' dogft it ! II wonder they `do ' not open ` V; . ,, V M 1'-e`?`a`z'&'e`X. "X'1?d{-`ii3uE6$' 7u3&"3z` " x; :.:`.s:.;u..':=:*;::..:a~...-:29 "~ W. at m`.`.3 *.:.:.;,:;;:J.:2.`::*::";;::;d:.32::::% ? .`:`2';; .~{.';; ;J:3o23.? 1?{+2,9 L`l?5`E;f ohiago g?ir1;-'-`Add hoes it hokla `o'"h`o `u`p: ' : Auctioneer for Vtliei Qduntyg at . ., A _, .i_S_im6b`_d." 5 .`~ 1:-::-:: Rover: -rzcxa-rs % Tq allpolhcaEp_s't a.nd-Weat.7I".nd Mnnltobu. For tickets. rates. eto.. opplmo -T 1. , . northern 85 North wastemnanways. NEXT noon to am or commas. A call solicited for all kinds of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, sous, ooMBs,. AND BRUSHES. ` 2 nouns wssrjiirwrns nnnnnauom. _..__._____._j._:.- amonen MONKMAN. CHEMl8TmAN qnusmsr. kn Inn-u ransonrrrroxs on.'nruLr.Y oourovrmln. BELL &co.,cua},1I, om. TOILET AafrIoLEs-A FULL LINE. .Ledie'sWtI-oubled with Pimples. Rlotchoe, B00811 HD1108 0!` F808. or Sores otwany do tion, should use Moexegot ac Parke : Car. Cerate. It will leave the ekm in smooth. clean and stood cnlm-- 80 ufiiit ect health, a nun: and (rat. av A-AV Iguana: ill 1 llllllillil` L3! Condensed advertisements on First Page, i such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found. Property for Sale or to Rent. 8 ecic Articles, Etc.. Etc.. must be accompani with the cash, and will be inserted-Fn-st insertion. 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names. addr.-s_ses, and gures counte as words); but 8. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. v -v- -v .-wu-v `pp.-aoov unuunn unav vvvvlt Lvlllllllac Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising angthig outside their own regular business. ho they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement . oowrnacr ciuxons. T - Advertisers will please bear in min tice `of intention to chan . adv mente must be nanded in to the o co not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change-must be in the Anvuvcn: otoe not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday. in any week; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the week following. Annnblnnna quill nub I... ..II........l 4- --.._ 4I__2._ . * v-~~~- - '-"""7 Pregared bi')Dr. J. C. A:8z Co.. Loweil. Man. 89! bynll ruggiun. rice 01; six bottles, 3: III oval 1111110 or two onths-the three monthly rate with 10 per as t. added. ` 3 Prefer-rod positions in tho pngjsr will be sold at an advance of one third on n ova rates; This rule wlll be strictly carried out. - - on OI one BEIIIC IIJEBIBY. ' lcial and -Govermnent advertise rnents w be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken at `the following rates which are drafted on correct commercial principles. and. as they will be atrictlynsdhered to in making new contracts uftnr hi-ennui: mntrnnfn nrnh-n, than will ban i `For one month--tl . I539: cent; added: i turn wnnnlrh-A ,. ,_...._-_, _ _...-..vv vn vuvsunnvu Ayer s Chen` Pectoral saved my life. Two years a 0 took a very severe Cold which settle on my lungs. I consulted physicians, and took the remedies they prescribed,` but failed to obtain relief until I began using Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. Two bottles of this medicine com letely restored my l1ea1th.-Lizzie M. llen, West Lancaster, Ohio. iL'1cuy__aunereu I0 111 maxing HEW 001131305! utter present contracts expire, there will be ` only one oricelorun: :- . --...... _-, _' nlurnai-In-`D -asu, L19" val, AVLQDDI I have used Ayer s Cherry Pectoral for over a. year, and sincerely believe I should have been in my grave, had it not beenefor this medicine. It has cured me of a danrverous affection of the lungs, - for which I Tlad almost despaired of ever nding a remedy.-+D. A. 1\IeMulleu, _ \Vindsor; Province of Ontario. I ...__.I. IV` , Notwithstanding he had the handling of note: all his life, Abbe Liszt died poor.` Perhans his familiarity with the but had something to do with it, though hi; want of pecuniary success may be accounted for by the fact that his head was run of crotcheta. TBANsIl.NT Anvnwrxsimnxrs. First insertion, I0 cents per line. Enoh sub nent insertion. 