Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Jan 1887, p. 1

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Above prize; are np 1: only .to fox-mers.. A111 animals comuenlntrin N s I 2 8 and 4 dfato be at me Barrie mu-ket (ny noon)-on SATUR- DAY, 26th M RCH. and aftgr being IIQQOQ. to be sold by emotion to the hngh -.3: i dot tar Cash, the owner to have thus rlzht`ot: onerbl `. Nos. 5. 6, 7 and 8. are to be or.=t.ho.Murkat Bquzve (by noon) on the;LAS'l` SA'l,`UQ4 in JAl~3U.\RY. 1887. No `one oomgzeupg on take first prizelh \o.6 and 7.} No. 10 110153. noonl or the St:C()ND S.-\TlJRDA_Y. JANU \RY.1887.oNos. 9 and more to be mad by farmer'~ duuczhters, unmarried '|.n`d u d&' the ago of 30 Sears. All animals 9; mg QIQ must be inter:-d one week prior, otmilft Judging. with Mr Milne; Mark-4: Clerk. nu me and post otce o be -given. ll "Ml n ust have been propel" of competitor, 0p..#l: December. 1856, and at. time' of Juag'`rg ; P entrance fee. ' ~ ` " A ~-`*~5\`* ~ 41_= An adve_rtjsement' will oappear in:-,.TDtmO savers a.d_v1smsz s`-ow. of fat o ttle, . sud-too, gy- uce outsxde buyers to be prepent. , `,3; 12!. are to ba at the Town Hall Harrl'e.`fl'g` _,_..-._ 5. 3L]; Q .` 1.;-5 .. . ....3A. 4.-\.1 1-ar.XBxt;a'1;.gnt:4I;yrfvgln;nz=13'!! tr....5.... Tun`! `oi nu - ` 1-9.!!! unit 7. _ Mr. Fletcher, the ltbmian of the Hoohsgign `Institute, lost a receipt book a few day: ago, and anyone nding-it will confer a favor `or thatgontlomcnbyntnynmgittqhim. ~- "At theJst_o Entrance Exam' ' 'on_.twent`y'- pupils from the: Barrie Public .~-Schbol 2 pro; sentod themselves for; exsminntiom, and _'I5'; -ofithao, or75 percent, wereplucked. _ It is notttnted that any exceptionally` dignlt. paper-a_wo,re given, but on the other V band, that tlunu mg-an fn'o nn nnnn Anna And nrd- Kjl_v}_ h; Mr, J AqO6tb_et.t,_Mt.' Pleasant; r. R. ,.A_rthp_r, f1`}_mI'1_1t.on {Hr - `S. `Brown, No. 9..InniaI'; Mi. Sfmg--: gi.` Hy`; Mias"O' Mhlei, `Utjhpia'; lg-'. .W. `White, N911`, `E_sl~ia"; `Mist Elliott, .0 14,; 3851-; M!'- D"?! Dllnli; Bfdnfs M?`-` D-.' J . 1McBrid'9, G9-dar Grove. `Mr. `H: `Gfay, F_lin'f Grove ;. Mr. J.`Mooney, Nichohon ;' -Minsk =I)0Vhl;'Doiehhum. -- - ' `A " :71 On` Shhdiuy _I,- _-__ -2 II . End of tlidjnondgym _ ~31: :1 guy -vumz I, - I _1 _1rm 1,-yl ouce outside buyers be present. A TR-'1" NOTICE is hereby given thattho Northern R ilway Company of Canada. th,e,~Hdmij- ton 6: North Western Railway Company. the North Qimcoe Riwvny Compan and the Northern and Pacic Junvtion ailway Company will apply to the Dominion fa;-Ila mo-nt at its nexa sea-`sion for-an Act. toonthotila the consolidation of the said four Coin and for bower to re-nn-nma-and mnusiidnm` IUUIIIEI DI: illuullullluv vuulvu IIWAV uuuuul, l faendinc `men krnng deluiono; ()n_.Mnnd y` soventngheaviill give his ce1ehrs'ted' lecturqa 95h inch, in the morning _on "0nv'v'a,i'_!'*l1_ut-( vwliizhu-.r?-~1nv`i` in `the evening`-` on`..3Gdd- D K i5`,Il`.th| 0 life aftardeath:3 r .'. The jqucu Zn` answered by science. reason and f>hilo_sophy.f iNQI1_9:I1_I0.I_l9'z I-Mo. h.ea.r:this Mauro-_ -, 5 -; 7`. '. "--. 1`; -I----r_.-I ... .. -... ...-... ;..x'l hot;:hit of holltand 3 miatletge .fr.o1n.. $138; 'o1d.lan.d.pres.en.ted, to thb -_E{3*0t5 9.&|}e;.` .AI?V.ARCE on; Christmas momns -`::._M.r-. Brown of the Qu`een c. Hotel. .made }11q;_ I: r` like} b 0y"igVs'in. ' I15 its little risk} 150.. no, -` ` `Ag; I-Lin an t\.\;lIh.l\'I hf hr hat (meeting of the Town Council. will be held next Mnndty evening to nish up the year : business. when ex-Mayor "sewrey, Councilioro Caldwell, Farquhsrson and McKny wili gracefully make their bow and retire for-the present from public life. -Swift .66 ibovela at Otton Bros. 1 '-`Moccuinu from 500. up, at W. J. Paul's: --Fresh pork. and sausages now at L -Mnundrella . -.v... ..-,_-----. --- .-- - V __--Have vou seen that beautiful Tea Set`. and Salvr in L S; Santfers Jewellry Store` window.,if not, stop and have a Innk at .it f Heis also the sole agent of the Columbus` Ohio American" Watch Co watches, `the` very best in the market for the price. ' They'adjusted tb heat and cold. fnlled jewe-`|ed4 top and bottom paent rd -gulator and all the hIt`a,t. i'mprovemnts`i n warch ma.hufa;dtory.- 3 ... 1 C-5. cone .1-u'.l-, "Street. nerr Owen Rev. William H Rarms._ grams (now on-the way) arrive from Er nd._ uvuu-I IIIl'll"V\lIIv\:nav\I nun vvvv `(In ---uu~u-.-v-~ . _ " 1' -01-ist Church. Re'nrme4 Eniscopa. ColIier- | Divine Service` 11 a. m. and 7` n m. lat. Sunday after Epip" anv. lfnvrninor Sufjcct; Thy Kinxzdom Home " Evenimz subject.) " 'l'he_ Pl gue in the Houae. ,.' Sunday; School and \ dult Bible Clmty up 3. p_. m. Sr e- ml Evangelical Mission Services nowin prdgrs-as as ch eveninar of_ the week. exceu t. Swut-day m th<-.Lecture Hal! at 7.90 n.m`.. and to he a.<-com -unien by llIns-.trater1- ` I.ectt'm-s on4-th`e Tabernacle as`soo'n as vhe dia- X "_` -_- _- .____ __ _ __ V & [Cm re sellu:g beati- ful silk handker-:hiefa for 25c., regular price 50c. . ` a----.. `-w -- v- . --_- _ ._ u..