-_ __., -_ - .v ....-..u-- Fredericlc-"'": Pratt, 424 Washington street, Boston, writes: My daughter was prostrated with nervous debility. Ayer`s Sarsaparilla. restored her ,to health." Is sending thousands annually -to the insane asylum ; and the doctors say this trouble is alarmingly on the increase. The usual remedies, while they may give temporary relief, are likelyto do more harm than good. What is needed is an Alterative and Blood-purier. Aye:- s Sarsaparilla. "is incomparably the best. It corrects thosevdisturbances in the circulation which cause sleepless- ness, gives increased vitality, and re- stores the nervous system to a healthful condition. ' William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., was cured of nervousness and sieeplessriess by taking Ayet- s Sarsaparilla for about two months, during which time his weight increased over twenty pounds. Ayer s_grsaparil|a, PREPARED i3Y Dr; J. C. Ayer 8; Co.. Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles, $5. a|LLETT2s A Hanna:-urn '~Ruornn'd`Sdauon`Gmunn: .ol: on!ghrt'-. \Tnt . `. A` .1` i" !\ I";t`,.'-.') .- fv. 1. rr 3-.*~+ mu uenenu yum j % my. Put 1 v gemb1e.;:nigh1y:;0onoentrated. 6 y Pieasant, Effectugl. Sate. cl. . up out-1vcr an-M 5iPN"-. .._.._----Inn-an D-inn. I'CII$$p'T.I>l_In-vuavv-_--r_-7 -_-- - - Ready for use in any quantity. For making- Soap, Softening Water, Dlphx teotlng,a:n`d a. hundred other uses, can-equals 90 pounds Salxsoda, a_n.1 1.`... -11 t1.......... and `I\wnoavInI*s_ ioi.'< I?" L Aid-r &n "jg -"- .QI 9:551; srlioncssty ~B'E'ST- Cu - _ 3__ 1-.. ~__.._ 1.. ___ ..._n-.484-o 'Ii`n1I w`:'a`.?1? Zi'1`w=.".L`I.7r'sa;'.I;i7"1 >'.-..ggn"' ats. :a.w.Gn.I.rm'-.t - % Tonon-no. .-.::.1 want of Sleep SKATES, SKATES I DR. ii3`s;;ER~s ____.. _ ____4 4:-- .. '.' 0. - 5. a._9-\ ,- . .o .7:.;~:: :3 .1 . (1-...-.-.. or.` J3 J`-(A- 1. A s -1': n it Wu addrew 7.i.'~ o.0,|;vIs|iiv|:LL.sV pg-cc:-gen --Ar" - nun -n':Ivnnv`n~ In TIWTUUI V rm" :3 r.2-.'.- ._ .1 `J Lil! )'i f1F.'iY Liver Complaint, ` Dysgpnsia, ilionsness, ~ Sick Headache. Kidney Troubles, Rheumatism. ' Skin Diseases and all Impurities of the .Blood from what- ever cause arising. `Iron lrnnnnnn - remzue Weaknesses Mid. General Debi- ' Htv |c%U R551 We have just opened. out a large consignment of the celebrated . % ACME CLUB SKATES 2 BUILDERS HARDWARE, BLACKSMl'l`HS , CARRIAGE MAKERS AND MILL `SUPPLIES McALI.%lSTER,%STORY & cg. General Hardware .' of the E E? "not par- _. nt, on otenesa, E rapidly ir near distnt ated at; aversed - irt` 171:`.-'.% Wi;'S'E`""" ax . ; 4' .. nix-w 5-aonaxln s1.~.:;u:=;" on 2.: 3 ""` 3" 3`) `M ; ` "Y" ` "` - ' ' 3:, 1 r _ ` "I ; L`. , g;,.iMA1m.;R,,,9ILs umnisaoiawmawsvmmu onauuu-2 ~1 iA$ 8 oifti [(50 91" <' VIAW mo }x&=I`~79i`.1 '32: ;v:~:- r..' :1 *:'> - `*7 .1 I r 4 ---"z!.=.i.rwr:' .`r;~. r"'r_' '. 1" '3.:`.: =..'*.::.=,-;`: hp. Christ__ma --w -y-_._ .____ .FoR3 5mriAueE 5!-' BusIuss PREMISES! -- T Z 7 You will `and us :x:""1"1`f1';`.`s"oU?1`H s1DE% OF.i)UNLOP "sT.. `3 ...i.mmediat_1y opposite J. G. STRONGfS Dry Goods Store. 5 - _in'vited-tg call and see*usVin .om-L nay premises. . 4 "HI ' "V Ii`. L `.