Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Nov 1886, p. 7

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lo M . -_ ; _ _ _ , _ _ ~ ' IIII,--In '7' ' OW&LONDON INSURANCE pug g.1.o`jg' 9,: ;THlCl::o1}1I:Jx:S;?ot`Grut Britdpu onto`: " fl'.': ` `DAILY nnnrns mm m6uV Toronto....V ...... ...... .. 1 Toronto.. ............................ .. Toronto...'................. .......... .. Ottawa and Montreal...............-.. 1 NorthernRailway(North) ........ 1 Grand'J.``...... ........... ..J Northern Railway Sout.h).... ...... .. North Bimooe'RailwaX, Peneta.ngu1- nhmm and `Milnn _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office hours. 8 9.. m. to`8 p. m., and'for 2b minutes aftor the distribution of Toronto night mail- Sunda.y s excepted. Mnnnv nu-an: a-nun-Ad rm uh Mnnnv Order uuu1- aunuay B BXCGDECQ. , "Money Orders %anted on an Mono Order Offices in Canada. nited States, Great ritain Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland and India, and Savings Bank deposits received be- tween the hours of 9 a. m. and I p. m. Rnaiutnrn 'I'.nM-nu-a munt hn hnndn in 15 mrin. &"'.lll.llJ.l.ll1I'Bl-, xvxuuuuy. weunesuay and Friday. . .. . auouocu British Mails. ma '3'rZ.')'iuondg;rI '1`ue'sda. 1y and Thurada ........ .. W3 (H ifa.x,) Wedr:e a.y.. .`.....T 3};i53 Illv:; ," f"c.=l:'&':iz'1l one an` an . .......... . . ., Newmarket ................ ... ..... . . ' Newmarket T ........................ . . Hamilton and Beeton Branch Rail- ` wnv LAG:-IJLIVIJIL ELI JJUUIA-Ill IJKGIIUIL LEG waytl O I I O CIllIlI_lCOOIIIlIIcIlDlI Meatord Branch Railway" ..... . . Collingwood ........ . . ; . . . ...... . . Collingwood ..................... . . Orillia ........ . . . ............... . . nltnlin uruna. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . vH1l1ada.le,Craighurst Ii5iE;'tb'xi,'i-'ozi Hill. ........................... 2 R b . d ,Ste 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Z L.`_1iH]IrngIf'rT\/I'nn?11?v fnnnnnv BWUUII B116 11011758 OI 3 8. III. nu 5 pt 11!. Re `stared Letters must `Be handed in 15 min- utes efore the close of each mail. - Thu `lnu-um In-u-`I all no-Ban 1-nn'I vnnfhn-\ nu-n guano Acmlanaut mvau Toi-onto. .................. 'l`oronto.. ........ ...... .. Toronto.. ......... . . .A ................ . . Northern Railway South . . . . ._ ..... . . Newmax-ket ........................ .. Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- ........ . . Allandale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' ..... . .- Allandale . . . . . . Hamilton 85 Bee. Penetanuishene, Midland and Nnrf Qimnnn Pnihxrnv Ezonto Ong I.'ULIUIa:ll UIBLIUIIU, VLl(llHaI1(1 HUG . Nort Simcoe Railway........`. Grand Trunk East ..... . .. ....... . :. Ottawa and Montxjeal. ......... . . Orillia. .............................. .. 1 Orillia . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Collingwood ........................ . . 1 Collingwood ........................ . . Northern Railway North . . ...... . . 1 Meaford Branch Ra.i1wa.y.... .... .. ` Hillsdale, Craighurst, Dalston and 4 Crown Hill ........ ............ .. ` Rugbv. Edgar Steelep Mitchell's j Qnusu-n'n.nr1 Jlf. Om _ . _ _ , , Mitchell's Square and East 0ro.. .......... . . !-Grenfel1. Tuesda and Friday.... 