Edward Island, Cape Breton and "Newfoundland. All the popular sea bathing. shing and plea- sure resorts of Canada are along this line. n..nm.m mm: leavinlr Montreal on 1!/_I_o13g1_ay. THE nuuw .5 _ , ` %regannqgf1asa, Puumanh ingicars on hroughtronns. rstclus refreshment roon A3-6; nnn l distances. D ll'IS.iI$ I PIIIU I-I\I Ir-v u --w will find it advantageous to use this route, as is the quickest in point of time, and the rat are as low as by any other. Through freight s forwarded by fast special trains, and exper- ience haseproved the intercolonial route to be the quickest for European: freight to and from all oiuts in Canada and the Western States. T ckets may be obtainedand also information _ about the route and about freight and passen- ger rates from ROBERT B. MOODIE. Western Freight and Passenier Agent, 93 Rossin House Bloc Yor st.. oronto. D. POTTI GER, Chief Superintendent. Railway Olce. Moncton. N.B. May 26. 1885. :___:__ U". ` "W995" V IIUII-u -w--- Take no other. Bold everywhere. Price, . cents per bottle. ---- q-.,\--x-rn-I-31:93 .`..;\ .---'-__ cou`n ii'Aun Lundiiuna. .-....a ....._....a....... D..:.... on and rm:-nuts ner wT&II`_ UIIIT 1% wuvu w - -~- Sold everywhere. Price 25 and '50 cents per l bottle. Proprietors and-manufacturers. THE UNION MEDICINE C0.. Proprietors. Toronto. Ont. - |%nxcn1.%sum snunln. MAPS{ SIZE 4X5 FEET. Cllrll. IUQIIIUB IIUU IIIIUWII ulna were injured. The . eyolone travelieo.v;t : the rate of 'a. mile a minute. In an insta.nt"_ from the time it struck the earth,` half the houses in Fort Washita were in ruins; -dwellings were picked up and reduced.to kindling wood byrthe ~fury of~the wind. Many cattle and other stock were killed by lightning. The storm lasted only.` about .six minutes. T *3 . |%un1m s]nnuKs1'nnu, LIBERAL DISCOUNT] __TO--- . I DIINLOP STREET, OPP. BARBIE HOTEL. q HOUSE PAINTING GLAZING. sass wnrrmc, am. necumms 8:. PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTY. 3y DESIGNS, DIAGRAMS AND SELEC- _ TIQNS MADE. 1&3. DUDLEY, SIGN PAINTER !` nooaA1onmoIL,wATn J Aunngea. LOVE BRO$., kW[||ll.S, Wl|[|L$_! WIIIILSI IJUSTIMPDRTEDI crushed to a. Jelly`. Frank Norton, with two companions, attempted to steal a ride across the Union Pacic bridge, Omaha, on the cow-catcher of an engine. Suddenly, he; was seen to =fall head ,rst through the `bridge. His body was found 65 feet below, crushed al- most to a ielly. ' His companions volun- teered to watch the body till the coroner .-was summoned. When that oicialy arriv- -ed, both men were missing and also Nor- ton : gold watch and money. No trace of the men can be found. and it is believed . that they murdered Norton. More Trouble For Banker Taylor`. - Five additional warrants were executed against. Henry Taylor by the Chief of i I Police on the 20th inst. The informations were laid on Saturday and setforth that on.Dec 1, 1881, he stole $4,000 of the * -Ontario Investment Asst ciation s money ; . :pn Feb. 23,1882, $10,000 ; on MarclI.14, 1882. "$5,000; on Oct. 2. $6,000. and on April 5, l885,"$8~:400. It is stated that; LL--- .............o.. I...-7.. hmw. nvnnntnd in Ann- | cnvs1?AL m.Ac;s1ons I FR=EEeM%AN' sl Purely Vegtab1e..' Highly Concentrated. Pleasant, Effectual, Safe. A SK PO be `These excel any Maps heretofore used. Many special features. I Wio%n1ens AND EXPORTERS n__ .1 .u. _.1......o-n..nna 1-n nan thin route. Are jbleasant lb fake. Meir.