Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Jan 1888, p. 5

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T A -WILL .0151; v- v:-w-- --- uu-w-- v--'g wv -ww-o-1' On account of their inability to digest or- dinary food, Scott's Emulsion can be digest- ed and give strength and esh when all other food fails. See what Dr. A. H. Peck, Penn. Med. College.` Petitcoaiac, says: "I have used and prescribed Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and-tind it an excellent prepara- tion, agreeing well with `the stomach. and its continued use adding greatly to the strength and comfort of the patient. Put up in 50c. and $1 size. Wive men are said to have been {killed | in the collision on the G. P. R. near Port. Arthur. IJI\lI lllllo - A writ of habeas corpus was refused in Muutres-l Thursday in the case of the i accused detectives. I\ I I I lI\I\l'lu\II u vvvvayvwu |. A Quegec hay exporter has been in- fnrmed that there will be no refund of ex- eeaawe duties on buy by the United Spatea I's. V . - QGI UIIIIU LJUI Ulla ] Tne receipt of the annual subsidy from - Ottawa has enabled the Manitoba gavel`!!- -ment; to pay their clerks two months - arrears of -salary. - I ov_.iA...n aA-4-_ ' I _T>Ef?T Two men have been arrested in Hamil- I ton tor ghting dogs. Q .... ...c.... .. A....oL.. 8-..... `mud-...:J 5...".- occurred at Ottawa last month. IJ\.Ill av: LISIIIIIIJE \a"5uo Seventeen deaths from typhoid. fever wnm easy sinclude x 20. two . and cow -u nnntinu. a\J\J| IIIn|\I|I:lI\.;\a UV LI VI.llt yvluvuuo The government. countemplato establish- , ing an Indian industrial school at` Winni- I peg. 13::-In nun -01:1: `ll Larva I `J5 Ill] 5 Hejuly Morgan, keeper of the Port. `Dover light.-house, died on Wednesday morning. A ._._.. .2 \_.L`.._ --_-.___ __- .._:._'._.1 z.. V"B`0\"lIal Much excitement exists in Cartwright township, Durham county, over the mys- terious death. of a young woman named Caroline Heron. L C fl! , : A f LL- . _ _ . __I _._L_!_1__ 2..---. Host and Hostess, by Bro. Davis, which nished the rogramme, which will long be remembered Ev those who had the pleasure of being` present. ' ' :`J\}\i`llIc\.I 1|! \ IIIt1"'Q f3U II-llJIIU.IIo . I" The immigratmn mtn Mamtobs, during 1887 ammmted to 17,692 persons. 'l`l... ..............M.....L ......o.......|..o.. ..-L..lJ..L y `f "".};;... 8...... I The strike in the `coal -regions itextend. .1112. `V ' ' A ,a:...`;..... A..." ........-...,.1 :. v..*..A.1:.. `W2 disastrous x-6." occurred in Vsndalia, I Mich. on Thursday. - \T-. 5:3`:-un-n G 01... uv\:nA:I|lD ulna-non Tana- vvauun IIDVU Uv ucvu Ivtaiilwvvu A long tow of coalbarges has com to % grief between O1uoiuua.ti- and Louisville K II: C. A T.` ,, ' Q ' I I I SJ _.The West Pennylvla l'&lll`(;8d bridge at Etna, Penn., was Vdestrnyed by re 9. night or two ago. _ VI... Inanubihn-\ II` `kn T...` .`v|nn'n- `IIQII: llulk-` llll l.lI|lIU|-III. - No-tidings of thtz missing steamer Tona- |__wa.uda have yet. been received. A 1...... ...... .4 ......I1........... 1...- ........... can [J III! III Il`V\I II ..'S.