4 centsper line. ` g notices. no cents nor line for nut in? aortion; 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. '- ' Inna` nfnlnl and Ilnvnrnrnnnt nvnrtlnn - ' `Runs. _ the Advance` his "a sworn on-euuuon ol Thlrtoeni and . Twenty Copies, Almost. if not quite. double th..t of any other Paper published in Barrie. B'AnvIn'r1sn'ns snout. NOTE nus 1uc'r.'u (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). Ayer s bherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and am hapy to say that it .3 helped me at once. continued use this medicine cured my cough, and, I am satised, saved in Iife.-Mrs. E. Cuburn, 18 Second st., well, Mass. 1' I . . . . . . . . ...'I A _.-._9- ru,-., rs - - About six months ago I had a severe Hemorrhage of the Lungs, brought on by a distressing Cough,.which de rived me of sleep an test. I had use vari- ous cough balsams and expectorants, without obtaining relief. A friend ad- vised me to try , , _ - Is a common expression, often heard from those who have realized, by per- sonal use, the curative powers of Ayer s' Cherry Pectoral. I cannot say enough in praise of Ayer s Cherry Pectoral, be- lieving as I do that`, but for its use, I should long since have died from lung troubles. -E. Bragdon, Palestine; Tex. W9 `Lc;;;';;".s;;;;._;g, -nnu-n $111719 1' B A "L... 0. I1- 7 -__- cA'rAI_.on HES FREE. `f !1.'9d My life 1 Arr. 8MITll~`- , mvm, Agent N.&N."W."R`ys.. '..1 .'i"P,':"'?"'*`8'`- -Are `you made miseg-sble by indigestion, constipation, dizziness. loss of appetite, yellow skin? `Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. For sale b John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hsm1in, A landsle. ' I see Italy is trying fo borrow 3,500, 000 lites, observed Ebenezer Jcnes. That's a good many,, replied Zobedpeep 8mith,~but if the application `had been made before election, this country could . have furnished - a good proportion of thexn." ooxmrnsnn -ADvmR'risnaMnN'rs., ___-.s _ _1_--_u,., rv-rt Q-1-_vv1xi`1:'o:t'`:una-- fBELL: :HGANS 2'-the three" monthly fate lth . `vqulfeao > AIMAY8 m;3TOG_K HR MADE T0 ORDER. Tn uv:IQ1 VSl_::1-lni B50541, Louble ahd 8inl:Bella Coml Whi ; Pad! 1 ll. 9 :nd V13-';1ishes..es. lsimanrmnounx Enaimnss J in For-Heavy Du. ht _. ht P mgge . aux. onnoilrlaimmqulged. W lllllvn nu Ah-nu... .". .--.._ I fvlulllll Clllullulvn Gallant passenger (tea fellow-passenger) --Will you please tell that woman that aha` can have my seat `I '- vrwoman (`indig- nantb )-I am not a..w.oma_u, air ;,I am a lady." _ Genteel passenger T (blandly)-V a"N.otga. womag 7 Excuse my ini_stake.._ , urn; &\I\Jl' t,ho onlv Frank Lsza rREsEg:\f_1_'s; O_U_R.\`1GH'l`J R11 nrngnh... 4 - PIC-NICAPARTIES E-00141.3 & wnnnmas ` auppliodot short ntgtioo and on reasonable n`. 5108 Hill} I! 1 than ever. Made in the van-l:ua styles and quality the bag; -Delivered in all nuts ofthe town. -for the liberal patronage bestowed TZZTV In thankingthe public of Barrie and vicinity J in thepasnbegs to state that he hats? mm siderable expense increased his baklngffagglli: ties and is now prepared to doa larger business ' 1 T * E[v7.}L"n{v'in_" """"' Ing1ewoodJunction.-Go N rth 10.18 .- 6.29 p.1n. Going South 9.23l:.gm.;o6.l7 p.m. mm ' "`T,"'I""TT'l\1*1D1%;uw-c- I V... r..__. V.-.-a -uvuuu vc-v ii-Illa. U.Ll ll-Ill. . W`. J . V'A.L.LBAU', Barrie. Sent. 1. 1885, Ticket Agent. -Fo:dyi)eV3 ;r)`1aVi:i.::z-x_1` voui have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh s Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. For "sale by John Woods, Barrie, snd..M. J Hamlin, Allandale. manufactured trash every dgy. Ask you grocer for them and you will use yo other. Dtvrsiox.` Cal-dweIl~ J unctlon. -Going N orth'-9.07 n.m. 8.30 31.111. Going South--9.07 3.111.; 6.30 pan. (1 I! In nvtvinvnnv p.u1. From the West.--Limited Express. 8.45 a..m.': Atlantic Express, 5.05 p.m.; Montreal Express. 8.15 p.m.; Mixed 11.20. - ' T St. Louis E teas. Limited Express. Montreal Express and some Express, marked run daily including Sunday. ` gnu uepurt Il'0l'll Umon station, Toronto). - DEPAR'l`URE8.-G0ing West. St. Louis Ex- ress at '8 10 a..m.; Pacino Express. 1.05 p.m.; xpress. 4 15 pan. Going East.-- Limited Exp:-erg; 8.25 e. m.; Mixed (for Flavelock and interm iate points), 4.25 p.m.; Montreal Express, *8.00.)m. AR1uvALs-Fr`om the Es.