HE GLASGOW & LONDON INSURANCE Company. of Great Britain. ' uvur vveuuesuay anu zsaturaay at 1 p.m., 1'8- turnlyn from Parry Sound on Monday and Thursgay at 6 a.m. For information as to freight and fares. apply to any agent of the above railways, the pursers on board the steamers, or to the Great Northern Transit Co.. Limited. Coningwood. Tnouas LONG. Secretary: Clue. Gammon. Manager THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY of London, England. 1'0!!! Ely uttenaeu I30 ana mxonnguon W111 DO _ed 7 esrequiring Mr. Ford : service: as thong he had himself been consulted. Bales taken in prices to suit everybody. OLLINGWOOD AND anon-` zian Bay Line Royal Mail in connection with the Northern and Northwestern and Grand Trunk Railwa s. 8.8. "Paelc,Cant. P. M. Campbell; 8. . "Atlanti " Capt. Robert D. Foote: S.S. "Northern Bel e. Catt. Jas. Bas- sett. The ne new steamers Pacic and Atlantic wlll run as follows during the season (weathetiupermitting). leaving Collingwood at 1p.m., eaford at 3 n.m., Owen Sound at 8 tr.m.. and Wiarton at 11:45 p.m., every Wednes- day and Saturda for Kilarney. Manitowanin , Little Current. aizawong, Gore Bay. Spanis RIVBI`, Alaoma Mills. Blend River, Thessalon, Bruce Mines. Hilton. St. Joseph's Island Richard's Garden River and Sault Ste. Marie. The Saturday steamer will also call at Cock- burn Island. Parry Sound.-Tbe Northern Belle will leave Collingwood for Parry Sound eve Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p.m., re- turn mi` from Pan-v Rnund nn Mnndnv and Licensed Auctioneer for the County or V Simcoe. Orders left at the Aovnva: Oloo willibe R.`E2.""?.`. . . :.`.*.`;_`.`.1`..`.`..`.`. z.`?.'f.`3 %'}:.-".."`.-.1`-`: .`.'.!';,.'..'. . sncomn-nun FURNITURE 3 :-z...Q-: -no: 1-4`: -3 ' Auction Roonns and --Few Doors North of Wellington Hotel. Bsveld st.. Barrie. 0 REN'l`.-A 2-`.0 ACRE FARM being Lot 22. Con. 3, in the Township 0 F105. well situated on leadlnpvoad to Stayner. There are a good house and arn on the property. and a clearance of about 15 acres. Also the North half. Lot 23. Con. 3. Townnhi&of Flos, contain- i 100 acres, or which from to40 are cleared. ere are on the premises a log house and log barn. These farms will be leased for a term of years. on im roving leases at a nominal rent to ed men. osaesa on immediate} . Aggy to CCARTHY. PEPLEB. 8: Mc ART . Solicitors. 850.. Barrie 13-16-27 3? f'`n't3`.ia`.' "1" "11`o"`"E`i`a`}};`2"`a"`niSZr'f5 will be seen in this ocalit . J. E. Dickson, Head Master, N ewmarket, . 8. WA huvn nlnn 1 numhnr nf rnfni-anon: ft-tun tion, Biliousness_ `n in the Back a deranged liver, und a sure and (Graduate of Leipzig Conservatory of Music) Also pupil of . - CARI. Rmxncmn, RICHTER AND DR. PAPPEBITZ. Inatrut' givninPlanfrtol ,H mony, a`131l1!(!Jount,erpoint. 0 0 p mg - For terms, apply at MR. SHERWO0D'B, Owen Qt:-ant. Ran-in. V 12-37n | st::':..3:,:'a:!" BUIIDCFB. '1`l.IUB6 [JUIUHIIBIHS DOOKB Il.'0Ill 01.11.16 to time will very soon. save more than the cost of memberahi . I ho e 9. large membership will ha mean in thin nr-nlif.v_ J. `[11. ninlmnn. Head Master. Newmarket, H. , We have also a number of references from prominent men of Barrie. 25-87 GEO. DUDLEY. HOUSE, szazv g FRI: 300 nu. - vii nu... an a.