.5 cannot jo, Kate, Wni Q08! Iauuu Pa. (bittegly)-. yer: my `on V v 7 Be on -Your Guard. Don? allow 5 coldin the heed to slowly and surely develo e iteelf into Oates!-h when you canklbe cured or 25 cents.` `A few sapplioetiona will cure incipient Oaterrh. - ~ l_ . V One totwo boxes will cure ordinary Oa- tarrh. l _ _~ .. v ' One to. ve `boxes will cure L. chronic Oe- turrh. - e. . . e Sold all dealers at 25o.,__ .er;, ,.l>ox. I Try Dr; A. .`Oha.se e Canadian tarrh Cure- ! Eor sale by ` take no`other-4-'.-it wi idure y_.ol_1.`f__ all dealers. e A an Qluuru. -o V I Memo'r1eu! . `Friend (taking leave, `after amending the eveuing)-. ` A wife is,-L. Brown I could to her a whole ' ht;'- e.: L 2 Brown (withga nigh) otem.gio ! - ' sore 'l'hroatg:___,. f"j;_.; ` A profpt egg eioient remedy f0l"57?l0l`6 throat'dI'vveI1`I' croup, asthma. pl-in i,K;7~_.`_;the Admirable; ..talker your _ other " V 111-- 41650, e`ii. sch6"" fuels and muy_ _ ` foun m: `Iran J 3':'{f "l'm" "` In M Humor. Smith : Bitten . " `',-L_.... C '-"`t,his paper ,, J L..--`Inn v.-I.-V llU'I|V'l F00, 00m- Il,|_9n: lace-j;life-gor ?of exceptional life, . db? wmn. so that the primary Purpose of the writer-shall seem, at_ least, to be the telling of the story. If it has.a moral to teach it should `teach it through` the story itself, and `not preach " it `oh- viously as a moral, in a long and labored preface or in 0 es of solemn`; didactics, not woven into t e texture of the tale and blent..w_ith its being but. interjected -in spots,i_l1ke raisins fin a pudding. Nine times in ten if a novelist has some par- ticular moral to enforce or crusade to preach he will pay such exclusive atten- tion to that as to lose sight of his story as at piece of literary art, and thereby fail altogether of the success which another, `though with less weighty moral or `less worthy crusade, will win by dint of artis- tic presentation. A moral is -nothing, a crusade is` nothing, except as a part .. of h.m'an' life, and every possible `human life must have some more or less import- ant moral signicance. It may be very ordinary and commonplace, as most lives are in allrespects, but none the less` as moral worth knowing and studying. And so why is it not true that every story of genuine possible human life must embody some sort of moral teaching, and also that story which most faithfully mirrors actual thought. passion, action, is most likely to point a moral which has some value in itself, and most likely to so point it is to fasten it in the conscious or unconscious recollection of readers. Every truly pro- portioned and justly colored picture of human life teaches something, and the value of its teaching depends upon what kind of humanity is portrayed. Now it is uni. mom I. am. 4.L..4. um nsuu us. uusuuuuay ID pvrlruyuu. ` Now it is not meant by this that the writer of a. novel should- not write with the purpose of pointing a moral or preach- ing a ct usade, but simply that such pur- pose should not be permitted to become the obvious feature of the book, and that it should be conveyed by the characters and incidents of the book, and not bluntly by the author. The business of the story- teller is to tell the story, and let the story tell the moral. ' GUELPH, Ont., May 31. -The barn and outbuildings of Harold Sorby, _.who.lives ve miles out on the Waterloo Road, were burned to the ground this morning. Flames had made such headway when discovered that it was impossible to save anything. Sorby loses his ne