- JOHN PLAXT1 T . > I .._______._____. I` v I I l '3` }.5.`-H:-:...4_:._ :1 ~~ *-"-J5" '~ --HAVE OPENED our WITH A FULL _S'l'0CK `OF--_ MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS 03` FURNITURE. BARR: AND stnoulg, TO THE MGGARTHY BLOCK. S. MeGU[BK,[ em-anrsn nu) motion, which are equally un`oheervble,`1 a EUUQUIIIUU "ill-I`-I III QVIUIVDWK: ` it it not plain that their '`99ct7Io`ti,_{tlIq ; dismal; but should be of the engine the} chnnicalcharacter,namely,unoIii|i5!l;I5I5li =- Instead of this the iron is lifted fbodily and `men plainly ," IDWh5`.-`V Whilt any, i observed tremor, usif 'u'vibriit'- ` mg ujelly" such as etheris claimed to beg Besides, such-bodily lifting of`: :ponderable mass is utterly incongruous with mere tremor, however powerful and observable such tremor or vibration` ` might be, according to every principle known to mechanics. Commonvsense ought, to assure any _man- t_h_at_ unere vibration or tremor, however powerful, and sensible, can pull or push nothing. _-._-....:L1n I-A nnnntrvn A`. {Jan nn, ~ - 3- V!'.'.'.'!_'!'_'_'_'_`K,E "- REMOVAL OF- G. BLAGKMORE & CO. _--WHERE-- '""<'i`." 'I"'DoLMAGE,M.nager, Stroud. ` smm wonxs AND SHOW ROOM, . COLLIER-8T., 34Lan;_IJa fO-0FFINS mp msxms or ALI; KINDS 5. , . In stock or Made to Ordet. tI-e'AAe`1f1E:11'u;9;'g:l-7Requisi;a1a_i.'t:i'i-iie.l;ed'. r, Orders by Telegreph or Otherwise, Prompy ettexided. to. ' II II 1\t\1"|IAI!'IlI.`Il'___._-.. clA..-.__1 E=E}*.<>.?-s. j=2..,mJ E__._ I. Woven Wire Mattresses a Specialty. D. DQUQALL, U.ll1LUl'11 lUUU|lUU V ' _ 1. It magnetism were-I_10t,.?_" ? ?'l,3._l?' stance, it could` not lift" a pieco of. metl bodily at a distance from the magnet: any more than -out hsn";50WM,11`,, ,9fl weight from the oor` without $01119. substantial weight be'twe_en`th0 3V_V- $3 is s self-evident truism as an sxiom `HIT mechanics, that no body` can i move or displace `another body at 9. distance-' without a. real, substantial medjul 903' necting the two through V1305 "'59 result is accomplished, otherwise it would be 9. mechanical` e'ect`yithout_iI cause -- a self evident sbsnrdit ~ In Philosophy. Hence, the force 0 msg- netism is a real, substantial OBI-it!-; _ : 9 -.-....-.Al.:nn-an jlunn 1A.. Q FURNITUREJ ' ` " "7 3 Late SANDERS 8:. WHITTAKER. Is A Insimction is Invited. See `our $4.50 Pants. ns of various designs and prices always in plto. -Caskets and Cof- V stock. All orders will,re- If mawlrll Vlllntuvovn-n can v-v uovvn angina which is whully unobservable, is, ne,t,;municat edto the distant bar through material an bqtance and its gvibratogy. .,-_ ...:.;.._1.. ma. ann'nHir anon...-vk.1.;~: celve careful attentjon. gcongregatlonal Church HSOLLIEII ST. BARBIE. orrosm: mm ".I'0fI' imxron MANAGER. 1 ',l!.!',l!!!V`!" 1 ' "Ygiv'oI em - 7 . ` com- --s'rI-:Au-- rwmue Hausa WNLUP ST.. BARBIE, HA8 uumvnuun noIu1'II'n [spa Should it be assumed in} 81|6e!_'-'d9n ration by the mode-of motxon _phtlo__a_o-3 era that it is the ether, lhng the` ca between the `magnet. and [she piece Oman, which is thrown Into vihration by the rotating xnoleoules of hhesteel, and which thus hits the dating 1;-on, itwculd only be quake bad"-worae Ifmgterial vibration In the steel` mag . ._t.:,.h in wlmllv unobservable- in P ph IIIIOIIPT All TASTEFIII. EXECUTION --OI OBDIBS OF ALL CLAIIX OI-- Tn: Nomsnn Anvnucs IIIIJIIKANIIJIIB PRINTING. 