent"o`f" urd . _ an " spur %na;..?f':eT'-'?}': o %33veu ,`~e}.' 5% g ---- --.4: a...,4...-...| ngsvuitnn 7|r__,.Ar[ng Oul p`!'5I OI AIIIBIIUI BB vvuu III Uuavvvuvnv, or if it is wanting in our country, fnot of itself will be an important observa- %'$ .:.Ee?2:`:?;i 3? 3$e?rT"ta?b'ei:i 2,-;z=t.:..n122`_*3tz.e'.:.!!..:';;...g 5% ""',..,~ . . .i .t.:en9xt.1!e:eetie I f f_`g`f`?8ndeajttet{tw.:dIj~A,.-,j_ Tug * they m'etinu.:eld;- In all th ' they were ugggpepuful, be-j N 2'. tu . m d aoooxp-, 'h the ' . e lthxf; _4..|_.....I_..L._ .1... -an Ix gtitionf. in Running _ iifbacludadj`-'Jiui-Jam `T IJIUDDJ Vlll Uluy 110531 Ivvuuavu vu vpvwo I cannot help mentally contrasting the view which you now have (snow and ice holding away everywhere), and therefore enjoying all the more [what lies spread out wefgre me. ' ,_,,,;l.!._ 4- ._-_ -- .'l..I:..L |...Il.. In-nnC:nn IOIIIBWIIIIUI UU uruuuuy an . mggeats f ,, ; .~y air, gvhigh. as `g ` " ` U - . ` " - '1 y - I \ -. H*A@R%DTrM%E$oAR ED TO DEATH % --AT rn NEW-L-s B001: ANDSHOE STORE - Just let me wmgr. It will dozyou to see ourbxg stock of Fall Attrsctzons, con- sintin 'of the 4g,1il1'l_,8 11d F105 _ . "1 ti . , eople are saying mpngy and Iecunng the,boatby purchuxng trom our choxce ec on: m _~____ _-.._ 1.."-- A.----`an inn-nnn Allrnllllni ETD [Th . _ IIIIIIIG 3'": gnu?! Vhll I` DIIII IUD-DuIw' w I-1-v--v--. -- w. -- -- ~ Animmenae variety in `allonr departments. V 'l'he.lending novelties and standard styles `of thoteeaaon. ' Prices thovloweat ever known for retclaaa goods. Custom work; of every description guaranteed first-clans in everymartionlar. ' I `And don't forget that there will be no` hard times for you if you buy of Bmjnr a Block, 1 Doo_r of th:'3.?rie Hotel. ` - _ *'* - 1- -__.... `H ' . IJI i 6- -awxmxiaxsny.`-J . ~ ~* , WBIUPU I119. - Everything was so delightfully tempting that I needs mast hurry outto be in the middle of it, as it were, before I could think of breakfast. The breezy call of incense-breathing morn " hereingight have- tempted out the variant slggard, `even were the scene not new to him--show much mere me, who, constitutionally, am not a lie-a-bed," and to when) senferyly `tliis sort has always been a wonderful ; , tlon. One or two pee s ; reiiilIIed:"Ine : (though it was scenery o 'a dieront char- actor) of < another morning walk (in `Jn`ne): years ago, in the neighborhood of Amble- side, on Lake Windermere. `1'here,_ the lovely laburnums, with their droodpiug showers of gold-here the orange an the lemon ; there, the placid waters of the lake , --here, the `moving waters of the `;`,tid.eless.. sea ; but, both here and there, the saine` delicious and retreshing morning air, `stir-_ ring the blood and rousing latent energies with-its pure ozone. ;(No,_w, if you are av late riser, you will never realize- that .all this`? is __in solemn earnest_.) l __ u_.-_ .__L.--.|......A"......nT ..'1:Hln' }C[lRIS;'I`MAS G00l)S!| CRUETS, $19.00 BEROoM sumas: n. *DOUGALI., _ 1nx;.1?