herd of Galloway cattle, 18 in number, some of them imported stock. Three of the Hereford bulls, "saved from the wrecked Brooklyn o` Anticosti were also burned, besides forty pigs and a lot of fancy poultry. Fortunately allthe horses and milch cows were out in the elds and es- caped destruction. The total loss is esti- mated at between $11,000 and $12,000. Building insured for $3,000 in the London, Liverpool and Globe. Stock is well cov- ered by insurance in the Guardian and Lancashire `Companies. The origin of the re isa mystery, but it is attributed to tramps. ' V ' ' aruugva nuuwuo There is danger Ahead from neglected colds. Atight cough and irritated throat are the warning signs of lurkin danger to the lungs. Hagyard s Pectornl. ' mcures colds, sore throat, stubborn coughs, and all bronchial and lung troubles. oiug to ck to it; e appre- pigeons The Sunday Newspaper. The Sunday journal is now the family journal of our great cities, and it has planted Sunday journalism on so. high a plane of intelligence and purity that its readers are found among ministers and churchmen as well as among the liberal and progressive of every faith. The Sun- day journal is so much more thoroughly read in all its departments because of the greater leisure of readers, and the many of each family who pursue it from day to day, that it soon becomes the best medium for business to reach the public ; and ad- vanced as is the Sunday journalism of today, it is yet only inpthe infancy of its progress and power. We live in the matchless age of the world ; the most in- telligent, the grandest, the best, of all history, and journalism is the foremost teacher and leader in all that ennobles the evening of the nineteenth century. m. we The true novel, tea, whether of lncfnnn. In... .. -2 ---4-A! ' A Hea.vy'Burden. - Mr. George Russell, of Aurora, Ont., says he was a. great sufferer from "a. running sore of the worst description, which baied the best medical skill, and his life was a burden. He was cured by B. B.B , to his great joy and the surprise of his friends. - ' Wuuv nu -nun... ....... He was a. particularly hard-up debtor- or, at least, one from whom it was diicult to collect anything. One day his long- suffering creditors sent a new clerk to dun him, not - with much hopes `of success, however. In due time the collector re- turned. . . 11117.. 9) _,.`,I `g.nfnn]nverA Ndld turned. Well," said the employer, did you get the mono "I" ` _ N o ; ut he promised to pay at once. He's always promising, but he never xes a day. This time he did.--he said to come around Tuesday next at 11 o'clock and he d give me themoney. A ' He did? Did. he say anything else 7 ` No, sir. 0, yes, he did. As I was coming out he said something about a `pig s eye, `over the left -but the remark seemed to be utterly irrelevant. Wily II not Why do so many limp and hobble about on sticks and crutches, suffering from rheu- matism, stiff joints, and cords, lame back, sprains and other aches, pains and lameness, when an-d s.Ye1low Oil, an unfailing re- lief, can _ purchased at the triing cost. of twenty-ve cents? ----Z--O-30--'----1 . A Hero of the Ohio Tornado Rewarded. - Howard. 