Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Nov 1886, p. 5

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Bovs are terribly hard wearers, but good r enes, and ours never fail to give satisfac- on-ocuy opposite N. R. n., station; Dunlap-st., same. V %Ma.n Whole lines cleared out. Qur J u_1 and Auguist ales immense. We are movmg SW1 tly to our a.1rn. Stockreduced $5000.00. Bar` Iron, S. S. Steel, Horse Shoes, Single Barrel, M. 1,. Single Barrel, B. L. PSTOGK REDUGTIDN SALE A BRAND SUGGESS! Those.who hve Veilready examined these Gouds pronounce them the beg: yalue they have yet seen. _ , . _ ` % ~ P. F. EWAN, DRESS GOODS, Vrifthem N'evTv York last Friday night to the depth of twenty inches. I1 ? , tu Wt: 915'" WAou.J They desire to draw publidattention to{ = they A ,QtAngmufac'turing, zhtwing pnmhsetl thffqr the same, . and whey. condently, `assert tha1z-it,1ia BEST`:general:pm:p_oe wggon in E-LJ-CC ----._- thq markeg. _ ` for Shd, you can save timg and V We ing out the following unheard of prices en some lines still to be cleared or Ilcvnt 'D1ed1uP'rIo N. `MANAVG-ER. 40 Guns 1'0 3: SOLD-NOTE PRICES. I " """" """ `_'J` " 'ASz'm Francisco entertz;iVn1Vnentvfor the Charleston sufferers netted $5,500. WINCHESTER LADIESUNDERWEAR, WE ARE BLOWI_NG ABOUT% OUR (>'U'I=i. {B@IK8, sarmnaxazma mm wmm1@Emg sOOTT s -:- BOOKSTORE. Iran MOST courmrn srocx NORTH or rononrro. `ALBUMS I ALBUMS I ALBUMS I FAMILY BIBLES,%CHURCH AND POCKET BIBLES, 1 HYMN BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS. Have largely increasedfhneir stock to meet the wants 5: their numerous customers. `JIIUVVl U0 Massachusetts shermen hsve found the present s on s shing the worst since 1841. nine of Maine, should explain. Bsrtholdi is said to be greatly incensed over the refusal of the Light House Board to bear the expense of ` illuminsting the statue oi Liberty. .._-_!_1_'._.. `I. McALLISTE%R,STORY 8. co., at manufacturers prices. Just received direct from Belgium two consignments of Glass, `including Plain Window Glass, Figured. Glass, Col- ored Glass, Plate Glass. Prices very low. Paints. Paint Oils, -Varnishes, full took" at bottom prices. Builders Hardware, full line at bottom prices. Harvest Tools, the best goods in the market at rock bottom prices. -0- CARRIAGE manna, nnacxsurrn AND MILL sur- `runs A SPECIALTY. lMcALLISTER. STORY & CO Y. HAND sA'rcHELs. NEWEST DESIGNS 2 `Fa1_l_ .S.tok`Anow. {:mplete, a}1v(l: cotnprigrs all the Newest * A M Cloths in the Market. PIICENIX HALL $2` 50 3 50 NOTICE ThVeVNati0na.1 Acadency of Sciences was in session at Boston last week. ' Macon: Fit nd Style `Guaranteed. `LATEST NOVELTIES IN FANCY GOODS. com: AND slam US AT OUR NEW STAND. $1 75 2 oo 3 25 29,000 ups. BARBED FENCE WIRE, IEIARDVVARE ! _ Double Barrel, M. L. - Double Barrel, B. L. RIFLES AWAY DOWN- IN THESE IHAVE THE CHEAPEST IN BARBIE. Vlholasala and Retail I-lardware, `"fL2"`i3.Se&"'2;t;}"A;}g}'comma of 2,122 officers and 23,946 men. AD I` IN PLUSHAND LEATHER, VERY CHEAP. TO THE McGARTHY BLOCK. One Door West of the Qeen s Hoiel, Barrie. PURVIS BIRDS. Waggon Hubs, 9x12 A1,Vper set 2% Uak Spwkes X, 3% Waggon Skeins, 4 Other sizesi 1 proportion. AND GREY FLANNELS. ."I:o FARMERS ;AN_D ~THRESHERS-The g... an n._ uh--.Iu;`."...s. 1'. .431`. Inc `ll:-nl'!