Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 22 Jul 1886, p. 1

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hous lot of I mm PARLIAMENT PRUROGIIED I] Jan.1st. . To balance from 1885 Interest account.... Licenses...`.V..;v.`.......--- Marketand Ha.1l......-.--A Indxgent ...;.........;... Tax6S....-.....a-.g-o---- P_ M, 4O0IOlIO_ Misoe1laneous......-- nu IIIU OIII COCO `.'; Dicount-..g .uc coco coon P0lice........uu '0"!!! SinkingFund ......... .... Dn1nnnn _, ...nnnII '0` N0 NOTICE` TAKEN o1r[-ram cow sv- mxw rm-1-rrou. DIIJAAME A non... - - V 7 . Ba.lance............. I _1'tll.uAuu.u -~- By Interest Account; . . . . . .. ; . Markatand Hall .... ..., .... Indigent... oil use qua-soot-I Po 3ndM. coon IOI 00,00 Miloeuaneo novoo It-I-" "' %'l8CtiDOn8.ggg ubtuo ououaunooooi me e men ........_..~..... Sil1kiDgl:ltld.a. " 0'00 G-our-no cucoucnoqoul 0000" St:-eets-4`W. Ward........ . Gentr_eW.....v....... Eutwlonlloolouoo '0 Pouceotlu-oc~0O0I 00-|'I"""""' Q... III". `_|~ull4IIl' coon \/VLIUBIW vv .. n... .. - Di!`countco0IuoI:VonoI I Sidw`1kB.IoIQ|'ItOII.I pace tIOI|"' ' .i:l.16\1l`...`n--o`.-. H Some `m -nnlooccl lntlvnoo nlnccoooil E&u..uo.......oo 4O.IIII..III. "IIOII. C... IIII 'II'oIII Coll C..C_`III mvmnizcrs. ,'____j_' `nncnurs. -0-guano `trot... `IICI rdO.`..CIlI OOI'I W 1.00.10. IOU. uanaoIo' . THE 'iNTERmsTs on` BARRIE, __________________ -%- BARBIE} COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1886. JVV . 981 50 .244 23 .6500 07 2574 45 $551375? 342247 00 ` 99 45 9 407 41 3749 171 I823 97 ` 61 00 261 33 8315 00 492 15 ` 454 41 518 20 . 367 C9 V230 50 nnn (IA sfa`7 UUV V`: . 355'02 500 00 1000 00 168 59 91 76 nnnnn 1l'0ll3}1 219.28 BARRIE. 1 ` Bo\l(s.--A Cross, Angus, 413' - 3 Wm. Graham, Allandale, 366 R. A. Harper, Barrie, A 366 R, Jno. J amieson, Crown Hill, 366 R. Thos. Longhead, Holly, 413 J as. Marlin, Allandale, 383 W. McIntyre, Angus, 477 Thos: McKee, Barrie, 415 M. Orchard, Minesing, 377 F. Parr. Grenfell, 369 R. 2 Thos. Quinn, Grenfell, 448 i C. Smith, Barrie, 373 R. ; O. Smith, Elmvale, 367 R. ` S.L Soules, B1gBay.Point, 404 `R. W'ard, Crown Hill, 410 "Alex. Young, Shanty Bay, 436 `GIP.Ls.---J. Cavanagh, Edgar, ` 403 _ J. Chestnut, Angus, 395 M. Goode, Shanty Bay, 429 ` L. Haslitt, Allandale, 366 R. M. Kearns, Barrie, 375, Ida Macham, New Lowell, 376 K. McCarthy, Barrie, 371 R. L. Neale, Allandale, ' 413 STAYNKR. Bo\'s.-J no. Brown, -Stayner, _ 382 J no. Carleton,- Avening. 37 3 R. E. Flack. Creemore, 445 , Jno. Gillespie, Stayner, 433 GIRLs.--S. Beatty, Avening, 433 A. Campbell, Stayner, 384 L. McCarthy, Sunnidale, 376 R. M. Pearson, Stayner, 375 R. L. Reazin, Stayner, - 397 PENETANGUIBHENE. Wm. Parnell, Wyevale. 366 R. Ida Clarkson, 'Midland, 401 ' Soph1eAGilbert, Midland, 507 The followingis a list of those who have successfully passed the Entrance Examina- , tion held at Alliston, also of those who have 1 been recommended by the Examiners, with 3 the number of marks obtained by each. BoYs.-Frank Paget, A 457 ` Andrew Nicol, 410 James _H. Heacock, 387 John Phillips, 378 `D nnnu Il1?\Y T\I'.I'\ L1st.o_t the Successful Candidates at the - Chg`.-g-g-` I..__._. _ _ A _ ____ _._..- v. -u-- uu-vvvwwnunn \rIhlA\OIu|IlV SUI! IIIIU Entrance Examinations. The following is the list of successful can- 4 didates at the recent High School Entrance 3 Examinations, held at , Barrie. Stayner and \ Penetanguishene, Names followed by an R r are those of candidates whom the Examiners ` recommended for admission, but whose marks are somewhat short of the standard requi7red by the Department. The minimum _ is 37 . uuvvu uu uauuruay next. . McCarthy-Ross--0rdered, that Messrs. _Cross, Ross, McK ay, Plaxton and the mover be a committee to make suitable arrange- ments for the reception of the 35th Battalion upon the day that the medals are to be pre- sented bv General Middleton, and that a grant of $100 be made to the -committee for this purpose, and that Rule 42 be suspended for th at purpose. ' nrnuu nJ4...L.\... l'\_J~--A 3 1` ` w`Cu1:>;;_:u.Ez :;:;ton~-0rdered, that the sum of$25 be granted to the committee appoint. ed to look after thewelfare of the Northern Railway employees, and that Rule 42 be suspended for that purpose. The ('.nI1nniI than n-inn...-.m-1 H11 LL- nu. . nuapuuuuu nu` uuuu pu!'pUB8. T e Council then adjourned till the 6th I day of September.