Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 16 Sep 1886, p. 6

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`....5n9 '1' a*gIKsna.wtnewsn `oi-`hi T`; - T live and di make love and % T.!K?`~3 -'-fa -,.........-I .1 CD XIVCI ZCI 7 One single trial of Dr. Uhase s Liver Cure will "convince the most skeptical and conrm better than thousands of testimonials that it is : jute cure. `Medicine and Recipe Book `$1; iSoldtAbVy.s"ll dirnggist, , ,; _. 2. , _ Science Bamed. ' AYoung,.Msn-Is it true, doctor, that gmdking`dguettes.~ tends -_t9 soften the- .. . `. 3'. '. . . . l Uvluyllg ed. um::s'?s; "ttvznatom ' ` z" 2 TOILET , ARTICLES-A FULL _LIN E. tbughtwift Eb. - Yuiig "Minister (proiusely,)-YouV did quite right, Miss Smith. I` assure vou I was not annoyed in the least. Young Lady-You are very kind to say so, but, I suppose you getused to th-et- yes, poor` mamrua. is a. d_rea.dful sufferer at times i V Their Love for Liquor. Yes," said a Kentuckian who had been in the far west, Indians are powerful fond of whisky an they ll give up any- thing for it. An old chief in western Da- kota. offered me a pony, saddle, bridle, blanket, and I don t know what else for a pint of whisky I had with me. "And you wouldn t give it tohim ? - Not much. That was the last pint I .hd.left. But itshowar` 11=gw;f9n are at whisky; . 1* N3.*.9n1..'.M1-`' `~ The_igis;7nb `1'qes"f Abnizhat isepsia is the nafsxonal d1s'ease'g? our coiintry, and when complicated with diseases of the Liver and Kidneys is the `cause of untold misery. Bur~ "__dock~ Blood Bitters will almost iuvaniably " curg`*the;ayvqi-at case known. ' '-_ . St `W? BYE. EAR," T}Yi.10A;I;-A;'.I)'%`N0SE. . `_"``"V H ` f ;` " ]'..e~.=+:-on: gi$'F.\n In :51] Branches, of Paiqtinz. D!`$.W.lI1?- &.c.. &_-c. - 2 . . . . 1'erm_!' on app; canon; V FETU DID :-4Up_-sta.i_r_s, V. est 6! {.gB`ire,Hu1l_. Collier street. Barr1e_., --Shil>hs Vializer. is `what; yoix nee'r1'fo'r` ca nstipation, loss cf appetite, dizziness and all symptoms of dyspepsia; Price .10 and 75 conga per bottle. .1401: sale by John Wo9ds, Barrie, augl M, J Hamlin. Allandale. ' ,V,;'*V1i"';`I4i.:`a`.1.'.r1:;i`t'7%-`D ' I `-_ K` v AA laijren-0'11:-e.-=' -~ . --, ha, 041'! Barnfie. ` -1-uv Auuuuung ruquu-ea : 4:" . . ; ; . W .J!.. `Q9053; 7,."1.`m! ,-; . FT-. ` ' `-' ` f . . %.INGLE1%WI& L" " '.5..`;r. *s':":';.. !`;;-_I'1,`r.-me me; ur nnv if-Jtf-. .-,5, .1'::m` ~: HO RS E I E=A>Nm Err Shrine Bella nu-mm t.....m.. ......a *mL--_r um ' H '.7_` A German phyician derieh the main xdnference in the effects of beer and whiskey` to) be :-V1skey_,_ makes your kir .30me`budy`else;tnit peer you o nly"` lil` yourself. \X7."ll n.... ....a`.... l'........ .l.......\....:.. .....`.l 1:.`..... 4`--`--.-. ` For Heavy Dmu'l`:133ght.haul{,;g5 nu. hf any In-. . 3 l`.I`.IH|ID.t'.n|l}LEA:..`L-` -_`r`_ _ ~_ v u I i U H H" =` Strin_ Bells, Broad, Louble and stir unk. Ll 'n 1 11 VA `I50 1% ' ear; without. 3 gang the .ol1ow_in havggreat Ieas 3. g 11. , . nectao em mnhnamn. ~ Luv; uVU,l` li1l'8. 0lEl1_I9l.'.a.<.. . O 51!. .55?` 2 Far nevtmnn, J... anmunnnumt .- .- xfcel all; vision and \ .?vi.nac+Gon- ( ,,..___ _v`a.-v-\.J-\Rl-A-I '3' ` tn 1 F 1; ha (nat of this grm 1? Lagargzns `arc hIr:rI:i8);i"ae1a_bw:1ed spec- tacles a.nd_eya`glasses. ' ! These` Spectacles and EyQ4 (l?ri1lIp3S"lIv"3 beein . vusodtbr we put 35 ryesr -glvnvin?ev er.'y instance unbo dad on. . nretne` bpatin um um` " ' Y A 11:11 t he. .. ,??;f ;X3:3'zm3:`}.u.'. ;..nn:..x: . the world. They n?ve_'r t and 115385 I H ` x ;'U, -. worn Spootao ea mahufhtun l'u.tOX` ffnnn Vanna nun`' in the vat:-ious styles and` qailt th best `--Delivered in all watts of the town. y 8 . APRESEiWE%rY0URSIGHT '83` ' v\'rea.rin` `the onlv Franl :_ _I&gms (r_,'gte` 9: the rrn n .n.-.._..... 1:. at--- In -thankingh the public of Barrie and rieinitf for the liberal patronage bestowed updn him in the,'begs to state that he has at con- 1sidera.ble.;ex_penae increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared 1_:o' do ya. larger business than ever. L EBREAD W " complaint? Shilohfs Vitalizer is guaranteed _)'\Jllll3\7llI --Wi1l you suffer from dyspepsia arid-liver :to.cnre.Iy Foi Sale by ` Jbhn -Woods, ~"_Bar`rie, an `M."J. Hamlin, Alla.ndale.' `tun Pro-.NfIc PARTIES:-S_0_CIALS is: wmmmas supplied at short. notice and on reasonable: ' ' " ' I 3 ' ` " . , =,-..,v:_i{Ic1):JsRroir '. v _ n1?Q$>_y1I` LEADS ;r_r_+_Tz-: VAN- 0.10 p.m.; mlxeu 11.20. St. Louis Exgreas. Limited Express, Montreal Express and acic Express. marked *-run daily _inc1uding,._Sunda.y. T . . - T. G. sun B. D_1v1'sxoN. V Card[wel1'Junotl_on.