.l\o Dl|.|.l}JBUlJ, L\I- \JUl]Il, an acnuuusn A Esau -S. Rodgers was elected Reeve, and Mc8Bl_`8. T. W. Leunox lat. De-p\lt.\,' and Jan. G. Chapman 2ud Deputy by acclamation. ` T m U _ I "VII" TIT. 3 'I'VICYU}CD .:u'i%.V:fGla`ditone ouuiapiefted hid ' yea? l_s_i1$;W;gdnh_ri_y apd hoeivgd bushels? of l.,9eEl;Aif`t10ur-0! onArtsn1p`tinz%ibfm.{'; be9id,e.-'1u9hle __--'_- - !__' '\1_L.-I *';.';..2",;;.I;:.*:..`;;;;;;; V 1%.... n nunbrI3q.gIppon- pm-opegu caveman and there "in` I gmerstr'deu'1und- till; the muanguqzp _ph-imlcvi b61.:sI.gg`ed.` -. ,1 , ._;v;|_v._ . `.f1`h'p' I3ng.n Daily` Nets advno_a.tou'v the pc'iItp" n.=ma'ns : of `the lxradc-mptionf. bf CoIn|mur ve years, in order to xppva the ' may for thu'uVun.m&|i.tyA of I'M.` lpan. -, r . - VA -.'.-r V] IIYII-|4VIl&V,6_\`9,_: yqlwg .v_-: .2 f.."_,P, _-f -gyelfs-ff 71' S *,'9`.9,'-'}.W.,9!"';!!F!9 .9"" !"'"'?'!*'4"- Bantu. :.gz`c :1: nsfa;.;ueev . `iihliplid -71:! mm*.,..i 'ts:a:w .'iph5Iipl;od xx; in > H 1! x , I ~ , J _I.).` _.;. ._: V/Il"l!`UIllUD `,VIIII.|IInIwu_r our '3! -ureupygugvu s_ voluI'n"o'" 'p$gu,','ng_I}q8iQ2' Io;-T'G'ohorutlons.t A- 2 :: ..::.`1w.snm aeo;.i;'._;-M }13$-1+'!`.;i2.;:n:s3qxef ; AI.v.....nn. {Luu`\nL.:nmnn!nn:~.. mnannnnntmtinn. y-- Cjvwc nrvuuvv-I Pdrtnge 1; Patio huhdd a.nt_Jt.h_or OOLUIN NORTHERN ,GE'i baa V1659 Luuunu ugiunuavu vvuv u; u plain `Mn, willbecreated. `Sir. T13. 'iethe first time in the history of the colony that an untitled officer has oom- meuded the eet Sir John Maodoneld, the Canadian Premier, who uow_ tween the highest. honors ever conferred on e oobouiat, and is a member of the Impexial Privy Council. will doubtless be created. a peer of the realm, with -the approprinte title of Earl of Octavia." ' I1L___I-,.- II` .... -.. l1_..-.I2__ `..I. tains may valuable .'1talbles.and innch in- formation on'th'e subject of 'transp -rtatiou, gathered from` 'nearJy'_e[very countrrin the `world. ` The rst't'a`lSlb;presen'ted indicates the progress of the Qnited States for a generation 9 `~1`hir' y-three"-[vears ago they produced? 100 bushels of wheat and about 600000000 -bushels of corn. Tiice; innecent years `they have reaclw d 600,000~000 biishels of wheat, and iu;18 5 the corn <:r.>p reached 1.800;000,0 0 bushels; `a five-fold increase in wheat.au_u a .three-fold increases. in corn. The in - cre:se in other cereals has not. been to rapid; In the expert trade, the commit- ltee says, wheat has always ranked` first in `value. and in 58 years has added $2 600,-` to the value of the national prn. `ductiun, a sum _equiy lent to four times ;the value of exported corn and cornmeal during the same p`eri6d.' Itits shown that the `di'ej"e'nc.e thcyprice` of 0'l)`l`lI'v between .th'e.A'lla'n_ti_c ports and - the lake ports has steadily declineifronn 21 cents per bnslu-l `in 1873 t,o_' 10 cents per bushel in 1883, and hdtvieen the `Atlantic `ports aim the western river boats from 19 cents in 1873 to 11 cents in 1883." Russian and German `Alliance; Lormox`, Jan. 3.--`M. Bluwiiz, Paris correspondent of the Times, positively onnrma his recent atatement that Russia and Germany have concluded a direct al- liance. Dr. Blowitz says that A by the terms 0! thin alliance Russia binds herself to remain neutral in the event of war be- tween France-and Germany, and Germany binds herself to remain neutral in the event of war between Russia and Austria. He further sayethat while there can be no doubt about the existence of this im- pet-ial compact there are two stories at to the manner in which the treaty nae e'ect- ed. a One is that it was negotiated direct- ly by the Czar and the Emperor William through perannal correspondence, and the otber is that Bismarck and`-M De Glen eontrived.!he.allianoe: by personal die-` ouaeion. V. - :- i - |on-ocuy gpposite N. n. R.,-sfatl%on.DuhIop-81., same. no tenures (or the Yoga. _ New Yqnx. Dec. 31 -Dun. Wimen & Cn s annual failure-gures fm:;t|Ie Du- miuion o.-Canada show very slight.` changes as compared with last. year, the number of failures in the Dominion for 1886 be- ing 1252 as against 1256 In 1885. - The liabilities. however. show a considerable increase. s`.mou'ntin:z in 1886 to $10,386.- 000. as eom_ps,redV with $8,861,000 in 1885 One person out of every, 98 in -business failed in .the_U. S. in 1886, in Canada. one .___--._ -.. -_....._ an ;,Those who bavealreadly examined these Goods pronounce them the best 1-.alne" tbej` h_av`e;T yet seen. ' % ~ % '- vn pun -baQv`\a.