- Grant vs. Steele. The assault case which we mentioned a week or two ago, between Mr. Grant and Mr. T. 0. Steele, Principal of the Public School, was decided last Thursday. On the day before all the evidence had been given. `Mr. Steele himself was put in the box and admitted that he had struck young Grant with -his closed `hand, andethat he was angry when he did it from the provocation he had I received by young Grant's impertinence. Mr. H. Lennox addressed the court for Mr. Steele and Mr. F. E. P. Pepler on behalf of the com leinant. The magistrates ned Mr. Ste-`e e fty cents and costs. 11:. :1! lllfifnnt id town on Saturday next. Mnfth H11? nun ri -I: Ml`. ateeie Ilty cents uuu uuaw. His Worship in giving judgment said that he-regretted such cases should be brou ht into court, both for the sake of the teac er and for the good of the school. All such matters should be settled by the trustees. He knew how much teachers had to contend with in the school room, but at the same time it was necessa that the teacher should conform himself to t e regulations and place himself in luco parentis. doing `nothing more than a kind and judicious parent would do under s the same circumstances. He felt soiry that there was no option in this case and that he was compelled to impose a ne, as the defendantadmitted that the punish- mentwssnct in exact accordance with the _-....I-L:-.... LOGS, IIIUII ',| W X uv regulations. Klllillnllll Riv Ill DIVIII The moonlight excursion on Friday night was well patronized. The Band played the greater part of the time the boat. was away, and she steamed to Big Bay Point and round .the Bay. The disciples of Terpsichore show- ed their love for the nimble-footed oddess by "tripping the `light fantastic as ong as. the time permitted, and at about half past eleven the excnrsionists reached. home, con- scious that the pure air, sweet music and the racefulmotions had staved off a fit of the mess and discounted the men of pills and ,, -___.1......- | In um: uuu I powders; ' In epibe of the damp atmosnhere the Band wins at the usual 1; on Thursday evenin plgying some of on popular selections; ttendan 1; these evenin free con- 3.???-`nnv m.:ca of snnreoiugtion. than ` urge QIIOIUII-I}!!! III Iouwnv UVUIlll..l5 .1109 vou- oerte is any eudence of_ a4pp1-_eont1on, the music of the 35th 1: a bug percentage _ I. -..A dual! ` "3vZ'&.' f The workmen-3 _ , The United Workman were in section at- theirroomeon Friday ni ht. It in aid the Society in in 5 very satin notary condition. RECOiBJ:l;.NDED. John Heacock. Wesley Brett. GmLs.-Louie McDowell, Allie Elliott, _ 'D........ YLA nnnn and conmawrm INSTI'i`UTE.. i*`ual1:1i:`i:::l'lg erw6od, Amanda. Maneer, Eliza McKni ht, `Agnes Ridde , Bella Chapman, - Ada. McCa.u1ev, -v\IIr|A1II*I!I\1 1\IlII'\ Q-Qua-u -.-vv---- , , `RECOMMENDED. Ella Tegart, Annie Torrance, Sarah Robinson, Margaret A; Gllroy, Mary Lourey, Minnie Walkom, . Katie Loblaw, Lillie Wilson, Minerva Greenaway, Annie Morrow, Mwmlzh Excursion. - -._.._--_ -_ 111-: 33. THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA 0UR_ CRITERION. 413 366 , 377 367 6 374 361 512 478 462 ABE 373 R. Txvv 408 Ann $13 379 367 363 360 357 051 U111 353 348 343 332 331A reg 111.1 _..___-- __.-_ .....-.........J V`.-- ------- _. -Pretty Boatintr Shawls at T. W. Gray &cCo s. Cash tore. -Raspberries are plentiful and cheap enough. A I\ u .-.- - u u .- Z ;Sonie bautiful sty s in Cream Mus- llus at '1`. VI . Graydc 9s. * ' , 1' fl 1 '1! "1' "'-" """"'l""' ""' -Our business men are satised with the prospects ahead. 131- I .u n. . an .1 1- . .-n --7'I;l;e SE. Patrick- s7 xcumion was not a nancial success. ` - "'Li1}.} '1]ii.giiy',`w}11 be in town again on August 7th, for one week. 'I'\ `ll '17 II ,9]! T\ T 11:39.? in}. `am;;; am; Baptist church preached at Collingwocti last Sabbath. l` -Geutlemen, cafll ahklevaven ;)v\1-r order Ifor a. summer coat at R. A. Stephens & Co. 1 pa` -In consequence of the Noithlrn Ra}lvs;a$' I picnic on Saturday, the freight house here will be closed. I - | 1154;:-ted Mains alwavs best In style and value at e. Cash Store of T. \V. Gray J: Co. I M` MANY MINOR MATTERS MUCHLY Which, Linked Together. construct a Very Interesting and Goss1py' Chapter of Local History. By-law petition _ignc1-ed by the Councii, I `* :I:71i..1$ti{'Vs'treet Methodist Church ex~ cursion yesterday. "1 ?__-. n`... _-..J 7--Ju_stJ . received \ ite Cream and Black Lawns at '1`. a Gray 6: Co s. I ll"1`I`l 1 11 1 1 I i-..-._ 1.. -- -..-.. -- .-u cu v up-go... wu vv ny- -General Middleton w1ll be here about the middle of August. \ . 