('!'l`.I . `R b run, 'l`n1-nnfn `REMOVAL OF` HEADQUARTERS FOR Cralvford poured in the collection plate at Trinity Church, Brockville, 81.000. in gold last Sunday. It. was the pgoceeds of oollecfions she had made for paymg off a church debt. The whole amount of the collection was $1047.60. ' '- 5- WH!TT`!'SFR- Late Sanbins & Wm'r'rA;n:n. IMPORTER, &c. See our $4.50 Pants. o_ut :- 3600 1100 $1 08 -208 265 J {dma s_t}_Ltos_ 1 ' The strike at the Chicago stock yarda haaended. ` V The Ngw York canals will be- closed 1 Wednesday, Dec. 1st. ` I am - ,,_,,, ___l J ID /a Lots of pereocs in_Montrea.l have pray- ed forextenslon of tune to pay their water rates on the ground of sickness and poverty. . A man who was killed by accident at Ottawa. told a friend some hours before it occurred that he would diewithin twenty- four hours. ` :4.-n`--1V7.";1V;';lishma.x,1 named Stephens at- tempted suicide at Ottawa on Saturday but was overpowered. He gushed his throat badly. Fitt: uu 11 um. ......... The Indian, 7`L<:ne Man, who has just been aryested at Edmonton, was concerned in kllhng Constable Lodalcy at Fort" uuuuu; v- -'-'"' A boy 10 year old has been cbnvicted atMoncton, N. B., under the Scott Act. He was selling grog in his father : saloon. ` II II I I [['Uu.| -I-Jlin ur. Dynamite outrages In coxinecti ' the Scott Act, "are reported 132) "32 Conhty of Leeds. ~---_- A1,: 1,____ .` L--- ........:..L...1 ' A`Henry George club has been formed m Philadelphia. There are 70,000 working men in that city, and they talk of putting a candidate in the field for Mayor. -~ --.---...uvvv nu V-Iv an-vows -v- -----J v-- A Texas steer charged a crowd of hoodluma in Chicago the other day, who were pursuing a Pinkerton 5 oial. and created a. diversion in -which t odetective escaped.` A - xufFfi:c;e Mon_tral tidewatora have been mended on the charge of abstracting brand? _ _ _ 1,0,-d Lansdowne was in his pubhc oice my Friday the rstvtime since his return from Enxrnpe. A A ..L_._....... .... .u...{......L..... _LL Slmcoe County Parliament. ` The laetqsession of the County Council for the year 1886 was opened on Monday evening. The Warden tookthee chair at 3 30 p. m. and the Clerk called the Council to order and at once proceeded to call the roll. Councillors answered to their names a d 11:- In : - .1 111 1 '1 !I_,__.___1 George White, In negro, residing at Bullock: Bayou, La.., swore before the Federal Grand Jury that he was the father of 166 children. P H] BMV ""`I""" ' 9 James Hays, a Canadian sailor Baa goon megted at Detroit on the charge of aeduof Wfchief gtewart of Hamilton. is said ,5 be studying lav`v in a New York law i e. . 09:0 more wooden building: are to be allowed withm the Calgat-y`tov_m limits in` future. 1r-..a.m..'I 4:1nnvnnIu: `snug Kan. vuuu uuuum. His Worship the Warden addressed "the Council at some length. He thanked the Council for the uniform courtesy extend- .9d to him and for the prompt and eicient Y in` which `they discharged the _dl1tie,s devolving upon them at the last meeting T 0f the Council and hoped they would in like manner 20 to work at the Council now _P!1iDg. He hoped they would do ah work required in three days. v A ..|..:....\.: n... :....:..|........... .: `dim . zion WW` " "' ' ` ""' 9 t list ovfv Vappeai; talien WT,t S8;>(:~eme Court last Tl'1m-aday. ._._n. Haws. a has been for seuws " * ; , ' The Railway Court Oommlsuonerl. have one to Halifax to take evidence. g . ' John Butler has been .oOInln_i_tted for "id at Hamilton for horse stealing. A detectlve force is talked of in oonneo-' W with the N. West Mounted Police. _. n..;...-in lint. nf anneal: Inn tnifnn ~v--a n:quH'8(l In mree uays. I . 5 1 He `claimed the indulgence of the; C0llnc1l for afew minutes, while callizig their attention to a few matters-to which` his attentlen had been directed during the TOCMIL In n.._....:.... ....A. I-Ln 3-.-&-uup\:nI|& *- -uuuu ucu uuu UUUII UITUUIIUU uunug `IIIIU recess. In carrying out the instruction: f_the Council, he went `to T the `camp at Wzara last September, on the occauion f the presentation of the `medal! to the wlunteers for their servicei in: the North- 3t- He took pleasure in bearing testi- : ;`1 51i to the admirable behaviour and Xi Irenerally admitted, that n_o?'