[`he wtnrkhggrof the Luv: VAmzele_u furni- ture company was burnt. last week, caus- ing a loss of 8200 000. A ' A n-urn; D..IA nun Int-A nnn`s:nIu A` 51-11: III` C IIIHU "I VUUV UVUI Ammi Baldwin. lpte `cashier of the wrecked Fidelity B_a.`nk-. Cincinnati, died suddenly last. Thursday. V Wli3urgl"nri`vsi anzclvnlhz {naaultu and rob- beries of citizens are becoming alarmingly frequent, in New _York city. `A hand` n` `u1i'nhn'{nH-`"- min` InnIIInI!;h II'qll8llI:_ Ill LVUW _].()I'K Olly. _ A band of "refurme"_"" aroj regulating social evils In Texas. V Already` they have killed three persons for resisting the move- nn'.nb f A Ta?n`:I;i7:IeZ.I,'ii;i;Ia'..a in com... togdmit free 9f..duty-tho: prqduotn .-of Mirineiots fotuluu belonging:-to _ Tuition: and and in Onts:1o;.*:1.`.. `xn-nI;.. J -vdge Andrewb has refuad` Geo. Lvcht.enhiu_| n spplicgtyon for the `appoint- ment of o receiyia`'fnr the props-_ty of the I_IIiui'mz laidpr Oih_uf`9,l ` " ' A Llll I.-- I. ..;_ :-5.; For children Starving to Death,` B CLEAR! V ; We tender our most cordial thanks for the liberal patronage accorded'to us in the past. Soliciting a con- tinuance of the same, A l 1 I -MERRY CHRISTMAS- Old World. A ' Disa.atrons.oods are reported from Spain. . ` ' ' The Czar has aentafriendlyletter the Pope. 9 AI Ths Pet.::r'a Pence collection st t J uhtlee Mass was 80000. ' 0 The Russian papers have dropped thei unfriendliness towards Germany. VII... Int-6 rung- `onus kn gnu-uv`cn:n Inns; 3 uyu. 1 This winter is the most severe on reco ` tn Vlenna. o 0 1 A Ann Ann I\ I III] Inca Mvxico is raising a. loan of $52,000,0 in Germany. . . Admiral Krentz is the new Fren Minister of Marine. M Cholera is increasing to an alarming e tent. at Val; sraiao. TLA . Du...-Us Danna nA`1n-I~:nn D` f COULTER, VAIR & REEDYJ ""'i~':Z"T}'; 5323' '}?o`.'.[." "{1}?" `sum w ; Islands shown that the political aimat } is 2nd. ' vn-_I_:-I. _____ .._..._A .z_._ -1. `I... U3. The Turkish. government. aims at the suppression of American and other foreign sehnola. `I -._.I l"-_..._--_--___- `L--- __..-_-_; BU! llllo The Land. Commissioners have present- ed a. report on thebaaio of their rent re- duotmn. 2, L. _u_..'-__ ..__:.....'u_. u:. -2 `.1.-. '(I?t$ue'ight nlbtfern against the life of the .Czsr,are said to have been hanged on Jag: Bud __n:_._ _.-1. -2 41.`- A..-L...-.. _--..-;..._ ll. auu ' The calling out if the Auatnan reserves in Moravia ia_now and to have no politi- cal signicance. Q..n;s-m nnld nan nnnn {En nl-Anni] Dill Ilguluvnuuu. Severe` onld continue: to prevail throughout Europe and many people have fallen vigtimo to the front. - -._-__.:-| ___ .. 1.-- ;.-1.-_ -_ _ IIIIUII VIUIIIIIII vu vuv nu-nu. The Cork (caudal. case has taken on a new phuo, Governor Rubarta being now. advised. to` nrdtecute` Qu_.non:(_) Mahoney. ` fl. -.__L:-.-LAB] bkgb M` nunncmln I-341911 `i`".i'a':2Z'i3..ma72n"{I.F'35'b6b {77}iv$;re. druwnadsnii 8.000,-000` lefp; he-melleu` by /the ovolow of the Yellow Rivqg iu,_Oh_i1_1'c.; HAPPY -:- NEW -;- YEAR! We are, Yours Respectfully, C OULTER, VAIR & REEDY, Wish all their friends and customers a 4: saw {ne 0ng|n_e_]u.npeq um l'l'lqK nnu ran IIIISO who Nqd-vB.'i_ve_r. The] gipppr was drown- .ed snhia pogt. '1`horemirg' gvu also kill- (IA 1nnfI!