Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Nov 1886, p. 6

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w*`~'~'. ' """7'"-UI.a".`I"t 5: 1``'?:\ `if. ' -03:5; `"3 32 IF 5:.` ;, .; , ,_ gnry Geonfge aayg]: 9 tune 1 _I come] ` Vw!1`e1i`n`d mah"`wiil"b6 I birbd e'o=own*lm1*-` Miss ,-BVunkerhiTll [km Boston)-I' don't think hecould have amounted` to much; he had no middle name. `IE1... l'!...4.I...... I.e_.___- \'r_,_ rr 1 \ nrr u.|II|a_u , I-IV uuu IJU LILLIILIIU 1181118. Miss Gotham (from New York)--` `How much was he worth 1 ' ` Mina Porcine (from Chicago)---Did `he make his money before the re or since 1 Min: Ilnnbnnnnn /l------ C T ---3-` T Scott's Emulsion 0! Pure _ Cod L1ver,0il. with Hynophosphites, is not only very palatable, but the remedial power of these valuable species is greatly increas- ed, and as aremedy for Consumption, Scro- fnls, Emeciation, or where there is loss of flesh and nerve power, it is remarkable in its results. Toke no other. _VI\JllIJWIIIJI ynusxuabg 1 506. Mrs. Winks-Yes, it is wonderful. Why. I new a. photograph of the moon not long ago, `andI-- _ _ I -=`-But I can-e`fen-inp to the . instantane- ous processes. The pa er, says they. can now take the lieness o a ying rie ball or 9. flash of lightning. 6-1... : LI... .`..1.....::.a n 13. ....u 1.- ._4_ - Mr.W . wonderfn M... Nab- Good Time inks-Photogra.pl_1y is making Iprogress. I see. ' H17..- :1. :_ __-_ J __E, I . P!tdA on Gooxrapiii and no. -unuau; .....tA.x _ 1 - ,, There 1s Nothing Like It. wm t'l'oo1I'Worvortalazv Bo. Prepare!" ___.. __---J --v-av. vvwa Iv` -- Why wiil you cough when Shiloh s Cure will give immediate relief. Price V 10 cts., 50 ate. and $|.;- For sale by J uhn Woods, Barrie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allandele. The B, at combination. .1. _-__I- A Dbubio Purpose: -I-- _A_. -..I__. I`! A Good Invoatment. The Right Way. n-ngg.-A_ Z-.. L- .7 -Achgniarnxeuw .....L- '__L, tr ' THE NORTHERN I Order: .1 1-:Tu~.u; Law on! ` 11} on $31 aottended tea and in ogmatigggillg ._ M . p as ithomm 1} 8 rbeen consul. gem. icoN~l'i-:i:J"I?A91If.'D"-;'i"iIR`.NlTUBBw nonalrr A. takenln .prloeatogn1t.6ve17body. . '. l'\A..`3.v._ I--AIL. ', Lioesed Auctioneer air 121:0 oi 1 ~ . Bimoqa. _ We -nd tI:is `line in 'a. contemporary," : - Germany to 7 absorb Gaul. V. We know of a. great many men in this vicinity who have already absorbed it. I171, p... .- -. -. T; ;>-o-11;: East For tickets, rates. and West etc L.../a. .1. 4.J.n.._l:'J'.l.'B . and Manitoba. .. apply to ; * ` Gene:-al~Pa.ssenger Agent. GAPT. SMITH Roar. QUINN, Agent N. 8: N. W. Rn; - Barrie l\L' ;N4orth ern`orth (Waste:-n Railways; am noon to am or commence. I " A oa.llso11oited_ for allkinds or \ DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, SOAPS, OOMBS, AND BRUSHES. 2 nnodns WEST 0F'TiI_E`l-!ARRlE HOTEL. GE i IIHEMIST AND DBUEBIST. --will be tonnd-- PRESORIPTIONS oumlrunnz odmroxnm. There is only one fool that leads the girl who puts on a. man s ha.t,_a.nd that is the man who puts on the girl's hat to cause a. laugh. T ' BELL & 00., am, om. TOILET ARTIOLES-A FULL LINE. Ill.oU..l!l!L7., lllllrlb U6 HUUUHIPEBIBQ WIDE M16 uuuu, and will be inserted-F1rst insertion, 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent or word (names. addresses, and gures counte as words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the some matter exceed FOUR. ' GE'RF9RD! IJUU UV huwuv yuwanv Ill-IULA vsnv vv vvu nvnuv vv nona- Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising angthilxlxf outside their own regular business. ho d they` do so, girgensienzt rates will be charged for such adver- men ' - ' ooN'rnAo'r crnxans. . Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tioe of intention to chane advertisements must be handed in to the 0 ca not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the co y for such ohangemust be in the ADVANCE 0 ca not later than 12 o clock noon on Tuesday, in any week; otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week following. 1 ;___...q ____ _-2n ._-4. 1... ..n..._....1 4... ...... bL..:_ \.n:.unaa.u.u uuua `nor v n...` -up-up..-` -u-_ Condensed advertisementson First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, ggecic Articles, Etc., Etc must be accompani with the cash, insertion. 