` own Pzgzgative. It (3 sq}, sure aha mjctual _i?e:z_`ro_y;2'_f bofwor-m.s _m Cki(ir'fm;orAdul::. ?am'mas9 DB. w3`13"I3"1a:1.'s ABn.uw:y'w:-eels. "Two freight trains met. on the main wtraokvon the Delaware and` Hudson Rail- -way at Fort Edwerd, N Y., `Sunday jwn`:ght.' The engines were thrown into a ~ditoh chi forty oerederailed. One brake- mt W. badly ",u'ur09-.~T.h,0l eincines were`!:I}\bpkegiMit1,tq pcfgsp 1;-on. ~; BARRT E. G`-AVG-E: S cuuncu u nomsnc BAB,RI_E ;-OF ALL KINDS-'- `clash. Plxnan buifet. and smok- rm-nunvhtrains. nns. \ rooms at convenient $4.50 EACH. ~"-3011001 Boy! I-urgsuu us an . up..- ..`..... -- Three boys, John Warick and Gus and Eddie Shaengmfdte, were arrested a few dgys ago at fwshington, Missouri, . for larceny. There, were found guilty by the magistrate, but in consideration of their coming from bad families he assessed `a punishment without precedent in the state. The parents pleaded hard for their -children and the magistrate imposed "a nominal fine on condition that the parents would publicly whip the boys on the court house square. They agreed and the boys were accordingly ogged in presence of 1,000 people, besides all the school child- ren who were marched by their teachers to witness it. "One of the culprits stood the drubb ng without a murmur, but - the others yelled that they could be heard J--.n Lllurn nnvavn bmunaueuu, Sick Headache, Kidney Troubles. Rheumatism, Skin Diseases _ and all [mnnrities of the Blood from what- sver cause arising. Female Weaknesses and General Debi- lity. `Liv;rLCom ' t. HIIIIIXH -A ,i.r:::u,'" -t-' ; Wig uv-e.TBald,or have Thin, 0, Gt; ` ' T ' " ``,``* ``. troubled with ` Will be lound invaluable for me ha a ` scalp. It cleanses the scalp of an ]),md'.u,.d rates the growth of the lmir. and in `"1 of dneas w_here there are the slizheat g1gcI?s roots left it wxll produce good crops of halr restores grey hour to ma original ` ` . colo , v. an excellent drcssmg. r and " nn NOT nWI.Av if vnnn |...:.. * an CXCCIIUUI UFUSBIH . K DO NOT DELAY. if your huir is 1 condition get a. bottle at um-u, War nah: hv Gan \1nnL...... 1 conmuun gun. a. uunuc an FOX` sale by Gen. Mnnkzn n. ; W. C. McLean, .1. Woods. Ask fox-ft, jpnj CQCOITVCIQ-has A'.i5`6'1ii:1srw1;i:s*b;"$3ic;"ma,,f, TORONTO. (`,A\'AhA J I _,`,.u u.I.aUH' --' " " CANAI)A. TORONTO} ading manufacturer 0` A. Dorenwend is gr: 6 my. in Calm. aw G00` ~ .--jj-j"--- r a-. ~u LI ,n; Luk A QONVE YA NCER, , ELIOI um The Pope Refuses tolntertere. The Pope it is said absolutely" refuses to interfere further in the relations between the Irish clergy and the people, and as a result the Duke ot Norfolk "who went -to. _R6m0 to congratulate His,Holiues_son his 4 jubilee andto bring this matter :before him left the city much sooner than -.he in- tended. The Pope is reported as saying that he had already used his inuencewith the clergy, but could not ask the priests tocease to be patriots without running `the risk of causing a rebellion of a section -of the clergy and the loss of the hold of . the church up_on the people. a V '____ __,, ISLAND I-IOM E~ s1'o6k FARM I')..-n|.nI-nil '5 an uru;.~ HIV \ \ 5 THE EUREKA (`-HEMl( ` Sold in Barrie by Geo Prescri tion has ha a. lif treating fem: monthly will over 10.000121 eectlxal. L: gist. for Pei! take no subs! _ are forsenlv-~ -` . 5 I druzgists, CHEMICAL PN`E.9XA.