Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 May 1886, p. 5

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Lng fast, nunnnm nouns Ann rnmrs ARE SPLENDID VALUE THIS SEASON. yslmcun mu nuum. oargam, mus an easy urm: - Ihave also four rst-class nrick houses in Barrie for safe at low gures-beside 18 chea. er houses--atfrom $200 to $1.200. Also one ne brick store and dwelling, well located on Dun- lop-St. If you want a bargam buy now as these chances are uncommon, and our properties are sellin fast. We have sold $59,000` worth of Real state in the last ten days. Mnnnu Innvu.-ul on flan nhnvn nrnnnv-h'na nit R [8681 11035856 1!] cne 188$ 6811 Gail. . Money loaned on the above propernes at 6 "per cent. Some of them have rented for years at 20 1- cent. interest on the price asked by us. end for land list or call on ' Real Estate, Loan and Insuhance Aent,TBa.r- rie. Ont. 13-25 [ll ullunxlng hue puuuu 01 nurnu lulu vlclnlbi for the liberal patronage bestowed-upon mm lnthepaskbegs to state thethe has at eon- sidernble expense increased his baking facili- ties and is now prepared to do a larger business than ever. T - BREADe i b .'.`."ii'.`f.`ku":..-t.l..`. .'t'..?..'. .`.!. B`h..m""3..;'}a".'..Y.`.?i .t.?. Made in the various styles and duality the but -Do1lverod in all Dart: of the town. PIG-NIC PARTIES EOCIALS & WEDDDIIGB supplied at short notion and on reuonnb o tm-mu- band W88 DCfL&l`y MU uvuvaou. usvvuu Candidates who presented themselves for admission t9 the study of medicine at Laval Univeruty, are_l1kely to have to undergo another examuumon. Advance - copies of the examination papers were ob- mined from a proof reader. ov...Ia.-.I bgbnn LEAoe_1'_+_1_s VAN. 1.='.:r. 2BIElC)'VVJ.\1 ij_j_'_i;i1'5"2h%i"E3r'bf"ai mp, - _A__ _ LA... and Al|`nQII\`w\A Inn ` count or nnvrsxon AND APPEAL. NOTICE is hereby van that the rst sittings of the Court of evision tor the Munici- mmu no nu. Tnwnnhin nf Essa. fur the wear OTICE is hereby given met me nrat. auungu imlity of the Tow_neh*P of Essa. fur the year 886, will be held at O iver Armstrong's Hotel, Thornton. in the Township of Essa. on an ac ` 1 Ann! `I 4 -1! II__ d ---""d ] '-" *"i `"'H "' _"`U I 7 V ' V I` at 12 o'clock. noon, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors ugd omissions in the Assessment Roll for the 5 ud emunicipolity or the ear 1886.. t A II nay:-annn hsurlno hnsinann at the Court 136 MuuIc|PAu_11 or ESSA. tor the year 1550.. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend a_.a aforesaid. Dated at Cookstgwn the 10th day of May. 1886. By Order. - T R. T. BANTING. _ 19-20 Clerk of the an id Municipalxty. MILLINERY STOCK ()0MPLE'l`E. manutaotnred fresh every idaty. Ask your grocer for them and you will use no other. Nerthernte North Western Railways. nnery, new nun. . Grasshoppers have appeared in vast numbers in Indiana. Thirty-six lives have been lost by 3 storm at Xeria, Ohio. . . workmen generally are in accord with the views of Mr. Powderly. 