tan} w.u:_ Plans. . .. To a. Vlsltor she saxd : Has 00 dot any chilun T H V ` ` No, dear. Den dey hasn't dot any muzzer, with -.:r..1 ...:...m at 1A`:I'\ DI1(l.VV1ll'3 D1811 N Cumberland-st E 2/100 w12ll00............4.....1 V cmizlnzuonn snnumeth-st............45 { l`|l\l\`lIQ lI|I\\`IT\Y `J5? VI 5`. |1$33$3;;':B :::: 3; 3 an A vuxvlirrnom do; 3 .... .. Broolrasurvey NHo.rvle-at Schuroh-ate} E11`? `[31 L` uum l)8l'l8rllQ' Baldwin's plan N Cnmhnrlnnd. D [III 10!: ll "10 I I 4NI.lIU' 3252/10!) In uskokavz-oadn 1/10 `L10 N Osrdwell-st .. .. . Confederation-at . o . 00 W Maple-st ........ .. E Parry Sound road. do . T do An 'uu do 14 BEETON4 Nvangle...... . . . . ......11 Hendrie St.. w'side .... ..l40 W centre street ........ .. 76 Mclgeon stgget `rnllntu QC--lunnf - ' ' R Young Street Thursdav, the Twenty-fth day . of N ovember,n'ext. T `E Fourth-st S_Cha.r1es-st 3 w pt . . . . . . .. 1 ` do nept......-..: E Phillips-st w pt parklot N Quebec-st .. ..A VV Huron-st centre part. .` n V nnnt. . . . . . . .. W Melville-at VV I'1UI'Ul1'5|: UUHUCU part. do sept . . . . . .. SMain-stVW of 2nd line. do do . Ssuperior-st . . . . . . . do nwpt do NWi1lia.m-st...... -.. luwc I-1. Block F N Nelson-st w 1-16". NBa.ck-st . . . . . . . .. do ei . . . . . .. do w ..... .. do . do ea ..... .. do 'ept..... .do wpt..... "do ....... .. S Back-at ....... .. do ...... do . . . . . . . .. 8 Centre-st w pt.. . do ept NF:-ederlck-st .... .. W Essa.-at park 10!: do do SJamea-ate 16p do w16p.... do 816 do wl 9.... S `tuooloalulu do NHurd-st .. ...... .. do I I0 I do 0 on 0 Bloc'kC.......` W s sdtatioi-Qt ..... . . o ...... .. W Crcemore avenue Part block No 5 ... 'I7Il|`Il"I] l|l\vw. -. P1115 "a S Davis -st Watt; 10`; -1-5 79 The followlxig lots are not Patented : ESSA. V qn n -A 11 an &".'.` .,,......u` t ~ 1`iii`3`6- 3V.n9""fT"_'_'_`_fTiiffiiffiff 11 14 10 II:l`JUI-ll\vI' - ..- I~:ens.`; ': 43:23 333%) 3] ~ ' :_ 7 ` -. ~ in 9 . . Fl \nnun`&tl\T .. DAI. HID alive: at same place. : The adjourn DAY. the Sev ma name nlme 1-:.;...'.;,'.;,e"e;.e 5.; ;,, B"al..'rlO.4GhA|`IU`:lt 1886- ,()s_t'..* :3 ` t:m'n. ' _ _ 5.11.1 1_\' allxlualers at 250. per box. Try. Hr. .\. W. L`l1:Lsc`s Canadian ()a.tar1'h Cure-- takclm other-"it will cure you.` 'F0r.sa1e by ` H 3 ..V 6i*a}Z`;. . ' '=* ` ` ' 1.1 xu w. 15 ml._,, ', n = ,_.s,`.,-31. *5.`-. . V ';;*ss -rn`1oov`1' ,~,-.-3 fillonnsti'>::%`-H`!f5f:7` `-7 ma 'll`."l'.nknManknkn '27.-100. 1.74.. 2'3} luv 5-V`! -_ V. I`. xvi ' |M0R13?B9N- 1' .. v .2512 190. 345. .19 4 8114 99 1147 an`... nu...` -cu. is 288 2%` . , . _ _... IIIIQVIIN AK . 289. . `Wwi*'1'.*`* =`*`7`i +.."'> 100 691` "'=:",':s??'&.fi=% 6; sA!!=9R9.=. hlru. nu \I an all Td;-2:1}.-1`s. uzvuuuun-.1 --cu -u 3 GRAVENHURST. nn 1. n `M -nu. ` .I.~I.(').I'%"l.Ii- 61{iLI:I AT nnhnnn 1::n1a'i51i{IFELDT.' '7 iI|'[;;'i"diEB'AS_5H:W 17 1 200 s 6 100 '.'.ZZ'.Z'lII'.I'. 12 10 45 NOTTAWASAGA. %'666i3~o" . __..L.!