Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Jan 1887, p. 3

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i D ` 1'00. mural. T Thii_ in 3 great subject, said 3 grand- `iloqunt o1fa;to_r_; can you name me` u_ greater 1" A _ _ 4 T Ho Vpmnod for eeot and to the horror 6! the ni1diot}oe. unt boy piped` out : "I an, `muggy `y_Iptfneg gator." ' ---- --0-0-o------ ~ - I In Connecticut They Are Not-so. .- ._I... L`..- I. h.-`yg ggggiygd ihtimutlon that s new "`l'tobo blinked 1'_BR'%i9u'uP:a';!;n.=.::inunu % iTHE*.NQB3l&LERNe A:mr,Anc1g: 3:-ant ROVIQW. :fa`;.u`s7.*.1i;;;'i.`.'.:;t.:"i.'a.a ._._` thomidnionnoo .3 _-.u...3n-no `:n_ ;iu:ia;me;%n%m~ee _#__..___ --... -u'.n\w_w XIIEIUIIIJ, Lxuuuuu.-v. A guud~ many fables begin Once on a Oddly enough, :00, when married men have been once on a time they are apt to invent fables. WI .- L....l....... "nnnh nan he so quickly (13 unggigond noupu-ell make one , _ _____4.___-_.-.__ IIII. IIIIVIIII.-` -w _------V-.. ADVERTISING: _1 11a 'r1a`,$. '- u) Adlvane has n`8v`vorn Ciiillgtibn OI 'I`IIlf!6n Ililliifd. `lid V v'l`I'O5lII! Copies, Almost. it not. quite. oonble th .1. ot on other . Dunn ! nnblished in Barrie. 'mAN`sn.N'r Anvnnnsnunxws. First insiirtion, I0 cents per line. Euclnub ? uent insertion. 4 cents 1` er line . * ~ ending notices. 10 cents` `oer line for that in -"union: 5 cents per line for each subsequent msertion of the some matte . Legal. Oioiul: and Government advertise mwots `will be changed at above mwg. ' co\`-rmc'r Aovnansmu. 1 Com:-not advertisements will be taken at the Hullnnrlna I-nfun nvhivh are (ll 3' d on * advertisements wlu oe amen at one following rates. whivh dpafta correct commercial principles, and_. as they ml! be at:-iotly adhered to in maknng new contracts Jter present contracts expire. there will be only one mice for all: A T iv llneh .... . . . . ..... I ` Q Inches .... ., .... .. fr Inches. i Colnmn.. Io Vlnche. 5 Column 20 Inches.) Column V `For one m`onth-the three monthly rate with 15 1-.oont.ndded. _ . . V _ . i or two months--the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. . ` 3' Preferred positions in the paper will be sold st an advance of one third on above rates. This rule will be strictlv csrriedout. _-_-_.- . ..-u 1:" A maa 00N.'l`-A01` Advertiser-a_ will pleuse beerin mind that no- tice of intention . to (shun e advertisements mutt be handed in to the o oe not later then Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the c y-for such change must be in the Anvmcu: o co not later thnn 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday. in any week; otherwise the advertisers annour cement may not be made public until the week following. . ;_.-_..:-___ ...:II ....o I... n`l1-naval` on nun their N6. 6!" Inches - Qnn on TIUI IJU IIIEIIU puuuu Ill-Illl uuv vv uwun Qvoav . .--_. . Advertisers will not be allowed to, use their Ipace for advertising anythin outside their own regular business. 8110 d they do so. transient rates will be charged for such adver- Hnntnnnt. IRINUELVBDII nuv uunnnununuuv nuv Condensed advertisements on First Page, `such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent. gseciflc Articles. Eta. Etc.. must be accompuni with the cash. and will be inserted-Fnrst insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names. addn sees. and gures counte as words): bu! a reduction to 1 cent per word will 1 be made when the numberot insertions of the ..m: Inn! rpr exceed FOUR. U vu nnnvuu- -._-__.. --That hacking cough can cured by Sh1lnh s Cure.