Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 16 Dec 1886, p. 1

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`ins MAvoR}n.1'v. _ .n;.f "i;p;eI.}"'z.""e{,I.;;i 10 ' attention to the cos-.teI_-e on the sidewalk . " *; vs?i 1}oLZ}S 'i3LEzi.L1}"; L."ci.e.. wine throw paper on the oor at the post otce kindly refrain? Z I_3ri}}$Le{Lx{Eomn, Messrs.` Williams, Water-house and Bennett have been placed on the Northern Railway. . .1 'n'I,.,;`e,, __ _- -1 -_-_- 6:11 on Satnrday from Mr. Paterson, Manager of the Canadian Depart- ment of the Edinbm;Type Fonndry. V---Swift anew eho _ I at Otton Bros. . -Mocca.sins from 50cp, at W. J. Paul : A -New oriental Lace at '1`. W. Gray dc l`.n9n. ' unv Iv. V. As-ugwg For a guaranteed? Ann-aehan Mantle go to '1`. W. Gray & Co - -L_-......L 1.. LL- |Pmamm'sr:Nu1L rams. V men are looking for extensive Ialee, and lot: of cash; 1` o ` n C EL ;};he Bay again nd mud in at present at 5 discount. = _'."1>'r3tS .Vv'i;3; 3&3 mus s.1v..eaon Army barracks last Monday night. There was as blow. but no cyclone. I11 II n 1 0 11., `II U`! no 1-. `anti. say -Our over-shoes are lo cheapest in the town, W. J; Paul. - -l4adles Cashmere llose at 35c., 40.," 50c., and 75e. at T. W. Gray at 001:. _ --The Square ' n Home V coal stove, Double Heater, ta}: ' 1: lead every time. ~ nu I : ,, ,, __I_l____L_J nu- .-In consequence ent of zhevresent squire. I Immune to To the Ratepayers` of Bar Lumzei no Gaunt: Ngnzhe contempl xted reti vnr HnnI`V.'S8WI'BY. L-R. A,~Step`nena Z . are lling beauti- ful silk handkerchi r 250., regular price zn- \IC'- - - -The' largest, oh V , and best assorted stock of (ants furnish , at R. A. Stephens LIV- L1'1<}yX1` ma. chi did considerable work on Tueadsy evenmg. 1'I_._,_#,I_-,, LI , `II ,;L!,L _,- _S_--.___.___ an wit`-nu. U! \IVr'-U -Men 9 long felt bo# for $2. 00 and $2 25, at W. J. Paul's. H vvvn -Just 'recelved-W<-$6] `Caps. A'lV`nq.ues. and Tam 0 $hantorp gt '1`. W. Grayalc I'V1n9- _ 7 '1-.':i*}:E;Q' ";?u}'"1b;Ized ;5.,. slippers iuatto and, at W. J. _Pau1 s. i 1.. --. vv `(vb ' 2501 3519-9 5000` 60009 1| l- - 1 A '4 um. I 00%. ' -i-Go and inspect t if gzercoan from $5.00 llvl ' ulul-| QIIU IIUIIIIQIIW A; Stephens & Oo. _._ I n 9 ~,, ', _,L - J J` i51ib1i`}o}?)"z35.`;-f(;'?"3x'xxY1`i'aT6x35r:?33K' 'iii6o5i`:. am. P ba 1 Wm Lotte ot Adnmtr gion 8.1?! Gtlgag-dianslglp obtaraed. _Mon6VL V Offices- Next door to Dr. Bamako : qg1P. Dhlnn U! want nnwin UIIIIIW 03 `I V -1`; W. Gr: 6: C095. Piuehee are the cheapest. As the prices ofthcm. ' -da B. CromptoAnA.& co : large re-ord ' black and colored French wool d , at worth 35c. 'tbI0o. ~ to-day. ' ~ o. nn`l\ , 1,__ 1.--- L- _--L--_._ L`L-..l...~-L- rnnvgorig-5s;J*w;`a% .` 66:; '_1vmon- .` Vx_1:o_v, . 1- E, wgt_Io',>(F._.SomorI, Jumanhsll.) .n..-I 'n:..:.:;.m_:1 liilhu- nhn'II,' n `RhnI(I'inn';' sou`. . --Ladies Machine! Knit 1109520-c. ` 250:9 3000, 35-9 4C: 8.` Tu, W. ` 0:39.- N-:ince we had thaw Thought Ringo frbm Otton Bros. our 0 has been thagppy place. - - I! X. . 6 -n._n 13..-- -2 2.... ..4I.... ..-..... ......m A t fav'oru and woujd a some in the futnfe ry best. to all who ta. - -hipkngny customers -soliit a oontinuuuc ofv -ind promxsqa to d he . -may favor him wi thei _ ; La.:-go` spacial ' ;M`:;s suits and ove bverooats oellinght [sale price, E..B. . :Boyn suits and about regular whole` 11 & Go's. ~' ,A,,,_ In 9,L,--___ __j P,-:'I;`ull lines of fur ntleb, _ caps. caa. dolmans and dolmane choose from, at A. DA.-_|.-..- I. ['14 London, iarqe mantle and dress ornaments, buttons &c;, at E. B. Cramp- ton &ACo s _. __. _. ' - _. - -_.,,,_- __-; 4a.- -` -It e ilwa s the ceee "M '""" Iyivnemaa and "that by far the we euppoae ways wxll lam-`goat, cheapest and resents is to be fou at Freemen e Crystal toms. Thie aooorm _ seen every market day Vat the Went End. , ___I IZAJ I_I__I_ -..j --`I-..-.I from England, st i:wan1an'c think they `you went into V Goods Warehouse. seen in toivn`. """- """J ----" --a .-- --v -- ~- ~ -v~-- 8'Very speolsl ' oiblsok and colored Rhsdsmee and M llenx at 25 A per ' cent less than snythin the tnde, just taened . Orompton. & e. -.-Hard times, hard 1:` es, nonsezjse. You reached Barrie" If en's Toy ' and Fancy They certainly hive "lowest prices we OI tI_1e_ greatest 'vsri to go or "UCIIIIUIIT, I3. 'VVllllll_'U, `Ho,-DUIIIIIUII, V. ULpIUu-uq, '2nd `Divisiok-jI.Manhull, O. Sholdioe,` :M. `Holmes, P. ,W1ll9tto, D. Brown, .W. Walton, S. _Orowe. 3_r_d Division-L. 2 Field-, 1 M. Samara (G1 Marshall. VW.. Holmee), Mu. 'Bibb.', `Jv McKoe.- 4th Division-'-(H. Bgnnqht, Field). V. G31y9`..F. J.0hn' non, E, Brown. 5th Division.--B. Eindl9y, .8;-zshirlook`. 1% .K,nny. :19.-is Bhiaeks: 4` ' > -L;I 11-`--- L-_"A- G.ncrcAL SERVA wanted. Apgly to won: the middle of mud. ROBERT PSON; Mary treat, TRAYEI) onto the I-amines of the anb- 1 scriber. Lot 19. . 4'. Medonto. on or 4 tober. three yoa.rlings.V my steers and one eifer. The owner can we them by provl property and as In ex- nges,0lh('l'W180 th will beuold. ATR UK E.mumALD. 5052 `pg '_\lOIl\-vvu Q I --_ .:;::--Th a arm ,1? " .f1;;;if;;3=:.beeh1' `known forthehst. ht . iy:;:k a '-:`'?. 