_n: body men not any more aoldi6!'1`Lin~. appear-. V &I_ce than the 35th Battaliolgvyvali apghe: `Myra Camp. (Ap{181jlQ.i`s)__"\A,,;_ . P1V~bearinq of our boyi} ind Jaidi E HMni'm,,, - is agitating foxy 9. public] i lib,:?i{;;iIw'z\.y Uoznluissipn met at'H).1i- fax 0" Moll( The I3e.'u1ce tr.'t`o'* dy t`"n3 t `55 .h8'V9f : Bnapure accident. ` be is said the Quebec Legislaturejwilly at the 9th of next month. we ` A qapanee grocer has been taxed 816 f I agnmg adulterated coffee. 0 ...T- mnmw Commissioners. have A 1 : (toI)t';::`]V$::l)i1ntQa F nutau),Ifs`)I&~ - uI:'. ./..v. ma. and hi: my ghat Lieut_n'UM:oKo;,e. n;.?!!1%f1': 0100 air: .5 Eye View of the World V for Thre AB` Days, c:mad1a.n.Unlted sum.` i-md General News. I 35 mi: turn our or A no` ` `mm conumrs INTO ozm. . E , I J arne= 1 cTawha1naumi: November 's-- VJKUII-6l\0.v-:3 w---V-.. ,__'_ vww > and General .New._, m arz, for! 5 public 18, 1886. Iuuuuvu uuu \.l I uuuul v Burgees-Su'ern-0rdered, that `the. Committee on Roads and Bridges consider the advisability of recommending a grant of $180 to assist in building a bridge, etc. in Medore a.nci`Wc`>od. ' uu nuuuvuve 1.110 Vv usuvu ill IIMU Ulllla ,.... After routine. the Warden presented the application of the Gaol Surgeon for increase of salary, which was referred to Finance Committee. a APPLICATIONS iron MONEY. Grants were asked for the following purposes: To repair bridge on townline Cardwell-and Monteith, $40 ; to complete the re-building of Sturgeon River bridge, $50; to repair bridge over Mad River, $50 ; to repair bridge on townline Essa and Tecumseth, $50. asuuu ll\J vuu VUlll|l|IUl'5I'o In `accordance with this motion the Warden appointed the following com- mittee : Messrs. Mo0arth_y, Drury, Cook, Smith and Ggsysm. - -' . A l\ C O .u . .. I "'efi3"3S'.i1'e'{iI" adjourned till ten o'clock. Tuesday morning, . V COUNCIL HALL, Nov. 16, 1886. The Council met this morning -as per adjournment. The Warden in the chair. AOL.-u. ...-...&...\ LI... TIT.....J.... _..-___a.-.I laud. nu vuou IIJUIIIIUL} After again thinking the Oounoii for their attention, his Worship `expressed a` hopeethst the Apnislio. business 'would- ,be expeditiously and leciently done. rnrxrrox-', &o. _ The Warden then presented 3 nuti`1b`er' petitions, communications and accounts, which wereread `sud referred to the pro-` per committees. T . 7 nonons} V Switzer-Ja.mea Ross-0rdered, -that the Warden appoints. special committee` of ve members with reterence to_ the grant to the volunteers. A T... ..........A.....-- ._.uL u_:_ _,,u,,, -I, Switzer - Sanders - Ordered, that 9. special committee composed" of the follow- ing gentlemen be appointed with refer- ence to accounts claimed re Osnsda Tem- perance Aot, viz : Messrs. Oooke, Drury, A. Thompson, Sissons, Burgess, Mc- Carthy and the mover, and that they re- port at the -present session. - , nnnn , A 3 [V50 I0 VIII`-"ylUIl|'uIv uvuoauuo Drury -- Archer - Ordered, that the Education Committee be` requested to consider the desirability of ap ointing a third Inspectorof Public Schoo s,- as. the number of schools ' is far in. excess of the number of schools allowed by law for two Inspectors. ` . , T Ink` (`Ann-and` 51.4-nn A:AII'I@J 7 n'n`nn`t -has paid $1300 to officers, `over whom it can 0; vvul. wuou'I.l:. .. _ ` V ` 1 `He wished tocall the `attention `-`cf the Oonneil to the fact; that many municipali ties have not paid the county rates. He expressed his astonishment at this, and hoped the representatives of the munici-' palities which were in this position would endeavor to hayeit corrected, - and save the Treasurer from the embarrassment necessarily arising from, it.