Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Nov 1886, p. 6

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-vu vvtut Uuout C103 vvj$O He knew the A Wide Rang . _- -1 ..-_'_,_`I , III A %sn:0nm+nAn,I>* * Wnmtvnx` ; g %. ,:I,%!%..AViI_I`rI:;A:um`II9!1$I,I:, 3 . ; gods 3:303 . 'oo,;] Ndnhirmom Western Railways. uuuuuu uuuaulupuuu uuro." 1' 1' anvv VII * sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. wiamnu, Allandale. e I NEXT noon to aiii or commence. DRUGS: '13;Al71:'i21v~i"1v'11vi:$`I`c`:INEs, . STUFFS, SOAPS, COMBS, AND BRUSHES. V av:-II-0 VUILVLV, .Gw%! P9u.e#==?:= 48 2 nouns wast BETHE BARBIE HOTEL. rGEoEiiEE6ETii cuamsr ANUDHUGGIST. ---will be found-- -fRESORIPTIONS CAREl'LLY OOMVPOUNDEAD. BELL & com om. [TOILET ARTICLES-A FULL LINE. G? RF I-KI uusuu wuuu hue numuurl same matter exceed FOUR. of the editor of the Galves- ton ('I`ex.) News tare Belo-ing for his ap- pointment as Minister to Austria. They- declare that they want but little here, Belo. V ' DUI` WUIIL. D5011 uuunuquuuo l.L|BUl'|aI0ll, I 08110 01' word `names, addresses, and gurescoun as words ' but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions or the mu-no Innthnn avnnn Wnivn `Iva! -ca-gv-guy any v an-n-uncanny.` nu- Condensed advertisem nts on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, ggecic Articles, Em._ Eta. must he unnnmnnnl with tho muah i>}B';3ei'ty'io"r".'a1Za`o`E`oii`ezi'i:, M&:iut'i.c.:A.rti. "BEE Eto.. Em. must be acoompani with the cash, and will be inserted-F1rst insertion, 2 cents nnr ward nnnh nuhunnnnnf. Inna:-tinn I nnnf. run- -nvu ow AA-nu.`-n\.r Vs.-voow u...-.. v-Q\1 n V`... -.y..v vv Advertisers will not be allowed to use their" space for advertising angthin outside their own regular business. ho d they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement VVJIILI. LII pun. V0110 Kluuuul H` Preferred positions in the pa er will be sold at an advance of one third on a ove rates. This rule will be strictlv carried out. - CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the office not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be` in the ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday. in any week ; otherwise the advertiser s` announcement may not be made public until the week following. A _1__-..L_-..-_.. ___!II __4. L- ..'lI........1 L- --.... LL..1.. *fFor one month-the thre monthly rate with ` 153? cent. added. nu ftun vnnnfi-nn._f'hn fin-an mnnthlv 'l'AfA * to gigr cent sauce. 1 * or two months-the three monthly rate 1 with 10 per cent. added. ya: n..._n....._...: ........:4..t........ .1... L1... ..-...-..._ A11 kn .._.- _v_._- -.. V -av. .--a, \-rAAA\Il Ayer s Pills are a superior family medicine. They strengthen and invig- orate the digestive organs, create an appetite, and remove the horrible de- pression and despondency resultin from Liver,Comp1aint. I have use these Pills, in my family, for years, and they never fail to give entire satisfac- tion. -- Otto Montgomery, Oshkosh, Wis. , . _ , Pre ared b;Dr. J. C. Aye: & Co., Lowell, Mass. 801 by all Druggisea and Dealers _in Medicine. 5'x;2i2.'i'5aiu'm' `.12 10 Inches, 1 Column '20 Inches, 1 Column `West's Cough Syrup, the household re- medy for coughs. colds, sore throat, inuenza, , bronchitis, whooping-cough, asthma and con- rsum tion. 25c., 50c. and $1 per bottle. All ruggists. V l`InchlllulVIOOIIO?O.II 2Inches............ E T_'..L ..... I l V.\I.--..- $0501 1oo `IHK II` V I\II\llIrI I k3! I know of no remedy equal to Ayer s Pills for Stomach and ' Liver disorders. I suered from a. Torpid Liver, and Dys- fpepsia, for eightoen months. My skin was _VelluW,Aand my ton ue coated. I had no appetite, sufferec from Head-' ache,` was pale and emaciated. A_ few boxes of Aye1"s Pills, taken in moderate doses, re:~\to1`(:d me to erfect health.- Wal(lo.Mi1es, Oberlin, hio. A--,...1.. 'n:n.'. _.._ Insertion of the same matter. * Legal. Official and Government advertise ments will be charged at above rates. , ' CONTRACT mvmvrisma. Contract advertisements will be taken at the tollowing rate, which are drafted on vetznrregg commercial p ciples, and, as they strictly adhered to in making new contracts after present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMESTTS. First insertign, 10 cents per line. Each sub se uent insertxon. 4 cents per line. eadingnotices, locentse ner line forrst in- sertion;_5 cents per-lin for each subsequent of the same matter. 