Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Jan 1888, p. 3

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ipvnvls BROS. V The only Tager Machine Ground Gross Out Saw in the Market. ooperfs Runner. n Silver Steel. Thin back- Every Saw same gauge. 13 Gauge Face. 18G-auge Back. FULLY WARRANTED. DOMINION many u - | 5 y W68-KDBBSCS lity. W W Purely Vegetable. Highly Concentrated.` Pleasant, Effectual. Sate. A.-Q-w::;. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st., Boston, writes: My daughter, now 21 years old, was in perfect health until a year ago when she began to complain of atigue, headache, ebility, dizziness, indigestion, and loss of appetite. I con- cluded that all her complaints originated in impure blood, and induced her to take Ayer s Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon restored her blood-making organs to health action, and in due time recital)- lished er former health. I find Ayer s Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for the lassitude and debility incident to spring time. " J. Castri `ht, Brooklyn Power Co., Brooklyn, . Y., says: As aspringe Medicine, I find a splendid substitute for the old-time compounds in Ayer s Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer s Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and stronger to go through the summer. Ayr s' Sa}sap'ari|la, PREPARED BY Dr. J. c. Ayer a co., Lowell, Mass. ` Price 81; six bottles, 35. Worth 35 a bottle. Hey do for a stupid boy's excuse; but what can be said for. the parent who . sees his child languishing daily andfsils to recognize the want of 9.` tonic and blood-purifier? Formerly, a course of hitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the rule in well-regulated families ; but now all intelligent households keep Aye!- s Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant to the taste, and the most searching and effective blood medicine ever discovered. _9,H;_ .!I9_nv;.Is's % cawrnuun-_ Didn't Know t was Loaded `"f""?F':`'r"i:"5"v:-`"#YFVnJ!"P7.-QPHEEJ ..1vu.wuhonu : ooromonywa Iimply two harm td~b6hv'oy*'Ch6i`6iISihI. AT amongst: Da."ii5`5i3'EHs all 9!-V;l!!V!Yl.I1L`I'.l. mrlinlnin` '3. 1`1ii'n`i1nh:`i\ H L-91r Aim mus-P-1 _BlS GU|1'S _-_.-.._., _. ---_--. -. A333 PO n-1" __wnnn1m'Iox J an OWN THE D8111 111885533 and all Impurities of the Blood from what- ;ver cause arising. Female `Won Iyvi naana nu. Ind. me _rr1uouy .|.mpo_nu- from ==t-sum-Vrs>an-s9r9m;m:upo@5x Wiallll :' cal-amunnmg I".I|n'ln.;,4-Ann Liver Complaint. Dyagpnsia. __ ilionsness, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles. _. Rheumatism. Skin Diseases and a II |quBEsi 18:16 Weaknesses Inn Ann I nah] _ [Tn:mosTAn'r1sT1c x-mA_A mans AND NOVBLTIESI BOTHWELUSA BLOCK, Books, Annua1s,To Pitf BBBES, Bibles, Albums, &c., -nu-on-. A--no.-o.--_ ....' _.-- -A.--ogo |~'..""_ WT! 4" 90W A"V- FOR - THE - HOLIDAY - TRADE ---YOU WILL FIND-- At SGO'I".'l"S Bookstore! Wa" P999%!_199s! Price For $I.25, $I.5O and $2.00 we give you exquisite styles, With RAISED SILK, and EMBROIDERED SILK PLUSH. ? . ' A Murderous Ghrletenln.1 Ll'ty.- A riot between forty or ftydrunken men took place at Alden, Penn., the other day. Most of them were Poles, `and all sorts of weapons were used One man.` was found dying on the roadway, and eight were seriously injured Two of them will likely die. The row resulted directly from a christening which lasted two days. - - -- . American sympethllen Vlslt Sullivan; James Walkeley and Jose h -Lynch, of New York, and Charles` uhnson.-(of Brooklyn, were received _,by Sulliveuin his cell in Tullemoreg \0_l last Wednesday. of sympathy" from hmerice, 1 - He thanked the Villton for the `expressions r."4` We have handsome patterns `in SILK and CHENEILLE EMBROIDERED CLOTH, and VELVET OPERAS for 1 Ladies and Gentlemen at 75 cents and $I.OO. BOOTS. SHOES AND SLIPPERSI There can be bought for a Lady or Gentleman no article more acceptable or useful than a {PAIR OF HANDSOME SLIPPERS. in the past, and We promise to do so in the future. HAN DSUME X-MAS ATTRACTIONS. We extend you our thanks unani- mously. We believe We have given you A HAPPY NEW YEAR. AMEHHY BHBISTMAS for Boys Girls, end little Children, that will please them every time, and cost you very little money. V oithq E ` %. . Ib'1`ho` .rbIiiav$l. of 'th'e"o`oi{io (if HI. and the -_P:-inoe, Imps;-igly m.a~..n.......o 4.1.. n.:...