-t--St. uis Express *8.30 e.m. Mixed (from Haveiock and interme- diate stations). 11 50a..m.; Toronto Express. 9 45 nm. can A 11:51 An (All trains unless o.tize1-win. specied arrive and depart from Union Station. Toronto). DEPAR'l`URIl:iI--G-nincr Want, Qt, Innis Irv- U011` U EU U 1'11. Leave Barrie at 7.05 a.m. . 4.40 p.m. Arrive at Hamilton 11 40 a.m.. 9 10n.m Tr ` ins leave Barrie for Toronto at 7.35 a.nL. 10.17 a..m. and 4.40 0.111. cmanum mans RAILWAY. oarrnmo DIVISION. IIUILV Leave Hum llton at Arrive at Barrie. in raw` __-'------ '.----vs G 1-1-:'.l`hwo_I"iev. Geo. H. Thayer, `of Bourbon, Ind., says :` Both myself and wife owe our hves to Shiloh's Consumption Cure." For sale by John Woods, Barrie. and M. J. Hamlin, Allnndsle. A 1 ` He-Did you bike 1 T- 8he--"Well, hardly; butll Mike. P. S.-You` dou"t.' un'dei'sta'.nd `that , V possibly. Permit us to, ,;say it is the. bicycle snd tricycle language in vogue in ~Wa.shington and other wl)eoled~ to,w'ns._ Lnonnvvu-V Ali-nnnv u-vv u-u-no. -unvs--muorxoxv y.|u NORTH SIJZICOE-GOING NORTH. ` Leave Barrie at 11.00 a.m.. 8.17 p.m Arrive a.tPenet.anguishene. 1.10 p.m.. 10.40 p.m . GOING SOUTH. Leave Penetagiguiehene. at 6.15 a..m., 2.35 p.m Arrive at Bar e 7.28 a.m.. 5.05 pan I_I -, -I Il DOMINION BAKER `i ----`a---- up--n--uu.-.-v pa-.v.g I-wv yum: , GOING SOUTH. LeaveGruvenhu1-st,----- 6.40 a.m., 1 ; Leave Orillia, 6.20 13.31., 8.25 a.m.. I An-iveatBnrr1e. 7.05 a.m.. 9.40 a..m.. nvnnrnir L1`IIIf`f|'l rvnvsvn \vl\v\n unvv y'all- MUSKOKA BRANCH-G0lnIG NORTH. Leave Barrie, 11.28 a..m., 3.30 mm. 8.3% pm) Arrive at Orima. 12.17 .m.. 5.% p.m.. 9.25 p m Arr.a.tGravenhnrst.l. p.m.. 7.00 pa. l\l\"\Yl" l'\TTII'1I I' A1` Bl: 931118. 1 r at Collinzwood 12 35 p.m.. 6.46 p.m. 9.45 p.m -Mnsolfoka. Egpress. Satgrdays oyly. . . .12.-"0 p.m. _ 2.57 p.m. GOING SOUTH. For Toronto. Loavecollingwood 6.00a.m.,8.20 a.m. 3.30 p.m Leave Barrie. 7.25 a.m.. 10.17 a..m.. 4.40 p.m Arrive at Toronto. 10.20 a.m.. 1.50 p.m.. 7.45 mm Muakoka. Express, Mondays on1y.. .. .1l.52 a.m. so on at oi . . I . 2.05 pm. Il`l 7u`l7t\l7 A nu A M1111 IVA) -.t! \`rt\rnnII1 11.30 5.111., 3.1! p.ln.. 5.10 p.lIl Mann-Ilsnu RAILWAY aoI1_va_1~:'oR'rH. In.-.ve Toronto, 8.10 a.m., 11.45 a..m., Ar at Barrie. 11.28 a.m.. 3.27 p.m. 5.15 , 8.15 at Pnlllmrwood I2 36 n_m__ 5,45 njn 0.45 I JNO.` M. BOTHWELL, SEEDSMAN, . -BARBIE. L CONDITION POWDERS, COCK OF-THE WA LK EGG FOUD, A. % % CALF MEAL, &c. QA`1`1`LE SPICES, nmoruv. cmvsn 3. oncluno muss A shingle mill was recently destroyed ` by re near Detroit and the night `watch- man `was burned to a crisp. The dangers that beset a. night watchmen when on duty are not properly recognized - by a- giddy and heedless public. __8OL.E AGENT FORTBE Iuumv common rownam Ail the new and old Iaadig Varities T ` of Seed Wheat. ` I FOR FALL SEEDING._ _agscuI1's` vvn 1:19: I-nnmcmox J BROWN anew GOING NORTH Flinn! WEE. Gblna 80Ui`.l-1-." at '7 AK ` Why williyon cough when Shiloh s Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts., 50 ate. and $1. For sale by John Woods, Barrie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allaudale. MAIN LINE. THE CUIII-o 7.05 a.m.. 4 11.28 a..m...1 OI!` hi:-_ EH60-I : .. 3'u_liIiU_lQiKAUliM.1UAu w v---" ,-V00` Sold in Barrie by Geo. Monkman 8" J ,. _ _ __nIC -muu nu ourne oy ueo. .Vl.Ul.llsu nnnn -- i?'HI=G1%BA'T.N9LIr:?T1.9.`?..`? . vv av; VIII WOUUU I Ohfioouldn ntand,it," he renhed,` the beastly ticking shattered my uerves.".. `-~ fr` - 3"m"3_YAL wmans. `*~ -- - nhvsidw I99 THE .___...__. DuNN@ ,A%(E:;'%~.%G E.GW5;E_E D8 of Blood Shortness of Breath. BFgbm_ Rheum or otter. Fever-sores. H`P'J Seilehscrofulous some and swenmgs. 130- lnrzcd . lands. and Eating rims. Go.aen Medical Discovery cures CODBW1 tion (which is Scmfuln. of thv I.11n2s).,bY wonderful blood- urifying.in\'igomt1D8hW'd nutritive propert es. For Wonk Lungs. - at gcclully 1188 ll} rovcn its 0111030) In cuuua R . Di Severe coughs, Asth d kindred "088. it is a sovereiarrnni-ex1{1i 3]dy. It'P1`mP7 cures the severest Comrhs. C0mpl;1i`oEpidDLiver. Bilionsn08S.mg' 1-if; n" yspei did on, 811 unequalled mE3,`?.' asnold 'It1>yldr118`8'|3~ mt. 1-mnoms pm.m=:1~s-An- Dillon: and cathartic. 