5* ._L.. A` huh-.1 anv-nnn urn` Ian`-gang. TI-I r-<()TTVG>1 -I TICKETS To all points East and West. and Manitoba. For tickets. rates. etc apply to T - GIFT. SMISVH Rom`. QUINN. Agent N. & N. W. Rva.. General Passenger A gent. - gztrrie. turmtlneu B31110` as though he an... tnlrnn in n e Licensed Auctioneer for the County or Simcoe j Orders ion at the Anvnmn ones will be rom tly attended to and information willbe e umle ed parties requiring Mr. Ford : eervloeo l... Ithnnah ha had himself been consulted. lumlhefd parties requiring Mr. iron-(re services had himself Roles taken in prices to suit everybody. m~.o~n.usun_ nmw TURF B0111-llfl` 11810 u|.lh. Auction Rooms and Oce. --Few Doors North ` of Wellington Hotel. Baveld st.. Barrie IIOMNIDN BAKERY BRANCH or THE TORONTO DYE Works has b on owened on Penotsnm1ish- ene Su-eet; Dyeing and cleaning done on_ the most. improx ed nu-thod. Prices reasonable, and pex-ro ot satisfaction given. . GENTS pl.0 l`HlNG cleaned. Pressed and dvlivered in 48 hours. Drop card -1: P04; Olce and goodswill be called for and delivered. . ` B. B. JENKINS O _.n.n. NEW DYE WORKS gc A I(___T ALLOW: WWANTI o. . o I l `- Former: will t the hlgheot Toronto price for Coke Tallow brought to the Tannery. naoh Paul for llldos and 8knn'o.`E ' lot! W; H; (muss a 00. the VIBWB HI Lur-1 uvvuuu_y. Reports of tatal storms and tornadoes in the Vuited States continue. . In It -1. 1.-.` L-..-. -n`AnnoI` I'I'| y Tuerrnuonno 1 Ma nssumm cum. " ' Join: n. MACHMUI{GY,ihphr. 0moe:--Qun:x',a Horn. Bmmn. . 15-ti G. A. aLAcKs'rocK, |.AlI8 FIIII SALE B_sr;'lo, April wh, 18$ Comparison and Inspection invited. GEO.R.FORD: Dress and Mantle Making in all its branches. mrl!z:l1lle(:xn'l`hompson, a. door keener for the S vntion Army at Point St. Charles, was llllllltally assau}lted_tl1e other evenmg by {L . ()1! 8. gdlgillfe ll3el{l, 14 years old, was thrown out of a sulkey and killed near Richmond H1113 day or two ago. When found by his father he was coldend stlff. A verdant rustle traded a_ $75 watch chain for a fifty cent one to a Montreal crook who treated him and took him round town to show him the elephant. _ Mary Dunbar, of Prescott, dred a few days ago aged 110 years. She had been married three times, and her first bus- band Secretary to General Brock. .4 _`I:.I..Ln.. '...1m nmauankn tlmmnnlvnn BISGUITS ___..:_. ."-'?Nh'.`.\\|I ~ E LBIQ or :-j .1 given In :11 Branch: at nuns. DI-uv1nf..&.o.. to.- Tnnnu on sun] FREDERICK J BROWN THE [SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. xjwxm A@ma.Wm, @>&mm Balls`. Baby Carriages,`with or without wire wheels. Lacrosses, Lawn Tennis Raquets, Base Ba}l Clubs, and Linenjwindow Shades and Paper Window Shades. SC(}TT S B<>0Ks1`0RE. Uuunvu ..v._ .. I- - -- - United States. i There is a. strike at Be`lcher'a sugar re-` ne;-y, New York. n-......L..m'm.-a `I-mum smnnsn-ed in vast We are bound to sell Boots and Shoes at lower Drices than they can be bought elsewhere in the county. ' The reasons why we can. do this are these: ' Our expenses are very low for the business we do. We pay cash for our goods and get the largest possible discount. `We have a large and conmodious store available and convenient in every l\Q`I.t\II`I$ - particul;r.' We have experienced and accomplished salesmen who take the greatest pains to fit" people well and honestly advise them alga their requirements. We make no losses in accounts, for we have none. We sell as we buy, for cash . and for cash only. ` ` We carry an immense stock of good_ serviceable and stylish Boots and Shoes that can be thoroughly relied upon. ' SCOTT, TI-IF) BOOKSELLER, nvvnsrrw 'l`A'l'rn1\1' 12 Annnr Our Low Prices ! N.'B.--You will nd Clayton at his old stand, next door to Farquhareon's Grocery, having released his new store in Brown's new block to Messrs. Coulter, 17,2. 