1 2-Midhurst, Mon ay. Wednesday and F1-idnv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. ` has opened out next to J. J. Br`own's Feed Store and opposite the Barrie Hotel. when-e_he is pre- pared to supply the general public with every- thing in his line. Lock and Gunsmithing. Re-stocking Guns,` "Choke-boring, Browning, Stock Binding. Saw Filing. , LOOKS 3.. KEYS MADETO onoan UMBRELLAS AN'D*I'ARASOLS REPAIRED E` Repairing ofdany kind will receive imme- diate - ~ . JuHN `VV`.BIG_'I'I_'I'_. QARRIE POST OFFICE Jorin wane]-|1',% " [LDOKAQIQ sunsmml -r 1' 1). .-......|a I`:-nn Q9111-A Duplop St;eet'. Barrie, LEA U TI 0 N.| _ .EAonp-1-.`T;.:>1#'rHE _ V `V & CO-9 MY RTL LNAVY MERCHANT !`AlLORS, um. OTHER L GENUlNE.| -LI .:: .A_ MOST COMPREHENSIVE FAMILY BIBLE, containing the navxsmn and AUTHORIZED Ver- sions of both the Old and New Testaments. ar- ranged in `parallel columns. It also contains a complete cyclopasdia of, Biblical knowledge, 360 additional features. and nearly 2500 illustra- tions. The la est cheapest and most elegant- ly bound Fam y bible ever published. The, mmnzn UNPARALLELIJED. eve;-y, . intelliarent erson wanting-a copy. Some agents are mak- n' from $50 to $100 weekly. Our agent Mccrae so d $500 worth in. two Townships during his ..'x"st few weekswork. ,Ano ex-agent reports .17 Bibles sold last week. xperience is not ` necessary. Send to the sole publishev for d`es~ '....muvn nimnlar and-liberal terms. Biblg i1_|; Eaurq, ,o$iptlve olrcutar anu-uuunu um um. uau;_vu;u.; o e1-.100 varieties. -Also a.'line of, Sta2nd;u_'d_ "Subscription Books and chap Photograph` , Albums. 0. BLAOKETT ROBIN8ON,- 5 Jordon Sf-.. TORONTO.` 37-10 ' Publisher... .-,_o .\...1 17 1110183 8010. llgpla vvuono no u;n u "necessary. p1`1 b1is`heV: 5; (fe; "cxiptive oircuhr andliberal Bibleasin; .100 a.jlix,1e Sta`.1ida.`1:d`_ 'Bn%:cript.ion cheap Photograph 53M 1'1` H. ' NEW HEM BIBLE! ____;..-.-- .--con wn uni-117 art: I`.- _l: i_|0Tol:RPH8%1_'_AKEN IN on: sienna. \, ,1 : `urge, gt a. sittinuz (what an age we] `II-1--uwv ---__ __, G able of taking frbm orie to sevntfltigi bif-E _ - -_;-._-, , ye -1n)V." = WANTED IMMEDIATELY!- 1`-1 A uv A Qmnsl IN THIS UOUNTY |AEAI[PERLLINSURANOECOMPANY '`='-'``""``" `' """""' ' ""' "" """"' ' ' - T .: London. England. A Almlm 1031' mmvun um. WITH THE LATEST AND BEST rumsnmes . A AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. - A ' ' JOHN PLAXTON imugzpnmui i-1nmTon'w1dm oitnoxnon j uy. nugur, Dweue . . . . fffdhurst. Monday. Wednesday _ andFridav. .... ........ .. o\ fdgn STEPHENS hasjust impored a- ...--myanc. A, . Bradf Germ. Bfne. ~\~1`1g.1:t3.T1'88` `I 'ii1?tItI'="N.!=A?.RA, __ _ _.-L.. 'inRs.IiI. E. Monnow ----:17 ~' 1oT;inE_s ennui-lm 'l`l-lA_N nvniz. `HE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY of ' V ' V - _ A NEXT noon TO THE CANTON TEA sro I V V V ' ` gng ` . _ London, England. . __ I'll` I - :IIIuuu-- `CANVASSERS IN 'rHYs'LBI'J'1"r' FOR THE -:1 IE QUEEN Luau: I London, England- DAILY 'MAII8 FOR IN nno'N`z1': LETTERS. -`-`-bAanN'r 103- Is MARKED Mwm` [10 58?! `afoopm 36-ly |1`5O,O%0OL WOOL WANTED, gamma wnuzm [nan K%%?`i`TFEsL 995:: For which the highest pric will b`e paid in Cash or Goods. A large stock of superior goods . T . ,. T choose from at In8.n1lf&Ctl1l`e1`S'.p1'ices, --:::- --n-Q -zn--"___ 4 [MUZZLE &. BREECH-LOADING 5-mi-1-up: ...11___ gth. and blished. ? bumors, ; ruption. 2 nn. Es- 3 u._;-.`.: a. \JI\lLV\l 4.5.; J.-l.J.IlI [CAR'I`R[DGE,F SHELLS AND % OTHER AMMUNITION, LOOK -:- HERE! BAIKIE S._ ___B_QQKST(f)RE I EWINCHESTER, KENNEDY 8; SPENCER Ill!` 7 REMINGTON AND OTHER -----_--..