Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Dec 1886, p. 3

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Jlllluuutvu Abenedict friend of ours has come to the conchlsionthat merely making over a bonnet is more expensive than buying 3 new one. . 7 . . 1- ,, _SLL __-I_ L_LL1- -g Oh, yes; and we get 1;. every `time a stove explodes. -:__:_.{..-.-.--.--- |phyaioi.ns'i'.d failed, DIIFQOUK JJIUIIU --:---o-4 , DUUIDI Hlllulunvu vn_ an an: Liver Oil with epiorhoephitee, is . '1'.i.b 1?49 1'0 "in 50081180 am is. n91: 9 secret; ,remady. , , prepared preparation of two most valuable vfdr;-` their Oonennxptive` jnn Emeoiuted pntients. Take no other. , . but e scientically. ' peoiee. `then they nci of in unlled-` value- (`J plvl UL urU'Iu`IlunuI.n cm for _Fourt `of July! . , ` 8eI:t1ngoVn"a` Sure : f`Go yonwodd 6r ev`en.or a. cigar,` inch H-'-v\:\"Ct\u;t| |- -`n`I| 1|`: n'o.hnI>:`i 4-i T .AIigvy.lnud. L I _ < , , ,nkj -1: .'f.__t ,,.;.?;'..**:.?~*.:.?...4.zv:** v*9:...':'3..a* mrng II_- ...-... I 5...]. AL. Inn:-. it U _ I Ens A .. L`9V"T.- kP;9. 419?? .3""- 1 too: humour . . 1.!-h_! it help-. me, I am likgcfliv. Jay w r , r `I. "`>$J:'.`."L'%.?`;'?.[2.*`:\e.... W L Invisible. but Instantaneous. ,_ ,,JII L- .0___4___A.I_ __ All Lu ux.5--I v-- V Man proposes, l3ut-:-. Upon think ing it over, wed-on t peheve he propogag half so often as the gxrls would like hun Important News Item... .-gqo ~ II'.L- u- l'huutuw-nni` `Id and main item; The Step-Mother. _THE -W333?7%5PYANQE;; ma uoi%tne`nu Auvms ' A.DVER'l`ISI@ : _RA'l`E8.v ' The `AdV:I-Ic-o-l;a_I a swm clrcnlntloil . -_4-- A -`$__A 1__-Z --Z ` .:.""....*....::.'.;."..'..*.n ':.;;I"" - Twenty copies.` . In:;.3g1gei dogglfntgndtlzgaany other arnwmi-ram enounn Nor: -rm; nc'r.'D (12 lines solid nonpereil make one inch). ' . .ADvnhrIsi:n-ma. Pint insertion, 10 cents per line-. Eecheub nt insertion. 4 cents per line. ' `notices, 10 cents ner line for mat in- suettion-; 5 cents per line for each V subsequent insertion of the same matter. Inga] nm.'.:..I and (Ins-you-nvnnni-. nvortlnn mceruon or the some mutter. , , Omoial and Government advertise` pen 3 will -be charged at above rates, b __ 0oN'rRAc'r ` Abvltnfrlslxa. . 7 Contract advertisements will be tcken_at:th following rate which are drafted on correct commercial ciples; and. as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts utter present contracts expire,'there will be only one nricetor all: . - nag; v u o o u o o - . u u n - u-.--` 2In`o_hs.`,...f..._...-.' nches, i Column. to Inches, 1 Column '20 Inches. 1 Column ` ii :un1i_n, Allandalm 3.1 ND VV Uuu. _ T-A Nasal Injector free with ach bottle of .`:"ui1oh`s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J, ,1_, .'l__L I.-- L--- ..L-` i llnchg. g 0- u 1o'?1-cent. oaaea. . . . or two months-.-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. . 3' Preferred positions in the pair: will be sold at an advance of `one third on 3 ve rates. This rule will be striotlv carried out. 4.---_.- . __ ...- Anbnuu-(1 - L` :12 535-3 any v nun: A nuuuununnv 5 u Condensed -sdvertisernents on First Page. such as Wants of all kmds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, S ecic Articles. Eto..Etc., mu_stAbe accompani with the cash. and will be 1nserted-F1rst insertion, 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent r word (names. addresses, and gures count as words); but 3 reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the noun: vnnffnn nvnnd WAIYD 15$: cent. added. AI! fun: vnnnI'Ima_`I>}-nn {chi-on mnnthlv I-ah: _ CONTRACT camera. -Advertl5ere.will, beer. in mind that no- tloe of intention. to c e advertisements must be handed in to the o oe not later than Saturday at 10 o o1ook..end the .co y.tor such emust be in the Anvmcn o co not later than 2 o clook noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the e.dvertiser e announcement may not be made public until the week following. . ;_._.;_9____ _.:u _.g L- -`I1........I 6.. cu.