__-__..... `g; - - - - -n- g:-Q-Aug` i:g~ dqv:'a'y': 7 Josmv LEI_g_H'r0N, ` --- -- -- -;.-g,7 A/L3. MT:`f?BAiBB|%EVv=AND STR-@",3A-I % V ` f\oo`m-`ms L " `BEETS OF-ALL Knms . -I-_` _1`.:'. .'.._v ID.'.I-.I... nu}..- _ U LU Vvlunnsll nuv-vvvu wv w-- --- 7 yautn1Ipw_mI%iig2Fw*ou caiiuot v - g M -n Afizer Ja-n1!:!:rS' F}?9Fi1`St 1.3.88 A. .. `pf .-.ruxt_'\,'1\-In 1\-r, .\ r.t\i1' `o ng 0`: ere . on- e settl r thigh`; ' T BEAVER SAW WORKS, Hamilton, Out. '-9 sous AGENTS, BARRIE. .3 . ~- _ _ V _ ____-.- I ' - Em ~,01l:Q.q9l|_l?g1_1,!h!mtdJj.hy`IIo0OLL mu '3OFI"118 -`I*v"lq4.=... ` uni (,\,.'3 1` '? 3-`K? .` '.,'=` 1;`. - 2;` -`]-A -dtilrhlt-AI-I av wwWmVTWW` mug; -,. 300 ixda-.IV9FH `$9.3 11:15 i `fr. _,.-3-`n`r_*r{{:_.:;VyV ,(3 _%q,_,.p,._~r: .: {IV} `,_._.:.,(`, fr: -L` LI -I-Il V -51 --_a nun`: -`- u stmas and New Year -C-4-reeting to the `tinousaxids of their Custemers, andekindly ask them to remember our All_sizes and qualities, and at a very low price. UNDERTAKE R. V ` Funerals furnished oom- pleto. Caskets and Cof- I MOVAL! n:MovA1:. PIT. R..V1:s_. BB<..>S_-_-. SKATES! Is complete in every line. wife, in the` last hing but? was a bad if 7*`. 8% . ] 55 1mm Remember our stock of CARPENTER AND ----oOo AA.nd.aIl I nerlgl Reqnisitea u1.'nisI;6,d`., . * 0rde.r8 by. elrarih or "?hfW1=9.`1?r '~-fiattondecito; * ` J.` ,`;`G.`*0::"DOLMAGE, Strand. . % ; sung wonxsiama `snow RQOM; us : (320 Ia-1L`I 2'B 1.`=*S'I`.,'~1B T1: 1.1-: from $3.00 to $5.00 per dozen. lfermanent enlargements by a `:1 `~r =`"" `new and beautiful process. BARBAU D % ~In- V `:[qg_;s4eo'ord3n7.- crave, 1,. And` Il_ n9;g\l_:E.eqnisitea Tl_?'i11.-ni:;l,;e;d_.' L : .0rd_.r9 I-1. 91sr&P1%f'L`?**`Yi`?-`1. *'n9P* \J\JH1_LVDJ J1.A.\aJ, g-nu...-.-~ V- __ _____ THB PHHTHEBAPHHH, Bothwe|l s Block, Barrie FIRST PRIZE BARBIE FROM I88! T0 I885. CABIN ETS '-"3 oolve careful attention. n: of various design: Dsnd prices always in stock. All orders will re- Congregational Church OOLLIEII st. mm. OPPOSITE TEE r-703*` {loci}: to _ uww-.'_ !-'.'- ' 3`-an uld_ like lag `EH19 Fe??? Nwd -rho] mes tot-3 U LVLLVVVLII LOIIUUIB cu------v- -v v-- Blditor of Tim `oirrunaw ADVANCE, have been received tor publication: A FromBarr1e tonalifax. I Dun Sm,--Thinking the numerous [readers ot your most lvaluable paper would enjoy a little o.utside`news, I determined to write a little of my experience in journeying from Barrie to Halifax-'., -BVeryone knows how pleasant itgis to travel as far as Toronto. `From Toronto to Montreal it was easily seen that every- -thing Wes arranged for the ease and come fort of the travellers. The carsqwereg elegantly furnished, and I amsure `they most fastidious person would not fail to" enjoy that ride. Leaving Montreal, I am afraid I was switched on to the wrong track, for all the good things of my former ride had vanished, and I failed to enjoy "riding in the cars any longer. The further I went, the worse it grew. It smelt very Frenchy. looked very Frenchy, in fact really was Frenchy.` The conduc- more were French. most of my fellow- passengers were `French, everything was spoken in French, and I was almost led to believe that I was suddenly transported ...