1 reapocffully solicit an opp_rt1'1|ity- to furnish estimates for 311 kinds of work in all the styles of printing, and: CARDS, .l.LIlL4lJ.l.\I \Jl RECEIPTS, CHECKS, ORDERS, ENVELOPES. NOTE HEADINGS, LETTER BEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS. ` WEDDING INVITATIONS, % WEDDING CARDS, I VISITING CARD.-S. MEMO RIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, . ORDERS or DANCE, MENU CARDS, LABIILS. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, POSTERS--Plain and Ornamental. DODGERS, % FLYERS, AT TORONTO PRICES. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, CHATTEL MORTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF` "EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. FARM LEASES, RENEWALS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETo, DIVISION COURT BLANKS, & MAGISTRATES BLANKS, SURROGATE" cuUI2T BLANKS,: -JCONSTABLES BLANKS. Blank Forms of my kind printed to Q2] Q1 Iroem IIIIIEGTOIIYI GOUNTY OF SIMGOE, KJTQ il :1:-`QB; 1ee'e,* Published by the Proprietor, 8. Week], Barrie. Copioo 25 cents at the oioe; or sent by mail, pehtpaid, on receipt of that Wmrrntc n:vlDlNl 0!` A_lu'l'vuI 3 mm cunuunt 8'1'A`l'lD. ' OX} OVYXOXTV XX T131 In the but Oho D5119]: Weakly Rublhilod - In thoonnty of-` Simone,-and ha; r the. .1!!'K".':1" . .`!i.'$._1.1.3..".i". I 85 wnsL:r;:2nhn:h%iii:2idgi:ronnotor% JUDICIAL DISTRICT I - -_.`....v.-nq--.1-gv--o v BLANK FORMS STETEMENTS, `BILL HEADS, T NOTE CIBCULARS, LETTER CIRCULARS. t'1I|1"I)flIC4 `I'll ADVANCE ' Always kept in stock A full line of L: `I would be the T -.vunu.I 13 I1 IUD], HllUII.llD| vupnv I 2. It magnetism were not. nnJhnn1a- terial snbstenoe, then any prnotidtlly lmporous body intervening betw_eI;__!I_` fohg magnet and the attracted object would-*. *0 some extent at least, impale 155 ?*I88ge of the magnetic current; "which. It does not do. If mngneti{;liII;*VVOr'9.`~h.|, ` Very rened or nttenuateilgdrgn 0.1 . tar. and if it thus aspen ` 4 'f6I'iH `through other material bodies upon 3 err imperceptible` , ` W1! some diforenoen` the freedom o__ ' vasage,~ adimih. the tracttve force of the distant magnet s"3?3l?`?1t%. "afm.%` t`;'. / A full line at all prlooo. MORTGAGE. SALE OF LAND IioUs1: LEASES SNIPES, mo. Wm, scaenuno usmuusm-um my mm;-. nope swept Lv'n:_y-_..-Doubt ' nmana from the `transit. Iiwvy v u-vvu-y--nrvu naiztrvod From` A : rubber, or `whetever `other "inati-iai body he made V to intervene, or if no. 7eu'betenoe whatirer but the `air is tter- *l'ilI84 Villd h wire-net having `large! or intiiretioe9;`Ii:g A owneequcntly o`e1-ing :- greater or reeietqpqe. Whereee,: in ' the ioaee:i-.'/o- W!U|Ietio' _Inb"'otinc0. 9 `3i`9r6no6t` 'vhcer`, meag' te'_;;-'iu.j =e`ejnei,-gyf: of.fibf pm ',,,5-g~-_db a'nt' piepe.:o(' i_rbp,:h6vfre"v`er miny tor e'v'r_ fqf-?1hqt P?!0!ia1ly sheets or, posed, or if the test he made in e per `feot -madunm. ' The epiill `in elm; -"w_it_hv Dreegiaalygthe n_me>foree,-`Ind w I meve `wiibeflided pieoelof ironitf the ee"m_e 'gn;uunu-' f-.... 3L -- -- 31 '~ ` """" `,"_ ""3"" V .53 R15.