. Unsafe . A M I never feel safe to be without Ha.gyard s A Yellow 011; for sore thmats, colds, swollen glands, &c., it has not failed to give relief, and,forA my chiliren_jt_e`is so_ea.sy to adminAia~ ter. Mrs. Henry Dobbs. Berridale, P. 0., f:.a9cmng amt. * - 0||ildl.`.ll...Olli: 0IIei| rl'uIllIL.I,IId Whfllb worms. Anro.,thp`,_anIlI,`o... _=vL.u.w!_o ..,Wor,m. Syrup uloiyoxpch 2 ,. V V-VII V `II ! 5l\' I\J .Y"|I `"57 Iv ' Little boy (eem".g" better)--I lost it pltching pennies, noauyuu uUu|L_y our vvuv Yes ;.but oeople couldn't hug to - their `music, you know. - g 4 mouear settmig. . Among the cur1ub|tjeii%if"thd` Oharles- ton` e`a.rthqu,ake_ was thphkiug u? a. p'iec~ of-`land aboulreight feetiquut;e;"(u `which; wad g1-o's'vi`n`g 3 large peabhee which : was sham sixteen feet hiuh. It weut.'_ldowu'-i pemxly` `perijend1cvI|a.r3,` and V `~-the -~ 'mp'= D-1-uoti'e I' were heft. 7-` Vj `gut eveii Tth ` the`? ':>-.:~ nuv-;u g.aJ|U_wll I V _- Brow-_n'---Yes, I passed their house the other day, and had a chat with old Smith. , Jo-nes-How.are they doing T Brown-"fyvery poorly, l mAa1frai . June: --Ind`eed! .a What makes `you thinkao '3" . V . Z . to . . Bvown-We1l they ; have just ' got another dog !" ' A V WJUI `I35 II-IC [HI I Ii"\-lI.I|l I Uncle Rutu;`w(:v`i't:i1 dignity)-Kase -1'99 too proud to beg. sah. -tego-Q---_.j._ I The Too Pievlous candidate. And what. haveA..9.t._l named the baBy'? T` inquired a suave candidate of a. father - upon whom'he wdas-caellingp J"Nothing. was the_a.nswe1,'. V _ Ah, family name, I presume, mur- mured the candidate` approviugly, ' as he patted the cheek of the young constit.Vu- T entm . _ . ; > " ' ` ..,` ' * 3` A`-fourfold Work. 9 V Burdock Blood Banners acts at the same time upon the liver, the bowels. the kidneys and We bkin.}3:relieving or curing H in every case." Warranted aatlsfaotory or money re-~ ......l...I 1 -Customer--,.IjIuw'8.|-his}. %Y0t} ch8-1'33 mo" vaen cguts aipoundl 9; a_u2I u`:-_ . ." ,` `;ju`pp.'_-+7-"lI;"s yvqglh ghat, lsu n1U . `A `V. . |l8!'0lI1S'."f,`Y$ lr!.;3v'?!! y<;u,_9a~.v 91.1 hal. placard fSm.z:rWa.;D,9Wu-_* = .. ._'. - C1.-.. :u:.u-'__._'Avx d nrrif. ill. llll`. I keen It , . 2, f.'I1 R9hi9?%;?Dand#9,i` . 'C1`9;I1_0.the 8C%1P3W!.! BI'!fs'_ 146% ? 13 M`a`gi'c:. Su]_p_hu't;_-_ opp. ,2} u_iigtm`u`-1_ mdiatd jump 01; `tlig _to1le . A Ma;nma."_ asked little Carrie Vone day, can you tell me what part: "of Heaven peuplevlfva in who are good but not agreeable '1 vv . 1 _1,_n .1..- :.. `!.1:L.... UDUV f'uncied.'N . % 1'60 Much out Good Thing. ; ' First-M__;lktnan-.-"Isn't. this beastly, wet weather `_3" - . . 4 Second Milkman-qIt makes me tired, LFirut~ Mnlkman-`-%"Ib u. been raining four ozrsve days now. ; . _ X. Q........'..-I n.|:n.......'.._Hv... and um wnlenr tSag:;r1Y,& ag,,_1,;':wu._* ` __ - .GfQ9.'":".`A!1:8F{"r,!3. I.m'- Ikeep it In, &h0..9U&.3' 9`. ,w;A?;'::;s-i.'1'- ` -2; .1; :- - '9 _ J fried. A proty girl",u waitingvon mm; :`o.`_A_h."->he auidw he`i'_.- u 7, he selected "the condiments from the caster, have you any wished-you-were-here-sauce 1" Certainly, she replied, and sittmg down she ordered enough stuff to put. 31 50 extra into .the?oo`n`ro of the society. Be an non ha never an In... .. ....-.--. ~ The men who put ten bullets in succession 9 inside `vhe osreumference of 3 Milwaukee girl's nger ring, at fteen paces. was a pretty good shot, but he wasn't half so wise as theblinus man who put ten of Dr. l'Ierce s "Pleasant Purgstive Pellets" into his system in five days, and on, the sixth walked ten miles `just because he felt so well. If your blood is out of order, if you feel low-spirvted and `blue, you will `nd these Litt1e.Liver P-llsjust what - you need. A Sign of Poverty. . `Jones`-.-Haw. you seen the Smiths latgly,.B:-om, 3. , % .........' u1r__ 1-_A,, 5 .1 ." g V. -uu aura mm me-counts of the society. He say; now he never did like. a. saucy girl. ` . ...` to Reii6e`:an"1i'n81' .'thn r|:x-`l`]Al'I.MVlIE|"l Mother: Take Notice. VIIQIJCUJ I1 I BI -Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is ' sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con- Iumptlnu. For sale by John Woods, Barriq, and M. J. Hamlin." Allandale. ' L ` - Found It Again. . . rlvu '1`HE%*NOIu2ImRl ANANCE .1. `v.._,..--0. -cg, .4... v as... -uuuuuuv n Condensed advertisemc-nts on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost. and Found. F.t.c.. Etc.. must be a.c'compu.ni_ed with the cash. and will be inserted-Fh-st msertion. 2 cents her wurd. ea.ch"subsequent insertion, 1 cent per Property for Sale or to Rent. Specic Articles, i word (names. addr. s_ses. and gure.