Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 May 1886, p. 4

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GENUINE GIFT SALE A PRESENT FOR T .E WE COMMENCI-: OUR -------OUR AND. .13- -0F- compuare. , MR. HERMAN COOK'S :I`IMBER DUES; . The old song,- He who thinks all others rogues, Will die a rogue himself. ' ` meets with frequent verication. The following instructive passage from the Han- sard wnll be very interesting to .the peo- ple of Ontario generally, and to the voters of East Simcoe particularly. V l.l__ rV__I_ I___ L__,, _ , 1- -I A(% I J 1. H SIB moi V The way s?mM aniauvniwririrwilcaf Dr McLellan, Director of Teachers Institutes, in his lecture at the rarochial School on Friday night, handled the critics of our educational system without gloves. We think the lecturer was right in the positions assumed and the conclu- sions he drew. Nobodywill contend that we have reached perfection either in the system itself, or in the machinery for carrying it out, but it is doubtful if any better system can be found in the world to-day, or a class of teachers better pre- pared for their important work than the teachers of Ontario. Dr. McLellan is a _ practical teacher. He has been through the mill, so to speak, from basement to attic. Asapupil, he was subjected to the intellectual murdering process and the school-room terrorism of the good old times." As a public school teacher the Doctor_ is well acquainted with the l privileges of boarding round and all which the expression implies. Asa Nor- mal school student, University graduate, Inspector of High Schools, University Ex- aminer and Director of Teachers Insti- tutes, he has had the opportunity of be- coming thoroughly acquainted with our educational system in all its parts, and he is just the man to deal with the ignor- ant self-sutiiciency which prefers the book _ and rule system of the good old times, to the intellectual methods of the__ modern school room. He effectually disposed of the cries about cram overwork, S home exercises, examinations, inspection, bot- any, physiology, drawing. and music in `our schools, and conclusively demon- strated that the `critics had no solid . ground on which to stand. ' These school critics, as a rule, are mere theoretical visionaries, without practical knowledge of what they are, the self-constituted S judges, or else, as utterly ignorant of the 4 subjects they condemn as the simple back- woods rustic is of the subtleties of meta- physics. It is no wonder the thoroughly practical man should feel like hitting such critics square from the shoulder. Let any one compare the Grammar school and common school of twenty years ago, with the High School and the Public" School of to-day. ' The pupil of ten years ago now smiles at the simplicity of ques- tions at which the grammar school stu- dent stood aghast, before the days of the historic coal question. While we would ` give all due credit to the labors of the lamented Inspector McKenzie, Dr. Young and the late Inspector Marling, we have no hesitancy in asserting that intellectual .. life in our school system to-day as con- trasted with "the lifeless rule of thumb style of the good old times, is _mainly * due to Dr. McLellan. This fact, together i with the consciousness, that the doctor is i in thorough sympathy with. the teachers and their work, make-his visits to the * associations welcome events, We venture 7 to say that no man connected to our edu- cational aifairs deserves better of the country for the work he has done than - the Director of Teachers Institutes, nor . is there one more deservedly popular with the earnest honest teachers of the coun-i - try. . ` l';i)e . Bai "1 urd Mr fakthv \': . >1-ht; }-1;skl>| empl by W` sid-y I ' with ` in pcrti stitu M H51 will TI-_IE_l\_IoR'_r_H_ERN ADVANBE,` at av `Vvd strcc Cent WEI Th nits _\n~a-11 ;')I`mC been . In 8 Page. 48 Column Newspaper, ll Published from the 011100. Dunlap Street, Barrie. in the County at Slmooo. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thurs- day morning. by sA.utiI:I. wnunr. rnornurron. big; M TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. $1 Per Annum in Advance. $1.` at No new name will be added to the sub- scription List until the money is paid. Snhnm-ihars now in `arrears for three months I acription mat until the 13 para. - Subscribers now in `arrears sud over will be charged 81 50 per annum. All-\lIIMIQ J n . . The traic receipts of the Canadian Pacic railway forthe week ending May 21 were $184 000, an increase of-063,000 compared wit the ' corresponding week last year. c A Threatened PIIPIOY. Bosron, Mun, May 20.- he shing schooner August Herrick, Capt. W. E. Henick, ot`New York, has shipped: quantity of munitionsrof war determined to show ght if interfered with by the Lansdowne or any other Uanedian vessel. The crew are a tough lot and will ght to the death if interfered- with, The schoon- yer : guns will carry as `for as the Lane-y downe s. I .- The North-Wait medals were preonted to the 65th Battalion in Montreal on Monday. . Thu 4....a:.. ......`..J.. .1 LL- II `-8 vvnuwau, an uuav UU Ba Boston, Mass., a'y 25.-A Washing- ton despatch says :-5-. In the matter of the sheries, the Administration has taken occasion to renew its - warning that sher- men should takc great pains not to violate the Canadian Customs laws. Governor Dinglev believes that our shermen will soon be able to make arran ments so that they they can be suppli with hails from our own waters. . ' . . Fishery Question. New Yonx, May a 25.--z Washington special says tht Fryre s amendment to the Shi restricting the privileges of vessels, issure to ass . Dnnlnnnv "an. t_'__ (I?! I . -rmurr-'10 mvrzs. A Mr. McCarthy- s amendment to the C. P R. Co s Bill, providing for equitable traffic rates between the Canada Pacic Co. and the Northern P. J. 00., was voted down on Tuesday of last week by a large majority, the government voting against it. Is that any indication of the fate that awaits the Railway Commission should it come` up. 'next session? oWe hope not. As the government has promised to deal with it, the prospect is somewhat encouraging, `but the fact is clear that railway corporations are clothed with too much power and exercise too great an in- uence over governments, and legislatures for the public good. iMr. McCarthy has undertaken thebattle for this railway re- form, and the country will sustain him until the victory is won. -Appearances indicate that the struggle will be a hard one. mus ran: wan amount? ` The statement comes that there has been fighting on the frontier between the Greek and Turkish troops, and that the order to demobilize the Greek forces has been countermanded. This may be the beginning of the war that is inevitable at no distant time, and which is sure to blot Turkey from_ the ' map of Europe. Russia will make a desperate struggle to possess the coveted Golden Horn, and Britain will oppose it with all the forces of the empire, unless Mr. Gladstone should retain the Premiership till the struggle comes, and should give up the ._most important military position in Eastern- Europe to Russia in the interests of the peace at any price people. Signi~ cant news comes from India. It is said that the native newspapers have com- menced an agitation for Home Rule. This is the natural result of the agitation about Ireland. But what the end will be no man can tell. a b ' . ' """'_""" "T"`7 answer furnished by the Department: - Mr. H.- H. Cook, `_m 1870, acquired a timber license to out me and oak trees on the following islan a in Georgian Bay : Christian. 110 e, Beokwith, Giant : Tomb, and Beausolie . In the season of l872-3 he cut a quantity of pme on these islands, the dues on which amounted to $3,879.95 ; on October 1, 1873, ,he sid cash 82.079. 