Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Jan 1888, p. 6

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GOFFEES a Specia]ty.w E.A.IR.3F,`-IF}. ;ar'rRIAL SOLICITED.1m FALL 1887. girhpt action..5- An ` ws x freq ._ _u.';.-'.:.. .0..- on... Aniniillnv i` ` LL93 nouns - -L we Bmbm at t Jhip3;1u=sfi-nib; "u - = i`ldn'g"pn6tiy, = aw gum ;'.`woh am. A ~* A in awe % -h?6ii1 Jiilly " `|`n$"'o nun` Olin MAD `an: A . i ffoxf '15...- ant` f`nun`:'L- Bu f1L%1)1y:Rs`%HARDwARE, BLACKSMl'l`HS , CARRIAGE { MAKERS AND `MILL SUPPLIES MGALLISTER, STORY & CO. INOTTBE COAL OIL. CATTLE CHAINS, TARRED A ND PLAIN BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING PITCH, Who are Bald, or have Thin. or Grey Hair. or who are troubled with e A Wire's Rights. It is a great mistake for a husband to keep` his wife in ignorance of his business a'airs.~ -In ordinary families it is ` she who regulates the outgo. and she ought -to kncwiwhat is the income. Not long since, I heard a young wife, just in the early experience of housekeeping, say : "How shall I know whether we are living beyond our means? 1 can't get any idea of what we have to spend ; and, while I try to be very careful, of course, I might spend less on our table if we were getting in debt. Surely, she ought not` to be blamed if the debt and credit accountssare not` prosperous. e A loving and "anxious wife suffers untold imaginary fears, if, she, sees-a tired, or perplexed expression on her husband's face, unless she is assured of the truest condence between them and knows that no great concern of his is kept __ ___-L 2..-... L}... vneral Hardware .' D A.i"\"T"`i__ii`t'5':='-1=- 1 D-R. D9RENWr~w1> s ' tug; `LA! LI .. u.- -.w-.- -..- for Maohineryia made by MCCOLL BRos.';"c~d.. Too}I:S ` NUHU|: `J:-E j rv Will be Iound invaluable for "the hair and scalp. It cleanses the scalp 0!.` all Dandru . in- vimmm: the sn-owth or the hair. and in cases scalp, .l_t cleanses tne scalp 0: an uuuuruu. nu- rstes the wth of the hair. of ldness w ere there are the slighest s of roots left it will Produce good crops of be r. It restores grey ha r to its original color. and is an excellent dressing. DO NOT DELAY t your hair is in 3 week condition get a. bottle at once. -For sale by Geo. Monkmun. J. P. Kidd. W n I nI'.Ann,J- Woods. Ask for-it. conuluuu you an uuuuu an uuuo. W. (J. McLean, J. Woods. Ask for it. - : ._:u-coco-cu-'1\ as Q.- KZB3i"i"`n,""3i"Mann. ' ovu-nu-urn`-nu`:-n tun` "' ' "'?5E:6i'r"cI'EA'NX1.' "W" A. Dornwend is the leading manufacturer of Hair Gqod in; Canada . ` 10-11. ;I8 LA,ll.D noun:-:"Ls,1ocu< FIRE jg DA-A`: Am ' "'l|fIAl_ What an Ohio Girl Did. Uhiovfarmers have always been grumb- ling that wheat growing doesn't pay, and a Delaware county girl` resolved to put the matter to a test. She rented 5:} acres ' and counted every item in the cost of production -; the biggest bill being 1,800 lbs. of bone meal, costing 831.50. The total cost was $98.12, from which outlay she realized 3142 10, being 203 bushels at 700. each; average yield, 35 bushels per acre ; cost of raising a bushel 480. ; `per- centage of grain on` the investment, '44` per cent. Why don't all the Qhio girls ' raisewheat, andallow the boys to raise - the bread, calves, etc. `I ! li-'j:j.__ 7 CAU'l`ION.-Any dealer found selling other Oils as Lardine Oils will be prosecuted lily _....__?___._....._,._, , `IMPORTANT '|'0_%AL_l._ All sizes and qualities, and at a very low prim uNDERTAKam At ,1. HENDERSON S. ` Is complefe inevery line. T04 FARMERS AAi`4I`I;*'.E-H 1ii:sHERs.