1,..m.1 nmninl and Gnvernment inr` -.3 UP? -g -2 `E?-'*uI' - . ADVERTISING IQXTEE. i The Advance has a` Sworn Circulation E 0! '-.|Il!iI'39. ..nun91".= and . '- mwnty copies,` f ` Almost; if -not quite doublerthat of any other r 1 .a.per pubiishedzin Barrie. ` `H Aovmfvrxsims sHot'rL'n $10-rm `bx-ms `nAc'i'.`E1 (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). -.._ _._._.__ - _--._.-.. _-_..I.-- .. yvn.-wu, nanaaasurlvnou QIAIJO Twenty-five years ago I suffered from a torpid liver, which was restored to healthy action by taking Ayer s Pills. Since that time I -have never been with- out them, They regulate the bowels,- assist digestion, and increase the appe tite, more surely than any other medi- cine. - Paul Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. ILIlllt\3lIuAj:: After much sufferin from Liver and Stomach troubles, I ave nally been cured by taking Ayer s Cathartic Pills. I always nd them prompt and thorough in their action, and their occasional use keeps me in a erfectly health? condi- tion. -Ralph V eeman, Annapo is, Md. '1` ...n..4.. Q-..` -.n....... ...._.. 1 .___m-___.a ;_.-_.- (`auscsvtlne Storzazh and Bowels to be- come disordered,`and the whole system to suffer from debility. In all such Vcgzses Ayer s Pills give prompt relief. * No. 0!.` Inches . one SD90- ' Inser tion. 1 Mr. Editor : e` Now that the oysters are in season, I'll send you a. few points . An erroneous notion exists-" All right, `send us the points-a bushel of Blue . Points. A '}!99i$'!-livr Unapproached for " Tone Quality.- OTALOGU;8 ruse. A call solicited for all kinds of VIN `run prawns`... -___.__A-!--- Ayer;s an-mI hay hr 1 (`V Au..- 0.1`- 1'.......n 1 CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. ...__-.I -J___.A..!_-_. -_A._ _.. 'ln1..._A. i N`? i5 5Fi5'T)Ef5l'% - J _. _..._,_ _BELL MHGANS iii than * 13` 26 _ In_ser- Inser- . txons. tions. (smos) (6mos)( --The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., says : Both myself and wife owe our IIVBI to Shiloh : Consumption Cure. "For Hl hv .IhII Wnnll Rm.-uh: an.` `I T i|s'2sos 400 on: 2355 moo L.) "PRICE FOR 1-:7 271! 3 5 $600 1400 * LHBUI ' . tiona. ! (1 yr.) 62 rnunl ~ - ; ;$L!:1gs`ln*8tocn~'%owuK`;i?io man. :,:` HoB$1-1% BLAN K 3 ,Bell.8.., Lilblg .[ B jg`: BIG, STOCK OF VVl1;v;ill you co1;;,;h whciani Shil'ov1`1;; will give immediate relief. Price 10 cta., 50 cts. and$l_. For sale by John Woods, Barrie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. -neaa me tollowing teetnbnial : I have great nleasure in certifying that I have worn Speotac ea manufactured by Frank to:-g 1 . r and-they excel all 0 hayggti clearneu of vision and ease while wr tins: or readfn . JAMES Gon- FREY, A.B., ate incumbent rlnity Church. I Wolfe Island. i ' `T - I\!h\u--'--- . __ .-. v\;.n.u-uL\.lLJ-l- . tlme only Frank Lazarus (Late of h rm 0 Lazarus a: Morris) renowned spee- tacles and eye glasses. a These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for me past 35 years! and given in every instance unbounded satip acdon. They are the best in the world. "Bhey never tire. and last mny gears without `change. the fnnlhlrino +...u......_';_. _ -:1-j PIC-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS & WEDDINGS supplied at short notice and on reasonable mm,_ . Made in the vao; styles and qua.l'ty th _ be : -D_el1vered in all varts of the town.` 6 8 In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in `the past, begs to_ state that _he has at con- siderable expense Increased Ins baking facili- ties and 13 now prepared to do 3 larger business than ever. BREAD LEAos_]'_5_E VAN. d ,a-..-.-- --muuq uuurcn, 0- Fatal` :`.r.-nmmnnson 494s. % . 1:`arayra;e%Merhant. name, gm _ _`. 3 ~ .A . I. V` . ' --Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy-a positive cum [for diphthcria and canker month. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale. - nxprquu uuu raclnc nxpreas, marked " run daily including Sunday. '1`. G. AND B. DIVISION. Oardwell Junction.-Going North-9.07 a.m. 6.30 p.m. Going Sonth--9.07 p.m.; 6.30 p.m. c. v. R. Division. Inglewood J unc~tion.-Going North 10.18 a..m.; 6.29 p.m. Going South 9.23 a..m.; 6.17 p.m. 'TT7"I"'f1'A1--I-nuns--: I --__ `_.__. _....._u -..v-v.. -vo-v u1~AALo v.1: Poll]: "W. J. VALLEAU, Barrie. Sent. 1. 