`~ T ALL re{n-, 4.I`?.l!BsT~I.suT 1 ;q_a1'-o,:l3old`,or.hnvo G The Great I-In A `successful 30 years in thou Cures Spermato Weakness. Emiss and all diseases caused DY -"-----'! indicts:-nnn_ 0|` sands 0 rrhea ions. ove[-exer tiom DUN N S BAKmc EQWPEEE. CREAM( :.scnoo1 Boys ogged In a. Public square- 1'.1___ II 7__2-l- .....I ('1-an ant` ``&`-`'I i----- * THE comes BE_Tj5I & 00., GueI_ppL0@E c:uoLiiEs, ' "` %1%z%zmEss, `DYSPEPSIAN DROPSY, INDIGESTIO .FLUTTER|NG , JAUNDICE or THE HEAR ERYSIPELKS, ACIDITY or SALT RHEUM, THE sromcr HEARTBURN, d DRYNESS . -HEADACHE. or THE sm And every species of disease arisint tram disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS STOMACH, BOWKIS OR BLOOD. III Q -0. U\"?1\ 11 A II A Punt.-:ss'r, sraoaaczsr, ass (`f\NTAlNQ NA '"" Ed~'{:iu's'V6 "" ALUM,-AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATE? up one ininrinnc main:-iala ." . 1 A CHIC.\1'.t>,11..'. Iu'f'r oftha czuznwrzz am: 1"-.2A:'2` sma .;-\o-.g.ur-. -v .'I`. MILBURN & 0'07`; _wau. cums on Relive WNY . RU PreB(F`.`\i`l* VV its -- am.` 01' B physician who treating; `Wig experiencoll momhl _m\1e dnseas . y mi perfect succe * . Pleaaannsafe. ourdrut gi. t. tale rh0ol's't8)l5t[)yrI\_\'gl I . 5 nuts. `no we ,'~\UR'E s`f"~1"d pnrtiglzllars. SOEIOE; ` KA (`,HEh`i '~"`3. $1 per box. AddI'\ CAL <`0.. omen. mm Wood! I b _ 5 G Monkman and J. vuuvsu J ullwvu unpu- `two blocks away. CATALOGUES FREE. December ` IV|IVl\JIVIr'\' n.-nu... IIl\Jg\ or any injurious materials. 'I`f|Y'lf\\!I 1 BELL BEANS Unapproached for ._ Tone and Quality. A destructive cyclone visited a number- of places in Arkansas a. few `days ago, causing great destruction of property and loss of life. The following persons were killed : French Adams, A; B. Z. Lincoln, Henderson Jack, Peter Reson and two children. names not known, and others`. _.-.__ :_.'...'.'...1 TL; Ann`.-snn I>I-nunnnrl AH` ` Farm. Gnjss_e ls`|`. I"l'0Ill` Kumu ..v... Savage 1 Fa.ru;m, ll! ' tars and Brceders of 91- cheron and Fr:-n:h H-rscs,1.s1andHome>!oc Wm: bi) -n 1jl~rscs.I.s1andlH]cu2=-"~f~- }-nrm,(.r.~sse in an County Mzcht very large stud [elect from. we gut """"1 - ~ . ofhones - IeIeC_t gulml-`f our stock. make me: M lamb}: and :21 on cu; M-rms. Visitors alwayf-: terms. Hsnon ..--;v come. Large cum!`-'4 (me. Address Suite a Fmll. irnoxr Incli- D __`__ ____.. wAFER5~ - N P n nhV5"-4.5 Ila Hop; ggrfa; ` TORONEV2. ` in aweak Ki.` kiqq A Safety Pin In a Baby : Stomach. . A year-old baby glrl of James Wallace, `Cork-street, Guelph, wLile bein2_d're'ssed. grabbed a small open safety pin lying on the table and put it in her -mouth. Before the mother knew what was the matter it had got into her throat and nearly choked` her. _It was decided to put the little one under` chloroform and probe tor the pin This was done. but` no trace of it could be found in the throat. The baby seems a good bit better,_ and it is thought that the pin, having got down `A intothe stomach, will do no material harm. ' ` taina and subj ing 3 ()nta [DWI] Vine Man Was Fore Russ em Way ` True adjad tions; stalli If they stabl three etalli Hnw by 0 area Hum '- . Ax/3.! Imp tinns ankf Tstam 13;} 4' `Stan than 1 I for Indu and road Vof th also old -road bcyo bred, vvq ullplll U Luuv `cu . ` v v - . - . - _ - _ . - _ - - - V` `these watrantq have been executed` in con- `qequonce of an orde:-from than vern- ..uibnt thot no compromise will be `allowed in this case. _ 588.8` W poi? Huge and` `the_f spee hots. it thus nfu late The rail clca res the met bl n, thre time Alex it (tbs Kiss The}! 53:9 inf!` xept -2. n" wak pres ed oftl port men mar .