NEILL BROS. 3, English and French W0` ` ONTARIO ELECTIONS. _ It is said that Mr. Mowat intends having a session of the Local House in December j_an_Ad bring on the election} in. February. We have every feadii ta if-eiieve this is the programme of the Ontario Premier: and the duty of every Conservative," and indeed of every honest Reformer, is plain. The success of Mr. Mowat in this Province means aid and encouragement to the Race and Revenge doctrine in Quebec, and to secession in Nova Scotia, as well as the centralization at Toronto of the power of the people over their local a`airs in this province. Mr. Mowat is in full sympathy with Mr. Blake and Mr. Edgar, who joyfully welcomes to; their ranks a" man elected in Quebec, pledged to oppose the government for executing the decrees of the law upon a traitor be`- cause he was a Frenchman, thereby V alrming that one nationality in the Dominion" may do with impunity what would be treason -in another. Every voter should also remember that Mr. Mowat has so gerrymandered the Ontario constituencies as to Izive Reformers a much zreater number of seats in the House-than by numbers they are entitled to and thereby practically nullifving the doctrine of representation by population. It is the duty of every man who wants to preserve confederation to sustain the law and its impartial administration and to preserve to the people` their power over" their local affairs, which Mr. Mowat is year by year insidiously taking away from- them, to be ready next February to place the government of Ontario `in the hands of the able .and trusted leader of the - opposition who hashshown himself` the . eloquent advocate of honest kl-government and the true friend of the ;v`6fkiug`.,u.n." "z_._ :3 >. t. ll orders for Boots Vorateds. lacs 01` Iessrs. Cana `States r hasbee It Halif _- ` % thb. testimn along c The H: I The p ' orgamzi om eart Soun _ Harbor made in In : SP9: ides um um. *shou!d= guaas will .29.J3a of treason an, -_.LI.n- In-n nal` Inna. Trin`|iI|nn.I; ' There Missipi Three to be re v\'}aLTs] V Thom L0uisia' ' States ` Victo man, ha with a. Yorker. 1 I Frnt the Hiji brc w c ri The:-J any nigl Michigan den trul 7 .T1.i.`i cw -w .3 _-'~_- ----- v ---`-~-`.---r--_. course of the Grit lenders" invtheitaleqk petriotielno ` gheir bue mierepreeentetion of the; Government heeled `e]_i`_'-`(`l_q; mu itolt- We oIndour'of`e"veryY gig 3 ' 4. ,. whet`-,h.e1_'.JRetonnet zor 0oneervetive,if du ` G!6be i` _er 6ole legs 1 `I >7 ., . . .;-.'r.' 2 A ~ I , `J, '1 _ 0 C AI. L L...-L.` r.aI...L-.I.l.`.I.IL ;-_.-...I__-'.l \L'L.3li a.uL|u mg. as. oi W\II L 54 down 3% It is from .th n I\l\I\ l'\A .AThe 75 per M1-1 prepar Ttherl AChriat_i{ ' }er frienids Hqll cm-1-e'd Naples -w' v-~- ----' -v--- ' v ----- ~--v-- It is no you '0! than that _l ___I.l _.___2_s- IL- _._--1..` "`VL`d>_`.4.L- I - tbrs, from : :The '1`h_e State and 4 Japan of Jul v__,__ __-_ --__. -_ __r- -7iv1d r599iv9.`*5 3* ~ '*."r." :71 1995' "l'he| I3" '3; which Mr- nogsmt as --____ -1 n.. 41.2.. |--.1..... . :_ .L;:_.|..L -3 l'otte'rit;gwand` _ pppn,__ ants and ovary one of its own dares to be honest enough go in vini9!I- .,9ron.n-oon beyond my othorjohivnnfixt `rm: aoat AND um As a fair and honest jour'ndl1't`d itu"p_Qi-" tical oppongnta Lthe Glf3bw{is`gyi 1_;11tly put hope: I n:i 1':s_ bitter the leader.':6f . 