9'5: n~....2;.~w;; .?12t; _..4.;'._La- -In latest novelties, for maV ma g;...g ;sjr':9..;mf juit' i'q >;r.a.. - an ,_,:n_..I `III..- `nu, `-f:':-Iiavg I In rlSolvfo2ilLIa.S.` . window, if not, atop d _Ho.i.I -, an VI ' "cnaT:e;-'"3?"":.oo.1'T" "'7" --`-The bay is open again like spring, V-.-There. was 3 big mu-ket last Sstnrday. --`Large quantities of beef and pork coming ad th A y 3. 0 hi pf ntlei plmane 4 _& . _ `largo asortmeixt O n , MB. A. Stephens The Kelly concert. The concert at the _'l`own Hall on Friday evening under the auspices of the Congrega- tional Church was a very _enjoyable a'air. The Hall was pretty well lled and many of our music-loving citizens were there. There is no need of our saying anything about Mr. Charles Kelly's singing, as we have said on previous occasions all that is necessary. His voice seemed to us to have lost nothing of its wer and melodious tone since he was last fore a Barrie audience, though some thought there was a tallin off in the middle tones Mr. Sims Richa s has a voice of wide compass and well under control, except when in the higher notes, where more labor ap- pears to be required than is comfortable to the singer or pleasant to the listener. Mr. Richards. however. holds a" high position as a tenor. and the encores which called him back testified to the power he has over his audience. Miss Ella Ryckman has a voice of exceeding sweetness and wide compass, and the higher notes are evolved without any apparent eort. Her appearance on the sta e is entirely free from anything like the eel -assertive, and she has not yet risen to the full height of the power she possesses. The character of the music has much to do with a vooslist s success. High-toned com- positions. full of diicult passages, may test the skill of the singer and the instrumental performer and elicit applause from a few, but such music cannot reach the popular heart like the simple ballad and the plain- tive lvric We ventureto say that an oc- casional little thing such as the Sweet By and Bye,, if sung as Miss Ryckman could sing it, would `be received with rapturous applause because it could -not fail to touch a sympathetic chord in every heart. Mr I('ov in than `IIIIIIII nmnn nf `kn nnnsnnnu HYIIIPBUIIBFIO 0110? In evury H885`. I Mr. Fax is the funny man of the company i and we 1 sustained the role he assumes; \ The uproarious way he was recalled upon 3 every appearance demonstrates that people i are innitely more fond of fun than of senti- ment, and that the majority 20 to entertain`- ments to be amused, rather than to be in- structed, or rened by the classic in music, or song, or literature. \ I n 1 n muzr 2n'si>mnIon1cALs. I01 DH} .ect"l tioin. ainsu-on to church. About 80 members of Southampton Lodge of the S. O. E. and members of the Barrie St. George's Society met at the Lodge Boom last Sunady morning. and marched to Trinity Chiirch, where an admirable sermrn was Breached to them by Rev. William Reiner. The text on which the sermon was based was Ecclesiastes, 9th Chap. and 10th verse : "Whatsoever thy hand ndeth to do. do it with thy might." The speaker indicated that much of the civilization and culture of this latter part of the nineteenth century are due to the efforts of men who have handed themselves together for good and worthy ob- -jects. He iustanced the missionary spirit of the church -in spreading over the world the light of Christian truth, which lies at the `basis of all that is and true and to chari- table in the world. The her traced `the history and objects of the one or England Society, `from its establishment `I2 years ago at Toronto, till now.-; Ilmeioquent terms the .Rev.- speahei-`emphasized the importance .of loyalty to God and His Church, to the Queen and to our country, of the dignity of `labor, of the importance of handing together to accomplish whatindividual. effort is. un- able to do. He urged all to work with all their might in lift'ing`]up hfumanity-, relieving "distress, andsboveall to do ' whatever the hand ndeth to do in advancing the kingdom of the Master. _ The diseoursewas eloquent and eminently practical. K At its close `I the National Anthem was-sun in a way which showed that it was felt. he line of `march `was then taken up Collier Streetto Mulcas- ter, thenceto Dunlap Street to the lodge j -an-u unbunn-lsn be-nlzhnan nfbnu n `An! I-As. } .I!aV6l_Ilng 1 ruyer. A 81" um` BOYVICB Wll UUll- ` rmation Studies on Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m. \ Service of Song. Frida ya at. 7 p.m. Conference for Bible Study same evening at 7.45 p.m.. sub- . eat: The International S. 8. Lessons In Reve- nhlnn What oAMan'a Disposition has to do yvith petting. on in the World." Evening subjevtz Some thoughts about Friendship. Sunday School and Adult. Bibleoclaee at 3 p. In. Evan ical Mission Service at 8.15 pm. after Even ng Prayer. A at- ilar service with Con- nnntinn Studies: on Wadnnnllnvn at. 730 mm. KI , UIIUIIUU WU .IlIlllIIl.I DJIIUUU UU Ill? lvuv room, when the brethren. after a. few re- marks by [President Dudley, quietly dis- persed to their homes; Alli`. Lllvllli Iuauuvlu. VII IJIACLIUJ 11]. avwu eenumber of cattle sometime ago and spent a { good deal of time innnnting for them with- Iotitleneoess. He advertised, but obtained no-intelligence of them. They were Loci- -dentally found looked up in. a barn on a _:!:ce. belonging to Mr. Sanders, about `a mile -n Lug nnnilinnnn Inluann kill? `OI IICB. Deluuglug Lu J-I113 upuuuo, nuvuu an Iuuu '?Y0ln hm residence, where the had been for two weeks without either ood or drink; irn ,, t,___j LL-.. _---- All .11.... I...