Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Jan 1888, p. 4

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IXIIIOID CI-can-u w. > TORONTO. J am ary 3, 1888. . . . . . . . 84.... 84 1.. '14...- knnni ,1 III .30 74 @ 0 75 V. .74.... 80 A-:- A: 00:1 55.` Now come ON. }-:- WE -:- WISH -:- We extend you ourthanks unani- Jnously. We believe We n have g1ven you AMEBIIY CHRISTMAS A HAPPY NEW YEAR. in the past, and we promise to do so in the future. There can be bought for a Lady or Gentleman no article moreacceptable or useful than a -UUuI vIr \o\Il , _ DIUUI-I`lx.llI~Hl~ClD (1 th book hqg, pgnectwu 9:-b;_d.-, :3. tobe und;"bm`;;h`ibddlhinationjt jealousy. The Acotrootion 0: thin PAIR OF HANDSOME SLIPPERS. HANIJSOMEX-MASATTRABTIONS. We have handsome patterns in SILK and CHENEILLE :EMBR0lDERED CLOTH. and VELVET OPERAS for 1 Ladies and Gentlemen at 75 cents and $I.OO. ` For 3|-25; $|.5O and $2.00 We give you exquisite `styles, with. RAISED SILK, and EMBROIDERED SILK [ TII 'I'?QI"I i>'1 .UsIHI BOOTS, SHOE-S AND SLIPPERSI LJOHN CLAYTON" AND GUMPANY, `1 `6`c'>x`5r's'. 1 IIIIEAPI .evil_.of bribery will hsve`tooommenee:ine ' ourachools. 3 The children must bjegtabht that bribery is as much a moral ivrong as stealing or any other crime against society. . When such a sent`1ment_ has been instilled into the minds of the rising generation, we shall have a more eifectual remedy than penalties or Acts of Parliament can. furnish. Let our children be ebctually taught that to sell a vote or buy one is a crime against morality and law, and is as deserving of punishment as burglary or nnnn an-{A Ska tennis}!!! nnt h dilo MAYOR ROSS, % _.__.._. _._..._.. ,_-_______. P To FARMERS AND THRESVI-IERS.--"Al`7he M V ','II0lI Oiltoz-Maohlneryin made bi MOCOLL BROS. & 00.. Toroniao LARDINE _MAGHINE OIL. fgunnmdkimhm mun. o;nor.mhu~Lgnuna on. am he mum 101 for B/Q}'.'5.. Girls, and little Children, that will please them every time, and cost you very little money. OVERSI-ICES ! 4` Q1; 11) PRO QUO P.S.-We have some very At the price we are selling them, very little money will do the business. Next door to Frawley & Devlin s New Grocery Store, DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. ALL oun cusromans AND FRIENDS ueserymg UI puuluuuwuu DB Illllslul ya. arson, and the country will not be din-' graced no it in now, by the disreputable acts which our election courts are daily bring- ing to light. THE A WONDERFUL CHEAP MAN! $l.OO AND cos1's We have choice and serviceable FOR -EXPOSING OUR ON THE LSIDEWALK. |FELT| ..._.- BY. ---'-AND-+- I'M. -*,I.'I:o ' I -sn-sr * F6i1ALn.-L.swonn1Nh nwnpmua Kid 5` ?'3:`n3A1'w" '$3v."!'uy'1l~Eo' mg-ao:r"' u..;:;, . . V` o 09 1 . sisnnzn unnonomazou. nnronfr. for the and Wu]: nmuu n_oo. am. Janua'ry"5,15888; vvv UR ,5 1 s`. The past year `closed with avery season- able week, in which we had snowfall on 5 days-2 being blizzards. The temperature on 4 days was below zero, from 2 to 15, the warmest night being 15 above, and _.the daily range was 15 above up to 40; -giving` an aver- age of -15 for the week. The .barometer indicated `a range of 0. 57in. for atmospheric disturbance-with the low reading on Wednesday and the high on Fri- day. On the formerday.` at sunset, a strong northwest wind with snow reached this locality, taking some 24 V hours in passing- some waves in which obtained to 35 and 40 miles an hour. Friday was _a calm sunny day, being followed on Saturday with a strong easterly wind and snow during 12 hours. In... o..