- hit on i)`-e;;on in every 59. .. Winter Wheat,Well.Protectod. ClIIOAGO, Jan 3 -The; Farmer : Re- vie_w says that the returnw from ita.o0rI'es- pondents ivei-y generally` speak 3 favorably uf the prdspects for thewitater wheat. In Michigan, `Illinois Indiana and; Oluo the elds are gem-rally `well -protected with SDOW. `- amass GOODS, |EM?i?@.3_$%-_9!s 3$9+11@3B`>i La-`pups-n v- w-gun-- can-uu - ChTi8t|8h'idO.i8 her 0 once more and teetivi-. tic-B and enjoyment: wilibe the order otthe` nay. . The tune.` as now an-aired when every houaehuld ieunr-an over to mirth and J. 1 it` . Music and danoiu g and singing stand pn min- ent above all and in this country of ours which in test. heaomih o mualunleoumry, every house should hove they on organ or piano. and if you have not got one. get one at once Mr. `Wm. .~herw_ood. Barrie, who is the sole agent -fur the uonntyi of si ooe hr the Irominion Organ -undfiano 00.. has ulwayee stock or in- struments on hand. which can be new an his wean enoe. corner of Owen and - ophia Streets . Harrie; Easy terms of payment to all pur- nhulrl lJt'U|l"4l VVUIIII III U nvuuuuauunvuu I MmLANn.+-Reeve,J B. Harrell. Coun- oillora-A. Burton. H. 8. `Ruby, John Preston, N. McC o1-vie. 11...... ID............... 1)---- `II... -- .V._ -nmhnipnsi . I` Z I r`--.-zxv u; if~'~\ " A ' ` ` ' `WKNTIDJ = .L -v V *5; m`~mea= ivill` `6u*t1ie`hIsheht- ~Tomn_to pace; got Cake Tallow brolIllhl 0-Eho Tannery. . 15- `C -Caulk Bald l'ol':~,lleg Il(_I`8.k_lpo& Ana W- u- nnnnu Av Zsbnfiof member Bf th late arm of ~ '. ` ` & 0. Lo Sign 70! .'l`-w'o Gold . Watches '_,__ai1l:'j>pectac|es,` and large V *J*H:eg#!Va.tvr, in doorweiyz .{ ~_ -- -' ' uNi5|=:n1'AKeR.W ii . BUILDER, co.V'rIuc'ro1t. &o.. 1-._._-__(\,_-_.A. I'I-__.l- . I -:- 1` ;apw4Rn{3zg;qa, Domini : Pianos. ,u_.,, _ '.n_u_ 1- 1.-.- ---- _...... _.`..1 .3. nojpoo 7us- , for - .`.A"j Qg~~ cw` \.I\l` -ovacw-spot` Swen su-eat. Barrie. I ITDIIILI, L`: &'JU\IU| viva ' Mormon; Townslur.--Re.eve, Wm. 1 Taylor. CouucI|lor:--'I`bos. Tait. Jan. Bxgdon, Jas. Burke. D. Lamont- ll nun`:-nu Danna Arthur nn;(I I nb-' LADIES UNDERWEAR} W1; ARE, BLOWING ABOUT OUR GDMPLIIVIENTS or nu: smsou. T BARRIE. -3} acres of vacant land South of \-nderwnr bx-ewe adjoining railway track, suitable for any [(1 of manutautunng busi- M A `number t vscant lots on Bradford and Charles streets, South of Butte:-eld's foundry all fine bundin altos. Gangs-l nnnm nu-tnhln hnnnnn and nntfnanl nn ' BIN! KW" 100! ' DUO? IIUIIU. . ~ - Dwelling Home on East side of Owen street, occupied y Mr. Bot.hwell.moet conveniently nitnntnll 2 IIQCIL - -`(TOWN AN 1) FARM PROPERTIES) FOB. sans (:1:-1;:-3A:P | and two lots: price (1000. EH BB8 ouumn D1663. Several com orteble houses and cottages on Charles street: an excellent opportunity for a mechanic toget a comfortable home ssthest houses can be paid for b smell monthly or quarterly instalments. ceeslso to 3400. That comfortable 2 story Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Buttereld. with small oloe in front. llwnlllna oJ6'p`3&" 37171;. situated : C1200. That hanntfII `L. _l_v`|gKc||\.| vv minus MuBB1soN.-- eeve. Adolphus Wiapko Councullors---N. N. Anderson, Jno. Can-.. ning, wm. Srmple, August Schultz. KT ..-vn 4 n1 A n A n A #.,{`.nI1nnlnI--.__ *]J.oLAYT0N % V THE ; Famus Shoe King 313118148" 3 `I200. That. beantitully.|itnM.ed residence la9el.v oo- oupned by DI`. Oliver. with brick sIab;e attached and 20 acres of exoeenp land. Will be sold or leaaod on very favorable terms. . A L! .A NI) A n I`. _A nnmfm-umln dnuhln Dwnl ICGIOC V617 IEVOTGDIB IBTIDB. -AhhANDALE.-A oomforuwle double Dwel 113% Home on Bradford street oppoeiteN orthen e on. no good bulldiniz Iota well situated. FARMS ESSA.-E y of Lot 5. and part of Lot 12. in `ma Con. Euro. 1` acres.-100 acres cleared and free of stumps, lance well timbered. 'l`he cleared and is first class. the buildings are lax-ma and in good repair.` the narm being one 0! the best. in the Township, Ia`! 1'14 _`L-Inn. M` N 1 Ill in `lth non _ 90 not-ea use near. nu ma 1'pwnsmp., FLO-1.-`Part. of N }1 in 7th oon . 90 some about 30 acres cleared an freetrom stummnew mane dwellin house, 301! good, balance of 10! can be easily c egred. - lNNIsIc`II.,_N 1 of Lat. 19. in the 12th (Jun. IW 80I'eB. AILGXOCIICIIIZ I.l'IlJ.V .35, acres of rst-class land adioininz Mr. 1.ipt`:e s farm. would make an exce lent market gar en. . - MED()N'l`E.