250. a vial. by druggists. uuununess of constitution mll be established. Golden Medical Discovery cures all bumor. m the common implo, Notch. or eruption. to the worst Scro ula. or blood-poison. 9919-HY has it its eicncy in cufml ltfheum 171'?`-101"` x........ J {`__,.Ilu'nrvd `I-`n. en memcal Dtscove cf d di ion.a mi 5km: b110.V/lint ggi'riat1|3. stmggth. nd soundness of established. Rfndinnl nnr>nIvnnw anyone 11" lmmnm. Th 111 hi 1: is the :oun?s;`%ue:h%`.$ un3i(i1bl1(3?.di grcg'sGold- en Medical Dis 0 d ion.a fail` Skin. bllOVE1nVf'.e:fi.ri!:1n] 1"1'gt (1))(l"cfrn%?}th. and .'n_fE:u.~r::; CTETE`-FELIEVE BILl0L'.S .`\.'ES.S , z~.rzz.w.m D.`/SPEPSIA, /3.7993 Y, !N0.-'{?E8TION, A HUTTL-`Is .-','.-`/3 Mr./..v9/05. an 7/Ir um 'r5'IPEI.A8, /.|0lz?'T'r Uf` SALT RHEUM, THE 3.70:1; HEARTBUR/v, Din /=.'.FSS HEADACHE, % _0F ms sn -'-.-, VJ. [ind every specie: ,\_,~ ,4,._.,.'-. . 2 dwcruered Lfv/ER, F...J.... : 5, OR 5:|-0\7` .,u tcu mncs me price ofie PW iI"6"|iAi"sou &. 00.. Sale Agents. Bum sou) BY7ALL I:t_:L_'oa1a-rg_ `*- H -`V:$;l'1, -( ;;v_vie.y.::".-`.i'z"-ajvled Gus do Flipkiuu to his chum C. Percy Giddebraine, where's your watch '3 Uni. 1 ..,...I.I..!..-4.......: :4; H L- ._-_1--.: Wllow "[155 I PIIY HO HIIOUIQ IIIIKC I I001 ! ;?; .n;ls k' a (091 of himnnlfl why; ths`o`ehe%1sbmtnag he could 'do -`! Ba0Hhing`rho' oogtld do 3. ? . _.~`Y0l; `hit : _1*__mu3mzu & 17.0,, _ Thoroughly cleanse the blood. which Ollntnin nf hnouh Int-r .m.'.... `n.. `Dianna : (told. yvunnvcly curt xncse complaints, ' """ W111 Inga Souztmuu New. GI iY :PPOid agloung eve bottle ov1 EI.:r.A('_`IL:s Li . vaua e Id - . B90` (34 89)?uCsocnt(:1inif1Vlgc(:;`l Gm '- pmnouncurby medical men Inrirdtoo `!*ful NH able. and worgh ten times the pricg 0}*f;':e:`. fnvng. T. &. ml- Snln lama. nlqf` --v vac-run] nuulli (y Ur. .- C/1 ' - were cold in Canada alone. as Reap` 3'04: "W. H. woman and eIu'/ti -who 1': trouble; Z -"7 fled! to by this excellent rented}. v" V LADIES It is a well known fact that an inactive a dull, compl_exion, liver spam` .,, Chases Llver Cure 1: the on! ' can _live;- mpl . ` y r ` .d . n . C, "positively can these complaints. an L 5 `h- :31 Rnun-unm New 0 .... .. - _nA u uHE;'S R! Tlie unqualied success of Dr Liver Complaint rests solely w compounded from nature's well L MANnRAKn. AND Dzmmuou, other invaluable roots barks 2 gowerful eect on the kidneys, load. 3*` ` ` unuuuo Over one-la!/' mill ' Cauaiioz 2/; Dr. C;-an M11149! and (hf/11 quln -'- J....,u ` wq" HAVI Liver _Complaint Dvspe;-_.; jaundice, Headache, Di: Costlvcnen m- e. m. A :-.... - - - .r- 1 In 3 WU 1* Complaint Dvspegv.-na, I lId;}_'i`sli4`,n . . . . _ Ux _]aun_dIcc, Headach_e, D1zz}r1_v~ss, Pam me B"a: Cosnveness or any dxseasc arlslnsxfrom :1 dg, . _ . an DR. nusas LIVER Cum-; wnl be found M 1"" a,-u, ` NATURE'S REMEDY The (`hase'; 1; ` . . , |VerC- ;, Lognplamt solelv u.-M. .L. U- Infalliblo Blood Purier, Tonic Loss of Annetita. Inm....c.;,. '1 uuaulmo .l5lOOG_ 1'urir'19I, Tpuic, Diuroem of Appetxte. I_Y1d139`t,10Y1. Dyspe1sic. Billiousness, Jaur_1_d1ce, Lgvcr Compfgm` Rheumatism, o_.]l Iudney Dxseases. Bcrofuh, Diseases peculxar to.Fem.ales, Salt Rheum, Ex zema and all Skm Lzseeses. Headuheq Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Btomachujd Heart Bum. Purely Vegetable. J oax C. W251` 6: C0,, Toronto on; --Shiloh'a Catarrh Remedy -3 positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker month. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J Hamlin. Allandale. `turn - - - - [III]-Gal. AJl\WJ-I-LBJ} J. A-"'* Asuooenful mmlcme I myenra In thousands of M1; Prom tlycures Nervoug aim C\3IJlLO V` Prucrl ti 0!! huhafaolfo long Onnnnm .nvnn`n d ____;Jl ' , ' LiverCu _ f (. hast.