Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Jun 1886, p. 7

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E3i=%I 30!?` Eight Doors East of Old Stand, Mccarthrs Black, :BAI=ua.1E.-.4 [S ows -:- BOOKSTORE. Baby Carriag$,'with or without wire Wheels. % % , % ` i , Lacrosses,LaWn':Tennis Raquetss Base Bad Clubband Ba`lls._ 4 -. ' ~ E-BOOTT, THE BOOIKSELLEB-,1 |SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Wsaa, m;@,m 2\mz&& wu;@ma NOTIGE .I.' JLLILVLLIIVLJ (IL! ll 4. -- ..v;.-z.......--..,. _ N btast on for Machinery is made by MCCOLL BROS. 8; 00.. 'roro.tS. b I V A "When buying ask for b MGGOLUS LARDIN E IVIAGFIINE OI L. LEA'DSL__`_l'__|-1E VAN. F`-"9- VVN Vln thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to state that he has _at con- siderable expense increased. his baking facili- ties and is now prepared to do a larger business hnii AVAI`_ - HUB lulu an 5 than ever. Made in the various gtylea and Quality the boat -Delivered in all` narts of the town. _ _____._; ---:-- I . . PIC-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS & WEDDINGS supplied at short Izotice and on reasonable erme. FREDERICK J BROWN .xcU1sIoN_s WILL BE RUN FROM ANY Statioxfon the` N. 86 N-W.Railwa I and Mmhma nivhinn of the G..'l`. Railway _y1_-911 SEAS_)_l_\l_ I886. Excu RSIONS Eauuna paw vv Lu-u um. --..-. _ _- H, ,, Station _' on the`N. N-W.Railwa{,a .Midland. Division of the G. T. Railway yrail to Barrie, Orilllnor Jackson's Point. then by the beautiful` steamer "01-illia to Strawberry Island, Big ' Bay Point" '01- any other ports` or placyeseot .re's'o`rt `on Lvkes imooe and Conchi- iohin . On Strawberry Island a lax` Pavilion. Publ o Cook'House for-the oonven ence of ex- ouxtsionists. Ioe.`Swings,- Boats; Fishing Tackle, 3&0. wig;-ound the island is the best bass shing 81`.`.1!.l B in thel oke; ` `For further information rates, &o., apply to 0.-Momnms. Oiunnu. ~ 22-31 manufactured fresh `ovary Zdazy. Ask your grooer for them and you will use no other. .---:?- CAU'l`ION.-Any dealer found selling other oil: as hardware Oils will be prosecuted. ommou BAKERY . "S'_ iy*p1:'ic_efs%;bfQre; pufchasing elsewllere. ghdvg nllvmys the manor: on qoam uuu pteame . or. to the Great Northarn;.'l`1-ansit '00.. tad.` Ooulnzwood.` Tnoms Lona !seorot`sr'v`:cns. Onnnox.~Munn.ner. 3 . _ Tliurstfny at 6 mm. V For mrormnuon as: w treinrht sud fIl'08.' to _ t t b above nllwuys. t.l1?lxyonruu' yon oardo gin: litAea1i;gf_g,o1" V Northarh ;'l`1-axisit n...u.. ~ flkunuua `Lama. BITE ll|.I. @F - `4bqlodV_t`or and aeuvor"'1'i one at most ant` res! and ;1;ir1`=.3n' WjiAnd`ow.,Shades arid Paper Window Shades. s 1' A TI 0 N E R Y - ~ 11'. ' -;f>L. sEa.'.; T .z:v (.a.." BIHIO. ltgaaf-fl1`:I3 0] .';';Z_' _-r. THE NEW LOVXIPRESSURE A_.._,_._. 1523:3153 THU uw ---- . C. MQINNES. MASTER a%I`s<:uI'Ifs BREAD S WILL BE RUN rnum ADI 1 on Railway _y1_t_1il LI UU EPODI ohnl ooo AND.` amon- } gun Bay no Royal Mail in -A._....-u....- man.` than `Nnithdrn MERCHANT TAILOR, THE NORTHERN} T ---I..ARGES'1` AND 358! LSSOBTMENTI or--- _TQ___1'_`{I_21'I_ER.S AAj1_\TLI_) TH RESHERS.-T-he 1r...r1t\`r`I nbnu Hr nn. Tnrnnfn OPPOSITE STATION. BARBIE. ~-'--A ovournms srocx OF--4 'lS Now MAKING DIREcT~PHOT'C- (_3RA_|_ _HS frnom CARD SIZE up `rd in x I4 CABINETS FROM $3.00 PER DOZEN. ." I pent Bowie-Ii7`v7BLL*s A13 Loc.KA,' THE PHTl}%APBIl,% \SIM|I|lB LAN]! JEBNIIY, W BA._ElE.I.7 OVER THIRTY FARMS. frorh two to `ten miles of Barrie, at prices nearly half less ` than ever offered before. -Among them are five rebclass old well improved farms, equal to any in the County. can be bought Just now at a bargain, and on easy terms. _ ' _ TI-uxvn nlnn- fnnr rnt-class brick IIOUBPB in ` bargain, and terms. Ihave also four rstclass Barrie for as. e at low gur-es-beside 18 qheamer houses-atfrom $200 to $1.200. Also one ne brick store and dwelling, well located on Dun- lop-St. If you want a bargain buy now as these chances are uncommon, and our properties are sellin fast._ We have sold $59,000 worth of Real state m the last ten days. Money loaned on the above properties at 6 per cent. ' Some of them have rented for years at 20 er cent. interest on the price asked by us. end for land list or call on Real Estate. Loan and Insurance Aazent. Bar- rie. Ont. V T 13-25 Iram 85 North Western Railways. 