15 1- cent. euuea. * ' _ r two. months-the three monthly `rate with 10 per cent. added.` ' . . . . Q'P1-eferred positions in the pa or will be sold at an advance of one third on a ove rates. This rule will be. strictly. carried out. insertion of the same matter. - Legal. Olcinl and Government advertise ments will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. ` Contract advertisements will be taken at the following ratenwhich are drafted on correct nnmmnminl n cinlea. and. 88 they Will ....-.-,.- ` i;'?;Zxi;.'.'. ...... sflncheb, 1 Column" 10 Inches} Column 20 Inches, 1 Column - Hamlin, Aliandale. --Shiiloh- :((I'ure will immediately relieve cronp, whooping `cough and bronchitis. For (sale by -John Woods. Barrie,1 and J. _ _, [ `For one month-the three monthly rate with +H5~gI?::r2lu1rt5`r`}n(1:?gixn-tha monthly" `rate I.-Bi -cur vv ---g---- - ` ADVERTISDI3 RATES. The Advance has a Iworn Circulation of Thirteen Hundred and Twenty Copies, Almost. 11 not quite double that of any other Paper pubiished in Barrie. > -- ---- --.4-urn commercial principles, and. may wm nu strictly adhered to in making new contracts utter present contracts expire, there will be only one price tor all: r . , Lay-to yun-.......v- ._ ._V,,, Gmvmrxsnm snoum bNo-rn`. nus rAc'r. (12 lines solid nonpare make one inch). L _ _.___.___._ - wnqvoultu Julianna...` - .: ~ :_..._..___> Flrst insertion, 10 centsper line. Each sub se uent insertion, 4 `cents per line. notices, 10 cents ner line for rst in-i sertion; 6 cents per line for each subsequent insertion the matter. r.....1 nmnm and Government VlhohIIVO_IIU.lID `g: u -1.-- :o1`i3`v?1`'ErZ`:`I"*n u}"1IfE"e"dr`a&d'ah p oiples, and. they .mm.1v nhm-Ad to in making ct Is s-old by all amggists and dealers` in med- icine. Ask for .Ayer s Sarsaparilla, and do not be persuaded to take any other. ` Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yet 8: Co., Lowell, Man. V Price 81; six bottles, 05. Ayr s% iSa;abari||a `I - -..I.l I__ _I Sun has an editor ixi Congress. and an Anarchist paper in that `city has an editor in jail. Neither paper is bragging about It, L\I 'I I! 1`: v\ I .. --,'.--an. 4 vus tlulc, vvuu ll hu-1zi61"'\vhich np`;) e1;;(z(i.(>-1| my face In ugly `Pimples and Blotches. Aver s .Sursupa- rilla cured me. I considr it the [best blood purier in the-world.-Charles H. Smith, North Craftsbury, Vt. _ v--vwu viu and i lmv not been troubled since.-- T. VV. Boddy, River 8!", Lowell,,Mau. ~ , _--. ..- _-V, ..v -`V-a , I was troubled with Balls, and my health was-` much impaired. I `b an using Ayer`a Sarsaparilln, and, in cue time the eruptions all disappeared, and my health was completely restored.- John R. Elkins, Editor Stanley Observer, Albemurle; N. C. `I was troubled, for a long time, with 1: humor which appeared on PUIIDICS Blotches. Aver ; Surnmm. I was badly troubled with Pimplvs on the face; also, with adiscoloration of the skin which showed itself in ugly dark pxgtcizes. No external treatment did more than temporary good. Aycr s Sarsap:t- rillu effected A Perfect Cutre, and T 1..'...,. .....a. 1.-...- .-.,..I- I - V , V _ 1 And Curbunclcs result from :1 debilitated, ~ ixnpovcrishcd, or impure condition of the blood. Aycr s S:1rs:xpariIi:1 p1'cven!:; and curcs_thcse`erup!ions and pz;in.ful tumors, by removing their cause; the only `ect- ual way of treating them. Ayer s Sursap:n-i1l:t'lm.< >r(-Vvcntod the usual course of limls. wlm-,1 have pzuncd V and distremsed me L-verv season for several ` )'eax`s._-- Geo. Sonics, I"luiu"il!L-, Mich. r u 11 .. PimP!93v% B%i%J'S?% :-T`rs*"2`s' One Inser- Insex Truman Hana` an: No. of Inches < Emma. Unapproaczed for Tom: and Quality. oA1fA:.oeu:s ran. -8;-lolZ1?s"i3'a'z;.r;'i; Remedy -3 poeitivel cure for catarrh, diphtheria and canker] mouth. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and J Hamlin, Allandale. - CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS: fBELL; :`.....`.i.`]s~o 3]; 2 so 3 .4 ooli xnn 2`. IMRGANS iii (inn U116 111581" LHBUP user tions.