` 61...!` IIUU I-IU IAJIIVLU [ling-II-AV: In-nun. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising angthitxlz outside their own regular business. ho they do so, ggnsienttrates will be charged for such adver- men - ' 08 11130.3 WIIBD B116. 1IU.LllUUl.' I same matter exceed FOUR. Causes the Stomach and Bowels to be- come disordered, and the whole system to suffer from (lebility.' In all such cases Ayer s Pills giveprompt relief. After inucli sufferin ' from Liver and Stqomacli troubles, I ave finally been cured by. taking Ayer sA Cathartic Pills. I always nd themvprompt and thorough in their. action, and their occasional use keeps me in a perfectly healthy condi- tion. - llalpli \\ eexnan, Annapolis, Md. rn _,._. _ _.....- .....,. `I ....L1`n-.n4l Csunnn J. o,u|.v:nw:|.`L's"f ` % i'%llA1lYf0L`lTlN` Gs `SHHIILG TPLABIOB ~ near-roam smuum Jn'l!RII'l' , - the matter with the osprey? uuu u;.s Us` -----.-..-.-v. A contemporary whutsv to know "what bird most resembles a. beast of burden. We don't recall the answer, but what : (NI, 51 _L 1.. I'1.-.__ ynunnu Ltlatlllu 11 \av.-...-..., ..........I...__., __ '1`weut_v-five years ago I suffered from a turpid liver, which was restored to --l1cult.l1y` action by taking Ayer s Pills. Since that time 1 have never been with- out them. They regulate the bowels, assist digestion, and increase the appe- tite, mure surely than any other medi- cine. - Paul Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. II` VIIIITI :2: `I know of noremed _ equal to Ayer's Pills for Stomach am Liver disorders. I suffered from a Torpid Liver, and Dys- K pepsia.,~for eighteen months. `My skin was yellow, and 1ny'ton coated. I had no appetite, suffere from Head, ache, `yv-as pale and emaciated.` A few boxes of Ayer s Pills, taken in moderate doses, restored me to erfect health.- Waldo Miles, Oberlin, hio. T '-n--- 7 -.-_-...__-._.. l....-:I. I-I .`** 9 ",",':-.2 r'*s'-arr - ;a 11ll`II'I.`-. .- u - f-F? _,`( _'.:` ,,-__,,.A ==-v~.?..........~:.`...;.;.~;.a Nfntlnn V_ No; ht Inhoa Run an VI Il\A\l 4v;nn\-.1, vuvn Anna, v...v. Ayer s Pills are a. superior family medicine. ..They strengthen and invig- orate the digestive organs, create an appetite, and remove -the horrible de- ression and despondency resultin rom Liver Complaint. I have use ` these Pills, in my family, for years, and they never fail to give entire satisfac- tion. -- Otto Montgomery, Oshkosh, W'is. 7 - - ,` _ V - _ _ Preuu-ed by Dr. J. C. Ayer 8: 00., Lowell , Man. 801 by all Druggista and Dealers in Medicine. Thoroug oleanse the h] which is the fountain of th. Dr. eroe s Gold- en-Medlosl Discovery an digestion, s 1811' Skin. buoyant spirits; tal strength. and soundness of constitution W111 he established. Golden Medical Discovergcures all humans. from the common hnple.` lotch.o1-eruption. to the worst Scro la, or blood-poison. Es- olally has it` itseicacy in curing rheum or otter.- I) ha] res dsw.emnss.En- ` "3aI:sauns. ' - 06!`. V -I-n.s`:._......o hirhnn UuID'l.'l.IUUll.l U!" I-VVVVIQ *"""' % tton (which is of ti _.....a....J.-.1 hInzui_~nnv-{fv*Inll'_' `I wrluihbigogg-mgrum or "1 ro ztgs. R:-qWeak Lungs. 3&- 5`; rv13 od`a suorniaa of Breath. Bronch sesinge couzha:~.mhmc.~ and kindred atrec-' uons;it.~1a ;uoveu~o < . It prom! cunts: .ulioi1sneu,_or Liver mmnmm."~Dvsneoaia. and Ind1s1e8`|.- .1` 3 4 ulyulf. . lllauhlaluiacuug _v. u.-1. an unequalled remedy. Sold by Do 0398' Pitt. - A ti- e . ...aeAc.u'Px.e: V - mm a vial. hr drumrhts. ` e V -- Why will you cough when Shiloh s Cure will give immediate" reli. -Price 10 etc... 50`cta. and 31. For sale by John Woods,` Barrie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. ` Infallible Blood Purier, Tonic, Diurecigio Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsn. Billiousness, Jaundice, Liver Complaint. Rheumatism, all Kidney Diseases. Scrotum. Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt Rheum. Ex zema. and all Skin.