-nu v auxin:-sun: Theplan of the H. L. A.is well worth inves- tigatlon. . Valuable books are offered to mem- bers at almost half the usual rice. To book busiefs the `feet of membeglslhept vvvvoulsd be in rea 1 y a ea savmg. r . pragge, Pastor St. Elaurs. Newmarket. The H. L. A. offers vegnliberal terms to sub- scrlbers. Those purcha g books from time to time will vex-v soon save more than the omit BAYFIELD STREET, So1_d- ln`=Bo.1{rio by Geo. Monkmnn and J. W vwvy -----v--' j.___ `D116 [J l1UllB11P1'3a Every member of the association becomes at once a wholesale dealer. Whether he buys one book or fty. Our plan is to issue 9. certicate geood for three years, `Which entitles the mem- r to all the advantages of the Association. The agent can be seen at any time. Rooms over Mr. Paul's shoe store, where engagements can be made for calling. V J. D. BOLTON. FRED. Hsnrnv, - M n.nn.:r9r_ A:n=mf_ HE seeret of the success 0;! the H. L."A. is that it brings the readers face to face with `the nnhlinhm-A > wi1_:h the ens}: ert1on.L2 ce ts ion, 1 cent :- res counte as per word will sertions of the J. 6118.010 uruu the publishers. Evm-v mnmha Lilmnv 5_socIArIou T.` % `"1 :-IE Homer ` A GEA'r noo1u To Book BUYERS. nnanxsnrnnsoglrnon - - -.._.._n __ -.u-a..- 3.4.) L_._ '.. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. W 1111:0213 physicla.nvrli1 a e o experlen treatingfemale Isuaed 4 ? ._aa-_-u. 1-lth nan-tact` success by MRS. M. E. Monnow BELL 51 00., Guelph, Ont. KING WJDER4 --g 11:1 jun: --:7.jj_:-- ne c'o'nK7s'BsI; FRIEND? PAINTER! GEO.R.FORD. tn 5' . $183 t.y- Et;n:uCnnx1cAr.Oo., troit.1 _. .. . -5' o. c ,n.n'u-\ 1 rr\\7-urn: 0) FIOE:- Collier Street, Barrie- NORTH OF SIMOOE HOTEL. win PUBLISH A FEW nmnnmcns. n`: -vvv-V. 'Ii'6u}ii"i7A;qi{s_iL|S.* F. R. GUMMER, IULTUN . Manager. Unapproached for .- _-..y Tone and Quality. cA'rA|.oauI-:s FREE. * . either sex. "-`V,-o;v'uou:.... an V lndiscretion or over-exeron. SI: 5: ' rtmteed no elfect a cure whennll ....Il 1453*!" nhnanbnmn `I do nnn. |&L1 an-ovvi - -'-"'VV,-`-*- msuoceesfulmeaiclnetestedover myears in thousands of cases. in-om _curesNervouoProatra- A)-.. no-Lanna A-P Dmnlm Qnlmn' . Sold `in Bax`-rrie by" --AGENT FOR: . BELL .l]HGANS sea l3_0elI80Ulil3l.ll'BWl16!I Ill 133 *3? "$3 0: 1'08 }nnncAr.Co., troihllizh. ...-3;` nnpxnvwcno - no us 1 , Agent. :.___.v ------ ---v- ---wj vu 1-I CI 1 jt C11` 10 per cent. diacouni; t;aachers and High Shoal students. BAIKIE"S BOOK STORE BETWEEN BARRIE AND QUEEN'S HOTEL. Has on hand 9. complete Sto;:k_of fublic. High and Model School Books. - Among those lately published are: . The High School Reader 60 Companion to 4th Readers, 60 To {cal History of En lsnd. 25 P1-Enciples of good tea 113. Lewis 15 ( Physical Culture, [MUZZLE 8; BREEc;I_1.-A1.__).x_1_)_g1jG_ -\.r---\' A \.~\JAVI~J `Ll. -LILJLII ECARTRIDGE, SHELLS AND A O'I`HER AMMUNITION, `WINCHESTER, KENNEDY &. SPENCER `IKAINA Eightnoors East of Oid Stand, McCarthy s Block, BARBIE. New and elegant designs of Parlor and Chamber Suites, Extension Tables, Side- boards, _etc., in Walnut, Ash, and imitation of Mahogany and Walnut, at prices as low as consistent with good work. For which the highest price will be paid in Cash or Goods. A large stock of superior goods choose from at manufacturers prices. - T _---.j ____- _-_-_ g..