`-IU- < God : a`u`bat7e`ntial essence may ~' thus o_ocupy_every part of every bmeharitl bdYa ll all epw oe, and extend thrpugh all extent with the meet iteneied Lpve- senpe and personality, `wthout the phy- sicel`;rem1niI:inn:hfn~ ninwhs -' Minn in $3i373""u3`5s (2% th? -`V-91150, .th3'.PR'i'39f 5997! ` bemg phoaYd,{b8`.eapeciaIly tt_ed for such} all-nvstnnln-q...-_ _---....:L:-_ vv-v- vi vac: -uuvv, u-no nan- v o--cu-u-- .--vs-n son urges in his great Midland Institute legture-, that"a man may p_la`ee* his` head within the magnetic eld, between the poles of a. powerful electro-magnet, without fee1ing:.any impression what-`_ ever from the riiagnetism there present, even should a score of dynamo-machines send their currents through the magnet Yet this man's head would be sur round-e ed and permeated with an intense - and substantial presence, lling every ..por, % tion of his sensitive brain. Why, chn, may not the immaterial, personal. and substantialpresenoe of God also sur- round,pervade, and peameate our bodig with a millionsfold intensity, compar- to thatof this magnetic `atmosphere, and still we mortals, as yet-, know no- thing of it corporeally for the want of the darelop nent of powers which the eternal environments will, without` a doubt, in due time unfold '0 _.__ __.2L`_ .1` L2... " ' '-5 2'-v.w-w...vv.\n-yvv-.-J superhuman recognition. 'l`l.:.g ....:...:_1- :_ ._Ln-..-. 2'1;-h?I:.ul:.ifl`1`(:i`[;l:l`1'5.};iL1"i`l:).:()phy is il'lns- tra ` byvthe fact, as Sir William Thom- noun 1...... 2.. 1.2.. ..__-_L 'Il .`II-._.'I T_..L=L-_L_ \L\l\l|IU' Ill \lIlV III-IJV III. e Sir William"l`homsd1`1`,. with all his scientific culture and" gigantic philosol phical powers, knew nothing ' of ' the cause or true explanation of that won derful fact which he had observed. of thenon effect of such "an intense eld of magnetism on -the human head- He was as bewildered over it as is an ung tutored savage- over the true cause of an eclipse of the sun. Yet he saw and described to his audience in the same connection the simple, but to him in-3; comprehensible `fact, that a ' piece of silver would fall through that same magnetic eld (which produced no eect on human sensations), as slowly as if "it were settling through thin mud! And all the `time thatprofound physic ist, having no knowledge of the mystery solving principles of _ Substantialism. could not catch the first glimpse of the ` self manifest fact that this magnetism , was areal but immaterial substance in thusucounteracting the sudden fall of the massof silver, but supposed it to be. as he expressed it, but the rotation of the molecules of the steel magnet! ,_'nI, LI_!._ _..- l'_:..`- -l\ IJI. IIUU I-I-IIIIUULIIUD Vb UILV uvvvo --ova--v- . Who, then, with this- one fairly re-_ presentative force of nature demon- strably shown to be an immaterial sub- stance, will dare to assert that it is not more reasonable to teach and: believe that every other force of nature, even without a word of proof or argument on the subject, is also a substantial entity, than to hold the incongruous theory that some of the forces are substantial entities, while others are but modes of motion `I 9 .1 . I _` L -___I _I-;L..!-:L.. nun ll.l.`J|-lUl.l I . To hold that heat and electricity are but the vibration {of the material mole cules of bodies` in V or Athrdugh which theyare manifesfcd, while magnetism (the result of? electricity) is a real sub- stantial entity; is to trie with` the physical laws, and to ignore the hat -` many and nnif9rmity* of Gocifs. ; natural systemvcf thingy, , I Salt Bhum. Pimple%l.