'I`I-II-i.C)`U'(3-Ii TICKETS To all points East and West. and Manitoba. For tickets. rates. eto., apply to ` ' , V` : GAPT. SMITH Roar. QUINN, Agent. N. 85 N. W. Rys., . General Paspenger Agent. gazfrrie Ii isLj::-am? _. g.:n--n-..., .=.;T.`.<.Y,~ '{'m. lUlUIII_?E_Ul{W WUlll|9l'.V- 2 -4` . Duh tnnlduhnd Qkmitj er ~~ =%>w.'mcnoss:uc V:-r . .- ;. u . . _...__ -.--- 12:2 11:11: t'HEb'oK7s7arEhiEubj 434.1-%'1R%IE, wens son SALE 6;]; BLAGKSTOGK, .om.v his is rm-..ooou~..I!ITa.:.-gar; '-` d L .ad~ '1. BY THE 17-I -v .-uavnovu, 3 \Ivn\AAA.|nn 20 Inches, ,1 Column 7`! 01' DWI} III0l1E.S-IaI16 I:nI'86 Ill0IIUll)' rate with 10 per cent. added. a'Preferred positions in the paper will be sold at an advance of one third on above rates. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- I {ice of intention to change advertisements` must be nanded in to the office not later than Saturday _at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in the Anvnxcm oice not later than 12'o clock noon on Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week following. A .1____.:_-__. __.:`n _-;. 1.. ._n.....,: 4... -_..- n._-:_ uvv wv Anna-uv yuwaav \A.AAvL5 vuv u nun; nvuv n .1.- Advertisers will pot be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside their own "regular. business. Should they do so. h-An9:ip.nt rates will he charged for such advmu I Insertion or me same manner. Le l, Omcial and Government advertise men s will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contract advertisements will be taken atthe following rates which are drafted on correct commercial principles, and, as they will be strictly adhered to in making new contracts after present contracts expire, there will be only one price for all: 1 llnch .... .... .. i 2} Inches .......... . . 5 Inches, i Column.. '10 Inches, 5 Column hn 'r_-1.-_ 1 n-I____ DWI} .I'CglL|&I'- UUEEIIIUBU. DIIUUJU LDC) UU BU, t;ansxent_ra.tea will be charged for such adver- Vtxsement ._ _ . - \J\lA.1AIaaILv\Jn.|uAl 43: v -.-......u..... -_.- Condensed ` advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found. Property for Sale or to Rent, S ecitlc Articles, Eto., Et:c., must be accompanie with the cash, and will be inserted--F1rst insertion. 2 cents 9 ,. y- : van ` *For one month-the three monthly rate with wyer cent. added. ) AFor two mont_hs-the three monthly rate unit}: 10 now non} nn |uw.,mw., nlunb U6 ucuuiu uumu wwu nut: uuau, and will be inserted--F1rst insertion. cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names. addresses, and figures counte as words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. . -rnnxsrnxr ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion,10 cents per line. Each sub so uentinsertion, 4 cents per l1n_e. - eading notices, 10 gents oer hne for rst in- aertion; 5 cents per hne for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. Tana` nlmlnl and flnvnrnmnnt nvnrtinn ftnsnontllinunnvnuca A.TsTV!1I1'ulII?(\?`TlH 11 A rlvnu: )v:R';rIsINi VG RAJTES; The Advance has a Sworn Circulation _ T ` of Thirteen llundredand N - `Twenty Copies,` Limost, it not quite double that of any other 1 Paper pub had in Barrie. tlunvmfrxsnns snounn no-rm -rms uc'r."E~:3 (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). LINIMENTIUDIDEAMMUNIA Weak Back. Enlarged Joints, ParaJ3'sfs. Rheu- matism. Neural 'a., Dihghtheria. Sciatica, Prolapsus teri, emale Weak- HERE- I. LUICDIIDIID \J IIJLI, J. \JA-uuuav vv uuuun I V ness. The best and only certain remed to relieve sin of all kinds, no matter of how ong