` . We For sale by John Woods, E J. Hamlxu, Allandale. o -..nnru be made wnen me numuun aunt. matter exceed Faun, Ind'; a namux-3.1 and healthy condi-* tiou of the scalp,` and of the glands through which nourishment is obtained. \Vhen, in- consequence of age and dis- ease, the hair becomes weak; thin, and gray, Aye}-`s Hair Vigor'will strengthen it, restore its original color, promote its rapid and vigorous growth, and impart to it the lustre and freshness of youth. I have used Ayer s Hair Vigor for a long; time, and am convinced of its value. When I was 17 years of age my hair began to turn gray. I commenced using the Vigor, and was surprised at the good" effects it produced. It not only restored the color to my hair, but ... ntimnlatu its growth that I have only TGSI-Ol'8U. 13110 CUIUI MU my nun`, uuu so stimu1at.;dAits rowth _Tthat_I now more hair t an ever before.- J. W. Edwards, Coldwater, Miss. .1. " , \l\Il\.uI on-v Ayer s Hair Vigor, ' Rnhlhu all nrumrlam and Perfumerl. Ir YOU ARE sumrnnmo from debility and loss of appetite; if your stomach is out of order, or your mind confused; take Ayer s Sarsaparilla. This medicine will restore physical force and elasticity to the system, more surely and speedily than any tonic yet discovered. 0 m,,___1 p..-__ 12-...- vn-u--a Ignnd -v..... d -- .._-_- For six months I suffered from liver and stomach troubles. My food did not nourish me, and I became weak and very much emaciated. I took six bottles of Ayer s Sarsaparilla, and was cured. -Julius M. Palmer, Springeld, Mass. Uilu ,v--v-_ _, - _ , Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8; Co., Lowell. Mus . Sold by Druggiau. Price 31; six bottles, $5. Ayer sLSarsapari|Ia, 1'I...._....`...l kn ha 1 I` Luau-$(`.n,, Tn'wnII_ III. 5 VJ ` v - ..,`.'; '.';:o.1:"* `~....'. .i"'.l.....t......*`"`-" `%:a**:`a. oo ne 0 kee untlergver-worll:e'd women generiully Dr. erce's Favorite Prescription is the bed %$%"&a'mua`f"%l3?1L`.E"fe'.?*s:: *`rB;...l" u. a moa 8 381' one being potent Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to women`. `It is n wertul. general as well as utaerlne. _tonlo _nn nervine. and im vigor and etren htothe whole system. promylz. cures `ens 1 etc indlgatlolahl inmwggg baok.nerv<!:!1'1`el1:'rostration. eblllty and either sex. FavorltePre- ` acrlptlonels-sold ydmgglm under ourpow ; um noaa.- Bee wrapper around ttle. Price. 1.00:`-gr six bottlfnvgor 5.00.` "Ductor," P810 me menu, .....,.,....,_., him on the street, what do you take for in heavy cold l A fee." replied "the doctor softly, and so panned on. --Will you snlfer from dyspepsia and liver complaint I Shiloh : Vitnliser is guaranteed to cure you. For Sale by John `Woods, Barrie. and M. J. Hamlin, Allandnle. ' There cannot be any doubt about Mme. Patti having lost her high notes Well, lf she only saves her other notes- yher bank-notes, for instance she may Itill be happy. .I I_-.`!Ll. -...I annual-. hi-ngth Iufsllihle Blood Purier. Tonic, .llih:gele Loss of Appetite. Indigestion.` Dyepepue, Billiousneee, .Jeundice.A Liver colnplalnfv Rheumatism, all Kidney Diseases. Scrotuh. Diseases peculiar to Females. Belt Rheum. Ex zems and all Skin Liseuea. Headache. Palpitation of the Heart. Sour Btomech and Heart Burn. Purely Vegetable. Jmm C- W:-.37: dc Co.. Toronto Ont ~ d.`~OULVlRWlLL'8 . A - ?lI`:Kll\A|`.f`1`l`F|N Mlll PARWB` ~ - ~`---- - .-nun: unnmr. IITII ll up: I unvu :5-OPPOSITE B;i3.BI _E.H0'1'EL, nnsnnn nvl-main`. .Perfect Ha.iI` CONDENSED ADVERTISLHENTS. _;__..Ax..-......L- ..... E1:-g it quite. uoumu tn .1. ox a Paper published J U Soldby all Drugglato and Perfume:-I. lurn. Pm-sly vegetable. Jon 0. Wu : Co.. Inn uu uuppy- _ -Catarrh cured , health end sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents Nasal Injector free. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, AIl.._.A..`|,` Jow$2ws4wt6m 100 54 8251400. :15 snuunmm 13% mmzwomm 1 tog-.-.2soo woo woo rnnun IV '5. * * 13 26 . 52 One Inser- Inse_r- l1_1qer- laser lions. tions. trons _ non: (3 mos) lmnsb (1 yr.) `muclc run ' , _ ... at manufacture-rs prices. _ Have large-ly increas--d the-Ir-stcwk fn meet. ;rheir'e|unu-r-. u:~ 1 u.~ton e-vs. -JLu sIArecrived.d,iIe(-tIrom Belgium twoVco`nsignments of `Glass inc-ltidingtlain inow (-lass , Figured Glass. Col?