-uotcnes on me Iuce or '4:::.:*.:,e.~:.B.:,.=2~a...2*-ma-.;a'r-% Parke : garbolic Comte`. 250. per box a on}:-`L mnu's`Dr\1s Storo_.= . . ~ 4-. ` ,.f MoGraoS':` = J 3l3A1:hol1.b'mW1& _be.n.. the only po ve cnr roi` triod and foun %Blotches on the face or Rheum. Pimple Ehnndi: Ohm Btu-my 11130;. _or;I_nx,.80l70 thug- \&U prgu nuuvu J -.59. ._..._ " in ` ,B,1-antford,_ . The off, 3 ho 7 em ; of `ha t s;,a|p,: R__g_gpo3' members of the Salvation Army at Glencoe, ha'v6`b"e" acquitted. Geo:-grwtald, a1ad: who oonatruotoda a "bomb. oi:.5O.';:&p1o(1d.A haabqon aent-._ 8011001 I)I"IIIllV ; ,,..~.`. .- . `-"I ` l `pi-u,on for .Ii:.;',%ig oxithi. _. yu% 1 andllpt jdw " 01.} hi 91,} ztoxsennmor ` ` ' u . ~v | IUII vlnav-, ` F6: - I_.LL-.. unsung @- -H. :!> main-onnmo mt- . . ,.g_-.._ |.-.......nn mm 111:4 - 3 4 `|"'I"'V"-7 -W-~-~.~.~ _.m1o'l 1Sahf)"{i!:f5s:~#.1-1017?`??? 2,? awerlux CIICCI on (DB IXIUIICYS) DSC13139") UVWVIE 3-I ood. 500.000 SOLD _ Over one-la!/' million qf Dr. Chase : Rea}: Bod; wcreuld in Canada alone. We want werymau, 1uva`u' and child who l.rtr_o1g5ld with Liver Com- plain: to by this excellent ruudy. I, A n I :31: - NA lUH:'3 Hamlauv The unqualied success of Dr. Chase's Liver Cm;e `gt Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that It to. V compounded from nature : well known live: re M/mnuxn AND Danpzuou, combined wit many other invaluable iootskbarlte Ind herbs, having a idneys, Stomach, Bowels and `(In Gfll B werful effect on the lnnd. latore M IIUCIII IV `V flu` UJFUCCCKO 7.7)! ` LAD] E8. _ - ; It is a well known fact that_ an inactive_lwer ca ; a`du|l, snllow complexion," liver spots, punpleg etc.; ; Chases Liver Cure IS the qnly remedy that wall most positively cure _the80'0npla1nts. 1 Rnutvnnlm IBIIL nlen llmrlnee ` POSIIIVCIY CUPS JIIGSB SOJIIPIIIHKS 3 . soummc lltw. cum Avtnrrnss 1 Wrapped around eve bottle of Dr. Cline ; Liver Cure l is a valuable `House ld Medical Guide and Recipe 4 } Book.(84 Sages), containing over aoo useful recipes, ; pronounce M able, and worth `ten times the price ofthe medicine. by medical `men and druggists as invalur iI"6iAi6i'&" 6I.oia"'iiiiiIiEEd?Era. 0.4- -5 an A U C I\I|IYl'1l\T${3 I V?! _II 11i1i<-l:;o','a!:d `cmhapgy :t,'o.iay_kthat' it helped me at diia.` y `continued use [this medicine cured my cough, and, I 1 din satised, saved -life.-Mrs. E. Coburn, 18=;8econd st,, _ well, Mass. A > 1-I}`fh,a,v`e,, ' ed _.Aye1_"a. Cherry Petoral 161- over` 3 ear; and` sincerely believe I .4 ai1oul(1.,.1;ave Been in` 'i_ny3gnave,ghad it .119: heemmn thii medicine... '-It- has cured `meg! a glan rous .effoc_tion of thef`lungs, I torzwiilcll 's`uiamn`5dIe ilnahsirm nf ...~...- ..lWU K 3 very severe I Wagm aw JP ~. El, 8 g r 1 prescribed, but failed to ollain rg IInf` 1' `Indian -unis... A......7.. ...__._. Is `a common expression, heard from Qhoaevho hIve'i'eu_l5iad5 by per- son`! the curative ppwex-ti)! Aye:-'5 Cherry nPet9;f:a1. 1" ! cnnnot any enough in praioe,o_f A yer._ s.Cher'ry `Poctoial, be- V lievhg gas" I do `thalt, but f_or its use,` I . should`-`long since have `died from lung troubles. - E. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex. scum am " `5;.qeo;umk;.'.} `ma 2!. Woods. gollil. dough baldhns _. ___-_ -_.._v, _. ---. About _,si_xvmonths ago I had a severe Hemorrhage of .the Lungs, brought on by a distresain Cough, which de rived _me of sleep an may. I had use (`vari- J and expoctorants, '~;.W,i_hQt obtailiifielief. A friend ad- visedihe to try _' A A A&er s Ghiry Pectdral. -, '71}lid ha. and `immnnnv an. inn nmo M. tore. -?us'a'6'r``'i'x'." '}'2 u"3E3`$3n 3: %n"1Y.`2 `wxaml mcmxade tlqh'pg`ii'egl'of ever `A ndig "3 ren'1bdy;`-`=-""D; `A: '"McMu1len, Wjgdsor, .l rovincq"o,;,_Ontario. 5'6 `of :-r.t1_7'e't:.tb` " I saved my life. . Two` dirt `took "very severe Cold " Whi(1h`;tnl Jfh mu-Innna, ` I Fnhnnitad .- vvv Joann: u A uuvn_ Q VH1 auvcxo VUIU "iv ' hr mead 1 3,,` ohsulted sph. iii. they `led obtain relief jmtil. I began using Ayer s Cherry Pec- .-toral. Two bottles of this medicine nnrnnlnfnhv -pnntnu-or! vn knnlol. 1' .'....: Ia VLVVU UUINIUS OI E1118 HICQICIIIB "363 letely motored my h.ea1th.-Lizzie M-` Hen. Vfbstlaancasters Ohio-3 Ay9r?8~ Cherry Pectoral, m.. .`..a~".-2.1 e.m`s.:L 1' n A ..;.- o. n- v -_-u 1.--- . p `-'_t- ___- ~--- - wt-wv run, . , M _ ~_ `I - Pi-yared 6' Dr; J. C. A or 8: Co., Loweil, Mans. Sol by all ruulnu. rice_$1;sixbottlcs,$5. H _ _ .__1ndgc`I-euon or aver-an-It nteedto ' `daulnilllll oirectaouro ` full. 0113 moknn 8!. ima sILI5usNEs.9, .' - 3I-ZZ'lNI:'88,V DY8PEP.S`IA,v (mops Y, INDIGESTION, - H.urrm/va J/IUNDIOE. :05 THE HEART, en VSIPELA8, A010/rv or SALT nmsuu, . - rm.- sramcy, HEARTBURN, omwess V HEADACHE, or me sxm, And everytpecles of disease arislhwfrom ' dllordgred LIVER, KIDNEYS. aro . . AW. Bowggs on BLOOD, fr; m1Lnumi.4&A ao.. ` 5 . 1`REEMAN'S - ' j`I:a"a.sa'T1i`t: to take. Contain `that laxative; ,.Is :1 '.nt..I'ure.,u1 oltoctul Iii!-` of worms in Children oz-Adult -\_NAIIi.I_`. cum`-: on RELIEVE __-4 a?:*V?Rb$2AL%t warms CUIJD uluuuouy ya-yvs van a-- v ~- It 18 well known that a magnet will. lift a piece of iron at the same distance precisely through sheets of glass as if no glass intervened. The conrmed atheist. Mr. Smith, of Cincinnati, Ohio, to whom we referred in our papers on Suhstantialism, in The Microcosm, was` utterly confounded by this exhibition of . the substantial force of magnetism act ing at a distance through impervious plates of glass. When we placed. a quantity of needles and tacks on -the plate and passed the poles of the ,__mag- r not beneath it, causing them to. move with the magnet he saw for the first time in his life the operation of a real substance, exerting a mechanical effect in displacing ponderable `bodies of metal in deance of all material conditions, andwith no possible material connec- tion or free passages between the source and termination of such _substantial agency. And he asked in exclamation; if this be so, may there not be" a sub~ stantial, intelligent, and immaterial God, and may I not have a substantial `out immaterial soul wlich can live se-g 'paratelv from my body after it is dead? T1 - 51...... qn:nnA +1\n nnanvwr onlzinn "sc?n13'i }'[LiI'xSiIr3'e?ii&7." ' V` I'll"I.`al\IuI `5.huh$- ! tnnnnm Calvin`. non or 5-pnyuqxllrv huhm 621181 `treating team) life! - 3f nan-mo Il teen in I irqn. Ono - V` old by A HIIIIIC 1`U~ll1|IUl1 uvun u-IJ I-rvuy uuvvo -v -u \-V4!