`_I!A`lnlV`AA` Anion -nun -n'A_ BARBIE METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. 1887 was 137 in., which fell in 75 days. This amount is 13m. below an average for th past 15 years. '1 he rainfall on 93 days was 16 8n., ..r' 3 6m. below the above average. The mean lowest night temperature was 11. being 4 under, and the exposed highest daily was 8|, or 5 above the average. The total amount of sunshine was 2,09 . hours, from a possible 4 469 of sun in the year at Barrie Our amount of sunshine was 68 hours short of the above average. A freight train on the New River Divi- sion of the Norfolk qmd Western Railroad ran into a ruck-slide 27 miles from Gen- t.l'81, West. 'Vi_rginip,.lut,T`hnraday night. '1-nn AAll;'I;II'lI `II nnn 915.3 Quinn nu-uI`itnn n6n ` CIIIIIV ul-vlllull `ICU CIUIJV BIA-I` l`.4:5...i:;9::;:v loadd ,_odin were. `do- .......1:.I....I West. V/i`r;ziuia,.l:_u'at Tjggnradaynight. The engine jcy.npe"(`! the traigk _n.nd an into R . . i A` I.lII';IA'hD Inn. Ann:-n, .1... 1u..v.a.Di:...... Killed at 318 Post. IJIIPORTERS. 0 75 80 7 '65 DA ownuu . I`. 1887: : "4 74 2 18 191. "r NEXT DOOR WEST OF BARBIE HOTEL. comm 6B.EAM-DI8TB.IGT DEEDS. d has in- uarter of township his Farm ed and 35 _u. sand! lon. The he fenced ithin one)` an haul nda OLP1'UlID BY SIIIGOE AND DISTRICT IXGHANGES A8 LOCAL NEWS. 1 And condensed into zntereufstxng Para.- . graphs for Advance Readers Who - Like The Marrow of the Meat. Two mails a. day are wanted at Fesserton. -Men s Felt Boots, only $1.75 at W. J. Paul's. - ` -'I'h;re is considerable sickness at Biadford inst. now. _ V T 1 pm. non. -\ n . I u.- n,ln \ r;1V`h:a O ri1lia' Packet has removed `into its new oice. V 'I5aner6us cases of diphtheria are reported I at Everett. _ ' ` I The Em`;-t Oro Chrxsfmas tree gave intense satisfaction. Somo of ze'J11ingwood churches are hav- ` ing 3 week of prayer. ., ,1,,_ :_ __u.:_.. _._.1_ t._ 4.1.- c_-;| When we will olfer Remnants of Dressoodsg Wincis, Ulster-ings, FIannels,"l`weeds, Prints, Cottnns, &c., AT FIFTY PER CENT. OFF 0131: CLOSE CASH PRICES. of Felt Slippers vry cheap at W. J. Paul s. I Irv -....- -. our 25c. sxlk handkerchiefs. R. A, Stephens &. Co. 7 - .-.-1`__ -__ _..___..-... L... ___-_-LI_. r pgrtio; uctioneer. 5:!-3 Sbnth Simcoe'Farmera' Institut was in session this week. - . Things generally are proressinc favorably I It Msgsnetawan. _ T V `rt . g "5' ""-- -- r'"r . Bncebridge in getting ready for the first carnival of the season. ` ' The Poor 1\"faIV1 ;zV,Court was in aouionnt Bradford last Saturday. -- an. A9. In 1 0 I Rev. of Bradford, is about to hold revival meetings. ' `I I\ l\,I,-,` `,,____A____ ___3 W i.VI".-I;:LyV':';i1e-r;(avr1vW';hool Inspector. and family have left Bradford. A` ---.--.J ..--v -- --- ----------- V Revival service are going on in the Btnyner Methodist Church. H " V ,A_.-,, ,_ v__-___-_ V-6113;ei;;;v1;;;;:e:i-;l;;;nmnoo Qxmina- tion out of forty at Stayner. L C 1,,_ _; 600. R. A. Stephens 8:. Co. ---- . V V- --- -' -.- -- --8ee our all wool :l1'ir; and Adrawra'a.t 8trychn.`n: administered {so dogs and cats at Black River. ` ' "103; _6v.