__ sP0R'I`ING4: 01) s; M=cARTHY=s BLOC_K,, *_Are showing the Largest and Finest Stock and most Fashion- T ` able Patterns in Fall and Winter Goods, _ ever shown in. Barrie. Our Clothing is made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction ` ' Guaranteed in every respect. 4' ; New and eiegant (iesigns pi Parlor and Chamber Suites, Extension Tables, Side- 'bo.a.rd, etc.,'infWslnnt, Ash, and imitation of Mahogany and Walnut, at prices 3. "lqvfvi f_co_nsistentj. V with good work. FAC'lfQRY,& SALF-ROOMS. NORTH MARKET SQUARE, BARRIE. Mills onVJohn` Street, Barrie. .=....=,Te.oi;aT.;j,i% %L;.i.'j%;;;`.;%j1j.;;;`; n;`e;i;:e.. |UN l}_ER__'l` AK E R, JIJSEPH LEF_G 'I`0N, _ ' BOOKS or ALL KINDS. W. B. BAIKIE, BETWEEN BARRIE AND QUEENS HOTEL. ......... .__-._...__. &._......- BWARRI E%`sIOVEi&IEl!B_E{AcE n EPOT We are -Direct importers. PHQTOGRAPH ALBUMS Just received a large assortment frote Germany, all at the very Lowest Prices. - 4 _- .... _- _ _ __ __- ylmjs, &%pLAx1ou's,FcLIr,a rununczs `A i'_~L.__;.ni.'_" ' 3 -A nah -54.!-`4..I1uuu-. Bldg Inn tnnvn Wm .411: An!` (In: lllnhn Vnlwgu I lab is the >e's Gold -nation. I UNDERTAKEE STOVES 2 "s'.I-ovmzss 2 2 . _-"-- .' ncnn`u-.Il\ `IA 17111` II?ilII`lT IIITTTJ Y IIIITJIWIII A\YT\ 1'I`I1(`III TIITIIIW TMANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS _OF FURNITURE. BAR-RIE AND STROU D. ;XND SEE']-EI IS rrocvm FF: JAMES W|LKINkSf-5, Proprietor. iolfr smn mmnor STREET, CARPENTER AND --- g4- `sHoT_GU N'sAT REDUCED PRICES. IQ. `I1-in nvus BREECH-LOADING -_-\_ K8. igncllz ` nffnc. ~ VI.` I tit #1 iucjjjuu - 2:: - v---- u::--- 1 took`jo!.Iron Plp'o mr Steam. Water and Gas, G1ol;o Yukon. 3: Itoullsllzas and Wntoralsaaol. All work in thinlino :7-W: ,:`[omtl[It$Ql|d0dtO. A . h 410-9.: V max rurrma G. BLAGKMORE & co. -CALL AT- CVOFFINS AND `GASKETS 01:` _ALL KINDS -AT THE- ':-"`*"7 "j"'L"j f'And all Funerail Requisites Furnished. r ` `Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, Promptly "attended to. , .- .- _G. O. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. STEAM WORKS AND snow ROOM, ` CJOLLIB,B.-ST., BARBIE "GIAME TRAPS, &c., `T .1. HENDERSON S. -000- Woven Wira Mzittresses 3. Specialty. DJ-%DQUQALLs FURNITURE. Ah Insection is Invited. 1 .-aux.-- -n......-.-.A-ya La.A.aL. In stool; ;>r Made tovrder. {MIG}; ZINE IIFLES. "SPORTING RIFLES. Funerals f;1rnished oom- ns of various design!) plete. Caskets and Cof- and pries always in I011. gn'c13r1'iu% ; 0 [1 lug. En- stock. All orders will re~ ceive careful attention. gcongregauona 7 cnunn ODLUER ST. BARBIE. OPPOSITE TH_l`. |U.S 101! 5500-... f Anti-i gtanbltll1IU`|_*'""n -~ ---~ ,~~- _,,,,], With an unhiasrd study of these Werswe can satvlv promise not only 1; iew and satist`uctm-y light to the intelli. gent lllillellt Vt-1', but confirmed faith md hcpe to the tlolibtitig Christian. And here, perlmps, better than later. in, a .Wol`(l as to what ismeant by Substanti:ilism_ or- the Substantial ph,i0g(.l,|iy," is appropriately in order. This plmmology .Will frequently be en- " mustered by the reader. in the various .rtiL-les of our contributors, as well as .;. in own editorials, and without as con `I. zisexplanation ofits meaning at the '7 start, hmm brief, much misapprehen- f ion and contusion of ideas might result. The name Substantmlism appro priutely signies, "as the Substantial pwosaphy tH1(.'l1 S, that everything in the universe, of which the intellect can ,f tuna positive concept is a real,. en- ` litative or substantial existence, whether such entity be