` -...-3-u;.nJ lWhen found they were all alive but reduc FWD WBUKII wuuuuu IllIvIll=l- Luvu In usnun-I d to. more skeletons. Among them wee` a valuible cow. which had dropped acelf about lve days before the discovery. 80 terribly eiiieciated in this poor animal that her re- covery is doubtful. The parties guilt; of this endish act are capable of committing "almost any crime and ought to be iin`"t1:e Provincial Penitentisry. _ m. t` fth B. 0.71. held in the Paro:h&eS`?logl Htmae, Friday Dec. 10th, _.._. ...-.._-_I._I.I-p nun`! nbnmnc` V Tn nnlnknb VITOCIIIII DUIIUUI Lluuuv, rneuol you Lvvu, wee remnrkeply well attended The nnmbet of members In now about one hundred and fifteen and in until] increasing. The pro- ` `mine for the bet meeting was as follovie: yum, by B. 0. H. ; reading, Mu-y Fletcher ; .rec;tet`ion,Et.hel Smart`; 3010 (vocal) , Clara Rutherford; reading, May Wriht; recite- Gggoie Freemen ;thyInn, y B. 0. E. `I ,, __-,II _ l__Ij L- __-._._-__ umces- Next door t Dunlop Su-eet, Barrie. '?::: -tion.. Glynis ; hym_ Rutherford; reading, May Wrignt; recita- The next meatingwill be held to-marrow, Dec. 17th, 3 In-ge_sttendAnceia particularly izqnpstgdg as it wnll be the last meeting till tor Nw Years : Day. ' ' ` ` f . /rnox.oatngr1'mI - S ~`Th'le'ather ttndin booming so well` that `Mr: `W H. 01-'03:` foinid it ngcesaary to `re- _ ova oiogdqwn town so as to utilize the `accent th ttnnery, which had been-= used .33. oiopiutrnlhaw room, for a cnrriei-'5 room. | l~`o oioe ininow on Dunlap street in Moore's , hndfm thcntore adjoininmsre to: be _f0IilI(:fI::;0Itl `of: leathar ogdlgiwhe the .teu:. `; pumlleluans ors, 0;.pI'0.05I3 oi: The. ent6'Pfi1 d5P,'! by must ngoessanly resplt in -- nan.- BIIOOOII. 1 ` ` aromponnoo.` " .,. A. Diviaion of Sons of Temppnnce vyaa thiitown on Tuesday OVGIIWS . ll! . . 'l'p`\s,"$_gl1n;Aa_, Grand Ohsplnn of the Order. 'a:.._- .....a.. nmimi rm-v fnvonhla 's.}Hl1n,na, o divu1on"' S. Holhp, __G1-jsnd Umplun 9: mo uruer. open: under very favorable 8 number of the leading man inmates bury Hall: on no the work of- uo. All who ` , * lnljrou thowurhaninvitod to he Mr. Thomas Sanders, of Shn:t; Bay. iost .........L;._ I`: and-Glg nnnnnang nun ant` nvuanl-. n nuaotnopo. II II 7' nus uuuwa vvuv, no Hausa) an I. uuuau JIIUEG It is very interesting to watch the order of sale, and mark the varied expressions that it in rapid succession over the countenance of each purchaser, as a much coveted article waits the third and last time before pass- ing nally into the eager one s possession ; and upon consulting my watch, I was sur- prised to find that my. few minutes had drifted into an hour, and that tea time had nearly arrived. The only safeguard against indulging in too extensive shopping in Toronto just now, is either to remain at home, or else hove one : ptitse there; for really the temptation to i purchase is so great that the strongest of op- posing resolutions falter and `give way befom it. II--`_ LL- __-L .-__--I, II,_..__. All... 11)--.. -2 XMASPRESENTSE For the past week Messrs. Allen Bros. of King Street West, have been oonjnring money -out of many pockets, by a daily notion of their lovely stock of plated were. china. ' bronzee, jewellry and etc. These gentlemen are well established dealers. and their goods are entirely of the best clue. Vnnfnnrinh `Inn-inn Q `:11 avenue: UII,.I|I|`Aa g y Within an hour he had of a dinner set, a solitaire diamond ring, a gold braclet, a heavily plated pudding dish, two plush dressing cases, a dozen plated spoons. and a pair of majulica sugar bowels in a dainty silver stand. u...a .: 51.....- -..4.:..1..- ._..-- --|.: --_.-:A-_ \AK`IIl U Ell V VI 3VZI4I\l Most of these aricles were sold consider- sbly under cost, as nearly as I could judge. It ill van: intnrnnna fn wnfph flu: n-vhn AF l The richest and daingest book out this year for children is entitled Romid the Clock." A copy was placed in my hands a few hours ago, and I could scarcely with-' draw my. eyes fnom its enchanting pages. It in antts-,n nn nftnr than ntuln nf Mu. Vnl-a unarv u:J,oJcu IIUIJJ ll-0 cuuuauuug P3865. It is gotten up after the style of the v Kute Greenaway books. but is much superior in quality. The paper in heavy and has a. fine satin finish, thg type is clear and graceful in fnrm- '.\II III: Each page contains some choice little stanzas, not beyond the comprehension of little folk. yet full of quaint fancies. The opposite page is devoted to illustration of the baby poem, and herein lies the chief charmeof the book. All the s`kill`of the painter has been exercised to render each illustration agem, and the result is perteo~ hon.