+..I ummnt. nf snowfall in 5 davs. 0885011] wmu auu snow uunug an uuuxu. The total amount of snowfall in 5 days, during 37 hours, was about 13in. (estimated afterthe etorms)--8in. of which fell during the tint blizzard, and 3in. on Saturday. n... A .1--- .. .......5I.-.m`m:m-I nu-nunilm-I mam-. `I18 IJFSU Duzzaru, uuu olu. uu unuuuuu . On 6 days a northernwiud prevailed, veer- ing round south 2, west 3, . audeaet 3 days Three days were stormy, owing. to first storm extending into 2 days. We got aun- ehine in 3 days; amounting to 17 hours, from a possible 62 of sun inthe week. ` A V J. J. GILLEM. Grand Entertainment and `res.-Meeting. There will be a grand musical and literary entertainment and tea-meeting. under the auspices` of the Allaudale English Church, at theorange Hall, Allaudale, on Tuesday, January 10th, 1888 It will_be inVa_id_of the Organ Fund. V_H.cl_dres_seI.. Will be delivered by`B.eva. W. Sills, E. A. Murphy, J. White and others. The chair will be taken by His Honor Judge Boys. The musical part of the programme will `be given by Mr. J. O. Mor- gan, St. George s Choral Union and the best` amateur talent in the vicinity. This will no doubt be one of the pleasant events of the r Ieasou and cannot fail to draw a crowded ouse. e V , The attention of millers, wheat buyers, farmers and others is directed to the new standard of wheat lately published at Ottawa. There is considerable dissatis- faction concerning it, both to the time` and mode of making the change. The purport of the new standard is as here given : Spring wheat, extra Manitoba hard wheat shall be sound and well clean- ed, weighing notless than 62 pounds to the bushel." and shall be composed of not less than 85 per cent. of red Fife wheat grown in Manitoba or the North-West rIV.......:+m.:.. Wn, l~MnnitnbL hard` wheat grown In UIHHIFUUD U1` uuu d.VVl\|I' svwuv Territories. `No. l~Manitoba hard` whoa shall be sound and well cleaned, weighing not less than 60 pounds to the bushel, and shall be composed of at least two- thirds of red Fife wheat, grown in Mani-_ toba or the North-West Territories. N 0. 2 Manitoba hard wheat shall be sound and reasonably olean, weighing not less than 58 pounds to,-the bushel, and shall be com sed of at least two-thirds red Fife w eat, grown in Manitoba or the North-West Territories of `Canada. No. 1 hard Fife wheat shall be sound and well cleaned, weighing not less than 60 pounds 4.- 4.1.... l.....|.-l on!` dual] `ha nnmnnnn nf THE NORTHERN AI3;YANcE.. .. _._ __ n n n-n.....- I--n'n.nnIv- CIUIIIUII, WUIKIIIIIK IIUUVIUUU Ilunu vv rvuuvuw to the bushel, and shall be composed 0 not less than three-fourths of hard white Fife wheat, grown in Manitoba or the I Nor_th_-West '1_`erritories.` u-_ ---v-- _-- _ _ _> In company with several other lads Lorne Sterling was engaged Tuesday in coasting near the Victoria avenue tobog- gen slide, Hamilton. In coming down the sleigh went so rapidly that the guide could not regulate the course and the con- sequence was that they ran into a log near the bottom of the slide. Young Sterling was thrown off and had his right leg broken. The rest of the boys escaped without any injuries. ' A Fatal Railway crossing. I About two o'clock Monday afternoon a west-bound special train struck Gordon -Ferrier s cutter when he was about cross- ing the railway traclt.