` Liaeases, Headache. Pelpitation of the Heart. Sour Stomach and -Heart Burn. `Pm-e1yV eteble. - 11mm (1. Wxanm Co - Toronto Ont. A $'999i5h..'5Y`?F ADVERTISEMENTS. 1`!;_A VA'Ier"s Fiills; nv-n hu hr .1 (T A Vl` X! 00.. LOWell.l L tuna: V-nu. V..- n l*lJ\{ZlA_C_(>)Hi`-3,1-A-:l"'I:;._i_).' L __ ...-..-..1 `A IIIUII Us ULIU Ltwul. ug Iuvul. wuvnuuvus aw...`- Iurn. etable. Joan ,C.`W`ns'r. Co.. '1`oro topnt. I "_).|- -9-----no FIIIGIII IIIll"IJIIllIr|I1 also. a van. by. _ . G .|!i8I_ZlIlg'.V1_",`' ` fLh of the; 11083).-by- am-ntlnlr. in `:1 u\I1iIC Ir`I!l ' One Inset- Inser- Inser- Inser tiona. one. tions. _ tion. (8mos)_( mos) (lyr.) `:-nrcn. 1:- The new $2 silver certicates are said to be ready for distribution among our neighbors, and is said they are just twice as attractive as the $1 certicates. lBAIKIE fS [BOOKSTORE 2 THE mcHEs_'[,_ {sun A nuns x-MAS BOOKS, ANNUALS. BlB:LES, PRAYER AND - HYMN BOOKS OF ALLTKINDS. HOLIDAY Gcmns iFINE Ass0P.TM?NT 013` X-MAS mums A-- g----9-nun.-u -\-`nut-/vsvnn ?I 1'!'\fI I\I'\``f`I'.I1\ r\'I'1'rI'I Just received "direct from Belgium two consignments 01 Glass, including Plain Window Glass, Figured Glass, Col- ored Glass, Plate Glass. Prices very low. Paints. Paint Oils, Varnishes full stock at bottom prices. Bu.lders Hardware, fulliine at bottom prices. Harvest Tools, the best goods in the market at rock bottom prices, AD- i `ALBUMS AND 'I'<)-YIN ENDLESS VAR: ETY. CALL AND SEE THE DISPLAY AT BAIKIETS BOOKSTORE, BETWEEN BARRIE AND QUEEN'S HOTEL. 5 Have lafgel-y increased their stock to meet the wants 6: their numerous customers. T _ ..---.----. -. up. u--- V. -'_v_--... The toboggan will do for a fashionable: dive1fs10n,butthe average boy will take an old-fashioned Yankee sleigh for hm Christmas present for preference. n 1 1 1 , ,,`I-!,__ L`._L | ' . at manufacturers prlces. CARRIAGE MAKERS; BLACKSMITH AND MILL sur- T 1>Ln:_s A srncmvrv. MCALLISTER. STORY & CO Y. MpALL|s'rEn,s1foRv 3. co., GABRJFUENW W;FF0NW0K3s maov nouns Ill iiifsu, B_B5_SS AND LEATHER. H"E"ADQUA RTE RS i ` ii nli t::I1n'.s%15-R'- j; ..-.___.g4- soc - -LO 6: I Em `*4 -`I III? l'!l `. ' - T T . r t 2 : EDAVID `V. JUDD, Pub., 751 Broadway, N. Y. . N, . V '~x'f |5'mos'r mnnnu. mnvcnmnwrs 130 cA1wAs_snns. ..._.....,...... ~----~ r--~v-- -~-.- `----~v- A West Philadelphian complains that her" diamond earrings disappeared from her bureau. Walls have ears, who knows but what they were earrings? `r\ I ,_-__ -1 I1-__..L_.._ BAABR &..'_H`ENRY, MANUFACTURERS. % CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS 20,000 lhs. BARBED FENCE WIRE, 1.00 in clubs, will secure you_ the Am. Aartculturist (Eng. or German). 88?. est stat! of new Western writers will specially adapt (durin ng it, with b the polls may determine the United States Senntorship in New J ersey. 4.?`/.1_5. r i 887) the ' The JU NILE, l1I`J1ll(.'.l`l'1 unu Illluannu Ill! 1: n-.1.-...a.u;.a havebeen e 1-ged.and HUMBUG Exposures. are to recelvi dmoual attention. lllllll Ullllll I. II.Luu|muwnu. 43 or! no! mustratl of animals, plants, new farm an app lsnces, out-doo cenea, etc. barns and outbuildings, c blnlng utility, chenpn --rr-'-7~--- - nunu nncm un 2-,i;.;::e:::,;:.~.m everv number furnishing specications for lmuses, and taste in their structure, 3 of Rural Home Build;-rs. and fully meeting the want (I desire: or every i.ENb;D Eh~1gRAyfNGs FREE! 2 z i'tiini'unI I I[[usIimIuus.- m-{urinal muatrati animals. plants. fan ITtfMEi't1IIi jii " %sInEuIs.-:.` nnr Prnnldentn were reare on 1' tired from public; 111 )IllU ul "" "" "'V` ' 7 - ." ._' ' ` C The swell thing for 5 |_oo1ety_ .yo1;_ng man to do. now 13 to powder hm; ihurg He ought to put on aycapand go off". ,1 _A........ :21 n nan}--isvnn run-nnv Tb centre tsble or (framed) .1! An... 1.... now A...-....IIn u Wisegn IIE u. s. auvnnmEnI.-::: Amu-{can A rm 1: especially worttgy of mgntiog, bpcagggc eageclslly menti'o:'bccausc 6ft ' Trixirkihii ttended t e um no und untmng etfurtsoi its prop - its circnlstion. ` ts contenu are duplicated every ouch for n. which also circulates widely." 