-`nun `nnndnn Fill` ;l'l\II\ IJUIICYU nurse J. was: nuuuvaul uauuuyvauuu to some foreign climate far from the borders of delightful Ontario. Arrived at Point Lewis, whereawe intended to spend the night, my friend and myself sought a boarding house, which was French of course, and then strolled around `L0 take in the.beauties of the place. Be- 5 ore going very` far, I began to fear that J ack Frost intended to play some of his old pranks upon my ears and nose, so -`W6 retraced our.footsteps and went in- doors to amuse ourselves asbest we could. Not being used to the French language, we were unable to enjoy the conversation of those around us, although we did smile a little at each other, which answer the same purpose. My friend consoled him- self with his pipe, and declared A it tasted. grand. Iimagine the tobacco was avor- ed with cognac, or some of those cosmetics the Frenchmen use occasionally. Not using the weed myself, I missed that. pleasure. We were favored with a few songs, tunes of course, seeing we didn't know what they were saying, and music discoursed from an accordion, the player itiringing down his foot with a gentle thud which might have sounded pleasant around the nextblock. There-is one lesson we Barrieites may learn from these people,_and that is sociability, for a - more social people would be hard to nd. .L.eaving our entertaining acquaintances, we commenced our journeyaon the Inter- cnlwiiiul Railway. I thought travelling _ frmn Montreal was bad enough, but this as worse and more of it. The carriages non`ere very badly equipped and as badly conducted. Being at government affair one would naturally expect something better. If this is a specimen of how the ;g[0\'ermnent would conduct railways if they had the control of them, I say, give me a railway company every time. From Moncton to Halifax things gradually grew more like they should be. The conductors could speak "English any way. Dear sir, a word in favor of the ladies may not be out of place. If I am any judge of beauty, fl can candidly say Barrio is highly favor- ed with the fair sex. Barrie is second to none for pretty ladies, and the young men, ah, and old ones too, should con- sider themselves well blessed to be per- * mitted' to gaze on such a panorama of . `beauty and loveliness as often meets their 9 view on a summer's evening in the peace- ` Eul town of Barrie. With greeting I remain,-etc., ("V O D The Admission of Cenupohdenee no Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold the Opinions or the Writer. u.-rrnns Annnnssnn '1-o rnnznnon - mm THE PEUPLECHAVE rum? Ivy. _ Advance "Correspondence. , Un Wednesday evening, 1st .inst., was held the social and Christmas tree in con- nection with the Presbyterian Sabbath school. This was postponed several times but contrary to the rule regarding events `postponed, proved when held to be a suc- cess. The children had a free tea in the -orange Hall, and their parents and friends for 10 cts. After this the church was opened and the intellectual part com- limenced. Rev. J. J. Cochrane, M. A., who has always taken a most lively inter- est in the school. having attended all V summer to teach the Bible Class, occupied 3 the