Lloney to loud at lowest >ra'.te's.' Again. tori ' Domin ion Grange Fire Insurance Associ- ation. Canadian Mutual Aid Life Insurance and Rcservc Fund Accident Associations. V THOS; S.'McLEOD, Dalston. Olce over Coulter &'.- Vair s,`Bar1-ie. Tuesiiay T ; . . Y dud saturdav. 5 UCGII , DGILI L U11]. He never hesitated an instant what. he should do. The moment he entered the tang; he had seen that on the chest which formed his ma.ster s table Capt. Ferrers had laid 1 5 down the brown leather pocket book which ` 1 contained the all-important dispoltch. Quick ha thnnavhf. Tam minhd...-I H .... --ILL .......u A uuuevy, and without fear of being rolieveiioufll it by pickpockem. A ~ - - Then -hothrew the ' book away; a.nd_.wi15h is !est.1_k in. the 1ir91?i99f 129 cagnm; ttimed` `By gum ! , the unit, "Duo mu Pharaoh mnsthave yea some i;;;!1m_to sta.'nd"'a1l -`I, wo1'1d.eI`?if ithejr any baccy in them da.ys,. and then; he,` too," took a mighty draw at his big pipe, , dilet the ies in his immediate neighborhood have the full benet thereof, after which he spat contemptuously into the midst of the swarm by way of distinctly adding insult to injury. The ies did not particularly seem to ap- preciate the' attention, and they forthwith settled down upon Private John Wood, No. ` 741, as if theyhad a special mission from .Arabi Pasha to determine the exact value of grit,_ as grit goes, in the ranks of the British army. um,......,1 .-s-- ....m. T Yrnonr mm` mm n this." Privateylohn Wood, No. 741, was not the } only man in the Scarlet Lancers whose} grit the ies took an opportunity of; valuing. They settled down upon Lacy as if he were a sweet and todthsome morsel such as did not often come in their way, ` which probably was exactly the true state 1 of the case. ` 1-5 L 1-u-_;1-_ 1.1.._ 1.34. '.-.4-..n.p....nIn n1n~nn_.` Au. vs Auusxu` Uluuuu Uu nut! ULuU.lo 5 The general impressed upon Bootles the need for caution and dispatch as he intrnsted tho paper to his hands, not without first making him exactly acquainted with its contents in case of accident by the way, so I that if the paper were damage;1 or rendered illegible he might not reach the other camp in ignorance of his mission. An.-I unnnn Tnvn `Inna.-A #6 1:1` -..-._ __-_,,-n. `LI I-6Il\-II IN`-l\"J VJ`- An young Tom heard it a1l-every word! ` Not only heard, but saw! Saw the general give the paper-saw hismaster place it in :1 ` small. pocket book of Lrown leather and bow ` himself out, after a sileiit grip of the hands outstretched to bim-.saw then that he left the nu: :11:-JJA\lL.In tentend went hastily in the direction of his` vown-a.nd, seeing that, the circus waif rose up from his `post of observation and followed him swiftly. T ' `X71-inn Ian nnnnlmvu-I l`1.....J. tn__._-_.. 4 . .' vvu tau. ma mi-uupuruuny ulllpaioll Quick as thought Tom matched it up with , the ask and ran out; once outside, he threw the ask to the winds and made for the out- posts. . It was not diicult for him to passthem; on the contrary, in truth, he simply threw himself at upon his stomach, and, by means of the snake trick on which he had so prided himself of old,` wriggled past the various sentries with the stealth and noise- lessness of an Indian scout. Having passed the last one ' he took the pocket book from between his` teeth, where` he had carried `it for safety, and folding the precious dispatch neatlyto halt its former size, consigned it to a` little pocket within the breast or his scarlet. and , black 'striped waistcoat, one which had hen"pnt `there by Capt. Ferrers orders, so that` thelad might carry a tow .8811: 8a1ety,'and without fear , otbeing Jiijevedjofitbyniknocketn-~. . we brmsn army. Blowed if ever I knew the` like 0 uhis, quoth Private John Wood, No. 741.` Why, old Pharaoh must have ad a. hide like 15- -_1-1---L I) U1U- J. uwl. uun. Beezlebub. KLI", LII-D(.Ll'1JJl.lJ Uulu _ iVith all haste he rolled out of the ham- mock, and strair:htene_l himself as regarded his hair and the fastoningsof this undre.~;s wise. jacket, buckled on his sword, and went). off to the co1oncl s quarters, in ignorance that young Tom Snow, who had been loang outside the tent until his master should shout for him when it was time to dress for mess, and so had heard the message which the orderly had brought, was following him, and that, when Booties went in, he ung himself down . upon the sandy, ground, in blissful disregard of any plague that `might be lurking there, be it Egyptian or other- ~ _ 1 L , x 3.1 AI 1 Q- A-KK4 - - _. _._ - ...._ __._ .._.._ ..__i____.....___ -- -~ - ~- --~-. ` ` .'1<:w7'so.\' 8: oR1~:s\\;'1o1~;1s; BA1{I{I_S'1`ERS, ca'Lure of Unxmrio, PI-octors, Not.zu-ics, Convey- iancers, .&c.V Money to Loan`. 0moes-~Both- well s Block`,o1nposiL_e N. 8:. N. W. `R5- .'St:l.).ti0I'1, Bzuirie. A . ' Solicitors of the tsuprexue Court. of: Judi- ` U. E. lhnwsox. A. E. I:I.,CRI_cS\\'xcKE.` IV 1.30 The sentry on duty outside the colone1 s tent, of course, noticed him; and uttered 9. facetious remark after the manner in which most: of the Scarlet Lancers were accus- tomed to address the sharp-songued, amus- ing little circus waif. unml... vvnliiurv I-I 1 .. Ixrima. ......-. .....- .11-I5 LIUUJU vll vuo vv wu . 7Ello, young H mp-La. be a-doing of '9 ` - I-T n1'nH- n-rIni..... at o. UV IlI`\I\Ill.l5 vs a "I ain t a-doing of nothing, retorted ' young Houp-Ln, civilly, except; a-waiting of my master, Capt n Ferrers, who you see Ta,-going into the colone1 s quarters jes now. nu. , . 1."; 4, I .' 