` tions. ion. (85108) (6mos) 6134' ioooo s.,uoo A. an 111301`- tions. (1 yr.) -Av_f;i1`i'on journal says` thore in 9. in putting on gloves. Come to think of `it, that : so. You have to get your hands in, as it were. T A`? I n . A 52 T-nan! IIIDJ Yr CIIUIIIIIAIHK K ' v` %ALvAv%ma1 oox on mm: to man. ease hil din . G $vn1."A.a late i'i..n{:?.?nt mm`y"E`inn-`3K 0 0 0 " For sale by ' J. HENDERSON, _ Hardware Mgrchant. Barrie ( ~ . > ` -/ . .._ .. vvnuxuulll B `(ti) 1 Frank La L te r 1:11 ; g1?n?'gfLa:ar21l; gt Morris) re:8or\::xedaspe?:- teolea and eye glasses. These gpeotaolee end,Eye Glasses have been _ _ in every instance unbounded eatisfecdon. They are the best in the world. They never tire. and last Ragears without ehan . 8 fan} In-A-3-` - --:---' PIC-NAIC PARTIES SOCIALS as WEDDINGS supplied at short notice and on reasonable Made in the various styles and quality the best -A-Delivered in 311 Darts of the town. u-:1? In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity I for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to state that _he has at con- siderable expense increased h1s baking facili- ties and is now prepared to do a larger business than ever. BREAD vuuuu H \JG|IDl'l'l.l. L\uUll.lUHya ITIUU DU (331153. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandala. V LEAD8_`_l'_l-_lE VAN. 1-=`- 3;. 3!3..F!~9VVN -r.-o. I mvxsroit. Cu-dwell J unot1on.-Going North-9.07 mm. 6.30 pan. Going Bout.h-0.07 5.111.; 6.!) pan. 0. Y. 3. DIVISION. - ` Inglewood Jnntion.'~-Go1ng North 10.18 .; 6.29 11.111. Going South 9.23 3.111.; 6.17 13.11:. `m `TIT T?TT'r`I"l%A-9% ..-- 7:. --v-3 -w-v- vs-- I--nuns, van! `J-Illa "W". J . V LLEAU, . Barrie. Sept. 1. 1885. Ticket Agent. 1:..- -...... .. Luu worm. Tney t nany ears 9. Red the following test monial : I havegreat nleaaum in ......m..a... mannfhctnred V fresh every day. Ask you _g_rooer for them and you will use no other. --:--- KOBE II 'Z.1Lg Del-IL; IUULHU IAIHKUUI, IA 9.111.; ' amt ' -Llm1tod E 8.25 5.111.; Mixed (tor Havelock and interm to points), 4.26 p.m.: Montreal '8.00 Anmvu.s-From the b t. nu Express '83} um.` Mixed (from Hsvolook and interme- diate Stations), 115o1n.; Toronto Express. 0.46 :;%It111`the Waitzaimited Express Iii: 5.111.; c` rem. . .m.: onu-ed , 8.15 p.m.;]gxod 11.20.! D- Bt. Louis E "`1-e`: .`:..`3`>`$ic`x including Sunday. (A11 trpinl unless oti:o1:;1-no med arrive and depart from Union Station, orontao . ` Dnru.'mnI:s.-Go1ng West. St. La Ex- gareaa at 8.10 a..m.; Pacic Express, 1.05 p.m.; xm-am- L15 nan- UULLV 51 J.` LII`: 1 D Leave Hamilton at 7.93 a..m.. 4.10 11.111 Arrive et Barrie. 11.28 a.m.. 8.38 pm: . GOING SOUTH. Leave Barrie at 7.05 a..m. . 4.40 p.m Arrive at Hamilton 11.40 a..m.. 9.10n.m 'l`r~ins1eave Battle for Toronto at 7.35 3.111.. 10.17 Mn. and 4.40 n.xn. He (at the beginning of the third not)-9 How apioy the play is getting I She (who sat alone during eacta)--` `I uhould any ! - _V ` :Haokmetack. a lasting `and fragrant pe tune. Price-25 and 50 cents. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. `J. Hamlin, .AllAndAla_ cmnum mzmc mwnv. ONTARIO DIVISION. CLLAIVUI-Una:-gnaw. Ivvirng -- - u - w - .-. . . . . -w ".31 NORTH smcoE-G61NG NORTH. Leave Barrie at 11.00 a..m.. 8.17 p.m Arrive atPeneta.nguishene, 1.10 p.m.. 10.40 p.m ...._--... ....-c--u- _ BULL` u DU u .1 n . Leave Penetan ishene at 6.15 a..m.. 1 Arrive at Barr e 7.23 a.m.. LIA!-oIlII\AIUvvnoAoIn_oIav9-u-r gr - U1 -vvv ..-- GOING soiJ'rH. . Leave Gra.venhurst.---- 6.403. m., 2.45 pan Leave Orillia, 6.20 a.m., 8.25 a.m., 3.55 p.m, DJII Arrive at Barrie. 7.05 a.m.. 9.40 a.m.. 4.40 \?l\`I`|lIIY`I nvitrifnl nnrxvn \Tl'\l')rl\f1 --u.-`r..-. MUSKOKA BRANCH-G0lntG NORTH. Leave Barrie 11.28 a..m., 3.30 p.m. 8.33 p.m Arrive at 0 a. 12.17 gm" 5.25 p.m.. 9.25 p.m Arr.a.tGra.venhnrst,1. p.m.. 7.00 p.m.---- n rvrsvru anivmtr 'Lea.veCol1ingwood 6.00a.m..8.2o am. 3. - -.w. r..._. come SOUTH. For Tononw. 3 Leave Barrie, 7.25 a.m., 10.17 a.m.. 4.4 Arrive at Toronto. 10.20 a..m. . 1.50 p.m., 7.45 Muskoka Express, Mondays only. . . . . a.m. , at It , ml at 1.... . `mm. ..---_.-.-..- . o.-. A arr:-rr any _.n 1vr\r\n-111 DJ! D.ID 'D.In laaave Toronto. Ar at Barrie, Mug!:okn'Ex`press. Satgrdaya ogly. . . . 8.10 ;.n'., 11.45 3.111., 5. 11.28 a.m.. 3.27 p.m.. 8. . A r at Collinzwood 12.35 p.m.. 5.45 p.mi .0 2. 57 mo. in. BOT!-IWELL, IIDMINION BAKERY CONDITION POWDERS, COOK OMHE WALK -EGG FOOD, CALF MEAL, &c. -A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh a Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For ugh: lav .Tnhn wnnga Dani- and M `I W -1:9adi1- foreignerg catch on tcthe English ..t0ngue;- `In Paris thore,i',s,a. redtaiirant {vhicli hing: bite ` iignd, announcing f`=`0oEc`e*t_>.