`two miles west of Goodwood, Ont._ The engine smashed the cutter into pieces. but the horse was not injured. Mr. Farrier was carried some distance on the cow` catcher before the train was stopped; The doctor has not much hopes of his recovery. ` Mr. sheehy Creates Excitement. - Mr. Wilfrid Blunt and Lady Blunt, and Messrs. Evelyn and MacDerrnott,. mem- hers of Parliament. were welcomed at Pocturnna-the other day by 2000 persons. Great excitement was caused by the simul- taneous arrival of. Mr. Sheehy in his prison vgarb. "The police escorting Mr. Sheehy were considerably hustled by the people shaking hands with the prisoner. 1 Alchlnese Horror. A Mail sdviees. from China. state that a powder magazine containing 40.000 k1lo- e grams of powder. exploded at Amoy, November 21. doing immense damage. The force of the explosion was very great. A number of buildings of the town were laid in ruins, Fiftrsoldiers were blown to atoms, sud several hundreds of the in- hsbitsnts. - - -- Ilsn hnr III III: DAIn1I_A_ IlBUlVIlIIllo V The Ourmhuhhce. The Imperial family _Wlll leave _-the Gatschina. Palace at theend of this week, and will come to St: Peteraburg to reside for_ ten` weeks. Special "measures have been taken to protect. the Czar.` Several hundred apeciiil detectives-V watch `-the= streets along wlnch the Out is likely to Oman-u . 0and1datoI1 luol:o._ _ . Inipeotor ,Buy|e oCtoport, -i|il.utV the moting of the School "Bond at Lbdon the other night. _a,hoyv_i that out of 147 up- plicants; for Idmisiioti .'to, the Collegiate lmtituto only 20 `sued, 13 girls and 7 boyi. lnihintory ne103_yero plucked. .,.v `. : 1` V`. _`_ l :3 wxnuiauroam ~ ` A I .1. xuv VUIIIIIIDIIUQIIU III. III vvaluvnvuvu r` gain in not be ltpoiuggd "mu um... on tghq. this-gl_ Wqgqegllg ,_nf_er Parliament 'npah'I3"`A Mu"minb" `L 50; oioex-will likely 30% the pogitiou. The 00mll'I'I-IT.d-C:l-t- 9! the Wimbledon , A -_II __-A_ I..- -_____A-.l ._..LI LL- ___ Broken has from coating; 'l'In.1D U! QUDDUL aavavn 31 Per Annum in Ac`3:;7a.nce. $1. A1 A AA:-.nnvnn will ha nddad to tha sub- Now 8tandi'd of Wheat. ~ __L--L _rii'nnws onmamme mHmn.! -_rnn1-rm our or A noun A conuunsm-roonn. - A mm : In View at the World for um I Daya-- Canadian. United States --J limaanpnl A15 u--- and General News. The St. Lawrence river continues to at Montreal. "E `->'extt-yf-($1.1;-I-1.e Arab` immigrants reach- ed Montreal one day last week. AA-o AAA 5 1` LED AAA _E A__._-l v\- u-cw.-u---- ...-, _.._- . Ohly 826,01); of tho of taxes hav_o as yet been paid at St. Thomas. _. 1-___._ __:.1_._.__ -1. I\;.L-_- .'~'Bl;.a:-i'ea'-Beat:-1',` ,;1}y;& a_t'atfiot1W1V1dry in St. Thomas, had a hand mutilated by an explosion the other day. ` ,1 _, _.-L2_L2_.__ I_-_- '51: ';e;gl-`-6VI-JVi(1V-0;l7li7 {at `Ottawa was undoubtedly caused by the water. _,_,1 _; - -____.1.._ u-oq cc:-v--v --' V----- -.. It in stete-d that fre_eh.n'etzotietione have been entered into by the Quebec Govern- ment for the new-provincial loan. ' ' IIl\_.u.-.I ags.- H No newname win no auneuw Ianu Blur tion not until the money in paid. 8!: her: now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.60 per ennnm. - -1::-w -v_ .__v ___- 7 San Francisco is threatened with a. small pox` epidemic. V A____-s u_-_.- _.1..:_-.1 11.- \'r-_ nu-u-on r.- .`v--..-__ - Eminent counsel have advined the New York.Po1ioe Board that Sunday concerts are illegal. T In ,,,2I,__._ -_ AL. _..I. Ianv Qocvnvuuv - The new railway mileage for the past year in the States was 12,724, the largest on record. - van D Viv. :- `Willie feuiaule, of Lake Linden, aged 15, surcided by taking stryolmine at Hancock last Thursday. A I A _ out-lav-Ive. out-cw --_-_---`- `Two New Jersey sports fought A desperate four round battle last week for the hand` of a young lady. Aqnn Ann I 1 1, l1__n|,I- ____:'L_I m7r1:e'-a'1<)'6,(o?)'a-sSi'1o',1'7Bu1ra1o capital- into for the purpose of securing a. plain to utilize the Niagara River has been aub- _-_:L...