-Goihg North-,9 O7 a.m. 6.30 p.m. Goi'ng`South-9.07 a.m..; 6.30 p.m. ' : 0. v. R. DIVISION. Inglewood Jtinction.--Going North l0.18`a.m.;e I 6.29 p.m. Going South 9.23 9. m.; 6.17 p.m. V.-v 3a.n.u.g \.av_a.n3 -Jvuvu vpuo Q Ills, Vol! `lelllo W . J . VALLEAU, Barrie, Sex;t.1. 1885, ._ , A Ticket Axzent. ; ..._.__. manufactured: fresh. every - day. Ask your grocer for then; a.n_d._ you will use no other. -1:-.---. < "'?r'om the West.--Limited Exp:-ss. 8.45 a.m.: Atlantic Express. 5.05 p.m.;T Montreal Express, 8.15 p.m.; Mixed 11.20. St` Lnuin Ernrnqn Tjmitn Wvnraqa `Nfnnh-nnl alumna.` -4-.` -u I (All trains unless otherwise specied arrive and depart from Union Station, Toronto). ' DEPAR'1`UREs.-Going West. St. Louis Ex- Eress at *8.10 a.m.; Pacic Express, 1.05 p.m.; xpreaa. 4.15 p.m. . . Going East.- Limited Express 8.25- a. m.; Mixed (for Havelock and intermerii ate points). 4.25 p.m.: Montreal Express, `.'8.00 .m. ` ARRIVALB-Fr0m the East-St. uis Express *8.30 a.m.- Mixed (from Havelock and interme- diate stations); 11 50 a.m.; Toronto Express, 9. 45 um. ' >J"`V-:n:t.**r*'r!1!i:r ."3""`,'-"1 ' !49"48n.r H190` 11"` ll]! IUIIVB Dffl LU 10.17 3.111. and 4.40 mm. . UULLVII UU'l. 11.. Leave Barrie at 7.05 a.m. . 4.40 p.m Arrive at Hamilton 11 40 n.m..- 9.10n.m 'l"r~ ins leave Barrie for Toronto at 7.25 a..m.. II7nI'n d"nR Adnrn ?--Shiloh s Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con- sumption., For sale by John TWoods.._ Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. away---... -....__v__ _ Leav Barrie at - p. Arrive atPenetanguishene,l.l0 p.m., 10.40 . m p m GOING SOUTH. Leave Penotanguishene at 6.16 a..m.. 2.35 pm; Arrive at Barrie 7.23 a..m., 5.05 p m KIULLV Leave Hamilton at Arrive at Barrie. ` nu r\1>\ nmnuan PACIFIC HAIIWW. `ONTARIO DIVISION. . 1 IJUGVU DIIKALU, 1.1.5-U Ilnuagp :1. than in Arrive at Orillia. 12.17 .m.. 5% i3.'m;. 9. Arr. at G1-a.venhurst,1. p.m., 7.00 pm.- GOING SOUTH. ran an llnnwnnhuihnf R In A UUILV U DU U 1 I1. Leave Gravenhurst. 6.403. m., 2.45 p.m Leave Orillia, 6.20 a.m., 8.7.5 a.m., 3.65 p.m Arrive at Barrie, 7.05 a.m., 9.40 a..m.. 4.40 p.m NORTH SI MCOE--GOING NORTH. - uqnn, n anmzmo.-4 men? MUSKOKA BRANCH--GOING: Leave Barrie, 11.28 a..m., 3.30 p.m. 8.33 pan 5.25 p.m.; 9.25 p m A-an nl-flvuntrnnlnnv-at I 5 n m 7,0l|n.m-..:___ Musxoxa. Express, aanuruuys uuly . . . pgu. ` `M `. anus` pom- GOING SOUTH. For Toront.o. Leave Collingwood 6.00s.m., 8.20 a..m. 3.30 p.m Leave Barrio, 7.25 9..m., 10.17 a..m.. 4.40 p.m Arrive at Toronto. 1030 a..m. . 1.50 p.m., 7.45 p.m Muskoka. Express, Mondays only. ....11.52 a..m. H H _ 56 0| .... 2.05 p.m. - . .-~99 :u4\s_.nn \Tt\I\l'lIY'I 'Ar at Barrie, v--.... _. ..-._ heave Toronto, - 8.10 a..n1., 11-.-4'5 a..m., 5.15 p.m 11.28 a..m.. 3.27 p.m.. 8.15 p.m ` - 9 t Collinwwood 12.35 p.m.. 5.45 p.m. 9.45 p.m Muskoka. Express, Saturdays only. .l2.?0 p.m-. .` .. duo. M. A 3o'r%HwEI.I.,] J Ill-UU UIIUULB IUI JJIUI-Illq IJUIIIII KJUVUIIIJ M. D. B.-Three cheers for Mrs. Henn. Small boy (Q11 deck)-Thr_ue chear for do coop. nltllohd I QIN 1' I1` 0 1-|Mo%1-%|.L| y,iL,.,% `l..wOVER &4 <& 1% L O.]RGHA RD,G.R.ASS % `:coNjj1TibN.~PdwDERs, cock {OFTHE WALK ; L ` EGGFCUD, V CALF MEAL, `go. ` %IHunLev%cnNnI`rIuN%mm: CATTLE srxoss, E 4. Ii 1 :3 <:?f'='::;: 3: i . = All the newa oid` wading Vurmes % %%Aof..s_3;Wheat. ,. ` 7 `l``'` '` ' 1"" `>. >-. '.` 9:\l'`-?' r 11" 5 1`, :I;`l* 1. ' SEEDSMAN, 3 `NT % Fdn THE` V vv- s;x`;`:w .; NORTHERN `RAILWAY come NORTH. The Lea'.ther Repdrterg Has an article headed: How. to Take the Hide Off a.` Gulf. The best way to take the hide off a. calf is to lead the calf into polltis. I J` J F01; FALL SEEDING. sqsjcuurl GOING NORTH. Fnvunf '70`: UULLV U AVUIL 1 n. on 7.05 a..m .. ` rie. 11.28 a.m.. I EJOING SOUTH. Vn VII *`vc.:-| : ~ 5 12;; Iv.vllNDl5i!H)N`f .~.:';` K.-stargnaseseshe P.a.r1"L MAIN LIN E. 1T}IE ~i`Q\A`$'C1c' 'u':_eTnber of the Defy. Three cheers for Lieut. Henn. Second `ll 1-` n u n n It. r`l',,,_,n mii by `Fra. n k= 1d tlmv nvnnl -n BARBIE. 30. 