` ' ` v . ~ ' f _______ _-._-l -..._ ,1 ., I -:1 D "Ia.`:`;er'I1'y"Y. 'aI;I. E'JJ'3a"r"u.:'3'c;. u my disposal, I dropped into their estsbliulh ment to watch the proceedings. Ana 1-nnIu`nnII|ou| Inhn manning `A LA IIICHU UV VUCTII UIIC PIUUTCIIIIIK Ladies And gentlemen. who uneemed to be `rpresentntlyes of Toronto ! prosperity, were seated on tofu, indulging in low easy chit- chnt concerning the goods offered for sale. nn 1 nu-nlnnnn nanny-or` afoul` nfnn OLA Ag]; UIIQU UUIIIVUI lullll UIIV UUIID UILCIZI SUI UCJ 8 On a. crimson covered stand stood the':ele- brsted snctioneer Coolicsn of North-West fnme. He is s portly gentlemsnly looking man, of middle age, with an easy voice and pleasant manners ; but none of the bnifoone:-_y that is usually considered an essentinl of his profession. w;Hn an `anus: En La.` A:nnnn-gt` `I Q I never saw` `sweeter child faces, more dainty chubby child gures, or more graceful ehiid attitudes, while the harmonious blend- ing `of color in the accessories, give a richness of tone to the whole. 13-4. . _ . . _ . _ _-_u___ -1 - ;a,, ,' n JEWE LLEr;v;z vvwnu vs any uuvlvwly lululoutu VIII. Too'good for little folks Jo`; say ? mu, porlitps so ; but fathers and mothers and the world of grown up folk in general will find that O pep through this volume will brush away the cobwebs, and bring out the sun- shine of many amused smile. moo Things to `roam: tho Bun-'l.'ho Toronto council and tho moonno -__ _A A__ VI IRIIIC UII VII? VVLIIKICI Each group .is'vI?orthy of 3 01,1 th wall of any choicely furnished room. ~ A " `. l`l'|l\'l!t\t\(. ID `l\`l.rn ., unuu (anti 9 TILJ! SILVER WARE AND DIAIONDS A1.` AUCTION. That was 3 live meeting of the Council this week, when the license quest on came up for discussion. The gallery of the Council Chamber was filled with ladies and gentlemen who werelinterested in the matter, _and the debate was anger and protracted Thu nvnnhwn r'.nnnnnN~d-,nn Add not nnnn:t`A|o- |8TELLA 8 mum Lama: CIIK RIO IICXIU `Vi WI DIIII IVUICUUCU The Executive Committee dig not consider it advisable nt the present time to submit these by laws for the reduction of licenaee,u1d increase of duty upon the some-,to the citizen; as there` have been no comparatively recent amendments in the liquor laws; And in spite of the strong temperance. party present, both in the ullery and on the floor, their recom- men tion was eccepted. V Wu -Iyvnnnfhznn Invulfk `kn vsunnnnfnun A` `kn IIIVIJIJCUIVI-I IV 33 CUUC FUUVIC We sympathize with the promoters of the by-laws, but cannot help seeing that the onclusion arrived at by the Executive wan wine one.. 7! I2_,__ _ __A ..,l.,. 1- I. _ _, "`,, :, Al , If licenses" are reduced` too rapidly in the .preaent_phue of the temperance question the owners thereof will simply becomes tonaive monopolista. _ I (Inn I-novunnnannn `I-:nnJn nun annlnnn `ni- XIIUI V V ll-I\lI-Illllllllro Onr temperance friende are zealous, let them be also discreet, and as `surely as the sun shines inthe heavens, their cause--the cause of immunity and of God- shall win. `'5 ...-... ..--I.. .....\...u.-... k.-.R...... `G1... ..I........ -6 .-.1 Toronto. on lh- '8th day 6! Deeenlber. `\E_s]Sg[26_ [5/lartho. Am-. beloved wife of .7110, M. N955, aged 29 years, Qmouths and 23 dab) s. . GAN,.-On the 7th Deo.. 1886. at the residence rson-in-law. Rev. Dr. Cur , Port Petr . Mary. aged 70,` rel ct of the la, e mam. A. F`_. Morgan. of H, M. 97th Roe. and Col.ofMil1t1a.. Goderich. also daughter of Jame, Talliston. M. D.. London. England. gnd mother of-Mrs. Holmes. Bsrrle. \' `LLEAU.--At Bax-me, on Dec. nth." Jet. Infant son of Annie and Georze E. Valleau. .....a three months and seven days. I { "i`Ev2'."2'3i'"n3.-'.1?I.`g"f5Z;Ti.Tax'u' of the report was adopted and the Council ad- `VIII R350 A number of ladies remained till the close ; a token of the deep interest with which the women of Toronto regard 3 qneation so nearly affecting home life and happiness. J nut before closing my goui for the week, let me tall my lady readers. 0 an especially novel and duinty wedding gxft brought to `me for inspootnon not lone ago. "A an : isnnhinn nf ORA aHnnnC>_:uA l":I`I'IAII_ `IIIU [Ur uulllvuluvu nun sung uau. `A sofs cushion, of the diminutive dimen- sions now considered a la mode. The cover- ing of . plush, of deepest. richest crimson shsde, with the words A_ breath of summer" embroidered in old gold letters of rustic form, upon the surfsoe. ` ~ ~ A npnniifs-s1 nsvynrlsnnnh-sn Ranch Anihrlanrnd or , uywu hung uunuuv. Egracoful ovorhan bogix eugbroidored also in old gold, comp eted the deslgn- TITO-V Cg nnru fr-an:-uni: I nah" `\Anr`;a nvnr I130 in out gulu, uulupxcuc um u . |.`It` is very fragrant, Iusaid, bend ; over -it to examine the lettering more c ooely. "How did you perfume it so nicely 2"` (GT0 :n 5-"Ina 1:545`: vnn nnnnn " Ell th "now (nu. you punuulc u. nu uuzcny -. It is llgd with pine cones, was the reply._ `Then the peculiar tness of the in- lscriptwn,-dawnod upon ma. and I thought the prqtty `hfancym hfappily c6ncgived.i and .chuI_:inqly,car ri`e`d out.