` . .Whi< yd . we :1?! A Western Cyclone. %**?=ib1.T"'! iI'v"~'_rv(- ' . .. no Irish . Al correspondent of the Manchester Guardian writes as to the condition of the `Irish peasantry :-1 declineto pity th_0 Irish peasant for his mode of life. _ He is indenitely betf'9!,t._ c', than .a working man who lives in P3! Of Iiondon much J P _ its dirtiness so An__ jfc'snsive., `I-ahoilgh peculiarly and. inde ` s"";i;|'igliculo,\_i_s.ly`:I"I1si- tive to such things, jgy'y new p`,`,I,f_gt , ,de-, tected a disagzreeableiinell inwl,'.,'l:i,`e".?(pvorst Irish hovel. That frowsy andisickeninlz. odor of humanity which everybody who has visited the poor in `English towns knows so well is altogether absent. More- over, though I know not what the total amount of their ablutions may be, the faces, at least, of the children are far cleaner than in England. Again, the diet, consisting of Indian; meal, -potatoes and milk,though not luxurious, is wholesome and satisfying, end the people, being ac- customed to it, crave for nothing better. And then let any Lancashire man con- ceive, if he can, what an incalculable bless- ing the Irish peasant enjoys in an abso- lutely pure ~atmusphere--no coal smoke, no gas fumss,.,and no fogs. Nothing. can south andx,w,est,of- Ireland. Shall We B_ave_a;bew Extradition Treaty 7 __._ `ALL ..-...-..-I_ __.---LnnI `tan or Manchester. `t`=.;`HiQ7-h0V0'1 may contain , "Wrong place',~vbut . 9 - be more `exquisite;-_th'an"`the air7 _'; in-`- the V Sharp Practice on a Police Magutrgte. The Walkerton Herald says: JMr. Lewis, Police `Magistrate in Wellington, who lives in Rothsay. experienced quite a surprise recently. ' His baili` had seized a certain amount of whiskey, and stored it in" the magistrate s, cellar.` Parties knowing this got up a little game on Lewis when he was away from home. Somebody was taken whiskey ill late in the evening, and to save life in the emer- gency, -Mrs. Lewis wasvprevailed upon-..to . sell. some of the whiskey to th.e'amount' hf: _,.$_'l;50. As a result Mr. Lewis wainqd $50 and costs. This certainly iys-"srtronvg `canoe-foriMr. Lewis s gander. Among "the memorials presented- the other day to vthe`_.Senate at Washington was that oft!-1.. D. Lyman, vice-president of the American Surety Co , of New York. praying for the ratication of the conven- tion proposing an Mcttadition treaty ;be- tween Britain and United `States, sj ed in London, June 25th,`: I886, exten ing the extradition lawsytovcases of embezzle- ment, &c. The remarkable part of the memorial was the exhibit. which accom- panied it. Thejexhibiuwas a partial list of embezzlements of persons who have ed to Canada. `The oences were almost all committed since the proposed conven- tion was signed and most of them within the past year. - -The exhibit gives a list of 53 embezzlements and the amounts em- bezzled. The largest embezzlement ie that of Bartholomew, the insurance. agent of Hartford, for $1,000,000, and the 53 foot up to $3,840,570. ` Maria Flockton sued the Ontario Cotton Mills Company for $200 at the General Sessions in Hamilton last week for the laceration.of,tw,o`ngers in a machine at which she had been told to work without having rst Jreceived proper instructions regarding the manner of running it. The defendants claimed `the girl was careless. Thetwo qllestionafor thejury were 1st, whether the defendants were guilty of negligence, and-2nd, whether the plainti` was guilty "of contributory negligence. To the first the jury