{.i.';{.;If}a Eiubberu are fh cheapest in (town. W. J. P3111. ' ,, :11 _l \n_ n_'..1_-_ -1 m__ "$1."; ;i.i;.,i; V-511 (4; `L71;-.-(3:;I;'lson, of Toy, B cutting 25,000 shing!es oer day. , ,4 -n-.. 1:- n...:LL 3 uuvmug `N-HVVV uunugnuu uuu uuJ. The induction services of Rev. Mlxsmifh It Bradford were largely attended. V. .. "a?z;;7;;'Sn"1.;{1}Zu;;', mhgaun. -visnow I good and drawing has begun in earnest. I In 1: v- ,L 17, g__,-_ ~r~r_,L__, _-_ ..;AL2__ `IZ;aVv:I7r, otnV_1ctlit: His tting | out large quantities of wood this winter, I , ,, , , N 0 . 1 an . , I II V ,,.LAI Q "ia.'B{u};{;}{ 5; sh} ;.-,~;;i;ta;; i3Ie2i.E;iIn miurnury at Sprucedale. He is doing good not ' V " 133mm Public School his been alma- :1; gonaequence V of the `prevalence of diph-; ems. ` ` - "Tl;-`a7c.,Ia.t;uary attle Tfair Vwas ' not well attended by either buyers or sellers. In -1 I AL- -lI\., n I\ '-vA-;nt 3 miilion feet of shiuglolstn` inhe- ing put into Walker : shinglemill yard at, Ooullon. unvv an vcrynuv uuul gnu for the-season. the towhuhip f I)'li'e. o;Parry Sou IL- ',__-!_ > ad. is reported to have shot 11 deer in two day! and 0 half in 1139:. ~ _ ._I_ IN__._ -.__I _'_;_._;_2_=_.._._`L 1- "i.;;%T3;;;:.;.;.I.':;;;... ntartoinmont in Connection. with the Sunday Sohoolkpvo grout ntiufsotion, ' A . Levi Atohibold; o1'iIobm, w'u I"ioioi'y* Injured on the had a short. timo Ii.n.oo,w.hil9' uhopping. A but-our sapling ppnngbook A'1"`;;;3'rnceb rid a Drnmstio Club did not` luvs 3 veryfnll one at their ut appear-V Ann: fnr the -nan-rm January 12, 1883." AWAY BELOW VVIE-[OLESALE PRICES! '1-an NOTED canny s-roam lIllll|lENBENA5A_TUllY.THEMT}! INSTANT, Also the balance of our stock of Robes, Furs, Under-Wear, Ready-Made Clothing and Overcoats, mu 1 vT11`e '1 -1'-esi)S';'.'e:-`iax;((Z3i1tV1;'olaannual tea-meet ing at Uptergrove, a few days. ago, was a_ pleasant and successful affatr. V n an I I III 1-: I Falkenberg, among the thousand and one other places, boaatarof having had 3 big time with 9. Christmas tree. na trade Id -Sets. lnarmu. per to: I18 aukeu. airm- Sothehody is getting up 9. concert at Craig- huret, the proceeds of which are to be used to improve the sidewalks. IIII , ,,7| ,,I_L_,_-_. l`IL,__,_I, -1 nA._,,',, | "'53 `..g.; t3;}a.beei.n"church at Stayner, will be dedicated on Sunday 15th by Rev. N D. D. McLeod, of this town. --See our ~Gen1;l`em2-nV : Z'vI71;es, Braes &.c., just to hand. The largest assortment in town. R. A. Stephens &. 00. run ,L`l`,_S 3-. LIL, but o} ;8:a-!;d;dai:'e:a_ f<;r-e;tr1Ori11ia 33 passed. TOrill iaT must have a different way ofmarking from most other placeg. l in! II 13-11 11 ,,__ L_______ _____ jA__ i h's'1i;Millan Houstw-,V Z`Sa.x(1er: was covered tube on fire last Sunday night, at was put out before, much damage 0110. ` The successful aspirants for municipal honors at Alliaton were serenaded by the band. and they treated the musicians very handsomely. V g T 1 I .1-4.1- Q and laid him out. He in new recovering from the shock. ""1"E'e l;r-';9.t;E->r:l V1`>;<>Vt;lZa -a.rZan_notied in the Witness that there will be no more tick for ! bread as our is 9. spot cash article. A . -. q I\ no`- -----~v:--_, - The re alarm woe sounded at Oollingwood on