stand- ng. Instant relief guaranteed cripples. Swol- len Joints, Varicose Veins, Bites, of Insects or Sick Headache. N 0 oil or grease; is clean and sweet: will not soil. Tnovnmnfinn nftlmtridnavn Rrizzhtfs Disease. . sweet: W111 no]: son. I Inammation of the Kidneys,Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Incontinence of Urine. It is the only Liniment in the world possessing alterative powers. Can be taken internally ; cures Cramps and Colics, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Sold by all Drngglsts. Trial Bottle 25. `Write Dr. GILES, box 3,482 N. Y. P. 0.. who will give advice onall diseases free of charge. m`Beware , of unscrupulous dealers and counterfeits. ` The enuine has the name blown a.. nu. dlnnn nn annimlln of the disc overer s . counterrexns. '1'ne enu_1n nus um muuu mu Wu in the glass and acmmzle of the disc overer name over each cork 40-eow-39 For worn-out." run-down." Qeulllmwu school teachers. mllliners. seamstresses. house- keeggrs. and over-worked women generally. 11- nI~nn a mmm-ma Precrintion is the b_es_t_: WEUUULB. uuuuuu a, uyu.......- ......__ geherally. erce's Favorite Prescription best I9 l'u.uu U Ul'VV\IlA\vu .. ...-_ KUU u V V V Dr.g cierce's of all restorative tonlcs. It is not a C but admirabl fullls a singleness of 1 being 9. mos potent Specic for a A and stren h to the whole system. restorative $011108. 1: 15 nut, u. u....,-.....{fnl1ls Pose. _ hose 1' Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases pecuhar to A women. It is a. werful. general as well as uterine. tonic an nervlne. and imarts vigor curesw essof.stomach.indigestion. loat- Ina wank back. nervous nrostratlon. qebjlity cures weakness of. stomach. imugesnon. mum- ing. weak back. nervous prostration. debility and sleeplessneesrin either sex. Favorite Pre- scription is sold by druggists under our post- tive mwsantce. See wrapper around bottle. Price 1.00, or six bottles for $5.00. A laria treatise on Diseases of Wome pro- fusely ustrated with colored plates an nu- merous wood-cuts, sent for 10 cents in stamps. Address. Wonmrs Drspmzssmr MEDICAL A AQIIIIIICAHIYAI RAE! . NO Yo Assoowrroxv. 063 Main street. Bualo. N and Constipation. Kerttgnpy outed by 250. r . .nr.r1q ggfug .. Luz. upuu as A5 `s".f ,f1-S='fi}3:i`zigJaundice, ,;I_%"E 11?,~'3. -V my '1ga,1a.g,;S_g:rof111a.. .3i ;3;`.kerm3~ u gth ~_ `cart ervouaness '=tE5'36`+2e_II';-3 qllebzlxty:-.a'1these and mar->`-W? lat Comelaxnts yield to the hrmnv nmhwncc: 5-Havoc` Ann. can nap`-I\ I\TIfIIK'I\('1 No. 01 Inches Space. : mi: and I_'`.'.) :.'1:;':LiI" '54" '11:?! :i"71" V J E` _ I u ,`,,_ ,; ." .` .. .. - . .. > Cxrva .~. V-AI.------,-1-n n an} A6" Apr: 1 . . ouxzg. The speediest and mos}: cert-ain medicine . in the world. '.Jn1.0cks all the clogged ingvcnkxcs of ghe Blgwels, Kulneys and L_1ve;', carrying of; gradgallywitllout weal-:en1ng`the system, _:tll _the impurities arid foul humors of ihe sebr'etinns~.;` mxlxe same time C C! ectirg I 42.1.}... `-l~J-'!..\ C !-no-.10 nu rnx-5 -u 1 _ j For*worn-out." run-down." debilitated ...1.~.1 haonhat-n. mnliners. seamstresses. 1101459 sezreunns ;; 21!. Inc aauuc uuu. `,1. G\u;u'}_', V. Acidgty `of the St01"J3n-'3-1|` cm: :3 7 otisness, Dyspepsia. E. `xx, -Vs, ~ arinnau ` 'n'nn.r+.hmm- l' OFSHGSS, .l.PI[S}J-`.`-P353211, K..'Jg=... .=.'.'~'_c.', .9. _-zmegs, J_Iiea.rtbur;1._ Gopsu1pa.t1_on, % .D.1'W.1ess.;9_i`,.;2he. Sx1_n. 13r-`3I'.2s '.'D1m- :31 3%95V1810D:J~a.und1ca. -',~1".321.__. . ,I=sr9Lpe.13.s..gScrofu1a- 33-lJ3`~'s,m3` U: * U r1"`AYv I 1.2} Com Iaints yield tri hnvfwnx-'iriuhIt`nc2 v.~of QOK BIr00D;BI'.'.'TERS. T; 'Ir:..~=rr`. ~ ,.-'.. v;.'.; Q ,. 4:. .;.;f.`.,; ,.'F-or` sa1e`.by a1l/'glcaIcr.=. , 'l`, l10.Pl0pl'IcoI-s, _ l'oron? `U. `cl'1'-.,. --.'a' 1' 1. : 'i:Q1TT4'T"-T"*.`.'U7'- 6 'l(II OK-J`;I !1 ' ) ;:: azluiliuoIiIIf!i:B-1vis39vtIaiIit!lI!9s.9!'h-.: Quggvo. 15.54. 'oilI%I9ua!!3 AQ|!"`.. . * . Nl_pnl.