95, and owning Q `\l'lIIl` `AI En`A'n4|4a =QI Olin nn In-an--_ It is`oo iate in (113 Zday Canada to be forbidden, even by England, to protect her own inte1fe'sts,'and to be cooly told to stand back and submit to be plundered of some of her most valuable possessions. art: a uuuu uu uuu unsnuvu, Ql.,OUU.UV, Dull" mg -interest at 6 per cent. He was oelled upon several times to the bond and in- terest thereon, but call? to do so. In J nly, 1875, he wrote to the Superintendent Gen- ersl (Mr. Laird), eskin for a renewal of the bond, owing to the dn ness of the lumber trade. On the 7th July the order to renew the bond was given b `Mr. Laird. On Feb- run:-y 8rd, 1877, Mr. ook wrote to the De- partment enolosin a statement showing that the men employ by him to measure the nine tllnber in I872 3- lmd mnrln An nvor. {rum Gain: on nr.uiFr., There is every reason, to fear that the gameof bluff nowbemg played by the Yankee shermen and their friends in Jongress will result to the disadvantage of this Dominion. `The English press is preparing the way for the Imperial Gov- ment to sacrice, as on other occasions, the material interests of Canada. The people of` this country are spoken of as colonists, and treated as though they were of no possible consequence. The desire to stand well with the Americans. is, with the Home Government, of paramount importance, and any demands, however absurd and `unjust, made by our neigh- bors, must be yielded to keep on good terms with them. Should, what are un- questionably our rights in this shery matter, be sacriced at the shrine of Yankee greed, it will have a serious effect upon the feelings of the people towards the motherland. English statesmen will yon wake up to the fact that Canada will not tamely submit to the old Downing street policy of ftyi years ago. tun - l I UIIV IIIUII VIIIVIUJVQ II IIIILI UV u.IOIBul.'U UIIU pine timber in 1872 8, had made an over- return of 927.017 feet, the dues on which amounted to $1,486 24. Nothing appears to have been done in the matter until let of October, 1878, when the remission was made by Mr. Mills, of the above sum $1,486.24, and interest thereon, from the date of the bond, 1st October, 1873, ve years, in ac- cordance with a declaration of William Tel- fer, Mr. 0ook s book-keeper at Toronto. On the 2nd October, Mr. Cook paid to Mr. Mills the sum of $313 76, and interest, which, to- gether with the amount remitted. `made up the amount of bond $1,800. a 33b'e} 1 ,"i isli Eaid"ca'h s7'.6'7'.3, 0a1' ave a bond for the co, `$1,800.00, bear- unintnv-nnf. n nap nnnl-_ `II . (no: nnlhul .- A Her_a.ld s | that Senator s Shipning bill, n of` Canadian A Grand Trunk freight train was badly wrecked on Monday night near Brantjorcl by a drunken faamer, whose team was cut to pieces by the engine. - The farmer him;- self was found sound asleep under a fence some time after, totally unconscious of `what had occurred. :t;{ldren wer given a. free lunch on Monday by the Kingston members of the Salvation Army. A whale eighteeo feet long was caught in the St. Lawrence a few miles below Montreal on Monday. ` ' ___._ I_,,_, ,1 Luv nuulvull JAUWII UOBIIOH. V03{1 $10 $0 Constable Greer, as 3 reward for his clever ggtre of 133.0! the principals in About two o'clock on Mondayehonae near the race coerce belonging to Mr. Fox and ooeumed by a family named Clark was de- etroyed by re. We have not leaned how it originated not whether it we: insured. CI i ._Bro. J; T.- Pallmg, W M. R. A. Douglas, S. W. J. T. Bennett. J. W.` " Rev. W. H. Barnes, Chaplain. 1% . B`lio.HD1aii!e.l1Spr)l;,"fdreasurer. .