1. q IV AAVIAJ A-EU Lvusnu UAJUL Us, It was not only a. very diicult, but a. very ~ dangerous errand which Capt. FGITBPB had been chosen to penforni. The order was given in the simplest and most. soldierly words, and so young Tom was able to gather its exact meaning as cl aarly as Bootles him- self could do. In substance it was to convey ` a certain paper, written in [cypb_er, to the officer commanding a body-of troops Yying ~ about ve miles from the Scarlet Lancers ~ camp, which was but a_ short distance from the town of Abu-Goum, held by.s. strong [force of therebels, under the command of , Arabi himself. ,,___1_ en 11 1*. I LA; UUIJA DQAIJAQVJLO .. To reach the other British camp the envoy V must pass almost .thr0ugl1 thy rebel lines, ; e_lse he would nd himself close under the walls of Abu-Goum on the one hand, or in- volved in the swamps which skirted `the mar- gin of Lake Gouxn onthe other. 'I`I..-. lvnnnmn] i.m..............I .....,... 'D..-u__ u, OI we C1180. But Bootlesdd they left `strangely a1one- ` perhaps he took after Pharaohof old. Any way, certain it is that he suifered less from } the climate and its attendant plagues than a any other oicer in the regiment, audit was partly owing to this--at least it was entirely a due to his habitually cool and self-possessed demeanor, which he could not have main- tained had the ies pestarel him as they did some of the others, Lacy, forAinstance-that oneevening. a few days after they had left Alexandria and Ramleh behiu-.1 them, when he was lying half asleep in his hammock, a thump-tlnump soundel upon t-l1e'woov1e11 box which stood justroutside the entrance to his tent. hr? I 1 a .4511 1 ._ _,.1 lA.`| ___;_ ` ,` . MUUU. then, as an orderly appeared in the `door- way, asked, `fWo`l, O1'd'0l'1y; what 13 It? s('II,.n nrx1t\v'\n1,.1' nn'n1n-.11 :-nnnfa bit` nnr} ho Yes-wh: ;t is it? `he cailed out s1eep_i1y;' VVJDLLUD LU DCU _y uu 0.3 i:UU.L.I. LI) 1.'U>3,`A_I.uvo -. Verv well. Tull thaw C()lO`-. 1(`l, with [my conqplitnenue, that 1 i1 be with him immedi- ately, ha D.113\V61';3d, an-:1 thfa o1`da1'1y, salut- ing, disappaare-J.` ' \\7H-`In all ho}!-n ho rnT]nz'I nnftl rd Hm: hnn-n.` The sentry laughed and wheeledround on his allotted twenty yards of sentry-go, never dreaming of ordering` young Tom 011 , for he was generally considered in the regiment as a thing of naught, beyond the fact of his be- ing a favorite protege of Capt. Ferrets. an lkzutn ho mnrnninnrl nnrl Q-I-yawn urila `I-u'a `Q6 3 LBIVVIJ IUC PI UUWEVJ VI uayv. L'KIll\J.I.B So there he remained, and there, with his sharp young ears pressed close toa little dis- crepancy in the canvas, which prote cted the omoer commanding the Scarlet Lancers from the night dews and dumps, Tom Snow, the circus waif. became cognizant of and acquainted with the details and particulars of one of the most important and dangerous missions which was intrusted to or accepted by any one of the olcers and men who car- ried her 1najesty`s uniform into the land of the Pharaohs in the campaign of '82. I11: "|&I`l` Aunvwn I'l7l\I\(` 1-Ixn vulnzialsr` I-\..L_..___ A OUNI`, S'l`RA'1`HY & L')UN'1'. 131uuua~ tors. Solicitors. in High Court of J ustice, Notaries Public. G_onveya.nce1's. Olceso over the Bank of Toronto Barrie. - . w. LOUN'1`,Q.C.. H. H. S'rRA'ruY, G. w. pom. I-Jlall uvua I-Ll IIAAV \.5I-I-I-Illulll VI. 00. `M111; heard every wo that passed between his master and the three gray-haired. oicers whom he found there. scan a. n asked, `?Wk-)`l, Q1'd'0l`ly; w_11aI: 113.4 _ V .'Ihe` co1onc1 s-` cvo1np1im`eubs,. sir, and he wishes tosee you assoon as po's; I ATT- `...~. ...._'lI ' VI` .1 I -(`Ln nn] f\H`\ n-1 11:1-{I-`I1 ruavv vu av nusvu vv but-I ULGJLJ Yeasir, said Tom. `El - _-_---. I_-.._'4-L, I By gum?! H`-nu.-n AL nvsutc CHAPTER IV. the rgb, but old ___..'.. .4-I6 In"i`vv| 1-n 1 What may you 5] 501111: My dear chap, he said, in tones which ` were `distinctly tones of remonstranoe, though he tried to make them those of calm reasonableness, what--er--more pwroof : can you want or have? The boy was sent ; to get your ask lled with bwrandy; he did i -not get it lled with bwrandy or anything ` else, but it isvfound instead only a few yards ` fromyour own tent.` The: boy is gone--the -er--dispatch'is gone too. Nobodyelse in thewhole-.ca.mp is missing. It is wreally, 1 Booties, perfectly,absu1-dy to twry to shield the .yo`u ng` mange} any longer. The (118- .pa`tg:h-er--Eoo1.IlcI`:`:_if1otV'go by itselt-.-1.t s.ab- . There could be no further doubt that Tom Snow was the delinquent--nobody had the slightest doubt about it, not even Bootles himself, though he stoutlydeoltred his be- lie! in the lad, and maintainei that nothing could make him think young Tom was a traitor, except the mostmbsolute and posi- tiveproot that such was the case. For once Lucy was absolutely angry with his best friend- - 7*e' ';his`.'fae-:.tdwan1 the ve miles of dxfculty and `danger which lay between him andthe missionwhich he had taken upon himself- _-_ ._1.-:4. I... Inn`! in a-nolii-.v efnkm from MccAhTI1Y, I*E15LER sc MCCARTHY,` Baa-risters,.So1icitors, Notaries. 850.. Money to Loan. Barrne. Alliston and Gravenhurst. D AL'rox MCCARTHY. Q.C. F. E. P. PEPLER. J. A. M:JCAm'u\_'. D. F. MOWATT. .-- -_ ,_-, ..._..-_.__._._._. mlssionwmcn nevuuu wuwu upuu muu....- ~ nay, which he had in reality stolen from `him, to whom it had been intrusted- difficult, because of the inky darkness of the night, _ and of his ignorance of- the surrounding country (an Ignorance which his master would greatly have less- ened by means of a compass and a` plan, two articles of which Tom had not thought); dangerous, because almost every yard of the way bristled with rebel muskets, every post and point was guarded and watched by vigilant rebel troops. "Rs-If fl-an larva In-nun anirif. nnvnr failed hinl \,;ot;u nu guxnu. \4lIu|Ll\.'