- 7 REVQINGTON AND OTIIER e's Liver Cure L-: 1e fact that iri live rcgulaxoxs ined with many xerbs, having a ch; Bowel: and OFFICE,AFA CTORY & SALEROOMS, NORTH MARKET SQUARE, BARRIE. SPOR'l`lNG (.m0i)s. G. G. sMTiii`,_" UN l)ER__jrAK__E R, maxi: woman mi |(N!'|"l'|NE Meus r15o,oooL::~ WOOL wnmen, ?' % STOVES 2 ""31-ovms 2 2 lm. mauosq~ mnnvnsp lA&EB,:WlTH THE. LATEST AND BEST FURNISHINGS T ' '1 .1NUFAOTURERS' PRICES. Tl\'I'I'Q9 -5; n u--.-__ BALRVR IE\8T'0V E 8fF|] RN:AIED*EPD*T Mills on John Street. Barrie. JIDSEPII LEIGH TON, (51 BBEIITEB A un gr-`--`a-.-5.`; a.C.l-JL&J..J Tablet Lessons in Sheets, per set 75 cts.. on Rollers $1.25. Mounted. esout ush, $2.50. Bordered edge, $2.75. Drawing Boo Exercise Books and Scribble:-s in larze variety. A 15", TAU` anus-u A 1.; . _.-_..... __ _ _._. G. BLA OKM 0RE, ` ` 2 . soU1m sum DUNLOP smmm, NEXT DOOR TC THEWCANTON TEA STORE. Ask ronlfdi*I6'j'iif7q37`}3i{X5#1NG PENCIL fl ._-_ -_.._A. 11..-- UIQCF _ tIhort;otk:o7`.%AtnllstookotIronPl"t ;8toun.Wste - aa G1boVa.l -, ' 5. and am: vans. Stefan: Gaudea. 31 $mra1.aaes. T1'f'wori'x n cxanne V" 8 - ` ` M \ ` A Vptomptlysttendad to. no.9. T ' Iomv 1>LAx'rox - -----y- u-.%.u- .- --j---1`----- -- .. v______w:- EIg[g.j_. I_*g._A\;_xroga's cgmemitza runpancas A--|- -1 _.._Iu_- ._ as`... TV. 4- .....I I1... (1 nI.-1'r-I_-- U N DER T A K_E__R,i MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. ,__.. -7 .._. .._.._.- ..._ _..___j.. ._.__j..____._. .__..___a _j. `c J:-J:o$oL B<)()I.S. aAR_mE AND STROUD. ONTAIRIO `.EADERS. I._ $I__-L_ ___._;__L -U ,4 $4 -- MERCHANT TAILOR, -_V_V_-_B_-% %3A|K| E .uuawu.xmsai, Proprietor.` CARPENTER AND ____...`,. `s1i6'1*'GUNs AT REDUCED PRICES. I`!-`I :-4 Anv1\ "Bi2i3i5fi-L0AD1NG _.o` _ Cents. 3 u STEAM WORKS AND SHOW ROOM, """?"o"."*DoLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. ..- COLLIER-ST., 13A:.=z.-.312: COFFINS AND GASKETS OF ALL KINDS T ._L-,'I_ __I'-,I_L,I\ 1 I rA;xd'all' i'ut'1e;';l7Requisi:es_F1`1'r;z.i:;;ei'. 7 Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, Promptly attenged to. (\ -`I\I\'f `IA ["111 `I IN. C -AT THE- AT .1. HENDERsoN's; Woven Wire Mattresses a Specialty. .D:_-PQU..(iALLs FURNITURE. History of En land and Canada, 35 Cents Fitch on Teac ing. 31 00 Elements Alge ra, McLella.n, 75 Baldwin's ohool Management, Reduced from $1.50 to 50 '1?.':3c1{ &"LT.{a'e"to'6raZf' "1V4XG'AzINE RIFLES. nznpz D0051 an! away man, it}: Liver Com- 'PoRT1NG RIFLES. HAME TRAPS, &.c., ceive careful attention. Congregational Church, and prices always in stock. `All orders will re- Fungzials ;u1jn_ished com- plete. Casket : and Cof- ns of various design: cumin 8T.= BARBIE. _J'oE17I"1>LAxToN OPPOSITE THE 10-IY v FREE ase s Liver Cure ide and Recipe useful rgcipcs, gists as` invalu- he medicine. t gnd Found ENTS. , V E First Page, E mind that n tv_e:_'tisemn.m. {i,"7IE&'d?6ru. RUGGISTS. iib'LIB herbs, haivjng 3 xach, Bowls and - Recipe, Bonk: ml n/rm man rweury rccu Iv;-5 .._. ....-- -....- ..._.. .. ......