nuuu uuuzu LUL` vuuuun. auvuuv . H. N. COUR 29~tt Anvmon otco. Agnt 'I`LANDT. tor Barrie. __-._ _--u-as-manna Any-nu AIDIAIIIIIIDE . n-3, w---- -v - -___ Avauoxmnns AND vnxfnionsg 5 SECOND mum Funxxwvnn Bouarrr ANDSOLD. .AtJ:o'rIoN -I sA:`cJ.:!`:-is 1 Taken on most reasonable terms. Farm Stock Snl mt . n - - . A onegoglcusg-6-tooxa-Four doors north Welling- ton Hotel. Bnyneld Street, Barrio. - 301-darn `on he left at the `ADVANOI nolooy for Farm stock Snles. where prioea and~idt;ts N... L. inn -nnfnntnnn FOR SALE OR s'l`O~ LET.--A bea.utltully_ . sltuawd residence. ovorlookinir the Bay. in the town , aurlomospmgnt '-Villa.) The house is sol! brick. 2 storeys. 10 rooms. hard and soft water. stsbts and outbuildings. 6 acres of grxrndf glth. shrubs. and An. large gangs nhgn-inn and nm%%' m ` Mas. M. E. ulonnow -FA0EN'l` FOB-- j I B, UTBIKDUFDD. Ulllnvvu II ..S:`.'.9"*`..}.,`.`.-.:'s-.' I01` I81 !!! BWIIK Dllls Wu! can be made satisfactory, .fa3'3Ir3i'L':3 3ii"i7a`u he"." v*`i b a'5& at a moderate sum ton. term of years ton good tat-..ldon.eaLterm.VA to A??AU(.I "274 came? su.. T'5rontg.plgr to .1vm. mm Y plymswlc n, P. L. .s., ~II`hu-In .-. vmtc e`".e. V - , G A. RADEN HURST. BARRISTER, `AT- . torney Soliqitor in Chancery. Conve an- oer. &o. Otco-First Door South of Post 0 co, Elnd'a Block. Owen Street. Barrie. 49-48 i:v'?'s'ori E \vvIcK1a:, BARRISTERS. ` solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario. Proctora. Notaries, Oonve - 8:0. Mono to Loan. Offices--`Bot - 9 we '3 look, oppos to N. 8; N. W. Ry. Station, Kn-g 1|? :u1*:naHurn6i i6rj| 1.L.I.In_I.-.I CODA . 7 ,,_ _ 3. .2` z. ' -" . (lit. -0 'f)'.H . .5; .`~;.:t M - - . , ' . 5 . ' ` :.w- .,_ .. 5* ? _ 1 . vvn ~v: -`~.~- --.~ KIT r- 4 ` "" aa;..:Jua-`I -1 .....fKY:\ fY 4. <- .u., u.-X) ,. ll-Inn-5A-aAh` .. `An `Ah Ajln -;.II.'.` I T- :2 .i utuunuruu. Juuuuug . andFridn.v........... _1_3_R1T1sH EMPIRE 3 `nova a moral`! I`lf\llI\ I I `OF FIOE:- Collier Street, Barrie. DAILY HAIL! FOR - lumen wuu Ilwuua. uuu. ung: K-alt.-bearln ; ea. pnuma.;f'ip'i&'a`.`.', 3. Loherrie and tuna to. This propertg an the Co egiate Iustit to. Will be 1-ante mmim-nu nnm fnr 1|. term of years can stood Lssqns given? Dnlntlnlr. D1-n , Oloe-C et Street 1! k. Totten a , wnm J. H: '1`. SPROU] o . of the Sup llone to Loan 3.-m mun, nun I; s1_" l.'6!'ll1I! unappuuuynun. cake .1. gang. 0 p the -eflln you Hotolyat the T Five Pain Barrio }3oRTiz.&1T|`5Ann'1:1z : 06350115 31 v a Painting; I Terms c I TI I I'\ I l\ .| ' 30:. $09 Perms on app action. tau-0. oalto '3 sR.ns.`. .`Z'.?n Hnm`i?.t the A: 1878. ` iii. 5 .' 4) .a.A_dA-hD . 3 sad I ` BARRIBTERS. ......__......_....___......._._._... '1'RATHY & ESTEN. "* Bottom in High Court or Justice. Notaries `Public. Oonveyancera. Oioea over theBank ot'1`ox-onto. Barrie. - . 7' '3 Gmnnmuv (`(1 G- B. EBTEN. B -Hons llmlinche, II izlueug `cumaulan. non, lx|dl`_eg1_t,_1o2:. Bllious Anne :1. and all derangoments of tho.,stom- ac]: and bowels. are px-mp xt- ly relieved andpermanen ly. nm~ed- -hr: the 1188 05:11:.` . VT nhwnnm or IM1rAiioN. Anrrs - IVDRV DR. PIERC'E S PELLET8, OB .LI1'2LE SUGAR-.-OOATED PILL-9. =' :iH6l "i-o'c`a1T imon; `I-`1:t.'up`i `L 2 1 \ `entlrel. .;V._ ca-me nthey `on- tdistur noato~the.s;'stem,.diet.. uiasavials; hermeti- led.` v'M\vrs3*_gth'os jandgrelighle.` As ultt-.rat.ive,>or purgall 11.; muxst nerfcct eratewi $"l. I*' Ohnan Ilffln 2$"}. :;E3`i':`,;,%`:.'i%;':.;i:=`;.r,*`.;;%.;a;=;;.;.s; phase `little Po!le:s g,=.~.`e 11.; Jzmst perfect .?3?f1ia,c:tin-.` A % :;.:;a`,:s:-*:::?=ss??'is:: ow merce,;u;Pleaoa;i:'r "auve Pellets. In explanation of the-rexhed 11] power of those- Pellets over so great .3 variety of diseases. it may truthfully be said that their action upon the `sstexn isvuniversal. not. a gland or tissue escgp _, theirs sanatlve inuence. Sold by drug 25 oente a vial. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of Wo1u._n's DISPENSARY Mnmou. Assocuvrron, Butralo, N. Y. YNIPTOIVIS Ill!` UJl'l'A1sun.-uuAI heavy headache. obstruction of the nasal gmssnges. discharges falling from the head nto he throat. sometimes profuse, watery. and acrid, atvothers. thick. tenacious, mucous. purulent. bloody and putrid- the eyes are weak. watery, and inamed; there is ringing in the ears. deafness, hacking or coughing to - clear the throat. expectoration of oifensive matter. together with scabs from ulcers; -the voice is changed and has a nasal twang; the breath is oirensive; smell and taste are im- paired; there is a sensation of dizziness. with mental depression. a backing cou h and gen-. eral debility. Only a few of the a ove-named symptomsare likely to be presentin an one case. Thousands of. gases annua1ly,_ wi hout illanew Vt;'L5';1T.' "'(")fs o'ver Sa Jew era. Dunlon Stxeet Barrie. symptomsare likely to be present. 