-Tne; . .,, u-_n.a..-...`. 3.. ......a.. I-uy. 1:.-.rnI.1'. `R1209 Ar nn 'l`m-nntn ' "WC I TIIQIUI Porcherorllonu. :`roncl;(1!:o|:h mlrnu. V189 ` 51', in. B0! - ten and Breeders-or et- cheton and French Couch Hones lslandomeshpck A Farm. rosse XIle.Wnyne County Mich. W0 05:: I very! e stud ofhprses to Ia! .311: nnteo on: stock. nuke cc: reu- Iolublo undse an as terms. ;V_lsiton always we come. Lure cculozuo Remember our stock of GARPENTER AND BIIUWD vuuv uu gnvu a secret from her. SAFETY OIL CAI\`S,_ X CUT SAWS, -oOo- my 3:51,; `-35: ;.;L1'z"`gr"-.` I The Enaish PrescriP" H A auccessml` edicine used over n:....--.. l_ ohnnnnvua nf nnnn~l_ 4 '.|Ill.U I.ll'UlI nan 1 1 van: -ya-v-~ I. n `- successmr Ooiyeui in thousands of cases. , Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous _ Weakness. Emissions. Impotency and all- diseases caused by abuse. iudiscretion. or over-exertion. AFTIK] Ix kages Gum`-anteed to Cure when a other! Fa Ask your Druggist for T50 9" E"'"' ' 5 V I: .. Shh8`..l7v`3::?l.nv3`: 3:'i>t:hp?J'e3.dfeg tn-aka Chemical 00., Detroit, i!{lbl1:r3- I 49 nnm i.. hut-I-in my unit 1. M0!` 42 CREAM1 >, . anon lhnuufloppwoeountn-. 2 ' Keep": regular eoeo_im`t wiihedeh eld, ehirging itwith til` expenrIe',-`en'd_= giving credit, when the crop t'_s_ ifeturhed, V `With- out `ibis i it "will behzpoeeible to tellin- dunteiy whet crop! or methddi =of tr'ea.t-- ment are mobt "pr6,|:o.ble. Let 1511` ben- treotl with hired men and others,'with "all -`alen.Ja'n`d,t>hr.ohue-. be plainiy "recorded. It will save trouble. WILL CURE on msueve CIUOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, ."u`i`.EE'`%':k`as JP?+'?:'.z:ue mmm A ' A or ms HEART; ERYSIPEL s . ACIDITY or + SALT RHEU , THE srowxc. HEARTBURN, DRYNESS s HEADACHE. % or THE sxm. llbrIvv,Ivvu-v v- - -- And ivory` species o!Adisoa.;1; dmqf QM. [LIVE]? mN I "'. e"mu4a1`'z_ nowz.-z.s of: 31.001). Qr.a LIV ' nxuxvnsv: an-on amou- sroM4a,now1:Ls6`12 moon. , LMEBURN &;99.- "' <`>1~3MA I 4 Funasr. 8fTl;OllES;'fB\EST:. BRIITI IIIQ Il c--1:-' ~---__-__.---, connms No ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES -. ngu inln-inn: malarial: E. w; GILLETT. "``;f,gg-GgN;-L% awe: om. cunnm now. rmsw ems (SHOPPING AXES, &c. I WIICIIIICII `III! GIVI- 'S_o1d`iu barrio by emu. I` !`I\`\I"! I'll: 4 VV Ill Prescri tion of a. physi mligq l,on ti emu! mm, - 0V0! 19 53!! Bi-q" E ... Rectum: dl . . ' ounbs on no for in: Int! run-t {All I L` 5; . 131 expe o'd sea88- 4.-ct S1160 euant . aferf 13` iiclooe. Inn. 80 L----- clan WM rience In 15' used es: by Eff, """"" """""'""""' "' 5'-1 blow`; sud the Thrasher has J anuary 12, 1888. IVIIVIKJIVIH, LIIvI|., I vuvul or any injurious materials. lf\fIrl\'lIIl stock. All orders will re- celve careful attentibn. TFu'nersls furnished com. ns of various deaigm and prices always in plete. Caskets and Cot 2 tlonal lconnega Church CARPET FELT, COLLIER ST. BARBIE. 0PPOSI'i`E THE ALANTERNS W 7` ' 7 "" 1 'rono`N'ro, ONT. = cmcmo, xu. uv-up`. The Bout here. I'm C ye have dou "NO; I hav Then yo isolated life, talk to ye W} more shipsh Bigweed, but a mighty deal no mistake." Lcir hfilp 1 all,t.hia row pitching his ` from him, i but brought y with that da eryi The aeron hsd a sense 0 a sense of -.piu` _ ` IV3 `iv zqnuc now u-.....,_.._ It doesn't his companio voicethat e,-v and gave :1 apeakerk; dire.