`I . :;;;a:;a:* V `Old World. Heavy snow storm; have visited the south of Europe. . `II 7 I,,, __________j _ uvuvng vu ----- wrw. Mr. Sexton : illnessv has_ assumed a- dangeropa phase. T ' ' I - lA , 1- L- I_*=I !-'1_)'_,.:V7i`1iVw;send, reifotcinenfa to lMassowah during January. ' A- ---- 1A_.1:._ LL. - `I'll MUNICIPAL ILIQTIONS. 1 At no time for -some years -have the 1 elections for councillors andtrusteos pro- 1 dnced a more lively interest than the elections on Monday... Canvassing. was as active and votes sought as earnestly as though it use keenly contested parliamen- my election. All day long thestreetswere * lled with vehicles carrying voters to the f polls. The triangular contest for the 1 Hayoralty threw into it a doubtful 4 element that it would not otherwise have x possessed and gave rise to some prophesies 3 which were not fullled. "So great are thechauges in the personel of the council llet it. is practically a new one, the `ifwor mud Messrs. Hines, Fletcher and being the only members of" the old council re-elected. During no year in the history of Barrie has so much improve- ment been made on streets and sidewalks and of so excellent and permanent char- acteffor so small a sum of money, and we only hope that at the end of the year the new council will be able to make as good a showing. . We regret the defeat of two or three of the old council because their course has demonstrated that they worked faithfully for the best interests of the town. pWhether the cause of defeat was the boulevarding, the proposed water- works or the Qow by-law. or all these to- gather which led to their `retirement, we shall not presume tosay, but we venture to airm that their absence from the coun- cil. will be proved to .be a misfortune. ' It is to be hoped that a standstill policy will not be inaugurated or worse still a re- actionary one. We shall watch with con- siderable interest the proceedings of the new town fathers and sincerely hope they will show themselves worthy of the con- -dence which the electors have reposed in them by placing them where they are. ----------__-:-_-__._.- Jlllluvwu uuaau vuua_uu-.4 . M. Wilson is not legally involved in the new decoration ecanclal a.t_ Paris. , .1 `I1 It is reported that Aus't.1:i;_;i1 Russia ' have taken a whiff of the Calumet. _ ' Oicial rve`x1e"l1aeeT been reduced in Ireland on an average of lftper cent. . - Ambaaador; a.nvnuu--- vuu v--. -. -_..=_ -_ Lord Lytton has pt-esent;.*e<`1Z `his dreden-. tiala to President Oat-not as British LLIII IJI-Iiliuuiavn - ` The Bulgarian Sobranje has resolved to issue a. loan of $10,000,000 for railway construction. - - o c u 1\ VUIJU VI Iayvnvun - Mr. Gladstohe was received by Presi- dent Carnot last Thursday, after which the G. O. M. left Paris for Flerence. "C: no _ The government oicial who is charged with criminally assaulting three young girls is Major Bishop, the governor of the county .jail. The Police Authorities refused to prosecute him. ' `VICV \JII we own: gvnv --.--.. _-_ ___-..-_-- Mr. Bevan, the Auatrelien ivho eriwlored. New Guinea, reports that the island has riyer systems offering commercial high- ways. .____.L -m_:-n _.1_- :_ -1..