9123 -go-I . 4.10 p.m , &38 D.m 5399" i9.;;n':ca-5 ad I .fI`n)l4'?`. (Q. --`Sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh s Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. OITIOIIT `Eli - `P0`8V;i"($I;';FI0ll-VBUILDING ;.22??5;`r5'Z"3**5`3"5Vs``Er'?.i"3***'*'5 `Asthma. an "unec- ~ 'tiona`.-11:13 1:` covers! .1-emiedy. It promptky. M or;?"Iff$er `1{':?>'nis:ieas. o'L1 . , a ver- .` . [I * I aua.Inoq,nhned remedgf; ,8 II-.+:=:IEncns,s. 13:22.2.-...... -_-- am A hl ieanse th `blood hich is th foungargxtzlgf geglth, by uaien Dr. 'Proe s Gold? en Mtligical Discovery. an ood digestion. a b. fair 3 n, buoyant spirits, v ta] strength. and soundness of constitution will be established. ; 5 Golden Medical Disoove mixes all humors, .t_myr.u: is ?c`.1%':f;`;.$':,%;?:, the common impic, iotch;oi-eruption, `II . U116 Brllll W111 CUll\'lI1CUo W1-ite*DR. GILES. Box 3482, N.Y. P.O. who will, without charge, give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by `all druggists at 500. and 81.00 bottle, and in he Liniment in white wrappers is for family use; that in yellow for cattle. Giles Iodide Amman-la Horse and Cattle Powders. ` , SED by all the leadin horsemc n on Jerome `Park, Fleetwood B ghton Beach. Sheeps- head Ba and Bn1l s flead. Never .disa point, are To c, Alterative and Diuretic. estroy aparts at 82.50 in which there is great saving. .Worms. Cures Indigestion. Colic. Bots. Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink-eye and Rheu- matism. The doseis small and the power is great. The Powders are guaranteed and Pur- chasers failin to obtain a cure money rcfund~ ed. - Sold oy a druggists at 25 cts. a box. W. O. MCGLEAN, 41-eow-39 A gent. Barrie. Ont. Wunvvvou -- Windgalls No stable should be without it. Railroad, mining and e ress companies nlluse Giles Linlment.and n the great racing stables of Belmont and Lorillard it has achieved wonders. One trial will convince. `Haifa-DD l1'I'T.I!Q nnv QAQ9 K] V DI` tuhn - Ihat hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh s Cure. We guarantee it. For sale by John Woods; Barrie, and M. .J. Hamlin, Allandale. - ' - q. Quittei. Spnmg Knees. Spinal Meningitis. Removes all Unsightly Bunches. IV.__.._ I ___A_ . .--- `run B/Libusn/53.5 , - DYSPEPSIA, _lA/DIGESTION, JA um)/05. El? rs/PLAs, 8`/11.7" RHEUM, uamrsumv, _h EADA6 HE, And A........ -- - - '-----v-V115 `Arid ev ` an-.oraer2" `:.,,,`_;_ 9f R IAIEIQI-urn r\. A- 1'. mxnadn Eb: ` TRADE MARK Giles Liniment Iodide Ammonia 1.110 1' only at car. G9 UIIIUIIH Illlibblg uwsvwv-v. And are sold b all Vendors of Medicine throughout the ivilized World: with direo tlons or use in almost every langua e. &Purcha.sers should look to the bels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious ._ _._-._ , _ _ _ ~_.-..~----. An Irish ojournahst, mourning his wife, ` *-cearfully exclameid : Faith, an she was a. good woman ; she always hit me wid the soft end 0" the mop ' Ladies troubled with Pimples, Blotches, ` 1_!oug1!'-I-lands or Uuoe.-or-Sores-ofvanysdaori man, should use McGregor & Parke : CarbJl c Cerate. It will leave the skm in ertect health. nmnnth, nlann lujllxinnci nnlnn -. a nun nkalpaln tong, uuuygy ouu vlava nglx spnmas or LIFE. The .......\m`-n.:.`nAn(1 an n. navgr fa, IITj--..-_`_,__ _ This Greetvl-I`oua'ehold Medicine rank; gunongen the leading ne ries of Lite , . " _'l`h'e8e`_ta.mousA `Ila puri the`Bldod; and ac: e . most powex-tu1ly;yet soot gly on th uni Ki -~uL-,_--_`I. 1'-'J1>'A1IIlI nut` Dn1-Irnhn `III! II Iluunn-:1 -vv-v-v --- __-., , it is an infallible remedy. If e'eotunl1y rubbed` on the neck or chest, as salt into meat, it cures Sore Throat. Diptherio. Bronchitis. Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- scesses, Piles. Fistulas, GQUT, RHEUMA TISM. And 'ev'er'y-"k'ind: 0; nkin disease, it has news \ been known to fail. , ' W The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured 4 nnlw ol- most nowernlun yew aw-tn-6-I W "W var, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowls. 1 __._.__ .-_- ......_.... -..a 1-ricrnr tn these meat Iva, Ivvwu):--cw? .7 giving tone, energy and vig"o mum spmnas LIFE. 'l_`h_9; 81V111B WI.19.ww1s: own. vv ----- u-..