~a counted gs words); bu a. retlucmon to 1 cent per word w1l1 . be made when the number of insertions of the | faame nmtter exceed FOUR. - ' "'"_l.'w:1ii.Eoua;' " ' 2 nouns WEST or nus annma uom. V... `V _---V '7:-nvnov `guys: vnnv vw yum nvonvvv aunao T ` Adverlisersvwill not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regular business; Shnuld they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement - NEXT noon To BANK or cnmusncz .. --.. -- rs- vvnlvc Iunnvilo` * .6 Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one third un above rates. l`-his rule will be strictly carried out. . CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice e of intentnon to change advertisements must be nanded in to the olce not later than Saturday-at 10 o c1ock,4and the copy for such chanue must be in the ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday. in any week ; otherwise the advertiser's ann0u' cement may n`ot`be made public until the week following. A J-vn.n..n_n ---III .....t I... ..II...-....I 5.. --..- ;L_2__ DRUGS._`l;;i'E$I;f 1;hE715I6IN7E, DYE STUFFS; SOAPS, COMBS, "- AND BRUSHES. use:-non or me same matte . , Legal. Oicial. and Government advertise mu-nts will be charged atabove rates. cow TRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at the following rates which are drafted on correct commercial principles, and. as they will be at:-ictly adhered to in making new contracts -sfter present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all : All druggista. _ f West s C(:ugh Syrupinstautly relieves arid` speedily cures bronchitis, sore throat, and all thumb diseases. Try it` and be convinced. ` anomm MONKMAN; cHAEMIST_ !_(\kr_l[]__" _nzauems1. ..'."..`,.i':T L"J ii `J-5;" ,,i.3' . .- :t'1=-:c E_.C)TJ',G1'J'=35.KJ=`-.'I`55. To all points Emmaandeieita-:un V0 '<`=- 9???--.9?-e::*J,*P}:`B;. ,1 ;- | . .-;G,Al!:T:,~.SMH:Il.r . l'\ , _ _ , _ -_ g _, _. `r n. my II? t)_... o o - - oI|I.onI0l|II 1} Inches .......... .. -' annvuvw I o n u c o o n u o u o 5 Inches, } Column.. l0 Inches. 1 Column :0 -Inches, 1. Column `For one month--the three monthly rate with 15 per cent. added. `For two months--the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. ran n_-n..__-.u __-_g.g__- ,-._ AL. __,_,.,I ,,,-u I, : Norunarnxz N0rtH3W9`$1iB1` hicensed `Auctioneer for the` Cduntyuor ' " "Simcne` ` - Oi-d`1-is lft; a.t the, ADVANGI: nmce `wm`he` bI"0`Inply` atande_d- to. aim! InfoI"Ihut`idn'1'vill,he` furnish;-.d martian requiring: M r.A Fond. u sqrsziqew. .. 1-,hn`nu.h In. had. himnelt .hen..r-n.nnult'od.; fumtshgm martian requmnx w- r. ,r um u Hurylnuu . um. `though he; had,._ himself hm mnanlted. plea taken h),p1V-logs ymit everybody. ' I Inns NORTHEMI Anvauos Anvmhmtntna n.vrmsz_ " - `IT. U'?._ '.'-'*""`. ,"" .'\_'_.V'._I"vZ: ' ADVERTISING mums. 1` _' E The Kdvnnce has a sworn Clrculutliih, ol Thlrten Hundred and Twenty Copies, Almost, if not quife. double th at of any other Paper published in Barrie. b Uunvnnnanna anoum) Non: 'rm`s rAc'r.`' (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch)._ -For lame back, side orchest, use Shiloh`: Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by John Woods, _Ba.rrie, and M. J. Hamlm, Allaudale. TRANBILNT ADVERTISEMENTS. 1. First insertion. I0 cents per line. Each hub ` so uent insertinn. 4 cents {er line . endinrr nnlinnn In npntu nun Hint: fnr y-at ha- u.wv auunsunvu. -u ucuur pcl uuo JBDIJII BIIU IA se"uent l1ne_ ending notices. 10 cents ner line for rst in- aertiop: 5 cents per line for each subsequent_ nnsertnon of the same matte I90!!! nnfn` ant` llntvnvunwnn-`O lIACI1\'aQa\- V 2 EUIKN .._..-u_ --.-n. -10-- _~-_n.-- .4 .' rausonrrrxoxs CA'RI;fFU.LLY domrouxnnn; "31---r - -- --.v-.-.--~ 5+ uo|_:q.-Il=1'+~N s_-oi;-.3 i .- ` nnlop st... Rune. 'rdILE'r AR.TICLES-A FULL LINE. BELL Ge1vh out Czmscs-tlxc Stoximch and iioxvls to be- come disordered, and the whole >systemT ito sulfa: from debility. In all such cases Ayer s Pills give prompt relief. After much suffering from Liver and Stomach t.r_oub1es,,I have nally been- cured` by taking A_yer s Catlyartic Pills. I always nd them prompt and thorough in their action, and their occa.siona.l use keeps me in a wrfectly healthy condi- tion. - lialph \ ecman, Annapolis, Md. "`_..,,__L__ L`... ,,,_ A _._ `I .___l!__._..I 2..-... -~.--- --_-r-- . - ..v------, -_-..---.`.__--., .