- mm , long and somewhat narrow, be- jnglightly built and meant for rowing ,5 well as sailing. I was sitting alone in the dining room of our cottage about eleven o'clock on the morning of October 25, lSi9. The wind which had been blow- `mg fresh for the past three days, had increased during the night to a`strcng gale from the southwest, and my two friends had gone out about an hour lelore to watch the very rough sea, and rosee if there were any ships or boats in distress. I felt rather unwell, and wascongratulating myself on notbaving gone out in such weather, when I heard aquick step out side the door, and Herbert burst in, crying in a decided manner: There s a dismasted schooner drifting up channel, broadside on to ihesea; there s a heavy squall of rain, ererLoe (the nearst port, about eight miles off), and .-the lifeboat people c_an t eher ; so Sam rind I are going 011' to. er in the shing boat; and, as none of the villagers will` come to steer,` I've me to fetch you. r ' Fetch me I" I` ejaculated, horror struck. But my illness-- Put your illness in your pocketand leep it there till you come back, said yfriend. You must come--unless you're afraid, he ddded, glaring at re. On reaching the cliff, Ia. thrilling sight met my gaze._ Sumo four 1111108 01T,asquaretopaailv schooner Of F0` more than two hundred tone was being tossed about at the mercy of the WaV08- Her mainmast had gone by the board, ind her fvretopmast had snapped off lfew feet above the cap; her foreyardr however, still remained. She had 8 tremendous list to port- which W 50he_r1ee side-- and every sea that fuck her broke clean over her: and Seemed to shake her fearfully. We did f10tst0p half a minute to 0b89TV9 this! Wt hurried to the bay where our btat `Iii beached. Sam was preparing her hr sea withell speed, but as coolly 38' `f (were going out with a Wat NY In the upper reaches of the Thames. ` After taking out some of the blla Mghten herhfor the heavy` pull-We 91dnot; sail, for wind and sea W8l`9 EH5 against us-the boat was launch- . N. --. - - * ' ` " :'in N0 soon} hid-vv;t`amg'ot"`l;<`;y want f thtf two natural breakwaters, on Risen with what sailors call o._headf Wistfuck us on the starboard bow, andqlgsthe boat s head ying round mg he!` quarter full of water. - . art: A! - ,,,\,(;``8 powers!" I cried, we'll ,8." get out there. And if we do, 5, eve? 26% back safely with the . l`Ifl`l` f P901319" mm; her head round to sea,.Se.m, 7' Mind your helm, Arthur, and ' n - untllont talk, send Herbert, calmly. rocky? 80% 33 We get beyond pha `id . the bigaglmmet the rst wave outside ed, and gm? this time I" was prepar- \1 can start bailing, he added, lhe . Plug the helm rmfly-_ .b9`l3 head dead on the see. V1 . .*ere'.`"II .:`..` :*:}r2 of .5119 pm. WW Herf>;::?u8 mike the oars, wlc y uyle d Sam handledin a master` * `'9 dashed over,-9 almost. an mugs or mosn wnodo TO THE sm. . A _ V "`i8 powers!" we'll V nevnr` an; L, I .1- ones Saved On again approaching the wreck, we found the upper part of the `fore `top- mast oating about thirty feet from her side with fore topmast backstay still fastened to it. After some trouble Sam managed to cut the spar adrift and make the rope secure to our boat, the other end still being fast to the schoon- er. Herbert, telling me to keep the boat as clear of water as `p: ssible with the bailing bucket, went forward. Taking hold of the rope he jumped overboard, quickly drew himself` hand over hand to the schooner s side, and climbed on board by the forechains. Sam soon followed him, though he was nearly washed away by a. sea which broke over the schooner. Herbert, however, who was clinging to the fore- shrouds, quickly grasped his wrist and saved him. ` I. .0,` (`I,,A_ .