material `or immaterial -whether it shall be subject ndirectly _ iosensuous observation, or. its exist- -" site can only be determined by "the ; mental procc-ss of reasoning from cause ' :oellct. Hence, that every form of = ;h_vsital, vital, mental, or spiritual '07C :ll1illP. universe, whose effect is in .r inytlegioe the subject of our observa- ':ion or slia 1 come Within the grasp of our reasoning powers, must he substan- ztiul; and, Dth having the recognized -';.rope1't'u-s of matter, and not ` being; subject to material conditions, these. , forces mlist, therefore, properly and pnecessmily, be regarded as immaterial, ;;ub_starcc. Such is a very brief deni- - Tzion of ` h'ub'stantia'lism" as more fully flelahoratc-(1 and set forth" in the Sub- .?stintialisi, s Creed found elsewhere in gills nuinber. l _ i Now it is this essential . and funds- mmm] characteristic ofthe new philo- Iophy as ded_uced from the physical liws,_which we and our associates have _ to-earnestly proclaimed usaergths `name of Subs`amialism, and from which, as we allirln, the only real scientic evi , deuce on earth for the immortality of the human race--can be adduced. ' The hitherto. supposed analogies of` nature -in favor oi religion, Withall their elegance oi diction and elaboration of argument, I become wholly ineectual and worthless ` under the logical and scrutinizing inves- tigation of modern materialistic athe- ism. Simply for lacking the-essential. physical elements of analo ical proof whch, at this late day, lill , Phll9B01hy has so opportunely supplied . i To attempt a collationpf. `anologioaf evidence in favor` of a future life~~,s-froth trom the untranslated pages of natures thesaurus that could be at all satisfying to the mind ofau intt'lligent.fn6tlelist, ;i:7While at tl.e same time regarding MJYODG of the phvsical forces as the: were `motion, of material molocules, and in no wise in substantial or Jbjective existence}-:,;"is to.. our mind so pm rile and self-nugatO!'Y.:I9' in entitle its authors to c_otnpas_sion._' `fflllher than confidence. To assumethe - ,_--_'r'.- ""'-"" U3-U UUl}lluUll"("- '.lU life, soul, or spirit of man to be 'Ta_re`ial" _f3ubatu11co,-.13 do numy learned. `$116010 . giansaml iwligious philosophers, while. `Snoring the substantial nature of heat, gravitation, magnetism, and electricity "Nile phyeicul domain. making them ' `"113 modes of molecular motion, may 1 Welland justly call down the bantering. % "9378 of matorialiete of the I-Iaeokel 7 Pd Hllxlvy Hhoolo And .to. -as8tT_1me__. V "`lPmi016B. capable of being shot*from" ithe "11 or othoi` _lun'1inmi8 bodies at a '10ity of nearly 200,000 miles A9. 3'66.- d. as was gravely taught by Sir Isaae Nw,t"s while iwgrirding i sound it8 manifest theoretical congener, ' tall DOV mlance at all, but merely the insub= mf~i&1 motion of the molecules pf the Scicmzxic Mznterialism a1_1d- ltha 1,5 3,1,0 swept_ Away--Doubt 66 T ,,,_ 1=`ro1n the Pulpit. -- ; . Removl _ 7 . IE} \ Vt; ,._.`_:.n-:;:ble p-pew on Pgzih V .,,l he l`.eax' lon- " ..g.::.-, from the .Sc1'e.ntic_ ' ., ._ .-itum l)\ I Ien_1-y A, P` (.3. S., an eminent. 3 _` ;_ ,~, en braced the New M, ;.f.. 1* [the tug`:S `searching W lxx`.m.'i1:at:()n of its claims: 9 ', U,1_S(xjhte(l and there has often :3 'l`l`.f:.`\':/,"I-,[(:`(1 what was called scientic r , ..f the lmmorfalitv of the soul; 4 uch eVldv-HOP has .bee11"sp far fetch- Wdstrai'ed that under clos and lmlanalysia it has proved more il- jlglca than real, always lacking: the lmglinkg of physical` analogy and $091,] consistencv necefsary to pr.