` ` -I '. -`?S'rnLu. ~=-"1'osoueq.Deo. loch. - -_ . a __ h` ;A4. -.'._,,, _# UK WWV @v --nlv v-:---_-w- The 0011 ' to _Institu1_:9 Glee Club will give 3 (intro entertainment at the Insti- tute room: to morrowsetenjng. ` `It will .con- sist of colon, duohrand qnartettee, vocal and inatgnmontu], .aVnd-also ,rep_dings and. recita- tiohI.; The chnir will be takdn by Mi`. H. B.~ 8-o'cIook,`snd 1 most-nnjoyoblo hoi1r'di'tv`r6 wili `be uyent =bv thou _`who~ nttqnd. The udminiidn dnlf'10 ch} V , W, _ ,,_-__A 444 ||.v s -, uses. theiwise TZGERALD. `$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCI amen: corms. nvl onus. at tie cqnol'nt,6_- I... n..n...:.o- Innoionom {1Inn`(`.Inh :- -- --v '0 ouvuynv Ila `vocab. Cf """ "W8 mmutnlswtil ILII - T'(iliL (NU lil`I`iC M ED (uy HOUR} OH DtLl'UI\' ;)AY,2e;1lll\l.RC":ind after bein judired, m be sold by auct' 1 to the highest idder for .:z.1ah, the owner have the right of one bid. Nos. 5, 6, 7 oand7'8, are to be at the Market Square, (byenoq) on the LAST SATURDAY in JANUAH 1887. No one com ting van take first will u \'o's. 5 and 7. No. .. 10. ll Ind ' 12, are to b "at the.'l`own HallhBarri.e (by noon) of e sxcconn sur Run` in JANUAR-`(E 1887. N05. 9 and loare to be made Try farme 3 daughters, unmarried and under the age 30_ years. All animals or articles must bcreutered one week prior to date of ludgmg, with Mr eMilne. Market Clerk. Barrie ; name and post. olce to be given, All animals must have been property of competitor on 1st December. 1886, and at time of Judging. No entrance fee. - - An uwnv-fhznrnnnf mill nnnnnr in "I"nv-nnfn '"'"""_r. Mmhndist P-rao M V E 351836. Mr. wx_11:a...""}~..1`1'_'`,`,`," `}; Hannah Jackson. ml of Inniam. _ g`g1'[IRUP-'-SWAIN.--At Barri on th 8th! `, ` bm'1*::g'i2:;;g;`:.:;-=~:*.:=..'::'*~..: "-mW'*5 =`3`v~ Egan or Flee. ' ' of the Town` 1 - I =.`-'` II: Barrie, Dec, 15th. 1886. , ,_,_.__._-......_. .. ..__._..._ Vrhelvolumes of the BAZAR basin with the -~..... u.....r..... om. nf nnnh vmr. When no We have 3 large Itook bf ` 3 `SILVER-PLATED was kiln aswsujm tochoose from. A1 we Itill , ; totheprinciploof Iollinlt ` -......-.. ______ __,_______"_ __;-_"i_'_`._ J` %' .bi6F--i`-l;E- .8'lJ_il;'lIghi7E eI;i'80:'g' N 03513-' :73 :.f..`3{.`. . i`?.5 %tra`3"`?.3.3.' .69 Adin um.-a.? A. FREQ: 1ss7.% %f I-IARPER s BAZ I LLUSVT ._.._.__ __...-.._......__.._ _`pRl /Ac:-I FOR THE FARMERS AND 0'l`HIx`.1iB. w V ' II . oicest liters.-I ` .:.te'.~t fashions and the most us 4-2. Its stories. poems. and e best writers and its humoro_ surpassed. `Its papers on s -mm: ive art. house-keeping :ookery. etc.. make it ind household. lts beautit pattern-sheet supplement many times the cost of y bein Lselr own dressmakers; ot a. `no is admltte to its columns that con `shook the most fast!- )1 '1 -one taste. . 3! ys are y the `sketches are un- _ al etiquette. de all its branches. ensabte in eve ftashlon-plates an able Mdies to save .-----:"' _,,... `RAL srcavu lE}?m_ SI infant 01 Anna: uuu ueurue n. _v aged three and day 9. to Miss xum, ship or VOL. I ` _ L I T. , A . n.uuus'rm soIa:!g,1'l'0R or! TFN3:nnnn comm gi-ootor.` 01817:] I mu- 1..- n._4... -2- n............I _nInu\nQ nnvdvnllnr` Xx`:-nino'and be ..-..r N A DVERTISEMENT8. -- `Ir CU!'."F.,.,I.`{_F{[',q `Mia a's:vv:BI.:IIlI.; :2: >1 % norrnwnm. 31.005. nnmn, ;-JAcKso_N.--Hyvthe Rev. W. Thorn- `, Mathndxst P-raona e St:-oud. Deo.; 1336, Wllliallu 01011. to M153 ,4. Yanlrnnn ..`:l nf Tnnlnl xxv N 50. w ' guxorcx. Wcsnmx. P:-out-ietox-.0 entrance fee. . . An advertisement will appear m Toronto "papers advising show ot fut cattle, and so In- uuce outside buyers to be present. I :__,_. Married. ,, :1, - ;_._.1`N--- I . IDDLIE VI 1 UKUIJ :3 below :- eer. Cow` or. stat . - - - . o - - u. Igi-."Cow o_r" (,..`........... :1` Lattinb. cad and dr ad am: (1 sad, 2m IfP0!'kl med ne':i' Mex : -only to farm: . us. 1, 2 8 and at lhv nnnn\ nu . ;;"a:"imss. Ap Tlyrto ` PQON; Marv tram; VIII! Good roses the slssri:_or': civulsatien ` ` _Ba.rrIeGoneg1ete'greundsreterred_ 5 . `-9",`? PY"- - . ' ` T10 first lectureof_ the wintar. course of lectures, at the Mechanics Institute, was` delivered last Thnrsdey. night. In the absence of Judge Boys. Rev. J. A. .Wa'ker, B. ,A., occupied thechair. The lecture was entitled Some aspects of our civilization, and contained much that was interesting and suggestive. One of the aspects mentioned was the narrow, parsimonious spirit, exhibit. ed in educational and municipal affairs Another was the road-building spirit. ` This is emphatically a road-building age. and the measure of the progress which civilization has made in any country can be determined `III n`-`A 1;` :6- -A-An ML` g--._:2--_A amide ifiy 36633}; oiiamiai i3tS}3:}aiiS by the state of its roads. The magnicent. Ends II` th Dnvnnnn mama ntnmnna in _- VBIICVU III II IVCIIUI LII` IIIDKIIIII-ill` 3 VII roads of the Roman: were referred to as Inarkingthe high degree of civilization in- the Roman Emgire. Another feature is the idea that the uevil can be abolished by resolution. and man's appetite controlled by Act of Parliament. ,3 This idea wan combatted by the speaker. ` " ` V Annhun `nII`l\DQ Inna `Ln `ail-Lou lnnnnlalsaa`. IKILLVZLIJLLV CWQIJ it ' no \ ear (52 Numbers) lo oo HANDY SERIES, One Year v - a . . o - - IOOIOICOIIV I I o - ........15w LU `ll It: `Free to all subscribers in the United ll Iouv DlIVBU|e ' ' Another feature was the bitter personal- .atyle of modern part politics, the tendency cf which was bad. - he lecture ecintillated -_- -__I A.I__;__ _:A.L I._..