___L DC V V\A Idol-I-Io _ After a short consultation, Sam went aloft with a rope, and -lying out on the lee foreyard arm, passed the end of the rope through the brace block. He then came down on deck again, and making a bowline on a bight (atknot with two large loops) with it, gave it to Herbert, who made it and the end of ` the rope fast to a belaying pin. Sam then came a back to the boat to help me to receive the unfortunates. Herbert proceeded with great diiculty to the main hatch, and waited till a huge wave had washed_ over the schooner, took the woman in his strong arms and brought her to where he had made fast the tackle. He then signalled us to haul the boat as near to the wreck as we dared. He put the woman s head and shoulders through one loop, and her limbs through the other, and waiting his opportunity, swung her into the boat, where we unsluug her, so to speak, and passed the knot back to Herbert. The crew followed in the same manner. As Herbert was carrying the last of them down to swing him over to the boat,the schooner shipped a tremendous sea, which sent Herbert and his burden y- ing into the lee scuppers. .After re- maining in suspense for half a minute without either of them appearing above the bulwarks, Sam iumped at once overboard, dragged "himself by the A ------L non! 4:`-in-nib-ant` 1. After about ah hour and a half of . as hard work as two men ever endured` in a good cause,atter which time I was kept constantly hailing, we got close under the lee of` the wrecked `vessel, which had now drifted to about two miles from the shore. There were eight poor half frozen wretches on board one of whom was a woman, clinging to some spare," which were securely _lashed on the mainhold hatch. When we shouted and signalled them to throw us a rope, none of them moved. The cold and wet, and staying so long ' in the same position, had so lstiened them. that they were unable to render us any assistance in getting ' on board. We then tried to approach the lee quarter of the wreck; but just as we got under. the main chains, by which my compan- ions meant to climb on board, 8. tremen- dous sea broke over the weather quar- ter and wasl mg down over the lee gun ` wale; half lled our boat, and almost upset it. i V u\IT... ..- ..-._.. u_:.. ;:__.. m` 'r ..---1-:... "'Then we'll all go _together, cried Sam in a. tone as it he rather enjoyed the idea than othervg_is_e; ` Out ears and pull back again, said Herbert calmly, without taking any notice of my lxightened exclama: ion, for the wave had washed us some dis- tance from the schooner. -..rv-- V. In: uwugsvuo " ' ',' Their 'begae a. 'tremendoIis`; V battle against wind and sear; Herbert dragging his. oar through the water with that apparent ease and grace pe-' culiar to men endowed with enormous. muscular power; whilst Sam, who was pulling bow oar, strained his sinewy arms and lithe bodyw till, by their united eorts, the spray 'ashed_over the boat's bow as she boldly dashed mm r, often through, the waves. We Were wet to the skin ; and it was with great diiculty that I could keep the boat s head straight. A A05..