1 warfare n'ordsb`nb` ~* 'm=1b1.ok. | Aanrcuurunan nxnininoxs, T We are now in the season of agricultural exhibitions and to thoserwho can remem- ber the displays of thirty years ago, the changes that have been Twmught, will strike them as woiiderfully great. Whether the improvements and progress have kept pace with the large sums ex- pended to accomplish them is a question we shall notattempt to decide. ' The two proverbial blades of grass may" not have grown where the one grew before, as widely as could` be desired, ihut of the` great improvement in stock, agricultural implements, manufacturing and domestic" industries,` ne arts and" that tells of increasing wealth, iggnsm` pros. parity and enlarged comfort` enjoy. ment for the people ` there}. asp T be no doubt. It is possible also thege "are too many ofthese exhibitionsand prac- tices have crept in, `whereby periutmake thsmiidlsource of rsyensmvzithout spy. colrrsponding public benet, neiiaftallileless the tendency is onward and upward. Every member of, society is interested in the success of these" agricultural hibitions, as they are the means by wlii he a cheaper loaf, sweeter butter and nicer meat are placed within reach of the con- sumer and by which articles of taste: may nd their way into the humblest home to rene and elevate. No one can. attend such an exhibition as the Great Central Simcoe without learning lessons which will be an inspiration in the future. If last year's exhibition at Barrie excited the admiration of the many thousands who attended, the one a month from now will be of greater interest and-value to the in- creased thousand who will be here. It must be borne in mind that no county ex- hibition in the Dominion can approach it in extent and value of exhibits. We hope therefore that the efforts of the Directors will meet the earnest co-operation of every farmer, manufacturer, merchant and private citizen in the county, to make it produce a maximum of good. i uu---------- _._ An 8 IK.0Q48 II Published from the mace. Dunlap`-Sheik` Barrie. in the County of` slmcoe. the Pro- Vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thurs- day morning, by ummn. wnsnnr, PROPRIETOB. mums on` SUBSCRIPTION. T 81 Per Annum in AdLva.nce.T $1. G No new name will be added to` the Sub.-_ Ioription List until the money is paid. linhamvibers now in av-rears for three months THE Noi=ii?rHERN A .. n 11---, `A Q lVnInnu|Il"1-hilf- UOPIDIIOD IJISI untu E116 IIIOIIOY 1! P810. Subscribers now in arrears for three months Ind over will be charged $1.50 per armum. _ `"7 znnrnunnur. V It is.a~.,pity bh Much a. paper as the i Ipdent should lend itself ztorendorsins. ,9;..M*'-. B.1!.Ii;n.a. 91.1. Ll... c-L....... .......-a.:-.. `l'_ .._-_I_.1_.L,:~,A;.:|.24 % jpfyinaidgtiu 6' of Algeqppn SH`? I - V ' .-- V: ' s ";;,r."m.':y7r:r."!; k.'7`!`.'I`;.' If ' .:t Into an _gb$!`!!t,iI`5I`*gl1!_1_i/ei1i:"liti,-lI,h 3.V_V.; that the.gdixiiiii'ii:.i5oliJh3dJ&',aiKf$f' and pra.cti_ca'll_v j egignt at1`d"" it'iJi e'r'aht} - `J (`C !*:"- -. rx 6 1` . . =ai:9rmem vlniun , ,' V V` J. ..r m.%j % 1., Ta... mum-.1 aa.a.a.em.'& . 1.1"! I .w'- - - lv:..\ 2-1. 1| men -1 H -- .v.,.a The wshtwtheosuwimow hm M%mi`;h'h "ii 4.`!!`!'1'"'A"'f:*";..9"'"vJ" ;`m;:}i ventionf pi-ovuionnh *0? ltroby, J;av._ e_Iir6M9d.._'qpoIL.. O,l|i.In vv Uwiwu vI,_IU.0_`1",:f'3',|"l.;_`|-$g/QIIICII III " _ `:1. n.-.