__ , "-Plopicet'Me`s`.ra.` Morgan &`McVittie s gd.; in another column. Those whoiotend qning to the-, coming" 5 ilitary Ball on fhe"19th_ would do`.weiw. order their hand; coreege: .angl\bnct_on h_o1e"honquets at once, as owers`aoaroeiht:It_ah'Ia tune of the year. The rm have ordered large quantities of rosebnda forthe occasion besides those of their, own. growth. and orders will he lled strictly` in succession. Give them 3 call. W e hoticeithet st the lete meeting of the Aeeocietion of Miiniciene at Toronto, J. U. Morgen, M A., ofvthie town. we! unpainted Olisii-men of Committee on Mime in Public Schcele. and ileo elected on the Boenil of Dir!-gectnre for the whole Aeeociihion. "l`hieo its I-eeognicinn oi the musical ability of Mr . -:Mqrgen,i creditable to the Aeeocie 6ion'ind{ .. rinhnnoi-2 to him-,`.en(l the more me'I'k0d,:II..Ill~- . -1.hepriIIcipalInueicienI;o- the Province were. < .-`JIAIC _ .lne_nuv_ .1_.{l'. 9MlU, PuU Lagnuuu Lluuguu` - `-scientist andvtheologiau; will preach in` ,tl`1e.1 .. ,Onllir Si: Mthbdiat Church nex `Sunda.y,- ; n.|. :.__.. :_ .1... ......-..:..... .. nn....'.`.aut-.1,.;., am he obtauneri, I , ~ } 4rRom- de.~irous of teniering are requested to n nke personal enquiry relative to the work to be done and to exunine the locality them- aelvmg, and are notied that tenders will not be conuidored un 93:; made on the printed forms Bumalivd. the blanks roperly filled in. and sign: d with their uctuafuignatures. L .-. L. nan.-L. .. nu ho nnnnmnnni 41 hv an AA. 1 ;ihce we had tho Happy Thouszht Rage _ from `Jtton Bx-ca. our home has been a happy I place. |rw-"Fulllines' of fur mantles-. caps. capes._ | dolmans and dnlmanettes to choose from, at } R. A Stephens & Co. TX `I! I`I , A A k nEi 0peued to day at E. R. Cromptnn & C- s large re order of black and colored French wool dress goods. at 25c. worth 350. 150 40c to day. See them. . ` I\r\ --L S Sanders begs to retnrn thanks tn his many customers for past favors and would: solicit a. continuance of thb same in the future: `. and promises to do the very best to all who may favor him with their wants. __9'V II Ell I I I `- -;i"efy;zpc:al line of black and olnred: Rhadames and Merveilleux at 25 per cent_ less than anvt.h`n.z in thetrade, just npi=ned4 from En_gland.'al: E. B Cromptmi. & Co : .'A|IrII la. V .' At tile last regular meting . 0?-R'a.rrie Lodge. No. _63, I 0_.. O. F. the following officers were `installed into their respective chairs by P.-G. ~ J P3a.yn_e. D `D.. Gill,_ assisted by P. 0. Harper, P. Q, Kine. and other prominent mfexnbers or the order : ` ` Bro. H. Martini, N. G. . ."'_ M..McKa_v. V. G. '1 W Mn:-r, Ran. Ran. ;T\'.-b`S7tephens & Co. lead thetrsde in dress goods. . DI_I . D AAA- IAAAII. _. V, ._ 5-" --Men {long felt boots for :2 oh and s2 25,. at W J b Paul's. . ' IIKU D DU, gbl. LII w llvvuz L'Iu_`y vu.\':\.ug- feaq this, -as objection may `satin be to to; _'l'1iI7i,'it'<}1'1` `th'6"gr'nhnd of yphthfnlnqg. _ , 3 C ivdgite thainqbipcu inwhich thoyfdid"-"ht ' iu`ooo;1.inpui1ng. , : - ' - . ' _ :..;-Buss -+-No.;2,q_n.tho total, No. 5 ' ' ` ` `u_. , For _th9_ `ehet "cutie `candidatei '0, fnileiiat,-tho` reont Entrance Enminfntio .- No.'7 Iaitdnturo and Gnnnir, No. signv (1 min mexr actual signatures. )~ at h lender n ust be accompani-.d b an ac~ comm bank cheque made payable to t e order M the Honorable the Minist-rot Public Works. for he sum of one thousand dollarshl 000), which w.ll be fort`: itad if the party decline to outer into :1 contract when called upon to do so. or it he fail to con pletn the worn contracted ror. If the tender be not accepted the cheque Wu) be returned. ` 1 vi pm n....m.rmmn Anna nnt hind lrmzlf tnnm-1-nt -t-TTh'e Square Radiant Hole coal stove, Double Hester, takes the lead every time. 7V-Ie"?.I;;I-';.1}ZiS"'5.'}}}a ndw the dgyp have, commenced to lengthen. ' 3 L! A I I 3 "_7r"'n3.7 E; 841112; '12ai.{Ef '13} coin. _'sideublp .is_be_in brodght into town. A W:-`Mr. Rowland has been elected Mayor of `Toronto by a tziajnrity of 2336 over Mr. Blain`. - Six new Trnstgea have also been -I__L_ ' V VI IIIXKUCUIIQ KIIII `I933! '-"-SknAtin'g'Von the5othe`x" side (if thg bafy ion 1 Mon r!a.v.' 4'I;`he 'BVaI-`fie Oddfellowa were in aesitiaa st't|_xeii' lodge room on Monday night. ` II'II_L_ 1,1 -_._-_.-_v .-vv_._. _-___ ..--.. ._v ._.v -7 -Inenslj cold iwather For the last` dgyu. the mercury going to Wdegreel below IAPII, |m1iGRAPnm PEMIL `POINTS. A `unto; nnfr-runs .f1>exmrtn)e1 t of I-`ubc Woyks, Ottawa. 2Jh December-.1836. '.'l`Iie`_Rev .Dr.`Sexco'n,*_the fdmouu London. .-3..u.b:-L --;'.I"`Lnn`;sAn:n-r I-19:1` Olin. Bongo; to a nu.-x-xoiutouvm. "In `l"`i`.'| V - 3.10 "F. Mart, Rec. Sec. A 'P..G. G-o Vickers. Per. Sop. ` P. G. J uo. Payne. Tress. P. G. 0 Lane, Ward 56 G W. S. Carson, Con.- , J Strong. L S N G. j W. Hubbard, R. S. N. G. ` P. G. E Kinv. R. S. V. G. Wu). Cnlroso. L S V. G. Chas. Onleo, R. 8. 8. Jun. Young, L.S.S. J ,Davusnn. I G. 7 ll n__:L|_ nn U -Vllllulo I \Ia J. ii. Smith. 0 9.