~~~- mun smguas urn. They are condentl recommended use never failinmremedy in 51 cases where the constitution, from whatever has become impaired or weakened. cause, , V glhciag are wonderfully emcacions in all ailments c ental to Females of all ages, and as 3. Gen erel Family Medicine are unsurpassed. IMPORTANH .'oun(t)1;? 591% Its searchinfr and healing p1ft;prties are known ,throu'honI: the world. ~ For the cure of Bad Lem. Bad Breasts. I ru I A . - --u '7` vs as -....r.....- .1... The bravest 1;<;y will quail. when he "apnea.rn"n~public forthe ~1-at time after hehas had his hair cutby his mother. . J.'U.l' louu Uuxulu uuuuu u ..n.... _0A|d Wo_gn_ds, Sprcg an;i"wl'c':ers, _ no. -;...-~n.. ....I.'.|...z 'f%"a3` Ii in` HdL_[.}oyI(g)(jksz PILLS n `Inn nrnl\`h7 T0 OWNERS OF STOCK. WILL C-EREVAOR Isusvs InIIoAu_-no . . . . . . _ -_ '35s axronn smear, moon, I ..-.. 1.... -11 `Vanda:-n nf Mnini uuuowLwTs`nn~rM~IJ u LIVER, ' K:oNE.3r`s," BOWEL8 OR BLOOD, Please if you don t tell dur nroperietor I -of a. nuospaper how he shall run dot. Yooat let him found it oud all by -his own- self. He do it, shure. ' A ` :1 ..: -r '3` .. ~ ' V` ' `- '1 .ulI*I4!!F\.l.Ia1Il_1t)!leb1 1 1. `~ " ' 1sLs9! n"t_n1i) so am!) `I .,',_ x >f` disease. arising r`r~~.-. moneys,` 5"I QMA...1, BLonn - up; -.u up-v..u~- Cures Lameness in Cattle. /)ROPS'.Y, FLUTTZ-':?I:`/6 o;.`z2;3;9," (31? 'rI1r- :- "T7715 'r.`0/:.',1:.'.- , oerwgss uvl I L.-IIIUL) I-` THE .`/,::".?:-', ADJDITY or 1'!!!` `E9153. . .... Founder. Weak Limbs. ` ' I t %:?~P':3a:sm - Group, whooping cough and .bx_-onchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh s (lure. For. sale by J ohn- VVoods, Barrie, and M. J. - Hamlin. Allgndale. T Spavin. ltingbone },;A:RR!-E. _ _ ., _ -, , A` , . t these g1`-eat Eg; aroe Ill-ad: 1-nu-nnv in A 1 . ,'- ' r 1 ! J. GULVERWEL %;ais1n+amn\r. &Sli1t0E It _..-nn . '-.1-'3 Ivnavuu u-. .. Hmnplua with. bar: .oo.rma, as OentI;4 hynnmugguu. .0113 1186 Of internal I1.(`dicn1ra uuuucauxun prnumur. luuu u...-. - U nhout the 0" 088 may be radically curegl \\ ife- intiu our 2: mode OI -ha mD1.I:3grminga1xd c'vctunl_ In nu-an5f`T. every su`ex-er. no nmm-r.\\ _ 11383 be. `may cure Limsclx chcaL*1. l an radica.lly.,_ . `- t!"This Lecture should he I_l_l_h,_md. and rad1ca.lly.__T the nuns !"1`his Ill land. A eyez`-iy youth and every nm_n `tn tl;?EI,1(`,\H A dress the CULV l1{\\ 14.LL- 45 41\Ann St`... New York. P AUHFCBS I-Ill! UL J4 \ Pu `-31 Ann KOIIOOI {MIRA l3 _0PPOSITE BARR] -mmnn QTREET; (`LI MHH1Iu - -.--.v --- . Wests Cough Svrup, a sure cure for coughs, colds and all diseases ot the throat. and lungs, 250., 500., and $1 per bottle. `All druggists. . V , L _ -__ -_L_'_1- -_ 1.1.- two posti'if " ~ : .`.n;ir5M-`T Thecelebrated author 1:} Ih.-mI`r`U.W~. 1. clearly delnunstmtcs. tr0,`, ;n9que:' successful practice. that 2\I:1v'I11: I:l!;medm:.- cured Will! 0118 I1.(`dicim-a 0}` at om . . or re J. knife: pointing ' V nimnlannrtnin and I`-'`CtlHl1. . .. .......uI.'v` excesseg. @'Pr1ce 1n a scaled up V014`-I sta estam s. Thgo nngxhrnfndp mnhnr il . g We have .rom.m'vn`-V ai edition of Dr. (`nlu'r\ brxyted Essnypn the raft: muncnt cure (wxthont mu `V0113 Debility. Mental um`. l`h)'~`i Impedimems to Mm`1`im:c, cit` . 1" excesses. om-D..:.... :. .. ......1,..1 mu-.\1.~.nrx()I now R mzfn yualtlvcl) LIIIC \llC.`l: L,UH|}v:.LII. Somzmmc New. cw . Wrapped around every lnottic of] is a valuable Househnlmi .\Ic:(:iv. Book (84 Sages), contzxi pronounce 1~yI11edic:1I able, and wor:h lcf`. rive rv (; ._ T. Enmson J1. cm. 95:2 {.zr._%e.e{s,sra'u"+s. SOLD BY ALL 1!1i['(;I`.I5T: v-vvm ouu,uuu aUI..u 01? one-Ital/' mi/('1'z>n of .7`'. < _-1.13:`: 1 were sold in Quxaifa aicut. If} max` woman and r/1: /xi `It /I0 is trnz/. .'u:' ' plain! to try this (.t t`t//tn! n'H.'..'_:. 1 A n I EC LAU It is a vell known fur: 13;. a dull, sallow cnnxplcxic n, Chase's Liver Cure is l"c positively cure these coxnfs; Qnur-ru Inn II rut -v v-- r--f--<-v-- , -For lame back. side or chest, use Shiloh s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by John Woods, Bamrie, and M. J. Hamlm, Allaudalc. V - V . IIHIUHLO r-.r.n'::.LI1 The unqualied . ,1 in Liver Complaint re~Iw s:.l::i;.- compounded from n:mxre's.wL. .., \.n 1:3 - ~MANoRAKI. A.\'l)'1).>\.\'1)F_l.1*`Iu, L. ;z .;12rr_.. other mvaluaole roots, barks and rmg. gawcrful effect on the Kidne_\-<. 5m::1ach,B:- 1...: can Ann Dal n V-.. .1...-gnu nuv hlil Condensed adw.-1'ti;~;crm-m.s 0`n Fix-r 1;. such as \`Va.nts of all kinds. 1.03: am" Property for Sale or to licnt. Specic K- Etc., Etc.. mugst be a.r'con1pani<-(1 with`t`h`}" and will be xnsertc-d-First inst: per Word. each Sllb:-xcqucut insertion, 1 run- word (namesx, ar1dI`~-s. ~s-. -3,and r' - ' ' words); but a reduction to 1 cent per mj.,` be made when the n_1m1hcr of inscrtiorp} same matter exceed Fork. ' ` ` -\,......-u.l u1A.\'cgs, Advert_1s(-rs WI please bear in mindtl - tice of mtent1on_ to change ad\'eni5g`,a,- must be nanded In to the otllce not W Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the co y1&fmEF`_: - 0 change n}ust be m the A -l`)\'A.\'I'l-2 on` than 12 o clock noon on lucsday, ' . _ . , "1 al ;- otherwlse the am cum-r .5 annou M _ , ict-x 13. '1' not be made 1;-.1hl1c until the wee x r Advertisers will nut be allow-:1 to W k ro11x.:`7 space for ad\'-rtising zmything om.,.; own regular blJ:l11(`ss. .3'hr)ul:l transient. rates wnl bu c}:ju!'g:tl for" tisement 5.1, 35. Lin. \;l1l\>E..`I L certain `remedy. K] I _ nnv Ll\'<`r C_OmpLnnt T)\:~yn:x\ _]'-nndiC_e, Ho.-mi.'u:l:c. 1.-i ('4-s-ruono.c ...- -. .- .- . _ A--I`: knit rape? pubhshed m of a Barrie, 11 hex ; a. Apvgavrxsms snounn xo . ` V ' I-tiun, 10 cents per 1' _.,,Eg:gti?::crti0II. 4 Cents 38 . . wrtion :-5 09" TE T} , (12lines solid nbnparcil make ticcs, 10 ccminer 1inA, eading no per line for e m%I:2.(1)n81;t(fil and f3""` pz ' ... - r..- uvu u. uuuuu. Preferred positions in gold at &n.8.g1`\'z1ncc qf one [M This rule wzll be strurtly can uuux_ra.ct 8.(1\'ertis(:Im-.` to`.low1ng_ rates, whi.`-1. commercxal px-xnciples, strictly adhered to in after presept. comracts only one pncc for all: .Syrnp will be appreciated; 1: }L{.}" E1{{11{. {;";ui.E.{ o-`1:-1;aV::;iit <()7ai\ii`1nin.. ieter medicine to, Dr. Low s Pleasant. W0;-uh; 1`:- 1.:; .~_-.._ .:m`L-.|`;.I...a.- .............. maa .535 guserclon or try: same i; _ Legal. Ofcml meats will be <:11a1'gc llnch ...... 2} Inches....' . . . . . . .` ` 5 Inches, } Column 1 10 Inches, J Column. 7 20 Inches, 1 Clllljllll `For one month --the thn I5 er cent. added. or two m0nths-the with 10 per cent. added. 91' D-ml.-........: _ - , -. - co V TRACT Am `Cont;-act advertise 0`.1ow1ng_ ratus. wl sommercnal princip xtrictly adh ercd mger present, conmu-1.. , 1i:h ur F.R'nsI.\'c, Ill!-/Hts will be I 0 drafted .9 and. as 1" "" 'kiK new u . No. 0f.In(;h.`S Space. C0.\'DE.\`SED A-rwmm m.\.T\ `- 4- .. ,\ Bnd d\'l~V`f:unrn..v... -2 ... ..u). NATURE'S 3.Ef\'?EL7'{ Co`...A AA . 1.. . V` ... .155----.-. A cotemporary has an `article. on the most inexpensive way of filling the teeth. The most inexpensive way we know "of is to eat peanuts. 1: 1 1 n -1 , , ,1, _; ,__,- '(VL_"I-I_9_' `-T . ....:-.~~ b-j---T_j._.--- /"'- "`"" A ExrRAcrowu'nl \_.___i________. `I A red i lvancc {Li30ger wiia can-ied on : 0\`er.-4' cowxucr CIIASGES ' rs: will ..I....:.,. 1..,_ . ' uu nu. l\.l.llC\`. .`A'..A.r 5oo.ooc_> so.Lo_ my`//Lyn .~. 1` TTAVE -You T\..,.....\ .,. I. . .r.ucru I(a/__ rI`.Ap1EsLj 1. IKLULIIL UI U|.Il.'B DI tll`'\-|VV`* `' variety of strawberrv, and applies to `for a. name. 2We sugipst true-grit - 1\ AI 1' WJ. n__I_L-_._ 0..-... ... 4. '..L....-. I1 - One ;] lnscr. `non. 1 ', the nmkxpg ts _eXD1"~` , there all ['07- 1 Y M > `_PIc; -lllu`. cwm AWAYFREE :lc of I>r.>L'I".ase's Liv ;\Ledix_aI Guide qt; .py[gP will Ipyl'VuIuvvuu` K _ ~ . ` - Itii admitted that a woman may not ' `tell her age ; but it is a ram fact. that her age is less considerate. I t. tells" on he`r." *`f rm... :......-....`;.-.4 Pumnln av -nlnmntinn,-' 'P. 011])` scents three monthly ,1 FREE -'. 12.... d the xdg on J U11 g her ing 1` ` Be on Igad blo ` m' _ erbert e echo ' ecre Kltho mpera 35 Ia I-U35 UUIIHl\lUl'lI`Us .10 00510 VII aavho The frequent female ex7clamation,-5` Dear me, `quz.1 ?-is- said .to~ be derived." from the.La.tin,V Deua me sustinet ! "or, G-ud help me I. ~- ' ` ' -......-, ...... ...._ - u.......... .. ........ \.. P f We h" aL good, many risingryoung -men 1h'3tl11is cuLnt1'._y,, but .omu`hovv.;`yuu d9,11 -photgilce them in 1; gcrowded .h_o .rae-Vca.r. unless t.he`wo_uu;.n.;w_ho wgmts" to .ge_ on has more thazini ordinary share of youth` -' and beauty. 'West s Pain King will never disappolixivtwy you. It is alwavs-ready and costs but 25c. . 1117* is iude_ed qsffrlcnd in need. Purchgne Aa , abcittle a.`tVv(>u"t`drug`gists and you wilI' i1di5e15 be without it. It cures cholergr and bowel dif culties. ~ A "- ' Fathr, starting-`down :-.-: .`gs,, Robert; V my son, keepin mind what your; ziiuher. -.._- ......J -I....._._ ..__ ...`I-._..- fI'VL_._._`I_ _ `miles 0 _eome to in distr -was con gone uu a quick Herbert. manner drifting the sea ; over L see her ; her in t the vill ind her 5 I few t 1 howeve altremen [ also he p it t frien V u xe a , . . u \ 58'rcng E`. Hrbe '.l'!l8!`8 15 IIUIIIIIIIK IJIIDU UIULU uuuu.w w as base, ungenerous spu'1t,tha.n the giving 0 secret stabs to a. ma.n a reputation. --. _l.3IJ never 1 we'll :1 beat fd "-1 ;-'oE"I':v;"s $;11'p;1:1;' ii! a. ;heap and handy form of obtaining the healing virtues .q,f a sulphur bath. ,,,,.L__ _:11 -..--:1' _L.... I... GDVLUU uuwvu uv - -.__..._ .. _ _`. _-_.---__ Worms cause much sxckuess among child- ` ren that Freemgnfg W.pru_1 Powdemwill svuzjg-A \ Iy cure. * ~ 4 , A II I 1 .3 M 1 - '7" - . ' 7-'.`."'- " "*'* .~v-- Hoisting too Tm ch sail has wrercked many characters on life's voyage. Natidnal Pills will cure constipated bowegq _.._I ...sL...I..L.. 41.. var .- ..:;a;;a;;.';:m 3...; 4: $103 Find. _. 2| I.-- -u-An Pl-I UIIDV L` IVUILIPIJ 9 I I._v| `U & VYVV-D!` " ` " . ~. -_ . " . ' rcure. '3 1 ;_ ; 3;`; A friend of 011th hat $rodt'ibed 3 `new ....:..a.. A: ..a._.`....I.......... an.-I nnnlim: in nu u.`\ Banana: J. In: vuu vunv `.........r...._ , . ,r_ _ nd regulate the liver. (_ 7 V. ,3 -1.? ;v_[ I; There is nothing that in3`r` `betfay ``! ........... ... nus:-:30 O`-nan I'\n Jvinn nf 1.rr'n:n THINGS winch mun: rm: wnou: wonnn KIN. uuvunun -any avavuunuavn J. (In any 5 \JIIl-ll-lll\{ smooth. clean and good color. . a sure aiidget the genuine, made; v_Mc9reaor &.._I-.`a.rkq. Pnce 250. gsold at Mon an}: Drug V3`:-_49i .. ~- % "PHI. .2. .1-"1-A; 1- p._-.-_-_-__1~=u;=; To; _s1 `HA1 sqnawsoneacwstn 0.1;. "am-I'imu__'l"ha Belt ` ` :`"~' yit we , Luna Com- hntn n 1' `: - or mbni .7 . ,; squeakm .sprm2 ` `on `no. TL A-. I'll!` UOIII` bottle. ati nv -null`! UV-XII ? ' . qxunk Z$'nE'p1?xer)~vua.t .,;1;x,w ' V ihat new lot of 'black silk at 7 I I;.l.LI1'.-- -_`:- .lRr'2,L .I..,,._ ,1`; - . \\- . _ A1 , A- , vv nan us nu, axgynoyg 5" ; A ;`+ts:zeaa~;I;<.1c2x::t`k:::+:r.:??' % ~ (`Your general knowledge of him a.ppea.z`s_: , 1 " to be" very co`mpi'ehensive. Do you know.-' . anvthing about him 7 v" v, E '-'.~":.'.. *',u"r ;"4'.`,:::`7 I -- --v--. IlV-VlCIII' " ' Questioxi-`Is this life worth living j _ g .% 18 R! ' V - - - 1-1 A `UR; ,HiI!n hndih ant`. knntvnnnn CAI) `I.-- _I"A ` .h1s._yt a'_e_ a fune " i ` ' {red :--We 1 11 3 dd-.. . an %-3,, wag fhooavgifigghia wa.lk_ do;`1'me :"`LV`;) lijE':ez- o"_%_'g i_d,`i9""""~'=" ..a. `.35 --.1-:. n `.I.. aLn.'..4r_~.k' 1'4`.-.: . .. . l'Ulll d who seeifgi Fi;t;t;N:: uv uvvv nu: Ul. uulvn nun. lilo I "im-tt>!er;+%4Miik :P *1m: `15ric9`: $3`; "2 F9 ,; V . - ,, ' 5 f z3Ereai x-m.~esm.n1y-that 9l"a51B{d; T I_ 5; 'mInn]Q\I-Inn-_I Ann ; ---- _I__; 2. that abuili m - x 2 ' . ".'. " `P.V-' Y ``V``` v. n.|vLvxIVI< r Tptvv ` V. SI` 1` . . `~ A`t'W03t:li;0(')l}1l!1B1!8tion. : `, Thelivex; seqreteg ble, 3.0 mpyq theboweis; \ t}i,e`kic1neyh7 s`e cr'ete" i~in'e "to` c'arr"y dff ufic acid: `N which : $w&u1d7 I)3i39n`-`.th8. blc:1ddL ; the .-_s,t._og`na.qh , sqc,;etgs_ gqqt;-ic juice "to; igest,-or 'dis_s sdlv`e' th`e" 'fo6t1. -etc. rBhra6ck= Blood Bitters acts u-B9n<`~1i.h$8 . organs and miries I pheblood by cleansing the; .sgcz-eti`ons_ of the system.` ` ` V " ` ` - I *` :7`! "* Sh 2` 5 van. ..-\, `There are such chaps In America. ((K`I7l 9 AI II n .' %"`X.?&}wl&i`';`'`2,if3?}7{'fH7'L ;{a any,thing.of 1. the kind, ._Hgzrrison muss ha'v"m`snnderstood me.` I didn't say in~ sane--I saidezinagq. 6. `A ,_.~... 4 ='Hakin`s3-r4`0h;*<~wt91;*tI1ut"8w o,qether d'~ *'"*e< :47 399?-;Y;H:P}39 1;??? aid ,,L -1. ._ . ,,Harkins-'Sue here, Andrews, I don t. propose to stand by and be made a. laugh- mg stock of by -you. _Wpat `in_, ph_I_n_d_er did you `main w,he1_;,yc_y`t1_,.j;olg1:MV*iI;z_L;a'is9j!J; I was all the time making insane rinarlfs ? . A -.J......... .\/I'.. 2...... Inlln...` T -..-...}. .....J : . s _ .` Honesty the Best lxoy. ' An h'onggt nqedicine is thy noblest work-_ of man, and we can assure our readers that Dr. Fowle_r s_ Extract of Wild Strawberry is not onlv rellable. but is almost infallible to cure Ch5lera."l`M`d)'lu', "`1)`v's`e':xt'e1"y; -"(3ank%'1~'lo! the Stomach and bowels, and the various Sum- .mer*-Oomplaints, ..whose attacks are often sudden and fatal. IUUWVIUII Ly UIIII-I3 L U1Ilj ; ~5.`,`O21,j no ypu cm t, o;_o1qn_el, .interrupt- ed the quiet man. I In gomg to many _har. myapli as soon z_a.s- the care can take me'out tliere.v - ;1n`d'b;e hustled putt; nsriiu feu_ruL that LL ; .:z..._m.1:_. _.-_-,4-...1.~`.V -AL- _...1-._. -__a u-::T1`<-1'ho:';1`|;:;t1d ~gne;%.s;;~i fearful vtlc'e.\`.`a.p1't`a.list might lo'ciI"te'the {widow and ` H ..... .\+ E vuv. VWPIVU the spot. "`31.`t`i3:i2i"g35f65d, but if ynuwant more exact gures and will givq me the location Ivthink I can--" ` " ` I 199 1 A GHQ GIWGJB DD _ pxuupu. -llI.UUglI. H mln Word it: in?1t6tesi` 3 %' !i:a n9I;.j Herayife, hold my ovgmua; an .hLf., be qu1k'nboutit. . m .. . 2-.` 1.3:... L 1 , o.u use 1 -5- . u -uunnuu Ho; much pwonld a veiri of coil `hallf a. urilqlong, '_a qxlartey of gt mile broad, and fty feet _thick. be worth '1 (CT glnnni.-I nnic Q0: nnn Inn! :0 en. .......L Looatmg a w1a'{w With a. Coal Mme; . He. en.ered the oica of a capitalist in R.ichmond_the other day and quietly in- quired _: LI . _ m . ...L .......1'.J .. "-2... -3 ..,...I L..;| .. An Ohio preacher is accused of hugging the girls in his congregation. The accu- sation is brought by a female inember of ` the congregation who has a wart on- her chin and freckles on her face, and who was neitherfembraced in the list of girls hugged nor hugged in the list" of girls embraced. ` What is McGregor's Speedy Cure for 2" It is for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Indiges- tion. Billiousness, and itis the finest blood puri- er in the known world to-day. ~ ' Does it give satisfaction '1" , A \t?;Ve cannot point to one instance where it did no . ' Where does it have the lar est sale ?" - Right in the city of Hami ton. where it is manufactured, there has been over one thous- and dollars worth sold-in the last year retail, and the great` majority of the sales are by one recommendimr it to another. For sale at 500. ' and $1 00 per bottle. by G. Monkman, Druggist. .LvILUII .1 nllvo : What's his name? Shua;h, I don t know. Where :did -y'o_,u meet him 2? ` (Dashed f ` I --kno" wM. _"` ` 6 "What. is he, anyhow 3 "K|i'vnnt'|' t aplpiouh-':La...'.z.':rJ!' _A9-\";1-oEs"42_l;a;_;>-.t-1;5;;:1:ci;i;d:;:2-;;:. `'Fellov5v"I kno"w". * `~ I (l.IIIL-;!, I ' I'll. 1 mi so" aiiii;i'.i;in;.I.i'f.~'ei1es Lini- ment Iodide of Ammonia,` and people who were beneted spoke so much in its praise, that I was induced _to write the Doctor for a supply. I was delighted ; it made cures in the family and in the stables, and no article that I ever handled ave such universal sat- ie-fa.ction._e jGcorg. . Barnum, Georgetown,` } Del. Sold by W. C. McLean. vguul nu DlA_JUDl3..I;I|I Il`_ul_I; Iolyvll. uupl .VV`_l0;l , orld a Wonder or Family Liniment the L p6`pl'fM-`e`tilking so I'n'u6h'I`b'out, sud-fwas V quereenough cm-ed, I; done sayed_ th1:es_-oAld_ n_igze,t-'3 life, Pnce'22p _` 8_I_1d . pe_rj_hpttl9. Sold by bal_Al_ druggists. _ e . Clyde Na\avigatio n"-Oaptdii1o,.'Pasen-. gets all. crowding to one end of the ~ ferry boat :,--Tues! Tues! shou`ll.ha.f ta keep a sme biit e moteofer to to. osser end 0 ta pote, 'ur sh ll pe sink fur to. want 0 navigation ; pesides ta. kee . an ta. steerer ull no_pe in to. water, wha.`.e er ! 1-` ca 1-... .-.. -wv--- wvv -7wv - wvuuv. -nag `J. 4vJ.vunLuIlu, all. M55150. Condemned murderer (to lawyer) : You said you could get a sentence of imprison- ment 031` 1.i56;!!Id ,hr9.+I %m*tb:b;h6P89 next n'io'nth". 1'La.v6ye`r :-`-'1'hat s_'a1lrighc. You will be imprisoned for life, and you won t have to dragout sny'1o"m:,draaidful yeare in gun] Be reaonab1e_,.rna.n.. *- air ....\; n....;*r ij:.i:~.. . ~~`...... :. ....u:.s.. -'._~;.._... gyms! Ill 5a` '1 {J0 L'I1nUuuUlU, ` I say`, Aunt `Chie, "you: is gettitig irffnd right smart. Yes. indeed I is, hon_ey,, I .wu nnntm-ad nnd'ghiul with 1-I-mnnm `tium ngnu smart." "xes. mqeeq 1 13, non_ey=~,, 1 was Pestered and Itsiqkg shed with.rlj:ejm`na or sixfyears _aI_1d "dang tnied this Wqt `K711!-`Id : wnnnr nu Il`on-ltv T.:nnnnnI- I-In.-. 1VIis;Amanda has j1;st had a. quiet tote-a.-teta`with;-Lieutenant Elligible, and was asked by her guardialn how she liked his c<;>nve1-sation, ``Oh,.iInmenselv ! she said, f`There s a ring in hislvolce. ' IV-L-....L -._..-.1 |.'..1.u. --.A._: ...._..,.-; L...`.;.u. Uvulv agwwga was. a.vU` UIII`}AUll" VPIIUUKI `Btu very often fatal. Reasons why on should purchase Fluid Lightmn in pre erence toall other remedies are: Rap d reault-ouree instantly. It is easily applied,-no troub1e--no lost time. It does not reciui constant use-one application is effect- ua. no bottle will. remove more ain than any other remedy in existence. Try 1: for Neu- ral a. Toothache. Headache. Rheumatism. Sol at 250. a bottle. by G. Monkman, Druggist. l'\,.....:......`.....: ....-...1_..._...I.._ ~n-__--,\ , tr UIU 7.Ti"I::;}`VEo7la;v%7*W1:"iZ:,ish5(; ii; is en; on .oVe_`__'w9rb, jving or` `_a.,u_A `twat Nd . .Ir e `g wvouskn er. pImp.FE.'v&bI tuesa gkin .lmmu`na any-nfnln nnlmrrh And 11 in-'..-. l:-a. ..c N:o)w! '1"`Ie". `What Ire ma Say. 5u`$.i2 9tV:i Vciagiga =' Mr. Litewxiite-#4-"Yrn11'nn.=;t e'xctise"m'e| if 1 am ratherbdnll. I am always stupid `whey I have a. headache. ' ` mramuor-uIooa'fPutineIa;mono,<.Di\imntip 4 4; lfodhi of Appetite. .I.ndigestion_.-;Dyapepaia, Billiousness, Jaundxce, Liver Complaint ... ;;j pumntism, lKidney Diseases. Scrqfula, -4* senevpodu in-*to`l'ema!eu;--Vsslt *Rhanm,~ Ex ze and all kin Linea. 9. a.Q0h.,* .9-'1`P H9 `M much? a` !=-V*' %:-3. y'1_v_` Mbnubnr ' ii . J! ,i % W!f:'5?9m=9#` A-?W!I W|inI7nUiPa' Va*I 53" 8.5I`$FU'lI _ _ , ,.:o.#`a`!'1 .`1'U2PiV;' L .*R`."`G';`*'!!.""E'.`.v"*""= `*9? : Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical Colle e, '-1`otonto, Surgeon to the Mer- cer Eye and Jan, Inrrnm-y. and Oculist and Aurist to the Sigk.Ch11,.d".l1:'8 Hogxpital. late Clini- cal Assistant Roya1"Loudon ulpnthalmic Hospi- tal; Moore,e1da,*a.nd:Centra London Throat and_Ear Hos too: 317 (f"h_:I1v_'-Y .t.reet..Toronto. May hhcfcnfm net`! with refei-endeim Diseases of the Eye, Ear Throat and N usal passages. - I .u\.u.:Ao.\g,v.|nn, [\.5'.`llla L` '7' GAe;n,er a.1 Passengei Agent . 113:3 E-2.C)`EJ'G-I-I T:. cKE'rs I To all points mm amlWest. and Manitoba. '4B`or t.i_ukets, ra.tes, et.c,, apply to V .-4-- cAPT.sMmI .R0'B1`-'.QUINN, _ 'Agent N.&N. W. Rvs., `I Dn$nn'rnv: A n-Lalo 'r|_____1_ Northern 85 North Western Iiailwayg . . g.,_., ,_ V ..,.,.,,.H_.. 3. '..:1.:. ,. Infaliihl-Bl6od'r'Putine1.-`m :-Dims, `sic nfb 3 .A.nDet8. . IndiH`8tiO.i-.T,vnI\nhaIn` 4 uzxrnonn rq 33317: for commen c.[ A call solicited for all kinds of V I DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE } STUFFS, SOAPS, OOMBS. AN D BRUSHES. . --Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath `secured, by Shiloh s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents Nasal. Injector free. -For sale by John \\-'oods, larrie, and J. Hamlin, Aandale. 1 .' T 3 qqcml aittentiontn Cross Fires and Cataract ' ---wili Ea found-.--[ ` 2 nouns WEST or In: sum: Howey New Plushes, Ve eteens and Trim- mings at Gray9s P ular Cash Store. u uuu aux Ul Ucblllllg Ull UIUUUIUUH ` 1 Deacon J .'>n'es-Well-er", to be frank ` with you, I didn t like it at _a.lI. Minister-No 7 .De'acon-+-N~o, sir. I m -in hats, you know, and there's very little money in the , business as it is. - [GEORGE nitifiii` `CHMISTmA_N9 n_nuemsI. ' PRESORIPTIONS `CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Religion Versus Business. Minister (to 'deacon)--H =w were you pleased, Brother Jones, with my sermon on the sin of betting on elections 1 gonna 1 .-.-.'.\.. 7..II .__l L. L - 1` V The Risk Declined. . Life Insurance Agent (to applicant)-T see our physician has pronounced you in robust health, and c .-nsiders you a per- fectly safe risk. T Applicant--Yes, I m in good health. fAgenVt-_What is your business "I 'Applic`ant--I'm a base ball umpire. Agent --Sorry. sir ; but I shall have to "decline such a risk. The company won t have it. Bl`l`1'5r'adia11ei1Th1_-e is a, belief to t}iat_ ef- fect,` but with an out boasted modern scientic appliances it can never be veri- n " ' ` uvuo Young Man---1 Why, doctor Cl` ~. Phys/ nobody With brains I eve1"moxes them. VVIICII .I. IIIIIVIJ 1 ll\7(I|lIll\tII\Jo Miss Keer.e-Dea.r me! 7115 must be dreadful to have a headache so much of the time. 3. V .. ` '

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