Fnday. but no particular damage to the house in which it occurred. Lack of_ water is complained of. - Moonstone young men who went to Hilla- dale to hear the rendering of Handy Andy were intenselv delighted with the lady who took the part of Nancy. A `I-I IIIICPIIQ Fork 9 all med that r Harrie. urly and "1LZe;rs.rPaget and'May, of `Huntsville, ' have returned from the Nxpissing gold eldsl ' Thev brought wnth them a few specimens of quz a.,rtz as full of gold as a. nut 13 full of meat. ' Ca:-dwell Sentinel thus remarkszi One hundred and thirteen empty whnakey barrels passed through town yesterday. all recentlv emptied. Hurrah tor Scott Act. in 1 Siruoe." T _ .. . --... -. .. I V-u I vvu { b Settlers in Musk-aka have rent a Ivigo_roua- ly` worded petition to the Ontario Commis- l sinner of Crown Lands. praying that many grievances with reference to timber on the free grant lands be redreqsed. - - , In,__.__ T T)..-..L2-- -....l Ilvu 5-wuss sou-nu: -vv -vv--v-`---V. A short time ago, Messrs. J. Prentice and W. O Newman were crossing Deer Lake lwish Mr. 1 renti.:e e team. The. ice broke, ` | the horses were drowned end the E1-sigh lust : The men barely escaped s watery `grave. A IN ,,_ ,1 Y7___ l `III! III`X $lV.J w-v- - --.' *___, _` El. 0 ('}onnell anctlA. berey, of Keno _Penn., who have been camping on Blackstone River. Conger township, have shot no less than 61 deer. one bear, And a. large grey male. The Star, `says: _9.`$uch -wholesale slaughter of deer willeoon ';_x_ttmiuate' the race in the district. ` _ - ` An interesting meeting we: held et'*EIe on church, Rugby. on _ New Yen : Eve.` Mr.` Bherlee Drnry the chair. A benntiful coon akin overcoat wu prevented to Mr. `Geo. Tndhope for his services as treasurer and oce-bearer of the congregation. There was some good speaking and 3 pleuent time generally. an, _ 11,ns__.._.--_I In_L;......':-- SA:-Q -nun:-nhnn BUIIVI III I The Collingwood Enterprise in in mourning over the denthof pnblno intelligence on in dnontcd by the election of Mr. Loolgo.-rbte to the nuyoralty oi the town. It unto`: the public intelligence in: `alnin by the,onIn- bined gferoee `of. ih'9r!a"~fqllye',innd nlqh vidietlhneu, .,;'.|;lII:_d~ ` aun'&`;nduy"wu',:;oai the` `id!--"Will?--3! 71 to B0rtW.1'e LbYl1l0l wllf"o8er"*h1nva` JAS. WIS dug; `but ;..1 [mid -l:1mvale.' Advance Correspondence. Sleighing is Hood, . and the farmers are making good use at it. for the village streets are alive with teams drawing wood; etc., also. there is a ureat quantity of wheat and other grain being brought in. In- passing the new roller unlit your correspondent counted no less speaks well for the energy and push of Messrs. ' Copeland & Sons, who are paying within five cen s per nushel as much as is paid in Toron- to. Elmvale can boast at last of having a good market for the farmers of Flos and ad- joining" townships. "The wheat and grain market is represented . by Mr. Geo. Stephen~ son who buvs for vMr. Dennie and Geo. Copeland & Sons. Themeat market is re- presented by Messrs. ` Montgomery and` Robinson. In fact. everything that the farmer has to dispose of nds a ready market at good prices, ' o- nnr Inna] _T I)": IIIIA `uncut inn!