7-BaZx(';t1,;:a'Vt'Ze(:1V-` `department for the next 30 days at R. A. b hens & Co. `1 Au -Se; 12h; J`3;)s R is: ator, warranted to keep matches perfec y y m the ice box, or no sale, at Otton Br _ ` lyeitenfeyeiligaterwas anttractive fea- ture at the Collier Street Methodist Sunday _School excursion. ' H v gis h dwea using one of those home com 178- coal oil stove- cheap at Otton Bros. . II ! II, ',, 11 , 15, I ,1 -Remembef we " er special-inducement for the next 30 days R. A. Stephens, late of the rm of W. R. P 'ps & Co. '--I't"v;I:s a. reels snicker to see the town dudes bowing to a-lad done up in ladies rig" on Dunlop street the other day. g New Black, Drab nd Brown St!!! Hats twenty `eras . of regular close cash prlceat ' ray & Com? `It 111 -r.\,1___.I.. t`IL:-t)__..-.. _'__L-II-J I347. 75'. :&'v?;r&L`,7 installed the oicers in Court No. 6826, last week, in- stead of Bro. Christie. whose name was given 1) ' tak . V y 112?. ,,-e -n_,-_ L.K .\- 1.--`. ..I..u..-.. no. -_.-..--v. -Otton Bros. h e t beat clothes wringer we have yet een. t don't have to be fastened on the tu . had better not _look .tit.__ _ _ 0 l PARAERAPHER S PENUIL POINTS. '---..r ..- ----_ _ -Mr. Fred Kii1'g:-Teller'in the Bank of Toronto. St. Catherines, is home on A3. visit during the holidays. A e I 11 1, l\LL,, 'l1,,-_, _,,_ I ,_ `I -?):on- t tto Bros. are head-J quarters for carpet s epe See the gold medal it beats them 9.1 .V I nvv-. av ov- -Mr Thomas Littlehales, son of our townsman, Mr. Wm Littlehales, whose residence 13 in Detroit, is spending a few days in town. I-\I_n_I- ..l"I :In:/ all? mm Al` nun niulunln Evangelistic services weunesna.ys_ an ;.m D. In. Service of song, Fridays at 7 p. m., and Conference for_ Bible studv at 7.45 D. m. Subgect for this week, C_ha.rt Studies in Genesis. Special after services or an Evan- gelistic character held at the close of Evening rayer and sermon on_ Sundays and at the close of the Friday evening Bible study. The Gospel Male Chou` assists in the singing. Kill? Q$.. V-U--v On Monday night a large and inu tial meeting of the lovers of sport was hel at the Barrie Hotel, for the urpose of reorganiz. ing sporting matters. gt resulted in the formgtion of an association to be called the Barrie,Tutt Club. ' n'u_- -n.._:...'... ...... L1... nmnnru Fnv Han run-- uulu AI-I vvu-- Think of `it, 2034 oil ny of our styhsh Felt Hats during at next 30 days. '1`. W. Gray ac Co. ' -. n u n,1_,_._ 11-: rn_....A. I A In tho l.`u.wns_hip of Oro. ['.\'!.~:Ram1hy virtue of a power. of sale . <.'(mluiI1(H1 in 11 ( Inort agemade _b A.rhi`nuld .\lvF..-c and Hugh cFee, whlc xnomqmu: will he-. pmd11ce(1 at the time of sale, tlmr xx ill be oilhrcd for sale at Public Auction - by M:-. H. R. Fem, auwtioneer. at the QUEEN'S Jl()'l`} Ihc'|'0\\"n of Barrie. on SATUR- 1 .-\Y.H_u-7th (1u_\,jof AUGUST. 1886. at the Ixouroz` '|`w-lm U`(`1ock, noon. the followin [larva-n' hnul, VI /.2 .' I`h.- `.\'_: of,1..m No. 2. in the 10th Concessxon 0fH1'*:~'&1.il1 'l`ownship of Oro, containing 100 In-rws. nmre ox` 11:1-:.v.. 'l`hex't} are erected upon the ma ...nh1 u1<);.: dwelling house and kitchen. T11"iSlJf.'Xl3('1l(3IlI quality. V, ` UUI. LIIOAIJ Lu V Luvuo . Announcement of Christ Church. Reformed E iscopal Collier Street, near Owen. vRev. illiam fl-I. Barnes, _Rector- bth Sunday after Trinity. Divine service 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. Morning subject. "Saint `John the Baptist, 2nd sermon. Evening` subject, "The Sermon-- Cover. Sunday school and adult Bible class at 3 p. m. Conrmation studies and Evangelistic services Wednesdays. at 7.15 n m. Service of sour. Fridays at vvvn, Ulv xru .u4-4-up-\p.v---a -Evangelistic services will be conducted in the Collier St. Methodist Church on Sun- day and Monday, 25th and 26th inst., by the Rev. David Savage and his band of singers. Among the singers will be a lady graduate of the Boston Conservatory of Music and her husband, a Toronto bariister, who have both been converted since their marriage three months ago. At 3 p. in. they will hold a special service for the Sunday School in the church, services at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday, and 8 p. m. on Monday. All are l cordially invited. , ~~-------------`- A` `*1-lat nklirnh Dnfnrmn barnelurr uiuu. The following are the oicers for the cur- rent year : A .Hon. President, Col. Tyrwhitt. President, Dr. Morton. 1st Vice. J T. Garden. 2nd Vice, Dr. McCarthy. 3rd Vice, B. Hinds. Secretary, A. E. H. Creswicke. Trnnnuarnr Inhn A Rtmthv- Manaerv Of VVI `lull. vuwv I -Fresh and Salt Salmon, God, Trout,| White Fish. Herring and Shad, Finnan Haddie, Bulk and Can Oysters, Lobsters, etc., at G. Maundrells. - __-;_ _:n L. .......:1....L...J A: Jan I1. Uru3WlUnVu V Treasurer, John A. Strathy, Manager of Bagk of Toronto. __,_ _L___ `I l -....LL-- T nnnnv A 'D._-._ DBIIK OI '.I.0f0I.1BO- Dzrectors.