- ..|..-..J. .... L----- -~ 3 - ` ` overboard, dragged nunseu oy we rope to the wreck, and climbed on board. Stooping, he disengaged the tightly clasped rms of the. Sailor from Herbert's neck; he then helped his friend, who was half insensible, to rise, and propped hirn against theibulwarks ' with his arms 4-round i-the jbapkstay. Sam was then 5 about tolstoop `again to help the sailor, when he recoiled with an egglsmation ofrhorror. The poor` felloir`,s~ ,h'ea'd,`es he had fallen. Wltlll Herbert ? lhu_ge';.- weight on the top of hit1i,h.sd' struck against "the main bits, and we.shattred; the was stone dead. - , L .1:1n_.'-IL.. Q..un- qnnnnan Ahomeward iourney.?. 6 had`. Ecarcelvv over to portftill we th engh.-ft_ she wonldl and Wa_B.3D8_IIl4Ul'Du , uo was new... e._,_, ` With? great diiculty Sam` managed _ to put his friend into the "bowline and sling . him over to, , the boat, he himself following by the rope by which we were made fast to the schooner. Her- I bert, who looked very "pale and ill,T sank back exhausted in the stern sheets. 3 thin stream of blood was trickling from his temple and he also suffered from pain in his right -side. It was `late in the afternoon etc `we cast off our rope, and prepajredj for , our got fty f yards from the schooner s side when a? heavy.se sti`uck.jher; she` shock a from stem'to`sters;i1:hen ~ heeled , .a `k .e=_- _ Ian.` 4-... .:ah+nd-nharslf` again, ; nun. she righted` l_1ers_@lf' again, as if st.ru'gglin'g to keefaqat, then slowly began sink byil-Illa ..bow. Al second wave struck nhengyor on the! quarter. V Plunging her how into thsf ;shidg,;m?3 m89 bin M 4 ed:itnf,;ahguif us, and `t'"n. 3m6r1;gi1t too" jsom1 ,'fQr`a;"`econd at'tjr paased`'under otfr stern, it broke with a ror lik the report of a,c:mnon.~ y " : rl`L ._._:- >L'- r-Viv -- We ;-e gone this time 1" I exclaim- I _ 6 yaraa Irom vuu_ .......,-..-- - n a. heavy sea`. struck. her; shag rom stiam` to aizernshen heeled! port till thought s_ b'e. would` but she righted`-`herablf' again, 4- L- I.....f`.-Janna- than If you cannot `make up a handsome bed ` your husband will have a. homely nose. ,,:n u_- ..-u. _-...- --.. _;n 1.... UILIJEU Ivl.'UU.Ul.Uo Finding ahorseshoe or a four-leaved clover brings good luck. `IT am... nnI"|1n|iIu nail. nlinnnnzn nn Qntnr. By uu uu ua >lUl' -uvu. h',ye who takes the last stitch at a quilt- i I ing will be the first to marry. i 7, _L ._- -`I__ ...__ - L-._.I..-...- LA.` v--v -.._.v u -- -v-V ._- vv---... -av ."A-week after this event we receive; a.- letter of thanks from the owners of the schooner, who also offered use. hand- some acknowledgement for our timely assistance, which we declined with I tht_L_r_1_ks. vunvvcnn -gnu The captain, who` is now master of a 1 much larger vessel, and whose wife it was we had saved, insists on repeating t his expressions of gratitude whenever we meet; but his tome becomes very \ grave when we laugh and attempt to make light of the danger we encouns; \ tered. Popular Superstitions. Dream oi. eggs, sign` of money. .Dream of snakes, sign of enemies. Ifyou sing before breakfast you'll cry before supper. 