~,I.F'3$ . nok- cdrinjixsizn }:\i)vBRTIsu.MENTs. ALL FAMILIES USE I'I`. G-ILEES B: reuelas. asp: 3} drusetsta. $0503 250,37 400: znn nns `"0118 linsleazu llnzsrer-I [Inner tions. tions. Hnn I.`-I I-nna\ (Run:-\u\ A {:15 2'3}; 300 1600 .. 4.. A. .. - lalllo (3mos) 1 : PRICE FOR 13 uncut. h a u UIUII5. D (6mos) ( ~ 1500 25 oo \r.%-nre ' "am an In CLAI- $600 1400 S I 52 Inser- tions. 11 um \ Z566 it irsan-ir;fav.l1it7)le_1'7er`x1edy. It ecctually rubbed on the neck or chest, as salt into meat. it cures Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis. Colds. and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- scesaes, Pxles, Fistulas, And every kind of skin disease, it has never been known to fail. | Thu 13:11:: nut` l\v\fI-non} nu-A `Knv\11'nnfI11|n(` | UUCLI KIIUWII LU lull. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, An urn unl Ht n'l'I Vnnnrn nf '|\4Tn( Hn{non j`Tl `*_`_:'|I " "i" -' " ""I giving tone," energy and vigor to these great MAIN SPRINGS or LIFE. They are condent] recommended as a never failinzz remedy in 9. cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. [The are wonderfully efcacious in all ailments inc: ental to Females of all ages, and as 3. Gen eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. Its searching and healing properties are known throughout; the world. For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. I\I `I II? I A I 1-9: UV`! VIII UIIII Iiuulupi hVlItvIv' And are sold. by all Vendors of Medicines throu bout. the Civilized World: with direc- tions or use in almost every language. l B`I311r-hmaprn nhnnld lnnlr tn the Tnhel on H0115 I01` U80 In ILHLIUBI: BVBI) Language. V a;'Purcha.ser3 should look to the Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 } Oxford Street. London. they are spurious D. uuu. AJLVII-Du 0|d Wonnds.Sores and Ulcers, GQU'1`. RHEUMATISM. we muulng necessaries or Lite. , These famous Pills puri the Blood, and act most powerfully, yet soot ngly on the `l'_'_____ L--., _ -1, 'lT!,1, 1 -...v-u-v yv u a.a.uu;, gvv uvvuuausxy uu uuo Liyerhsfumach, Kidn_eys gnd BovvAgT1Xzg.L~ ..... _.. -..-. _._-__. ._J ._ __-... _ LL--- v_:-_;----- 2 - -jj This Great H usehold Medicine ranks a.m'ongst the leading necessaries of Life. These fammm Pilln nut-ifv nu. nan.-.3 ....1 =...t Beware of`.erfeits and Base Imitations. ' Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 2 cent stamp. For Sale by V nujgjnj QQAQOKCC I `. WHI thoroughly care you. The] do not g':';2e or pus-go, but aci mllcy, and whenever used are ccnsiderexl price- less. They have proven to be the $iWJ@*@he To all sufferrs from Indigestion. Disordered Stomach. EST -`J39 ihen; am! E3: rztlevod from your misery. 30 Pills in a box. 24%;: ;:.:2s' `box, 5 boxes for SI `F03 SALEBY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES excesses. -.;_t' in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two posts estam s. -In "The ce obra author.` in this admirable -Eaaavclcarlydcmonatrates. from thirty years successful practice. that alarming consequen- ces may be radically cured without the danger- ous uoeot internal medicines or the use or the knife: pointing out a mode of cure at once , le, certain and e ectual, bymeans of hi h ;`.?y` sufferer. no matter vshat his congititcm -be. acurehimeelth 1. it! w 01:; c eapy prvaey . mrmhin 1 .m-.tn1-A. nhmfld ha in the hands: nf W ELEBRATED , Dgg3;I,gg] ' \A"`oANn:L|oN . H AV E Y U u Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness. jaundice, Headache, Dizziness, Pain in the Bm~1:. Costiveness or any disease arising from a deranged liver, DR. CHAS:-;'s LIVER CURE will be found a sure and certain remedy. NATURE'S nzmzov _ -rm- .... ....m:-A en:-race no` hr Chase's Liver Cure m NATUFlE' H|'.lII:ut_ The unqualied success of Dr. Chase's Liver Liver Complaint rests solely with the_fact that it is compounded from nature`s well known_ live: re ulators MANDRAKE AND DANDELION, combined wit many