-S 1 "'61), with the {.1 ,g 5 rein ct thatiti live re 013101. . .5 we kna\Vn_ .3; nature '0 comblfd I \ DAND ' D W! a hub: ham: 5 [e r:)}<:5ki1:: rl, 5,`,Sntonnch. how on ' 7/ : wer, 40/517! .:`ra.e:,m/, o;m:.93 '0; sxm, A sealskin sacque for the Bartholdi statue would cost $275,483, a. decent bon- net $11,483, and a. pair of shoes -$1,847. The above statements are made in order `tie `(;scoop and silence the statistical en . CH uullfwwl, `scxul 3! TGRC `ors. SRONVO Vlmu; in true, force must furth form strat exist from sume duci tial sical prod Iege come gum Stan Pb _ gnd] LE-Te V01}: ' CAVE; Blllll u'uu|_yuu I IUDl-o A rolling iton gathers no moss, but when it in exgrindutoneit can just break` the hedrt `of the former : boy who wants to go 3-shing. ` v ' West : Cough Syrupinstuntly relieve ocnd- xeedily cures bronchitis, sore throat, pnndpll rout diseases. Try it and be convinced. All drnggilha M such wor fou n prin w the wit .31 salie --Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve cronp, whooping cough and bronchitis. For sale by John Woods. Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Aliandale. the `al oph of the tori No insi . g}! fra Symgdtheftio-T-`A`Hello,,. old . ., how ere you- feeling to-day? "Ud,e I'm. unnroving, but alowly-very slowly." 'l`lnt'| excellent, I'm delighted to hes in!` , ' T Worms often destroy children, but Free- man : Worm Powders destroy Wrml. "Id expel them tromth_o system. b - _. L`. __.. -- --_ln-- , kn|G' VIII} I\IIL\lVVLlU IIUUIUC I Lebrochet, Swimming Master ;' Lessons in Swimming at Residence. I'll `I I I IN II 1- . I so Witty sayings` smawxonoa with tn".- gnphn tor the sex-lou.s-'l'he Beet the School-I can find. We don't henker for burdens, but . we should just like to hitch on to 3 fresh Coinltock lode. . Nntionnl Pill: are the favorite purgntive and anti-bilioue medicine ; they "are mild and thorough. " I .15, ___ lj __ _ ,_'_ |_,,_'9, _, Waiter is this Van old or a new herring that you brought me 3" 0m t,you `tell 1" "No. Well, then, what difference does it make 1" ' An ntemning citizen of Avignon takes "advantage of the uod by posting the following notice : `IT ..L_..-L-L Q.`_J__.__.I___I. __L-.._.-T . _ _ . .._ ._Ap`l;;u_<> Nimblepen has been. detected in fol the name of his employer. He hm`: t-rate situation and ya: --doing well.` What a pity he should make a. fool` IT"-`lair -' Ins` `-I L:---AI` I --Hnckmet-oak." a lasting nnd fragrant rfnme. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale y John Woods, Barrie, nnd M. J. Hamlin, Allandule. U239 IV VII U hired girl? --A N aaal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh : (latarrh Remedy. `Price 50 cents. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. V Kiste Field says she is tired of {the world, and would like to live apart from the fashionable bustle. Why don't you eke it o`. then, Kate, and give it to the t 1.:-...a ..;:.1 9 ,' .15," has" At _I_I . 1'3` WORLD xnt. ink or man m`1ma 0 7 El . UIIVHOIIVI hnritiv - candy pa 1}` % ` %~ans. -_-_..__._L , T ~HoAi`n'juut:a toiitif .5 - rnouththke 9 hrbi- -Id *% oacy, cod liver 0 ...-., .......`u-uvu us cu vuuw, nuveruulve unu. nngi-iti_v_' nndgreedilv cures the most obsti- nate i:I.s?!`of'iironohitis, coughs, colds, and incipient oonsum tion, lat, surpassing in em- . '_ __SAe_nd tenoenuin stamps for Dr. Pierce : mhlet? on Oonaiunption audjKindred A actions, . Add:-cu, World : g_isy`);a'nsarv Medionl :BnEu.lo.l _uv;._gvvcyu vnnnui III lnor i__f ydnr {bugs are hhdly !wny_osn you be cured by the use of Dr; `Pie"rce s ' Golden Medical. Diacov_orv.." It, is, how- ever, wmeqslled as a tonic, altei-dtive and "nnih-i'h`vd.~, Annvnnrlu nhrnn plug ......-s ..L.4.: !1mmv:`::.1l1:l:l:.%*:vt3f-n?tl?:tlyaegggggigr ` T you n--grout `kindness. or f you have a go? the_ above complaints. if you will only try I; we will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money V refunds. Ask for McGregor's Lune `Cum- nnnnrl Pr]:-.n Hip. and arm mu-. ttln of 1- uvvf in but a?_x:1rth-that a siI1'!upll'y awful: I . Simply Awml. A A number of ladies were sitting in the parlor of a charitable institution `discus- sing various topics Presently one of the party mentioned the name of a friend. -`Why; do you know him 3" quickly spoke a listener. ' f - - ll? 1 `I -r I an - C -- - - -` '. ``.:Iu;3:;. I do, A'_jw'_`u the reply. He brought his fourth wife to see us a short time ago." ` ' ` NIH. t.......L`I.. W .....1_:...-_a LL. _.1, ' .m- U-nv Ill! UIIILI all dealers. at In: lunar llfllo . V. Don t allow a cold in the head to elowly and surely develope itself into Catzfaarh when you can be cared for 25 cents. b A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh.. ' I p, , < ' . One to two boxeelwill cnre ordinary O - tari-h. ' 3 " " Z One to five boxes will cure chronic Ca- tarrh. , A . 