-' ore:-d <; I;.ss. Plate Glass. Prices very low. Paints. Paint Oiis. A Varnishes full stuck at bmtoui prices. Bu [Hers Hardware, . `full line at bottom prices. Harvest Tools, the . best goods in the market at rock bottom prices. V V J ----000---< MGALLISTER, s1foRv g. cp.,_ cnnauen mam-ms, BLACKSMITH AND mu. sur- }, % HPLIES A SPEOIAITY. Js.iAI1tI').iya`.6., 1887; ` GARRIABEAND wmcou wonxs, BA1KIE S_ BooKjr_g1_z_1_;_: ']_`oronto.......................-- T01-ont,o...................----u KY1`:-Qhnll 0- not ..... .. Northern Railway South . . . . . . . . . Newmarket. ........ ..' .............. . . Newman-ket. .... ............. .. I Allandale ................. . . . ...... .. Allandale .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hamilton &. B84. `on ranch Railway- Penetangulahene, Midland . and um. simcoe Railway. .- ....... .. Penetanguxanene, muuauu ...... North simcoe Railway. . . 1 Grand Trunk East ..... . .. .......... .. Ottawa and Montreal..... ..... . .. .. Orillia ........................ .. -1 0:-illiae -. . .. Collingwood . . . . . ; Collingwood...... .................. .. Northern Railway North .. ..... . . M Klan fnl-(I Rfnch R8nWI.... 0 c o a u : UFUWII LLAAA - . . . . . . . . . . . - . Rugbv, `Edgar Steele. Mitchel Square and East 01-0...... .... .. t-G1-enfell. Tuesdag and Friday. t-Midhnnt.. Mon . Wodneod and Fridlf. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` X-Mlflllllrli. Luvuuuy. -v u-...--.., snd Fridsy.. ................... .. M British Mails, no (N. Y..|Mondny, Tuesday and Thurada. ..... .. (_Halita.x,) Wed y ..... . II V` `Ill C III! Allandale. inn-nmtn , , . _ _ . . . . ............ N01` slmooe [Hill a. , nu .- ahene and . ............ . . Newman-ket. ...... . .: ............. . . . . Mewmarket. ......... ....... .. Hamilton and Bee :1 Branch Rall- Iv . . . . . . . Aooaltvu u n o n n u n nag. u o o o u o` Qhuluvvu I---- _v.,. , 1 way ....... ....... .... .. Meatord Branch Ra.ilway.. ........ .. Collingwood... ...... In. and `tor 20 l.0moonon1-3.8 am. to 8 p. the distribution of 'l'oronho niht_ minutes am: muilo Hundayh axoepusd. Mona Order: uaunod on six Money Order Omoeo Canada. nited Btnteo. Grout Brituin pa-.. lcdwnrd Iaiuul. _Newg_onndhpd_s3d I Inll `Una:--, - -_.- , _ tween the hour: of! 3. In. and I 9. III. red Lenora must be honded 11:15 min- utes fore the clone of `each mail. he letters` (and. all othor mail matter) on M. on from the an-eet letter `boxes every dsy, < Sundays excepted. at 8.00 o'clock o. In. and at 8 o'clock and at 8.00 p. in. 30-11 J. EDWARDS Pootmutor I 1___.._. SCHOOL REQUISLT ES IN GREAT VAI-{1l DIARI 1115 FOR. 1887 ! A11 i:'l|Vl.Ta`.Q AT THE RIGHT PRICES. oer Eye and 'lIIQ C-QQv ___-, an Aurlsttothe Sick Children : capital, late Clini- cal Assistant Royal London hthalmio Hospi- tal. Mooreelds. and Can London > u: 3 '1'`y`:Ed8 - 3 ~ odnudnr udhurat. Mldlyo W . and Iffidlv . . . . . n o . . - o - o - . . - o."-no Geo. DUDLEY, HO USE, SIGN; FR I-.sco IIUBIMIBIU It is said that the natives were shncked to see the Princess Louise dance a High- land schotusche at 5 German wstring` Dlace. They thought it was the naughty French can-can. - . .' ' * `-~`- --A1 1:4` Hm. . . . . ................ . . Edgar Mitchell : 1 [ ...... ..: dFrid|.y._...: IBAYFIELD STREET. nn'rn%o1'r sntoon norm. 3 neon! attention to Cross Eyes and Ostu-not _-__._.___._. Mlnllri. Anvuu-;. vv -.._..._.`_ BARB}. HENRY. MANUFACTURERS. ,\ .\ gm CU'l"I`ERS AND SLEIGHS II: `nan-o-..._, , 'DKILY nuns nun nu 29,000 19:. Bunsen Fence? WIRE, DAILY KAILB FOR - '-'D,ullUulI Vlllnllnvn 5- u-- constipation, loss cf appetite, .1] .u.-nnonmn nf dvnngmh B............................ \&.Be`.on'Bra.nch Railway! ruiahene, nsimcoe Railway..-......... 1 . u o - o u - - o o - u - o - o s o - o n o o u Wholesale and Rofajl ljardwara, EA LL `AND SE01 rnnou mu-Nogn. V-76--7 w---._ __ One Door West" ofufhe Queen s Ho{el, Barrio.` REQIIISLT GREAT VARIETY B.A.:aJ:-1.113 Lu`-LIT CI -T:-- -- STY LES, AT THE RIGHT PRICE; .?