- & young Hm! Weather-beam naut at his siv shouldered yo ed Bpectguslmz had been aha gave him 2111 But it I You ll 1. "but, air, or _ w "before we kn H18 aeronmz: and his Com;-; Ihaking the-In 18770 an: 1.. IIT ..... l.1;`-. . It. shaH`n marked Llw voice still. aider this my to start. It. 88 the datnug up taking Ml It matters -v nu..- ``A1lrig}-i; ; light I'm UH naut lightly. (ll...) ..__ '7`}.}i3:}i damage done ed forth my 1001: at the over the pl balloon. Th air; and ther geraniums 0 house glass, 5 gracious! Its r , `AT _- --_L little bit out . the Irishman apologize. 1 of intruding. on the hillsid ferable; but` your wall, a "of the wind, you will all |With conside rule, we are the gentlem sphere `of loc treated as any that/by t ity into wh drop we are - L A . . . ...,. wunirr .. ., ... \) we hope we ,haps,ye l1 n distracting; this machine order, and i } lanterns-fu -why, the rid, ye of o ...-_0: My broth depths of his at his gaite a. little aha this indigna n"I"L .. _._ ._J '-173413; "2325 require, he. ` ll\K.___. uIOI".U|o nu goes the we ry bullet. The astonished y, drenched and stunned, falls into- the water below, and the Ohaetodon swallows his prey. THE GIRL WITH '1'!!! GA L100 DRESS. A for your upper-ten 'r1s, _ ith their velv ets an satins and laces, Their diamonds and rubies and pearls, And their milliner gures and faoes. ' They may `shine at a party orfball. - .. . ilclinblazoned withuhalf they possess, I I ""1'"2 --~' Many t nnut, tukin knocked on . instrucc one Oonveyunce is best--1 51 to ye. (1T3,,,, 1` `vb JV- Run for you think about here?` "Isn'Lt}1(- Seven n I ventured there s any .Is ther-3 something WA; ...I N ot wi principally hoo_c_1_-1 --vs... "Wl1z1t. a fe wu1'h., V Why, this I T. VVel balloon and walk that man. Thar oan t.walk voiced frienl - I'm not; he added t -can't get, or _4 - .., ,. bone, or son (1. _ A1 gfleggatig . _.- )7 I Eunmin Gray key, Tobacc Pr $11.1. xnoNs'1 A Essence of Good Breeding. When you enter a room and are pre- sented to as hostess, her reception of you proves her, good e breeding or bad. The" way in which her children meet yon-the way in which at any age beyond the merest babyhood they speak and hold theniselves--is as eloquent of their gentle training or ungentle as is a correct accent or a provincial. No idiosyncrasy mars the real essence of good breeding, and all excuses made for lapses and lessons are futile. A well bred person may be asnshy as a hawk, and her limbs may be has awk- wardly hung together as so many crooked sticks badly pinned. , All the same her good breeding will be evident, and neither her shyness nor her awkwardness will tell against it. Theugh itecosts her, the well known agonies to sustain a connected con- versation, and though by the very act of her shyness her brain will run dry. she will sustain it with the most consummate politeness if not always with the most awless uency. She will put a restraint on herself and talk her best, bad as that best my be, because she is versed in the . art and mystery of good ` breeding and thinks of others rather than herself. 'D..L non HI knot` raannnn if aha in nimnlv .:4.1I"I`33l8i8"`%WElLTH%i`{;":' 7 `i hear oft!` v-`yum .