- .ro.. con, .1. ' . W. Bro. Jae. Ward, P. M., 7% Ad`*`9- Bro. Thos. Moore, Tyler. Bro. Robert Kin , D. D.G.M., oicially visited the lodge an received a moat hearty rece tion. V T e party who `took a new soft felt hat from the Masonic Hall on Tnesde night `in mistake for an old one, ,will oblige y leaving it with Mr. R. A. Douglas, jeweller. .z:xu,u usrgu IHISUIEIDK OI une_mpmI;qrs Of KEPT Lodge, No. 230, A. F. a.n'(i,AA. MI, ,_ held in the Masonic Ha.II,- -Dunlap St'.," Barrio, on Tuesday evening, the 25thVinst., the follow- ing ofcers were elected for the. ensuing year: ' G TT year : 12.... JJSILIIUI KJPIJ, JJISITIU, urrauu. fast Regent; 'W. E. Brown, Hamilton, Grand Secretary; .0. Cottin, Guelph Grand Treasurer; T. L. G; Lewis, Ohatham, Grand Guide ; Rev. J. Beerfoot, Wallaceburg, Grand Chaplain ; H. W. Authes, Berlin, Grand Warden; G. T Brown, Point Edward, Grand"Sen'try; T Sergeant, Toronto-. Dr. Ross, Woodstock, and A. McBride, London, Grand Trustees. The installation was done by Hon. J. H. Butler, of Boston, Past Supreme Regent. The next meeting will be held at Woodstock. A banquet was iven by the Toronto Councils at the" Rossin onse on Wednesday night, about 120 gentlemen being present. R.oya.lArcann1n. _ T The first annual meeting of, the Grand `Council of thel0nta1io Royal Arcannm was held at Toronto last Wednesday. About 50 delegates were in attendance. The following are the ofcers for the coming year :--Warren Totten, Woodstock, Grand Regent; Davzd McLennan, Hamilton, Grand Vice-Regent ; J. W.` Hickaon, a Toronto, Grand Orator ; Daniel Spry, Barrie, Grand Past Regent; 'W. Brown. Hamiltnn, Grand ma...-........ . 'rhe'Ba.i-rte Boys Ready. e The following re ly appeared in the Mail : We hereby accept essrs. Curran and Gray's challenge, which appeared in the Mail, of the 14th inet., to row us 3 double-scull race in lapstreak boats (shell bottom barred) and are reedyto sign articles at once. Yours , etc., . M A I nlh $ I I Isru SIR,-We herebv challenge .Vl ay Bros., of Barrie, to-row us a double-scull race, at Orillia. on or about the 21st .of June, for a silver cup, distance one and a half miles. Race to be towed in lapstreak boats. This &`hallenge is open to any other crew north of oron . ' 1'\____ .__ :2 r1_ _; WHAT um PEOPLE Hm rum. hl!T.lS Annnnssnn -ro rnnn-on THIS wnx. ~ The Admission of correspondence Does Not Necessarily imply that We Hold Olug n_s_s._.. -5 4.s.- (truss.-- one Thing Necessary. `DEAR SIR, -There is only one thing neces- sary to make Major Graham the most po n- lar and beloved oicer in the Active Militia of Canada and that is`, et the Military Editor (2). of the Barrie azette to write another article as disgraceful as the one he published last week and then let Major Graham out of respect for himself and his }n-nnnr nH-inns: rlnnn all manna.-mil-.H.'L.. .... Cb av QOVIIVII UUIIO The following challenge has appeared in; the Toronto Mail : T j val UIUU UUIIUUIIIUU 3 DEAR SIR.- -I have been instructed by the Secretary of the Ontario Cricket Association to inform you that the Barrie Cricket Club has been nominated as Convener of District, N o 7. which comprises the Counties of Grey, Slmcoe and Muskoka. It is hoped that your club will lend its assistance in the promotion of Cricket in this locality, and become mem- bers of the Association. Your club 18 there! [fore requested to endeavor to be represented at a meeting that will be held at the Queen s Hotel here, on Friday, the 4th day of June, at.8.30p. m., for the purpose of selecting the Secretary and Committee for the Dis- trict. - 1v unaunu: uuu VI. rvlpvula 101' uuuuuu. 81111 I113 brother oicers deny an responsibility or ` connection with the matter, ' Yours truly, A 3! mt n pnnunmun -u-I uvrvvvvnnw Q adv! DEAR Sm.-tr-In an item: in last wfves Examiner, re erring V to t e urning o "r. Spotton s residence. is said : There was an unaccountable delay in getting the engine to the scene of the re ; In fact, _it is declared the re engine and brigade failed to apoear at all at the scene of the fire, although the ;iw: a:?