__-_. Twenty-ve years ago I su"ered from a torpid liver, which was restored to healthy action by taking Ayer s Pills. Since that time I have never been with- out them. They regulate the bowels, assist digestion, and increase the appe- tite, more surely than any other megli-' eine..- Pa.ul4Churchil1, Haverhill, Mass. ualvvhnvtv a It as cnunted a dull day .in Editor Geurge W. Child's sanctum whenwo `or three offil.-era do not come around seek-i ing the man. - ' ' V " .. . 3_.`_._-_'-_-- -_;a 13..-- 1031`; Qt_:_INN.. .:- .~AgvqtJ.~48c -N`. Rs..:,;, J General? Passenger -Agen0w:_: 9-x * .- -.B,CI`'1'i%`_'. -' 2'`? " ` '`'.,f:. ` 1. J I . .. -,.=`.'., .- UTVITTIIIIIZZU I know of no remedy equal to Ayer s Pills for Stomach and Liver disorders. I sufferedfrom a. Torpid Liver, and Dys- pepsia, for eighteen months. My skin was yellow, and my ton ue coated. I had no appetite, suifere from Head- ache, was pale and emaciated. A few A boxes of Aye'r's Pills, taken in moderate doses, restored me to erfect health.-- \Va.l Miles, Oberlin, hio. two`: _I___ p, ,_-`A v v1l\~\r .v.-....., V ~..-----, '.-_-- Ay_er s Pills are a. superior family medicine. They strengthen and invig- orate, the digestive organs, create an appetite, and remove the horrible de- pression and (lespondem-y resultin from Liver Complaint. I. have use these Pills, in my family, for years, and they never fail to give entire satisfac- tion. -- Otto Montgomery, Oshkosh, \Vis. I . ' V gr-lcgnrcd by Dr. J. C. Aycr & CQ.,Lowcll , Mass. 0 bv all Dmimlnts and Dealers in Medicine; Prcgnrcd b)7Dr. J. C. Co., Lowcli, 801 by nll.Drugglats and Dealrs in Medicine." No. of Inche Space. % R- A $'!!99ish..liver Ayer;s Pills, vn-nr` Mu T}! .7 A \'III' R (".n__ ` CONDENSED ADVER'l`ISn.MEN'l`8.' tug IIIU Illllllu ' ` ` ` ` I I < --Will you suB'er from dyspepsia and liver complaiut? Shiloh : Vitaslnzeru guaranteed to cure vou. For Sale by John 'w00d3o` Barrie, dud M. J. Hamlin, Allandalo. __ -L--I A 03.11 solicited for all kinds 0: ' ii'\ii' BER? Ei5}'L -. -0 ..... ...\.......`I.. Anna` 4.. One I Inser t.1_on. I DHGANS 175 (Int; 111.33! uons. (3 mos) 111581" tions. (timns) i|s 2508 400i na- Paxcn ma A pupl;r tree was recently cut down ` near New`Middletnwn, Ind, that meas- ured twenty-8t`VHn feet. in circumference. . n. v 1 .1 to 1` 13073 2500 U5 moo Ih 861'- fin-an 3s=soo .. A- 62 lnser- . . tions. b (1 yr.) (A11 trains unless otherwise spenied arrive and depart: from U nion Station. '1 oronto). DEPAR'l`UR.ES.--Gning West. St. Lows Ex- reas at *8 10 a..m.; Pacic Express, 1.05 p.m.; xpress, 4 15 p.111. Going Ea.st.-- Limited Express, 8.25 a. m.; Mixed (for Havelock and intermediate points). 4 25 p.m.; Montreal Express, `8.00 p.m. Anl)l'vAI .R_.F'rnrn the Ii`.su:t_Qt. Lnnin EYHPAQE N `gangs -5-.` -at 9 zo p. m.; xuuutrezu nxureau, 'o.Uu D.m. ARRlVAL8--From the East.--St. Louis Express *8,30 a..m.; Mixed (from Havelock and interme diate stations). 11 50 a.m.: Toronto Express. 9 45 Y\ITI_ ll#r:om the West.-T.imited - Express. 8.45 a.m.: Atiantio Exnress 5.05 p.m.: Montreal Express. 8.15 p.m.; Mixed 11.20. - Qt Lnnin Rrnnmn, Limitnd Flint-nan, Mnntrnnl 6.10 p.m.; ivuxeu .ll..'4U. St Louis Express. Limited Express, Montreal Exnress and Pacific Express. marked ` rnn daily including Sunday. 1'. 9. AND 3. DIVISION. (.`.ax-dwell Junction -Going North-9 07 8.30 p.m. Going Sonth-9.07 a.m.: 6.30 sun`. 0. V. R. DIVISION Inglevfood Jun tion.-Going North 10.18 3.111.: 6.29 11.111. Going South 9.23 a. m.; 6.17 p.n.I. nTT?QT`T-Il\T VV [J n V `Barrie. Sept.1. 1885. CARRIAGE MAKERS. BLACKSMITHT AND MILL sur- PLIES A SPECIALTY. uunnuu, uuu HA; vs an.-uu--...-, ------------ Emerson was immensely practical- llm umtatora should remembpr .`t`h_'at 2 he never thought so much the ff0fV_9_Ij78M(_)tnl{ q as to lorget the _over-shoe- v ;~I_-an '."`3_.* 1" T..a , McALLISTER, STORY & CO Y. BANAIMAN PAUFIB RAILWAY. ONTARIO DIVISION. VERY one that has seen the I. F. and H. A. Singer Sewing Machine pronounces it the best. sewing machine in America. for all sorts of work. heavy or light. and easiest operated. simplicity of construction. noiseless in its mo- tion, and can be run up to _2000 stitches per n inute.` Our agent Mr. William Campbell. has just sold eleven machines in the past two weeks. and says its the gem! mervt- 0! the ma.- ohine. above all oth rs. that makes it so easily sold. Int nding pur-rhusers .~ hnuld call at our nice. next dour to J. J. Brown's. and examine the best machine. - ' W. W. ELLIS, melee ana eye glasses. . y . _ Th eee Spectacles and Eye Glaseea have been used fort ie last -5 years. and -givenin every instance unbounded satisfac inn.