0. D--AI. """"J 3 "" ' '_E [Kim 85 Booth. To our patrons and to the public In general. Notice, we are the only agents in Barrie for E DACK' & SUNS celebrated English Porpoise, C-rdovan and Anhvdr` us `Grain B'uot. and Shoes. Established 50 vears. J. 8: T. BELL S' ladies and child:-ens ne Boots, Shoes and Slippers. The leading manufacturers in Cunada._ uanu .M.n(lP. gnouu. auu VI-r_v llIll"l.l uuuupur. Our Stock forthis season is largo and selected. We clgim your attention and ask you to call and inspect. No trouble to ahow our good -r-1:-u/s 3 33 hall, mused Dy_vUU Ana1_cu_usw. . - Ex-Presxdent Arthur 1: xmprovmg and realizing the hopes of hisfamily. []......1I,...& Ln. Loon nu-vvnhvnnt` `II NRW T PINKEHRTON _& Cf 1'8, "Goodyear Welt Gooda;ual in many respects to Hand Made goods.` and very muoh `cheaper. u--'4-,~-v.;:_ -_.-___ _-_ 1..-..- -_.l .....l.....L...1 TIT- 41-:-n unnuo nunntinn and Dom%sEast of 0 (1 Stand. McCarthy s Block, ' v l`}'rnl`l" " I` "J " I """' lj.vJ'I 1. I31`. best _ _1fo1-Maohineryia nude by MCOOLL BROS. & 00., Toronto. . ` V _ . Who _ uyintuk for MoooLL's LARDINE MACHINE OIL. NOTICE See my prices before purchasing `elsewhere. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Q4 (}'[`[QN_ -...Any d.-`ale: found 4aellini::thg`:- Oils as hardware 0115 will boprooecnted. 17-ly JO HAN CLAYTON. num.oP STREET. % .:. BLACKM on P. F. EWAN, CO (DUI. Uy wuncugu wuuusmuu Iuvuuuvuu Pittsburg washer-women are combmmg for 6 hours a day and one dollar the pay for it. n . s,,:__._ LL- L...1:..-..-J MYP.n.c: '& mm. iio 1` S! ----LIARGEST ASD BEST ASSORTMEN1` or - MERCHANT TAILOR, Tolf-`ARMFVS A)` n TH mr.HI-:m....'I*hE a-, 4., ,_ _ ___.s- 1... u-...nnt-I none: g. nn vl6.._.-. 31>f*BITE's'r1Y1o`17I. `I5AE1?.II.;`: ---A COMPLETE srocx or--- _BVA1=u;1.n::. IMPORTER, 82.3., BA RRAU D AVA ll/I Nine boxes containing adults and children have Cicero, 111. 'Yh-2..L,..\.. .1-.-.41..-. "nnnnvn-at: IS NOW MAKING DIRECT PHOTO` GRAPH8 FROM CARD SIZE UP TO II X I4 CABINETS .3 3 FROM $3.00 PER DOZEN. BOTI-IWELL S BLOCK, THE PHHTHGBAPHBB, BARR IE, Cr)}; children of Reuben Middauglyof - were playing with an axe :}}l1:el:u(!>:11: of them chopped the otbet-'9 mb ofY.. H12. ...-.nn 'I`hnmnsnn. a I'08JlZlIl}.{, LUU IIUPUB UL uua ; Herr Most has been arraigned In New \.ork and remanded without bail. IPII ' . .1 _ 1 , - _._AA-_- L---A Lanna `nab, at the levee is V 1.0!}! 8110 relllauueu wxuuuuu uau. Thirty thousand cutters have been lock- `cd out by Chicago wholesale clothieru. U66n`r.u1w:o ~nvnu"\nI`-II7l\ITIAf\ KPH uce-ro, 111, L _ Thirteen deaths occurred in two famllles from black diphtheria, at Big Rapids, Michigan. T5,. l"LZ- , ___LL. ._ZLi.... unit Chow 1 .Iu1u1u;.',&uI. _ . The Ch`.'cago authuritie_s say they h&V6- prouf of the identity of the bomb throwef` and Fxscher. ` nu .. - . ,. ,___\:._.. 1...]. L. Flu. H1 U18 L'IllIa0(l DMSIJUB Uuuuuuu. Herr Most has been released in 81000 `nail, raised by_90O Anaxchists. ..,.-:,1....o Amok... ha {mun-nvina and and P1801161`. _ The old men`are' atrugglmg back $9` the lnrnbcr yards -at Chicago, and U10 uke *9 virumlly ended. A ' n;...=.. In... 1... .4mm-. {:1 ant -dnwn _\H'l Hdlly UHUCU. ' Kmxrias city's 1038 by storm 15 393 'dwn at 24 lives, 29. wounded and $150,000 A-.. ..._,... A. 1...:I-):--.... 1 or; nAvu-.1, -r-4 "vu- damages tu`b1iil(1in,t.r,s. 'I`L.. AQ..n,.4.-.'