chair. The choir sang some specially prepared selections in a very creditable manner. Several of the scholars recited . in a way which won for them the highest admiration. (Very few small country places contain as many interesting and in- ' `telligent children as Ivy.) _Mr. Samuel Cunningham read an amusing reading and told a funny story to the delight of all those present. Mr. N. W. Campbell, Public School Inspector, South Grey, gave a good practical address, containing some advice". for the children. Mr. Alex. Arnold, J. P., congratulated the super- intendent and scholars on their successful meeting. - Then the tree, laden with beautiful presents, was approached audits fruit distributed, much tothe delight of the Junior portion of ` the audience. Among other things,'Ie'vei'al _(_>f'-".in- iantile stockings appeared ticketed `for some of our bachelor friends, who-the committee suppose,--"are likel` ' soon to "re-I quire the amusing `little it ings`. This srnnriiu -1\IIvt\-Iu`|l\llu`-I 1..;~.n.l-.....'.I `kn uunnu-um rnnn `kgllll C LII? 1|-IIIIUIII` CLVUIU UIIILI CO Lilli! made everybody laugh and the young men plush... Mr. Thou. McDon ald,`the aupexj-, nnyendent, who is about to leave I_yy_.. re}-1 oexved a handsome inkstand... 5 Rev, Cochrane too was very fortunate, receiv- ing several valuablegifts. ` . - VF}... nv\v\I1nI rnunnunnnnn was-AL:-:.-.. I`: l"L_)_L dl-I` EU [CARI VIIIMGIIIW 5551. The annual missionary meeting of Christ, Church was held on Thursday evening. Rev. Mr. `Daniela, of Rosernont ; R,ev.. W. H. A.;French, Cookstown, and Rev. A. `O. Watt, -of Mone Mills, cernjroseiithe deputatiom. Each oithe rev. `gentlemen delivered earnest and inshgqctive address- es which were listened to with I9l;E6`(1J!}`t- WE VIAAIVLJ VVVLU LIEIIUIJUVI UV WLUII lllGllIU\I III!` tention. The choirkan aeveraliauitalylo anthems very creditab y; At th "clbde 1\nr\nu5r.un DA`-v F L-luau n:_ Ullcl IIIIUIIJIU V VI. IIIWCIUIUIJ I LL" UIIV VIII`? J the pastor, Rev. C. E. t'Si1ls,_ briey. 31;` dressed the ineeting. V `Khan T.:nn:n A-....'l5I`-A-....'I..L.... A` A: I Miss Lizzie Arno1d`,f_dau hgeg; of .1 Aniiild, J. PC; oor : Ht 6: hduieu kn` Inn awn vdnn-op` `-n -_-A-_.. I.-. aosuunu, III A -, Ill IIUUII III. III` -IUIIIU"|ID",` . b.t.." ..9'9., 1- A. 5`1t.t\`. :: 98v9P-"9??/-,.'5"- c9Y_?.ryr :1: .13`. e; ...*.~`.'.: ll "'0 ' 1}'~ar _`f_ W bel1e've.that.- oof itnlo hai " ` " awn-._..J :.... `-_J. - ...- . ..LI.- ._........ ....._.nA_.. ;;-:;vv-UaI:-vu.i:I.v{ dun Hug Ilx-!!QInIUlvCI- gm .;~.:. ` .`'{L5 ` ~ wnata:s1:e.':~prezrerA . %' .5 v V.--j-:. -_ -The followin lettrsf:dcVlV1'esaed to thc i}d_itor of_'1`nnV have I .__ _'___1_I:..-a.:,;.. . ; `svunvu uuu Iuvuuug. I s'i'2:_`*&`T1`=2f2.%;2a`$i`fE.;`.E.:%%i%%sJ {February 16. 1888. % cheering answer, 3` Oominllii `. Then a paper horseeis house for the soul.