.l ULL DUO puunvu LKJURL. But it came out after _a whi1e-after Booties had got through that terrible in ter- view with the icolonel-terrible because of thepain it gave to both of them-after he had given `up his sword and his parole of honor, and then had passed the night in his tent alone, lying miserably in his hammock with his arm ung across his eyes. Then it all came out! How his ask, ahandsome silver thing, with crest and monogram em- blazoned upon it, had been found as soon as morning light broke over the cam p, not twenty yards away from his tent, how young Tom had never been at all to get the brandy for which his master had sent him, then how young Tom was missing, and had never been seen by any one in the camp since the sentry on duty outside the colonel s fan`: her` nnnnnl-no-I I-:3-an In9I.1 CHIHII- _-_, vv vuu woman; vu uuuy Uulau-ID Ill-IO UUIULIUKS tent had accosted him with Ello, young 0up La, and what may you be a.-doing of P Last1y-and. worst conrmation of s.1l-how the missing pocket book had Leon found just outside the most advanced outposts. wguuuu reucu uruupu. . _ But the lad s brave s irit never failed mm for an instant. He ha not stood upon the L V1 --- `I `I...-.1.-Ar .-1-;_.e.___. _.... I ,....:.n death I0!` an lnsuanu. nu uuu. nob swuu upuu uuv trapeze platform and looked grim death hard in the face to be faint of heart now, when .he needed all his courage. 12! - ...'........ A-ln,.u,...In4- n~P +111: I-uarrn Ho UUULU. uuu Uauapu "Luu nun 1110: `It was only for a moment that he stood looking back upon the camp, -which shel- tered all he loved on earth; he could hear the steady and measured tramp of the sen- tries close at hand; he could see the more distant lights. A Then a mist of tears blurred the picture. ,He dashed his hand across his eyes, plunged into t-he darkness, and was gone. -' A Meantime, having" seen that his revolvers were in perfect o'der,' Booties -set; about dressing vhi m%se1t', or his expedition. He discarded his spurs anrl sword, and, in- vattract attntion to hi-mlor make him an. ,object_ more easily di_~sc~J1-uible in the dz11'k;13ss 1dee_d,; _everybhing. which might` s:rve to{ 1015- Ljhe n.ig1;t. 11 4 ;I- __I,,'., '_--_ V9 ' ,I_2.uu L1`|a u up There wer'e.a'mong- oil the mak_es-hift table, a t jar. of `potted g`ame,an of sherr_y'.A - He poured the wine and hastily `potted game ` _upon the '4-1's-\nn:1` `1-:a manna van 9'v'r\v:l vA.r.Iubo.A 1 ;LAAl1uuLuLA:'ro I Tom was not usuaIIy'so long about his- master s -"errands, and his niaster,1)0t; un- naturally perhaps, w0nr1e1'el at his being so then,` when there was so much needfo1' haste. However, he pu`le:1 on` his long` cloak, which covered h?m up from head to foot, and slipped a dark blue cloth polo cap up_on.'his head-this.wa;s safer than to wear the `gold-lacezl forage cap of `an officer. Aw-.11 lnnn -inn}-. an Inn uyna n-rn'n.~ Ln-}u.f&nn . V But it was gone. T Boot1es stood for a moment staring at the place where he had laii it down in the stupefaction of intense. surprise. He had put it down just there, beside his ask, and _With_hx's gloves! He was certain of it-'-he could positively swear to it. What on earth had got the thing? He roused himself from his bewilderment, and turned all his pockets. out, ran to the r brass-bound revolver case and examined it; back to the table, and tossed everything that was upon it over and over. Made quite sure, i-n fact, . that pocketbook and disputchwere alike missing, and not to be found. ' . 1"I _ ._IL :1. _,,,-_- ,, A 0 .1 11886 1410811363-lslletl. U1uuc-uvc; Bank of Commerce. Dunlop street. svuugl . He felt it was no use staying there, wast- ing his precious time in ransacking boxes and turning out pockets which he had not touched that day. The colonel must; be told at once; so, with a mighty effort, Booties pulled h?mse1f together, and went out with asinking heart to. tell the tale of his own shame and dishonor. T. . `rs-.. 4.1.--- ..I.'.1 L- _e__ LI, , V -. .. For thus did he. in the agony and distress of mind which overwhelmed him, designate the carelessness, or the unsuspiciousness, which had allowed him totrust the honesty of others. He never for a moment suspected young Tom of being the thief, but he did think it just within the bounds of possibility that, while he had been bending down over the case of revolvers, some one had quietly crept; in and carried 03 the pocket book. `Rut if nornn An!-. n'>nu .. ...L.'1- _ AL WIIBII .116 ueeueu u.u..Lua UULl.1t1b'Uu He never thought of the harm he might be doing: still less of the risk he was run- ning--only that his master, the captain, had been sent on this errand of danger, and that he, owing to his small size and elasticity of joint and muscle, and the particular form of training which he had undergone in the circus, could easily go in safety where his master coull not expect to escape detection; nay, where he very well knew his master could not escape with his life. T4. .....s... .-....1.. (-5... n cnrunnnlr 4-I-so} Inn afnn/I 14`|`;)uI{A There othr th`i11gs lying ma.k,eshi`ft tin of m1!k'bisc1 of `potgttl g`ame,and _a bottle near! sber1'_y';A A out 9; tuznblcr 1:` spread. sonic 0 11ponv the ,b1';scuit>;, than tinued` his preparations,Vetgtingas he Ii aboutthetent. H " -V l.'I"l.'1 A. j 7 __ Slant :1 vntv Lvuvn ~?{Vhat a long. Hm: that boy is, he: thoughf, impatiently. ' M 1I'raa' -r|r\I- uvc11n1r'L~n ];\r\r\I n"\n~1l' ix`: ` vuv 5uLu Luvuu sun wav ktlull \.ll. us; \IAAl\J\uln And then, just as he was going tobutton This cloak, he remembered the V pocket book, | a.nd.turned to take it-. I But it was gone I ` CHAPTER V. _u.- 5-;u- - R R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND . General Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. Collections made in any part of the County. Money to Loan. 0lce-Bothwell's Block opposite the Railway Station, `Barrie, Ontar 0. . A51-ly A Ira th t to!` M ` Rigs 83 `Sena :1 eieiztt tux-u.... Inon " tche, d "?`1I>. asu,'"`dy `lid minflfnegg `nd "13. pain p amt. is` 5for sore in the found _in "H33tr L. *1 : Y n" 0:1. other com-_ usuvvu uuu \.Al-'J\4\lA \.\-\.l H Iuu `lulu. Bootles was the first to hear his 1:: um. um turned the light of the bu11`s-eye L <-.-n'1`!"` upon the place whence the sound czuw. 13? another moment he was down uwn 113-` knees beside the prostrate form of the hat unconscious boy. _ Vn..n~ I-Tnnus T .. cu` ._.