answered Yes and to the second N 0. Maria,` therefore. got the $200`. - , The Grand Trunk and the~Northern. Joseph Hickson, General Manager, and `Charles Stiff, General Superintendent of the Grand Trunk, were at the Grand Trunk Railway station, Hamilton, Wed- nesday mnrning. They went west on a special train. Before going, they had a consultation with Mr. ,8 muel Barker, General Manager of the . & N. W Rail- -way. The `general impression among railway men atamilton is that the Grand Trunk has secured control of the Northern. The old rumor about the removal of the Grand Trunk shops_ from Hamilton to Stratford has been revived. The prelirnjnpry `examination in the oa,,seh_ of Cha.rlQs,; and John L. Carroll `lest Tnuesdsy. ,,They are held for the mar- ,_der of Jane, wife of the rst named pri- soner. Mrs. Carroll was found hanging in her husband's barn in Oaradoc, Oct. 1.. A.The:coroner s jury sgid suicide. but people gen'erl1y"snspect murder.` Twenty witnesses of the Crown were present, sm0.n,..the_:n Carroll. q women of 70, mother ofOh_ar1es.' Sheihnid [refused to `dppesr; but we: arrested and brought into Court. vHer testimony threw no light on the 0896; heoiod ivih -P61-I`-y :-`cave . I-1-1.- ,.`.. IICU ll IIIQIIU il;io-:axtoh `: .;;de'r' of . ` mop" . W. ............ ....... .........,` I`aukoT Eric; ,lhd?f first it x pmauaiananu wciarnu n-on 10:0 15 gay On! C Ian \ -* James Archer, of Martin county. Ind., deooyed his sweetheart, Miser Standeldb. from her home on Saturday and ` murder- ed her. Archer had betrayed the girl and :killed her to relieve himself of-her plead- ing: and protestations to right the wrong he had done. The nuu-derer~wap arrested. -_ _ The Salvatlcnhrmyi Case 1u.Queb_ec. ` Inna test case in Quebec against the- Salvation Army the Police Judge decided that there was suicieut evidence toput the accused Salvationists upon their trial for the offence of creating `a public nui- sauce by their arsdes. Tney were accord- ingly arraigne and pleaded not guilty.` They were then asked whether they would take a summary trial before the Police Court or leave their case to a jury at the ,Que_en;s Bench in April. Their counsel requested d'elay.to consider, and the case was accordingly adjourned to Dec. 28. ~'- "'II'lIC1Ij`I.IIIIlA~l'I| {both not at. at Cl `II !-r-"'~ V '7 V; ` -A T010-(;r:`_'g'3p'or sav,:_;_-v-t;I`1w.It_ Locust ` pom, (_)t;t_b.vv_h Oognty, ;Oh,i9,"_a 'town on the" 'uhoro;a7 of Luke` E1"-ie; We` duoover{ has ____I_ _A _ _.-_....-LL --_.- IIIIU uuunvu VI. Jluuv oanlwg vuv unuvvvwng 551 are, been made of a mammoth cave t ;:.I.:.I.'--*g..L."....I- 14.`. '.....I..-_' aI.r.= -3 one Hundred Dollars at. Finger. Betrayed and -lnrdbred. _ A .,_l_ __ -2 Il'.'__;.. --.-_L. Ghaized Wm: Mrder. .=`u.. Imam cum. *4 . .qA SHOW :` " In summer -pg; arm:-do by the 4d':?I:,"&tdoor heat or _oold. u e two, in the shadows of pain and woe, Have journeyed together in dim, dark ' places, . . ` Where black-robed Sorrow walked to and fro." And Fear. and Trouble with phantom Peereilout upon us and froze our blood, Thoqghe J nne e flit roses were all in bud. Wqjwq have measured all deptha,all heights, gfqvhpve hotbed in tears. we have canned o m lu`gh_te'r ' w'r;.