4 ` _ ea. 81.50 a year; Single Nun1bero..15 cents, Six cents for mailing you Specime r, 32-page Premium List. and sample 1` of Engravinga of Homes of our Farmer sldenta," L. together with Description by men Patton. Postmaaters, raise clubs. Address Lnuvuvuu American .4 uncceu nut in crane and ext I German Ed Se HARDWARE ! 703] ! DS in EU In3U.l'S pertalulng LU Al'lUl.lHaul'c, nun u\;un.unc,\. ., \.\I./- The JU NILE, HEARTH and HOUSEHOI;D D ARTEVIENTS .......'s....... .. ......a and unmnnn. w.ynnnm-pg are to receive as-- cc `' ---w- ___V__. v___ `OF NEWEST "1EsIGN', Ji OPEI;1_)wbUT.- Wholesale and Retail Hardware, L One Door_ West of the Queen s Hotel, Barrie. [:gu"e`ii_a;nnAg:u;g:_ggurist . .. .. --r -run 5 u:--I. 9 1n'nv_ N- Y- om: VOTE AT- m:U:c:.i's; parsd" 1 out. It won't burn unless you put It up ; then it ,,o_1 t burn un1_eaa you shs`ke'it-down. _-. :v_.1:- AnvI| nrnoulv Chunuink I-L.` 'u'Ibs'r Ex1'EusIv__ EVER OFFERED IN BARRIE. BARBIE .OF. THE um: GIANT wncou. They desire to draw public attegtion to `Which they are now manufacturing, having purchased the right for the same, and they condently assert that it is THE BEST general purpose wagon in the market. r _._It is noteworthy . that a majority of ubllc me to rural scenes. lug and gendb nhfree to all subscribers. ravlngs ls lnchen in slze) of these a 3 era` y ames Purtou. Donald G. n on. These Engrsvlnga couaututo g." "f "'iLmc.p..x.'n, c.s.n:.. l-Lectnrgg on the Eye, Eat: and Throat. Trinity ;ModioalvColler voronto.~Su1-aef 8% the 15:1- a- % i-]t"'n ?*oi"e Sick cnudx-en*sixosp1ta.1, mecnm - 2...! LnAIntnnf.c`I>2ndAIJAnl\n nnhthnlmln Emmi. n::~s;a:;"e;;i1;.;.;;.;; ;i..;;.;;.;; the Niagara Whirlpool. It . was generally gupposed this whirlpool was a male-strom, West's Cough Syrup instantly relieves and m.. ,........ kv-nnn"I;f2i um-A throat. Am` :11 . lllvihluu-A IIGLIJIII-1, Another college student has been fatal- ly iujuzjed at fuot ball. This sheds new liuht upon the dangers possible` under the "I elective system of studies. A `V `I ' _,,_J1-L-1_- .__\S---.. Am`!!! tome max Unuurena noapxuu, law uum-' `cal A-n1sta_nt-1>.oxalIondon. t H0991- ~ ".="`<*.'- Fa`. ?::9.*.:*.3:. 33:: Avg? Mnv be mnanltad re-. and ramoveuv wvuurno uwo be _ III with ` . n;` }`1`c..%...: .35 Blvllvuwluiuuuuu UI uuv nyv, an; annular nun l Bnodnlsttunontooroulyoundcahrut `___Every 1 `e of the American *. A rim! is! contains nearly 100 arm an no hold conveniences and EYE. EAR THROAT AN D NOSE. I. cshncfs. BYEIISON, o-`guest.-\4\(I!n OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Iii AND VARIED LINE . nu, U. . I851: " `run because of t remarkable Pin-in nf Ill nrnn ,l.0l` to m- m : homo. subset-IF E serlellbeslungi I UUIJHII LJYI-ll.) IILDZIIUIJ IlIlVVVU KICK speedily cures bronchitimsore t roast, and all throat diseases. Try it and be convinced; All druggists. , __ A--- Lu` gmnge as it may seem}, when.menoy in we it isdiicult to get yery near 11:. The world moves," says a contetppor- W. 11; nds it cheaper than_to pay rent. rational Pills are the favorite pnrgetive ma antibilioue medicine ; they are mild and ghorough. _ . V _ . LAIIY Au-nn|d n Intnnt nnvina ma: Your money or your life, demanded `Cue highvwayman. To which the author }~I`unJptIy rephod: Here it is, bound Ln calf, one dollar and 8. half. ` Written by myself. ' These are hard days for good temperance ; -:()])18'. They . can't prevent their noses` fzw-In bearing a suspicious appearance, and iv an the, thermometer V takes a drop occasionally. T v . _ --Are you made miserable by indigestion, constipation, dizziness, `los_s &ppe_tl_te, yellow skin? Shiloh : Vxtalxzer we Qosxtwe (".1l`. For sale b "John W00d3n- Bur! `nd M. J. Hamlin, ndalo. V _ _L--L...-_ 1`; pmu wnnms wnxon I 1-an wnou worm `nu. gs sandwlohod with P: Sex-Ion:- -I'hoiBott A Hamlin, Allandale. -For dyspepsia and liyer complaint vou have a printed guarantee on every bottle of {~'hi1oh`s Vitalizer. It never` fails to cure. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. o J. .01: n n - . .u u. Lunuutu, zxuuuuuu-u `.()tiicers` of the Danish 8te&!!i1; Thing mlla, report having seen the 89335839033- 12; in nrnhnhln +.I~.n.-the 'I`himrnll s oarszo \n.uu, reputh IIIIVUJ5 uuuu uuw -vur-vvw V---' 1: is probable that-the Thin alias`: oar8_ at the time consisted; mai y, Of` N0`Vh Carolina pine top whiskey. ` nu ' . I '. __--_ Q-2..-.I...O..l\n"I--_ V.-.\.-uuu: IJAIAU UV uncut:-Iv This `country lab you` `coined; -'89;00'- 000 more gold and silverhan was .1110: duced by its -mine:-... ..Thii 1oa.veI`nono fur the arts. Get your teeth lled !}0Wr for it will cost morgfby by ` ~ ' V ; .' ; 'ltIi2.L--I -Shi1oh's Catarrh Remedy-a. positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria `and canker month. For sale by John Woods,. Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. ", is she going in the .bo.thitub- ! 101' 1: W111 cont moreby mu Dy-_ * An observautgbungstolt at Mi9h|1 Strogoff" therab night ;O't'oa.tedT laughby remarking whn the vpreAniie`i' _ danseuse, Siguorini. GoIIi,. app,-l'.0d % There are men who pay` , dash {for they open in bar ~vl"O0m8j`-ljlnd Rot trusted for groceries t_ oyunqph . $9?- ? It is this systm of _ca.uh' fund orqit: thlt: ' 1_a1} drinks so cheap and `grocel I_0v '8 - ~ W :2: : I was troubled wi'i5h"ii'i' _orution '9}! NY` `Me. which was source-ot`:7oouta;n1s 110$ . J `D00 when I w h '1-0'6 ' " " -_ih"' tiifttag using tenlE1tlea_ of Avon ; in 9 umor-entir "(W ' " phd -; ryg o.; Wood. 40 Adm uez`; L'o'well,:_MaII. M It :- __2,1 .6 . . ,`..__ " "W. `xv Acuun In, wweutmul. It in-said that thousands 01:` gouge 32118 to Florida for the ilnar; ifere N9! are caught. pluokod-, 'nd..,da7Qu'ed.,_ "thorn tourists, thnuunot tliq-..}__' nl ` gutum that Florids ; u T the mater. " A: * ; ~ -? mhzm may '" .. l`l`An `I ` LL- '..___.:. 1.- ...IL'_.. biEnI`i'd`:I .o?Jh`:m; .'Wlod and refund t. December 30, 1886~.* - |1!6aImg-- . `M on of ` gh hm; R" w; J The reduction pf internelrevenue end the taking off of revenue stamps from Proprie- tpry Medicinila no -doubt lergeiy b_ene_- (ittedwthe ooqshmerg, es;y;_e_1l eer_eliey;i_n`..th_e hp_u'den'of home rn_snuf'gotu`rerI. V Fapeomly rethie the with G_tecu s:.Jug17st" V_ ; ' end_Bos chee s German Syrup, es the reduction of thirtyaix cents perdozeni has been added to increase the size of the bttlee containing these remedies; thereby giving one-fth more _nred_roine in the 75_ cent size. ` The Jwgiut. Fleweffor Dispegrsis and Liver Compleint, and? the German yrup for Gouglrend Lnn `Inna weasel-sang `kg `-mug-C aging .. uuwine yerman syrup IO! Uougn `Ina nun troubles, _ha_ye perhaps, the largest sale o any medicine: 1n the `world. The advan 3 of increeled size `of the bottles willhe great A-\v\-AA:-Ln `nu. L`nA -.:4`uId ...I'-!I:L|u..I 3:: A-no.1 I-If IllV\L|UlIlUC III U119 VVUII . 3: xncrealed the bot'?1eu'v'iT1, . :PP1'.iI.ied -by the sick ind aliolaed, in every. turn` Ant` vnlnnn in niiruui nnnnv-has Quin- UIIU HUQ CIIH CIIIJUW IHCVHI gown` and village in civilized countries. Sam- ple bottles for 10 cents remain the same size. ' . . 40 cow, may run." - T? , DA -rv--vu vsvvvvu II I-{IIII-IKVI` Ill.lIl.o "IOII are` xing it, * I suppose! ; remnrkgd-* 'I`hompson.. no that he who runs `-may road - "On tho'oont.z-M-y,"" replied Dob- aon, I am xing it othat he? who reads $0, Wl'o;y:;f'ten do are hog:-.of the _ sudden {and- fstal termination of 5 has of oroup',' when `G- young life might have been saved by the prom t use of Aycr a Cherry Peotoral. Aye e Almanac. for the new year is out. Get; one. . 1 "` Ineurenee agent--To what sitiount do "you want your building insured '3 Dutch grenger-Vhet Van dot , `eh? How high` am I to insure them? Oh, vell, so high dot-do lightnin don't donneg him down,` and broad enough take in {der barn, pig pen and do wholevbeezneee . Does your road laid to Greenville ? asked a. li`tt.lenfat mgn ajt iizlggijticket oice `I,, Worm otter: destroy but. Free. man : Worm `Powders destroy \_7Vorma,. and expel` them` from the `system. ' Dohnon erected {danger You xing it, suppers.