% `mm: IN'Wli r. 1 r, as re 0 e nga e, ms to state that the above assertion is entirely untrue. The brigade never turned out in quicker time than it did on the night in question. The engine was not taken to the hre, as there was no water to be has} there for it. The brigade` loaded the ladders and hooks on the waggion, and was on the way from the hall in 3; minutes after the alarm was first sounded. and every man worked with a will until everything movable was saved. I hope you will pardon me for taking; up your space in this explanation. Yours, etc., * (IP10 uuuu vv -{v%v` cricketers Attention. The following letter has been sent to the parties concerned : . DAD gt!) _ ,1. `nova I-unnn 1.v\n`-InIIIn`1-.11 Ln LL- -vvv-vvv 911:3 UIZU vvv twat thq of the Writer. The vfollowm letter: addressed to the Editor of f'1`n onrunnw Anuncn, -have. Jeen received tor publication: Ban-ie, May 24th, 1886. The Aniuon Town Council votegl no to Ionstable Green-,1: _hie nntnvutnf 11...... A... -3 Al.` ........'_-I- ' anwllllllio At a. lsrgivineetinfz of thomemlgqrs of Kerr .ode,. and; M.`,n:he_ld in ha Mninn;n n 17]-.I..;.. GA ' Barrie, May 19th, 1886. 'Bz'm-i6,'Ma.y 25:11, 1886. ._-j_..___ Mr. Spottonb Fire. `I . __ .'L.,,_ In it Accepted. _... _I__II,_, ,,, Yours truly, CHAS. E. STEWART, Sec. B. C. C. 1 nu; 1 con THE %NOR1`HERNf `AD VANCE. CURRAN & GRAY, Orillia Rowing Club. I, \JU\4o,v G. G. SMITH, l'Vl.,.C '1 I 9 AN OLD Fonnsmn. Vlilio, . ' MAY BROTHERS, Box 20, Barrie. JULIA L1, Chief B. F. B. V` Two_-Viziidfe. .pr.)uji`h(eqt_'Ainarc.hiut -, in` ----_----o'-eso---.--. Briilyvqukee have-~.bean;arrejnt_'ed__; L ` 3 "[J`:wrtfiy'3,_per ba. Carro .per bug..... eets, per bushel`. . . .. Parsnips. per bag.. .. Beans. per bush... . .`1-ton __ - v-wu Wheat, ml! per bushel. wn t. 1 , a wn3t. 333:1? dc? Barley, do I Oats, ' do . Peas. do . ?ne;AIv nnn V A - -5010 150730053 Our grain elevator wnll we are told be BJW attended to and `will doubtless be ready to receive grain this fa.ll. Atleas we hope to see it in full blast by that time. Dlsanpol nted. _ Large numbers of the many thousands who visited Barrie on Monday were. much disappointed that the Enterprise did not go` _on short `excursions. Unfortunately some- thing was wrong with one of the check valves that prevented the captain turning an honest pennv and at the same time pleas- ing his patrons. She will be chiey engaged on the Bay this summer carrying passengers_ and pic nic parties to Robinson"s Park. e ` O The Royal Grenadiers Band. The playing of this fine band was a treat to the lovers ofmusio which W1 not soon be forgotten. The open air concert at the park was worth the entrance fee alone and indi- cated a. power of expressive rendering which is not often attained. The playing of the fe on the street was alsoa great treat to the people who delightedly listened to it. Our own band too fully sustained its well earned reputation. Music has indeedcharms to soothe and delight.~ It seems very strange that in a place which is the centre of distribution of so much agri- cultural maohinery that there is not a manu- factory for it in this town. Surely there ought to be capital and enterprise sufcient in Barrie to establish and carry on such works. eWhile it appears from the large amount of sales made here of all sorts of implements for farming, it would not only return a fair profit for the money invested, but be of innite value in building up and enlarging the `town. There are evidences at present of the return of prosperous times. and the amount of building and improving going on in ditferent parts of the town prove beyond question that pe aple have. faith in its future. If the moneyibclonging to citizens of Barrie now locked up in mortgages were employed as here _ indicated Barrie would soon be seeking in corporation as a city. -0-}- ""'f`1I'e"&L f1"v`;i``L""v`2r`$':$:}:'f{7s}. 