` They are the best in the world. They never tire. and lest many years withuu, change. ; .; Head the followiu g t.e:I,1monial ;~ ' - I have great p geauugin certifying that! ha ve worn Spectacles manufa.cLured by Frank Lazarueforineen .reao`s.r.-and. they excel an others I->hav,e,useg1_l[ I clvernese of vision and ease while`. winimr` i`~n-adings Janna GUI)- lMEY., A.H_, Rene.--inmnnbent Tnnity Uhurch.. Wolfe Island; __ " " ' ` .' ` For sale by 3.,-J;:H;BNDERS0N..-' . . = 49-48 Hargweye Merchant. Barrie .r;.\;s1.'-!;;`: Just received ditect from Belgium two consignments of Glass. including Plain indow Glass, Figured Glass. Col- ored Glass, Plate Glass. Prices very low. Paints, Paint Oils, Varnishes full stock at bottom prices. Bu luers Hardware, full line at bottom prices. Harvest Tools, the best goods in `the market at rock bottom prices. `3!*J.A.JE..!`!!9 W.`\F.99. !.W9'?K3 By weeri the only Frank Lazarus (Late of the firm o Lazarus 8: Morris) renowned spec- taclea and eye glasses. , M I`h nan Qnm-jzanlpn and Eva Gianna` have hman 1liF;A33U1NB.3.WY.V | ` _` I.).;N_IA.&}M`UI{CHY, Inspector. |Dfe:7QUnlN8 I-'Io'rm.. Bluum. " ` la :,j4; HARDWARE 2 - The nltlvst ;nha.bit.ant of Rock Island is dead. His mum: was Isaac Church, and he was 100 years and 9 months old. 20.000 Iiis. amaan FENCE WIRE, at manufacturers prices. 0 i ."."?" -"'..> - :-"'1. .- e on-mu :4 mt.lnf,_-1'src%a4 'btiI'6e.'uil`o' "b'v roi-8 5r_o0".Iix`t'_IqirI`I'. m..~m`mk a-`Poi-o|no'.5 in ~ M " Umou. IEIII Into an vwu-nu t.ho`baiilo3`Poroun'r'.* - . _ 1 tI1V9._:_lt\f) 9),gL.l&tb. r- 7: j T : H8V9']i"i`?Fl{_AiI1creaseI their stock to meet the wants of their 11 u m eruus"`*uQ_.to me; 5, jmEs13avufY0URs1uHT| EASILY SOLD! _1UbhUWl`u 1VIrr1.u\mu rnlnvxa pun. sn.le.--Sinf Lot? xn nth con.;~Inni`s`I`; ' } 62:12 N. E. p:1;nn*rrn Veep:-a.;'l} 23 in 1st pun . 01-0. A pgvg 3\y;a_ll;be,. sold Ollurfidlly tcrms as; 6N,=!`iT`-, xippty to .1 0,: B00 rt-.1. V " -5..-:.'_-";_5n~i'-1obd.~' '%;- Ha cool 1 .. n..)1o.(..a I VII uuu `TI _--c- . I " `X3: PRt)\; M 15AMS FOR: sn.le.--Q} of Lot? ML!-_con.;M-Ir_u'3is_`!_1IA`; 4' III 5 Blfiflllliuut J VSe`bt.'2`I.' 1386: Barrie. March 13th. 1886. u-Hvv vaunw vv-- ..-_ WS'La r)'at>r Hawiey Eu,;land ox is more Wclpbhiiitynabre Tyau some men He had prbbably with Mr. Hour, of Mmaiihungtim .L T`-vi; J`. VALLEA5, 3 Han} `I 199% Tlnbn La. STKNDARD 1Fa'!`??ff W9 -` BAFlRV*&. HENRY. MANUFACTURERS. |\ I k M CUT l`l<`.RS AND SLEIGHS Wholesale and Retail Hardware, . One Door West of the Queen's Hotel, Barrie. MAIN LINE. ' ,usTE_I3,_s'|foRv 3. 00., 4vstr ' BARBIE [CU I11` 1-3` "\_` '5 \J""'["`4`_'\-"` 9.1 5'55! vL,V-Inll!` ilc \\'\.'.-twu Vu~laTc-nn. 'l`ia~- {nan Mm expressed his opinion. at a mix. con'xL-mi-un says he will send` it `by it fraught uumn next. time. l`h.- iuurul uf the Tnlden will clontest` is I l `O . . * tn enlmr die prmr or leave no Will. Most of mm will adypt tlm fnrluel` course an nu . | 1-. . n1'\ I91 nu I_J.&.3\.l, { '1`lcketAzent. ` Mnuann. II, VIII. Bra `foyi-d "15-t: ma um: GIANT wnuou. Which they are nuw manufacturing, having purchased the right fur the same, and chew condently assert "that. iris THE BEST genral purpose wagon in [Jun ....-. ...I...4- ___.__ ......,, the market. They desire to draw public attention to ov\.a-ua.... 9--new: ..'_-~ ___ Leeve Barrie at 11.03 a-.'n'x.. 83 9.11 Arrive at.Penetengulshene.1.35 p.m.. 10.45 p.m. A GOING SOUTH. Leave Penetanguishene M. 6.15 a.m.. 2.45 p.m Arrives: Barrie 7.23 a.m.. 5.07 pan -. :` " b I --(Iatanh outed health and "V993 _j BPcur'd, by SInloh"s Qatarrh emdY-38?: F 60 cents Nasal _A,,.l_[:]3_0U()l`_Af;!'S9- N " Jnhn Woods, _1.far_'Igf. aad ;'.M.-.N.:.L V 4`- Allztllclzale. in , 1 ' aiderable expense mcreaseu mu Uluuug unnu- uea and is now prepared to don lax-gar business than ever. ._ V . B.R!=`-AD I . ` V 9. - - - }`rou;'t11`e'V`V:st;or-a.ll pdidta in . New Brunswick, Nova scotla, Prlnoo Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. All the popular sea. bathinst. shing and plea.- sure resorts of Canada are along this line. nllmnn mum lanvinrr Rnntrnnl nn Mnnnv an DUIDLF Ill uunaua. anu (I18 W CBCCTH EEHTGJ. Tickets may be obtained and also information about the route and about freight. and passen- ger rates from _ ROBERT B. MOODIE. - Western Freight and Passenger A em, 93 Rossin H ouae Block. York st.. ' `oronto. ' D. POTTING EH. I hinf Qnnorinfnnnnt Bracebridge . .... . . A r at Grav enhuv st. Dep. Gravenhurst. . Lea.veun111u,.. .. .. Arrive at Barrie. . .