S[COLTT s-T; BOOKSTORE. C'I'J'EI.% G-`BEAT [SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. ;W21%3411.4 W%39933 \`1WWla F k119isf?& Balls. Baby Carriages, with or without wire wheels. Lacrdsses, Lawn Tennis Raquets, Base Ball Clubs and Linen Windnw Shades and Paper Window Shades. SCOTT, THE BOOKSELLEB-, T Have largely increased their stock to meet the wants 6: their numerous customers. u |V|cALLl$TELR,FSTORY 8. co., at manufacturers prices. 1 - Just received direct from Belgium two consignments of Glass, includingrPlain Window Glass, Figured Glass, Col- ored Glass, Plate Glass. Prices very low. Paints. Paint Oils,` Varnishes, full stock at bottom prices. Builders Hardware, full line at bottom prices. Harvest Tools, the best goods in the market at rock bottom prices. ` -f\- r/Maw ways can 'mn1-nuns. l v___ cnnnuan mumns, nnacxsnmn um MILL sur- % PLIES A srncurrv. IMCALLISTER. STORY & CO Y. . `pansn st: uado aqt` mm qa1tIM`r*1Pn:.s`au:% vs 3191 801% ew 90940118 emuuuaw em I11 % ` ` % j` { . f'~flI=mw;9II11!1% susya Jyanp auod;sod_ meld mm exams Sugpuazuf usu; qygg am I3 `DH = 3'13 V3-`J 911111] "1099 ljuasqn mm 91] um; has" a; sag {H To IPARMERS AND THRlESHERC.-;The i 1': I b V we by McG0m! ` 398. V& .. oronto. M .. %%L?s:i@umnIu%.IIAcHINE% on.- . ` _ '_ .' _ ..__ .- I .._. -. . ,,' , -.., . ...;, . - -..._ * `Immmuna am. (IIIVEIIIVH See my prices before purchasing elsewher. BOOKS Aug STATIONERY. `$1 75 T2 00 3 25 20,000 ups. BARBED FENCE WIRE, lms; gr ~ 1: audtnx the Ir... _ .g.n omo1a]:I:::`EE;``t\; ` Ix 3` on Wm; 031 9 8. 1.10.` '0 Gt `Q ' N G0m1,'|`:):g;: em 3611 in the h nun`. ' 5g HARDWARE ! whoIosaIoA and Ram: Hardwgge, ----DARGES1` AND BEST ASSORTMENT or-- one Doo r.West of the Queen s Hoiel, Barrie. PURVIS BROS. Waggon` Hubs, 9x12 A 1, per set 2% (Yak S1 nkes X, 3}} Waggon Skeins, Ot'-.1er sizes in proportior. OPPOSITE STATION. BARRIE. -A comrnzm srocx or-- P. F. EWAN, IMPORTER, &(:. -- vu summons bodies. stayner, Sept. 10,1886. out :-- $600 1100 $1 O8_ 2 O8 2 65 d gun the nut exhibit or nmrods in the new show bund- mrgely represented in. GI M :"'_ `.`.'.2" Nelson mnu_ger ot_ scum; -1.o'rs or mm; 3383. 9`"_'..... an Inn ---.. ..,..... .... .....uu; uuu wnlun unen ap- pearnearly uponuale el; aollltiia wi,thGo: in Hie goodneee ward ue. eetandardo Enorallgy inlolfietian life ' to be at a ve a In anunale reoenve no education. Our Journey in thi-2 life, of ein and trouble, was rawn m a picture by the WV. gentleman, aa of an animal being led ly a man, with a rope tied tovth 501113. and the other end fast round the man's hod ; one on evoh eideof a deep chum too I: ' to leap acroee without certain death--a deliverance come; with prayer, ' like a keen-edged knife to cut the rope and save. up from deetruotnon. 1Oh'antanqua-1oO0.' A _ By J. M. Hunter. M. A., LL.B. ` 1. ---'nm rues . Nearly everybody has heard of` Chau- tauqua,~though as" yet, only a com - tively small number of Canadians. ave -visited it. 'This`is partly due no doibt to the belief that to visit the place costs a great deal. We shall give some facts by and by to show that the belief is an erro- neous one, that in fact there are few places where so much canbe seen (and heard) at` so little expense. ' wnnnn Tnnnnbn `L- -1--- :_ ..