=~ythe milk, V`, 9 gggmn , aanski.`-;.;d1.a,11c9a;....tc9,,..,g1m choice. _ T _. ._.\A.1'. -- ,- _ -_ Issm wnms 3 TIMOTHY, OLOVER 8: ORCHARD GRASS SDLB AGENT FQRTHE Iuuausv com: nun ruwnm cu. OA'1`TLE`S1 ICES, All, the new and old Leading Varities ' of Segd Wheat. .-ugi: $ri.'%`%.%.,6%' f: 3:.`.":.a *u9%1E.``. .eB * Padaotall ds.` all its .; , `g and Varniahax. SEEADSMAN, NORTHERN RAILWAY GOING NORTH. FOR FALL SEEDING. U ""'|I "' """ " "" """" """ 1 "No gentlemen should. smoke `when walkmg with ladies, nor should a lady amoke when walking with a gentlemanl _ I?!sUITs GOING NORTH. Dunn} HQ`. "d-61`i;"6i31n.' nnavnlnlunnn n! R `K l`REI')`l`-{IOK J BROWN THE BARBIE. ` Our his * sag; Ali; .;;fi{ is 11551; }':{i$1T"{o; duces the echo. And here we have lived all these years thinking it was the holler._ 7 All enterprising druggiste wishing to sup- l their customers with the_ best, keep out : Cough Syrup and recommend it, as it is the besttmsde; , The equality of the sexes has `been conclusively -demonstrated. Two girls have been expelled from a Maine college for huing. , `IT- l,4 Al, I, I 9 1 la .1 0 u `.\ "5D NN s I .BAKm@ ._E6w;@ Sold in Barrie by Geo. 8. rue G eo. Monkman mm V OBIPTION Tim RB \ ` GLISHPRES .....unInafest8d0V'r P_-:_NNYRovAL I)_..-an-lu\{nn I cures me soverost ('onL'n.~'. ,, For Torpid Liver. Ilili.ms1ws=. OP Comp_la1nt,',` Dyspopsial, and I1:ds;.'I'>`!i an unequalled remedy. Sold by dfue- DB.. PmncE9s Pm.t.r:1`s-.4 Biliomi _and (`:1Iln;1rfic- 250.11 V'1:U, by lru1;81f:=_-___ .j____.._:_..__._._Z__ _._..._-- !J1`ltl'itiV0 Pl`0p(`t'fi(`S. F.-" \\ mu: LU:-" ting of Blood Shortnnse m` Rn-nth. Rn; Severe Coughs. Asthma. and k:m`11`\ ~_- ti0l1B.it_i8 8. sovc-rei<:n rvmuly. L F 011188 the severest (`0mrhs. , "1`nlD, Pnv-uh! T;v`1)v I)li.n1:nhQ{ OT umnus. 1100 l`L2Um_E l.1L'1'la- Go.aen Modiml Di.=('n\'m')' (`urn-2 tion (which is Sorofulal of thv'_I.`. wonderful b100d-purif_vinr:. innfi` nutritive Fm \\'~:xk 1 ting m Rmlh Rnvnnn {`1\nn- n Acu-no n`nI kill V`V V`esb -s` ivz: Pis cure livei` ' -oomplgiut, dyspepsia, sick he.=1da.c`;1e and in- dngestgon. Sugar-coated. 30 pills, 250. All druggists. A ` til I I I 11'!!! I A. uuunuuess or constitution mil he 051:1:-:.~-. Golden Medical DiSC()\'('T)' cure`-s all b`-I7 from the common iu1pI<'.1~luI('Y'11}`3 t0 the WOX'St Scro um, or hlnm?-}\0iF<`n` cially has it )1-oven its L'`.(*nc_\"1 !1``.I-' alt-rheum or `otter. 1c\'(`1'-surrs.U21`-{I Disease. Scmfulous Sm-vs ard .~`wv131.-_-$- 13-!`8!3d Glands. and Emim: Iflcms. _`_ Gn":'1;m 1rm:;n..I `n:=..m-m-r v11r::='(`<`f`.~~- Thoroug cleanse the blood. which L59? fountain of ealth, bv usinr Dr. Piorce'svu~.;- 8n_ Medical Discover}: and good dig0SI1013 fall Skin. buoyant sf1i1'iI.s, vital stn-ngzh. 4;; soundness of constitution ml! In` o.=r:x? ` Gnlrian ntaainnl n:.,.._......v ........=a1l h 1 war` I05 171 Laadd d/0716. H?` I woman and clzilal -who 1': troulzlui ; flaint to try tlzi: excellent revI1.`z1'_y. LA D I E S l It is a well known fact that an if}; a dull , sal_lo\y complexion, liver gm Lxver Cure us the only mm, Aposmvcly cure these Complaints. l Rnurrumn Iluu n .... .. . `I , ,___. __J -_.- .......-. \yvIAlI1|;31H[ ` Wnpped around every home of D, ` is a valuable Hou5ehoI}l_Mc Sommmec Nzw. on/`Eu Book (84 gages), contamnw pronounce able, and worth ten times the pric w. GIVEN Away Fa d ay Dr. Chase's al'0llD Houuhold Mcdicul C uide a 1' ining over 700 gazes) use! _ I m, -....a .L ' mednca `JV ... Lcu umu uzc pnce orig: l I;'(*`;_ -`rm. f."iiAiou 8:, co., Sole Agents, 6:33.; AI]. hb"l1n-_ V NATURE'S RE The unqualied success of Dr Liver Complaint rests solely with ih. 1'. compounded from nature's well k::n\vn'1;;"C MANDRAKE AND D/mus.x.xo:<, c,m},:n,_,f other invaluable roots, barks and Herb gciwerful eect. on the Kidneys, Stomach J 3 00 600.000 $0 02/tr one-half million of Dr. - ...wu. 500,000 so|_D`"" of Dr. C/um : 12,. were sold in Canada alone. It ; ;..,,,,, `_ wit/z u : rum! 1!. _ HAVE You ` Liver Complaint. Dvspepmx, 1' digg-~.:`,. 1undice, Headache, DiZZinrS.' `min bstivcness or any disease zuisir g fm... . n.. r~...