other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having a. giwerful eect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and 00d- 500,000 SOLD Over one-lzal/' million of Dr. Chase : Recipe Book: were sold in Canada alone. W : want every man, woman and child who is troubled 'zuv.'t/t Liz/er C om- plain! to try this excellent remedy. LADI ES _ _ It is a well known fact that an inactive liver causes a dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples, etc. ; , Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy that`. will most [ positively cure these complaints. - L - enun-umn ew- mvsu Alnvl-`REE over 156+, w'w_ :'~_'UWV- . The report lxldlcates the necesslty of stricter requlatiuns w1th reference to our sheries 1t they are to remain productive. rnL- _L._.....,...n Gal-you-tr -wk`:-`I Han nhnurn |l_lIVll.I-3921:; ul--I` v|;`|,_*Ilo.Ill \8 llIl- IJLIII I Llluuvgq 53.6`-o12iosITE BARBIE HOTEL, positively cure these complaints. . T souammc New. GIVEN Avis"! FREE Wrapped around eve bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable House old Medical Guide and Recip: ' pronounce Book (84 gages), containing over 200 useful recipes, by medical men and druggists as invalu- _able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. _ - ---nnhuuuu n an `n J, I -__'_1_ l'I..-.ll-...l brated Easy on the radical and er- .- -V ;- -2 mnnent cure (without medlcine) of et- vous Debility. Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impedlmcnts to Marriage, etc , resulting from ` amt-.'o`.xnan_ -1` "L W have recent! published -a. new ; edition of Dr. Cu vorwellu Cele- 8110 PSGIOBIJY. . \ , T This` Lecture should be in the hands of eve`:-y youth and ever man in the land. zzddrmn than CULV RWELL MEDICA I. (In. LQIID` AJUVIIIILU uuvluu no an vnxv unulglu Ill. every uaddress the CULV RWELL MEDICAL Co. ;4l:.A.nn St. New York. Post Office Box 460. CUIC, I||l\ VVUI 611 BI: Ill bl: lay I onus. unwunwnnuvu T. EBIMNSON lied} oie ients, Bradford. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. `V 1 ,.u*ouLvnw:LL's ingga %c]L{1'rIm sum; was Ho'LLowAv7 Pi|.i.s hie (1:-nab I.Imn-..1....1a -mr-.1:_:_- . _ _ _ L _ . _ -._ HOLLUWAWSWDINTMENT ngnefles ll LllUy (LID DU Lwluusu ysuuuvvovvo The sturgeon shery, -which has shown signs of decline for several years past, utterly failed this season. No reason has been given "tor the disappearance of this sh. The inland sheries in Quebec con- tinue to show signs of improvement. XIILIAR L:..1.n..:... .-`P Dmnnn Edward In- '!'HEY ARE A! ABSUUJTE AND m's:=33sIK on INDIGESTIBN, wnv surrzn mom GU) GEORGE MONKMAN, DRUGGIST. BARBIE. ANHQQQ. and at on start 2? THE AGE `FEZRFE8? CURE` BLESSING ..----___w_-:.... . _ $17,722,973 18 J. .oL1nc1udu' the 'u1antity"'Q):n'- 1hl3ef11A\1:;r]tl1e ludizm pupu1t(1.Iti0n of -But: w}:u(`ol11xubiu, and also the yield $.53, There was a falling in the item Hf 1imcl;c1'eI in. Nnva. Scotlao 0t- 47:927 barrels, '1'cpresHxtil1g a money value of 1 .v The dlebrease is due maixily to the low prices for this sh in the United States . markets during the year. The fallmg o .. ..n6n`\-l'l")`i nrnn llll ff) {CWO 01` three I 7|-IAVE YOU 1'\........-min Inrlirvp n'ow'ns'Ionn I _ lub8._- This (uL`5 not include` sumed by the 1: 1311 Columbia, and also fal ._.n..I.,..~u1 in N()v3 `OIIIIUBS. , , L There was a marked mcrease In the catch of salmon and cod over that 0171834, and lobster shing was abundant an re- `mum-rative, the increase in the latter 1884 was $250,000. ml. _ .L,... miinofnu thn nnnmznitv nf LU BHUW UISLID UI lllltlvvwllwsauo All the sheries of Prmce Edward Is-" laud showan increase. ` ` mu I I A ,__ A_'!_L.._-- :.\ -Dun:w\A`I\ on 116: lauu snow nu uwuzuuwo , . The lobster shery in Prince Edward lsland has developed into enormous pro- portions. Greed as usual, has led to over- zishing, and now instead of , four lobsters lllling a one pound can, it takes live, and s0n1et1u1essi.