-E _of, W i of 6 in 10th Con ; 60 acres goo_d land, rst.-class orchard in full bear- inn, lug. . ' - I . y . N ! IRTH OR_I_LLIA.-Part of Lot 3 in 1atCon.. 80 ac.. ~40 cleared. excellent soil, good buildings. property well watered. arst,-class farm especi- ally adapted 101' stock raising. _NQTTAWASAh'A.-E of lot 1 in 8th Con.; 9, splendid ta.rm,90 a.cres- cleared. good build ings. plenty of water trom a. never failing stream no waste land. ' `- l`.lJOUMSET.-N} Lot 4.in llth `on.. 100 acres. About.80 acres cleared. A ood farm,` well situated. about 3 mi es from A`! ston. - vrnuv ___la`. 1 min lat. I".nn,, mvnnnt 4 nu-.1-nu! A be easuy clegrea. lNNIsb`lL.-N Q of Lot 19, in the 12th Con. 100 acres. Anjexoellent. farm. as nnv-an of u-nnnlnan land ndinlninsz `Mr. Well suuuwu. snout. a nu ea u'uLu nnuuwu. TIN Y.--E. } 88 in let Con.. (except 4 acres) a very good farm: 81200. _ .. N of lot 9 in the 3rd Concession. 3 x-at-class Farln; 50ucresV cleared and nearl free from etumv. balance good hard wood ush. Com tortable frame dwelling Property situate 2 . mnles from W%3\' ale station. T ` vlrnbu A _ inf 21 in 3th (`.nn__ nmallnlnnr V |arnA.-w . Q 91 29 Ill oul uon.. uuuuwse iig, we-It watered and timbered. soil good. V D. n! onn`m.h an, Vnnnrn Ilnnu-.1-on cu CD059 85 [U8 Dl'lCa'IUl'll.ll|JUl.l I9 U3.9V|.l- , -Several Park` Lotq West. 01 Mr. Ewan : reai dance and hnvmgajne view of Barrie and n K` f ldtBhv.'. :. ... . -'1 -'`.'.?.'i".fv*.. lnndn um oared mmecinllv (shear III Jon mVII_UV UV Z"-C V0 WV-7-VF"! guy chgg-_1eg','.|'upper G. 0. 3., and . 8nndfor'dl`1emInx8.0. if`? ggw Yonx. Dec. 31.-'l`he World : London despatch says-: E'orts' are being made to conne the list of honor: to be distributed on` the. occasion ofQueen Victoria : jubilee to 2000 names, of whom 800are officers of the army and navy. Thdoolonies and India will be liberally provided with honors and. tidal. 0 In ocial circles here it is generally under- nodd that Lieuu.-Gen. Lord Russell, com-' monder of the British forces in North America, will be-advanced in rank and Probably be made a G. `C. ; Vioej-Admire! onu, commending the North American and West Indian squadron, who in only in- 9 ...:1| 1.... ......-o..A . om... ' `!m.:.. Kempenremt 1531.". :. . . The above lands arqoered esnecially cheer .t'uid'in dearly ever'y'&3a.'seja very small cash psy- rnenty-wil1.be swept-ed.-. and: any terms given. gorthebetanceh . . The vat-ant town lotecan be purchased on still eaeie" terms. in ouethe purchaser intends I-.o..hni1d i.IDm0 ADI! `$0 h `l 7 H. H. 8'1` ATHY. 2: '1L'|, Run-Intnr. `Rnrrln `UlJIJUVVl."'l1 l.M.l'N.U\ EU l'A.KM5 FUN smle.- 8} of Lot 7 In Mn con.. Innisl ; I 01' I2 N. E. pt 13 in 7!}! 0011.. Vespta ; E} 28in lat con . Oro. Above ml) be sold on easy txrm. at sacrice. Apply to J VD. BOOTH, Rant. Q` `R93 RR! "1 nfnr me GLASGOW 8: Lorinox msmuncn - Company, at Great Britain. ' ` THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY of | London,'England.' - HE VMPERIA L INSURANCEOOMPANY of London. England. nu: pr-` aamx mm on-mien: or LONDON Englnnd. OLLOWWG IMPROVED FARMS FOR lulu Innisl; `} A. `Q N '1`. III, `R In WI`: Ann Vnnnrn - [(1. 99in `Int Ivntuhmn, I-`-2 iNsF9.m -_Ii) Inf --L.l__ _lN-.__._.- Has. an. E.` MO'RR'OVl mles rrom W e\` 8.16 nmuon. : VE8PttA.-%V. got 21 in 6th Con.. smallolesr no ulull nrntnv-all and tjmhm-ad. nail stood- KIIUYCIV, SDLUUJT. ' ' _ 0:m.I.u.-Mayor. Samuel Rub_ins_on..," Cuuucnlrurs--J. P. Henderson, 1 . Bga-. tram, W. H. Croker, J H. `Wuaon, `J. J. , Hatley, D. M. McK1nTey, R. J. Sanddr-V,, son, I) McNives, S. Stevens. n....... u........ |>,.\.....\ .....- ..I-..o...-1 21;; A-a:u-t;ution in County of simooe. M may to loan. . n...Al_.J n-_A `CDQD nag: -w -- our-v--u--vs - Sept. 21. 1886. VKLUABLE IAIIDS 11.117 - 0FFIOE :- Collier Street, Barrie. Wishes his many customers and the public generally, T {DEE Farms for sale. J -I). BCJCD "I I-1, --Aa;x'r you-- AND Gev FLANNELS; mug, H` In. nrwpve, Jlguh uw_uura. N oruw ASAGA. -Counci1lors--. M cBri3e, . I : Glnver, Steele. r\.._---. 11--.... 'a-....-..1 n..|.:-...... 5 CALL AGAIN. [l'_U gram ..1au uatc In warn uy l'II'|'ll'l:. Rnrriater; Barrie. 3"" Bradford "'7" 33- 'I"'XlC.VC' " U " vour order for Christmas and New Year : Photon-ahns. If you wish to make your Father. Mother. Sine: Brother. Wife. (`hild or Friend 3 P1 esenv , Lbs` will nrivn lnntinnv nntinlnnlinn have vnnr nrdnp wnll give lasting sauataction. leave your qrdor nruumr, vuu-. \ mm or rnena as rneaenr was with DUNLOP STREET. B./ARRIE. 