_\ an MACKSVILLE: ' Z i 11 - `MIDLAND; 'r'z':'r.'rL'n?c1."1Y. ' ' ' Liiiiolv. -16 . . . . . . . . 19 1 BRADFORD. u n c - . - - u u o -v NOTTAWA. SALE OF LAN Dsj u . - . . . . . . . V STAYNER I n uni ?!-of-Vat-Enos sUN1~.ID:L1'i:. ' wit 4 o c o I u n Q o u no "3 L6 HUMPHREY.` ' `an n 'iLr~61{f). ' "zxyf & 1U '10 10 OH O 10 45-08, Mar "52a3o'11-'13 s1`11-s`2 :.."=31.12..-.15.m~82-.-`MB .At [hr iyour of Eleven o clock in the forenoon. V ut the Court House. in the ` 19 10/100 1:`) 10/102 _ 13.15/100 13. 10/100 . RI 1 32 32 33 31 18 ' 0.4 .4 >0: 2/100 10/100 0 7/100 I ! E 11` E 1/10 1/10 8/100 7 31 nu: 1-10 1-5 1-10 1'-16 -1.5 aw A .1 40 10% O! 12 .174 0 U1 2:! 3 31 KQ 381 22 at!) . 08 ` 16 46 n.'. ll 80 mm; 0200 18 48 16 53 TOWN of _AaP.IE. `HUCII NU] ILQDII U uuv III! a pitiful quiver of the lips. 273 275 S0 273 Fm. 3 d rnn.lllF `No, no 1 Cl Jtvvu .v.`.... or 8, dl'e8I:l1 . _ I I And 3 toxler dxes In a day. `ck of the showy seemin 1 0"}l1are that is half 9. lie ; 8 Of the faces lmed with scheming 1,, the tln'ou,L_> that hurrles by. ` ' From the sleepless thoughts endeavor, 1 would go where the chdren play ; r lwee forever,` .- And a thinker dies in` 9. day. 1 can feel no pride, but pity For the burdens the no}; endure ; There is nothing true In the city But the patient lives of the poor. . the little hands too skillful, 0,. . . . . And the clnldmmd choked wlth Weeds! 1 0, the daughter s heart grown wnlful, And the father s heart that bleeds ! ! from the streets rude bustle, From the trophxes of mart and stage, 1 would tly to the woods low rustle And the meadows kindly page. Let me dream as old by the river, And be loved for the dream alwsy ; For a dreamer lxves forever. And a toiler dies in 3 dsy. .:-----O 293 345 313 ;| (TOWN: `mu FARM PROPERTIES? FOR SALE _c:-3:3._A.:E AIIILIII Charles 5 all nn hi aiidtwo lots price $1000. - Dwellin House on East side of Owen street, ocoupied yMr. Bothwell, most conveniently situated; $1200. ' Cottage and lot nearly opposite Dr. Ardagh s residence. $350. ALLANDALE.-A comfortable double Dwel ling House on Bradford street opposite N orthern station. 10 good building lots well situated. quarterly mstalmenw. .I'1'1(1B5 ly-LU lh That comfortable 2 story Dwelhng occupied by Mr. L. Buttereld, with small oice 1n front, and two llumllincr Ffnnnn nn Rant aide nf Owen street .l'JElSA.-lJ 9 01' L101: a, nun par: OI nun 1'4, 111 7th Gen. Essa. 138} acres. 100 acres cleared and free of stumps, balance well t1mb_ered. The cleared land is first class. the bmldings are large and in good repair. the tarmvbeing one of the best in the Township. ~ Inna _Dm-1-_ M N l. m in 7th mm - 90 name. me best m we '1`0Wn8nlp. FLOS.-Part of N i 10 in 7th con , 90 acres. about 80 acres cleared amlfreefrom stumps,new frame dw _ house, soil good, balance of lot can be easlly c cared. V INNISFIL.--N Q of Lot 19, in the 12th Con. 100 acres. An excellent farm. Mmnnxrmm all! 1 nf `KT Ln! R in Int}. (`inn 9 El] an . ' OR'i`H 0RILLIA`.