W E uuuuun-nu o c - o o - u o c o 4 d IIIIOOOOIOIO4 Wcregmoreuvenue .. .. Pu-tblook N05 `l7Il|IIYiIB\YI V-v rate Iuvun .uvv . . . . . ... KEMPENFELDT. V S Davis-st water lot w 1-5 16 1-5 79 The following lots are not Patented : `IIIGG A WI 101 do do lnhlu ;t-'ii.n pl;` ~' `. H . H . ,$-IJ-;3`NFR- ., .17 " _orqf0ceQo. of8&mooe. B8l0.th.AnIitJ8N3 I .. *'rI1`.L'AGn or nmmlht; Q uu do "d6ii's?6vN. oz 3 100 38 ' 1/100 CREEMORE. 'i=1Lvl:iLisrL"Y. ' l.B klluutluuu IVA vnnv wuucv '. . -D--..-__,, "Reader," in informing on of this wonder {in remedy for Coughs. U0 (is. Asthma. Bron- chitis, Consumption. and all affections of. the throat and lungs, we feel that we are doin you a great `kindness, as it you have an o e above complaints, it you will only` try t we will guarantee eativfaction in every case or money refunded. Ask for McGre or : Luna Com- ggund. Price 50c. and $1. per bottle. at A onkman's Drug Store. Flannell cakes! called the pretty waiter girl, ipping a fly out of the milk jug, with a saucy forenger. 4tWL.o nu-+ nf nn.1u-kn are HIOV `P - a n - an '17 nihiiia ON. 13 15/100. 13 101100 21 I 1 0 1%!) 1/10 8/100 7 31 1-5 1-1 1000 1030 10 80 10 30 prvuy wnxwx gun. . . . . - V. . " What is Mcaregox-`a -speedyvcure for 7'? It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint], Indiges- tion Billiounnenynnd it is theneet b ood puri- ne: in the known world today. _ "Does it give aatietaction 1" ' M`v:Ve onnnot point to one instance wh re it did I 174 305 1180 01 OR _zz ca. 9378 2992 18 48 1653 AU 41 not. ` . " Where does it hove the lamest ale? Right in the city of H ton. where it 1| manufactured. there has been over one thous- and dollars` worth sold In the lest you retell. and the crest nndorlty-ot the Isles are by one recommending It to onother. For sale nt50o. Drought. = Ant` :1 an no: battle. by` G. Monkmnn. 273 313 "(T635 113133;}? PROPERTIES) ' POE. SALE3. cIa.E:A.P There is no necessity of passing 8 sleepless night and annoying the entire household with that cough, as West's Con h Syrup will cure you like magic. The beat own remedy for coughs, colds. consum _tion in its earl stares, and all throat an lung diseases. A druszgists. 25c., 50c. and $1 per bottle. I. ___I.I _..L L- .~.A-us`-u an nn_ BARBIE. 43} acres of vacant land South of Andertom: brewery adioining railwa track, Bllitble 10? Any kind of manutactu gbusi- neas. ,, A number I vacant lots on Bradford and Charles streets. South of Bum-11e1.1'g foundry, all fine buildixlrag sites. , . Several co oi-table houses and cottages on Charles street; an excellent opportunity for a mechanic to get a_ comfortable home as these houses can be paid for b small monthly or quarterly instalments. ces $159 to 8400. That comfortable 2 story Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Buttertleld, with small oice in front. and two lots - price S1000. Ilwnlllnrr nnnn nn lent side of Owen street. ` and lots price 81000. Dwellin House onrEast side of Owen street, occupied y Mr. Bothwell, most conveniently situated : 81200. ,ALLANDALE.-A comfortable double Dwel litx; `House on Bradford street opposite Northern s on. 10 good building lots well situated. FARMS ESSA.-E Q of Lot 5, and part of Lot 12, in 7th Con. Essa, 138 acres..100 acres cleared and free of stumps, alance well timbered. The cleared land is rst class. the buildings are "large and in good repair. the farm being one of the best in the Township. li`I.nR _I'-Dm-r. nf N 1 m In 7th mm _ 90 ac:-an B116 De8E 111 M13 '1`0WnBDlp. FLOS.