$..... Harman all uni-I-new ant` A 2 ~1u Ipuguper I W6 have known all sorrow andall delights ; *"l`hair.'nes'rer; could ' keep us apart hereafter; KIIQWII Ell Ql'l.'UVV uuu._uu uuusu-U , `1,191-inev'et could keep apart hereafter. Wherever your spirit was sent I know I would defy earth, or heavenyto go. If they took my soul into Pei-sdise And told me I must be content without 3011. I would weary them so with my lonesome cries, . And the ceaseless questions I asked about you s _ . They would open the gates and set me free. Or else they would nd you and bring you to Seventy-one rebels. belonging to a cer- tain religious sect, have ' been decapitated in the Prefecture of Chang Chou, in Kiangsu Province. On-. the. 9th of this moon seventeen more of the same class of `men were captured in Soochow, and in their possession were found papers of plans for capturiuc a small city called Chang Shou on the 15th of this moon. When the magistrates held trial, none of the culprits denied the charges, and most of them confessed that there are over 3,000 men belonging" to their society in 'Iii8B-IIOIEIIDOIHOUU, uuu uunu lauvlucrvavww readyAat'a. moment s notice from the chief to capture any city that will be easy to assail. When these facts were known the magistrates telegraphed to the Viceroy for a battalion o soldiers and a few small native war-j unka to protect the city. The Viceroy despatched a deputy with the battalion of soldiers and -war-junk: as re- quested. Before the execution of the seventeen rebels `another trial was given to them by the deputy and the local oi- cials. The decapitation was effected on the execution ground outside of the West- .._.. -:L- "`Lun anal Juana rhnmunlvnn in `H9 QXCCUUIOXI gI'UUUQ Ulllaluu U1 uuu Iv cam` ern city. This sect dress themselves in the same manner as the Taoist prlests. They appear in the `streets as vendors of children s toys, the most prominent of which are the _cash swords, daggers and dragons, each of them formed out of 180 Ann`: kn -6u|'nn:nm `Irknrn in H. utgvuu, Uuvll UL IIIIULII. IULIIJUIL Unit V; -I-\J\I cash by stringing them together in a variety of shapes. They annoy the people a great deal by cheating the children, and much disturbance arises from higqling about prices. Since the above-mentioned cases have been so severely dealt with not. one of them has been seen in the street lately. The people highly appreciate the enforcement of stringent law and prompt action. a e ' .-.:--.--o-&.-_---a VII IVI \IIlIlIlIll'UIVC-I C Scott s Emulsion or Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphitea, is a most marvellous food and medicine. It heals the irritation of the throat and lungs, and gives esh and strength quicker than any other remedy known. It is very palatable, having `nothing of the dis- agreeable taste of the crude oiL Put up in 500. and` 81 size. ` , , Litetnsnlrzlrla. Dr. Ivan P. Balabano of Bulgaria, a missionary physician who was educated in this country, delivered a lecture on Bulsraria at the Asylum Hill Congrega- tional church, Hartford, G.onn., an even- ing or two ago, before a large audience. He said the first Americangmissionaries went out-. in 1857- -58, and -found the people sunk in the densest ignorance. Only one men out of fty in the cities could read, and one woman out of 100. In the country the proportion for men was one to 200 and women- one to 600. The tax collectors keep their accounts by notching sticks with a knife, and it was `nothing very unusual to see an oicial going the .rounds of the houses with a bundle of 10,000 sticks under his arm. Therewere no telegraph, railroads, post- oice or newspapers. The Turks held absolute control and it was their policy to keep the people