-Hanghtcn Lennox, C. A. Per- kins, Dr. Bosanko, 0. E. Hewson, William Mann, G. M. Lount, J. H. McKeggie, F. E. P. Pepler, James Clark and Major Rogers. I"I-In Ru-ml: vncmno will be at the ' Baf- I . Kepler, 03.11163 uusnx Gnu J.uaJuA J.vu5u|n The first meeting will be held at _ the Bar: rie Mile Track on the let, 2nd and 3rd days of September next, when prizes to the amount of $2000 will be offered. 1'4. ...-... ,1....:.l..J 6.. Lin 4-ho now`: fnr-molt! Uanauian :u)Buc1um_1uu. . Particulars of the classes of races and the prizes to be offered will be announced in due time. i ' . The character and reputation of the gen- tlemen who have undertaken the manage- ment of affairs. together with the fact that there is no better track in Ontario, will in- :21: rst-class sport to the devotees of the Mikado Promenade concert. V ' To-night the people of Barrie will have an opportunity of goingto Japan without leav- ing their native town, or being subjected to the disagreeable incidents. of a_ long rail way :....o...m m- u. nnmm vovane. The Mikado -BIIIOIIIIIE OI `UUU Wul Du Uuurcu. It was decided to join the newly formed ACa.nsdia.n Association. 11__L:-_1-_g A` LL- l|`l|Bn I\` wanna ant` flu: : \Vi\nk`~ I VI.IU_\a5wwsvvu-u-no .-v-`.v_._ -- .. journey or an ocean voyage." -A-Some colgl days for July. '-Christ Church excursion to-day. -Market last Saturday poorly attended. `l)...... I:.....n_.-..nu____..n.. .4 III um Barrio Turf Club; ": n'if`e iZi'k'L`&. I AL_ arvnnaanvai-no Q 5 Axle We have no hesitation in saying that a trip through the inside channel from Pene-e tanguishe to Parry Sound for pleasure seek- ers 18 the nest in`Ontario. The distance is 60 miles and through the whole route the boat is threading her way amidst islands `of all shapes and sizes, and the scenery is simply magnicent, far surpassing that of the Thousand Islands in the St. Lawrence. Many of these islands.have been taken up by prominent men of the Dominion who in- tend building summer residences on them. Hardy Island, owned by the Georgian Bay Island Resort Co., is on the route and is managed by Mr. McAda.m who has three cottages erected for the accommodation of tourists. It is on this route the elegant upper cabin side wheel steamer F. V B Max- well is run. This steamer is 147 feet long, 40 feet beam with-a capacity of 600 passen- gers and a speed of 12 miles per hour. Cap- tain John 'O Donnell is master, ably assisted by the handsome, good-natured and obliging purser, Mr. D. McQuade. -It is the in- tention of the owners of ` this steamer ' to make this inside _ronte popular by giving every possible attention to travellers and tourists. Camping parties can be left at any of the islands, good shing being found any where along the route. A daily mail and fresh provisions can be delivered by -the steamer, which is a great convenience to partieswho wish to enjoy for atime the fresh breezes, pure air and lovely scenery away from the smoky haunts of men in city and town. Every Saturday excursionists are carried the round trip at single fare, re- turningto Penetanguishene on Monday in time to-connect with train going -south. .Meals are furnished on the boat at 25c. V Promenade Concert will be one of the unique things of the season, and without doubt there will be; rush towards the Roller Rink this evening such as has not been witnessed in many a day. Those taking part will be in` Mikado costume, and the illusion will he so complete that a person might easily fancy himself at Tokio, Nagaski or Kanagawa. We hope this cheap trip to the land of the Mungolians will be taken by a large number 0` our people. ` ' Q-I\J UL JJQL I LCD The start was made from Barrie about 10.45 a.m., and the runs werefrom Barrie to Allandale, thence to Tollendal, thence to Fisherman's Point, thence to _Allandale, then _to Barrie, back to Allandale and the nish at Barrie. The` Liz was 1st, Cygnet 2nd and Swan 3rd. The other boat did not `cross to Barrie for the nish. There was but little wind during the whole time of the race, but the Liz and Cygnet kept pretty well together till towards the close, when she was left considerably behind. It is to be regretted that there was not a good stiff breeze so as better to test , both speed and skill under those conditions. The distance run was about 12 miles and the best time 2 hours and 56 minutes. ` - Grip. Grip s summer number with presentation plate, Prominent Conservatives, is a. very good one and is creditable to artist, paper- maker, printer and writer. Mr. Grip. how- ever has evidently