` to ride hojme upon, and mother, still uttering her ` weird cry, 554- gins to search the corners; of her` oor-- mud, if .she is poor, brick or marble if she] be _r1ch--and the rst. `thing of life she nds is supposed to contain, the missing spirit. Often it is a ea or a beetle. When it is secured she gives a great cry of joy, wraps it in paper and places it under the pillow of the suering-9 child and expects` an immediate recovery. And doubtless, if the child is old enough and not too ill to partake of, the mother's faith, recoveries (mind cures) are frequent enough to per- petuate the strange superstition. For- eigners say that g that mournful .wa1l breaking u on the stilhnight air is; almost too sad to. e endured. " w [CI '6 ' " QUIIIQ VUIIIU HWI ;i-U,UI ;w home 2" And the father on_t into; the atreetand` crouea thnoirest%;br'idga~,e- searching for the trnont spirit ;. he bar: the mother : wail pad the _ bnck lb; ..1......:.... .....-....... u n-._:.;.. a `......_:....L m I IIIIV Illvvuuo - ;QIIIuI -lI)l$.l Comiggi avvnavo can put`: unsung. yuan. ---v--v--- This, mark you,` without the con-. jugation of a `single verb; without the. -dissecsion of a single root; without the study of ten minutes over the philosophy of Pythagoras or the reasoning of Sec- rates. With his two hands, and with- out all the `wear and and: worriment of the student, has~>_'n,e_- man "gained for himself not only fsrtune but fame--_un- dying fame. Where in the most7earn- ed of Harvard's host who has supped with a Prince, who has dined with _a Dook, who has rubbed against lords and ladies fair, and been the. potted lion of a great kingdom? Does history record such a man? pi .pv___. 3 L\JV\II\C YIIUIA IQ LEIIQI-II Has there ever lived in this great and glorious Republic '9. Greek scholar who -has been feted andtossted and crowded and scrouged like ourlown John L.? In this broad domain of liberty exists there ,9. man who has held sweet con-A verse with the future King of England and patted him on the shoulder! 171..-... ..I.- .11.. ".I....l....... -1` -.... GLIU |.llDIII.IiI.l uapu up Univ Duvunuynu . From the dim_"' shadows of con- temporaneous history` comes a gloomy and sepulchral negative Royalty has no time to waste on the ordinary peddler of thought. The exemplar of brawn bath the place in the hearts of the people. John L. Sullivan is the personication of the Republic's pride. High he sits on the pedestal erected by an admiring world; cal July he surveys the throng of worshippers who view him from afar o`,_ and he smiles a Sullivanistic smile when he thinks that Brain has abdicated, and that Brawn is King.-Graphic. -+A, The mas: the Aristooracy. Some startling revelations have recent- ly been published in Paris as to the materials of French cookery, and especial- ly of Parisian butter. A correspondent sends the followingestory, of which he -guarantees the accuracy. as to a not dis-` similar state of things in London : `I L_.._-_ J... 1-..;.-- A quanta unkn ovunnn n 'ErTZT__ xmg. ' When professors of Greek and Latin A and teachers of the classics aresatised` to spend a lifetime in accumulating a. fortune of twenty j ve thousand __ dollars, how great must be our admiration for a slugger who can scrape that much . gether in less than six months! ".=- nan-L --an u-u:l-ls:-an` OLA Ann, Bl.I.l..ll.l.bL' nuuuu UL uusugn nu uvuuvu . I happen to know a man who makes a living by collecting the rancid butter` and dirty butter scrapings from the butter- shops, and then retailing them to West-end confectioners. The other day I met him wheeling a truck-load of the loathome- looking stuff along the Bayswater road. u`lJ ..