- .v.. ~:`Bl1'C hOl I've ms tnlnxs OI owners rabsgur uusu uumuu. But an ill bred person, if shy, is simply | boorish, and takes no trouble to conquer the dumb demon within him, but gives` way to it and lets it conquer him at pleasure. You feel that the excuse made for him or her by those who want. to smooth over asperities with varnish ethat excuse of being so dreadfully shy" is no exoursest all. For you know by expen- enoe how sweet and anxious to be supple and st ease-for all the pain it costs her - can be that well bred bundle s of nerves and fears, who is as timid as a. here and as sensitive as 9. mimosa, but also who is a.s.tho`ughtful for others as the boot is dis- `IQ ' Illlvllllil regarding. History or the canary. . N 0 one knows when canaries were first introduced `into Europe. _ Aldrovandus describes them in a booxs he wrote about birds in" 1610. The island of Elba has generally the honor of being their first European resting place. They were intro- duced into France and Germany` from Italy. The most common canaries in America are the Hartz mountain ones, which sell at about $3 for the singers. The `longbreed, or French canary, has had his day, andis now run out. His high, square shoulders gave him, an ungainly appearance, and his great length and de- licate frame made him a` very weak bird, and not well adapted for the parlor, while in'p`ower.of song he is far inferior to the short, or German canary, so generally ad- mired the world over for his exquisite 7 notes. rum. 1...; ._:....E._.. --_....3.u. nun `nouns: in `lightful bell notes,` low, water-bubble, and $5 or $6. The best singing canaries are bred in the German village of St. Andreasberg. Great care is taken to breed only the best grade of singers, and to put these under the instructions of those master musicians, the English lat-ks and English nightin- gales. s Hence this canary` has no short or choppy notes. but every /one - is sweet, round and full-the song containing de~ charming ute notes, and long, silvery trills and whistles. The best of these canarios will sell for from $12 to $15 in thatcountry, but none of these are ship- ped to America. Those commoner 0 that do reach these shores 'readiJy"or1ng' The fo1 ' a copy of Shoo! Ru1e.,"V go 6 he tedoher of 9. Michigan gchoolm hung up in 7the acbool-room or the guidance of the scholars : ` sxoot. mus. rney Illy _Il1ll1U It D `tangy vs. yuan, 5E'mhlazoned with half they possess, ; But give me, in place of them "all, 5 My girl with the calico dress. V She is plump as e'pe.rtrid is "end fair As a rose in its earliest _ loom ; Eerjtaeth will with; ivory compare, And her breethgwith thezolover perfume; - Her stepfisas free` end aslight . ' `As the fawn`: -whom the hunters hard press, . And her eye is as soft and as bright-` My girl with the calico dress. She is cheerful, warm-hearted, one true, And is kind to her father and mother ; She-studies how much she can do an. I.-.` .........a. nut- -3.0-mu and In-nlzhm-_ lIB 8UllQl68 DOW lllllu Ill! VIII uv For her sweet-little sister and brother. If` on want a. companion for life,` T o comfort, enliven and bleep, m.- :- :..-s n... ..:..'..e .9. A n -in._ To enliivon She is just the right sort of a.`.wife-- -My girl with the calico am-. Ialllllll uu VVDI slvvvuu wuau In svuuu up applause made by t_11ejuvenile't=tihmpin;` their fdet. _Bein'g uolnmirhtt diaplbueid-' `with info `abide l65l`dlI01 v6d -`to pu:=n - to it, and said, `fNoo, b'S'll'IIl,*'I".~'I',IB aye" have got 3 vry bad habift;>7gnd"I. n"1zau;h $6 $5 yd ihwfbf I `O %_hIG"i lhy be stop . mid nb; Siml;-y'rOr~1::o_` 5? `f':`-9 '5 n_1_1\ _ .\_ . __ - . ` ., a - .s v :.':.v@`ulII|,$--va-.:_u-puvvu:_.a:.v:-1`. Lu ".&1i|sI!;'{;`Hot3iW~ot-tI'dr:Ia;u|&u:1vui:hlt i BU_$hyr`>!_llbx i683tfVrfI 6'ob6h'nou;!