lost his temper and calls Sir Charles Tapper naughty names for an alleged interference with the sale of Grip s Illustrated War Numbers at the Colonial Exhibition. Grip should remember that even Mr. Blake s serene soul has been disturbed by its sharp beak, and We would respectful- ly remind Mr. Grip that its influence will be great in the ratio of its impartiality and the calmness of his temper. A I-`1remen s Excursion. On Wednesday, 28th inst., the Barrie Fire I Brigade will have their annual excursion to Braeebridge; This will be an excellent opportunity to spend a day amidst the beau- tiful scenery of the Muskoka` Lakes. The l train will leave Barrie at 7 30 a.m. and ar- rive at Bracebridge at 11 o clnck. Returning the train will leave Bracebridge at 531) ar I riving at Barrie early enough for a good l I I sleep before the next da.y s' duties. Of. course everybody that is anybody, will take in this excursion. ' Regatta. There were four yachts which took part in the regatta last Monday, the Liz, belonging to J. Carley, ofethis town, the Cygnet from Orlllia, the Leftall of Allandale and the Swan also of Barrie. "L _.__A._ __;-J_ I , , `I`l ' I FAR_N |_ PRQPERTY `Silver Jubilee. On the 3rd of August, Very Rev. Dean O 0onnor will hold his Silver Jubilee at the | `rectory on Mulcaster street. Solemn Mass will be performed on the interesting occas- 'sion. No doubt many will be there to do honor to the occasion and to congratulate the rev. gentleman on having completed a. quarter of a century in the service of his Master. Early on Friday morning a thunder storm passed overthis town. The lightning was very vivid and the thunder loud. A considerable quantity of rain fe1l during the storm and thefollowing day the air was much cooler. The rains for the week 11i2"u done much for the suffering crops and have given the {gtgrched grass the appearance of renewed 1 e. . ----w--- --v------ pun u-V --__-v- Last Thursday an excursion from Alliston went per steamer Enterprise to Robinson's Park. There was drizzly rain and the Bay was enveloped in mist. The excursionists looked melancholy in spite of the music of the Band which accdmnanied them. There may be romance in excursions on days like Thursday. but very little comf-u-c. Sons of England. The regular meeting of the above order was `held last Wednesday. Five new mem- bers were initiated and ve more applications received. The annual excursion and games will take place on- Wednesday, Aug. 11th, at Big Bay Point. A large number of valu- able articles will be given as prizes for c .1"er- ant sports. The 35th Battalion Band will accompany the excursion. Excursion. Collier St Methodist Bible Class will hold their [annual excursion on Tuesday next 2713!: inst, (D.V.) to Big Bay Point; Means for playing various games will be provided. Anintereating feature in [connection with afternoon : sport will be a. ladies base ball -T Go and have a. good time. ` ' - Bishopvswaetmo-..r.xv.:i'l'1";1~c:-rid conrmation services at Trinity church here, on Sunday 1163*-. l Excursionlsts in the Mist. A Delightful Trip. Thunder Storm. conrmation. on: I I 1 0 my _ l)_\.'plll) V1'C auction on SATUR. 1IAY.[he :41 hpf J l. LY xustnnt. at the Bar- rie .\lax'kcl. at 1'. 0 glock, n_oon, that very valu- able Loluf l.zlml sf.t_uu.te in the Township 0! \'r.sp1'a. and l'n-um; composed of the East Half ofLo1nuplwN;.1n the 4th` Con. 'l`h1s lot is l1en\i_1y wood:-:1, Ihe Limbjr consisting ofgnaple .: _amlbcc.(`l1unl Ullwl` hardwood: th_eV tunber-.; nlon:-W111morotlmn pay for` the pnce asked ` for-the lgml um! timber. when cleared will mako :1 Iu'uI-<-,xu:~`s.f2u'1n. [I not sold the timber .('(msi. Ttnlvrm will be sold Ecparatelx. For furtlu-ry ]_:urtic'ulzu`s apply to M. Ul.l\'Eli, l'llll`l`lL' l . O, V A July 16. 1566. , 28.29.p - ,. _ .._- _.. --....__V_____.,_, The Admission of Correspondence Does Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold the Opinions of_the Writer. The following letters addressed to the Editor of THE NoR'1'uE?.N Anmxcn, have been received for publication : Arda.:;h s Grove." DEAR SIR,--I see by yourecolumus that the Northern Railway Co. have selected Ardagh s Grove for` their picnic on 24th inst., and this should remind us that this grove is now for sale. andthis favorite V plea- sure ground which every summer s week echoes the voices of picnicers and excursion- ists, and where-through the kindness of the proprietor it is presnmed---the merry laugh- ter of "little ones. is daily hea.rd---sent by their parents to enjoy the pure air beneath ; the pine trees fragrant shade, may any day be cut up and sold. Qhnual nnf G1-an Ont:-rn (!l\!