-_'_ L- ._-- -I_ until we stand I: in tho host one and look upon the or hills I! ' then up- post nearly upon a lawn! : in it in -m- and wv aauvav VA like ' From Toronto the place is easy to reach. Taking the morning boat to Niagara, Bu'alo is reached by noon. The traveller has here three hours to, rest and refresh himself for the remainder of his journey which is done in another three hours. From Bualo to Mayville is 65 miles. and `a sail of a few minutes` brings one first to Point Chautauqua and then to Chautauqua itself. Chautauqua Lake lies in the west- ern corner of New York State, ten miles south of Lake Erie and 700 feet above it. The Lake reminds one very `much of Kempenfeldt Bay. but the people of this neighborhood may rest assured that it is not one whit more pretty. Barrie people Vd0u t know the value of their bay until they go away from it. They seem to have only begun to realize that they have one of the prettiests sheets of water on the continent` at their doors. _ rn|_-c__. ___-,_ ,.- -`V - vvuvusav lav all wlavlb UIUVIIEI The rst view of Chautauqua is rather pretty, but there is nothing enrapturing about it. If the evening be fine dozens of boats will be passing hither and thither, tilled with merry occupants. Along the shore lie beautiful walk and green lawns. A little` to the left of the landing place rises the magnicent Hotel Athenaeum, which is seen to great advantage against the dark background of oak and maple trees. To right and left stand in tull view many handsome summer residences, while behind on the slope of the hill the eye can make out, amid the thick growing trees, some huud reds of houses laidoout in regular streets. There is little time, however, for observation. If it be assembly time there will be some hundreds of passengers on the boat, ladies being largely in the ma- jority. The crowd is perfectly good natured, although there is necessarily a considerable amount of ` crowding and jostling in landing so large a oompa_IIY- Before entering the grounds the visitor purchases his day or week ticket, as the case may be, and once within he proceeds to nd a place at which to stay. If he is rich he goes to the Hotel Athenaeum, and pays from two to four dollars a d-ay. If of the poorer sort he looks round among the cottages for accommodation at a dollar a day-or even less, _ (`rang `admin nnf]nt` viniimr llle a uay-or even less. Once fairly settled the visitor sallies forth to look around him. He speedily nds that it is no mere temporary camp meeting ground that he has reached. It is a summer town. Thej130 acres of which the ground consists are laid out in regular streets and avenues which are dul named. The mam streets are lighted by e ectricity and are kept perfectly clean. There are stores of all kinds ; book stores, curiosity stores, dry goods stores. grocery stcres-a market for meat, poultry, vegetables-`-in short, all the conveniences of a town. At certain hours of the day the streets are thronged with gaily-dressed people passing hither and thither, and here and . there among the crowd one hears the newsboys crying the New York, Buffalo, 0 ncinnati and Cleveland papers. But Chautauqua does not depend on the outside world for information about itself. It- has a fully equipped printing office, and publishes, in assembly time, a daily paper giving an account of each day's proceeding. One of the tirst things the visitor is likely to hear in the morning is the ubiquitous newsboy s calling Morning paper ! Assembly Her-' IA 1 - V - &l&!!: am 1" A walk about the grounds shows many evidences that the ` town" is still young. Except along. the lake front there are not many handsome cottages, and the only really imposing building is the Hotel Athenwum. As yet utility rather `than ornamentation has occupied the thought of builders, but every year is certain to see improvement in the matter of adorn- ment. Quite a large number of people are still dwellers in tents, and appar- ently have as gooda time as their neigh- bors of the_cottages. ` E---- -A--n|`o\n nnannn `II n`anZ' bore 0! me cottages. , A few minutes serve to show all that is to be seen about the public buildings. The Hell of Philosophy, or Temple in the Grove, an it is more poetically called, in a. very plain structure, modelled after the Greek temple. The roof rests on sixteen pillerr, `nix along. each side, end four in" each end. In this building most of the hetwylectures are given, `and here are held theexercises peculiar to the Chen- Etauqua. -Literary and Scientic Circle. > tn...