6' Largo Photqgrupha for Parlors a Specialty. "0 IS A I`-000 TIME: ._.l..L A- _._|., .____._ vn_-L__ `:_-\____ `GEORGE mom Kati? BHEMIST ma uaussnsn bl), Ll IVIULV I VCC3 K). \JUU'UllBu OBILLIA -Hem-y 1 -oyce was elected for the council insteadpf D. M. McKinley, who resigned. . - V sun A If`! u l) D nnvvn nnlIhn;`_ 2 nouns west or we mm: uom. DRUG8_, '13}fxi317:iii7ieiizi5*1E:*jTN"E, mm SIUFFS. sous, COMBS, [AND BRUSHES. ~ StrinBells. Broad. Loub'o and_ Sin le Bells rushes. Curry combs, Wlnpe _ nee Pads or ml kinds. Barnes: 6113 and `Va.rnishe-a.. __-_..- - _ _Z: , __ ___ _%_..._.__. |ux1 noon to mm or commas. FABEEBSI SINGLE anoum iiannnss For Heavy Draught or Ldyrht Parriage use. In Luv Mounting required, ' ALWAYS IN STOCK OR MADE TO ORDER.` Er:-IRQUGI-1 TICKETS To all points Eastand West. andvldanitoba. lFo1_- tickets, rates. etc" apply to liollern 85 North Western Railways. wuu Iumgucxu DTAYNLR --Reeve, Sanders. Council-_ Iors - Stewart, Gartlans, McEachern, - Devlin. - - 5 A GIFT. SMITH \ `Roar. QUINN, Agent N. 8: N. W. Rm. General Passenger Agent. arle Licensed Auctioneer for tile Oou:1t;.ol Simooe. A Orders left at the Anvnxcn Omee will be nremptly attended to. and information will be furniehed ee requiring M 1-. Ford : eervioel an thong he had himself been ooneulhd. _ ieleegeken in prioeetoeuit. everybody. .aco~o.n 4115- runs -rung: :1`:-c_---:`-g-. A , -\ A_notion Rooms and oioe --Mo_ore'a Block, nu nlnn at, `Rn:-I-in PRISORIPTIOXS CAREFULLY OOIPOVNDID. TOILET AB.TlCLES--A FULL LINE. Chespox-than asnv Hous in or north of 1` onto. . P. J. NIIOCDRE, BIG STOCK OF HORSE BLVA N KE TA`,"_ L...1._... T'I_II- `I'I_-_) T .___I.I- Au.) QZ_..`A .'?9-.."' .F9I3v- Lllb 1 8113 Oh P-xnui':'Z"n"ra`3v .33.. 1? ' Terms on sun cation, BTU DIO 2-Un-ntnirn : nnnaion 8T|B1-.116 on 6DDlt;?0n .po`" 2- I'D. 6 the Wellimgxn Hotelrat the Five Points. Bu-no ` LICVIlUu SUNNIDALE TOWNSHIP -Reev,vPa.ton ; Deputy, Lynn. Cuuuc1llora- Matthews, (Boyle, Rlzebnrouah. `vs: .1111 uusru. ucuuug. Gwuuunumr Wxs'r.-Reeve, G. M. Evans ;, Deputy, John McAfee. Coun- `o:llors-Wm. Evans, Wm. Robinson. lnms McKay. '\y\yIol)lI Ila DA-an {n Rants: (1; IKE`: '3 tin}; IFI7 a nr~ap'ss-33}. 1;. ' A can solicited for all kinds 0! on'rnA1'r Qmm L` --will be found--Q Moordamock Dunlap-st. Barrio. IMPORTER, &o. van , so I M01!` 1: an W ".i`;:`(;U.h`1s'-I;'l;B:-V-l-?.*T>.;ave,A Robert Calhoun ; lat deputy, Wm Kearns; 2nd idepumy, Joseph Mulligan. Councillors-Banting`, - Mauniug,- Baycruft ` ' . , , m -n '1I1'I1! ` -r, ,__ -__I.` , TINY. ~- Reeve, \Villia`mV. Lfeca`.,x,n['> ;=- Deputy. `Chas. .R.anki'n. -Counc'Illors-- 'l`bou1aa- Marchildon, John l$raihyygiye,i James Wilson. ' T ' _ ___ ._ _' ._ ,y_X \JlCC|lI`WDJo : V1r.sr1 --'A'll the; old ;Counci1.'ivver;a:tO;12 elected except. Mr"K'uln|p, who was de- feated by Mr. -Young. Mr. Sissona h'adI a. 7 pretty narrow esane `in bib 7`com'est7A`wi-_t?h?" Mr. Leadley, his majority having bgqg bxeduced from 108 mu 26. Torwuuau 4--Reeve, ` Wmi} E , `_ Ls'v'1`-" ock. C..n..clllura-.-Geo. Wolfe. James Gregory, Samuel Km_rVa..n'ai.2'h.', 'Th0mII8` Grecuaway. T `T " ' T ` , , -Iv : 1I'.I 11 ii * `I An "Ex-Reeve Ruled; Bununoron, Jan. 3. -e-Doneld Mc- Q-Jarrie, late Reeve of Caledonia, in in- stantly killed this morning. V He and his son went down to start his grist mill. The son then went back to the house, and on returning about fteen minutes later found his father a corpse, and itiie evidenvfrom-, the position in which he was fvund ~' thet he was coming up the stairs leading from the engine room, and it being dark he missed hie footing and tell backward on the driving pulley The and aair has` cut a deep gloom over the whole commun- ity. The deoetlsed was highly respected ' and hams; will be deeply. felt by the ; ns}|n`n ndlinnnl nnn-I anus-nuuvuluwualp nnnnbn up John Inod ` 4 _ to In Ear! otoajawa. - an- BI-n -Inn"I9ni|nAI` (I. (3- 1. LB` Barunxtontosqlnbqry. Loxnos, Dec 31.-L.rd Salisbury re- turned to Hateld -t.o4night,v `leaving the ` oompopizion of the Ministry still` unher- tain. . He. has o`ei-ed Mr. Goschen the poaitiuu of Chancellor of the. Exchequer and is `awaiting his response. Mr. Gul- bhen has pqnulted with Lord and is Iaking_ time 12.0, : pomidar. _ At 3 1-4.. I... -... s- -....I..L I... I.-.I ....s _....I.-.I -... | us: an ICBIIIK "If? "N! 3-IV I'll-Inna av G ;ate.huur.m-ui3ht hehad rspli ,, d 1_1a.d given no aignp} no. ~ ` In L .-5"-'4 !"u.. ,1} KIOJIA blow l\iUII wont UV uvurul IUIV II UII whole villagdand surrounding country. .lieut.enant-governors and premier: and UHIJU UI .l`JO|l Ul vvvwvvull Sir Charles Topper, Canadian -High Commissioner to En gland, will bead vanced to the Grand Companionship of the l_5at.h,V and made a Privy Councillor ' of the Empire. Sandford =Flemmg, the. rst Chief-Engineer of the Canadian Pacic Rail way,` and the originator of the 24-hour system and of the project inst` launched for laying cables from _British n.Cu1|,l_n1ib'i_p.. to Aust_ralia~and.Janan, who is ;- nbvr}-f"_as' Companion of the Bath, 'w_ill be made" as Knight Commander. It is also regarded. as a certaimy that the originators of the Canadian Coufederatiounnow living, the members of the Dominion _Cabiuet., the. chief justices of the various provinces will also be knighted, or, `where "thus honored now, will beadvunced V in rank. The honor of knighthood will doubtless be o"ered to Edward Blake, leader of" the Liberal party in Canada." mono as ro'nz-n5iuinnn rwol - .'l.'n0U8A.!..D. . I 1837-was mm or Jams.-1337 T J a,nnary:%~6, 188.7;-Z. Debuty, Holland, II.I:UII' -TIICTU, Cw TV -`Il\l JVUUWIC ~Vl Ull Euglieh _a_lphAa.bet,, 1114' if still more than tbes'e_;' are'.need'ed t.he`5`r}6pb"ordinsryXiuuieralduutnl all" C.` tlun `Ana-0nnO:'nu-1 `snug Loan I-\I1vv\`u_nI-at` In III'BII.IIIiIp.llI`|LV-IV. uuulvu xtloayup uz );urnu|.uu. , ;Ic.1_s as little south of the Seven. Stars apd in, of a rd`d-ish c'ol'oi`;' There "fa-' "a'othEr' 'gu'- aupL ` in the same constellation cgllgdg ;he`Hyqdee. : For the present 1 mus`t`say good bfe. - . 'l`uw_ Mn: nr -nut Mm-an .' IWX 'PUVUTI-'-I XII I$IFIUI UI$'III`,."'I-Il IVO -Tue Inagnitndge tjnn",_fg-om_-the _ti:_-et;_t_o the,` sixteenth. Taihc ordihafy are-wart! this 6* fth magnitude in herely vieible. In the 4 whole heavens there are not more than ] twenty stars of the tirst magnitude. The whole heavens have been mapped out into ' {constellations bearing fanciful names of ; node, mm. 1?. naazamngzri-li.L0]II1 {A .brillien't_ imagination pnght di_agerg _eon;_e `.re_-_ 1 aw)-In -ww.w..v-1-m. W1:s-r-v.'51- x 0 .brillin's ixpaginati ' . - `gamma. ..-. n'ei't %. if-;:A. *7o"s7a53nTas .?aa: between the star grog , and the object it is 1 said to repi-e'6'n`b`,Lbnt. a` `r'i'al ',tlie~i`-`<:lice fir'i'-"' 1 `n;ln in can an - Roma nf tho alt;-n I-nun: _ KI U`-I IWVICDWIIV, IJCU j I IIIIK3 ,UIII3'lI UK'ITUI fails to see any. Some of the stun have special names givon to them. such as Rigel, and Betelgnese. the two brilliant stars in that "fine group,` so conspi. none in the south-east ern heavens in theevening. in the Acoustellae A 52,-... [\n|A-u"\ In `A IA if - Municipal Elections. Anuu. -- Reeve, Runan ; `Small. Councillors - Guegt, Mcenua. ,__~_-_- n_;.--_ GA......;..t I rug uugy cu; gu uggcuovwlllllsg III IIIIIJ Ullllllllcllwt tion;()rgon;' In grg19I_"gtoiigt,ingnjp)1)tho, `sf: I nn any constellation; nstronome'|`s' use rs: the Ietten 'Iaf:t4_;9 0:991; -krhame n-end`; fthn : constellation c n ins m re stars tlian etters incthnt ulplu Juay $43: I` ,n..Ii.J\ nlnlsnl-uni. and if nil] nnnrn than tlunnh . e:merlewm;ot chad II Ill-IUULIKIA vuu_v'Isp!: ususuus-y CIIIILIUI silo uuun CI: in the constellation_.have been numbered. ,l_I'l\ 5 order to study the heavens intelligently, the ' `student should be piovided with an opera` glass or a small telescope. and then taking a position where a good view north and south, east and west can be obtained and aclear night chosen. the conditions will be favorable for ,wor_k' A yjrd stibk {for ineasiiring dis- tances. will be necessary. and fortunately there is one prepared` for us in theiluie con. necting the three stars in the constellation, Orion already referred to. Those three bright stars which are called in the Book of Job bthe bands of Orion, term a line "just three degrees in leniath. It must be borne inmiud that the .word_',degree_ here niesns the . 360th part of the distance `around `the who s 7 h-av;-h's.'or the .l80&b rt : oi `the distance` from the `em point .0 `the horizon" to the` Wm` `mint. pr Pli.` Mb .-pm of` the: space from the horizon to the zenith, There is a belt in the.` heavens called the'Z-dine,` the: position of which, aswell as the.l\ orth Role of the lieadeiis; it _ will-` -be;? hecessary-`for the student to know. Through .the.,centre,of the Zodiac is the Ecliptic, the linetraced by -our earth in her annual journey round the This Z ndiacsl belt is six-.eun degrees wide, and is divided into twelve parts called the Signs". of the Zodiac There are twelve groups of stars ir it called the Constellations ..&' 1-ha 7..uHnn' .7 .'I"hnv vdifrnroiinsi, fhbriwnnn the :::-:.2:':;':.;.".:;*:;t.`.;'::':,:';.;;`.,:':: ::.':E:?.`;:: "'iu&&3'fer+Jc8. oi-tumaor com. the ringing of the cheetnnt bell nnneeeunry banal dwd l`is""d`y' ' .ongg.gl;,_{ tn,` nwjgfj ; v.;: - 51 " Five hundred persons ettended the end tlieplenete whiolr.i ev(ilve.nivi?nd~.hii'n: in oepti9n'._ ` . ' 2:?`;::;.:e2:':';:;;::;::':;:.:,::::2 win we in ms- '.`:.""`:d f"(`i `.7h`;'i`d'd 'lt'9" "'_': = Mm. `igsmnelicolter, living `near Stret- WI .1 t air nten not war a 8.. It no me o n fora died but weak and 104.. V she `as confused way in which they no viewed. T A 631' land ofpreeente were distributed Ant:-onomerb hue ;olag_qi,edi.ftlje``etan ' by to the oonvicte at the Kingston Pene- dwiIiqn_into magniudgs. nngu front the` |:_e`z_:ti_uey, Oh:-igtmnvg morning. . ` "`,`;f `,; ;;'o`;`,`;f_`f,?.;';_`;}',; '; *j,1am.g in Quebec. a. mm to be: en. _oideet ignn lnnnnuntinn run; `noun Jinn `hunt. in Ohm vtng. the ' Thnqih tlieAet'e"r to i5hi";ah' uni-_ pun`: Goveinor -Generel e New Year : Day re- gfonpa OI SUITE II" II} Ullllllll IIIIU LlUI.I3bUlIlIll|'l|B o the .Z'Id$O.0-1:: I`he:f b!IV6ii 311 I`I'__..L. `|.nO:(uu\ the `KS `Juan (till. -`Ln Q:lon- A` OE H18 .ll'}3_,i_7 L [-1 9,93 ,'\_"_`.3"".3 _;99.I-V_91} "1" Donate llation of the Z bdnao and the S ggs_o Z rdiac Will be made plain his wdgq al6nq.~.. WE. :..|.o Innnn Ann nnI...n93n'I nrnntlnv-inn: fr-nrn ll IUHIU Wu: uv Iuouv luruu -u uusu uuvu`.- IUv..l might begin our celestiil wanderings from that pretty group called the Seven Stars. Standing out on one of the streets rnnuing east and west and looking towards the east |at about seven o'cl. ck, this group of stars -....-u-no .343] in ab)-ant. ntfnntnnn Thou-`urn I Ila IUUIIII ucvuu uuu VB, Vuu: stllllfi In ufuuu cannohf ho Pttractq pbt8l}tIOn.,_.Tl}eygnre ca lled`t e Sev_eti Stars. or` 'th Ptuides, -L-.-_.n_ -_r.. _--. ...... L- '.......c-.l. 'l"L.. cuuc vuc uuvcu uvnlun III uuv I-IUICIIIEF tho" - on . si,1'~.c ;,be~, 'ounVt.ed:A. Tho. teletggpe rgreds wghundxgd `st_s'rs`in {Bel snsce'occnp1rl= by thin: are-up 1 '1 his; in 001:4 sidereqby astronomers the _centre of our- star syst.eni.ah'd `o`mtii|d*'s'\0hidh om; `sun; the earth sngiall t_he`b,qdies';of, tpev solsr system are revolving at-9. ra.te'~reqnlnn'g flslmil-lion : of. years to complete Ik_ If .Ur.~ D,u.:k_ s ' Philosophy be relIa.ble' It is possible `Miss Augusta msv have an opportunity, whenshe has been supplied with wings, to explore ' some .of the wonders `of `this star system. This constrllation is called Tanrus, which means a. ,bull, and it containsvone st_ 1- of `the i-somagmnnde. named ;`Aiphs or Al ehaan. To .a. .. H60]; aunt`-u ..` {kn Quunn glow: and 39 Hot knowing,Auauatu, nor posguuug any means of determining just what instruction she needs. I mnyjpossiulv go over ground with which the in tunilinr. I hope thereforl thnt the circumstances of the one will render the ringing nniH in` tho` nliiriuiifdii-`Edi : 1 2-.` 4 W IICU IIEGLUIW'-IIlU III UIIU "'XUjlllA- . li|::omvwhat abated and your-space relieved : fmm thn pressure of political literntnro, per- - mit me, i you please. to redeem my promise to yonnoorre-pendent Augusta, 15nd at .well All I can dire_ct her in her oelestinl `researches. \Y.-a. I. ..... .... A .-....-L- _.'._ _..-..:.-.....,- ___ -"1Jllly, .l`JylIlIl', Ultuyanll, uuuuav. CuLLxN_owoon --Mayur, Jno. Nettle- ton ; Reeve, Geo. Moberlv ; De my, V H, Foreman . Cc-unillors-Juo. " owlahd, H. Evnsin, Thos. Bassett, Hy. Telfer, W, J. Fmm, C E. Stephens, Robs. Wright, R. Simpson, R. Conn, A. Fisher. 11'...-.. Q D..A~n-n urns nllunfnl` DAAIIA Vespra. Advance Correspondence. Once more peace is declared. pulitioel ` war and strife hafv eeahed ur i the ~ p"re sedc,.-' and n... IIQUI nnln tn:-n tn nun .nnnnI. nnnnnntinnh "V? 1 `WW? x" . ' . I..~...:.%..,-T _but.-promise to continue t,:`y:'hhm-'.`_`-' "7 8`9rdial uupporz. ` 0 nub] ' :v"qc'a'!.1 :;1:`);II;rg1:t;_:o;l:- A-n;I;|;8-!rz:<;,c`_c':,n?1`:'a.t'<{z;nf: without mindd :1: Eat ; ahng-a.shu`red that` _... L..... .I.....-. nil Oknb Sn mpnnumual :n` us an. WIUILUUT IIIIIJIIU -ll |%II , ncullus uvuulvu vu-v we have done all that is, Irgqplrett rof. ,na ras- law dbiditig aim ab ; at `the oll; ` "both. fbt th'e Legia gtgfe a_qd ;Mun_icgp'nj. Goupqrl, aqq: . I Hdvycyer {nap gmted we may To-'e`l`a't'th re- sults wozmnat in nnnaikln Iv:-nann n 9}: nn nlnl nrnvur Ret winhraa 30691 a grace: aaf suing W2lll!|.!."_l'!!!_7iW mun:-=v SW! wsu-s.~.-v. pO88lltl8,,l`ll8|lDg 1n.tl}e, go (1 old pro\_(erb., ' -rim ic.mum1sg.glhna_1.h_su adiilftnrhmgz . Thuvmnnininn.rHIomt.inlm "for this 't.owm-mm 'l.lllIB II!|B unsung ulluzt UIIPI ulna all: Ullllllllno The 'mnnicipa1`elect.ious for this township [evoked more 1uuerestthin yii`thhIi ii `ha-'d:'aI-' ly the "case, conpequennly there was 9. large number of voters turned out` an the` dxfferent polling points. A In:-nu nnmhnr nf the rntnnavprsl crmnre. Plllug PUl II|lUo A large number of the ratepayers congre- gated as 11:; Town Hall between .6 and V7 o c 0c `in e qvquii :.4_swa'ti_ ue s!ff om the? `6:h 1` Eizb d`n'riei?J`t?s_ hud)af%i" thP3*`re{u1; was know. " zmhi :9-ayiite 1 .a-mile >.-. ~;t'.9W words suite le to the occusion. and so ciosed the municipal elections fbr I887. M; D. The following is the result. of the polls - ton REIVI, ' J. Sissons./Crown Bill. 235. . :4 A 1-99419311` M'!*.`,"!..: 299- ~ ._ JJLUUIDIJ Lillpgql-I yvqi !v'_u__qp;p_I1_I.Iq yg-.9. won: for arranging fortho Tito-ury work for the remainder of the season. All members `are requested to be there by 8 o'clock gm Ban-no Literary society. Next Tuesday evening, lloh inst, 3 meeting will be held fur the numiustion ehd election of uioera of the {Barrie _3,-x_ h_ AL.` -.___g,,_A .._-._ u_._.I 'i'.'{2`er.`I-'""sI'J'se ;`f'n;'.`;,..I;,..j.'{7c-}'2.`3 arranging its-an-y DCUIIIu.Ili|IIUl.ln GRAVENBUR8'r.-Reeve, J . T. Harvie. Oouucillurs -- Uockburn, `Link, . Boyd. A Meinardua. School trustees-Clipshom, Clnrk. DeLong. I`-.-- - cnnnncy Wynn Danna fl M co;?tlnesU3;;;eg ht :g.:,"z3*.;.1w They are very o egsntly ted up and are of the O. P. R. `style . They have:-evolv1ng' b - re` idedtwith lokato prevent to turning them. It is said R t ! of that, the punongen .nsru'rv, nun, , . .} 3 '-iL5i'ii&i1i3?m?Jard,%`yQos1Ai:&aei6n" - = ) WE A ._"ma" M` `M nnng..9 nfl1.:'- -27-.. I '*(J.~I1'.*w&.uso; ;au.m..wr.~.+. % Now thshhu exicpmgnt ot the election: in nnmuw hglz nhntud `and vnnr nnnnn rulimmrl % fHE%NEW8.4U0NDEN3INHxHBHIlE. -was:-1 =m.ms' Ggohrs` A --% A J `*0 ig M03?! '|iT`l.H.|I.V N 1%: . ,"?'+ ran run on or 1 noun "hnL{rn'i" iflii i'lI`nn nan manna cumin-1 Anna -3 T05`- Va A`. vvnuuv, unpuuuuuvpavuo - ' _... E. Rich}; .,,'I`ownlIue,. V ' " `D. Gs'rvin,'Midhur5;`1 0.` 1 -Ila.-`nab Innn:-n.- `I120 '~ ll. `I35 VIII, XIIJIIIIICQ J. Ken-foot. Mmeaing. `AA nu Il`|: ~ -1: 1 '..':_I\_h: 'm1.'l'.n L Iuunv nu] guuu uJr.- l`nn MAN IN 1111: Moon rvuv Er`1vuuuv,* -nu-_ua.1 . .occppa.t_I`qna aiinn-n.aL'Iiru"d nhit` 5 U1] I B luvxxuy. Ixz~us1r1L--Mr. J. Ross is Reeve of this powuamp. Mr. Little lat. Deputy and Mr. Bcroggie 2nd Debuty. Messrs. Black and Lenna-x went in by acclnmation. 1].... ...o. I 'I).....--.. I ll I-`nu-Iva" nnusn- '{resh"datachmi1t of the Salvation A.rm...,.9.mist.in& otwo men .-sud. two women, hgwb araived i. Quebec Sud oom- m'x;1qd,`fgics there. _ , ' 3 ;2Aboqs 40:grtil|erioto, metnberiof various ; io1hp'{er:batteries ip' th_ `province, lune ` an-ived at. Kingston 1: take a. short course ` qt .t.lV'1'9/` uf'Gunnpry. ~ 1 ~M~iuiaat-.-- Ween. has :1 Informed .. the , =I}n_pgtial Cigyernment, mat. he has reoeived_ % ,_ oommmiiosiuhqf `roun'fCan`mda`. favorable` to . A1... ............-..:.... ..: c_.|...-... .....-..a.....:.... _:n. 7' "I`Iai{1t`e'..I M `.V`` Presief t Clevbhud. ;; 3 Cabiuet`meqt.ing idny A atohogrsphegzin Loniiiillgdigihc 0 drunken;_quujre1 with 3 har~keQpr,.;_1lleu him _ -uv1ng In Quebec. In sum to DJ _'Ii vngg prguur 19 Dgmiuiou. 6 I Wilihm White in in ouhodv a - sup .UI_,1peg- muses. V , * A g H. J. Cleran, of Montreal, ihas taken griauilpal action against. Richard White. ut t'ha*Mout.re.a.l Gazette and also sue: for $Sf5.000 damages because he was spoken of in te paper as a. dynamiter. IO-lL4.- - Zn Ohio Marehall L inn nttempting to master an escaping prisoner shot him dead. . . ' ~ : The diseatief_eotion.in the nut. of the ! Enigma of Labor in the U. 8;, -teem: to _ espreading. _ T The bodies of the Philadelphia remen, ,* vxctline ef the Teinple theatre re, have been recovered. ` T "`i`-1-1e"'sa'11'*z-1;x;;;s`a't Sang-Sing priann for r Decembet.$l7,433; -expenditures $14,433. jeaving a prom of 83,000. In_. ___.L-L---._.I E- 2_._LL L_-:._- -_ LL- Two uqrqhbnund freight trains; on the West. '.`Sh9r_e Rvsilvoad collided. it Marl`- bumugh ' the qujneg day ~_a.pd' `three . can were derailed. " ` `A V i K{Bl"0l_0Ul0B Blllllg F8. , , . __ V` V Col. W. H Bultan. aanperintendent. in the Chicago poet oioe. has pleaded ` guilty to withholdmg $12 600 from the i government." Sentence is deferred. ` 1 Mrs. Romans, of Warren 00., sKeutuckv, after living to be 102 years `old, wamburned. to death last Thursday by hgycipthes `taking tire; ' ,, -_!._L_._ j ___LV - ` Robert Pinkerton has recovered in [ Lea.venworth.. Ka.u., $9.580` more of` the money stolen from the Adams Express oCmupany in the train robbery. It was iv found buriegi in aeele`d cons. V .4 uuznvuua. 7 ` ALLISTON. -Reeve, Stewart. Council- iora--Dr. Armstrong, John Fisher, J. F. . Wilson, T. McMyler. "'ih;a-sh<;;vrf_a7llvTin7 for Saturday L qnd Suudayyu six inches. 1` ' \ vuv u-g Vs: ~. .---.-.. .V -The Marquis of; Huntington, arrived ,in. London ouWed_Imady. ~ 0 ;, I, 8:.'1'u'am;.*i.i,iLgf$}o; eziiiaf fof `Sunday pgpen. Q Vn,. _|'.__2n_ `___ '4- 1, "."'.'9--.1 r.r'r""' . I _ _ . Thoitrtu; of Brockvillo, are to be ngueod with electricity. ` L . `ff ? :'"..i%.'.**;y:,.;;.:"~ flfho Iuiperisl Pafrlxamentviilli "open 6!!` the 27th January; ' L ` n :1 :0 ; -_._2_.-J l._ -0 `uouuun nu vvuuuuauuy. " W `A Liverpool ship`pin'g t.rade" shows hesysl i decrease for the -last.;y__esp: . ' ._ I g . . . . M 531111 ! ho.V1owoftho World for Three I|._.. 1I4_-.'nI.'._ 115.15-; cams-.. . . 1VI3;3;u':' :'3,3$";JE 'L3}}"Z"eJ?}.'i'JJ :16"; thy 'U;,ij:ef Shiites. A 3 rt 1- nu It . 1 I I1! , recepuou w..puu' 1)_ulgDl`lnlIjuUIpnu;I:u.- .. Rufnsia i9'f`m`a.s;s:1i1.`g' 30,7000 trobbs in 1Ku ff, whewthy `are I55 be bniabted on the peuple_.r ~ A - V n, ,- 2.- .L-. 1:'__1_-_ ~n_._L __' i:\_:A-_ pvt :--v The !fire' in the Madras Pat-`k of: Friday. . caused the death of 300 people, nearly all natweu. Wuauu, 1. uuuuywu. A Bmzrox. -Reeve, Wright; G<'>uncillora' --Lxlly, Evans, Campliu, Riddle. (`..~: 1 vnnu.nt\r\ + Mun.nr Jnn, Wntlo- ucuuvn - v-. V _ The German army, changea are absorb- ing 3` good dealof attention all through Europe. . , H 1- I-I I'll 2, ___L ._:A.:_-.i ._':}.l. VC..t_;unt..;; 3-.4: .. ? Ill. UIJUO - i Lo;-d ,church511_' i,;_ _;.'oe ,.;ti.aea with` % Salisburyk exp1'_nnation'of why he left the T Inrd Dnei, haipondngcedl against the "'org u.riu-4idn'< `of - `a n_a.uve ' I nglian volunteer cprpg. V ` F A - 7 - "? o . .. .- 1 1| .I,;,;'4_,,_`1i 'L'.I__ I! vrllugfplzuner II} III! IIIJIIIIIIIUIL . ' lhwilliatin White is in duhody. 8t_Im)doq,_; * axgdi wank. rape tn: Nis Vlhuno riahhrn of Clarence street an that any. ~ I Mr, Conway, a offcampbellford, bile hunting norf-bu?` `of Hahburton t week shot._q, mogdfygighing 700 `J: `hounds. '~ "'* """""'- ".`"l."." t -`J. * __ -_ L-;rd-&(.}sliIx;A{(,):g,:;;pbal} thlzegtgns to tske ` his diyqgjza cs_sp_;q t}16 H olj1t u of Lbrdg (or 5 .u;1~adjr&icarion. -T ~ A" ' - ~ 4 - ` A-r. `Hurt ;- 4-...._:_--4-2-1-4A_*_;_ 4- .l.`l'uuI.2u uuuuluu Dwvvtuu Llvua -uuu-an, a `storm, by whnchan enormous amount of pfcnpptty was denirpyed, `iv ` _.~ ~ 1.: . 1 Thin nsws fr0m_Eq;`Ip jg a, 1ittl`:f.'moi'_e ;pao1'tic. but-`like a.= volcano, the` `fire: "(it fit:-`,`l:l1L'I.'y'-_at|:_ ghy u`:om"e_inc b`u,1ol1"fm-ch.` ': ;.? ` _,n'_n n_-'_- _-.'.|____.1 ..I.._ -_..`__ C32`-"U VIUW III TU V7113 HUI` "IIIVU ` Umuastatoa _ --34 $..----I Z`:- me ngutnqln U'aur bu uuugl'u_|_uLuo~uAu1 vu _thegbgfyhof-;1I't;qRhev." 3 '?` - x v 5- V V F: '1 iic 's'.u'ied ievarely 'fl'bl`!)~; Sf8`s;'y'a c ` -L_...._ I... ._L._L --. nmAnnn..ui- nn\..nn6 A wing, u--J -v `----J --~---'~- '0`htxi-dhill would havev;'\rI`ufn;:c;ri esrnzy? V and navy egtimoten` hy $5,000 000 and the civil uervioe eatixnates by 81,500,000` "'""""""'-""-`('7 ;.. 1. U. * ` 'The Sultaiihuscontla.-speoralguny to the Rgueiqn Czar to oougra;}1latphig1 on theibwtn of-zrntaiihevi-` _ ingthe` Oats:- u.uchemVo:. ' 'i`he Austrian -~ press `thef- BIanparok n Allianoewithv Ruaaiy will 'ao'.u_:_Ia.l_|ypi-agent. Aautrig from fri1dtrat- vyy----v V---Y_._-__ W _ _, C ,0` _'_I 1'2-` Dhil `__'._-.'L d'J' ft-a'n"c` uxguuu, 0&3. Llul av. 11. .unI.uuuv.' - Mnnonrs -Reeve, Arthur Graig ;.Dep-- nty. Thus Devitt. T 0ouncxllors--Buchan- an, Fitzgerald, Walker. \l......-..... Dnnn-rn Al`t\1v\'|II V