` LA up tujlh Ln: 3.J"'s;2"3`'y."6'.p. ` P. G. Dr. Mccu-thy, Phys. 6' IQIIPIV _9Ill|VVl vlvnlo . ` Protx`11_ti(_m' iaixyinatidns. Names in`o`|-der `-of merit : ' `-Junior 4th` Book, Oentntl Scliool ` -and vvese W'a.r`- E. Cfompton, (A_ Sarindrs, W. ~M6K\>),v `(Mi Ftillnrtou, M Meeting, -`=M.`Waebb;i.M i Dh')2T(M. Scott, -J, .-Keenan, . :M$ Manhnll). M.v'.<'VickerI. -A.- `Brown. .(A.`. trlnsalli 81.'NIlleI)'. .(A.. Maybe. Boys), . Ri3at89n;g{H..:;T8 rang, A-. ;Villiers,..-H; ;Gr1sg,..J., l.?zeros... _Lesl1e~ -. - . =' -:S.H.b10I`. Bid M93-. 0- 505001 -,:P!k9Tdo F.3Ew'an,_jA.TMc K6-.o,, M. VRogeru,.P._ Lgwgon. J "M .`r. .-lino A .f.iahmfnnt.' M. mtawm; E . _ Marriage Chimes. Alarge, party i of friends and relatives assembled at the residence of Mrs. Daniel Williamson, on Wednesday the 29th Dec., towitness the marriage of her daughter Milly, to Mr. John Teskey, of Medonte. - At the appointed hour the bridal party enter. ed the drawing room. to the strains of a Wedding March. The bride, who was given away by her brother David Williamson, Esq., -looked charming. She was dressed in cream colored faille; trimmings. cream satin and ' oriental lace; ornaments, pearls and orange blossoms. Miss Maggie Mcllonald. of Ivy, cousin of the bride, was lirst bridesmaid, ' dressed in light blue nun s veiling; trim- mings, blue satin and oriental lace; -orna- ments, peails. eMiss Loiila McConnell, of Craigiale, was second bridesmaid, dressed in light pink nun s veiling ; trimmings, pink - `satin andoriental lace; ornaments. pearls. ' Each carried a bouquet of rare exotics. The uroomsmen were Messrs. Thomas audsamuel Williamson. The ceremony was performed ` by the Rev. `William McConnell. of Uraigvale, . cousin or the bride. After the marriage. the large party _sat down to a sumptuous break- fast. The health ofthe young . couple was uroposed and honored by congratulatory addresses from several of the company. About four o'clock the company, arose from the table.` 'I`.ie bridal party, after the customary shower of rice, pioceeded to the railway station, followed by a mug procession of cutters, from which the happy couple started on their honeymoon tour, and began inar:ied_ life under favorable auspices for a bright and" happy future. The bridal `presenuwers very -numerous,` showing by ibeir elegauceand costliness, the high esteem ,' in which the bride was held, by all who had 't_lie,plg-asurefof hei-_ acquaintance; noticeable _"'.were iu`uch.silver ware and many 'fancy "articles,tlie handiwork of her numerous lady _'ffiel3ds.'; : A __ 3...: XMASPRESENTS "1873 '74 ' 75 76 78 ...79. "L80 (II "ll|ll._.l.V.l uqjlru, 1'. .l\|Il|l. U. uusgwa, _\Jr. ` ; Pnale, H:-Plaxton. (A. Cooper, A. -'Leigh- Ed-iid. `-135 Prior," `Mayor,~i C. 1 00` ;,:P:ug1aah. -J: Gonna. L .~ ` % ~ eA:.e!taV:1nri&:,T|:9nT 3rd-v-%veaI~ Sim. %. WV! 3: `. `him. ,9} 9 3'2. . "T 0 a:E_A9,_.}V_V._Otm:hy. , k . .Inm'or`3ea-u; Conlnlion. H. King. M. ,MMutar, A. Bndford. E.,Olu-k. E` 311- V K 4 '1`.0;8ruu,- . % Bun-in, D90. 30th, I886. V Principal. .;1I,l uuuuwyna, u J1! nluuuu 6|-Ill IJ.qlIIQl"yQ_ ` V '25`Gramma.r. GIRL8.-+No. I Arithmetic, 3_'Totl. 4 `Arithmetic, 5 Arithmetic, 6 Arithuietic , 8 Arithmetic. l0,Anthmetic, ll AArit_.h:'n'et1c. "12 Arithmetic. 13 Total _l4 Arithmetic, 15 Ari`t_h_tne.tic.i 18 Arithmetic. 20 Arithmetic, 91 Gbgraiihy and History, `24 Arithn_netich,h Ullnlllll . V. , ` -' A `noighern :wind prevailed on 11 days in the two weeks, southern 4 days. veering W. 10 and._E_.'_.dnje. _ A strong wind passed over from N." W. on eve of 27th at some 25 or 30 miles an hour, an 1 again on Monday `20th. Another wave of 20 miles an hour came from 81 W. .i on the remaining days the wind-was calm and light." Wn ant -nnnnhine nn 7 of the IA dawn. the "3{7'$":;1:{;e37e";` of the 14 days, the total amon h't'"Qf-which was 29 hours, from a. possible 124 38 of sunshine in the two weeks. I_ 4.1.... ..II.........- 6..LI.. :4. ..u...... Ll... Llnn UUBBIUIU 18': 00 UI auuuluuo Au vuu vvvu vvv-vno. In" the following table is gwen the th totals and average of each of the past 14, \ years, records of the meteorologzcal readings f i taken in this town: 7 g It will be seen by the above figures that the snowfall in last year was below the average, am} the rainfall above, which makes the pr- cipitation about equal with that ..f the preceding years. The hours of sun- shine is_l60 below the average, and is the lowest recorded during the above 14 years. A year's sunshine amounts to 4468 hours` The amount .af' sunshine is estimated daily, but the other figures are all given by register. -J. J;`G1u.'sM 1'..nwIu. a-.uu:n-1v... Lu. .I.\u3cu-. 5 .` .|.lGVV`_ \-7" Wi;1ia_hnn.;J , riI}gl..'W., Winters; F.'HirvEey, (E; 1'wixk;-. .' M - Liathttoot. E. .I.y9,n).`fA- fF`m; yth,JF`. Brown; - - '~ Junin'r_'3rd' as.`.-.'u~*_L Ellis. `J. wilkea 3, `mm; M" Jgheq, -F. Kidd. F. Hughes, :9. }DL1_.-I_ D . 1 DI$o.L EL ('14..-.... .A _-lL.I.._ ,;Mi.s`r ;.A; .L ightfoot m.. om`m.y,'. E ' The~tempera.ture in these last two weeks of the past year weebelnw zero on the 25th, 2911, 30th and let, the dip on 30th being lowest, 15.