1885. Ticket Agent. :.j-. _- .manutactured fresh every` day`. Ask your grocer for them and you will use no other. --... ... mu vvuuu. urney t nanygears without -Rea. th e following testimonial have; great nleasure in am-mun-r atom the VVest.-Limited Express. 8.45 a.m.; Atlantic Express, 5.05 p.m.; Montreal Express. 8.15 p.m.; Mixed 11.20. St. Louis E res Limited Express. Montreal Express and ac` c Express, marked " dailv inclndinw Qnndnv-_ I gunnnsu Ag: gu av: (All trains unless otherwise specied arrive and depart from Union Station, Toronto . DEPARTURES.~-G0ing West. St. Lou 5 Ex- ress at.*8.10 a.m.; Pacic Express, 1.05 p.m.; xpress. 4.15 p.m. Going Esst.- Limited Express 8.25 a. m.; Mixed (for Havelock and intermeiate points), 4.25 p.m.; Montreal Express, '8.00 .m. A 'RRl'VA!.._]-'1`!-nrn fhn F.nnt_Q+ .rn11'- Wvnnnna 11J'u'l.VAh5-fl`."1'0IIl I116 11aa.8D-l5E. mum Express *8.30 a.m.; Mixed (from Havelock and interme- diate statxons), 11 50 a.m.; Toronto Express, 9 45 n.m. ' r.e.{3e'nuH' "e Z?" " ' '1T;o6..'.l.. .` 337' p.m `Arrive at Penetangulahene, 1.10 p.m.. 10.40 11.111 GOING SOUTH. Leave Penetan ahene qt 6.15 u.m.. 2.35 p.m Ann-{want R; A 7,2.QA.m, 5,05 n,m IIUI-XVII DUU LII. ` Leave Barrie at I 7.05 mm. . 4.40 p.m Arrive at Hamilton 11.40 5.111.. 9.10D.m T1-~ins leave Barrie for Toronto at 75$ a..m.. 10.17 a.m. and 4.40 n.m. VBANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. ONTARIO DIVISION. Ugh! it's .cold this .I_noruing, said Sniggrs to Higgs. .. I saw ice onmy side- walk as `I came down town. Indeed, said Higgs, was it paid for I Tableau. 111: EULA` Leave Hamilton at Arrive at Barrie. an IQ?` N Arrive st Ba. Lalvu runuuuxfgw 0 GOING` SOUTH. LuveGnvenhurat, Z 6.40a.m.. 2.45 p.m Loovoorilnn, 6.20 5.111.. 8.96 a..m.. 3.55 p.m Arrive at Barrie. 7.05 3.111., 9.40 u.m..4.40 p,m NORTH SIMCOE-GOING NORTH. O ulu\__- nh___' u vv '.- u Ann. MUSKOKA BRANC-H-GCl1VG NORTH. Leave Barrio 11.28 a.m., 3.30 p.xn. 8.38 p.m Ar:-lveato .5. 12.17 .m.. 5.25 p.m.. 9.25 p.m Arr.a.tGra.venhurat,l. p.m.. 7.00 pm. 1!: l\'\Vl'I- (!l\f'lIIYY _,- . ..._--. coma SOUTH. For Torex.1-1:0. Leavecollingwood 0.00a..m..8.20 a..m. 3.30 p.m Leave Barrie. 7.25 a.m., 10.17 a.m.. 4.40 p.m Arrive at Toronto. 10.20 a.m. . 1.50 p.m., 7.45 p.m Muskczkavliixpress, Mondays only. . . . .1 am. 0 on It :6 . . . . . p. m. --com-an-up . '51-` . mar! an: _.n \Tl\`I1llI'I`l I-nave Toronto, 8.10 a.m., 11.45 a..m., 5.15 p.m Ar at Barrie, 11.28 a.m.. 3.27 p.m.. 8.15 p.m A r at Collinszwood 12 35 p.111... 5.45 p.m. 9.45 p.m Muskoka Express, Saturdays only. . . .12.90 pm. to I H I. `IA. p.m. Milliii AKEIIY JNO. M. BOTHWELL,j !.'5;3Tnii;"1\cf61"1r".aI1'i:x";}`:s",'7.36"T}3Z" """" A.RRIVALS-Fr0m the uis Express 8-30 a.m.: Mixed (frnm Havelnak and intnrrnn- wve*TWJ1}i5'\2ys9$$&Vr `or Family Lini- ' mom), a. sure cure for rheumatism, neuralgia, cuts, burns, wounds and bruises. 250. and ; 5500. All drugists. 1 CONDITION POWDERS, COCK OF-THE WA LK % EGG FOOD, CALF MEAL, &c. so`L3a AGENT FORTHE momsvcounlrlomownsncn. CATTLE S1-`ICES, 'rIMo1'HY. GLOVER 3. one:-man muss J. `7 . I ' _ . .Al1:1he.Jew and old Leading Varities of Seed'Whea.t. ` SEEDSMAN, NORTHERN RAILWAY some NORTH. FOR FALL SEEDING. P!s_UIts" vvaabtl FREDERICK J BROWN A phrenologiet eays that `` fulness under the eve denotes `la.uguage. When the fulness is caused by another man's at it A denotes very bad language. generally. V I Lu_:'1.|_9_ rv-i____,1, n . _ drama '_,.`.`;_No it_inoppoJ ,'tionr'3_ ._A..pshn-, % dtoin "in rue;1_ouoo - tugs .ye'._...%i.k. nun uvvvu vuv uvanvvvsus ausvulvtl `III!!! '*`!'"` "`3* kl GOING NORTH. bnnnf 7054 HULL` I1 1` UIS In. on 7.05 o.m.. 4 rte. 11.28 a..m.. I SJOING SOUTH. 7nKnmA MAIN I THE 7.23 nan. . BARRI E. o for sealea Evuruvggi` Adam ,V':a scs.s r W- EUREKA can D'T`J`;,oods. Sold in Barrie by Geo. Monkman and ' ,/ 1 ,, -_q-1-u1'l1'n 'UV\ll `III III IIKIDUUI Sheri``--"`Now, air. prepare to meet ` your doom, and here is a white shirt the country supplies for you. vAnarchist-. Alasl has it.oome to that 3` Sold G eo. Monkman uh " RBSOBIPTION I In. vista!` I: I-I-V L;// pgxnvRovAfwAFd9` b....-.x..n.\.. A! A Dhi - vwj-* U9 A K5 \ _EiQW;;D:.i;"-`"}-E cults tncseverost Colnrns. ` , _ For Torpid Livvr. lil`.m.'.:'.`.n*.-`~.=. 01` "L ."_ CmD]3int~" Dyspopsin. and Indi_:n. 1? = an unequalled remedy. Sold by dx-u,L':-'1~~`- DR. PIERCE9S PFIZLETS-A110` Ab Bllious and (`atharlim 250. a vial. by druggists. __._.___ _..._ __._.._____.____..___,_ -. -__ .....