-..;.....I Lord Stanleyof Preston, better known as Colonel Frederick" Arthur Stanley, is younger brother and heir of the Earl of Derby. . Born`Jan. 15, 1841; educated at Eton ; entered the Grenadier Guards ae Ensign and Lieutenant, April, 1858, be- came Lieutenant, Captain and Ad'utant, J une, 1862, and retired 1865 , is alone] 3rd and 4th Battalion King's Own (Royal Lancaahire Regiment); Sat` for Preston from July, 1866, till November, 1868, since when he has represented North Lani- cashire. Was a Civil Lord of the Ad- miralty from August till N ovember, 1868 : | Financial Secretary to the War Oice from 1874 to.1877; Secretary to the`Treaaury trom 1877 to 187 8 ; and Secretary of State for War from 1878 to 1880. Married in 1864. Lady Constance. eldest daughter of the fourth Earl of. Clarendom. A special from `St. Francis, Ark.,. says ; Wm. Herrig, a wealthy planter, was for some time jealous of. the attention paid his wife by Wm. Matthewson, and forbade him coming to his house. This was dis- regarded by Matthewson, and on Tuesday last he called and invited Mrs. Herrig to take a drive with him. While she was getting ready Herrig shot and killed- Matthewsonand then forced his wife to drive to Matthewson_ s house with th body. On her return she found her home in ames andwas shot and killed by her husband, who then` ed. Mrs. Herrig was formerly an. actress. is political bribery. By it bad men are placed in positions of trust and importance where they thwart the popular will, and do innite mischief to the best interests of the state. Our election courts are from day to day showing us that corrupt prac- notwithstanding the penalties which the V law imposes for the offence. Both-po1iti- cal parties practice it, but the election judge ned a number of persons 8200 j nnrsrzmr yr rinincrroivs. One of the worst crimes against society tices at our elections are far too frequent, courts prove that the party, which claims all the political purity in the land and charges all the bribery and corruption on their opponents, are the worst o'enders againstthe laws of political morality, as far more Grits are unseated for corrupt practices than Conservatives. Last Tues- day, Judge Osler declared the Russell election void, andsaid he would report to the Speaker a number of persons who had been guilty of the offence of bribery in , that county. In the Dundas election, the ` each for attempting to bribe men to vote- ior the man of opposite political creed. It i is to be deeply deplored that such loose views should be held by so many people on the immorality-of both giving and c_eiring bribes.` Too many view it as` a light and trivial matter, perfectly juati. able in party . political warfare, lnnteadof being one of theggravest ..o'ences against. the commonwealth While * every mu. guilty of~o'ering or talring_`a` bribe`, should : P'?mP'l!, 1V_ F119. P,!lh|!,I.nt such as. crime deserves, it is plain ,:that the-o;`1;', need of this country is some more eective . means of`. bnildins up ii tsztoiisor. and .._m9rei health: e.m9rgi*'.;.qsusi.a;.ni. A goodmany people sneered-s}? thsat-"'*" I go late--Rev. .Dr.~Byauon to larhcr Seine jndiaieslof the Liverpool Assizes are being lashed by the Emzlish pressfor the brutality of certain sentences pro. nounced by them. An o1d'man of 68, convicted of stealing some underclothing. was sentenced to penalseryitude forseven years..and~another man, who had fl'&\ldll,f lently obtained a shilling on a charitable pretence, was sentenced for ve years. In the `same city, recently, two men `were ned only 40'shillings for killing their wives by beating. V .~ V : i :5 Ottawtvs i`ever Epidemic. A Dr. P, H. Bryce. Secretaryioi the Pro- vincial Board of Health, and Dr. McDon- vld," of Hamilton, who have gone to Ottdws to investigate the causes of the fever, began their preliminary operations Thursday morning. `They will `examine the souroesbf the city's water supply and tell the in posed causes of the fever epi-': demio, an (it is probeble that they will `examine witnesses before msking sreport. _ The, relative strength of [parties in the German Reichstag. which differs very little from what it.