\;. It is an established fact that when it takes more than ve lobsters to fill :1 pound can it ceases to be remun-T cratl\'e.- The report recommends mea- sures to clxecl; this over-shing. r.. |)_.:l:_,L H I..._.I..:..- H... ....L..L 1.3 an`. DHHJB 'U \lAL'L'l\ D1115 UVUl'LlDlllll5c In British Culumbia.'-tne catch ofTsa.l- mon shows :1 decrease of $279,11_9, owing [0th0Ll(`1I`L`SS6d state of the market and the large qmmtity of T canned salmon on hand frum the catch of 1884. Only nine cannerics were in opera,tion last year. The sh breeding eperatioxls in the Fraser river \H-re highly successful. I.` A... 1)... Ci:uIIf\ J\ n-..;....:.. 4.1....` :4 .u{:_ ~ 'l`heWfulluvsii1;z value of the 1251 year 1885: - -Nova Scotia, . . . New Brunswick. PrinceVEJu';n'd Is`. Quebec ..',, ,_ British Cu1uux'..4ia. Uu',al`iu . . . . . . ._ , Illlulxmn u.... in the catch-` countles. - n- .`...x 1: na AAVLB |`\|L |ll5llLY DlI\J\.I\J5Dl\I5n In _the Pruvince of Ontario there is evi- dence ot steady improvement. I? Ilvnn 61 . . . . . UL; L`-..v.o blnn :,v.;xv\n:nn A` `AUIILU UL Dl:UGl|`y LIQPLUVGWGCIVO It was tlmugllt that the extension of twenty days in the cldse season for white sh and sullmm trout would materially Meet the catch of these sh, but notwith- sta_nrlin5,; this, the catch of both kinds is slightly in excess of that of 1884;. The tutalvaluc of lish caught during the past season in the Province of Ontario exceeds that nf 1831 by nearly a. quartet` of 8. mil-j lion dollars. I II `V .u I1-v . up in t1 "5 -.. ViH|ll1Luu an .. yup-.. ords mucn formatiun upon one `uf the mos ' ' s of the Dominion t m.1pf"t.- antindustrxe that the shiugindustry is; ; . 7 '11] It Bllkma a tlu`iv1nL' con isfactuly, w1 1e value p -Qmtiu. f the macketal "patch: in dition and the . th the cxceptionggag ?1%:r:" - use` Duo ..._ Nova Scotm. The fullmx inq $_T5 u. T`L.,. ..1,\ lrlauu` `V ? or-vrv- v The annual re on . , Marine and Fishgrieg itfbgg Munster of at'fords_much valuable and inte us. _and it formatluu of Greeting in. antin mo? ll'npo"_ show a ' dustries D ~ . shoiwnig`; t x . _ . Vs ry if in, :..: ..,. mndition Produce `Q3 .t` ` . . L - - A u -ruuxn. Aln Manituha mid the North \Vest it is dxtlicult tn gut reliable statistics as to the catch. The vulineof the fish caught there for huuw cuuslllnption is estimated at 7:'.H mm The close season in Ontario for speckled trout, .'(L/I/um fmdinalis, is from Spt. [0 May I_. Picket-e1,` April 15 to May 15. Bassnnd Maskinonge, April 15 to June 1. : \Vk:+n4:..1.. .....: e..1.....`.. m..-..a `I\T.-m \ I llllv vv v..-`_ _' Canadian. United States d General Nam. Harry DgYul.1:iu_1, li_viug with the f` ' k.fAuaLiu `v'at'lLe,. Bll)gh4n1pt0n N`.*m`lf1Y ms 111 thn back of the "had ahursday and then killed himself_ Rock [s1a.ud?Railwa h V 2;: rates. This wyill x:8,kL`fv St Paul and Northwestern rat-clan: mg}; to Omaha $4 25. instead of $7,00_ A hand car at trestle the other day killing three 11 * men an _y wmmdmg two oth I on it The fall was 35 feet. we who A gird : Eye Days- an 1355 'J`he . been cuttn Wheeling, W. Va., fan . Ngt fishing of any kind is rohibited in pubhc waters, except under lesson or licenses. WUmmm,__n Wheel - otfa. 3125 men and. fatally wounding t wa1'e()l1lt-. 35 ..________.___.`______ rate AIIID 1.3. .-...m uuu LVAHDNIIJUIIEU, :11JL'1.|, 10 nu uu;;u 15- Whitesh and Salmon Trout, Nov. 1 to Iwv. 30, -AVVIIDCB. The size of nets is regulated so as` to Dreventxhe killing of young sh. N0 nets can be set or` seines used so as to bar channels or bays. - F A 6_ner:Ll weekly close time is provided In addninn to special close seasons. &The use of explosives or poisonous sub- stances for takin sh is ille al. (`Luna annngt Ln `r\InI\Iv:l%t\l` A`- ~ View of the World for * 53" ca.nud1a.n._Un!ted_8tnte - -----------I van. mbH1E {HE ._. 2 V us run: rrrn otrr or ; no` 5 cowmns nrro omn. H)!` L3.KUlg UBH 13 1116381 . ' Mill dams must be provided with .9.f' f1C_1ent tiah passes. Models or dl'A&W-W85 Wlll be furnished by the department .011 application. LAKE SI.