< |......`.'~...`.|.` .2144. ang_c.L*- . THE LARGEST. CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF MISCELLANEOUS Next dodr to Frawley & Dev1in s.New Grocery Store, DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. QUID PRO QU0 At the price we are selling them, very little money i will do the business. P.AS.--We have some very SOOT'I"S Ii-3?-)KSTORE. ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS ' BEAVER SAW WORKS, Hamilton, Ont. '-9 SOLE AGENTS, BARRIE. .3 We have cholce and serviceable TO MAKE Room .F_`QR sumo TRADE. The debt statement, issued from the Treasury Department at Washington, shows a decrease of the debt during the month of $14,584,650 ; a decrease of the b debt since June 30, 1887. of 853330.335 ; ` total cash in the Treasury available for the reduction of the public debt, 8295, 919,424 ; total cash in the Treasury, as shown by the Treasurer's gene rel account $27,625,557. EVERf0FFERED IN THE 'rov7vN.. BARRAU D 1'nnrHuTnn;mHBB. B9thw.ll s_ ,Black. T Barrio ----- AND -:- WISH -:- ;I'; ,$.!*`Prf`: Pnintnanvgntz;uanla1:g&Inent{}Siu8 fm 7 ' '5? U -'4" 3": r'* :=s ix`. 7 :.:_-,-_."L* . N %rIn"sI IiIi_Iz: .nA$m: spot} I88! to I885. S; `!!u ." ` ` *3 T; 01> POSITE swrrox. The Emperor ct Austria Dead. _ A despatch from Vienna to the Cologne Gazette says that tn the message sent by Emperor Francis Joseph to Em eror William on the occasmn of the New ear, the passage occurred : "God grant that the unsettled political e situation: may may be reassured and the blessings of peace preserved." V ' speedily be cleared so that our_ people` , Wreck and Death. An 1800-ton bark, believed to be an Amencan vessel, has been wrecked at the entrance to Waterford harbor. Her crew, consisting of twenty-five epersona, -were drgxvned. ` ,,I ! ,,,, 1 1 I .1 In Vnnuvv V90 The vessel is supposed to be the ship Eureka, Captain Southari, which sailed from San Francisco Aug. 10 for Queens- :own with a cargo of wheat, and which ran by Qucenstown in a gale. _ ` . .AMayo1-Caned. ' - At the last meeting of the old Council of Niagara. heldTuesday night, Council-A lor Wilkinson requested the members to retain their seats as he had been requested to read an address to Mayor Milloy. After -Mr. `Wilkinson had read the- address Reeve Bishop, on behalf of those who had contributed towards the object, pre- sented Mayor Milloy with a very hand some gold-headed cane,a.s a token of respect on his retirement from the mayor- alty. Drink : Doings. . Monday night Francois Vallier arrived at Sherbrooke from Robertson on the Q; 0. Railway with some companions on their way south. While "waiting for con- nections they visited some of the hotels and drank freely. Vallier left hisfellow travellers, evidently for the station, and disappeared, but was found at 1 o'clock Tuesday morning lying across the rails on the G T. R. with both his feet out off by the train. He was living then, but died before reaching the hospital. l- 1 The Pope in addressing the pilgrims at Rome last Thursday, said: You have not given flthllo those who, with the voice of calurnny, try to persuade you that the Pope is the enemy of Italy. The Popes have always been the greatest friends and benefactors of Italy. You," like ourselves, are convinced that `the Church, by her holy mission, ought to be independent of whatsoever terrestrial :.nthority--(cries of `Yes. yes ! )-that the ehurch is a divine institution, and that to try to reduce its interests to a -question of the laws of Italy can only be the result of most deplorable blindness." ' ` Hurricane In the Irish Channel. V A violent hurricane has been raging in the Irish Channel, Great damage has been done to property and shipping. The steamship Ohio, which had stormy weather after leaving Liverpool, arrived at Queenstown