8. Free, living west of Attica, 0. , who went upon` the Burlington & Ohio track on the nizht of the terrible tornado and agged the- west-bound fast -train, .preventing it from running into `a la a barn which had. been blown on the traci, `has -beenliberally rewarded bythe railway company. . They offer him his choice be- tween $600 in cash or a life pass over the. _ U1! Warn. `'1 vmvo work` for "two yam-3* suerin from kidney diieasa, and could get no. relic . nntil advised by; friend Ito try .B.B.B. I wui curd by two. bottleamnd consider it . a mix-acnlons ou1:or _j V__-Th_e above is the sub- fsthiiod of "a. c'oIri'mun1atiohf from `~]Wyn.! ; Tjgr, '6`S-Mhfyi. 0I.I.t-;-.1?` ..- Valuable Farm Stock Burned. What neitemarked. ` 7 L_._.'I .... ' A , , A. life, 9\n:unnn-n-o , I0 BARS OF SOAP FOR E;`1"- Fun soul) (:0MF0 R'y: FURNITURE MANUFACTURER IN REAR OF MARKET BUILDING. G. G. sM1%a%H, WNDERTAKE LLUBRICATING OILS, t'\fI'\I'N AH RUBBER, ASBESTOS. TFIVATT FILESAND EMORY GUMMERS,{ woom Wool! woom BA.R RIE }WOOLLEN A ND KNITTI \G M|%..LS |150.00Q i?3ii!J0.0.!n.W5IE9a - For which t;_he'_highest prlce_wi11 be paid in Cash or Goods. `A lgrge stock of superior goods go ` choose from at manufacturers pmces. . V T `Two West bf Queen : Hotel, RU BBER BALLS, B(;oKs A'N D STATION ERY `IN `LARGE 4 VARIETY. ' I`XI\l $7,`--' ' S'JI'."V'ES 2- 's'rov.ze"..v-1 2 2 T A % j nus, w1ir11;,'1:HE I.mgsT: AND BEST FURNISHINGS ALL THE nos!` APPROVED M . % I . .. .. .. .1u`r11:1A n'FITRF1RS P z.-:1-1;: Er.-'.. Mills on>John Sreet, Barrie. III-1:: - "9 3 ti. ..l_.iix11 tok P" :'F%?3591%*??Hv--55"? SLEEP on TVI-IEWOVEN WIRE MA'rRAss, IVIILL SUPPLIES. N EXT BARS OF DINGMAN S -...- _jn1-j:l 3ll'\ A 1% T".'I%'I- . A. ])utt0n s. spnmc. AND summan nouns Au. new. - ...u-r-urn uj|_L|,s_ fLAXT0ll S %c:LnnATe?} suannces a..n ..o....1. .4: Tuna mm; for Steam. Water` and Gg.s_. G_i_ol_1e__Valves . UNDERTAKEB, U.I." .lJ.lJN LT.LV.|..t5..LV D A.J: ELECTRIC SOAP FOR BAR_RIE AND STROU D. ..;\--.-u--- awn: A iv-I\ IN A (VTYTNIINQ f\`l.V froocr IBALLS, scum S1D]El;U1;LCTP: s7rnyv:nrb,% Doo_R To THE CANTON TEA s1'oa. :0: ----. SAWS, MILLBOA RD, &c., L AT .1. Hsgmaasows. IV_Qno -cu: III): 1'. nnnuw. -.__.____;-_., , V MANUFACTURERS R P Vt.-:1-1;: E: J( YT-IN cnnraman up Sold by 1) IJUUI;-IA 3.1,, ILJ In \rn1, ITALIAN HEMP, sac, BELTING, BABBI l` METAL, I `I. T _r-------___ _ _ unli to k uronpi of St ,w `V vol. Sihnom `acumen. ax 1d`gateg'l:3El`I.sse?.e rAl - 'ro1_nptly9tt9nd'edto; - . ` .510. 2 - . '1 ' 1 - "A `: SYEXM FIT'I`INGS, -I-\'\At\l"I JAMES WILKINSON, Proprietor. '-"'1 BASEBALLS AND BATS, B LUNCH BASKETS 9 STEAM WORKS Aim sow ROOM, _-- COLLIER-ST., BABRIZE L-'` -.-r '~~ IN LARGE .'v_-.KR1_EFY.- r0-OFFINS AND cAsEE17s 016` ALL KINDS % It 1 A l\ 1 A`!-1(ll'Fu;e1":]7Requisit.;-as-i!`1;rx;:1;eci. -7 y Orders by Telegraph cr Otherwise, Promptly ` attended to. % - G. O. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. [2R.o'bes, __C`Jra.pe, IR______:..`L -3 :1, Fania.` `ZLLOVVJKIJ ` BRASS and IRON" .PAKING, J .A-1.u' v--.v..___.- - _ ____ In stock or Made to Order. }unefa1$ furnished com- raversed into the . They , linger: -ns of various designs and prics always in plete. Caskets and Cof- A stock. All orders will re. 'cive careful attentfon. if!jngregat.Ional . Church, comes ST-. BARR|E. ax"(:Tsx.1id G~as.V(:l;6$:o`V:b:le8. Ston A)! work in thialine A E " 1`0fI1y`l_~_I?>LA1i'ro-xr% ~ orroslm THE , forget- e of his ' .TI"."1=I'.iiT PLAXTON 10-1) Tn: Nontnsnu Anvnuca -STEAM-- PRINTING HIIIISE, Ul|N|.0P ST.. BARBIE, HA8 UNI-`II VALLED FACILITIES IPROMPT AND '_I'AS"I'E|'-Ill. EXECUTION }|l[|K ANIIJIIB PRINTING. @*I'1-espectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work in all the styles _of printing, such l 0ARD& im alto- isit us." ing him, JJA4.l..l.J4.l.V \an.a % RECEIPTS, ` CHECKS, ORDER&g |_ ENVELOPES. NOTE HEADINGS, LETTER HEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS MEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, R ORDERS OF DANCE, % MENUCARDS, ` LABELS. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, POSTERS-I lain and Ornamental. DODGERS, % FLYERS, ` AT TORONTO PRICES. [DEEDs, MORTGAGES, CHATTEL MORTGAGES, `QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF ....---- rs-us -r A`?-r\ EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, W STATUTORY LEASES. A FARM LEASES, RENEWALS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF _...\-`nun: A (~41-a Em Kate. ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETC DIVISION COURT BLANKS," MAGISTRATES BLANKS, SURROGATE CUURT BLANKS, CONSTABLES BLANKS. Blank Forms of any kind printed to `order. V --OF ORDERS OF ALL CLASSES 0F- P00|(E'|' IIIBEGTOIIYI COUNTY` OF SIMGOE, 7::.._.._ 7 FOR` 1888, Published by the Proprietor, S. Wesley, Barrie. ` Copies 25 cents at the oice ; or sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of that ` sum. -rnm Nonrnnnn Anvmc: In the best One Dollar Weekly Published in the County of Simcoe, endhaa ' _. . s the largest: circulation.- lS;WESLls, Pbaher and Pmprietor TSTATEMENTS, B_I LL.HEADS, _ % NOTE CIRCULARS, ' LETTER CIRCULARS. [N131 1\rI-Ina JUDICIAL DISTRICT ' slipping osb sur- k of`coo- BLANK FORMS --ron THE: Always kept in stock A full line of --orA 'rm:--- --or 'rnin-- A full line at all prices. TMORTGAGE. SALE OF "LAND HOUSE LEASES. SNIPES, ETC: l a penni- IIIUII U Lu 1 r. Ware olia, and an` away, ood, but ndrighn Wood's listento nd Dr. `llu M to make , .....n I I He s aid. does not e Linea]! ts, E mu at . _ txother D aid Dick, uumnuu a little half as geny, 3 talked 1.'AA.I. v\I uuluu well, I by never he source -On skin dxseasu. A tobacconist has a. sign in his window : I . D 3 , `Wt ve cent clgara can t be bea. . We do not doubt it; we'tried one; `twas 9. bbas.'e- A . 7 CB .5 T 1-..... hnnlz slide or chest. use Sh1loh a-. CliUUac:'v- --For lame back side or chest` 1: Shi I Porimls Igfzstsr. Blgrice 25 cenl:s.aeFo1-12:1 : ly . om 00 s, arrie, and M, `. zlllandale. J - J Hmlm. . It in dredful eazy tew mistake wh think for what we_know ; this iz thztwze that ulost ov the hes [git born that axy travelulg around loose. . 9- --Croup, whooping cough a d b . . . ixnllxealigtely relieved by Shilohtls Cullgnchllcsm sale by Jnhn \\'00dS, Barrie, and `1 gr Hamlin. A1lauda.le.. ` ` ' There are lots of people who ,1` - `. reli'g_;ion withbusiness, but forge:-Ilxtotlietii it up well The busixie ' T ' ~ I `Ln M` M a result. as lnvarmbly rlses it wen luv .,.......-.... ... ,__,____,__, ______ to the tap as a result. T _, Il1atI1zcki1}g cough can be- so quickly L'l1I`C1H)y.\'}l11Q1|SVCl1}`C. -We guarantee it, For sale by John W oods, Barrie, and "M, J, Haunlm, .\l1am1ale.V .-\ liur_1iu-,;tm girl stgpped into a. jewel. or}; am`: a.s1u-.d for a. pan `of. con3i3teny bracelets.` Somebody had told her that cunsistcncy was a. jewel. I .. 1 f..1_L/- ...-...1n vv\:nnwn1\`n kn `inn!-_ H75 "' . L Sulphur Sc disease. A . . 1._--,m:..+. hm: a. su to advise hould `on rom Mr. uld you nd cease CUIISIDLLIHLJ Hun .. J-.... --. - . niglltn made misorable by that terrible cous_rh. Sh110h s Cure 13 the remedy T fvlf you. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and..