1\_........i-m. nf nun`.-In nun mud-ninn "water UUIIJIU DU plan I ` Dreaming of muddy or rushing "water brings trouble. \ 'lI`:..A:-..~.-Inmun.'|snn nut 11 fnnl-Jnnvndw mover uuugu guuu ufuna I - 2 If you out your nails or sneeze on Sgtur- 1 day you do it for evil. _ Q1... uh.-.' Ivnlrnn H-m Int nHl'.o.h 1!: II. nlnlt. Iv`- If you spill th mad with you thg A .3 salt Eu; 2;; gnu be unless you put some in 0 ' pguc Anna tun-sun-non I _LL L-` we are. . . I Stub your nght too, `you are gomz where you are wanted ; your left, where _ you are not wanted It bl-m smn-tn: m-nwn nn the fence. the you 31'!) non wullwu If the rooster crown on the fence, the weather will be fair; if on the doorstep; ` he will bring company. T. ; 1': LL` 0....` QIIIIAQII `II `I III`- I18 Wlu. urlug uulupuuy. If the first Sunday in the month is un- ` pleasant, there will be but one pleasant 5 Sunday during the month. . The great health reatorer, West : Liver Pills. They regulate the liver and promote * good digestion. All druggiats. . 1 1'!!! ,,m# -1__..-- - ... nnnnn nut. Inn` Am ' Y 9 5, covered. v--`-`.... -- v.- u .9 rv-ail ,\fOIIUn..n\Jv|.'| The shipwrecked crew werewell at- tended to by the landlord of the village inn, and were next morning sent on to Plymouth. Nothing was known about u the man who was killed`; he had ship I ped _on board theschooner at Falmeuth, but no one knew where he came from. tive iiver causes s, pxmples, etc; y tha; wxll mast __-_- -..-u uvuuuunwu can II LV V7 V1 vynwa Neither Sam nor myself suffered! [from our exposure, the former remak- ing all night 'in attendance on Herbert; 1, taking 9. steaming {glass of grog, turned in betwr en the .bla.nketg. avvu Inna`:-a--V--. --._ __ ..a=_V _,, . If by any chance a. mourning hat or bonnet is placed upon your head, you will need one of your own soon. TL _---.. ..Z...I.n nun lknannn unrnn n `I Will IIUUU. UIIU UL Jvua. vvvu uvvoou If your right ear `burns, some one is ` praising you ; if your left ear, your friends 1 N are rakmg you over tho'coa.ls. 'D..4...-..:.... um um lmmm .{ m- n mnmnnt I119 rluuug JUIJ UVUL Du? vvuawo Returningto the house `for a moment -after having onee started out `will bring bad luck unless you sit down. (I'll... :.. A-nnninn n `nu-It if. gtrilzng DIG IIIOK 11111683 yuu an uuvvu. When, in dropping a fork, it strikes the oor and stands upright , it will bring ` -a gentleman. visitor ; if a kmfe, a lady. _ _ LI _ ___-LL A- Ounlali f|[\`(`g \ VVVHIID wvuau -Jun-r, v-.- ..-_- _...._ | While at the washbom.-d," if ti;;""..ga.; ~ splash and wet the clothes you are wearing l you will have a. drunken husband. l ` T3 unn (I1-nn vnnr diahcloth V011 y0ll Wlll LIIIVU II: uruunuu uunuuuu. If you drop your diahcloth you will 3 have company ; also if you sweep a. bleak mark ; or if two chairs ptand accidentally to bak. ' V V 1-: _ 1_-I__ _...... I.:.. la...` in` ' `OLA nlonlar H-_ v`-_-`a- on Old VIIUU UL UIIJUIEUIIUJ ' Poor if{;u" had to be lifted out oi`. the boat and carried to our cottage on a stretcher. A surgeon was in imme- diate attendance, and we awaited with no l-ittle_ anxiety the result of his ex- amination; Three. ribs were found to 1 be fractured 5 but the wound in his `temple proved very slight. Suce it to say that our friend was able to re- turn to his studies in a few weeks. W svnnvnvn-an-no v---vi- , -_ .. __,_,- Changeable weather _prodt;oes oolds, coughs, sore throat. For these diseases use West's Cough Syrup, the best, All druggists. --~LL__._.