--or 47 of frost, rising up to 22 above zero in _the warmret ni ht._2lst -a mean of4. On the '30:]: ll . E. wind continuina from the pnyioue day held the exposed da_ily,temperature down to 8 above zero ; the highest, 62. was registered on Sun- V day 19th. giving a mean day temperature of 30 `; the extreme range in the 2 weeks being 66. ` Thu `Q-nnnv-n`|AIn:n :`:nnvhnnnn 8-. #5:: 0 vclug uu ' . The atmospheric disturbance in the 2 weeks was .48 in , the lowest being on Fri- dav, 24th. and highest on 29th. We got snow- fall on 7 days during 42 hours to a total depth of 18 in.. the half of which fell on 24th.: The low temperature keeps the well lined road: in ,a favorable condition` for aleighing : . . - .. A nnnoknpn -133:1` n--n.:I.A nu `I Anna in JEWE LLE RY ! 7 "Ave: 'aAl1;n'1_1? itmrnonbiourcan `um-arr. For` the 515: and 52:11! `Week: Ending -' GQA `ESQ `Ar -itLl.1me!ti`.c, . 15 Ariuhmeti, 17 Arithmetic. ; 2l'Tot|.l, 22' Literature, Grammar and Com 1 position; 25 Grammar and _(3'ompoaijnon, 27 ;Ar,ithmej:ic, 28 .Gru.muuir and ismryg QTDI-I I 9 "``n`--' A 82 33. 8.4 85 86 ? 88 79 100 72 54 80 III IJKI` 70 74 77 91 `70 J .P!b!*.2!!9l'E=*mI=i*"n- : htibn xnmination. in`ord 150 177 nnn V1.1 139 ~95 I22 185 9! 95 119 114 121 134 103 SBLVER-PLATED ma: AND JEWELLERY 35? "100 87 78 - I02 99 nu H 71 48 59 69 ` .54 _'l05 0 An 23-1 13-0 15 2 16-3 :4 5 27 3 18.0 nu-A Q-vv 159 20.! I8 9 268 n"; n 2287 2261 2295 23u9 .2162 2035 2l42- 2197 23*4 2049 2h93 9082 2I63 1989 '21-49` 45? R. A. DOUGLAS , o-at-I?`-Q T-I-51-C-?i-u-D -I-`T1 -24 -- I0 -18 -35 -26 --32 _.`)3 -28 LIB 107 115 103 [21 113 N4 I28 115 I26 106 151 118 Tnun .ib .; - The following names were Iociden .o|nitted`froIn the list . of =t1-cohort publi in last suck : Anvmcn, who obtained 4 csteq at tholate Modelchool Enminhi nu.-- It I'-`_'_.. l'\A..:J'Il-.III TA]... ._'u - ..-__--_ -v-_'v` v The annual meeting for the election of officers of the Barrne `St. Patrick : Society was held at the Society : rooms on Tuesday evening" last. Th-erewae a fnir attendance of members. We give below the names of the officers elected. After the election, these gentlemen made short speeches which it is said were seasoned `with Attic salt, and sparkled with Hibernian humor. Bro. H. B. Spotton, Pres. - I'I-._-_...' I_L 173-- Oysters and music. l On New Year's night the Youuz Ladies Aid Society of the Collier Street Methodist Church gave an oyster supper and a musical entertainment at the lecture room. There were two objects in view we believe, one was to obtain funds to aid in furnishing the new parsonage,` and the other was to promote sociality.4 About 814 represents what was done in one direction. and what was accom- plished in the scciality line we have not yet ascertained. After due deference had" been ;aid to the bivalves, Mr. Booth assumed the position of chairman and after ashort ad- dress presented the following program which was highly enjoyed : Instrumental Duet, Misses McCarthy and Cron:-pton ; Instru- mental.'|`rio, Miss Ball, Messrs Belding and Hines;Recita1:ion, Mr. E H. Edwards; In- strumental Duet, the Misses Crompton; Vocal Duet, Misses Janos and Strong ; Instrumental Duet, Nita Bemrose and EHA Crompton. A short speech on talk and talkers by Rev. Mr. Aunts was enjoyed from its humor. The doxology and benediction brouglmthe meeting to a close at an early` hour. . um ounaouaauon at me said tour Uolnpallll 31: poarer 3% re-ar3a5g:6:::q1 colsuoiidag ens ve mun ev ura,socnl'i_. , ma than cannula and for othug: nu m.udthoUt.hdov of Vovembor. 1886. L Y 48-5 ` ' "`}a'?.`..';'.e. .I`3'.`. .. :'.'...A.`...T 'l'hoBsnkinHoIuootJ.c.Ioxoggio&Oo. URL- [HI I_, ,ELI_, I_A 3..-; 2.. _.___I_S___ -` he Globe of the met iust . iu speskinz of the diereut institutions end industries of Barrie, ssys: One of the best known nsucxsl institutions in the county of Simeos is the prwste banking house of J. 0. Mo- Keggie & Co. The house was first opened in Stsym-r shout ten yesre ago. A year or two after the buaiuees hsd been stsrted in Stsyuer s abrauch was opened in Barrie, whxch has since become the hesd 0600 of :vuuwv ow to 7w - vwwvv the rm `This was tound to he _s great `eon- venieuce sud resulted `in 3 large in_Lns_of in business. The firm, whose clients 's'r'e uesrly all farmers, xliow`s~ihteieet on `deposits, and doeenlarge general banking business , , Their "agents in Onnsdian eitiee. sre of Pritieh N orth America. and the Umted States _he "Iui'porto_ra` and Traders Ngtionsl v:B'sukof New.-York`._ _. ,. -* "` Sbntaclauu. One of the ,0;-illia papers says a special feature of Christmas time was a real live Santa Clausin ongof the shop` windows in that 'to'I?in'.' Barrie goes one better, for` Neil ~:l}rothers captured one as he was`. skimming his wuy from the North Pole and had him driving all round" town for u day, and.` an. army of boys ao;:ompanying;him;' It a i big show for the youngsters. .