\. x.....r nussnus ns:siEs.l, - Russia for once at least has made a mis- take inhei fog;-like policy and overstepped her characteristic craftness in attempting to procure a bloodless revolution in Bulgaria and swallow another mouthful of the Tur- key which is proving so diicult to slice. That the once illustrious and sublime Porte is destined to be replaced by chris- tian States and Principalities is only a question of time, but as Russia in her usual cupldlty and greed is ever striving to obtain Constantinople, so as to thoroughly control the Black Sea and con- stitute herself a large naval state, it is the constant aim of the Powers, especially Great Britain. to thwart her in this design. Until Turkey can be replaced _by such principalities as are not inimical to the interests of Great Britain, the latter must be her protector. India is one of the bunches.of grapes Russia has always cov- eted, and Constantinople gained would be a great furtherance to her in the spring for` that possession which she, gere long will make. The peace of Europe is trembling in the balance, and Prince Alexander s return will "rouse and re his subjects is resist the Czar s aggression. Russia looks not to the righteousness or unrighteousness-of her cause, but isfever ready to seize the slightest opportunity to wrest the provinces from her weaker neighbors. It would not do to completely estrange Germany, and unless Russia can win over the German Chancellor to indif- ference aud ' neutrality, she will not at- tempt to deal the blow she is at present so feverish to strike. little or nothing for any nation save `his own, and if his pet colonial scheme can be the better accomplished, he will play his cards was to lead Russia on and embroil England. A lamentable feature in the complication is Prince Alexander's letter to the Czar. A great issue is at stake- much depends on British diplomacy.- Co_m_. A e V Bismarck cares . the s;1;;;{,;.;;.;;2;;;;;`T :f1;aii;7;i; .).` ( ~ ""5-"' rm : "' ' of-7% `mach. h5.ii1dpeqs1%$9.I&.~a;`5 .a ;.33u2i9 .4. ink}; in` nl-kAiiNl>k:L'in"inwaa&-`Lu tun... snamegnv wmcn . ,-. There is a tendency to cling to old customs even when they involve injustice and wrong The English people cling with wonderful tenacity to" the clumsy farthings, pence", shillings and pounds method of reckoning rather than adopt the simple ` decimal system; and we in ."'this Ontario of ours persist in buying eggs by thedozen, chickens by the pair, apples by the bushel and other fruit by `the basket, with the full consciousness v that somebody is being cheated every time. Everybody knows the, strong temptation there islto sell d mi_r.utive eggs and undersized poultry: with _,asys tem like this, and {the gradually diminishing capacity of the strawberry and. peach basket` is to the- purchaser , an'_:.u;n_:ple;asant experience in his annual purchip`es.' This is all wrong and ought to bessmended. When buying ones -b_eefst_e_a_k_': it lis.`1s`atis- ~-. .._..* - ."f,`P`3l9'.5' *9] `k*.!9`:' "int Lhirr nus? sP99s muscular tissue` and 'wa ter one is" getting" for his shilling. So it would be innitely more satisfactorypeven if one gets_a little _ more lime to know that sixteen ounces" ,to the pound in buying eggs is obtained. There can be no good reason. for buying and selling any of the articles mentioned in anyother wayithan by weight. This is one of those practical reforms which would be accepted by the country as a boon. We often wonder why some mem- ber of parliament has not_thought it a duty to bring this matter upfor the consideration of our law makers. ` Sc strongly does this reform appeal to the common sense of the country that an act rendering it compul- sory to sell all the things we have mention- ed by weight that it would at once be cheerfully and generally adopted. ` ' M I "P; cqutitry wil1`:endo'i' . Soeind attribute to` Mr. Mc0ii thy:tli:-sentiment, Tchell with the Page," is a species of diabolism equalled only by the horrible. charges against the {nuns 111839 by ty journal in" its crusade agaiust Qathglicsi some "years ago. The desperate genie of the Grit leaders necessitates the sacrice of truth, ' honesty and decency. ` Will honest Reformers suffer themselves to be dragged downdinto such `a gutter? ` ism nan non. 8ALE.