-Part of -Lot 3 in 1stGon.. 80 ao., 40 cleared. excellent soil, good buildings, property well watered. a first-class farm especi- all adapted for stock raising. 0'1` AWASAGA.-E i o lot 1 in 8th Com; a splendid farm 90 acres cleared. good build- ings. plenty of water from a never falling stream. no wasteland. . ` ' 'l`ECUM8ETH.-N Lot 4 in 11th Con..- 100 acres. About 80 acres cleared. A farm. well situated. about 3 miles from A ston. TIN Y.--E. i 88 in 1st 0011.. (except 4 acres) a ve good farm - 81200. A 5 or lot 9 in the 8rd Concession. a rst-class Farm, wacres cleared and near! tree trcm ntnmnn, hnlnnnn nnnd hm-dwnml nah- Com 100 acres. All exoeuenu nu-m. MEDON'l`E.-E i of W i of 6 in lath Con; 60 acres good land, rst-class orchard in full bear- mues n-om w evzuo utanon. - VESPRA.- . 9 ot 21 in 6th Con., smnuclear I ins, well watered and tlmbered.-soil good. art A! on in am. nn, Vnnnrn. no sure: wood KBYWOI IZIIIOUIIJUIM house and burn: 81200. nflnn nnrtnfmlnf AV Q UL lllll U All Out: uuu. Uvuvvbwlvu In unuv-v-Inww F ,60aerea ceared tro stum balance good hardwood nah. Com torts lo frame dwelling. Property aitjmte .2 miles from W evale Station. vu-anw A _ Ln! 91in nth mm, nmnllnlnnr QUE INTERBOLONIAL RAILWAY. .-rm U!` 'InB- av tn-gd of planning and `ne crowded hives `ofmen ; K . v o ;td`:ung and building again, (mg for the dear old river, ' Where I dreanmed my youth away ; For dreamer l1yea_ forever; `-1; seeming {3} re hnlf _ aohemxng 1.. the that} hur_ri_es_ by: fbuilding and epoiiing," III: juiuu --::u: From the West for all points in New Brunswick, Nova .Scotla, `Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Ne\v1`ound.land. All the popular sea bathin , shing and plea-T sure resorts of Canada. are a. ong this line. I)nHn-Inn nay-salnavino Montreal on Mondav. TH": ao.uTE _. A... 1-... | resorts OI uanaaa. are along nus uuc. Pullman cars leaving Montreal on Monday. \Vednesday and Friday run through to Halifax, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday to St. J ohn. N.B.. without chamze. _ _ _ . nlnnp. nnnnnntinns made at Pomt Levxs w1th John. N.B.. without cnansze. Close connections m_a.de at Point Levis he Grand_Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's steamers from Montreal, and at Levis with the North Shore Railway. mmrnnt rnf..n1n.nn. Pullman buffet. and smok- Sh It (1 . Iglieegaxftl gvrgiclass. Pullman buffet, and smok- ing cars on all through trains. _ `l4`ivnf.nInnn mfmnhment rooms at convement ins: an tnrougn wanna. First-class refreshment rooms at convement distances. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS ` , n. 4.. g 1. _ :_.....4.............. L.-. `can I-l.:a m-.nn an :1 IIIII Ulilullv tunic -11- young". will nd it advantageous to use this route, as it ` is the quickest in point of time, and the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trams. and exper- ience hes proved the intercolonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from all oints in-Canada and the Westeyn States. -n ..1.