\1. .1. Haullin,` Allandzxle. . Saidna dude: I just love pigs feet. Jcouldllve upon pigs feet. Said the modest gifl to whom the remark was ad- dressed 2 Are you right sure you don t? --Shi1oh s Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures con`-' eumption. For sale by John Woods. Barrie, and .\I. J. Hamlin, Allandale. 1__L '_______\ uzuuc, auu .Lu. u. ;.u~......., ..-.........._-- Guest (to host, to whom, by. some mis- take, he has not been introduced)-Well, you seem to be having about as stupid 3 time as myself; suppose we "go into the supper room. (They go). 1, __ `LL -...l ....-.nn6- In-nails or frettul. A waiter in a. Springeld boardin 8 house in reciting a. bill of f . amon,g the rarities of the seofgeri alagfgg leg of liver." Prof. Low s S toilet luxury as unlphu S ' . alum :u.::::*s:*:* or auu J]. U. Lluulnlu, -..-..-.....-. Cora (chewing on` the last fcaraane)- What makes` you always twirl your cane, Mr. Merritt ?" Little Johnny (who is al- ways around)--Beca.use he ain't got any mustache. V V --Wi11 you suffer from dyspepsia" and liver. complaint `r Shiloh s Vitalizer 1s guaranteed to cure you. For Sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J . Hamlin, Allandale. (19; each man ayin` S Banuwwum. ...,_ _ __ _ graphl for the sex-1ous-'1`ho Best ~ the Scissors Can Find. A peaceful quilt--A crazy one, Upside down--A feather bed, An old stager" ma ): after a. while be. wme an old stagger. Nationa are a thoro Motto for 3. ugh cathartic. n umbrel1a--Suum O ' have his own). mm .x.. sweet as honey is_ Dr. Low. 5 plead 1 _,L_A___ __J A_.-H` 1 bills will not gripe or sicken, yat. auk11Jc.u LUUu.u \;uu_, ,.,v,. ---Catarrh cured, health and sweet -breath secured, by Shi1oh s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents; Nasal Injector free. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ' T 1 un A___ _L nuuuuatca Gibbs--So the ma wgs killed` up at. the hotel, was he I Sq11ibbs-YeS, shot right in the ro-? tu11dz;. - ` . V _ Hibbs-TGrezi,t Scott`.. No wonder gt killed him. T hatfs 8. terrible place to hlt zx mam. `I 1-.. orougn cam... .,.,, an umbrella--.S % own),uum oulqlle 6 my is L 2 ~ Worm Syrup. yet sure to destrg: znglegiznll; e worms. - , -..n never depgnd upon , Proverb; -7 '.. \'1t;.1am is yvhat you_ need for constipation, loss cf appetltge, dlZZlIl885 nd 99,. ?.%;5`:1i?f?i i`f...`2f.. `k%:EeB,:`:aw .%I, :v%z%:a` .\\\ rooms or HUMOR Anlfpmm philoso- umu 01' the same t, Karel ate is be- ee where in mm TEE Ln: Tamas WHOLE wo; nmiic, zuiu .11. u. .uau.u;u, .-...........--. T he occasion of the Pr8ident s wed- diiiq would be 9. good time for the adop- tion of 3. iiujtitinal flower. One nan been (1iSCU\`UI`uduI1 thelsthrnus "of Tehua.nte- `nee, whicli seems to answer the condi- tious. it is white in the morning, "red at noon, and blue at night. ' an syrnptoms or uyspepum. JL uw xv um- 75 cents perbottlc. For sale by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ` ` _,;i_ _...'I I """ """ " Ll 1{uvn ' ~ tried McGregor 8:. P5rke 8`_ L'uI'bo1i(:3(O`::lr2:3t\eL1For sores of any kind_? It 18 be- yond doubt the very best preparatxon in the Wilfku for healing and Curing Sores, Burns. Cuts, 1 12 ,B1 t hes and is the onl pro- 1cr'xu1etlll:`(|;H E)? umflsfging barbolic Acid. gold at ~IVI0nk1nzm`s Dxtuz: Store for 250. D0!` 1103: 11723 . I hear you are going: on the ?stage. Yes, that is very true. V b ' mm 1 did not know you had any dra- j matic talent. Uh,1,haven t,' but I have-.8. (102611 lovely new dresses. You must come and 599 theln when I make my debut." - _- A4,-.. Uuu . M01 This is to certify that I have used MoGre8 0r`s-Speedy Cure for D spepsia. 