`lIn I nvn1n:I!\At: I "`ll1`|h_`! ;l'I +."I Luuxuug ulvuu. mung vuu uuguwnuun Luuuo Hullo ! exclaimed 1, "`wha.t in the name of goodness hgve you got there 3" for really I could not tell from the look of it, it was so dirty and discolored; while` the stench it gave out when `I went up to it, was something fearful. `(TIL Ins mnw\`:nA nnl-n nsrlfn o `\I`I;l\AI III, WK BUIILUUIILUE lUDl.'Lulo Oh, he replied, with quite a business air, it's o'sl. . But what kind of-offal? It smells al- most had enough to knock you down ! Why, butter offal. Indeed ! _Do you mind telling me what you do with it 3". ' Mn`rA': :n4-A Innnvxu ant` (`Inn I-nlrn WIHMI you uu wuau so 1 - f`Make'it into lumps, and, then take it round to the cQnfectiouers. aunt _ p n I`l7I._L 1; LL... ruuuu IIU IIIIU UUlIlUUUlUuULDa The- confectioners ! What do they want it for. It would poison a. dog. u'D.-.'..I....... -A an-manila!` tn!-I "CLIP III LUIQ III WU|u|l\L EUIDVIC G V50 _ Perhaps so, respond d my friend, with something very like a grin; but, none the less, it donft poison the aris- tocrac .3 , T . A ' 1: do you mean '3" . - Why, that it s used in the pastry fal do-lals they re so fond of. - But not "as It is, surely 1" - _ - Oh, no! they first purify it some way. curious Things gbont Seals, The seals are carnivorous mammals divided into two classes-.c-the -Phooae, or common ' seals`, I with Jutlimentery ears, andthe Otarise" (sea; `Hons; bears end` elephants), which have the ears developed- In a late apart 'be'to1`e some British naturalists; r; A.-VJ.` stated that` the Otsrise, which inhabit the waters of that Sontlabrh .H9liP59*93l5*"l.P5d; bY~".1'-1iBi.'5.Ihi3.!'_D.19:l.1, *9 Y9. ".I33.1;Esi!i9 ` ; `a 2 ` n C\1\m<|n`|' :n niH:lnL nnunb`|':`:n4l`.`nGnnn`n`n'Vnnd i vy: .I-nu. u-4-v.r_-uvu. .-9 . as-W. , P'_.*;;.,9_|!V.=-5-39.. pouch in which gquhdedgatoneu` are 2ou'1f1e_d V *0 nb19 *11.9 `811i.i.n61 7, 5616*, ':.'.?? 955: ~,;*","}*S'??;A:2?I"!"- '.*'-5 7' `'93 . . nae '~`I,`9J:ii`L . W 6118?}? F119 1?; sea : 7` 'urhQe" 4.` "Ii. TI". 7lJ_:\"V.'I.;.lQ!`13; hm il*:qvi+ii,1f1bzvd$or,`thdt.;1b , ballutl-bng ?:invon1y.the:|tomach. 3 A :1 To 3?`}?.fit ;0'?Hg.!U09`;. in .orsa.n;1.t; a"n`s99te91`;5h a$` they are intended to aid -in: the-tI'i`t_1`i1f_|tion bf f41.-whi19,th9r: arm ha theyihqvo ;._,been2anc1do_nl:s11y} .5 V odhoad: with #110 ;fQ0!1'; .91` .i!li21L- "' .` i%i1$!.' i>i 1`nl== ed'tdn'1;h;16f.le!!fQIi$1'b8nI. i .. Ida-an 11...`. Ln-In Lhnn noun `.a~:`.. .1'.....a=.... , . . ` "and th`9 qbiI1chloffaL .Ni&t6i;hd;pi;d; lions whigh have been o'o'nned`in'Lo wmch%a1a(t-o1ireoa `in 7188.6 ;-oantaidgifj gravel, nuts `a hd,pi e'o_s -f9f}.g'I;iok. ":1 {Q , .3, -.';_;;_1; _. ;-. '.'._,1 ..y:;: '`.,;.V '`-r ' ..'..: I I r '5 The. 1}fzh`u.n .;tr9nti,r".si0tI,t!Ii1!Bi.! *-1ws; nihd 1t svi6:; - ._ i Titi list *- weak `to, .5`?5" ".!i.!# .'Z11'5.i5 `E39-x.-'1 . The `treaty _betw'een qtgl ._ and 111:9 p;>w9rg{In;x1ot:t0_he. $91} 1 3. %[1??!'