7 Sold by all dealers at 250. Ber box. Try Dr..A. W. Ghase e Canadian atarth Cure-- take no othex--it- willcure you. For sale by dealers. T - vv_vLJ uuu vvuu Wu! uuuru ` 11107 were 81.1 crowding around to see if it was certied, when she held it aloft and exclaimed :V `Dear father, but these ` diamonds` are enough`!. `- She touched it to the gas, and away it went. I think its a new kink, and one intended to save the "old man." T she saveaitni. . Sn Miss Blank is married ?` he in- qllired. V V A" " Yes.": ` ' V _ "I heard th-atvher father gave her A a check for $10,000 ' Yes. he did. . AWz_:s it_ good for anything? . 9 We1];.that a the point_ that puzzles everybody who was that `They wet-e'all 3-.1-nwdinnr nu-nun.-I an ...... :1: :1. .....- `-.._.:c-.n' - enuu aauauun 0 l.1"`_I'II6'(1L Dy'u,'I, 88.5119 reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby givingeone-fifth more medicine in" the 75 cent size The Jug ust Iflower for*Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and theAGerm_an Sy-up for Cough and" Lung troubles, "have perhaps; `the largest `sale of anv medicineein theiworld. The advantage of increased size of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the sick and aicted, in every town and village in civilized cbiiintries. Sam- ple bottls for 10 cents remain " the same I . V 8110. , . 5-run Irrauc. . The redqction of internal revenue end the taking `off of revenue stamps from Proprie- tary Medicines, no doubt has largeiy bene-i tted the consumers, as well aserelievinsz `the but-den__of homegnannfsctnrera. Especially in thisitlle case with ,Greeu s August Flower and Busclmfs Gvrmrm Syup, as the reduction nf thirf.i7_niv nnnltn nan 4-Innan 1.3.3 1.... -.l.J-.'l 'i'>'S17i{sJi 3."u' iIay; (toiher neighbor) -I should prefer to .make`?"the acquaint-T once of one of the young men: who hasn't passed yet. ' Reader.` in Informing you of this wondr n] I-`nnlnllv fnr (Ynnnhn Pnln Anthinn nouns- Prof. Pickering. of the Boston Institute of Technology, has made a forty-foot instrument and photographed the sun on a large scale. It is said to be a very satisfactory picture, considering the dis- advantages under Which he labored. The "disadvantages referred to were that he could not jam the_ `back of Old Sol s head in an iron vise and tell him to keep his eyes on this card and look pleasant. "`.`vH"i:`'f.ourth !" exlaimd the other. "I An]:-ln o Ln... In` L}... :_ 4.1.- 1.-.--- up A newspaper man down in Texas tell his readers that there are men who are always hearing the voices of the sirens- men here in Texas who believe that beyond the Rio Gr-ande e yellow `sands dark-eyed hourie languish for their com- ing. That would` appear to eettle it. On to Mexico ! A dark-eyed houri is not `to be sneezed at in any commonwealth. ._.__ .. , __. ..-_ ' `Worldwide 1I_ it-he roputotion of West ! Cough Syrup, tho truly ..,marvelouu remedy Jot. oougln, ;oo1dn,`-voroup, iihupiig}.oou`gh,. 8-thm -ml 6n.-'!99ptin~ All "?.".'8_.'.- > ASei'io u`f`l)'isuaers.- Tramp-17Wou't_ you 1191 3 poog mamthut lost. his family by the ha:-lesion. 'e'srthquoko 3". . House- keepm--Whyyou are the same man ' that lost his family lost year by the Ohio River oods. Tramp-I know it, mum. I am one of the most unfortunate gintlemen on the face of the earth." It is said that the father of the Taylor boys of Tennessee got `them into their present awkward position of [running against each other for the ~G-ivernorship of Tennessee by making them speak againtst each other when children. He kept them up tnll 11' o'clock at night on occasions, and often had to whip each one of them three times before the debate was- closed. Reasons why on should purchase Fluid Lightnin in pre erence ` to all other remedies are: Rap (1 result-cures instantly. It is easily a.pnlied-no trouble-no lost time. It does not require constant use--one spulication is e eo'n um. Hne bottlv will remove more in than any other remed in existence. Try t for Neu- ral a. Tootnac 0. Headache. Rheumatism. 801 at 250. a bottle. by G. Monkman. Druggist. "I_. `I ! `A. 3 .I u A puiuvvu vuv ULUU IIIIDII UUIU IIIIUIJI. 