` A mnhithentre has the form suggest-: -tauqua. -Literary mu Buluuvtuu v.....,.. V The` Amphitheatre has ed by its name. It in an immomo build- 6-...~...Hnn' mmr ve thousand, V yet` fre- ed '5' 1` II III llllluvullv v iuzaeetiug over-ve thousand, yet. \ quently during the past summer it proved altogether too smsllfor the audiences. In building it. eadvantago was taken of a. pognevghet steep dope of the ground, so that its. toplpoat lent: are on 3 level : yitlr the Itfeet |bove,7ind'ite ooro . `_..the' It :-de1,:`be`lovr_.` It in to be euluyged-before; moths!-f`Ieu,on. Behind "the:-`, _.qpgglger o Button-m stands 0. large papa ornnw; The uildiug in rootedghut iu'eidegm_-ee`rppeu.- Nosrlv Oliliohite to cue Amhbithmtpo` are the Congregational ' he bnildingwvhere all pera'ona~of`t ` t4le`Iiom- ination are made ieloome. Other denom- ination: have their meeting, plaoee, also, and denominational gatherin frequently take place Of the otherhn dingo grafti- cular mention need not be made. ' are the many buiidinga in which the eohoole meet, the Museum, the Ohii- . dren a Temple, the Normal Hall, and the Academia. ~ It tahee IOIIO time to nd`- out exactly where they all a're--some are not of generalintereat, anywa . The visitor ahonld proourenazvlen of _ . 9 the ooe of an : 5.lIl>|II'II_Iten(?e ::?of `~ ' the sounds. ulbammf '.. lawn SUCH 1;`)-`fl ` ,_ . K ii: um uonnnnsmu norm. 1 Isnlxlnsrnnrxwnouroranousi I OOLUINS INTO ONE -'-uul'GonoralA ":37." A man named Sharkey was kicked to death dnrmg S Icule at Ottawa]: j } M;. ;3:)-|;1wtF;1:;u-I`1':1;.j.;r;t'Vy`{1T-Ii':1.tAiimand is ` increased by the latest returns to 117. . . poa;;g'.;' ;2;I.};.'a'"S7 {.2 Kttangl badly in the vicinity of Bedford, Que. I)--l....2-_ `I3 I` ,2, , I C I ` ___ ._--..--J v. -vv-swung, -1,`-vi B 0., was nearly destroyed` by re last Wednesday. Loss $66,000. `I"I __ AI__ `II, I C _ __-.._... . __a-- `gun: vvvu T 'Hox(I.KlZex Mackenzie, who is summer- in g in Scotland, is very much improved in health. i T ' l Cein_" Macdonalci has been committed for trial at Belleville _on seven distinct . _. I Thus Cehedian steam tug Harvey Neelon, , under seizure at Bu`a.lo, escaped `Wednes- day night last. . illltler llltflll, UULIDLDLIIJE an an unu. Us uu iuzgv, with P. l\IcSherry at the ribbonsv; j` iiiirrlage contaiiiiiig Blake and'Anglin, 2 with the good-natured faCe'0_i mine ll0Bt , .lIct`abe, of Collingwood, doing duty as a J! lotlllle, vis-a-vis. Your townsman, Mr. t floss, yoked with another stalwart, occu- P tieitesiiigle vehicle. and formed the rear lll16C3.\'alCZlde. An empty double-seat- t` ed wagon got wedged into the procession by mistake, I judged, as being driven by V iCollingwood inn-keeper it was no doubt 9 mended to convey re`freshments.to the t 'Jt'llllCEll grounds. I must not omit to 3 state that a. quantity of red and white annel spanned the main street---that the f` school children had a half holiday, -and E ihatthe Reeve issued his at for atotal iiispension of business. The trains brought in their crowds at the usual time -the three politicians and two reporters from Toronto, seven from Barrie, one from New Lowell, none from Vespra, ditto Flos, live from Golllngwood, and the `silence contributed from the village and its suburbs. About two p. m. the call to order was made-the platform set oif with three politicians and Mr. Phelps- Barrie and Oollingwood were represented