D.a5IIv1v<`3<*19]1`v1:J-C; 'E1'o"Hi't"6ck rapidly We offerthose goods bought at Sheriff s sale, to the trade from 5 to 15 per cent. lower than any exoluslve Jobber will out them, so ye small Shoe Houses and General Store-1 can mawka m0.T19Y%bY P111`ChaSiI1g'o your present Supplies from J. OLAYTON. 'uu1lu|.l_) .`.L'-3u_:r11 \1L'.lU IUGU cuuu uuuun |a.L\4\|.u V The Wztrden then briey a.ddressedTt_he L'o\mcil as fi11u'ws : ' 9 4. \\'_\1;|il-JI\',S A1)1>RE.=s. . -Hs;.\'m-:\ii:.\',--l need not tell you of thc plUZl.SllI`U_ it gives` me to meet you a1aln,asy have come to perform the Cmties you u\\'C to` your constitutents, lmkiiig as yuu do the picture of health. lou will 1lCrll1lt me to congratulate you npoii the :lmwa.I`a.l1Ce of the country, verifying as it does, the promise, that. siiuimcr and winter, seed time and hat; vest shall cuntinue to the end. I can 8130 lL'P8t11la`c you upon the possession of Peace and plenty and number-less national blessings under the sway of our gracious '50Ve1`eign, whose long and happy reign_ Of nearly tifty years has resulted in producing . all that may be expected from _a. loyal and haliby people. - \'nn null . .__...1L .__ -' ,_-__LI-....._ Ln -ncnn V. it` iuinmo`.-3 uf th last meeting of the .-I.m1m'ry SL'SSi4.{Il were read and confirmed. TL,` \\'....,1,.., n..... 1-..:...u.. ..AA..m...m1 Han ""'L'H_y pcuplc. , You will .1)erlnit me, gentlemen, to refer. l0_a few iuatters to which vour `attention 'm_ be called V during the present session. You will remember theta com- mittee was appoiutecl at a nrevious.session' 10 revise the lily-laws uf thie Council. The . Committee met last March in pursuance of that Object, and their report will be laid be- f01'6you. 1 desire tocall your attention to the BY-law with reference to Hawkers and Pedlara. That By-law has been tried in `hesceles and found wanting. I hope 8. .`11mittee will be appointed to amend `F that it my answer the purpose Uf 1ts_framers and the design of this C0Iuucil in its enactment_. ` .... -_n 41.- --L:-.. Wuuuu H1 IE8 enactment. Ialso call your attention to the action W10 C. P. R. in its attempt to`diaorim- *6 In its rates against Central and West- ern Ontario, and trust this Council will take most vlgsroua action in the premises. . Th0 rebort of the 'l`rmum-nr WI be laid ---v must vxgsroua acuon m the _ report of the Treasurer wxll be land bfor be :3 remues. P 9 V011, which I 110 pa will be found to tlafactory. A You mm ..-......._.1_-._ u.-;. LL`- T_--.I}-.n - -uuactory. A 1 You will remember that the London Guarantee and Accident Oomany 89111105 Ubls Council at the last neulom ' `E that the Treasurer's checks ahoul_d 5 Oountersigned-by an oicer of $1!!! Council as a. matter of greater security W them. The n.-.......:1 ....n.....:.....1 41.. A-- the&`"'-- E0 a uuwt6!"OI !'6!W8.1' I90lll'lIay W Bim' he Councxl authorized the AI- ch in-Treasurer to _ countemgn the he 5- 1_>ut the company complain that `imntit bemg an ofcer of this Council, but le1fPi{ :2 appointee of the Treasurer him- Anu LL- .13-- _L! ._ -3 LL_L `$-4- r::u-u- wuu vv NOW, B .I.' `II illy, 1`i9aai6: and I'I5'1`.1'37. ask your rnarnrna to come you to our store the rst thing Satur- day morning, and see What we haveto offer from our Bargain Counters, and get a good Canadian School Bag with your $1.50 shoes`; t - - A-Ara A-In J-rs 'L'I'I-In-vs A-I-u-um up-u--.\ .L'I- - _. , D UNL OP S TIE'E T9 the Provincial Legislature, each county council is authorized to send one student to the Agricultural College at Guelph, ' whose tuition at that institution shall be free. A special committee should be ap- pointed to receive applications in accord- ance with the spirit of that enactment. _ I may be permitted to refer to the commit-t tee appointed to the important work of eqna.1ization. That committee met to.-day, | and`ha_.ve made mostsatisfactory progress. .._LQ-.... ....-u I-`nnv\`yn `!\ $1113 uuu ll'd.VU umuu Itspnu Davtutauuusy ,u.u5.um..- I desxre to return my thanks to the Council for its patient and courteous action towards me at the last session. And now, gentlemen, allow me to express the hope that eachmember is imbued with a consciousness" of the importance of his duties, and that all will go to work with the earnest desire to full them faithfully and eiciently. ` - * ` rm__ nr....A.... vnnu lnm-llu nnnlmulnrl at and eII1c1euI.`1y. The Warden was loudly eplauded at the close of his speech. _ ` rnrxnoxs AND COMMUNICATIONS. Various petitions and communicetions were read and referred to the proper com- mittees. A ' .:Amvn\?c! I I.Q\fV Moved by Mr. Charles Drury`, seconded by Mr. Paton, that the communication of the Assistant-Commissioner of Agriculture be referred to a special committee com- posed of the following members : Messrs. Cooke, Thompson `(Archiba.ld) Beotty,~ Siseons and the mover, and report thereon at the present session. The Council then adjourned till 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning.- - Edenvale. T Advance Correspondence. . A very successful picnic in aid of the Edenvale Sabbath School was held here on the 8th inst. The afternoon was spent in swinging, croquet, and other amusements. In the evening tea was served by the ladies of the district in their unsurpassed style; and the crowd retired to the church. Mr. W. R. Keely was called to the chair and ably discharged his duties. The children of the S. S. gave several recitations and the choir furnished music i at intervals. There was a scarcity of speakers, but the Rev. Mr. Geddes gave a very interestin and instruc- tive address. All seemed to t orou hlv _en- joy themselves. A social. on the ollowing evening was equally successful. 1 Eiiors 6n the 2431: mm. g. }R. W. King, D.D.G. . sailed on ~ A. 5B'oi"e'I,A _ W. !:ing. . _ has failed In the'O u;s25o,ooo MOTIONS. 7 Il100B_III.uu Om: wno WAS TE mun. REMEMBER "1113 GREAT New York tugifve .___..j._.p-~ BARRIE METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. For the 23rd Week Ending June 12th, ` 1886. e The night temperature ranged from `forty to forty-eight-mean n4t. The exposed` daily "temperature registered fron1.seventy- six on Saturday, a cloudy day , to ninety-two on Friday--this lowest and highest being "in the 24 h_ours-a mean daily warmth of sun` 84 ; the `weekly average being 66 and the extreme range 40 to 92. I rm..- ..........n4- AC ad-mnunlxnn `hI'A!ll1I`H in the the extreme range iv to ::_z. ' The amount of atmospheric pressure in the week was .24 ` in., the centre of which was 1 over this locality on VVednesday, but our share of the rainfall that day was only 0 02; we ot some thunder showers early on Wed- toqether is the total amount in the week of 0 35 in. These thunder. showers came from S. W;, but the barometer indicated .10 less than the extreme that day. - - The total amount of sunshine in 6 days was 57 hours, from a possible 107-34 that the sun was above the horizon in the week. The prevailing winds were southern 3, and northern 3` days, from westerly 6, and east- erly 3 days ; the strength attained in 6 days was not over 2-10ths,` and on the day of the thunder storm for an hour or two the force reached 4-l0ths.r ' nes ay morning that gave us 0 33 in., which . Having purchased the bankrupt stock of Boots and Shoes of S. V. Walsh, of Windsorh, at fty-one cents an the dO11e1`. has 8` iV-eI1 113 three times as many goods as We want at this season of the year. We want you to come, and we will ec_1i`videtheprot with you. Yes we will give you all the prot, we will be con- tent to s1mp1y do the busmess. e 4 e h '\'T'-_..._ U3-Anni-It Juan`: -__.'-_-..._- __- _ '7 I II T I V_A__ _-J___-V- - .Q-..n.J- df\+111 ' V Dominion. The Presbyterian General Assembly will ' meet at Winnipeg nextyear. v The St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary convicts threaten another outbreak. An attempt was made last Thursday to destroya house in Sarma by dynamite. 47-74:- n...:.....'...... ma] `mnnf. next uUB|al.'U.y-n IIUIIDU Au Iv:--an--_ -4 --' -,. The Toronto Conference will `meet next year in the Carlton Street church, Toronto. There were 29 failures in Canada last week an `increase of two over the week betore. - "` " ,,...__1. :. nnnbnrn- UUI. UIUA The C. P. 3. management is contem- plating the establishment of an Atlantxc steamship line. T ' . 172--- _-.'. ......n..-mm! th steamsnip uuu. The convict Viau was sentenced the other day at Montreal to 25_ years ad- ditional imprisonment. A "H 1' 3| , ,, 11.4.1. -.1i.l- rinnfgj-gnng " 'llhe vlloixidon Methodist Conference favors a minimum pastoral salary of $600 exclusive of the personage. ` Rev. J. F. Germsn has beeti elected` . ?resident of the Toronto Methodist Con- erenoe now in session at Brampton. I 'l"I ._:.._ ' canny `V1 in increue of $42 000 over uponding week of fat year. Licensed Zuotioneer for the County o! 1 ` _ Sitnooo. L W 1 me. :.vz:.::;-:.!;e.e.:w.$a 1-om tly stun fa;-33151 ulrlnz M . Ford ION`! u chef} he h'dumuurbeon 3omu13'a. * taken in Inflow to unit ovu-ybody.v ' A~- -- ---v:daIl$IYIIE Ear-- -- r-." ' % ` ' n,[[`RZi-`-.1-`lII\Nl'I'UBB "3i'ouaur Anson- - ._ in _1\--.A...`\T--bl. "7 ` "' _`. Auction Room ((1 "iow Dootl Noith to! Wellington Hotel, _Bayeld it. Bu"-rio. GEO. R. -F9RD. THE NORTHERN I iiunnness nuns mu rams ARE SPLENDID VALUE THIS SEASON. [oppdslte N. R. R., station, Dunlap-$1., Barrie. MILLINERY STOCK ()0MPLE'l`E. iflnrnnr Mmuuucemer. Owing to a contemplated change in our Business. we have decided to reduce our large Stock of Hardware $5,000.00. I IIl'_IUIjII_lIIIj Thise Stock consists of Bar Iron, Steel, Waggon Skevinsj Avxles, Horsye Shoes,*Horse Nails, Carriage Hardware, sarvon Wheels, Gears, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Runners, Shafts, Poles, etc. `In Shelf Goods we shall carry out. this G081 sale in many line:-. And in every line we shall give unheard of Prlcos for cash. n s .. ._.-_. ---can-Ilsa-I-I IN! A l'I'I1"`I""f\'l\ A `(T TTTXTTH KLL [6 WC Duuu. 651v luilvllvi V LSALE TOA_C%QMME_}1\`ICE. s.g:1jq:DAY, JUNE 51:11, ...I El..- TI; nnnn A-gal l\-ll4.-I- WW & T _ T 3 _:':i"'-'-""' ' * j- and Continue until We have reached our aini-'-Stuck reduced FiV0'Th0|lS|1d DOIIGTSL -_ m Cm M` my PARLIAMENTT ASSEMBLED. ThisTis_ no Bogus _Sale, WIT- _______ ___ Comparison and Inspection invited. Dressa.nd%Ma.nt1e Making in all its branches. HE73'73?`fFiiEit5W?.F?.l3-..,JAT FOR CASH- __..-.. nnoa HDPQQ To accomplish this we offer our large stock ----:.:nnn..n1j W JJII6 K B Q u av We mean what we Say. Plmvls i1__3l_:_0s., 1 P.F. EWAN, BARBIE. NEARLY ALL THE MEMBERS i RESENT- AND READY FOR worm. V of IMPORTER, 82.2., Sign of Circular Saw, `I`|-_..I-.. St. Barrie. Thc Wardens Address - Congratu1aes' the Council on the `Happy Condition otthc Country; ` T Th Juno s=_=;ssim1 of the County Council l A \'.1.~`.w1wl;u.1 in the Council Chamber on M `V .\ Tn -O `lvlx 1.14:1`- Because they are not- The L3b01'913 the Mechanic, the Artisan, the Professor, the Merchant, or the ie&a:;J1I;3JeSt`(."19iI%.e:IIifT }5)1"7?7151?9mb9r when his little nickel or big dollar would go as far in obtaining the ne- AND THERE PLENTY 01+` Momw 2 "u;` '\.A.`\.*.\ An nus. v\v\....._- ----.___,_-- .`lum`::1y l:1.st,1ltl1 inst. _ . . ` His llum1'9 \\'zu'den Craig took the dmir at H.-V10, mid the Clerk called the C::1I1`cil In ..rdcr. All the members A11.-xvm-Ll` M their names excepts Messrs. Archer," Firth," Lennox, Little, Millie, .\Ic.\iuc, .\lL'( ;<.mm1,.()'C0nnor, Smith and :":t?'cr11. ' ' an . .- . . '-. . .-,,,, ,n u-_`