-mu mnv hp. nhminad and also information all Euointa inbanaaa spa me w esoeyn comes, T ckets may be obtamed and also mformatxon about the route and about freight and passen- ger rates from ROBERT B. MOODIE. urmtm-n wmioht. and Pnnsmntzer Aent. I aupermwnucu Railwav Oice. Moncton?`l.la3.. May 28; 1885. av guvu wunguoqgn -we-: u nag. ..-----__. - FARM - . ESSA.-E i of Lot 5, 3.11% part of Lot 12. in 'th (`inn `Rana 1321 acres. 100 acres cleared and 11 way ! 30,? .J UV, V Ilhll. Axum? Iv 11:. -u--vvu- `av-u w-.--.-v- n , wateredaand tlmbored, 3511 "- |nn`n`:noIl\2I2;A1I?n6-tail ')3I'.h vespm good EVERY one that has seen the I. F. and H. A. Singer Sewing Machine. pronounces it the best sewing machine in America for all sorts of work, heav or light. and easiest operated. simplicityo construction, noiseless in its mo- tion,_andcan be run up toa.2,000 stitches er minute. Our agent Mr. William Campbell. as just sold eleven machines in the ast two weeks, andea sits the od meritep the ma- chine. above others, hat makes it so easily sold. Intending purchasers should call at our" office, next door to J. J. Brown's. and examine the best machine. 1 _ . oW. W. ELLIS, ' . ? Msmasn. Barrie. Ma:-ch.13th. 1886. I , 11- EASILY SOLD ! cneif f"Isf%#"i1:.'1'3uids F, `1`A;hCE'I1\5'G : oara.;y `Ta.isZs,'.i"zbt .` Draper, qc. olIY8TAL*rAtAc STORES 7" ' " '7 /(`g-`- '. 1" ` ' }, `If: J J. n-{wahtito o. (JJona.1-.1'th;Ir o1lI -.` " :.fs1I"U'=i' , mm, and cbctnal _ -!21mm ohnaunouauu._ 4 KLUABE Us FARM non sum |.;.::xwva. " .. o 1:155 00 can muuzandnahqna on the `F (119 AD [ &q orrtr the `owne'r.'1."'17nAN'lI__a. I -pg: cm! or '1-ni: nnnana, ' - _. H:-ad planning anc_1_ toiling Barrie. :LOBE11'1` 15. MUUUIIS. -'. Western Freight and Paasen er A ent, 93 Rossin House Bloc Yor 313.. oronto,` D. POTTI GER. Chief Superintendent. .lI-...uu I\$;-nu `Inc-nnfnn `KT 1) Ilnv 15515, &F|!9Y`, 9929.95 3`A:a.:a.I:EJ.' ~.-..nn. .; .. . _. - mung mu on t the An lA\T'l"l \Tl1 150,000 L: :* W001 WANTED, |sAnas?wooLLu inn ussernma Mus For which the highest price will be paid in Cash or Goods. A large stock of superior choose from at manufacturers prices. . Eight Doors East of Old Stand, McGarthY s Block, BARBIE. TREASUREWS New and elegantdesigns of Parlor and Chamber Suites, Extension Tables, Side- boards, etc., in Walnut, Ash, and imitation of Mahogany and Walnut, at prices as low as consistent with good work. i OFFICE, FACTORY & SALEROOMS, NORTH MARKET SQUARE, BARRIE. A G. G. SMITH, UNDERTAKER, Mills on John Street, Barrie." {$9-**1 5"`s;-1-c>'&"7=j:T:::as as 2} mi TEE '0"s`r krrnovmi ; THE BATEB'!f`AjJB"'B1:f8T `FURNISHINGS % , I F 1-A1 ;-1-'-u-`i-.'aw;.'.u`.-o...'...'.. 1..__.-j-&..j_j_v . _ SPIIRTING `E0008. WINCHESTER, KENNEDY 8L SPENCER T\lYAll\ MUZZLE &. BREE(r`,`I`i_-,[._9`I_D,I_NG- Joslwlj l.I3r{g_:,_n'n`0N, REMINGTON AND OTHER -I\*l"\1'\1'V/N-I-1* --IN 'l`HE.