as well as the village. In fact the politi- cal cream of the gathering was called to the rostrum, and made devotional by the niesence of one of our village pastors. Mr. Neil Herkins tully lled the chair, but sur- rendered his speech to the local member, which he gave brie y and therefore accept- ably. Mr. Blake followed, occupying two hours in his review of the Grit situation. The same speech has done duty elsewhere jhence I need not amplify. As always with Mr. Blake it was well rendered, and ` iiiiexceptionable in style and language, ` but somewhat doleful. Nothing now was broiiglit out, and as a consequence atness ` seized the auditory,.with only a rare mani- iestation of feeble applause. Mr. Ross, cook-maker for the Ontario Government, followed, when the noble six hundred" - previously present suddenly wilted down to a gallant two hundred." Mr. Anglin had to bear a further decimation, his audience in front being less than the rear. lie evidently felt the slight, and ran wild- {Y up and down the political gamut, mix- `l1 _P Corruption with the Haldimand election and the l\'nrth-West with the Na- ll0U&l Policy a As a taker in this county lfear his prospects are not good, as watch- 12 our standard political barometer, the Fflners Institutes organizer, I noticed a Efadualhiit persistent subsidence of his dependent maxillary -- it kept going, `-``t~ swine: ~ until at last a gap was Yftvealed that would easily hide a good- '(;.`d ham. iiq also the necessary side 3308- Thi_:i_l took to be ominous. The ` : Hyman evidently noticed the same axis . `%ml08l'depre88i(`)ll, and kindly hintedto e Reform nominee thelnecessitv of shut- `? ll The iirder was promptly obeyed, , in 6n_ the meeting scampered, barely tak- Ktlme to `rah for the Queen or Blake. ` sallanna n.:..... .......a .....a .. ......-s A Bird : In View otthn World for '1'hre 1?I!I- canndlsn. United States and l!.....__u np-_._ "I`we:1ty-fouo Ioolsnders `bound for the Manitoba. aettlemen have arrived by the` "Coreau from Glasgow. A - Toi-onto (an<`1-I`I:tnilton Knights Tem- plar will be represented at the forthcoming triennial at St. Louis. The 13th Batt`; `bind, Hamilton, have been engaged to play at the coming -triennial at St. Iiouiui The triennial aynorl of the Anglican Church of the Province of Canada. opened in Montreal last Wednesday. A Ben W1-Tigh|;., a. aged 15, has been sent to, the Reformatory for ve years for ring buildings at-.In2ersoll. A Tire knaian steam tu Harvey heeinn has been seized at` Buffalo on a claim for damaqesvbyvthe [Etna Insurance Com- pany. -7 I if I lll Ii I The liabilitiscs ot Lezpcld Zfsfcccs; the abaconding cigar merchant of Montreal, are $100,000, and assess: practically nil. rWCV:>-tlnty Judge Macpherson, of Co. Grey, was robbed of his watch and chain while in London, "Eng , recently. The thieves were captured. IIII . 3 Al (`I 1.1"! ,,1 I The author-it1es of the Sacred ' Heart and Ville Marie Convent; in Montreal deny that Mrs. Schilling is "at {either of those institutions. . A district assembly of Knights of Labor will be organized in Lmdsay, and will be headquarters for the order throughout the Midland district. V ' main. V _ Cameron, of. the hotel, festooned lus building with_a Welcome to Blake only. andnutasymptom of cordlahty for the Nile!` fellows. Two good a_rches were built at the extremes of the village, wnh ,,13maImeasurcment., however, that com- pletely hid the procession while passing under them. consisting as it did, of one . 