-------- uomen Medical DisCm`v1j\' ( from the common pixxzpiv. 1-1: to the worst Scrofulu. or H ecially has it m\'(-n in A: a_lt-rheum or 'F`ttvr. 'l"m'm`- Disease. SCrnfuIO11S SM`z`s my 1 QC! Glands. and F:nin;: V T 0.den Medical Disc'm'rI`.\' tion (Which is` Sor0f1iI:1 of 1:` wonderful bloocl-p111'i1`;\'im:. ii nutritive propomos. Fm` \`~' ting of Blood. Shorttmss 01 lira Severe Coughs, Asthma. :1r~.xj tions, it is a sovereign rum-u, cures the, severest Comma. For "l`m-um 1`.-.-.-... I)H..n:v , V . Thoroughly cleanse the b1; fountain of health, b_\'11. . on Medical Discovery. and I. air skin. buoyant Spix'iY.~'. xx soundness of c0nstir1m`m1 w; Golden Medical DisL`m`m`)'!w 1. IT) tho nrurnrnnn n:....\`... `wrapped around eve -b I ','"= Is a valuable Hous?1o"r)ltt,\(1:`:g;:1l 1'zihage B001` (34 gages), c(_mtaiuing me, , pronounce by xnedm;-', mm and dr . able, and worth ten times the price oft} ` - as 18 med ' T- FIIIHNRMI 2:. M Cal. 1...... .. ``T* ....,.-, ....... . LII Lcu umcs we pnce of T. Enunifsuu :2 ca, Sale Ageme ms, Bradtom sow BY ALL DRUGGISTS `-.__ All enterprising druggiats wishing to sup- "ly their customers with the best. keep.- est : Cough Syrup and recommend it, has it is the best made. i - I `own nu-nu Aulucuyn ' NATURE S R ` urclgqualilgd sugcgss of l)r.E.Lrl"x'a.Ecl':. 7 wet on gmt rest. 5;-,1._-1y mm the cmpoun _e rgm rutuire well known I }.1AND!_2AkIll Aglo .\.\nu.m.\', comm at etffxrlxvauat e r()}r?!s, _barks. and he lggd u e ec on t .e Knlneye, stoma, oj ' h 1/ z?" s" 2/er one- q (yr. am :3] 1),; (~;,.(m.: were sold In gnazla a_1one. In 7,, 'wm_zan and c/u_/J 11/to zs tron/zlal mi` plamt to try t/us zxcellent rmm/y, LADIES It is a well known fact that an inac` a dull: sal_low complexion, liver _\l,r,,;_ Chases LIVE! Cure [5 the only remedy positively cure these compl;.ims_ Qnurrumn Ilnu n .... .. . yvanslvcly uuxc uncse COmp1a|n[s_ . 7.... ...` Somsmmc New. cum Away rm Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. (,'ha:e g 1 ; . if a_vluabIe Househ')`rl .\1`:dic;.l ('...:a-' C" T wlLL"C4a_:%ds2"'EL1EvE BIUOUSNESS, L /'._1"; /A 553, 0 /SPEFS/A, /;,. .2 .-. mo/cssr/0,v, FLU/T'/3`/.'-.* } JA um)/05. 0F Hg; Hm. ERYSIPELAS; ..c.'.~.'*,v sur RHEUM, THE .$%r0.:1;;`-` Hsnnrsumv, pm`,-ms HEADAQIIE, rsr 7/as am; And every species of disease .1r'5s""-2 PM disordered L!VER, . 7<.u.`.=:v`S. TuMAm BOWELS on ~`l-'1"_"` - . HAVE You Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, h,.1;._.L.\ jaundice, Headache, I)i2zin+_\<, `ya Costiveness or any disease arisivg (`mm DR. CHAsE's LIVE _ R Cum; will be 1 certain remedy. un. pnnan .\ L certain u A '1'. mxwunu & ca. Infalliblo fllood Purifier, Tonic, Diumu Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepg-;. Billiousness, Jaundice, Liver C0!I]p`mi:'. Rheumatism. all Kidney Diseases. Scrofub, Diseases peculiar to Females. Salt Rhea: Ex zema. and all Skin Liseases. Headuk. Palpitation of the Heart. Sour Stomach an. Heart Burn. Purely Vegetable. Joax C. Wrzsr 6: Co., Toronto 0:: Prascriftion of 9. phi Wem OVAL W D5 who hasha a life 101: treating female 968999-cm, by Uvm-10, lad es. Pleasgflpm. effectual. Ladies ask en .1 t f ll . ulna 0l'_incA](%?` d --Shiloh s Cure will immediately relieve croup, whooping cough and bronchitis. For sale by John Woods. Barrie, and M. J. Hamhn, Allandale. - ,`?c->;'Pe~nHhyroy 3 no substitute. .for s9a}9`;"I.E` Bl /. unit 1! all known "5 nut" C 3 W gulam , bined wuh `mam D \\'II5"m1? -;frC1 (T herbs, ham ` D `I I bill 5' lc "f(_):Si{iIx1)" on .. 3 J .. Stomach: 3"! .,`....., wun the fact L-'5 well live 1 )ELlON, combined u barks.-and {idnc\'.'~`-. S""""" " nlnhd. which is r In-. Picrce's G; grand digestion r .\l .~o...~-urn}: W H inacxive_ Iiver ca :r pr s. IV! ID Chase's uh}. cl. `O In :1 (IQ '. "` r..,]k them thus ostentatiously ? T sevteebody who `has nothing better to. `do advertises `.` Clothes without buttons We have all had them. But why parade '`'`',,A) `I? I II II ? I 1.: 0| `I C 1 `I '-v~ ..nL'>:m1 all c s Liver Cu`-5 1e_Vfact Hm ` Fanged Ii` `PW? lg`. -- I was a gatheri mother only c causin years y A is my 1 wars to `be com If it is, and W gallop carry uA" _ aydivinity that doth hedgefa king, but four kings together don't need a hedge. Generally they can take care of tbhemselves. One caught riding s "VVI1 been L habits my xu dream gure, apparel charge the po .t1'eld, tender, steed, some would never r was, ho to me, red wbi sions a . Ther the fall run 0 lady 10 black. Indian berries look g LIT hec like to ' My From ugly, Li hero 10 {O (`X 1' for. it. it, fron built : tnde-r me. vh Was I foull DOW ""11 8. ' ` V I gr wardl was at Profesdootgovoohomore--"Will you de- - olfne the Greek verb. to be 7" Sophomore - (from force of habit)-- Thanks ; I never decline anything. C1131 1 I r1 on: u 1v 1 I I-Av Cldth(r( her liu Ncx or xmu Hnqui enoug to it-, 1 uein vmmhe CIUI--, uyv folds, .