` have Hamilton at An-iv; at `Barrie. (I l\I'\ GOING SOUTH i CXLIIVCIU AJUIACIVQ -" Leave Barrie at 7.07 Ajfxjive g_1gn}ilton _ 11 40 s - '1`;-`~' inn` Yois r'e Rh-rie for Torot Made in the various styles and quality the but _ - De1hrexdd in all Darts of the town. Arrive at Ori1lia.. .1 A r at Gravenhurst. Dep. Gruvenhurst. .B1u0ubl'idg'6.. . . . . .. Huntsvllle . . . . . . .. -. - Sundridge . . . . . . . 4 North Bay . . . . . . . . .1 l1l\`I \' Lave North Bay. ` Sundridge . . . . . . . ` Huutavxueji ...... . . fund I`. !Ila.- lIl,.|l basal. I-n\n x. can Inowu .' ,`Po.cio anc1_.1;\1:_lgsn1ic Expyesa Trains.` Sleepipg Cu_ra attached. 7 V Ticket Agguntzg--Yon don't expect thdse twu bnvn to go nu one t1c.et?" She---Of cuursu I (in. ` Ic_ u a Lwm. Chm.-\\VurI1'l, 111., is prnud of one of its ginz.-Ins, who. at the age of mnety, is out.- tingz her third But of teeth. \'\'nr'n'S oft;-n destroyichildren, but Free: m~m`.= \\'mm Paw-{era destroy Vvnrms, and .;;;,..1 H); m _Irum tl1uTsyst'.mn. A (1 -ii: (: mrzxining 3162 pieces of ca,l ma i :t` ml In-t-In cnunplet.ed by Mrs. Mat- . x\- . _ .1` \I.. L. m...... in the past. begs P0 zmte j / Inn. gthe`.p61ie.ot.Barr`ie` alrlnd vicinjty : A ml tron 6 bestowed upon him for the be pa _ dg _ ,t;hu.t_he hag at con- `3.`}.9`;`3.`3.`?.`3. `23.?.iZ$3;?3oTnabm'31-"u? .' I uun: rcuurlu Ul uuuuuu are along Inls une. k ullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday. Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax. and on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday to St. John. N_.B.. without chance. ' (nan nnnnonfinnu nxon ulr Dnint T nu-uh. u-ILL auuu. n_.D.. wlunuuu uuuulze. Close connections made at Point Levis with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company : ateamerl from Montreal, and at Levin with the North Shore Railway. I1`.lncrnnI'_ rannlnnn Dnllrnnn hnat and -sunk- DHUFU ICBII W8! Elegaut first-clues. Pullman buffet. and amok- insz cars on all through trams. Wirf.-nlnn rnfroshmnnt I-nnmn At nnnvnminnt MIX GUYS UK! 1111 unruugn CFEIHU. First-class refreshment rooms at convenient distances. mpomizs Ann EXPORTERS will nd it advantageous to use this route. as it s is the quickest in point of time. and 1116 rates; are as low as-by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast soecial trains. and exper- ; ience has proved the intercolonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all nointn in Canada and the Western States. Tinlrnta Innv Kn nhtuinnri and nlnn inlnn-nnnfh-Ln u. rul. Lxnulbn. T L hief Superintendent. Railway Olce. Moncton. N.B.. May 26. 1885. AIMO In-ave Toronto. . . . . 8.10. V Arr. at Barrie. .11.27.. A!` at Collimzwood 12 35. r\t\O`11` r\l\'1tIuu: A.M. AJII. R` M. Leavecollingwood 6.00.... 8.20.... 3.30 Le_aveBarrje.......7.25....10.17.... 4.42.... 2.6! ` a.m. , p.m. An-iveut Toront.o..1o.`20.... 1.50.... 7.45....6.0l MUSKOKA BRANC`-H-G0uVG N()R 1`li. A.M. am. PM. All Lea.voBarr1e, .... ..u.28.... 3.30....u.3$....12.1: II III mnnutnctatrod fresh ever;--d;y. - Ask your % grow: for them and 0`1_:Will use no other; - pmmc PARTIES` ~`80cIALs' ` 3:; 'w1mmNas 3 ntnholft .. _A B. astun womangjb I recently tier 9. pedif: and.di~c'wered clfat `.1 three um: batvilsbn Hi INTERGDLDNIAI THE DlREC_:_`lA'_`_flLC>_U.TE I'Z`...-__ LL- YfT-_4. - "-:3 _ .' .;-.. - x'- :- -' `bk, -, '1: r , -_.. . v ,. .'_, _ |.-}."EADsSL_-`_l'_A~_I-_I_ .E%.* %v AM _._.-I -4-:-a to svo.:Uru.uu,...... 0,250.... 0.00.... o.uu-... riveat ..7.b7.... 9.46.... 4.42.... 4 NORTH SIMCOE-GOING NORTH. q-nn___ nan. 'BTii$ 'sI66i~1i; NORTH ERN RAILWAY GOING NORTH. '- '* J humor =:~'nnowx- OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. RAI LWAY. BISCUITS V Swlolunn had . _se.ve:_at 394 he was cu'n:s'1de`?'a'i1` Sbolomurfs wisdom :W'0kl_lld5 qllhinlnml " lns time. In these giegeneg J ` GOING NORTH. _...\ p,ll|o 0 .l2.l7- I 05 "mink For Toronto. A.m. .11.-15.. Dd!) . 3'.27'.. EAR 7.00 a.m.. ` 11.26 a..m.. 1 nun. . 5.40. `. 8.3`- .lL(|5.` n u I'.l.. ,_1z5o.. `I `IR ....u-Ill W (iuesniouaed. . with a..m.V 101! A in `.l2.l3 RI. - .'9.00 13.11). V .12. . shn`uld believe but half what he hears. ll. makes a. good deal of dilfereuce which half, however. ..vv `3_llt.9 Der bottle. F0! hue byavhn Wm, 1-.u;nLIUllUtl. % . " . ., . -Shilolfs Vitalizerll .Y'h!*d3; 3{;':,::`l:;i,.- ctfnstiputiunn, 1033 cf 3PPm' a l _ ` V 1110 u.)uJDt.oms of uyupensilo ~ Pnce - - v\ arrle, and M. J. Humln_. |!`f_`l`.l' D _ . . - ",7 V wt} min I`-- UM): van .-. MW L`"2t"V is said to b ' - B wrnting a no- 161 deahug with E ' _ . and America. gush hfe la England ' I " " "~-~ I An nov- A \Vm`cn{1sin girl has lived fcy- three days (nu. all`. She` must. have married a. 1ah..r agitator. I" A III I` :9.