7 ___-.1. D 1\r,.m......... oi Hm new-mun - I "wA-aiiadianWprieetV residing in Ireland writes to Montreal warning mayors of Canadian cities to keep a lookout on Rev. Dr! Kane's movements. The Canadian Pacie railway have de- cided not to complete the road from Fort Moody to the terminus until legislation has been secured for the purpose. ' I Detective Burrows has recognized one of the Beaverton safe blowers, now in iail at Lindsay, as John Kenny, a. peni- tentiary bird well known in Toronto. . `co put nu .. 1 `ll _ l`l__,, hierman and-Miss Sher man have just nished a trip across the continent on the Canadian Pacic railway. The Old Warrior was delighted with the _.-_'J | O Vkwurv The rudder-chain of the steamer Filgate suddenly-snapped, leaving the boat help- lean and `causing a panic among the passengers while in the Lachine rapids last Thursday. i -`V ` I\nA , ,,._ _1:_'L__2_L ' I-_.."-`-..- `TV CIIIIIU&$J I Wages paid by Ottawa district lumber- men this season are reported as follows : Choppers. 818 to $20 per month ; road cutters, $14 to $17 ; shanty foreman, $36 to $40 ; shanty cooks, $36 per month. `I! nun __ __:__j_`_ A brick of gel 319* ounces in weight, and valued at over six thousand dollars, was brought to Halifax, N. S. , from the Oxford mines at East Halifax last Wed- nesday. It represents thirty days work for three men. - A Vvvwnu ncv .vvv--n _.. -......_.... Facts-brought to light by the police in connection with the recent stage robbery and the murder of Scott at Calgary, N. W. T., tend to show that Scott was im- plicated in the former, and that he was murdered in consequence of a disagree- ment with his fellow-conspirators. A'Il `I IV `VI. VII. 6? Convoc- _ The Dominion Government is buying up and slaughtering all the cattle belong- ing to the farmers in the vicinity of the Levis quarantine. The authorities are determined that pleura"-pneumonia shall obtain no footing in Canada. Madame Oliver,` wife of Mr. L. G. Oliver, a member of. the wholesale rm of Messrs. P. M. Galarneau & 00., of Montreal, while attending a stall at a bazaar in St. Peter s Cathedral, Tuesday morning last. took afaintino: fit and died in an hour after `being driven to `her !.I___-'_ III @II IIVI xv: { residence. ()[l5 uuu u, H uuu.-anu uuvuuw me ?$}(:1fcthe Sun aspired and perspired What address of we1come--the bubble !e]1ad many times bust in his editor- {amreer but the night this time should :3 mu, perpctr1a1 day, aein his sanctum :rrvro12zxd;af the courtly sentences that fhoilld adorn the arehrvesef the Reform f1u1,_ In the intervals he poured m the nJenta18tl[n[1]l`s (ljasy-berry syrup) that ;hou1a,]ift him hlgh up the Parnassus my once only. the droufay god teok E:,fu1pr*.ssessi<;r1., hm manuscr1p_t appe_a.rmg whim as a m;,v_ht-mare causmg him to tart muiclnm-11-at the syrup. Horrors '-uhat had happened ? As. the sequel}: gurely episudal. perhaps future Suns will gplain. n ,...__ .t` H. Inntul Foninnnnt` I-nu --------- "_ I S&tOIu V Geronimo and his hoitzlel have been ` taken to Florida. Troubloin mioinatad with the Piute Indium in Nevada. -I I... I, :4- 1-._.1:_.._ Luuluuu an any - ` and IIli_noia of riohina. Hogs are dying`!-my hundreds in Indiana 1 I .. ___1!- uuu Jloauvnu v- in av... ..--. `Subscription to th `Charleston relief fund amount: 39 far to $126,148. -I-.1 , -,. n__ .1.- _'.___ luplyl uulvuuuu uv gun- V`: Y-_- _,- _ .GreLstVanxiety prevailsht Fort Duchehne, .Utah._.an account, of rumors of_ Indians on the wu-path. . `no I I 'I`I___..._ -...' QCQ `:71 Bub wulguvuu . Michael Barry hind John Sullivipn are in jsilmt` B_'u`a.lo for smuggling meeriohaum pipIf*>m.0M.I-db`-f 4 g I 1 f A large Bodyof Gninpd is to I-ted. to have tqkn_`b699ui_on of Osmpbe 1, Minn. , and snokdd tlie nth:-`en. . g V ` f V ` .A_hpu,v `storm o![rs'in_`ha.a`p.dded `to; the minty Io g.:tho houulou and. -homilotn The Whington . 1:to`u'ineiuu u thnt insttern inthu city are nqt___I9 hId_|g they have been made -' um _..2II `#553 in}: Anu|..:_ 313 NQRTHERN ADVANCE; Opposlto N. R. 3., Station, Dunlap-st., Barrio. 