1-Slir. Smythe (j ust. from abroad)--Is it that large tree on the lawn ! Ah me ! How many happy childhood hours! passed rechuing. in its shade.(Grea't uproar." Miss Pasaay faints.) . .0 - .- .- - Fogg has said the meanest thing `any man ever was capable of saving. When Mrs. F left him elone in the house the other evening, she" remarked : You won t efionely, deer ? "No, he replied ; I ehewtlmiee you at all. The Darrot, you know, is here. - I'I7 II,i!I_ , AI AVA. ,D n'I7,,AI,' -ow-- wow -`-n-u cu Ivirvwnivg -v; `g nnnvnnnlnll-II. can Inauiln to .Miss Pa.ssa.y- r. Smythe, do try some of those peaches. With my own hand I plantedlqhe tree that bore them : III. O_-,,- whatelmred man. He did itvesyl too, and he was adjiedpune by jury I`vithout"leaving their sea . . _ West's Cough Syrup, the most reliable re. medy for all throat and lung diseases. For safety keep it always in the house. All" druggists. . J - 0 I n _ - c \ _. _.'_' ___ A The bridesmaids at 3 recent London wedding were arranged so as to "lead the eye down to the bride : train. Two very little girls marched behind the bride and the other eight `maids were "arranged according to hight, with two perfect qrenadiera of girl: as le closers. - Weat'a liver fills, the stapdnrd remqdy for Jive: `complaint, dyopepsns, indigaatxon and sick headache. 80 Iugur-coated pills, 250. All drngaistn. ` . .l.I mL-I mqm i m} and _'1Vhe;_pegd cannot In Dr `vi-nnnn can Ii -Alp. _..._i'..I' '_- Be on Your Gudrd. IIU DGI-IIU 40 eow. 2 onnam .% a mwhen worm are ,t.|10.. lately oxp6li~nll.;.Worn`1I. V ' = ```IAndeed ! Pdinifou, it? hen let : hfsva Lanother>hi.din." - : ;M&IIl81'...(Io has appreutinaaftser. a. `drub- bms)-.-It. aim me. real pain to thruh :1Ioofte'n~.~"~_ ' - - . nix. 3 u . we `. ~ _' 4 a . _al'6urtoldlWoi'k. .' But-d.ocAk Blo6(1f, Bit`grav not gt the fame time ubbn th9'_ liver," thqbowela. the` kidneys _and the skin. rglieviug mating in every guiieawumnted a..tiafaoto1-:y.:.or money to- un .. r , .- " . ` ' ,7 . Ie wise to provide against emergencies .-which are liable to arise in every family. In sudden attacks of cold, eroup, asthma, etc., ,3 bqttle of Ayer'e Cherry Peetoral will prove a never failing remedy. V `Y 1 `psid I ' 1 The 125 steamships plying between the Uniteifststes ind` Eiirope osts$100 900,- 000,. employ 18.750 men, spend $|.000- 000. 1;. month fo`:_-j_`oosl_-, carry 500,000 pauefng'e`ra.a.s year, ; slid ' 0 earn $22,000,000 for passage money exclusive of. what is 7 Iu`:"_. ' ;. _. ,. A_st:-auzecale. Mr. Robert Kieaick, of Oonlson, 0nt., has recently recovered from a remarkable disease -a tumor` of the spleen with dropay. The. tumor eitimated to weigh about six pounds the medical counsel gave him no hope, but Burdock Blood Bitters cured him. llllll I auxtuuuy lllqllllf 8 H018" man. My, honor does. butit may` be differ- oht with you. How much do you weigh? T Only 125 pounds. . . -[ Oh, ivell. then, I should tell him `that -he was nagentleman, and let it go at that." ` I For Small Men.- Colonel, when ab mancalln you `a liar does honor 1_'equire tliat ;-?you should hit him 3" anxiously inquired small 'man. MW (`nan |-|u1L~5 ~---- `-4 -':""" -uncut: Um IVA` l'I'UIlIo There istno trouble, iu ascertaining from snv drugcist the truovirtues of Hsgyard s Yellow.0il, for all painful and inammatorv troubles, rheumatism. neuralgia, lumbago, frost bites, `bui-us, bi`uiso's,. sprains, contract- ed cords, sti` joiutyaches. pains sud sore- ness. A ~ ` v wlgxtgtvlg: 'Sheara-Flourishing `just at Dreubutlaat month we had the hog cholera pretty bad. . nnunbuu 4.;a:L__ `KT ... _ --'-~~A- vu-uwsn yllllqlay Ulua _ County editor-I m sorry to hear .that; but you are looking well now, Brother Shears." . V ~. ---I"V'Hl5- Country` editor (to brother editor)- Ah! , good morning. Brother Shears; gladrto-coke yous; and how are things up at Pigville 7" * `L ' ' `l1....n...._ an. ---`_- 1-`rm . Scott : Emulsion of Pure Cod Lwer Oil. with Hynophosphitea, is prescribed by the Medical Profession because it is not a. secret` remedy, but 9. scientically prepared preparation of two most valuable specifies. that they nd of nne called value for their Consumptive an Emociated patients. Take; no other. ; V . What the Barber Wanted. Drutnmer--Barber, would you like to try some of my patent bay rum 1" Barber--I ve got all I want at pre- v sent. Drummer--But,-barber, this is a new kind. Barber-Isn t it the same as the last? Drummer--` Oh, no. Every man you shave, wash his face with this bay rum and I ll guarantee he will have a heard an inch long-in two days." ' R`oI`\nnj.