-..1 - _ . . A ~ . . Jun` h Young Houp-La vaguely recogzniznl 1` master as he tenderly raised his` 11--ml 1`-1 his arm. Water! hotaspei, painfu .1_v. Bootles lled the cup which 1r1m~l [119 lower half of his ask with water, \\'i1it'9|. of the searchers had brought. and held It W the poor parched lips. It seemed to WW: life into him, for he lifted his head an looked wildly round. V 'l`nII Flux name). 1 ._-LvLL-_.; ..-&`- THE 33' uaa .._,w vnu-J Lu\.u\'. -Bootles said.Th:3.nk you, >122". an-I W.` out Without another won-.1, chiey I`--rt`: there was a lump in ms throat mm-n ma speech difficult. 1+ tuvnn ....r In \n- lmrn... .. ......o " ..-...~ .. . , oyw... ,.........u. A I It was not~l0.1g befora 21. party was r--.2 I: to start, with B0.)tL_>s. at its head. in ~.- :2" for the missing boy. Nu` was i. wr. In.` before they found hi1n-pox'_1mps a `xm-E .1 - v::. the rebel out1)ost.s~-1_x'i11;g= b-;-lxiual :1 mmnp ~- trees, faint; and gII:1Stly pith`, 1.-ix Iuwxlif parched and dry, and his :harp, _v.m.n_; rare drawn and diatorted with pain. . Rnnflna lune 1-Ln R-sf O-n L...-... In . ... mm mm! .......,. Ceriainly, C1'L:1iu1_\'-n11.i go _\u ': you care to do it, I<`ex'n-L3-<,"_ >111 I 11.-- hur1'ie_l1y._ brushing his hand an-rm` : G0 yourseif, if you care to do ii. much pleasure in .1'etnrniug _\'ou!' ~ \ am sure I sincerely hope the 111-1 '1.- ` to no harm. "Pon my son`. he i< 1! of the _Can1pn.igu-7pon my soul he then the" kindly colonel shook his 1 by the hand, and brush-21` the 0:11 `A his eyes one: more. ` 'D.\,d-I.q . n...'.1 u'l`l..--.!- _..... ... " Auvnuu wuuly P011110. _ ' Tell the capt n I gotthere safe. Th?dn.t swer is in my wes coat pocket. I cou Vils Kt back as well. One 0 them Arab debut Dotted me. I crawlol as far`s I could. the I couldn t get no further, though 1 W1 camp lights jes ahead. Then he P9`_"him` that Bootles was bending down 0" emo his kind face convulsed with grief and IIIOD. ' I _ Of Is that you, sir! he said, In 3 Emga gentle relief and satisfaction. "D0" ' ' I orth it. ".:`..`.:?.`:`..m3~.";-..1 23.1.12 1- M Boom` vu uuuuu me, 311', ,1 amivu woruu H-7, ` Where are you hurt, my b0Y? J 831366 in a. choking voice. i Sun: Aug}: auLu,ullVtA,51Jo , ` I ` _ The news _ spread .th'1`Q:1,r_,*.x LI: ` next to no tune, _au1~1Aw_1t:hin Luai iyoung Houp-Lz1 had a< manv: ; spoken` for him as during the alm- \ bad ones; E\=eryhod_\`1zz1.1 sorm`-T 3 ant to say in fzufmj of th lumv who had thm l1c:'0ica11y 1'1'sk-.1 M 3 poor fellow, 1111:! pr()b:1l)l_\` nl1'c:1(1_v }-the sake of t11c11x:1s.91' whom 1.9 `the delxty of a_ do-,;. .b~.n` A /\ (`nu Lu'~ ...'.u I. . ....___. -4...` vuu nQ\.A.\4LAv`y v.n. u. \.ub,, A9 for his 111':{st=:1`; ixewvenr sh`: colonel mxdaskx.-'1, with a stmtrr in his Athruat and :1 hiazy in 11: that a searching party mfght be once, and as far as was .~;a1'.a, in (_ had been disabled and could nu camp. ` T V H{`..:..{n1.. n.:....'.{:..1.. ....4 P\ \ ...,w...,. u... ..,,., g...........: .. B--y Jove!" e-jacufateal Ixzcv. "am been v,igorously.b1ackeniug th~ ;~;- fe1low's chaructei` al-_--l (1zx_v-cveu :3: hadachance. I`-ex--fee1 Lve:1stI_\'n~ of myself." MARI n...-.1 ... tics]? -.-l.n~A-..l.L . ..., W.-. _ Ask again-as':c who took th~ _.--:~< and if he is there now?" suggestel firm. the engineer, who compliol '.'..1:; enough, `and sent the inq11i 1j\'vah n : .-A the rapidly darkening. sky, in brilliant stars were beginning to <:un one by one. "l"`L.._. LL- ._..__I_. An... l.....|. Then the reply came back 1': vivid ashes: ' .4 boy left camp on rrzhtrn J1 reply before daylight" ""\1-5:1 4k.-. ....1...'.. 1.... ..._~.. 1.:_ ..,,,.,, .,`_,.,. ., x...,,`.._,,.... . "Then the rebels have got him,` cried, excitedly. "Poor little vlmgv got him sure en0u,;h." 'l`Ln nnum zwx...-....`l oL......~`. .|. Oh, n.onsense! do with it when h lT`IYL__ L__ 1 Luau} , `onus 111.} . AOh he has never dour. t1 one else may. . That is lik- swered -Booties carelhsly. But Bootles knew very ` that it must have b-`en '1 who had taken the pmkgg I table, though he did not I lieve that the lad`h.:1'1 sold 11 '01.- 4...... -,.1.-: . .- l_JuI\.I`l-IV`l>LVlV\,J uvuuxuz \.u.;\,'uxu ._But: his opinion was not else, at least. no_one else 1 as a solution of the Iny.t 7duc't-, Tan'1- Bcotles did 11'! hethought; he only sum! he did not 1:-lievn, an 1 t? bel_iev,sho1't 0:7 1po:it-W: ~ trary, that the lad 11::-.1 5;, ' I ! . . En` .1.-`la.. w..,....... Ll-0 ,,.,.. .... .4... The signalisb put the 1xm<.1; and the group of OicL:1's \\'}l v. round him gstood .~'tn`rin;,r _b!:m ; a.nothe1"s_faccs, struck dumb u ment an} surprise. ' AIIn` wnu nu?!-n c....,.) .. `.." unvu IGILAJ _~-; 1;. Ann. . Are you quite sure? a.T:. length of the officer who was the signal-2 ,1,- LL)`, .,.,3..... . V The signalist-aV very smart :: laughed. V ` Yes. Quite sure." 11:1 answer~~1 `.'Then that boy carried the nzos.\.u;._' ., . Booties! Hartog ex(4.1aiIFi{:V 1. sun -- I -...-.m ..-:..,...l'.... 1 T .. \tI MONEY.-A lare amount or rivate funds 16 to lend on stra! ht loans. at owest rates. MCCARTHY EPLER 8; MCCARTHY. "'":-'`... %~T.T~- surd-1t--er--1snt m .,ea5.0n_,,~$ In reason m- nnf. nl-' '-, --\.r.`aJ\/bl-~)\rI ~ VI ugly! he had g. Why, hand it over tn . What else should be do Lacy, sharply. unn 1.... 1"... ..n..-_ ,1, uuvv vuuv vuu MAN. u-J ; >011} 114] ,A The truesolution of the my `master had been chai'-gn`i- the boy, by listening (,utsi.1, tent, had, 8.CC01'(ling to hi) the Object '01 the In1'.~;:~:ion xx 1 7 L .knowledgr3 had also glc.-um,-rl idea. of the danger which m. that he had s.ol-an thu air}. now in` hiding, with the i;;uv if it were not them to be tale could not take it. Thai. _v;g actually set off fronl th; #7.; camp to carry that paper (1 miles of dilcult and dang. which lay between the t'.'.'0 was an idea which never mt ment into Bootles C8.lCl1lu?i'm `I3.