\7 ---A Injector free with each bottl of 'Shiloh s Oatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. = ?id vi} i Ind I N311 in Wi:"i:Iv}y. good to know, if only in using, a. charming human being; it re- reshes one like owers and woods, and clear brooks. --"Hsokmefeck. a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by John Woods, Burns, and M. J. Hamlin, Allsndsle. ' rairig :-l'>est, West's Liver Pills cure liver rcomplaint, dyspepsia, sick headache and in~ agxeation. Sugar-coated. 30 pills. 250. Hrnnninn -vet nae. Prof.` Low s Magic Sulphur Soa.p,'-_-Heal Enggsoothinv and cleansing for all eruptive diseases of the skin. Delightful for the toil- uuus'Io|pau._uu,- ulyaluuua, loll OI appease, v..`Y110W|`l}|!I:?: . il9h*ajV'%,Iliz9r.iI,m,pouitivq -cure. For sale John ooda,' Barrie, `and M_ .1 , Flnmlin; A Iuhlgli I .. .pa.per men. `Til/hat is education 7. asks a. writer. Well, it is something a college graduate thinks he has until he becomese. news- A I`? nl T ' E_ A____ `!__, , Ivl Singers and puiwlzc ndZ per- -Lfect relief for all throat difculties in the use of West's Cough Syrup. I 1,, 3, -.,,:,, One of the p;'emiums awarded at al Maine fair last. week was fora painted toadstool. Can zmthetics any further go 7 Whenever yet: hear a fellow begin a` .0!IV6!`sation by saying ``There s no use`: talking, prepare yourself for a ood. ,. -,_ J ,,,I 1!, ,,. ,, ,,,'II I!._ ,1 _-._, Ntlion;.l Pills are unsurpassed as a. safe, mild, vet thorough, purgative acting upon | the biliary organs promptly and effectuallv. - Dia-I~l'y_a` E113; v(cri1V()"`t-lxinks he is `going to set the world are nds to his sozrow that `somebody has turned the hose on him; `T .- `I\ 1 , ,,l', wvuuuuvv - _ Physio beats the faith cure,` because it has the inside track. ~ If we were all of one opinion there would be no betting. Henn ought to lay the Galatea. up for the winter in Egg Harbor. V nu, 0 The windZ(is(n`lwa`';-l>`lo;ing about some thing ; but t.her'e'is nothing in it-. Dr. Low : Worm Syn up will remove all kinds of Worms from children or adults. Some men are born great. Yes, but gracious ! how some < f them do shrink. Al ,,,_I] _,,I!AAI There arezoxen the would of so littie importance that they have no enemies. A ,,__,l,, I"Y___,,, I\ ,,_I-,,_, __.- ._B- ,__ _1I mI;rYe'evI;11I7|!V1;a TWrm l;owders are safe ih `all cases. They destroy and remove worms in chi1dren_or adults. gusty saylngl Sandwiched with Pata- ` graphs for the Ser1ous.-'.l`he Best . bl.` Gal--`.1 IV.--n flou "-bonnet ! ... UU.rnno ow: vanv Iuvo QVIQIU --v --v- - ` the Scissors can Passing comment - What a lovely 1'8! rouonnsgggumon min iifammasacz miseume - I - pat: ;>n,. dizztneu, > skins`). Rhihhh ':VihIimn- in...,-u...:o_:... LITTLE `BRINGS WHICH MA 1'83 WHOLE WORLD KIN- . ; Elm 119.99 0 .0Ve!.' *7.b99.t1.0f- . izer. It `ne r fa 1'Iatd"`cur`. r---w nu`. fuvvl vuunyunlull YUM in [In wnnn 1):-.4.` -_.I I] T `Iorofula;-froin 1 -- ~.~:era'IIy._ H The one" _:'*.)l` is _ (god-`-11'oan`ues con- sgm non and mu: _ wutm __ lm en.-jp_ gnd 1 * "*2 in ti`n;_g, 41! >7 "$8.?" 5: 5.1 "-31i;eV." Ffil l"`3"oh" W3oda,'_Brr'3,' -* --__.-_.... ,..,(.f M. J. Hlllllilh, .i dd`-z.` ; , "pm. 1; Lowell Courier claims to hav drama 2 \`,.` No- it in.nnnnnitinn_ ! . Anglia- 0 con.-A .% V fellow repl_ g&.. ' caunotoarumble. Old Bob`-'Bra.yson, just aftqr putting on a pair ofpew brogan shoes. w'ent out to chop wood. While standing on` a 165:, ohoppitig, hisaxe glanced and zqut his` `left fodnesrly 011'. 1 gig 9n;.gsxx_iej_t1p and- &8k0d:3 - _ - ,_-`-7,, , ~*Pap,.:w`m'a thein8tter`?"" V.-. W I've `dugruint my_n ew shook? the old , `.316 xv-.22:-ts`;~anymhins I ever .w_)d for a , ~ .. -5`. ~` ` ~5~ month III_,`__ M _i_,._ " ' tetched em,but-` _; "Ls,;?._down 82- slash `em; .By all druggiets. ; ` eadaohe Buloneneu; . T Whenever I feel out of sorts, bilious, my liver not working right, or racked. with ,a. headache I take Chase e Liver Unre. There uunore reel benet from one dose of your liver Oure than in many bottles of some medicines.