-Part of N } 1 in 7th con , 90 acres. about 30 acres cleared an treetrom stumnanew frame dwellin house, soil good, balance of lot can be easily 0 eared. _ _ INNISFIL.-N 1 of Lot 19, m the 12th Con. 100 acres. An excellent farm. IJ`ll`.`nn\T'l`ll`. _`ll'. 1 nf T L nf R in Ifl-I (`inn - 60 wu acres. An exceuenn rum. MEDONTE.-E Q of W 9 of 6 in 10th Con; 60 acres good land, rst-class orchard in full bear- inn m . - 0RTH ORILLIA.-Pa.rt of Lot 3 in 1stCon., 80 12.0.. 40 cleared, excellent soil, good buildings, property well watered. a. rst-class farm especi- allg a.d$pted for stock raising. ' OT AWASAGA.--E } 0 lot 1 in 8th Con.; a. splendid farm 90 acres cleared. good build- ings. plenty of water from a never failing stream. no wasteland. mmnrrunwmn _\T L T.nl>. A in 119}: (`an 100 I 8ii1'8&lIl. D0 WEBB!) lltllu. TECUMSETH.-N } Lot 4 in 11th ('on.. 100 acres. About 80 acres cleared. Alfpod farm, well situated. about 3 miles from A xston. 'l`1'1\`!V __1i`. 1. RR in Int (`.nn_, lmrannt 4 unreal n W611 8ll'.U.8D8(1, 8pDOIl\'; 3 Illlle [I'0IIl AUIBLUII. TIN Y.---E. } 88 in 1st 001)., (except 4 acres) a very good farm; 81200. N Q of lot 9 in the 31-d Concession, a first-class Farm, 50 acres cleared and nearli free from stum a, balance good hardwood ush. Com forta 1e frame dwelling. Property situate 2 miles from W evale Sration. VESPRA.- . i of 24in 6th Con.. slnallclear ing, well watered and timbered. soil good. art of 22 in 6th Con. Vespra, 110 acres, good house and barn; 81200. _ `W }and part of E i of 9 in 6th Con.,t 130 acres. 50 acres cleared and free from stum s. This is a first-class propertv, is situate wit in a mile of. Minesing s'ation, is very well watered and would make an excellent stock farm. is very cheap at the price placed upon it, $2,600. Qavm-an Park Lots West at Mr. Ewa.n s real cheap at me nnce pmcea upon 15, snow. Several Park Lots West of Mr. Ewan s res! dence and having a fine view of Barrie and Kempenfeldt Bag. The above km s are oered especially cheap and in nearly every case a very small cash ay- ment will be accepted. and easy terms yen for the balance. The vacant town lots can be purchased on still easier terms, in case the purchaser intends tobuild immediately`. tfmnv |NTERG0l.0N|Al b RAILWAY. UIIZI 2 Iwwwu -uwww From thedweat for all points in New Brunswick, Nova seotla, Prince Edward Island. Cape Breton and Newfoundland. All the popular sea bathing. shing and plot- sure resorts of Canada are along this line. A Pullman care leaving Montreal on Monday. Wednesday and Friday run through to Halifax. and on Tuesda , Thursday and Saturday to St. John. N.B.. wi out chance. nlnnn nnnnnntinnn mnda at Point Imvin with Jug, mm saucy Iureuugur. What sort of ap-jacks are they 1` asked the inquisitive boarder. - nun .......1 AS nnnl-an I-nnnnndad the mo urana '1`l'unx nauwa ulu um nwnuuuu and Ontario Nov! tlon ompan '5 steamers from Montreal, an at Levis vi the North Glam-n Rnllwnv- THE DIREE1 _Ifl9UTE urn, _~. AL_'1-I-r-_ _. .. _ Jonn. 11.5.. wupom cnuure. Close connections made at Point Levis with the Grand Trunk Railwa and the Richelieu mm fhnfnlvln Nnvlannn mnn.nv l human In IIOIIEIVII, Illu. DI Anvul Wllou I-nu nvnuu I8`_l11,ore Railway. Elegmt that-clue. Pullman buffet. and smok- can on 511 through trains. rltaoluu refreshment rooms at_ convenient Jlnbnnnnn I IFIVUIBI distances. ' "'79" I Innu run: out Inn y any will aim ltod ` ma :*.:`*'*`.n,*"....": -30?"