` n U. l.Iu.ru|uu, `LIII-naxavvhvg , Mrs. Ellen McCa.nn of Tacoma. is well thnught. of there because she has recently given birth to a, baby weighing twenty- two pounds. I A` W, - .1- __2..___-l.I.. I... LL-L w";:I'<]:Vn;_ {a2ed in Haste," is the title of a recent, sun-y. Ir. probably deals with the ,3,-vzuxt girl prnblellh , ' 1 IIIIV ,I `I11! 1.. .`'"|t. and gures di:n't~,Iio._f;_"`ltI'v _" " 5"`! "0 I-IQIIIIIIIQ `IIIWCIKCIVQ 1 H`"" "M**d8n.I5 yof- h3".w>h'd "in: em; than $500 for pin money diirih the y` `.'- 1 cum : stand it. fHe`fi.' the raiguunt. With --"But you do In ` ` g .:_'`f_ yin ofv_mrq|`it._; `hot __ 2.-. n.n'_|'_;!L,.;..__..:...-, 7"`? "" ' . A The Aunerlcans haven't much of~a:navy but they have got considerable of -- a yacht! . ` |Y..Hnnn` Pilln Ari: {ha fAI1nl .n hn"Ian.3v4`: "thorough. National Pills m_ t_he fsvorit 7pu IA-gativ` mqautn bxhous medwme ; they are mug and f ,.~A._._ :_ _.:.I A... L- ___242, , , NUIU """o " ' " - - _ The hoodlum who stands ; by a [friend ism; a lamp-post, but less useful to 5 citY- A Do the Tudors lwe hefe? `No,A L may ve;..(1urs from here of course. Don't ._ ...uq yuan u..~.r -*'* " ~ ` "" _` can anybody tell why p9pula.rsubscrip- `ions are so very unpopular? , ,.... ......nnn Ian nrln-unhinn.~.Ln6 85 Ann`- uuua w-- - - - - . - . It costs money to a.dvero.uao*,-Ebut at cost; 0,3 muuey nut. to advemse.-, - .u I. ...JI.nrn nykn nfnnn Ln -5. ..:-...I ID as 1* *-""'`' . . ` J.gwelers.now throw In 8 amt of clothes ,hen they sell a nickelwatch. ' ` ..-L...Jn bull Inhn rnsumnin-...aI..'.`...2... I -_ ._. _.r,D,_-... girls who ant calico mother hubbsrda shtnnld not make a mistake and apply at the post oioe window for stamped wrap- pers. T ' vs I I n I1 ,I,_,L __-_l\I_V!I_I_!_ `l'N}"' " "" "" """ "-' """ thesolnsorlcan find. A Half the pepper sold ounaiaupf p's. A mean teuuperatqre-'Peu degrees be- IOW ZBPU. ' (4 4 _ ' I.l nnknn` 1-`uni !-nn_}\n. f`In`IAn'n`un- \ iaaty j\: rant I ....p. . ,T:EEs"ur Human mnfmxaii M sayings Bandvrlohod with `mph: for the Serious-The But tha,Snll8o!'I Cl.lI find. `:3, mrnn -mums wnzoa nun THE WHOLE WORLD KIN. `ow `ZUYU, A ld utzchool doctrine--that ' '*'0he;- December 9, :1sse.:. wv vwuv Ill Illllx 9| ml: Mir, 55xa`il?25?.i'J?5`. ;.,. ..`I....- I b V yibfe `:'e?e!l' to ,C()lllta. In a gmsy crn'ner of a New London_ gran: yard is a. stone on which is the follnwmg : Children ! What 7" mother's. 17 wwh;m lu'.riuHevor. no wulucu vv ......... "*2 ;!ur9ck~BJ~99 Mum-. phm-`L `omao'~ nd oihir maitMmeb$nildd.z.'..:2 5- 3 Tuneruew. DUU|!"lT"IrIIn u_gw.-~ ---- `iii at . _ -:"_{ cQ . ].,:r#|~n:Y7e W. 1. km H; but is 2 u .?n91!Is#.,9a. ,`"..1` - ,2 ms `(wall 01} as. `a 1 ' _ ;);Tu~ir:c.i:'msy I hope to clasp you tomorrow to my bosom and depiar. tn yuu again our. future happiness in the. glowing colors of pha.nt.asy.? o,'love,.;1 not t.o-rnurrow--r.u-marrow is washing, day - - " What is McGregor s Rpeedy Cure for '1 _II; is for Dsspt psiu. Liver Honnplaint, Indiges- tion. Buliousm 2-3. and it is the finest blood puri- er in nlw known w- rid Lu-day.` ." I vovs it gis e satisfaction?" ' We ctmnut p'oint to one instance where ifdid "HUM. Where does it have the largest; sa.1e?" A Mgh in the city nf H-uullon, wln-re it i ' xnannfm.-t11`ed.Vthere htns been over one thous- and dulJu.rs'worLn sold in the last. year mum. `and tin: L'l'cu.L umjmixy of the Bali 3 are by one rtccumnunding ILU.) another. Forsule at 505:. and $1 Oosner bottle `by G. .\ ommun.-D1-uggxst .`._ .~ In Expedient. A man em3)'lu_yed_ by n rm` under the_ | Hill recently went to J." Bnot.h s glazing shop for snnib glass, when the fullowung coll qaytook place : -TT.'....... Mn D..:nn`nn.uo` T n... ..t..... V Jnq. Woodsg d[rugg1i.:.t. ` 1;: s??5if $R1#@if.. ' IJKVU IIIIJIIVJ IJL .l\IA.l'x Visitor (after meditating deeply awhile. and then looking up with a satised ex- presaim1)--Be jabers, I will tvke the 101114; I can turn it around, and, faith, they won't know the dx'ereuce. .1 ouumu I.ne|p|b,.;,.... 2 V 7 Young woman--Let hi ` ` ' ` hieurI'"' V 1: &"Co.. _ A ; Gywgrzg a:u,{-y?Y'xm;r.:pedu I nid Quin-g "'oip"bobk: vnbhinit exopictoszoge 6Mhe~m0t' A.g9`mple_e _au~(1mgsAfol{Al`ibt,[e_books of 5|}; -~sur_s % Mair; ave.9x:}r.197..iMi91. of $6.9` :feig3A ; contained in It are wrth far more ihfim t 4-.J;:x:_* n_1.-..u' -n I\-. n...r..: 18! ..:I_&d`'.5.' . .5 `J " Reader. in mtormlng You of chm wonder ful .r-medy for Coughs. Uolds. Asthma. Bron- chl ls,-consumption. and'o.