9. LNG!` Complumt, and do honestly say that t it cot me Om: hundred dollars ($100.00) `a bottle I would not be without it. as it has done _m8 more good than-all the medicines I ever used. end I feel like a new ma.n-You.'s truly ALEX- ETEI-:L.Car1oton Place. Out. This medicine is for sale at 500. and $1.00 Der bottle at Monk- m&I1'8I)rug Store. ' '32 There is a. paper published in Texas called the Kerrville Eye. In itsplastislue it drops into poetry as follows : The eye is two years old to-day; No equinting has it done, And as we have the devil to pay, Please pony up. begum !" " `Twas in a restaurant down town I waited long, I ween ; Then at the cashier 1 did frown, , And asked: What does this mean? I sent my waiter hours ago From out you sable group. . . Stud he: Of course the waiter !!! BIOW3 He s bringing turtle soup. * The latest rcmed . y for Co ha, Colds, Crou . 2}VrgD,1'18 Cough, Bronch tie, eto., is ,0- in 3 Luna Compound. There is no remedy in exicnce containing an one 0! the active Dogilrgglents "` Wing Mo reg`or's Lune 00!!` thin -30110 no say vou have taken every- coug ;11you have tried this for our cold or 211.v_vho hadv,`}t`i.3`3lT` a`; .;`.`}.+`."`3+.`.? i'f.m%.:t'?' -~ ` ` _ ' ___..- --"' "'d1g Svme `. , - " " 1 ion W111 b ?f,`x%?1a%,.vz.:::3*:t?v1z ms is 0 is 9 bolt. d 500 ant1$1 00 bottles by G'nk 1n . - - . ' Druggist. . ` A husband but had a s op and purohu.sed..a hare 9: my duck?/ he id ma home empty-handed: suuea In '-l`1m h h d been 0\1-'h not bier`: tlocessful, rinm 0119. much,-he ill go off ry pro} ill make sndwlched with Para- .- _ a.._InII;"Il| aunt muea hi Time. , chest, use Shi1oh sT-I I rice 25 cents. For sale ,1 `II Y- l`I'-..-I-.. . _u-2 on reaching home, you see I am _not_ no ewkwu-d with the gun after 311. ? Letme see!" V: V . 2 - , Isn't he a` ne fellow 1" My dear, said the wife, as she carried -the game to herinoetrils, and put it down with a grimsoe. in killing hiurto-da ; to-morrow it would have been too late. `~ `You were quite right` Liver Complaint Causes Dyspepsia, Indi- gestion, I . V Liver Complaint Causes Sick Headache, Dizziness, e lLiver Complaint Causes All Kidney Trou- b es, ' Liver Complaint Causes Three fourths of all disease. ' Liver Complaint is cured by Dr. Chase's Liver Cure. Sold by all Drnggists. C ` She Knew What It Was. Ah ! exclaimed Raskins to his wife, as they sat in their dining`-room the other afternoon, sndthe sound of cannon was home to their ears, there's something very touching in a. soldier's funeral after all. Now, I daresay tha_.t s the last mark of respect to some old veteran. Nn|:9\m A` I've` nn-.L 7 ---- ---1 ---L "-~ ' ... i AWEWAN` u1H>.`\ I-Innqnnu ..IL._ .11 V. sun can vv BUIIIU Ulu VUDUIISH. I ` ` othing of the sort, snapped out Mrs. Raskins,ethey re trying to raise the body of that old mule that was drowned in the river last Wednesday. I nlw nin . I n., ml`-Jve you Neurelgia? Use Fluid Lightning. Have you Lumbngo? Use Fluid Liz tning. A111? yqou troubled with Headache? Use Fluid :1 n . . avfgu any pain? Use Fluid Lightning. It w cure you the instant it is applied. Try it. 250. per bottle at Monkma.n s Dru Store. n 11- She was Right. ` `Why don't you have your hair cut ?" asked a Oongressma.n s wife. . . ""771s"1y"a2?i7F'"s'3"u"mh the mitr bill that I can't attend to matters of Einor importance, returned her hus- and. 111171! 