` He then called attention to the Canada Temperance Act and its enforcement. that the county exercise no -control. There was some- thing strangely anomalous in this condi-_ tion of things. The Warden then referred to the Guarantee Company in connection with the Tre`surer s securities, p He. thought arrangements might be made by which that ofcer could be -saved $100 a year in this matter. Au..- .....-.._ n_`._.1-:_,, n N --K - .1 LI! UU II` Jlfo T310 Council then adiourhcd till 7 o'clock this; evening; The Council dedjoilrnment. `The Warden in the chair. A number of petitions. accounts andlother `documents were presented, read and referred. nnvoms. . The following reports were 1`-eoeived and adopted : ` `Y- 1 'I3:__'--A An-nu-Inna` 0ourioilttk' u.- %V 1y ideal wfthait? `" 6 ""'`` ?p" o:,`u*:e`i`:33`:`.`. .313. E33. .:*.*22*1.L:5_ the uuupwu. ; No. 1 Finance and Assessment. This -report states that the application of the Gaol Surgeon for increase of salary had been duly considered, and while ac.:now- lodging that oioer s7_ability and attention to his duties, in view of the state `of the finances they could not recommend any in - .- 1 -n,_.1_ -_.1-n__:_1v_-.. mL- -'.... lllUl'UDBUa ~ No. 1 Rrads and ' Bridges. The com- mittee have considered the petition for I. grant to build a bridge over the Nottawa- saga River between Sunnidale and Flos, and though the bridge is much needed, the magnitude of the undertaking forbids the large grant necessary at present. Re-, commends that the application be laid over till the January session. JIVL- -n-A-L An- nnv|`:l\ `A QII SI` 0V8! u lam: uuuunr; uvwwu. The report calls attention to on error in Report No. 4, of June session, in which a grant of $25 is made` to townline between. Tiny and Toy, whereas it we: to rebuild bridge oyer SimKon e Greek between Tiny and Floe. e error we: corrected-_ D........o KT.` 6) nnmmi-innnr of Nan-nun I-111, Illa l'IUIs LIIU UIIJUL WDI Vvnsvvvvuq Report No. 2 Commissioner of Narrows Bridge. This shows that the bridge has been replanked at a cost of $108 02, and that the half should be paid by Countyrof I0- Simcoe and the other by County of toria. Recommends gates to be erected at each "side of the swing to prevent acci- dents. - ` nnnnn l\\T `to! Java av-` -an Application was made for a grant of- $50 for a bridge--Oro and Medoute. m 117 '!_ A. L1t.tle--'1`ha.t I T. W. hennox--m. he J.alol.-16- -Luau whereas in clause 3, age 32,'o the report of. the Ins ctor for orth Simcoe, print- ed in the une minutes, a reference is made to an important school which was visited by the Inspector and each time closed : Be it reso ved that the said In- spector furnishes to_ this Council not later than Friday morning next. . (,1): The name or number with the locality of said school. ' (2) Names ofthe two` ~teachers' for the year or portions of the` year covered by said report. (3) The dates ofwthev four visits made by him; (4) Wh,at_*steps.` it anv. taken` by him for. the purpose of remedying this _unsatisfactory state of affairs, which he, reports` zo;hs,v.e; rgvauea; ' in connection man we luuuus w.u...... ..... The`Oonno_ilthen adjourned _till _We_d-_ ' `. I nesday mcrning at 10 o'clock. , H` founz colored Ban-uter. Mr. D. R. Davis is a young colored [ men who her 'ust`been called to the bar- of Ontario. .e'tf'1iightl a number of- repreeentativ.e,oolored citizens easembled A at thegrelidenoe ofMr_. Samuel Phillipa, VOent_re street, and_p1_-ejeented Mr. Dev` 1` with an eddresg, oongretulatiqg him_ on his sucoouriu;etteiuung .a pension which not 9111! "hP'94 hi? 1" 1'60 , ,3 e col- ored"na`ople uh_era1l_y:i;. , `replied suitably; +ncD\Il'0A1l 917mg .35; lpreIenHo e|i|u|at'e`hiI'enmp e. 3 _..