late Wednesday evening. She was unable to take on boaad the American mails owing to the bad weather, and was obliged to postpone her departure until Thursday. A portion of Fastnett Rock has tumbled into the sea. The light-keepers are terried, fearing that the sea will undermine the rock. It is impossible for boats to approach the rock. A large vessel has been wrecked o` Dun- cannon and all hands are believed to . be lost. Masonry and Drink. ` Calls have been distributed. for the eighteenth annual communication of the Grand Lodge of Quebec on Wednesday. the 25th inst. - It will be proposed that no saloon-keeper, restaurant-keeper, who sells intoxicating liquors, or tavern-keeper or bartender be eligible for membership in the fraternity of Freemasons in the jurisdiction of Quebec ; that any member in the "jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge becoming a saloon-keeper, restaurant-V keeper, selling spirituous or intoxicating liquors. or tavern keeper or bartender, be deemed guilty of a Masonic offence, the punishment of which shall be suspension or expulsionfrom the fraternity and the . erasure of his name from the roll. crunu and Accident:-Fire. ood uyd $-tn; KIA`--.I -.- Ll.- 7- 12:: D CZZ 3 DC? C C??? w '75-to;-7n'a'-i;1oko up the World Over. A meeting of K. of L and railrosders was held at Shamokin. Penn., on Monday and as `a result a general strike of miners and railroaders through the anthracite region, except in Wyoming Valley. The miners strongly condemned the course of the railroad company toward the Brother- hood of Locomotive Engineers. ' They de- clared their intention to ght to a nish. The entire coal region was represented at the meeting. Business is `greatly depress- ed. The miners declare they can stand out six months. nu:-swims or AL]. soars 41' mm: A BRIGHT &s1>mKIm January 12,.1..338-. __ Pope Leo Makes a Speech. Uncle Sam : Dob1:.. in dad ant oat the 7"E$BL2J;"1L. TIES? h}.u'.e.p . an iqadihg many `1ii1mjri w1i;a:'I=:ru-rlze ; ardafs` ;st;v?<::`zi`Y<>!9*.h6 9npear`t9L:thiuk ` met; may; hey ;a.r'oA Aiojiouug vudim ma? unit? . _ .=*yeeyr~.-much guiatakexmit nxandarn Jihanl; Q liBaItl'y.u v.- would "b'a' 8 ufofthingl tqgd 'r` v vvlngpwo "non val O In the` face of t_heae_fncta would it be wise for 9. young \womnnc'o1'nnr` .y e to- bacco user ! In icreesoneble for as young man to -form a habit entailing such re - still-.915 These are - noyieoliued " cases. We know of others where` perhaps noteo m_an_y'cureed" in one family, yet oneiviotim, nt lenat, \:v_as`_ euciced . upon the. altar` of self indul-_ gence. Tobacco using his -not a Jafe thing to do. Many: nyonng man has his mental `faculties oloude_d;,'*!:he "bright iboywemersins` i=1t'iT`!.uvety oogmmbnplace m_an',]j net ;bepans_'e_ We have hadyoung` men 'confbg ;to,'ue ,: that tobacco haLdeatroy'ed,"in a giant; meaaure~"t.hei1`-gJwiil-{)bw6ir:1x ' 3 . .mAknnnn -I-mi.` .`LL.'.: ll..A.'..L-.: :,_f + vvu--no-av Still another father whom we know has through excessive use of tobacco en- tailed kleptomenia. upon his three none. The father in en honeetgeeteelned `cit_i- zen, descending from he: goodly `line of ancestors; the` mother a gnoste estimahle woman; yet the Iona-will take 190139.009 `wherever .they- can -nd it ; and in one they` doinot. eome _aoroea-it, ceke`eome- thing which willbuy it. ` - ' . I... 41...` 13.`... -4` n..;.... ..-a... _-..I.1 :5 L- -uv-uvvv 0 new anvuuv an Ilvnvnuvslaavnnuu We know of another family, whose father not only uses tobacco excessively, but intoxicants also ; three of his sons cannot walk, having to use wheeled chairs as their only means of locomotion.` -These boys appeared to be all right un- til about the age of seven, when a slight paralysis commenced, increasing more rapidly at about thirteen, when all use of the lower limbs ceased. These cases have resulted-cr have been pronounced` to have resulted-- through heredity; tobacco the chief cause. nu us... uuuu -.1 vn sunuv "1; av navvvg ears ago, a young man "well known to us, married. Children were born until they had seven sons-not possessing them all at once, though.. None of these boys lived to be over three years of age--usually not over one-all dying with what physicians termed brain trouble." When the fth child died, several medical gentlemen -held an autopsy, deciding: Brain trouble re? sulting through heredity. _ Cause, exces sive use of tobacco by the father. We were present when the last one died, and we shall never forget the mother's agony as she cried out. Oh, my God! must poorlittle Georgie go as the rest have done! Who can imagine the feelings of those. parents as they stood by the row of little graves-'-seven of them---only think of it? Could the luxury of a self-indulgence appease the sorrow of so great a bereavement? TIT- 1-.....-. .1` .......LL.... '.....:I_. _.L-..- ' _ -The Social Wood. a We deem it our duty, to point out to those contemplating marriage, the curse entailed through using tobacco. We have heard many assert that the laws of heredity were "all moonshine; yet we only testify of that we do know. '\7`-__._ ___ _ __-___._ _-__ .___II `l_..._-__. A Wicked Salvation Army Soldier. David Moody,` of the Salvation Army, was sentenced `at Manchester, N Y., the other day to three years In the'States prison for immoral conduct towards a number of young girls. Carnot` Wants Peace. According to diplomatic advices Presi- dent Carnot has instructed M. Herbette, the French Ambassador at Berlin, to as- sure Emperor William that while he re- mains at the head of the Republic no French Government will be permitted to adopt a warlike policy. 371133 nit? v`vZ'iIilel}e$'iu'"f1'I{L`{$EZf The seat was accordingly dec ared vacant. Pittsbnrg 011 `Market. . Wednesday afternoon a rmer feeling prevailed in oil and there was less excite- ment. Tnebulls were unable to recover the around lost in the morning, however, and the market closed with sales at 92 7-8c. This is nearly 50. lower than the highest gures` of. the day. The clear- ances were 1,700,000 barrels. . ' Anetne:-Eat Gone. Wednesdsy was xed as the date for the trislof the petition for unseating of John Wsldie,- Grit. .M. P. for Halton. The J udge appointed to preside at the trisliwss Mr. J ustioe Rose, and every- thing wss resdy_ for the investigation, In`-snug `Ll. fnldig I-In.-nun nu `kn Qv\l\Q\tuA The int glass worker; of New York, Philadelphia, New_Bedford, Boston and Corring are out on strike to the number of 13,000. The strike bids fair to be a long and a bitter one. : A prominent manufacturer says it might continue all the year in which case the output would be deoreaaed four-fths entailing a loss-of between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000. (30 1` special its-sin. ,. givers met" ,at_. 3F/irnbombugh b the gnpreu _Egiex;i ' and 9 few mam ` of the household. chicane `(unseen j ,_ ``.'It must notzhe forgotten that p'ro- : position (Commercial Union) implies "`a` complete surrender by the Dominion: Par- liament to the American Congresaot all control over the ..principal. source . of the Dominion's revenue--the tarii What- ever it may please the American '0on`gr'e_ss to do regarding the tariffgthatthe Domin-. ion Government must iiorthwith accept. Our Congress would have even more power over the Dominion under this arrangement than it would in the event of Political Union, because the people of the Dominion would have neither vote nor voice in Washington under the proposed Commer- cial Union, while they would have both under Political`Unlon.` Not only would our Congress prescribe and change at pleasureall the tariff "taxes exactedfrom the people of Canada. but our executive ofcers and our courts would make all the rulings and decisions affecting rates for the Dominion; as well as for the United States. This answer is conclusive; Thlrteoh rnouund Ont. Il'l1Q|~ `UHF III 0 ` fonmyonz ;,tr9;B.. .noo 1:, _~ C .'.'.-`E5 IIITVIVDIUIV CHI-._ . A IWIIIE :' I", lIll'II.i=lllX..