-`- Jno. - MoNe'eeer. Bond Head. L V510 Did you see what the Rev. Sam Jones says about your city ? ` ' Why no. L . T He says every kind of sin described in the Bible is committed in Chicago. TnVf}|nf. in? am nnnn Ah-I -can ...... uuu --uuu so uuuuuuu-cu Lu vuwugu. lsvthat so? How soon did you say the Chicago papers would be here 7" O, not for anhour. yet." Well, how muchoare your Bibles? r 8r'n;}`1v. Newsdealer - The ' papers will not be here for an more. Are you from Chicago. Yes. 1,-'\og ' q . .- - _. ,,._.__.__-._ - fonsoled Himself. Chicago Man--Got any papers '1 n`......1... 1\T....;-.I-_\-.. umI-- V Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil. with Hynophosphitea, is not only very palatable, but the remedial power of these valuable specics is greatly increas- ed, and as a remedy for Consumption, Scro- fula, Emaciation, or where` there is loss _of flesh and nerve power; it is remarkable in its results.- `Take no .other.- ' u--- y--vv yvn .u-rvuvqvy U] Vowdvulg Ill-IIKKIII-0 Sordid speculation and the business of barterphas not squeezed all the poetry out ` of e thesouls `of "the citizens of Minneapolis. This is the wave a market report in one of the newspapers read : Corn, the friend aiike of poet, peasant and speculator, `hovered lovingly a moment at 43c. and y then alight-ed with pink bound foot on 44c. Mr. Howell s next novel is to tell the story of how a great newspaper isbuilt up and carried on. We hate to have him rummaging around the oice while he is getting at `his facts,obut we are going to put up with it in the interests of exalted literature. ' ` Whatis McGregor s Speedy Cure for 2" It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indiges- , --- .4...- tion Billiousness, and it is the finest blood purl-_ iierin the known world to-day. . . Does it give satisfaction? " VtVe cannot point to one instance where it did 110 . . - Where does it have the largest sale? Right in the city of Harm ton, where it is manufactured, there has been over one thous. and dollars worth sold in the last year retail, and the great majority of the sales are by one recommending it to another. For sale at 500. and~81.00-perbottle, by G.`Monkman. Druggist. Q.._.I.'..'I .....--..I-L.'_.. .._.a um I, a.-'{-u;)\-:_!yl;ey(Iipa|u ul.l}1t6;lV8l 0-8;, 11 n _ ` `Sh om jvitalilzer` It :13 `III... __I_ l___ `r, ,,1tv u 1-. Liver Cure. - By all druggists. was utucaucaa ` Liver Complaint is cured by? Dr. Ch@se s mt- u-__no_ __-,L W _ uunoyvu nu LVUW LUICL. IUDII nu 1181' UIUIIIIIHK on shipboard. ' The poor woman is in a dreadful quandary because she has insui- cient means to buy a new wardrobe, and is too proud to sing in the ballet. Liver Complaint Causes Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion. ` Liver Complaint Causes Sick Headache, Dizziness. , bl Liver Complaint Causes All Kidney Trou- es. Liver Complaint Causes Three fourths of ` all iseases. ____ I-`A_____`_gV ` - 1 I V is An " Reader. in mtormlng you of this wonder ful remedy for Coughs, Uolds. Asthma. Bron- chitis. Consumption. and, a`-1 affections of the throat and lungs. we feel that we are doin you a great .kindneee,ae it you have any 0 the above complaints. 1! you will only try I: we will guarantee satisfaction in every case or money refunded. _ Ask for McGre53r a Lunar Com- Rfund. Price 500. and 31. per bottle. at onkman e Drug Store. A German opera singer, who -recently arrived in New York. lost all her clothing On Ihinhl\FA "`'in "|l\(\ Ilvnrnsnvu :- `-5 us vvw- we -vvn U! Ilvtulv. U; 1.1. nAVllhLl.lDll. 4IJL'u!lBIk Following dirctions. _Mrs. McFadd- Och, Pat, and phat are yez doing in that tub of water?" Mr. McFudd- Faith and didn t the doctor any Oi should take 0 shpoonful in watherfree times a day ! Oi know me basin _u " - Reasons why on should purchase Fluid Lightning in pre erence toell other remedies are: Rapid re-.sult--cures instantly. It is easily 1 apnlied-no trouble--uo lost time. It does not l require constant use--one apvlicatlon is e ec'.- us. One bottle will remove more ain than enly otherrrertriledslvl in eistsncg. T131 t fort1;Teu- re. gin. oo ac 9. ea ac e. euma. am. Sol at 250. a bottle. by G. Monkmen. Druggist. 'IF..II...;.:._... J_'___L:__.. II` 1: -n 1 1` A bechelef L: East Grand 1` a dance. .