__.._ ___L_,_. _._,| VI VVIIIUII VCU V590 LIIU IVVIHIU IUIIIIOIIIQUUU here and there with humor, poetrv and quotations from Ruskin. Carlyle and Uarle- ton. and allusion was made to the elegantly" kept grounds of our Collegiate Institute, the . excellent condition of our sidewalks. and the encouragement to taste and aesthetmism in the town, with cattle as free commoners. Sly Scotch humor gleamed from the speaker's eye when these allusions were made. A hearty vote of thanks was given to the rev. uentleman at the close. We regret that a larger audience was not there to listen to this well prepared and instructive lecture. ' Oakley Park Farm. It is a pleasure to those who are fond of" contemplating beauty in stock occasionally to visit Oakley Park Farm. This farm, as most of our readers know, is -the property of D Alton McCarthy, Esq ,:M. P. It consists of about'res of the best land, and in the] svstem of cultivation, the character of the farm buildings, the neatness and method observable everywhere. renders it a model establishment and reflects great credit on Mr. McLarty, the genial and `obliging manager. There. are upon -the farm some 42 head of Durham cattle, anumber of them imported, and to the stock connoiseur is worth a journey of many miles to see. The imported `bull, Sir Louis, and the cows. Queen of Trumps and Heliotrope, are in all` points as near perfection as "they - make them. `Twin calves. the ohpring of the cow Rosanna, are perfect beauties. and would be worthy the pencil of a Canadian Laudseer. 'I`lnn do-ml: nf nhnnn nnnnintn nf nhnnt nirtv an. 1).. ncuzon on ntuxznss xx . nnucunoxag. IHEGHANIGS msmnm LE6TIIRE.~ UU 'VUl'|Il.l IIIIU PUIJUII Ul G Unuwuauu Jauuuusvau The (lock of sheep consists of about sixty Shropshire Downs, and as ne a one as can be found in a day : travel---the pink of the flock bearing the poetic name of Beauty Soot. Just step this" way, said the Manager, . I want to show you something " Your reporter followed. his guide to one of the side pens. There, said Mr. MoLarty,_ "what do you think of` that eight T . There was a Berkshire sow giving nourishment to eight little Berkshires from the -natural fountain; Not being very enthusiastic in susology, our reply was `that the family seemed to he a very nice one and that the sucklings appeared to be enjoying themselves. Why man," said our friend. "that is_ . McCarthy's grand idea of animal hesutv. e never tires of looking at that pig and her little ones. He takes more notice of Fairy Belle than of all theother `animals on the farm? We fear our reporter : apparent lack of appreciation of Fairy Belle s ne points greatly damaged his reputation as a pig critic in the eyes ofour friend. In that mm: were 17 tine Berkshire nins `tot ' . Lw .- ".2 .=:%7'3'.":3n3'u3?.?`.,`f.L%.%`n |%pb-{ponoqon6V9* ** " % ilioto _`in'oou,..9tion.`With mu .lic.aI `Io`rvic: b in (n-inc-% Chin-oh" geug, 8pooInl,8orv1ooIa;tVOiLr`lI"t. cnur9n.n.,m. - -AA urietpf _.illqlIrt6d'- lectnri 6n- the Tnbernaoleivill Be -given, A'(D. V.) .by yhe begiqning Snpday Jin'.2. `I887, at .l5 p In. after `evoni;IIg'p1f.ay0_i'..`h; tho'i)l`1uxjol!. -fly thd dvbxit 6! union umoen dump; the - - of __....... ; mnmu .."i`,,,.'.. 1,. pl Cl'l_lil0 1!] F116 aye: Ul UI`ll.` aucuu. . - n the" pens were 17 hue Berkshire pigs and 8 Suolke, a number of them being im- ported animals and the rest their Aoifsprinq. ' Do you see that patch yonder of eight acres 1 Well, we gathered from that nearly 7.000 bushels of roots, and we have a couple a thousand bushels of wheat to dispose o` when the expected war in Europe runs up the price. nu-1-11 11.. 11.1 ...L.. ......- 1.-.... - `......A..l '1 K10` volumes 01' I6 BAZAR DBKIII vvuu one mt, Number for J anuary of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receip of order. Bound Volumes or Hem-1':n's Bezm. tor- tor three years back. in neat, cloth binding. will be sent. by mail. po or d` or by express. free or expenae( rovid e I ht does not grfecd one do _r per volume), or 07 00 per 0 ume. ` Cloth Cases. for each volume. euitsble for bzndin . will bd sent by mail. poltpdd. 03 N` ceimo 31 00 each. Re ma 11 Id be made byPoItO ob" M.9n' m3{~ 3n-age. tosvoid chances of on. 17............... ..... M: In mm this adeertieemenl A few days ago 3 large Newfoundland dog, was eeento jump ooneol theulipe in town end Irina out to. the. Iniddle of the buy. When there he Ivmn at in one direction and then Another el if in teach of none- thing.-, Thie ewixning-feet wee" done on en entirely independent eoele. u there was no one etxthoi-ig,wh9n9 -':im`lP1;1:d,~in. "---- --- -. nn . A v A Q hmg, one Iiulg I,!l[)_WIlU\Il_.IgIv u-uuu-. ..... .. _, I . . -_~ not-Many boat on the buy at the time. _Whatlgc}` the ihimsl 'weqt' to the other side olf;1'..tW>'|10:d.,9I', was picked by by sf yacht wh'-'c`n shortly after` crossed the bay, our =_:-_...