.... C cl. ',mumgt:u LU uu uu1u\,J,'s- The directors of the Pennsylvania Rtilu way havedecidud to increase the oapttal stock by $4,000,000. A ....4.o ` 8.... L-.. '|......... n-A-nnina `ll uuuun my c*t,w,vv,vvv. `A pctitiun has been preuented to the Lanited States Senate asking for the abolition of that body. ' 'l`r.....,. ;. ,1:m....1... ...:44. um United >odS GUUIILIULI ()1 L113`; unuy. There is diiculty with the Unitd States millers with reference to a. patent used in the manufacture of our. `l\,, n | . I 1 (\I\lm A: L1- --_-A- uubu un um uuruuxnuvutu us uuuu Dr. 'l}al:uage mm 1,200 of his congre- gzmon are going to Alexandria Bayyg Thnusnnd Isles, for a. two days outing. '1' . A A . .;..;.... 4.. u7....1.;....4..... in that j 9 m ' alum sun-uanuu 151615, UH.` H VWU uuya uuvul` The opinion in Washington. in that Congress will pass a bill anthorizin *9 President to close the ports to Oanadilm tisheruien. ,. . .. .. - -' A !- ----1 BUCK UIUU. Hartley Campbell, the dramatist, is and to exhimt symptoms like those of the latte John McCullough. It is saresia or hard- cnmg of the bram, and what. also caused the ueath of the late Hon. Mr. Crooks. Old World. T T Sventy persons have been killed by a. hurricane in Spain. V . Runny us...-.... ....n .......~.-n.A in Hun north Show storms are reported in the horth Of Ireland, and Scotland. V A ..|;_,I,. . M-Iuuauu 111 Dptllll. 1 L- I.-.. I-nan "` "|f`||JU, uuu DCUBIHUQ. A sllghtshock of earthquake has him {eh at Gairlock Head, Scotland. Ml`, punnn I-J -nan`; Arr ` W-U nu \1ulI`lUCKVl l88(1, Dcuuuuu. Mr. Parnell will speak onthe Home Rule question before the vote is tak9n- 1 'T`\.. t\.....__ L , tr ___1 LI... ...... -6 AI-gnu. ----v qucauull 0810113` H16 VOW In Ipanvlm Tue. Qweu has offered the use of Aber- Reldxe Castle to the ex-Empress Eugenie. ; I! Q. ....;.I Y ,1, n : ,,L- :_._._.l.. 5.. -6-2: V Juupvgsvo .;ylIl|"' H`-nun? V./`Hula "0 _ . d toly his said John B;-jght tnton 0 Rule . ,heBoln away from the dxvmo Bill. u us reported may, 5;; 1:`. . nooeru Wu: be called from India to take oummlud in Il`01&lsd. [J -- _ -,.g --vllluc . . . tel be? '1 Heavy snowstorm htivtvgt dyintrnctl "f periexrced in the W - Engllnd. Rh.-. ' "I|IL|U . Them in great distress among the farm- "| nf England in consequence of the cold and oodm A detachment My defeated b Ibom 51 Arab A .. , is -..L_._ A I of Turkish troop: Info y the nw Mahdi with f0ll`(.)W0`l'I. ` 1,. ,|_ _.__.I.-- 4 llu 7`h E --~-nu nrao xouowen. T A number of ladies havalstolv grid!!! Qed in the University of L0ud0l|_Wi'-h F59 Qegee of Bachelor of Scieno_e.[ H ` ` nn H... .1 Y1! . I -~--- L -45:60 ox nacneltrt 07 5" has us rm of Ulster n1sn|lf8"`'" slresd transfer of ms mil!s to Gefmwylo SIX . GT9 hundred and hf`? per.-om `ado killed or injured in W M`.i": mm on Wednesdu-Y V"i"8 12"" `M ' 1' I: The Morning Post. at! `h Nuion. u memb t0 assent to any Inudicauon 0 " . ` Rules Bill. the 3? concluded an-rauB`"" for - Th se as of War ha! P"~ the sfstexfszent ?;.tri-buted to Ifd Wd ' ley, that h a would resign hi! ""'i"'in.' It is reported that Sir F. Roberta Will M nnllm! 5- ..... I....I:- A.-- L-I...' -..-nnnnntl in IAY, the bodies of been `found at -uilarahull vs. Johnson. ---Post; oned till next Court. Mahav & Ma`s`3'y for plainti` ; M cCu-thy, Pepler 8: McCarthy for - defend- ` ant. ` - V t Reid Ava. Av`ery.-This was an sotion in- V volving the questlon of title under the ` Statute of Limltationn, which the defendant j not up. Verdict `for plninti with costs. = Hewson for pluinti ; H. Lennox for defend- ; ant V ` I _-- l_;_IJ ,LLI_j I__L__..-_._ LL- ` vvavu vuuuio vv. uu_unu,.q u., and owjon for plaintiff ; Mr. Pepler and Mr. Mcwntt for detendant. - -V - Johnson vs. Fa:-qnhareon.