`.Qnv|:' Dual` 1. `.----1 -L -- A- -vv- -ow-- wv .-.v----o-.- ' nos 1-. Iwvvnvl In *-v Professor-Next tune. ladies, I will` bring to your acquaintance one of the great men of the past. - nn`:n`|f`n1` cvnulnru [L4-v`-nan nn:nLL -._\ Messrs. Edmanaon a` co., . GENTLEMEN,---Your medical guide and re- cipe book is withoutexcption one of the most complete and useful little books of the sort that 1 have ever read. . Many of the recipes cmtained in it are worth far more than the price you charge for a bottle of Dr. Chase's Mandrake Dandelion Liver Cure. Yours A&c., Jno. Woods, druggist. ;. \Ill\.l\I a Zact1y, my friend, said the drunkard as he sat down on the steps. I ve been drunk offen nu' to know I can't outrun `em, and I m going to sit. here and wait. `Sherry to disturb you, old fel, but wish you'd wake me` up when `er wagon comes. ' (Ill Inlu uuul GU Illltllllsllll Want`ez (hic) come in," was the drunk- en reply. Now, you skip, you loafer? Police! Police ! Zact1_v. my friend." said the drunlmrd some Experiences. What do you want 1' shouted a_ citizen of Fun street east to a. person knocking at his door at midnight Won`A9 Ihn'n\ nu.-... cu. ,5 _..... LL- .`I..--_ L -ovunnvo U Q 21 GVIIIIIUU: West's Cough Syrup contains no opiates, opium or any minerals. and can be given to the voungest and most delicate child with perfect safety. _It is an jnfallible cure for croup and whooping-cough. A bottle should always be kept conveuient,vas it is always _a certain cure for con hs. colds, consumption in its early stages. ronchitis, asthma, and all throat and lung troubles. 250., 500. and $1 per bottle All druggists. ' -au_vIl AIJIIUIVIIU III III I `How could I `I I had just thrown a chair and a toilet set out` of a chamber window when the remen got the flames out. There wasn't even a. show to rip up a carpet or tear down a. bedstead. fnigbt. mumum rt 1 `: : -~: "Fire in iohi-)~."neigh um um." % Mnoh.:of a burn 1" H11 - 1| ' VIICV '71 III I db, 3. house " Did you go over 1 Yes ' W911, you don t seem to have taken ` much Interest in it 'I . " lll I',,, I1I'lI 1- C n u . .. on `two. can-Innvnug vuuu, DEAR SIns,-I have been. troubled for fteen M years with Liver Complaint and bleeding of the bowels. have had in attend- ance some of the best medical doctors in United States am_iVCsnada. but received no `benet, was given up by a*p1-eminent doctor in Barrie, and was at last.-jndnced .to try some of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, and 1 am thankful to say I am almost cured. I have spent many dollars in other patent medicines, but to no avail. can highly recommend Dr. Chase's medicine for my complaint: to any who sn'er. I am yours very truly, Michael Cassidy, Barrie, Ont. AA , "'.I3 w`iIZ;" baby git-1V of 3 or 4 golden summers stared at him with round eyes, this dangerous infant threw her a kiss fromvhiomrosebud ngers and chirrupped-L: Ah, there. n venue. u wnu wave me axxn mg)el'-Iect nealtn. 6 8 smooth. clean and good color. ure and es the nulne. made v M0 ; or 8: Parke. 4 ` Imganld at Mnnkmmfn D!v?u'sr Qtnm 27.4000 illoconee in-hie laughing, and his nurse 1 web repadving him tor some infantile cap- rioe when he turned upon -her with a. vin- dictive kick as he liaped : V * "(I nu,` 1'1`:-u n -in:-st. I'll` u-n..-o J-.. . 4.. `::i':n?t.v(;0;: :1: 0;); now den ; oo an t my mash." . A gun nun; xu LWU uuyw Barber--Send me a. balfrel at once. I INOJI What 3: in" llf\l_ _ Sdarohlng {of Proof. .. _- L__, Mothers Take Notice. grsgg :`c'4;.'::e&!-.2.` , as r. ' ` ` as ~thohgl?`{ntoi 131 mmselr " ' ' sues taken in price; to. Quit ._vb.,f _ '`"- . s scout);-ll-'A*1I-D Flinn I {run}; ` L BOU(}ll'i' "A'I`:`s-dgn nu7 we guuuuxu. muuu uv uwwreizor ac rurxe. H1101 860. Sold at Monkmanb Drug Store. 37-49 *n__1-__--_ inw_._L ;_,.__