!993.. ; `Q-9,iW%6j}3r$%L F`? `H LLIV kvwvuvvu vo vnvvvvuuuo - -v--- w--w _ unanimous in believing that the limita- tion of expenditure is a -most desirablegzing to accomplish, but they think; it%.flii;ftild, be wiser to advance a single l step` at a time. When `the V ,States has been put in control of the . 1' ballotmachinery, the next step in the series will naturally be the passage of a law xing a maximum limit. for the expenditures of candidates and requiring the publication, after election, by the 1-candidates or their agents, `ofa sworn statement of every item of expenditure. All these -provisions-are in the English ' Ballot Acts and the Corrupt Practices Acts, and their complete` success in practice has been one of the most signal triumphs of modern legislation. They have literally exterminated all the many evils which owed in that coun- try,:as; they do in this, from the unre- stricted use of money in elections. They have also - greatly reduced the legitimate expenses of elections, and have thus put public office within the reach of. others than ` the rich. When the law limiting expenditures was first passed the maximum allowed was pro- nounced too low-by nearly everybody, but after two elections. had` been held -under it, the surprising fact was reveal- ed that it was at least one-fourth `too, high. The last total of election ex- penditures for Great Britain before the law went into effect was estimated at about $15,000,000. At therst election under -the .law it dropped to about $3,900,000`, and in the second, that in 1886, it dropped to less. than $3,000, 000, or one million less than the maxi- mum allowed by law. At the last election before the law went into opera- tion, there were no less than 95 peti- tions against returns on the ground of corruption and bribery. After the `election in 1886 there was not a single one. As competitive extravagance and bribery under the old system had the eect of constantly increasing the ex- travagbtnce and dishonesty of elections, so had limited expenditure and inability to bribe produced economy. If one candidate does not bribe and corrupt, his rival has no incentive to do so. . Ram in Curacao. When we arrived it. was raining in a deliberate fashion from out an absolutely cloudleas sky, and no one minded it in the _1e_ast. Around our ship : bows and everywhere `u" n _the,d.e6p'dai-k water of the bay. "anal ralnbows,..danced_ in jolly ad-.. tuna` -mu-lpI:nm Janna abuts.-no nn IIIIU HIV BIIIDII snsuuvwn,-tuassvvu `nu Jun, play, and sparkling drops shone bright on eyeryrope aboard. . In afew minutes it was over ;' a few more and `another shower came; the clear sunshine continuing steady through all, as if it had no part whatever in such freaks. This sort of thing had been going on nearly every day for fourteen months when we arrived, and the land `was a wet sponge in consequence. and then, on the debit. side, until that time it had been eight years since - any rain at all had fallen 1.` .At that time water was brought from the mainland in barrels sufficient to keep animals alive,` and _ it may easily be imagined that but little was given to trees. As a result the island is quite bare; There are occasional clumps of cocoa palms, or mangoes, but the general `landscape is treeless, _ t I ' United, '8ta}tea. A dead aeronautiand a tattered balloon hale been found in. Minnesota, The '.