~l. -u e:l.ion8 or ,the mm W and lunus. we feetlhac -wears doing you a great. kindness,as it .\ou have an r the abovr complaint:-. if you will only try 5 we will uuuranlee Eutirfaction in every 038001` money rcfuuue Aakwor McGregor'a Immr ~Uom- pound. Price 50c. and 81.00 per bottle, at MouIuua.u s Drum store. ` ` A.-Al I u do . - - Croup, whooping `cough and bronchitis imun-dxauly relieved by Shiloh'a Cure. For. (ml:-.|;y John VVooda, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. -` 1 I u ' \ Ill 1 U ' llll|JI\ pluuu . -'Visitor-'Mr. Puinchaud, I am after xing we wiudys on the top of Mr. B '9 shop, and I want twiuny lights of 14x 10 glass " III- I) .6` L.........-`L ' --.... 11..1I\ L.-L 0 O-rt-V gnulili Mr. P --"I ha.ven"t "any 14:10, but have plenty uf 10x14 v.-..n.. /..:..._ .......;....':..... .:'.......1... .._.1.:1.. '1'. Edmanaon it Go.` Bradtord; Ont.. DEAR Sms,-I have _been troubled for fteen years with Liver Complaint and bleeding of the bowels, have had in attend- ance some `of. the best medical doctors in United States and Canada. but received no benefit, was-given up by a prominent doctor in Barrie, and was at last induced to try some of Dr. Chase : Liverfcure, and 1 am thankful to say I am almost cured. l have spent many dollars in other patent medicines, but to no avail, can highly `recommend Dr. Chase's medicine for my complaints to any who sulfur. I am yours very truly, Michael Cassidy, Barrie. Unt. _ . I Why the am Lost.` And you say you werenot discharged from your last place 7" said Mrs. Crimson- beak, questioning a candidate for the uicrs Of cook. I "No, mum. I left, mum. Haw long were you in your last place '3" - "Fwe yearn, mum. And why did you leave '1" !-I was gettiu tou fan, mum." I.\II..|I 1". 7i}{ixa trbuhled` wm: VPlmp1eI. Riotohes. _;Rough Hands lo: Face. gr Sums ut any descrip- tion`. shoum _ judo 'Mc'Gregor'& Parke`: Curb-no Lellltt`. It will leave the 2 luni--In-rteot health. smooth. clean an d non color. surv and wt the genuine, made v Mo term 8: Parke. Pr qu 250. sold at. MonkInau a_ Dru; Store". 37-49 5 |,)_,...... I I- ..... --V--- -r - ` `mm mzxsrmrwer. ..a~a `::s.miai o'rou`ra .3` .. -' J '.u'm.'~IVLBUIIUUI7VI` U IIIDIAI-vs: .a . V Eaquirg P1mg! c;f~GraI Lake, a juuu:6.jf5'peuo"v' wet. giffem rip`: W`-`"9'~ 1." u......_..ld ulmul l!.tAfI. I "W _ V ` - ,. 5 _ .. Hm " lln `Sen :2: Damon And Suonoty of Oh:-{:8 0h||l'0hv 7 :m I __:_e_ .._-'...L. .1.-`V: hunt. 1 dogg *3} head `V gun: 11:31.1` the} 3! .::..-a.,,,:..:..A " ,..., ' A Chicago `paper says that the` name of the devil is rarely mentioned there. This brings to mind the feet that it was furni- Br|y the custom in J apan ta refrain from nuemic niug she name of the-Mikado. " _ ,_ H , _- __.._.- y- v-- ac.--uuuuu ~ Tone up tne system" .and'~57 improve the appetite by taking Aye:-'3 Sareaparilla. It Will make vou feel like anew per.s_on._ Thou sands have found health. and 'r+l`ef from u'ering,e by the use of this great blood purier, when_all-other me|usfa i'iem;),-*1` ...-.. ....--, ---......r-_._v luq nisitivu Party (to hod ca.rriVer)-And ' do yuu :10 up the ladder all day long 7'" P3,!`--"Nu, Sur; half ov the mime Oi cum down." `. --' vv -v- _v--v vvucvu I-o_\u-I-It |wIIU\?_0 ;..n-. v .. 1 rumozfthat Ia terrapin` hfabeeii caught ` near Mapleton, Ga.., inscribed I865, J , 75 0. Vol." is not generally credited in this State. "No Ohio troops everlet. anything t to eat escape in 1865 J I It mu gvvvooa vvv own ooawn-v "Well 7"` T Oh, sure, I couldn't wear the missus dressesany more and I had to stay `home from the balls. I thuught, mum, `it "Was tuizue to make a change . _--- _-... ..v.,.....'..-..u---_r-u IJUUIUQI Dc-IV, ~ ` B38310, I hear your `mater in sick. What ails her T I don't knuw. ma aIu. May be it ; the diploma. The what, child 2" "'1`l_1e diploma. I heard mother any that she I_:ouk 10 at achuo ." V `-Manlk VII`urg y-av V: contained f`.5vi.ii" vuvrtlf-f: pnceyyo 1' '."`.' ..s' &u. Jno. oods.- druggig_t., .~ `\ 9-u {mag H"; (*3; g 5 For Forty years, eAyer s Cherry` Pectorsl has been demonstrated to be the most re- liable remedy in use. for colds. coughs, and lung diseases; `-Slight colds should. not be ueglected..i"l`he Pectorsl will prevent their beoomiug chronic. - Al`-I VUII URI-I UU UUITI IUI GU Ulllla ~ ~ A few applications W111 cure incipient Catarrl). - __ , One to twaapxyg willxcure ordinary A Go.- =. - .'.._,- .'...-- ` .