-Amuug the guests.were~ twenty unmarried ynnn_r, women. During the evening the hush proposed marrxage to f-T teen of them. They all` declined with thanks; V ' _...v _ cw-u v-cu vvoovJvu -`IUD: Skin diseases cannot be successfully treat- ed by extcrnalapplications. The proper way to care such com limits is to purify the blood with Ayer s arsaparills. Under the vitalizing inuences ofthis medicine all the- functions, of. the body are brought` into healthy action.` ,_ ___- ---uwv vn'I\lVU vv UV uuwagcug NI:oVc71ies troubled `with Plmples, Rlotches, Rough Hands or ll`: ce. or Sores of any descri - `Lion, should use McG1-egor 8; -Parke s Carbol c Cerate. It will leave the plan in ' erfect health. smooth. clean and ood color. e sure and at the genuine. made V M001-egor & Parke. Pr ca 250. Sold at Monkman s Drug Store. 37-49 Herr. Strauss (yawning) 5- How- you van, Hans? You don't know` nobody no more, ain't it? . Hana-Mine frent,`if you van shut your mouth so I can see you r _face', den mebbe I can tell who you van. Qlyi... .1.` . . . . . _ . _ _ .--L l weaksor para la _ % Iithm-sA Cid ails: II`unption,,und for 4 II Dun:-nu : HIIAIA. d;unnt:0n},;ind for` ,-'".""'!!v\' -" '""!x"' Dr. Piere s GoYdeii Medioal Disoo've'i`y.' T -Another Indian rising in reported from Albert" Lea. Minm,` -`whefrefa lerge number of aboriginal skeletons have been resur- rected._ As they are all good Indians, no trouble is anticipated. tr__.__`1..,_L 1- - - - ` . .5 ~ mptlo` 3`1l78O{lf, gtakej .-gumqu. ggxquuute. _ 3 V_ H m_,_ " Did `you ever hea'r` of " the bolts` `bf Jove 1" asked a. college student of his matter-of-fact father. N 0, was the -:wondorln_?g"` reply, v`Whut" wga` Jov9-a ~mugwum1>? ' " " ` ' -- ---vr---g.- E_[undre:is of persons who hive used Ayer s Han` Vigor attest its value, as 9. stimulant and tonic, for preventing and curin g baldness, cleansing the scalp, and restoring the" youth- ful color to faded and gray hair. Itbisv Zl7i`o-ir"(a;;n'0yatera have been damaged to -the extent of $200,000 by the cool rains that fell `in July. If oysters don't know enough to go in when it rains they must expect to be damaged. Im-Han tum-n.1m1 '...:.I.. n:_...1.._ nu..--.-_ %"F'u?j;yi"ex-,.;1g._.eq1{y it: - .L_...ngL l5__..a_A-I Chicago hour or Chicago` uuup wuougnu)-"_We[Al, :; 1. % you mean. " There : Gcormtoigmu mitt: `4t:mg::%i5swo mu glyqu _ho' -iihgid m`oa-uin;" T? "Sohool Teacher--C'ome yo}: an L;-penzzxentu think who Boblg (tn; J-Auaot`r.hon9t7P-.JI- - . " '=.;9.Ixm after? , surely t)--`_`,WelAl, I V. T-w of the `lniot " ,blesom.e liomplaints to trelieveue isthma and twhpbpingg cough, but Hgyu'j(_l a Peotoral t.Balum geldotn fails, either` in those, or other prevail throat and luI_1g troubles. All dealers in m` cine` have thulugnedy. {or sale; - - V l\llV'Ulu 7` ?`Huniph .1" gsnswex;-od__ Mrs. B. inigna3t1y.- 3'1; iuppbe'you'think that ; 311939.. ~ ' T . V . .J,- W811. mnnnt an: ni-nah AC. on... H - `3-`.'."m1.i"o A9n?'d`-".,l' 5si'11'311""'x'r`:":?1ss1a%!.`.?.~T*"1';"'.'. 3?-"?. {i9 3"i'T For sale by J ohn..Wooda, Barrie, and M. J H unu 1...`. ;...-.. a.-_'...' -n. u_._...-.;a`. . : .r. `Meant for arms. V , V Maria, `I wish you `would: keep still, said Brown, trying `to "write. Your tongue is like Tenny_son s brook, it goes on forever. L . - llfI'_--.4 __,I;. III C ` ` . A Radical change. Daniel Sullivan,` of Malcolm, Ont, takes leasurc in ` recommending Burdock Blood itters for dyspepsia. It cured him after years ofinffering. From being 3 sceptio he is now 5 conrmed believer in that medicine. ..-..ouvu,- umuau nuu Dpllulll-E Mr. De Smythe--Yes that is very nice, but I should think `she would learn some of those pretty little English songs that are so popular nowadays. A MF,- T}nII"\`nt`n"s.:|o__`Kr1-In ~-`- - -- nu-v usv nu pupuuil` LIUWIM-lllya Mr. DoubledoIlb.r-Why, that's an English song she : sin `u now. .Mr. De Smythe-" ndeed, I thought it was French, Itqlian and Spanish. . A Cure for Group. V . It is a valuable fact for mothers to `know that there is no better or_more certain re- medy for croup than Hagya.rd s Yellow Oil used internally and externally. -This handy household remedy may be had of any drug- gist. . -v Inllvw UIIU llllIlDVn Mr. Doubljedollar-Oh, yes, Minnie is very accomplished. Why, she amga in French, Italian and Spanish 2" Mr D... QIv|uO`\n,, uv... 4.L..J. :. _-..._ A A Familiar Odor. A woman was trading in a store on Michigan avenue the other day when the proprietorbegan sniing and snuing the air and excftedly inquired : ` *`Don t you smell smoke '1. Yes. , Lands save us ! but I m afraid the store is on fire, and I- m not - insured ! It smells like pine wood. . Laws, but you men don't know nothing! said the woman as she calmly sat down. That s the smell of meat burning in a kettle back in one of those houses. The woman has let the water bile out. "Pine wood ! Humph 3 How much a yard torthat factory? - muuy wr sun Joints, contracted cords, and painful congestion, than Ha.gyard s Yellow Oil. It cured Mrs. John Siddell, of Orton, Ont.