`"IF 9.9" WV`-'5 L shut In out.5nd' uunnd we will vmlin mhmmlmavihht The. III I539 IIICIIIIUI UWIUIV VII VIUHICII They then went to thenntono of Odin; and the` man beina on one side, `and the woman on tho~othex'-`,' they took hold of each other : right hand through the hole in it, sud sworn to be constant and faith- ful to euohjothor." ` T - Orkneytpoolllo paid grontiroapeiot tothit stone of Odin, and v'vhe`n visiting (It were in the `habit-. of depositing a present `of - brood and ohooie`, or`: tag. ' II 1:} -`Lab :3 an` u -nun-can AL:I.' L -.I;lV VJMV .l:.lL i.V'_wg l1'i'dur1ng thelat hut oenmuya Nouoastmm the wondern of .1nvem1.v.o, 9.202;:-nil uneth . and 3 mm. 01: ;wiork thalzcan , Ipexformeidmall worth` countgz wlthbnv vabpn tlggf. are 'w-hrkorai from `ml: ; s Dav Inn 2 anvona]1a work : - :-A-Mooovuim -in gm: vuriqty `and very. {cheap at P.aul_ s. ' I . . hut oenmiya No ` '.'72?.?.T.:'a*'i;y both wnt to the ~'.l`emplo~of the Son, -whenthe mun prayed, in like m|hnerl)o;_f 1~`4a(.tl`x:a'iIrT`>mun. lllI'I'_ A_LJ AI_.., 3 l'\|I ""i"w"'.'5 t?1'iZ3'Ja"h' '1'? a young child was passed thronigh the hole it would npvoirflhako 'with'qhe palsy of .o!d nae, _ " 7i7'vY{3`I: the parties had-agreed to marry they repaired to the Temple of the Moon, whereithe woman, in the presence of the ma. tell down on her kneeea and prayed to the god whom they addressed on this o'ce'uion---thet he would enable her to perform all the premises` e.nd`obliget1on`I the has made, and wemto `make to the yon`' resent. '_ . V 7. ```Q1' u- unto `uA`L u-nun:-L `A LL- III NU` J l Through. the upper part 3 round hole was cut, through which it is presumed the sacricial victim was tied; but in later -times it was put to other uses. Hither many 3 pair of lovers resorted, and by. joining hands through this ring plighted their troths for ever--e pledge of love which was to them as sacred as `e marriage vow. he .'.I1 an n . n le Soottieh Society of Antiquarian: gives the following explanation of the ceremony: - - 'uT|...... LI... ......4.:... 1.-.: -._..-.I .- ...-__` `A mm nu-maze ww. One of the standing pillars of stone, The Stones of Stones, in the Orkney Islands seems to have had a romantic history. ' ' - - mknnuimk `kn gunman -`A-5 - --.-_J L-`_ ITIIBVIIIVIIUHI . A The liver, when deranged, immediately announces the fact by sallow skin, consti- pated bowels, coated tongue and head-' aches; but the kidney when diseased struggles on for a longtime, and the fact of its disease can only be the aid of the microscope or by the physician who is skillful enough to trace the mostvindirect effects in the system to the derangement of these organs as the prime cause. e `AI-lit`? HV IIIHIIJ LGUCI \IlDUl\slUl| Kidney disease may be ' known to exist if `there is any marked departure from ord_t'nary health without apparent known cause, and it should be understood by. all that the greatest peril exists and is intensied if there is the least "neglect to treat it promptly with that great specic, Warner's safe cure, a remedy that has` received the highest recognition by scientic men, who have thoroughly in- vestigated the character of kidney de- rangements. i - mkn `Iv-pan Ink`-u .'..l.-,-. " It is a scientic fact that the kidneys have fewnerves of sensation ; and, con- sequently. disease may exist in these organs for a long time and not be suspect- ed by the individual. It is impossible to lter or take the death out of the blood when the least derangement exists in these organs, and if the blood is not lter- ed then the uric acid or kidney poison re- movable only _by Warner's safe cure, accu- mulates in the system and attacks any organ, `producing nine out of ten ailments, just as sewer gas and bad drainage pro- duce so many fatal disorders. ` Adnnnn nan.