0 Many whole lines cleared out. Our Jul and August Sales immense. We are moving SWi-t1y to lour aim. Stock reduced $5000.00. '8TO0K REDUGTION SALE A BRAND SUGGESS! : vuuu UU HUI I0? tne Huge 01' Dl3K9o m*' 311 good things must end, to must HY |'ep_ort of the Reform demonstration. . You mse `PP_f6ctions of my manuscript, as I have ` "#6 this under a ba.n--. my father being thbd`Reformer, and 5 great `udmirpr of uae Sun, which don't shine to unit my mmnl..-:.... ___I___ 1.1.- ___..I.`-....._ Pt it. bleese correct the many- Bar Iron, S S. Steel, Horse Shos, Single Barrel, M. L. Single Barrel, B. L. left by an aunt who recently died in Scot- 1 land. Cruikshanks is a veteran of several wars having served in the British and American armies. 9 1 IIII\O ed. Gen. Buller r23r that he does m t , nd as much crime in-Kerry as he expect- Mrs. Limgtry and her company are to I sail on the 18th of thug mouth for Amer- 4 ~ica.. A m ,1,:,L 1--.. -: `L..`l .. .....:1I.-.n. IV: A new Turkish loan of half Turkish pounds ($2,500,000) issued. ' 1 1- __-_J;__._ L-.. L... i. lssueu. _ Lord Lansdowne has been in Scotland and spent twd days with the" Queen at _ Balmoral. _ _` Police court; Q Michael Cassidy was before Mayor Sewrey I last Wednesday morning, charged with being 9 drunk and incapable. Oassidy pleaded" with ` `His worship to "let him off this: once and never, no never would he be found in i such , a position again." Your worship." said ` Michael, I didn't drink scarcely a drop, but it seemed to deaden me. Where did you get your whisky? sharply asked the Mayor. Michael dropped his head as [ though his hearing had suddenly become` deadened, but made no reply. I shall ne ~ you $5.00 and costs or 30 days said the : Magistrate. Oh Mr. Sewrey I haven't : any money. Then you must go to jail, I 4-ha intarvinw ended- V g Great Northern Exhibition. Wehave to thank the Directors of the Great Northern Exhibition Association, Collingwood, for a complimentary pass to their Fall Show, which will take place at Oollingwoorl, on Sept. 28, 29, 30, and Oct. 1, and we hope to have the pleasure of visiting their show on those days and seeing the immense display, which we are certain will be found there. as we Bqn, wmoh don't shine to, sun mu mD1ex1on, unless the _ ralpbergy- monpwodlgces a xnetsmorphom not com- tulummoua bodies. 'C1u:RUB. T `Hy IIIUIIUJ . 1. uvu the interview ended. Toronto. ...... Toronto... ..... ........... Toronto"... ......................... .. NorthernRa1lwaySouth Newmarket. .... ..... Nowmarket .... .......... ` IV". "l'I "QIOIVI900IIOuIn IIIIOIIIOIlltIOOllOIOl.IOI Hamilton 8: B00. hon Branch Railwai Penetan uishene. Midland an ' R.8nW&y-......7u .. GrandTrunkEast...........`......... Rymwa and Montreal'................. *1 - - - - . . . . n A n cnouolvoc BARBIE P()S'l`nOFFICEi `"&`$a`$z`{ai~ rillia ..... .. n.nIIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I p--p:___ 0loo.~ho\1rI.- 8 f .n;.,;to.`7v.%m.,.;,;.suhduya %....'e*..':'1'.."`"o.....,s',- '?c.`i` a....' ::.:: I. no PIIIIGOLIIIVOIQ Illlll ' Cum` `_ (ml rothoclnoo touch other r- ` ._A3s22':*`:.".'*.*.*'3"i"L'5""!\T-1*: a limin-3 - Jf.` - _ I011 :1-ma). mi only 6: ~ a-%%u-e%-is Itlp. ' -ll '};*'..""_'"'.'-f-..'.'-.1.-". '9-A--'"-'- J; nnwums runuoor` UE FALL 1MPo1vrA'I`loNs We ing out the following unheard of prices on some lines still to be cleared `-nuunurn. * Jlunluuyo Vllvlru-cg _ YgIooobogvooaoovbooouoion .3'.` DAILY NAILS FOR Egan ""6id'2zii:'ZZZZIZIZZZII .-ket 1 World. Are Simply Magnicent. 40 Guns TO BE SOLD--NOTE PRICES. - ` $2 50 ` . Double Barrel,M. L. - 3 50 Double Barrel, B. L. "WINCHESTER RIFLES AWAY DOWN- a. million is to be`