- l I p}i{v1{{oo2>Tu:('i;}z {1116 '1`6Ivni{io_1aJ1, '09.." " to all ratepayers `who choose to sttend th Yours truly, - ., (1.... Gun 4 --o The fnllowing -18 a. hat of those pro visioo&l- ly passed by the Examiners, at the reoc-It Entrance Examinat-ion held at Alliston, with their marks and the school attended. nova. . Name. No. of School A}- ` VKIIII-V CI` VLUIUIIIZI Now sir. I csnnot believe that Lesdley would make such untruthful statement-, and if I was sure that all the Vesprs rstepayeu knew whose name M. D. represenb I would not trouble about it, but such `not being the case, I thinlrthst in justice to the Council as well as to myself, I ought not to let such false statements go nncontrsdioted. The accounts of the Corporation of Vespn have been audited every year and published in detail and also in abstract form. The meetings of the Council are not held in 0 private room but in the Township hall, open in all I-ntannuns-n iuhn nhnnnn tn nttnnrl I-1...-. 'a.;.;.'.;;;,*.:.i;;.;. . . Dun SIR, --,In your last issue your ~Mid- huret correspondent M. D. makes Allison Leadley, It candidate for the Veapre Reeve- ' ship, any at the _ne_minatiou : ' There have been no statement: of the Township accounw published for four years, and the Guuncil hold. their meetings in a private room from which the public are excluded. "A1-in I nnnnnf, Iualhann 63.-L Y..-.II-_ Mode-l"School Exnminstibhvz Thou. H Loumx. David` nuaijl. ..John,.,uo. Iaood and John Thou, Nichoboou . no Adn1_1ulon' ct (":oi-z%eaipnaeh'<>2o1 >aa - Not Necessarily Impljv that We Hold ' - the Opinion: oftho Write:-; The folldwing letters addressed. tdtho Editor of Tmz_Noa'runx=.rz Anuxcx, ._VIuv~o been received for "publication : nmrrznslnnnnssizj T0 rannnrron . V. Z . .'rg1s.wn'.K.) ARM FOR SALE UN nu; usunmrsms _ 'I`ERM8.--Lot. 2!. Con. 2. Township of Vea- ; pra,100PI`e8.Nc-leafed. ' auIl_atb1e. * sheds. good house and kit -hen. wood shed, also 3 - ood well. soil. clay and claw loam. 10 acres \ all wheat. Cloev tn B('hO0'8 and churches. and in a. good. neighborhood. it being 6 miles. from Rome. For further not-ticulora nnply to the owner. A. J. SIMMOWJ, or to Mrs. Joseph Blmmons. Ml hum-st-P.0. 1-4-1) 7 ISHlNG.-Lice~nse3 for bearing in Lake` Simcoo win he issued on and afret Monday. 3rd January. l8~7. nna good "until the lat May. ` L. 3. b`.\NDEl\'S, Fishery _0v`erseer. - |WHAT 1{HE PEOPLE%H%AVE;T0%=.8AY. Black. J. `V. Donnell, J. W. Dunn, Thomas Gnwan, `V, Henry. Wm, D_ Kidd, W'm J O D ULAnL-_- Stephens, S. R. Watson. (}:-o H. VVebster, Wm. Wright, Wm. 'Lennox, Libbie, 457 Brett, Annie 394 No.5 Brolly, Annie 416 Cuuuingham.Lucinda 380 Fletcher, Minnie 44:9 1 Glassford, Rose. 1' 516 Greenaway, Minerva 471 Tot McMann, Frances 880 . Scythcs. Annie . 572 ' Wade, Edith 412 No.! Allhton Entrance Exunlnauon. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE _ gmann copuzs. nf;v:'1:z1~Ig. V, . LII; IJQ I-In KYVUUUVII. I ICC. " Joe. Rogers; 131: Vice. Jns. Pnrvia, 2nd Vice. E. J. Hum, 3111 Vice. B. Nicholson, Secy. B. Bird, T1-ea. re elected. Executive Committee. . J. ' Glaiton. -- `elex. Mccmuy. II ' Qua-nan` St. Patrick : Society. II. he KJIJIUIIA E Devli_n.- L IJCVIIII D. Powelj: '1`. Kennedy. R. J . PLBTCI-IE~.R, Gem-ml Agent, Bothwel`1's Block. Bertie. Ont. run , Gno Smzun, Glen '1 and Treat, Vecpra. GIRLW. ;V U. UL Mark 593 N 422 379 397 481 389No. 451` ` 385 441 427 I 1' I I \IUI-I Anlluua I. . L). No. 6 Rm No. 2 Esau No. 6 E33: N o. 5Tosaoront:'o D. M_cK. II I IHQOT Afsmn P 8. No. 5 Essa Totttnham P. 8. n Y.1___ No. l0'Inms1 No.5 Essa No. 11 Essa Allistun P 8. Ixumuuu A L`. No 6 Essa >. l4'I`ecum9eth N0. 5 Adjalh WA 0 Ania` ,1- AVU. u KLWJCIAC N0. 2 :1` MI` E WJQC . 2 Toseoronhb `Y n 13 NGTIGE T0 GENTRAGTOBS LVN. B flu Iggy N0. 5 Essay Alliston R3.` 1"]. U LBEOC No 3 Essa L)\ uuul 2 _tende_d.` 7.. mm 'r1:.\:nEi:s ddressed to the undo}- Sl Signor! and 1:nr'()X`9?l I end?!` for Midlatid ` }[q,y-Y-nr \Vopka, will be e(-.eived until rucsday, .3...-.-r.-L .l..n hf` Innnsnrv IR)-l7 inn-Illivp-.lV_ fun` sun LIVE ac Acctnmvr A88. 00. ~. DIAN FIRE ms . (10,. ROYAL bf&.;? :'1:,\sHIHE IRE. INS. C l_\-n~;NY`__`_l_'O LOAN Rents Collected. PI-Aoperty Bought and ` Sold. . of his creditors. made an a.asuznm~m- or mu came to the undersi nod for the benefit of his omdlcon. under 48 ic.. chap. 28 rated M. Barrie this 31st Decen bet. A.D.. 1836. ' ROBERT" MEEKING. - Accountant, Barrio. 1-2 1 4 i inc mm mm ON`- RE\SONARLli ` A F nu. ma nnnon NI 1-lo Aral`. 'f}0hd burn and $1 b10. I LIJOYD.--In 'l`otonl'.u. on 29th Deceulnbei-.` ltla ' wife nf Alle `J. L10` d, lhrrie. of a. son. I FLE`!`0H8:R.-J8n; 2nd, t `:5 wife or R; J. Fletcher. of sdaughter. L . . 7 T {at His: Bay Point. December tot). l885, the wife ct Fred 8. Robinson of 5 son. Married. - . IIu.L-Wtwox.--0n Dec. 22,? 1886, `at-ythe `real.- dencn M` the bride's father. by the...Rev. G. Edwards. 'l`hos. Sheldon Hill. of Gnderlch. - to Mis Eliza. A. Wilcox. of Bond Ho-ad. 'l`nt=xrw--W1LLnuaox.-!)n Wedneaduv. Dec. 29:11. 