};1;\;;;y re losses the United States foots to over $16,000,000. `KT -1 n-year-old_l>~o:y waI;l1VlT1ged ht ,Munden, La., last - Suturdpy for the` murder of": companion. ' an-4-I`-n 1'11! 511- 1,, Isay agt E vsgvu-vvcu nvvvnu iv vv - Vw,Vvw wvvU , Emelia_-D-ill 1... elbped from New Haven with an Italian bqqtmakor. _j3;:;1'z;H6.f.;iH;1;:_<;{f Phildelphia, has i been arresting! for marrying two wives, which he did Vi'n[ oq'e' wegk. ' l '- l_?;r_o-"I1 1-e-x'1. ;1`1i:1'ot`(:);'I-`xnwedl the station agent jet Forest Hill, Man, the other day end robbed the money drawer. Vix'he,npm1h1on,ornnfin{_nLno coIn&n.v,- .` 4 `mt; '1-n..u.a..r.&.`.` `DI--- -...I 3n...-.... `(in-manque`; "n'-ot`~a`` nrPia.no" `an t a bo`nio'n . Tornidean ` the ' ty` shown tlim`y"l`o1`-onto musioums in e, saloo- tions of Dominion Pianos runs of their: public g 6 within the jam} resnt seuon enormous Increase in o businead o ..m... mm mm mm_wit.hin f.I'IA;- hat, thy-an vents. th Y0! T1 .308 :21?! e eno`rmous'1:orease in an gminesgogf W . gum mpany % % .`l -I - Wity the.laat.thre ,_ . . A `-`,I{hx1Ao$a<.1en:o.1'z33.-tr<>sr I 6 - ' 333$gen"` `E 6996' %i` ha_v_o_,for __.._.4u nlil " fm9.WN . 1| 50:0 llt. bfelievo,th,:; * it'ehon1d.hei- ei"vte thee, 1 Yet I must stay. I Itill -must linger near .. Thonh, much I feerithee, That!` Ant onqe thee. One kind wor(} `i`sy." ' I T ohms doth Ihnn me, 0_ jvyeeteet smile thet won me, 0 eye: th_:'t heve undone me, Have pxty, prey! - Entreat me not to leave thee, Yet if my presence grieve thee. Leet I one ptng should give thee, I go my way. Notubio Election Reform In nnxland. I The advocates of `electoral reform are \ '1'n1u=mnxe or. , > away.-yg ugtio cw 9ert'I-v!- 51` ingtmo % ' .tmez=m!9 0! I mu. nII'y.1I'll`lI! ummns-1-.u.!and for 8 `BB5 enanuu: on =?` 3'sv"2e.5' $0 -. ' .v N .2 I . R , _ o -' I . The only Taper Machine Ground Gross Out Saw in the Market. Cooper's Runner. Silver Steel. Thln back. g Every Saw same gauge. 13 Gauge Face. 18 Gauge Back. . FULLY WARRANTED. PURVIS mos. UII' IIUFFEII T $lIII iu Take no other. _So1d everywhere. Price: 75` cents per bottle. ` -`rs -r1-r\-I\-rxiihl c_omz!jA1IiL .1-W99 .3!5:I `WTTII -IIUZ` ilhltu 7%??- Sold everywhere. Price 25 and '50 cents bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers. `THE UNION MEDICINE 00.. Proprietors. Toronto, Ont. T |\VIIiI5.WE$_! `W511 --son'.u`.I.'Knnis---. . . 1-JUST |MPJ0BTE0l R :envsr5LPAM==Asrnn%$; -.. .a.._......_-"`_'..-.8_' .. jstm Ia.I.li.'.E"8.5 wdibrimrass; 00.. V % ROYAL OANADIXN Him ms. 00.. ` ' ~nANo4emmn cm A was-%< .n'onu:oisu'ee'uur. % -l"'1-`o'1ioi 1y"l'l6n.lnt* ingl- A ~ Sold. *' . .. .......~o-.....-.. . .13, PLFE* -!'.?E,-I313. _ I egn qrs1Acent.Vnot__1gwen' qsxoonqnardo. 0nt._| LQAN 1 _,_ -. ._ _...._. Rev. '1`. G. A. Cote, agent of the Mass. Home Missionary. Society, writes that his stomach was out of order, his slgep very often disturbed, and some sim- purity of the blood manifest; but that a perfect cure was obtained by, the use of Ayer"s Sarsaparilla. '_...I.....l-1_ 11'! `I'h_-;_n_ no; 1'!-_ u o