>a V t z'&K).AAoa:v-.I:?i sea-.`~ - KI, '13:`?! r.'1'\ nv no mm cupping nuniu wuhre. E Avis Vju'v'enile Good Tdmplsr `Lad; `, ,recently, 9 new aupintendent was `being; erected, 'a.u`d" on 7`s ts'h`diug'T uh to~ Frturp` thanks he wu=g'ree`ted nth -o 1-ound-of -...-.\-u-A -uuuln kn 6`-no -:u-nnnn:`n"...&rnI\'I'Ib- _No uwearin. "` tih. - .qus_rrel1in. . A _ gain` into the water. `.` raglin onnjumpin, A V , A , ` T goin incur any person ; _vin`e-poached. or orchsrdl "1'iitho\`1t tho ooxinent ofthe owner. ' V pinohln. _ ` I . utickin ot_ "itju intu catch other. pnllin of `i1""durin' books. 7 It ......'.u5.`:u dlssnl. ` Iuuu vs uupnn u uuuuuuuu -- courtih in dol. ` ' ' ~ V jrritin '0! lbidltera in " \ Not ino`t'e'thin onjjqbpil `must- go out - V tat` 3 time, uleurfor wudjh _._A..... _ . .Iv In vu---, v.---v-.. ___ .. __ _ v water. , . No `onckin jof wslnutu unless idriod. `~ whisperiix. ' ~ A ` ' '- ~ -2:- =:i=IMdmqiAuu)ugmu.;_.:;;..A D4; A. l1u.4.`._l'b_lJI'.'\.`.n....'.gA`.|..A-_J'..'.-.. _-`. ALIA . _Y_Ie`:! 'uv"rruv Viv-`$19-I/Iqil :2-ix `. :<..vAv:M[I 1';-'1;-:3 9:13 i. _".VIII_@`.'n :f'III -.~'f;wI$wUvlnV$ iv nu-- -w.--, , ` bofh a hollow and a. solid food, _ graphs for the so:-Io1u-'l'l:o But _ Strange as it may sppeati maccafoni is `rue Ivor.-onuunu; vuuuuu... -- -..,___ Inst be Recognised or the farmer Wm Ian. A poor farther cannot conceal the fact that he is a poor farmer. All his s_ur- roundings proclaim the verdict against him. His horses, cattle, wagons, harness, plows, fences, elds, even his wife and children bear silent but unmistakable evi- dence against him. On the other hand, allthese things will testify favorably "on behalf of the good farmer. Every passer- by can read the evidence pro or con. This fact alone on ht to stimulate every one to do his best, or the sake of his own char- actor" as well as interest ; for he may rest assured that `passer:-by` will pronounce 1-- l---- 4-1. '-r~...-.I:-.n in Hm nvidenoe. Muke tin: `1:-3:1-;o; :i1.s-t-"y'cA>_1; hav, and I do not make yourself miuerablo by wish- ing for `what you have not. ' 12111. ____J._:._` L.. -15.9 n...-vJ-.. ..-.v _- ; to recover, It sounds a. little paradoxical to eay that a. man whose hfe .is_ineured must die but it is never`-the ' lees true. -,_.'_ - L _-- ll.'___.. ` WUUIEII. ` . Whenever you meet 5 men who can tell _yon'_,nbout the weak point: in, his neigh-' :_boru, you` will nd one who need: as much l watching at aneast wind. (17 _._j2_._1-; 41.- _.--A vv ovwvgvu, -ow. - _w ._- ..-__-_- Mrs. Partington, who is a. gthatttterr from toothache, ` declares that she almost wished she, had been bdrn without any L-_LI. Wlavulus pa nuwznuv unnu- When the tradesmanridicules the poet, the tradesmen` is regarded as a philoso- ` pher; but when the poet sneer: st` the shopkeeper, the poet is considered a snob. II I I I , ,,- _ 111'; :_ _`II _-_ wp-wr-vv`--, --.- r--- _~ __ An old bachelor says : his all non- sense to pretend that love is blind. `I Jnever yet knowila man in love that did not see ten times as much in his sweet- heart as I could. ` can an 1* `Is _, ,,1._ 3 __n-.1u\*lT..`..._ % _ The Crow Indian who is called Wrapa- ` up-his-tail halra little son who in known ` as Folds-up-his-tent. Thus we see how theft and plagiarism prevail even among the e`ete red men. . ` ` V A witneee in court, being interrogated as to his knowledge of the defendant in a certain case, said he knew him intimately -he hedgupped with him, sailed with him and horsewhipped him. A _-!lL-_` "'$i eL'"7'iZi?