-L I... - _,- .. -4 ULlAl'J, tAAuu LL .. So` `that Jr slow lenggth it-Was! The (- the 103301;" t! `instru _r:1 i'm.s 1 the city an 1 \a.u.J -It W. not ( ' in 1:1: . night Atrials .i11-this reslnr I x _fai1u'z'e.<,';m'l it was a< 1: 1-"- nieaxls of Icy.-iz'i; lglzt . 1` 1 Scarlet Lancers attenxpw . ' .'l`o thei1'. intense su:-1,-ri answering; ushes came 1: : and evident -nd:-r O.n'1in from the ,c0nfused a_11.s \vn'r s before. This time th"?l'3 _(;'_,) ing their meaning. and am the distant shore were exp : enghtenment-. ' (41) _,.-..1-.4: rv,.a ..--. I . \aA.1AAbu|u\A.|AlA\ All-0 "All, rz'ghl.'-Got ` as 3/Ou'(lirr3ct. - 'l`I... .. ,_-...l.r.L ....4. nun): , unto; -.-'ADLL U 11.]. \VI`ea30n`)1 In reason or out of reason won't. believe that the boy 1, .I Bootles assertel 0bsti11aLe_ly_ u to ' - `Bgidlrle has stolgn the .V1i3.mt JOHN MACKAY. AUC l`lONEER, COMMIS- sioner, Conveyancer, Issuer oi Mm-x'1ag`e' Licenses under the new Act. Money to Loam It Moderate Interest. Crcemore. Ont. -61y Cure for Sore Throat. . - .. . . , 1., ` AuI.\an \. crab] ` your June ,u_.. 1;. Awmm 1' iulq 3, 1886. lispatch," l ':K'_h.iiJ.I~iVI~i.liiDY.-> GJQVILLER ' 8; II()_LLANI3-, Architects, 1 . L. Surveyors. Valuators, 660. Plans and specications for buildings pre- ared. _ Town audVilla.go Lots laid out. Farm ines carefully located. Timber limits examin- ed. 840.. &.c. 1`oronto Oice--4 Mail Buildings. Barrie Otilce--McGarthy s Block. Collingwood 0Ecc--Long's Block. Tues. KENNEDY. MAURICE GAVILLER. I J IlnLI.A\1h. 51.]v ..u 1n~1 should he .1. the -111811138 W. MGVITTIE, 1). L. SURVEYOR AND . Real Estate gxgent. Calgary N. W. '1`. Correszizondence solicned with re ani to invest- n Province of Alberta. .W.T. A. W. MoVI I"l`IE. Address Calgary. via. Benton, Mnntnna, Y! Q - molly, and Counterpoint. For tcuns,_npp1yaL Mas. CR-:~s1n:`s, Dunlap` Street. Burrxe. 12-37p 11111- T'f LU V I 1 1113. 1 Montana. U.S. -.._._'_.__..__;..'.'.'..._., ..._._ H. ENNETT DENTIS 1`. . lsnx-rie,__0nt.. Ofhce. Sanders Block. Q: oslte new Post Office. Visits Isdale and Waverley the ret Wednesday at every month. Wye- brldge and Midland, the next day (Thursday). Penetang the following day (Friday . Vitalized Air far nnlnlmu: axtmntlnm n. nnnnin t.v_ (Liv R. W. A. ROSS. Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons. Edinbur h. L1cen~ mm of the Royal Cone e of Physic ans. Eng- land. Ofce and real ence in Brown : New Block. Barrie. V 2-26 | DR. 3. L. G. McCAR'1`HY-0FFICE AND Residence on the West" side of John St.. immediately opposite Mr. Geo. Ball`: Planing and Sash Faotorv. - . ... NIKE: nnlvllvuuuuo _ 'FAS1iIONA.BLE DRESS AND MANTLE Maker. be s_to inform Ladies living at 0. distance that 3 c has opened a. PU ROHASIN G AGENUY, and_is prepared to do SHOPPING of every descrlption. All orders wlil receive prom t and careful attention. IN FANTS mnu rm nn \vm)mr\'G.'1`ROUSSEAUX a JOHN OARLEY, BOAT BUILDER` I`\ \Y 11.1. nan1nnat1 fnnf Of 1\ ID.l'kC`:t Street. JOHN UI_\n_|.;I, uvnu u.--u.--7.... N. t1ie esp1una.de.=foot of l\'Ia.rkct Street." Yachts and Skiffs of =e\'ery1 description` in stock and built to order. `Also for hire at low ` >mtcs`-by the 11o'ur, duy. week or season. [Boat zsm1}st01*(:nt'1)y thu'seu.s0n, scu1ls._ours and jvurlrllus in stock and made to order. 1[A-ly_ T'If1x1:x'. .xI)1517fX1.>;11`; BILL "`'r'1Efc. b. T &<;. lientzs (Jollcc-ted, Ser\iant;.ra Provided. Omen up-stui1'.a,o1)possiLu Bunk otbU0mme1`ce. " .;___ H;{L`G#11 *iO`:\'"iTicA Nox, V AiL1 so- ; ~li,-1101', CYo11\'c}. _ux1ccr. etc. _Mone y-to Loan. Uicc-, CQrucrD'un_1o1.and Owen SLrcct_s. Bar-A VEARN 55 i\lU1 xUI-l.ls`.5UJ.V, J)1[\.li\?.I.J2JL|>J, on ` Solicitors, Uonveya.uccrs.- 8:0, e_y'to Loam. Umcc-.-Over 1). J. Murohi sou's Store. Market Street Barrie; B1'anol101ce-Potter'e Block. 1`otteniuun. Z . ` Enwmw J. HEARS. D. C. Muacnlsoxv. . ..UL, GUILD. do .1: DJ. Barrie. Barrie. lst 0ct;.18_j8_ (Graduatcof Leipzig `Conservatory of Music.) T _ _ Also pupil of ` A CARL REINECKE, RICI{'I`E!_?. AND DR. PAPPERITZ. Instruction given in Pianoforte playing. Har- and Counterpoint." F`nrt(I.nnR.1DD1\'&.L CR-:~sm:`s. Dunlop Aunlns r'UUVUIt!, m1VuuVn cc Du1u1un. Wonxs.---H. SEWREY. Manufacturer of every dcjacri tion of Engines`, Boilers. Saw Mill Gust ill, Shingle, Lath, and Wood- working Machinery. A . BARBIE PLANING 'MILL.-(}E0. BALL, Carpenter and Builder, an 1 Manufacturer of Doors Sash Blinds. Mouldings. &c.r Plan- ing of all kin s done promptly and satisfac- lm-1lv_ F`n.nf.m-v. John street- Barrie. PBHUIHDK D116 IOZJDWIIJK any \l'l'1G8yi. Air for painless extracting a. specia 1 U uuuuby Qfce at my my 0: an nunus Gone prompuy uuu. taonly. Faotorv. John street. Barrie. iERK COUNTY or sm- . 001:. will be` at his office at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturday. Residence and. P.0. Cookatown. |'osn:PH ROGERS. CHIEF CONSTABLE, County of Simcoe. 0fce-Polioa Court, Barrie. . A -[#052193 SWAN. AUo'r1oi{1`i`iEz_F01t 'r1fi: County of Simcoe. 1`e1'ms reaspnuble. Imnn n.t.n1v Store. ()1-aisrhurst. 46-13 ------- OUNI`, S'l`RA'l`HY 8L L')UN l`. BARRIS- .o....;. unnnnnm in Hi:zh.Court Justice, *1_lI_IC[Il'.l`E TS U1 UVUIJ uunuxsyunuuo 44.. u.-...... ..--- _`---. . - attention. INFANTS 31935 ITS and WEDDING-TROUSSEAUX11` :`PEUIAL'1`}i. , Send for circulars with full` particulars. 104 King street. \Vest. Toronto. . ` 14-26 ARRIE F UNDRY. ENGINE 85 BOILER Wnpwn,_.H, Rn-.wrur.v Nln.nnfnm.nrnr nf IE.-\RNA 8:. 1\IU1{CZl-I`-IS( )~I_~I~,w1:x.i:i11TERS, I So_1_ig;tors.nL:o}}\1qya.;1ccrs. one_y`to TL! u -`AL :'n;\'n `L: Qfnrn [CCARTIIY PEPLER MCCARTHY.` rlnnniafnru 'Qnnm'rm~n Nntarir-.n_ 81.0.. Monev ~.__..__ ONEY T0 LOAN.--8250.000 M36 and 6} per ,cent. J. '1`. SPROUL. Solicitor. etc.. `nnln T. LITTLE, M.D., c.M.. _, , (`.h'm-. F. R. GUMMER,; jujfvirij6;ii:iiCiE." MR8. HAMMOND. \\VAu1 E` `lTDl1`.Ql AND N G A.mRADEN.HURS'1`. BARRISTER, AT- . Ttorney Sohcitor in Chancery. Conve an- cor. &o. O ce-First Door Southot Post. $9 4 Hlndfs B1o0k,0won Street, Barrio; ....,_._i ;y 01 munuug. gy Store. Cga_1g MAN UFACTUREE 3 HIOCK. umv. W. J. HOLLAND. 