__.,... - nunalce, Headache, Dizzir discase:1ri.s DR. CnA s' Lxvzm C"Rl$ \ certain remedy. " West's v{/.r1;i';wonde} 0} -l.;ami1.y Li'ni- ment, a sure cure for rheumatism, neuralgia, , cuts, burns, wounds and bx-pines, 250. and 500. Alldrugiste. In no: u u WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNES8, D/ZZINE88, D Y8PEP8IA, DROPS Y, INDIGESTION, FLUTTE/?/N0 JAUNDIOE. OF THE HE/5 ERYSIPELA6`, ' AC/.+'.`-/TY 6'.`-' SALT BI-IE UM, THE 870.`/L` HEIHTBURN, DI? YNES8 HEADACHE, or THE 5* Ann! .......- -_- ,. .. .. THEHEHT. RY8lPEL.4S,' = RI-II.-`UM, $70.54;.`- 0/muss m. And every Ipecle f dlceaso 'sing .`~~ disordered LIVER`, K:oNavs.msToMA5r. BOWEL8 OR BLJDP, 1'. m1wanu'& co.. Infallible Blood Ptzrit", Loss of Appetite, Iui Billiousness, JaunrI:rAL- Rheumatism, all Kicim. Diseases peculiar M 1% Ex zema. and ail Skit; 'Pa.lpita.tion of thn Hem Eea.rt.Bum. I`nrn1v,\'r, Tr.r)\7 I` \`l';-- .. ?lH'Il. 1'I1T"l}',V JOHN C. W12`. SOLD BY ` Plullt`, l`ll'lL'H,UL (H41 -~ ~ F5 Von cmvncy in czrriu` :er.~1uvor-son~s.. Hip.` 3 - >`\\'L`HiIZ;'5-1" Eating: )i.<('(wvr_v (`um-.:-(`on~"'-" fnln tin-'I.un2s_U 1rif,ving'. iH\'ij..'0l`.ll!I' -. L Fm` I.umr.~`. r" -- - ~- ~ V h...mrh RY`{`Y]\ :5- rI no I E-0 v ; that_ an mactivc 1; on, Spots, pim :he rcmcdy [ha nplaints. _ I ....i.-. HID! hzznnrss, rain earxsxrrg from:-.c 7 lllhal:relecl;:'lc'l;oy in California cen be utilized when he becomes 9. few years old- er by marrying him to an electric belle. 1 REMEDY <,'hu ' ' 'ropr|e`~'s. . H.`RON'Q I mry ; 'x Um I TAHobrrespondent asks : Is it wrong to cheat a lawyer ?" Fxrst cheat the lawyer and we will answer the, cqnundrum. necvs subs: og daho stunt. `this 1 %m"2t4 " I laws, so ea denc tlie hith v-, , Sub Phil This coun attic OUT 0 cise e : start, sion Shakziaeafe said : The apparel oft pro- claim the man. from which we infer that some men in W1llia.m s wore loud suits. phy si -to s enoe ment Phil the u form titati such forcibs shah to pr mat cand skep exist ; stant pape new, cent and Prof.*Low s'Ma;gic Sulphur Sogp,--Heal hing. soothing and cleansing for all eruptive diseases of the skin. Delightfulhfor the toil vet use. V Many a. man who imagines that he is 9. big electric light finds out,` to his sorrow, that he is only a. little tallow dip. TI 1 dry time. ' W Perrplo who want the earth do not cry to have It blown in their faces by wind in I TIT 'V\ I ,_l 3,, ,II Eoovnvv - . = 'Wen.t I0ough`ASi5I'up. "the`l,1ouaah'old`. N}-=j; .'modyfQI`.o0!.! 9 .. Ids -_;Ioro.t 1?. innspz. ' 1>ronoh_itiI, w o)`1';1g-ough, lhai)::, an HQ , 2__ ,f_ 0o Aug 8l_Vpe r, bpt`t;1m.% ii? "5 M *4? {W -t"w it #55:` mam v8-ix-1g'o::VI"a:;dwI;l~>l'i-:vn;1;aakers will find per- ` foot relief for lthroat dicultiea in the use -1 `I7__Ll_ f`-'__ ._I_ LI_______ ; Is as we see ourselves. ` What we want is not to see ourselves as others see us. We want others to see ' TL; *Aif1$.Z LZJJ&2y7m'u.,. 311:: hounds like the history of French no 5. " i3"r'ee':I::1;"s Worm Powders are safe in all once. They destroy and remove worms in children or adults. ' Ax1e -A'?I;;!"i0tL!l who does her own housework fully comes up to the standard of true heroism. ` '-=w_..,.-- ---V`--- V` ---- ----.-- v--7 Seamus: if Hallo\:vell,V1-V.['e., would be 5 good location for a telephone company. lIIL_ _-..4I, I S .--_.___ __._A..-_._ R{ um mans. m'jl`wI1_e'eaVz1'dfi.iwei'.eiis zkrz1ovVvn by the eleetion oigarshe keeps. Some of them are vile. . Q_-..___-_! f'f-II-..._II ll, _,,,,_IjL_ _ IUUU FUIIUI IUF ll -UIIKUDII U of West : Cough Syrup. -w-----uucp -- C. n... -_----..... There are somemen wiio have go much genius that they can't. do anything but. sit around all day and think about it. D J nnm`n- L --Ate.,you made_ miaexjgble by indigestion,-, constxpatxyn, dizp1negg,' loss of }nTppetit,' yellow akm? Sh11oh a' Iidlizer int poI'itiv`e" cure. ~For sale b John Woods, Barrie, and ;.;i;,.;;.i:;;1'i;;;; 1;g};}pgseea % 4 . safe, mild, vet thorough, purgative, acting upon the` biliaryorgans promptly and e`cctua1lv. witty Sayings Sandwiched with Para- graphs for the Ser1o`uu-'1'ho Best - the Scissors can Find. I'll urrnz '1-n mas"wmcn uh J was wnou Vwonnn KIN. " I.o-v:'afn'\;V;1::'r;~S-yzup will `remove -all kinds of Worms from children or adults. ,, _.._ __ ..V. Ideal zjector of` lL:`l..l.7... t`I..a....._L 1.).._.-_:.. `n...