-ThiI was an notion between twotownelnen. bront t by Johnson against D. &.M. F. Fu-q for wagee u clerk in defendente store. Barrie. The defendant denied the termeoi hiring. and said that the bargain wan for $1 a. day. The plainti` contended that it was at the rate of $35_per month, extending over eome years. There was a great deal of con.- icting evidence, and a verdict was nally rendered for the plainti` with costs. Pepler and MoWett for plamti ; H`. Lennox for defendant. ~ ur._.._:.-|.1L __ It I ' v --- - \IUIUII\lIIUI Lattimer -vs. Lake.--The plaintiff sued defendant his agent for non-performance of contract, and recovered a. verdict by default. J. D. Hands for plaintiff ;. no one represent- inqthe defendant. A ._n:._ __ 111--.... nus- ---- --r -r--- - "'`"'U -'L"" "' ' Sewrey vs. ;'Sf{lea parties. Plaxtou for pltinti ; Mahsffy & Mabay for defendant. Jnlannnn un Wnntt _"l`l-uh. urn: Annthnr IIUI VIIUXII V. Westenfeldt vs. Murphy."--'-This wunsn notion brought bv the re ressntative. of the estate of the late Mrs. estenfeldt against 1 the defendant who held her property, olsim- 1 ing same as hsvin been given to him by de- 1 oeased on her eath-bed. T The nlaintiff .-a -auuuv an uuvua uvvu BIVUII IIU nun Dy 00' feat -bed. The plainti sought as administrator of the estate to re- cover possessions of the goods. Judgment against defendant's title, directing him to we the goods up to plainti on payment of is costs. Mr. Pepler and Mr. J. A. Mc- Oarthy for plainti` ; Lount, Q. 0., and Strathy. Q. 0., for defendant. '. __i, V. v. _-_ -v-v---.-- V .iI`eVhnson vs. Shortreea.--This was an ':n A` intereatmg dispute between the parties resi- dent in Flos, as to the terms of ` a contract for the sale of timber. The main pomt for ` adjudication was the question whether the \ defendant could take off the timber after the time was uoby their contract; J ndg- ` ment reserved. unt, Q. 0., and Strathy. Q. C., for plaintiff ; Pepler and Hewson for defendant. ;. ' _LL._..._. __ 1' ,I , III` , ` ' 1'13 ` DOL mi<`<;;-.t`7it;.`:r`tac.ui`}l'<'9.::;'r.'v.-Thia cse was settled by the parties. J Dickinson for plainti ; ` McCarthy,,Pepler & McCarthy for de fend-- ant, Sprole vl. Arnold.-Settled between the parties. H. Lennox for plsinti ; W. L. Hnight for defendant. T,unnL an `(luau ,i'Lg u\n\"\`:o\ `nan; :`:nn'v\_ u:"n;l;u;e`.7i::;::".I`he public were disap- pointed in not witnessing an amusing trinhn this case The name havin been poe nod- forn year. A. D. Kean or plninti ; Me- l`.n-0-Lu Dnnlnr & In(`.nr-I-Jsu fnr nfonnnf. LU!` D JED! Uarthy, "epfir &"iac`E3`?2'h"}o"3`e'EZ'aL.3'" _ ___ 'l\.___I___ Q-A.AI_.I L_L:-_._ UIDIIC II [UK |ICl.Ul-IUD!-I V0 Johnson vs. Knott.-This'- was another quarrel over a decegsed man : goods, result- in a decree for the plaintiff for administra- tion nnd payment of his claim. Coats re- served. Pepler and J. `A McCnrthy_fo_r the . lainti` ; J. DickinaonVand`Mr. Patterson of : oronto. or defendants. ` Dutto vs. Eva.ns.-An action of eject ment. Verdict for the pla.inti' with com). 1 E. D. Armour for plaintiff ; I.. J Hearu for defendant. l'I_-A_I_ .... ---I-- Q4651...` `uni-cnnnn `Jun brought by a landlord against a tenant to" eiect him and for __ , , for ` alleged breaebel of covenant in the eale`. had brin- ing, etc. The parties live In Oro and there was some little intereattaken in the case by the resident: of that Township. After a uomewhat contradictory trial a verdict wu given for the defendant dinmiuing the action with colts. W. Lo_nnt,. Q 0., and Heweon p1nintif;_Mr. McWatt | ___ J A UGIBIIUIIIE Castle vs. Soules.