(_')ie";;s:1z, w;:1oL13;Vs;aALi: AND RETAIL DEALER IN Avhjolcosranilsj :of - Vlygtes, Llqugrs ;_a,nd cigars, nm: on) BYIjANl_)<"MkL'l` wnxsxus. SW7-x tum Ann cnxsm ms. xxx roam. I et"Medera.te_ Prices. We buy for cash end eell_ 9; euh-ogly,ib,y__go ye xwil_l,heve= no bad debts, and can give our customers m?t9n6@t~v1 9-ens: : . deliveted in? "'3 Pm 9* *1 Tm- "`"- - 1- ~- -` I`!-..;.....`:..3a...4:nn : `E .__...j -' -: : ----`n-1jIj rsanru H-IIIUQ - A\`lVV\ID ylvuvvgvu no-V --`-' r.-- - . MARRIN. L: 0 \n . {=12-I -j ' ..-___---j_--. _ ... `.--up in .-yak-n` . '1-s1-v-17-r kqw`. `.._~ .. . . ;~u..J .`,. _... . . . T~jo:mI I1*o~'rv e ism: :: -='~~ ":. ' .. _5g_;_ j:j~*.' Q`. 3, ), .. K H .- .. 1 W STORE. m-urns:-m nnsuunmsnmea v : PRICES. ` i.m;.>a;.z 1-.-:w :14,*.2\; -.1-nun-.91-.A1'IiIn1a T. U115. {I111 " uuwluu UQIIIQUBDQ ; Having thus uuburdenenyaelf _a1iple, I must go back. My last was from Paris,` where I came to myself in-the middle of a description of some lctureq in t_h,e.} Louvre-to your great _re1ef, I have: g19__ dogyt. A ` , ,, * - 1., --_3_... _. _.3.`. L. -1.`-..1:;n\nu\n `Inn :U1 % y % FORKS, % fsPo0~Ns,, 4 BUTTER C0OLERS,A&.c. Also` a quantity of swxss WATCHES and Owens, 'l"' "V "".f"'h ."'_`J-I "' """'."_'p ""-" "'u r ' -~ - n . _B00'lS AI_D"8I'|_0f_s SLIPPEIS, WBBER8, OVERSIIOES. ETD" ETC. ,,, s__-_'A..._..A... ll"L- l..-J2..... ..--uJ6:n- nun` nfnnann tannin turn 1-: .3 _ , I W I --'2 ` `.,":X"'.".. '. - ) ;9 l1i1L4|" 75% Ski: . ' ' ' ' A `DE*`R T A K E R I ' 7 :1 I :l'.'`' ' I `V I . . ` I V: % 1` ~ I `Funeralufurnished com- ? . Ht ..- - .1! plate. Cuketlsnd Cof- . *2 'nt "7 M}! 9 ..``:!ll 1 ,~ : ~ .1 `ml; ' n v IIHLRHI .1:-_'.-'4` AT4|4 MULCASTER ST. IT WILL PAY You '1fo SEE THOSE CUTLERY. z R! and Vcusumn. J ES .-I1`- L B];I_S I-IE_ZE ) `.1368. A oU'rI_I sum COLLIER srnnm, No. _129. ' endeavoring to removeit, will calmly sit UUUUUO Having no wish to stay: longer," we at 7.15 on the `night of the-19,th. hy,,~tlie"' i Marseilles express--a grand mistake, as`. we had to pay 2 45., each for'o\1r coupe -: lit, just eleven times what anight on.o`ne' . of our Canadian Pullmans would cost-r. and far inferior accommodation.-t The carriage, too, was dense with tobacco . smoke, and on my remonstratiug with the ` porter-, he assured me in his politest way- that no one `was allowed to smolge after 11 }').7I1~. It was then not 8 o'clock. You can therefore imagine what pcor`A.~` had to endure. Next morning at daybreak they were all at it again. Why is It that smoking makes men so intensely selsh on that point? And they are the same every- where. Men who would feel ill at case if they `knowingly allowed a lady`-to suffer ever such a slight inconvenience` without and poison the surrounding atmosphere with tobacco smoke, regardless of the in- dignant looks and `muttered remarks of the ladies about themmand this whether on the deck of a crowded steamer, the top of a stage coach. or some other place where their victims cannot escape them. Sic utcntua, etc.. is an axiom they might well study. -To `save anyone trouble in looking this up, I may say that it en-. joins us to avoid those pleasures which can only be had at the expense of someone else s misery. T- -n-nan 'l`lm ulmir lzhnh mat nu rm`

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