-"2i......"h""*%-E torwtrded-_. byw-I_t avechi \m1ng"'n:v&o . :- ::.::.;*::.2.'.::`.`.:*.:....`*......':*.:... E7 T-njqann in I91! 9.. 1;vqm_:n_sc.;,_;,_"_` the quickest I0!` nuopulr Irelgnt. w nun awn incpnadonndthowouernststps. eke my by obtainodnnd also infatuation nhout tho x-unto ind shout height and muon- '*'*s>v'B.%=*.;':.B.,....~*`<:`:.I':....m..' ,,...; 7 Q Roam g Its. omnto. ` D` ' cue: 3'3 ` ntndent. Rnllwuv omen. uoncoon, na :33" as, man. '0 VERY one that has seen the I. F. and H. A. , Singer Sewing Machine, pronounces it the best sewing machine in America for all sorts of work. hes or light and easiest operated. simplicity o constru on, noiseless in its mo- tion, andcan be run n%vto 2,000 stitches Ber minute. Our agent Mr. illism Campbell. as just sold eleven machines in the t two wnnlm. and sum! its the mood merits o the ms- just sold eleven Inaonmea In me u (W0 weeks, and s_a. 3 its the ohine. above others. but makes it so easily sold. Intending an-chaser: should call at our omee. next door J. J. Brown s, and examine the best machine. . ' W. W. ELLIS. linuann. Barrio. March 13th. 1888. V 11- EASILY scum asked me mqulaxmve uuuruur. All wool,-of course, responded the ` pretty waiter girl. ..v' _ - ._ -nn_n_......_!.. Quennt`- .n1lK'V`9"4J 1 ' 'I=Aucv 'o'ons.% . Cheap Wools and Braids ' 1'3 Q KI`""Tf=- FOR VBRAIDING AND EMBROIDERY, Silks, A'G'_aiwases, Patterns, v`6'lwm'Ils, ` Odrdo. Tassels, Tabla Drgper, j:. .. 9;.-`.~(vn:` .. ,/ --... ,._.--1.- - 1 - -._- c`cu4\I\Tl?\fII van; oi?"rKfFAi.K s"rtii:Es nun AlI'I"'I=I Weut'g"3t'1_" 1nthe':th-uozi.,~ containing` " too "more: moroor . A good orodkirnna on the not. F mun puuonlm t the An xgnxonotgmoe. $90 the ownor.'i.p'l1'I:ANTnG. , ALU LE BUSH 1/rgmnvron sum IN wmshi DIV 13.00 ottho ..z::. 12.. 3% ...,~ 33%.. '.u wore! mor6'or . . 3--.. A.._A.I.-_ us. `along nan`- n lm; In 1&1! %wo.n"n-E-`3-Fr7>-ans.' ms Sandm h d ` V for the rmomgmyl P``88raph. Speak well of your friends, and not at all of your enemies. ' Despise no one - f something thou k1,1ow(:alet ?1:,?yn8 knows Do not neglect a coli ' . aiuently results in c0;1g?1l;nt`:Qho as it 1-3. nod a never failing remedyIi n%1;T- ou will Syrup. All druggiets. ts Cough Good nature lik V ` honey from every hear: bela rfotllects` its r a `ure . Wittlcisi . ,3 spider, sucks poison from the sweet , V . est. V net ower. At this seaso f t . . essarj to keep :11 1())ott1l]: gfeaa; `17 ,1! very neo- rup II] the house for audd 8. 8 Cough Sy- like it. Cures 1-lkemagicen colds. Nothing (What we call t ' -' . and mischievo11aprl}jt::ir1c;3 Often ablind ions, rather than an en - . T ` hghtened ` pre- 1 mug. comm amen Iuntlna In 5 Ida, Inn, and ahead ~'%Il*'cI'wuun1n Ohndronaullll. "fiontsns All txmnns .33 I6 nuynnnrnnnnn `ll nun Q): Pnf '3'; ':"ii'1':a', ' 11; can: uni`: pttarunauux O . DD g. H. ST ATHY. Ran-infnr The Montana Anvnuos -s'ram- PRINTING HOUSE, i BUNUJP st. mans, HA8 UNRI VALLED FACILITIES PROMPT AND TASTEFUL EXIOUTION IBIIIIKANIIJIIIIPIIINTIPJE. *I respectfully solicit ah opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles of printing, sud: All Lu H6519!!!-70 Men are not to be iudged by their looks, habits, and appearances, but by the char- acter of their lives and by their works. A man's own works should praise" him, rather than another man's words. v CARDS, IJJJLLJILU QL4 RECEIPTS, CHECKS, ommns, ENVELOPES. NOTE HEADINGS, . LETPER HEADINGS, ` MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, . WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS. MEMOBIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, ORDERS or DANCE, MENU cums, LABILS. BOOKS Am) Pmpnmrs,` AT TORONTO Pmczs. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, CHATTEL MORTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE. AGREEMENTS OF EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. FARM LEASES, IBFCIIUU LU vu- V""' Delays are dangerous. Procure 8. bottle of West s Cough Syrup at once and cure that troublesome hacking cough and_ sore throat, relieving pain and misery. It. 13 the house- hold remedy for all throat and lung diseases. ; All druggists. , _L L- L- .:..`a`~n:` `nu-u I-`rn:Iu `nnlrn ` RENEWALS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE on` ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ITO. DIVISION comm` BLANKS, MAGISTRATES BLANKS, SURROGATE GUURT BLANKS, OONSTABLES BLANKS. Blank Forms of any kind printed to order. mean mm-zcronvz :7 -_.._ __ ' I-`-OR.` iaeve, Published by the`P1-oprietor, S. Wenley, -Barrie; Copies 25 cent: at the oioe; or aentby mail`, pontpeid, on receipt of that Inn) ' " couwrv or smooz, jjj -135`: `I'll NORTHERN ADVANGI II the belt One` Ddllar Weekly Published V in the 0otii1t$~ j6!-f8in;ooo,' and has .' l M the ligdnfrgidillatigfp. ` . VXVITUCVII '8. fund opriator POSTERS--Plnin and Ornunontul. \IlIU avvao vvwvvuu -'w_. The Council met pursuant to ad'ourn- ment. `Members all resent. The ve in the chair. The in nutes of last meet- ing were read and conrmed. Communi- cation from Treasury Department of Ontario, stating $9.03 as amount of Clergy Reserve fund for the Municipality for term ending with the year 1885. The iollowing accounts were passed, and ordered to be paid. P. Murray, for Receipts and advertising Court of Revision and Votes Lists, $7.50 ; Examiner, advertising Votes Lists,3.50 ; Hart & Co., 1 act ditches and water courses and forms, 26c. ; John McLeod, work on bridgve line, con. 9 and 10, $1.50- George iness, cedar for culvert div. 0. 73, 900. ; John Robertson, work at culvert, and repairing railing of bridge, con. 10-and 11, $7 50; John Fletcher, removing tree line. con. 8 and 9, $1.00 ; Henry Shaw, gravel on line, con. 10 and 11, (excess of grant), $1.00; Joseph Beard, gravel to H. M. Clarke, div. No. 97, $3.90 ; - `W. H. Partridge, gravel Town line, Oro and Vespra, div. N0 43, $4.25 ; Martin Johnson, gravel Town line, Oro and Vesprs, div. No. 7. 3270; William Gough, work on C. R. 0. S. in addition to grant, $7.50 ; John Walker, material, and work at -bridge, Town line Oroand Medonte, . $12.00 -, M.. Costello, bal., of contract, clearing road at lot 20, con. 2 and 3, 8900'; George Malcolm, material cedar, etc., for bridge div. No. 51, $8.00 ; John Aconly, in excess of grant to road, div. No. 48, 50c ;' Alexander Watt, cedar, gravel, and, repair Of road scraper, div. N 0. 3, $3 20 ; Selectors of Jurors to serve in 1887, $9.00 ; Llerk, for duties performed in connection with Voters Lists Court. and serving ....l:-, p ' 1 Ann no . n-n:a' ....gf..g.' m1- - 8&8 _and ` JUDICIAL DISTRICT --01` ORDERS OF ALL CLASSES OF-- Afu1l1Ineof_ _ BLANK FORMS STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, NOTE CIRCULARS, LETTER CIRCULARS. l`TI71\lIIl'I nonanns, rnmas, --ron rm:--- _A}w_ayI kept in a_toh A full line at all priced MORTGAGE. in SALE OF LAND HOUSE LEASES. SNIPES, ITO. wzwr an 13 5;" . my hair is a lovely brown b > To gqld wheq the sunshine 0;` i "3' ed `nth lh5 of dark; And, frm golden brown are her. 1-mi t eye. ~ 1 A dthe m'lk- 11- ,, An _discl(:se W me ha th th he: smiles Are hke pearls enshrined in the hurt . rs F088. tor s bond presented` one " even 1 UIJUID IJIIUB Vvunv --- ..v- - t 026 - i3eil'`. servf337I 111:; $f>lte(; a)nset`a:l,(}8 ,2-0013 '5-"""M'v Services at Voters List! _C0\1l`t: Clerk, telegram to Beme, ,25o- . The Collectors Roll the sum ot $1-00 I_1.IV!o}._ -V" all Statute . labor in default by` non- resident: who have had their l.