-Settled between the parties. Radenhurat for plaintiff ; Iount. Strathy & Lount for defendant. 1n-o..1.... nu nm-+.ia _An action on Pro. atrauny E uounu I01` utuuuuuuv. Fletcher vs. Cnrtis.-An action on Pro- missory Notes and a contention by defendant that he and plaintiff were in partnership, and consequently he was not liable on the notes. . Judgment against 0 `Intention for M laintiff with costs and a reference to the aster to take account. _Pepler and J. A. McCarthy for plaintiff; T. W. Howard for defendant. ` 4`-~A-~ --- D.--.. Tn.-lnvnnvs`. `nun nhsin` aexenuanv. . Cowan vs. Rva.n.--Judgment for plaiuti` byzf default. H. H. Strathv, Q. 0., for plain- ti . own service List. V The Blue Book containing the Civil Ser- vice List of Canada contains the names of` about 4,500 persons employed in different` departments of the public service, with the date of birth, present rank, date of first en- tering the -public service, and date of a pnintment to their present position.` A In the Department of J ustice, the force at the various penitentiaries with the salaries are given. _ In Kingston Penitentiary 67 rsons are employed, the Warden getting - 2,600 a year andso on down to $850 for De nty Matron, and $400 for teamsters. gt. _ inoent de Paul Penitentiary employs 64 persons with salaries about the same as at ` Ki gston. 1 Dorehester Penitentiary, employs 39 per- ` sens and the Warden s salary is $2,000, going down to $350 for teamsters. ' Manitoba Penitentiary has a sta of 21 and tlie.Warden gets $2,000. _ 11.60-ml-u'l".nI|iml'sll Penitentiary hll 3130 I` busy} and tnewaraen gets w'a,vvv. British Columbis Penitentiary 3` force of `Z1, the Warden : salary being $1,760, and the lowest being the Chaplain : $500. In the Poet Oice Department, Barrie H-4-. ,_ 4.|..:-o.. nun-nnl urn given. Dtlliel Iuu vuv I\Ivv V..- ..-_ n om I Division, thirty name! '3 ---- Imnnnnfnl llfllfed Otce Department, Duruu Division, are given. Spry. Inspector, entered the service in 1854 end the dste of his present appointment is Msy 26th, 1876., James Henderson, Assist- snt Inspector. entered the services in 1871 and obtained his present position 14th Dec.. 1877. John Forsyth, lst Cless Olerlr. en`er- ed the service in 1858 nndegot his present ition J nlg let, 1877. J Jhll George sson, 2nd less Clerk, entered the service in .1855 and s `med his present ition Sept. 1st, 1876 -Jsmes Wsrd, 8 Oless Clerk, entered the service` in 1880 end sttsin. ed his present position July let, I882. Jo_l'n Powell, Sm O|sssCler_k. entered the service in `I882 endsttsincd his present position in July of the some eer. Thomas Boys ` (Pruby). 8rd Class Olei entered the service ' . dud leoed', ..t; 8?: '..l:lv.'r8'8%. `J01: _ _...- .i`II' nil PIQHGIII puunuvu u. `July the year. no nos. Iuu un- tion Act o1 i883. unnvvunvuy IIIIU UIIIIUI. III ! WUIU. UDIIIL The easterly` wind during` the week held a large amount of clouds daily ; on Saturday the wind veered round to N. W., and after sun down the interesting sight of the clouds spanning the celestial arch in a direct line from horizon to horizon movingnfrom N. W. to S. E. , the one half of the heavenly vault covered with the `clouds that were slowly moving of! with the wind, and leaving behind them the clear blue sky, with not a par- ticle of cloud to