as ignorant as possible. Upon the advent of the missionaries came civilization ; s it could be kept out no longer. The post-oice. however, was a pretty poor sort of an institution and if one were in a hurry to` have aletter reach its destination promptly he invariably took it himself on foot. The postmaster,` too, made a point of looking the mail over to see if there were anything he `could nd for his own `pockets. In 1872 the` ecclesiastical oppressors, the . Greek} Church, were overthrown and the Gospel. penetrated the innermost recesses of the country. i - C vnvxu ; Any-liniment or other medicine that can- not be taken intemelly is unsafe for ordinary nee. ;`Hegyard's Yellow Oil, the prom 1: pain. reliever, is safe and V reliable for e A nnknh int` hninn III!` Ann kn nwgllnwnd an }IIlI.I.[q1lUVUl', ll Idlv Ill ID goheijnd ' 9, And can be we 1 as app zed. 1 Dunn? Antmv {LI 4-ho Inn;n uni-;` aura rugulawa Iauu llUVVUl Ill 9 unvuuna unnuuul, `curing Oonstipatzon and` prevqnting. sex-ion; disease. - llmn `Rant nnnh (Kin!-A- won an nppuuu. RIGULARITY is the main spring of life, and regularity of the bowels is one at the most essential. laws of health. Burdock Blood Bit- tern regulates the bowels in a natural manner, nnnlnn nnutinghnin and` nu-nvnntina any-innn uuuuw. ,-no Best cough cm. The best renxiedyjor Couch and all Throat. and Lung troubles, is one that loosens and dislodge: the tough mucous, clears the bron- ohial tubes; Jud, alloys irritatmn. This is what Hagyat-d s Pecvoral `Balsam does in every case. Iunrrnu Rt nnn _.'RnHn hlnfnhnn rmnlnn every vane. Iurunn B1.oon.--Boils, blotches, pimples and festering sores are indications of impure blood that should never be neglected, or ill neilth and perhsps"inon rsble disease my re- ...n: n.+..a'....I. `Rl'in-6:1 "Rattan usm-ian the 13100110 The Secret otluooegs. V The reason why Hagyu-d`e Yellow Oil is -so populgr with `'_the . "people , on I household remed ear pain, in in _ the not that `while - msny " imente onlf relieve, Yellow Oil both relieves and cures Rheumatism and all lobes,- psine. soreness and lunienedsl ' ' mun nANiiD Wnnlu nr -rm: Rumn in Ram. pllll. lureuuuu luu xnuauuuau. Tun Omxin Worm or mu Bmon in Soro- fnla, thut gnaw: upon""1`o vital: "anti obn- z;.&.'.=:H`9i*:2;: cam: and pernlpq lnouraD1e.maea.se may rq-V unit. Burdock `Blood Bitters pun-Viu the. blood bynoting on the four cardinal points `(if l]x3i:.t1g.1--the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and llllun gural-, nf llnnnn-_ Seventy-one Rebel loads cut 01!`. 'L-1-_.4_._ 4.- .. . Food for conlnmptxvu. . A 1 'r:_____ (1 frHENoB1*uI~:nN ADVANCE. IIIIIIIV IIII CII` swallowed as o .19. the T ,:hoadnc1};;j93:o.:5 _ ;. be down Gii Pneu "o'"'i9Z"or gillpin Consumption. Run no risks, but begin immediately, to take Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. ~ ---A ---- T-man `Rirnhard. of THE LARGES'I`, THE CHOICES1`, THE CHEAPEST, | `Stock of TEAS in Town. _ Special Prices to dealers and others taking large quantities, 1 V "The Choiest Brands of V Roller, Patents`, Pastry,Family and Stone. FLOURS. |J.M.BOTHWEll., Pectoral. A Several years ago, James Birchard, of Darien, Conn., was severely i1_l. The doct;ors-_-.said- he was in Consumption,` and ~ ghatfghey could do nothing:-forfhim, but vadv-ised him. as a last resort, ,to_' try.