1886. at he resivence of-the brlda-'3 - mother. by the Rev. William MoConnell,.ot (`:1-niavslln `Mr, John TI-zlkav. Of Madonna; to 1 Jonwsrrov. --In Barrie. on J sunny Ind William Hen:-y, only son of Mr. J. `-S. johnstnn. Bargie. men 19 years. 9 man as and I day. Baud KT1` - At 38.l`ll, on the (th ln8t.;' Ida. E. only dnught -r of riumohres and Annie _ Hennew. aged C THE JBWBLER, T " 26-51 BOTHWELL BLOCK, BARRIE._ 'muzws= 1`oF"rHE FARMERS min A UTHERS. ` . __:._..__ NOTICE is hereby given that Thomas Duff. trading un-`er `he name of 'l`. Duff av 00.. it Ran ie, ho:.8. mth the consent of the majorit -3 n.:.. .......I O-Ann nu-nln an nnnIonm.n|. nf h g L` lruuung Ill! UK` `In: uuulu u; I o uuu. n gt hue. main;-'5`; 1` creditors. made o.asignm~m- of ha 1 namn m the undersismed ;` by the Rev. William Mo(:onneu,.or Craigvale. Mr. John '1`:-gkev. Of Modonta; to Misc Milly Williamson. of Tratalku-.`. . XI-.- t_0 choose fmmi. As we still adhere to the principle of selling at\ 1.-N} 1; fvvntv N03311:` ` _ Saxon. Wnsunr. Px-on etor. NEW Anvnwlsmds. Tr` nsaouaate % nms. We have a large stock of _}i\"~`AUlAN runs; mu. um. V LANUASHIRE (`IRE INS. C0. ""'nBIa pBll' lkllllclll VVUUIIEII EUILI Socks. let..........................;... l0-Best. pair Knitted Woollen Men's . Qnnlzn 9` ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . _ . . .. .__.1N__ b By 0'1-Td r. A I X`. GOBFIIL, Qnnhn nmnu, Secretary; L2} ppplause, `:I1llUB.," ' pu aqua V|u.Iu...p_w . te'9rs.f ;>v_ Mr As$'ash{andT '1.3YascE.;I':r'noI.:_7a`;'i..v`a.snj srea.t1y-nioved- ..A`"i-.,bx thei 91%;: WE! Twell receivd,` as` ns" 3 ,1`.3d.injg '_'_by"i . gr: jm B Spottbn`; '1'uere- was a "g'od.` ittepdibo gngl even,-yt_:hing.pnIed o'.sstisf8c1:oi-_ily_.j hid im`do';1\gt`_the `nnuciil part II is grshifyuig _'o9uld h'ave"'be`on-"wished. '_ ~" 5` 3 zw . ` 1" v~:!~- ~-. .. Municipal Elections. The election for Counoillors on Monday was exceedingly quiet and but little interest seemed to be manifested, and . one would hardly have known that an election was in progress-except by the anxious look upon the countenances of the candidates themselvesf -The following were the contestants for municipal honors with the ifesulta; SECOND DEP_U l'Y-REEVE. `w.Ea`at' Ward Centre W. `west w.i Anderton, 62 l 156 126-344 McKay, 55 121 112-288 --- " Wh.arajtlIe\'raroizoing.`for"l887-:' `Mr. 8} H136; '0l'iII; Miup'ea`-` Pdan 's`tId*g'Bnck,` ollingwolid ;' Mr Jun. Eaton; -No: ='l-l','0m Mr`. A. Cov'r eu;- Big Boy` Phiut; `Milt: E. -Little, Ho1Iy.;*Mr. D. . 'Boikio.~P'ninowiok `Minus Malay and Ron, Strand ;~ Mr; G.` E. '1" ndall. Lofroy; Mr. Gregg, Ohurohill ; Mr. Alla, No.1. Inninl; Mr; J; {lo- near. pan` Ismucu waouen lllll'lI` Socks. 9. 11-9913}. Put-rant boat 3 `ha. or over. (not Inn I In? , , , , , , , , _ _ _ _ _ Modern Language Ass_oeIat'.en. Last Wednesday` as Modern ' Language `Association was established at -Toronto. The object is declared toebe the promotion of the interests of modern language study in Ontario. The ocers are : Dr- Daniel Wilson, Honorary President; .W. H. Vander'Smissen.`M. A., Univerait 0011;, President; Geo E. Shaw, B. A , oronto Collegiate Institute, "Vice-President; J ., Squair, B. A'., University College, Secre- tary-Treasnrer; J. M. Hunter. M. A., ;L B ,nBarri'e' 0011 Institute"; W. H. ....-.... A ` "nun: nnnql`Q 0 P ; Thp` .au,niy'_erb'irV ' festiv "0f, th`6 Ghnreh Sqbbyth Shoql vfgp he1d'_ it `the Town Hill` I531; Thurs-l':y"'dV'uing. '7` I 'tho',feis1:'o`fgobd-things, iin~~-which feundren s`o deli`ght affvery interesting-:_ fggmu "rot lmuiic and?reu"ding|'wa'I puuu . .9 ;uf I had :Win'gi;" .wu:sun'g ~by;au::=.n1 * koo'rb.j Mr. and Mrs.:.E}oulter` 8nd~.73lI';'Bl1|klI0l'Q withna e'ecb.:~;_ _`!l_10 Aggcg ? ggmggygu by Mm Ardaah.=M1!tFt9n!.!-l3~ ns1a.Me.I,.I.|:I5 Blackmore-.0-ad-. .l.?_',~and elgc!I1y,.!!15I ppplauqg. -Duet,_~' " ad shall w1pe_:._1;v3g_ ;< 5.`... 9' 1.}. "Mi-'._ "Ar o1:';n'd' 'BTa'cEmora~ was DIIITIU UUII lulblluvu ` vv. Ll. uu D , , I Fraser, B A , Upoor Canada College; P. I |'r.1w, M. A., London o..11._I;..mfucg; Robert Bslmer. B;,A.",` I_(ingojton`0o'lleiatao nmitute, and E. J. Mctutyre, Stj, Oaths;-s inc : Gull; Institute, Oouubillori. f8ome very intereltingvptperl wgro road `during thenouion. ` ` ' .. V ;I>. Gr-and Mamh, b Dominion. Clappe Serenade T Evening Star. Round Waltz "Mikado. 'Rnco|_iLssi Quartette "Weun die-Schwalbenheinwarts Zich n. ' _ . ` Lancers Excelenzzis W . V. Scholes Selection From Abu Hassan." Weber Schottischa "Queen of Love," L . Polka "Bhck and 'I`9.n. C. Lowthian Chorus "Gloria" (l2th Mass) Mozart God Save the'Queen. - lllu CIPWIIUU WIIIUII UIIIKTUUTIIC UIIU P1,` ing, of this hand, there was a spirit: of sititiveneu on the people, which spoke `of Ilow baromehterand absence of ozone in the Ietmosphere of the room. Somebody sitting I near your reporter propooed to a little oirele `this conundrum. Why ia it that so many . can nd opportunity to go to the free summer [concerts -by the `band, and to few enn attend .