-vs . , He then raised the query, asking if we were certain that it was not the_in- vieible pores of the glass plate through which the magnetic force found its way, and therefore whether'this force might' not be a rened -form of matter after all l He even assisted us in lling the plate ' with boiled water, on which to oat as heard` with needles placed thereon,` thus m_interp0se between them and the magnet the most imporous of all known. bodies. But it made not the slightest the card with its cargo of L xieeclles moving hither and thither as the magnet was moved beneath both plate and water. This was suicient even forthat most critical but candid materialist, and he confessed that there were substantial but immaterial enti- ties in heaven and earth never dreamt of in/his atheistic philosophy. 17 , .1," :_ at... .......-.l.-nuiun nmnn- Prprle-to"s, `VORONTO. Inna HAMILTON sno~coMmvl BOOTS, snoss. nuaazns AND ovsnsnozs. Auo compute stock or -rnuuua AND vauseas-. The above Company guarantee to -giye the Best Value ever given inlBarrie, in the Shoe Line. . Cell and see for yourselves. '1-'h`e'l stere` is directlyopposife Strong & D`onnell ls.I o0o Fall Stock now corr;plete, and. comprises all the Newest T Cloths in the Market. A_ ' ' IPIIIENIX IIALL1 1vL cA.:a.':rI-1Y*s BLOCK, Are showing the Large st and Finest Stock and most Fashion- " able Patterns in Fall and Winter Goods, % ever shown in Barrie. 7 Our Clothing is made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction Guaranteed in eviery'r'e spect. ` ` G. BLACKMORE & 00., ,MERCl:lANT TAILOIIS, New and eiegant designs of Parlor and Chamber Suites, Extension Tables; Side- boards, eto., in Walnut, Ash, and imitation of Mahogany and Walnut, at prices as low as consistent with good work. ' it BULIDLUIU, uuusa run. \ru rung. -nvv.--o-an 1: is impossible to conceive of the ac- complishment of such a result except by some substantial agent reaching out from the magnet, seizing the `iron, and forcibly pulling and thus vdisplacingjt. As well talk of pulling a. boat to the shore without some rope or other sub stantial thing connecting you with the boat. Even Sir William Thomson would not claim that the boat could be pulled by getting up a molecular;-vibra- tion of the shore, or even .by producing a visible tremor in the water, as Dr. Hamlin so logically showed in his re- cent masterly paper on Force. ' __ __-n 1---..- ol...a- .. Inntvvnlnf mill 4___:_;--j JOSEPH % I.Eu:u Ton, MO0RE s BLuCK. DUNLoP S'l`., i BJlKGfT3EP5T| I, v_ T __ _'_ _ swavms xi 3'1-ovma 2 2 ALL, 'rI!I*:I08.'r,APlI04V$l',-`.1! WITH, AND 333'!` FURNISHINGS ; L _AT*M.A__NUFAO71`U.RE2RA.'_ PRICES. "l'ntr\'r `or. A vvnnv Fit and Style Guaranteed. We. are Direct Importers. % % _ V {own sum puma} }s'T1tEI:1`.* % NEXT `DOOR TO ._THEm:C.ANTN TEA STORE. COME AND SEE US AT? OUR NEW STAND. U1 1U, LIKE GIILIULGUIU llulnvuvr-`J: Here, then, is the conclusive argu- ment by which we demonstrate that magnetism, one of the forces of nature, and a fair representative of all the na- tural forces, is not only areal, sub- stantial entity, but an absolutely imma- terial substance; thus justifying? our original classication of the entities of the universe `into material an_d im- material substances A `- -- H -1. - ..--`l ....L