--O14!-cu. I L smI;`natidtmoabnnd1nnua.s., L.::~2e ~ L-.,~. f'1*3353 xR?'?.`&.!2?5'Rn Z?? ;a~'3z1 . W *3 L_ ""`"" 0 3_ . M _ . I ' em to ar 9 A T, `IU 3 IL , f IEYI'_f_[\'dA8 T _ `.17-3.. o.9`lf:' IiL"I'v.. ' . :3 aim. `fr _;-.') 1.! `(Q '; `13F?-` .`'3 `.\\\- :22`?-t ::.1!~.'o` ?ii`3'~1 I.:\`.Iz.'=IV 1`;>.*_,% '.w..~`'? ~".':UA:.; av z.-1 154-) `Jig! I1 5 ,'az.s' 5 er": rm -':!Y-`LDC inn-n:,.nl..~. L.-_. ..... Up: and Downs of Princes.` d No sooner in Prince Alexander rein- stated by the act of the Bulgarian people than the three emperors agree to drive him from his throne. The fawning syoo phantic letter addressed to the Russian Emperer shows V a weak point in this German Prince, and the Czar : reply shown that the Prince's":-`}1le igoxer-. f ____ ___ p__, 11' Ul|lUClIU UL UIIU \JllCI B CIIUWVI} The Standard says Prince Alexander has committed a serious blunder, the only unworthy act with which he can be re- pr`oa.ched._ It is carrying the comedy ot `courtly dissimulstion too far to pretend WI IIIICII -UIIU J. JILIUU B KIIIU I5 UVVIVO LONDON, _Sept. 3.-The Daily News says: Prince Alexander has been aban- doned and isolated by agreement of the three emperors. Nothing could exceed thehumilit of this letter to the Czar, which is only equalled in degree by the brutality of the Czar s answer. Thu QL..y.A.._.I --_- `D..:..-.. AI.._-_J.... . 3'r'n_f,th' From_ the leading_Can'ada jonrnals we learn `that the Honorable Senator - Gowan, a distinguished Irishman member of the Senate of Canada,` well, known to jurists in this country, who for many years was a Criminal Judge and an eminent authoritv on lawreformjin the Dominion, has again added to `his reputation, in simplifying law and facilitating its operations by` a valuable measure dealing with summary proceedings before A Justices and other magistrates. Of this reform of the Crim- inal law, a Canadian cotemporary says that the Honorable Mr. Thompson, the Minister of Justice, seeing. the great value of the bill in furthering the cause of Jus- as against those technicalities which fre- quently have been the means of frustrat- ing it, induced the government at once to take hold of it and secure its pass- age. * * Our Dublin cotemporary, after giving other extracts from Canadian journals, closes a leading article as follo ws : It is most gratifying to V us to nd the work of an Irishman in the Dominion so greatly appreciated and presenting such rn example to law reforms elsewhere. Senator Gowan is an able and sagacious jurist, and is widely respected in the Do- minion for his statesman-like as well as legal qualities and experience. He ism of the Irishmen abroad of whom Irishmen at home can be justly proud. `A. t rene `sun week Ending Sexitembr mu. ;Af=`pe_cnliar' feature-` of thiaf[summer weather has been, nearly every", alternate week during the longest days a difference in temperature of 15 to 20 in the aver- age for each week. The heat wave of the previous week passed away on Sunday of last week and each day following was tempered by a variable northern breeze averaging 18 cooler. Early on Thurs- day the prevailing northern wind of the previous two days lowered the tempera- ture to