1- I 11.1: I ill IIl.II\5O Well, I should think you'd have time_ to attend to your duty on your own wool. I am an extensive dealer in na horses, buy and sell as many as any man in `New England. I use exclusively in my stables Giles Liniment Iodide ammonia and Giles Horse Powders to cure distemper in young cattle, sore throat, fevers, remove splints, puffs and wind-galls. The Doctor's reme- dies are what I rely on; no horse dealer should beiwithout them. Frank Griswold, West Randolph, Vt. Sold by W. C. Mc-_ Lean. L Giving mm an Incentive. Emp'loyer-Jan1os, I have come to the conclusion that your lazy. J a.m6a-Yes, sir. EmpIoyer_-1 go away for a. day or two, and when I get back your . work is just where it was when I left. Can't you take 9. b1race `I - v 1- L_._ 1____.'I L- -:_ 1..-). 1' .a....n. If UIIIUU l ' James--I try hard to, air, but I don't succeed. -My father was the laziest man in the city, air, and it : awful hard to overcome -hereditary instincts. You see a man's got to have some incentive to make him change hiaways; 'I3.....J....A_i,`X7n`l To-`non I n`\n`1 Rica- IIIBKU nun uuuugu um way-n. Employer-Well, James, I shall dis- charge you next Saturday night if you don t do better. Now, for heaven s sake, let that be an incentive` to you. ty- ished for 6 do(`,t0I' i id fave" ; ment 0 ` _ Consumption can Be cured. i Not b any secret remedy, but by proper, heslthf exercise and the judicious use of Scott s Emulsion of God Liver0il and Hypo- V phosphites. contain the healing a.ndsttength- giving virtues of these two valuable specics in their fullest form. Prescribed universally by Physicians. Take no other. A year agomy head wee covered with sores, and the eruption covered my face also, and spread even until the backs of -my hande were sore. I became. `week and ill. Finding no cure I tried Burdock Blood Bit-~ ters. Two bottles perfectly cured me. Statement of Miss Minnie Stevenson, Cocasrne, N. B. Have ydn Toothaoh "Use Fluid Li htnlng. _,I_{ve you Rheumatism? `Use Flu! Ligh - nave you Ioonnnone '1 use mum ntn1n%. `Have Li h | . i ave you a Sti Joint? Use Fluid Light- ! DR. ' - . A Great Sacrice. You have bad news to tell me ? queried the wife of an Ohio plough manu- facturer, as he came home the other night. Yes. The men have demanded an in- crease of pay. V They want 95 cents ,8. day or they will strike. LVn.. Ann +. run? an. WhV. what -011` they wmsmue. You don t say so. Why, on earth can they be thinking of 3 _ I m afraid I ll have to give in to them, and" you ll have to make a. sacrice. T I won t ask you to give up those diamond bracelets, nor-the new carriage, but I m afraid you ll have to come down to $40 `hats and $15 shoes. APo1nter. When_Col. Sellers gives you a pointer in stocks, my friend. leave them severely, alone, but when your own feelings tell you that `you have palpatation of _ the heart, asthma, bronchitis or catarrh which unless checked are apt to run into consumption, heed the admonition before it is too late. a All the diseases enumerated, and others, arise f from impure blood. Put thelivez in action, the largest gland in the human bod , and you will speedily regain your lost ealth, -_.-I ........ 1...: feelings will disappear,_ Dr, will speedily regain your mu .m......, and your bad feelin s will disappear. Dr. Pierce s "Golden edical Discovery will accomplish the work speedily and certainly. Of your druggist. will speeauy regain yuan. ...... _. Golden - ---_..1:..1. 41.. work meedilv cert: Say pa, said Jainnyt this paper says that Mr. Smith is a. second -Ananiaa. What does that mean 1" . (bittetzly)-?`I means. he is a law-