` remarked QIJII ID IIUUCY ICU `CIT TU VII? UIUEWV 3; the Lake Shore .`<`>a.d yesterday. `KIl...I~ (3.-nnnnilln 9 innnhuul 4-In. WILD DUGIIIFU IIIUBUUUI g}reenvine, Pa.., shouted the chubby traveler. :11`? II AI, _,, , _ , l_ I IV,,.,, , !I!,, ' VI `III? G112`! KIIIWBV J-U\lI\ 'CV9IWl What Greenville 3" inquired the man who stamps tickets. ' nll`|-___.__.'_'I1- `I5. 1! .~1.-._L_.1 LL- -I.__`LL_ L GI-IIIEJLVQIIIZQ `V IIIIJII VII? \I\I \l\l VVKIJU K" Twelve Greenvllles in Pennsylvania ! gasped the fat m'a.n, his eyes hanging out lik_ev;velnuts. T ` - I 0 AI, (1 ,,,n!__ ,1 ` Iu.uv\.uvso Well, there are twelve Greenvilles in Pennsylvania. Which one do you want 1 rI`rnn`Ivn (1IIQl1YII 1I`lA :I\ pnnnnw1won;n " LIEU VVGLIIB UB0 "Yea ; one each in the Counties of Clarendon. Columbia, Montgomery, Brad-. ford, Berkea, Bucks, Indiana, La.ckawa.n- na,` Lanctster, Lebanon `and Mercer. Which one, please ?v ` nn7-n `rm 1.... .:.........: :1: 1' 1 .... ....... H VV IIIUII. UIIU, 'Jl.UODU I Well, 1'11 be durned if I know now, ' replied the fat man; `_`I guess` I ll go home and consult an a.t1as.-< .--Hackme.tack,-a. lasting and f perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. F:-gigs: bbv J_ohn Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin D Allandale. _;the youthf.u'1. bloom:l'l:l'1eV--"freshness of T health, the buoyancy ofepirits, and all that ` goes to give pleasure and contentment to a heart made happy by health? No ; not lost ` forever. There is hope for -all. For = those whose lives have been a burden. and for those who are are now grovelhng in the very elouzhsl ` of _ despondeuoy. Dr. < Pieree's' ` "Favorite Prescription will cure all chron ic ` diseases peculiar to females. `It Wlll build up the system, and restore health; strength. and "beauty." Try _ it and be donvinoed. Send ten oentsiu stamps for 1sge'iunaersa" Treatise on Diseases. Peculiar ` to Women. _ Address, Wold : Dispensary Medical Auocie ation, Buffalo. N. Y.` V, How tnuoh ll you gimme to up ` that coal?V asked the -i_5o`y*a`s-' he-1>p'ened*` the door at .the head of the stairs. Boy, come-in here a minute. ~. Now, theu',"w hy ;`(`1on , t{Qu'7.speak` oonjget Eng- lish 7' You shou d say : ,`How much will you give me to carry up that coal 1. . There is everything in using` good` language. my boy. I'll give you `tw`ent'y'-' ve cents. Is that for carrying it up in `good Eng- 'lish 2" i I `7_., l IIBII I `-Yea." V ` -Then I won t do it ! Igot thirty-ve centa`acr_oIa,the street for a small ton, and the fellor `let me chaw `terbacker and _, I___.__\__ I, nuu VHO luuvs lull swear besxdes ! '1`. Edmanaon 8: co.._ Bradford. Ont`... Dun. SIRs,--I have been troubled for tifteeu years with Liver Complaint and bleeding of the bowels, have had in attend- ance "some of_ the best medical doctors in United States and Canada. but received no benet. was given up bya prominent doctor in Barrie, and was at last induced to try some of Dr. Chase : Liver, Cure, and 1 am` thankful to say I am almost '_ outed. l have spent many dollars in other patent medicines, but to no avail, can highly recommend _ Dr. a medicine for my `complaints to any who suffer. 1 amiyonrs very truly, Michael Cassidy, Barrie, Ont. 1 &Q-:---u---- us out: oqouu (V- _..- = nu; `m.' r V. : s_ *7: % e*:*;:;g3. t,'3;,21:*.ez.f~9-4 dsders`-tA !`Bnt.m _ V fl ; , -*.!Oh:'!. . ' ` lmutt I'uks1t.hundnd* 3-Er cent. pro ._t_k'J'n iuh anywgy. ve mem_3o *I{::A _ . The Elder and the Youth. . At a -Methodist conference held net Princeton, Ind., ` recently, Presiding Elder W., 9. man of much power, was en- gaged In handling quite a. lot of-baggage, which waeeto be put on board the train. A _ 'youn licentiate preaching `in, the Elder : urge came up and remarked: Inn:-cikn L. T mnnv .I.ju.uvL 5 vucugv ucuuv up nun nvunnpnvu -- H ' if Brother W--, ._I had as many preacheuundor` my thulhb .8 ! ioufha.Ve;'_ I'd tnuke sonic of `em help vine ohwlth b ' ` : V _ . . > . ':~;..'I'3'i`:.I'.