|I1-t\ :L ..L .\.....'. It .'|. vu uuu up auu. uuxu. Should not the town seeu re it at once if it can be obtained on any reasonable terms and reserve it for a park. It is probable that the price would be quite reasonable if purchased `in block, and nature has already effected so much with her carpet of green and stately branching pines and maples, that a compara- tively trimq expenditure would convert the place into a lovely park, the possession of which would forever remain a memorial to the wisdom of our present town fathers. Th :6! nnanikln n1an 5`-nu` ~:|1n`- nu`/\`\ ll nib,` uuo WIDUULIJ U]. uul Pxcacuu uuwu I.itl.auUl`E|. It is possible, also, that just such asite , may be wanted some day for the erection of waterworks, for which it seems suitable, and which could be constructed so as not to in- terfere with its use as a park. But outside of this possLb.lit_y it is of the greatest moment to secure the place to the town before it is cut up from time to time in small lots, the beautiful trees gradually destroyed, and wretched buildings erectcd. The sale of one lot or two would spoil the whole place. `Vnnltl it nnf. lxn urn" tn fl-unu onrn-run-Cal-n 3 LETTERS ADDRESSED To run nnrron ; -rms WEEK. l.UU ul uvvu nuluu upuu uuc WUUIC PLEMJC. \\'ould it not be well to thus appropriate some of the funds now being applied to the Agricultural Park '3 When purchased, 5300 would make this grove a delightful breathing place for all time to come. 'l`Kn 1.,....1 ........ ..,1 .....1 4.1.... ....:.a_.I.. wm THE PEOPLE HAVE Tl] su. llnlibv LUL (lull loll-IJKJ UL} \aLlLl-Jco The level green sward and the widely- , spreading shade trees are already there without money and without price, and more important than all, water can be obtained at twelve or fourteen feet. It is true that the present approaches, the one by Cres- wioke s and the other by the R. C. Church. are not the most convenient, but notwith- standing this, the natural attractiveness of the place is such as to make it even in its present unadorned state--a favourite resort -and if the Council will grant the petition which I am glad to see is now before them to open up Uuckworth street, and do some work at that unsightly and dangerous gravel pit, there would then be` an easy approach directly to the park by a very handsome, street. A `I L I A` AAI"'1 1 9 .1 DUlCCUn I trust that this idea. may be further ven- tilated 'and steps taken to secure this ground beforeit is too late. BARRIEO.\'I.-\.\ . 1Sth July, 1886. Barrie Honored. Last Thursday Mr. Spotton, principal of the Barrie Collegiate Institute, left for Torontoto enter upon his duties as teacher of botany during the holidays. The members of his class will consist of High School masters and assistants, and no doubt it will be well attended. It is particularly gratify- ing that the Minister of Education has hon- ored Barrie by selecting the headmaster of our Collegiate Institute for this important work, but it simply proves that the Hon. Mr. Ross is acquainted with the fact that Mr. Spotton as a teacher of science has no superior in Ontario`. Thoroughly conversant with s ructural botany and with the philosophy of plant life, he has a most happy way of in- ducting his pupils into the knowledge of this useful and delightful subject. i Thncn fnonlxnv-ca I-ml-an Anni:-n I-n loos-n Jrlnn } uul-1 uounun a-u\t LAUA|51ADAuL DHIJJCUII. V Those teachers who desire to learn the `best method of teaching botany will feel * deeply obligated to the Minister of Education I for selecting a teacher for them so eminent ` and successful as Mr. Spotton. _A4A . Tu'l'lUR1 0I"1)Is>f< )LU'l`IO.\`.-Notice is here- 1 by giwn that the partnership heretofore subsisting bct\vL-(tn 11:s-the undersngned. as Mer- Chnnlsailnhv Town of Barrie. has been this A` day ..sso1\`cd hy mutual consent. All debts o\vinutoth pz}rlneI`s11i are to be paid to tlwundt-1'ai;,'11wi. `V . R. Phil 1' S. at 396 Queen Ft1`ec:,\\'ost. Tororito, and al claims against the said purtnqrsjlxip are to be presented to_ the . said W. R. Hullnps, by whom the same W111 be sltllvd. . . . LI)u!c:1uIBax'rie,1his2nd day of July. A.D., mu iPo11ce Cfourt. Last Thursday, an old man named Henry 5 Hayter, of AVespra., was before the Police ` Court charged with indecently assaulting a. 1 little girl, daughter of Mr. Kelsey, of this I town. So serious was the offence, that the i magistrates committed the prisoner for trial. ,He is supposed to be to a. certain extent crazed. He has a daughter insane. nn `kn IRPH n \ l'\.-$113.. nmnn v-porno.