-__ an -__L- Not exactly asqzlfe thixlmg-the cart- wheel silver dollar. , ;Wh9.:W1`!NlD910on?.,' o roams ... 3i?'`$%v 1 ':- .. .. A :1,-'1 |L'Y . hma .' VVIio:._`,,9; P"?! if WW i IICJVT UV |*;;.I.iWhU.`35'.`; 1591 -.". % P=~!1=@'es3.;!*-.1Z;4, am I. partnef. Leb7's'c'ommence by dividing your clothes. I'll take your coat an you can` keep` the Theory vs. Pra.ot1.oe.e . ' Theoretical Soeia1ist-`,`Yea, gentlemen, I am heart and soul in-' favor of an equal distribution of property" prnfinn` Rntn-6&,HQn g... `I ..-_L. I ' Speaking of a new riding habit the Boston "Herald thinks that it will not be generally wern by the girls until no great `many girls wear it. That seems clear enough, yet it is a. trie confusing. ,A___ _____ ___.I_ .__2-_._-I_I_ I,_, uw uu sour uni-I'd. Don t allow 3 cold in the head to slowly and surely develo e itself into Oataarh when you can be cured or 25 cents. A few application will cure incipient Catarrh. ` ` One to two boxes will cure ordinary Cn- tarrfh. tarrh. . 1 Sold by In dealers at 250. Ber box. I Try Dr. A. W. Chase's Canadian atarrh Cure- take no other-it will cuye you. i For sole by W! One to five boxes will cure chronic Os- What Constitutes a Love Match. I hear Gus De Jones is _ going to be" married. _ - Yes ; he is. To therich Miss Brown, they tell me. i `- '.l`-hat : the.lady. She's not very handsome, either. . `fNot to speak of. ' Why do you suppose he is marrying her .7" ' It s a love'matoh.'7 _ H 1 Oh, pshaw 2" V Fact, I assure you. Love match pure and simple." A i ' You don't believe that? s Y_es,.I_do. _ She is in love with him and he is in love with her money." -..-----..-QQ----_:__ The reduction of internal revenue and the . taking of!` of revenue stam from Proprie- taryeMedicines, no doubt as plargeiy bene- fitted the consumers, as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Especially is this the case with Green's -Jugust Flower and Boschee s German S3/mp, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more `medicine in the 75 cent size. The ugust `Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Sygup for Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. `The advantage of increased size of H... i...u.i.... ...:n L . 4-A e. size. ....,e ............e. Lu uuu worm. The advent T3 increased size of the bottles will be great y appreciated by the -sickand alicted, in_ every town and village in civilized countries. Sam- ple bottles for 10 cents remain the same 40 eow. tj-Z- ' _._ -..-v- uuvnun vv UL. VVJIUI Us due Gordon, a vcoalist of the last century. rsshly accused Handel of accom- vpanyingvbadly and added -that he would ]ump upon the harpisichord and smash it, `if the composer did not change his style. Let me know ven you vill do dat, said the Saxon master, and I vill advertise it. I am sure more beople vill eoine to see you shump den vill come to ' hear you sing; uuu, nu muss me, yet raw must sntfer while they live; Stop pain, and rolong life, by taking Dr._ Pierce s Golden edicnl Discovery," a cure for consumption (which is scrofuls of the lungs). so well ssfor coughs. colds, bronchitis, cstnrrh, and s specic in liver complaints, scrofula, and all blood and skin diseases. Sold everywhere. I\.... ('1..--1-- ,, - .__ -, 74 `van \An\Q55lDUUI ' You know", my dear, I have often said thatlike the rest of human kind I am only a poor, weak sinner, said` Mr. J ones, as he was trying to excuse himself to his wife; V a Yes, replied she. You have so. And I never in my life saw any- body so anxious toptfoye thetruth of this statement as you seem to be. - fyymedicines-life may be prolonged. `A A L _ at death will seize the doctor, too. True, all must die, yet `few must suffer lwhile thaw Hun" 14..-... .....-.. ....I _..-1--- , -__.---_...--. _- -5"--av. Is that a. 