~- y`--__ ___ _-__ CARTRIDGE, sHE1,L's'A'N'I5"[ 1 OTHER AMMUNITI_Q1T,_` Has 61: hand a. complete Stock of Public. High and Model School Books. Among those lately publishod-3.0: .. . , 010-3. 1~_I_ --I !'|--A-_ an (`I4-outs 113.5)... A` n`n(n1nnA g-.3 nnnn QR bnnfa $":m2::.:: **":`a';."'.1. W . r 0 an ' Pgloiple of ggod geulng. Lewis 15 Physical bmcue. _ EUIIYVIQK navqzgpv J-`llvnn nun Dvssunuvtn us ASKIOR onunxo ART.ISI 8mB:i ING PENCIL. E ,, loporognt. mso_o_unt.to teachers snq.Hjgh,_.8hool students. E _ EAIKIE:s BOOK STORE BETWEEN BARBIE Al\ID_QUEE]_~{_fs`_E1{{Q':1`EL_ 3B;AR|Ei;ST0V E &FUNA0E G. BLA CKM ORE. f-LLUJ-`IJHL, T% sfon E . I 5 io. \J.L.I-L. K -L_JI .11 A`&\I& -4 '* ` . . ' (1 kl O 9 -2 2 :0 -gu.Vu?.---._--: , .1.` %?.*:.`a.' * %'a:.*:;% 23` .*.3;':2t%35~" v our: on ; o . Dragring Exergjae , In and Sor_ibb1erse in_lare variety, .* any can!` Annnu (nu-A A IlllI'I'QlII lI 1\-I-1' A 111` ;'J l Vv _ `I J-J.1LJL.|.\J (`i V." A` .l7|?&U.ELEB|?..A.'l'.,Es- IFJJR % cg om-amps mi` 8teI,`Wa1E6i- 'a.nd`G`&.G16\5`V'i.1 "es,"S 13Annnn:'xn(l WntAt(}hnsam~.All<.1nol'hin thin-Huh . .- ` ?'~"- :`.i~ .. `r ,5.` :"z<"* I`-';.. ' , s . * ` ` , Ma} r .. i `Lani: shortnotloo. A tmou! ~% .....-.. Plus and Ointment. `I 1-,,` ______.A UNDERTAKEV o'1{oo1TRepaer on to 4th Readers, Ilainluv nf Elia] and MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. scHooL" BOOKS. BARBIE Anp STROUD. ...~.-c- was A \7'I\ II A (`1`I 7`llI'\C1 l\1.\ MERCHANT TAILOR, O1I:T: IVIO.READERS. g_ nL--;_ ._._`.'_s an -a.- -.. n-u.;.. pi or v `A V... ...--.. w...- .i`AinEs"w|LkIii"s'6ii,% Proprietor. Z s-)1:'5j;Ld1> 'STR'EET,-` _jN_. CARPENTER AND ?:hoi?1p%:%;8t$;`Wai'hga`;L;':1gP;g1`\;i:iV;;s:p ,4:-3.,t `W: i s ,.2 ` ` -` v ;-`i ' v I .f."9L`n~t*.'I" r-'Vv'!: _ ' - :.'..-I. ~ 4._.`._,,5.;, V.;,;;g.~,,,.L.,__ _j~;e.- (!.*,v:,`.;. ":1 ,z.a;.r;::z-1:;,;,.... BREECH-LOADIN G Anrx;-. \vcQ -.- --1r..v SHOT GUNSAT REDUCED PRICES. 1, Q... --_-` D. DOUGALL, *"*`%.`.W2")=3a1 tum . .3'ni1'+-;vr:`yL``1'0 nn:rv.`i..-...-z I g;;&;p . i g . ` 7 d` 000 S? STEAM WORKS Aim sow ROOM, 5 coLLJ;ER.s'r.,B.ABB.I1a r55F'Fi~Is AYID'oXs1':E'fso1?' ALL KINDS if 5 I I\ 1 , 9, _ They Were Orphane. Ofa washer-woman who had few teeth my little four year old lassxe sa.1:1 : Mrs Jones must be ,2 ). Dapanese, Ipause she tan t talk plam. ..:,.;+.m aha mm - Han nn dnt nnv 1-1-jvjvi, _ _1vV, And all Funeral Requisites-F1:rnished. Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, Promptly ' attended to. G. _,o. DOLMAGE, Mahager, Stfoud. . [F.t.<>.:*2st,. f?F"PP.- `I70 _ L J -AT THE- Woven Wire Ma,t1;resses a. Specialty. GAME TRAPS, &.c., __.s. HENDERSON S. FURNITURE. .1 gag`.-r ~...'_.-._v. --___ In stock or Made tovdrder. History of En land and Canada. 