111. an one cases annually, wi manifesting half 9f the above symptoms. re- sult imconsumptxon. and end an the grave. N0 disease. is so common more deceptive and dangerous. or less -under-s ood by physicians. By its miId.hsoothln_g. and_` healing I)_I_'0p0l`-ti08_. cases or unmrrn " cola Ill ulu neuu," .- COI_"Z`l,`tlll(] C51` arrlml lleadache. * Sold by Wuggzste evorywln-x~e;. 50 cents. l.'n:iel:1 .&g'ox:y from Cntarrhg ` I`:-of. W. lrl.~u'r;~':~: ma, the famous mesmerist, of Ithaca. N. Y.. writes: Some ten years ago I suilercd untold agony irmn chrome nasal catnrrh. My family physician gave me up as ` incurable. and said I must die. My case was such :1 bud one, that every day, towards sun- set. my voice would become so hoarse I could barely speak above a wlusper. In the mornln my coughing and clearing or my throat woul almost strangle me. lly the use of Dr. Sage's Catnrrh llemedy. in three months, I was a well man. and the cure has been permanent." Constantly llatvking and Spitting. THOMAS J. Rvsnmo. Esq., 2902 Pine Street. ` St. Louis. Mo.. writes: _I was a great_su'erer from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe. and was constantly` hawking and spittin . and for the last eig t months could not reathe throu h the nostrils.- I .: thought nothing could be one for me. Luck- ily. I was advised to try Dr.'Sage e Catarrh Remedy. and I am now a well man. I believe it to be the only sure remedy for catarrh `now manufactured, and one has only to give it a. fair trial to experience astounding results and 9. permanent cure." Three Bottles Cure Caiarrh. . Eu Ronnms, Runyon P. 0.. Columbia 00.. Pa.. says: My daughter had catarrh when she was tive ears ol ve badly.` I saw Dr. Sage : Caterr Remedy a vertised, and pro- cured in bottle for her. and soon saw that it helped her; a third bottle eirected n perma- nent eure. "She is now eighteen years old and nnnnrl and hmudzv." dangerous. less -unnerswuu Dy pnymuluuu. By mild.soothin . and` properties. Dr. Sa;:o s .(?:1tn.rrh emed cures. the worst of Cnmrrlu co] in I.he`head, : t\|tK'rl!I_`uI.\lI n" nrrhnl Iilllllllln W - ' .u'.1u:n`n.-D 11 gmffngztinn of the [lags nus Nonrugnu ADVAN6E| . nvvmnmr \Yn D Amt:-an ADVERTISING RATES. The Advance has a. Sworn Circulation of Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Copies, 7 Almost, it not quite double thstot any other Paper pubiished in Barrie. CU ADVERTISERS SHOULD NOTE nus xuo'r.`E (12 lines solid nonpnreil make one inch). 'mAwsua.N'r ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub se uent insertion, 4 cents per line. ceding notices. 10 cents oer line for first 111- . sertion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent ` lnsertionot the same matter. A 1-0.1 nmnnn and hvnrnmnnt advertise T Insertion or me matter. Legal. Official and Government advertise Innts will be charged at above r_a_.tes. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. .Contra.ct a.dvertise_ments`wil1 ;be taken at the tollowing rate which aredratted onicorrect commercial p _ ciples, and, ,as they will be strictly adhered` to in making new contracts after present contracts expire, `there will be `only one price` for all: A nenn cure. Due In nu Bound and hearty." llnoh .... 2} Inohea.;. . . . . 5 Inched, i Golu'n'1n,. ` 10 Inches. Q Cohimn an '__L-- I I14`.--an-s as ;;;;;;.' : aaira ounce. \JUllVD.1IIu\-UIwp wv. -..-..- _- -, "V Hinds` Block. opgoaite N. 8:. N. W. R . tion. Barrie. andB1ng am`s Block. Bradto . n .... _.... 1 nuunv w'"roN Am.-r. `For one _rnont_h-4the three monthly rate with 15 er cent. added. - _ .' r:tw'.o;'months---`.the- three. monthly rate -withloperoentmdded. `A I AH'P1-eterred positions in the pa. er will be sold at an advance of. one third on 9. ove rates. This rule will bestrictiv carried out. ` ooxrruor canons. Advertisers please in mind that no- tioe. of intention- to` change advertisements must be oillce not later than Saturday a.t.10..o'o1ook. -and the .0317. for such so not later 2.o oloo`l:noon~oi;` Tesday, in any week: V ` mnbt`b`e"i'n` the `ADYADIOE o . n :0 erwtse the hdvertiserhzannounoement may -not be r,mde.pnbuo-.u_n.ti1 the following. f Advet-t.isers, ellowsdto ; so /their --mum 4m-~ ndvnlvtilina nnvthlnm ntitsi dn"f]|nii-" . per worn. anon IIIDIIBQUBIID nnauruq ) r V ' . Ad . . , V5? ' bu Lennon wnumborot- :61 the, ,'dttnmxdeaduEYo1Inq;.1:-L) r, r. `I \ ,7: ,..- +5 'p.aoe*0r7I-dV0,1'ti!inB an thin -outs Advei-tigtzirtri ; uztieif, 4 _ business, `_ _ho d'tb`ey.`do sow 'c 'Xm%``3uea 'wi,ll~be oh:n1-3 j fog} Lsnohiudvor-'-.; ' Their` ` rl-nh\n|\t- :- o - . I I v- 0.15?` m ll`. II ; V ' n.....-..+- 0.... nu; ma 1.3.:-n..V A 1%. mu'at ba j.-`IJOIIIIBIIIBB IIGVIII` |I|.|-S!l.l:`i.1`.l!'l'4`-"SW80. 11 W ts t . V ;dnd.. ~ " :4:-n_su'Eo`r:i$n,_9ad:f;`, e'1neVAlz{?e&: do Iwithbthe cash. a Loud `wi.ll*:b6I'1nienidds-4 ,-iimaio wiidenta per word. each subsequent Inna`:-tio_ .*:a*:sm#o%%2"3 ,., w: nrnblnhmr GINA`. nnivnhnm `AC, Ion: Inca-Jul blah iucizi N o. of Inches an nu "1-nl:*..1` ;)5.'. .;. I .Wir .4 - s_x -A ` hp Jug n.-::A!_K'1.|- LIn_ 1; 1.114. .- .__rn `V OUNT. DICKINSON 8: MACWATT. BAR- rlstors, Solicitors. Notaries. 850. Offices- `Bank of Commerce Block, Dunlap street. Burris. Wu. Loam`. Q.C.. Joan DICKINSON, B.vA.. D. F. MACWATT. :';~L~.,, umwmuwmuhk 7 Y, " ' h - , . iis oered by'the manufactur- ers of Dr. Sage ! Catarrh named , for a ease of- Chronic asal Catarrh which they cannot cure. THE NOREHERN A;DV g . Ti. 3250 ___.._... `Moo: 0 '0! sh .50 '1 `at LIIBUIT ltlon. I at One Inner-V Inser- Yndns A vhlnnn Hnnn V;o7`*-as --J|n guano. 375 1600 `riu dl'.FOR_ KNOB. nurnu. uuu libel, nauooon muonmu Lnxnox. . tom: R. Knnm li#s% i]`,;;\ '52 Inser- . . tions. D (1 yr-) issoo 3:14:00 crimes and Accidents-l'l_re. flood and I up the . Worm (Iver. i 'Ben Edi_srds-,4 oumgea mu: 059997199 3.93.55`: 5 "$39: 1. kit `F'd..` ' night at Amite city, Lduisisns. He. was captured and lodged in jail. On Sunday night a body of armed citizens cbinpelled the sheriff to give.,_u_p the keys or the jail, and securing ` Edwards, hanged him to a L.....A The Internal Revenue colleetor, at De- troit recently wrote to Washington for in- structions relative to the` taxation of Canadian money. The reply was: Tax `of ten per centum ll notrrequired to be paidby banks onsnch of these notes as they have received and sent, and as - you state, `fby ' express: or'inesse`,ng_er to Canada for redemption, now `being paid `out by banks onchecks or otherwise. ` But banks to which you refer, whose practice it has been to reserve such. Canadian, money as they receive, to be paid to corporations having payments to make in Canada, even though the notes are then taken to` the Dominion and not otherwise used for circulation, should be called upon to make a return, andthe payment of the ten per centum ttax thereon. The notes are re- ceived by them in course of circulation, and it has been held by one of my prede-. cessors in oice that when notes that are subjects of taxation under statute are sold, they are paid out within the meaning A-`J r\rIAItIF\I\l1 fl` low IIIICJ $19 rlll\n \I\Iv and purpose of law. T New Minister. It has taken Mr. Mowat a very long ,...time indeedto realize theneed of having Riaaeparate portfolio of agriculture; For `sixteen long and weary yearaia Cabinet of lawyers, under his guidance, have been pretendingto look after the farming in- `tweets, -but, it proves, with . indifferent success. In the `proposed addltion to the `Cabinet of M'r.`Mo'wat to be taken as an - z:S1.misaion of failure in this respect `I If a Q A ____:'.'_`WA..._'. 2. ...._..-An-us nnuv aumxsswu U1 1&ll_.l}{.'l= nu nun: uzuywm. . .. .- Minister of Agrictture is necessary now, why was he not necessary ten years ago 3 Why has Mr. ~Mowat been so tardy in doing justiceto the leading industry of the "country 'l-.-London Free- Press. IJ .Qh'l'U( I`. E. Pnpmnu. _ Ban uocarruv, Ev; War Inevitable, . The latest advices indicate that war be- tween Russia and Austria is inevitable, and that each is watching an opportunity to strike the first blow. It is believed that Russia will invade Bulgaria, and that its operations on the Galician frontier is only afeint. The war spirit is completely aroused and Germany's new army bill has passed its second reading. This "provides for an increase in the army of 700,000 men at a cost of $72,000,000. The great war is evidently close at hand. An Illustrious Band. The followingiare the names and present residence of the illustrious men who caused the ruin of the Central Bank : R. G. I, Barnett, New York; David Blain, Tift House. Buffalo ; E, S. Cox. Weddell House, Cleveland; A. A. Allen, West House` Minneapolis; S. Magnus Davis, New York ; D. Mitchell McDonald, on the way to Oalifornia; C. K. sumphries, Bu"alo. .-,'I2hdma_s`.We1eh,drew e revolver in_J : Oli`ord u. court; room, .o_hicaa,o` `the. .o.:her` `day, and ettemptedto shoot amen Brit-' ton, -whom. a. jury hadjuet acquitted othe charge` of having assaulted Walsh : de`ugl,i~` .ter. ~Wa'lehV -wag "overpowered before he; could out his_ putpoae, ` 1 ` `N6.1-"35 "`?'!""PW531`I- ` '::'~ . gf1`1i6ee*iuir`six:d . ot=~ 119? ferrx hiaiossi I the rthRvr't vii-`Ycxk. ;i!: .3i.no1r: .:.lm .9.d=by. !.- e_l,ag.i,;1"._t1f9Sf,'iA;1`;`.iValt ; end .d:er.tun9 ;0f;- trains, mime ,Iho'w> blobk 6n.till duantinueI.,.;.33h9.t$iiiI3i6v' ' 5not=be'en nb.irreg`ula1'. f_oI5;Iever&l-yeere. ` ~ . .:.'... .". 5.7..-.13.. .33-5'-j-9i'_-fJ.`n `~,'a -1. R 1' I ~ -r~:DriIIIiIn!II|i::p..ho:IIaa`nboao- `_f_' Wm.-Ensmimhgr G6ve'um'dntf._1euderf ii` AL- I'1 --~.-- AI (C--.-.---~ 'n`...._1-_.I _ The Destroying names. A terrible re occurred V in Utica on Sunday morning. The hydrants were frozen and no water could beobtained. so that the [ire had full play. ' During the burning of the Howard House an ex- plosion took place which blew a portion of the brick wall of the building down. The loss by this re is over $200,000. Lord Durham Sues for `Libel. . Lord Durham unsuccessfully applied for a divorce from his wife on the alleged ground that shows: insane when he mar- rled her. Last Friday a summons was granted Lord Durham against the owner of the `paper, Bate, fotlibel in stating that Lord Durham's `brutality drove his wife. Russia" Had Borrowed the Cash. Theoihews of wit has been `obtained by the Russian Treasury by a loan,farranged in Amstordam,~ the amount of which is` said to be 4,500,000, or about.-$22,000,-. 000. Herr Vun Titza has concluded; nemtiationo withffhe Franktort Roths- child: for 3 loan of 29;000,000 orins. . _ ., f, ; 1 .1 .: .n;; .. ..=. .x..-.- ~.~.m\ ,... um. ._ I in 'NQ93l;~'a Mr.:`:LIl0kI0l|d $9.rEh%`. .;= . . Gang}-g;J);T`.`.{$;.` 93';_W:%,a .;*,,.g:.9;:a.g gate: by :Jnohnon.,; vho,,..1n A `, i~'i-1:9*!IE`?`9i9~f.!?`.'"``!4:* ?`J"9 .r-. -t--... ., \_-`.4 E ;-.<~' ,`-.;\ '1 III.` .l;l`o`DlllIl.If Vvvvlnuavuq-..;9w.uqg . ;u the Hou_g9,,o_ Q o 5 England. in [if _lqttq1;,gga" Jggazfve Fmggbera to " ' " Vo!i" o 9, *6! $3 dtnifst -as L ` L_J_._. , _,, __ _ , . `.8300 %TiI1'1ie`. .-_nrm.etsed~`Lg:A~. . ' - 9 r ~ `Y S I.ig_m_{. ` 2. ` ,9%:bH; _ *6?` ' In- -E>gg 3I?" '-. :: cti wzxxx -.:m'Juu.'- ' 119 WV3.9.9l!H "- The Anglican-8yno3I.bof"`N \,1na%Il Oourtqiy; ` ot:'I i-iug`. I(I:`ht:rh,eBaitou;_I4,tq._tl;g*!:i_sl;og; Igkwif Rlullz 1? 4`. .` i~'z;:.:.: .1 . . fir. OCARTHY. PEPLER & MocAR'rn, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. &c.. Money to Loan. V D'AL'roN Mocnvruv. Q. C.- - u n u... .... J. A. MDCARTEY. nqiiutg gidtyxs .1 3"w `(L47 :tJi`a:::.: gg, JJUIII I-ZBUIIISUUII IIT "'W` the diuidnt member: of thd Q Chgdagd court Scene. , .--.` a -.4. usut 32H} .:;.- ALIQ u. miammaiy. (::.`..<`:,i .% . , W6, whmwegg, `__w`\[ ban the taut business will . purpose of mouldi 1;`: if i .,'1 * .bemsdeintheS 1 The ministeria circle is . no the genenlprsyival in trade and upon the hopeful for the national nances _ ml _ ' A onstroslty. `A fewmiles outside 'of~Norwalk resides a family in which there"-is as strange a speeimenof humanity as can be found. the world over, `At the rst glance it seems to be a child, but a closer examination re- veals it to be a man over thirty years of age. Iirsibe it"is an infant, standing but ` three`fe'et'--hi"gh,-e-with a body out of all proportion" to'its*limbs,- on top of which is an immense head, with features contorted out of all resemblance to a human being; a pair of small twinkling eyes set far back in the head gives it a decidedly uncanny appearance. The mother says at birth the child was about thesame as children are in general, excepting the head, which was of a peculiar and very ugly shape. It never has talked, only mumbled, since it was born, and persnmably has no reason. 1t=is violent at times. and dashes its head "against the wall. Its condition as regards health " s perfect, and it ca`s and sleeps L M} oney to lend `at lowest rates. Agent for ' Dominion G1-caste B`ire1nsnra.nce..Associ- Oensdlan Mu uel. Aid Lite `Insurance and eserve Fund Accident Association. ' - . T1108. 8. MOLEOD, Dalston. Olce over Conner an Veil- s. Barrie. Tuesday and Betnrdnv. ? A 6-1! 7 __....... r\I'- IICIIUI. well. V A right for Liberty. At Tahlequah, Ind., Jeff. Thompson, a negro condemned to be hanged for murdering his brother, escaped from gaol Wednesday night. Deputy Sheriff Theme and posse on Thursday went in pursuit. They came upon Thompson, who had taken refnge at Painosky house. A battle ensued in which Jacx Candy of the posse was killed, another man named Har was killed and also a refugee from justice whose name isunknown. A woman and a boy were fatally wounded. Thorne re- turned last Monday and reported that be- sides 'the two condemned men there must have been three or four others in the house, all of whom escaped. Russian Armaments. It is said in diplomatic circles at Vienna. that the armaments are still going on in the interior of Russia. The St. Peters- burg Oicial Gazette says that the Czar has approved plans for new fortications at Warsaw, and for the fortress at Kovna, Ossowetz and Batoum, and has xed the limits of territory near lines of fortica- tions, within which the erection of private dwellings will not be permitted. The St. Petersburg Nova Vemrya in an article onlthe prospects of war, says 2 That the nations of Europe ought really not to _ break their necks for the sake of Bul- gafia` '7 The Biggest `Land Slide. The greatest land slide ever known in California has taken place on the line of the California and Oregon Railroad. The road is a. new one and the recent heavy rains thoroughly soaked the fresh road bed so that the whole country let go and came down on the tree . About 100 miles of track are covered with the debris. A force of 420 men is at work, but the track will not be clear for some months. . Sudden1vGauedAway. Hope Lougley, a young' married man living at St. Oatherines, was instantly killed at Merriton on Wednesday. He was working on the ladder of a pile driver on the Niagara Central Railway, when the wooden block became detached from the top of the machine and striking. him dashed him to the ground, a distance of 20 feet, and crushing in his skull, caused his death in a few minutes. ' Avneetrnotive ice Gorge. There was an ice gorge in the Mississippi at St. Louis on Tuesday. \Vhen it began to move it lifted two steamers out of ' the water. About 10 o'clock in the morning the_ whole gorge began to move andslowly crushed down on $1,500,000 worth of property, grinding it into ruins. A num- ber of steamers are perfect wrecks, among vhich is the Hays a ne excursion steam- er worth $80,000.. 0 ' _ Best Wednesday. the Pope received the Irish pilgrims and-clergy. They brought g_itga?_for him, and after they had been presented His Holiness descended from h`e.`throne- end` whiked down the ranks formed -by the visitors, giving each his henediction `and gaddmg a few kindly jiqrds. Totheieaders he expressed his desire fora peseefnl solution of the Irish question. . _ Sllt H0110. x Mia. Hays, w.ife.0fIa fafmef, near Hep- v*v6r'th,.0nt., . shot herself lagt Tuesday. ball entered between. the ninth . end ,t_`_eht_h ribs -and: lodged in the stomach. She has been suering mei1t'ally' for Home % Iiine, but hex-`family had not?tna's1sg1ita.t me. that` "she mediated` elauioiap, , The ' ilylmrmuch resbeotedxfgiethe. deep- g_q:|syx_npathyVis felt for them` in thin ` sad ..1II:-6:..-. H-w _-*1 _-.-'r"" zniwtton. f 7 ontvin Barnes, Henger & '5 : s -dry- goods establishment, ,5 Buhlo, last Wednesday and in 3 .- _f_ew.I` inn_teu the whole interior was a man; i '6f B'nihe's .-'~ 'Tlie"-i`iliil.f7e1Y-ibout` noon and two remen-Wore`-uutely injured. For`-j -witely. no. lives were. lost. _-The aggro-. gate loss is oveu8l,300,000. . . Conveyancing In nu ma oranonea. mur- rlago Licenses Issued. O_1ce-0ver Can`:;c_lll;.n `Bank of Commerce. Dnnlop street. IJIUU W .'.".`.T.J.L"d'.' 3't'`.*'!1':'.:' '5 . _ /CO -liners .wu.lnchod. during thayon`1887 Q`n.-an Inn `AI-uL- `LOG l J `ll " 6eiui.;'idigo; n Pwwm be remembered that some time ..l:_...s..4......._.._;n..n.. .11. _ 1 _-'.1.T.:_u_..._` 1- ;I.." %7i"h;'-'t5'nTc$2T.":t.7'8'?33E ti:u9i3" - Of the various StstoIandIT`erri;-. Enos; -Texan leads-the list, with` `fteolf :...|.:..... , ....1. mt.-..:..:....: . :. .....c:n~.'.L ;. |Bi'E.l.UIlIdl|ll'0uu' null, WI`; ueI' L0 gran pjginv en_ t" to `map ws 69f*5eg.o net `win gm am `Here Ries,` eighty ox, ` . u - . . . . . nj QIIIID ZQKCQ- The Po_p _and the Pilgrims. . I 'l'1I`.' .5` nun 'wuI- .-.w .,,,.,| I " E - t>!.`Fh8`HiiltH*`8ho'I* oohhular ' H. LYON. PRIVATE F 0138 lowest rates. ollectlons made . Real Estate in all its branches. Mar- d. Canp_d_la.n UINDS TO LOAN Farmers in an bought an 3.119! }19`r -i?`%- an , e Otteween It tely up'o`n , Egefuain jto reoei .+_: tea 1-. ,`dIhki'u be held on wmmCmid l f 3: " 151131150 DIP thes I? " " femdvkefom a count uteri: is on the subject weren ,__2..__._ nL_L__ fV-__._..___;_ _ A on account of s Cali % ifhreoeive f `I .4 `q_hEih'on $;0::uM ._ z e `.l'o1a1"8aent, while that! , _ thatlie papers should 1)., 1 i1!efo'r`e a_ consul. Rem-elem 3` on weremade to the I? '9! States Government with the result D? Mr. Hotchlnsa ` the other day rec -1) notice that Ottawa. had been raisedliued consulate. He will therefore be lmo,, .` future at United States consul inulz of commercial agent. , attendilltr. , numggzf the League 1 There wUhemeI1t1m,Hgl1,_Tor9nu ,ai:e""" fsham` Q o.,pre=1ded '_Wthe?pg1-101' nJcO,rth79he object Of Eh fa, Da_1 xplained 9 ,, and dueequyr tenell org** nch for W 9 ting /tb,l.o,onto b'the Laagueu 1119915 of th8 r ram Of dag the Londo: mark rfbc} vtgt ,dopt`?f pm; being 733Lc3 1 wfl'et!l'lenc0a " :mfhe B'``` E -1 con it 0 . ' exist ~ (Ens ;,m.nen;eggne n~1;f;;: ,. :32; the pnofrinw` arlialentatbe combimtit: of Prned gndhe resource` .I: gair. af6.:lx)1lceebagiI Ofinttenance Of 00:. 8 0 ul 1118 ,,f c-2mm Von 39 Ca ,re fol,` the defence e EFDP1 ta 9nd 211011 mteres rigbfo A terrible '}}};}aci"iQ"}ep(,md 5 Wallace, Mo. For some time 3 Wm. man named'Blakely had betn paying 3:` Atention to a sixteen-year-old girl n_am,_ Estes. Her family objected to . Bhkel, but last Sunday night the couple attend; church. After the service they were m`; outside by Peter Estes, the girl's fatheg and Wm., her eighteen-year-old brothe, A quarfel arose between Blakely and {:1 Estes, which resulxted in the father 3;- son killing Blakely. Both have b;_.;..: arrested. The zirl has lost her rea3r=r., Pen Picture of Eunt Shasta. Between__ the great pines guing up; see the religxoua dome of Mount Shay its snows and frowntso mix'e_d that 0: views it nearly with superstitmn. ` 241.--`- .'.. ...,.. at H... +:n....+ m,.....c.:... -VLUVVE Lu IJUGIIIJ vvnluu. aux;-.uu~u..~zu. Shasta is one of the tineat mmmtains ; America, agnaked dome of rock, grave and perpetual snow, made by a volca; and having two side-pieces or transe;-2 the whole mass standing up in white 3:: dun in crazy-quilt patches ottrianglea snow and ovals of rocks and slido-S of bat and gravel above a skirt of Oregon pines. which are of sombre green, and seem x`: kirtle of. huge, muscular, naked ma: wearrng a clout of green. as he knee. upon the plateau and survexa his brood rnonndy peaks extending around him : an amphitheatre of 100 miles. TL--- 3.. In.-.5 nun Qkunfo ant` Ma 3.: OLI Glilyulvucnvlv us. Jvu u.-;;y.n There is but one Shasta, and he is M Sierrs.--one of the bold range beyond ts Rockies, overlooking the Orient War "There is the West ; there is Europe says the statue of Thomas Benson at 5 Louis, pointing at the same tune west. TL--- :a\ .. nnnntoc A` (`.~.l.m-n2-; ml..- LJUUID, puluvaus av uuv auuuu .-.....u . \(`4V There is a county of Ca1xf)rnia C311? 1 Shasta, and the range of mountains .- tween the Sacramento River and the as is called the Shasta Range. It is oniy night's ride or a sleep of 34) miles b tween San Francisco. and Mount Shas`-a and in this ride you rise nearly 3,019!) i; to Sisson, in Strawberry Valley, fr" which Mount Shasta's peak is still 104% feet higher, or above the sea 14.440 fee It is 10,000 feet higher than the L.: Observatory on Mount Hamilton. TL}- :2: 5|;-nn nnnxan nf Mn|1nf giiti .....:_..--~ 70 0 0 FOR. INVESTMENT on good , freehold security at lowest rate interest. No prinol el u1one`reuired until . STRA H . T aid of the term. H. Solicitor. .nnu Rn!-rln- 3'] v Uuuurvuvuty Uu uauuuu Lansusuuu. This is the power of Mount Sham that it rises so grandly above everythz else-not like Pike's or Gray's, one cf large family of mountains sitting srw: the white tablecloth of the skies. seems the hiehestwhen you are at 1:. looks to be inaccessible. The ra:':r' keeps winding around its base as a wh: barrow is guided through the steeph-s acathedral. It is more than twice t height of Mount Washington, and seven-eighths of the height of Kin: `Blane. Electricity and cremation. The report of the Commission ag -pox: ed to determine the most humane met`: of capital punishment is one of the :1 important public documents submitter" the Legislature for years. Its !'Cul1lI13r ldation that electricity be substituted hanging is a result of which mode civilizationmay well be proud. A ht dred years ago the condemned was ha: ed, drawn andquartered. To-day be hanged. If thisreport becomes law. I! should do, hanging will be speedily! placed by the most painless and inw taneous method which science has for. forhthefxtinction of life. , AL-.. -..a aI' ` lUl'_ EHO U1Ia[UUlIUl.I U1 Illo The Commissioners say they are so- ed that the time has arrived W3 unusual and cruel modes of punishm should be banished. In this concl1_x.= the most enlightened members or community will agree. The time hgal arr1ved-or will be here when hzmgm gone--for the abolition of cruel 5 unusual methods of burial. Intermen the ground is to cremation what ban?` is to death by electricity. The 09* sanctioned by our own prejudices and: approval and practice of our forefathr The other is approved by wisdom ` sanctioned bysoience. Society and Wax Candles; _ The use of wax candles for _8{ Vcaions, buys the New York Tnb. is increasing. Fashionable CW lgepp avg-r'g`ed_'atock of wax can V-hand` all `the 1 time for decorat1D8 gillnminncing` dinner tables. bu `et8;"_ `Thy fnre frequently. used at tone f ,'l1inches'.in7thB"'d$y1time, the cur The ornam "vnl'n'of0ffd1e ner-tinted, moulded; " in `rich candeltz ; be excelled {pr table deooh '[aa;r6m nhidesiriibleness of the 4 ` 1-I-Dull! ~.. . \ 'A._.A_.J _: _._I...n.;;t" S1` `haidaftdm theidosiribleness oruwvg jwilliapqf _A$tQr'd aplenmd 9 _aervice_.ia V ` alw `ya dddrned with LII: v7&hi j1apgrdg":"Mm.' w. 0. WW {..!!!.!i M11 mom. transported " idoiio' `on: 4ba1l"'1Iht'a, ~when it in" `o1d'I`Ndvman`-chateau, is 9 isomer 1,500 of tli67:-g:O1'd wax um" ` jlithc it. ms. 'Ro1>esru~ Winehmv` ;,:wa;A .,iI.1.v.a,riab.1. 3 fbr her .b,"; A gatlanmtion. `uhJ"1&`fra.E.Ba!11`{`f f. sHzi6;rIi:ihdi`69h*6W'! W qjnlag'evr\fT ight. T53?` `l)`: 1'1':`inhKr`i8:'; V 0'1; um Haas of 116091 ;';;uaw; if. Boot-. `unv- Imperial Federation. February 9, 1888, 'rornbl:I:-agedy. Loo---""" only `L 75 581110. 0. E. Hnwsou. 53] ' ONEY.-A large amount or plvate funds to lend on straight loans, at owest. rates. T `ll MCCARTHY PEPLER. 8: MCCARTHY. ~: OBEPH R063 mlssioner ix -guilt-ulcer. and ( ~ oases. Lalq V Furniture. Goo: cation of l oo-Pollco O1 _ . uwnrrnc ENNEDY. Architects. u Plans and: - Town an cu-etu_llrlt '!:L?"\n.;_ Io] ._.:___..___~-- :_-;:::_.--~* KENNEDY: onrlnw 8: 'HoLLJmi); `O. Architects. ,P. 1:. Serve ore. Valuatore. and specications or buildings pre- . and Village Lots laid out. Farm caretu_u;r1ooated. A Timber mum examin- oronto Olce--I Mall Buildings. an. ac; . bicz;-McCarthy's Block. Oollingwood Omce-Lon a Block. OM-Inn, lnnrumnv- MAURICE GAVILLIR. V-I'\X1I jvw - - )N the esplenade. foot of Merkvetdstreet. Yachts and Skltrs of every description in book and built to order. Also for hire at low "by the hour, day, week or season. Boat to rent b the season. seulls. ours and ladies in stoc and made )0 order. 11-ly. ~- g u-n_-_;__ A...._o I` SPROUL, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR Supreme Court, Conveyanoer. 850. [one Loan. Ofces over Sanders Bros.. '-----A An: Thanlnn Rtvnat 8. J QKNSON nnnlar ' i E V ` `~ 9- I, . .J.i`u&`&. ?.`u'`a`.`.': "um'.`ii`o$`.%`f` o'a'.s`i~ '"e with t pu-can buns`. Iggy llbera nil x young Ital not needed: In t is out and return to us and dthene ....J an: In-an nnnugt, the workers from or old : hum of street va_luo_sn_ `GENT WANTED.-A Hod uve man an surnnt for Sewimr whines. A_p1_ 5! '1' OTOIW. Durrw. B. H. 8'rnA'm_v. 0.0.. G. B. Esrnx. ._.__._.___.._...;.._._____.__.__.______..___ ' ENNOX. AULT 8;. KERR. Barristers, Soli- J oltorn of the Supreme Court. Prootors. Iotnries. _Conveya.ncers, 8:0. Mono to loan. maa I-hnn` Rlnnk. I W_o_ Ry: Barrie. Barrie. lst 0ot.. 1885. k. ` T Tnos. Knxmnnv. Mwmcn GAvn.u:n.. W. J. I:IoI.I.Azu>. , A61-ly [OBEPH ROGERS. C NVEYAN OER.` OOM in Queen's Bench. Auctioneer. hprslser. Commission Agent to: the Isle Lands. Farm Stock. Household furniture. Goods. Wares. 850. Also for the nlleotion of nRen Iioites and Accounts. EARN & MURCHISUN. 1sAnm.=rrmna. Solicitors. Conveyanoers, &.c._ Money to LIL Oloe-Over D. J. Murchiaon's Store. rket Barrie. Branch Oice-Potter s wok. Tottenimm. . Lnwnm Hume. D. C. Mtmomsox. ._____._.__ ONEY T0 LOAN.-8250.000 atand 6} ` -cent. J. T. SPROUL. Solicitor. e .. mush: _____ Rm `PLANING mt-.L;==-Gino: BALL. d. Manuhoturer AR t kin d ',.- u ' ' `M1113. Fuotorv.Joi:1s-13? ,'i:.- --E. _ _V_ ARRIE FOUNDRY. ENGINE & BOILER WORKs.-H. Snwanv Manufacturer or nus-:1annrlnf.{nn M Inn nan; Bollax-3. `Saw ` .'w-w-uycvw n.-. !0EPHlROGER8. /O ` F'.'>GJ1-ilB'.l`AiBLla`B}'` nut! of 8u_nooo.i 9 A Police .0o,rnrt. n_ o W. MoVI'l`!l`IE, D. L. SURVEYOR AND L `Real Estate Agent. Oelgery -`N.~W. '1`. mm: ndenoenolloited with-.r to1nveet- ante Province oft Alberta. .W.'l`. A.W'.` DVITTIE. Address Calgary. via Benton, butane U.S. ARRIE PLANING MILL. Ll: ngv-nnnhar And Rnildnlifnnd; ______..___......_..__.._._..____...._._...... }_I_0lII'.l`E0.'l`S `AND S__l_JllVEYQl_I___.__ "-`" ._-.._..-...~-.-.""-.~-----.-"' ' -- BOA.` 'I*. BAN.'l`IN`GA O1mRR`.O0UN'l"Yi0!" _ n. ooI. will 1:5 anus ;omoo'ot*3tho1}_ . m ovoryss urday. A 1-'6uldono9_III_d~ 0., town. - - -,T- .-H: ,A ,4. ______.__ -. __~- .4`. 08. _U0nVByu.ucuus, , I-I1nds`Blook. op . Darwin and Rim: i'oo."Cnt tls and we mu on tree, pomethinq of treat value and - eoKlou..that w llatart you-Vin busi- ng. which w bring Lon in more mone ught away, that anything e e in the world. RAND _.nm'rrr mun, Address Tim: 8: 00.. Augtrsta. WORKI.-li. BIIWRBY nunuxuqmrer oz 7 dnsori tion of En no * Boilers `Saw arm in. Shingle. Ln. . sud Wood- rlna Mnnhlnnrv- . ~w.= ;;rndssz~:n.:eia{uiiLu?8: hllnnn nf nnonrmm .llIInIm a-2 (X313! * WANTED.-LA Ir gant for Sewing OSS. Barrie. . Dan` mama. Ammt- (Salivary.-`N.~W.T. MURCHISON. BARRISTEBS. no... nnmmmnoers. soc. ---., .,. AUOTIONEEBS _] ._-..............._,__..,.__._ Ol. ` luau lice Cour LER. do 41. asuucuuu. Barrie and Alllaton. I, Evms. Pmrmm ac Mocnwmz, n-mm- *- ` 2 .__s: L `:<*.1zr.%. P I ! , , 4 --7, MANU A0'l`URBSo N OX. vvuuu : 1: _ TOEN mN.Iu'wu|.._ ._____ I ...... l".nnl-L nnnvevanoer. . ollfl0.lAl _ __.q--.- NB. rlirul Orillla. `Eon auuuisk ` " I -A B|L_--L A. E. H. Cnnswwmn. ;;':';';; av. :4. u. J. . Moon:-ruv. Iafnn [1811 W nub Apply to 7-tt 'toa.ct unln tn '.'e'.jz Toronto.`........... Tn-nnfn , . . . _ . . . . - . '],|)[`[]l]|I.l.auoonoosooooc-----v- Tomnwugqoonouooncvococnuo VIVA:-nnn , _ _ . . _ . ..........uo ` The bond thil Lime is better than depot. tho! of my other kind, and the nish superior. Ooo -Corner of John and Elisabeth streets. Iullbugganoonccovnu v u - - v - - . - V . . . . .. Tornw|IOC0000OlIOlOIIOI|IOOOOOO;OO Noxthemnnwgy South . . .. . . . . . Newman-ket Newmarkot ...... o - o o o of o o u o o o . coco--cocci L`Il|l ........ anal coco oooocooovl Auunuauu ............... .ooooo;IootooIo ll-vntnn t. not mu Bra! gumilton an Be;:)n unlagfgnlslu `av; enlgfog Simone Ra.1lway.. .. ..... .. Vn...*..a In-"uni mun: .................. .. norm aunuuu nnuvvu; .......---- VG:-and T1"-'\1n`k' .......... Ottawaaud Montrea.l............._.... _ _ . . -.: . . . . . . . orIolOIIOOIDlOQOI co. u o - u n o o c c o o o o - u o n - u u u - -- . Oollingwood......... ............... Northern Railway North ------ 1 eatord Branch Ra.ilwa.y..~.. .... .. 1 ' llladale, Craighut-at. Dalston and ' . . . . . - . - - a - anon: o o o o u - 90-: 'R ('i1'0WllEIvdIIll.....t..;l....-1.u.3..:l.l..j us V.` sat a. `s Squa.reandEut0ro..............1 t--G1-enfell. Tu and F:-idu.y.... : 3-Midhursg _Mon y. Wednesday andFrl : British Mails. on (N. Y..) Monday, Tusd d h ........ .. ...aa::z.::.)vs'`i%` .... .. - , ,,.__.. __._. -_--- DAILY NAILS DUE FRO)! ToronmlillttlillliolllIQIOIOUIQIIOO 1 'l`orontao.. ...... .... .... .. Toronto..;....'......................... Ottawa and Montreal..............., 1 No:-thernRai1way(North)............ 1 Grand'l` ...... ..] Northern Rallwa South). . ;. ...... . . N :.`:..`:*2..: :}?,A:': Pn"-W Norm uunooe nuuwu , l.'uuuIauuu.I- sheneandmdlan Newma.rket'.`.,.......................` Newmarket Hamilton and Beeton Branch Rail- uvnv ,, ..... . sgsvulnavvu anus. -av`:-v- -__.__-._ `Wayne:-tnaoouoouooofnooumuootunoon Meatord Branch Railwuy............ Collingwoodm................... Collingwood ...... ................ .. 0rillia....,......... ........... O I I I I000IOOOIOIIIIIIIOOVIOOIIIUCQO Hilllsilile,Craighurst.Dalston,Crown ` Ru by.Edga.r.Steele.........b. .... ..`. 3- idhurst. Monday. Wednesday um` F`I-Haw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oice hours. 8 a. m. to ,7 p. tr... and for 20 minutes after the distribution of Toronto night mail-ASunday s excepted. " ' . Money Orders %anted on an Mone Order Offices in Canada, nited States. Great ritain Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland and India. and Savings Bank deposits received be- tween the honrs of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. n...-:.o..-ma Lama-n must be handed in 16 min- tweexi hours of 9 and 4 m. R stored. Letters must be utes etore the close of each mail. rm... mum-g land all nthar mall matter) are utes before the close or each man. The letters (and all other mall matter) taken from the street letter boxes --every day, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 o'clock a. m. and at 8 o olook and at 8.00 p. m . , 86-11 `J. EDWARDS Postmaster HE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY of London. `England. ' L THE IMPERIAL Iwsummcn: COMPANY of London. England. ` THE PBCENIX FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON England. . THE GLASGOW & LONDON INSURANCE Company. ot Great Britain.. uL-I."'-I-J .L1F`E`A`Aiv%C E"c0MPANY ;\-I-I 1n'k'I"I'1'l'. `A "K'I"1'\ I-Ill. I-`J LIUUU I 'I.a.5I.\aa_o _v,v-.- ---. _ OF ENGLAND. ns"ran1.rsnnn`m `ism, THIS LONGVEBTABALISHED COMPANY is based on a solid foundation of economy of management `and sound `business principles. Special features: Forty years experience; Lib- eral form of Policy and .nou-forteitable after two and three years. Prominent ob cot: Sound life assurance; 87,000,000 ` aid in o ims; 4,000 families beneted. Cost : he lowest consistent with mtetg. bonuses every three ears. never less than .0 per cent. on the life 1) an. nor less than 14 per cent. on the endowment plan. .Total Abstinence Assurance: The only com any in Canada o ering special advantages to otal ab-e stainere. Accumulated Fund nearly $6,000,000. Head oillce for Canada. Montreal. 17 st nnt71)mt_ A xrnm