-9. ` conviction in the mmd of an` m- l]f.e0ent81;9I,{.ic. The logical di'ereI*ce ' 51:65 sutb apparent .eVidence. and}, 12,931 zlnalogicnl proofs of human ign- gortality which the % Subgtant-113.1; Philosophy rat bropght `to lIght,&1t ,11bethe'uixn pf talus semen. of papgra Weeentand unfold; and 1f_we Em? "mot, the most conrmed .ache1s1c ;.m,milis_t, who shall ca1'ef1jlly..a!3d T md]y fwollpw` the-sq argulmegtay Wlll :; WHO}, mm app to .dou`btE lua own - Wicigm than to qnesnon e1ther_ the mzence of a personal Gnd or the sub mntial and enduring nature of 1118 _own . 1111.1". .....n.l.unml nfmlv nf r.l1a:la .`h;`i'-`M IUUUIPII: ()1 (DB I.I.lUlC('-IIIBB Ul Una of: _3t0_exh1b1t enrrh a. mm-v,!ous-wan.t. caclentxc resource and logical parspl-T e'53: as to excite onu`s comtmseration, h i?"*V in the case of __the greatest P `I`Pher that evenlived ` (A d 'l1Y8'quent times, afterNew't:on's- uy _Phi108upher would, mghlp -fopron the 1d_ea that ope of the"- liyutoii ; 9':h8t. V`prchan`u;,2`;nr::_% ' lyi *l90tmm .- , .. -- A mu Y_~was_an enmy or u _]0OtiV8; ` 1 While oonsigning oil the other! Evznzzmz or A Wig`; CLEARLY s'rA'r:a:n.* -__. .- -uupmcau uncertainty, It was this titiieirouching Hand` mk- ing foe which has given warp and bias ` to the j_udgmdnt' of` all college-pta\1gh-t theologiansiwhen attempting `to solve the problem of human life h`ere~.and4 which, unobserved to them, has vitiated andrendered null and void every at tempt at real scientic analogy` by which to prove "the rational probability of a future life for humanity. ,Their eves seem blinded tothe most self evi- dent analogy in nature, namely, that if one single force, whose phenomena ap- peal to our observation, is but the vi- bratory motion of material particles and in no sense -a substantial entity, why may notlgfe force and mend-force, whose observed phenomena are so anal- ogous, be also out dierent modes of m'~ bratory mo'z'on which, "like soundfone, \ well weoessarily case to exist assoon as the vibratiezg particles cease to move .7- VIVL .. L ' .... ....A. a.l......I.....:....l .....-l......L.. vvvv vv-art vvvvvra ruvv vvv-vv vvvvwv vw vuvwyw . That eminent theological analogists like Butler, for example, should have overlooked this fatal incongruity which, whenseized upon by materialists, so cou- olusively nullied all their evidence drawn from science in favor of the im- mortality of the soul, is one of the most astounding facts in the history of re ligio-scientic investigations; and that these critical minds should not _ have suspected something fundamentally false in the science of the schools which so provokingly rendered nugatory every attempt to prove. the substantial` and enduring nature of the vital, -mental, and spiritual forces in man, upon which alone. any conception of human immor- tality can be predicted, is equally a matter of the most profound astonish- ment. ' .1 .I I ', I .__2____-2_ to the realm of motion,` ' thou 'by't_l_1rns, and .h acocrdaneellithiithot intellectual fancies of ' d;fierent,ph'ysi~- oists, all the forms of force or nhenow menon-producing causes in nature, with the bare exception of sound, were tem porarilv restored to a substantial exist a , ghslqiiailr - entitled to entitative -recognitio`n;;_ , Thus` ence, to be nally changed and shifted by later investigators back into the modes of moteion analogousto that of sound, apparently to. harmonize all under theone uniform law of material phenornena. Clearl_v,- the whole trouble in the premises of making all the forces or forms, of energy substantial. and of thus forming A a broad, V scientic, and consistent basis for man's lll]lD0l`l':8.l ex: istence by the evidence of rational analogy, lay in this simzle. problem of the true. nature of sound. It was the crouched -lion lurking in the path of scientic harmony and consist.ency,= and whose menace of deance ever "since Pythagoras" to the present time, had. turned every * physical investigator asideinto the wildering mazes of philo- sophical un`certainty., " ` ` rs .....- .I.:.. .:..'._ .~..-.`.-:_:.._ -_J LQL lI.ll`LI|J Whatever the theological, scientic, and literary culture `which those vemi: nent religious philosophers may have brought` to bear upon their supposed evidences of immortality drawn from the analogies of nature, this one irresis- tible fact; that sdtmd, one-of - the .~mani-A fesfforces of `nature, weshut the_motion of vih,ratgiIrigf.tnat_eriial particles,` end` not 9. 7 substantial entity _., iiigtizerly broke ihe back of all theirelezant logic, and left the hapless analogists oundering in the meshesof their `own inconsistency, which they-at `times no `doubt felt,` Bet" from which their scientic education in the colleges rendered it. impossible for. them to escape. T " I .3 "-'~ `Asth- very Llllaulu Us Uunuauxu _. 'J3h-isnnnouncement, with the demon- strable, proofs accompanying it, rang the deuth-kn`plI`-f, 1muteriel_iaLn'-fby-r thus 5 strikingwthe diasdn iieydte 6f humsin' it _imm`oifta;_lity asjbased on -the ynqq igolon . sistent and fhsrmonioue anlgigs of nature. For pleinly,if soundifthjtnost self-evident mode of motion or an the 'tn_atursl=~forces, detnonstrahlv turns out to be `an immaterial substance, at real A entity, thengpo scientist, however ma terialistic his proclivities, would think for a moment of questioning the sub- stantial `nature of the `soul, mind, 'or spirit of main teas, on the other` I baud',.i_f suundisbuit the mete motion` % hot` air-particles, and is in no sense sub- , stantiaI,_then manifestly no Christian ~ . .. ., in -u...`. La. mennnn hm: been it was at, this ijuzictcre affairs in the religio-scientic .conict._of the ages, -; with miiterialisui ramepanti, atheism de-' ant, and the so-called liberal clubs all .. over the lahdi blatfahthhd even tri`u'n`1phg ant overi~a11,thgo1ogial `jfeasoning based . _ u ion.,th1e . analogies ot__ nstu`l}e.1 p.1id_~thaii too by using`. as a. weafioh . .t.h'e .vei'y iscieti ` taught [in every-.0hris.tilan_ college throughout the world, t.lia.t`Sub8t'a.ntial- ism came abruptly into the.\acz'ant7_/to menu. and called upon the schools` mi; churches to halt." and ,_bea.r. wl-iuiess that all the forces of'na'ture, physical, vital, . ment'al,V and spiritui1,`inoludio"g sound ` `i -..~-..:I-':.....I..al3..n'vIuHi? an 131??-.1 Lectnrei Medical oer Eye Auristtn in A531: 9.1. M01 and`Ear Avenue. terence Nasal pl epoch .u`1.Bnw/|,Vuuu lJ|l`|u|gqs,o ll!IuI.>g\gn|'.-5 .....u.... as well as_`sa u.7,'ino1udiu_g"[g "t is well as life, including .:nagmtzspq.p.a"well as mezitalzfy,` `vwere r eal,`-2 su-bs"taVn'tiul enti- ties,` and '1'.h ero_fo:!-9 7ii!'Id8B1.}i'll0:ti'l)l in; the very natiire'of` `thiifgs. uu_:_- ..........nnmmnnl-. with f.]'|A nmnn. `Ellen lllulluylasy -no `,..-_.