|W,|`P,1`,d, on the resident assessment roll fol `@119 current year. Measure. _ ,MI.-I98n_,. Fletcher eppointede committee 90. with Mr. W. L. Reid inmntter of cutting 8 drain in his land to take? 0}!5h9., water, which in the spring, overows`. land and also the reed .-:I110 W'8l|` "9' lot No. 11. in line eon. "end 9e"-003*` gdioumea to 13eh-De6:iibofr.' ext it clock e. In. G- 1'l2J2Ii9P%.9.t3"" e- - ' .4 iv yr geu7t7i".o?:1i' ix? Eg;1: A I ~ PM at no man; L Lont Park the: in bison still in the find that! - In- .._I, . .,_J_..n.__ l\..L WIT AND WISDOM. IV TV 030, 25th-October 1886. .._-L -nu-Jinan` `A ninnrl ll WIS` If "it .e.1{S '1 the 1 soil i mg .,.'.`1..;';;.;.tu;.i..a.e..; era! are six in nurdg. Mr.SIre m -guy: __ _ seven bison this verietyitill existing in the United State: and twenty of `another.-A The herd ofiievn, according to Mr. `Swem, is locnted on Rnbbit Ear Range, between Middle and. South Parks. The other small herd in said to be under ' govern-o ment protection in the Yellowstone Park. The range in Lost Park is twenty-four, by seventy-ve miles in length and has an elevation of nearly 12,500 feet. an vulv III!` Vflllllle {It is a valuable fact for mothers to. l:now' that there is no better or more certain `re- medy for oroup than Hagyard s Yellow Oil used internally and externally. This handy household remedy may be had of any drug- gist. V Gareld Wanted mom-. . At Pittsburg Landing, in 1862, a line of teams came down from the army for rations. There were so many wagons to be loaded that great dispatch was neces- sary. A ne looking soldier, wearing a blue overcoat, presented his requisition. The commissary saw. him take up a barrel of our and toss it into a wagon as if it required no effort. I suppose you will require a receipt for these provisions, said the soldier tothe commissary. van II:-nine nnuvav-I\nr|t`:v\l'o nmnnun -UUIIIA` UZI\I IIIIV EVIUICI UU III}? \I\JIII|III$I O Yes, your commanding ofcerq "must receipt for it. T .Oa.n t I sign it 7 `In .....:L .........L 1.... ..:.........l I... .. ........ - 315` U & WIEII `V ".0, no; It must xmsloned oicer. .11 ? II `II Try It. _ 7 Two of'the most troublesome complaints to relieve are asthma and whooping cough,` but Ha.e:yard s Peotoral Balsam` seldom fails, either in those, or other prevsilin throat and lu_ng- troubles. A1l.dealers in me icine have this remedy for sale. an Ivuwu UIJIUVL `w`Very well ;. I m a. brigadier-general. My name is Gareld. nnyvn ` Said the other :T No, don t you do it ; you are two excited now. You would be sure to regret it to-moi-row morning. " Sober second Thoughts. Two young women were gazing in a. shop window. ` Gnu! A...` . (CT--JL 3L n `nun; A` 1: Hanna` 9 h the UIIUP W IIIKIU W q Sand one : Isn t it a. love `of a. bonnet? I:m tempted to buy it even if it is expen- stve. V c_:_1 u_- -n_-.. . nit- .:__u _-.. ,1- :4. , OONVE YANOER, 4-c., ISBUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES lljjii A n - U-`CLUE CI I Posr OFFICE BUILDIE -G, BARBIE. - FOLLOWING IMPROVED FARMS FOR sa.le.