`was at the beginnin of last session, is :-Co_nservatives. incltidging lmperialists and Free Conservatives, 1'17 ; Clerioals or Centre. 101 ; Poles, 13; Na- tional Liberals. 99 :=_Libe'ralists. Progres "slats, or Radicals. 34 ; Social Democrats, 11 glndepennlts, incllIdinglth_e Ahgog. `I-lorrainers, 22 ; total..397. ` . _ . Aouuyizwawog. __ . The steamer Roman from_ Liverpool, thigh `arrived at Boston Thursday, rbrouirlit 3" `atowswsy; s Scotch M o{o18`,, and .1-mittod him to land. Tho Stohrn 1 _i]f,Qo.. nqd.f.'O12`000;: ;~nd; tho`: :'3....u. "l`nihinhl itl. :L"li2'i3E i.-ma oi I VI. wvvnc n-I ;?a'ni`l'iii"d`tbb.in6l.?..til` the Itovmny produo Punishment Exceeding the crime; new and _Iglohnu=1I ooqsmutoa. What a. Jealous Husband ma. Our. New Governor-General.` THE {1von.1*HEnN ' BRITISH FISBERY COMMISSIONER. _ The banquet given to Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain at Toronto last week was, by the description of it given by the '1`o- ronto press, a very brilliant and successful affair. Mr. Chamberlain is a man of rare powers as a speaker, and the mission he is on gives to any expression he makes on public topics more than ordinary impor- *~~~- u=- m.......... .......1.- though .v.|:c . '.;;!I.I9 ; my -I the ::.I. xnid Ba%II-ie% Cheap (F-oods House! om-ing % [ills I INNIBFIL, ALLANDALE P.O. Cash paid for wheat. ALWAYS open to BUY in quantities to suit those offering or do- sh-ing to sen. ' T . Wheat taken in xohan V for Flour. FLOUR for sale ;T`MILLS or d voted. Shot-ts`_ and Bran alw;3;;'t')1;l;ai1d and for sale at modera.teTCASII prices. _ The Prices Ruling In the Barrie and To- ronto Markoto During the Wook. -. . Buuun. January 4. 1888. manna mum MARKET. ~ nnvun nvn: Sprin Fall Barley . . . . . noun . . . . . . . . FUND Rye BU` Cow per owt ...... .. Steer per cwt.. .. .. , Sheegskina each.. Lam Skins each- Pelt: each.........` - V--'- Wheat Whea.t.goose. Barley per bus el.. .. Oats per bushel .... .. Peas per bushel Hay, perton.......... Straw per ton....... Beef.tore unrters, pe Bee-f. bin q Mutton per cm. . per bushel. .. o a . - to 1-buehe1...... n o o o a o - - no . a o o o o o o no o c - - u . u . an - o a u - - . . on i-':%iri;IIII uarters. per cwt... La bperlb Velxfl per cwt............. Butter lb rol1s.. . Butter. lax-are rolls. Emu nnr dnzen. . . `bi-'n'.IIIIII '1 91. csuuuau ... ._....._--- H hewnnme will be added!-0 the ` n-I-ntinn Lint until money pgid. __ # uiler. we IUIIB) P` Egan per dozen-... C eeseper Turkeys per 1b ..... .. Chickens per pair... Geese per Ducks per pair..... Potatoes. A plesp ha .. . Bgess Del`- rbusl?e`l: 5'IKI\7IORff)"FI7$EE! Our stock is now complete tour our Xmas tn e and comprises a. full line of Flue Gold Sets, Flue Gold Lockets Chains and Charms. In silver` Plate we have the latest patterns out. consisting of Tea sets Cake Baskets, Cruets, Butter Dishes, nlves. Forks Nut-crackers, Children : . Mugs, an Pickle Dishes. (tall and be convinced that we intend to do the Jewelry business of Barrie. `Christmas will soon be here. so call early and get first choice. R. A. ;D_Q_UGLAS,e FARM FOR sXi3;;Tidersigd has in-' structions to sell the south-west uarter of. 1... 04 In tha nisrhth concession of the _'_{o_w1_1ship J.