-...a ......m ...mm11_ ` " U118 pncu. ` Well. Mr. Mc-Lu-ty, you` have n model farm here; magnicent stock, ne buildings and everything in tip-top style, but does it pay for the capital invested ?" F Nam vnn um tnllzina; hnnnnnn thnhin (ma. WHO` lnomy IIUUF UIIIII informant could not `tell. p. `D IUCI IIIVTVUII C 1:I:>rv;;':>; eyre te1king.- because thatia one of the main points which will induce A man to farm. -Of course large sums have been paid out for etock and permanent improve- ments, and there has not been time for much profit to come in yet, but it in beginning to return some of the money expended. It cannot help paying in the future. um. um 0-AIR thnf: A lllnhn I-nnnrtnr hm OIDIIOIE nexp plying us out: unsure. We are told that n_ Globe reporter has` been in townwritinc up 1te industries and other matters of interest; of course he has been here, - we remarked. A unfna, no.2 " unit` than Mnnnaar- but no 06011 new, Wu lrvulntnvu. Not yet," said the Manager. but no doubt he will be here, for no one who comes to describe thing: about Bun-iooan afford to go away `without seeing Oakley `Park and its I.....L3..- 9! away In uutiea." : .g-n-a--0?."`'-"j n,n_..-::.I. I',`l_ H Al (1 5- ~ -* _. z ow} 9--Best pair Knitted W _llen Men`: . \ Su(-,ksa,lst. . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . 3001 `.C-IesI. pair Knitted - ollen Men's 7 N Sooku. 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 00 1.---He2sL Furranb Loaf. 3 3. or over. (noi - -1(`8(1,)lBt.........'.. ` - . - o u . ncaaltc Ina: '.L-}lea.Vicsl.2 doz, He `ggs, lat . . . . . .. .' `- 2 00 Above prizes are 0 "only farmers. All aninmls compelingi 1 4. are to `man (he Harrie M et (by noon) on SATUR-. IHV zenith M .\R(`. Jnnd nftnr I-mino iuon, THE` WTEREBTS 01" BARBIE. Tum dovrrnr or smoon: AND THE nounnox or CANADA out .GR1'1`ERION. RRARRIE, COUNTYOF SIMCOE, ON'_1`ARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16,h1$86. In contrast with" t.hwe':orthern'wind in the previous week that covered our bay with ice, rprevailirgg southern wind in the past week so tempe . _ free of I00, and-sailing boats were out on Saturday. The cold wave of the `previous the air that the bay is again` week extended over the Sunday following,- vmakiug that day's temperature two below zero, the lowest in last week. the increasing each night to thirty-ve on Saturday V-mean 17 ,or10 above that of previous week. The revailing amount of cloud each day redue the sunshine more eothan the tem rature which ranged from thirty-.fou_r on , ednesday, to fty-three on Monday and Saturda , amean daily warmth of 44 , auayerage o 34 for the week, with an extreme 1;-`ange of_2 below up to 53. The previous we`e'k sf average was 22. Wednes-- dav s extreme range was 14, and the revious Sunday 50. ' P ` TBA :l\a:n.`I'a\nA A` `kn `a-moan-nine: manna - fair audience, but not as large as thereshould _Britain s great oratnr was undergoing critical under its inuence. ' Mr.` Lloyd's aper- `attentively listened to, .and at T the" close the Barrie Literary society. . 7 .Mr. A J. Lloyd read a paper before the Literary Society on Tuesday evening on William Ewart Gladstone There was a have been when the life and character of analysis. The paper was well written and contained many eloquent and beautiful passages- The speaker's standpoint was that of an admirer of the great Home Rule advocate, and therefore to a certain extent it lacked -the impartial. judicial character which such a paper should possess. Weag-e all aptto be daszled by such talents as M _ Gladstone possesses, and areliable to losesight of dangerous doctrines when advocatod in ' the "brilliant phraseology of `the polished orator. The man who can invest the dry de- tails of a budget speech with-an interest equal to a delightful romance, will be likely to make some people forget that while he is talking patriotic sentiment he is loosening` the links which unite an empire. Brilliant oratory is dangerous in a statesman, as" it fre'qu en'tly blinds the mental eyes of those` possessed more` than ordinary merit an was reader was greeted with warm applause. M- `I ...-no. Dun-uh: wan lms: nritin nnrl trnvel. Return tickets at tingle fare between all stations on it: line, Dec. 25th, 1888, ood no return till Dec.` 97th, 1886. and {on an. Int, 1887, good to return till Jun. 3rd, 1887, V and nature and one third,` Dec. 23rd. 24th, Ind 25th, and Dec. 30th snd 31st, and `Jan. m, 1887.` good to return em Jan. 4th, 1887. | p;nn1a',uo3ox.oaxcAn anpbnr. I_.