&'e ";".:".`&'."u.T'r,"..I.'"'1I.; accused; I have no money to give you, but you want the spectacles here they ---- u----. -v---v VV ---'-`-v-- ------- A lawyer has Just had a client acquitted who was accused of stealing a. of spec- L-.I.._ C` -3 `Ann unusbnnnu ' man: #111: 'pBIlUl"Uy ll` rnvuu judgmnt pcoording to the eyidenoe. . ` LVUFVUUH WILD _\lIU IIIIDIIDIRA vvuv ID VIl I.V` ` ing) : The aqueaking of -th,a_t pen 1; dreadful, John ; what are you wrlting 1" Husband : A poem. . Wife : I don't wonder the pen squeaks. ` . . 1-2 - .u .. u,L2,1-jnn -_I_-.1. - "` ow is the earth divided 3 asked a pompous examiner, who had already worn out the patience of his class. ` By earth- quakes. replied one boy, after which the examiner found that he had had enough of that class. ` .. ..... --.... --- -..-. F L " To what do you attribute the curative properties of your springs? asked a visi- tor at a` health resort. Well, answered the proprietor, thoughtfully, I guess the advert1sing-I ve done has had something to do with it. No sufferer from any scrofulous disease, who will fairly try Aye`: s Ssrsapsrilla, need despair of a cure. '1-`his remedy purges the blood of all impurities, destroys the germs of sorofula. "and infuses new life and vigor throughout the physical organization. ' 911' . no . nI,__,Il __2j;I_-._-;:_- V- ----- ----... Stop that cough, by the use of Aye:-'3 Cherry Peotoral-the best specic for all throat and lung diseases. It will allay in- ammation, aid respiration, and strengthen the vocal organs. Ayer s Almanacs are free to all. Ask for one. v--v-.-.'_- u... `v... ---..- --P,_._ ? Let us dine together, said the native \ king to the missionary. V " With great 1 pleasure, replied the 890.4 min, but I I must be host. - I have planned it dif- * ferently. said the king, with a bleak light in his eyes, you shall be the dinner."- 1311163 1600 In Julia` UUIIILIIIEJ I . Ja -On the contrary, madam ! That is a hineae custom. Weuin Japan always allow the `ladies feet _to grow to quite tlneir full size. Not that any would ever - .1 _ 4- an IT. .I-I:...l.a..-..l ...:;.l. tin-e'i'1; 839-." Nt that Shy Ever rival yours, madam !-(In delighted with L}. `Ant NH-In nnunnun-innl" !\ , The obliging visitor, to show that he is really fond of children, and that the dear little ones are not annoying in the least, treats the yunngest to a ride upon his 1 knees. "Trot. trot, trot ,! How do you i like that, my boy? Is that nice 3" Yes. sir, replies the child; but not so nice as im the real donkey-the one with four ; egln . _ . 1 rival madam !"-(u his neatAlit.tle_ c9mplin`1_entT !) We DTOQUOC `W105 Ullli IIUUDI usuvuvw------- Such being t e case our condition is not desperste by ong odds. Why, if we were to be very saving for only one yesr-cut down our living expenses a. little and save fully all we produoed--the gain would pay :11 we owe. The farmers of this country do a. big business`; they own much property; compared with their . business and property, their indebtedness 3- -...-n 1\T..--.osI...I... in Am irrdebt I, . . T 'NetaBa.d Denition. % ` A Sunday-school infant claasin Mon- | treel watt questioned name days ago -as to the meaning of -the word-peace-makers. For some time all the teacher : smiles got nothing but blank return until her; on- quiring glance fell on one bright eye. Well. deer, what is it 1 Please, 1.