__. ` . H, u _ `One to -\r_g-..l)\Vqge t vgill cure _chronig tarrh. Sold by ull_'{_1`a`ie-5 ai:i2'l5' ' per` box} Ty` `Dr. A. W. `1'Chase 5'Uanaman UuparrhAOur - take no ot.h`er"4- it will care you. Eor sale-by \ ' ` % `- Magistrate-`-"1`.he yong woman says. -that your onntinued staring ather annoy- ed hqr _excess1vely. " 1) ______ ... ' `OI I\QIIQi` |n5nhO:nnnIlI1 An-- B6 on Your Guard. - T Don't allow a cold in the `head to slowly and aurelv develops itself into Uatairh when l you can be cured for 25 cents. ` A 3... ..-...I;....o{A.-.n iIvI`l nnuna :nn;n:nnO' cu HUI` ULUUDBlVUl c - Prinoner- -I_g1.e_ve_r ` pnnfemionally an-A vnoygsd 3 wnman m my hfe, your Honnr." Mu.;mtratc--"Then whyjdid. you store "arbor so pei~eisteuly'?" -' l)..;-......-_u|.l..m.n-A uh.) `I "f\I'A*.*.I7, ' IId' 57118!` 30 pcruawuxy I . _ Priouneze-"B_ecause she .1: pretty," and . IIouuldIn t.Jie1p;it.3.... L .... .. . - - 4 `T 'I'.nIa `n: an ..fI;l`U`A_i ,..u. . --.;-unun --That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shilnb a Cure. We guarantee it ` For 141116 by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. `II I! DIII , _,_ _'___ __AI| `~W1ivTeo.usptp`c_t-. r hunt}: dl" '1-`his ' it. will be `smurf: ` ry ?u'uh inure; dituult of compliance than the Em version. _ , Jd 99a:~ .43 J ..|... hinlnnn, +6: are Worm) Iur xuuru vuuu vuu ,..of`j`f` I.)-. ,0: 5"" fun? -* "JY?o nr: .o x _ A. rne arean ungg estate of $64,000,000. " -Nothing of the sort, girl. He is de- ceivimz thee. . . LLII7L__ _, 7!," , ,, 1 . 11 .1 . 1 Economy the Watohword. How much fur peauups "I" he inquired. , FLv`e cents a quart. A ` "Isn't thatwonderfully cheap '1" T __ "Of cuurae it is . Will you have a. nu vutuau uuu Lung uruuuusa. $1 per bottle. All druggista. I Ivy` vuwv. ."`VWhy,.,pa'. I'm `sure he _tQId me that `is one .f the lawyers engaged to defend the will. ` ' No. II gums` not, }epIid the man: aftereome time spent in mental guring.` I nun him 1-nv-nind `nu Omn .6 I--'.... ...\.... `(I c a bu -vntuuu vlluv DIJCIIU 5|: Iuvlllllll uxullllgg , . an buy turnipsfor twenty-two cents shel. and cnmeto gure it up that beats peanuts all hollow. lady (givmg him a nickel)- Well. here is ve cents more for you, so dnn't-cry.` How did you lune it 7" `I'.:.Ll.. L-... l....|:...... I....u...-\-uT I.--L :1. vnu , ........ .. . -S1eepleus mghts made miserable by that tmmxe cough. Shilnlfa Curr is the remedv for ynu. For sale by John Woods, Bariie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allgndala. I. ll# AL- VI` EIICIIV \J! UIlC{ lJl.|'Ll I15 Mabel-Well, he ought to. ' But don't you know M. z srb and Beethoven and Haydn nearly starved. o0V.;n n kn r\nnr\`n n..I1`Av-I" `suit! `t\ `Inn:-u uuvuuvau anal: Lvvuvv. 3" `West's Couuh Syrup contains no opiates. opium or any minerals; and can `be given to the vonngest` and most delicate child with perfect safety. ' It is an infallible cure for oroup and whooping cough. A bottle should always be kept convenient, as it is always a certain cure for coughs. c colds, consumption in its early stages, bronchitis, asthma, sud all throat and lung troubles. 250., 50c. and $1 nnr hnttln A" (`I-rinuinfn \ I In the Direct Line. A _Bag1ey7-Sa.y no .nn re,[ Aurelia, I for. bid the match. Young Spriggs, may be a gentleman.` but he is` poor. A......II.. .D..L L- J. ,,_A -1! `L, L-3.., A v.z{1`1;;J.l`i,-aal.I-`-:l*`i3"u.tl.`Jh:i.:;`;;;;;a of the heirs to the great Huge estate uf $64,000,000. \ 4. T] . _'_ ` |5T\T..6L..... C 5L.` ....... J, Kindly o1d'15'-'"' M little boy '1 `r;:.n.. 1...... t......:...... ..:u.... 1..\ arr .-__ W'l'1at. s the matter, % "WI.:;ttul;! `boy (crying bittetly)--"I jes .l_nst ['1' cents. _ _ _ _ I Nothlll Like It. "I wan neuly used up wnth a heavy cold, from which I ot no relief Illiltll I tried Hag- ym-d s Pectora Balsam. VI 3 sure cure. There is nothing like it, says Edward Cousins, Ranson, Ont. on numgnxty. Uncle Rastu's- "Km yo trus` me to 9. cod sh dis mawnin , Mtatah Sngarsand[?" t1_........iu'n-....s CI\I` am .. ....Al:..I.. `l`T....I.. Vwuglull unu lllvuvvlllll, LVLIUIIIIA \l|l5VlIIJII'l\l I G:-ucer-Trnat you to a codsh, Uncle Rasmn? No, sir ; you owe me now fur a l cudsh? you got nine years ago ; why don't you ask me to give you acndsh ?" I TTu\li`t| Dnlclfllu. n;0h (`L-wun\__`|I(nan 0 Difference in Kind. _ Edith-[ see Strauss nceived $1.000 `a. piece for his Waltzes, besides an awful big share of theqpruts R..L..l H7..II I... ......LL 5.. 'I1..L J.... L The cost. of providing light for the Liberty nae created the apprehension that she will noon be Liberty frightening .-the taxpayers. . n. -1 LI. r1_-_-L -._.J (`|\.......-nmtlnu nI1DA:D I