fortv, from which it ranged ly night up to sixty-four on Sunday from the former week ; hot wave-mean night temperature .52 . The daily warmth of sunshine ranged from seventy-two on Monday to ninety-eight on previous day (this reduction in the 2 days was caused by a thunderstorm) --mean day` tempera- ture 35 ;-giving an average for the week 68, and the extreme range of 40 to 98. Ava nd-mat-\nv\`un-:n 1`:-\r\-:nnnn.nuu -can 4\II1\vna:n uuu vwovugn U ugh Dn_ +{I IILP_` Igu V U Lugu 4 days -war; light: calmion 151:`: 2v-iolll`ow-ins: days, -`and on Saturday incrgased tg_nta_arly `half `a, `gale from S.}E. T `. \I\.I TICK UOIV WLIIIVIIIV ICIIBVJ `II TV U\ V`). An atmospheric depression was over this locality on Sunday and Monday, gradually moving away until Thursday when the barometer indicated the extreme `amount ot variation for the week to be .55-over half-' an inch. Thunder passed over on Sunday without rainfall, but on Monday" and Tuesday we got 0-58 in. during some 10 `hours : rainfall, and dry, days the re- mainder of the- week. Ill..- '..4_-.__;; -15 .,____I,_-,__, :1, n 1 nuu-unuws UL ULIO upon: The. `amount of `sunshine in 6da'ys`-- Mo;1day._ non_e,-_'-wasv 49 hours} from a. possible 93-20Vthat the sun. was above the I ho#t'1`i_on_inth:d weels':. ` V_ > :.- ` T I 1`f }s}'v2Ii'i'in"g$`i}.da_me orfhern 4 days, 'sou'thern- 3 days veering westerly 4, and easterl y 3 d;aya.; It;`_strepgth', the rgt A (`awn nrnion `:nn1uI- l|n]I|;\'4-nun bk.` 0...JI...-3.... '.*` `.:-. .--. .'.' 01 5tlE5~:a9S; con|;e;tE;;; . Edglancl, France .`;':3 :.:-.-|?% *0Mt;.w- '..'-. '* " 3." us ~:.' 1... "' ` 1..-3." , ` . ;;h.%?99w;;nrsw :!%i*e;i.m ftghe city. D3w:g%;t{r9,.s;2,rn;1ng ex & 6;t!!;.; . W V gta&@uSj}:3nH protable to ..,. L. : 1 . . . . . .. p3eI}:a'`g}, ,,:;';yvnll offer .- , L ` .5 ii an 4 is '~u '7. A` 2" $53: A 331 TI i' ':' '2` `T H h 5"d-L%`9 DP?,*hiihfmSe1 and hiiis";Il i>iit tner. Mr. ~, 9~w' s.h.FVi}`S ipeially low ` ` A rag. ;=: 2 % a . a. 't`p`9 \ .,Kl ) {_ L ! 5`-"ah!-9. chads in `*r:atd:>!9i pmfme M `An .~ 1.- naigy Cbons;_:,% 1'19. ._ uyngo w nte T0W8i_i'gi Bfc`.*wiIl%b%`esolil at man_ufacturem :prices. ` 8];t;1_OfI snommencing .on. . the ; `A`i1?YZ.9_"3?;i'?_`.*1$'1`ab|e Linen. an". `-' n~| 2.QnaA} . .L'.`.. LLr,,:':l')'. ;'e-`- ! "-i - ;.,. ---x.- as 2: wow: U 1: '.:'.J.mP'I.'1~.`` `3iJ3ri:maos:aas'@49a3a3 5 vw. -. mmxe 951. -*=ma*.:-:4 A Lzsiewa ... `$5 3' `$'*9}i: 13".: s~\`.`r "3 `C ` . : "".`t:.;.;.g'!'.l;[Z`]i`b*Q"g5g.!gg5$ L1)... . `\ " VJ Inn: nn 6 ch A In an.,no, his, to Toronto, be_g;s_A_to_ .-__r4t_~urn sincere .thahk;s_ for'thgvrr` `liberal patronage-exte nded to his. jW hiJe"'in jbsitis.s7in' iBarriei__ -md"h'ope`s' "for a- c.0I).tii1`u ation`of that patronage, w_h_en_vis{iing""'l`oro`nto._ '-He'fe`e ls satised 'in:assnri1Lg; his many f,i;efnd sf_,tiha]t Ahay; #113 M83` 3.~.,P3?.U.3:erhi.l inn {Wei of: !I.h: Rrmiiit ;-.v; ;rrI1;U"" "I'3.Q(ir('i(i tg;~ul1;,ji11g a goinplt `sto.sI::or,1)_';_;3`r: ' Goods` * L nf aI'Irl'n'a .4nnJo C.-.~n...a...J ..-.._- _ -42 - .- -4 '______a V`, , ,. ..; us. wvnu Ill u|auuIi1Ull'8l'B"PT|Ce8-. !.t;~al! his bldfiiends and ; Iitnziiers iii Tizirriet iaind neizhtorhorwda cal1rnv0n*:birn, at 2'6 Y -'NG"'~?*`T-~ " '- RQNf]`_(), when |;1e_j3vil_l.__lge hi-filly pl5s1d7;g,Asee them, A Youfg lhlifnlliij :1 .: ..3.J;,... .. A 1.` U} J[ ft`: L " IN`. " ` Iv. -"7`-(F5-`F135-3*? *"\v"`V lirllaur -'.l'\*;'IT.".'n..u-.9.-r. k` _ --- l."..T1.i'i`.'|GARD 0F THANKS.+| l,'l`.?;i`.' EXHIBITION Mn. w. R. PHILLIPS. ."4",}"7'e " '!