` Aye:- s"Cherry Pecgoral. Afterntaking phisgxrgedigine, two prthree months, he was?Ipronounoe_d._a wjell man. His health remains good to the fn-esent day. 9 n -ru_._.'n.... 1/I nIr'Inn MQ.. Writes: iname, and f~ _1na.de s will =threa.tened to do conspired with his nephew, John, entirely, to commit the heinous crime. Detective his posses two men, will be ke ness box Ua.l'l.'0ll, tearing ll_lDl.WI.IUu_`Iuv (which she` hsd frequently ) he would beoverloolred _ No doubt Greer has other information in sion warranting the nrrest of the but in all likelihoodits purport pt secret until -he entersthe wit- The arrest caused quite a sen-_ `nation in the neighborhood and in Smith- `roy, wher e the parties are well known," EU IJIIU pxtinvuv w-w-J - J. S. Bradley, Malden, Mass., writes : Three winters ago I took a severe cold, which rapidly developed into Bronchitis and Consumption. I was so weak that I could not sit up, was much emaciated; and coughed incessantly. I consulted several doctors, but they were power- less, and all agreed that I was in Con- sumption. At last, a friend brought me a bottle of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral. From the first dose, I found relief. -Two `bottles cured me, and my health has since been perfect." -1. . I OTHER PEOPLE OFFER THEM AT 31. 95. Vlom. Seamless Boots Women : Felt Slippers % 10 Cents % W. H. mum sun I Men : Frost-Proof T Felt Buots NOTEII CHEAP MUSE |1`.8JsAL$>: %@@_E.f~i3-I GEO. MAY, mama? TAILOR 2 `tr A8A'I'Iv8_l-'-'A`O1'IOVN ouAnAuT'3| nnwnv ---u.v-'v ;t`siAc*i;`_-l_l_, -`~fo't:merly'fs lawyer in (`I 48'. ma` " in iwpdudghter. X l-Juli: Bqlkly, and ' sqlt )p{g1p_11-.l:ox:V_1jo, Buumrspg; M1; nwti H Ali s'ro' .. j "ifa, Bil" mqtlggr-in-4 dud. Ho ov;`:._Iponoy:: COMPLETE NEW STOCK` sumues -:-mu -:l ovmmmmes 2 Northern to North Western Bailway.E_ THROUGH TIOKET$. Pectoral, nuuhln RV - - 1 V 2nn1_>.m1;n BY Dr. J. C . Ayor 8: co., Lowell, Mass. `Said by all Dmggiets. Price $1 ; six bottl_en,$5. s;n}o-r ;e;!`Jex"(>!.; th; me rm or ' L. S. Sc C. L. Sanders. - Sign of Two Gold Watches and Spectacles, and large Regulator in doorway. ,4 GOFFEES a Specialty. . '-IQ U13 icij j Iv: Dunlap.-Sig, Barrio`: 41-1 BARBIE. M-TRIAL soLIcI'r1nDf-sq OI-luau pad-yaaua-n} j tlj`-l . 7 . Ito:-In- -Ploltodaupttno ` = CC'-_.I L M 90 Cents. FALL 1337. -_--AT THE ;- FLOURS $1.90, ---OF -- [mu~ 41-1 ' Iuvvn:--- --v-~-.. ._- World Over. John and Oharlesiarroll, farmers of the township of Caradoc, Middlesex coun- K, were arrested last Wednesday on 9.` _ar go of murder. It will be remem ed ~` ?`that last Optoher Mrs. Carroll, the wi e of, ;'0.harles Darrell,` was found; hanging '-to a pole in thefdriving shed, and though the `verdict of the coroner's jury. was thatthe woman had committed suicide, there were very suspicious circumstances in the case. afeither the" Crown e Attorney` nor. the woman's relatives were satised. Mr. Hutchinson communicated with the Attor- ney-General s department. _The' London Free Press says, and the law authorities placed Provincial Detective Wm. Greer, of Barrie, in possession of the fac`ts.-'and gave him carte blanchs to work up the case. He set about the work in a business-like manner. similar to the course pursued by him in the Ssrnia dynamite case, "and from theinformation secured by and through him, the arrests of Charles Carroll, the shusband. and the nephew, John, - were made. The motive for the commission of `the crime is alleged to be that the unfor- " vtunate woman held the pro rty in her and `Carroll, fearingt at.when;she , armada n will (which she hail frequently