-__`L -._ _-L.L.... 39' ~ VV Olly UB8, W Ill teacher, patches. Purify the blond withtlinrdopk Blood Bit- tcn god the wor|1I_c_orcI3)ced1ly has] an the general health is `rector . " - _ HAcvAnn s Ynuow On. in pocitivcly gunrsntecd to mum or ~cugc Rheumatic sins, Sore Thront, Urcnp, Dccfncug Golds, Cram , Acheo, uBrniIeI,- Froctbitec. Ohilb sins, 8158 Oct-dc, and c,ll.- lunancu and `connect. when mod internally and externally" `according to directions. T Oldlllillllll Iorol. Sore: and mom, or Absooueo "hard to henl, undue to bndblood or Sotofuls. witheliuxaook 6.-. uni calm -m-42 um-an -nnodilv hm] an that ` The `A 'ei"1ejfq`h`a`-,g`- '6',ci'itch on'w9o`:1o:t`-ff 3% fed lf'_l`lfl,!"I'Ii?:l1I_ . ' A donvi6td' !Uord_l.`tInd=fIbhcrIhoh `: ltipniiuigmsy etku-`ovmabitlho , 1 . am:wmwy.r1iqmrarnaao_nr !n1 l.:I.lnIlu..4;l..: 1., r 5 5'v`olion._ - .. l- _;:'nW P' ; ,~ x . Th p ov1lent.II/ulidy in the pnront df mbutuof rbur Bodily ills. One of the beat remedies knownfor. yppe_p`oia in Burdock 'Blobd.-BittAe'ra,l it Vhiiin -`on :-ad 'the worst chi`-'oni `forms, after-,al_l e 6 hddifailed. 44. .-.-__ _l_Ina'9I-:!lle, _II, someones. `E0168, a pale ,o.m_n`tenI.I!oe. 1. ow .v1td_liiy. afrid."-:n'm17 B18: bfbad b1ooa.'_ 1 Bui-dbck Bldod Bitters c,t`1'res_ rth Iorofulonl Oopdigiqn by making put-e_ 9|-|n|If`I;Ir `I-uIA"vI ~ f$j-' I At t=i:u"a ' h_ if .h6'vear Qhinby and vanoua forms 0 Thtodt Odmjialsints `prevail. _ Hagyax-cl : Peouolil Balsam 13 ` sh excellent 'th|-oat nndlnng .m'odioin6, thnt cafes Qmnay, Ooughl; -Ooldu. Bronohitil,'~ god all throat and `nuns `n`nnl-`I43: ~ .. `~ \lU|IlIlU, \/UIlIU- III and lung troubles. _ " Qnnnnnr A n'.~Irn1 NBILIU IUFUI AU III ymtuy -- u_..- ' 22. Indebtedness oi American Farmers. We hear much, writes John M. Stahl "to The Cultivator, about the indebtedness of the tarmers of thiscountry. The total of farmers indebtedness is put at two billion dollars. This is truly a large amount. We cannot comprehend it It is more than the national debt. `But the value of our farm products everyyear is ' four billion dollars. That is, every year produce twice our total indebtedness. m..-|. i...:..... um mun nnr nnndition not anamng tI'onI>`ltS..;:.-.`,./` 4. ' . $UBQi1U1.aA.i3|F|| I'!91!.1n8, Of I0. :,ulpndu:9;!he,f,9q. ab-net-es. pores. It pale. OW .nnnn`f.ennina. 7 nhlitv. aid henral. mug Nervous wife (tohusband who is writ- -..\ . I` '9`..- -nun-`u:ou A` |n` I\AII : _ putting an Point In It. She-And d9 you still 3 ueeze up the dies feet in four country 1'... sun. 61-nn nnnbnav rnnnm ' Thnf when Baby wee eiok. 1}e gave her Ceetorln, ' When she was a Child, she cried for Canton-ie. When she became Min, ehe clung to Csetoria, had Children; she gavevthom Canto:-'15, tr unpwvvnnn 'u',C ":.".` :4; Lexi. e UIIBIDBIB E110. pI'OpOl'I'ay, (clluu: Illuvuvwuuww-~ is small. N evertheless, we are indebt toooften andtoo much. Some go in debt for fertilizers, some tor land, some for luxuries . of living. Our indebtedness on ht to be much less than two billion do lars. We ought to be` creditors; yet there are twenty farmers belonging to the debtor class to every farmer belonging to the creditor class. Debt is a verybad thing. Few things should make a man more sad than to put a mortgage upon his home. Farmers are often scolded for their readiness to put their signature to papers ; and we must confess that we are too ready to put our names to paper that are the evidence of debt. EILIUISULEUICD, LUL \4\Il-lawn), vpvuy, Y.-- A. J. Eidson,` M. 13., {Middletown, Tenn., says: I.