_.__ '.CUH.`E ONE BEFORE THEY ARE GONE c0n3tlpB5l0D, IUD! Ll Dyycvgov. u---u.--_~. .._ . all sy mptoms of d spepgis. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. or sale by John Woods, xsmae. and M. J Hamlin. An.ngme.- The New Ynrk Times bu a-long article on The Wages of `Servant Girlo."__ The New York servant girl must be bohihd the times. In Cleveland she rpm the house on shares. V ' ` 4~~ - - -I is '1-17;`- u`. l"r.'.".1.I'. has ..,,l CLOSE Joopm --:oi- -AT_ V`/Oftn ltl W818! III 801. V` out I v_v vsua - Wonder, the chenpent. and but Jiniqngnt in `the world ;out-on more goosturthot than any pther medicine. Rhuumsticl, try it. 25 and so; Au%draggi_su. ' A A _.`--l-; LL`- `I'll LITTLE THINGS `WHICH KARI V THE WHOLE WORLD KIN. THE LITTLE GIANT WAGON. `Which they are now manufacturing, having purchased the right for the same, and, they condently assert that it in THE BEST general purpose wagon in the market. ' - . T They desire to dlrawpubl-ic sttention to V JAs. scH;oGGu=., commune:-:3. comssmnmz IN H.C.J. Agent for the following Insurance Companhl __ __._..p . qwC\ --a CITY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, Ooplta12.000.000: deposited with the Govern- ment at Ottun $100,000. Reserve fund 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE O0 Genital 3500.000; Government deposit mode. rs: Anon: nu-. ALL 3100: OOIPANIIB. ---- .- _ _.....u 1-urn ntrvlntv A 1' IIIIDII I'\GI`lD_\ TIII Anuv In Anus -nu u-vs... v.._. THE wurnanoo MUTUAL r1R1i_iiT3't1B.~ mcm co. canal. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. Capital. 3,000,000 Sterling. o1r1rI0u-om HEfvDzmsoN's am- ware Store. MYRTLE NAVY NONE OTHER GENUINE. L I J--- .-V A 1081' coxrntnlxqstvl: nmm BIBLE, , containing the nnvtani and AU'l"ll0ltl2ID Vot- olona of both the Old and New Testaments un- rnnged in parallel ccaulanambtuldazoontfgdngg 360 uldltlontlteunreg. and nearly 8500 lllustrlr . 0 ti us. The 112080} aspen. and moot elegant- Iyohonnd Family. hln nver publlahod. -Tho nnuun uNunn.ux.t.nn. every lntolllrent `ml-sour wanting`: copy. Some agontu the make l'rom.85oL 100 woekl . our M C:-so aolsd Qsoowox-'L l1.ln two 'l`:wnal'1l::P dun-Inc; his , am far realm work. Another Agent rgnortq NEW HEM: BIBLE r ._ nun -urns-nllvllill A maze c ' 1- . L leoid tsoowox-Ln In tWo'l`0wmImpa mu-mg un- m-at few weeks work. Another agent rooortn 17 Bible: sold hat week. Experience is not necessary. Send to the sole pnbliahr for den-, `Subscription Booka_ and cheap Phooogx-up): Albums. . n nunnilsff ROBINSON. WQQITEII IMMEDIATELY! `V11 AQQBDQ III THIN I !n'Y\f'I`V Albums`. ' ' ' O. BLAOKETT ROBINSON. 5.161-doi: sa. TORONTO. 31-10 Publisher. s,whan'thom:ocuonna:-sou-tony u`.I_`[LJ`*; .n.-.51_vv pan. vjvv coN`vEv4_1vcEn. as-. Iuuuor MARRIAGE I-IOINCIB dine: A`! -nu , ____....-.-' cu-v nmnlbi UIUIUI AI` `I'll- POST OFFICE BUILDING. BARBII. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ii. zoanu uUz._ nu_ UI`II5a_5-_-"'0 , _, .' Furs will be veg-y, _Inuch worn_ this vpinter," up 3 fash_l9n1&eII1gf T310 3 '" will be `received wxth delight. 901' W9 . __ -1. _._.__u 2.... ..:.1-.o ninnnu nun ha THIETEWTEEE `_A.-n "II I jj -Iuuuv-22:-- --_.- CANVABSER8 IN THIS UOUNTY T03 T33 :_ ._` in nnonzn urrrnns. BACK PLUG 01' 1'88 the wants: of w_1u be recexveu mm uullguv, nu ...... `ffnpoh worn" fun ofiut winter an be brought out this winter. V ~ - n nL _.__.. ..u..-a......I . in -mmmmonn "Ly:' Dherry "recor|l' is recommended by eminent physicians. ion:-both Side! 1'` Atlantic, us the moat rejlinble remedy for,` (2016:, coughs, and :11` pulmonary, vdieordera, Inquire of your druqgist for Ayer'o Almanac. A wom`en s heart preserved inglcuhol 1! being exhibited ~ in Philadelphia. V They can t get; .a._ man -9 1_1ea_rt ,,preg_erved ,m~_ alcohol, because the men who have them` are using them at present. r- - - --:4 __|.;;". IV UBIIIS lllutll III-V I-III-3".