`the ten cent ones, in a_oomfo_rtab.le room Y` A little girl in the crowd said "1 know. Well J:-mima"'chim'ed n nnmlierlof voicel. "What is it Y Jemima in the simplicity of budding womnnhood logic repl-ed, "Cause That settled the question for your re rter and the starting of a shottischi: by the nd, settled the question for talkers. ~ It is-to he regret- ted however. that so few attended to hear . so good a selection, and to aid the band who give so much time gratis for the benet of the town Perhaps some special circum- stances unhnown. prevented attendance on Tuesday night and that at the next of these o-ncerts there will be- a full house. The following programme was admirably render- . A ataendenoo was small and tneretore It wtupe feet q little bit diccjxlt to determine how,_to invebt vihht will rennin after the 'e'x`pPneee are paid. Although the ; mnuical eeleption was excellent as will be eeen by the pro- gramme below and performed with the "bite end exp;-eeeion which chnreeterixe the 'p1y- .-... .5 Old. Inna)! than. 2.: A nnhvik.` nf ~:- Room. ` The 33e 1gvBttL1ion ma" {vans Sen : cont" promenhdeoonoort at the own Hal}. on Tuesdav evening. mfth the` h_opo_o.pddmg;t9 the hmoeo alga-lately nece-any to lee; 8. band is; ecient. working order. .4 he ataendunoe small and therefore it wi1l,be 1..-`. -` 15...`: La. .I;x_.-.1. ;. .1-L...._.:.- I...-. 5;. '1; ~-1>n,onu1unn condnnr, Lwrrnoirr pnom:Nu>n.=.,_ T but npi uuoii atobay-4, j couundrumtor the Bang! . \ . nmmonf Ruin. 1|--"P8la` l.ll'l'Il.Ilo IJUIA D 'uUc urUvcr.\ ic~ed.)lat...... . 1$-Henv1em 2:101. Hen Eg. 1st.... . _y.,, 4,. -_ _ -_I_. L- I--- __ Ce_ntra_ Ward. _ John Plaxtoli, B. Fl_etcl_1er, 0. H. Lyon.` _ - ' - :Weat Ward. . Jo_hn -Hines, .W. D; Vansickle, A_. MoRa'e. `f>`. Ea~`.i}`qIu'iZI'.'3., 5" Wm Pee, T 79 _ The Council for 1887 will therefore be : 0 H. Ross. i Mayor, ncclamhtion W. `H. Cruse. ' Reeve. " J L G. McCsrthy, lat Deputy, Joseph -Anderlion, 2nd Deputy, elected ' COUNCILLORS . V East Ward. A A F. X. Martin, J._ C. McNeb, F. H. Bell. cm-us cnumn sqbhan; A` Vnlin`I7 nP;l`nLI'I7 fnlliilil `hf tlI `( L1. uuu, H. Axnley, John Plaxton, R Fletcher, O. H Lyon, 8. Caldwell, - R. King, Jr. Thou. Pearcey, John Hines, W D Vansickle, A McRne. J oseph Pullan. D. Farquharson, nnn __ Majority for Anderfon couxcxuons. . East Ward. X Martin, O MeNab, . H. Ball, 7 II A....I..-o - The following Prizes are o'e1-'ed is Mr. JOH N A. .~'I`R THY. cBnnkot'l`orontn. gxnbjcct to conditions below :- ' o. 1-F'attt-at Ox. Steer. Cow ox: Heifer. (grudeilst. Prize . . . . . . ..... .. 11,- must Ox. steer. Cow or Heifer. tzmde)2nd Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3:_-Fut:: at Sheep or Lamb. lst.. .. .. .. . . 2nd....... A 5- Heaviest Pig. dead and dressed 1ot.: 5.11. avlo.-at Pig. nd an dressed; and. g:Heav1est load of Pork. .. 5-Beet. pair Knitted Woollen Mon ! Qnolut Int. . _ . . . . . _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _;._- ,.. gun: or: ._B.iiRIEg 'rHE.'cQpn'f't.V9r;`s1McoE~ AI_D_ THE DOMINION, or CANADA ~.0U}3,.CRI'l`ERION. BAR1Ri;E.CCU1TY~OFqSIICQE:j!ONTARI0.;THURSDAY, JANUARYWL` W 195 188 139 127 116 106 146 144 .132 87 73 00 wgtomng the on Yes: mo. 1' if , The custom of watching the old yen eat fend shaking hands with his sncvessor is `an `old one, and is `observed by some of the re rligidus bodies in all Christian `countries. `Methodists and-' Episopalians keep up `the -custom. Religious exnrcises hccupy tn` hour .or so beforemidnight, in V which thanks: me -given for the past year : mercies. good .resolutions are made fur the future And. the Divine guidance sunplicated `for the _d|1tjes pf`-the incoming year, Services were held in ._TrinityiChurc,h. the (}oll1erStfeetMethodist - Church and we believein some others in, the to/wn." ` ' ' ` 4 V03, 0 winner course 0! J.f:0IllI'B_B. gguugwuio ,i,.;` aeor',E1iot;7', .Wq.I-hotfav - n11`I.msm . E-VIii1EB"9'_t eie`to hen what'15it`lids nlfpn tli_atfclS\ie1`- writer" aid ,`t_iibat 4 `.au..~.i...I`.:.'.....a.....-... '~ 2` . ~<`- ` ~r-....?-,L .~.'w3 ` `We hnve n ow 8 " Council and "9 In -`noon.-h"sve"n Cow By_-kw. A I - I .0 VBI... d........_ 1.8 0-8.; oafmn n` nninn `IA uni Mar -nr \\ (\rK8.' Wlll De :e('.mveu unul I ucuuuy, ` 111-. ';'f,~1h day of Jzmnary. 1887, imtlusivcly. for '.hv~cunm1uctionof \A'0r`. Midlnxd. S-wcue M (1-nuts. (nutario ac:-oraing t s 8. phzn and p a 1- mm ion to be seen on aupl cation to the Herve, -Mxdiand, ut. the o':c- of the l{e~si(l ntlngineer. 'M1r3 rzmvi Division of the Grand Trunk Railwm . `H-ta-rbor0', and at the I)epm'tu-ent. of Pubic Works. ()tmwa. where printed forms of tender he obtained. u. wanna rlndrnlin nf tpnianmr are rrnlmated _. _ -'APuusntIn'euent.v ; On Ohnjptznu Eve" the null ,-of the vADvt)!cx showed their [kindly --ifeeligug to- 'w8i-di the proprietor, Mr. Wesley,` leaving `Con `hie table? '5 liandeeznb Individhs Danton-. When there in the feeling between ensployeli nn(l`!nnployed iivh.i'ch 'fthi~1ihle;nvnt;ind- midi` `Q1. . . .', - 3..-;"._,`-"5! '>. -. T 1 , I 7 :113:FV.~.'1'.'