51-ly %m ' _FlNANOI_ 1., . E1'r1gI`.f __q1_rmc1AI.. --..._---.~ $3??? `U. 1 UL`! ._ighurst. ,v-_,.._._-... _....... ___-a-._- J '1`. SPROUL. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR . of the Supreme Court. Conveyancer. 8:0. Mane [to Loan. Otces over Sanders Bros., Jewe era. Dunlon Stxcet Barrie. _.___...._.__.._ -..._.._~......_.. _.._.... Uni-no Churchill. Ont. 35 41-tt I.nu.uw.1 45-ly IJIHIZUL 6-ly vucu vv an JJUU U105 1 But the tale of Bootles love and marriage has been told already in the story called "Bootles Baby. It is enough to say here that he me;rried the widow of a brother-,o1- cer, a lady, who had one little child, whom, for other reasons than for the mother s sake, Bootles loved as his own esh. But -though he marriei he did not leave the service; he was, in fact, too thoroughly and really at. T heart a soldxer to entertain that use for `a moment, and his wife, Mrs. Booties. as all the Scarlet Lancers called her. was more `I, -_, I URIXULI ll-5|-`\J \JULlr3lL1U1bLLLUllu ' He was popular, too, with every'l`ody, high and low. -He worked hardat` his les- sons--he would do anything to please Terry --and he adored Bootles. All his master s belongings were sacred in his eyes, and his orders once given were as -unaltcrable as the laws of the Medes and Persians. , In Tom s_ eyes there was no oicer in the regiment- the regiment! nay, in the whole of the ser- vice--whom he would admit to be as strong or as clever, as handsome or as rich, as his maste"; not one who could ride, or drive, or shoot, or do any mortal thing with the same de ree of excel ence to which the cap n at- . ta ed, Yes, he had very early dropped the capting. and now clipped the word as short as any soldier in -the barracks. In fact, in Tom`s eyes, Booties, like the king, A. could do no wrong. - v we winter months were away, and by and by. the Scarlet Lancers were moved from Idlexninster to Aldershot, when Toin numbered among his experiences adifferent kind of march to those which he had share I with the- traveling wagons of the circus, for his master chose him to accompany Terry with his second charger, partly because he `was an unusually light weight, ani partly. because he wanted to, keep him under his own eye._ . - . "Du O-kn! C-1.1-unan VI`...-... .-._.. LI . . _ . _.'._I_1_,, _, 4 -. VIII-I UJUo_ By that time Tom was thoroughly cm fait of all the ins and outs of barrack life, had learned to speak very much better than when Ferrers had rescued him out of Frisco s cruel hands; could already read a` page fairly well, 1fthe_' words were` not too long, and could write his own name legibly by dint of sprawling his left leg well out and. lolling some two inches of his tongue out of the mouth Whlch was not nearly so pinched and _ tight as it had been aforetimo. HA1`! Ind n11 u...... .......-L __4J AI V-auv ua Ju uuu uvuu aI.Ul.Uuuu.U. Ah! he s all very smart and that just now, said Hartog one day to Bootles; but wait a few months until the cbangevhas had time to work. He'll get fat, and then where will your niv,o'sn1art lad be? Simply not worth his suit. 'l`I.-A_ 'l1,_,, It! . an . But Tom never did get fat, not even plump. He ate well and heartily, but though -his lips grew less tight and his blue eyes rather le :13 anxious and bri;:ht-l-less unnaturally bright, I should say-he never came to be any thing but a skinny slip of a lad, with a pinched, pale faceand a deadly sharp tongue, and he did not seem-to grow at all. No_ one was sorry for that. Neither Bootleuuor Terry wished him any taller or heavier. ` The lad "himself boasted of his small size and weight. He had no further ambitions-#he had, in fact, reached the summit. of his hopes and desires. Capt. Ferrers needed a light- weight about -his horses, and very often a. sharp groom about himself. Tom supplied both needs to ma nicety. He had no desire to grow into a man, because he was perfectly happy as Capt. Ferrers boy. He had known rough weather, and now that he had got into aport which seemed only suited for small crait he _-was not anxious to go into a. three-decker. Thin: fhrnn .'I1'I\ uvnnun -an--.-All ----- O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made m an part of the County. Real Estate bought an sold. Conveyancing in all its branches. Mar- riage Licenses Issued. 0ice-Over Canadian Rank of Commerce. Dunlon _ vv an uvv auzuvua uu 5U u..l_bU I1 l2l1l`66`(lBCK0I'. Thus more than two years passed away, and many changes came about in the Scar- let Lancers, such changes `as do come about in a regiment during sovlong aspace of time. A very graceful poeb sing; touchingly and tenderly upon that theme: - ~ All are scattered now, and ed; Some are xnarrled, some are dead. It was true of the Scarlet Lancer the circle of l1fe-and among the married ones was Bootles! ' 1)..` LL. L..I_ -A 'l\r 1'! e,` as 01' _..._-- -~o q nova u then do whatever pleased her good and handsome husband best. Lacy was` still in the regiment; In com- 1 mud or e, troop" now, but otherwise un- 1 changed. The same soft speech, the same 1 gentle manners, the same. kind heart--not ` married, but waiting, as he always said from the first he should wait, for Ferrets little Mignon. Terry was still Capt. Fer- rers head groom, and Tom Snow had pool- tlvely not grown an inch. T V ` Ann-I than 4-]. . n A . . . ..._- - LL___-4.I`_ ---L LL- uvwq uuu 51 uwu nu incu. And then there arose throughout the length ani breadth of the civilized world rumors that affairs were what the youlng ?:Z%o'; ;Lh`} fog$ }: 3.::f...`: .;,,?`...3 very soon; from being thus lightly and care lessly termed `fvery groggy, affairs `in the east began to assume` a. set:>us aspect; in- deed, so serious in truth,` t they soon re-_-\ solved themselv es into orders for that reg!