`|f`". -`.1 ' - " Health is impq.eib1w1;en_ the; b1o<;I;u-ih9- pure. thick, and sluggish, qr when !_'f_1'h!`.'3 out` irnvxnuninhnl` Slnnh pure. muck, auu nuuggusu, us vuw... .. .. -..-,. and impoverished. Snob onditiolis "five to boils, pimples, heuiacheb.` 3=n6nr-law rheumatism, and other disdrdera. Ayel"I Sarsaparilla puries, invigoruten, and vital- izes the blood. ' " ~ " .- . - .o E` A'I_-`.L IDCB IIIIU ULUUU; Indeed, it. happened in less eim` ,t'hani I take to tell it." said the lady, who ~wu-~ considered eomewhat of a bore.,.. 0h..-.,I. haven't. the least doubt of thit, __1-eplied her patient and truthful livene:-A. V ` Ivj-pu-u-`vi -u-uuvw 3` Thsy, inquired` 3' book-store number I" F, Some slate pencils 1: miuofsboyat I , do you kgep V thlppe pencils, bib uo .nu_Ie uu Iuuruao ..-I V , ` -. .` Worth its weight in `gold. West : Wot-ld_'I l7....A-.. pkg nlunnont. nntl I mcu can-cam. _ 4 .M A ` -S_hiloh a Vitalizer in what you need for. ,A.;-_ 1--.. .5 -.....--:o-. aiqzinml And Sandwiched with Pane - imcy ssytnu - for the Serious-*-The lost IVIDIII. _ the `sensors Gap rum. Fgcilie deaca-ueua tobbenan htelide ; bet the ascent, there s the rub ! . The French 1: being a veritable staff of life. Harvard boys call the femele depart- ment of the uuiveraity the Ann X. 1 In l6,000.000 years pot a drop ofjwster will rennin on the surface [of the earth -- A new kind uf stave is called The Infant." Ir. uught. to be painted yelier ; ref comes the nearest to. Worms often cause eenoue illness. The`- ' Law's Worm Syrup, It destroyg. md expel: Woune effcctuslly. - ' -_:_.. Ln Inn ll hnnvv Shrlnkuoln Shit Pollc. hsy. inquniredvrmito of 5 b6!` lluunnvu by who jumped from the ridge into- the river `still : jail` No one will undertake .4..." Hum nut- can nu saw .1...._.' .We guarantee xt. VB Barrie, and M. be so quicklyv .. .....n-nntnn If I 1 . m...a.I. -:.I..'- .3 Man It you uuvu nu. dizz'\nen_s and 10 4- '7 ,L_ IIl__A- '1; A e :op1u_ A, vthggu V` ;~ on ,_ghe| 'ifrt):n':"_3.,iig `-`5`T1 fefhne .:.1.-`ma brie, .1.1&mwn'.~a pennyranu thin- ed away with a dissatised air lan t. it all right.1'a"Iaked`- the `dealer. a `fYeth. I guesastho; But, he Apdded, regretfully. thlato pencil! are shorter this year than they was |aa._ i ' ' _ ISO (In Ivan: Inuuuu . . ` " ` Don't allow 8 (mid in` the head to Ilow`_ly _` and anrelv dev-(lope itself into Oatnsrh whet. you on be cured for 25 cents. _ L A c..... .....Iam.oinng will cure incmient be cured tor za coma. _A few spplica '91:: ml! cure. incipient Gstsrrh; - ' . T . ` One to two boxes will cure ordinary 03- ` supp); conuloiloo. It was at Square Russell : 1-ee, Went -O.h`ester,T the other-` evening that the foll0`w'1nsz di'a.lug\ie betweezi"`the'=squire and a. temale `witness from West Chester : environs t'odk' place: Dgyyuu swear or airm '1 - Indad"e; aij`uireA, bI db nither. _'_I }wd,n4 t take 6119 book. Du you have any cnnaci_ent`iOi1tu`crupleaT ` against taking an oagh 'l3'~ , L 1 4| 1.-.... -nni|Ir\|nI nniun-d- hlif I10 ` Ind expel: V! U! uses an uuuu .....,. z 7 It is easier to lag is heavy shot-nn'te_n:', hours through an iupenettable swamp; than to put. up a. clothes-line. ` Good the year ronnd.-Nat1onal- Pills are a good blood purier, liver regulator" sud mild purgatlve for Ill. seasnns. . .-.. Someone wants to know why `spikes were placed on the Goddess of Liberty's heed. To keep her hair up, of course. i The signs of Worms are well known, but the remedy is not so well determined. ~ Worm Powders Wlll destroy `them. . Florida has voted fur a new `constitu- tion The severe frosts lastyear crseked the old one and rendered it f`uu`Bt fur hue. For the Complexion.