!n|'.".y 97939.93 1 `FY9533 '3? {M0,-A6 L L Vo_ ._tf1w;i`nter conrhe of lEoture_s,,;,. _- n--...`_--;1m:..4.`n nr.-.-1;...`-.`. 4. tunu zn '_x~.'" W5-` .`.;,_.`_g,_--I -_w-~u' in-`In-F-I .61.` 0? -1. (E 5-1:) ; "::*T"sorvie`':x.m`suud.y-f% 3 Jam: ~ 9th. `at the `iidihnn; 3 - Evgnigg,-`;I,ubje_ct; .How-z`zto n.m_auL.;. "`K12IIVQM nuninunnonl-In "If `Iona-`nave I Uuw uyfnuwu g ' v ~ `I V The finances of the uo'wn will soon be put K into 3'nditiou. . -, I L . This yetuzthere will- be I boom in "the recunstruhtiou bf the sidewalks. 5 ~ T.he'qnestionro_f ,WBt0lv`W0_l`k! will lxkely be `.- Vconidered this,yea.r. in 1i'.nnnnrnv' and" n-nanv no doubt be ZIIII Ill IIIU XVQIIQI-gt! '1 '.'r};:'omsw the holiduy3'iu_ our soho61;will _bp!, |a'uiQtI btic|:_l`e ip_n. `The Cojlegiato Iuititute ,.win.1rotopej: till Monday, but it is ' under- `dtnod thutithe new Principal of the ` Public Xtakd bui-iuga of the situation and have"? a j_wx:k; ` V; ~ `A: gleiny bud, ind the edhcationiuihsirneafu will. `School vbill mdkcrhin bow to his new ch'u-ge, ' talk with the pupils ubont~` their future. F Dllplvyvu Jarlwlvu - can-I nI~vn_-u_r-u-u-u..-u ntrikcsfvyillgbo fem I "IIlIIl.n0Il}'l.-- nvuuuyg guuguvv. - uuw--~w tiicu happy` and Lpi-oaperona ~lio.9 .:~; 3 "mm blii cordially .myited.~ Rev.- :2 .:VV1u.(?r.- {.' _ .-3 ; '. nu On Shnd;`a.y morning lat Willlsni Henry. only son of Mr. J. S. Johnston, of Fliuheth _at1-oak. dparted this life after 3 lingenng _i'l'lneia The `funeral on Tuesds to the ,,g-_ n,..._4.._.. _. I-......I.. -5... 1:` `PI.- 13:7 VA}-,tha regular of-the. Barrie Sh. n.=.~-.....t-'a...:`.n. .Inn`lI gJ:.i>.|{nip u-nnmn. inter. ' BCHUULI. _ 5 What animals thaw the highest forui of wux be returned. ~ 'I be Department-does not bind itself to accept. A use lowwt or any tender. T - Rv n1-A 1- Reading circle. . ' Program next meeting. Jan. 11th. Syb- iect, `-A half hpur in Natural History. 1 Hymn. f '. 2. Proverbs VI.`6. . ' J 1 3. ` What are the five great divisions of the -animal kingdom. ' * I ,, 4. The ditferenoe between Instinct an Reason. u . __,:_,-|_ _I_-_LL-I_2_.L__L-..__' _.n IUUIHIIUII. `. 6 What two classes at icsecta uianifest the highest instinct. '1 "Plug nnnh-nut gn 1-nnnmivalnnnan nf onm- UIIU ulgucau llllullllilfu _ 7. The contrast. and resemblances of com- gnunities of men and of ants. ` ). 8 The Readings. ` T .9 Critic's Repont, . -A I , 10. ,AnnoI m_cemc-nts. . X _` ll. Proverbs XXX 25. ponamerea m1s,yea.r ,_l. Econmhy ind." c;mc.eny,w{ll no doubt btlhe i9`t0,o the Uonnil foivthg year. ' . that they `were fair.-nndeven Ind P necessarily hinder the progress of the `pupils, -tiou PUI'D_"UIU"IyUII UUU VII UIIU `UUIIUI IICIl\f,. sented no` dicultj which a'_ properly pro-_` red candidate could not have `overcome.;. _ `he parents of. the=e pupils will naturally ask `what is the cause of this` condition of things} While other reasons may exist, they will naturally attribntethe partial dis- organization of the classes from early in Sep- tember till the end of theyear, as at least? one of the causes of their children : failure. The Model School takes up a great portion of the time of--the principal. and his teaching. work is attempted by some prentice hand, which in the mm. or things , will be less,` .1 eicient than the `work ot the lar teacher. Then, so far as theiexperimen teaching of the Model students is concerned, it most as anfythiniz will which diverts their atten- mm the everyday work as conducted hytheir regular teacher .Many opinions have been expressed by teachers and others as to theeect ofModel School work upon the Pu-blic Schools, some averting that it. is benecial and others as strongly contending it is bad._ Our own opinion is, that what- ever advantages theremay be are for ont- weighul by the dissdvantsaes. In some places the Model School is separated entirely mm the rublic School, and 2. class of pupils from the primary department taken at stated times to. the Model;Schoul building to `test the ability of the Modelites. If they have the aptitude to teach a class of infants there - will be no necessity for testing them in the higher c'asses. .In the interest of those whose children attend the Public School, it I will become necessary; on the `part. -of the trustees, to inquire why 75 per cent of the candidates for entrance have been plucked, u hen circumstances were so favorable for all to have succeeded. Ji lT:::'a' '"`r"iiL"'t"Zi-Z1 Tuna". to":T{3 `Union Oemetarv wu isrgely atten ed. The- `A~bvAxc:_offm this narrowing pm`-cub its -:--n-an -on-uuu\nO`|ID IDA l\`DVANUl_0ncI'n inc uurruvuus puuwuuu un- K 7Iringero`Iyimputhy in their and bereivpgnon fh? ~*"~' '1' .-#-' , qgy 16991; that` clove; A kashlewomun A LL " '..-.1-"E I" 1` "' AUIIII flfglllhlr Illvuuuls up` Iuq laulnuv vu- .G9r? s' Society held -M .their., moms yester- day .t 0 election of Acers `for ./the jooming ,ye;r took place, s'listof ~wh1ohT will be gisxen maul: nal: , uiru.n.vny nexwahk. I aonom mess wmuout mscomm Call and examine and be convtnced.

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