` :.`aA:..... mun`..a. V, Sonia my"-vsulsev: m ..~ w The Prelidingr Eldb:-A replied-V: Sonia of them are; yegy_g:x_;all, so,ama.u_ Iponld` putfthm in .t'hAt_;ha.n(l:,box'." And thg youxig licentiate tglla the story himself, \-lU\vLIu -..J...\..-- V- ... . , ` T-.\'hiloh s Cure wi1l'T'ie1media.tely relieve cramp, whooping cough and bronchitis. For sale by John Woods. Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allaudale. ' u 1\ - _, g_ ________1 Land -,u lvedzlo new we om. .whe`n. .-:.r_,..;,. ' ` _ . ~ One to t!vo..h<;x9I1ri11.9nra.- ordinpry QI- I D931. .911 wvoold inlhe ,hegd to.?I1o.Izl.v. , you op: be cured qr 25.oonta.,. ,.. . A~/few. Ipplioptippr will sguro > 6 ` . -.'... 33. I .` -. J` 3,` .- . W` Ode to='vo boxes wal oure~-chrome Os-g tn!-I}; V ` N .. `- f``- P'`!` I."' `{`.'z I "- 12 0 'v'\ `.. 7' r ,1, J , I! AL` H o6v; q6ii tbE"{v<:.rinI,I 0! ~Iu1nl:-e? ; a'szmaz3.', 2* t_}{g;h=vf"`!`'88'F 5 - m ..,.- `_.,. ;.r..4 6 I AI. __2._ - Jgnlgnn " 5 to know if',__ou dpn t V T}: __ s pd'I_j\1oh _Is It Lost forever" An Ivan Dozen. No Trade. 55LuA|u, A............-.-... The new French Premier is named Goblet. If he doesn t give satisfaction the government should not drop him. He should be let down easily. V `l\ 1 A, --!L!___ Li 0-nu uw cuts at "35 t, G. E. sumo, _ Gnzyrnnnnx,-_-Your medical guide end re- ome book in without exopticn one of the most complete and useful little books of the sort that 1 have ever read. Many of the recipes captained in it are worth far more than the nee you charge for 3 bottle of Dr. Chase : as1i<;rr9 A V 0" to g;: = s `in n~"aul!"'hrge'n`~. oMr."`St:li`ii; pooer was ~s. modest presentation of the subject, "which greatly interested his auditors. -`The ststements that the out- pntlot. Csnsdinn` were indicstedhy 3000 volgmes sentfrom Csneds to the Oolonisl` Exhibition 'j was with p1essed'.surprise._ Erastus 'Wimsn pre- sidpd, warm terms the. lecturer for s greet treat atforded A to the Canadian Club and its guests. . .19Y"- 7.1 ? 591' ` N -.-)a`iJ ' ric'e6 &E.'gfo"B3:'ci; 3E"n'r.' ' ind:-ska Dunialion Liver Care. I... T..- IT--.I- 'j..._....2_A. aanuulnnv Aluuuuuuu JJLVUI I &c., J no.` Woods, Vdruggiut r `UL |EIDIIlU!.VP\_lIIQl shortness, making 9.. faint jingle in his hand. ' `(IV ?n'C . II II I ' mg. uIl,l_vU'wguv.~yuuvv- ' . I . A, How is that? I said even and you have two pieces. ' `If I have my money `it : odd, said ` Phlntbroke, with`3"'uu`perior smile. Gfve me a Henry Clay. nu- vv --u-w ----' -- -- --The Rev. Geo. H. Thsyer, o_f B011!`b0D. 1nd.,-says: Both myself and mfe owe our hves to Shi1oh s Consumption Cure." For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. . 17-. 0| Lnngwor any 3 ' . _ IloGi'-o:z3r'q`.I_.nn`.oomponnd. V $`*1i"" T`F`` rnu`;8n?%"v9i a. ee n,-o nose, . o en. es 8 lghinnoozn hum. Itao.bnyst onoea"bott.le otfM031'B80 3 Lung `Com tind- " It will cure you. It contamseentire new 9 eoios. of which one dose is more 0 ectual r. an n whnln hnttln nf Hm nl time mmndiam ll VVLII vuclv gv U`vuvALv `wines. whic`lT on`; d`3- 05303553 t an a. whole bottle of the old time remedies. It isputu in 600 and $1.00 bottle. Sold by Gan- Mnn man. `Dnmn-int- 'l`r-v it- and van lilplllill 11). {W0 lpllll {LIN 006E160 $010 By Geo. Moznnan. Drugglvt. Tr it, and you I will never have reason to comp _n. Bub, what's the day, of the month I" he queried as he stopped short at the corner of Griswold and Larned streets. The lad crossed` the street without replying and stood on the curb and `look- ...I knnlp V swing `I15 DIV-A SIVVIQ V00 VII`! VII--v vuonvu nvvx ed back. _ T `.