3, s. W. 2, and easterly every day; and varying in strength from 0 to 3-l0tha. , nuu yuc can OHIO Laugv 06 DU 00. The atmospheric pressure in the week in- dicated by barometer amounted to 27 in., which gradually increased daily from Mon- day to Saturday, when a thunderstorm pass- ed over about 3 a. m. that made our build- ings tremble with its reports, but the at- tendant rainfall waa`light-0 31 in., the only precipitation in the week. Tho nrvutnur-:4` II` an-`alps:-an :-1 L`... '7 .1--. \IV Another lot of beautiful Dress Goods, prices fr 80. to one dollar per yard at 1 W 0111 V % { _ W. R. PHILLIPS &; Q0 For the 20th Week Ending May 22nd. ` ` 1888. A northern wind in the beginning and end. of the past, week lowered the temperature to the freezing point, that on the 17th indicated thirty two at 24 feet above the water level of l Lake Simcoe, (the height at which these re- I ports are daily registered,) and on the 21st the index marked thirtysix-or touching frost on ground ; on two nights fty was re- gistered, giving a. mean of 41 for night. There has been no damage to spring vegeta- tion by frost reported so far this season, not- withstanding an earlier opening. The daily temperature rangedfrom sixty-two to eighty- eight-2iving a daily mean warmth of sun- shine 75 ; the average for the week being 60 and the extreme range 32 `to 88. Th nfvnnnnhnrin v-u-nun.-A in bl... .......I- 1.. A y:vunlJIvavAuu Au Iouo WUUIA: The amount of sunshine in the 7 days ranged from 5 to 10 hours, making a total of 51 hours, from a poasxble 104 04 that the sun was above the horizon intthe week. "BL- .'l-:I-- _:__j, __ ,, 17 cry I\ re rrv Were never in a better shape to serve their customers with The right class of goods at right prices than at present, ` Their Stock is large and very attractive-tho C()ll.`T(quep [hi -business is booming. ` Ce ** SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS THIS WEEK. BARRIE METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. This nice little `job between the Both- well philosopher, and the redoubtable Herman H., is a striking. illustration of Grit practice in oice, as contrasted with Grit professions in opposition. Every elector in the East Riding should preserve this chapter in the record of Mr; H. H. Oook s timber limit transactions, as a fit- ting sequel to the one on buying his .wsy into Parliament with cords not bank bills." The sins of the hypocrite like murder will out. Choice New Parasols, plainand fancy. - New'Mautle Cluths, Ottoman Silks, etc. Handsome Millinery, I__ Never 50 busv with orders in April before. Dress-'ma.1 department \'<'rv `nu... Leave your orders for dresses `early so as to secure your turn. New American Charnbrays and Seersuckers, only 10c._ _. Lovely Laws, Muslins, Cashmerettes and Prints T Superb New Combination` Dress Material V 50c. Checked Dress Silks. ` Ladies Swiss Embroidered Robes, scrng Clothing to O?der and Ready-made a,specia,1ty, A % W. R. PHILLIPS & co_ STRONG & DONNELL V ifho ` Elevator. _ .._-.-- -u-u-Qwog Tonorrro. M53, 26 185 salad I Lanna. . _ - }_iifT T0 IIAND Mr. Taylor asked. Was any sum, and if so, how much, due to the Government or the Indian Department by_ Mr. Herman Cook, as dues for timber cut on Indian lands in the Georgian Bay, during the years 1872-73?_ Did Mr. Cook pay such indebtedness? and if so, .in what "sums and at what dates? If'Mr. Cook hasnot paid these dues, why not 7 Whether the said claim still remains unpaid or unset-V tied, and if not. when, and under what circumstances was any settlement there- of made," and what were the terms _and conditions of any such settlement 1` _ . Sir John A._ gigxtlig. ) LARGE AND To every person purchasing goods to the amount of $2.00 We give a. handsome present of a School Bag. SATURDAY. 22ND DAY OF MAY, GERMAN b3CH<)()L STOCK 0F so ES 1, l-+3'-v'._e.1'-}-"-t;<.):1,}rpleased with the displayin this (h>[arm1.-3:` _- _._ -_-..-.._-l - .Mr. Cook has been one of the most ac-i tive of the pack of scandal mongers of the Session, and notwithstanding the dark record of his electioneering career, the has had the assurance to talk of the corrup- tion of members of the Conservative party who-have applied in the usual business way for a. timber limit for _anv of their constituents.

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