___ philosopherrafter his attention has been called to it, to an-'er the most painful apprehension as he '-faces the ap- palling argument of the Ine.f erialist which caprieetthe irresistible analegy to ` the human `spirit. thus proving ita,1so to be but the phenomenal effect of tha- terial vibratiqn, or but the meretrgnotion of brain`.and.._}1`erve ptn"tiqles.'- A A-L2--.474.` {Re }6 I lying.` ;.V:;h.:: `:.3$:**:.:*1$.?a%' `3 :: 'vz.:.:..,.. tion Billiousnuxl . and it In the ebtiood puri- er In the knoyn- world to-59,7. Doesit given A ,. _ ` We oa.nno:*poiI`1.t|-tgono 1nItanoe;wl:p,`911fe,ult`didV .a. .7_- T;-E-00: ioghbinned. C011 0. Toronto. aurgeonto we mer- l- and ' r Inrmary and Oculist and Z. Auristtothe Sick Children s Hospital, late cum. ` t: Assistant Royal London Ofhthalmio Hospi- d. -fal. Mooreelds. and Contra 'and`Ear Hospaanl. has removed. to 60 oiiege '3 Avenue. Toronto. a be consulted with re- . 4-..~......... m maemea of e Eye, Ear Throat and London Throat. Capital 2.000.000; depositetl with the Govern- ment at Ottawa 8100.000. Reserve fund 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE 00 Capital $500,000; Government deposit made. ' rm: Anovn ARE ALL smock commxxns. THE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE 00. `Capital. $500,000. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY 03' ABERDEEN A-ND LONDON. ~ Capital. s3,ooo,ooo Sterling. - % JAS; scaoecsis, convmncmz, COMMISSIONERIN u.c.:. OFFI 0E--Over HETrDm2soN*s Hard- ~ Thelaweat conslsznment eiver run-over the N. R.` R... was `bought at Davidson 8; Hays Great Sula, on King St.. Toronto, by A :-sr-1-1/\'`I .C-}. XIICJD-1 A} ~ a.nd'wlll be sold ver cheap. Dull nn Arnminn he mock and will be sold verg cnea. . . Call and examine hestock as it must be run of! quick. - . Store in J. J. Brown's Bxick Block, next door to Barrie Hotel. AL Agent for the following Insurance Companies uruuu Btu", uu nu-5 um, tvsvuvv, u, D. B. GARTON -,, u-__n1 1.- .._1A -..'--v nhnnn 3-Build rs supplied and estim -___l,{Ul\UlIIl_I'lI ,u-nu . _ , HERBERT SMITH hsvlng.~lea.sed the stone ' Blacksmith Shop. .Cla.ppe1_-ton-st.. next to` the Simone H'otel..1s.preparedsto do all kinds` 0: :V`V0}`k,' Horssshoeing at th _ -latest improved styles, preventing. otinlierter ng, .`t&rg1ng,s;vgo:`;. _. 1 -`tmsoti n and tender. .,o_a,rt 3:`:-as a.tss_tur;_1.1`she' 16 " BAYP1ELD S%T R'EE'I`. GEO. DUDLEY, Ho USE, 3 IGN g'FR. sea 1w"* 4 % "`_DIl. `GEORGE L8.~ RYERSON V J ,T 9 L. R. Q. P.. D.` R. O. S. E.." " - "'|-- fl-_ --.3 Ulnuna "`nlI|`C'D Li: I`: V; In 11: Li: vo us Clip `Lecturer on the Eye. Ear and Throat, Trinity Toronto. Surgeon to the Mer- ...... mm. mm r Inrmary. -and-'Oe_uliet___a_.ng1 Pre 2 Had nred-113'] Dr.'J. C. Ayer 8: Cc;., gwgl Mung. `So! by pllvbrugglqw and Dealer: in Medicine. Pounn._ci[a on TON. ; vuun an we suggestion of a. friend, have van m_e effectual relief. -_I commenced asking this remedy two months ago; and am now free from Constipation, the re- moval; of ~ which " has caused . my. other tl'Ol.lb16S t0 ` disannear. and arnnv `nu tro1i1')F1e-t6 '- Eiiggp ;r,v;`1;:iq:$;i,Yti;v rI?1\l'lee%sx:zRE:s1;?r ?11ealth.-- . Keeler`, I suffered Irbm Constipation, which assumed such an obstinate form that I feared it would-cause a stoppage of-..the bowels. Two boxes of Ayer s Pills cured me, completely. -D.- Burke,-Sa.c`_o, Me. ` I jig--V H Jj war.:::;y?mm; "*1"" 1 f5',"' ;; ' mt at-_auro..w1th. . 1'3 131 ;':1x1z9.W1i wggrt;-33;;-;;:;,; 1,,...,`~*, ,'; -_-"-I_'."u-v-al-tn. -..'...`,-i".,,..`." `. I ' _ o 2rn1s,.ao'cn.'z1t.j: 5.?999` _ _...