\Il`0E AND COUCHICHING. The following: is a comparative state-l Egegt of fish caiight in this _ Division I in 4 5. i - o my kind b UUV '-"!V"v ,. . . - . . . o . - o a o 0 U", ' V ` 0 Herring . . . . . . . . . . .Bls. 100 12 . . ' 5, 0 4.000! ?s`.`.."...."`g"`::::::'.:`?3?" 2o.33o 15.000; Pike ..'. .'.'.',. . . . . 20.000 20-09 I . ~ u o n to ' ' ' .` 7.0m Total in lbs . .. .. . .190}06O Value.. . . . . .; $12,700-00 9I97-'(.)::` Lake Simooe Division Oversee". 1" Sanders `and Wm. Hastings "report thl-r lince Lake Simcoe was set apgpg,...f,,, the natural propagation of fish, n_o * estimate of the catohtcan-be grvenq ,` T1397. recommend the issue of permit! `I0? _|P9_' through the ice, but that _'no netting e allowed. - '" Overseer Wm. MoDermott,"9Wh "h.' h"8e of the inland waters of the County f Slmcoe, reports a not1ooablo.in0r0l|ff -11 in his `division, espeoiauy pith-= -`V =1 -=~ _______,,,____ Brunawnm. . . .. . . gVEJ\\_';m1 Isluud. s\':s'm.sts ovdrlsnznv _LA"ws.- I ..Bls. mg-.. .. unouge....-.--- -Lb" - _u DUI I Jotlu. Fullmxinp; gtlres givg the total tIact1alxc1'iL5s of Canada. for the lers orth Fnsherles R0P3't- "3 I-Inn 1 Hug luu ycalo .|..Au.a uuu.;_u5 uu ms conned to two or three .3.11o_w,av' 1nd L....n.I_ _ . . 1.15:. ...$ s,-2.s3;92 37f . . 4.oo5,441_29 93,3429-64 09,459 61 78,038 oo 42,691 77 .12 1,7 1,0 1 3 56,000 65,000 Inn 1 884. usual nugwa .Ov`m'seer',w , . Ac '1 12-41 tlL\-VIJVI I-IIWVVI ~ The Reeve reported that in company with the Reeve of Medonte he had ex- amined the hill on road at lot 1, con.` 7. on townline Oro and Medonte, `and found a very serious wash out at said point which would cost a considerable sum of money to repair. Steps would be taken conjointly with the Reeve of Medonte for its immediate repair. In the meantime a temporary road had been opened for public travel. Men I! Mnvnuv nnnnnunp` :r\ -Arman.` Ln Liza it nfnu On motion of M1j.jRoss, `seconded by Mr. McLean. RON. diviain,-_NHo. :81 on line con. 6 and '?',"m"as;_xt1Ided`?f.rou1`. 101'. 20 to railway, and-a new diyiafonfqrined from milwnvvtn`-1.1L. . .m:m-...` u:..-v-.-'. .... V uvu- v usual I, vv':s_xvlI(lEI1'7`l'_!'0Yll". tundra _f1-om railway` to` Lake. ~Wil!io,u1 Sinclair, Ov_m'aeer':" V r " 5 ' ` 14a1o..cve_r to nex;ivmeej_i13g.3 J : _. A Communication from John C. _Parce stating that he intendg toj move ,his?fen'_ce on si_de_line_ lot 10 and D._ on con_. 2,Vto what heedeems to be the, and.` which will stop _all`co,mmur_1ica.tio_n side line, and_regu9s_1`ng'that the proper road be opened up; ` V V - nu man... .4 `ll/I ...-.`Ml ..T.....~... -..........A-.1 L- Luau luv uyvuwu II On motion of-Mr:'McLeunj,'seconded by Mr. Flethei`, `thelerk was instructed to. notify John C. ' Pearce not to place his fence upon the allowance of the present travelled road on side line. at lot 10 and D., con. 2, till such time "as it can be shown that the present road is not in its proper place. mkn Dnnuun -A-gnu.`-.3 LL-L 3 _ . A g - A ---- tI\I|JIIU VIC-UVIIII Mr. H. McKay appeared in regard to getting gravel for the road on line con. 12 and 13, division No. 109. An Wuvuunnn `\IvA\una-`nu KT- vvvsv wau uuu qnnurfnea. ` V Petitions presented :--Of: R_9_ber,tRt 1sk_ and 7 others "requesting that` the `road divieiun No. 81, should end at.Br'dge road," and a new diviaion be et_orme)c}j_frotn1'\f;idge road to;~Lake. ~ - ~ ~ e~ nu ......a:..._ -2 1:- -n ~ ' 7- '- - C'Il\L `II VIIVIUIUII LIVO J-W. Geo. Wynen, Overseer division No. 73, applied for leave to` provide cedar and plank for oulvertion line con. 5 and 6, at lot` 19. Gr`anted`.' ' _11;I__--_4I-,1,',,_,,,, A "'i"1I'5 Reeve and Mr. McLean appointed a. committee to examine said road and re- port to Council. ` nnnn MnA$hI1u nun: nr\r\n:nnr1 nnnv- T on council. . Town _H.u.L, 030, `May 31st, 1886.` The Oouuoil met pursuant to notice. Present, all the members. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and conrmed. DnL:4.:....... .......---L--'I A` ' ` "` ` ` 1 C2>`c;l:`;;:1.ied to have the line con. 6 and 7 at lot 4 and 5 opened up to GR. 5 and 6. _ ' 1 11-, Il,i' -_._ _-__. ,2_,;_.s D It ates ht is per-` obe nnrn USU DU \IUulJUllo , Ducan MoA1-thur was appointed Over- seer in division _No. 87 instead of Alex. McLean unable to act on account or sick- ness. John Walker, Uverseer in division No. 37 A, instead of Wm. Walker, dis- abledby sickness, and John Robertson in division No. 117 instead of John Basker- ville who has removed. _ --_L..._-L-.1 L- ____ uuuus vs;'pl.I 611151171 , IDG without` interfering in the least with their ` plsssureor pursuits. To the younges islly it is important to msintsin the ighest digestive sicienoy, without which the ., growth is stunted, the muscles become lsx, the frame feeble, and the mind slothful. The removal of indigestion by these Pills is so easy that none save the most thoughtless would permit it to sap the springs of life. the faToi1vi_tyga'o1-dad by. was inozpuable. Pill! of '~*oho'hking,tbo t-at` unto! `, `ifiyhap-; tom: of Ldeunrgement, and reinstating `order wzthont into erinxz in mm I...g...m. nua- VIJIU WIIU IIGB lUl-lulUVU\Ao The Treasurer was instructed to pay the following accounts : -`Henry Gilchrist, repairing road (division No. 8) .2 days with team, 8500; Mrs. Leatherdale & Sons road scraper and repairs in 1885, $10 60; J. Notman -1 Ont. Statute for 1883, $1.37; Assessor for extra servxoes equalizing school sections and also Asses- . sor s salary for 1886. $6.00. 1 VI... (`In-J; mun Cnnhnnnl-us` I-.n nnfsfn flu: i HUI` 3 Halal JUL lUUUu WV \.(Uo The_Clerk was instructed to notify the County Treasurer to accept of the taxes charged against lots 22 and 23, con. 14, 57 ac. lesetbe 10 per cent. to be charged on the 1st of May, 1886. 1.1--_____ `l\-__1.1 n............... .....J `l ..I.... ` UH 1:110 Luv UL user , JUUUa Messrs. Donald Cameron and John Hardie, jr.. requested to be allowed their statute labor on the original line C. R. 5 and 6, on 12 con. Granted. fl... (`In-I,` nun: :v\nIVI1n`nf` 5n nnlzifv MI` auu U, Uu 15 uuu. Ulnllowuo The Clerk` was instructed to notify Mr. R. Thomas, merchant, to stop supplies to the indigent widow Thomas and Mrs. Bush till further notied by Council. `Adjourned to 7th of June next at 10 o'clock am. Gzomm Turrnopm, ' ` Clerk. The Oourvl;'c;f-'i{.evw:ix;hZ>xV1-ie1d'_)ro for the- current year held its first sitting at the Town Hall on Monday; May 31st, 1886. Members of the Court all present and were duly organized. The Reeve in'the `I-undun _ chair. . V _ _ The following case: were heard and de- ` cidion entered on,Roll~: . h % u1:n:....... Tnhnainnn W1 `)0, (mu. 1. izdfliga 3\io.ia'd`iiruie. me fr sum` ;uc,moa' % own ` A *JameI~AJohnp.;.t0,:.!??Q! .'.':nt0tt1ujowtiezf , for. W pt.'..N.' E- at `~. 5;.99.n.- 791.49 #4 : W1 ' for W pt. N. 25 con. 7,-40 no. em Rama and Jbii WhitiHg``dI "tennte . ` Hugh. Lennqxgweg entered for 8 Et 13, con 3, 5.0.10. $300 as tenant, and said part lot uken:f6' Hen-Reeident Roll. ` William Ooets `we: entered as L. 8., E pt. 15, con. 8. - % Jame; Bum-.Aon,wu ene,r0,1_8._L-$-,1 W ` 7,0011. '5. 1 ._ _ , " oeph`Ooveneg]1'wu_entere `sq L. $., `E `8.*tSon.>4=`- , uke Peat-tel` we: use _ for-_ S. E} .=14,eon. 8. 605; at. 38175} nhdzreinry ;J. Orwerd tor.%N. 14a'.o 3225, me, id E _ 14, con. 8. 100 rv`ul'uUl"",' .:~ V,` _ 1' - - 7 -Of Alfred Wasnidgqf gmd 12 "others, rc- ueating "that. .Pnn"` .n.:.;..... us. we -- -I-'lg~uuu.. V, V`, `V 3225, and 5t'l'll0k',o: Nqns!{ ,3 :: [: - I Snlphui ` tgiw-W '@13_"*-.',!;`;,oe ngxxng PIV.-" V", v, 13 ppm` 19,3850 ac.,_ , teqgenesi V3.3?` Hg ,9;-pg:_`}` on fromfki uoument ab ' `*-' * V Jszhi M91-994 1`! coumior 1u:v1sIo14_. .-., uuu ruuuvniulgw 01116! their . ially , which tho mnnnlnn I\........- |;- V in 3 HQ! - .GIs9so.n Tums.

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