` DA] \Jl.l-ll.4`.4\.l~q I..I.\4 Ill-DC I LIQIIEIIUCI ILIEQI-IV! On the 16th, an Orillia. man named Bol- ster, was charged by a porter on the N orth- ern wioh breaking windows in a. car. He was ned $3 and costs or 30 days. One dol- lar was awarded to the railway company to pay for the broken glass. `U L\Jl U11`? LILUQUIJ W30 onstable Bradford charged 0. Kilpatrick, of Flos, with being drunk and-dxsorderly and wxth assault. One dollar and costs or 20 days. lfnnt '\rT.-.P|....LL.. n... u. .... \.l'.....I.-n. 5.... Fookhardy Dangerous. We have often called attention to the practice of boys jumping on the trains in the yard while In motion. Still they are con- stantly doing it. They get on the bay side of the trains, Where they think they are un- observed, and when the Toronto and Hamil- . ton trains come in and go out a. lot of young cubs indulge in this dangerous pastime. One of these days we shall have to record some- thing serious with regard to these foolish boys. iw1\LII'1';`t;-)IcCarthy was up on Monday for ` being drunk and incapable; One dollar and {posts with time to pay. Northern Railway Employees Picnic. ; On Saturday next the employees of the ; Northern Railway will hold their annual ; picnic in A:-dagh s grove in this town. The ; glace chosen is a very beautiful one and no \ oubt, as usual this picnic will be one of the notable events of the season. All sorts of games and sports will be in order and valuable prizes given and those who wish may enjoy the merry dance. A big time is expected, as ab mt 2,000 will likely be here. v too.--u Members" of the Rebecca Degree, I. 0.0. F., will hold their regular meeting next Tues- day evening, July 27, when D. D. P. G. Dr. McCarthy will install the oicers elect. All -members are requested to attend as business of importence will be brought before the meeting. H A Edward Houghton, agent Baird's Comedy 0)., is in sown tnaking arrangements for thls popular Co. They will be here on Monday next, 26th, and remain one week. `$1.00 PER ENUM IN ADVANCE. SINGLE COPIES. FIVE CENTS. 7n:I.1n1u. mnmrsrun SALE] Mahw. > H|'llllUun, ..,n, V ,__ U - - rc1l10\ ur;1 with ~ ~..`. .mmn'cnicnrc, out Damn Cutting 01'. ()II';cuI1o11x'.~`. {form 9 u m to ~ - -v 12 no ` - -- 1 0 K` m (`onsultutio On and Om . . V n free S _ ' - Declal 'M`1`Itl1. ~'`Iln"uE maulv for trea ' `"18 atie nts at llwir X`t`n`id,ll"t* \'0 C118,!` ' `. ' ge unti a c ` P8. is r.-'uc?.ul. V , . 29.1) Ulll 15130.. \\'nrts.'-In-., Bib:--V-__ _` _7 H ` c~f'I'u.0n10. fm'n1m'lV 0 "Flore \` .` ' a-iwfh 3: nee. Italy, w11l re- am-r `1u'1<.~`h.\\', .lL'_x3\' 22nd.` " - \\0I`x:`.'I`X'l1l,dis('0\'t-35`, 113;-(1 gfdhlssofnew and Bumons. lngrmving 'l`0ena.ils Cht- 001315, _ n,u1uvux;1withoutpaih cutlttilxlins. O1` ...nn..,. `LULWIIS at 1.hQ-"rQuen's H0 . tel: On and` Nlilulolr For Smmncr llsldeuccuri 11w -, B. ]I14;)4;}{\L5l5. Duuuu} Duuru, war -9 g A % T I . A y the publig that , wood, of B8-I'l'l0. nor ' `_ mixed {to act as ptr. '- .` .11 w u wuuyo our a. en 5gcr`;I~``1`f"I`h`:\};l511 l _innos.` HEIN AZMAN .~:x:"I'A`, -'}{ju,:S1!`L`CI. \\ est. '1oronto. 29-3] 1 u . &_ CQf 3'9 PAY P 9.1.!- wf{NTIL|O, . .~ .\R-"`L`lnv-nnnn Ylnivy 11:31] `in '1' +2.!` mm! PEBBLES, % com & STEEL BIMMED, Quema..- ' maxi x 5):`- "`d h't.x;;l 1% Class C ` ' vnship of erti MQK cat ellal-' Address G. , ,.._.. 1: Q N` 29-31 B ],14`}4` L . u.\ 515. S0110 1 0' Board Me- .: S. ' ;{_'r05{. 01 -\.L E. ~ ` }':1Ii`Ixl in one 1 ck `of 50 gr 52} -else 34$`, acres L0 h of the razlway rom !`8.llW&Y and ` . ,_ g_ '|`lm balance _ ".E':,`lH:1i!1ix1L: site exthcr case, land. i lrI`1f0I_ 3ce11L`1'_\', ;u1 nborhood cannot be ; -a-`lt1;S(?(]. only 2% nnle. rom Barrie P. 0., and * ;1lIh;bt.101\-,;( to H1 iLYO`MPS. Astle . Apgllg 1 1",, ,w(-nli,-'(`\' (H `U 1 CH1," .I.'!l\' II-n31-in, . 99.RR.n Timber Vlaffbr Sale. `and with- Rf. DOUHGLAS . "l'hL f\lu.vl 50 UV -`J1 _ 5l . 51 V _ > . pm `71r'Ll1cx- pur'l.ic111a.i`s and information up- u . A'lllL'Il.u1;u~..,.,,__ _ :n1hc pI'(`Il1i>`os ,6 \ . \ I \ ,. , _ \ .\V1:2.1_ }1___ g;,,.,.;ef VOL. I In, mHu__\\'3Hf.; g;ims the 1<`rdnmgepfaol1Lo,t; ` 1.1;--1` mm ihuir Number andPr1ce.: ` I;-' 1 1`i`<-. l"e(:t` - Lot Price. .Feet .\()u 5 lx' No._ S _Frontage. ` I la, 1;:-~,.~, - I). 1*`. M ACW,A'!"l`. A.UCTION~ SALE bk ' half as I NE ' `-" HI nu pmrl uown at me umc 01 } :11 ring h.-slunm: within one month there- ..'.1_l;.lnn..:rL~.z ul 7 per cent. Other terms ' ur`.x!_1u11s will In: Imulc "known at the time . m` 1nI.ln: mn.:smLivn0 on application to 1/)l'Y\"|T. S'l`l{;\'l`HY & LOUNT. ', Vcndox- s Solicitors., ' ` " TH .h1'\' I\|'. . ' 9.