`0 i{0N'l`0 I nne us r. L . . PARIS, Sept. 3 Telegrams received' I here from Soa state that the Czar-'3 re- .1-__._.:__s_ 1.4.5.... 1...... .-..... u IIUTU lI.'Ul.l.I DDULIII auuuu Iauuv Iv-Iv vu-an -1 As. I ply to Prmce A1exander s letter has pro- ` duced a profound impression throughout. Bulgaria, The despatches say that the: Czar s proclaimed hostllity has paralyzed the movement in favor. of Prince Alex- ander's return to the throne and encour- aged the Revolutioniats. Prince Alex- i andez- s abdication is belived to be immi- I Deilv. an .n nu n .I _,,I PARIS, Sept. 3.-The Republique Fran- caise, commenting on the published corre- spondence between the Czar and Prince Alexander, says : After the Czar : reply the House of Battenberg may he consider- .ed tolhave ceasedto reign in Bulgaria. That reply also butnilia'es-England, whose lament-ations nobody regards. ." Events in Egypt proved England's egotism.- France must arrive at an entente cordiale with Russia both on the Mediterranean and in the far east against British invasion." that the Czar did not approve` of his dir- position. England has `done her best to promote peace in the Balkans. If she fails, Austria and Germany will either suffer grave injury or make heavy sacri- ces. They may yet rue the day they abandoned Alexander to curry favor with , the Czar. _ I .-. . n m..1.............. ..............:! VIENNA, Sept. 3. - The Austrian press generally pronounce Prince Alexander's letter of the 30th to the Czar a -fatal mis- take and argue that his abdication is now inevitable; ' 4 A 1': -than fl II` ,_ 73...`... 5 `V 81110153.` ulD6l'III'0`IIer`. ` W. 5 | BAIKIE.'Bookse1ler. - ~ on SALE. -4 HOUSE 51L1ztiL'o'1"on sonhin Street. Apply to A. J. -LLOYD Court FI'nunn_ ` 1|" House. WANTED .911 to cg.. ;....` for good seiu;g articles. 1;ibera.t'o`er. Apply W. B. RATKIllL'Rnnk|-mllm-_ Ran-in. S S;p`ef'ciaAl .'at1ent1o-in etc., etc. - D . M|ss _w "`ER' WM; '31fqlg.gtaH' q{asistants, is now ready to or IDRESSES ,or.WIANTLES promptly and m rst -_class style. 7 Our .t`ra< lWe in this Deparne, t_ for the jjast "season" has been about double {[1 corresppndingfseasonjof last year. _'_ his is owing to the most satisfactory way in whf] 'Wq_rnc1j l1as e'xe'.c'jjted orders," . Q - - 33 ' ' 1 . . ' I H bsii: Luliii iIT.o'1'ZJ11'o_R___s_4_r.1a:_AoN Mc- donnld.- street. 6 .roQma, hard and soft water. Applytoc. L. SANDERS. sou, 'FcTI\T/87 DONNELL s Our Tailoring Department is now Comfxlete with all the newest Patterns in Suitings, V R`eme4mber the place, ' _ R_ A_ Late of W. R.` PHILLIPS &.T Co.` ' m:I+1ssMAKIN(: DEPARTM RNT Now OPEN FOR THE FALL SEASON ALL THE LATEST suunes m amass GOODS. - is'_dircted `tdnew Dress Ma-.t_erial, Plushes, Fancy Trimmings, But?on~ . . . - . . 3`: A VVEA Goods[in % every Deparlnnenl I Gnarls r[ New G`00tls 9 I my 0 i;r~.v;;_ 5, , 3,19. '-""3-`~59 .'3i=1.L ' oanhr nu: ;m 3.. 515'? This season We have turned our l attention especially, to a selection of a complete Stock of Ladies Brit- ton and Lace Boots, in French K1d, Polish Calf, Bright Goat, & French 011 Goat, and as every pair is sold for the Cash vve have decided to make the prot on our goods still lower, so any one, man, Woman or child; having a dollar to spend in shoes come and We will give you good value for your money. % 900 Pair of Boys Lace for Z? c`:9!1.ts up { 11" 9 II- `so p:a:i{ar`1\'&h s Long $240, Worth $2.75. % } 60 iii dF'Men s Long A$1.9,C_)LWo1:th $2.25. _ II 13- >1 JUST ARRIVED AT ---- SPOT cAs u sun: HOUSE. Just Arrived? ST RONG & DONNE1 .L. FOR THE LADIES. STEPHENS & 6.3: