Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 10 Jun 1886, p. 4

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,,___F`_-,. .-v rccovl II$U `of politxosi existeno. The Northwest miunungelnent has yielded nothing Licensed Auctioneer for the County 0: " Simcoe. - A c HE GLASGOW & LONDON IN SURANCE Company, of Great Britain; ` THE PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE OF LONDON England. E UEEVINSURANCE COMPANI? t Losdon, England. 0 THE IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY of London. England. . OLLINGWOOD AND GEOR- zian Bay Line Royal Mail in `connection with the Northern and Northwestern and Grand Trunk Railwa s. S.S. Pacic, Cant. P. M. Campbell; 8%. "Atlantic. Capt. Robert D. Foote; S.S. "Northern Belle. Cat-t. Jae. Bas- sett. The fine new- steamers Pacific and Atlantic will run as followsduring the season (weatheil-upermitting). leaving Collingwood at 1p.m., eaford at 3 p.m., Owen Sound at 8 v.m.. and Wiarton at 11:45 p.m., every Wednes- day and Saturda for Kilarney. Manitowanin . Little Current. azawong, Gore Bay. Spanis River, Alaoma Mills. Blend River, Thessalon, Bruce Mines. Hilton. St. Joseph's Island. Richard s Garden River and Sault Ste. Marie. The Saturday steamer will also call at Cock- burn Island. Parry Sound.-'l`he Northern Belle will leave Uollingwood for Parry Sound eve Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p.m., re- turn 21 from Parry Sound_ on Monday and Thurs ay at 6 a.m. For information as to freight and fares, apply to any agent of the above railways, the pursers on board the steamers, or to the Great Northern Transit Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Tnonus LONG. Secretary : Cass. CAMERON. Manager. uaucu uh LL18 U1 May. AD. 1886. * Signe 21-23 _..-vvvu Orders left at the Anvmcn Oloe wlllbe mmptly attended to and information will be n_i_shed patties requiring Mr. 1:-m-.1-. an:-vlnon t:_uuu1uuuu Iuuue KIIUVVII at tile lune OI 8818. For further artlculars address Messrs. Beattv, Chadw-ic , Blackstock 8; Galt. Wel- lington Street, East. Messrs. Murray, Barwick &`Macdonell, Kim: Street. East, Toronto ; and Messrs. Strsthy 8c Ault. Barrie. nnfnd 311'. than {".itv nf Tnrnnfn -this `IRH1 (`lav nf ul LULU.'1'UUlll5o ' _ ERMS.-Ten per cent. cash at the time of sale to be paid to the vendor or her solicitors. r and the balance within thirtv days therea.fter into Court to the credit of this action. _These parcels will be sold separateliiand subgect to reserve bids xed bv the said aster. In other respects the conditions are the standing condi- tions of the Court. Further particulars and conditions made known at the time of sale. _Wnr n-Hmnr not-Hnninra nv-can Mosaic THE NORTHERN ADVANCE, 0111!}. Parcel No. 2.--Lot_.number 14 on the north side of Dunlop Street in the said Town of Bar- rie. according to Bettridgds Block Survey `and more particularly described in the mortgage to the Plainti Wilson. registered as number 1205, Book 148 for the Town of Barrie. The said Lot has a. frontage of 60 feet on- north side of Dun- 10 Street. by a. depth of 120 feet. and has erect e thereon a. framehouse about 24x20 contain~ in% four rooms. - I.l`I3\lG I`nn I\nn nnnlr nnala nf Olxn lrinnn AR VEIIIEULB IIBBHUIQ DFUPBFLXCB 111 DWU IJISPUBIH 2 Parcel No. 1.--Lot number 68 on the West side of 0 Ha.ra. Avenue, in the Town of Park- dale. according to registered Plan number 387. I havin a frontage on 0 Hara. Avenue of 50 feet | and a. epth of 120 feet. Erected thereon is a.. rough-cast dwelling house contaming ve I T001113. Dunno` A 0 T.1\f niirnknn `A An fl-un vsnv-fl-A UDICIAL SALE OF PROPERTIES IN the Town of Parkdale and in the Town of Barrie. Pursuant tojudgment in a certain ac- tion Vvilson vs. McCord, et at now pending in the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice, there will be offered for sale with the approbation of the Master in Ordinary at Pub- `lic Auction by Messrs. Oliver. Coate 8: Co.. at their rooms, King Street East, Toronto, on "SATURDAY. the 12th day of J UN E. A.D.. 1886, at tho: hnnr nf `I9 n"(-_Inr-.I.r nnnn than fnllnwinsrl D111 unun 1 . um mun uuy U1 .1 un m, A.U.. 1960, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, the following valuable freehold properties in two parcels : I Pm-an] Na. number 68 on the Want 3 baskets lled it 25':'.'e'a7oli'."'P.7lo31.n` `$5: `$33-- entsl beds furnished gratis. ' 10-ly 1----%:-- Lnsmnnom FOR sum: on TOBE LET.- _Tl_1t 09ll1f01'taBbl8 villa. rallidnnm: run: run. MRS. M. E. MORROVI } Never so busy with orders insAApr'il before. Dressmaking department vcrv -Leave your orders for dresses early so as to secure your turn. VIBBBITB. DLFBBD E {lull}, narrle. Dated at the ( 3ity of Toronto "this 18th day of I"/lav. AD. 1886. - Were ilever in a better shape to? serve their c.ustomers_ with the right class of goods right prices than` at present. Their Stock is large and very attraetive-thc consequ --business is booming. * SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. Choice New Parasols, plain and fancy. . New Mantle Cloths, Ottoman Silks, etc. Handsome Millinery, l`.\___..__L A _l__ _ 1-, Ln 8 P330. 48 Oollunn Newitcpor. II Published train the Omoo. Dunlap Street. Bu-1-lo. lnthooountyot 8lmooo.thoPro- vlnco ot 0nt_u-lo. Canada, every Thurs- day morning. by sumnl. wnsnmr. rnornmron. ahnonms %% l"L._2,_- 17---- I'\-__-_,_`l_ _.'l-2__ _._ J 1`--- __- New American Chambrays and Seersuckers, only 10c. Lovely Laws, Muslins, Cashmerettes and Prints Superb New Combination Dress Material. 50c.` Checked Dress Silks. Ladies Swiss Embroidered Rhobes, sellmu GEO.R FORD. 1n uummw uvaur London, ()FFIOE':'-'- Collier Street, Barrie- FOR 20 DAYS. STRONG& DONNELL In 1000- Signed). NEIL MCLEAN. . Chief Clerk. M. O. ---AGENT 1ron-- ;;':.*:.'a*- '"::5:?:i'.?2.`.:: Applytoc. S ATER. .16-24p TERMS -OF SUBSCRIPTION. $1 Per Annum in _Advance'. $1. Owing to a Dissolution of Partnership, we have decided to CLEAR OUT OUR STUCK `JTREMENDUUS REDUCTIONS. H Call during the next 20 days and secure some of the Bargains. DURING THE NEXT%2Q__DAYS! BMW 9 Lawmsn BMW Qi The public are not only pleased ;! with ourSchool Bag, but at the low tlprices we are selling BOOTS and A SHOES, which makes it the great- est inducement ever offered to the public. Our Ladies Polish Calf 'Button Boots for $2.00 is a famous one, and is making war for low prices. We have just received a largelot of Men s Sewed Cloth Top Shoes, Which We will sell for $1.75, you Will see them by looking in our shop Window, they are very neat and handsome. As We cannot get afresh supply, of School Bags, We Will not be able to continue longer than Ten Days. Do not fail to se- cure a School Bag for the children. N u_{_lJ nun IR. PI-IILLIPS & CO. BARGAINS` FOR EVERYBODY Vlljlvyterybcgiligr pleased with the dispIay in - N` No new name will be added to the Sub- is id. "E932: 11:14:-E i21::?n'.`rsyfor':.ll"1ree months HAS MEI` WIT/H` this dcpm`tment. f goods atthe consequenceis busy Iorlption mat until the money 1! pam. Subscribers now in arrears for three months Ind over will be ohm-god 81.50 per mnum. , St said keep: [)f:'(`J{l[l 1es1r4 Ll /\`2; tonde aavua dnvwdtl, Va ' ` The long drouth in Texas has made water in some places an article of value. At Galveston it is sold at a cent a gallon or b0 cents a barrel. . Reports comes from various counties in Texas of the appearance of large numbers of grasshoppers and the farmers are terribly frightened. The steuogragher who took Blaine s speech asserts it` the words brutal, msolent, referred to Lord Salisbury and nottotheproposition. * ` Consul.-General Phelanv telegraphs to Washington saying that there is nothing toprevent Americans purchasing` BI`! II` A `-:_J_ 1_ l`AA- VII II I UII'O It is reported that about one hundred Apaches have left their reservations and commenced raiding some of the counties Grand Master Workman Powderly ad- dressed the Amalgamated Association of iron and street workers the other day at Pittsburgh. . L . A freight engine boiler exploded in the yard at Bellaire, 0., the other day and killed trio engineers and a reman, all from Newark, 0. - A mks} Innn A-nub`. 3- 'I1---- ` ` vnvvn V1 V1 It `U! H great lockout of planing mill em- ployee and car nters, 15,000 in all, in threatened at t. Louis. - The United Presbyterian General Assembly at Hamilton, Ohio, adopted a report in favor of instrumental music in churches. TL 2.. .___. ,__n I no - I A ` no `anus vulllo V `A Chicago police oicer has foilnd a copper bomb already charged and the clockwork going. A 0FDQ, `t\lI`)I\|n` Ac -`--3-'- ---2" N0 POLICY. Another session of parliament in over and Mr. Blake has failed to formulate any policy for the petty he chime to lead. The hope: held out before the union be- gan have all failed. The Regina uogbld ha _well~nigh strangled the "pcirty out .: ' - - -- {- n..l:4....|' .._2.4,, v ycun o uuyuuuuuleui anu I 11110 0! OUl.J- The business failures in the Umted States during the last seven days is 160. Th or-and 1.l`III! nI.:......... -Al-------'3 uvnvvu uuxaug 0110 1355 56Ven (I878 15 160. .The grand jury, Chicago, returned thirty-four additional indictments against the Anarchists. . A l`IL2-v_-.- H I` 1"` i` ` ` asuuuauoy in 1.1061` FBITK, Ulfyland. ~ Herr Most has been sentenced to, a year : imprisonment and 9. ne of $500. The hnninnn l'niln... :. .1... 'n_:.u.-.1 JJJIJSBIICJQ Fourteen persons have been arrested for rioting at Milwaukee. v TI, in ..:.I 11'... n|____1-._:L H V--H ' tan. vuvuvn Div -1! UIIIII (Pl UU,UUUn President Cleveland and his bride spent Thursday at Deer Park, Maryland. - Herr Mmt Inn hnnn .....+.........:I 4... - `van anvusus DU J.V1l..I.WDl.llUl"o It is said Mrs. Cleveland : wedding present: are .worth $100,000. Praninnt nlnnjalgrul -...l l.:.. I....:.'I- -..-_A vuuuuu5 vuuuulull ruguusuuns. The Dominion Government has notied Mr. James Beatty that his deposit is not sufcient to warrant the Northwest Cen- tral Railway being entrusted to his hands. - The U. S`. ;'x"v'}}'115'i'a'i`;'the Chadian shegies. T nun: -4`: - V\l"IIl The Canadian steam barge N epigon ar- rived at Chicago last Thursdayin a. sink- ing condition and has been seized for violating Customs" regulations. Tho Ila-on-..-.---L '--- -- -*3" - ` uwuvl IUD: A fine rain fell in 18 Texan Counties on Thursday. wl\IIC`:\auun --_..--_ `---A- ` ' ' ' `government is at an end, and public _ tain or defeat an administration. By this ronrrrcan MORALITY. ` The exhibition in the Senate by Senator. O Donohue,a-short time ago, furnishes an impressive lesson, both to politicians and the people. If power is to be pur- chased by bribing religious sects .or na- tionalities within the state, purity of liberty is in jeopardy. Every lover of. his country should enter his earnest pro- test against this dangerous practice by political parties of appealing for support to Catholics or Protestants, or to the French, Irish, Scotch or English voters. No body in the state can be safely singled out and thus clothed with power to sus- bidding for the support of a party in the state a most dangerous power is placed in _the hands of an insignicant minority. and privileges are extorted which do in- justice to everv other citizen. Unfortu- nately this species of bribery is openly and unblushingly adopted by political parties in Britain, the United States and in this Dominion. Parliamentary gov-` ernment in the proper sense of the word becomes a failure where this pernicious practice prevails, and political morality , gives place to general and individual, cor- ruption. The cure is with the people themselves. Every honest voter should j place the public good above party ties, and vote against any party- that seeks to obtain power by bribing ahy ' party in the state. No body of `men, whether professing - to be Reformers or- Conservatives should be sustained` in- offering any inducement to race or sect, as . such, for political support. UUU uu cauuuuuu a. sun: xactory m we city. The Middlesex County Council has re-' fused to agree to the appointment of a police magistrate to enforce the Scott An}: ' . ILUUU Steamers earryiny Sunday excursions have been forbidden by the Mayor of Sarnia. to stop at the wharves of that tnwn I\llII Jacl- town. l'l'1I uvoavn I'au'.VUV Lu 1.0111405 Will UU glveu. The managers _of the Kingston and Pembroke R.ail0way_have put $1,000 in- surance on each one of their employes. nf nVn;hf`|n nun !- .......-uuu uu I:-uu uuu Ul. Iauult 611111910 8 - The ratepayers of St. Hyacinthe, Que- bec, have decided to give a bonus of $14,- 000 to" establish 9; silk factory in the city. Middlessx Cunntv nnnnr-H Irma Inn ` voov- uu waves 8. W116 ano. SIX cmldren. Sbratford is to_ have a rmen s and band tournament one week from to-day, and $2,000 in prizes wxll be given. ' The mnnnnmm: n5 #1. 'l(:.......L.... -...1 samo week last year, &5214,`000. ' James Grieve was thrown 011' a -Waggon near Rockwood the other day and killed. Heleaves 9. wife and six children. ` Q6-nno.....I 1.. L. 1----A ...u u-5::-su vuuuuu. uuuwuy Dr. Jones, of Hagersviile, proposes the removal of the Indians in the Grand River Reserves to the Northwest. V ' 7'-an n.--....'......_ _ LL- rd r\ -T\ n `in Toronto. Tnl. -.,_ 3 uuu uuuu uuvvcu ua:_yu wan Al. The Allan `steamer Siberian has reach- ed St. John s,' N. F., all well. Ottawa Y_. M. C. A. proposes to erect a. new building to cost $16,000. ` The annual meeting of the Ontario Medioa.ltAssociation was held last week .5 4-... al This isthe statement of the hon. gentle- man, after stating that he held the 1,82() shares in trust for the company s interest. - I desire to say to that hon. gentleman now that the only information that,I had upon that subject was the return brought down to this House of the stockholders in the Northern and Pacic Junction Rail- way Company. In that return `I found the hon. gentleman's name, with the other two gentlemen I have named, as holders of stock to the extent of 1,820 shares. There is nothing upon that `re- turn to show that they held those shares as trustees. I desire to say to the hon. gentleman that I accept his statement to the fullest extent, that, as far as these shares are concerned, I would not for a . moment think of contradicting or not be- lieving the statement he made. As to these shares, I believe thoroughly that he does hold them in trust for these two. railway companies, and I suppose that the hon. gentlemen who" are `associated with him as well as himself, because the three names are bracketed together, must be trustees. 55: ;ul. uuuu. ` There is a. story from Ottawa. that 30,- 000 stand of arms have been sent from Canada to Ulster. T ` "'11.. `I7,,! I "(3z:t:h:;rir; el:'l1as by a by-law agreed to become security for $80,000 for the Niagara Central Railway. Dr Janna nf nonnnnu:`1n --A----~ 1-LA uuuw. vtn uu vuu LXULTIIWCBU. ~ - The earnings of the C. P. R. for the ` week ending`May 31st are $271,000; the same week last $214,000. ' .Tn.mnu (1-I`:t1IYn vnnn CL-....... _` - --- us nu usuvut. "'53; Knights of Labor of Ingersoll have \ presented thestriking Toronto street car men with a. bus. T . C`L. f 1_LI,',,' '. ` \.R CCQIBILI v The 301. Williams memorial fundl now amouns to $4,113. T Dnw]1nvnnnt --1... .-.......-...---J -1 G 1* -v vuL1uuuu:.y, Ulu llllu V The number of business failures during the last sewen days was 27. Thu Allan a.4....`......._ o:L....:-_ L N 1 Wool is 18 to 20;enta a pound at Guelph- T rm... '14! nr:n=--.-- -----~--=J -' '- uuuuuuun uu V-x,.Llu. Parliament was prorogued at 8.15 on` Wednesday, 3rd inst. rphn nnrnkn-u AC 'lnu...`.....-_ _:`I-_.__-, J, ` noun RULE BILL. T - The Home Rule Bill was defeated in the House of Commons on Monday night by a majority of thirty. Mr. Gladstone asked for n adjournment till Thursday, when it is expected he will immediately ; dissolve the House and appeal to the country. V . s e was snsszon. ' . The ,session which has just closed has not been a very eventful one. The chief characteristic was the R.ie1_de_bate in which Mr. Blake was so , ingluriously defeated and deserted by the chief ` men of his party. The attempt to fasten on the Government the responsibility for the diiculties in the North-West, proved also a miserable failure. In going back among the records `of the past, in the hope of nding something on whichto hinge a cry against their opponents when an election comes, `two of the garbage pickers, Messrs.- Mills and Cook, have been soiled beyond the power of purica- tion. In the way of legislation, one hundred and thirteen bills have `been crystallized into law, a large number of them being of a local character.. "I`he hont `gentleman (Mr. Lister) whom I see now in his place, who made this charge, ought not I thinkto have made it under the -circumstances, and, consxdering the relations between "us in the past, he ought notto have taken that course without a better know- ledge of what he was speaking. Had some members done so I would not have minded it, but from him I did not expect it, and I think he ought not to have adopted It and to have made, the charge. It is utterly and entirely Without foundation. lint _ii;sppointmont. of uln- .1_1 1-, 22, , .,-'._`s_: LL- I_-4. __ __-_ ;I__,_-,1 _._,`-__-' -_ -_..._ """tK"" 1-1;!` has diego:t;`Ilvf1A-he better menthrcughn-' out the Reform ranks. rife pro- pheciel about the ruin the country which was to come from the 0, P, R. ex,-' penditure have failed to bring the rain, and now at the end of the eeeefon the "aerene soul of the Grit orator in 601;- templetiug 1n glum silence. the un-L nightly wreck produced by Edgar, Calheron & Co. United states. Dominion. Senator Dswes presented 31 . petition of L the Gloucester, Msss., City Council. Drey- ing for retslistion on the Osnsdisns -for_ the seizure of Ameriesn vessels. . nu Iluv LUS- 'S1'. JonN s, N .F.'. J une2 -'.l`he steamer i`berisn,r:hich arrived ml? ' t sefven yaove no reports twen e og which deloy ed the veue'l,` lifted, thd vessel was surrounded by sixty huge ice- , and was within 100 feet of on enor-A mono ioe mountain. All well. The Gulf [is reported ubeing one eld ofioe. - speed and remain on the bridge all the time. He saw no ice. He could not see anything, the fag was so dense, but from reports made "to him of the immense quantities of ice which have drifted down from the Arctic regions hidden by this black fog he fears that many disasters may be looked for. There are thousands of big iceberg: drifting about hardly visible in the fog. '1-|I'lIa n `Y t! ' T--~ "" .-.-____.Q_.._-__.. Perils of the Atlantic. HALIFAX, June 3'-- -The Anchor Line steamer British Crown arrived yesterday from London for Boston . Captain Smith says he never before had such a voyage on the Atlantic. Four davs ago, when approaching the Grand Banks, he ran into a thick black fog in which he could not get an observatioxi` and was obliged to take "soundings every hour,'_ run at half remain time: _ saw_no not ~`,".l`l:euf:1.1perial- Privy Council has grant- ed the application to make Dundee an open port to foreign cattle. T ....,....u uuu uumu nuxe proposmon. Madagascar has refused, per report, to abide by the treaty with France. It In amid I-Thad ('!.~......4. ur:n:-... 1'~n2-m '- -.._.. -....----...-.. `(gnu vuva " Then them};)Vz1`. x_1;ember for North Sim- coe, stated this-: - uunuw U IIHU IIl.`UuUy Wltn I."r8Dc9. It Is said that Count William Bismarck has been appointed president .of Alsace- Lorrame. fI'IL_'r c.-.- - vain VV IIKIIIO The Spanish schooner fishing in Ameri- can waters has been sold. T.a`|tn|n`nA-A LI.:__`I-_` A`, _ 1 Inn 7 II vuu vvavvu: nun UUULI 3010. _ Labouchere thinks; that 70 Liberal: will` oppose the Home Rule proposltion. MIdnclRP h I|n`I|an:` -man ---A-L 1 ...._ vnav avvu luuussnv Ul. `ID P191151] vest. ` The House was then adjourned` usual msnner. - 11.lIllUu1llUl_ uenuemm (Hid Gmtlemen,--. In bidding you farewell untilnext year I rejoice to be able to congratulate you on the general prosperity of the country and the good promise of a plentiful har- vest. ...v.. vvavu uuv unuvay nyubum UI UEIIILGB. Among the many useful measures` you have passed may especially be noticed the amendments to the Franchise Act, render- ing its working more simple and less ex- pensive, the consolidation of the statutes, the arrangement for the organization of a -better and more economical system of-par- liamentary and departmental printing,` and the amendment of the Dominion Lands Act. I Genlleinm of the House of Commons,- I thank you in her Majesty s name for the supplies you have granted for the public service. V - ' Honourable Gentlemvn and Gentlemen,---. TII u-on-nus `nunn-- ---- 1'" ` vvusuuva an auuj aanuuaun The appronriations in aid of the various railways will tend largely to increase the trade and develop the resources of the districtstraversed by them, and I am es- specially pleased to know that by the pro- vision made for the construction of a rail- way through `Cape Breton the historical island will at` last be brought into connec- tionwith the railway system of Canada. ATTIDDG nch Iillnguu` g~.....-.---- ---- LJu uaau ULUGUUKJ o ' The future prosperity of this great en- terprise, and the consequent advantage to the best interests _of the Dominion, I now consider as fully assured. mhn uv\v\Iu-s\u:nL:A.... .'.. __'J A ! I` ----:-- 1 L. ll`-.. --_L-_ ID VLULJO I congretulate you" heartily on pletion of the Canadian Pacic railway, and on the repayment in money and land of the advances made in its aid from the public treasury. rplnh `F1151-nnn u-\uA..~uu.3l.._ .2 Ali lilfvllfind that he, a corporator of that com- pany, was an applicant to the Govern- ment to errant the road $12,000 per mile, the rst grant being $6,000, and that being sup- plemented by another of $6,000 er mile. I tind the hon. member for North imcoe (Mr. McCarthy) was interested in shares of the stock of that railway company, I believe, of the "majority of the stock. The Hon. Frank Smith, Senator, the Hon. James Turner, Senator, and Mr. Dalton McCarthy, member for North Simcoe, are upon the list of share- holders of that company. The Hon. Frank Smith, the H on. James Turner, Mr." Mc- Carthy and Mr. John Stewart, appeared to hold shares to the extent of V 1,820 out of 2,000, so that the hon. member for North Simcoe (Mr. McCarthy) and his friends con- trolled entirely the Northern Pacic J unc- tion Railway. and the hon. gentleman not only controls the stock of that road, but he is sitting in this House to-day as a member and as the president of the railway which has been bonused to this enormous extent. u_u.uuua.vI. UL p|U}.lUl.'|.I.y LII usuu. The measure for the establishment of a central experimental farm, with auxiliary stations for the provinces, _will be greatly appreciated by our agricultural popula- tion. tion. 15 ......~..wuuu; yxugsuan Ul. ouu uuulwry. The grant of representation in the House of Commons to the N orth-West Territories will, if sanctioned by the Im- perial Parliament (of which there is no reason to doubt), give the people of that vast region an interest and V0108 in the affairs of the Dominion, and enable them to lay the wants and requirements of their young country with authority before the great council of the nation." You have at the sametime conferred upon them the boons of an eieient" judicial system, and a speedy and inexpensive mode for the transfer of property in land. The fnnnnurn Can #1.. A...L..`L.1:-L.__--.L F III: II I! U IIIVD The legislation of the session has been of an eminently practical character, and cannot fail to aid in the promotion of the material progress of the country. The crrnnf. n`F rnnv-anon!-oh'n.. .'.. Ll... , ___ _.-- -, van-u `I desire -to cdnvey to you my best thanks for the earnestness and assiduity Wlth which you have performed your import- an'tL`iut`ies: ` s.|u.u|uu vvuou IJIIU l.UllUWlllg 3*` His Excellency then delivered the fol- lowing speech :--. T V5063 U565: I After which his Excellency the Govern- or-General was pleased to close the fourth session of the fth Parliament of the Do~ minion with the following :- . ` nit: mvnnllnnnu pl-son A..I.'.........l 4.1.- 13-1 ` I ` THE GOVERNOR-GENERALS SPEECH. M Honourable Gentlemen of the Senate,- Gentlemen of the House of Commons,-- Then the Honorable lb-ei.S_;:e~aker of the House of Commons addressed his Excel- lency the Governor-General, as follows :- Mny it Plans Your Excel! nry,:- . The Commons of Canada have voted the supplies required to enable the Gov- ernment to defray the expenses of the public service. In the name of the Cox:.-` mom I present to your Excellency the following bill '-An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money` re- quired for defraying certain expenses of the public service for `the "nancial years ending respectively the 30th June, 1886, and the 30th June, 1887. and for other purposes relating to the public service. II. ..;-.I..:..i. km 1 l.........l..I_ _---___. _._--_ aaavvbnvuvy B TDVIIUI To this blll the Royal assent was signi- ed` in the following words :--In her Majesty s name, his Excellency the Gov- ernor-General thanks her loyal subjects, accepts their benevolence and V assents to Main kill Some timeago Mr. Lister made serious charges in Parliament against Mr. Mc- Oarthy in reference to the N. & P. J. Railyay. On the 28th of May, during the debate which then took place on the subject of railways Mr. Lister thus do- livered himself and accepted Mr. Mc- Carthy's denial of the charges. Why does not the Globe which published Mr. Lister : first speech, publish this practi- cal retraction of the charges? The Grit organ is not made that way and therefore the lies go uncontradicted. We quote from Hanaard the tollowing from Mr. Lister a speech : Tholnoclnlatlon otthoseutonoianlghly V Pnotlnalnntnl-o-oneEnndrod -_A ___A___. ----,, - -uu- nvuuvqu w-'C$V ji-xv-u Last Wednesday evening the Fourth "session of the Fifth Parliament of the Do- minion you brought to an end. The fol- lowing is the Speaker's address and the speech of the Governor-General on the oc- AA-un-n 5 yusyvuwn fvnauuu vu IILLU yuuuu BUIVIUU. '1'o which bill I humbly request your Excellency : assent. TI`. 55:. I...n 4.1.... 13...! __..-..L __., AH: iloxmlumnmnnmunuuunn srgnnnimnnnss AND nu: GOV- ~ , ` `lnzconrssrlzlzcn. ran sruxnn ADDRESS Old. World. in the -noaaon tor Ielll N0 opposition. On another occasion, and if you will permit, I will refer to that debate, V I stated in this House that I found that this road was, bonused while the hon. gentleman was a. member of this House : gY & AULT. Barristers. naluninl was run . SALE OR TOBE oomfo ville residence now oo- cngliled y Dr. Oliver `situate on Bayeld Streeh and 20 acres or 13.2.: etc. .-.._-V----.- nuns. l3ul`l'liI6l.l.I on s.u;n.-Boat.h a time `wad warm HANGING BASKETS to choose from! 0 ready lled and in full bloom and rowth. 3130 10.000 Geranimns, Coleus. He 8 1; .. nztillale Cannes. a'AIe1-atums. Asters. ldcinua. Bron h .. varieties for bgginat rioes nevery betr-re _o_t_xohed_ in Barrie It -_ -.- -- - vunlvi I IJl'II`u li0_lJGll'l' um sour. Auction Rooms and Oice. --Few` Doors North ` of Wellington Hotel. Bayeld.ut.. Barrio. ` gileg taken in prices to suit everybody Imus o-Inn In roan vrlmu xx. msnn um n-Anriirntocanuti.

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