- ment to hold itself in readiness fer active service; ` ' ` _ e Next came the new`: at the homberdment or +'.=..:~.i.1<.1ri mad then the 149-T7} u up: :..;:.\. n ' But I let the .brufe ovfi` too eus'i1y,T-I`3o`ot1es'- wound up; regretfully; Ia1n1ost: wish I lmd given 111111-Va,,`l_ittle 1no1`e. . ` - ` I don`t SuppO3e he does, laughed Lacy, rising. "Well, I must Le'o .1 It was su1'[1'ising how soon yoilng; Houn- Ln,o1~ Tom Snow, as he soon came to be 'callc-J, settlad "down into his` _110WI`1'['-;`,V. . He -took to it as a young duck takes `to water. Withm :1 week he was wearing llxe darling -ambition of his hem`l;--that_ is, top boots and atall-llat` with a cock`uc1e-aml `had achieved -as's1na1't a salute and vyesSir as.any groonl in the regiment. ` `Beetles declared he was the sharpest-Wittecl`boyhehad ever nown, at wh`ich,.of course`, neither Bootls 1' any.- one else won,1ererl' when his "training was ` taken into consideration. I -.-1 _ _. A. _ , 'f_ ____ ___._ , -.1 - - `I u A I ll never do llottozlc wot ll hem you. > uetnen told Lacy all the details of the` scene he had witnessed---how Frisco had sent the lad up the ladder twice, when it wasevi-_ den tly impossible he could perform the feat -how he had threatened to make him try it without ' the netting spread for protection` below, and had even gone so far as to begin to undo the ropes which hold it in place. Finally, how he had knocked him down, `and then made him get up my} take a regu- lar so`unl_ hiding, just by way of letting him know what the cut of that partl cu1:11' whip was like. ' - ' ` LI"\A"`IA|I u .. luv; -1 n-1\ HoUP-LA?` n uuv vuum LIL! a u one 1110-): auu wuvuc flllly 13. It wax here that young Tom, from being only a sharp-tongued general favorite, sud- denly grew, like Capt. Garnet s head, as Lacy remarked one night when they were steaming past the African coast, into a gwreat and--er-shinin'g light. With his master s permission and some help from the sailors, he got the tailor `to make him up a set of clown s garments , and furbished up allhis oldcircus tricks with such right good will that more than once he -had the honor of appearing before the most distinguished officers on board the Clyde.` He pleased them each and all so greatly that when he ' took his white hat round. for contributions to the fund for the Wives and children who had been left behind, he obtained so good a ` sum that Booties, whose heart was tender to every man who could in any way ap- zproach or share his feelings on that subject, \ made it -up to the even and respectable amount of 5 out of his own pocket. ' And than nf. `Incl: u.-iv cfnnnnnrl and... 4.1.. :1. 3553111. said . one strapping broad- } shouldered _red jacket: to one of a group of 3 big comrades one night, wasn't the chap- ` 1``P!f0&chin;: about the seven plagues "ot ` Egypt. the Sunday ulore we left ome? .Ai!' I\nnr\nn:In`-I "Dill .._...l.I.._. _ _._._`L uuu.-uuv \-IL av vuv UL I-ALB VVVLI IJUUISUU. And than t last they steamed into the harbor of Alexandria, and the voyage was ever. For some n of them it was very near indeed to `the close of the voyage of life. But they never seemed` to think of it, action wasthe order of the day, and dispiritedness and down-heartedness apparently had own from their rn1i All was energy and buetle-.t,o.ll lancer: clauker along the be!!- ruined. eastern-looking` streets, trumped in and out of the bazaar: and eaten, laughing in` ' -natured British contempt at nearly 2 eve thing they "saw, * grumbled in true 3 British atyIe"et `all discomforts, swone ` roundly at the ies and the duet,4hob-nobbed \ with sunbumeixtarsh-om the ships of war in th` harbor. `and nntf-Aunt` Atvnhlrlnhnwn I-I... VVIIIII :IuuUll1L|U.l'I)lll.'B'1l'UuI UB8 Blllps OI War 111 the T harbor, "and scattered everywhere the energetic eignseot British rule and occupa- tion.` - - - OSEPH ROGERS, CONVEYAN CER. GOM- missioner in Queen's Bench. Auctioneer, Appraiser. and Commission Agent for the sale of Houses. Lands, Farm Stock, Household Furniture, Goods. Wares. 85c. Also for the collection of Rents Notes and Accounts. 01oe--Police Court Patric. ` uu yuu runlemner wnau way was?" ' Why, answeredBil1,_hesitating1y, there i was trogs.'ias and lice-`and d`ark1'1ess,`and bl` -*-that."s'four. , And hall, and b1ains-.-' ` I ~'supp`o'se` 'tI1ey ,re bbile;-. "or the lo?s'a;,_0f the'1';stl99j'z;. " _ ` " * 4_.-.-o..c-;_1 "56! `W ' 8) umre we Jeni 'omel" AW P99900465 Bill, senging a great alga of smoke into the midst of a cloud of "D0 you rmemher what they was? 1' Whv. Iliunurniin um `A...u..u...a.1.. m.1.....- : 3f*Vf--*"*`"``""`"` cqrs got their nal orders, apd . the W _regiment was in a. state of,`-, _Hezht V T ` ' n .-.. 4.....- n.-+ Amum in Hm vnrv lo` '}I\.Jkl LL10 IL!-IVV Lay: Going was for him out of the" question,` and not to be thought of; in fact, nobody did think of it for a moment. And then Bootles had to cast about in order to nd somebody suitable to fill Terry s place, for Terry, although he was in reality a groom, yet was accustomed to do much about his ` master s person. a nnn 4-1`... .........`... nu..- 1'- 99 1.- --:.a _...1 IJICIUUUI D W]. VII P11 take young Houp-La, he said sud- denly to Mrs. Booties, after he had gone over -in his mind all the likely men he lguqw, \ He knows how to do for me just as well as ` Terfy does.'- I ll take him. I A!!!` on 11nquna'r`Arn `man -3....) And. 1-} Juvv Uuu nun ,VL son.) A LINDA GUM)- Bootles choice proved to be a very wise selection. The voyage out was the most miserable time he had" ever passed; true, he had at one period been more unhappy, but never had he known before what it was to really miss 8. daily presence out of hlelife, 1 not one, but two-his wife and Mignon. ` Tn nngrvr 1-aannnf. Irrinntr Tnrn uni!-Ar` ldrn. _aeuznq. T ,; . 