be seen in the north- western vault, giving the full light of the moon, and the more prominent stars. This phenomenon occurred about 10 p.m., and there was a. rise in the barometer of nearly half an inch in a few hours. -uu vvuu uuuvv out uurwuu In ([10 WEEK The prevailing winds were from the east 5 days, veering to S. W. 1, and N. W. 2 days. An easterly wind on Monday at- tuned 3-4th: of sigale, another on Friday for an hoqr reached half a gale from same direction, the other days were calm. Thu Anni-Aw-In uv:wu-I Jnwn'nn~ `Inn Quinn`, Ban-la Public schools-Honor Roll for Aprll, 1888. - CENTRAL scuoon. First Department-M. Shortraed,-P. Mc- Kee, H. Grant, K. Lloyd, S. James, M. Neil], J. Findley, A. Meeking, G. Stephenson, K. McCarthy, A. Harper, A. Young, 0. Smith, H. C.` Carley, W. Harper, B. Plaxton, F. nu\L:nnn M mnnan Qnn5C-nun D .I'!l\II "'H"J 'IvIu-'II yuupll Illlly IIBIF 0! we Illll ; the average for the woekbeing56 , and the extreme range 37 to 84. v Thn gt-nnnnb AG -5.. ..._L-_:- .I___.-__:_._ Gnu IIIIU UJIIIUIIIU The amount of atmoeuheric depression indicated by barometer tn the week was .41 _in.. the centre of which reachedue early on Saturday, when some thunder showers left 0-55 in. water, which, ther with some ten hours rain on Mon y of 0-64, make the total precipitation in the week of 1-19 in. (Our friendein Toronto on Thursday, I3th, got a heavy rainfall of 5-04 in., _if the ocial report is given correctly.) 'l`Im 4.-.a...l -.........a. -5 ...._-1.:_- :_ 1! .1--- ' w:I:l:;u;o't alAao1ount`ot sunshine in 6 days" was 29 hours, from 5 pouiblo 102-19 the sun was above the horizon in the vzoeh J FBI... ......_-:l:.... _:_.1_ _-`_- 1..-- A i&11r`Si.i3'L',"fa'. 6r3oZf'x 7`p`3%:Jn'.f>T*foZ A. Morrow, A. McQueen,` M. Hunter, `E. Rogers, M. Rogers, J. McMillan, M. Creme, (1 Innnfnf. ' ' , ll-USVID, L`! 0 J G. Mnllett. , Q_--_.I I'\. \Js All |IIIUIUs - Second De rtment--`Seniors-J. Armson, 0. English, . Willerx, J. Booth, L. Pavne, A. Cross, A. Spotton, M. Webb. J. Forsyth, E. Hurst, E. Bemrose, A. Villsrs, M. Fulln- ton, A. Donsll. A. Middleton. M. Sooll. E. Urompton, Watson, I. Scott. J union- 1. Henderson, G. Lsrnbert, E. Arnold, S. Armstron , L. Lewis, F. Olton, A. `Ball Third psrtmeut--Seuiors-H. Hughes, M. Fletcher, M. A. Edwards. R. Packard, M. Findley, A. Millsr, M. Hnbbert,` E. Spotton, E. A pelbe, G. Booth," E. Packard, F Lower, F iggins, J. Winter, E. Arnold, E. Wilkes. Juniors -1). Winter, A. Lner, P. Lawson. 1'`. Evan, M. Rogers, F. Brown, F. Gsrton, A; Forsyth, 11. Davis, E. Williams. . - Fourth Department -Seniors--=8. Black- stock, A. Lightfoot, M. Lightfoot, J. Thom - son, F. Ward, A. Urompton, J. Leslie, . Henderson, E. Oaisse, M. Sgvinnerton, _M. Lile, L. Urry, I. Orsnev, H. Vxlliers. J umors -J. (Wilkes, S. Ellis, M. Jones, L. Ellis. L. Whittendsle, A. Leighton, G. Pringle, E. Hughes. N. Lserty, F. L. Cooper, WI Mick, F. Kidd, E. Orompton, J. `Gould, H. Plsxton, L. Gordon. - Iilbl. T'\.ny.n-banana` _Qnn;nrn_ A Wlnlnhor. `" do- prguton. -The lowest tom `hut!-Hun. ranging by 0110-: mean of 44 . tgmpontnro ranged from eighty-four--3 mean duily h Qcntnrowu night to lift - The d ' y fty-two to out of the sun 68 9 u: nun-n. 5... cl... _..