'I..a.n`dseei-,v.Mri Coesus ?" ed the visitor pausing before a painting. Nu, replied the host, reckon it is a. Durham ; see how broad it is between the horns. and see the color and the ' curl on its `forehead. Tha.t. s a genuine Durham, sure. That aint no Landseer. ` Liver Complaint Causes Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion. A 7 Liver Complaint Causes Sick Headache, Dizziness. C . - bl Liver Complaint Causes All Kidney Trou- es. Liver Complaint Causes Three-fourths of all dismmmn ' unvul. uumpuuuu uausea 1'nree-Iourtna of all diseases. V . Liver Complaint-is cured bv Dr. Chase s ; Liver Cure. ' By all druggists. , * sun... 1._,._- Reasons why you should purchase Fluid Lightning in pre erenoe mall othex-`remedies are: Rapid result--cures instantly. It is easily apnlicd-no trouble-'-no lost time. It does not require constant use--one application is effect- ual. One bottI- will remove more ain than any other remedy in existence. Tr ttor Neu- ralgia. Toothache. Headache. R eumatism. Sold at 25c. a bottle. by G. Monkman. Drugglst. (IT :1 . - '-Hui-3. "-i58{a1eil"J6n` Wdiili ` `M; J. Hamlin`,~ ndalo. A-saw Jun uuu uauuuu UL 0116 munuy I N o, un a.m,- respondod the little miss with the. usual accuracy of childhood, my pa s older n me. , = ~ - --~ --- --~:v----v- W W-5"" A Philadelphia paper recently printed an article headed "The Death of Wash- i ten. We believed the death of ' aehingtonr occurred: more .~ than .. six months ago ; but the new: ivae doubtless forwarded to the Philadelphia paper in a letter containing an immediate delivery stamp. nu Ayer's Ssrsspsrills `sets directly ind. promptly, purifying and enrio ' theblood, unproving the appetite.` strengt ening the nerves, and invigorstinq the `system. ltis, in the truest sense, an alterstwe .mpd_ioine. Every invalid should Give it at trial. ` _7 ,_,..._.. __.----- vs-vv at U! Uloxll What pretty children `you have, the new Minister to the proudmother of h three little ones. Ah 2 my "little deu-',' ` said he as he took a glrlof ve in" his lap.` "Are you the oldest of the family ? N0- n1n. nrn - rnnnnnnrl I-Ln IHJIA ....:..... If People, troubled with colds, . will take Ayers Cherry Pectorsl before going to church, they will avoid coughing. he Pec- toml soothes and heals the irritated tissues. and controls all disposition to cough. A 1:n.:1...:..1..1.:- ..-..-_ '_---i.n Ladies troubled with Pimplea, _B1ot_oh'es, Rough Hands or mice. or Sores or any desori tion. should use McGregor an Parke : Garbo o Oerate. It will leave the ekmln rfect health, smooth. clean and 00d color. ` sure angga the genuine, made v Mcaregor 8: Parke. 00 250. Sold at Monkma.n s Drug Store. 37-49 T.....I-:_ nun. . -._L- - I-IJIIUIIYJI VVIIIII `Ill-CI I eHawkin--',`Economy. The two under- taken; are running each other, and funeral: are away down In price. Old lsginnnt never missed a. bargain" in his ie. - . -- which he does not us. From thatit will be only a. step to the time when no man will be allowed to own an th' ` h`oh anybody else wants. y mg W 1` 7 `J1... Lu.-.-LI`: ; L`_ is: u __ _ . . . _ . . _ -.- .-auunuauu 5 ya IQ. uvvau. an -Iv J awkin--That was a rather sudden death of old Skiuint a. What was the matter vgith Be oh Your Guard. I.....- --IJ .-_ u u - --.-For dyspepsia and liver complaint you `have a printed guarantee on every `bottle of 5'Shi`loh e Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Tor sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. `Hamlin, Allandnle. , ` - ! rope or) - at ..-. _ wqvv van vrvvrully Dllll I'lDo ` i `A Brooklyn youngster`, after receiving.. `fa s`mall'e r%bie_oe ofplo`ths`n he wilhed for his dessverb,'ruked.tho-.following question : v `-`Mo,,1why:ia.mypiaoe=of7pio; like Eu- `: tone 1" - o vywa Inn :11: AIUDDIM A couple of gentlemen were discussing the subject of Tramps, when one of them asked :, _ _ `Did~1 on ever see 9. religion: '3 ``No, replied ahe other, but I have seen A tramps that" #vere' prepared for death. How so '1" They carry enough dirt with them to $9-V979 "`;"".; . ' d ' g-- uvvuuwlv Q IOIIIVDWO The popular remedy, Hagyax-d s Yellow Oil, is used both internally and externally, for aches, pains, colds, oronp, rheumatism, deafness and diseases of an inammatory mature. ` Big Luck for the Boy . A gentleman and_ his little eon visited the cotton exchange in Galveston. While in the gallery of the reception room the boy spit down, unfortunately, on the head of the colored janitor. Look heah, chile. You has big luck, you has. Ef dat ar had drapt on de oor you mout hab got verse f into trubble, yer mout. Hits agin de rules ten spit on de oor. nnnv awsgulv 115 ; The only pro or way to cure a cough is to loosen the toug mucous or phlegm that clogs the bronohia.l.pipe_s. This is why Hazzyard s Pectorol Balsam 13 the most successfulre-` mnv for mmnlm n.