4 4 . ` ` It_is true that down in the very lowestj fdepths of their. hearts there ilay many an : {anxious thought and-care for those who 3 must be left behind; many a. doubt if the ` glory which might come was worth all the r bloodshed and misery which it must cost; but on the surface, the bearing of each and all was fearless and gay; hope rose upper- most, and cost was set aside as a thing of ; naught. . M Ann turns on Iran`! nthfhlihfi 1'}, P111! ` naught. There was a vast amount of cha? over the 7 first appearance of the new uniforms-the ~ serge tunics, with their heavily wadded spine protectors; the rough boots, with M their ample leg ba.nda.ges,_a.nd all the other partphernalia. ingeniousfy contrived to ward o the ill effects of the treacherous Egyptian UHU LUULLLIE UL ULIULIJ. And then came the last wf1 rnorning, a ' morning dull and gray. w_v1th drizzling mist and rain, the Scarlet Lancers sailed away ` to the moekingly gay strains of The Girl I Leave Behind Me, " some to win honor and glory, indeed, but all to run the risk of com- ing home again maimed and . shattered. or, perhaps, when the war should be all over, to lie, the very ower of a great nation, ` rotting in Egyptian soil. ped his knee cap. U1 IEJJLLIUKJJ UL, LL10 1`J.Uu.DuJ..l.u ({LL\.I- DLLLJLLJ ;mn.V.u For himself, you'u:_.r Tom lmal no feelings save those of the wildest exultation and de- h light. Until the last moment he had never f T dared to think it possible he could o.ccom- ` pany his master on the expedition. sNight ~ after night he hatl watered his pillow with * tears at the thought of being left behind, and then --well, of course he was very sorry for the cause, and he pulled as long a face over the misfortune as anybody, though the young monkey's, heart was beating. and throbbing with joy at the chance it gave him. . This `was how the chance occurred. The very day before the regiment was to leave its quarters, Terrytfell upon the stairs leading to one ot the troop rooms, and slip- flnln.-. urns (`nut hirn nu!-. 1;" I>Ino' nuno.LIn..~ HE QUEEN'S HOTEL.-A. W. BROWN. Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for t e travellln public. Bar and larder well lup- alled with 9 best. Good atabllngondo.tten- ve houtlers. uI.ugs'?e'g.t unset: conevletyoetd tree rs ,ew oorew _ Mor- ket street on Dunlop street. ` . 2 Xn a3"'yo1xZ"fJz5as rigged out m7 lxaste.a.nd followei his ma.9tor s fortunesi into the land of tha Pharaohs. T `I)....4.`l....1 ..L...!._- ---_____.J 4.; L. A , IIUIJ ULIU IIILU UVVU`:Ll& VVLLU LBJ JILLEIJUIJJ In every respect young Tom suited him; he knew just what he wanted, and j_ust'when he wanted it; he was great at holding his tongue, and never bothering his master with questions about this or that, as a strange servant must "necessarily have `done. He was intensely sympathetic to the sleepless pain in Capt, Ferrers eyes; and, after all, what symputh y is there which is so sweet as the sympathy of those who themselves have known theiextremes of _pain_ and misery! Young Tom, too`, was sympathetic in silence. ` '|`h'nn nun`nnvnI- nnnrr. fnrn hia nnwwrinnn `V 11.1, ) vs. Luun-VA L, ALUAII IIU-I. U nu IJUIU. It is at:-dious and irksome enough time to the oicers, who have the bess accommo- dation which the ship affords; but for those who live . between decks, with but few papers and amusements and but a. limited "amount: of beer anl tobacco, mabtersare still worse ; and it is not easy to find words to convey anything like an adequate idea. of what that lxfa s weariness and ennui really is.` ' It wm hem thnf. vnnntr 'l`nm 1`-mm Jud.-.... C.lllIlll|IU- Lacy expressed himself as most highly. de- lighted with his great goggle spectacles, and walked about the barrack square wearing them for hours after they came into his pos- session-by way, he said, of gettingused to the feeling of them. A....`I 4.1..-- n........ #1.. `I-1-L 'gvvFcI|1 vnAwn`:0 II The1'e'V.2v.as irery little .of bravado ga.'yety_ when the good ship.C1yde slipped a'.doWn.the 'chan'ne1.that night. Oicers and men alike` were very quiet, and Tom Snolwicrept softly in and-out of the cabin shared. by his m'a.ste1' with Lacy and AH_a1'tog, and laid outfhis 'mc-ss things with silent and reverent sym ` pathy forthe gravity on that niast-31-`S face, for Booties had n0t,,zs yet, -get over the } agony he felt as_ho eiicouhtered the yearn- ing" _misery in his wii'e .~s beautiful eyes, and aseMignon ;s 1f.~a;rting sobs fell `upon his ears. In truth , it was one of the three most bitter days that evorcasb their `shadow over the brightness of his plezisant and sunny life.` - .'L1nu `nI'*rv'u:r\1p 1rt.nnr-in Tnnx 1111.1 -nn fnnlinnu ` aueuue. - ' . _'1`n~'.-n, moreover, apart from his services to his Inaster; he proved quite a. host in him- self by waV- of relieving. the tedium and weariuxess which the voyage was to the men, to whom every hounseemad the length of a day, every 1m'1e*as long "as a dozen. It is always hard to keep men amused ande con- tent on board ship, particularly on `board "a. troop ship, `where, with - all` ranks, life is a continuous tight for daily bread, to say noth-' 7- mg 01 comfort, from port; to ports. , T! 1': n f.'uHn11a avid -iv-`Irons-no nn.\.....'l.. 4..'Q.__ `CHAPTER III. THE _NORTHE1{N and whole : ..s"m14-3m'nn": and \ I guns: 9 VILLLLJ 1 When he reached Capt. Ferrers tent he found his master bending over a brass- bound box which stood in one corner of it- abox which Tom knew contained his to- volvers. _ Is that you, Tom! he asked. Yessir." answered Tom. with a salute advancmg Into the middle or the tent. Take my ask round to the mess` tent and get it lled with bran'.ly--`-and be quick ; Yenir. said Tnm_. J S. JOHNSON, BARBIE, IMPORTERDF . and Dealer in Coels of all kinds, end Georgetown, Grey and Guelph White Finishxng Lime, Cements of all kinds,-Fire Bricks` an Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John at_reet,,near the depot. The bond of this Lime 13 better than that of any other kind, and the nish superior. Office -Corner of John and Ehzabeth streets.