-..I. L.:_.. :4: :5 rinxnon, u. uuruuu. Fifth Depot-tment-Seniors-A. Flelcher, J. Miller, L. Jsnes. A. MoNabb, K. Hang`:- ton, L. Justice, 0. Done, B. Booth, M. McMillan, -A. McDonald, J. Wadds, V Bari-and, M. Lyons, M. Ayerst. Juniors-- W. Freek, A. Hanghton, E. Sidswortb, L Crease, P. Stewart, J. Weymouth, A. Woods, F. Trelenven. S. Rankin, A. Keenan, F. Hemmlll. E Purvis. Sixth Department--Seniors -11. Mayor, W. Lile, W. Holmes J. Grant. J Hender- son, W. Smith, F. Carley, F. Lloyd, J. Christie. E. Williams, M. Wilson, Ralph Wesymonth, R. McDonald, E Gillman, V Morley. Juniot-s-E. Davis, F. Cniverwell, L. Atkinson, W. Wallace, 0. Carley, T. Kidd, E. King, M. Binghem, F. Mullet. W Thompson. W. Pringle, M. Booth. Seventh Department--Seniors - M. Booth. - M.` Greer, J Jones, J. Barr, F. Graham, A. A Cross, A. Strong, J. Vickers, A. Fletcher, E. Purvis, M Cairns. Juniors-D Ellis, 0. Lower, A. Otton, H. Sparlin , M. Robertson, M. Rodgers, M. Miller. M. nllinan. ms!` WARD SCHOOL. First.Division- M. Curran, N. Curran, W. Findley, Frank Somers, J. Marshall, Miles Bennett. . ' ' a,-_._.1 n:..:_:..- 1' llmpqlanll M nnlnnon- LII.I I I l|l\| Glennie. lI\L:.;.I Bennett. Second Divisiou-J. Marshall, M. Holman, Wjndaor, E Lewis, P..Willetto, William Glennie. . . `Third Division--M. Smith, G. Marshall, E.` Dickinson, M. Sibb, W. Holmes. Lizzie Fields. ~ . Fourth Division--G. Sholdice, 11. Bennett, H. Dickinson, M. Kenny, Ethel Brown, B". Johnston. Fifth Divi|ion-S. Shirlock, P. Kenny. wnsr WARD scnoon. First Department--Fourth Clsss-Hsttie Hniner, H. Strong, M. Sihbald,aW. McKay, H. Sheppard, G. Freeman, A. Lane, Harsh Nelles, K. Cnmpbell W. Penstone. Thud Clnss--J. Anderton, J Churchill, E. Luck, J. Collins, A. Smith, L Palmer, A. Stronz, E. Morrow, A. Frecman'E. Longhnrst. Second Depnrtmen`t-- niors- L. Scott. F. I-___-._ 1' *u..n.....l.l I1 Fln.mu_ F. Mcmo Second Depanmenu -apuwru - u. uvuvv-V -- . Morrow. J. McDonald. H- H8370. F- M03". A 'n.__J-...I `II n:-nnnr M (4l.l'I'. G. Smith. Mon-ow. J. Mounnuu, n. uuyu-, 1'. .u........ A. Bradford, E. Hanmer, M. Gan-, G. Smith, L. Sheets. Junior-s--W. Ornuby. E. King, M. McMuter. E. Sibbsld, A. Martini, F. Wilson. M. Oonloon, G. Sheppard,` H. Gregc, J. Rogers. ` Third Doputment-Scnion-W. Short- nod, 11. McLeod, A. bpesrn, J. Buyliu, J. Smith, M. Gumball, W. Lu Jumoro -0. Il-F..--:A `. A15. `I 0".` Mn off. L- Smith, ~M. McKenzie, L. Gill. Smith Dow~ W 11. . L. Molina. ll.-Luck. -VI'VW$ 1:: V I Adv'uioo'Oorr'eIDiIIl|- % `} M30115 3, N9. 2, Jamar Dong", at: and Nomi I!-"`.'93' ""v "-==- I-.....,.~ rgiv Pm pm It - N312! ufsrko .280--lat. 3|`d. Ulfnl, . TE} `Cl. LIIUIII: Bell, 166 N fart ll , No of marks 280--*lut., Muir Jsmionon, ; 2nd, Ohll. Simon, 230 ; 8rd, Wm. Hloklmc. 2|? ; (ch, Avsliue Luck. 197. Part I . No of marks 174-13%. Egbert Caldwell, 1410 ; 20. Irwin Link, 101 ; 3;-`d, Ea-Emma, 90 ; 4th, Johnston Bill, 9! lat No. of mark: 140.-ht; Fred Jumiubn, 114 ; Egnily Johnston. I14;-2nd, Eo Caldwell." 107 ; 8rd. Benin` Fisher, `_87 ; uh, Ohnppell, 58 ; -~ K ` - Imus-1 People who are interested in the best at athletic sport: are iwonderiag what the matter with the Barrie Oriekut Inb. ; The clubs in 08A|'I0|[)lOl Il O_ 0!hi i potivnty god pree ` tqr, the atgmuie `sports. but. wh'3t*of the 'm:eeln b .-. - `I/I, ed1'~7Oome. gengflghthnd out 156 the"fi'ont where you THE: BARBIE. OVER THIRTY FARMS. from two to ten miles or Barrie. at prices nearly half less than ever offered before. Among them are ve first-class old well improved farms, equal to any in the County. can be bought just now at a bargain, and on easy arm: ' `lluurn nlnn_ fnnr u-ahnlnnn nrh-fl: `hnnnnn in

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