-&.R1 MADE av c. max & co..% A\\'1 ) (`n\'l)l'I`lU.\'.s`.~-0Il6 tenth of the * mom's -m be paid down at the time of Ilw h-xlnn.-.~ wir'}.in nnn rnnnfh thawe- U : lob xxxv. .\'0 29.: WHOLE No.1787. ' S.mL'x-:1. VV'v1:,sI.Ev._Prouriet0r. V .-ur.:..`:_\-`. 153:3. UU 50 . n-. ` 0`! X0 u.') 65 1:` .__.i _\ 1'n'1: n'r1sEMEN'1`s. ISAAC ROBINSON. BIG BAY POIN -___1_I- 11 I1 (Warranted), at or \'AL`JABLE '.v..~.1.L'ABLE -1- - 50 40 AI P161`, zlt` 3 '1 l 51- 51 an JEWELE3, ' i3A1>.1uE; % VV. R. PHILLIPS. IL, A. STEPHENS. uunu VV ALL` rmu. OTTON, opuosite the - 29-29 ' 515 53 51 1:5 as` .5 Za.`ncia.`l'o, P. __.-__- DU 75 72 70 75 70 AK 50 K0 DU 76 75 Q0 260 140 140 180 l`11`lJl`4IE 29-36- ? D U" 50 An 61 D1 37 47 43 AH av 51 51 U115-_ 2:5-31 ` yvnv `yvu l.|Gl.l-IV: The Company would be glad to do what they could to meet the views of the Council, but after the engineer's report, cannot of _ course do what you now ask. ' ` Yours truly, `K7 ; 1 man I"nu7Nrcm-Mn uuwuu. That the claim of Mrs. Keatings for damages against the co ration have been carefully considered, but 3`; committee can- not recognize the same .- in the shape of damages as against this corporation, but would recommend the payment of $25 on ac- count of the great hardship to her as present- ed in her etition to the Council. a Report 0. 7 Fire and Police recommends that tank on Mulcaster street be repaired. That a slip be built at foot of Rodney street as soon as said street he opened across railway, also that the bank on south side of railway track be gradedgso as to get down to `La nun . IQIIVVDJ Uawvu wv bhiwvuwn-.-v W- -- 9, , the slip. That a barrel be sunk at the junction of High and Bradford streets -for the engine to ump out of, as the present oodgate is use- ess in the case of. tire. e , That Joseph Rogers be appointed Police Court Clerk at a salary of $125 a year. fl1L_L LL- ....;:;:.... -4! W Mnrrinnn re Fire auw vvauuu U110 OBBUBBLIJUUU l'UU.U.UUUo The following letter was read : HENRY BIRD, EsQ., Clerk and Treasurer, . _ Barrie. _ I DEAR Sn>.,-Your_ letter of 9th inst. has been referred to our engineer, and he reports that a. crossing at Rodney street would `be very objectionable, and he says that there is an under crossing close to Rodney street, which he thinks might be used for` the pur- pose you name. Thu nnrnnnnii II-n\I|`(` `an n`nr` `A An IlY"\u", ulu \I|-[I9 UL VVAL'l`ER TOWNSEND, _ Acting Engineer. _ Various accounts were presented and read. All documents were duly referred to proper committees. ` T T . REPOR'l`S.. ' Report No. 16 Finance.-This recommends that acbunta amounting to $410.95, which has been found correct be paid. * mu ,4 LI , _ , ,4 _l n 1`) 13-..: L... -1--- RIB UCUIJ. LUUUU UU_I.'l'l'.'UIl U0 PD Us That the a.ccount_of G. R.v`Ford for clean- ing water table in front of his store `be not allowed. T "I'\L_L 1.)... \'r._ o A __..a 1n'...1.......! .4- LL- l8llUWUUu That lots No. 8, 9 and 10` placed on the N on-Resident s Roll and gbelongizgg to the estate of the late J amen. Richardson in error by thg assessor, be withdrawn and taxes re- wnibn ' ' Uourt Ulerk an salary 01 qpuau u_ yuan- Thst-the petition of W. Moruson re Fire Extinguisher be not `entertained, as such I would be useless to this cormzration. \L-L 4.1.... .....L:L:.... A15 13` nntanmerv and Treasurer's) semi-Annual `Statement - Grant made Re Distribution of Medals -Genera1 Middleton to be Here. l The regular meetin _ of the Council was held at the Oouncil Ha . on Monday evening. His Worship Mayor Sewrey in the chair. All the members excent Councillor Ball were present. Routine business as usual. I - COMMUNICATIONS. A communication from Frank'Rogers was read. He understands that the Council is `about to go against his lot for taxes, and as Arthur Crogan was in possession of that lot, as tenant, in the a years 1884 5 and that `he was possessed of property, the collector should have collected the taxes from him. Under the circumstances he does not con- sider himself in duty bound to pay said taxes and asks the Council for relief in the premises. 7 l 11.... nv\'r..:n :_ - LLL-~ -` ' " |JlG1l1lUBo - Mary O'Neill in a letter complains that her house on the corner of John and Ross streets is assessed for more than she paid for it, and that the assessment slip` was not handed to her till after it was too late to ap- peal. She says the property is assessed at $800 and she paid $750 for it. and therefore she wants the assessment reduced. 'l`l..~. n'll.....:..... I.4.L._.. _. - ._-..`.1 5-1. I19 K mitted. II"L-L at 00|

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