-`have `need: Ayer s - -Cherry Pectoral with `the,beat effect` in my practice.` Thioiwondb `l repara- tion once saved my li;!.'e.` Ii-ha a edu- ' stant cough, night sweats, was t-eatly . 3 my reduced in ea and given up hysician. One bottle and a, half of the A V ectoral _cured_me." ~--- --'.--4.1. In 9;-nn3n-n ls 1`W`1'!!`!?!.!!2:,Wt``1`:+,9`.!-'23-`.-1" -~~:~,-.: -; ~ hm ,WW ? *1 attejaed W1` *f1floup-eonsegjjgges, upeciilim V '% _ ` A _ ch} " '76! `Pnefuiiiiia, in V` 6' other. ' throa.t'and=?v hing trdnbles. ' i `and other-` 4;hroat'*and%-ung troubles. Hence, no family should be without a hottle "of ~` Ayers` when-y;w~Peetoral, which has proved itself, in thousands of cases, the best: Emergency Medicine ever discovered. It gives prompt relief and prepares the way:-for athorough cure, which is certain to be effected by its continued use. -H4-.. II `I'\ IE5 Tlnrnnn` Tl-`I E LARGEST, THE CHOICEST, THE CHEAPEST, | Stock Vof TEAS in TOW- The- Choicest Brands of Roller, Patgants, Pastry,Fami1y and Stone FLOURS. Special Prices to dealers and others taking large quantities. |.1.M.BnnIw_rgLL, |ENBE3sA.N@@E8| [I45 UUII uuucu unu- S. H. Latimer, M. D., Mt. Vernon; Ga... says: I have found Ayer s Cherr ; Pectoral a. perfect cure for Group in 3. cases. I have known the worst cases relieved in a. ver short time bf its use; and I advise all atnilles to use t in sud- den emergencies, for coughs, CIOIIP: 850. ? A -r ~nu.:........ ` `ll .1`! VII -I:1rIInf:n1'I'rI`I. Pointers about none namng. Two classes of horses, says the Rural New Yorker, will sell to advantage in New York hereafter: heavy express horses and ooachers or roadsters. Elec-. tricity is to be the motive power of the future on the street car lines, and 80 per. cent of the horses now employed at this work will be idle. There will always be a vast amount of city freight transporta- tion that -cannot be conducted without horse power, and strong, active horses will always be cash property. At present the horses which are too light for heavy work, and too slow or too . clumsy for driving purposes, nd a place on the street cars. Ten years hence those who breed this class of animals will be unable to dispose of them at anything near their value. Those who breed any old mare to a second-class draught or trotting stallion will be unable to dispose of their colts in the New York market, GEO. MAY, MEIIBHANT TAILOR! COMPLETE NEW sTooK sumnes -:-AND ovnnuomws 2 n-' sA'rIsI=Ao'rIou QUARANTEEIIS | Vrecwrgn _curuu. um. `ingasl I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, writes E. Bragdou ox Palestinq; Texas, believ- (io that, hut for its use, I should long since have died." Ayer schany Peelotal, ' rinzuiuinn BY ' . Dr. .1. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell,` Mass. Sold by :11 Druggiotl. Price Q1; :13 boI.t1eI,O5o Northern 85 North Western Railways. A tr`:-Izcovdezizgarioazszms ,'-1'0 all points` East and West. u__1d-Mnnitoba. For tickets, gates. etc apply 30. : . . . . . General PqnmrA gx1.~. 3' %cA13i"sMI%Tn% Ron'r.`Qumx. : * Aggnt N.&N, W_. Ryg.. - i Mr; Senior, memcerci the late rm of L. S. 8; C. L; Sanders. Sign of Two Gold` Watches _ and Spectacles, and large Regulator in doorway. `: _ Not 0 dhf_iiith'hr;iis,'But armed sh. ' "1`le'r'o, ilthe Swbrd-gh .`wb,ich_ ~o|rrie.I {av 7 powe'rfuLe'nqugh to ierroo through 'tHo boetoph on I1p`; i_h` ff-fhg ` .`.`!`..`B?l!EP`!,`.!?;f`}'.?!P - ` Y 4 ; r xnunll

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