`I 3! LI... -...I... back no Dams. ._ If ababy sees his face in `the glass `it will be the death of him. If his nails are % out he will be a. thief. Ifhe tumbles out of bad it will save his being a fool.. , LI_,L j:1_;- "`.-."f`6!`J- :94 * t1__!:;p 1'Il.303=`i!!' l s I Stgrn "iIi-`-`g t dx5ijiag7` dike ; 301119 8.93" e l afterwards. learnt->d,"."`froin"'l-the "captain that her c`argo-s-loose `limestone blocks of ' about as liundredweight each-had shifted. The list. this gave to the vschooner had caused the mainmast, which was `already slightly" sprung, to- go over the side, taking the `fore-top-t mast with it. The shifting of the cargo had also started one of the-planks which accountedfor theschooner spring": ing a leak and going dowr. _ The wind, which had chopped round to the southward, had blown us to within a half a mile_ from the shore. Hoisting our close reefed lug, we steered, for the small haven, which we reached in safety in a quarter of an hour, after having narrowly escaped being upset by the ugly topping ot a wave at the entrance between the two points of rock.-r We were received with shouts of joy from the villagers and some coast guardsmen, who, hav- ing perceived that the vessel was drifting in shore, had prepared the rocket apparatus in case of emergency. `Pnni. II....1.....+ 1.-.: a- I... 1:c;....J -.-L -1.` It is of the: great; i':[1;;tLne that iiho` liver should be kept in a good healthy 9ondi- `tion. The West : Liver Pills, purely vege- tble wi_l1d'o th9_ w9rk. glrnggiata. _`l__LL' IIDUID yvua uy int n V- ._. ._._ V__ _.H,_` i ` Breaking a mirror, sign. f death. l ` Death is. also foretold by a dog howling \'under a. window; hearing a mourning i;dove,`a etrausze dovehovering about, or idreaniing of a white h'o_reej.j ` _ % _ "The wot-ld'a'beIt, Went : Liver Pills. The never cure for liver complaint, d_ys- pe ia, i'ndigestion_ and sick headache. `-30 pi! , 25 ots`. All druggiah. ` ' `I -4--- __- LI... .....- nnnn I-Juvnnurh Han .PuE,;guu;:e t`l;_`o:1`i.;;-v=i I-o',<;;1 through the glass you will_ have SQEFOW .55 19"`! 53 it lasts. ItyouLe itfair1inth.faoe you'll !` hm .. M. 0691: the; ]eft ghu1d;y,%bad `luck.--dvr the right`K0.d1k- -0 ,,_L __.2_L -35.... `Ln V\n",:1:'lI_;nV pstienillias taken 3 single dose -of `West s Pain! King,` the` ' magic cure. Do n_ot;1 bs inducegi squats :2 stibstitute. but insisrhpon .ha;ving Wstfs ; Pain King. iGenuin [e sold by sli dinggiau. An American Colonist Arrested. Hmxnrong 01112., Sept. 7.-Edward Meyer was gtven $2.50,0"1n* drafts by 1is ` employexi,` Thalia: Maxwellof .8}. L.,u_u., eryto pure _a.se ones. He: skipped to | Canada. wn.h_the money; and was arragted |'h -'- H? `"11, 5 P1'39W.0d.f0l:.b:inging [ stolen. 9-n9v19t9y Game-e .T"9.,tho,u,- : '*!!3;e`_`211 feh9eiamunr.e ;".:1B;s.;I.f<'-!- THE:XmfEE*R;N?"A1D%VANEa HE IMPERIA L INSURANCE COMPANY of London. England. - ` HE PB(ENIX FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON England.