~.l.I- .Ll......-A. -_2 -L-_-A ..u..uuuu;u uzuluul. Ill U118 H1055 Bl.l0C088Illl_l'6- medy for coughs, colds, throat and [lung troubles. * uvvutll , Iununu. 7 `Val, D9, . rekmend for you` a.'ohange ob de diet. to see or dispose of don't advertise it or set. it out in front of your place of busines. Take it down cellar and cover 1t up with u wash-tub. fIII,1\ 4'1 rrnlu A -w.:t;t`x`1`1;o`:-u`I')e doctor he say : `Samba, `your digestahin all upsot. What hab you been eatin ? I say, `I hab been .ea.tin nothin missa. `Wall den, sez he, `I _. I relnnend for mm` ngnlmnnnn AI. an .::..4 a v va. gnu: JAUIILIIII 0 ' `Pete--Wa.ll, Samba, what do de doctbr say om de matter wid ypu, and what he say cure you `I _ Namkn (sh- .'IA-L__ `LA --- ' "" ` , an vanfuqgv VI IIIQIN Petetossambo, who he just been to consult a physician in regard to the state `pf his healt IIKY II I` I ` ` ' ` ` noavlu IDLE IIV Wife--I suppose that does come home tuyou rather hard p at times,` but what particular recollection brought about this train of thought? ` V V `f Husband-The recollection of our courtshi , dear, `when I used to call you `Birdie. --no -av-U vvlullulclullllllo The best combination of blood cleansing, regulating,` health giving herbs, roots and barks enter into Burdock Blood Bitters -a purely vegetable remedy that cures diseases of the blood, liver and kidneys. "I suffered with eruptions on my face for over two years.` I determined to give'Bnr- dock Blood` Bitters a fair trial. After taking four bottles, I can say it was the best in- vestment I ever made. Jean Clsney, Bonuse- jour, Manitoba. Wife-A penny for `your thoughts, my dear. Huaba.nd-I was thinking of one of Shaka are : saying: : `What fools we inn:-tn . 1.. W av Irv VOID! Then does trsnparent mean a cross parent T ` A uuuu Ar 4.; uuillluv ILLOGII 2 "`Oh, across the Atlantic, of course., Don t botherme, you make me forget my count. - Does trans avays mean across? I suppose it does. If you don't stop bothering me with your questions you'll beds" ' ~ H'l'Vl...... .3--- a._-_;_-_-_L _A V , , A,Juvenue Inference. ` ` Mother, said a little Rookland girl, 4 looking up from her book, what does` trans-Atlantic_mea.n T ' T -urn. _, - -- - Smith-My wife wants a `new dress every day in the year. _J'ones- -She must be awfully extravagant. - Does she get it ?" Smith-No ; that : the reason she is compelled to want it `I-_, -nova`! Au avvuaau .2130 I-In There is no remedy offered to suffering humanity whose `use is so universally and frequently required as Hagyard s Yellow Oil. for rheumatism, neuralgia, colds, sore throat, deafness, oroup,- lumbago, and aches, pains, lameness and soreness of all kinds, when in- ternally and externally used. G vW henever I feel out of sorts, bilioul, my I liver networking` right, or, racked with ,3 headaohb I tnk'%_Ghue s Liver Oure. Theme an-morerea1.~benet -from_~one~dose of your -1`-Liver Ours-khan. in muiy bottles of some iimdininam - ".Tnn Mnwnn-no Rant` 11...) _us5uv J. unuu ll AuUW'UUD Run along into the next rooui like a good little girl. I think I hear your papa. coming now, and mamma wishes to speak` to h1ma,) ' I gnu Wu u.U_ `YUM 555 I V:-C"1;.uaeI hear him tell Mr. Brbwn that he came home fuller n a goat last night I didn t know-but--- . . D... ..`l....... 2..L_ LL, _, I ` uunvwu u--`your ulu Iauu uuuuruuy. . V f I'm afraid not, my child, replied the good mother. He didn't eat anything to-day. But why do; you ask 1 nnI1an T |......A 1.:.... ;..n mu-_ 'n_'.._,, A Lost His Appetite, . ` Papa has got his appetite back again, hasn't he mamma 7 asxed a Leavitt street 5-year old the other-day. ` ' T m nfrni nnl-_ mu n11.-I " -mud}.-..J LL- 1`-I-iver in~ muiy of iome V _ dioinea.- J no. _ MoNaur, Bond Head. RV An rnaaintn ` uqcuwsuvl. " uuu By all drnggists. Iuunu usu ulllvy UUIUTU Elle Ilre Or 811100 In . Miss Montespan (from St. Lou1s)- "Did hebelong to one of our old French families '1 "' V W `?I:1:7tu tiIE7'1Z'3?d ! By and by, may be they'll getao they can photograph 9. hairy without getting mad." uvou 1 .7! |IIllI'UKIIl --The ihsyer, of `Bourbon, 'Ind., says: Both myself and wife ow_e our lwesto Shiloh : Consumption Cure." For` sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. .

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