-. nnur knf. n-1 than twentv teams there with grain, which I The following is a new way to get white- washed : On Saturday afternoon last, whilst Mr. Beard,` sr., was assisting Mr, Freeman in his tannery. and when crossing the floor, he accidentally slipped into the lime vat. giving himself a good whitewaehing from head to foot, .Other than being burned by the lime he was notmuch the worse for his dip.-Alliston Herald, CU llllll I IUC-U. Our luleal J P.s are busy just now, but no one seems to want to get the five dollars tor being the first toltake his lodging in the new j lock-up. Although judging from all the - , cursing and blasphumlng that is used bv some ofthose who visit our village from time to " time," it would be well if they were made to know was the law could not be broken with " impunity _'l`he J P. e should give such men ' ` 1 aniqhtin theco er. , rm... -`IzI|.... n........:1 ...:II ..._....A. ._ 'u-...a-.. tzenuine Havana: to soothe him in his deep sorrow. : " u IJIIlU Ill UIIU-'59 Clo The Floa ('3_ou1_1_;.:il, will meet on "Monday, I 16th. for 1888 and no doubt the new man ' who have been gtqacted to the Council will 4 just unit. to 9. letter, and not be,ca.ught,nap- 1 ping-. From all accounts Flue has chosen good `m- n. to attend to theirliuances, etc. The Wlmunln nlzhnn I-in`: in in full I-ulna`!-. ` " `INN! I-ll II` III CVUTLIII IIU IIIIUII .I.I|lDI-IIJWD COU- l The Elmvale skating rink is in full ham, 1 being in care ol W. L Wi|son,` who seems to he just the right man in the nghtplnoe, and. km-ps*th6 io~~|n'g`o'"d condition andithe beat | of-nrder.` We wieh'W. L. good success, and - hupe the vil.|agers..,will 8.Pbreciate_hie ebrtl , by comingld p ro`cuv-Ing cicketa. 1 (1.. "`n..nn-Inn tho .Rrt` Q nnnnlmnn A` 4%.`. 1 VJ \4\l|-VIII` Dual yluvui IU5 vswnuvuu t On Tuvsglay, the 3rd, a number of the memhers.of_ the Elmvale Lodge 223,`-AQO U. W. ,'ba.\'d a visit to Hillsdale Lodge 226, it helm: the installation of the ocers elect fm-1883, which was duly performed by D. D G. M. W., D F. Maacwntt. of Barrie, assist ed hv Bro Pugh as"Grand Guide. After the installation, Bro Macwatt pointed out sev- eralierrors. and gave those present some sound advice asto attendance, etc. The brethren then invited the visiting brothers to an oyster supper,` which had been provided by Bro. Davis, which was a magnicent spread. The chair was occupied by the Master, Jae. Martin, who. in his humorous and good-`natured style, welcomed the visit- ing brethren, paying some compliments to Bro. Macwatt and Hro. Jas. Paterson. After the inner man had been satisfied, the follow- ing usual toasts were given and responded to: The Queen.-p.,folloyed.&;,V_l>y. the National An- them. This Grhnd'e`Lodge,. coupled with the names of Bros. Macwstt. Jasper Mar-tin_snd ins, Paterson. _:_ho_more than 0995.9. ` ; aterlon can -. stump , sfo|l91w9d`.by'--.soiaiifronl`Bro- Milton. .-Iker 0 ~ :.':.~.s...h~.;3 `o `M asr % ..IauA.I.m;~1:.!l!..1`rs1`i &. Ia.1.;:n-.....'. lill Illll `uvuuw. ULIIIUI Iv Irrtullu w'u' .- ,... - . . `.g``-iguana. bvupor OUR GREAT NORTHERN; [ADVANCE

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