35 Cent: Fitch on Ten: lung. 81 00 El men Alge ra. McLellan, 75 Ba dwin u- hool Management, -_ . * Reduced troI_n $1.50 to so "i\'4KG'AziNE RIFLES. '170R'1`1NG RIFLES. E22Wb0N}....... and prices always in ns of various designs stock. All orders will re- ceive careful attention. -Funez;a1s furnished com- vplete. Casket: and Cof- gcongrexatlonal Church, COLLIER ST. BARBIE. OPPOSITE THE -,Lw.?+D.- 1.Jo11fN `rmxrqn `C5 -`.Ed`H !:i'l.L.- :- `_s7Nnn:5o T. M71. goods 10-1) E 11:: .. N%oC..C.%` ~S7N15... {st E ptethw IE} I ;Wa.ndN5lE... N if . Be on Your Guard.` A _ l)un`t allow a cold in the head to slowly and E'.1rc1y.dc\'cl0})e itself into Cutagrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. _ V \ `....v ......lin,vminns will cure mmment E35w78e238 VV1 E12 We2 1\_ (U . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENmmmmNm7 E King st No. 7 c E Russel-st N0. 1 do No. 1 do No. 1 cl: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. eiand bro w 75. `IlCOlIlIIIC..V". can U1: cu: cu |Ul -u uuuvu. . A few applications will cure mcxptent (`atarrl1. ` ' ll . A L....\ L-..`-nu AH nnrn nu-t:I';nnV`(7 (Ya- S 29 bro". Dunn -119 c D&UUl.'U..... Brosntsl-2. Nl3a25..... Q0-'\ W. R. R. north side . 1 PB 6' 1 - . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . . 1 Pt w sec lot eastN.&N. I nf ah-nnf. IS43n56w.` V a no I`. of street. No. 1 `I %'z'<'51'z"i~i:ir' 6nixIu.' OOUNTY OF SIMGOE. ll 13 13 16 19 21 21 09 --ad 2:5 23 21 `.21 0| TE 6iiovEio; Ann SUNNIDALE. n. A n .16o'1'1:: .17 on. . 18 on. 30 . VESPRA. '6iio'. ` COL`.\": '.` or Smcoxc, `By virtue of 9. Warrant 1 u Wrr : issued bv the Warden of the County or Simcoe, bearing date the Twenty Iirst day of July, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Exght -Six. and to me directed, commanding me to evy upon the several lends hereinafter mentioned and described as being in the County of Simooo..tor arrears respectively due thereon. together with my costs, hereby give `notice that unless the mud arrears be sooner paxd, I shall on . ' ` 00 `I58 12 10 `I310 V1410 ,1-.110 16 10 21 13 21 1'2 21 12 9 13 12 13 31 13 100 151 M 100 100 100 25 100 100 VII 57 18 14 78. 95 09 vtarrh. Latarxxx. V _ ?_ T 1. V Uue to two boxes W111 cure ordmary Ca.- A!__. l.,.....,. .111 1-n~nnn' n`\mnn:n' nu, 10 71 3 55 _31l mrru. V V _ __ . 0ug'.0i'l\'u1)0.\'cS W111 cure chrome Ca.- t:m'h. _ _ m 1.. -11 .1....1,...n .4 On ncns knv TF1? "iar`2a?o"r3`` .......... .. 24 n OK LV uuuluenunu-BE 1'1 Z/1W wl2/100..................10 N Cumberland-st w 10/100 10 do ' e7/100.. 10 do 17 do ' gououooo Milbm-n a Ian 8 Cumber nd~st 26 Scaroline-st.............. A. Ja.oob aplan hT\vI1`.nnnI-nnrl '1 icuuccoucoon: I . . . . - . - - o - no N Cumber and-at w 8/100 Baldwin's nlan V uuuuu plan Nw'Esa road . ,, , L` VV.l3lDB&l'UIlU.u-nu. A do .. .. ... Mi1burn a nlan - S Gowan-st e_10/100. . . an v minnnn Q UOWED-BB e, 10/100. do w 10/100 . Ja.cob s(I1:errace. . . . ... 0 do Rn V I10 oVII IIOIcc `do do do Jacob's Ian Stown newlb/100 .- do - .3310/100 mamas {FOR} TAX as 1