--For Pimples. Blotches, Tan, and all itchin humors of the skin, use Prof. Lowls Magic nlphnr Soap. People in this country sonxetimes nd? it cheaper to move than pay rent, but in Ireland they have resolved to do" neither. ` " 3 ~--*--4 1-A-i it in int I tnrrh. ' . ' A Sold By all dealers at can or jaox. Try 1 Dr A; W` Ghase s Canadian atafrh Cure * take no other -- it will care you. [for I310 by ` all dealra. con ~TcienVe. IIIL -___' _-._A'A We will pay fh ihbvb-3r6ward fof`: of liver complaint, dyspepsia. lick he ache. I...I:..n-'o-h.u- I 4u|IIlh'lIlC(I;-.t 3 GI` -m'1~.w. 0! IIVCT Olllpllluv, uyuyuyw--. -u-.. ..-...._.-_,-_ Indigestion; =oonetipItin.--:-'or.oouivenut>.we cannot cure with West`: Vi-` et|.bl_e Liver Pills, vhen the directions 1 Itfictly;`oon'i- plied with. They are purely vegetnlfsle; never fail to give satisfaction. large his containing 30` anger-coated pills, `I50. For sale` by on drngginta. Beware of counterfeit: and imitations The` genuine msnnfnctnred 3 only by John C. West &. 00., Toronto. Ont -..__.._--o..:-_---_ A Protable Llfo. ' Few men-have accomplished the same amouptbf work and, Hood ii)` this-world as the celebrated" Dr. Chase. Over 500,000 of .his works have been sold in Canada alone. We want. everv gperson trpubled with Liv_er- Cumplaint Dyspepsia, `Hefudach, Kidney, or Urmary Troubles , to call `in at any druggist and buy _a. bottle of Ur. Chase : Liver -Cure, jg vfin cureydu; MediE:i"rge`n Recipe-Book [.00. ' ' ` `-" ' ' _ I 3 I" A Gentle nun. , . They had been eiining is long time ` in silence. Suddenly she woke up `from 9. reverie and said : e . I; iean age of progress Vafter all, George. : , . I .. . . , "Yeas," `heminisd, %teer a...a..g the head of his can from` his mouth ; but what led you to make t,'heremark 'l*- - ' wn~ mu. muich'. - -ghee} mu-glad, bet. led to make me:-emans I~- . Well, not m,|';ch; -iheee gm-glad, bet I saw in this evening : paper that you can buy wedding rings on inst_allmente. 3___-_....__V_--- Moaregox : nun`: com'p'ou:'ui.' a feeling of Tightness in the Chess. Weak Lunu"s. or any aiming oomplainti -1130. buy at ouoea .botule of Moo-regun-`s .0 ans Comround. "It will cure you." 1!. co. tame entire y new one dose is more eifectnal sgecitice. of which __ _ t . an 9. whole bottle of the old time romeo | In isput. up in 5.10. and 31.00 bottlp. Bold ueo. Monkman. Druggiv-t. Try. it. an yo | will never. have reason to complain. _ In I u \ In-n. Due to _ve*bo.xes will OD ' 010009. Then` ovmyboayasnnhod. A Uluillllu In: um um uu... _ A_ youmr main in this city a few days ago was on the `eve of matrimony and urchased {bridal outt for his aianced. hen the appointed wedding day came around the bride refused to be wedded, and returned her wedding trousaeau. The youngman has the outt on his hands audia looking for another girl who can wear the garment: without the addi- tional cost of retting Hate in 3 rare opportunity for some one. ` -:-. ninatftakina oath .`I _h-ye gcmpies. iqxge. but Uryvi n9 -.n-1-nnnnn The soldvu-:r'e age is c,ou_r-age ; The 's'h0bman's age is till-age; The gambler : age is cribb-age ; The s age is pill-age ; The traveller`: age is lugg-age ; The lover's age is cntt.-age; The lawyer-`e age is darn-age ; The pro-acher'e vei-bi-age ;V The drnnkard's age is rum-age ; The cook 3 age must bepett-age ; The German`: age is `sane-"age ; And the best and .w\prsl.,`1s`marr1-age` ! InVlI|DIO III IJIIUXIICIDVIIIA-e Ail puns or aches win he inet.anily1-emoved by slew crop: or Fluid Lightning applied over meimecied oerta. Notime lost; no naueeouo medicines needed; no pouitioin: or using annoy iinimeuto. .1: will notnbiister o div-color the slum. solo at 260. per bottle by Geo. Monk- man. Druggiet ' auferers from neuralgia as- aureue theniiey never tear in when their house contains 3 bottle of I lllld Liahtning. QEOKICKIIIII 'l`ona,nt5(who.hai called with reference ` ;to his i-em,)-4:You occupied the house Jottr;-1f.b~v.f.9r.e I;I.n'id in. tad of obinr-9C know its condition." ; `Inndlord- --YVu air, said I can't -uko o' a cent. A [hunted mlmow. 81,000 Government bond in one of the :luoti,, and a'_ui gbingfdown to dpoiit it. Gubd-inonink ! ...t.ha.t. a or t_. brigbtoning u `-_.!-A11 `tight , :13 ` P) ..1f.u`nd;;. jU$UF'U., Cl: `,5: 3 ;Gobd-"moning - l-Pw'IIII.IaIu.w- 1 .'5o;t,>';1$'AiEow2z`.-;MraT. 6?smnl:o`:_`LllI'iId II.c.bnIt9D.`IndWlI ' " U62: H: G '5 d `are at dislltha ..'3357.. .n ..1`irrm7::nm::At: no llluly us an 1-0..9...De store. V - v'1'onogaan1ng-nu.,puununu ll IDn..wu on some respects a blqiiing. It has largely taken the` pldoidf amaftoun eutergsinmentn of i niunioal and litrdjz chnctef; `which hug. prevailed upidegnioaliy OWN` ?An`d- whet": anything crime which u~onl'culutod- i to decrease tjag, mgn who |_tar_t| ghe, ` 1.-.`... 3.}. A..-` mlusnn A nnnainb skin, rrox. pow 4- n.5,. ..-.,.._- _-_,_ pickpockets du such a heavy business dur- ing the holidays withoutagsdvertising .s,_ _n _ V T T decfela wpu I_Iu_(yl }_o_uw_ boom .iI-`.ono `.vIh.0I.n., I `- cogding . merciful and grateful public will up mrcau bleied"'f" ; -` " 4 s A - ` "hp puma. 1;. .\ j fI`hu'.ve pleuhrrin uysngwau Engyud o1- Peot._oul,.l_3_p]a_agn csnnpj bg__excell_oQ for cnnig c0.ldl.`? oonaha `hind, {'10-,I ..of"vcii"<:_a. mi: ` A my- brother oom_bl}.ly." ' So ab. "y5'I ' rat 0 Head, of Poplar Rik, 0nt.,- this reliable-remed V - V ii s----.--.--- onnhonuionuuuugj Do you Qua h.m and "Br"ig'it'n`u" shoved uni; his riah foot`, on Which was 3 very dilapidated looking shoe.- Yep. at compo I it, h 6, Well, whutfi the matter w1tliit 1" M1 .59 I.giIpIUod. '-Emery.` noun out; we it 2" ,..` _, xuuznm.-. nu- __.-;-...-. 11-; ('9-unnlnnll Ill `Kl .Toh6gaaning;hnLh0`9ll|-I1`|~3-la `m -_.- ............o. n Iulniinn It `III IAPDBIV vmblo but Instantaneous. .` . _, __n_-- ...u| I..- lnaonnulv In` A chance tor a nice an-1. - - A-~ 4... - c... 1.` uldf` _ - !:.:'a:.::o.:: wt boptlpu d I` ,3;_`9'f""`'&_"5" cure chroni Ca-b World's Best. Weat'e Liver Pille. 1 sure cure for liver complaint, ' dyepepeis, `sick headache and indiaentinn. 30 pIllu'25c. - All drugglsts. The armless artist was married recently I and signed the wedding contract with her feet. That. was an an-tuegraph with a vengeance. " ` - - L-. A. .:_h. nr nhmlt, nae Shilolfs mi aifiil auxiuuizm. 'E."i% b`1-akin iu'=,-]`bt'n'& when I jumped u' 9 street car half in hour-ago, and my foot shut out through that hole, I__dldu't. E091, 8. bit thankful that it. had, broken but;". ,A- L _ ' , Sb `ln&lI1 duVioOi-II'0_.-l'ulJl't0d- tor by advertisers, thy; the ordunry uadr come- cimca bec -me u_h._y oi the tempting paragraph, tearing tn.`Il1_VlC8`hfI u oonceulegi in :9 lug apull ih jlly. V : Who, far inotsnce, on bbginnnngthu item. would have auppuaod ths`t"i|is' purpose ins to make known the truth the Dr. Sage _| Ogarrh Remedy it what it claims to be-s ours for 3 disease at 7,- A- l...2.._4I_ Qnhl. nnnnnlllli ll!` begged me trump. , "I on giygyou 3. drink of. ow&ter,. the We_lL_"he and, after ` IOIIIQ con'i'id'er- -ucion, water?! do if you-can give me `an old tomato can to drink u. from 1'11: a punt, lowly wrrck, madam," he continued with pat.hus,_"bnt. thank heaven, I` have still left, the _remnanti,gS wh_at v Iav'.i"t:_.'one t:me_ouns'1grod the ages: xmagiIis_ %ii'n in die county where I win born." ' ' truth tun}: _ur. _aage'_| uuurn uyvlgnyuy .-4 it to once lonthsome to friends. and nnnoyxng and oxen dangerous to the sufferer. Mr. Riishsrd Rowe, of Harley. Ont, was for tour you: with dyspepsia Two experienogd doctors treated him. Getting mgnhnnaad- ha triad Burdock B101} Bitten an JV-u H-vv `hegp;-('1 the cl-`amp. nit nan rrlhmnnll I Eb than on:-ea nu. u 1 n in doing heavy wo cud as well :3 ever. ` hm : Sympdthy tor chlokonn. ` "Uuofiij_Zako, dutyon go to the poultry oxggibis, yeitqdty V` `- 'fN_o,' I '_ l_u'Jonu;_oonldn ..t upoh do timer " " _C`I time" (.15- vengeance. A --For lame back. side or chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Elatnlm, Allaudal e. ` --- ----`A.-.~`nrv n_ mner" r A .. ."But I thought you were fond of chicken: " . - ' "So I in, Muuh Jone: ;_ but do he is I was staid to `trust my|el dar. It eifeoa `mo powerful to see dam air birds in captivity. very mgmy. -u ollruu-In_u ul. ruvglulnuwun .. my ngers when [could not bend them." . I_da Plank, Scrathroy, On. A medicine for lntgrnal and external use in all -painful com- ___A_ Yen.1 .. _; - - ` W` 1'" "sf-Vw-mine-r; WW -.h%~.-2 T ni awfuil autiuuiiitn bblt hr:-ken 111$ 5' -_ I :_..........I N. -Drunk nan half ln Wen Spoken 0!. "I can recommend H.&gyBl`d'I Yellow Oil highly. It onrod--my of rhonmatiun In nun! l||lQF Ihllll I not . no Inn-lnzement on Rules. 9 An irate passenger nu one-of our street. care called the conductor to him and "said, "Your company prohtbits smoking in these can. I behave '3" K;`f,,_ _:_ II "195,-su'.4 a-Then why do you permit that <$ilAa_ ov'e `\ to .remaix_1~'l" 1JhI__ .. _;_'....' A.-.1- nm..IEnn vunr whnn it . . _ A8evere`..'1{rla_l. . _ "1 tried all the doctors in this locality for liver and kidneys troubles (which 1 had for years) with no benet.` ' Four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters cured me. says Lemuel Allan, Lisle, Ont. to .remau_1~rj V _ - _ j-That. stow oniy smokes, 501', when it goes out. . , neunnxu in run _ James, I don't see but what I shall have to have a new `bonnet if ['m4going to V the `Permanent exhibntion with you. "Penn-why, hat 3 three or four yeti: fron',w.3 Yoif betterread up. V "U, yes,-James, 1 do read up. But - three or;four years are none too long be`- forehand to begin if I am going to get the -A ----.- .-_ `:-utlx IOITUIIIIIU IIU U135: money `in ti:_ne."" Auauuaue. The surgeons who have successfully re- moved the section of 9.` - man's backbone should be induced to practice upon _the prcserzt winter. r. I` V... '-..L...,-Jun nnnnh and bronchitis If you aneretrom headache, dizziness, buck ache, _bili';iuane:u| or humor: of the blood. try Burdock Blood Bitters. 7 It is` a` guaranteed cute for all irregulantiea of blood, liver and I-;}I-.zn.'u Hahn you u[vQ 2" ...-.-..J lsn 9-`inn i'I&L ." - `III Illlllllvvunvuu --w. -__- _V A Pennsylvania farmer who has been troubled with crows scattered a peek of whiskey-soaked corn in his field. The crews got iuebristed, ew sway, and never returned. A Connecticut farmer tried the same thing, and now- he nds the crows waiting for him every morning. He does not consider the plsn s supreme success. tn:-0-Q-Q-x--:- lhllllluao J. R. Faithful, of Sn-oud. Out, says he unored from qginuy for several years. until cured by Hug) std : Yellow Oil, which modi- oine il 3 specic for all painful complaints. _ Did Not 8111!. . Hoat-Heve some old rye. This is I prime article ; no fneel oil or etryhnine about this." ' f Kentuckien-"Thanks ; don't. care if I do.'_ Host-.-Hon do you like it 1" Kentuckian-.-Rasher weak. Have- you any handy that` has fuel oil and etryehnine in it '3 I would rather have it." 2-------3-O--------o Wojhavereceiyed a. o--py of th Brant Rovi,a_w_.publinhed at_ Paris Ont.., edited. -and managodxby Mr. Talfaot Torrance, wl1_6;iq vggu knqgtn in this town on clever iournalint. The Rfview in `g spicy sud neyuy ghpptpnd when it gets thorou_gh1y_ utidervny it will hp; pl '1' of which may. _be _pron_d.- . he Anvnzcn winheu the a Iuooeufulhnd nsgful - OIIIIQYOIV O_, ' "Mill Plljlly-_-I was ve -ill list even- ing and In thit I ould npt be 85119 to `$8! lb! P!-" ` ufott vv ours lvuuns -.._- -....- muiguicsnt little underntudy know. my linenmd wan-eady toqov on. and. Lay. It: afoot on my henlth was wonderfu V _ ovorhoardonthororry. Young lgdy to companign (who in twitching hex`- skirts about m evident dilcumforl.) _: ._ ' ' Wh''h`a matter. KM-io;'_'l".. . Oh;--deur_;-I ca._n t.-make int nasty- hu'm'a`it`rig'ht.`!' - g And yet they any they d9 not smuggle! 'l'd88II1 W1ll|.Cl- Cmup, [whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For aale by John Woods," Barrie, and M. J._ }:|am1in. Allandale. 9 11,. ........Z.. H(\,.,,,,_., A," A

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