__, \I naavo I suffered from Consti ation, and, con- se%uently, from Headac e,- Indigestion, an P.iles,.1or years. ~Ayer s Pills`, which I took at the suggestion of friend, given me eectual mm: . 1 M................a -.\..-vnJ e cum-:6 BUs|NG 1 three boxes of Ayer e Pills. vI` have no hesitation in pronouncing this medicine to be the b.est;catha.rtic ever `made.- James Eccles, Poland, Ohio. -` v , no A_g%N"rs `v_v;_LN'r1a:D.--clement 80-00., 0! 45 ` e! ington Street Ea-It-Jl`oronto.or-A81 .St. wmmnin Xavier Street. 1VIontr._`aa.l,_ want`_a.__qex_x`-` _cure what territory you can handle. Weifingtoii E&I|'w>- 1`0ront0`0r~4u .c 1:. Francis Xavier Montreal, want a Gen- eral Agent. The? are the exclusive owners of {he So oeld Pa ent Cake Griddle, the Cele- rated Emery knife Shar ener (known as the f'Oarver s Fr end"). the mery Scythe Sharp- ener, the Jay-Eye-See Wire Curry Cemb. and other Specialties; alt you want to make money. write to them at once for an outt. and to` 13:6 .-_ *- For a number of months I was troubled `With Costiveness, in, cons:-,- uence of which I suffered from Loss of ppetite, Dyspe` sia,-and a. `<`1iso1-de1i liver. My eyes` a, so troubled me. I w:~..~a compelled to wear a shade over them, and, at times, was unable to bear ex`- posure to thelight. -1 was entirely ` Alli-an-- _.- . . A . - cu - d affec- romptly . Livor7. V ion. it 13-` ~ nvrrints, EDWWDS _-`gnu! i\ "' .... vwuuwu. .I40`IrU&Uu., Mental D6` ' preseten, impairs thesight and Hearing, destroys the Appetite, and, when long continued, causes Eniargemeht of the Liver, -Inammation of the Bowels, and Piles. Constipation is speedily cured .'by A_ver stPinn. I.` _ ` V ` _ r - T I - 3 univmsal and most troublesome dis. 0 d ' . r or . It causes Headache, Mental De- Dl'eS8i0n_ hrnnnhm H... u:.1_. ,, . .. . rerenuy W unuvunuu v. ....... _., -, __,_ Npsal passages. - - A . cnnj no<}l ul gtteigtiqn to Eyfaand Cataract ' U 0f51_v _ir'EvAN0Eza.L.yc.,. ISSUIBOPMARRIAGILIOENSES onxonm-ran - P0S'1!4(V)FFIOEV,~IUILDING, ngmm-... I 4..-`co cc? "tbd Bfandg of lmpdrted and . V V 4 _ '``-`F` "".`} rTn1n=pBan.\;1x1r1nmormomomnonnon z England. A V % L 3.11:7.` H imcnW *'.:.z{ A -r9e`I:m.e.tgorq..,f1lI11a9:,',`;' % 5 oaI51`5 9E$`e. i'u9: .5N3" '9` "".'.'..{'o'3..'3 vuv..& ` 1. ` I ` G r ` ' ' .. . ` '5 ' .- .: '1- ' .:.\ , B$I&*ix335Wt*t!*-',py- ivN'F'.?)J'FI0`E :`-`C'ollr Bum`:-,& '. y _. 1.- n. claw: ,0. J. Moore. CITY or LONDON, ENGLAND, 1' Ilnuptvno. nun lvllluvvu. .... ..., ____u_ enuo. Ma. enoe to Diseases of Eye, Ear c an` nnnnnanl. ,wG%N s w;_`_LN'rED.~--c1emenc a?aco.; L , Eaum'l`omnto.-arm .-.....a. Yn.vlnr Street. % NORTH on s1M HOTEL. -v--r.yuvaJ u &;z JJLIIILU, JILUQ Ayer Vs~ Pills, nred-bv Dr.'.T- G. A war Ir n T .......n It--- uzj Leasbns given in all Bra.n'ches'or Painting. Drawing. 850.. &o. o Terma on appl atlon. .3-r n n I\ I n - _ITn.nhI.h'Il_ onnosite Terma appuoauon. `TUD :-U -tair. oit 3 ? the wellingtgn Hu3f t Eh: Five Points. Barrie. I, Biliousn in the B erangcdli ,}1}AR T.HR,0A'1` AND NOSE. --B_Y fr1-in:-- V' -C4014! lJl&U ware S'torv_e.T 343.3131. w!'!I'iF r.;8""% " ,-___J LI.-- THE :Iom:HEnN:, ADVANCE; * 11685 DBIOTC 6116 01036 D[ 68011 1111811.. The letters (and all other mall matter) are taken from the street letter boxes every day, Sundays excepted, at 8.00 o'clock a. m. and at 3 o'clock and at 8.00 p. an 33-11 1 J. EDWARDS Postmaster HEART. ' OMACH, SKIN ? Mei`

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