%-a OM00. loluuuu in u W1? u". ,_ "l'. W. Lennox--E. A. L1ttle--That ,__ :_ -|-.-.... Q .....'m R`) `n; Hm I-nnnrt _nvnm1m snssxos. Morxoivs. uonoxs. As we do no. drumming, we would be -glad if all our subscribers through- out the County would try to get their neighbors to subscribe. for this favorite journal. - The more subscribers -we get, the better we can make the paper, therefore, by furthering `our interests , subscribers manifestl advance their own Only thinkawhat a subscriber will get for one `dollar by beginning now. Sixty short Interesting stories; a number ,of continued stories by the "most popular authors; 60 columns of the best gg;icul- tural intelligence that can he obtained ; `an epitome of the world's daily doings; the `cream of the most rened wit and humor gleaned from English, American and Canadian newspapers ; the ith of the news from the whole county an - outlying ditricts put into the most readable shape ; the reports of town and County Councils, and the courts of law gchurch intelligence and the doings of the various societies, literary and otherwise; the account of sports and amusements ; everything of in- terest that happens in- Barrie and sur- rounding country ;' the most reliable poli- tical news ; editorial comments on passing events ; all this, with an immense amount of miscellaneous matter, scientic. literary, musical and general for the sum of one dollar. A moment's thought will convince any one that this is the greatest value for one hundred cents that it is possible to purchase. Reader, in the classic language of John Smith or somebody else, we say don't you forget it VV`Jo Two state-game wardens in Maine, have T beenkilled in an encounter yvith pouch- UTE. - - I___ __L I... _.__.i_ 1-.. I Mounws BLOCK, DUNLUP s'r., I .-_wa _. 1 THE HAMILTON EEH0E commav BOOTS, SHOES, nuaaans Ann ovensnoas.` DE0.`31. 1887. ALSO OOIVIPLETE STOCK or Tnumcs AND V_A|.I8E8. The above Company guarantee to give `the Best Value ever given Barrie, in the Shoe Line. a , 5 Call and "see for yourselves. % V i The store is directly opposite Strong 8:. Donnel1 s. {TI-IE ADVANCE` V HNVEWBPAPVER, IN V V `rm: M cou.u_1_'v or smcos: ragga Now m l A I ' U15. No provision has yet bash made for lighting Liberty : torch m Bedloe | Island. * no . I AI__ I_L_ one Dollar. Children a Shoes for School Wear should be a st:-onng aervicable kind, able to stand rough usage, wet weather, and the wear and tear of rough and un- ' even sidewalks. I hive just the kinds required, neatly made, nicely tting, durshlo shoes, at the lowest prices possible for good work. _ V _ Come to me for `Children's Shoes. Prices from 40 cents up. Come to me for Girl : Shoes. All prices reasonable and low, ranging from .75 cents upwards. ; V `Come m6 for Boys Shoes. 15 Shoes` always last longer than poor tion. ' By bnging ydr childien to my 81: re, can t. money, as I have everymmgood make of Slgqea, _ . My price'c_ai*6 plw;iis_l6w, and I warrant my goods to west wl`. ` -om 13Do1_4L.A h -g REMEMBER I3 Illa!-Q1 The tivo Venont cousins of the late A. T. Stewart. will contest the will of Mrs. Stewart. 4. o n 1.1, fruit nos!` TABTY AND BEST you TH! snuu. sum or --HAVE OPENED our WITH A FULL srocx on`-- 31-IE NORTHERN ADVANCE. ----'rHE SPOT IS IN--- J. $. McFGU[BK,_ HELN M. 1 VMA`~uFA c1*ua|;as. L mw CU'1i`fPE%13.S%'AN1L)7 st.EIGHs OOD JOHN CLAYTON. ---....J ---D__- _- _,,- -, The Staten Isla1Z1aWI5y$V W(o;ka? hgw heen destroyed by fire any loss of $100,- 030. , ,,,_._'I___._ 2.. `Il _!..- L__.-

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