`qr the 49th Week Daooinlmf mu KIIIIBIQJ UVJ _ The daily indications of the barometer were high figures inthe prevailing-southern wind, and ranged from 29-25 to 26-46in., the range in the previous week being 28-80 to 29 60. in lrnorthern wind. We got no precipitation during the past week, bet the eniel stmoe here dissolved all the snow 0 the groan the ice from the bay. and deprived us of hoth skating andvsleighing that came so welcome in the previous week. A nnnhnnhn Il':I|(' -n-nnn:`n:d in R Anna BU VIVAUUIIIV LII UIIU IJIUVIUHU WUVQQ A sonthern wind; revniled in 6 days. northern 2,, veering . every dsy and E, 1 day. These daily winds were calm and light breezes, none of the waves exceeding 2-`10ths. ' WA: an` sInr'ush:nn on R (`guru in I-kn O-A1-,3` IIICVIAUB. IIUIIU UI UIIU WOVUI UAUUUIIIIIS `lV|llIUo We got sunshine in 6 days to` the total amount of 30 hours, from a possible 6314 of sunshine in the week. ` fthe contempt ueu reu yor, Hem-y,tSew rey. offer myself for the no eno of H18 DFEIGDU squire. purnose to sutfrsgea to place mo in comma election. ation for that position. 1 reuuer was grguwu Wlllu warn: upyanuny. Mr. James Purvxs was the critic and `criticised the paper, its style, matter`, `and the manner of reading it at some length. Criticisms were offered also by Messrs. J. T. Lennox, Courtlandt, Hearn,=_Spron1, Hay and the President, and 9. reply by Mr. Lloyd brought this very interesting meeting to 5' ll` ll and P1-elentntlon ; Laat Frida.y Mr.nSteele Principal of the Barrie Model School, wna met in the model room by the twenty-uneven students now in traimnz and presented him with an easy chair and the following nddress. T To Mn. Swnnnn. Dun Sm,-"As we are about toiseveij "our conneotion as teacher, and Itudenta, we do not wish to leave without tendering to you our heartfelt gratitude, for the kindly way in which you have dealt with us during this term. ` i :17. L--- ;1_}___ 1-..-) ._-__ __:n:.._ 1.- MW; have nlvtvaya found you willing` to assist 1n unravelling the diionltiel that arose {rein time to time. ' V - __ __-__ |_-_- 1.--- _ _--.i 3._-L......L-.. -_.`I _lI'UIII UIILIU IR) uluc. To us you have been 5 good instructor, and 8 true friend, keeping theseefectn in view, we wish to present you with this chair, as a. slight token of the regard felt by the model students-ef the year 1886. ` . V Tn hu that: it uni ha a nhannnvvn 315 nflmr uouuuuuu ul. Duo `yuan 100v. = We feel that it will be 3 leasure in after yearsto look back tothiu term. ` 'l`.'.naI>.inn that unnr rlnvn nf nnnfnlrmnn mnv yllltl IOU LUUI UWUI UV IIIIII UVIII-lo ` Trusting that your days of usefulness may 1 be proldnged, and wishing you every success ,x_ _z_____1_ __-_._`.. h2._.__.l -..i In WHO l.llUl.ll'Ve ` I We remain sincerely your -3. Signed on behalf of the Barrie Model Students. J. L. Garvin ; H. Lennox ; J. McLeod. - Qtgnlg `II nndnhin QIII` UIl'Vu;| ; n. lauuux ; d. aauuvuu. . Mr. Steele replied in suitable terms and expressed the-hope that each student would enoceed in the important work in whioh they were about to engage. His best wishes went with them` for their future prosperity. , IA Illn IBIIICUUIIQ rinnguuuu -g Shortly_.,before `midnight last "Thursday night some young fellow: tried to enter. 3 house in the eastern part of the town. They tried -the futeninge of the-`front door, but, `being disturbed by the occupants, who had not yetretired, they run uwsy.,. Whuttheir object we: in not known, but it in . a pretty dunger9uI;.eIperi1neut.whn.V'v.. may: -have been the _zuot'u_r,e...u the owne_r.fe%1g,' that he would he wlsotlv in-tied in his 9:609 mam: m!nu`d.,'.?" with his . The followln Prizes are offered Mr. JOHN A. :71` R A H Y. (Bank of To:-on . arrie) subject to conditions V N0. ' ' _ . ' on \--I"atteat Ox. Steer. Cow or. iter, _ grudeylatl-`rlze......,......._. 1600 ` 2.-- `am-st. ux. Steer. Cow o_r elter. (xmde)2udP11zc..;.......... . 500 3-}*`all 1at_. '. 800. _ u u . u 2n H 2-~HcAvie8t. Pig, dead ed, lat . T 3 00 6-Ho u\'i~-sL_l :g, Llrfld 2nd. 2 00 1-Heaviest load 0f1 0}'k. `I, . . . Z00?` k A tumor ; attached to s`w::;n wnt .t%2~39.sp -Td. -lonu011irl'**99 J y-can ; everul poisons hnddan Itbemiit fto "Ito ' them , `js failed; Whod`thon-cached Bbygl It:-1 thy, turned narth__ `and were lent to view. Whei'uqbonu`thgx:n_oq. ou(1od'"wo cannot nay. ` ItuoInoi!uifth' ` rqbonttoreoohuqtoblp A-om~v|a*r9Tocs' t.Y4 = Aih`nt'-t'iiulYa":`ic . little ~~thr`ee year on boy, vmomivtng men jam.` Bell ;of.-; tliin `mug, U mnma. A A -mangle ~ 4- which caused Ifgood u!` sdf .: u_;x1ety.- :'1`hex little fellow : digestive powers were not autoigny strong to produqg and the nail was oonnoquoimy spglied to it: `I--._u.:_...u... -4.. ,_ Vllllb Ulliqlnn av: in-was -----.w r. v-`v___'- Bnuu: Mdnn. Scnoon, Dec. 10. 1886. !.g;1:`(Ii':2`::3ll1la,.pork and sansgges now at -R. A. Stephetis lead the trade in dress goods. ' ' --For Knitted Cluondn or Shawls go to Tu W0 & C0. 1. ' I --Ready made sui` r 00, at R. A. Stephens & Co. WW ` - - --Sti-lped Trimming Satin for 50. at To W0 & 00,-0 I ' I am: 1-,,,nn nn _...'| on hz b ;--A little snow on Monday night, bnt. no Ileighing. ` V` on Tneaday night, but not enough for Ileighing. - -- - -v----' - - v-: '---_Remember the Biptist anniversary net-vices, next Sunday and `Monday night. _ A,,I L- __-__ !i.9!1ey UNI?!` 01' UPI. IOIVOIII cannula Us lull-. Newspapers are not to cnpy Mia adurtioemau when: the .czpIu_ order 0/ Burn 3 Bum mm:-1. ` Address 11 ARPER. an BROTHERS, Novk>Yo_I%2

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