`Wha.t s the matter? I know your racket, Soon as I- tell you you'll say you ve got a. note due to- day, and want to borrow $37 to help you out. I ve got through being nancially ruined ; try the newsboy over there. I All pains or aches will be instantly removed by a few drops of Fluid Lightning applied over the affected ne.rts._ No time lost; no nauseous medicines needed: no poulticin: or using an-easy llnlments. It will not blister or discolor the skin. Sold at 26c. per bottle by Geo. Monk~ men, Drugflst. Sufferers from Neur9.1gia.- as- sure us the they never fear it when their house 1-nnul-ulna n `uni-Qln II 9111'!`!}|f.l|`I'I0 urugfnss. _ uunerers [rum 1` uuru._xK1u.- nu- never `contains `a bottle of Fluid Lightning. ;. cnmtened mm Mary. This story is told in Boston of a. man `who took his baby to a Catholic clefygman to be christened : l1\ITI_'_L . _ _ _ _ . _ _ -:.._ 1... ....`II 1.3.... 9 UU UU Ul..ll'l|IUllUI.l s . What are you going to cell him I said the priest. "Luther Calvin, answered the proud father. ` - . _ The priest was taken aback for a min- ute, but nally he exclaimed :1 Well, I will baptize him Mu-y, and you can go home and `ca11'hiu1 what you like. i T I31 !!! U$lIU Qiwvvw uvv--v.` . Coo`Ks'rowN.-`Mrs. Campbell had been troubled tor a number of years with In tion and Oonstipatio and was induced to Me- G;-.eor a Speedy me and found it all tha was 'n ed, and would recommend its use to any person similarly troubled. This invaluable re- medy is` sold in eveigofart of Canada at 50c. and :1 no mam bnttla.`- V d at Monkman s Drug During Queen Victoria s recent nine- teen days stay at Balmoral Castle, it rain- ed almost continually. When it wasn't rgzilning outside, Victoriaiwas reigning in- rsn e. ' ~ mjotly 18 sold. In avengers:-I: OI: Uanaun an ow. uuu 81.00 per bottle; d at Monkmazfs Drug Store.` A 50-10 A I`:-oo'Alv1'co. Dockd_er, . he said casually to a phyai-' cian whom he inst on the street, I ve god 3 bad-ood in my had. What would advise me to do'..? A .._I LL- .`I-.L-- 11.- -Ann-n L npdtvn l\llI&_ BQVIIB IIIU W` uuu And the doctor. who `doesn't give eome~ thiug`fo'r'nothing when he can . help it,` replied -: ' - " ur um.-.1A nvim vnn f.n'1'mvn.dozen .I"`limv:onld adviso you to `buy a dozen pocket handkerchief: and than consult a n1-nvninhnn 7 [IUVLUII ucluu phyncian. A souomme mm. During `the breaking up of winter, when the-air is chilly and the weather damp, such complaints as rheumatism, neural sore throat, . oroup, and other painful eets of sudden, cold, are prevalent. It is then that Hsgya.rd's Yellow Oil is found truly valu- able as a household remedy. . ` ' gnnxpeot a3}7hi'n"ri'"2.' ohriatmu stocking '1 ' Yep; 7 ~ ;``What? You've got a stepmother, a1'zd4tain t likely she'll giv_e T you any- A`.l_iing4.T .V , L ?0h. ye-.L -he,,l.. -She are 6 _ T pack of re-crackers and make me save `em . `(mu 'lI'nn|Il-J1` nf Jnlv I" . - 7 ' ' - ` Advantages of Natural Gas. Omaha. School-girl-I wish you lived here. . - Pittsburgh School-gir1---` `I wouldn t like to go to school here. T Why not. ` . You don t have your schools heated by natural gas. Do you '? ' A, Oh, yea ; and get a. half -holiday mmrv time a. stove explodes." The History or nnndreds. - Mr. John Morrison, of St. Anna, N.S., was so seriously slicted with a disease of the kidneys thstdropsy was devel oping and hot as of life was despsirod of. Two Burdock Blood Bitters" cured him V after _L__:_:-_._ L-.`I :.:I...I no Art Gnvui . .wh..,... you aoingz? Asked a citizen - ot 3" ng mu who > had 0 oommdroial __itl1'.ai;o! e_r dow_n`on'the sidewalk 1'>ou_ndi_'n { iisggnering V1...;.?rr: % wu the erqg . } 1>1y-'% mo;{(::}:3w Arnold's Ila;te_st The poor are very much what the rlch mgke theme" A new style of sleigh has been named` mm, Mm Laugtry. May it_ never cutter acquaintance ! .V sswhy do we keep house `I ` asks Kate fpson Clarke in the Boston Globe. We don t.t It is too expensive. A Long, pointed nger nails are in fusion. This will enable henpecked husbands to mme up to the scratch, ssusuel. '- ;..Il .'k-an `nu Q -nninlnv 'i'1nnu\t`s-pt`

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