--8} of Lot 7 in 14th 0011.. Innisnl; F} of 12 N. E. pt. 18 in 7th 0011.. Veep:-5 ; E} 28in 1st 0011.. Oro. Above be sold on one term: at a sacrice. Apply to J. D. 300 H, t\,..L nu anon O06` nfnlla STRAYED tram Lot -18, Con.10,.Innisl about 20th.0otober a thoroughbred Southdown Rum, 8 `ears 0 (1. Information sent to Post-. master. `nsmnle. out. will obllao the owner. ISALEOF LANDS] ARREARSIEOR uxas --INTRI- couurv or smcoa. Conan or swoon. By virtue of e Wei-rent `to WI ! : eieeued b the Werden of the County oi` Simooe. bee:-ins ete the Twenty- ret dey of J my. in the you of our Lord One Thoneend ht Hundred end Eight`-Six, end to me diree , oommendi me to on upon the eeverel lend! here 1- mentioned end deeeribed ee he! in the Oonnty of Simooe. for erreere ree v 1 due thereon. together with m ooete. hereby give notice the nnleee the den-eereheeoonex-peid,Iehellon 'rhursdav,th iwnty-mu day of Novemb_or_. peft. At the hour of Eleven olock in the torenoon. at the Oourt House. in the b l :-ooezedl to sellby PUBLIC AUCTION So much of the sold lsnas as me. be sufficient to discharge the taxes and all wful charges incurred in and about the sale and collection or the same. The following lands have been Patented : ADJALA. Ea 315% E 3;; PART. III In Ituavn navy. -. Sept. 21. 1886. JAMES EDWARDS, TOW'N. "o_I-f QHARRIE, Farms fog Sale: gi 'sa`ra.' Iaaa3a3a'ea "afi-asst. . ale, Ont. oblige owner. 3-ttT ALEX. MOCONN ELL. TREAsua:a'8 ` Elana: av I ; it must be_ signed by a. com- A cure for Group. V |.u.L`I.. E- -1. A-.. __-;.L __ 35-SE5 I-E E-E3 nun anew`-I I\'\UII B;a'd't'ord E 22 oo'N.}..{;,... Npt.'. . . . . . . . . . . E tE N%oIOOOI?O4` S7'Nl5..... E35w78e238 Si Lllllll do do Noam 0RIL_LIA._ .1 ..`{.? ._ I103 UIIIIOIOOI V 7 TECUMSETH. 19 12 1 VESPI-IVA.` ' 100 Demo 3 Ian 8Bra.go -at M1lburn a Ian ` N Cumber and-st W8/100 Bn.ld,win sp1a.n N Cumberland-st E 2/100 wl2ll0._...... 1 Milb1rr`1 1 s Ian Sumber d-st Scaroline-st..;.... .. J Mob : plan NwEs:aroa.d........ ' Angle lot.. [W Baldwin-at . . . . . . . . . . . . It to Inotner. For sue uwwo. ` g, and $1.00 per bottle. by G. -----o+o----- 1` \.illll.lUU.l.'l.llU.'3(a It '[l.UV W12/l00..................10 2/100 N Cumberland-at w 10/100 10 10/100 do 0 6 7/100.. 10 7/100 do . . . . . . .. 17 1/5 A do 18 1/5 Milburn Plan Q lurnhnn an:-`I_nl> OR 1 L` VV.l!ABIlIl.'UlIll.-o--- d .. . . . Milbm-I198 vlan S Ggwan-at e 10/100. ` In In/Ill D \IUVV&lI'BlaU 1U[l.|lJ. . . do w 10/100 . J acob`s (11:61-race ..... .. o ..... . . V ' do .Iacob s`p1a.n V Q fnnrn nun II! IR/1lI'| J a.cob smia.n S town me w 16/V100 (In A 1I`l00 IIUVVIJ IIIIU W 10/LUU do 1: 10/100 W Marcusat ...... .. do ...... . . do 8 1/100 S Elizabeth-st . vqnnagv -. --- (Tecumsethtow1`1's`1'xip).... 27' V 3 (Tecumseth township).. .. 28 GRAVENHURST. Q 1-15` `lV\ OI Ann A an \Kna_ N Cardwell-st .. .. .. .. Confederation-st .. .. W Maple-st .. ...... .. E Parry Sound road. do .. do Rn - ' UIEAVELVEI 8 pt lot 24 con. 4 s Mus- uoahroa.d.............. E uskokn.roa.d n .... `J ll: LVLUBKEKH F030 0 Brock s survey N Harvie~st .. .. S Church-st 3 _ uganuvuo uvvu '--. ---.. V Christmas should not be merely an e 'joyu_1ent, not yet only a memory. points to the past it equally points to. t future-. The past was for the sake of t future, as in the processes of nature a is produced for the sake of vegetation. u n--A-.. n 1.. anon:-i-nino vnn nf this want