-u kn `--an-an La `-3.5 AQVIIIIUEI If a sewer pipe breaks under the house, the sewage escapes into the earth and Ella the house With poisonous gas; so if any of the thousand and one little` hair-like sewer tubes of the kidneys break down, the entire body is affected by this awful -poison. ' . T` n un:nn`:nn can` &`u-a` `Ln Io:. -an-en VI-II? susyuasu , IIIIUJ UUUII UUUUIIIU IUIJIQ g "N ow in like manner the human kidneys act as a lter for the blood, and if they are lled up with Impurities and become foul like the lter, all the blood in the system coursing through them becomes bad, for it is now a conceded fact that the kidneys are the chiefymeans whereby the blood is puried. These organs are lled with thousands of hair-like tubes. which drain the impurities from the blood, as the sewer pipes drain impurities from our houses. GIJII VVIIIIVU Pull`, glUII|lUV\L WQUVII Some cautions. people resort to the lter for purifying this water, but even the lter does not remove this poison, for -water of the most deadly character may pass through this lter and become clear, yet the poison, disguised, is there. - 'l`hn11.In`\n nun -'6-nun Ir-nun `Hal than J VII IIIIU FUIBUIJ Illlsll IHUVJ I5 VIIUI Us 9 9 They who use lters know that they must become renewed at regular periods, for even though they do not take out all the impurity, they soon become foul, I Nil} `ii uvunnvunn `LA `nuiuvunru The greatest necessity of everyday life is pure water. Two-thirds of one : body is made up of water. If the water we drink is-impure, then how can we hope to escape diseased conditions? T` -`l|'v|nt|`n UV VUUWIW $lUUV\l UUI-I\IIIIlUlIU I _ It ii impossible. The stomach, liver and kidneys connot purify polluted water. Qlllll no I1`:l\I1n i\nnv\`n inn-An` `II UIOV VIUICUUII UIVIUII This blood is made impure because of the impurities in the drinking water, these impurities` being deadly` poisons which paralyze the nerve "action of the kidneys and liver. When these blood purifying organs are paralyzed, then the natural waste of the body-the uric acid accumulates in the blood, and fever cannot be prevented until this excess of uric acid has been removed. IL_ .__-_1_.A _, 1-, I33, holera and typhoid and malarial fevers can all be prevented -by simple rules of life, and these rules `should be studied by every one o These diseases are symptoms of 'a. low state of the system, produced `by thgnvitiated blood. 2.1.1 .1 ' I `,7, I 9 V IIIIUIII 59` [I531 Surely a winter of malaria and typhoid will ill prepare our people to encounter a summer of chgolera`. - nL_l_;: _-., -1 I I - I I- v- : . _ _ AbeAv;l~:;-' . V Tydhoid fever rages everywhere ! ` _ erever cities "are dependent upon ' rive or stresms forTtheir`drinking'we.ter, the fever rages violently. Throughout the entire Southwest and North-west the wells are low ; the water is of _ very poor quality ; end here also the fever rages V II1 hnD:`I'An A` N131 VA-I, Iiuullvl , Gill` IIVIU BIDU III-[U IUVUK `CECE A The authorities of Albany, New York, Chi o, ` Qipcinnati, St, Louis, Phila- delp 3 End other large cities are warning the people not to drink the water without first boiling it to kill the malarial and typhoid germs. ` ` .qnlIn`Iv n In:n`n- 1.` -u-.414;-:n 1.-.4` I-cw-\`up.:4: _ uiuntrux n`;-i. `A? . noiv it CD-.. I.` A --.l.I__I PW `[133 : r3vo1utio"nize"d the J " wni-I lurlnb-`thn Inn}. Q vvo1utio`_`nize"d'the gr! `during-'the1ut .mr than -nndnrn of hm mu 1 W. ,9-..~;L}4.n .14 _`..:= -~ 4Inet7i?rii4'"&7'B7\%"E< FPA0B` ..__-.....__ .. , __._.__-___ . ~l {B-' [-1 1=':-BTI-IT='=B. `.G9nrMcnt-Bthw11'-,1ks%8srr1- Ont sun LIFE as `ACOIDENP A33. 00., ROYAL ozmwun nan ms. 00.. LANOASHIRE FIRE INS. 00"}. Rents Oouoetoda '-I roperty Bought and CRYSTAL PA|.AOE$`l"0BE8 Tonsv` _-ro LOAN In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity tor the liberal patronage bestowed upon him intbepast,begs to state thathe has at con siderable expense` increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared to do a larger business than ever. i BREAD ~'"8T%'.'!1RTE" Es%a:".:2:.:.*;*1::';:zz:: :;;:.:.;':P "` `*- PIO-N10 PARTIES Eoomns ac wnnnnms supplied at short notice and on reasonable n-Inn FWW-S. LEADS _T_l-_I_E VAN. I .!!IJ!=JHII\N|1.1!!NG ._Z0UBE- I ywvaowuu -u-If jII& Titti- Sold everywhere. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Proprietors and manufacturers. THE UNION MEDICINE C0., Proprietors. . Toronto. Ont. . Take -nyo o t'her. Sold everywhere. Price, 75 cents per bottle. -rxrs 1-`ox---9----op- man tact d fresh 0 do`. As]: your groger fmhem and y3'5vm 11:0 no other.

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