-, who was `aiicted for years with con- ; traction of the bronchial pipes and tightness of the chest. It is the great remedy for in- ternal or external pain. . ' ,AAA Worth Rezembering. There `is probably no` better relating re- medy for stiff joints, contracted cords, and nninfnl nnnnnnthsn at..- n.._...-...n_ v-nm _.- vv run`! an an;-nvuuu wants W lllio . Dr. Pillsley--Let me see your tongue. l Hum! Appetite good ? P.atient--` `First class. Dr.-` `Digestion all right? P.--O, yes.' Dr.-` `Are you troubled with sleepless- ncss 1 ` P.-Never; . Dr.--Do you ever have severe pains in the head or back ? P-None.- ' - _ Dr. -Don t you often feel a disinclina- tion to work Cl ` P--Well, yes. -Dr.-Andadesire to lie abed late morning? P-Fr:quent1y.- , -' ~Dr.-It is as I thought. Get this prescription put uppat once and take a teaspoonful every three hours in water. I ll called again to-morrow. Good day. . , - F` oonstx _-n1_ d`!;V"731l.,.[I meant it as _a sort of gag. in u asov ovuuugvo 4 A wide range of painful affections may be met with H y ard s Yellow Oil. James M. Lawson, of oodville, Ont.,v speaks of it in high terms for rheumatism, lame back, sprains and many painful complaints too nu- merous to mention. It is used internally and externally. A..-v vn tun-no uouvvcun uuu lulu uuuge D. 2 ``So yez wud hang a man for killing anither won, wud ye ?" 1 ` That is my way, air. { "Wud- yez hang a man- for the furst won he kilt, yer honor ? If it was clearly proven that he had killed a man, certainly. A Oh, that wud na do at all. at all. Hanging a man is purty hard on him. "So I suppose. An if he hung a man for killing the fnrst man, what wud yez do with him for the sicond oflinse '1 _ - . An Idea. It was at a. hotel in a western town that the discussion turned on capital punish- ment. The noted Judge B. was one of the foremost ones to advocate the affirma- tive. Au Irishman who was present had listened for sometime to the discussion, vainly tryingsto get a word in ; at last he succeeded, and the following dialogue took place between him and J udge B. Qn 17!-`-7 mu:-`I lnnnn n rnn-A `n-- l-:":------ I _ __ Free Trade. Thereduction of internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps from Proprie- tary Medicines, no doubt has largeiy bene tted the consumers, as well-as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Especially is this the ca...e with Green's ugust Fiower and eBosrhee?s Gm-mrm Sy`u,u, as the reduction of thirty-six cents pervdczen, has,been added to increase the size of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fth more, medicine in the 75 cent size. The zgust Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Sy.up for Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest sale` of any medicines in the world. The advant 3. of increz sedsize of the bottles will be great y appreciated. by the sick and alicted, in every town and village in civilized countries. Sam- ple bottles for 10 cents remain 'the- same size. ` - 40 eow. 6&'ZE.%6f6o`6"qT1`;e a`*'>'.`.i'"a:$`58?ZZZ1`5.;'i``j 100,000,000 tone of coal being mined from thege elds in one year, or enough to run tiring _around the earth at the equator 5% fat Wlde and fhinlt l-he nnonnl-n `\n;n:: .......,., muuuu uuu curt-u at; has equator 03 wide and 5; thick, the quantxty bein au ici'nt; t0' a_u'o`ply the whole world for a. period of~.1,500. td..2,`000 years. `A. to a, 2% Awggsiffz 100 retj thick. The How the Phys! Ian Gama Wealth. I- 13:11-1-.. n1` 1 A Pittnburgherhtaken out} patent for a machine to crimp our bags. That : all right Why a_houldn t the our bag wear crimfws so long as thepouqr barrel has hoops f - ` - ' --For dyspepsia nd liver complaint you ihnvn-nnrintad Hllnlnfhh nn.1nnnau. lxntl-Ia` -8.-

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