` sell the south-west. (uarcer or. lot 24, in the ei hth concessloncf ' `ownship of Innisl, in t e County of Simcoe. This Farm contains 50~a.cres. 40 acres being cleared and 85 acres tree from stumps. -. The soil is a. sandy loam and is in a; good state of cultivation. The water privileges'exce1lent, and the tenees 4.. nmmlass renair. The farm is___with;n _eay 3% mg: ::..-'.`%.':..-:&:-;,s*- scamsenu wooamna W Heavy Dress ClothW%l0 and 12} itfints. Beautifui Patterns in Ginghams at 5 cents yard. READY-MADE CLOTHING ATAWHOLESALE PRICES, at the access of the r road. and the buildings include `a. frame house 18 x 26 with kitchen 14 x 20. two barns 30 x 50 and 22 x 35. stable 12 x 20, and cow ....u.. 1.1 u. an. For terms and further particu- BARRIE_.C]E[EAPL1)RY GOODS HOUSE. R.A. STEPHENS & GO. Bihs`30 and 22 35-. Stable 12 x w. anu cow stable 14 x- 20. For terms rtlcu- lars apply to JOHN W. MORROW. Auo 0&3-r, | `Rm-I-la. puuuv IIUPIUB IIIUIU Inna v--.....-' ___`. tance. His Toronto speech," though polished and complete as a literary pro- duction, gives but little light on the situation at ,Washington. While Mr. Chamberlainwould like to see free trade views accepted_ by the nations of the world, he sees but little` prospect of the United States adopting them. He is con-. vinced that Congress has not the reinotest intention of passing the Butterworth bill- He sees the great future of the Anglo- Saxon race, and thinks that all causes of diiculty will be removed without disturb- ing the peaceful relations of Britain and the United States. Oommercial Union, as advocated by Mr. Wiman and his Canadian organs, he considers impossible without a complete separationof `Canada hem the parent state. Canada must choose in this matter, and if she chooses to thiow in her fortunes with the Great Republic, Britain will interpose no barrier. It is quite safe to predict that a wondrous change would have to take place in Cans- dian public sentiment before Commercial Union will be accepted on such condi- . tions. The Right "Honorable gentleman referred to the possibility of Imperial Federation in the future as a grand idea that might yet meetwith realization. , . I Rewarded are those who `read ` R this and then not; they will] nd honorable empl~.-ymentnthat will not take them from their homes and families. The prots are large and sure for every industrious person. man have madeand are now msking! several hun red dollars a month; - It is easy for 3 anyone to mslre as and upwards nor-._d?.:who . is willing to work. Either sex. young 1- old; capital not needed - we start) on. lwerything new, Nospeclal shility required - 011. reader. can do it as well as sny-one. ~ to to usst once for tnl,l.pertlcnlars,-D which we mull tree. Address St. _ n 8:. Co._. Portlsnd, Msine. _ . . 1 TRAYED.--_s ed on to the remiuea of $319 `. we ed. :t%.s:w*3nx:~.a-rzi of! a nu e 8323 ..`.n _;_o_ Hw;ye @$6-mewap {E - f;..: V, ;J1:.Ju`5.'50'.B . E.mhmt~T . _ - A i..-9.9 .,.1.,;%...;.~.-*am:.`~.a-a...'m; B#:`.*:.*`?:`.n?:`n:`:%`gl;n%?- z`s% x.:...`~i.'.m}.`.`.`...;..``.".'.`.`1.`.." "?" `..`i*-"'s `ku-E1-`ii p?8:~~ L GREAT 4 DRESS - Goons -sum; 'ThE"%LAn}is `Jewusm . .3... Toronto rs:-morn Ila:-hot. lII--_..-_ `In-u-unuvuv Q |!PER:MNTnIAY1i1`??3Fr%Q"Mm"m&_hm. fltnnnm. .42; "{Iiiiiii cAI.anA'|rII. .......-nu... III:-vwu----__,-, V, An 8 Page. 48 column Nowipupor. Pliblhhed from the Onion. Dunlpp Street. Barrio. in the County of Sl.mcoe.SthePro- Vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thurs- day morning. by IAMUBL WILEY. PlIOPlIlE'l'0B. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. " V -~--- 5-. A

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